Old model sounds slightly better in mid-range. New model has slightly better bass. Can't go wrong with either imo. The looks of the old model are much much better tho.
Hi there! Many of You where asking what is the difference between new JBL 305P MKII and older JBL LSR305 and does this difference actually matters. Well, today we will answer those questions. From the outside the differences are very limited, 305P MKII uses more of a shiny and easy to scratch plastic on the front panel compared to the old model. Changes to the front panel in my opinion are not very fortunate, I do prefere the older matte finish better, it is easier to keep clean and looks less cheap. From the technical point of view the internals are mostly the same, but the new model now sports the auto off function which the old model lacked. One thing that did not change is the level of hiss coming from the tweeters, the new model will annoy many users with that as the old model did. Soundwise I would say that both models are very hard to destiguish. There will be no real improvment in sound quality in going from LSR305 to 305P MKII l which is a bit of a pity to be honest. Maybe bigger 306P will bring something more to the table soundwise, I will try to find out soon. If You where wondering if there is a point in "upgrading" from LSR305 to 305P MKII than my short answer is NO. JBL 305P MKII is just a slight facelift that brings very little new to the table except for some shiny plastic and auto off function. But if You are in the market for new monitors comin from lesser models than JBL 305P MKII is very soild proposition, one of the best in this price range actually. What do You think? Which model looks better to You? Let me know in the comments below! Cheers!
If somebody is really annoyed but likes the speaker I recommend remote controlled power strip or cube just for the speakers, at least that's what I did as some kind of workaround.
It's funny because a lot of factors are influencing, including the inherent frequency response of the room where the comparison is recorded, the frequency response of your room if you're listening to this on a monitor, or the frequency response of your speakers. In my case I had the LSR305 for more years, very good. A few months ago I acoustically conditioned my room, bought the new LSR305PMKII, I was also impressed. To the MKII they added a material to improve the DAMPING of the speakers, this makes the transients feel much more, there is more punch and greater definition therefore in everything that has textures so it sounds more relevant, in my opinion this is very nice, they feel much more the attack of the guitars, the consonants of the voices, everything that is detail is more evident, I just made the difference between the two and it really is worth changing to the new ones. If you feel very bright you can reduce them with the filter.
they're pretty close... and then you hear the "Deep" track, IMO, here is where the MKII pulls away - great low bass extension... both excellent monitors.
both JBL do no precise bass and have to few damp. maybe you hear it better try in the deep song begin at 5 min 57 boost with EQ 64 hz + 5 db and hear with headphone. then you can hear that the longer low bass of the drum the JBL produce is not in original. the deep song when boost 64 hz is good to test if speaker have unprecise bass
@@nobot99997_xxl Remember, frequencies below 500hz become victim to room response, nulls and peaks will be introduced even to the flattest speaker even in the very best of rooms. Both these speakers are recorded in a room (which adds a coloration) via a microphone (which add coloration) into the DAW and then we hear them via RUclips (which adds compression) and then our equipment and speakers (which add speaker and room coloration) or headphones that add their own coloration. I love these tests to compare how one speaker sounds to the next in comparison to the original signal and in the context of the rooms and the and limitations above. The bass anomalies you hear might be a combination of all the factors above. Cheers!
yes i know, but hear the deep song on his video M-Audio BX5 D3 vs KRK Rokit 5 RP5G3 || 5 Track Comparison in same room. bass is much more precise as from JBL and same loud on both. deep song is at 3 min 47 sec. I think the most precise bass is in the maudio bx 5 or presonus . the klipsch have precise bass too but because this base drum is on low frequency silent can not compare. frequency diffrence can compensate with EQ but a unprecise bass stay allways unprecise
Great comparison. Seems like it's a tradeoff.. with the MK II you get a tighter presentation (in a good way) but brighter also. With the 305P you get a somewhat duller sound, but warmer and more relaxing. So the winner, for me, depends on the track, and even depends on what PART of the track is playing.
