Englishman Reacts to... Poland is flooding and Wrocław is next!
- Опубликовано: 15 ноя 2024
- Southern Poland is flooding and rising river levels are threatening Wrocław next!
Original: • POWÓDŹ idzie przez KRA...
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#polish #poland #flood #polandflood
Szacunek za to, że poruszasz ten ważny teraz temat. Za to, że nie tylko śmieszki-heheszki dla zasięgów. Za to, że śledzisz polską rzeczywistość taką jaka jest. Szacun dla tych wszystkich którzy zmontowali ten materiał dla Ciebie. Niech się niesie.
I live in Kędzierzyn-Koźle and before the water reached Opole and Wrocław it went through my city. They don't say anywhere that we defended our city. In 1997 Koźle was completely destroyed.
Pozdrowienia z Oławy. W tej chwili (21.30) jest u nas 735 cm ( w 1997 roku było 766 cm) i na razie się trzymamy choć wały wszędzie przesiąkają. Damy radę!
Wishing you the best
Trzymajcie się w Oławie. Wrocław jest z Wami. Nie poddamy się w tej walce 💪
@@RobReacts1 Thanks Rob
@@kasia_wachula Dziękuję i wiem, że Wrocław też wyjdzie z tego bez szwanku.
@KrzysztofPM W Brzegu daliśmy rade to i Wy dacie. Będzie dobrze! Musi być.
Thanks for bringing this toping up, Rob. It is truly a catastrophy for many people.
I'm lucky to live where I do. We haven't really had any disasters like this
It's heartbreaking to watch 😭
Not nice. We are very lucky where we are!
Thank you for bringing this topic up
Podniesiemy się, jest duch w narodzie 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
7:03 Ja pierdole! What kind of trush do you have to be to rob the firefihters during a rescue operation?!
ponoć ukry okradli
Bez przesady, szabrowników było tylko kilkoro, w przeciwieństwie do dziesiątków tysięcy wolontariuszy
Thank you Rob for your interest and care ❤
Wanda Król to straszna tragedia ludzie stracili dorobek swojego życia pozdrawiam z Poland dziękuję 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊😢😢😢😢🕊🌏
Wrocław is safer than in 1997 because dry reservoirs were built that could absorb the flood wave. The biggest problem was in mountain towns where the wave was one or even two meters higher than in 1997. It was not mentioned that in 2019, several hundred people protested against the construction of flood reservoirs in the Kłodzko Valley, where the World Bank was supposed to finance it. Now this flood has taken their property.
Protestowali, bo nie byli świadomi zagrożenia i byli zmanipulowani przez ekologicznych aktywistów i ówczesną opozycję. Ich naciski i protesty wpłynęły na decyzje rządzących i w rezultacie nie wybudowano tych zbiorników. Gdyby politycy się nie ugięli pod presją nieświadomych ludzi, nie byłoby teraz dramatu. Wszystkie strony są winne tej tragedii.
@@Alice.El_ Nie byli świadomi zagrożenia co ty za bzdury wypisujesz. Podczas powodzi z 1997 i 2010 to gdzie byli, na Marsie?
A aktywiści ekologiczni byli świadomi!? Media nie manipulowały ludzi? Dalej manipulują, politycy manipulują, jedni na drugich zwalają winę, a w tle gruba kasa i przekręty.
Kto to bzdury wypisuje?
Może jeszcze napiszesz, że Ci poszkodowani ludzie są sami sobie winni!?
A aktywiści ekologiczni byli świadomi!? Media nie manipulowały ludzi? Dalej manipulują, politycy manipulują, jedni na drugich zwalają winę, a w tle gruba kasa i przekręty.
Kto to bzdury wypisuje?
Może jeszcze napiszesz, że Ci poszkodowani ludzie są sami sobie winni!?😮
Czyli byli świadomi zagrożenia i mimo to protestowali.. brawo Sherlocku🙄
It's all because in the quiz you didn't know that there is an Odra in Wrocław. Odra decided that you would remember.
Good luck guys. I'm from Nysa, I was not affected (other than lack of clean water) but others lost much of their possessions.
Please support them however you can.
At times like this even spreading message (exposure) can help.
Its a bit like a flashback from 1997... that year had a catastophic flood (known as a thousand year flood)- many people were left homeless, many others lost their lives.
But same as now, people back then united and helped affected people.
