I carried two guns on duty but only one as my CCW. My wife carried two guns one in her purse and one in her yoga bag. If she drove very far from home she had a pump shotgun and two pistols along with a couple hundred rounds. She said she didn't want to be killed for lack of shooting back.
Now that IS a proper introduction! (John Wayne, not the mouse...) That said, I struggled with how to carry and found a small .380 - SA 911 - is a good choice. If I'm traveling, I also have a larger firearm off body.
Was a cop a long time ago. I had a friend who was in a shootout, back when revolvers were the standard. He told me he nearly cut the rounds in half trying to get them loaded and the cylinder closed. A second gun would have been much easier and quicker. I always carry a spare magazine for my Glock, and "sometimes" a KelTec P3AT or P9 in my cargo pants pocket.
The number and type of guns i carry depend on what i am doing. Taking trash out, usually just a revolver in a pocket. Running errands, generally a belly band, lcp or taurus g3c, and a revolver in a pocket. Out of town in the winter, shoulder holster, 9mm, and belt holster, 357 snubbie. Going to houston, add a snubbie in a holster on my drivers side door, and a carbine in the trunk.
I loved this video! I literally just started carrying 2 of the same .45 ACP’s. They are both S&W M&P M2.0 compact 4” barrels. I’ve carried for many years, but not 2 at one time. I figured since I bought 2 of the same. Why not?? Especially if I can easily conceal then on my person. Thanks and GOD bless you all and your families. 🙏
I dual carry. Crossdraw, Glock 45s or Glock 45 and 17. 17 goes on weak hand. Gunslingers were just that. …they slung guns for their life till they died. Human anatomy hasn’t changed since thing. You can draw from sitting down so much easier and sit with the barrels on the outsides of your legs so it’s safer too. Cross draw for the win.
My EDC is a Glock 17 backed up by a Bulldog .44 In the summer hiking the .44 has a couple shotshells loaded. Very useful & versatile. 2x is 1x & 1x is none.
As a full-time police officer of thirty-eight years, I can carry a concealed firearm (or two) many places my wife cannot carry with her CCW permit. Additionally, I work with a few law enforcement officers who still do not carry a firearm off-duty. I carry two handguns in the event of something going horribly wrong, and I would need to enlist their help or give them the opportunity to get away safely. I agree with all of the answers and situations cited by Brent, Roy and Tom, and can even think of a few more.
Years back I experienced a double feed. TWICE ! In one shooting session with my friends PPK... The experience is burned into my brain! To clear a double feed you must lock the slide open..(or in the case of the PPK you have to actually grip the gun tight and hold the slide open with your right hand being careful to keep it pointing down range)... Put a finger or an object to the ejector port and push round number two back into the magazine so you can drop it and clear the first round/ case! Something that's not going to be easy to do in the middle of a firefight.. so a second gun definitely is a good option.. even a five shot snub
When I was “On-the-Job” I carried a duty gun, ankle gun and a two shot High Standard 22 mag “Onion Field” gun under my shirt and under the strap of my vest.
I know a guy that carries a Ruger Max 9 Pro as main and a Ruger Lcp380 as a "backup". Then also a Ruger LC9s in "EDC backpack" and a Ruger Security 9 in "get home bag". Also a mossberg shockwave 12ga as the "truck gun". Occasionally adds a Ruger PC9 to the mix, as they use the same mags as the Security9...you can never have to many weapons lol
I carry one semi-auto wit one spare mag. I have been considering carrying a back-up but haven’t “pulled the trigger “ on that yet. Great discussion. Thanks.
Probably just me but never understood 2 different calibers. If I carry 2 wouldn't it be better to carry same caliber? As in two 38s. Or a G19 with a G26
Im not a cop or ex military just a guy who likes guns and spends alot of time at the range. But i carry two guns. I open carry a 9mm girsan p35 hi-power browning clone (x15 fmj) and then i CC a M&P .380 springfield EZ (x8 HP) with an extra mag. I think its a good combination for most situations and the EZ i can draw, shoot and rack the slide with my non dominate hand if need be. Believ it or not its not as rough as you might think, and most days i wear the combination of the two for a solid 9-10 hours while im at work and then even longer if i go out n about. Im weird tho, im the guy who keeps a bug-out bag in his car along with a plastic storage bin that contains 2 back up outfits if i need them while out and about, an extra pair of socks, shoes and a lock box fixed to the inside of my trunk that i keep a xd 9mm and x3 extra mags of x16 fmj. I live in alb new mexico and its still kinda wild west down here.
I can see American Handgunner in the future having a "Canine Carry" regular column, featuring articles like "So your carry dog loves to greet new people" and "Squirrel!" and "Do you walk a back-up carry dog?" :-) Seriously, I appreciate the discussion! Hadn't thought much about a BUG, but will now.
Being at Bikeweek in Daytona, I am carrying 3 guns. A Colt 1911 in my concealed vest, a S&W Shield 9mm IWB and a Beretta Pico 380 on my ankle. I also have a spare magazine for each!
"Anyone in need of carrying one gun ought to carry two." "Two is one, and one is none." "If you can't fight your way out with the weapons you have, the problem isn't your weapons, its your scary life!"
