Watching Silent Hill go downhill feels like raising a kid only for them to get into a bad crowd, become a criminal and finally joining the Jersey Shore crew
Lol epic if this is true. I didn't know it existed until now and I'm not agreeing with what I'm hearing. Looks like an enjoyable spinoff that accomplished what was asked. The expectations were just too specific, its fine the way it is.
@@Halomcr You can play Piramid head's sword for example, and a couple of other weapons, strong weapons from the series. I can't remember now if they were on a DLC though. But I remember making animations for for several higher tier weapons.
Fun fact about the games development history: The studio wanted to release the games both on current gen consoles and on the vita.. the fighting would still be like a standard dungeon crawler...but the exploration parts and puzzle solving would be made in third person view..using a flashlight.. but sadly.. konami wanted the game to use the vitas features, and it all went downhill from there And to be quite frank.. if only Bluepoint Games and Armature Studio were responcible for porting SH2 and 3 to the PS3, we would also have them on the vita instead of this, they did an amazing job with MGS HD on the PS3, and its such a shame we never got these two games on the home console and on a portable console, since i bet my ass that the vita could handle all 4 silent hill games on the go if in the right hands
Actually that's a popular misconception. The ports of MGS2 and 3 are lacking effects and other details as they just couldn't be re-created due to hardware quirks. So for example the rain effects on everything like dripping off soldiers are missing. So while they run well, they have their own issues.
@@monkeybone1080 Yeah, but, at the same time, they're full-fledged MGS games, on a handheld, and at the time, it was pretty impressive, don't know about you, but I can excuse the nuances.
I would disagree on the fact that having a hack n' slash set in the Silent Hill universe is a great thing. It doesn't come from being a purist or anything, simply that since Silent Hill is a horror franchise, having those monsters be hacked by the dozen lessens their impact as terrifying creatures in their respective games, in my opinion. In Silent Hill, each encounter is supposed to feel a bit tense, with monsters being manageable one on one once you get a hold of the clunky combat mechanics, but additional monsters, even one, can make things go south real fast. But this tension may be partly negatively affected when in Book of Memories, you can just swing a gigantic sword a few times and kill 5 of them at once. Perhaps this is the kind of thing that doesn't affect everybody the same, but I absolutely think that this feeling of "the monsters are just pieces of meat for me to grind" can carry over. I would argue that there's quite a few genres that the Silent Hill franchise should avoid getting close to, in order to retain its effectivness as a horror series.
I think there's an inherent horror in some dungeon crawlers, and the SH monsters play into cool stuff like elemental alignments and different gameplay approaches pretty well. I agree the series tension isn't there when you're slicing through hundreds of bubble head nurses, but since this game is a spin off, it's under no obligation to have that same tension. Just seeing these characters and creatures in a different light/setting is pretty cool in my eyes. If it were a mainline entry in the series, you would be totally right, but spin offs are where a series gets to experiment and have fun. I like that.
In Silent Hill Origins, the amount of kills you get by the end of the game would help you in getting one of their endings. The game had many melee, thrown, firearms weapons to use, and with a durability system as well. Spoilers: What if the hack n slash aspect of the game, would be from the perspective of the villain, Walter from SH 4, or like, I think Vicent (might be wrong of the name), the guy from Silent Hill 3 tells Heather "you see them like monsters ?" As a sick joke. It could be pulled. But like anything, would require passion with the project, understanding of it's lore, and people with talent for story writting, telling, game play mechanics and yada yada. Like one of those many cases where fans and modding community makes the game run or play like it should by the Company who rushed a release or port of a game. *Edit some spelling
I think literally any main SH game other than Shattered Memories could qualify as a hack n slash. Or more like a “Smash n’ Bash”. I’ve been playing SH2 on Normal for the first time in years (on PSNOW) , and honestly, these poor monsters haven’t stood a chance against me thus far. Easily outrunned, easily dodged, and then I just merciless beat the crap outta them with a wooden plank. I get this game is supposed to be scary and stuff, but SH2 is pretty much a Smash n’ Bash with not so great animation and tank controls. Not dissing the game by any means. And I’ve probably become desensitized to the monsters + aged mechanics, even though being in the apartments still makes me feel unnerved... but when it comes down to it, you can either run or fight... but at least in SH Homecoming, I feel far more threatened and unnerved by the monsters because they aren’t nearly as easy to deal with. I think you can have a scary game be filled with action. All the SH games other than SM has lots of it including 1-3... even if it’s just one swing animation over and over.
Thanks for taking a bullet for us Jared! Painful to see SH treated this way, trotted out for whatever money-squeezing idea Konami have, franchise suitability be damned. Not quite as depressing as "SH: the gambling machine", but it's down there
@Avalanche Reviews: There is an audio loop in your video from 12:46 to around 13:10 in which you talk about the approach of Way Forward to the puzzles in the game. I believe it is the same sentence, but ending with different words.
Yeah, I must have left the first take in the recording. By the time I noticed it, it was like 5 in the morning, so now I'm going to act like it's some kind of purposeful attempt at humor. HA!
Tom Hulett gets WAY too much hate and vitriol for his involvement in the series. Yes he was behind some of it's worst moments and he shouldn't be immune to criticism over that fact, but he wasn't the only one who did all this and some people hate the dude like he he killed their dog or some shit. Like, calm down people, he's just some normal dude.
Whoever thought this game would make a nice addition to the Silent Hill franchise must be insane. This game looks like it could be anything else but SH.
This looks like exactly the game I've been looking for... when I want to play a Diablo clone. It's a shame knowing that it fails to satisfy that extremely specific cross genre itch of blending SH aesthetic and world building with rogulike mechanics. One of my favorite experiences of the original SH was when, towards the end of the game, you couldn't be sure what environment you'd arrive in when you passed through a door- that type of scenario could lend itself well to a roguelike. Remnant from the Ashes shows that a horror rogulike can be a fun experience. This looks like a modded version of Kingdom Hearts
I kind of want to see Wayforward get another shot at SH, but with more creative freedom that plays into there strengths. Maybe a retro-remake of the first game that would play like a 2D Metroid-vania. Call it “Silent Hill: Demastered”.