The first gen has a fuller midrange the second gen a little bit harsh on the high mids but both sound good
4 года назад
Noup, the main difference is, the 305MkII have more bass response, making it a more flat response than the older one, i had the LSR and i have the MkII and believe me when i say that, the LSR have a little lack of bass/mid frequencies, so, with the 305MkII you're hearing the same LSR with better bass/middle frequencies
idk.. maybe it seems like more lowend due to a more scooped mids sound.. i own the lsr305 they do lack a little on the low end / midbass but sounds natural to me
@ hi bro, do you have good mix results today with them ? when you listen in your car ..... I have the RP5 G3 today and search a speaker more flat .... do you recommanded them ? thanks
3 года назад
@@ChrisBessy Hey! Absolutely yes! i love JBL because i never get any disappointment with them, about the listening in your car, that depends of how much work you put on your mixes and the acoustic treatment at your workplace, thanks!
es muy sutil la diferencia lo que hicieron es cambiarlo esteticamente y algunos cambios en el divisor de frecuencia va en gusto mk2 mas brillantes el anterior mas plano
305 monitors have good reviews on the Internet. So I found your channel, and watched almost all the videos. It is informative. I concluded that the 305 may be one of the best monitors in its price segment, but the sound of household speakers, not monitors, turned out to be more pleasant. AirPulse A300 Edifier S1000DB sound better, maybe not so "truthfully", but more colorful and beautiful. Sound 305 is quite hard, but in a300 there is melody and openness of sound, space and air. I also liked the sound color of the KRK monitors, but these are my individual preferences. KRK sounds quite warm and fascinating because of the average frequency.
I think the mkii sounds a bit more open than the lsr, both are good and each one has its own characteristic, remember that the mk !! won the 2019 TEC Award.
Love your contents! Because of your insightful comparisons, I've bought the JBL LSR305 and I never regret them. Planning on buying a subwoofer but there's yet to have any comparisons on the various brands to choose from. I do hope that one day you would compare studio subwoofers like the JBL LSR310S, Yamaha HS8S, PreSonus Temblor T10 and KRK 10S.
LSR305 with subwoofer is a great setup. Regarding brand of the sub, I have tested quite a few of them (KRK 10s and Temblor T8 to name a few) and most of them worked similarly well. If You can find used KRK 10s in good condition than I would suggest buying it, mine felt like it was build to last centuries
New version LSR has a wider sound stage. You can hear the voices spread as it switches to the new shiny ones and get tighter and more focused on the switch back to old version.Scotch brite pad will fix the shiny but may also affect the sound separation?
I can tell the first gen has no hiss output but I got the white ones used....I love my lsr305s next to my Adams tv7 they both are work well together when mixing and mastering
Uuufff..otra comparativa difícil de decidirse..el JBL mk2 parece mas plano con el rango de frecuencias a un que me parece que suena un poco mas limpio en las frecuencias medio altas el JBL lsr...no hace falta que pongas 2 veces la canción original..bien animo y vayamos todos con alegrias...
MKII sounds very HI-FI'ish to me, they have elevated boomy bass (which they can't reproduce precisely apparently) and elevated high-end (to create the illusion that they are more detailed I guess, as I don't hear much difference in the transients definition, it's just brighter). The first generation sound is much more balanced and closer to the source tracks.
I bought JBL 306P and tested it for a bit. I also have KRK Rokit 8 G2. The things I didn't like: Con 1. The twitter actually defines a big chunk of what's bad about the JBL 3 series sound: it sounds harsh and compressed, and the thing is too small in radius for efficient work it seems. The waveguide construction only helps to spread sound more evenly, its quality isn't enhanced by it. Con 2: There's no bass in the "sweet spot", you have to really move within the room to start hearing it. Con 3. The amplifier is very noisy when there's no signal. What I liked: Pro 1. Overall sound is belivable. Despite all its shortcomings, I feel like I can critically listen to my mixes on this thing. Yes, it doesn't sound as pleasing as say the Mackies, but it sounds more balanced and true enough. Pro 2. When I found the spot in my room (near a back wall corner)... the bass became immensly good. I can't place my workstation there, but I can stand and listen from time to time, and the bass is so deep and rich, my 8" KRK Rokits don't even come close... Overall it's really sad that JBL didn't use a better twitter since all the competitors have much better twitters, but overall this thing provides an ability to mix on a budget device.