Well I used to carry 2, in fact I bought 2 XDs because they were light. Reason was I had back surgery 4 years ago and I haven't been able to carry full sized pistols because of the pain it caused my back. Sadly after 4 years back is worse and even light weight pistols are painful. I'm just getting over 3 weeks of sciatica where I slept on the floor because movement on the bed sent electric shocks down my one leg. It started after wearing them for 3 days. I'm not sure if my carry days are over or what, but ankle carry is out as I'd never get back up from the ground. When I go shooting I always bring a grand son/daughter so they can pick up my brass. Not sure what to do next.
Great discussion! I have wondered for a long time about ankle holsters. I teach CCW classes, and I always have lots of examples on carry possibilities. I had a State Patrolman (since retired) give me his ankle holster for display after he said he had to run after a guy trying to escape, and when he tried for his ankle gun, it had fallen out and he no longer had anything. I don't remember why he didn't have his duty gun. At any rate, he said he would never trust another ankle holster. That has been quite a few years ago, and I know ankle holsters have improved, but there is also still a lot of junk out there. I wonder if you guys could discuss the ankle holsters you trust? I have a huge box-o-holsters for strong side carry, and I hate to start in now on ankle holsters. Please!
I have carried 2 guns for short periods but mostly just 1 and a spare magazine. 1 is hassle enough sometimes. When I carried 2 the other was to get used to deeper concealment like ankle rig.
My backup gun IS a NAA mini 22 (LR) that I carry for one specific job, in one specific place where deep concealment is a must. I admit that it's mostly just comforting on the walk in and out, but I figure it's better than a Swiss Army Knife. By the way. The SAK had three screwdrivers and my leatherman has a few more.
I like to carry light.. and I like to pocket carry my primary.. so generally I will carry a Smith & Wesson 342 air light TI (titanium cylinder) .38sp ..11 oz centennial (hammerless) or my Taurus TCP 380 pocket pistol in my right pocket in a DeSantis Superfly holster.. occasionally I carry my Ruger lc9s pro micro 9.(7+1=8 cap).. In a iwb holster...BUT on rare occasions I carry a backup.. either my little North American arms mini revolver 22 long rifle..or 7oz Kel-Tec p32..1st-gen
I take the advice of the late great Jim Cirillo... In addition to my full size G20, I carry a "New York Reload" - a S&W 640 snubnose in .357. Because he, and these guys are right...the fastest reload is gonna be your backup gun.
Good episode! I occasionally carry 2 guns, something small in my pocket or hip due to my build (got no ass and a heavy gun pulls my pants down). Them sometimes with a full-size pistol in a shoulder rig. I do the ankle holster for the long car rides like you talked about. Regardless, I'm usually not too far away from a full-size pistol off-body, be it a second or third.
2 always, but like Roy said, the selection changes with the weather. Living in a cold climate makes my choices easy most of the year, I tend to have more of a problem in the summer.
I often carry a back up. Yesterday, a day of outings, I carried a CZ P-07 on my belt (as I don't do IWB... EVER!), AND A KELTEC P3AT in my cargo pocket. Sometimes it's a S&W 340sc in that pocket. I like listening to Gun Cranks at least once each, BTW.
I carry a full sized 9mm on strong right side with spare mag in front left pocket and a lcr in a pocket holster in right front pocket with 2 or 3 spare mags in left front pocket. I like your discussion on ankle carry and am going to look into that. Thanks for the good video
I carry 2 on my hip. Dual mc28SA extended barrel with custom finger grips for easier control of trigger discipline Also helps with holding them both at the same time
I found this to be a great topic I personally carry two firearms at almost all times and my go to are Springfield 3.3 9mm for CCW and Glock g45 9mm as a bigger conceal piece or an open carry/conceal OWB
I always carry two & spare ammo for both as well as extra ammo in the car. Also I have a mobility assistance dog. They make a mole harness for them which can mount handguns on if needed I would think 🤠🐾
I carry two guns whenever outside the home. Main gun is a Glock 30S in a tuckable IWB and BUG is a Ruger LCR .38 Special, carried in an ankle holster on weak side unless I'm in shorts, when it goes in the offside front pants pocket. I also carry spare ammo for each (one reload apiece) , a flashlight and pocket knife. My only concern is the appearance of being a Rambo wannabe if I ever have to use either gun.
Good discussion. One fellow talked about ankle carry on long trips....what about sitting in Church or going out to eat and sitting in a restaurant? Unfortunately, Americans spend too much time sitting but you can have pretty quick access to your ankle in these situations.
No matter what I carry....no matter where I go...there is ALWAYS a S&W J-Frame in my front left pocket. New York Reload is a sound concept and even if you aren't in NYC.
In my LE days I always carried two handguns. "Two is one, One is none," as it were. I still do that most days. Usually it's a pistol in my pocket and one on my belt. There are times the one on my belt has to go for various reasons (anyone else have bad sciatica from decades of toting iron?), but that leaves me with a good weapon still. Normal loadout is pocket pistol, belt pistol (IWB usually), knife, yawara stick. It's like getting dressed and I hardly even think about it. Most folks I know, former LEOs or not, do similarly in my area.
I use an ankle holster when on long drives for a second gun, but rarely carry two at other times. No place is truly safe, but I live in a rural community that is safer than most.
