I was on some nationals supersquads pre 2010 and plenty of state/area level supersquads before and after that. This is all straight up 100% accurate. I liked a lot of these guys quite a bit, then the more time I spent around them the more shit I saw that felt slimy as fuck both on and off the range.
I just started shooting about a year ago and guys like you are super fascinating to me. I’m local to an early 00’s GM and he’s very knowledgeable but hesitant to really open up about the differences between now and then. He’s quite humble I guess. Do you shoot any more? If so, is it really any different in terms of average skill or ability? It’s hard for me to tell if practical shooting dying or growing.
@@joie0the standard of shooting has got a LOT higher both overall and the supersquad. The politics has got to be a big part of the sport, pressuring ROs has always been a thing plus there's always going to be an issue of speed. The top level will get passes that slower shooters may not because you can't see enough of the incident to be SURE that the foul/penalty being applied is legitimate. Whereas someone who takes 6 seconds to do what that person did in 2.4 you have the time to spot it. SOME of the top level EXPECT that sort of courtesy even when they get caught.
@@joie0 I got my gcard in 2005. The last year I was really active shooting some majors was 2018, since then I only shot a few locals and stopped going to uspsa matches entirely when Ben got banned from the sport. I always liked Ben and that shit really irritated me. It still does. I may shoot some matches this year without renewing my membership just because I miss it but nothing serious. As far as skill, there are significantly more good shooters now for sure, but I haven't seen anything that convinces me the top level is much higher if at all than it was 15 years ago. I think practical shooting is primed to grow as there are more people interested in learning how to use their equipment effectively than there ever has been, but the organization's bullshit is substantially curtailing the growth that should be happening.
@@jediknight1294 IF you have the perception that ANY RO would give an unfair advantage to ANY shooter, then NROI has failed miserably. I was mentored by the best NROI certified people extant at the time. THE #2 thing ROs are taught behind SAFETY of everyone in their charge and on their range is "make the shooting experience as close to identical for EVERY shooter". And that is what we did. This DID change. NROI, IMO, stopped properly backing staff, and lots of newer staff got lazy or poorly trained, I don't know, but started letting shooters mouth off, be disrespectful, etc. This became a self-fulfilling prophetic downward spiral... at least for me. IF the shooter's are acting asses with the ROs then it is a SAFETY issue in addition to all of the other considerations. I told Director, NROI (and anyone else I could get to listen) for YEARS before I finally gave up trying that IF they didn't bring the hammer down on the BS, that it would KILL the org.... Well, the ORG is on Life Support and it's ALL because of a loss of respect for rules and respect for authority. EVERY shooter these days thinks they are somehow a special little snowflake. ALL of you.... on both sides of the debacle that has become USPSA are acting like selfish CHILDREN. Grow the heck up and put the org ahead of your own self-interests for a change..... Hell, put ANYTHING in front of your own self-interests.... shoot, surprise us old-timers. Show us you have a conscience, good character, and a moral center that is non-wavering.
Without camaraderie and fun, the shooting sports are reduced to a game between manufacturers aimed at selling to us as much shooting gear and supplies as possible.
That's why I love outlaw matches. It's all about having fun usually. And then weirdo larp matches like what inrange does. I went to a brutality match once and it was very fun. I think those guys are overrated in a lot of ways their fans are insufferable cucks but I generally think what they're doing is good for the "community" bc it also encourages people to get their fitness up
“That’s a double. I couldn’t have missed from that distance” said one of our local IDPA shooters. He quit the sport but we all use that quote to this day.
I feel like I’ve said this a time or two. No offense but sometimes even I am surprised I could miss at that distance lol.
9 месяцев назад+3
I had one of those yesterday with a carbine at an open target less than seven yards. I still can't believe I missed that shot. All As on every other target on that stage( also very unusual for me).
Max Michel famously claimed that a Nats a while back and lost the call. It was a 20+ yard swinger. It isn't just the idpa guys. We've all thought we had a double.
I am an old guy. I didn't get into shooting until I was 60. I am now 70. I shoot, because I really like to shoot. Your video has convinced me that I want nothing to do with any type of competitive match shooting. The best parts about being old and fully retired is, I don't have to care and I don't. Rather than go to a match, I will spend my money on training and ammo. Thank you for making the video, and thanks to everyone that has commented over the last five months. It was extremely enlightening.
LOL, was at 3 gun nationals 2 years ago. I am an amateur not a pro. Asked some squad members on 1st stage about planning…silence and stares! Anyway, they witnessed how I actually shoot, 2nd stage onward they were all pretty kind and helpful when they realized I was not a threat. For me it’s a fun sport, for pro’s it’s serious. We differ greatly in this outlook.
Ben, you're a man after my own heart. You speak the truth and if someone gets offended that's too bad. Reason #1 why you're the only gun channel I subscribe to.
It’s called being disagreeable. My only problem with disagreeable people is when you are disagreeable to them they get butt hurt. That leads to resentment.
People I like shooting with are the ones who prioritize having a good time and just doing a little bit better than their last run. People I hate shooting with are pretentious, sticklers for obscure rules that have nothing to do with safety or fair competition (really just flexing on how well they know the rule book) and are generally just draining to be around. My squad yesterday had 3 or 4 of these 2nd types on it and they just dragged the whole squad down with their negativity, nitpicking and posturing. It was such a contrast to the squad ahead of us that were all very positive, cheering each other on and obviously just having a good time. I made note of the names of the three most insufferable ones and will definitely change squads if I see their names again.
I'm positive and support people but I'm neurotic about the rulebook, I'm an ex pro athlete in a different field so for me rules are live and die because I'm so used to being in an enviroment where rules inconsistencies are the thing that can destroy an event. I don't apologise for that but I'm not a cock about it. Classifies not being right annoys the shit out of me because of that. The only way to measure yourself against the rest is the classifiers so when a club puts targets 2 foot closer or a foot to the left is to me a huge deal. Given that the only value USPSA has to me (vs shooting outlaw matches and not paying fees to a national org) and the range buying more steel and more kit. Is the classifiers.
@@jediknight1294 that’s a good perspective and I can definitely appreciate where you’re coming from. In my case, the rule sticklers seemed to be using them selectively as a means of intimidation and asserting their dominance rather than trying to ensure a consistent baseline for accurate evaluation against objective standards. The really ironic part was that the most obnoxious one in the group was only classified as a “C” shooter despite being an RO and claiming all sorts of expertise (at least two of the others were classified as “M” and had the skill to back up their bluster but “Mr. C” was definitely suffering from some “little man syndrome”).
@@jediknight1294 my favorite squad to shoot with at our local club is the retirees that do the stage setup on Fridays before the match. They’ve all been shooting competition for more than 20 years and most are running Open division or Revolver. The lowest classed shooter in the group is an “A” with the others all “M” or “G”. All they do between runs is chain smoke and complain about the cost of their cancer medications. None of them can bend over to pick up the steel targets and carry specially made hooks for that purpose. But when the timer beeps, you’ve never seen old people move that fast!