Is anyone else imagining Howard running around Silent Hill with a fake moustache pretending to run all the shops and deliver the mail and serve at the cafe?
I know it would get old really quick, but just watching this footage, the melee attacks have some decent feedback. Smacking monsters looks pretty satisfying.
On the one hand, being able to wield Pyramid Head's Great Knife 🔪 effortlessly, whereas both he and James struggled to swing that bad boy is a sight! I took great pains to find and keep it😄 However, finding the connecting story as to why you had this book and your character's involvement in Silent Hill did seem to be lacking. It has the Diablo-style gameplay that is refreshing. I don't know it's a game with Silent Hill elements your mileage will vary😅
Thanks for recapping this, not many people gave it attention which sucks because i really love to watch retrospectives of anything related to silent hill😂
Thank you man! Glad to see people appreciate that. I get so interested in those technical details, and sometimes it feels like I'm putting people to sleep with all that stuff.
The most random ass thing this game did was making Twin Perfect canon. "Twin Perfect is canon. We're canon now." **smug face** Man i can't wait for SH: Rogue Corps from My Favourite Videogame Corporation Konami to get announced and the fanbase crying about how stupid they were to put any kind of optimism into a modern Con-ami product. Or this comment to age very poorly whatever.
@@AvalancheReviews Rumour is that Sony Imteractive Entertainment Japan Studio's Project Siren team, led by Kenichiro Toyama, the director of Silent Hill 1, is doing one as a PS5 exclusive. How true it is, I don't know.
You said the "distillation" line twice (12:45 and 12:59) Regardless, great video as always!! I always had a vita and was interested in getting this game. This video makes me glad I passed on it
@@WinterSoldierLTE if you haven't ever, there is a video detailing the OG concepts for dead space 3. Barely any of them made it in bc EAs looming presence. Dead Space 2 wasn't affected no where near as much in terms of changes but additions that visceral thought unnecessary were added too. Most of these were bland or just hated by the community. EA ruined them HARD
Avalanche Reviews Give it try, maybe get one in a sale. I would recommend these four games : Double Dragon Neon, River City Girls, Contra 4 and Shantae and the Seven Sirens.
Honestly I can see a Co-op Silent Hill working. Since most of what happens in the SH games is the character's PTSD mental torture there's a lot of potential that can play off of that. For example when you create a character you can pick one of X amount of vague backstories and depending on what you pick creates different outcomes in your environment/play through. So if you picked a backstory based on being stabbed in the back by those close to you, your teammates on occasion (on your screen) will turn into some messed up enemy that tries to attack you and when you both speak on mic in game chat it's replaced with static. Once the enemy is killed you'd snap out of it and see that your partner wasn't yet another back stabber that your character was deathly afraid of. You could also have endings revolving around the amount of players you have and what their backstories are as well as the choices you all made throughout. And that amount of endings isn't even that unrealistic since SH games are known for their abundance of endings. I'm just spitballing here but if done well I think a co-op SH can work while still having the constant panic attack vibe and even having the co-op itself play into that anxiety. But for the love of Christ if there's a create character don't have ridiculous options like the one shown in video? SH was always about the average Joe/Jane with a garbage past so keep the options semi-generic with realistic hair colors/styles.
*look down at her gothic Lolita clothes, and her black/purple hair * heh I resent that!! On the other hand that reminds me of what they tried to do in Dead Space 3
@@oliviawilliams6204 I'm not saying that nobody in reality wears anything that's considered "Out there" I'm just thinking about how SH protagonist are in every title and trying to keep it close to that. And yeah I heard about that, too. It's too bad that E.A single handedly fucked Dead Space 3 as a whole when the devs actually had a clever plan for the co-op. Must have been heartbreaking for the devs.
In the words of Godfather part II: "Look how they massacred by boy" Edit: @Avalanche Reviews, has the Drakengard/Nier franchise been something you have thought of covering? I enjoy your take on things and would love to hear what you think of these games. Many sharks get jumped, but trust me, it works.
So I hear a lot about the series, but to be honest, I've never touched it myself. I have a few of the games, but never really played them. If I end up liking Nier, I might go back and cover the whole series.
@@AvalancheReviews that's where I would start. Drakengard or Drakengard 3 might be a bit weird for first timers, Nier is a good middle ground to start.
This game lost me when the titular Book of Memories wasn't a metaphor, but a literal book filled with a list of your memories... I just... that really made me roll my eyes xD I think "horror-themed rouge like" is a cool idea, but tacking the Silent Hill name onto it was just... tasteless corporate marketing. 1,000 points for name dropping Shiren the Wanderer in this review though. Now THAT is a must-own for Vita. ;D (it's coming to Switch this year, too)
I kind of like the psp Shiren game more than the vita one. Both are awesome though. To be honest though, I dig the idea of an SH dungeon crawler. It doesn't feel like a cash grab to me because it's a spin off and...... well, why not? Based on what we've seen of the newer games in the series though, I can understand where you're coming from.
@@AvalancheReviews Silent Hill definitely does have an awesome rogue's gallery of demonic beasts, that's for sure. I will say, after thinking about it more, I think it would have been kind of cool to see what a dungeon crawler from the traditional Silent Hill camera perspective could have been, as you mentioned in the video
I know that you said that were supposed to judge it as a spin-off, but it was Konami that marketed it as part of the established canonical lore. The game even references that itself. As a hardcore old school Silent Hill fan boy, I would have had no problem accepting this game if it were marketed clearly as a spinoff. It would have been the same thing as the arcade shooter, in my opinion. It's the fact that the game tries to retcon the rest of the series, that I have a problem with
Yeah there are story elements that ties it into the series, but you could say the same about the arcade shooter. It was based off an actual story referenced in the second game. I think it was intended to be canon, but the change in gameplay, just puts it in the spin off camp for me. You're definitely not wrong, but I just choose to see it for what it obviously is, despite what the devs wanted it to be.