Why not a primary gun on your hip strong side.. or even a iwb. Primary gun strong side... And a air light snub.38 or micro .380 in the pocket holster in your right hand pocket?
I only carry one.... but then, I live in Prescott AZ and everybody carries which means all the people you walk near are your backup guns. Oh, and I carry a double ammo pouch so I have 37 cartridges on me (hmmm math: 12+12+12+1=37..... right?).
Hi guys always interesting topics.When I can legally carry in the state I am in I generally carry Bug.Quite frequently 2nd gun is off body.I always carry multiple mags and speed loaders.Just turned 70,many times I have broken good guns,bows,knives. To not have back ups.I have several times lent spare guns and bows to friends on trips.Have spare lights and mags.If I can't legally carry in a place I bring at least 2 knives.Couple times on trips after cleaning, shooting broke while checking guns in camp.. Someone we all know and love says guns aren't meant to be comfortable but, comforting. Dress around your hardware.The life you save may be your own. Be prepared.God bless.
Absolutely! I carry 2 if I'm going anywhere further than my yard. I have an LCP Max (that took the place of my Taurus PT 738) that is ALWAYS in my pocket. If I'm awake or not in the shower, I have that one. If I'm going anywhere else, 90% of the time there is a Sig P365 IWB. The 10 rd. mag with the finger lip doesn't print at all, no matter how light a shirt I'm wearing. I may carry something a little larger at times; a Glock G30 or a Commander size 1911. My reload time absolutely stinks---I have an aversion to letting expensive magazines hit the ground or the concrete pad. Hence, if a situation goes double sideways, hopefully I will have time to just reach and grab another gun. Oh, yeah...,and usually I have a Taurus titanium snubby (.45LC---MY SNUBBY shoots 250gr JHP's, what does yours shoot?) in an off-body container, not to be disclosed here. Thanks for another great topic.
2 1911s both 45 acp and one 9mm ruger american compact and 4 mags of 45 and 2 mags of 9mm and as far as blades i have 3 on as well 1 full size kbar that was a gift from a dear marine friend and a pocket size otf knive made by spartan auto knives in oklahoma city and 1 smith and wesson fixed blad boot knife
It depends a lot how far I am from home. If I go the 100 miles to Houston to shop, I will have 2 guns on me, a snubbie in a holster attached to the drivers side door and a pcc in the trunk. If I am just taking trash to the communal dumpster outside my building, one gun is all I would have, generally a snubbie in a pocket. If I am driving to go out to eat, a taurus g3c in a belly band, and perhaps snubbie again in a pocket. If it is the time of year that college students abandon their pets to leave town, or I am going out in the rural part of the county where coyotes roam, then my .22 mag naa is on my rear hip as animal repellent. Here in Texas the prevalence of parking lot robberies has dropped since constitutional carry passed, but the occasional crook didn't get the work so a minimum of 1 is still needed. The only places I go without carrying are the post office and at work, though they finally allow a gun left in your car where I work.
ROFL... :D ... The mini-SA .22's are cute, but the smallest thing I'll carry (literally only very recently) is a .380 stoked with Underwood Xtreme Defender, but that's (literally) only as a 4th (!!) pistol. I carry XDm 10mm Elite pistols... 3.8- and 4.5-inch. The FASTEST RELOAD has a gun wrapped around it.
I’m late to this party but no one caught Roy’s “yeah, yeah….can I buy you another coke today?” Meaning have a coke and a smile and shut the f**k up 😂. I would definitely use a normal carry and have a lil sig 238 in my pocket. I’m huge in the 3 is 2 and 1 is none mindset. This was a great topic
I once heard a famous man say “two is one and one is none. “ Therefore, I carry two. My primary is a Kimber .45ACP, and my back up is an SCCY 9 mm. And yes, I carry two flashlights also. Both Streamlights. This episode was a little shorter than usual. What’s up with that?
kimbers are cool i have a kimber aegis elite custome 45 acp and i also carry a tisas b45r in 45 as well with light and lazer and my other is a ruger american compact in 9m and will soon be gettin a lazer light combo for my kimber that mounts on the trigger gaurd since it dont have a rail
The uniform of the day for senior Boomers is sweatpants and a long hem T-shirt that has plumber's crack protection. Add to that a certain pear-shape physiognomy and carrying more than one gun can become a real problem. Add your key ring, 2" thick tri-fold wallet, pocket change, mini flashlight, EDC knife, spare mags and a roll of Life-Savers for an attack of hypoglycemia and there just isn't spare room in the pockets. Nor can you do IWB carry either because sweatpants have no belt loops. And anyway, a belt on a fat man does nothing to counteract gravity. So, even if your sweats did have capacious pockets, how much shoulder chaffing could you endure with industrial quality suspenders? Dropping trou with suspenders and weighed down pockets for those no-notice emergency field expedient squats owing to an enlarged prostate or an irritable bowel from Metformin and/or a big burrito is something that becomes even more problematic with 2 guns. Ankle holsters? Ph-f-f-ft. For those of us who have given up on Velcro latch shoes and gone to slip-on Crocs that trip to the ankle is a no-go. Fanny pack? Nope. My pronouns are man and guy. One gun and done.
