"This is the memory of the landscape...that landscape is gone. It may never be seen again in the history of civilization. And it is stored right here." That quote is so powerful.
This movie was probably the most visually spectacular films I have ever seen. All the more so because there was little or no digital enhancement, what we saw was real. I left the theater with the strangest of feelings.To "see" actual proof of what we are doing to our atmosphere ...in such a beautiful way. A true mixture of awe and certainty.
Hi guys Saw this movie at the Reykjavik International Film Festival yesterday and it really is something that will have a lasting impression on you. Amazing shots of glacial environments and their rapid decay are intertwined with James Balog's story. Good for skeptics and believers alike. I can't give this movie anything short of a wholehearted recommendation.
Just saw this documentary last weekend. It's a fantastic piece. Not only beautiful, breathtaking shots, but also documentary about very sad topic that hits you with truth right in the face.
12 лет назад+2
I respect this incredible endeavour and scientific quality proof that our Earth is going through irreversible change. Thank you so much for risking your lives to save keep these wonderful memories of a disappearing world. I hope that some day even the most short sighted and small minded naive folk will bestow you and your organization with the same gratitude. Thank you!
I just saw this at the Chesapeake Film Festival. The city-size slab of glacier breaking up and falling in the ocean by itself makes this worth checking out on the big screen.
Majeed Badizadegan Thanks for sharing. I've put it at the top of my Netflix list. I'm very interested in seeing what they had to do to capture the timelapses.
Amazing movie. What I love is that it doesn't try to shove data(since many ppl argue) but film just shows you the images. Images more powerful than words. Great way to get people who don't understand to finally "get it"
Awesome! Can't agree more with what was already said by the Huffington Post. Angela ShenChu Yang alerted me to this wonderful production and her nephew has contributed to it. Hats off and thumbs up to the dedication and perseverance of the great people that made this breath-taking cinematography possible. Chasing Ice rocks !
Can't wait to see Chasing Ice - powerful! Andrea Koehle Jones Founder, Executive Director, The ChariTREE Foundation and Love Trees children's tree planting and environmental education programs.
Some elementary thermodynamics: The temperature of the liquid water will not increase until the solid ice in contact with it has completely melted. To completely melt ice at 0 °C into water at 0 °C, one must add roughly 80 times the thermal energy as is required to increase the temperature of the same mass of liquid water by one degree Celsius. Basically, in laymen terms, the heat being added to the system (Earth) is changing the phase of water from solid to liquid and we won't see a drastic global temperature rise until a complete phase change has occurred, ie. the ice needs to completely melt first.
Steve Boe That melting ice might be saving our behinds at present since it is taking up so much energy with the phase change. I had forgotten about the phase change energy requirement.
Yes, it *is* amazing. But keep in mind, this is nature we are watching. Amazing, spectacular nature. Absolutely stunning. What this is NOT is "global warming". The earth's temperature hasn't risen in 16 years, and we are now in year 17 with NO RISE.
Iliakesh Baños I have been researching it for many years now. Yes, climate change is happening. (There has not been any global temperature increase in 17 years). Climate change is NORMAL. It has nothing to do with humans. How can so many people be so obtuse? How about if YOU do some research on the following: 1) The infamous "hockey stick" graph that "proved" global warming is real (HINT: It was phony and made up), 2) The University of Anglia emails--just Google it. The three thousand + climatologists and meteorologists who signed a petition that man-made global warming is a hoax. The list of scientists that you loony tunes use is a list with questions that were purposely designed to have only one outcome. Questions such as, "Is there climate change?". The obvious answer to that is "yes", because climate change is natural and happens with or without man. So actually, you are the one that needs to do some research. You are gullible and are buying this hoax hook, line, and sinker.