@@AvalancheReviews I'm guessing you didn't beat the game. So towards the latter half of the game, you begin using the book more and more and basically the game says that it was the book of memories that caused James sunderland's dead wife to appear in Silent Hill, that drew Harry Mason to Silent Hill, and basically is the reason for every other thing that happened. The original designers never make mention of that, so therefore it would technically be a retcon. Again, that's my only issue with it really. The arcade shooter was cheesy and fun - I mean yeah it's totally a departure gameplay style-wise from the originals, but it had the decency to stay in its own lane and not attempt to rewrite what we know about our favorite games in the series, ya know? 🤔
This game is salvageable. If they went full tilt on the idea of altering your past and flesh out some of the drama but stick with just one plot thread like someone getting fired for say an adiction getting in the way we could have had something good or at least half decent. And then when you finish one "past" for your character you could unlock another. Granted it would be hard to intigrate multiplayer but you could still make it a dungon crawler that changes each time you play it. As for the weapons one thing that could be done is add legendary weapons that could be significant to the character's past like say a hunting rifle they used when their dad took them on a family camping trip or a wooden sword they used to play with when they where a kid and have these stand out by being immune to breaking and have them scale with the character's or monster's level.
Now for any silent hill fans looking for a good experience on the vita, the PSP games are available but I can't on good faith recommend them, there's also the first game available, and if the novelty of playing on the go isn't enough to justify a replay there a game called back in 1995, heavily inspired by the ps1 resident evil and especially silent hill, where a lot of the horror lies on that old polygonal style that the ps1 is known for, the game is even in 4:3 with an option for scanlines available, and finally there's Yomawari: Night Alone a phenomenal indie horror about exploring a dark foggy possibly haunted town in the middle of the night, all of these i can highly recommend over book of memories, as a huge vita and horror fan myself All that being said, book of memories is certainly not a horror game, and probably not what you would expect out of a silent hill game either, but if you enjoy dungeon crawlers you might actually like it, lots of people do, and the demo is free, so give it a try if you think you're interested
Postman didn't scan that package. Nor did he collect a signature. Something of that importance and value was surely shipped Express or Registered. He gonna have to contact the Union about this to plead his case. Disciplinary action will be dished out for this.
On this day 8/5/2020, Jared begot his only $199.99 + shipping on eBay for a Vita TV to save us from... this. Can't believe you put yourself through Book of Memories. Bless you, sir. Is one of the remaining games the Play Novel? I'd love to see your thoughts on the extra campaigns. Then there's the "DLC" for the game that had the three extra modes that vanished in Japan. It'd be a crazy ride, but nothing short of a miracle could locate that Play Novel DLC.
I looked around and the only translations for the play novel exist via a web browser and some kind of flash interface. I was going to cover it, but I really want to play it on real hardware. I can read Hiragana and a little Katakana, but play novel uses a lot of Kanji, so I wouldn't be able to actually play through it in Japanese sadly. I lucked out on the vita though. Only had to pay 130$.
It really takes serious dedication to even touch this shit with your actual hands, I am truly impressed by the sheer amount of effort. So I'm guessing one of the titles left will be Silent Hills/P.T, but I'm not sure about the other. You can't possibly be talking about PACHINKO MACHINE, can you?!
The mailman was supposed to be an entity of Silent Hill. He was supposed to be featured in all games and media going forward but the series all but died.
I don't know........ I would be ok with the franchise being dead. Stories all have to end, and if you ask me, this one ended with SH3. So I'm ok with no more SH games coming out. Maybe devs can that drive and energy, and put it towards a new horror IP.
Love your retrospectives. Watched all of your resident evil and dino crisis ones and currently working my way through silent hill. That being said, dead space retrospective?
Not remotely a survival horror and a Silent Hill game, but I'd lie if I said I didn't have fun with this game. Sweet easter eggs with Diablo clone gameplay, some cool bosses. A 7/10 game, imo.
SH3 being my fav, I actually didn’t know this existed but would love to play this.. not for the story but the different feel of SH. By the looks of it the big weapons with sfx kills the vibe. Could be darker and only light is your flashlight to make it scarier, also less enemies and cutscene when encountering a new one, scarce ammo that makes fights easy from afar and melee weapons being dreadful and a feel of danger when near enemies?
Random gameplay concept. A break system which works like this: Usable: is the typical state the weapons are found. Broken: this is the fun part, for most weapons it means they lose some power, but in other cases they actually become stronger (example, a glass bottle), of course this state has less durability than the "usable" state. Useless: The weapon may disappear from your inventory, or remain and can be repaired, trying to use them do next to nothing.
So I might have said this already on another SH video, but I have to take that make and say it here. I let out the most guttural "OH NO" in the world upon seeing this title!
When this game first came out I remember thinking it didn't look all too polished for a Vita game and looking back it looks like a game for your phone. I never ended up getting it because though I am a huge fan of dungeon crawlers, especially old school ones, this one rubbed me wrong with the big Silent Hill in its title.
I had a gamestop employee talk me out of grabbing this game one day. He then told me about gravity rush and im sure i wont have to tell anyone which one was better
So glad I got this game for $22 complete in perfect condition. Regardless of the game's quality, any old game belonging to a classic franchise is sure to go up in price these days.
Most people dont own a Vita so its easier to treat this game as a joke. While it isn't anything special, I definitely had my fun and had a little addiction to it when I first got it. For some reason, I like the idea they were going for. Reminds me of childhood fantasies of fighting Silent Hill creatures while adventuring with a schoolmate of mine
@Avalanche reviews, you covered both survivor games, are you planning on covering outbreak? Files one and two, it's like a healthy blend of classic fixed angles and modern style play with a real time inventory that doesn't pause the game, and severely limited space no more than 4 items at a time * barring you play as yoko who has double space, the games are amazing I picked them out of a bargain bin in like 2008 and I don't think enough folks have seen it yet
Not Tomm Hulett's fault. Tomm prevented a super saiyen like battle between the cults God and a new God in SH in SH: Homecoming. Yeah, thats what he was working with.