It's not stupid, but it introduces a huge number of new training requirements and liabilities. You have to practice drawing two different weapons, you need to be proficient with both, you likely have an extra mag for at least one of them and if you don't, why not? 90% of malfunctions come from the mag, having a spare is literally a no brainer. In any situation you need to draw pistol number 2 you are in a MUCH higher state of chaos than having to draw one pistol. Like having to draw a gun can be one of the worst days of your life, needing to draw not one but 2??? You will cosmically blessed to survive the situation you need a spare gun for. Also if you're not carrying a TQ, but you have 2 guns, you should re evaluate your decisions. You are more likely to have to render aid, than shoot someone.
Except when I am at home I carry two at least, I have one on then. That being said one of those two is a NAA .22 Mag. If I am in casual dress sometimes I will have three. About the .22 Mag, I own the old .22 Mag High Standard derringer my father killed an armed robber with. I don't carry it. .22 Mag would not be my first choice, but when dressed for work there is only so much one can carry.
I carry too many guns BUT, my Wife and oldest son have CHLs, they're not as NUTZ as me and only carry one gun. My other 3 kids can ALL SHOOT but are not old enough to carry. If we're in the right (wrong?) scenario you can bet your azz I'll be ARMING THEM. Soooooo...... Right hip: serious gun. SOMETIMES a shoulder holster instead. LEFT ankle: Kahr PMR9 (cleaned FREQUENTLY, J Frame probably better but too big for me for ankle carry) RIGHT ankle: Galco Ankle Safe two more PM9 mags. All loaded with Federal 9BP. 17 HM2 or 22 LR NAA Mini Revolver in a belt buckle. Hornady V-Max in 17, CCI Tri Shok in .22 L.R. Left front pocket S&W Bodyguard 380 with CTC Laser built in. ALSO cleaned FREQUENTLY. Alternating MagSafe and Cor-Bon 90 Gr +P JHP. If I'm wearing the right coat, a S&W 638 in the RH pocket. No reloads for anything but the ankle gun UNLESS I'm wearing a shoulder holster. One of my favorite shoulder rigs is a Bob Mernickle custom that carries an HK P7M8 horizontally with a horizontal mag pouch above it for RH draw. A horizontal mag pouch for the P7 on top of the other side and a horizontal SIG P238 below that AND a set of ALUMINUM S&W handcuffs under that. Balances PERFECTLY. Another favorite is a Galco SSII harness with dual GLOCK horizontal holsters. 23 loaded with COR-BON 135s in it, GLOCK 19 for LH draw with COR-BON +P 115s in it. Both with +2 mags. The pocket, belt buckle and ankle guns are FEEBEES!!! You REALLY don't know they are there at all. You get to carry THREE for FREE! This is all cool weather carry obviously. In the summer it's: pocket 380, belt buckle revolver and a belly band with a Micro, single stack 9mm and 2 spare mags.
I must have missed something. Brent mentioned the mouse club and one of the comments mentioned the mouse was not the cool part of the opening. I've watched that intro a bunch of times and I don't see any Mickey Mouse type stuff!
Im late, but im a 21 year old in Indianapolis. Idc what anyone says you better have a back up, these lil mfs riding around with switches and ar pistols, i keep a Glock 19 gen 5 and a glock 22 gen 5 with a 19x mag in my 19 and a 15 in my 22 but i keep 2 31 rds for my 9mm and 2 22mags for my 22
Great Show! Sad to say I guess but I only carry one gun. Then I thought, while watching the show, I can carry my NNA .22 revolver. Didn't take Roy long to can that idea!
Yes I carry 2 most of the time one on me and one in my SUV cause I don't spend much time out of my SUV. I always have an LCP MAX around my neck & a 9 or 40 or sometimes another .380 in the SUV. I live in the country and never step out the house without MAX around my neck. The A-HOLES don't just hang around in the city anymore.
I carried two guns on duty but only one as my CCW. My wife carried two guns one in her purse and one in her yoga bag. If she drove very far from home she had a pump shotgun and two pistols along with a couple hundred rounds. She said she didn't want to be killed for lack of shooting back.
She a fan of that one armed deputy in "Unforgiven". He didn't get killed for lack of shooting back but for lack of being able to aim lol.
lol your wife is awesome
Now that IS a proper introduction! (John Wayne, not the mouse...) That said, I struggled with how to carry and found a small .380 - SA 911 - is a good choice. If I'm traveling, I also have a larger firearm off body.
Was a cop a long time ago. I had a friend who was in a shootout, back when revolvers were the standard. He told me he nearly cut the rounds in half trying to get them loaded and the cylinder closed. A second gun would have been much easier and quicker. I always carry a spare magazine for my Glock, and "sometimes" a KelTec P3AT or P9 in my cargo pants pocket.
The number and type of guns i carry depend on what i am doing. Taking trash out, usually just a revolver in a pocket. Running errands, generally a belly band, lcp or taurus g3c, and a revolver in a pocket. Out of town in the winter, shoulder holster, 9mm, and belt holster, 357 snubbie. Going to houston, add a snubbie in a holster on my drivers side door, and a carbine in the trunk.
