A Look at By Any Means Necessary (Babylon 5)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Sinclair is forced to deal with bickering between ambassadors over trivialities, while the workers are on the edge of revolt over the unsafe work conditions on Babylon 5. The glory of command.

Комментарии • 41

  • @BronzeBoy520
    @BronzeBoy520 17 дней назад +30

    “We want you to solve this Union strike by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!”
    “I’ll submit to their demands as to prevent future union strikes and bring future workers here as they know this is a safe place to work at.”
    “… That’s it, I’m gonna vote for Clark.”
    “Clark is the VP, you can’t vote for him.”
    “… oh silly silly Sinclair…”

    • @cbhlde
      @cbhlde 17 дней назад +1

      Good one! 🤣

    • @SageofStars
      @SageofStars 17 дней назад +1

      I love it...also is your icon animated Scorpious from that one episode where John was hallucinating Loony Tunes on Farscape?

    • @BronzeBoy520
      @BronzeBoy520 17 дней назад +1

      @@SageofStars yes

    • @bthsr7113
      @bthsr7113 16 дней назад

      @@BronzeBoy520 classy

  • @Crazael
    @Crazael 17 дней назад +23

    IT's surprising how often people forget Sinclair's bit of advice at the end. "Never hand someone a gun unless you're sure about where he's gonna point it".

    • @boobah5643
      @boobah5643 17 дней назад

      The thing is, they're _usually_ sure about the gun's first target. It's the second and third targets where things so often get messy.

  • @chrism7395
    @chrism7395 16 дней назад +4

    "Best negiotiator" depends on what you want the result of the negotiations to be.
    A fair, above board, and equitable settlement?, or an engineered crisis to remove unionised workers with ones that have worse rights and pay (as well as a wedge for Rush Act v2.0)?

  • @seanlavoie2
    @seanlavoie2 17 дней назад +2

    It’s ironic that the Rush Act seems to be making fun of Conservatives (or at least Rush), but it empowered Sinclair to help the doc workers. So it’s kind of like a good thing.
    Is it kind of a compliment?

    • @bthsr7113
      @bthsr7113 17 дней назад +2

      Considering the act was designed as a boot fitted for worker backs and necks, no. Sinclair went very much against the spirit of the act, while exploiting the powers it granted him. So it's still a dig at Limnbau and his ilk.

    • @seanlavoie2
      @seanlavoie2 17 дней назад

      @@bthsr7113 and yet it was the golden ticket to do the opposite. 😉 . . . . . . I don’t think Rush really stood for anything even remotely like that. It’s an exaggerated parody of the whole party.
      Not sure what the Democrats stand for anymore. And the liberal media is getting so biased it’s like they’re cat burglars with cows on.

    • @SageofStars
      @SageofStars 8 дней назад

      Well, corny as the line is. 'Use The Devils Tools Against the Devils Work' is a something I've heard before. The tool is still evil by its nature, but even then, if YOUR good enough, you can use it for good aims.

    • @seanlavoie2
      @seanlavoie2 8 дней назад

      @@SageofStars Good point. On a loosely related point . . . 2 Corinthians 11:14 “ . . . for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light” and when Hitler started out he was feeding poor people during his rallies. The Liberals seem an awful lot like they are heading towards the dictatorship direction lately.

  • @jn8712
    @jn8712 17 дней назад +6

    As a kid I just assumed American labor negotiators are all like Zento. And him being touted as a "great negotiator" was an intentional sign that Earthgov is already deeply effed up.

  • @MyPisceanNature
    @MyPisceanNature 17 дней назад +8

    I liked this ending when it first aired and I was too young to truly appreciate it. Now, it only appeals to me more that I am fully able to appreciate it as the grandson of Ironworkers on both sides of my family.

  • @gargamellenoir8460
    @gargamellenoir8460 17 дней назад +8

    This is Sinclair's finest moment, the ultimate Lawful Good move! I loved it!

    • @Jokie155
      @Jokie155 11 дней назад

      Catching out Ben-Zayn's ploy with Mr Gray by digging deep into the regulations is a good contender too I'd say.

  • @bthsr7113
    @bthsr7113 17 дней назад +4

    Given some of the rumblings I've heard about a "lack of labor" limiting how many carriers we can have fielded compared to normal right now.... this is potentially a rather timely episode.

  • @SkylerLinux
    @SkylerLinux 17 дней назад +4

    I feel that the "Orin Zanto is our Best Negotiator" was said more with Quotes around Best Negotiator meaning to imply that he's shit at it; in the traditional vein of "Little John" always being the biggest guy

    • @anjetto1
      @anjetto1 11 дней назад

      "Union buster" has such negative connotations

  • @Karajorma
    @Karajorma 17 дней назад +1

    One thing that I'm not a fan of is how much Senator Hydoshi shouts at Sinclair when it's later revealed he admires his solution. This could have been fixed with a couple of lines about how Zento's faction in the senate will come out of this with more power if the Rush act is invoked and how Hydoshi opposes that faction so he wants the problem solved without the Rush act. The clues are there but it would be nice to hear that he's hosting at him out of stress rather than in support of Zento explicitly.

