@gismo yes they are playing with him not the monkey with them so its dog law and maybe dog play is to hard for monkeys!! I mean i dont mind makes a changé from seeing monkeys feeding from mother dogs and climbing all over her when shevis tryingvto rest and then useing her to get from A to Z ..
@@Елена-ш7е2ьporque tú lo digas. Merecen amor y compasión y si estuviera en mi país ese dueño de los perros sería juzgado por maltrato animal y atentado medioambiental.
Pobres perritos no les vaya a dar una infección, por estar al lado de ese parásito
Oh they have a play toy😂😂😂😂😂
30 years dog trainer they are playing with the monkey
@gismo yes they are playing with him not the monkey with them so its dog law and maybe dog play is to hard for monkeys!! I mean i dont mind makes a changé from seeing monkeys feeding from mother dogs and climbing all over her when shevis tryingvto rest and then useing her to get from A to Z ..
Niestety nic temu parszywemu badziewiu nie zrobili. 😢
Fica deixando esses pulguentos carrapatentos perto do bebê lambendo ele a hora que aparecer doente não sabe o que wue foi né Regina Célia
Tiran monky a un lugar de peligro 😢😢😢😢😢😢
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@@Елена-ш7е2ьporque tú lo digas. Merecen amor y compasión y si estuviera en mi país ese dueño de los perros sería juzgado por maltrato animal y atentado medioambiental.
No hagan esto , no está bien, no me gusta,
Eso no por favor 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