I loved this video! I literally just started carrying 2 of the same .45 ACP’s. They are both S&W M&P M2.0 compact 4” barrels. I’ve carried for many years, but not 2 at one time. I figured since I bought 2 of the same. Why not?? Especially if I can easily conceal then on my person. Thanks and GOD bless you all and your families. 🙏
I dual carry. Crossdraw, Glock 45s or Glock 45 and 17. 17 goes on weak hand. Gunslingers were just that. …they slung guns for their life till they died. Human anatomy hasn’t changed since thing. You can draw from sitting down so much easier and sit with the barrels on the outsides of your legs so it’s safer too. Cross draw for the win.
My EDC is a Glock 17 backed up by a Bulldog .44
In the summer hiking the .44 has a couple shotshells loaded. Very useful & versatile.
2x is 1x & 1x is none.
ah yes a fellow thunder ranch fan
As a full-time police officer of thirty-eight years, I can carry a concealed firearm (or two) many places my wife cannot carry with her CCW permit. Additionally, I work with a few law enforcement officers who still do not carry a firearm off-duty. I carry two handguns in the event of something going horribly wrong, and I would need to enlist their help or give them the opportunity to get away safely. I agree with all of the answers and situations cited by Brent, Roy and Tom, and can even think of a few more.
Years back I experienced a double feed. TWICE ! In one shooting session with my friends PPK... The experience is burned into my brain! To clear a double feed you must lock the slide open..(or in the case of the PPK you have to actually grip the gun tight and hold the slide open with your right hand being careful to keep it pointing down range)... Put a finger or an object to the ejector port and push round number two back into the magazine so you can drop it and clear the first round/ case! Something that's not going to be easy to do in the middle of a firefight.. so a second gun definitely is a good option.. even a five shot snub
When I was “On-the-Job” I carried a duty gun, ankle gun and a two shot High Standard 22 mag “Onion Field” gun under my shirt and under the strap of my vest.
I know a guy that carries a Ruger Max 9 Pro as main and a Ruger Lcp380 as a "backup". Then also a Ruger LC9s in "EDC backpack" and a Ruger Security 9 in "get home bag". Also a mossberg shockwave 12ga as the "truck gun". Occasionally adds a Ruger PC9 to the mix, as they use the same mags as the Security9...you can never have to many weapons lol
I carry one semi-auto wit one spare mag. I have been considering carrying a back-up but haven’t “pulled the trigger “ on that yet. Great discussion. Thanks.
Probably just me but never understood 2 different calibers. If I carry 2 wouldn't it be better to carry same caliber? As in two 38s. Or a G19 with a G26
Good stuff!
Im not a cop or ex military just a guy who likes guns and spends alot of time at the range.
But i carry two guns.
I open carry a 9mm girsan p35 hi-power browning clone (x15 fmj) and then i CC a M&P .380 springfield EZ (x8 HP) with an extra mag.
I think its a good combination for most situations and the EZ i can draw, shoot and rack the slide with my non dominate hand if need be.
Believ it or not its not as rough as you might think, and most days i wear the combination of the two for a solid 9-10 hours while im at work and then even longer if i go out n about.
Im weird tho, im the guy who keeps a bug-out bag in his car along with a plastic storage bin that contains 2 back up outfits if i need them while out and about, an extra pair of socks, shoes and a lock box fixed to the inside of my trunk that i keep a xd 9mm and x3 extra mags of x16 fmj.
I live in alb new mexico and its still kinda wild west down here.
I can see American Handgunner in the future having a "Canine Carry" regular column, featuring articles like "So your carry dog loves to greet new people" and "Squirrel!" and "Do you walk a back-up carry dog?" :-) Seriously, I appreciate the discussion! Hadn't thought much about a BUG, but will now.
Being at Bikeweek in Daytona, I am carrying 3 guns. A Colt 1911 in my concealed vest, a S&W Shield 9mm IWB and a Beretta Pico 380 on my ankle. I also have a spare magazine for each!
Great experienced gun owners sharing ideas . #ListenToYourElders!
Elders? What elders??? LOL
"Anyone in need of carrying one gun ought to carry two." "Two is one, and one is none." "If you can't fight your way out with the weapons you have, the problem isn't your weapons, its your scary life!"
Well I used to carry 2, in fact I bought 2 XDs because they were light. Reason was I had back surgery 4 years ago and I haven't been able to carry full sized pistols because of the pain it caused my back. Sadly after 4 years back is worse and even light weight pistols are painful. I'm just getting over 3 weeks of sciatica where I slept on the floor because movement on the bed sent electric shocks down my one leg. It started after wearing them for 3 days. I'm not sure if my carry days are over or what, but ankle carry is out as I'd never get back up from the ground. When I go shooting I always bring a grand son/daughter so they can pick up my brass. Not sure what to do next.
Great show , love you guys. I have been a subscriber to guns magazine for years, 😂
Typically a J frame and a speed strip. Always one in the center console as well.
Same here!
Great discussion! I have wondered for a long time about ankle holsters. I teach CCW classes, and I always have lots of examples on carry possibilities. I had a State Patrolman (since retired) give me his ankle holster for display after he said he had to run after a guy trying to escape, and when he tried for his ankle gun, it had fallen out and he no longer had anything. I don't remember why he didn't have his duty gun. At any rate, he said he would never trust another ankle holster. That has been quite a few years ago, and I know ankle holsters have improved, but there is also still a lot of junk out there. I wonder if you guys could discuss the ankle holsters you trust? I have a huge box-o-holsters for strong side carry, and I hate to start in now on ankle holsters. Please!