Spot on, Ben. It's one of the saddest, most off putting things in the sport. I started shooting USPSA in the early 90s in Area 4- you know the crew- as a newly minted sheriff's deputy from a parish that has a poorly funded SO but was reasonably well equipped but without sufficient funding for much training. I was ok'ed to carry my pistol of choice- a box stock 90's Edition Springfield. Knowing that getting training provided above what I had already received in the POST academy I started shooting purely for the training value of putting myself under pressure. It turned into a blessing in many ways but I also witnessed precisely what you mention in this video. Some, not all, of the super squad guys were miserable wretches who I don't thinknreally enjoyed shooting generally nor firearms in particular. It was an ego thing and a job. I just enjoyed learning from a numbernof excellent shooters of that generation despite shooting my stock single stack- which was just terrifically reliable- out of my level III Safarlinad duty rig. Thanks for putting up thus vid.
A good example of "famous shooter pressure" is Leatham's late shot at the Bianchi cup. It was late--period. I was standing 50 feet away over his right shoulder. He took off his hat and threw it in disgust. After much discussion it was decided the shot was not late. He finished in a three way tie. If the shot was not allowed there was no drama of a three way tie. There was a potential 3-way tie if his shot was good. He was actually ASKED if he THOUGHT he had a late shot!!! Match director shows up--lots of other people who though they were important crowded around. The decision was that the shot was too close to call--good shot---three way tie--imagine that.
Makes sense. I really appreciate your candor. It gives me, a new/novice shooter, confidence as I watch your training videos and go through your "Practical Shooting Training" book that I am on the right path. Your ability to be self aware is your super power. Thanks for showing the way.
Shooting competition is a way to gauge yourself against others. But at the end of the day you're really pitted against yourself to improve! Never forget this is your HOBBY/SPORT that you get enjoyment from!!😊
New USPSA shooter here, just recently had my first match with some of the attitudes spoke of here. My advice to other rookie's like myself, don't let them get in your head, go out there do your best and have fun! Like Ben said just don't talk to them lmao
Nice to hear an honest discussion of this taboo subject. Truth is that matches are egotistical shtshws. The bigger the match the bigger the shtshw. I've seen plenty of "Aholery" first hand.
Exact reason I have never partook in any shooting sport aside from the local cmp shoot that has like 4 ppl at it. Only comp shooters I have met are so fucking pretentious and presumptive.
I heard a statement by a top level shooter. He said the super squad is really more about being able to film it for advertising and promotion, not competitive equity. It is hard for shooting USA to cover nationals without the super squad because they would need to follow many squads around to capture the top shooters. All about promo.
Your honesty is refreshing. Thank you I’ve watched a few of your videos; however this is the one that sold me on being a subscriber. Keep doing what you’re doing.
This is why I follow Ben. Truth bombs! Thanks for making this video! Now I know what to gun for when i go for that sponsorship, and hopefully remember what to say no to 😂
I have NORI several matches and been challenged to fight. Life threat, and called abusive names, I had to resign for a year. Some of the second class shooters are even worse. Your challenges and feelings are right on in many ways
@jediknight1294 personally I like the overlay calls at level 1's. Cmon dude let's not waste our time if you get the D hit it will make the difference between 5th and 6th C class
Awesome video mate , I absolutely love your content , you keep it real you're fighting for the little guy , one of my pet hates is fake people and story teller's, keep up the great work 👍
I was an ro for a level 2 match last year that had a few nationals winners and when the super squad was at my stage it happened to be their turn when lunch was over. when i knew they were next i was very curious to see how they would act. the lower guys that were in the squad were definitely not pleasant and wanted to shoot before lunch time was over. but the top three were extremely nice and one of them actually yelled at the others to help reset the stage. this issue is one reason why i have heard that people become an ro only work a few matches and stop. yes there are perks like free match fees and comped hotels but it's not worth the stress.
Totally agree, I've been in other similar situations in other areas of life with the equivalent of supersquad people, and same characteristics are on fully display. Sadly we have lost sportsman like or gentlemanly conduct at high levels of competition.
This is one of the most informative videos I have watched from you, especially from the organized competition side of things. I really appreciate the solid content you are producing.
As a business: sponsoring shooters has never generated ROI for the company. The only way it’s actually productive is if they generate social media content that encourages sales to a broader audience. Advertising to the same few hundred to few thousand people that attend the matches the shooter goes to has limited sales potential.
The Humble Marksman did an interview with someone who relayed a story about a top shooter looking for a potential new sponsor, I believe it was Max Michelle. Shooter was I'm like so & so I've won all of these titles. Perspective sponsor asked what the Shooter's social media followers were. When the shooter said not very much, the sponsor pointed to whoever was in their booth signing autographs and was like she has a million followers or something & the person wasn't even a high level shooter. Just some social media influencer. It's all about get views and traffic to the company's products.
@@Just1Guy1000100% different sport but small too. In Jiu Jitsu companies do not care what you have won. They want to see what you can generate for them. It’s not uncommon in our community to see guys who are not that great make a waaaay better living than some world level guys. All because they don’t understand business and how a strong sponsorship relationship works
Oh man....some of the things I saw in twenty plus years of shooting action pistol matches. Being in Az you certainly get a chance to see a lot of top tier competitors along the way. I won't give specifics but Ben is spot on about the "Supersquad" level of shooters, just ridiculous how most of them act. I only shoot hit factor matches now with buddies for fun because we are getting older and move slower than these young kids LOL. I have no sponsorship or deals with anybody but I will say this....for me the best person I knew during my competitive phase and still to this day is Angus Hobdell. We haven't been face to face in years now, but I know a lot of people myself included owe him a great deal for his kindness and generosity. Great vid Ben.
Agree, Angus is one of the "realest" guys out there. Way back in 2008-9 we had mutual friends, so I trained with him several times. As a B class shooter I was sucking up as much knowledge as I could from the GM's. He gave me some great tips and was an excellent instructor. Hilarious story teller too.
When I was new to uspsa I started with my g17 then quickly got into cz75. I was local to mesa so I went into cz custom to order up an accu shadow and talked to Angus for like 45 minutes. Very kind and chill man.
I shoot sandlot IDPA , we have a lot of fun. No one ever wins a Cadillac. It’s not sanctioned, scores don’t really affect your standing. All the safety rules are enforced- but it’s about learning and fun. It’s only the level I care about. I’ll never be a top level shooter- couldn’t care less.