Dear smitty195, I respect your opinion, as you have the right to say what you want. You are asking me to do some research when research is what I have done over the past years of my career. I am not buying a hoax hook, but I love and respect our planet and nature so much that I do have consideration of what it can happen to it. The information that you have provided to me is something that I am quite familiar with. However, I would have to disagree with your opinion. By you mentioning that climate change has nothing to do with humans, you are basically telling me that the ozone layer was not being affected by the high amounts of Chlorofluorocarbons that us, humans, have sent to the atmosphere through the past four decades. That itself, allowing ultraviolet lights to penetrate the atmosphere and contributing to the ice melting. You are practically telling me that the amount of carbon emissions we produce in a daily basis are not affecting the greenhouse effect, and climate change itself. Therefore, why should we even worry about how much we contaminate and pollute? Right? You are telling, that the amount of deforestation occurring around the world every day is not due to human activity and that does not affect the climate because trees don't play an important rule in climate and certain ecosystems. I do agree that mother nature is absolutely amazing, and insanely beautiful. Our planet is magnificent in many different ways. Of course there are many different natural disasters and events that occur, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. It is nature and does what nature does. However, we must respect the boundaries that mother nature has been given us, and we must understand that we cannot simply create an unbalance of what nature creates, because the consequences can be terrific and are currently happening now. Your point is certainly right when you said that there has not been global temperature increase in the last 17 years, but there has certainly been in some places in the world. It all is due to how thermodynamics works, the temperature of the liquid water will not increase until the ice is completely melted. And that is what is essentially happening right now, the ice is being melt, therefore we will not see any temperature changes until it is completely melt. By you constituting yourself in a disagreement with we are not responsable with climate change, you are disrespecting the acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog, who has done an excellent job and put himself on extremely dangerous environments in order to produce this film that you eyes can see. Human activity is a significant contributor factor of climate change. Climate change can perhaps occur naturally, but not to the extremes that we are seeing now.
Iliakesh Baños I appreciate the reply. I actually do have some really great comments (at least, in my opinion they are) but I had a really crappy thing happen to me today. I have a fused spine after a really bad car crash a few years ago and it's been stable for the most part. But today, totally out of the blue, it's on my right side now. It has never been on the right side. I'm walking around here like I'm in slow-motion. I finally figured out that I can put all the weight I want on my right leg, but as soon as i switch to the left leg, I scream in pain like a little girl! I'm going to the doc first thing in the morning. I can't allow this to happen right now. To many people need what I'm bringing at the end of this week, and like Murphy''s Law always says: If it rains, it pours". Ugh... I can't really provide a cogent or articulate comments on why global warming is a hoax, but right now I have some strong muscle relaxers in my body as well as pain pills. I'm slow and I know I'll miss something, so I gotta wait. But I just want you to know that "my side" (let's call them political conservatives) has very smart people, as does your side. Can we agree to this simple and non-offensive statement? I hope so----so both sides are smart. Great! Now let's look at the "hard evidence that somehow proves that global warming is real?? Sorry my friend but this is as far as I go. I keep nodding off and I need to be in bed. But just ask yourself this: (Ready---because it's going to blow your mind!): Okay, I'd like you to imagine the planet earth BEFORE man ever stepped foot on it. Got it pictured in your mind? Okay, now here comes the big freeze!!! Still no intelligent man yet, no super computers, no machines, no electricity, no "big oil", no "big water", no "big orange juice", etc, etc, etc, etc, And now if we fast forward a few million years, where did all of that ice go? How did it melt? Because I'm not sitting on a block of ice right now, and my chair and desk aren't made of ice. WHERE DID ALL OF THE ICE GO??? Could it be.....(drumroll please........ Global Warming NATURALLY melted the ice??? Without any help from man???? Hmmmm....ponder that thought..Where did ALL of that ice go------without any intervention from Man? Please explain. Thank you.
There is no propaganda in this documentary... Absolute zero.. The pictures speak more than a thousand words, they didn't NEED to put propaganda into it.. Trust me on that. So you should watch it, it's beautiful.
I just saw this movie. It is incredible. The cinematography is breathtaking. It's message is impossible to ignore. James Balog is a maniac and a hero of our time. Go see it yourself!
You are absolutely correct. If we look at trapped air bubbles in the ice from the last several hundred thousand years, we see that the amount of ice and carbon dioxide in the air vary in the same proportion. Now if we look at only the last 100 years we see an astronomical spike in the amount of CO2 in the air and a dramatic decline in the amount of ice. All I can say is watch the film. The images speak for themselves.
The pictures are really beautyfull, and I can´t wait to watch it! But.... the situation of the world is sad, obviusly. I hope I can see this type of nature in the future. WE CAN!
Park your political beliefs and acknowledge the change that is occurring on planet earth. This is a universal issue. Profound, eye opening and shocking understates the magnitude of climate change.
