Played this exactly once. My roommate managed to build a super stardestroyer in a single turn using a combination of abilities to rush it through production. Meanwhile, I managed to achieve several objectives in a single large well planned skirmish. Not long after, her fleet movements changed, and I realized she'd figured out where my base was. But it was too late. I'd place my base in an empty, remote corner, on the opposite end of the Galaxy from my fleets that had drawn the attention of Imperial forces. There were not enough turns left to make it there. As the overwhelming might of the Empire closed in on my tiny base, the Galaxy rose up in sudden revolt, and the Empire was overthrown. Regrettably, that Super Stardestroyer never made it into combat. Was a good time.
I love that at the end he organizes the miniatures in the box incredibly meticulously and then immediately handles the box in a way that would ruin the formation instantly XD
I would absolutely watch an entire video of nothing but Quinns incorrectly naming Star Wars minis. I was legitimately laughing out loud by time he said "battle cat" 😅😂💀
I have played Star Wars Rebellion with my brother roughly 75 times and we had a blast. It's definitely not a story-telling game; it's more of a strategy game with really good mechanics and a fun Star Wars cover. You mentioned that when you've played as both sides once, you've seen roughly everything the game has to offer. I would like to say that that's when the game starts getting REALLY fun and interesting. Because we played the game so many times, we both knew what the other side could do and we would start this whole mind games sequence where I think he's trying to turn Leah to the Darkside but then he pulls a fast one on me and makes Mon Calamari loyal to the Empire. If you've got a buddy or two who is willing to consistently play the game with you, you're gonna have a blast, trust me. Also, SU&SD, do you think you could review the expansion for Star Wars Rebellion? The Rogue One editions are excellent and it balances out the starting armies a lot.
Actually the thing I love most about your videos is that by the end of it I am almost always more sure about whether I will like it or not than I am sure about whether YOU guys liked it or not. You are mostly very objective in your approaches. Keep doing what you do! Love from Sweden
My question is, what is to stop the Empire from just going planet to planet and blowing everything up...other than potentially running out of explodie tokens?
anyone that has drinks has to keep them far away from the board, and have to face away from the board every time they need a sip. I dont trust drinks next to my electronics, books and board games!
We played this game last night and MAN was it fun! There are some extremely tense moments and A LOT of planning how you will use your cards and leaders. I was the rebel and my GF found my base and assaulted it. Luckily she ran out of ground troops and I ended up moving my base at the end of that turn. It was a struggle. She had a death star at the neighboring system to my new base but I ended up winning with 3 objective points at the end of the round that pushed my reputation marker enough to win before she used the death star on me! Love this game but it's LONG!
Truly brilliant breakdown. Was entertained the whole way through, engaged with learning the game and coerced into making a hefty Amazon purchase disguised as a gift for the holidays all in 18 minutes. Brilliant
To be honest, I had a blast playing this game with a friend. I had a powerful story arc where Luke Skywalker, in a climactic battle, blew up the Death Star and killed Darth Vader, leading to a powerful victory.
You should definitely revisit the game now that the expansion "Rise of the Empire" has been released as it changes the combat which was one of your biggest gripes with the base game it seems.
I like the combats, as they are mostly won before actually doing them. During them, you have a little bit of strategizing to do: when to use cards, what units to destroy. But if they gave more choices than that, the total game length would become horrendous. I think it's a good thing that the game doesn't focus on combats, and rather on missions, deployment on the map, hide & seek, etc.
Let me start by saying that I enjoyed your review. I felt it was fair and covered all of the major boons and criticisms. My only issue is that after reviewing your review of TI4, I have to ask why you criticize the combat system in SWR but are thrilled by a nearly mechanically similar system in TI4? You criticize SWR for not having the board space for either the pieces or the rolling but make no mention that TI4 is plagued by this same issue. Yes, in TI4, you roll vs a Target # and resolve hits immediately like in Axis and Allies; however, mechanically this is not all that different from roll X dice based on unit types and placing a hit marker. Thus, TI4 is roll 3 dice vs TN 7 and 2 dice vs TN 6 while SWR is roll 3 red and 2 black. If in TI4, you played action cards to reduce damage after all rolls were completed instead of immediately after the roll then it would be mechanically identical to SWR in how it handles damage resolution: roll dice and mark hits until all units resolved, play cards to remove damage and resolve all hits still marked, and repeat. So thus my question, why do you really dislike the combat in 1 system but love it in another when their is only minor mechanical differences between both systems? Again, I want it said... I do not necessarily disagree but it is something that struck me and made me curious.
I completely disagree on the storytelling aspect. Rebellion gives you many options to play out your own Star Wars movie and it's different each time. How is that not storytelling? Actually, I think it's this game's biggest draw.