Is not a bad game but it is silent hill in name only. However if konami decides to make a masters colection vol 1 and vol 2 it would be great the next conpilation: Vol1: Sh 1-4 Extras: Arcade Play novel Vol2: Origins Shattered memories Homecoming Downpour Extras: Book of memories PT Short message
I thought about it, but I don't know if that's my jam. I don't know the first thing about reviewing a comic series. Especially one as disjointed and odd as the SH ones.
I keep coming back to watch vid cause I want to play it, but no vita. But I feel it was like obscure in a way, maybe high school in silent hill or close to the apartment in the room take place would be a alright concept. Silent hill in a teenager or young adult perspective in a high school or even community college.
Can anyone here point me in the right direction on how to capture PS TV footage? With it beinf HDMI, the OSSC can't save me this time. Well, that and HDCP!
I use a cheap hdmi splitter in line with my capture card. If you search "hdcp hdmi splitter" into Amazon, you'll find a good one for less than 30$ easy. Just check the reviews and make sure people are saying it does indeed strip hdcp.
Watching Silent Hill go downhill feels like raising a kid only for them to get into a bad crowd, become a criminal and finally joining the Jersey Shore crew
And then straight to TMZ
HAAAAAAAA! Holy shit this is accurate!
no one will ever, more accurately describe this.
@@AvalancheReviews tmz wrote an article about you speculating on your upload absence it was a hard hitting piece
I worked on this game 9 years ago, I am surprised to see a review come out this recently. I enjoyed my time working that gig.
Lol epic if this is true. I didn't know it existed until now and I'm not agreeing with what I'm hearing. Looks like an enjoyable spinoff that accomplished what was asked. The expectations were just too specific, its fine the way it is.
so are there higher tier weapons? and loot in the game like if its gonna be like diablo. there has to be loot
@@Halomcr You can play Piramid head's sword for example, and a couple of other weapons, strong weapons from the series. I can't remember now if they were on a DLC though. But I remember making animations for for several higher tier weapons.
Is this a phone game.
Are you really a dev ?
This is literally Silent Hill: Diablo edition.......
*Diablo Immortal edition
Indeed. The developers fucked up the Diablo aesthetic.
Diablo : We hate free speech edition. Oh wait that leagues of legends.
*do you guys not have phones?*
That's a new insult to Diablo! 🤭
Fun fact about the games development history: The studio wanted to release the games both on current gen consoles and on the vita.. the fighting would still be like a standard dungeon crawler...but the exploration parts and puzzle solving would be made in third person view..using a flashlight.. but sadly.. konami wanted the game to use the vitas features, and it all went downhill from there
And to be quite frank.. if only Bluepoint Games and Armature Studio were responcible for porting SH2 and 3 to the PS3, we would also have them on the vita instead of this, they did an amazing job with MGS HD on the PS3, and its such a shame we never got these two games on the home console and on a portable console, since i bet my ass that the vita could handle all 4 silent hill games on the go if in the right hands
Yep you're absolutely right. If they had done the hd collection, the series might be in a totally different place right now.
@@AvalancheReviews we can only keep dreaming buddy...
Actually that's a popular misconception. The ports of MGS2 and 3 are lacking effects and other details as they just couldn't be re-created due to hardware quirks. So for example the rain effects on everything like dripping off soldiers are missing. So while they run well, they have their own issues.
@@monkeybone1080 Yeah, but, at the same time, they're full-fledged MGS games, on a handheld, and at the time, it was pretty impressive, don't know about you, but I can excuse the nuances.
@@nikodemvankenobi I wasn't talking about the handheld versions.
I would disagree on the fact that having a hack n' slash set in the Silent Hill universe is a great thing. It doesn't come from being a purist or anything, simply that since Silent Hill is a horror franchise, having those monsters be hacked by the dozen lessens their impact as terrifying creatures in their respective games, in my opinion.
In Silent Hill, each encounter is supposed to feel a bit tense, with monsters being manageable one on one once you get a hold of the clunky combat mechanics, but additional monsters, even one, can make things go south real fast. But this tension may be partly negatively affected when in Book of Memories, you can just swing a gigantic sword a few times and kill 5 of them at once.
Perhaps this is the kind of thing that doesn't affect everybody the same, but I absolutely think that this feeling of "the monsters are just pieces of meat for me to grind" can carry over.
I would argue that there's quite a few genres that the Silent Hill franchise should avoid getting close to, in order to retain its effectivness as a horror series.
I think there's an inherent horror in some dungeon crawlers, and the SH monsters play into cool stuff like elemental alignments and different gameplay approaches pretty well. I agree the series tension isn't there when you're slicing through hundreds of bubble head nurses, but since this game is a spin off, it's under no obligation to have that same tension. Just seeing these characters and creatures in a different light/setting is pretty cool in my eyes. If it were a mainline entry in the series, you would be totally right, but spin offs are where a series gets to experiment and have fun. I like that.
In Silent Hill Origins, the amount of kills you get by the end of the game would help you in getting one of their endings.
The game had many melee, thrown, firearms weapons to use, and with a durability system as well.
What if the hack n slash aspect of the game, would be from the perspective of the villain, Walter from SH 4, or like, I think Vicent (might be wrong of the name), the guy from Silent Hill 3 tells Heather "you see them like monsters ?" As a sick joke.
It could be pulled. But like anything, would require passion with the project, understanding of it's lore, and people with talent for story writting, telling, game play mechanics and yada yada.
Like one of those many cases where fans and modding community makes the game run or play like it should by the Company who rushed a release or port of a game.
*Edit some spelling
It's just a side game. Awful as it is, but it doesn't have to follow the exact same ruleset. People don't understand that.
Yea I remember being interested in the game but after playing realized it wasn’t scary in the slightest and stopped
I think literally any main SH game other than Shattered Memories could qualify as a hack n slash. Or more like a “Smash n’ Bash”.