I have been shooting primarily ICORE for the last 10-15 years or so and my experience has been just the opposite. I've been fortunate to shoot on the super squads in ICORE many times (not because I'm super) and I have found most of the top shooters in this sport are very down to earth. Many times I have asked a GM why they shot an array or a stage a certain way and they didn't hesitate to explain their thought process. It has made the matches very enjoyable.
Ive been blessed with pretty really cool and helpful shooters. Ive seen a few of the spandex wearing, competition crawlers. I chalk them up to about the same as Tactical Timmys. I like to slam dunk on them once in awhile but other than that, ill keep my distance.
Seen the top tier guys do that a few times. Then watched that mentality come down to the local matches in the last couple years. And being an RO got to the point where there wasn't any enjoyment at a local match so I stopped going. Between more and more people not being willing to help RO or do the tablet to arguing every single call I had enough.
With the tech we have now a days why aren’t high speed cameras used for those situations where a shot is debated . They do this with many sports to avoid Controversy.
Some people refer to it as having a touch of the 'tism or being on the spectrum 😂 hyper focus on one single thing (pistol shooting in this case) and a lack of social prowess
There’s only a few guys making a living as sponsored pro shooters . It’s their job to promote the companies and be very competitive. Not a shock . It’s just an obvious reality. Dudes at nowhere matches get all hissy and their jobs aren’t on the line . I’ve been lucky enough to train with some of these guys and they were great . They did their jobs and there’s no BS when it comes to the straight up training cause they love shooting . I’m totally for calling out the bros that market their training but don’t have the trophies to back it up - it’s cool not to get along with everyone personally but professionally the super squad guys earned their place thru hard work and deserve whatever they can get from those accomplishments. Same goes for Ben - could care less if he pisses folks off - I’d train with him cause he’s got the hardware and that’s all that matters to me
Good video. Reminds me of the winner's speech at a Nascar race, "The blah, blah, blah, blah gun ran great"; then 20 minutes of pictures in a different sponsor's hat with the trophy.
Let's face facts. USPSA/ IPSC is just a game, and like any other game, it draws " A " type personalities. These folks are hyper-competitive, they take themselves very seriously, and start drinking the Kool-Aid with gusto. Money and ego has ruined every sport it touches, this one is no different. There are few that can come away unscathed.
I've noticed lately how rude people are on a gun forum that I belong to. Too often, it's as if it's a bad thing to ask a question firearms related. "Don't be lazy, I'm not googling it for you," "don't ask people to hold your hand," "who's this, a bot?" And, on and on. When guys get "touchy" or "angry," i see it as being sensitive, like a menopausal woman. Guys need to learn to get over themselves.
I know I'm a little late to the show but I have a quick question. You talked about the top shooters that you don't really get along with for various reasons. Who are the top shooters that you do get along with that you find to be more genuine and less fake. There's no backlash to give a shoutout to those you have a favorable opinion of. Also, who are the other podcasters in the shooting world that you DO listen to or watch?
It happens in every sport and I can't stand it. I had a few sponsors, including a bigger named kayak company that wanted me to push their new kayak. It was complete garbage and I couldn't. I'd never take a sponsor again. I'd rather pay out of pocket and be free to tell someone not to buy garbage. It feels gross not being able to tell someone the truth.
my worst experiences are when competitors tries to get the RO in they're way so they can demand a reshoot, i wish they had like a backup stage so it wasn't so beneficial to get a reshoot, running the course twice is a huge advantage.
I haven't been at this that long but I've seen enough shenanigans by top shooters to make me not follow any. I've seen a top world sponsored shooter get a private day before walk of the stages after the range closed and regular shooters were turned away. Happened right in front of me. We've all seen another top world sponsored shooter, shoot a sister sport, get DQ'd by a well known reason. Argue and get call reversed. Then said org changed the rules to omit rule months later. I've seen yet another top world sponsored shooter get questionable practice runs at nearly identical setups that other people would never get, he won division by in that match by the way. I hope they hang up the trophies they win so they can bask in the glory they created. E.A.D.
Gun guys, fishermen, car guys, basically any hobby where overly opinionated and highly disagreeable men congregate, is the shits. As I’ve grown older, I refuse to be around any of it. I don’t even like the local gun shop. There is always some boomer in there offering “education” to a peanut gallery that didn’t ask for any.
I find most people I’ve run across in the sport to be nice. Of course there’s always a “hall monitor” though. The guy that can’t just chill out and have fun. Barking orders at everyone and quoting the rule book for no reason.
Just like the record companies. They offer the deal, give u the money for recording and promotion. Great put the product out and your job is to tour and make people by your shit, and if u don’t cut it, the label will drop u and u have to pay all the money and gear back and usually from what I’ve seen the company will sue u.
Why do competitive shooters wear shirts that look like the hood of a NASCAR Ford Taurus? Do they know how goofy an adult male looks with a silky collard Walmart church shirt covered in sponsors logos? Even on a Tuesday at the indoor range, they’re wearing those shirts. If they wore slacks they would look like bowlers.
I’ve seen a top guy argue a dq and get it reversed. He AD inside 10’ and when the RM came up here argued that it should be measured from the rear fault not from where j he actually fired it from.
Wouldn't it be interesting if shooters shot against themselves (their last scores) and the ones who improved the most from the last shoot to the current shoot would win a tournament. That's in internal game.
Pretty sure there is no love lost between Ben and JJ. Look at some of the products JJ has been sponsored by. I suspect more than a few of these comments direct JJ’s way.
The gate keeping is pretty spectacular too. In a video here on RUclips, Nils posted a vid about the recent production 15. He asked for comments and so I did. I said, Prod and CO should be same with 15rd limit and weight limits. Not only did he disagree with me, but everyone else that said something similar. The truth is, CO is 90% LO. I could have interpreted his statements wrong but I don’t think so. After watching this video, now I recognize that I was advocating for putting his new rival-s in LO vs CO.
@@overbuiltlimited carry optics which is supposed to be a production(out of the box) gun with a red dot. And limited optics which is supposed to be a mildly modified or customized gun.
I have been saying since LO was first announced that LO is what CO was trying to be and have always said that CO should just be production optics. I agree 100% with what you said.
@@GRS9790 not to shift the topic here. Most will say LO is dumb and I don’t think so. I actually think CO is the issue. The spirit of the name is about carry guns. That’s what it should be. P365, s&w shield, Glock 43x and so on. Even Sig is trying to bring USPSA/IPSC to the carry gun world. I digress.
Completely believable...and I'm not in your game. I've seen this in my career. So many want validation through recognition and their perception of fame. Cracks me up.
You think it sucks being on the super squad? Imagine just being a regular dude stuck on the squad behind them. At least there are no mirrors in the bays or you'd never get them to move on. With this sport being a mixture of pros/amateurs/hobbyists, you are always gonna have people shooting for different reasons. I am thankful that in this sport I can stand there and watch a top pro shoot, and maybe even squad with them. As a hobbyist, I always try to respect that this sport means a lot more to some people and that their hard work and resulting proficiency lends a LOT more weight to their opinions than mine. At any rate, the vast majority of top shooters I have had the pleasure of meeting or shooting with have been real cool and super generous with their knowledge.
