On being sealed against life : Maurice Nicoll , commentaries vol 3

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Hello and a warm welcome to you . Here we have an extract from Maurice Nicoll's commentaries volume 3 , paper heading : on being sealed against life.
    If you value our work and wish to contribute:
    thank you very much ,
    all the best ,
    Noel & Lara

Комментарии • 7

  • @wesleysullivan8047
    @wesleysullivan8047 3 месяца назад +3

    great job Lara
    G's father told him to always be inwardly free, regardless of outside circumstances.
    you guys touched on the importance of being-partkdolg duty. this really is what is lacking in the world.

    • @hermesnoelthefourthway
      @hermesnoelthefourthway  3 месяца назад +3

      Thank you , Wesley and a good day to you. Yes, there is a great lack of being-partkdolg duty being performed in the world today which is why we must strive continually to perfect ourselves and crystallize in ourselves the data required for the fullfilment of our being-
      partkdolg duty, i.e conscious labors and intentional suffering through which alone it is possible to coat higher-being bodies.
      All the best to you ,

  • @hermesnoelthefourthway
    @hermesnoelthefourthway  2 месяца назад

    When Maurice Nicoll first met Pyotr Ouspensky: a biography.
    The full Nicoll paper : on being sealed against life ; the need for hermetic sealing

  • @xiam3000
    @xiam3000 3 месяца назад +1

    I think this cosmology is Very interesting, and it makes so much sense (in so many ways), That I cannot even “begin” to explain (Why/How)… ;s
    First of all, letś compare this cosmology with what the (Fourth Way/Esoteric Teacher) G.I. Gurdjieff said? Well To start off Gurdjieff explain (in the “First series” “Holy planet purgatory”) That there exit “5 cosmoses” (well?) What do you see in Steven Greer’s cosmology? “5 spiritual planes” (or “dimensions”), Next thing, consider what Gurdjieff said “The Highest a “development” of man (in the Gurdjieff teaching) “A real man” (that has “will and individuality” (which according to Gurdjieff) “normal men” (existing/operating) only through “3D” “Time-Space” “Reality” (do not “have”) meaning “will” (in this sense) “Human Free will” (is the “Highest spiritual evolution”) That is a “long story” (to explain) but what I can see from Dr. Steven Greer’s cosmology “The Highest Spiritual cosmos” (or “dimension”) is the “Orange plane/dimension” (now) “A lot” can also be said relating to this (subject/matter), “To Do” (“To Be”) meaning? in the Gurdjieff/Fourth Way (Esoteric Teaching) is the “Highest Evolution of Man” (meaning “Objective Reason”) which is “very far” (from “anyone”) its something “we-do-not-know” (but in short) to have “Free will” (is not something) that is “given for free” (as we may “imagine/believe” (so that said) “The highest evolution/dimension” (in Dr. Steven Greer’s cosmology” (is “Primal thought”) and this is exactly that, what is related to as “Objective Reason” (which is “very far from our “understanding”) which i cannot go “into details to explain” (let just say its “something like” “A Full blown out-of-body experience” (and “Divine vision”) meaning “A Fully Enlightened state” (similar to “Christ consciousness”) That said, its “something” (that is “very far” (from our “understanding/belief/imagination”)… I can add to this “Highest dimension” (of “Primal Though/dimension”) I could also say “Itś (something similar) to “The lost paradise” or “The lost Eden” … (now) to explain “more” (related to the other “planes” (what I also agree with) in the Dr. Steven Cosmology (is what Gurdjieff also said) “The Evolution of Man” (is not going “Up”) well? I guess it goes “bothways”? Meaning? What Gurdjieff said? “The Higher consciousness” (The Divine intelligence) is always “operating/is always active” (but) According to Gurdjieff “a normal man” (meaning) a “unconscious/undeveloped man” (cannot “access” those “Higher planes” of “Divine intelligence” for the reason (according to Gurdjieff) “The lower centers are Not “developed” (and this is exactly (that) if you look at the “Dr. Steven Greer-cosmology” (this “evolution of consciousness”) According to “The colors” (do not go “Higher and Higher” (rather) it Goes From “purple”(to “orange”)… meaning? We cannot “access” those “Higher planes” (because) our “lower centers” (are not “balanced/healed/developed” (as also “noticed” The “second Higher spiritual cosmos/dimension” (that is The color “Light blue” or “Turquoise”) which is also “very interesting” (that is) in my “humble opinion” (is Related exactly to that) “Higher emotional intelligence” (also “The Bindu/Zeropoint and “The Higher Heart/Thymus”) which is also “not developed/realized” in a “normal” (unconscious/sleeping) “man”, now… the (fun part) of this “evolution” (is that) “you cannot by-pass” (The “Higher Emotional” “Dimensional/space/cosmos”) meaning? To access “The Golden/yellow” (dimensional/space/cosmos) which is (also) in my humble opinion (Related to “The Solar plexus” (The “Real I”)… etc (as mentioned also by Gurdjieff),… but “the solar plexus” (“The Real I”) is “the archetype” (of “one aspect/part” of “Real Being”, “Real consciousness”) meaning? “Christ consciousness” (because) “The solar plexus” (is in my humble opinion) *directly* (connected/related) with “The Soulstar” (That is in my humble opinion) “The two aspects/parts” (of “The Real Being”) But? “The solar plexus (is the “Archetype” of “Hermes-staff”, but “Hermes” is the “Trickster God” (which also “makes sense”)… but “The Soulstar” (is the “Archetype” of “Apollo” “Inanna” “The morningstar” (meaning “Christ-consciousness”), However? “Inanna” (is the Goddess of “love and war”) so im not so sure about this “Archetype” (either) xD some would claim “The Soulstar/morningstar” (is The “Lucifer” “archetype”) meaning? “Divine intelligence” (without) a “connection/relation” to (“the Higher Emotional center” “the Bindu/Thymus” (Higher emotional intelligence) meaning? A “Higher intellectual center” (without) “A Higher emotional center” (is a “unbalanced”) “state” (also why/how) “That is so” (in my humble opinion) “The unbalanced” (“Higher intellectual center” “Divine intelligence” (without a “connection/relation” to “The Higher emotional center”) but also “Lucifer” (had “not yet”) got a “Divine body” (for the reason) he is “The Fallen Angel” (why?) Because as i said? (first) He go “no connection/relation” (to “The Higher Emotional center”) meaning He got “no conscience” (or rather) no “remorse-of-conscience” (because?) as i said He “believe/imagine” (“Heaven”) is “on Earth” (meaning?) He has not yet (“evolved”) into a “balanced state” (with a connection/relation) with “The Higher emotional center” (Bindu-Zeropoint/Thymus-Higherheart) but That is (required) for “The crossing to the second river” (“crossing to the other side”) (To) “World/Reality/cosmos” of “The Divine intelligence” (of “The Divine body”, “The Soulstar”) of “Objective Reason” (The “Fully Enligtened/Fully Transcended “Out-of-body-experience” (and also “Opening the Divine Vision” of “The Divine intelligence/Objective Reason”)… So? “The Kingdom of Heaven” (is “The lost Eden”, “The lost Kingdom”) That is? (in my humble opinion) also related to “The Divine Feminine” (“The Christ Sophia-consciousness”) That could be “related to” (Venus/morningstar) (The Christ/Christ-Sophia” (The “Creative Divine intelligence”)… meaning? For an example (creator-god) of Egypt (Archetype) is “Related to” “The God of The Artists/Creators” meaning? “The Divine Creator” (The Divine (creative) intelligence (aspect/archetype). That is? also (related to) “The Divine Feminine” (The Christ), The Christ-Sophia (Divine creative intelligence)/The Divine (creative) (Christ-Sophia) consciousness/The “Lost Kingdom”, “The lost Eden”… As written (in prayers) in the Egyptian (tombs);
    “Heavenly Goddess Mother NUT! Let me become a (Soul)*STAR* (in your body)”…