I’ve been playing SH2 on Normal for the first time in years (on PSNOW) , and honestly, these poor monsters haven’t stood a chance against me thus far. Easily outrunned, easily dodged, and then I just merciless beat the crap outta them with a wooden plank. I get this game is supposed to be scary and stuff, but SH2 is pretty much a Smash n’ Bash with not so great animation and tank controls.
Not dissing the game by any means. And I’ve probably become desensitized to the monsters + aged mechanics, even though being in the apartments still makes me feel unnerved... but when it comes down to it, you can either run or fight... but at least in SH Homecoming, I feel far more threatened and unnerved by the monsters because they aren’t nearly as easy to deal with.
I think you can have a scary game be filled with action. All the SH games other than SM has lots of it including 1-3... even if it’s just one swing animation over and over.
Thanks for taking a bullet for us Jared! Painful to see SH treated this way, trotted out for whatever money-squeezing idea Konami have, franchise suitability be damned. Not quite as depressing as "SH: the gambling machine", but it's down there
Are you telling me that team silent would disapprove of a pachinko machine based on the IP?
it’s actually a good game
The devs who had to make a multi-player silent hill game requested by Konami be like: Bruh
The bruh heard round the world
Haha, imagine trying to convince someone to purchase this game to play with you.
@Avalanche Reviews: There is an audio loop in your video from 12:46 to around 13:10 in which you talk about the approach of Way Forward to the puzzles in the game. I believe it is the same sentence, but ending with different words.
Yeah, I must have left the first take in the recording. By the time I noticed it, it was like 5 in the morning, so now I'm going to act like it's some kind of purposeful attempt at humor. HA!
Omg I never noticed until you mentioned that haha
Brother, I needed some more Jared in my life, I got smashed in my work truck on Monday. Thanks for doing what you, my favorite Cuban viking.
Hope your feeling okay
@@mgrah3723 I have a headache and a concussion, but i feel fine, otherwise, thanks!
Damn!!! That sucks! I got smashed in Miami. Dude tboned me going 60. I know that shitty feeling. Feel better man.
@@AvalancheReviews these guys were going 60 or 65. I appreciate the kind words and I'm sorry that happened to you. Keep up the great work, my man!
@@DylanYouSonOfABidgeNelson hope you're feeling much better now brother! Stay safe out there
Tom Hulett gets WAY too much hate and vitriol for his involvement in the series. Yes he was behind some of it's worst moments and he shouldn't be immune to criticism over that fact, but he wasn't the only one who did all this and some people hate the dude like he he killed their dog or some shit. Like, calm down people, he's just some normal dude.
Yes! Notification pops up and everything in my life is dropped for 30 minutes. Thank you for making my morning!
Ha! My pleasure!!!
Whoever thought this game would make a nice addition to the Silent Hill franchise must be insane. This game looks like it could be anything else but SH.
just got silent hill: shattered memories for the ps2 today, great time for an upload
This looks like exactly the game I've been looking for... when I want to play a Diablo clone. It's a shame knowing that it fails to satisfy that extremely specific cross genre itch of blending SH aesthetic and world building with rogulike mechanics. One of my favorite experiences of the original SH was when, towards the end of the game, you couldn't be sure what environment you'd arrive in when you passed through a door- that type of scenario could lend itself well to a roguelike. Remnant from the Ashes shows that a horror rogulike can be a fun experience. This looks like a modded version of Kingdom Hearts
I love Silent Hill and I love RPG dungeon games. It doesn't mean that they combined together lol.
Great review there Avalanche!
And I used to be stressed this is the only sh game I don't have I know
You're definitely better off not having it
Based on my experience with this game I'm going to guess this isn't going to go well. Woooo! Exactly what I needed to wake up to =)
A nice dumpster fire to wake up to
By "experience with the game" do you mean working on the game or just playing it?
@@Drax69420 playing
@@AndrewSkatesBadly ah. Honestly, kinda wish I could heard from someone at wayforward about what working on the game was like.
I'm glad wayforward found their passion with colorful platformers. I'm surprised THIS alone didn't spiral their whole studio into obscurity
This is a nice thorough look at this game. I've enjoyed all your Silent Hill videos so far, thank you for covering one of my favorite franchises!
agreed, the only thing good that came from this was the short bonus animated comic where every main SH character is in it or is referenced
I kind of want to see Wayforward get another shot at SH, but with more creative freedom that plays into there strengths. Maybe a retro-remake of the first game that would play like a 2D Metroid-vania. Call it “Silent Hill: Demastered”.
Now that sounds like a killer idea! I'd love to see something like that!
Always love watching some late night Avalanche Reviews! Great stuff as always brother!!!
I'm obsessed with all things Silent Hill. I'm looking forward to your future videos!
Avalanche posts a video, I watch, I like, it’s a simple process.
Thanks man, great vid!
It's my responsibility to keep that simple process going. HA!
Is anyone else imagining Howard running around Silent Hill with a fake moustache pretending to run all the shops and deliver the mail and serve at the cafe?
Were you still planning to do a House of The Dead retrospective?
I might cover one or two of those games, but I don't think I'll cover the entire series.
@@AvalancheReviews cool
@@AvalancheReviews But Overkill is a good game, no excelent, but very fun.
I’m half surprised they didn’t try to somehow shoehorn Howard into the SH HD Collection. He brought James the letter!
Another great review bro. Keep em coming.
I love this game because it has so much SH lore in it
The best thing to come out of this game is Mary McGlynn's rendition of 'Love Psalm'.
Best song in the series IMO
I know it would get old really quick, but just watching this footage, the melee attacks have some decent feedback. Smacking monsters looks pretty satisfying.
On the one hand, being able to wield Pyramid Head's Great Knife 🔪 effortlessly, whereas both he and James struggled to swing that bad boy is a sight! I took great pains to find and keep it😄
However, finding the connecting story as to why you had this book and your character's involvement in Silent Hill did seem to be lacking. It has the Diablo-style gameplay that is refreshing. I don't know it's a game with Silent Hill elements your mileage will vary😅
Yeah I'm down with an SH diablo clone. I feel like with a more talented team behind it, it could have been awesome.
