There's a massive joro web in my front yard. The web is about 4 feet across with supporting strands reaching out another 7-10 feet. They're known to eat stinkbugs which is quite alright with me.
i have only seen one stink bug in a joro web so far... as far as I am concerned that is not enough to justify their existence... get the flame thrower!!!
Last year I found two and I put it on inaturalist and somebody responded with the UGA paper explaining how it had escaped from a container and they originated from Far East. This year we must have hundreds of them in the backyard
Except I found tens outside an elementary school. But my photos were kinda blurry so inaturalist suggested generic orb weaver. When two people suggested joro spider and I looked at the map, I was pretty shocked.
Just found a Joro spider here in Savannah, Montgomery area. Definitely noticed she looked way different than other local creepy crawlies. I read however, that the Joro's and Orbweavers seem to be alright with each other, some webs even just flat out being connected.
@@timrupard6864 I was speaking specifically on Golden Orbweavers, and since then I've seen a joro and golden orbweaver coinciding. It likely has to do with the abundance of prey - if food is scarce they will do battle!
@@Typologue6 all spiders are venomous. Most just don’t have strong enough fangs to pierce human skin. Others have venom so weak you probably won’t feel anything after getting bit. In the case of Joro spiders, they will bite if they are defending themselves due to improper handling or if they feel threatened. They are NOT aggressive spiders - most spiders will flee humans before they try to bite you. That said, their bite is supposedly pretty painful but it’s not dangerous. In general, spiders are handy to have around the house near gardens, etc to control insect populations. The problem with these is that they’re pretty abundant and some people feel like they’re taking over other spider populations. This has not been proven but it is something people are concerned about. Source:
@@tyecurtis7228 it works both ways as a container ship from california is quarantined just off the coast of Guam because its infested with black widow spiders .Those containers bring surprises both ways .
Thanks for this video. Spot on! I work at a nature and science center in Gainesville Ga. When the Joros first built their MANY habitats throughout Chicopee Woods Preserve (nature center on preserve) over the past several years, they have multitude 10 fold, and seems that will increase. Without pesticides, there is no way around it. The pesticides kill all our other native species as you know, and cause havoc in our natural ecosystem. The birds don’t seem to want to eat them. Scary. So I just pray that others predictors, bats perhaps, will help keep the numbers down. They sure are spreading like crazy, I found several baby Joros in Green County this year. I did turn in that location as well. I will share this video, but I wish that UGA would come out with a report to let the public know how invasive they are, killing other spiders for the food and their webs. Funny how they are almost 3D, and so so strong the Joro webs are. A yellowish color is odd too. Thanks again! From one nature lover to another.
I just read that other spiders will use their web to catch their own prey. So it's a win-win for the spiders. And their fangs can't even penetrate human skin for the most part
I was walking the trails & counting Joro Spiders around Tribble Mill Park in Gwinnett County GA this weekend, I stopped counting after 100. They are super prolific because last year I only saw a few.
@@PoochieCollins very true the spider basically make a 3 dimensional web where it tucks itself in the middle web while the surrounding webs cover it and catch insects ....they also share webs soo its very surreal... if you look at the webs long enough you are sure to find one more spider.. its almost like the thick web in the middle can camouflage them
I live in Barrow county, where they were first seen in 2014. I'm maybe 15 miles south of their first located spot. Trust me, I kill nearly 10 of these a day. And they will be back in almost the same location within a couple of days. I know some of you people may say don't kill him, but if you lived where I live you would spend some time almost every day killing them or walking through their webs to get to your car, or take out the trash, or pick your garden, or pretty much do anything outside. If you want to see dozens upon dozens of these come to Barrow county. They are 3 ft apart in all of the power lines, they are hanging from low-lying limbs all along the side of the road, they are in all the eaves of all the houses. I too, noticed last year, that we do not have nearly the numbers of spiders indigenous to this area as we have in the past. This concerns me greatly. UGA and all the guys who know something about this allegedly, have been saying they won't have an ecological effect. Clearly when the indigenous spiders are missing they are having an ecological effect. It is due to both great consumption of the insects and food sources, and also a direct aggressive competition. My sister observed one literally hunting the common garden spider. Following it on the ground. I am only hoping that a bird species figures out that they are edible in the spring and mother nature begins to fight back. Otherwise, we will see a severe ecological impact. I hate these guys with a passion, and I'm usually intrigued by spiders. They do seem rather harmless to humans other than the fact that if one got on you accidentally, you're likely to hurt you and everyone around you trying to get it off! Typically, I use a stick to encircle their web and pull them down and step on them. Ace makes a spider spray that is quite effective. Anything that is oil-based, is effective. None of the sprays are exactly ecologically friendly. Be warned, their first defense mechanism when you start messing with them, be it with a stick or with spray, is to drop rapidly from their web. If you were standing in the wrong location you will experience the aforementioned hazard to humans. Let's hope that the grackles and starlings decide they are good food. By the way, I know UGA says they're one of the only spiders to eat Brown stink bugs. I live in the epicenter of their invasion. We still have tons of brown stink bugs in the fall. In Fact, I have never seen a stink bug in their web. They don't seem to be doing anything for the problem with the stink bugs. For me, that was their only redeemable quality, and they are failing miserably as we speak. I am now thinking of forming a support group for those of us who hate them with such a passion that we would almost set fire to the woods and our own houses!!! Relax people, that was a joke. I do know for a fact that they are all the way into the mountains above Helen Georgia now. They are also halfway through Walton county south of here. Trust me, if you see five this year, there will be hundreds next year. I'm now thinking of buying a flamethrower! Good luck Georgians!