A great documentary. Awesome views. Whatever freaks can say of it (see below), ice is disappearing quickly from the poles of the Earth and it will not be without consequences on the next generations to come, whichever part of this Earth they will live in. It's now beyond our will to change the course of ice melting. Mankind will have to adapt as usual , but it's equipped for that. The same cannot be said of many animal/vegetal species.
The movie is great and well made. Our atmosphere is indeed getting warmer, but it isn't threat to the world. It is a threat to the people. It has been way warmer on this planet before. Climate has always changed, will always change and we can't stop it from changing. Sure our actions can affect it, but the planet itself is not in danger. Sure some animals would die out, but other species would prefer warmer climate and new species would come up.
Wow… The documentary Chasing Ice is something else! I remember my own experience when being at the North Pole. Wow. La documental Chasing Ice es fuera de serie ! Me recuerda mi experiencia cuando estuve en el Polo Norte.
Watched this last night. Visually magnificent and immensely moving. While breathtaking to watch, as a citizen of this planet I felt both horror and dismay. In the face of this compelling evidence, I have only 2 questions to the ludicrous naysayers: What harm could possibly result in cleaning up this planet and amending our destructive ways; and finally, if we continue on our destructive path, just what is Plan B?
This was great. I normally just put in the bin anything that even remotely relates to global warming because of the pointless debate that follows it and the horrible political implications but i have to say this was breathtaking.
I don't want ANY global disasters to befall mankind if we can possibly avoid them. The best way to make sure of that is to make sure our civilisation doesn't fall, since we're unlikely to manage a reboot now the easily available fossil fuels have gone. Which means not destroying ourselves, AND working out how to stop other things destroying us. Climate change just happens to be the most pressing problem at present, but if we can survive that, of course we need to look at the other risks.
Contrary to what others here will tell you, there is extemely good evidence for CO2 being responsible for the current warming trend. In fact, even the earliest calculations of warming, which were based on increased greenhouse effect from CO2 alone, are really quite accurate. Of course it's more complex than that, but current warming simply is not explained by other drivers. The IPCC report is available free online, and explains it well - if a bit technical.
You're not much fun, are you? There are folks who know and understand science who can put together a coherent argument regarding the inadequacies of climate science (and there are quite a few) but all you can do is recite what you get off a website. Yawn. Yeah, you're soooo brilliant, you know more than all all the scientists at 22 national academies of science all around the planet. I don't know how you can put such an insignificant facade on all that brilliance. Well done.
Je viens juste de regarder le documentaire c'est beau et surtout effrayant le climat change bien plus vite que nous le pensons, pourquoi ne pas l'avoir cru bien plus tôt ???
We have a moral obligation to be well-informed about potential crises that can harm ourselves or our loved ones. Thus, before one assumes a position, one should read the IPCC 2007 report to understand the issues and critique specifics. If you fail to educate yourself, you're being manipulated by louder and ignorant positions of those around you (e.g. mainstream media & youtube comments). Fight it!
Well, I'm with you there. I'm in favour of solar energy, which utterly dwarfs all our other resources. Time to step up and become a type 1 civilisation.
Some people say nature will take its course, and why are humans so special anyway? But I'm proud to be human, I think we're the best thing the planet has (yet) produced, and also proud to be a member of a technological society that has almost done away with the ancient terrors - plague, pestilence, famine (shame about war). But we have a dismal record of fouling our own nest, and of ignoring the evidence that we've done so until too late. And now, for the first time, the nest is global!
If it is not reversible don't fret, the consensus in the late 1960's was that humanity was headed towards an ice age. This might be the greatest thing for humanity as a whole, if true.
Can't wait to watch it! It seems interesting...but in the other hand, it is sad to me knowing that human being is the main responsible of climate change
It was warmer 2000 years ago. Where the sea levels higher? Did polar bears survive? Did glaciers recede only to grow back? What was the effect to ecosystems? Can warming be good? These questions are not pointless but rather questions that can be answered only by science.
Because of the rate at which it is happening!! This isn't just a matter of ice melting, it is impacting on so much more like causing draught or extreme storms, which in tern effects millions of people and disrupts ecosystems everywhere. The 'sadness' is that we are negatively impacting our world and people like you don't care.