"buy as a war game or not buy it at all" AND "the combat sucks" Sound funny both sentences in the same video. Funnier as you say: "totally buy it at the end" hahaha Sweet review guys :D
1. Buys game 2. Takes out all of the cool miniatures 3. Disregards the rest of the game and never touches it again 4. Paints all the space ships, fighters, and AT-ATs 5. Plays with the minis and has many mock battles like an 8 yr old *PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW KA-BLAAAAAAAMMMMM!* 6. No regrets
Awesome review ! I have been watching boardgame reviews on youtube for a while now but this one is on a whole different level ! The cam angles, the clear explanations, the humor... perfect fit ! Definitely subscribing :)
I would also disagree on the storytelling aspect. The ability to convert leaders to the other side, the capacity of a sole survivor of an imperial attack on the base to rally and restart the rebellion somewhere else, etc. I've played it four times and had four VERY different games, each one with some really astonishing/distressing moments.
Got the game last night. Has fantastic first couple of play values. But afterwards (I've play imperial every time so far) I know what I need to do to slow down the rebels massively and stop any sneak attacks as I've already memorised them, saying that. Nothing is more satisfying as when I rolled the "Danger Egg" into Bespin and those pesky rebel's Straight out of the galaxy. Instant Victory!
I picked this one up used about a year ago from someone that believed playing it once from each side did provide everything, this however has not been my experience. The story told in my 10+ plays have varied and interesting. Granted after the first 5 plays I added the expansion which does improve some of the criticisms mentioned here.
15:16 "Other story driven board games like, Dead of Winter, Archipelago, Merchants and Marauders, or Tales of the Arabian Nights" Thanks for the suggestions ^^
I played the computer version of this back in 1998 . This was the height of the then called Expanded Universe . When the Novel's creativity was at its highest. Before the Prequels and the eventual change of name to Legends .
Disagree with the "not telling a story" comment, that's one of the things I love about it most, after a fair few plays... sure blowing up a Death Star is always going to be important, as is taking out a Star Destroyer, those beats will always be there but not two games have been the same and I haven't felt like it's Star Wars on shuffle at all! After every game we've ended up talking through the cool story it told!
I just mentioned the PC version of this game on your War of the Ring review and I think it does the storytelling a lot better at the cost of added complexity. For one thing, the characters actually have a presence on the galaxy. They occupy planets and fleets and can be sent on missions to either, and it takes them time to get from one place to another. One interesting aspect of this is that once a unit (character, troop, or ship) enters hyperspace it can't be interacted with until it exits hyperspace at its destination. That means that if you manage to capture an enemy character, one way of frustrating your opponent's rescue efforts is to stick that character on a cheap, slow transport and bounce them from one edge of the galaxy to the other. This turns the prospect of rescuing an important character into a herculean effort that would be worthy of its own movie, where you have to send recon teams and spies around the galaxy hunting down not just where the transport is going to arrive but when so you can send ships to ambush it and hopefully spring them from custody before the enemy shows up to hammer you down or bounce the transport back to the other side of the galaxy.
If I click on that Amazon link and buy the game, do you get a kickback from Amazon? If so, that's a good thing and I will always look for those links under your videos when I buy board games.
The major complaint of combat has been significantly improved with the expansion. For anyone worried about that, HIGHLY suggest picking up the expansion. Those combat cards are replaced with a much more elegant combat card solution, and combat is actually enjoyable to take part of in my opinion. Great review Quinn!
Honest and good review! The game has it's flaws, but I still think that it's a must have for any Star Wars fan. It's certainly not a cash grab as some mention here, you get a shitload of SW goodies for your money, and it's a ton of fun to play.
You're right. It's certainly derivative, which may be more to some people's tastes than others, but it's more or less what I look for in a Star Wars game. They really did grind up the original trilogy and press it in to board game shaped pellets, and derivative or not, it's made with real care, and it's a real love letter to any old-school Star Wars fan.
Nice job! I respect that y'all aren't afraid to do your jobs and, y'know, be critical. I think you just saved me some cash (which I promptly spent on Captain Sonar...)!
Years later i still love this game. For me Dead of Winter, Eldritch Horror and similar games never had true story. But fun to play them. The expansion helps with the battle extremely, make it more startegic not only dice rolling like in Risk and hoping for numbers to win. The better you play the game the more you appritiate it. It's easy to be bad with wither side. For beginners i recommend play as the Empire, and ALWAYS conqurer. Even if Rebel player does tons of awful things spread spread spread.
One of the first board games I bought due to your recommendations. Don't regret it at all although since then I've both moved into a smaller house and still don't have anyone to play it with. :D
I will have to get this at some point. I've been eyeing it... my hesitation is it being only a two player game and a long one at that, and thus, will be harder to get it to the table. But I will probably pick this up, since my other worry about the complexity apparently was unfounded due to what looks like good design choices. Thanks Quinn and co, for another great, balanced review!