@@GoGoFiasco I hate them so much!!! You gotta just laugh about it!!! REad my story about my encounter yesterday in the other guy's thread that commented on this.. That was too freakin funny... I almost died..
Seriously, about the stink bugs?? Since the joros have taken over our property, our stink bug problem has vanished. I've also seen zero of those awful spotted-wing biting flies that normally plague us in the summer. Zero! Also no horse flies, house flies, Japanese beetles, or almost anything else undesirable that flies. I'm pretty delighted with my joros, LOL! Plus if I knock down the low hanging webs a couple of times, they stop building there. They move up higher. Pretty freaking smart for a spider. They're welcome around here as long as they'll stay out of my way.
This is what people need to see, they think they see just ONE lonely garden spider and think it’s a Joro, in reality you will see more than just ONE Joro spider there will be dozens!!!
I park at the Chicopee and Oconee Greenway parking lot to go to school at UGA. I've been admiring the Joros this fall, and I've found at least four huge females in that lot and along the river bank alone. When I hopped over the stone wall and slid down to the river bank to attempt getting some pictures of a couple of Joros I noticed, there were two large Spiny Orb Weaver webs along the way down the bank, and I made sure not to disturb them. My dad and I found one at one of his client's house, while he was outside sawing some base boards. I noticed the bright yellow webbing up in a tree, he climbed on the bed of his truck, and even from the ground, possibly 15 or 20 feet down, we could still see the tell tale horizontal blue stripes on her back. That was around the Loganville/Madison area. There were several, several Spiny Orb Weavers in their yard. We have been keeping an eye out for them in our yard, as well (Covington area), and just a couple months ago, we ended up with a large Banana Golden Orb Weaver in our yard, the ones that the only difference from the Joro visibly are the bottle brush legs and the golden, spotted back. We've had several Writing spiders in our yard this year, and it seems the Banana spider didn't harm their population this year, and we do always have Spiny Orb Weavers as well. While invasive, I find it an absolute joy to find these Banana and Joro spiders.
@@northstar1998 Pretty much all of the North GA counties. 23 total. I have them here in Hall, and friends/family have also confirmed Rabun, Union, Fannin, Clark, Forsyth, Barrow, Gwinnett, and Jackson. I for one welcome our new Joro overlords because they eat all the horrible nasty shit that birds and other spiders won't, like lady bugs, stink bugs, and yellow jackets.
I’m in forsyth and I’ve spotted over 75 joro spiders around my house in the last week. Is there anything I can do keep them away? Idk if they react to smells or lights. It’s becoming a problem for my family so any help is appreciated.
@@joeyhampton5075 sorry to say... The only thing I can conceivably think of to keep them away is to move to Michigan... don't pack ANYTHING... burn it all and buy new when you get there... wash your car on the way there 15 times and make sure you use the underspray option... no, on second thought send your car off a cliff here before you go and walk the first 200 miles until you don't see any of their webs in the powerlines and trees.. then buy a car from there and drive the rest of the way... We have to take this epidemic as seriously as covid... Bro, if you live in the woods around GA, you're screwed... They will overtake your home soon... buy a flame thrower and a bee suit for all your guests...
You can thank the shipping container business for the spiders. Never know who or what is being shipped right through Watkinsville Ga on shipping containers.
lol... 11.... lol.... come back to this post next July and tell us what you have...(said while giggling about you seeing 11) ohh I see you wrote this 11 months ago... time for an update... how many did you see this year??? I'm gonna make a bet... more than 111...
@@tyecurtis7228 think it's up to shipping companies all over the world to really make a good attempt to disinfect their shipping containers to try to minimalise the spread of invasive species around the world. We've had some nasty bugs & even black widows here in shipping containers in ireland though thanks to our wet & cold climate they don't last long but with a warming climate & our winters here are more wet & mild than cold & snowy like my childhood it's only a matter of time before something comes over in a container & gets a foothold especially now that our summers are considerably warmer the last 15 years.
I live in Bear Creek, in the Hubert, North Carolina area.... I found one of these right next to my camper. It was an 8 foot across web, spanning a ditch next to a small bridge. I could not get a pic of it with my phone and now it is gone, moved on due to a storm....but, it's top web string is still holding on, yellow and thick.
Something that spreads this quickly and makes this much of an impact in 8 short years can't be good for the local biosphere, no matter how many stinkbugs and mosquitoes they eat.
They are part of nature and nature will adjust. It always does. You may feel a bit uncomfortable but its nothing that is impossible for nature to overcome. I mean really, what is the worst a spider can do? Shut down an entire state? State of emergency because mosquitos are becoming extinct? All the cockroaches are being eaten? More earthquakes? Give me a break and stop with all the mongering. Tone yourself down and realize that these spiders are part of nature even though they came from far away. Let nature do its thing. If nature can handle dinosaurs then certainly it can handle a spider.