From that year, comes one of my favorite songs from 90's... Hey ' Nadzieja' (Hope) - you can hear most important and influencial artist from that decade singing together. That song was promoting an album from which 100% of money earned went to help people affected by the flood.
Strongly recommend watching, although there might be problem to find a subtitles version.
Hello, I'm leaving nearby Racibórz where is one of the most important retention tank. The situation is stable, they're monitoring it 24h, it's almost full so If the situation would take a bit longer the flood would be anourmous. Some cities suffer from this situation but Wrocław is pretty save. A lot of fake news, lots of panic but everything was handled perfectly. We learned from our past mistakes. Racibórz was Wrocław insurance as long as the situation there is stable, we are quite save. Too bad the flood came so unexpected to some cities, It's very serious for them and whole country is ready to help them.
I never throught my small city - Racibórz is so important to be honest. Tank's size is of a whole city and can fit 185 billion liters.
I would go in one week to Prague, but now, we must move the schedule of the trip because Warsaw-Kłodzko way is demanding not a car but a boat
Thank you Rob for this touching reaction video. Thank you 🙏
globalisty się tu nie spodziewałem 😆🫣
Właśnie... ebać global-listę, nie dawać mu fej-mu :)
Ja też nie XD Robi dość fajne filmy, jednak nie podoba mi się to, że opowiada o jakiejś katastrofie albo wojnie i tu nagle wjeżdża reklama gry planszowej
Hello rob i love your work so much. I'm from Poznań and i will be definitely up for a meetup. I think there will be even more people trying to gat a picture and a high five with you.
Keep it up and never lose your smile.
Haha Tuesday 24th evening. I will do a video to say where tomorrow 😊
The biggest problem is the lack of civil defence in Poland. A few years ago, the last legal provisions on CD, which were outdated, were cancelled - the whole thing referred to a total conflict from the Cold War. Unfortunately, none of the political options is interested* in this topic and since the fall of communism the subject has been unmoved. At the local, grassroots level, the services and civilians rose to the occasion, but at this scale of disaster they could not cope. Central aid is only just arriving and long term there is optimism about the role of the state. Unfortunately, there is a lack of administrative tools and procedures in Poland in the event of a large disaster of a supra-regional nature. For the moment, the government is doing what it can with what it has -> it will get better by the day. Unfortunately, the shortcomings have once again become known. And this is despite many lessons, like the famous flood of 1997 or 2010. Maybe this time (which I don't believe in) politicians will hide their animosities and unite to create a high-level civil defence law.
*The Civil Defence Act has been dragging on for several months, but according to experts it is a terrible legal bubble.
Powódź z 2010 roku.
W jej wyniku zginęło 25 osób, a kilkadziesiąt zostało rannych. W czasie tej powodzi Wisła osiągnęła najwyższy poziom w znanej historii - aż 956 cm, tym samym jej poziom był wyższy o 80 cm niż w 1997 r. Ale wtedy padało z 2 tygodnie, a teraz 3 dni deszczu i takie zniszczenia?
Manipulacje pogodowe, w komentarzach podano, że były impulsy elektroniczne z Polski ( 3 stacje haarp) i Czech na tereny obecnie zalane😢
Też tego nie rozumiem. Czy tam były aż tak potężne ulewy, by wywołać taką falę powodziową?
Jaka jest przyczyna?
Flood never coming from the sea. Always from rivers especially from mountain. The problem often arises when the soil is dry, hardens and then during heavy rainfall it cannot soak in and flows down the river.
Not exactly, the North of Poland and cities like Szczecin can be flooded by stong winds from Baltic Sea that cause backwater coming inland. That was ours worry a few days ago - the backwater meeting the water flowing from Wrocław.
Hi, I'm from Głogów, a city on the Odra river, north of Wrocław, although the city itself will probably not flood, it may flood the island nearby (called Ostrów Tumski) and the railway tracks, cutting of the railway from Głogów
Pozdro z Leeds, Anglii. Mam tam rodzinkę
Jak tam os Hutnik? Nie zatonie? Stryja tam mam. Uważajcie żeby wam różowego mostu nie zabrało...
@@rapper3d1b w 1997 mostu nie zabrało a teraz poziom ma być niższy, to raczej okej będzie
oh you're coming to Poznan? that's nice, hope to see ya!