The video implies an alternate mode of play: get the rebel base out of the box, don't bother with the rest of it, and hide the base somewhere in your house or your apartment complex or whatever you prefer. Then someone else has to find it. Costumes optional. Soundtrack mandatory.
Actually, with Dagobah blown up, you can still find Yoda. Leaders can go to destroyed sectors (there are still planets there, just not the MAIN planet) and activate related missions (though this is the only mission I can think of off the top of my head that applies). This was verified by FF and will be in the faq.
The sensation this board game gives is why I play board games and not computer games. I find computer games a far more sterile experience on most occasions. I say that having played some great comp games over time but not hitting what boar d games give me.
Really loved this review. I know I am hopelessly late to this game but in couple of weeks I will have a chance to play this as aI never heard of it before and this review actually made me more giddy.
But where is Dr. Who in all of this? This was the best review of the game! Love the humor and the truth of things. Thanks for protecting our hard earned bucks. Keep up the great work... Now that I think of it... maybe there should be some Daalicks or Cybermen... just me? "Danger Egg"????.... a classic... but you forgot one thing... that classic line from Monty Python... "Look, I'm being oppressed!!!!"
I found the combat to be one of the aspects of the game I enjoyed most actually. That just shows how people tend to have different tastes. As good as reviews can be, trying out the game yourself if you get a chance somehow is the best route. I watch SU&SD or the Dice Tower reviews for most games im interested in, but look at playthroughs like in Watch it Played if Im serious about buying.
Well, I think the game is able to tell stories, but its very subtle. Once my Leia was captured by Boba Fett, tortured by her Father to reveal the rebell base location and turned to the dark side by the Emperor. Love your videos! Keep on guys :)
some one was just like "empire at war needs more analogue" then realized their mistake but were afraid micky would come after them so shipped it any way
Curious what you guys thought of this change. Much like how War of the Ring has two ways to win, perhaps rebellion needs something similar. My thinking is this, why does the game end when the score trackers meet each other? That seems kinda anti climactic right? You would probably want it to end in a glorious battle deciding the fate of the galaxy? In my experience it usually ends with the empire admitting, they know where the rebel base it, but its too far for their forces to get to and therefor its over, gg. What about instead of just ending, the score tracker meeting the round timer launched the galaxy into full revolt, with any planets with rebel loyalties getting forces, all imperial occupied but loyal worlds immediately starting a fight, and any neutral inhabited planet that has rebel forces becoming a rebel loyal planet. This would give them access to a whole new bag of minis and would start a couple rounds where either the Emperor must be defeated in combat and the death star destroyed or the rebellion must take over Coruscant. It would give both the rebels and the empire a whole new level of strategy as abandoning worlds as the rebels (while useful to start the rebellion) leaves more worlds that will probably be crushed instantly before they can be grouped into true armies, and the empire (who's only winning strategy is to blob out and leave a singular stormtrooper behind on every world and never actually gain loyalty except on like 2 worlds) has an incentive to really dig down and prep for a bigger fight if they can't win the earlier stages. It would add the same dynamic as the war of the rings ring seeking vs fortress capture, their goals become orthogonal yet linked.
I'm preparing to play this with my friend, very excited! My only problem with the game are the probe deck rules. The planet the Rebel base is hiding on should be *in* the probe deck, say with a sticker that IDs it as the secret Rebel base. Otherwise there's no chance the Empire will ever find the base with it's probe droids until it's searched every planet in the galaxy but one, which is crazy. Fix this rule & I'd give the game a 10 out of 10.
@@JezielProdigalSon Right, that's the problem. Darth Vader didn't have to hunt through every star system but one to find where the Rebel base is *not* located.
This game was awesome! only played without the expansion. Im sure if i wanted to play it very frequently I wouldnt think so fondly of it but i think playing this maybe twice a year is perfect.
That was a Y-wing, not an X-wing. Also this was a video game, same core problem, hidden Rebel base, a more heavily resourced Empire, characters doing missions who's deployment is just as important as the movement of units. Likewise the space combat system in the game was terrible and the auto-resolution button was your best option. Key differences was that characters could be captured (and rescued) and the Rebels had to also capture Vader and Palpatine and conquer Corrusant to win. Meanwhile the Empire had to capture Luke and Mon Mothma in addition to destroying the base. Leveling up characters and conducting research for new vehicles (Tie-Interceptors, B-Wings etc) was interesting along with the leveling up of character stats and the ability to find randomly force sensitive and trainable individuals among your leaders.