Алекс. А скажите, что лучше 305 или 306? 306 на 500 р дороже стоят. У меня комната 8 м2, неподготовленная. Который день метаюсь от одной модели к другой.
@@ИванПетрович-м8л маленькая квадратная комната с голыми стенами - и лучшие мониторы будут звучать как младшие крк в хорошо подготовленной комнате) Но если на стенах есть всякие полки с хламом то акустика улучшается. В любом случае на 8 квадратов должно пятёрок хватить вполне я думаю.
@@AlexeyFilippenkoPlummet у меня стол не в центре комнаты расположен, стол стоит у стены. вдобавок позади меня стена через метра 3. Левая колонка будет находиться рядом с углом. И ниче с этим не поделаешь. Стол некуда двигать. Не знаю что брать, слушал тесты 305 вс 306. Так ни к чему и не пришел. Разницы в цене между 305 и 306 нет, как бы не продешевить... Видел, что у 305 ачх ровнее, а вот у 306 бас поинтереснее, но провалы на средней частоте. Но и тут мне написали, что владельцы 306 якобы не замечают этого провала и верха за счет более выдающихся низов у 306 не такие звонкие как на 305. :(
Hum... I didn't think is going to be much of a difference when they were talking about faster transients and I thought it's just a marketing BS but, I guess I was wrong. The sound is a bit more crisp and better separated which is nice to see they improve them but, to be honest I wanted more. It's not enough to be worth upgrading from the old model. I like that the screws are not visible anymore and the integrated light into the logo is quite nice but, I don't like the glossy finish at all. Your effort is much appreciated. Thank you. Happy Holidays!
Agree 100%. I was shocked at how different they sounded honestly. Like you I took all the so called MKII driver improvements as marketing mumbo jumbo. I perceived the difference as better separation, less splashiness on the high end in the MKII
@@stealthis Yes maybe I missunderstood the initial comment. I just wanted to say that I liked the old ones more.
4 года назад
When you're used to work with speakers with lack of bass frequencies like the SLR or Yamaha HS, you say that kind of silly stuff, do not confuse flat response with lack of bass, that's why mostly of the modern producers are overwhelming the bass frequencies on their mixes, because they always go with the trendy stuff without check if those speakers are really flat, the MkII are better in all the ways, that's why they have the Namm award to the best studio monitors, over Yamaha, KRK, Adam and other brands. I know JBL is a very known brand but, say the old 305 sounds more flat than the new one, idk, you must check your ears, is just my opinion.
Wow I've got lsr305p and I actually don't want to upgrade to MKII. I think JBL just realised that the performance / price ratio was so damn high on their first version that they've just chose to make some minor changes to it , added new shiny look and sell it for more money. But in my opinion not everything that is shining is golden... Still a good price / performance ratio with MKII though and maybe new 6" version will be really interesting...
I think You hit the nail on the head. JBL knew that they do not have to upgrade the sound quality to stay relevant so they decided not to mess with the formula. I only wish they worked on the hissing issue, fixing this alone would make much of a difference IMO
@@RadioMuzak Hey, I don't know how much do they cost in your country, but I bought lsr305 1st version for something around 200 bucks for pair before MKII was out, when their price was really low. I can't see MKII under 300 bucks for pair right now, which is still not a lot of money for what you can get out of them and I think they're even a little bit cheaper since I've been checking them last time, so it's definitely a lot of music for not so much money...