@@jeremytucker8853 "tone down"... lol You, my friend, need to work on your sense of humor... or maybe your "humor detector" ... the Joro's existence is both riveting and bothersome for some of us. they are beautiful and yet very camouflaged, therefore I end up walking into them as I spend A LOT of time outside. I have NEVER enjoyed walking into spider webs, especially ones that cover half my freaking face... I am much more dangerous to myself than the spider is at that point which makes it laughably dangerous... and being in the epicenter of the invasion, I have probably killed more than 200 in my small yard and garden this year and could still walk outside right now and see 2 dozen.... I do hope that nature does take care of itself... and geeze, I hope that it doesn't take an ice age to do it, (like the dinos you mentioned) I doubt by that time any of us will care about the stupid Joro... I just like being dramatic about the stupid thing... They are dramatic little creatures.
I’m about an hour north of Atlanta in the canton/cumming area, this is the first year I’ve seen them and they have absolutely devoured the property, everywhere you look there’s multiple webs every few feet with multiple Joros per web. There’s like one little section of the property where all of the old school orb weevers hang out, they used to be all over the property until the joros showed up.
In Johns Creek I didn't notice any in 2020, but in 2021 we've had at least 6 very large females spread around the front and back yards. Leg tip to leg tip about 6 inches long. I wasn't too concerned with them at first, but the fact that they are invasive and can hatch over 1,000 babies is more troubling. One of the largest I saw caught a Cicada, and it was thrashing so hard in the web I thought it would escape. In a matter of seconds the female bit the Cicada and it stopped struggling almost immediately.
I googled this because I have these in yard this year. Last year I had writing spiders this year joro. You mentioned the strength of the web. I plucked it like a guitar string and it didn't break. Should we be squishing them as we see them?
We were told at the nature center where I work that if there are too many, to the point that the children we teach are dealing with the Joros in complete excess, that we will need to reduce the population around where we teach. This is NOT a normal practice for an environmental education teacher/naturalist to do… so so sad. They are so gentle and don’t bite unless they absolutely know they have to. I have had a female craw on my arm and she was slow and content. So odd, like she was trying to tell me something. However, the tiny black/ brown male Joro is the egg protector. His bite is much more venomous but no more than a wasp I’ve been told. Hope this info helps. You can get the latest from UGA agricultural department.
Yes, knock them down and stomp them and not using bug sprays. It won't put a dent in the population but you will be providing a safe space for pets, kids, bees butterflies, hummingbirds etc.
@@timrupard6864 they are one of the few spiders that will eat stink bugs and they also eat yellow jackets and wasps. You could just grow a pair and accept that they're going to be here for a while
@@marktalbott3835 Dude... I am more joking than anything... some of you folks need to look up the definition of sarcasm and grow a sense of humor... Must be a millennial, I think humor and sarcasm were lost on that generation...again... being jovial, don't get your drawers in a wad..
Actually it's an orb-weaver I've never heard it called a banana spider. They don't get as big as you claim either. Perhaps 4 in long with their legs extended. And they are totally harmless to humans. They also eat stink bugs and other pests.
@@alanmalcheski8882 no it's not. The banana spider is located in South America and is NOT a web making arboreal species. You're talking about orb weavers typically seen in south Florida. They are called banana spiders but they are not the real banana spider.
I live in Cumming at the Chattahoochee River Club close to the Buford damn on lake Lanier and this is the first year I've seen them in my yard. I destroyed a couple of webs but they were right back the next day. They are persistent little devils. Lets hope they don't prey on other good insects and go after the state bird instead (mosquito).
Destroying the web seems to simply piss them off... you have to set your yard on fire...jk,,, knock them down and kill them.. they breed like they are getting paid to do so and next year you will have more than 100... watch and see... kill them with diligence.
These things been in Alabama. We called them Banana spiders. I remember seeing them in 2003 in the woods and there was a bunch of them right before Ivan and Katrina 2004 and 2005.
I have a good amount of joros in my backyard, probably around 20 of them. It has been super difficult to get back their without running into one of their webs. I spotted the first one in my yard last year around Mid-September. I didn’t except for them to get this big. There is one in my backyard about the size of a baby tarantula.
Have these in my backyard. Now brown spiders, which these prey on, have come into my house. My parents have called a exterminator so we should be fine, though.
Shipped over here to Ga in shipping containers that are dropped off in Ga. They pass through Watkinsville Ga all day long. Never know what is in a shipping container. Bugs, snakes and virus!
Well I'd rather have joros than black widows coming off a container from california & those spiders are very venomous and WILL LIVE IN YOUR HOUSE so I guess it works both ways .NEVER KNOW WHAT COMES IN A SHIPPING CONTAINER FROM THE USA 🇺🇸 🕷 Jesus dude grow a set & stop bitchin. Its survival of the fittest these days 😂🤣
I live in Cumming, GA and I've killed hundreds of Juros. I systematically walk around my house and clear all the Juro webs with a walking stick. They got so big, that I get the ones high up with a BB Gun. Since I started clearing all the Juros, I've noticed the domestic Orb Weavers have come back a bit. While I didn't see one early in the year, they're about all I see now. Hopefully I've put a dent in the ones around my area... although I suspect I'll see many more next year.