Thanks for the review! Can someone help me with a question that wasn’t covered - how does this game work for 3 and 4 players? Just make teams and consult each other? Or is there more to it? Thanks :)
15:00 a simple solution to that is to create your own cards. with your own scenario.... This can create countless new experiences and can create 100, 1000, or even, 100 000 new card over the time you play this game. You can create anything, and thats what board games are there for... Dont be shy, create a card today, something like... ! A new Jedi is found ! And then a few other cards that says : !The jedi has been sent to Luke for training ! ( Send new jedi on Luke's position ) And then another few cards that says : ! The new jedi training is complete ! ( add the new Jedi as a new hero ) And have a new hero. Never seen before. And you can go so on and so on, and create new stuff... New rebel ships, weapons, new planets even, new technologies, new characters, new scenarios, etc etc.
It's a fun game the first couple times, but it feels pretty easily "solved" as the imperials. I don't think it has nearly as much replay value as many of the other war games I've played.
I loved the computer game as a kid. I remember asking my mom if she could buy me a RAM upgrade to 16 Megabytes from 8 (16 MB!) so I could play it. Surprised you didn't mention the PC game in your review (that I noticed), since this board game just seems like a watered down version of the PC game.
Played this exactly once. My roommate managed to build a super stardestroyer in a single turn using a combination of abilities to rush it through production. Meanwhile, I managed to achieve several objectives in a single large well planned skirmish. Not long after, her fleet movements changed, and I realized she'd figured out where my base was.
But it was too late. I'd place my base in an empty, remote corner, on the opposite end of the Galaxy from my fleets that had drawn the attention of Imperial forces. There were not enough turns left to make it there. As the overwhelming might of the Empire closed in on my tiny base, the Galaxy rose up in sudden revolt, and the Empire was overthrown. Regrettably, that Super Stardestroyer never made it into combat.
Was a good time.
I love that at the end he organizes the miniatures in the box incredibly meticulously and then immediately handles the box in a way that would ruin the formation instantly XD
Wish I'd tried that as the rebel. I think my first game on that side lasted 3 turns ...and that may be rose-tinted hindsight
@@Timlagor You wish you'd tried shaking the box to disorganize the miniatures?
@@chdest4550 Exactly! Would have distracted my opponent long enough for me to switch my base location without him noticing!
I would absolutely watch an entire video of nothing but Quinns incorrectly naming Star Wars minis. I was legitimately laughing out loud by time he said "battle cat" 😅😂💀
If I ever play this again I'm definitely deploying the danger egg
Petition to rename the Death Star the Danger Egg.
Petition closed because Disney has already filed a suit against it. Sorry.
I thought it was the Peace Moon.
@@benjamindavid7371 I don't know if that's true or not but that would be funny for me
@@Duiker36 the empire says that it is, and that there is no further reason to investigate.
I have played Star Wars Rebellion with my brother roughly 75 times and we had a blast. It's definitely not a story-telling game; it's more of a strategy game with really good mechanics and a fun Star Wars cover. You mentioned that when you've played as both sides once, you've seen roughly everything the game has to offer. I would like to say that that's when the game starts getting REALLY fun and interesting. Because we played the game so many times, we both knew what the other side could do and we would start this whole mind games sequence where I think he's trying to turn Leah to the Darkside but then he pulls a fast one on me and makes Mon Calamari loyal to the Empire. If you've got a buddy or two who is willing to consistently play the game with you, you're gonna have a blast, trust me. Also, SU&SD, do you think you could review the expansion for Star Wars Rebellion? The Rogue One editions are excellent and it balances out the starting armies a lot.
Actually the thing I love most about your videos is that by the end of it I am almost always more sure about whether I will like it or not than I am sure about whether YOU guys liked it or not.
You are mostly very objective in your approaches.
Keep doing what you do! Love from Sweden
Så är det, kort och gott sagt. Hälsa tillbaks venaste Sverige från Bulgarien! Skål!
It says a lot that I'm watching this again despite having seen it when it was new...
Gary Hudston me too, two years later!
@@Raddekopp And me now. This review aged really well even in the face of a pretty good expansion.
It's a twice yearly treat for me hah
Starts talking about leaders, me a Dune player: Starts sweating furiously.
All hail Danger Egg!
My question is, what is to stop the Empire from just going planet to planet and blowing everything up...other than potentially running out of explodie tokens?
They need to have drawn one of the three explode a planet cards, as well.
But what about fan favorite, Son of Danger Egg?!
Bunk The son of Danger Egg makes the empire terrifying
Danger Egg, sad, but accurate
Am I the only one who was constantly afraid, that he spills the cup of tea over the whole thing? :)
nope I was also scared coffee can ruin the danger egg
anyone that has drinks has to keep them far away from the board, and have to face away from the board every time they need a sip. I dont trust drinks next to my electronics, books and board games!