4 года назад+1
I am sorry typing something irrelevant here, but I'm so desperate to find a documentary which I watched years ago. In this documentary, there were two men examining the rocks in the mountains to tell their age. And they concluded that New York (or it can be another place, not sure about that) was as cold as Antarctic once, and was covered with ice. They said that, desserts were once like antarctic and antarctic was as hot as desserts. So it is alternatly. I hope someone helps me find that documentary :((
Well, it seems like common sense. Fourier proposed the greenhouse effect about 1827, and it is now very well understood. The radiative forcing due to CO2 can easily be calculated (around 1.6W/square m). Methane contributes around 0.4W/m^2, despite having only about 1% the concentration of CO2, which is worrying given the amount available to be released in the seas, clathrates, permafrost etc. A catastrophic methane release would not be funny, and might even mean extinction for us.
One of my main reasons for being sad about this, is that a glacier is like a reservoir of water and in Ancash, Peru that water from a normal slow melt irragates much land and therefore provides food for the families...what will happen to my friends when the ice/water has gone?
jaymum23 You don't get to claim chemistry libtard, but you do get to claim the award for having no sense of humor. It's funny people "chasing ice" got caught by it. You are dense. The humor is separate from politics or science.
The reason why the human-related causes of climate change are being denied is simply because the corporations don't want to be regulated. But let's say we do regulate the corporations - slow the clear-cutting of forests, stop the tar sands oil production, stop drilling in the arctic, etc., etc..... what goes wrong as a result of that? - nothing goes wrong - we leave the world a better place for our children!
While calving is a natural process and isn't necessarily related to climate change, I think it's important to stress that glacial retreat almost certainly is. Total ice mass loss is almost a ubiquitous occurrence across the cryosphere at this point, with the exception of a few cherry-picked statistics favoured by those in denial.
I never got around to watching "an Inconvenient Truth" but I have read a lot of books on the subject. Please note that anything is a pollutant if it's in the wrong place, and 40% more CO2 has a well known effect of radiative forcing, which is described in any number of physics books. The effects of warming are of course difficult to predict, but sea level rise seems likely, and is indeed happening. I'd rather go with our best guess than just hope it'll turn out OK.
"This is the memory of the landscape...that landscape is gone. It may never be seen again in the history of civilization. And it is stored right here."
That quote is so powerful.
I agree 100%
I cried a lot when I watched this movie. I admired him and totally supported what he did to make world better. I love you, James Balog
This movie was probably the most visually spectacular films I have ever seen. All the more so because there was little or no digital enhancement, what we saw was real. I left the theater with the strangest of feelings.To "see" actual proof of what we are doing to our atmosphere ...in such a beautiful way. A true mixture of awe and certainty.
One of my favorite documentaries. A MUST SEE. Changes how you see climate change, and is hauntingly beautiful..
Hi guys
Saw this movie at the Reykjavik International Film Festival yesterday and it really is something that will have a lasting impression on you. Amazing shots of glacial environments and their rapid decay are intertwined with James Balog's story. Good for skeptics and believers alike. I can't give this movie anything short of a wholehearted recommendation.
Love that our teacher gives us this video and decides to give us questions now-
Just saw this documentary last weekend. It's a fantastic piece. Not only beautiful, breathtaking shots, but also documentary about very sad topic that hits you with truth right in the face.
I respect this incredible endeavour and scientific quality proof that our Earth is going through irreversible change. Thank you so much for risking your lives to save keep these wonderful memories of a disappearing world. I hope that some day even the most short sighted and small minded naive folk will bestow you and your organization with the same gratitude. Thank you!
Please humanity, please. Get your act together before the beautiful green planet turns into a dirt ball.
I just saw this at the Chesapeake Film Festival. The city-size slab of glacier breaking up and falling in the ocean by itself makes this worth checking out on the big screen.
I am incredibly impressed and look forward to seeing this! If you haven't seen this trailer, take 2 minutes and watch it.
Majeed Badizadegan Thanks for sharing. I've put it at the top of my Netflix list. I'm very interested in seeing what they had to do to capture the timelapses.