Pretty stupid cause they are harmless. Unless you are keeping bees by your house, I'd rather have them around than horse flies, yellow jackets, Flys etc...
I think that is a great idea! I saw the other day a pump style "salt" rifle... straight up plan on buying one and blasting these suckers out of the trees for the fun of it..
@@timrupard6864 I was going to go that route, but the Bug-A-Salt doesn't have a very good range... only about 3 feet... so the ones in the tippy tops of the trees are out of range. Hence the BB Gun.
ok im not even 2 minutes in and you gave an incomplete answer and wrong information. 1 The Joro is not just from China, it is native to East Asia. Korea, Japan, China, India and so on. 2 The spider was first identified in Hoschton GA in 2013 not 2014.
People really making a big deal over them. They don't cause damage! They may be a bit annoying but all they do is eat invasive stink bugs which is good. Without them control would be far harder even if they themselves are invasive.
I'm concerned that these will outcompete the native Black and Yellow Argiope. They're about the same size and have the same niche in their natural environments.
I have hundreds in my yard just built a deck off buford dam they were all over the place. As we were placing rafters for the roof they were swinging down from the house to make new webs on the rafters. I hate those things you knock them down and 5 mins later they are back you have to just kill them.
My dad was bit by one. his arm got red and felt hot to the touch just like ones forehead if they had a fever and this lasted for about 3 months. This happened last year. Then a friend of my fiance got bit on the arm as well around the same time and it literally started putting a black hole in her arm and she had to be in a sling.
While I believe your dad’s bite could have been caused by this spider, their venom does not case necrosis, so your fiancé’s friend likely suffered from something else.
Isn't the leadership in GA kind of buddy-buddy with that spider's country of origin in a not-so-good way? Can't help but feel it's related, at least spiritually.
Yep! They’re all over our yard in the same areas mentioned in your video. Very beautiful spiders.
Beautiful yes. Decimating honeybees and butterflies? Yes.
They are not killing all the bees and butterflies, tomorrow you will say they are coming into homes and taking children.
There's a massive joro web in my front yard. The web is about 4 feet across with supporting strands reaching out another 7-10 feet.
They're known to eat stinkbugs which is quite alright with me.
i have only seen one stink bug in a joro web so far... as far as I am concerned that is not enough to justify their existence... get the flame thrower!!!
Cool, I’d like to see it!……and Tim R is an idiot.
Make sure you kill them now you know they are invasive
Yup it’s Joro season again I got several males and two females in my yard in north east Georgia.
Theres hundreds in the woods behind my house in Buford GA
@Whitey Powers Have you seen the way they run along the powerlines. Its crazy
@Whitey Powers this video sucks
@Whitey Powers i think you know what im getting at honey
Last year I found two and I put it on inaturalist and somebody responded with the UGA paper explaining how it had escaped from a container and they originated from Far East. This year we must have hundreds of them in the backyard
Since then they have traced the DNA to China.
I did the same thing. I knew exactly what they were because they were common in the backyard.
Ayyyy. Also here from inaturalist.
Except I found tens outside an elementary school. But my photos were kinda blurry so inaturalist suggested generic orb weaver. When two people suggested joro spider and I looked at the map, I was pretty shocked.
Shipping containers pass through Watkinsville Ga all day long. Never know who or what is in a China shipping container.
Just found a Joro spider here in Savannah, Montgomery area. Definitely noticed she looked way different than other local creepy crawlies. I read however, that the Joro's and Orbweavers seem to be alright with each other, some webs even just flat out being connected.
Interesting, never heard that before!
My sister watched a joro hunt a yellow garden spider down and attack it... I don't think they are alright with each other....
@@timrupard6864 I was speaking specifically on Golden Orbweavers, and since then I've seen a joro and golden orbweaver coinciding. It likely has to do with the abundance of prey - if food is scarce they will do battle!видео.html
I’m a pest technician and I’m seeing so many at my clients homes in Buford GA
Came in shipping containers. Never know what's inside imported containers
are they venomous?
@@Typologue6 all spiders are venomous. Most just don’t have strong enough fangs to pierce human skin. Others have venom so weak you probably won’t feel anything after getting bit. In the case of Joro spiders, they will bite if they are defending themselves due to improper handling or if they feel threatened. They are NOT aggressive spiders - most spiders will flee humans before they try to bite you. That said, their bite is supposedly pretty painful but it’s not dangerous.
In general, spiders are handy to have around the house near gardens, etc to control insect populations. The problem with these is that they’re pretty abundant and some people feel like they’re taking over other spider populations. This has not been proven but it is something people are concerned about.
@@tyecurtis7228 it works both ways as a container ship from california is quarantined just off the coast of Guam because its infested with black widow spiders .Those containers bring surprises both ways .