I'm more concerned about Matt placing those figures in the Dragon Farkle box all neat and tidy, and then just instantly tipping the box once closed.
Also the two open cans of beer!
lol i just realised its fake when he movies it the liquid dosent move
Apparently 65 quid for a boardgame was very expensive, back in the ancient year of 2016
"Danger Egg; son of danger egg..." Classic
I like the way your head looks photoshopped onto your body from 5:42 to 5:55. Also, on a side note, awesome review. :D
Yeah! Came here to see if anyone else noticed that!
It's actually extremely frightening.
Holy shit!
I’ve haven’t felt that creeped out in a while
Quinns, in the spirit of your review, I find your lack of shadow disturbing :D
We played this game last night and MAN was it fun! There are some extremely tense moments and A LOT of planning how you will use your cards and leaders. I was the rebel and my GF found my base and assaulted it. Luckily she ran out of ground troops and I ended up moving my base at the end of that turn. It was a struggle. She had a death star at the neighboring system to my new base but I ended up winning with 3 objective points at the end of the round that pushed my reputation marker enough to win before she used the death star on me! Love this game but it's LONG!
I am a big fan boy for this game, but this is a super-fair review. Thanks. Will start watching your videos.
I must have seen this at least 4 times now, both pre- and post- buying the game... still love it!
LOL, you make me so nervous with that full cup of coffee RIGHT NEXT to the game board!!!
They're British, it's definitely tea, my dear.
Truly brilliant breakdown. Was entertained the whole way through, engaged with learning the game and coerced into making a hefty Amazon purchase disguised as a gift for the holidays all in 18 minutes. Brilliant
To be honest, I had a blast playing this game with a friend.
I had a powerful story arc where Luke Skywalker, in a climactic battle, blew up the Death Star and killed Darth Vader, leading to a powerful victory.
*Danger egg
You should definitely revisit the game now that the expansion "Rise of the Empire" has been released as it changes the combat which was one of your biggest gripes with the base game it seems.
Anderson Council212280 I really want to know their opinion of the expanded game.
Fantastic review! Love how you guys always point out both the really cool and sometimes disappointing aspects of a game.
I was gonna say the empire seems like it would never be able to beat the rebels in time... then I noticed 3 Death Stars on the map
This is now my favorite board game review channel. Good review and fun to watch.
I like the combats, as they are mostly won before actually doing them. During them, you have a little bit of strategizing to do: when to use cards, what units to destroy. But if they gave more choices than that, the total game length would become horrendous. I think it's a good thing that the game doesn't focus on combats, and rather on missions, deployment on the map, hide & seek, etc.
I am a simple man, I see Tyskie I press like...
Let me start by saying that I enjoyed your review. I felt it was fair and covered all of the major boons and criticisms. My only issue is that after reviewing your review of TI4, I have to ask why you criticize the combat system in SWR but are thrilled by a nearly mechanically similar system in TI4? You criticize SWR for not having the board space for either the pieces or the rolling but make no mention that TI4 is plagued by this same issue. Yes, in TI4, you roll vs a Target # and resolve hits immediately like in Axis and Allies; however, mechanically this is not all that different from roll X dice based on unit types and placing a hit marker. Thus, TI4 is roll 3 dice vs TN 7 and 2 dice vs TN 6 while SWR is roll 3 red and 2 black. If in TI4, you played action cards to reduce damage after all rolls were completed instead of immediately after the roll then it would be mechanically identical to SWR in how it handles damage resolution: roll dice and mark hits until all units resolved, play cards to remove damage and resolve all hits still marked, and repeat. So thus my question, why do you really dislike the combat in 1 system but love it in another when their is only minor mechanical differences between both systems? Again, I want it said... I do not necessarily disagree but it is something that struck me and made me curious.
This is the video that allowed me to find your channel. And I’ve had a board game addiction since
This is great! You got a new sub and I now know what I am buying my family for Christmas 2016. They hate Star Wars! Thanks!
I completely disagree on the storytelling aspect. Rebellion gives you many options to play out your own Star Wars movie and it's different each time. How is that not storytelling? Actually, I think it's this game's biggest draw.
"buy as a war game or not buy it at all" AND "the combat sucks"
Sound funny both sentences in the same video. Funnier as you say: "totally buy it at the end" hahaha
Sweet review guys :D
1. Buys game
2. Takes out all of the cool miniatures
3. Disregards the rest of the game and never touches it again
4. Paints all the space ships, fighters, and AT-ATs
5. Plays with the minis and has many mock battles like an 8 yr old *PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW KA-BLAAAAAAAMMMMM!*
6. No regrets
11:19 did you deliberately sync the background music to Quinns going "doo doo doo doo doo", you psychopaths?
