So many different brands to choose from. Toyota was one of the best Asian brands. More competition now from the S Koreans. But not all completely made in their home countries these days.
Hi canaan, preparing to migrate to UK and first choice to stay in Bristol. Have no idea how to take transport from Heathrow airport to Bristol. A family of 4 carrying ~8 big luggages. 會唔會有什麼建議? 考慮租車但擺唔落咁多行李...... 苦惱中.......
If not buying from main dealers, it is better to do a full HPI check on the car, which will give you a full report if the car was stolen, involved in major accident etc. Be suspicious if the report is clean but the car had a private number in the past. It could be the seller trying to hide the real history of the car.
@@Dancerc All of the above as well as any outstanding finances. The best thing about buying an HPI check is that if the car you bought turns out to have any of these problems mentioned, you can put in a claim to HPI and get your money back.
After 30 years in Australia, Japanese car especially Toyota is my first choice of best car. Reliable and easy low maintenance. Corolla is the minimum for reliable and safety. Camry / RAV4 are the best. I used Korean cars and BMW but all disappointed me.
英國工作通常long commute, drive up to an hour or more, small car not safe and not good for long commute. city car, small car, long commute perform diff... do more searching before decision
@@SuperChansy have driven 2 of them before one diesel manual, one petrol auto, both have decent accelerating and good on motorway especially when Mazda don't use CVT
Yaris 尾箱太細,加速無力,如果淨係果個區行吓就無所謂。上高速就唔多掂⋯⋯
考慮吓 CH-R,的確係好車👍🏻👍🏻
So many different brands to choose from. Toyota was one of the best Asian brands. More competition now from the S Koreans. But not all completely made in their home countries these days.
For Japanese cars, I prefer the Mazda Skyactiv from 2015 onward. Good built quality and feels like a premium car but with less money.
新牌最好買Jazz, 玩具車咁,容易handle. Family car 一定選station wagon, outgoing啲嘅就SUV啦!
Corolla 好好多
車大, highway 安全啲, 一寸長一寸強, 不過最安全嘅車,都要小心駕駛
豐田,唔駛諗,有買貴,冇買錯,少嘢整,Toyota 香港用十年都 ok。
Yaris 1300 棍波行 100km/hr 唔太辛苦, 自動波會爭啲。
揸棍波過癮啲!一架棍波一架自動波咪得囉!還有, 小心疫情反彈!
自動波要細心留意轉波有無chock 真心講如果唔想日後開支大 就用hybird車好 車仔細唔係問題 上高速公路好漂 主要係設計問題 我建議去試honda jazz 你就明
Great advice! Someone in our family had a jazz, great car!
once you live over 180 days, go to covert your hk license to the UK one. it will give u a much better price on insurance n everything.
I have a query? What kind of car insurances or taxed should be bought? Thanls
Is it good to purchase a 2nd hand Volkswagen Touareg? Thanks for your professional advise.
我一個係澳洲既時候,預計買車,開頭老豆提議echo,Subaru R1/R2,慳油.最後我出左日產1.6L棍波,開頭用未發現,愈用愈覺得唔夠用,行唔起,個時覺得早知買第一架2.0L或2.5L,預計如果出多架,我會出架land cruiser 或者Transit Van
I have Toyota Yaris, and I think it’s too small for family use. Would recommend a size up.
可試埋Voltswagen golf
衷心多謝你們一家 介紹好多資訊 給我們認識 辛苦曬
先比10 個LIKE !!! 可否拍多D 片關於車既片!! 另外, vauxhall , dacia, citoren 既車, 你又點睇呢?? 幾多年嘅車就唔建議買呢? 我見到好多平車都係大概十年, 係咪呢啲就唔值得買呢?? 同埋mileage到底幾多就做真係唔好考慮呢??
We are not really that great with cars. I hope we can find a fun way to present more cars video.
過十萬公里(km), 你最好唔好考慮! 因為架車D病痛續漸呈現! 修理费貴架車! 除非你真係識整車! 你就真係買到平嘢! 否則, 你真係要諗過先至好!
@@Dancerc can I help?
在外國最锺意做三件事:(陪朋友) 睇屋,睇車,睇老婆。
Do you have Toyota dealer ship website please?
Also, ALL of Mazda's current line up is on 0% APR (no interest) (*except MX-30) , worth a look
Hi canaan, preparing to migrate to UK and first choice to stay in Bristol. Have no idea how to take transport from Heathrow airport to Bristol. A family of 4 carrying ~8 big luggages. 會唔會有什麼建議? 考慮租車但擺唔落咁多行李...... 苦惱中.......
Toyota is very good car in my experience, my Toyota car is still using since 2004. Best Car from Japan !
If not buying from main dealers, it is better to do a full HPI check on the car, which will give you a full report if the car was stolen, involved in major accident etc. Be suspicious if the report is clean but the car had a private number in the past. It could be the seller trying to hide the real history of the car.
Oh right! Thanks for your advice!
@@Dancerc All of the above as well as any outstanding finances. The best thing about buying an HPI check is that if the car you bought turns out to have any of these problems mentioned, you can put in a claim to HPI and get your money back.
我有睇過日本車係香港同uk價嘅價錢, 例如 Subaru XV, 点解UK貴過香港, Volkswagen, Toyota都有這個情況!