I will do a video and community post probably tomorrow. Looking to meet people on Tuesday 24th evening
All the cities by the river Oder would have been flooded even more than in 97 if they didn't build a huge storage reservoir called Racibórz Dolny on it's way (finished in 2020) which has 185 million m3 of water capacity & took huge ammounts of water that wss comming from Czechia. The wave would have been easily 2 meters taller without it cause the ammount of rain that poured in 5 days was much larger than in 97.
Ja mieszkam między Opolem a Nysą, którą dotknęła powódź. W Głuchołazach mam rodzinę, ich również zalało 😢 Nie mają wody, gazu. Na szczęście mają prąd. W Nysie byłam kilka dni wcześniej i w Prudniku na badaniach lekarskich. Wtedy było jeszcze pięknie i słonecznie. 😔 Aż dziw bierze, jak to się drastycznie zmieniło! 😢😢😢
Pamiętam powódź w Opolu w 1997 roku. Mieszkałam wtedy w tym mieście. Przeżywałam bardzo tamtą powódźpp, na każdym kroku w TV i radio było słychać, co się dzieje. 😢
To, co się stało teraz napawało mnie również lękiem, bo moje miasto też zostało podtopione, ale na szczęście nie poważnie, bez porównania do Nysy, Prudnika, Brzegu, Głuchołaz czy Wrocławia. 😢😢😢
There are several possible reasons for what is happening right now in Lower Silesia:
- From 97 little was done to prevent that scenario from repeating itself
- Whole summer of 2024 was pretty hot and dry - soil has lost its retention ability - it could not absorb majority of sudden rainfalls water
- We have ignored warnings from our neighbors from the south - they were not early enough to prevent all of what happened, but things would have been a little better if we have listened to them
- I am not sure about this, but removing some parts of forests in our mountain chains is also not a good idea in terms of helping us prevent the flooding
W polskich mediach informacyjnych sytuacja powodziowa jest obecnie oczywiście tematem pierwszym, od którego zaczynają się serwisy wiadomości. Dziękujemy za Twoje zainteresowanie tematem. Pogoda w ostatnim czasie chociaż się uspokoiła.😏 Niestety skala nieszczęść jest przerażająca. 😳 Bez pomocy państwa wielu nie da sobie rady. Życzę siły wszystkim dotkniętym tym kataklizmem. Za kilka minut będzie leciał w telewizji publicznej charytatywny blok reklamowy, z którego środki zostaną przeznaczone na pomoc ofiarom powodzi (w tym tygodniu podobne akcje pomocowe organizowały dwie inne stacje mediów).
The biggest flood in Poland in 1813, 1924, 1934, 1979, 1982, 1997 i 2010 and now 2024 year
And 1793
i jeszcze Potop szwedzki.
@@dawmar3066 najkosztowniejsza
The Netflix series High Water mentioned in this video is quite good. The plot is built around the flood situation in Wrocław in '97.
PS. those automatic subtitles must have been hard to read.
Wanda Król oglądam cały czas ten Armagedon w Poland i innych krajach Europy 💔🕊🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊😢😢😢😢🕊
I am a resident of Wrocław. The flood situation in my city is incomparably better than in 1997. But what happened in the towns of the Kłodzko Valley is a real tragedy. The water destroyed bridges and sometimes destroyed houses. I saw a film where a tenement house collapsed. I survived the flood in 1997 and I can imagine the pain of the inhabitants of these towns. in such moments we are hurt by: grief, pain and helplessness in the face of the elements. The consolation is that people are ready to spontaneously help in case of danger. That's who we were in 1997, and I'm proud that the next generation continues to do the same.
It was better...because others cities was destroyed, the water escaped to the sites, so the main rivers were unburdened, and thanks to government more were harmed, as they didn't emptied any emergency reserviors...they just didn't cared in expertises that was known few days before flod.
Well, I am from Wroclaw suburb of Oporow. I feel quite bad that I left the town on Sunday trying miss the flood. It was the fear of the unknown. I am roughly 800m (1/2 mile) from the Sleza river. As the flood progressed, as more information came in, I realised that this trip was not needed. Judging from all the footage, I am optimistic that most part of Wroclaw will be dry. There are a few suburbs on the Bystrzyca river that have been flooded.
Rob, try to enjoy Poznan.
All of You tourist that thinking to visit our beautiful city....pleas come....this is the way You can support us....