Awesome review ! I have been watching boardgame reviews on youtube for a while now but this one is on a whole different level ! The cam angles, the clear explanations, the humor... perfect fit ! Definitely subscribing :)
5:41 because of the lighting, it looks as if your head has been cgi'd over the "actual" face that should be there x)
I cant unsee it now x,)
When he called a y wing an x wing I got so mad
Bryce Holt i was looking for someone else to nice it
My freind, he was being ironic. It’s an English thing.
@@justushor4014 woosh
I had the exact reaction...
I cringed but the X-wing fail turned into a Y-wing win with the introduction of... "The Danger Egg"!
You cant imagine the stress and pain that I feel when I see a cup of coffee REALLY close to a bord game.7:00
Me: "Seeing the coffee shacking":
I would also disagree on the storytelling aspect. The ability to convert leaders to the other side, the capacity of a sole survivor of an imperial attack on the base to rally and restart the rebellion somewhere else, etc. I've played it four times and had four VERY different games, each one with some really astonishing/distressing moments.
Got the game last night.
Has fantastic first couple of play values.
But afterwards (I've play imperial every time so far) I know what I need to do to slow down the rebels massively and stop any sneak attacks as I've already memorised them, saying that. Nothing is more satisfying as when I rolled the "Danger Egg" into Bespin and those pesky rebel's Straight out of the galaxy. Instant Victory!
Love your review and love this game. I wanted a war game in the Star Wars Universe, so this is what I expected. Keep up the great work.
I picked this one up used about a year ago from someone that believed playing it once from each side did provide everything, this however has not been my experience. The story told in my 10+ plays have varied and interesting. Granted after the first 5 plays I added the expansion which does improve some of the criticisms mentioned here.
15:16 "Other story driven board games like, Dead of Winter, Archipelago, Merchants and Marauders, or Tales of the Arabian Nights"
Thanks for the suggestions ^^
bro, pls, move that cup out of the table, i'm being triggered hah
Wobbly tea, nooooooo!
the sloshing actually made my eye twitch
I played the computer version of this back in 1998 . This was the height of the then called Expanded Universe . When the Novel's creativity was at its highest. Before the Prequels and the eventual change of name to Legends .
Disagree with the "not telling a story" comment, that's one of the things I love about it most, after a fair few plays... sure blowing up a Death Star is always going to be important, as is taking out a Star Destroyer, those beats will always be there but not two games have been the same and I haven't felt like it's Star Wars on shuffle at all! After every game we've ended up talking through the cool story it told!
I just mentioned the PC version of this game on your War of the Ring review and I think it does the storytelling a lot better at the cost of added complexity. For one thing, the characters actually have a presence on the galaxy. They occupy planets and fleets and can be sent on missions to either, and it takes them time to get from one place to another. One interesting aspect of this is that once a unit (character, troop, or ship) enters hyperspace it can't be interacted with until it exits hyperspace at its destination. That means that if you manage to capture an enemy character, one way of frustrating your opponent's rescue efforts is to stick that character on a cheap, slow transport and bounce them from one edge of the galaxy to the other. This turns the prospect of rescuing an important character into a herculean effort that would be worthy of its own movie, where you have to send recon teams and spies around the galaxy hunting down not just where the transport is going to arrive but when so you can send ships to ambush it and hopefully spring them from custody before the enemy shows up to hammer you down or bounce the transport back to the other side of the galaxy.
Can you provide some info on that table that you're using? I'm trying to find something similar, but I'm not having any luck. Thanks!
So funny, and cool, and informative, and funny. Fantastic job SUSD - This review is so good i actually watched it twice :D
If I click on that Amazon link and buy the game, do you get a kickback from Amazon? If so, that's a good thing and I will always look for those links under your videos when I buy board games.
Yes we do! Thank you for that!
The major complaint of combat has been significantly improved with the expansion. For anyone worried about that, HIGHLY suggest picking up the expansion. Those combat cards are replaced with a much more elegant combat card solution, and combat is actually enjoyable to take part of in my opinion. Great review Quinn!
is there only one expansion for the game?
@@alfredomuse1960 Yes, the "Rise of the Empire" expansion
I love you guys for your "rounded reviews"
Fantas review. Thanks so much. I think this is my favourite of your reviews thus far.
Honest and good review! The game has it's flaws, but I still think that it's a must have for any Star Wars fan. It's certainly not a cash grab as some mention here, you get a shitload of SW goodies for your money, and it's a ton of fun to play.
You're right. It's certainly derivative, which may be more to some people's tastes than others, but it's more or less what I look for in a Star Wars game. They really did grind up the original trilogy and press it in to board game shaped pellets, and derivative or not, it's made with real care, and it's a real love letter to any old-school Star Wars fan.