Great idea on the ankle holsters discussion. I just noticed it for an upcoming episide...
I have carried 2 guns for short periods but mostly just 1 and a spare magazine. 1 is hassle enough sometimes. When I carried 2 the other was to get used to deeper concealment like ankle rig.
My backup gun IS a NAA mini 22 (LR) that I carry for one specific job, in one specific place where deep concealment is a must. I admit that it's mostly just comforting on the walk in and out, but I figure it's better than a Swiss Army Knife. By the way. The SAK had three screwdrivers and my leatherman has a few more.
I like to carry light.. and I like to pocket carry my primary.. so generally I will carry a Smith & Wesson 342 air light TI (titanium cylinder) .38sp ..11 oz centennial (hammerless) or my Taurus TCP 380 pocket pistol in my right pocket in a DeSantis Superfly holster.. occasionally I carry my Ruger lc9s pro micro 9.(7+1=8 cap).. In a iwb holster...BUT on rare occasions I carry a backup.. either my little North American arms mini revolver 22 long rifle..or 7oz Kel-Tec p32..1st-gen
I take the advice of the late great Jim Cirillo... In addition to my full size G20, I carry a "New York Reload" - a S&W 640 snubnose in .357. Because he, and these guys are right...the fastest reload is gonna be your backup gun.
Good episode! I occasionally carry 2 guns, something small in my pocket or hip due to my build (got no ass and a heavy gun pulls my pants down). Them sometimes with a full-size pistol in a shoulder rig. I do the ankle holster for the long car rides like you talked about. Regardless, I'm usually not too far away from a full-size pistol off-body, be it a second or third.
if your skinny you could do a belly band small pistol as well . but shoulder holsters are awesome if you get one thats adjustable and fits you nicely
What are you opinions on pistols with magazine disconnect feature?
2 always, but like Roy said, the selection changes with the weather. Living in a cold climate makes my choices easy most of the year, I tend to have more of a problem in the summer.
I often carry a back up. Yesterday, a day of outings, I carried a CZ P-07 on my belt (as I don't do IWB... EVER!), AND A KELTEC P3AT in my cargo pocket. Sometimes it's a S&W 340sc in that pocket.
I like listening to Gun Cranks at least once each, BTW.
I carry a full sized 9mm on strong right side with spare mag in front left pocket and a lcr in a pocket holster in right front pocket with 2 or 3 spare mags in left front pocket. I like your discussion on ankle carry and am going to look into that. Thanks for the good video
I carry 2 on my hip.
Dual mc28SA extended barrel with custom finger grips for easier control of trigger discipline
Also helps with holding them both at the same time
I found this to be a great topic I personally carry two firearms at almost all times and my go to are Springfield 3.3 9mm for CCW and Glock g45 9mm as a bigger conceal piece or an open carry/conceal OWB
Kimber k6s an a Bond Arms roughneck. Both in the same caliber makes sense ammo wise
Always two. Shield right hip. And a 38 on the ankle. Always. Also we all need to practice with the small guns.
Carry one, working on ankle carry. Just a quick question, how many ankle holsters do you have to buy to get one that is comfortable. 2, 4 , all??
I always carry 2, a full size pistol, and a j frame.
Live in Wyoming. If I am in the truck there are 4 firearms in reach, cause.....critters.
The quickest reload ? 2 guns
The opening was worth it right there!! We have S&W 642 that I need to carry as a back up but I just haven't yet.
I always carry two & spare ammo for both as well as extra ammo in the car. Also I have a mobility assistance dog. They make a mole harness for them which can mount handguns on if needed I would think 🤠🐾
The worst place to carry is in the Police evidence room
New york reload is the fastest reload
I carry two guns whenever outside the home. Main gun is a Glock 30S in a tuckable IWB and BUG is a Ruger LCR .38 Special, carried in an ankle holster on weak side unless I'm in shorts, when it goes in the offside front pants pocket. I also carry spare ammo for each (one reload apiece) , a flashlight and pocket knife. My only concern is the appearance of being a Rambo wannabe if I ever have to use either gun.
Good discussion. One fellow talked about ankle carry on long trips....what about sitting in Church or going out to eat and sitting in a restaurant? Unfortunately, Americans spend too much time sitting but you can have pretty quick access to your ankle in these situations.
wait so we are not supposed to carry 3
Shhh! That's a secret for us ninja squirrels!
@@fmgpubs haha ok
I remember when the guy tried to get Reagan and the SS guy opened that case with the full sized uzi 😂
No matter what I carry....no matter where I go...there is ALWAYS a S&W J-Frame in my front left pocket. New York Reload is a sound concept and even if you aren't in NYC.
In my LE days I always carried two handguns. "Two is one, One is none," as it were. I still do that most days. Usually it's a pistol in my pocket and one on my belt. There are times the one on my belt has to go for various reasons (anyone else have bad sciatica from decades of toting iron?), but that leaves me with a good weapon still.