Amazing movie. What I love is that it doesn't try to shove data(since many ppl argue) but film just shows you the images. Images more powerful than words. Great way to get people who don't understand to finally "get it"
Awesome! Can't agree more with what was already said by the Huffington Post. Angela ShenChu Yang alerted me to this wonderful production and her nephew has contributed to it. Hats off and thumbs up to the dedication and perseverance of the great people that made this breath-taking cinematography possible. Chasing Ice rocks !
I really regret not seeing it on IMAX. Would have been spectacular!
Saw this film. I highly recommend it. Visually stunning and an eye-opener on the effects if global warming.
Can't wait to see Chasing Ice - powerful!
Andrea Koehle Jones
Founder, Executive Director, The ChariTREE Foundation and Love Trees children's tree planting and environmental education programs.
Great that this most important story of our life is being told by gutsy journalists/photographers. Thank you!!
Some elementary thermodynamics: The temperature of the liquid water will not increase until the solid ice in contact with it has completely melted. To completely melt ice at 0 °C into water at 0 °C, one must add roughly 80 times the thermal energy as is required to increase the temperature of the same mass of liquid water by one degree Celsius.
Basically, in laymen terms, the heat being added to the system (Earth) is changing the phase of water from solid to liquid and we won't see a drastic global temperature rise until a complete phase change has occurred, ie. the ice needs to completely melt first.
Steve Boe That melting ice might be saving our behinds at present since it is taking up so much energy with the phase change. I had forgotten about the phase change energy requirement.
Assuming the world's oceans are the size of a teacup...
This is amazing. I think more people need to see this.
Yes, it *is* amazing. But keep in mind, this is nature we are watching. Amazing, spectacular nature. Absolutely stunning. What this is NOT is "global warming". The earth's temperature hasn't risen in 16 years, and we are now in year 17 with NO RISE.
smitty195 Do yourself a favor and do some necessary research. Climate change and global warming are happening.
Iliakesh Baños I have been researching it for many years now. Yes, climate change is happening. (There has not been any global temperature increase in 17 years). Climate change is NORMAL. It has nothing to do with humans. How can so many people be so obtuse? How about if YOU do some research on the following: 1) The infamous "hockey stick" graph that "proved" global warming is real (HINT: It was phony and made up), 2) The University of Anglia emails--just Google it. The three thousand + climatologists and meteorologists who signed a petition that man-made global warming is a hoax. The list of scientists that you loony tunes use is a list with questions that were purposely designed to have only one outcome. Questions such as, "Is there climate change?". The obvious answer to that is "yes", because climate change is natural and happens with or without man. So actually, you are the one that needs to do some research. You are gullible and are buying this hoax hook, line, and sinker.
Dear smitty195,
I respect your opinion, as you have the right to say what you want. You are asking me to do some research when research is what I have done over the past years of my career. I am not buying a hoax hook, but I love and respect our planet and nature so much that I do have consideration of what it can happen to it. The information that you have provided to me is something that I am quite familiar with. However, I would have to disagree with your opinion. By you mentioning that climate change has nothing to do with humans, you are basically telling me that the ozone layer was not being affected by the high amounts of Chlorofluorocarbons that us, humans, have sent to the atmosphere through the past four decades. That itself, allowing ultraviolet lights to penetrate the atmosphere and contributing to the ice melting.
You are practically telling me that the amount of carbon emissions we produce in a daily basis are not affecting the greenhouse effect, and climate change itself. Therefore, why should we even worry about how much we contaminate and pollute? Right? You are telling, that the amount of deforestation occurring around the world every day is not due to human activity and that does not affect the climate because trees don't play an important rule in climate and certain ecosystems.
I do agree that mother nature is absolutely amazing, and insanely beautiful. Our planet is magnificent in many different ways. Of course there are many different natural disasters and events that occur, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. It is nature and does what nature does. However, we must respect the boundaries that mother nature has been given us, and we must understand that we cannot simply create an unbalance of what nature creates, because the consequences can be terrific and are currently happening now.
Your point is certainly right when you said that there has not been global temperature increase in the last 17 years, but there has certainly been in some places in the world. It all is due to how thermodynamics works, the temperature of the liquid water will not increase until the ice is completely melted. And that is what is essentially happening right now, the ice is being melt, therefore we will not see any temperature changes until it is completely melt. By you constituting yourself in a disagreement with we are not responsable with climate change, you are disrespecting the acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog, who has done an excellent job and put himself on extremely dangerous environments in order to produce this film that you eyes can see. Human activity is a significant contributor factor of climate change. Climate change can perhaps occur naturally, but not to the extremes that we are seeing now.