@@danielkisel5661 They're right now available in Belgium 290 for a pair www.bax-shop.be/nl/studio-monitor/jbl-305p-mk2-actieve-studiomonitor-set-van-twee?gclid=CjwKCAiA99vhBRBnEiwAwpk-uBgScIMpXe8pKl-37-n6y7ruI75gNou4yt3Pp9OtmyTviGmTrf60zxoCGWMQAvD_BwE&fbclid=IwAR0sKa0lODNlcPe0a9_30PCy-g45Ppw__x6EPZlPWw1w3n3vjSjaOPYpnb4
Which one is that? Sorry, I'm kinda new to this brand. Been too influenced by KRK because of the great ammount of youtube producers out there using it, and now I regret it a bit.
MKII sounds better for edm productions, more and better bass. But you need test also house, club music. I'am edm (bass house) producer and I need comparisions in the more bassy music for better choice.
@@MrTopielec i don't know i haven't heard them in person. Only through youtube. But WHen i get the money,i will buy them or spend 80Euros more for adam t5v. Still dont know if its worth it or should i just stick with 305p MKII's.
Waiting for curbside at GC. Hopefully these things are nice. :) My first set of monitors. I haven't recorded anything since I had a 4 track and just about everything I could hook to it. This new age of recording is amazing On my first year sober I decided to return to it. And wow! Holy sheeeyot. It's amazing. Limited on funds as a single dad but, Lilxlil studios is coming. :) So yeah I'm super stoked! We used to use jbl in the club in the 80s and 90s when all the industrial music was pumping. They handled things well. And it was chaos. (In Sotto Voce, Front 242 and skinny puppy. Of course the girls had the new order and Smith's as well. Lol. ;) I know. I'm a little off subject but heck with it. Jam on my friends. To the clouds. Exhale.
@@fpcawolff Why would you act like an award obviously means something more than a person's opinion, or what you can hear with your own ears? I suppose you think the oscars and emmy's are all awesome too lmao.
The LSR305 sounds a bit more present in the low mids with slightly less bass response than the 305P Mk II. Mk II also has a more pleasing highs. Both sound pretty decent though.
Both are very good, components before all are made by JBL engineers, the best of the audio industry with the greatest knowledge about monitors because it's JBL the inventor more than 50 years.
Which would be better for a digital piano? I have the PMK11. The bass is a little overwhelming. I actually have to play low register notes more softly.
Hmm it's really difficult to get different over RUclips videos but it sounds like old jbl lsr 305 have little bit clearer treble... Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I hear through RUclips video.
Las únicas diferencias son estéticas, uno es con brillo y otro mate y a uno se le ven los tornillos,lo cual puede ser hasta mejor para un desmontaje y al nuevo se le han ocultado.No tengo ninguno pero los he estado analizando y son iguales,misma placa mismo altavoz,todo,la diferencia es sólo estética.
My JBL 305 MKII sound a bit weird.. Almost as if they there's a bucket on them. Might that be because they are standing on my wooden desk without pads? Or do i have to tweak something on them and download some software? I have them connected directly to my PC, no soundinterface, dac or amp
Я недавно купил себе JBL 305P MKII. Послушал в живую, мне очень понравились. Очень хороший низ и хорошие верха, стерео понарамирование отличное. Берите ЖБЛЬ не пожалеете и цены не дорогие по сравнений с другими.
Can you add Kali Audio to your comparisons? They were made from ex JBL employees and there is a lot of hype around their LP-6 and LP-8 as being the best monitors cheap monitors now.
comparison kali to jbl:ruclips.net/video/Gh9CKMUEA4Y/видео.html web of producer:www.kaliaudio.com/lone-pine-detail/ there is a lot of very good reviews concerning these speakers. I have got LSR 305 MKI, but hiss of them is a little annoying.
Miloš Sládečka Well, you will be annoyed by the hiss from the Kali as well. If you don’t want hiss, just try to avoid class D powered monitors in general. Fortunately, the Kali are superior to the JBLs and are front ported. If reviews online are to be believed, they are not as fatiguing as the JBL - that alone is worth more to me than any other attribute.
Admittedly I have the JBL 305P MKII, but I do honestly prefer the sound to the overly high older model here. I agree that the facade is bad. I prefer the Mackie comparable to that style.