@@davereloader8837 said, "Imagine just being a regular dude stuck on the squad behind them. At least there are no mirrors in the bays or you'd never get them to move on." The "Supersquads" that I ran over many years were CONSISTENTLY the most efficient and helpful shooters on the whole range. Sometimes a "prima dona" (or don) would come along thinking they were too important to help.... Generally, the other SS members would square that away pronto. But what you said was an absolute LIE by my observations. And I suspect that I have had much more observation time than you on so-called "supersquads". Don't like shooting behind the supersquad? Suck less; shoot better; be ON the supersquad.
@@j.r.autery1062 It was a JJ Racaza joke bro. If you were JJ wouldn't you stare at yourself in a mirror? Lighten up. Practically my whole post was a glowing review of top shooters and how super cool they are. If you are a top shooter I'll make an exception for you though, champ.
I'm GenX and when I was mid adolescent in the mid 1980s we were really into BMX. There was a vacant 1.5 acre lot in the neighborhood, no idea who owned it but it was our neighborhood so being dumbass kids we just assumed it was a common public area and we built a seriously badass full BMX track with starting gates and everything. Couldn't do that now, someone would lose their shit due to liability and insurance. We had a guy in the neighborhood that was legit legit. He was a Skyway guy, really high end frame and rims back then. He got sponsored by Huffy which was a shit BMX company but he took it. Really held him back because he just couldn't get into the equipment but the sponsorship was way too inviting. Figure it's kind of like that with competitive shooters. His interest in the entire sport totally waned, the company treated him like crap, the people over him weren't really very nice to him and they absolutely did not provide him with what he needed to succeed from a travel, expenses, etc.
That type of squad environment sound awful. I had my first ever DQ and I decided to stay and paste targets for the rest of the day and watch everyone else just because people in my squad were great supportive people.
"Why don't you get along with top shooters?" I don't know, maybe because Tony C. thought being SF in a prior life cleared him to be able to alter his scorecard after matches to get his GM status. Moral of the story: Don't meet your heroes I guess 😂😂😂
My very first match I saw a guy smoke the course. I was so damn impressed. Walked right up to him and without trying to be insulting I said, “man, amazing shooting, what’s the pistol”. Cause I’m not constantly on things…..I never even heard of a Staccato…….but his response made me clear how I felt about Staccato owners (not all), but he says: “It’s not the pistol homie” and kept walking past me. Lol.
Most people don’t understand that people who are elite have very little in common with average people. Different mindsets, priorities, thinking, attitudes, and interests. To be truly elite at something makes you different than the average person. What the average person thinks is interesting they find absolutely boring or pointless. That doesn’t make them A-holes. They just don’t think like average people and that’s how they got elite. They sacrifice a lot and prioritize completely different things and have very little in common with average people in the same discipline. That doesn’t make average people or elite people better or worse necessarily. They are just not the same and until you have been elite at something it’s hard to understand. It’s common for elites to be below average at common social interactions because their focus is what ever they are elite at. Average people are far more elite at being real as some would say. Or perhaps the elites are being real for not playing that game and just being honest? It’s not the gun is a true statement or they couldn’t win championships with guns they hate. Gear matters to a baseline point and then it becomes diminishing returns. But the shooters skills can go farther than any gun ever will take them.
As far as sponsorship deals pro shooters are so far down the ladder, Tiger Woods accepting a 7 figure deal with Nike to play their new clubs was huge, balancing the money with his place in the game? He obviously made it work.
As with any competition you’re going to have professionals, athletes, autists, and old farts. Some will fit in two or more categories. Those are the guys that win. “Asshole” or “good guy” is the variable that gets layered on top of the category.
We should foster a culture of aggressively bullying people to attempt to cheat and are the type to ask for perfect doubles all the time. Make them quit.
Golfers have 100+ years of competition history, knowing they are semi-athletes. Action shooting is where non athletes try to be 3-sport All American tier, in their minds.
I was on some nationals supersquads pre 2010 and plenty of state/area level supersquads before and after that. This is all straight up 100% accurate. I liked a lot of these guys quite a bit, then the more time I spent around them the more shit I saw that felt slimy as fuck both on and off the range.
I just started shooting about a year ago and guys like you are super fascinating to me. I’m local to an early 00’s GM and he’s very knowledgeable but hesitant to really open up about the differences between now and then. He’s quite humble I guess. Do you shoot any more? If so, is it really any different in terms of average skill or ability? It’s hard for me to tell if practical shooting dying or growing.
@@joie0the standard of shooting has got a LOT higher both overall and the supersquad.
The politics has got to be a big part of the sport, pressuring ROs has always been a thing plus there's always going to be an issue of speed.
The top level will get passes that slower shooters may not because you can't see enough of the incident to be SURE that the foul/penalty being applied is legitimate.
Whereas someone who takes 6 seconds to do what that person did in 2.4 you have the time to spot it.
SOME of the top level EXPECT that sort of courtesy even when they get caught.
@@joie0 I got my gcard in 2005. The last year I was really active shooting some majors was 2018, since then I only shot a few locals and stopped going to uspsa matches entirely when Ben got banned from the sport. I always liked Ben and that shit really irritated me. It still does. I may shoot some matches this year without renewing my membership just because I miss it but nothing serious. As far as skill, there are significantly more good shooters now for sure, but I haven't seen anything that convinces me the top level is much higher if at all than it was 15 years ago. I think practical shooting is primed to grow as there are more people interested in learning how to use their equipment effectively than there ever has been, but the organization's bullshit is substantially curtailing the growth that should be happening.
@@jediknight1294 IF you have the perception that ANY RO would give an unfair advantage to ANY shooter, then NROI has failed miserably.
I was mentored by the best NROI certified people extant at the time. THE #2 thing ROs are taught behind SAFETY of everyone in their charge and on their range is "make the shooting experience as close to identical for EVERY shooter". And that is what we did.
This DID change. NROI, IMO, stopped properly backing staff, and lots of newer staff got lazy or poorly trained, I don't know, but started letting shooters mouth off, be disrespectful, etc.
This became a self-fulfilling prophetic downward spiral... at least for me. IF the shooter's are acting asses with the ROs then it is a SAFETY issue in addition to all of the other considerations.
I told Director, NROI (and anyone else I could get to listen) for YEARS before I finally gave up trying that IF they didn't bring the hammer down on the BS, that it would KILL the org....
Well, the ORG is on Life Support and it's ALL because of a loss of respect for rules and respect for authority.
EVERY shooter these days thinks they are somehow a special little snowflake.