Thanks for this video. Spot on! I work at a nature and science center in Gainesville Ga. When the Joros first built their MANY habitats throughout Chicopee Woods Preserve (nature center on preserve) over the past several years, they have multitude 10 fold, and seems that will increase. Without pesticides, there is no way around it. The pesticides kill all our other native species as you know, and cause havoc in our natural ecosystem. The birds don’t seem to want to eat them. Scary. So I just pray that others predictors, bats perhaps, will help keep the numbers down. They sure are spreading like crazy, I found several baby Joros in Green County this year. I did turn in that location as well. I will share this video, but I wish that UGA would come out with a report to let the public know how invasive they are, killing other spiders for the food and their webs. Funny how they are almost 3D, and so so strong the Joro webs are. A yellowish color is odd too. Thanks again! From one nature lover to another.
Gainesville here as well and they’re terrifying! There was one that the legs expanded at least 2 ft
Stop being an idiot, go after a real invasive pest..the Fire Ant!!
Instead of going on a murder spree like the murder hornets did, they are much more friendly which is interesting to me.
They are totally harmless. The only thing they'll do is eat up all of your insects and mosquitos. Not a bad trade if you ask me.
I just read that other spiders will use their web to catch their own prey. So it's a win-win for the spiders. And their fangs can't even penetrate human skin for the most part
I was walking the trails & counting Joro Spiders around Tribble Mill Park in Gwinnett County GA this weekend, I stopped counting after 100. They are super prolific because last year I only saw a few.
The dimensions the dude gave for their web made it out to be like the volume of a small car; how true is that?
@@PoochieCollins very true the spider basically make a 3 dimensional web where it tucks itself in the middle web while the surrounding webs cover it and catch insects ....they also share webs soo its very surreal... if you look at the webs long enough you are sure to find one more spider.. its almost like the thick web in the middle can camouflage them
I live in Barrow county, where they were first seen in 2014. I'm maybe 15 miles south of their first located spot. Trust me, I kill nearly 10 of these a day. And they will be back in almost the same location within a couple of days. I know some of you people may say don't kill him, but if you lived where I live you would spend some time almost every day killing them or walking through their webs to get to your car, or take out the trash, or pick your garden, or pretty much do anything outside. If you want to see dozens upon dozens of these come to Barrow county. They are 3 ft apart in all of the power lines, they are hanging from low-lying limbs all along the side of the road, they are in all the eaves of all the houses. I too, noticed last year, that we do not have nearly the numbers of spiders indigenous to this area as we have in the past. This concerns me greatly. UGA and all the guys who know something about this allegedly, have been saying they won't have an ecological effect. Clearly when the indigenous spiders are missing they are having an ecological effect. It is due to both great consumption of the insects and food sources, and also a direct aggressive competition. My sister observed one literally hunting the common garden spider. Following it on the ground. I am only hoping that a bird species figures out that they are edible in the spring and mother nature begins to fight back. Otherwise, we will see a severe ecological impact. I hate these guys with a passion, and I'm usually intrigued by spiders. They do seem rather harmless to humans other than the fact that if one got on you accidentally, you're likely to hurt you and everyone around you trying to get it off! Typically, I use a stick to encircle their web and pull them down and step on them. Ace makes a spider spray that is quite effective. Anything that is oil-based, is effective. None of the sprays are exactly ecologically friendly. Be warned, their first defense mechanism when you start messing with them, be it with a stick or with spray, is to drop rapidly from their web. If you were standing in the wrong location you will experience the aforementioned hazard to humans. Let's hope that the grackles and starlings decide they are good food. By the way, I know UGA says they're one of the only spiders to eat Brown stink bugs. I live in the epicenter of their invasion. We still have tons of brown stink bugs in the fall. In Fact, I have never seen a stink bug in their web. They don't seem to be doing anything for the problem with the stink bugs. For me, that was their only redeemable quality, and they are failing miserably as we speak.
I am now thinking of forming a support group for those of us who hate them with such a passion that we would almost set fire to the woods and our own houses!!! Relax people, that was a joke. I do know for a fact that they are all the way into the mountains above Helen Georgia now. They are also halfway through Walton county south of here. Trust me, if you see five this year, there will be hundreds next year. I'm now thinking of buying a flamethrower! Good luck Georgians!
Lol! I had a good laugh with my morning coffee reading this… Thanks for posting! 😆
@@GoGoFiasco I hate them so much!!! You gotta just laugh about it!!! REad my story about my encounter yesterday in the other guy's thread that commented on this.. That was too freakin funny... I almost died..
@@timrupard6864 LOL! I will Tim! Have a spider-ific day my friend! 🤣🕷
Seriously, about the stink bugs?? Since the joros have taken over our property, our stink bug problem has vanished. I've also seen zero of those awful spotted-wing biting flies that normally plague us in the summer. Zero! Also no horse flies, house flies, Japanese beetles, or almost anything else undesirable that flies. I'm pretty delighted with my joros, LOL! Plus if I knock down the low hanging webs a couple of times, they stop building there. They move up higher. Pretty freaking smart for a spider. They're welcome around here as long as they'll stay out of my way.
This is what people need to see, they think they see just ONE lonely garden spider and think it’s a Joro, in reality you will see more than just ONE Joro spider there will be dozens!!!
Saw my first joro spider last year at october. Seeing them around again. Can easily count 11 of them in just my backyard
Probably time to move.