I liked that bit at the very end where he typed “where is dad”
Got this game from this review and me and my brother haven’t been able to stop playing it since
Nice job! I respect that y'all aren't afraid to do your jobs and, y'know, be critical. I think you just saved me some cash (which I promptly spent on Captain Sonar...)!
What a wonderfully charismatic chap! Great vid
it's like watching a particularly wicked and kooky episode of Peep Show
I've never been so engrossed by a video about board games since James Rolfe had his go at it. Great job! I'm subscribing!
Their review of "War of the Ring" has me wanting to get into games like these.
Years later i still love this game. For me Dead of Winter, Eldritch Horror and similar games never had true story. But fun to play them.
The expansion helps with the battle extremely, make it more startegic not only dice rolling like in Risk and hoping for numbers to win.
The better you play the game the more you appritiate it. It's easy to be bad with wither side.
For beginners i recommend play as the Empire, and ALWAYS conqurer. Even if Rebel player does tons of awful things spread spread spread.
8:40 What is this "Death Star" of which you speak? I know only the glory of the Danger Egg!
One of the first board games I bought due to your recommendations. Don't regret it at all although since then I've both moved into a smaller house and still don't have anyone to play it with. :D
I will have to get this at some point. I've been eyeing it... my hesitation is it being only a two player game and a long one at that, and thus, will be harder to get it to the table. But I will probably pick this up, since my other worry about the complexity apparently was unfounded due to what looks like good design choices. Thanks Quinn and co, for another great, balanced review!
The combat is helped by creating a separate combat mat, which takes care of the "not enough space" problem.
The video implies an alternate mode of play: get the rebel base out of the box, don't bother with the rest of it, and hide the base somewhere in your house or your apartment complex or whatever you prefer. Then someone else has to find it. Costumes optional. Soundtrack mandatory.
Actually, with Dagobah blown up, you can still find Yoda. Leaders can go to destroyed sectors (there are still planets there, just not the MAIN planet) and activate related missions (though this is the only mission I can think of off the top of my head that applies). This was verified by FF and will be in the faq.
The sensation this game brings, I want that in a video game.
The sensation this board game gives is why I play board games and not computer games. I find computer games a far more sterile experience on most occasions. I say that having played some great comp games over time but not hitting what boar d games give me.
Really loved this review. I know I am hopelessly late to this game but in couple of weeks I will have a chance to play this as aI never heard of it before and this review actually made me more giddy.
New to your channel, i know this vid is old but i subbed cause the first minute and a half of this vid had me rolling on the floor laughing. Great vid
Anybody know what remix of the SW-Music is playing after 10:29?
It's "Battle Of The Planets" by Fader Gladiator.
It's pretty funny that RUclips tags this with the 1998 video game of the
same name, which is actually where the leaders mechanism comes from.
Just replace the battles with Armada, X-Wing, and Legion and you have the perfect Star Wars game.
That's a brilliant idea, if the players have time.
Laurentius Valentius As in, a few weeks. At least.
One time I was trying to have a Death Star pole on tight but I broke it and now use it for the first, smaller Death Star.
But where is Dr. Who in all of this? This was the best review of the game! Love the humor and the truth of things. Thanks for protecting our hard earned bucks. Keep up the great work... Now that I think of it... maybe there should be some Daalicks or Cybermen... just me? "Danger Egg"????.... a classic... but you forgot one thing... that classic line from Monty Python... "Look, I'm being oppressed!!!!"
I found the combat to be one of the aspects of the game I enjoyed most actually. That just shows how people tend to have different tastes. As good as reviews can be, trying out the game yourself if you get a chance somehow is the best route. I watch SU&SD or the Dice Tower reviews for most games im interested in, but look at playthroughs like in Watch it Played if Im serious about buying.
Well, I think the game is able to tell stories, but its very subtle.
Once my Leia was captured by Boba Fett, tortured by her Father to reveal the rebell base location and turned to the dark side by the Emperor.
Love your videos! Keep on guys :)
6:46 That full coffee cup... ::shudders::
some one was just like
"empire at war needs more analogue" then realized their mistake but were afraid micky would come after them so shipped it any way
11:19 What is the title of this song?