ALL of you.... on both sides of the debacle that has become USPSA are acting like selfish CHILDREN.
Grow the heck up and put the org ahead of your own self-interests for a change.....
Hell, put ANYTHING in front of your own self-interests.... shoot, surprise us old-timers. Show us you have a conscience, good character, and a moral center that is non-wavering.
Same here. Guys past their prime spewing 3 straight days of mind games on younger guys with better skills. Etc
Without camaraderie and fun, the shooting sports are reduced to a game between manufacturers aimed at selling to us as much shooting gear and supplies as possible.
As the old Nascar saying win on Sunday sell on Monday or something like that.
Try golf then, no commercial interests there, it is all pure ;-)
That's why I love outlaw matches. It's all about having fun usually. And then weirdo larp matches like what inrange does. I went to a brutality match once and it was very fun. I think those guys are overrated in a lot of ways their fans are insufferable cucks but I generally think what they're doing is good for the "community" bc it also encourages people to get their fitness up
“That’s a double. I couldn’t have missed from that distance” said one of our local IDPA shooters. He quit the sport but we all use that quote to this day.
Funny. I have lots of doubles in practice. I think only once at a match. But it was obviously two hits.
I feel like I’ve said this a time or two. No offense but sometimes even I am surprised I could miss at that distance lol.
I had one of those yesterday with a carbine at an open target less than seven yards. I still can't believe I missed that shot. All As on every other target on that stage( also very unusual for me).
I saw a guy at the state match in Tulsa say that.
Max Michel famously claimed that a Nats a while back and lost the call. It was a 20+ yard swinger. It isn't just the idpa guys. We've all thought we had a double.
This was worth a second watch 5 months later. So many truths here.
I am an old guy. I didn't get into shooting until I was 60. I am now 70. I shoot, because I really like to shoot. Your video has convinced me that I want nothing to do with any type of competitive match shooting. The best parts about being old and fully retired is, I don't have to care and I don't. Rather than go to a match, I will spend my money on training and ammo. Thank you for making the video, and thanks to everyone that has commented over the last five months. It was extremely enlightening.
LOL, was at 3 gun nationals 2 years ago. I am an amateur not a pro. Asked some squad members on 1st stage about planning…silence and stares! Anyway, they witnessed how I actually shoot, 2nd stage onward they were all pretty kind and helpful when they realized I was not a threat. For me it’s a fun sport, for pro’s it’s serious. We differ greatly in this outlook.
Ben, you're a man after my own heart. You speak the truth and if someone gets offended that's too bad.
Reason #1 why you're the only gun channel I subscribe to.
It’s called being disagreeable. My only problem with disagreeable people is when you are disagreeable to them they get butt hurt. That leads to resentment.
People I like shooting with are the ones who prioritize having a good time and just doing a little bit better than their last run. People I hate shooting with are pretentious, sticklers for obscure rules that have nothing to do with safety or fair competition (really just flexing on how well they know the rule book) and are generally just draining to be around. My squad yesterday had 3 or 4 of these 2nd types on it and they just dragged the whole squad down with their negativity, nitpicking and posturing. It was such a contrast to the squad ahead of us that were all very positive, cheering each other on and obviously just having a good time. I made note of the names of the three most insufferable ones and will definitely change squads if I see their names again.
I'm positive and support people but I'm neurotic about the rulebook, I'm an ex pro athlete in a different field so for me rules are live and die because I'm so used to being in an enviroment where rules inconsistencies are the thing that can destroy an event.
I don't apologise for that but I'm not a cock about it.
Classifies not being right annoys the shit out of me because of that. The only way to measure yourself against the rest is the classifiers so when a club puts targets 2 foot closer or a foot to the left is to me a huge deal.
Given that the only value USPSA has to me (vs shooting outlaw matches and not paying fees to a national org) and the range buying more steel and more kit. Is the classifiers.
@@jediknight1294In what sport are the rules more important than fair play & honest competition?
@@jediknight1294 that’s a good perspective and I can definitely appreciate where you’re coming from. In my case, the rule sticklers seemed to be using them selectively as a means of intimidation and asserting their dominance rather than trying to ensure a consistent baseline for accurate evaluation against objective standards. The really ironic part was that the most obnoxious one in the group was only classified as a “C” shooter despite being an RO and claiming all sorts of expertise (at least two of the others were classified as “M” and had the skill to back up their bluster but “Mr. C” was definitely suffering from some “little man syndrome”).
@@nbonner75 I saw that attitude more in IDPA tbh but I K ow what you mean it's just annother tool to be superior for them.
@@jediknight1294 my favorite squad to shoot with at our local club is the retirees that do the stage setup on Fridays before the match. They’ve all been shooting competition for more than 20 years and most are running Open division or Revolver. The lowest classed shooter in the group is an “A” with the others all “M” or “G”. All they do between runs is chain smoke and complain about the cost of their cancer medications. None of them can bend over to pick up the steel targets and carry specially made hooks for that purpose. But when the timer beeps, you’ve never seen old people move that fast!
The candor in this 13 minute video is off the charts .
Yep, Ben is a genuine dude. I really enjoy his videos as there is no BS and a lot of subtle humor.
I love your honesty. Stay that way. You are the only one I watch. I’m learning a lot about this fun hobby inside and out
Spot on, Ben. It's one of the saddest, most off putting things in the sport. I started shooting USPSA in the early 90s in Area 4- you know the crew- as a newly minted sheriff's deputy from a parish that has a poorly funded SO but was reasonably well equipped but without sufficient funding for much training. I was ok'ed to carry my pistol of choice- a box stock 90's Edition Springfield. Knowing that getting training provided above what I had already received in the POST academy I started shooting purely for the training value of putting myself under pressure. It turned into a blessing in many ways but I also witnessed precisely what you mention in this video. Some, not all, of the super squad guys were miserable wretches who I don't thinknreally enjoyed shooting generally nor firearms in particular. It was an ego thing and a job. I just enjoyed learning from a numbernof excellent shooters of that generation despite shooting my stock single stack- which was just terrifically reliable- out of my level III Safarlinad duty rig. Thanks for putting up thus vid.
A good example of "famous shooter pressure" is Leatham's late shot at the Bianchi cup. It was late--period. I was standing 50 feet away over his right shoulder. He took off his hat and threw it in disgust. After much discussion it was decided the shot was not late. He finished in a three way tie. If the shot was not allowed there was no drama of a three way tie. There was a potential 3-way tie if his shot was good. He was actually ASKED if he THOUGHT he had a late shot!!! Match director shows up--lots of other people who though they were important crowded around. The decision was that the shot was too close to call--good shot---three way tie--imagine that.
The best was when you called out the shoot fast pills and headphone/neural training thing that a few top shooters were schilling super hard😅
Shoot fast pills? Lol what?