97 to była katastrofa z której do dziś nie wszyscy się wyleczyli a jedyne pocieszenie władz to: nie będzie tak źle jak w 97. To tak jak by powiedzieć: wiemy że w 97 1/4 kraju była nie zdatna do egzystencji ale teraz będzie lepiej maksymalnie 1/5 będzie niezdatna.
Looks like Wrocław will not be so affected with flood, however what happened in Lądek, Kłodzko, Stronie Śląskie and so on is heartbreaking. I know that places quite well, I've been there so many times already.
And in some of them there could be controled flooding, but polish waters didn't wanted to empty the emergency reserviors.
@@kuroimushi9421Bo już nie są polskie ( sprzedane chyba rok temu starszym i mądrzejszym z USA)😢
I live in Wrocław. The situation is better than in 1997, but local flooding in the city cannot be ruled out due to leaky flood embankments that are saturated with water. Several districts are in the water, but there is no drama yet.
Przez Poznań płynie Warta 😉 spokojnie, nic nie bedzie się działo 😊
Poznań jest bezpieczny. Na Warcie strefa sanów średnich 😉
Recently I helped pack and organize things for flood victims, my back hurts, I caught a cold and my head hurts, but I'm glad I could help others. I also wanted to ask, will you watch Makłowicz?
My house is on the outskirts of szczecin ,by the beech forest, on top of that on a mountain/hill..... I don't know what can happen in the center,but guess as usual nothing big will happen in szczecin ....
somehow my city always bypasses natural disasters ....
so sorry for these people ...and the animals even more ;(
A tragedy, but unfortunately this is nothing new. Time has shown that we somehow manage. As it is us, when the emotions subside we will treat the reconstruction as an opportunity to improve and innovate. Although we can't see it, we are coping not so badly with the whole situation. We are masters of rebuilding 💪
Co daj, Panie Boże, Amen!
I'm from Poznań :) The city is on the Warta river, so let's hope that the flood wave from the south does not reach this river, area .... 💪
Wszyscy w Polsce pomagamy. Ludzie jadą i pomagają sprzątać. Jedzenie, woda butelkowa, sprzęt, środki dezynfekcyjne, płyną z całego kraju. Ludzie też zbierają pieniądze, musimy sobie poradzić 🤷
You can watch w very good series about the '97 flood 'Wielka Woda'
Wszystkie środki państwowe powinny zostać skierowane do pomocy i obrony granic. Kompletne odcięcie od wszystkiego. Mówię to z terenów nie obciętych powodzią.
Wszystko powinno być skierowanie na pomoc.
I'm from Oława and we are waiting now if the water will oferflow through barricades, but we are positive about it
Pomijasz weselników z trzech wesel, których ponad setkę szukają do tej pory.😢
I am from southern poland - while i'm not in the flooding zone (i live in a region of foothills before the Beskid mountains - While it is kind of a valley (and huge one at that, it's so big that you kinda won't see it is a valley, unless you are really far away, and look from north towards south), but also we have around natural barrier in form of hills that are between 150-300 meters high - so the flood would have to be of biblical proportions to somehow "touch" us) ...
I kinda predicted this would happen almost a year ago.
Back in December 2023, 2nd of december, to be exact - I Had Seasonal Depression, so i watched one british, probably amateur weather forecaster on youtube (forgot the name), to know, when will be warmer and snow would disappear.
And he was talking about el nino, and said that while it was supposed to be strong el nino, it ended up being something called "El nino Modoki" - so the one that's mostly in a center of a pacific ocean.
And when watching this, i was like "Welp, either in spring or summer of 2024, we would have very big flood, because similar things happened back in 1996-1997, before Millenium Flood"
fast forward around 9 months, and low and behold, I was absolutely right.
There’s no global warming! Mr TRUMP feels cold in winter, so what are they talking about? 😂😳🤯
I feel for Polish people who have been affected by water element. 😢
and what about citys flooded on September 15. KŁODZKO, STRONIE, LĄDEK which was much higher than in 97. We were the first to be flooded. Wroclaw and Opole could have time to prepare, we heve not
Poznań river is Warta. Before you go just check the situation with weather and rivers water levels.
That what happens when you build concrete everywhere
Mr Rob you as Assie have tornados we have floodings.