Literally just started replaying Silent Hill 1 yesterday and this pops up into my recommended.
Thanks for recapping this, not many people gave it attention which sucks because i really love to watch retrospectives of anything related to silent hill😂
Came for SH,stayed for the excellent video capture analysis. Nice work as always Jared 👌🏻
Thank you man! Glad to see people appreciate that. I get so interested in those technical details, and sometimes it feels like I'm putting people to sleep with all that stuff.
The most random ass thing this game did was making Twin Perfect canon.
"Twin Perfect is canon. We're canon now." **smug face**
Man i can't wait for SH: Rogue Corps from My Favourite Videogame Corporation Konami to get announced and the fanbase crying about how stupid they were to put any kind of optimism into a modern Con-ami product.
Or this comment to age very poorly whatever.
Honestly, I would love for this comment to age poorly. Because that would mean they put out something good, but we both know that ain't happening.
@@AvalancheReviews Rumour is that Sony Imteractive Entertainment Japan Studio's Project Siren team, led by Kenichiro Toyama, the director of Silent Hill 1, is doing one as a PS5 exclusive. How true it is, I don't know.
You said the "distillation" line twice (12:45 and 12:59)
Regardless, great video as always!! I always had a vita and was interested in getting this game. This video makes me glad I passed on it
I was expecting another RE movie or the Dead Space review, but i will take anything you put out 😎👍
Those words will haunt you one day. I'm sure of it. HA!
I'd love a Dead Space series. Such a shame there were only 4. The PS4 would've benefited so much from that series.
@@WinterSoldierLTE rip visceral
@@Genasidal Absolutely. That studio and the people that worked there were done dirty by EA. That shit was low.
@@WinterSoldierLTE if you haven't ever, there is a video detailing the OG concepts for dead space 3. Barely any of them made it in bc EAs looming presence. Dead Space 2 wasn't affected no where near as much in terms of changes but additions that visceral thought unnecessary were added too. Most of these were bland or just hated by the community. EA ruined them HARD
You damn hero, I was looking forward to this!
I suffer so you guys don't have to. HA!
WayForward makes awesome 2D games, recently have made awesome gems.
Silent Hill was their lowest point, they are much better than that.
I've never played the Shantae games, but they do look like they're much better than this.
Avalanche Reviews Give it try, maybe get one in a sale.
I would recommend these four games : Double Dragon Neon, River City Girls, Contra 4 and Shantae and the Seven Sirens.
I thought I knew about all of the Silent Hill games. After watching this video, I now completely understand why I had never heard of this game.
Jared now you're contractually obligated to review the Silent Hill Comics 🤣
Caal Taes oh boy he would be in for a ride, there’s good one.... and there’s all the other one...
Hey man, thanks for the new video. Been looking forward to more Avalanche Reviews.
Hell yeah man! No problem
Honestly I can see a Co-op Silent Hill working. Since most of what happens in the SH games is the character's PTSD mental torture there's a lot of potential that can play off of that. For example when you create a character you can pick one of X amount of vague backstories and depending on what you pick creates different outcomes in your environment/play through. So if you picked a backstory based on being stabbed in the back by those close to you, your teammates on occasion (on your screen) will turn into some messed up enemy that tries to attack you and when you both speak on mic in game chat it's replaced with static. Once the enemy is killed you'd snap out of it and see that your partner wasn't yet another back stabber that your character was deathly afraid of. You could also have endings revolving around the amount of players you have and what their backstories are as well as the choices you all made throughout. And that amount of endings isn't even that unrealistic since SH games are known for their abundance of endings.
I'm just spitballing here but if done well I think a co-op SH can work while still having the constant panic attack vibe and even having the co-op itself play into that anxiety.
But for the love of Christ if there's a create character don't have ridiculous options like the one shown in video? SH was always about the average Joe/Jane with a garbage past so keep the options semi-generic with realistic hair colors/styles.
*look down at her gothic Lolita clothes, and her black/purple hair * heh I resent that!!
On the other hand that reminds me of what they tried to do in Dead Space 3
@@oliviawilliams6204 I'm not saying that nobody in reality wears anything that's considered "Out there" I'm just thinking about how SH protagonist are in every title and trying to keep it close to that.
And yeah I heard about that, too. It's too bad that E.A single handedly fucked Dead Space 3 as a whole when the devs actually had a clever plan for the co-op. Must have been heartbreaking for the devs.
@@TKing677 I was teasing you
@@oliviawilliams6204 Don't do that to me, you're too cruel. You know how hard it is for me to pick out teasery amongst text.
In the words of Godfather part II: "Look how they massacred by boy"
Edit: @Avalanche Reviews, has the Drakengard/Nier franchise been something you have thought of covering? I enjoy your take on things and would love to hear what you think of these games. Many sharks get jumped, but trust me, it works.
That line’s from the first Godfather, not Part 2
Still hoping the Drakengard Trilogy gets remastered and rereleased on current consoles and pc like Nier is.
So I hear a lot about the series, but to be honest, I've never touched it myself. I have a few of the games, but never really played them. If I end up liking Nier, I might go back and cover the whole series.
@@AvalancheReviews Thank you!
@@AvalancheReviews that's where I would start. Drakengard or Drakengard 3 might be a bit weird for first timers, Nier is a good middle ground to start.
to be fair, at 3:47 Silent Hill has used the postal service to give Jams Mary's letter
I thought it was confirmed that the letter never actually existed.
"At the start of BM *chuckle*"
I fucking lost it lol
this feels like an idea that could have worked with less restrictions from the higher ups. there's parts of a really good game in here, by look of it.
This game lost me when the titular Book of Memories wasn't a metaphor, but a literal book filled with a list of your memories... I just... that really made me roll my eyes xD
I think "horror-themed rouge like" is a cool idea, but tacking the Silent Hill name onto it was just... tasteless corporate marketing.