Morning tea is the best
Makes sense. I really appreciate your candor. It gives me, a new/novice shooter, confidence as I watch your training videos and go through your "Practical Shooting Training" book that I am on the right path. Your ability to be self aware is your super power. Thanks for showing the way.
Sounds a lot like profesional bass fisherman
Shooting competition is a way to gauge yourself against others. But at the end of the day you're really pitted against yourself to improve! Never forget this is your HOBBY/SPORT that you get enjoyment from!!😊
New USPSA shooter here, just recently had my first match with some of the attitudes spoke of here. My advice to other rookie's like myself, don't let them get in your head, go out there do your best and have fun! Like Ben said just don't talk to them lmao
Nice to hear an honest discussion of this taboo subject. Truth is that matches are egotistical shtshws. The bigger the match the bigger the shtshw. I've seen plenty of "Aholery" first hand.
Exact reason I have never partook in any shooting sport aside from the local cmp shoot that has like 4 ppl at it. Only comp shooters I have met are so fucking pretentious and presumptive.
Love this video gained a follower love this authenticity
I heard a statement by a top level shooter. He said the super squad is really more about being able to film it for advertising and promotion, not competitive equity. It is hard for shooting USA to cover nationals without the super squad because they would need to follow many squads around to capture the top shooters. All about promo.
Your honesty is refreshing. Thank you
I’ve watched a few of your videos; however this is the one that sold me on being a subscriber. Keep doing what you’re doing.
This is why I follow Ben. Truth bombs! Thanks for making this video! Now I know what to gun for when i go for that sponsorship, and hopefully remember what to say no to 😂
I have NORI several matches and been challenged to fight. Life threat, and called abusive names, I had to resign for a year. Some of the second class shooters are even worse. Your challenges and feelings are right on in many ways
Is it me or are the amateurs far more invested in it and ego like dude you are winning B class at a sectional not teh Olympics
@jediknight1294 personally I like the overlay calls at level 1's. Cmon dude let's not waste our time if you get the D hit it will make the difference between 5th and 6th C class
Awesome video mate , I absolutely love your content , you keep it real you're fighting for the little guy , one of my pet hates is fake people and story teller's, keep up the great work 👍
I was an ro for a level 2 match last year that had a few nationals winners and when the super squad was at my stage it happened to be their turn when lunch was over. when i knew they were next i was very curious to see how they would act. the lower guys that were in the squad were definitely not pleasant and wanted to shoot before lunch time was over. but the top three were extremely nice and one of them actually yelled at the others to help reset the stage. this issue is one reason why i have heard that people become an ro only work a few matches and stop. yes there are perks like free match fees and comped hotels but it's not worth the stress.
Very interesting and makes total sense. Keep them coming. We need a solid diet of honest opinion in this sleazy world.
Totally agree, I've been in other similar situations in other areas of life with the equivalent of supersquad people, and same characteristics are on fully display. Sadly we have lost sportsman like or gentlemanly conduct at high levels of competition.
This is one of the most informative videos I have watched from you, especially from the organized competition side of things. I really appreciate the solid content you are producing.
As a business: sponsoring shooters has never generated ROI for the company.
The only way it’s actually productive is if they generate social media content that encourages sales to a broader audience.
Advertising to the same few hundred to few thousand people that attend the matches the shooter goes to has limited sales potential.
The Humble Marksman did an interview with someone who relayed a story about a top shooter looking for a potential new sponsor, I believe it was Max Michelle. Shooter was I'm like so & so I've won all of these titles. Perspective sponsor asked what the Shooter's social media followers were. When the shooter said not very much, the sponsor pointed to whoever was in their booth signing autographs and was like she has a million followers or something & the person wasn't even a high level shooter. Just some social media influencer. It's all about get views and traffic to the company's products.
@@Just1Guy1000100% different sport but small too. In Jiu Jitsu companies do not care what you have won. They want to see what you can generate for them. It’s not uncommon in our community to see guys who are not that great make a waaaay better living than some world level guys. All because they don’t understand business and how a strong sponsorship relationship works
It's why Jerry has done so well over the years and Taran, they are both very very good at self promotion.
Oh man....some of the things I saw in twenty plus years of shooting action pistol matches. Being in Az you certainly get a chance to see a lot of top tier competitors along the way. I won't give specifics but Ben is spot on about the "Supersquad" level of shooters, just ridiculous how most of them act. I only shoot hit factor matches now with buddies for fun because we are getting older and move slower than these young kids LOL. I have no sponsorship or deals with anybody but I will say this....for me the best person I knew during my competitive phase and still to this day is Angus Hobdell. We haven't been face to face in years now, but I know a lot of people myself included owe him a great deal for his kindness and generosity. Great vid Ben.
Agree, Angus is one of the "realest" guys out there. Way back in 2008-9 we had mutual friends, so I trained with him several times. As a B class shooter I was sucking up as much knowledge as I could from the GM's. He gave me some great tips and was an excellent instructor. Hilarious story teller too.
When I was new to uspsa I started with my g17 then quickly got into cz75. I was local to mesa so I went into cz custom to order up an accu shadow and talked to Angus for like 45 minutes. Very kind and chill man.
Lmao I was in class with Mark Garcia (THE mark Garcia) earlier this year and he was lamenting how happy he was his safariland sponsorship was over 😂😂😂
Thanks for a peek behind the curtain Ben!!!
I shoot sandlot IDPA , we have a lot of fun. No one ever wins a Cadillac. It’s not sanctioned, scores don’t really affect your standing. All the safety rules are enforced- but it’s about learning and fun. It’s only the level I care about. I’ll never be a top level shooter- couldn’t care less.
ya gotta love Ben Steoger no BS just facts like it or leave it, with the skills and trophies to prove he knows what he's talking about
I have been shooting primarily ICORE for the last 10-15 years or so and my experience has been just the opposite. I've been fortunate to shoot on the super squads in ICORE many times (not because I'm super) and I have found most of the top shooters in this sport are very down to earth. Many times I have asked a GM why they shot an array or a stage a certain way and they didn't hesitate to explain their thought process. It has made the matches very enjoyable.
Doesn’t matter if they are a top shooter, cop, doctor, school teacher…etc, they are just people and some people are assholes.
Yeah no shit, Sherlock.
The fact you felt like making this comment is evidence of the problem.
@@shebby2525 found another one lol
It’s per capita. Like race and crime. Disproportionately represented. Maybe it’s for a reason.
Ive been blessed with pretty really cool and helpful shooters. Ive seen a few of the spandex wearing, competition crawlers. I chalk them up to about the same as Tactical Timmys. I like to slam dunk on them once in awhile but other than that, ill keep my distance.
Great video
Thanks appreciate the transparency and insight
As a CRO in IPSC I absolutely agree, I feel it, oh shit here come the ego's. And yes their shit does stink.
