I Built The Skinner Gravity-Free Energy Generator

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Have wanted to build this device for some time, just to find out where the equal and opposite reaction was, and i found it.

Комментарии • 35

  • @maglectric3624
    @maglectric3624 Год назад +4

    A mechanical visual demonstration of BEMF.

  • @wopwops0482
    @wopwops0482 Год назад +6

    What happened to the working torque force motor you said you'd reveal?

    • @plorks445
      @plorks445 6 месяцев назад

      We were building it on the overunity site which is sadly no longer active. Hopefully he will continue it elsewhere.

    • @Mechanic-s-Arktura
      @Mechanic-s-Arktura 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@plorks445добрый день , что вы думаете о видео Скиннера с мастерской1939 года? оно выглядит очень убедительно .Вам известен маятник Милковича ? возможно было бы интересно его исследовать ?

    • @plorks445
      @plorks445 3 месяца назад

      @@Mechanic-s-Arktura Hi. I'm not very familiar with them. They may work but I'm not sure.

  • @Ian.Gostling
    @Ian.Gostling Год назад +2

    Brilliant work testing this, disapointing but great to know Thankyou!

    • @rmendes2mendes915
      @rmendes2mendes915 6 месяцев назад

      disappointing yes but only because he did not build it correctly.

    • @troywhite6039
      @troywhite6039 5 месяцев назад

      have you....most likely NOT

    • @rmendes2mendes915
      @rmendes2mendes915 5 месяцев назад

      @@troywhite6039 I have one started but haven't had time to finish it. at least I am willing to share what I believe are the keys to success.

    • @Mechanic-s-Arktura
      @Mechanic-s-Arktura 3 месяца назад

      ​@@rmendes2mendes915а как правильно?

  • @ziobit5177
    @ziobit5177 Год назад +1

    Secondo me c'è il sistema che funzioni...dal mio punto di vista serve sincronizzare la rotazione della parte superiore con la parte inferiore, facendi si che la parte inferiori ne risulti sempre di un certo grado di sfasamento posticipato e quindi la parte inferiore si trovi sempre all'inizio della caduta...inoltre sulla parte inferiore mettendo un volano pesante che simula un carico e che rallenta la rotazione, fino al punto che la massa rotante raggiunge una certa velocità e a quel punto estrarre energia verso un accumulatore in maniera controllata, ovviamente è solo il mio pensiero...il tutto andrebbe verificato

  • @rmendes2mendes915
    @rmendes2mendes915 6 месяцев назад +2

    ok what went wrong, let me explain. first you did not debunk it. second, you have failed in replicating the skinner device. the skinner machine is a gravity harvesting device yes, it works like this, first lets call it what it is, it is a balanced flywheel that utilizes two spinning masses which together create the flywheel. the two masses are controlled by the upper lever, which is the most important part and the key to making the machine work. the lever lifts the first mass using leverage and brings it to a position of balance at the top of it's lift. at this point the weight is balanced between falling one way or the other way, the same as if you would balance a 4 legged chair on one leg. at this stage you need really no input force or energy to maintain the balanced weight. next stage, you now have to off balance the weight a little and when you do gravity begins to act on it to pull it down. this is done again by the lever, the lever is holding the mass in a just passed balanced position, at this point the lever stops lifting the mass but keeps the mass in this position . now the lever arms begin to rotate in a circular path while maintaining the mass in the same just past balanced position. this circular motion creates a path that keeps the weight falling while maintaining the weight at a lifted height so gravity can continue to act on it. the weight is not rising and falling like you would have in a elliptical rotation of the lever. the lever is the key to the whole system. Now that we know what the lever is for and what it does lets continue. the lever is there to lift the first mass, to lift the first mass into a position where gravity can act on it while also bringing the mass to a balanced position. the lever then begins it circular rotation off setting the balance and now gravity acts on the mass and pulls it back down, and as it does it creates a rotation, however the mass never really falls very far because the lever keeps lifting the mass to maintain it close to it's balance position. and as you continue to rotate the levers the mass keeps falling, even though it looks like the lever is just spinning the mass it is and has effectively harvested gravity, and that gravity is what is making the first stage mass spin. now the second stage, the second stage is exactly the same as the first stage, there is no difference in it's basic function. you are still working with a lever, in fact it's still the first stage lever that is rotating the second stage lever. only now you have the added energy amplification added by the first spinning mass. which is spinning because gravity energy has entered the system. you now have more force rotating the second lever than you had in the first stage. and you now use this amplified force to act on the second lever, assisting to lift the secondary mass into a position where gravity can act on it. it's the same thing you did in the first stage. the key to success is sizing your secondary mass so the first stage has enough energy to lift the secondary mass. if you make the mass to heavy or try to lift the mass to high by situating the mass too far away from the bottom of the lever , the first stage mass won't be able to drive the secondary oscillation. I hope everyone understands this. why your system will fail, you are not using leverage to lift the first mass, well you don't even have a first mass but if you were to use what you have there as your first mass you have to loose the crank handle because it's not acting as a lever. follow my advice and you will have success.