Normal loadout is pocket pistol, belt pistol (IWB usually), knife, yawara stick. It's like getting dressed and I hardly even think about it. Most folks I know, former LEOs or not, do similarly in my area.
I use an ankle holster when on long drives for a second gun, but rarely carry two at other times. No place is truly safe, but I live in a rural community that is safer than most.
Why not a primary gun on your hip strong side.. or even a iwb. Primary gun strong side... And a air light snub.38 or micro .380 in the pocket holster in your right hand pocket?
One but with a reload. Back in the day (70's to mid 90's) a second gun was not allowed in my Dept.
All day everyday
Glock model 27 in a Mitch Rosen belt rig & pants pocket carry Smith & Wesson model 38 Bodyguard Airweight ..
I only carry one.... but then, I live in Prescott AZ and everybody carries which means all the people you walk near are your backup guns. Oh, and I carry a double ammo pouch so I have 37 cartridges on me (hmmm math: 12+12+12+1=37..... right?).
Hi guys always interesting topics.When I can legally carry in the state I am in I generally carry
Bug.Quite frequently 2nd gun is off body.I always carry multiple
mags and speed loaders.Just
turned 70,many times I have broken good guns,bows,knives.
To not have back ups.I have
several times lent spare guns and bows to friends on trips.Have spare lights and mags.If I can't legally carry in a place I bring at least 2 knives.Couple times on
trips after cleaning, shooting broke while checking guns in camp.. Someone we all know
and love says guns aren't meant to be comfortable but, comforting.
Dress around your hardware.The life you save may be your own. Be prepared.God bless.
Absolutely! I carry 2 if I'm going anywhere further than my yard. I have an LCP Max (that took the place of my Taurus PT 738) that is ALWAYS in my pocket. If I'm awake or not in the shower, I have that one. If I'm going anywhere else, 90% of the time there is a Sig P365 IWB. The 10 rd. mag with the finger lip doesn't print at all, no matter how light a shirt I'm wearing. I may carry something a little larger at times; a Glock G30 or a Commander size 1911. My reload time absolutely stinks---I have an aversion to letting expensive magazines hit the ground or the concrete pad. Hence, if a situation goes double sideways, hopefully I will have time to just reach and grab another gun. Oh, yeah...,and usually I have a Taurus titanium snubby (.45LC---MY SNUBBY shoots 250gr JHP's, what does yours shoot?) in an off-body container, not to be disclosed here. Thanks for another great topic.
2 1911s both 45 acp and one 9mm ruger american compact and 4 mags of 45 and 2 mags of 9mm and as far as blades i have 3 on as well 1 full size kbar that was a gift from a dear marine friend and a pocket size otf knive made by spartan auto knives in oklahoma city and 1 smith and wesson fixed blad boot knife
I’m 22 and you guys are my tribe. You know I can’t tell you on youtube
It depends a lot how far I am from home. If I go the 100 miles to Houston to shop, I will have 2 guns on me, a snubbie in a holster attached to the drivers side door and a pcc in the trunk. If I am just taking trash to the communal dumpster outside my building, one gun is all I would have, generally a snubbie in a pocket. If I am driving to go out to eat, a taurus g3c in a belly band, and perhaps snubbie again in a pocket. If it is the time of year that college students abandon their pets to leave town, or I am going out in the rural part of the county where coyotes roam, then my .22 mag naa is on my rear hip as animal repellent. Here in Texas the prevalence of parking lot robberies has dropped since constitutional carry passed, but the occasional crook didn't get the work so a minimum of 1 is still needed. The only places I go without carrying are the post office and at work, though they finally allow a gun left in your car where I work.
Ankle and hip. J frame on the ankle, and 1911 on the hip. Sometimes the Ruger LCPMax is in the hip pocket.
I'm big enough to carry a CZ P-09, P-07 and a couple of 21 round magazines.
ROFL... :D ... The mini-SA .22's are cute, but the smallest thing I'll carry (literally only very recently) is a .380 stoked with Underwood Xtreme Defender, but that's (literally) only as a 4th (!!) pistol.
I carry XDm 10mm Elite pistols... 3.8- and 4.5-inch.
The FASTEST RELOAD has a gun wrapped around it.
Colt pocket pistol in each pocket.
30 caliber crew served grizzly bear.
I carry two keltec p17 22 lr pistols on me at work because i be in dangerous neighborhoods all over town
I have carried two guns many times. Pretty often, really. I always carry spare ammo/mag(s)!!
I’m late to this party but no one caught Roy’s “yeah, yeah….can I buy you another coke today?” Meaning have a coke and a smile and shut the f**k up 😂. I would definitely use a normal carry and have a lil sig 238 in my pocket. I’m huge in the 3 is 2 and 1 is none mindset. This was a great topic
I once heard a famous man say “two is one and one is none. “
Therefore, I carry two. My primary is a Kimber .45ACP, and my back up is an SCCY 9 mm. And yes, I carry two flashlights also. Both Streamlights.
This episode was a little shorter than usual. What’s up with that?
kimbers are cool i have a kimber aegis elite custome 45 acp and i also carry a tisas b45r in 45 as well with light and lazer and my other is a ruger american compact in 9m
and will soon be gettin a lazer light combo for my kimber that mounts on the trigger gaurd since it dont have a rail
Why not 3 or 4
Shield 45 on the belt, Keltec P3AT in the pocket
Two guns when on a car trip.