#truthBombs thanks for the content Ben!
Seen the top tier guys do that a few times. Then watched that mentality come down to the local matches in the last couple years. And being an RO got to the point where there wasn't any enjoyment at a local match so I stopped going. Between more and more people not being willing to help RO or do the tablet to arguing every single call I had enough.
Enjoyed this
Reminds me of what happened IDPA nationals by a top shooter not too long ago
ooooo do tell.....
Well...what happened I'm curious...please elaborate
Yeah what happened?
Blue ballin us
jj getting DQ'd, then raising hell to get it reversed
Excellent video.
The biggest issue seems to be that too many people forget they are playing a game.
Good discussion, thank you for the info.
With the tech we have now a days why aren’t high speed cameras used for those situations where a shot is debated . They do this with many sports to avoid Controversy.
Some people refer to it as having a touch of the 'tism or being on the spectrum 😂 hyper focus on one single thing (pistol shooting in this case) and a lack of social prowess
Believe it or not the higher you go in the class the more drama.. 😂
Being really good at something =/= Being able to teach that something well
There’s only a few guys making a living as sponsored pro shooters . It’s their job to promote the companies and be very competitive. Not a shock . It’s just an obvious reality. Dudes at nowhere matches get all hissy and their jobs aren’t on the line . I’ve been lucky enough to train with some of these guys and they were great . They did their jobs and there’s no BS when it comes to the straight up training cause they love shooting . I’m totally for calling out the bros that market their training but don’t have the trophies to back it up - it’s cool not to get along with everyone personally but professionally the super squad guys earned their place thru hard work and deserve whatever they can get from those accomplishments. Same goes for Ben - could care less if he pisses folks off - I’d train with him cause he’s got the hardware and that’s all that matters to me
Good video. Reminds me of the winner's speech at a Nascar race, "The blah, blah, blah, blah gun ran great"; then 20 minutes of pictures in a different sponsor's hat with the trophy.
Yep you just described a lot of professional sports and a lot of professional athletes. Similar deal across mediums.
Based af! 👌💯
Let's face facts. USPSA/ IPSC is just a game, and like any other game, it draws " A " type personalities. These folks are hyper-competitive, they take themselves very seriously, and start drinking the Kool-Aid with gusto. Money and ego has ruined every sport it touches, this one is no different. There are few that can come away unscathed.
I’ve seen a lot of “perfect doubles” over the years. I call them out immediately when I see them. Hey here’s a mike!
Just keeping it real, gotta love that about you!
I've noticed lately how rude people are on a gun forum that I belong to.
Too often, it's as if it's a bad thing to ask a question firearms related. "Don't be lazy, I'm not googling it for you," "don't ask people to hold your hand," "who's this, a bot?" And, on and on.
When guys get "touchy" or "angry," i see it as being sensitive, like a menopausal woman.
Guys need to learn to get over themselves.
''Google exists, bruh''
And where do those bozos think google gets its answers? That's right, relevant forums!
Time to either look for a different forum or start a thread that's more appropriate for your interests.
Staccato sponsorship for Ben
With an olight
I hope Ben returns to the competition world with staccato and pit viper sponsorships
Olight wouldn't really find a ton of traction with the Staccato audience or with Ben and his viewers.@@bradleyudziela7572
And Remington oil in aerosol cans. So he can just spray the entire gun after each stage.
I know I'm a little late to the show but I have a quick question. You talked about the top shooters that you don't really get along with for various reasons. Who are the top shooters that you do get along with that you find to be more genuine and less fake. There's no backlash to give a shoutout to those you have a favorable opinion of. Also, who are the other podcasters in the shooting world that you DO listen to or watch?
Is he talking about Max Michel?
It happens in every sport and I can't stand it. I had a few sponsors, including a bigger named kayak company that wanted me to push their new kayak. It was complete garbage and I couldn't. I'd never take a sponsor again. I'd rather pay out of pocket and be free to tell someone not to buy garbage. It feels gross not being able to tell someone the truth.
my worst experiences are when competitors tries to get the RO in they're way so they can demand a reshoot, i wish they had like a backup stage so it wasn't so beneficial to get a reshoot, running the course twice is a huge advantage.
Probably because they are competitive and abrasive.
Plenty of competitive people are not abrasive, but put the 2 together and it's a bad mix.
I haven't been at this that long but I've seen enough shenanigans by top shooters to make me not follow any. I've seen a top world sponsored shooter get a private day before walk of the stages after the range closed and regular shooters were turned away. Happened right in front of me. We've all seen another top world sponsored shooter, shoot a sister sport, get DQ'd by a well known reason. Argue and get call reversed. Then said org changed the rules to omit rule months later. I've seen yet another top world sponsored shooter get questionable practice runs at nearly identical setups that other people would never get, he won division by in that match by the way. I hope they hang up the trophies they win so they can bask in the glory they created. E.A.D.
Gun guys, fishermen, car guys, basically any hobby where overly opinionated and highly disagreeable men congregate, is the shits. As I’ve grown older, I refuse to be around any of it. I don’t even like the local gun shop. There is always some boomer in there offering “education” to a peanut gallery that didn’t ask for any.
So...the "Super Squad" is kind of like "The Clash of the Ego Titans".
The "Super Squad" handle infers a sponsorship from Geissele Automatics. 😂
100% accurate
I find most people I’ve run across in the sport to be nice. Of course there’s always a “hall monitor” though. The guy that can’t just chill out and have fun. Barking orders at everyone and quoting the rule book for no reason.
Has anyone ever won outside of a supersquad?
Just like the record companies. They offer the deal, give u the money for recording and promotion. Great put the product out and your job is to tour and make people by your shit, and if u don’t cut it, the label will drop u and u have to pay all the money and gear back and usually from what I’ve seen the company will sue u.
Why do competitive shooters wear shirts that look like the hood of a NASCAR Ford Taurus? Do they know how goofy an adult male looks with a silky collard Walmart church shirt covered in sponsors logos? Even on a Tuesday at the indoor range, they’re wearing those shirts. If they wore slacks they would look like bowlers.
So Tanfoglio is 100% good to go?
Max and Sig?
I’ve seen a top guy argue a dq and get it reversed. He AD inside 10’ and when the RM came up here argued that it should be measured from the rear fault not from where j he actually fired it from.
Sounds like work
Wouldn't it be interesting if shooters shot against themselves (their last scores) and the ones who improved the most from the last shoot to the current shoot would win a tournament.
That's in internal game.
so you're implying JJ Racaza doesnt actually like beretta?
Who the hell does? They are fine for service but why would you ever buy one for comp?
Pretty sure there is no love lost between Ben and JJ. Look at some of the products JJ has been sponsored by. I suspect more than a few of these comments direct JJ’s way.