1,000 points for name dropping Shiren the Wanderer in this review though. Now THAT is a must-own for Vita. ;D
(it's coming to Switch this year, too)
I kind of like the psp Shiren game more than the vita one. Both are awesome though. To be honest though, I dig the idea of an SH dungeon crawler. It doesn't feel like a cash grab to me because it's a spin off and...... well, why not? Based on what we've seen of the newer games in the series though, I can understand where you're coming from.
@@AvalancheReviews Silent Hill definitely does have an awesome rogue's gallery of demonic beasts, that's for sure.
I will say, after thinking about it more, I think it would have been kind of cool to see what a dungeon crawler from the traditional Silent Hill camera perspective could have been, as you mentioned in the video
I know that you said that were supposed to judge it as a spin-off, but it was Konami that marketed it as part of the established canonical lore. The game even references that itself. As a hardcore old school Silent Hill fan boy, I would have had no problem accepting this game if it were marketed clearly as a spinoff. It would have been the same thing as the arcade shooter, in my opinion. It's the fact that the game tries to retcon the rest of the series, that I have a problem with
Yeah there are story elements that ties it into the series, but you could say the same about the arcade shooter. It was based off an actual story referenced in the second game. I think it was intended to be canon, but the change in gameplay, just puts it in the spin off camp for me. You're definitely not wrong, but I just choose to see it for what it obviously is, despite what the devs wanted it to be.
@@AvalancheReviews I'm guessing you didn't beat the game. So towards the latter half of the game, you begin using the book more and more and basically the game says that it was the book of memories that caused James sunderland's dead wife to appear in Silent Hill, that drew Harry Mason to Silent Hill, and basically is the reason for every other thing that happened. The original designers never make mention of that, so therefore it would technically be a retcon. Again, that's my only issue with it really. The arcade shooter was cheesy and fun - I mean yeah it's totally a departure gameplay style-wise from the originals, but it had the decency to stay in its own lane and not attempt to rewrite what we know about our favorite games in the series, ya know? 🤔
What retrospectives do you plan on doing after you finish the SH series?
I'll give you a hint. It starts with a D, and ends with "ead space"
Avalanche Reviews oh that’s a rough hint lol
This game is salvageable. If they went full tilt on the idea of altering your past and flesh out some of the drama but stick with just one plot thread like someone getting fired for say an adiction getting in the way we could have had something good or at least half decent. And then when you finish one "past" for your character you could unlock another. Granted it would be hard to intigrate multiplayer but you could still make it a dungon crawler that changes each time you play it.
As for the weapons one thing that could be done is add legendary weapons that could be significant to the character's past like say a hunting rifle they used when their dad took them on a family camping trip or a wooden sword they used to play with when they where a kid and have these stand out by being immune to breaking and have them scale with the character's or monster's level.
Now for any silent hill fans looking for a good experience on the vita, the PSP games are available but I can't on good faith recommend them, there's also the first game available, and if the novelty of playing on the go isn't enough to justify a replay there a game called back in 1995, heavily inspired by the ps1 resident evil and especially silent hill, where a lot of the horror lies on that old polygonal style that the ps1 is known for, the game is even in 4:3 with an option for scanlines available, and finally there's Yomawari: Night Alone a phenomenal indie horror about exploring a dark foggy possibly haunted town in the middle of the night, all of these i can highly recommend over book of memories, as a huge vita and horror fan myself
All that being said, book of memories is certainly not a horror game, and probably not what you would expect out of a silent hill game either, but if you enjoy dungeon crawlers you might actually like it, lots of people do, and the demo is free, so give it a try if you think you're interested
Oh noooo here we go haha. I remember this actually being ok, as for what it is. As a silent hill game though it's a complete failure
Honestly, it doesn't even pass as a dungeon crawler. It's not a train wreck or anything. Just kind of boring.
@@AvalancheReviews should be it's own new genre. "Room slogger" lol
Postman didn't scan that package. Nor did he collect a signature. Something of that importance and value was surely shipped Express or Registered. He gonna have to contact the Union about this to plead his case. Disciplinary action will be dished out for this.
Another great video and i appreciate you covering these more obscure games I have no interest in playing myself, thanks Jared.
My pleasure. I play em so you don't have to!
On this day 8/5/2020, Jared begot his only $199.99 + shipping on eBay for a Vita TV to save us from... this.
Can't believe you put yourself through Book of Memories. Bless you, sir.
Is one of the remaining games the Play Novel? I'd love to see your thoughts on the extra campaigns. Then there's the "DLC" for the game that had the three extra modes that vanished in Japan. It'd be a crazy ride, but nothing short of a miracle could locate that Play Novel DLC.
I looked around and the only translations for the play novel exist via a web browser and some kind of flash interface. I was going to cover it, but I really want to play it on real hardware. I can read Hiragana and a little Katakana, but play novel uses a lot of Kanji, so I wouldn't be able to actually play through it in Japanese sadly. I lucked out on the vita though. Only had to pay 130$.
It really takes serious dedication to even touch this shit with your actual hands, I am truly impressed by the sheer amount of effort. So I'm guessing one of the titles left will be Silent Hills/P.T, but I'm not sure about the other. You can't possibly be talking about PACHINKO MACHINE, can you?!
The mailman was supposed to be an entity of Silent Hill.
He was supposed to be featured in all games and media going forward but the series all but died.
The top view perspective reminds me of Zombies ate my neighbors.
Oh for sure! Fuck! Imagine a psp remake of that game.
I really hope that next gen brings us a new silent hill I have seen some leaks but of course we don’t know for sure
I don't know........ I would be ok with the franchise being dead. Stories all have to end, and if you ask me, this one ended with SH3. So I'm ok with no more SH games coming out. Maybe devs can that drive and energy, and put it towards a new horror IP.
@@AvalancheReviews ope
Just in time when I felt like I’ve watched all the good sh videos
Well the word "good" is a relative term. HA1
Love your retrospectives. Watched all of your resident evil and dino crisis ones and currently working my way through silent hill. That being said, dead space retrospective?
I'll just say this, keep an eye out at the end of the next few videos. You might like what you see.
silent hill always resonated with me because I have traditionally been my own worst enemy.