    • @hermesnoelthefourthway
      @hermesnoelthefourthway  2 месяца назад +2

      Thank you.
      With conscious wish one may become a (soul) STAR in the body of Nut🌟
      There is a lot of THOTH in Monsieur Bon Bon , and a lot of Monsieur Bon Bon in THOTH. But this can be seen by many eyes. So staying stumm is prudential. Hermes is bang on the buck , but he is just a hopeless offshot of that inveterate trickster THOTH.
      "Go on , run me through with thy blade. I do not set my life at a pin's fee. Thou canst do nothing to my soul. Being a thing as immortal as thyself."
      Hamlet , act one , scene four.
      "Although this learned Hamolinadir was descended from the race of beings called "Assyrian" , and his arising and preparation for becoming a responsible being had taken place in that very city of Babylon , his knowledge had been acquired in Egypt , in the highest school of all those existing on the earth at that time , called the "School for materializing thought.
      Although in the midst of the shouting of this terrestrial friend of mine , Hamolinadir , the sound of his sobbing could be heard , nevertheless , even while sobbing , he continued to shout : to everyman , and also of course to me , it is quite easy to prove anything whatever , all you need to know is which shocks and associations to arouse in the various brains while one or another "truth" is being proved. It is even easy to prove to a man that our whole world and all the people in it are nothing but an illusion , and that the authenticity and reality of the world are nothing but a "corn" , and what is more , the corn on the big toe of his left foot. Apart from this corn , nothing in the world exists , everything only "seems" , and even then only to "psychopaths squared."
      Chapter 24 , the tales , Beelzebub's fifth flight to the planet earth

  • @Centremoon3535
    @Centremoon3535 3 месяца назад +1

    It is beautiful ❤ thank you for that 🙏🙏
    Can I ask, do you think it is possible to do the work just as deeply (including sealing off from the external influences) when one has a child to raise? I feel it is, but I do not know of any who have (but I am still ignorant to such things). I heard you say Jean had a son? Is that right?

    • @hermesnoelthefourthway
      @hermesnoelthefourthway  3 месяца назад +1

      Yes. More than possible.
      One of Gurdjieff's closest , most sincere pupils , Olgivanna Lloyd Wright , had a child when she was nineteen. The child lived with her when she was working with Gurdjieff.
      "Turn everything into your favour."
      And , yes , as you mention , Jeanne de Salzmann had a son , Michel , who grew up in the work and went on to teach it.
      And what is most helpful regarding your question
      "Whatever life situation you find yourself in , it is the very best for your development."
      Maurice Nicoll.
      All the best ,
      Lara and Noel