    • @troywhite6039
      @troywhite6039 5 месяцев назад

      Where can we find Skinners demo? or a working model demo?

    • @rmendes2mendes915
      @rmendes2mendes915 5 месяцев назад

      not sure what you mean, if your looking for a working model you can go look at in person good luck with that. when it comes to free energy no one want's to even take the time to explain how the device operates. you just get a video to watch while you listen to some stupid music, I seem to be the only one willing to explain how these gravity harvesting device's work. you don't need to go look at one, you just have to have gain the knowledge needed , and to understand how the device functions. once you have that you can build one and have success. I have stated most of what one needs to succeed in my comments on this video. read it, over and over till you understand. and remember it's some what of a balancing act between components. it does not matter what weight you use as your first stage, although using too light of weight doesn't give you much for gravity to pull on. you have to have a lever, you must utilize leverage in the first stage to manipulate the first mass into a position where gravity can act on it. make your lever adjustable so you can dial in the right amount of mechanical advantage to lift the mass to a height where it will fall efficiently and gain a reasonable amount of speed. remember it's the first mass that is key to adding amplified energy to the second lever that drives the second mass. on the first stage your using the most energy to power the levers but on the second stage not only are you still using the same energy that is driving the first stage but you now have a spinning mass connected to the second stage lever as well. adding a lot more force to drive the second stage lever than you had in the first stage. again in the second stage make your lever adjustable so you can dial in the lifting height of the second stage mass. then adjust the weight of the second stage mass according to what the first stage is capable of lifting, if you try to lift to heavy of a second stage mass your first stage will not reach a good efficient speed, and it's that speed that gives you the most power. because your relying on gravity for acceleration these machines will not be fast spinning devices. but you want both stages to spin as fast as possible for the most kinetic energy possible. dial in you first stage and get it spinning as fast as possible, record that RPM and then dial in the second stage to reach the same speed the first stage is operating at. this will be accomplished by adjusting the second stage lever length, the fulcrum point and the weight of the second stage mass. and yes you can now use the spinning second stage mass to drive another stage even larger.

    • @Jon-fs2zj
      @Jon-fs2zj 5 месяцев назад

      Your right

    • @rmendes2mendes915
      @rmendes2mendes915 5 месяцев назад

      @@Jon-fs2zj thank you, hope my post can help others to achieve success and I am open to any correction or opinions that will help us all succeed.

    • @Mechanic-s-Arktura
      @Mechanic-s-Arktura 3 месяца назад

      Добрый день .это ваша теория или есть практические эксперименты ?я думаю машина с 2 грузами копирует движение планеты земля и луны , эти 2 груза создают в гравитации волны нарушая равновесие системы .в моей стране Украина изобретатель сделал машину в которой планетарный редуктор с грузами на зубчатых колесах спутниках работает как усилитель мощности и энергии .

  • @ylli224
    @ylli224 11 месяцев назад

    Nice explaination👍🏼

  • @MagnaMoRo
    @MagnaMoRo 4 месяца назад

    Right on point!

  • @buensomeritano1755
    @buensomeritano1755 Месяц назад

    It will not achieve over unity without all four columns working and phased at 90°. I've been researching this device for over 10 years.

    • @rmendes2mendes915
      @rmendes2mendes915 29 дней назад

      and can you explain why it wont amplify without all 4 operating together. as I would very much disagree. each one of them do the very same thing, each one has a first stage mass that spins by gravity and that first stage spinning mass has far greater energy than the energy being used to to drive the first stage lever. so now you have this first stage spinning mass and you use it to drive the second stage lever, and because of the amplified energy you can now manipulate a larger mass in the second stage. there is amplification in each of the 4. so adding them all together you would be increasing the machines power by 4. other than for balancing out G forces I don't see how there would be no over unity unless all 4 were operating together.

    • @buensomeritano1755
      @buensomeritano1755 29 дней назад

      @@rmendes2mendes915 I have built models of this. For it to be a continuous cycle, it must have all four columns working at 90° phase. To scale it up, you would have to scale up in multiples of four if you didn't simply use heavier weights. There is a cyclic torque pulse between the pairs. Each pair is phased 90°, and, the two pairs are phased 90° from each other. Just like the 90° phase in the pair cancels out downward gravity on one of the ways as it returns to top dead center, so too does the 90° phase cause the two pairs' parasitic losses to cancel out. I hope I explained that well enough. We have two sources of loss. One is the downward force of gravity. The other is the parasitic losses in the drivetrain. As one pair drawers down from parasitic loss, the inertia of the other pair phased 90° gives it a boost. When that happens, the first pair begins the next cycle and it's inertia gives the other pair of boost and the cycle continues. it took me a very long time to figure this out. You also have to understand, that when one pair tries to boost the other pair, the load increases and the angle of the weights increases , thereby increasing the force of gravity going into the torque. When one pair runs up behind the other pair to give it a boost, the load on the boosting pair increases, raises the weights at a higher angle, and increases the influence of gravity into the pair that is boosting the other pair. It is absolutely brilliant.