Curious what you guys thought of this change. Much like how War of the Ring has two ways to win, perhaps rebellion needs something similar. My thinking is this, why does the game end when the score trackers meet each other? That seems kinda anti climactic right? You would probably want it to end in a glorious battle deciding the fate of the galaxy? In my experience it usually ends with the empire admitting, they know where the rebel base it, but its too far for their forces to get to and therefor its over, gg. What about instead of just ending, the score tracker meeting the round timer launched the galaxy into full revolt, with any planets with rebel loyalties getting forces, all imperial occupied but loyal worlds immediately starting a fight, and any neutral inhabited planet that has rebel forces becoming a rebel loyal planet. This would give them access to a whole new bag of minis and would start a couple rounds where either the Emperor must be defeated in combat and the death star destroyed or the rebellion must take over Coruscant. It would give both the rebels and the empire a whole new level of strategy as abandoning worlds as the rebels (while useful to start the rebellion) leaves more worlds that will probably be crushed instantly before they can be grouped into true armies, and the empire (who's only winning strategy is to blob out and leave a singular stormtrooper behind on every world and never actually gain loyalty except on like 2 worlds) has an incentive to really dig down and prep for a bigger fight if they can't win the earlier stages. It would add the same dynamic as the war of the rings ring seeking vs fortress capture, their goals become orthogonal yet linked.
Hope they do a Expansion or a New game but Clone Wars Era
Still my favorite 2 player board game of ALL TIME (cinematic combat deck helps)
I'm preparing to play this with my friend, very excited! My only problem with the game are the probe deck rules. The planet the Rebel base is hiding on should be *in* the probe deck, say with a sticker that IDs it as the secret Rebel base. Otherwise there's no chance the Empire will ever find the base with it's probe droids until it's searched every planet in the galaxy but one, which is crazy. Fix this rule & I'd give the game a 10 out of 10.
@@JezielProdigalSon Right, that's the problem. Darth Vader didn't have to hunt through every star system but one to find where the Rebel base is *not* located.
This game was awesome! only played without the expansion. Im sure if i wanted to play it very frequently I wouldnt think so fondly of it but i think playing this maybe twice a year is perfect.
5 year old me just put this on his Christmas list
I see a dude drinking Tyskie (Polish beer, not the best, but still) - I immediately subscribe and leave a like.
Informative... and laugh-out-load funny. Thanks!
That was a Y-wing, not an X-wing.
Also this was a video game, same core problem, hidden Rebel base, a more heavily resourced Empire, characters doing missions who's deployment is just as important as the movement of units. Likewise the space combat system in the game was terrible and the auto-resolution button was your best option. Key differences was that characters could be captured (and rescued) and the Rebels had to also capture Vader and Palpatine and conquer Corrusant to win. Meanwhile the Empire had to capture Luke and Mon Mothma in addition to destroying the base. Leveling up characters and conducting research for new vehicles (Tie-Interceptors, B-Wings etc) was interesting along with the leveling up of character stats and the ability to find randomly force sensitive and trainable individuals among your leaders.
Thanks for the review! Can someone help me with a question that wasn’t covered - how does this game work for 3 and 4 players? Just make teams and consult each other? Or is there more to it? Thanks :)
Is... Is that a Street Fighter V book spotted on the armrest at 15:51? Is Quinns a Street Fighter player?!
"Forget that it contains Naboo". That tickled my sensitive Star Wars glands in juuuust the right way, borther! ;) Love the channel, keep it up!
Leader pool. Haha. Subscribed.
15:00 a simple solution to that is to create your own cards. with your own scenario.... This can create countless new experiences and can create 100, 1000, or even, 100 000 new card over the time you play this game. You can create anything, and thats what board games are there for...
Dont be shy, create a card today, something like...
! A new Jedi is found !
And then a few other cards that says :
!The jedi has been sent to Luke for training ! ( Send new jedi on Luke's position )
And then another few cards that says :
! The new jedi training is complete ! ( add the new Jedi as a new hero )
And have a new hero. Never seen before. And you can go so on and so on, and create new stuff...
New rebel ships, weapons, new planets even, new technologies, new characters, new scenarios, etc etc.
That's not a simple solution. That seems like a lot of work. Have you done this?
well its simple in thinking it, doing it, is another thing. but if you got 4 hours to play board game, surely you got 4 hours to improve it.
Making a good scenario which plays well and is balanced is likely to take something in the region of 400 so…
Danger egg!!
All these years later, and his purposeful misnaming of the vehicles still sets my anger strains ablaze!
It's a fun game the first couple times, but it feels pretty easily "solved" as the imperials. I don't think it has nearly as much replay value as many of the other war games I've played.
why at 5:43 does it look like Quinns head is CGI'd onto his body 😅
I loved the computer game as a kid. I remember asking my mom if she could buy me a RAM upgrade to 16 Megabytes from 8 (16 MB!) so I could play it. Surprised you didn't mention the PC game in your review (that I noticed), since this board game just seems like a watered down version of the PC game.
Got a like for "danger egg". Surprise chuckle!
"It was meant to sound like yoda but came out like a pervert" loool
Characters can't die:
Jabba (Make an Example) and Luke (Return of the Jedi): Are we jokes to you? XD