Look at Stronie Śląskie town. It looks like after tsunami. Politicians are very bad in Poland. They havent built reservoirs and stole a lot of money. Result you can see right now..
Zielińska będąc w opozycji mądrzyła się że po co zbiorniki jak jest susza a poza tym taki zbiornik bardzo niszczy przyrodę. No to teraz zniszczył ludziom dobytek i złamał życia. Podziękujcie lewaczce Zielińskiej.
30cm is a foot.
But my foot is only 28cm, so who's feet are we talking about 😂
Police say 7 victims🖤
You do not need a war a flooding is enaugth to destry. So so sad.
Meanwhile in Warsaw: OK
You not coming any LECH game ?maybe next time. Poznan it is safe. Warta river in Poznan have space to be biger U see when U go to Ostow Tumski Have a nice time in Poznan
Unfortunately I'm Tuesday to Friday so no game on. I'm going to do a stadium tour Friday morning though
did I hear that you will be in Poznań? It's time to take a leave of absence from work haha
Haha Tuesday to Friday next week. I'll be doing a meet and greet Tuesday evening. Video out tomorrow on where I decide
@@RobReacts1 cool, I'm waiting for your news😁
Klimat się tak zmienił , że niektóre miejsca nie nadają się do zamieszkania i są bezbronne wobec takiego żywiołu ! Następna powódź może być 10 razy większa i nie pomoże tu żaden zbiornik retencyjny !!! Największym problemem jest masowe wycinanie drzew na świecie i w Polsce oczywiście też .
W Polsce obszarów leśnych przybywa i jest to zaplanowana polityka.
Puknij sie w glowe powodzie przed woja byly wieksze i straszniejsze. Tym razem ministry klimatu napelnialy zbiorniki retencyjne i osuszaly rzeki aby pokazac naiwnym ze klimat powoduje susze . I nieopruzlini zbiornikow bo bali sie ze klamstwo sie rypnie . Premier oklamal ze nic sie nie dzieje i prosze dlatego zrzucali wode ze zbiprnikow za pozno i zalali wszystko
@@FPV.ExploreScotland Idź do psychiatry, bo wypowiadasz sie na tematy, o których nie masz zielonego pojęcia. Naiwny ze spranym mózgiem przez prawicowych kłamców i złodziei.
To efekt ze władz nie robił nic w sprawie regulacji rzek od 1997 poza jedym zbronikiem nie umocno brzegów nisy by nie poswiencac ptaków poswienco ludzi
To nie kwestia regulacji rzek - najgorszy pomysł ever; właśnie sztuczna regulacja prowadzi do takich nieszczęść, chodzi o tworzenie miejsc, gdzie rzeki mogą wylewać w bezpieczny dla ludzi sposób. Niestety ludzie są tak głupi, że buduja się też na terenach zalewowych. A jak jest próba wybudowania zbiorników retencyjnych to protestują i nie chcą sie przeprowadzać. Do tego wycinamy drzewa - poprzedni rząd był mistrzem w tym, a każde drzewo to nie tylko mniej CO2 i świeże powietrze, ale także ochrona przed powodziami.
@@Polans-gd Wielkie Masta powstają na płaskich ternach tak Powstała Praga Budapesz Wieden Bukateszt Londyn itp.
@@Polans-gd Studium stucznej regulacji rzek ma kilka zalet:
Ochrona przed powodziami: Budowa tam i spiętrzenie wody może zmniejszyć ryzyko powodzi poprzez kontrolowanie przepływu rzeki.
Zapewnienie stabilności wody: Regularne dostosowanie poziomu wody może być korzystne dla rolnictwa, dostosowując podaż wody do potrzeb rolniczych.
Energetyka: Stawy wodne mogą być wykorzystywane do produkcji energii elektrycznej, dzięki czemu mogą przyczynić się do zwiększenia niezawodności systemu energetycznego.
Transport wodny: Poprawa żeglugi rzecznej, co może zwiększyć wykorzystanie transportu wodnego jako alternatywy dla transportu drogowego.
Rekreacja i turystyka: Tworzenie akwenów rekreacyjnych, które są atrakcyjne dla turystów i mieszkańców lokalnych.
Aww, Rob, 37 cm is a bit more than a foot! You showed maybe 10-15 cm!
Well my point stands, it's not a lot!
@@RobReacts1 yes, that's true! Still way too much water!
