hmmm, looking back, I see I spam diagonal composition a lot I love it's dynamic because it directly confronts my obsession for symmetry and leads me to do things I never think I can do
If you found your secret technique then keep spamming it! It’s also fun to try a composition technique you’re not familiar with because that’ll always lead to something interesting!
Im a big fan of the golden spiral (i stopped paying attention to my compositions)
Me too! Yeah it was weird I realized doing this video that I already did multiple of these compositions but it was all by accident 😅
hmmm, looking back, I see I spam diagonal composition a lot
I love it's dynamic because it directly confronts my obsession for symmetry and leads me to do things I never think I can do
If you found your secret technique then keep spamming it! It’s also fun to try a composition technique you’re not familiar with because that’ll always lead to something interesting!
Thank you!