Next year you will see 100, and the next it will be full-on.... see if I am wrong..
I park at the Chicopee and Oconee Greenway parking lot to go to school at UGA. I've been admiring the Joros this fall, and I've found at least four huge females in that lot and along the river bank alone. When I hopped over the stone wall and slid down to the river bank to attempt getting some pictures of a couple of Joros I noticed, there were two large Spiny Orb Weaver webs along the way down the bank, and I made sure not to disturb them. My dad and I found one at one of his client's house, while he was outside sawing some base boards. I noticed the bright yellow webbing up in a tree, he climbed on the bed of his truck, and even from the ground, possibly 15 or 20 feet down, we could still see the tell tale horizontal blue stripes on her back. That was around the Loganville/Madison area. There were several, several Spiny Orb Weavers in their yard. We have been keeping an eye out for them in our yard, as well (Covington area), and just a couple months ago, we ended up with a large Banana Golden Orb Weaver in our yard, the ones that the only difference from the Joro visibly are the bottle brush legs and the golden, spotted back. We've had several Writing spiders in our yard this year, and it seems the Banana spider didn't harm their population this year, and we do always have Spiny Orb Weavers as well. While invasive, I find it an absolute joy to find these Banana and Joro spiders.
They have completely taken over my porch in northeast georgia
What county?
@@northstar1998 Pretty much all of the North GA counties. 23 total. I have them here in Hall, and friends/family have also confirmed Rabun, Union, Fannin, Clark, Forsyth, Barrow, Gwinnett, and Jackson.
I for one welcome our new Joro overlords because they eat all the horrible nasty shit that birds and other spiders won't, like lady bugs, stink bugs, and yellow jackets.
@@FuzedBox And honeybees and butterflies.
We can thank the import shipping containers that pass through Watkingville ga all day long
I’m in forsyth and I’ve spotted over 75 joro spiders around my house in the last week. Is there anything I can do keep them away? Idk if they react to smells or lights. It’s becoming a problem for my family so any help is appreciated.
Knock down the webs and stomp them. At least they will be out or your yard.
@@johndollar9886 i live in the woods and there are now thousands around me
@@joeyhampton5075 sorry to say... The only thing I can conceivably think of to keep them away is to move to Michigan... don't pack ANYTHING... burn it all and buy new when you get there... wash your car on the way there 15 times and make sure you use the underspray option... no, on second thought send your car off a cliff here before you go and walk the first 200 miles until you don't see any of their webs in the powerlines and trees.. then buy a car from there and drive the rest of the way...
We have to take this epidemic as seriously as covid... Bro, if you live in the woods around GA, you're screwed... They will overtake your home soon... buy a flame thrower and a bee suit for all your guests...
I live in Oconee and my house backs up to a wood line and I have found 11 this year and 4 this week
You can thank the shipping container business for the spiders. Never know who or what is being shipped right through Watkinsville Ga on shipping containers.
lol... 11.... lol.... come back to this post next July and tell us what you have...(said while giggling about you seeing 11)
ohh I see you wrote this 11 months ago... time for an update... how many did you see this year??? I'm gonna make a bet... more than 111...
@@tyecurtis7228 think it's up to shipping companies all over the world to really make a good attempt to disinfect their shipping containers to try to minimalise the spread of invasive species around the world. We've had some nasty bugs & even black widows here in shipping containers in ireland though thanks to our wet & cold climate they don't last long but with a warming climate & our winters here are more wet & mild than cold & snowy like my childhood it's only a matter of time before something comes over in a container & gets a foothold especially now that our summers are considerably warmer the last 15 years.
These spiders have been here for decades I remember feeding these in louisiana in summers of the 90s
Theres a few spiders that look similiar to this spider like the Golden Orb Weaver, and Yellow Garden Spider.
I live in Bear Creek, in the Hubert, North Carolina area.... I found one of these right next to my camper. It was an 8 foot across web, spanning a ditch next to a small bridge. I could not get a pic of it with my phone and now it is gone, moved on due to a storm....but, it's top web string is still holding on, yellow and thick.
NORTH CAROLINA????????????? CRAP!!!!!!! I WAS THINKING OF MOVING THERE!!! Michigan here I come!
@@timrupard6864 lol my wife is wanting a flame thrower and I’m sure she would use it, I’m talking scorched earth scenario.
This 1st time i have ever seen them. All in my yard now. I'm in southeast ga
What county are you in?
@@freddydollar4026 united states. I live in the state of georgia. In the southeast corner of the u.s.
Are you in Decatur County?
@@andyhoward1865 What COUNTY?
Something that spreads this quickly and makes this much of an impact in 8 short years can't be good for the local biosphere, no matter how many stinkbugs and mosquitoes they eat.
They are part of nature and nature will adjust. It always does. You may feel a bit uncomfortable but its nothing that is impossible for nature to overcome. I mean really, what is the worst a spider can do? Shut down an entire state? State of emergency because mosquitos are becoming extinct? All the cockroaches are being eaten? More earthquakes? Give me a break and stop with all the mongering. Tone yourself down and realize that these spiders are part of nature even though they came from far away. Let nature do its thing. If nature can handle dinosaurs then certainly it can handle a spider.