@@glefos3917 damn bro, its almost as if Nils was also forced to shoot Canik....
2 of them are both very good at shooting and shilling
@@ryanaulia4840Canik is actually not a bad gun though. I don’t like them because they’re ugly but they shoot well.
Not as nice as walthers, the guns they copy.. lmao
No reason to buy Canik. @swiftaudi
Any thoughts on gbrs with sig?
"If you don''t know, now you know" Dana White
If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying.
The gate keeping is pretty spectacular too. In a video here on RUclips, Nils posted a vid about the recent production 15. He asked for comments and so I did. I said, Prod and CO should be same with 15rd limit and weight limits. Not only did he disagree with me, but everyone else that said something similar. The truth is, CO is 90% LO. I could have interpreted his statements wrong but I don’t think so. After watching this video, now I recognize that I was advocating for putting his new rival-s in LO vs CO.
@@overbuiltlimited carry optics which is supposed to be a production(out of the box) gun with a red dot. And limited optics which is supposed to be a mildly modified or customized gun.
@@joie0 Thanks
I have been saying since LO was first announced that LO is what CO was trying to be and have always said that CO should just be production optics. I agree 100% with what you said.
@@GRS9790 not to shift the topic here. Most will say LO is dumb and I don’t think so. I actually think CO is the issue. The spirit of the name is about carry guns. That’s what it should be. P365, s&w shield, Glock 43x and so on. Even Sig is trying to bring USPSA/IPSC to the carry gun world. I digress.
Completely believable...and I'm not in your game. I've seen this in my career. So many want validation through recognition and their perception of fame. Cracks me up.
You think it sucks being on the super squad? Imagine just being a regular dude stuck on the squad behind them. At least there are no mirrors in the bays or you'd never get them to move on.
With this sport being a mixture of pros/amateurs/hobbyists, you are always gonna have people shooting for different reasons.
I am thankful that in this sport I can stand there and watch a top pro shoot, and maybe even squad with them. As a hobbyist, I always try to respect that this sport means a lot more to some people and that their hard work and resulting proficiency lends a LOT more weight to their opinions than mine.
At any rate, the vast majority of top shooters I have had the pleasure of meeting or shooting with have been real cool and super generous with their knowledge.
Based on my observations over many, many years, what you just said was a LIE. I suspect it is STILL a LIE.
@@ClayAutery Huh?
@@davereloader8837 said, "Imagine just being a regular dude stuck on the squad behind them. At least there are no mirrors in the bays or you'd never get them to move on."
The "Supersquads" that I ran over many years were CONSISTENTLY the most efficient and helpful shooters on the whole range. Sometimes a "prima dona" (or don) would come along thinking they were too important to help.... Generally, the other SS members would square that away pronto.
But what you said was an absolute LIE by my observations. And I suspect that I have had much more observation time than you on so-called "supersquads".
Don't like shooting behind the supersquad? Suck less; shoot better; be ON the supersquad.
@@j.r.autery1062 It was a JJ Racaza joke bro. If you were JJ wouldn't you stare at yourself in a mirror? Lighten up. Practically my whole post was a glowing review of top shooters and how super cool they are. If you are a top shooter I'll make an exception for you though, champ.
I'm GenX and when I was mid adolescent in the mid 1980s we were really into BMX. There was a vacant 1.5 acre lot in the neighborhood, no idea who owned it but it was our neighborhood so being dumbass kids we just assumed it was a common public area and we built a seriously badass full BMX track with starting gates and everything. Couldn't do that now, someone would lose their shit due to liability and insurance. We had a guy in the neighborhood that was legit legit. He was a Skyway guy, really high end frame and rims back then. He got sponsored by Huffy which was a shit BMX company but he took it. Really held him back because he just couldn't get into the equipment but the sponsorship was way too inviting. Figure it's kind of like that with competitive shooters. His interest in the entire sport totally waned, the company treated him like crap, the people over him weren't really very nice to him and they absolutely did not provide him with what he needed to succeed from a travel, expenses, etc.
That type of squad environment sound awful. I had my first ever DQ and I decided to stay and paste targets for the rest of the day and watch everyone else just because people in my squad were great supportive people.
"Why don't you get along with top shooters?"
I don't know, maybe because Tony C. thought being SF in a prior life cleared him to be able to alter his scorecard after matches to get his GM status.
Moral of the story: Don't meet your heroes I guess 😂😂😂
Just pick actual heroes
My very first match I saw a guy smoke the course. I was so damn impressed. Walked right up to him and without trying to be insulting I said, “man, amazing shooting, what’s the pistol”. Cause I’m not constantly on things…..I never even heard of a Staccato…….but his response made me clear how I felt about Staccato owners (not all), but he says: “It’s not the pistol homie” and kept walking past me. Lol.
Most people don’t understand that people who are elite have very little in common with average people. Different mindsets, priorities, thinking, attitudes, and interests. To be truly elite at something makes you different than the average person. What the average person thinks is interesting they find absolutely boring or pointless. That doesn’t make them A-holes. They just don’t think like average people and that’s how they got elite. They sacrifice a lot and prioritize completely different things and have very little in common with average people in the same discipline. That doesn’t make average people or elite people better or worse necessarily. They are just not the same and until you have been elite at something it’s hard to understand. It’s common for elites to be below average at common social interactions because their focus is what ever they are elite at. Average people are far more elite at being real as some would say. Or perhaps the elites are being real for not playing that game and just being honest?
It’s not the gun is a true statement or they couldn’t win championships with guns they hate. Gear matters to a baseline point and then it becomes diminishing returns. But the shooters skills can go farther than any gun ever will take them.
As far as sponsorship deals pro shooters are so far down the ladder, Tiger Woods accepting a 7 figure deal with Nike to play their new clubs was huge, balancing the money with his place in the game? He obviously made it work.
What about when somebody breaks the 180 then arbitrates and gets the stage thrown out! A stage I did well on !
2009 Nats. In Vegas.
As with any competition you’re going to have professionals, athletes, autists, and old farts. Some will fit in two or more categories. Those are the guys that win.
“Asshole” or “good guy” is the variable that gets layered on top of the category.
We should foster a culture of aggressively bullying people to attempt to cheat and are the type to ask for perfect doubles all the time. Make them quit.
Kinda like the healthcare work environment. I get it
This makes sense as the dynamic is true for any professional sports. Ever watch a Premier League Soccer match?
Pro golfers get paid millions and have more integrity than top USPSA shooters. What does that say about the kind of people we have in this sport?
That’s not a fact. Are you cnn?
Golfers have 100+ years of competition history, knowing they are semi-athletes. Action shooting is where non athletes try to be 3-sport All American tier, in their minds.
Gun guys are usually really beta. The more tacticool the sport they're in, the more beta.
They would cheat more if every thing they didn’t wasn’t on half a dozen cameras