  • @grandoldpodcast
    @grandoldpodcast 17 дней назад +2

    Not sure if this was the first or second episode of B5 I ever also but the part I remember most was learning about the "Blue flu." The more you learn about unions kids

  • @argentaegis
    @argentaegis 15 дней назад

    I always wondered what got cut from the military budget. Range time, flight time, cobra bay upgrades, fighters, search and rescue, new interceptors, sensors...they never say.

  • @SageofStars
    @SageofStars 17 дней назад +1

    I have always been curious what they do if it DOES come to locking them up, given we know for a fact B5 is hard to get people to go to. The comics, various bits in the show, and elsewhere keep saying no one WANTS to go to B5(at this point in time), since it's seen as a death trap that could explode at any minute.
    So, say you do arrest or worse kill the dock workers? The former you force them back onto the job, and they legit do a shit one, like the worst they can do, even deliberately breaking equipment in deniable ways. The latter? Well, you have no workers, and as we see throughout this series, Dock Work in this setting is not 'unskilled labor', so you can't even get the Brown Sector guys to do it without training, so now you just have no one to do it, save maybe putting military personnel in the positions.
    It just feels like this whole thing is an idiot's game, since the smart thing IS to improve this stuff, especially to assert that it IS a human port of call, given the Mimbari helped pay for the thing, and you need to make it clear its your station and not theirs.

    • @bthsr7113
      @bthsr7113 16 дней назад

      Given the xenophobic leanings and dark ambitions stirring of certain elements of Earth Gov at this time, they
      A: wouldn't care because that type is rarely fully in touch with reality or realistic planning.
      B: Wouldn't care
      C: Would be happy to blame the current administration while railing against having wasted money on making nice with dirty xenos in the first place.

    • @chrism7395
      @chrism7395 16 дней назад +1

      The sort of people who think the Rush Acts are the only answer often think that jobs that pay less than theirs are all unskilled and can be fixed by simply throwing more bodies at it via conscription or national service (provided of course that there's a bail out clause for those than can afford it). An engineered crisis like this also fits into Clark's long term plan by eroding people's rights.

  • @sempermalus2674
    @sempermalus2674 9 дней назад

    Ah "the union blond episode" at leas it's how I remebered it.

  • @fullerholiday2872
    @fullerholiday2872 17 дней назад

    Lewis Nancy Lopez Steven Martin Jennifer

  • @johnpotts8308
    @johnpotts8308 17 дней назад +7

    If Zentar is a Clarke appointee, his hardline attitude might not be incompetence so much as deliberate policy. A riot would exactly support Clarke's fascist agenda.

    • @dm121984
      @dm121984 17 дней назад +4

      Seems very likely. Clarke would want to force a labour despite to being a violent riot so he can rally his supporters against them. It adds up.

    • @chrism7395
      @chrism7395 16 дней назад +3

      This. It also lets them fire any uncooperative workers and replace them with even worse contracts.

  • @HiknbfunnyHkkgg
    @HiknbfunnyHkkgg 14 дней назад

    Martin Ruth Jones Scott Hall Susan

  • @anjetto1
    @anjetto1 11 дней назад +1

    I disagree with your statement of "out of control unions." The team leader has a responsibility for the workers under him. Theyre being made to work in substandard safety conditions. Outside of an active war zone or emergency situation when the budget isnt the issue. They have a right to strike.

  • @PFiction24
    @PFiction24 17 дней назад +4

    The Rush act technicality reminds me of the Hyperspace ram from The Last Jedi, it’s cool but nobody in universe thought of this before now?

    • @Crazael
      @Crazael 17 дней назад

      I figure that's because most of the time when it gets used, it gets used by people who are looking for an excuse to send in the cops to bust heads. And there's probably also a mentality of "you can't just give in to their demands, then they'll just do it again!" surrounding it that prevents people from abusing the loophole.

    • @boobah5643
      @boobah5643 17 дней назад

      Well, when your 'best negotiator' is Orin Zanto, the people who might use it in this way are few and far between.
      Remember, Sinclair was nobody's first choice for B5; they were pretty far down the list before they found someone the Minbari would give the nod to.

    • @bthsr7113
      @bthsr7113 17 дней назад +2

      I kind of see what you're saying, but no. The Rush act is something that's not really going to be seen as an avenue for a creative solution, with it being designed as a legal cudgel to bring "uppity workers" in line, and it sounds like it being invoked is seen as a big deal, so it's probably not tested for possibilities very often.
      Meanwhile, the hyperspace ram actively contradicts prior lore (from no longer canonical sources), and threatens to upend the ENTIRE setting, especially seeing as someone recreated it given a shot we see in Rise of Skywalker. It poses the potential for EVERY hyperdrive in Star Wars to be turned into a one shot superweapon, and there are 10's if not 100's of thousands of hyperdrives in service at a given moment, and that's before making purpose built hyperdrive impactors that don't need to account for crew, cargo, or repeat use.
      It would be like if every operational self-propelled heavier than air craft in the world could be jury rigged to set off a mushroom cloud proportional to the aircraft's mass and top speed.

  • @OhShitSeriously
    @OhShitSeriously 16 дней назад

    I'd call this one Must Watch for its insight into Sinclair's character, in both the narrative and the moral sense.