Iliakesh Baños I appreciate the reply. I actually do have some really great comments (at least, in my opinion they are) but I had a really crappy thing happen to me today. I have a fused spine after a really bad car crash a few years ago and it's been stable for the most part. But today, totally out of the blue, it's on my right side now. It has never been on the right side. I'm walking around here like I'm in slow-motion. I finally figured out that I can put all the weight I want on my right leg, but as soon as i switch to the left leg, I scream in pain like a little girl! I'm going to the doc first thing in the morning. I can't allow this to happen right now. To many people need what I'm bringing at the end of this week, and like Murphy''s Law always says: If it rains, it pours". Ugh...
I can't really provide a cogent or articulate comments on why global warming is a hoax, but right now I have some strong muscle relaxers in my body as well as pain pills. I'm slow and I know I'll miss something, so I gotta wait. But I just want you to know that "my side" (let's call them political conservatives) has very smart people, as does your side. Can we agree to this simple and non-offensive statement? I hope so----so both sides are smart. Great! Now let's look at the "hard evidence that somehow proves that global warming is real??
Sorry my friend but this is as far as I go. I keep nodding off and I need to be in bed. But just ask yourself this:
(Ready---because it's going to blow your mind!): Okay, I'd like you to imagine the planet earth BEFORE man ever stepped foot on it. Got it pictured in your mind? Okay, now here comes the big freeze!!! Still no intelligent man yet, no super computers, no machines, no electricity, no "big oil", no "big water", no "big orange juice", etc, etc, etc, etc, And now if we fast forward a few million years, where did all of that ice go? How did it melt? Because I'm not sitting on a block of ice right now, and my chair and desk aren't made of ice. WHERE DID ALL OF THE ICE GO??? Could it be.....(drumroll please........ Global Warming NATURALLY melted the ice??? Without any help from man???? Hmmmm....ponder that thought..Where did ALL of that ice go------without any intervention from Man?
Please explain. Thank you.
Such an amazing film! Everybody should see it!!!!
There is no propaganda in this documentary... Absolute zero.. The pictures speak more than a thousand words, they didn't NEED to put propaganda into it.. Trust me on that. So you should watch it, it's beautiful.
I just saw this movie. It is incredible. The cinematography is breathtaking. It's message is impossible to ignore. James Balog is a maniac and a hero of our time. Go see it yourself!
This is a must see documentary world wide.
Such a beautifully made film, breath taking images and video, and a horrifying look at our future.
Three things on my bucket list:
1- Watching paint dry
2- Watching special Olympics Golf on TV
3- Watching Ice melt
Ok - I've done # 3.
You are absolutely correct. If we look at trapped air bubbles in the ice from the last several hundred thousand years, we see that the amount of ice and carbon dioxide in the air vary in the same proportion. Now if we look at only the last 100 years we see an astronomical spike in the amount of CO2 in the air and a dramatic decline in the amount of ice. All I can say is watch the film. The images speak for themselves.
Looks like it's worth seeing on the big screen. Beautiful.
Amazing, Shoking, the thrut is this movie. Great work.
The pictures are really beautyfull, and I can´t wait to watch it!
But.... the situation of the world is sad, obviusly.
I hope I can see this type of nature in the future. WE CAN!
Very very interesting. I'm a documentarian and I am very interested in this.
The film 'Chasing Ice 'definitely deserves the Awards!
Incredible movie! Everybody ought to see this, especially people working for the oil companies...
Best documentary movie of 21st century
The haunting relevance of this film is as unsettling as it is beautiful.
Park your political beliefs and acknowledge the change that is occurring on planet earth. This is a universal issue.
Profound, eye opening and shocking understates the magnitude of climate change.
Awesome work guys! We cannot wait to see the full film, just stunning.
A great documentary. Awesome views. Whatever freaks can say of it (see below), ice is disappearing quickly from the poles of the Earth and it will not be without consequences on the next generations to come, whichever part of this Earth they will live in. It's now beyond our will to change the course of ice melting. Mankind will have to adapt as usual , but it's equipped for that. The same cannot be said of many animal/vegetal species.