Canaan and family good to helping others Hong konger god bless you all
Canaan and family, you must stay strong no matter what people’s says bad to you,do your best for Hong konger god bless you and family
Car dealers don’t like cash purchase as they can’t make commission from interest so don’t expect any free items from them.
自己租過Yaris 一個月,車細、操控差又無力。
Toyota 係少野壞既,係CVT波箱踩落去果吓得把聲但唔去囉。
而買咁新嘅年份,買 hybrid 仲好
This car is 1600cc or 1800cc
請問有冇van 仔?
how much your friend can save to shop around by call.....
想問下 汽車保要幾錢
英國冇可能淨係揸inside city, 日本細車上high way, long commute ,同歐洲車一比便知分別,again 唔好張香港果套搬英國。
終於等到你地講呢個TOPIC THANKS 呀偉&嘉南`, KAU KAU GIRL 今日MOODY ar~🥰
我成日係日本揸架車仔1300CC, 行120, 係加速慢D, 好似我代步咁, 真係唔知有咩分別...... 140 都行過, 不過想安全D, 反正根本快唔得多, 落車去個廁所已俾慢車過頭.
有冇參加612 Bristol 集會?有冇片分享?thx ?
Please message me on Instagram, can talk on another platform🤫
㗎韓國車走Town幾好用! 平少少都幾實用!
多謝你介紹買車呀, 如果我3月到左Bristol, 可否約你幫忙睇車和揾長租屋? super thanks
另外想問係咪好多車都有GPS? 似日本租車咁, 因剛到不熟路, 怕出左去迷路返唔到屋企
Might be able to assist, pm
請問road test 使唔擺低按金?
通常汽車經紀跟車, 但你要持有效駕執照! 在加拿大, 唔駛按金! 你可以試完! 你要再考慮是否購買? 佢唔會逼你!
請問版主今日有無出席Stand with Hong Kong 612 Bristol 活動?
you should consider a car with revising camera and auto parking
日常代步車 參考uber車型。
where and the full name of dealer.
Thank you , 有用呀, 我地將會嚟英國, 可以作參考 。
Toyota 唔係全部都 hybrid?hybrid 又怕俾人偷摧化器喎
買重保險有得賠! 最好間屋有車房! 冇咁易比人偷! 部車又唔使日哂雨淋! 冬天下雪, 出車唔駛預先掃雪! 慳番好多時間!
Yes, that one is suitable for Second Car. Agreed !
How about talk more about categories A,N and S. Thank you.
Need to do more research first! Good suggestion, thank you
Very nice video. Add oil👍🏻.
I also bought a car in CarShop Bristol last weekend😆.
Wagon 好好用不過要係英國泊車搵位就真係煩
無spare tire係因為唔需要, 所以連名牌車好多都無
Yaris 係豐田最差的一個系列,經常有小問題
我都開始要搵車了!thanks for your information
Toyota CHR 油電混合👍👍👍
福特/雷諾 較少故障,保養容易,保值率高,出貨快。
@@pency9426 疫情之前可以撻車,可以坐上去任玩,踩油,同碌1步。
@@crafchan 好多間,而且有連鎖集團。我去 aston barclay 玩比較多😅
Hatchback 計 Seat 評價好好,高過 Yaris
Good advice THX
Carshop 買車選擇多,夠平,但可惜不議價。
After 30 years in Australia, Japanese car especially Toyota is my first choice of best car. Reliable and easy low maintenance. Corolla is the minimum for reliable and safety. Camry / RAV4 are the best. I used Korean cars and BMW but all disappointed me.
車, 我只會買Toyota, Honda.不過呢架細車賣12K,我認為太貴。
Lane departure warning
@@Dancerc Thanks 😘
英國工作通常long commute, drive up to an hour or more, small car not safe and not good for long commute. city car, small car, long commute perform diff... do more searching before decision
剛剛買咗架Mazda CX5, 揸 motorway都好定唔飄.
What’s the pickup like on the motorway?
英國嘅Motorway 係咪即係加拿大嘅 Highway??
@@SuperChansy have driven 2 of them before one diesel manual, one petrol auto, both have decent accelerating and good on motorway especially when Mazda don't use CVT
@@tangyiutong Thanks. May consider the CX5 to replace current Vehicle
if you got a loved brand, go to buy from the approved dealer, the warranty n quality will be much better, guaranteed.
個架新車太细啦,for 一個 family 不適合。
1:52 why you dont buy another pair of jeans?
mickey mouse?
我一個月前用15.8K 買左架19年既mercedes benz a180d 抵到爛。而家買緊下一架mini 我老婆大人, 落左訂等睇車同試渣
No, not all
Remember to insure & tax it before you leave showroom or private seller
請問香港人一去到冇credit rating 可以做到car leasing 嗎? 謝謝您們一家。
I'm not sure, haven't heard anyone do it yet.
Taunton 有冇呢啲 shop?
From my quick Google, don't think they have a big one. All quite small.
@@Dancercoh! Thanks 😅
bought a car on a rainy day. not really good.
Sorry I know nothing related to that as well. If I do think of someone who might know about it, I will give back to you later.
@@Dancerc 非常感謝,Thank you so much
新牌一定係買 Yaris 啦
HI Canaan, we're gonna be moving to Little Stoke next month. Would you be so kind to tell us some reputable local car dealers around this area?
Mud flaps may be ?
I thought waiting 185 days is a requirement? I wouldn't do anything that isn't correct, might affect getting the ILR in the future.