@@jeremytucker8853 "tone down"... lol You, my friend, need to work on your sense of humor... or maybe your "humor detector" ... the Joro's existence is both riveting and bothersome for some of us. they are beautiful and yet very camouflaged, therefore I end up walking into them as I spend A LOT of time outside. I have NEVER enjoyed walking into spider webs, especially ones that cover half my freaking face... I am much more dangerous to myself than the spider is at that point which makes it laughably dangerous... and being in the epicenter of the invasion, I have probably killed more than 200 in my small yard and garden this year and could still walk outside right now and see 2 dozen.... I do hope that nature does take care of itself... and geeze, I hope that it doesn't take an ice age to do it, (like the dinos you mentioned) I doubt by that time any of us will care about the stupid Joro... I just like being dramatic about the stupid thing... They are dramatic little creatures.
Nice narration. Can I know the background music name pls?
Looks great!
I’m about an hour north of Atlanta in the canton/cumming area, this is the first year I’ve seen them and they have absolutely devoured the property, everywhere you look there’s multiple webs every few feet with multiple Joros per web. There’s like one little section of the property where all of the old school orb weevers hang out, they used to be all over the property until the joros showed up.
These things are so damn annoying, and I’m terrified of them
They aren't annoying, they're pretty
In Johns Creek I didn't notice any in 2020, but in 2021 we've had at least 6 very large females spread around the front and back yards. Leg tip to leg tip about 6 inches long. I wasn't too concerned with them at first, but the fact that they are invasive and can hatch over 1,000 babies is more troubling. One of the largest I saw caught a Cicada, and it was thrashing so hard in the web I thought it would escape. In a matter of seconds the female bit the Cicada and it stopped struggling almost immediately.
Wait a minute .. did he just it can catch hummingbirds, bats and EVEN SMALL CHILDREN?!?!?!
I just heard of this spider in N. Georgia.
I googled this because I have these in yard this year. Last year I had writing spiders this year joro. You mentioned the strength of the web. I plucked it like a guitar string and it didn't break. Should we be squishing them as we see them?
We were told at the nature center where I work that if there are too many, to the point that the children we teach are dealing with the Joros in complete excess, that we will need to reduce the population around where we teach. This is NOT a normal practice for an environmental education teacher/naturalist to do… so so sad. They are so gentle and don’t bite unless they absolutely know they have to. I have had a female craw on my arm and she was slow and content. So odd, like she was trying to tell me something. However, the tiny black/ brown male Joro is the egg protector. His bite is much more venomous but no more than a wasp I’ve been told. Hope this info helps. You can get the latest from UGA agricultural department.
Yes, knock them down and stomp them and not using bug sprays.
It won't put a dent in the population but you will be providing a safe space for pets, kids, bees butterflies, hummingbirds etc.
@@johndollar9886 the list of things you have provided safety for could go on for miles!!! kill 'em all!!!!
@@timrupard6864 they are one of the few spiders that will eat stink bugs and they also eat yellow jackets and wasps. You could just grow a pair and accept that they're going to be here for a while
@@marktalbott3835 Dude... I am more joking than anything... some of you folks need to look up the definition of sarcasm and grow a sense of humor... Must be a millennial, I think humor and sarcasm were lost on that generation...again... being jovial, don't get your drawers in a wad..
I live in Loganville GA and i see all these things in the park I go to. Full of trees and bugs
They’re in Connecticut and I’m not an insect guy but I thought it was a banana spider never expected to see one this far north but there here
These spiders are everywhere in Johns Creek and Alpharetta
Actually it's an orb-weaver I've never heard it called a banana spider. They don't get as big as you claim either. Perhaps 4 in long with their legs extended. And they are totally harmless to humans. They also eat stink bugs and other pests.
It is related to the banana spider, I just watched a different video that says so.
@@alanmalcheski8882 no it's not. The banana spider is located in South America and is NOT a web making arboreal species. You're talking about orb weavers typically seen in south Florida. They are called banana spiders but they are not the real banana spider.
I live in Cumming at the Chattahoochee River Club close to the Buford damn on lake Lanier and this is the first year I've seen them in my yard. I destroyed a couple of webs but they were right back the next day. They are persistent little devils. Lets hope they don't prey on other good insects and go after the state bird instead (mosquito).
Destroying the web seems to simply piss them off... you have to set your yard on fire...jk,,, knock them down and kill them.. they breed like they are getting paid to do so and next year you will have more than 100... watch and see... kill them with diligence.
These things been in Alabama. We called them Banana spiders. I remember seeing them in 2003 in the woods and there was a bunch of them right before Ivan and Katrina 2004 and 2005.
And they've made it all the way south of Atlanta now
I live in Braselton and I've got 6 all around my house.
Beautiful creatures
I live in Ogelthorpe county Ga, I have them all over my farm
Imagine how beautiful the Georgia wilderness was before it was invaded and completely destroyed by humanity
Thanks to shipping containers that pass through Watkinsville Ga everyday. Never know who or what is in a shipping container
I have a good amount of joros in my backyard, probably around 20 of them. It has been super difficult to get back their without running into one of their webs. I spotted the first one in my yard last year around Mid-September. I didn’t except for them to get this big. There is one in my backyard about the size of a baby tarantula.