  • @deslomeslager
    @deslomeslager Год назад +1

    Enough info if you Google, but ChatGpt 3.5 has nothing on William. So I asked about unconventional power generation concepts.
    Unconventional power generation concepts refer to innovative and unique ways of generating energy that go beyond traditional methods. Here are some more unconventional power generation concepts:
    1. **Piezoelectric Generators:** Piezoelectric materials generate electricity when subjected to mechanical stress, such as vibrations or pressure. These materials can be used in various applications, such as harnessing energy from footsteps on walkways or vibrations in machinery.
    2. **Thermoelectric Generators:** Thermoelectric materials convert temperature differences into electricity. They are used in situations where there's a significant temperature gradient, such as in waste heat recovery from industrial processes or even from the human body.
    3. **Ocean Wave Energy:** Wave energy converters capture the energy from ocean waves and convert it into electricity. These devices can be placed offshore to harness the constant motion of ocean waves.
    4. **Salinity Gradient Power:** Salinity gradient power, also known as blue energy, exploits the difference in salt concentration between saltwater and freshwater to generate electricity through processes like pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) or reverse electrodialysis (RED).
    5. **Bioenergy from Microorganisms:** Certain microorganisms can produce electricity through their metabolic activities. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) use bacteria to break down organic matter and generate electricity in the process.
    6. **Vibration Energy Harvesting:** Devices that capture vibrations from machinery, vehicles, or even ambient vibrations and convert them into electrical energy. These could be used to power small sensors or low-power devices.
    7. **Human-Powered Generators:** Human-powered generators can convert mechanical energy from activities like pedaling a bicycle or cranking a handle into electricity, which can be used for charging devices or small-scale applications.
    8. **Solar Windows:** Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) involve incorporating solar panels directly into windows or building materials. This allows structures to generate electricity from sunlight without the need for separate solar panels.
    9. **Wind Energy from High Altitudes:** Airborne wind energy systems use kites, drones, or other devices to capture wind energy at higher altitudes where the wind is stronger and more consistent.
    10. **Gravity Light:** This concept involves lifting a weight and allowing it to descend slowly, powering a generator in the process. As the weight descends, it generates electricity that can power lighting or small devices.
    11. **Hydrokinetic Energy:** Hydrokinetic systems capture the kinetic energy of flowing water in rivers or tidal currents to generate electricity, without the need for dams or large structures.
    12. **Pyroelectric Generators:** Pyroelectric materials generate electricity when exposed to temperature changes. They can be used in environments with fluctuating temperatures to generate power.
    These concepts demonstrate the diversity of ideas in the field of unconventional power generation. While some of these concepts are still in the experimental stage or have limited practical applications, they showcase the potential for alternative ways to generate energy in the future.

  • @claytonh9381
    @claytonh9381 7 месяцев назад

    correction: The Old Skinner device does not work as built... You may not totally have it right.

  • @williamhelton957
    @williamhelton957 Год назад

    What's the news on your torque force motor

  • @deslomeslager
    @deslomeslager Год назад

    I stepped through the PATHÉ video, I am sure you have it too. At 28 seconds William is holding the top-weigth of one of the 4 rotors (you only made one, he has 4). Any way, he then drags the top weight, and holds back the 'bottom' (the tall) weight. You can see they are separate from each other.
    The top weight is attached to a piece of metal which dislocated the axis. Step frame by frame and you will see it. I hope.
    I did not see this in your concept, I am afraid you are missing an important part of it and did not replicate the original.
    I really hope you can look the Pathé video again, and try and find out how William has build his.

    • @jonathanpeters4240
      @jonathanpeters4240 7 месяцев назад +2

      This is a good point. In other replications I've seen the two weights are awkwardly attached, indeed making nothing more than a flywheel. In Skinner's machine the weights are attached by a bearing, acting as a pivot. This means that the bottom weight could be stopped altogether during operation, while the top weight spins.
      Just speculating here, but I believe I can see how this works. The bottom weight, if standing alone, would tip over in the direction of the weight. The addition of the top weight prevents the bottom from tipping over, and both weights come to rest in a position where each weight's center of gravity is balanced on the pivot. When the top weight is rotated the pivot is moved, not turned, and this causes the bottom weight to correct it's now out-of-balance center of gravity.
      The gain in force is due to the pivot. The input force at the top is always constant, regardless of output load, because gravity alone causes the bottom weight to rotate. I'd imagine that a modern system could be very highly refined and need very little input force to drive it.

    • @troywhite6039
      @troywhite6039 5 месяцев назад

      Imagination is correct, that's the only place it will work.

  • @YaseenExperience
    @YaseenExperience 7 месяцев назад


  • @evo-labs
    @evo-labs Год назад

    Has anyone built one of these devices that works as claimed?

  • @mikebond6328
    @mikebond6328 Год назад

    Obvious. Sorry.

  • @_John_Sean_Walker
    @_John_Sean_Walker 3 месяца назад

    Do you know this channel?
    Reminds me of your 3 in 1 Supercapacitor video.

  • @ovidius2000
    @ovidius2000 7 месяцев назад

    NeverGeardOf 4.ButStillItsUseless.And8.ILikeIt.SoundsPrettyNice.