The movie is great and well made. Our atmosphere is indeed getting warmer, but it isn't threat to the world. It is a threat to the people. It has been way warmer on this planet before. Climate has always changed, will always change and we can't stop it from changing. Sure our actions can affect it, but the planet itself is not in danger. Sure some animals would die out, but other species would prefer warmer climate and new species would come up.
This is all happening right before our eyes. How can you deny what is happening.
Great job ! Fantastic...
Alert for world !!!
I agree with Robert Redford, this needs to be seen on a Big Screen!
I wanna see this in IMAX. AMAZING footage guys!
Fantastic, came from his website not knowing he was the photographer that made this film, that I had watched twice before
Magnifique! cela nous montre que nous ne sommes qu'une infime poussière à l'échelle de la vie et de la nature
Amazingly incredible would be an understatement for this film
Great video - thanks.
Wow… The documentary Chasing Ice is something else! I remember my own experience when being at the North Pole. Wow. La documental Chasing Ice es fuera de serie ! Me recuerda mi experiencia cuando estuve en el Polo Norte.
Donde la puedo ver Please
Amazing documentary. Stunning images. Makes me wish i was there.
so awesome that this has no dislikes!
Stunning, this is a movie I would like to see.
Watched this last night. Visually magnificent and immensely moving. While breathtaking to watch, as a citizen of this planet I felt both horror and dismay. In the face of this compelling evidence, I have only 2 questions to the ludicrous naysayers: What harm could possibly result in cleaning up this planet and amending our destructive ways; and finally, if we continue on our destructive path, just what is Plan B?
This was great. I normally just put in the bin anything that even remotely relates to global warming because of the pointless debate that follows it and the horrible political implications but i have to say this was breathtaking.
I don't want ANY global disasters to befall mankind if we can possibly avoid them. The best way to make sure of that is to make sure our civilisation doesn't fall, since we're unlikely to manage a reboot now the easily available fossil fuels have gone.
Which means not destroying ourselves, AND working out how to stop other things destroying us. Climate change just happens to be the most pressing problem at present, but if we can survive that, of course we need to look at the other risks.
Here via Climate crocks blog btw. The Arctic sea ice record low this year .. yikes. Hope that gets a mention in this movie too.
Looks amazing! I have to watch the whole show now!
this looks amazing! such passion for nature and photography. great work!
How beautiful :) A photographer myself and would love to experience something like that
Absolutely incredible- any idea as to what the cello song is? Beginning around 1:15
Can't wait to see the whole movie. Looks spectacular and terrifying and glorious combined.
Contrary to what others here will tell you, there is extemely good evidence for CO2 being responsible for the current warming trend. In fact, even the earliest calculations of warming, which were based on increased greenhouse effect from CO2 alone, are really quite accurate. Of course it's more complex than that, but current warming simply is not explained by other drivers. The IPCC report is available free online, and explains it well - if a bit technical.
You're not much fun, are you? There are folks who know and understand science who can put together a coherent argument regarding the inadequacies of climate science (and there are quite a few) but all you can do is recite what you get off a website. Yawn.
Yeah, you're soooo brilliant, you know more than all all the scientists at 22 national academies of science all around the planet. I don't know how you can put such an insignificant facade on all that brilliance. Well done.
Hey, can someone please tell me what photocamera these overwhelmingly awesome people are using?
The flat-earthers are nothing but trolls. Don’t feed them.
This was an eye-opening movie, and it should be mandatory viewing in schools.
so important, upsetting, and inspiring. How far will we go to alert our circles to the reality of homo-made climate change!
Je viens juste de regarder le documentaire c'est beau et surtout effrayant le climat change bien plus vite que nous le pensons, pourquoi ne pas l'avoir cru bien plus tôt ???
The visuals on this film are amazing!
4 years old... How did I miss this?
We have a moral obligation to be well-informed about potential crises that can harm ourselves or our loved ones. Thus, before one assumes a position, one should read the IPCC 2007 report to understand the issues and critique specifics. If you fail to educate yourself, you're being manipulated by louder and ignorant positions of those around you (e.g. mainstream media & youtube comments). Fight it!