10-15? I know we guys always like to add some cms, but come on!
i personally live in upper silesia so im not affected by it in any way but i have friends who live near Brzeg they are not affected because they live uphill of Oder river but one of thems girlfriend live in a town that is heavy flooded (actually its the town of Lewin Brzeski that was shown in the video) i didnt asked him about specific but i talked with them overall view and tbh the logistics them town gov and our main gov how they're handling things is fucking awful. Before the flood our PM said that everything is and will be ok and stuff like that now omg we need to do something to help thoser people not like there was false informations and unnecesary calming yeah chaos is not an ally but say the truth FFS and money from EU that "will" be send to Poland is the money that already was set to be send few mnonths before just different pocket... i hate EU and how they opperate and our current gov is at the level of the past one which is low
The title makes it look like Poland and Wtoclaw are two separate places 😅
Haha it does lol
Poznan is not affected and it wont be
Don't be so sure...
Altough wish you all the best.
I've hoped you'd say something about this.
Mostly usual people are helping, firefighters, police, builders with heavy machines....
Government and organisations??? Didn't heard anything more than promises.
All firefighters from all around Poland keep running, some were robbed when helping, also much spite and wrogness is being spit on the social media.😓
How is ŚWIDNICA is that affected. ?
2:45. Don't wory mates. Grey cat has everything under control. ;)
Niemcy więcej zniszczyli
Nothing tragic will happen to Wroclaw, politicians made sure to let other towns such as like Klodzko, Gluchlazy and Nysa to get flooded so that Opole and Wroclaw would be safe. I actually was revolted lookin at the preparations for Wroclaw when there were none for others. Absolutely disgusting.
That's the point I was making, Wrocław would probably be fine because the smaller towns will suffer more and that will lower the water levels for Wrocław
@@RobReacts1 I come from Nysa but I am currently living in Leicester. For the last week I was glued the my mobile and any news reports I could think of. I was terrified for my friends and family especially after I've heard on the news that Nysa's dyke could have collapsed at any moment. Thankfully the worst did not happen and everyone is safe and sound. The only damage my friends and family have are flooded basements.
There was a tv debate about why this happened, interesting thing they said it could be prevented if government would react accordingly.
Just so you know Tusk in general I have no idea how he was able to return to Poland because he is literally hated by Poles, because he is too much pro-German and literally EU and German sent him back to Poland because PIS was not cooperating with EU. Germans from ancient times has had one goal: destroy Poland. Tusk and his government actions just proved that he is pro-German and he helps them to destroy Poland.
take your pills, bro
It's nice that you're interested, but you really have nothing to worry about; this is a disease of our country and has been happening once every fifteen or twenty years since time immemorial.
Najgorsze że to zostało celowo zrobione 😢
no jak chuj
Tak, przez reptilian
Tak, tak, a ufo steruje ludźmi. Idź do psychiatry na leczenie lepiej.
Co tu bredzisz!!!
It's wrongfully presented topic, by president of Wrocław. In Wrocław people voted for current government and Tusk - the prime minister - failed in that matter, like always. It's also part of his plan to destroy Poland. It's also a additional flaw on his public image. He didn't allert people before it happened, he even said there's no need to worry much, because "the prognisis are not alarming" (ONE DAY BEFORE IT HAPPENED). Czech people were alerted 3 WEEKS BEFORE it happened to them. And now Tusk is making idiotic moves with no constultation, riddiculing himself and the other people dependent on him, even though they and himself have not much, if at all competences and trust in nation's clearly thinking, part, especially patriots. He deceived "his" nation once again and he keeps doing it. And this was probably biggest image failure of his. And you know what else Tusk did? He said Poland has a state of natural disaster when 2 people were already dead.
I had a generous day today because i put a pack of chips in the charity action for the people affected by the flood
Country made from cardboard and ruled by cardboard lego figures
Fun fact politicians that live in one of Wrocław estates moved a lot of soldiers, firefighters etc to secure their homes ;)
A którzy to politycy i gdzie mieszkają i gdzie tych żołnierzy przenieśli?
To normalna sprawa że będzie kolejna wielka woda a oni ledwo zdążą się odbudować ... nie żal tych którzy myślą jak zniszczyć rzeki jeszcze bardziej i wybudować się jeszcze bliżej !!! Zabrali teren rzece a ona po prostu się o niego upomniała ...
5:08 That's 14 and 12 cm.