The uniform of the day for senior Boomers is sweatpants and a long hem T-shirt that has plumber's crack protection. Add to that a certain pear-shape physiognomy and carrying more than one gun can become a real problem. Add your key ring, 2" thick tri-fold wallet, pocket change, mini flashlight, EDC knife, spare mags and a roll of Life-Savers for an attack of hypoglycemia and there just isn't spare room in the pockets. Nor can you do IWB carry either because sweatpants have no belt loops. And anyway, a belt on a fat man does nothing to counteract gravity. So, even if your sweats did have capacious pockets, how much shoulder chaffing could you endure with industrial quality suspenders? Dropping trou with suspenders and weighed down pockets for those no-notice emergency field expedient squats owing to an enlarged prostate or an irritable bowel from Metformin and/or a big burrito is something that becomes even more problematic with 2 guns.
Ankle holsters? Ph-f-f-ft. For those of us who have given up on Velcro latch shoes and gone to slip-on Crocs that trip to the ankle is a no-go. Fanny pack? Nope. My pronouns are man and guy.
One gun and done.
It's not stupid, but it introduces a huge number of new training requirements and liabilities. You have to practice drawing two different weapons, you need to be proficient with both, you likely have an extra mag for at least one of them and if you don't, why not? 90% of malfunctions come from the mag, having a spare is literally a no brainer. In any situation you need to draw pistol number 2 you are in a MUCH higher state of chaos than having to draw one pistol. Like having to draw a gun can be one of the worst days of your life, needing to draw not one but 2??? You will cosmically blessed to survive the situation you need a spare gun for. Also if you're not carrying a TQ, but you have 2 guns, you should re evaluate your decisions. You are more likely to have to render aid, than shoot someone.
If a gun breaks a second one could be handy. It happens.
Except when I am at home I carry two at least, I have one on then. That being said one of those two is a NAA .22 Mag. If I am in casual dress sometimes I will have three. About the .22 Mag, I own the old .22 Mag High Standard derringer my father killed an armed robber with. I don't carry it. .22 Mag would not be my first choice, but when dressed for work there is only so much one can carry.
I carry too many guns BUT, my Wife and oldest son have CHLs, they're not as NUTZ as me and only carry one gun. My other 3 kids can ALL SHOOT but are not old enough to carry. If we're in the right (wrong?) scenario you can bet your azz I'll be ARMING THEM. Soooooo......
Right hip: serious gun. SOMETIMES a shoulder holster instead.
LEFT ankle: Kahr PMR9 (cleaned FREQUENTLY, J Frame probably better but too big for me for ankle carry)
RIGHT ankle: Galco Ankle Safe two more PM9 mags. All loaded with Federal 9BP.
17 HM2 or 22 LR NAA Mini Revolver in a belt buckle. Hornady V-Max in 17, CCI Tri Shok in .22 L.R.
Left front pocket S&W Bodyguard 380 with CTC Laser built in. ALSO cleaned FREQUENTLY. Alternating MagSafe and Cor-Bon 90 Gr +P JHP.
If I'm wearing the right coat, a S&W 638 in the RH pocket.
No reloads for anything but the ankle gun UNLESS I'm wearing a shoulder holster.
One of my favorite shoulder rigs is a Bob Mernickle custom that carries an HK P7M8 horizontally with a horizontal mag pouch above it for RH draw. A horizontal mag pouch for the P7 on top of the other side and a horizontal SIG P238 below that AND a set of ALUMINUM S&W handcuffs under that. Balances PERFECTLY.
Another favorite is a Galco SSII harness with dual GLOCK horizontal holsters. 23 loaded with COR-BON 135s in it, GLOCK 19 for LH draw with COR-BON +P 115s in it.
Both with +2 mags.
The pocket, belt buckle and ankle guns are FEEBEES!!!
You REALLY don't know they are there at all. You get to carry THREE for FREE!
This is all cool weather carry obviously.
In the summer it's: pocket 380, belt buckle revolver and a belly band with a Micro, single stack 9mm and 2 spare mags.
I must have missed something. Brent mentioned the mouse club and one of the comments mentioned the mouse was not the cool part of the opening. I've watched that intro a bunch of times and I don't see any Mickey Mouse type stuff!
Im late, but im a 21 year old in Indianapolis. Idc what anyone says you better have a back up, these lil mfs riding around with switches and ar pistols, i keep a Glock 19 gen 5 and a glock 22 gen 5 with a 19x mag in my 19 and a 15 in my 22 but i keep 2 31 rds for my 9mm and 2 22mags for my 22
Great Show! Sad to say I guess but I only carry one gun. Then I thought, while watching the show, I can carry my NNA .22 revolver. Didn't take Roy long to can that idea!
Yes I carry 2 most of the time one on me and one in my SUV cause I don't spend much time out of my SUV. I always have an LCP MAX around my neck & a 9 or 40 or sometimes another .380 in the SUV. I live in the country and never step out the house without MAX around my neck. The A-HOLES don't just hang around in the city anymore.
"You can reach the gun on your ankle...". Speak for yourself slim. 😊