Well, I'm with you there. I'm in favour of solar energy, which utterly dwarfs all our other resources. Time to step up and become a type 1 civilisation.
Fantastic Movie!!
Some people say nature will take its course, and why are humans so special anyway? But I'm proud to be human, I think we're the best thing the planet has (yet) produced, and also proud to be a member of a technological society that has almost done away with the ancient terrors - plague, pestilence, famine (shame about war). But we have a dismal record of fouling our own nest, and of ignoring the evidence that we've done so until too late.
And now, for the first time, the nest is global!
If it is not reversible don't fret, the consensus in the late 1960's was that humanity was headed towards an ice age. This might be the greatest thing for humanity as a whole, if true.
Breathtaking in its implication.
A 'like' isn't enough to appreciate this.
watched today. visually stunning..
Can't wait to watch it! It seems interesting...but in the other hand, it is sad to me knowing that human being is the main responsible of climate change
I love this docu.
Looks about as exciting as watching ice melt.
So glad I got two free tickets to see this movie
30 seconds to mars said it well. "It's a beautiful lie", literally. IN OUR FACES
It was warmer 2000 years ago. Where the sea levels higher? Did polar bears survive? Did glaciers recede only to grow back? What was the effect to ecosystems? Can warming be good? These questions are not pointless but rather questions that can be answered only by science.
These 103 dislike folks watch Faux News. Amazing film.
Because of the rate at which it is happening!! This isn't just a matter of ice melting, it is impacting on so much more like causing draught or extreme storms, which in tern effects millions of people and disrupts ecosystems everywhere. The 'sadness' is that we are negatively impacting our world and people like you don't care.
I am sorry typing something irrelevant here, but I'm so desperate to find a documentary which I watched years ago. In this documentary, there were two men examining the rocks in the mountains to tell their age. And they concluded that New York (or it can be another place, not sure about that) was as cold as Antarctic once, and was covered with ice. They said that, desserts were once like antarctic and antarctic was as hot as desserts. So it is alternatly. I hope someone helps me find that documentary :((
Well, it seems like common sense. Fourier proposed the greenhouse effect about 1827, and it is now very well understood. The radiative forcing due to CO2 can easily be calculated (around 1.6W/square m). Methane contributes around 0.4W/m^2, despite having only about 1% the concentration of CO2, which is worrying given the amount available to be released in the seas, clathrates, permafrost etc. A catastrophic methane release would not be funny, and might even mean extinction for us.
I want to see it!!! looks Amazing!
En cuanto pueda, tengo que verme el documental completo
Looks like an awesome movie!
One of my main reasons for being sad about this, is that a glacier is like a reservoir of water and in Ancash, Peru that water from a normal slow melt irragates much land and therefore provides food for the families...what will happen to my friends when the ice/water has gone?
Please show this movie to all those ships trapped in Antarctic ice. They need reassurance that they are imagining all that ice expansion.
jaymum23 You don't get to claim chemistry libtard, but you do get to claim the award for having no sense of humor. It's funny people "chasing ice" got caught by it. You are dense. The humor is separate from politics or science.
jaymum23 Blah blah butthurt bitch with zero sense of humor who still has a flaming ass of dumbfuckery ripe for mocking.
Looks awesome.
Can I borrow this?
There are amazing people ~!
will it be in movie theaters worldwide?
The reason why the human-related causes of climate change are being denied is simply because the corporations don't want to be regulated.
But let's say we do regulate the corporations - slow the clear-cutting of forests, stop the tar sands oil production, stop drilling in the arctic, etc., etc..... what goes wrong as a result of that? - nothing goes wrong - we leave the world a better place for our children!
Well said, Anthony.
While calving is a natural process and isn't necessarily related to climate change, I think it's important to stress that glacial retreat almost certainly is. Total ice mass loss is almost a ubiquitous occurrence across the cryosphere at this point, with the exception of a few cherry-picked statistics favoured by those in denial.
I never got around to watching "an Inconvenient Truth" but I have read a lot of books on the subject. Please note that anything is a pollutant if it's in the wrong place, and 40% more CO2 has a well known effect of radiative forcing, which is described in any number of physics books. The effects of warming are of course difficult to predict, but sea level rise seems likely, and is indeed happening. I'd rather go with our best guess than just hope it'll turn out OK.