One day someone will make a great Silent Hill inspired dungeon crawler. It's too good of a concept to let fail
Exactly! The idea could definitely work.
Not remotely a survival horror and a Silent Hill game, but I'd lie if I said I didn't have fun with this game. Sweet easter eggs with Diablo clone gameplay, some cool bosses.
A 7/10 game, imo.
Never knew about this game great video. Also this kinda reminds me of hunter the reckoning
13:06 did you accidentally repeat yourself or was that on purpose?
Yo Jared you ever read the silent hill omnibus? Or the interactive graphic novel game silent hill experience for psp?
SH3 being my fav, I actually didn’t know this existed but would love to play this.. not for the story but the different feel of SH. By the looks of it the big weapons with sfx kills the vibe. Could be darker and only light is your flashlight to make it scarier, also less enemies and cutscene when encountering a new one, scarce ammo that makes fights easy from afar and melee weapons being dreadful and a feel of danger when near enemies?
Your chuckle at saying BM is great.
Random gameplay concept.
A break system which works like this:
Usable: is the typical state the weapons are found.
Broken: this is the fun part, for most weapons it means they lose some power, but in other cases they actually become stronger (example, a glass bottle), of course this state has less durability than the "usable" state.
Useless: The weapon may disappear from your inventory, or remain and can be repaired, trying to use them do next to nothing.
So I might have said this already on another SH video, but I have to take that make and say it here. I let out the most guttural "OH NO" in the world upon seeing this title!
Will there be a PT retrospective?
Oh how could this game be expensive, I've my copy for years since it came out and thought it was total junk.
I've been waiting for this one!
Our paths were bound to cross one day. Today is that day.
When this game first came out I remember thinking it didn't look all too polished for a Vita game and looking back it looks like a game for your phone. I never ended up getting it because though I am a huge fan of dungeon crawlers, especially old school ones, this one rubbed me wrong with the big Silent Hill in its title.
Honestly I love this game for being out and about, always having silent hill with me in some way
I had a gamestop employee talk me out of grabbing this game one day. He then told me about gravity rush and im sure i wont have to tell anyone which one was better
He deserves a raise
Funny how Gravity Rush was a passion project of the SH1 director.
@@РинаУсанина i actually didnt know that. Thats really cool.
such tragedy, as the Concept to combine Silent hill with butterfly effect sounds pretty interesting on paper
Honestly who looks at Silent Hill and thinks...
You know what???
ARPG, that's the future of this beloved horror franchise
So glad I got this game for $22 complete in perfect condition. Regardless of the game's quality, any old game belonging to a classic franchise is sure to go up in price these days.
Yeah look at how much bad NES games cost nowadays.
Oh yay! I was wondering if you were gonna bring this game up!
Yep. I have to cover all of em. ALL OF THEM!
True Silent Hill game here. I mean a person running around with an ice sword+2 and killing enemies. Just like all other SH games!
Probably the most accurate entry since SH1.
Most people dont own a Vita so its easier to treat this game as a joke. While it isn't anything special, I definitely had my fun and had a little addiction to it when I first got it. For some reason, I like the idea they were going for. Reminds me of childhood fantasies of fighting Silent Hill creatures while adventuring with a schoolmate of mine
@Avalanche reviews, you covered both survivor games, are you planning on covering outbreak? Files one and two, it's like a healthy blend of classic fixed angles and modern style play with a real time inventory that doesn't pause the game, and severely limited space no more than 4 items at a time * barring you play as yoko who has double space, the games are amazing I picked them out of a bargain bin in like 2008 and I don't think enough folks have seen it yet
Wayforward is one of my favorite videogame developers so I’m disappointed to find out they made this sub par dungeon crawler. Can’t win em all I guess
Not Tomm Hulett's fault. Tomm prevented a super saiyen like battle between the cults God and a new God in SH in SH: Homecoming. Yeah, thats what he was working with.
I agree. He prevented a few disasters in the games he didn't work on.
Is not a bad game but it is silent hill in name only. However if konami decides to make a masters colection vol 1 and vol 2 it would be great the next conpilation:
Sh 1-4
Play novel
Shattered memories
Book of memories
Short message
I loved it this game I played the shit out of it when I bought it this an dungeon hunter alliance where my introduction to ARPG
Nice. Just sat down on my balcony with a blunt and a bag of flaming hot popcorn. Needed something to watch and here we are.
The perfect afternoon
Will you be reviewing the comics for this retrospective?
I thought about it, but I don't know if that's my jam. I don't know the first thing about reviewing a comic series. Especially one as disjointed and odd as the SH ones.
Omg how many silent hill games are out there!
"Two more left" what else is there? I thought this was the last SH thing to come out to date.
Pull the lever!
@@Torthrodhel Oh Christ I completely forgot about that
@@Torthrodhel No not that please!
Pachinko and the Arcade maybe?
- Mom, can we get Silent Hill?
- We have Silent Hill at home.
Silent Hill at home:
Can you review the rest of the clock tower franchise and nightcry ?
I keep coming back to watch vid cause I want to play it, but no vita. But I feel it was like obscure in a way, maybe high school in silent hill or close to the apartment in the room take place would be a alright concept. Silent hill in a teenager or young adult perspective in a high school or even community college.
I wanna play this game badly but I don't have a vita and I'm broke as shit 😂 gotta love having 4 kids
I'm sure there's a emulator for vita games. There's bound to be a way you could play this.
Wait what is this
I thought this footage was some sort of joke. I'm glad I've never heard of this
If it is a joke, it's a joke at out expense. HA!
Can anyone here point me in the right direction on how to capture PS TV footage? With it beinf HDMI, the OSSC can't save me this time. Well, that and HDCP!
I use a cheap hdmi splitter in line with my capture card. If you search "hdcp hdmi splitter" into Amazon, you'll find a good one for less than 30$ easy. Just check the reviews and make sure people are saying it does indeed strip hdcp.
@@AvalancheReviews Cheers man! I will have a look :) keep up the good work.