Have these in my backyard. Now brown spiders, which these prey on, have come into my house. My parents have called a exterminator so we should be fine, though.
The only prey on what falls into their. It's not like they're out walking around looking for brown spiders. Nice try that blaming the joro spider.
I have seen what happens to an orb weaver when joro gets him, they turn into soup
Joro spider IS an orb-weaver.
Hentz orb weaver.
@@marktalbott3835 even if it were, they aren't lying, that's what happens to all bugs that spiders eat.
How did a smaller orb weaver end up in a Joro's web?
@@PoochieCollins That's the question! But all the Hentz weavers were eaten and turned into goo around my house.
Shipped over here to Ga in shipping containers that are dropped off in Ga. They pass through Watkinsville Ga all day long. Never know what is in a shipping container. Bugs, snakes and virus!
Well I'd rather have joros than black widows coming off a container from california & those spiders are very venomous and WILL LIVE IN YOUR HOUSE so I guess it works both ways .NEVER KNOW WHAT COMES IN A SHIPPING CONTAINER FROM THE USA 🇺🇸 🕷 Jesus dude grow a set & stop bitchin. Its survival of the fittest these days 😂🤣
I have seen joro spider's in down east maine
I would move out of GA in one day
I live in Cumming, GA and I've killed hundreds of Juros. I systematically walk around my house and clear all the Juro webs with a walking stick. They got so big, that I get the ones high up with a BB Gun. Since I started clearing all the Juros, I've noticed the domestic Orb Weavers have come back a bit. While I didn't see one early in the year, they're about all I see now. Hopefully I've put a dent in the ones around my area... although I suspect I'll see many more next year.
Pretty stupid cause they are harmless. Unless you are keeping bees by your house, I'd rather have them around than horse flies, yellow jackets, Flys etc...
I think that is a great idea! I saw the other day a pump style "salt" rifle... straight up plan on buying one and blasting these suckers out of the trees for the fun of it..
@@timrupard6864 I was going to go that route, but the Bug-A-Salt doesn't have a very good range... only about 3 feet... so the ones in the tippy tops of the trees are out of range. Hence the BB Gun.
There is one in my yard 8ft off the ground in dacula
ok im not even 2 minutes in and you gave an incomplete answer and wrong information. 1 The Joro is not just from China, it is native to East Asia. Korea, Japan, China, India and so on. 2 The spider was first identified in Hoschton GA in 2013 not 2014.
We had exterminators come out and within a month they’re already back taking over my porch
Knock them down with a broom and stomp them.
Same here in Winder Ga
Never know who are what is being shipped in shipping containers that travel into Watkinsville Ga
yes, that is a waste of money... you gotta do the hard thing or buy a flamethrower..
People really making a big deal over them. They don't cause damage! They may be a bit annoying but all they do is eat invasive stink bugs which is good. Without them control would be far harder even if they themselves are invasive.
The dogwood in my front yard in suwanee is insanely infested
I'm concerned that these will outcompete the native Black and Yellow Argiope. They're about the same size and have the same niche in their natural environments.
Never succumb to the scare-mongerers, these spiders are beneficial 😊
I have hundreds in my yard just built a deck off buford dam they were all over the place. As we were placing rafters for the roof they were swinging down from the house to make new webs on the rafters. I hate those things you knock them down and 5 mins later they are back you have to just kill them.
"even small children"??? that's bullshit if I've ever heard it
It’s called a joke, he even immediately says so. Develop a sense of humor, or better comprehension skills 🙂
@@joshuarobbins2318 update from this old ass comment from more than a year ago I've since been diagnosed with autism. Get out more.
That's what we call here in Georgia.. a "JOKE".
@@joshuarobbins2318 No! His answer is funnier. 😂
CB 80, Demand CS, or Talstar P , these materials will send the Joro to no mo, no mo joro and that’s how it go!!!!
Small children 🤣🤣
Is anything really invasive or is it just survival of the fittest taking its rightful course
I'm never going to Georgia
This summer they are 300% worse
Small children😂
I poked one with a stick I think it bit Nd left a little green liquid
Hello neighbor
My dad was bit by one. his arm got red and felt hot to the touch just like ones forehead if they had a fever and this lasted for about 3 months. This happened last year. Then a friend of my fiance got bit on the arm as well around the same time and it literally started putting a black hole in her arm and she had to be in a sling.
While I believe your dad’s bite could have been caused by this spider, their venom does not case necrosis, so your fiancé’s friend likely suffered from something else.
Sounds like your fiance's friend got MRSA.
There all over athens power lines
Guess I'll go ahead and open up that flamethrower store....sales will go through the roof....
Isn't the leadership in GA kind of buddy-buddy with that spider's country of origin in a not-so-good way? Can't help but feel it's related, at least spiritually.
The Joro Spider is also found in Japan and they are very venomous!
They aren't that venomous to humans from what I've read. Their bite is like a bee sting or wasp bite.
"well maybe not small children"... dude i think you need to rethink your text, seriously
The Joro Spidress, a Japanese feminine spider!
There is so many in forsyth. Not funny!