@@honeste6652 i used to have both for comparison and the 305p are more controlled and the trebble is not resonating with the waveguide anymore which was a major problem with the 305, the cabinets are slightly thicker i suppose. I'm considering selling the 305p for Kali LP-6 though
@@heythere6983 i bought iloud mtm after the jbl and didn't mind to change the system yet since the dsp calibration tool is insanely good and superior to everything out there for the money. . any other then that, check out the Presonous E8 XT, it's seriously a contender to all of them except iloud mtm still has the edge because of the calibration imo. but they seriously won't go as loud while staying clean as those 8inch monitors
Hey man, planning to get the adam audio a3x from krk rokit 5s, is it an upgrade? Using it mainly for gaming, listening to music and movies. Ill be pairing it with a KrK sub.
my jbl 305p mk2 distoring on both setting which are +4db and -10db i have scarlett sollo 3rd gen and trs balanced cable can someone solve my issue , i tried disable motherboard sound driver and also reinstall scarlett drivers but nothing work for mee
Should I buy the JBL 305P MKII (109 €) or the Edifier R1280T (89 €)? I need speakers for my PC desk. Videomaking, listening to music, watching films occasionally.
siento que la vieja generación suena más fidedigno o más similar a la mezcla original, aun así suena mejor la version nueva, por definición, aun que un poco chillon a mi gusto, solo un poco
I got those last week. You are correct. Good bass, mids, and highs, equally represented. Tight and punchy lows, and bright, but not fatiguing highs. Im still getting the sub, but only for beats, and gaming/movies.
wanted to buy monitors, but at the last moment 305P became more expensive, but LSR305 are still cheaper, should i buy LSR305? Cause now i haven't got enough money for 305P thx
Hello, I just interested in how to avoid room acoustic reverb in your records? I did some records some months ago (i uploaded one), but the reverb was much more than in your records. Do you have a treated room or post processing? Thanks
I just ordered my first set of monitors. I got two of the mkii. We shall see. Hopefully the hiss don't drive me crazy. As I have a very quiet studio space. Crank it, burn it, repeat. :)
DN OUX do you find the symbols better on the MK to than on the LSR's? I really couldn't hear definitively much difference in this video.I have the original 305's and sometimes symbols sound a bit Sandy to me. That combined with the slight peak in the upper mid range around the crossover point,turns me off a bit. I was really hoping they'd fix all that in the new version.
Old model sounds slightly better in mid-range. New model has slightly better bass. Can't go wrong with either imo. The looks of the old model are much much better tho.
Hi there! Many of You where asking what is the difference between new JBL 305P MKII and older JBL LSR305 and does this difference actually matters. Well, today we will answer those questions.
From the outside the differences are very limited, 305P MKII uses more of a shiny and easy to scratch plastic on the front panel compared to the old model. Changes to the front panel in my opinion are not very fortunate, I do prefere the older matte finish better, it is easier to keep clean and looks less cheap. From the technical point of view the internals are mostly the same, but the new model now sports the auto off function which the old model lacked. One thing that did not change is the level of hiss coming from the tweeters, the new model will annoy many users with that as the old model did.
Soundwise I would say that both models are very hard to destiguish. There will be no real improvment in sound quality in going from LSR305 to 305P MKII l which is a bit of a pity to be honest. Maybe bigger 306P will bring something more to the table soundwise, I will try to find out soon.
If You where wondering if there is a point in "upgrading" from LSR305 to 305P MKII than my short answer is NO. JBL 305P MKII is just a slight facelift that brings very little new to the table except for some shiny plastic and auto off function. But if You are in the market for new monitors comin from lesser models than JBL 305P MKII is very soild proposition, one of the best in this price range actually.
What do You think? Which model looks better to You? Let me know in the comments below! Cheers!
thank you very much for your personal opinion after havinf seen from close the speakers. It is highly appreciated!
If somebody is really annoyed but likes the speaker I recommend remote controlled power strip or cube just for the speakers, at least that's what I did as some kind of workaround.
Thank you so much! Been waiting for this for awhile and you just made my day! :D
JBL LSR 305 better looking.
A little bit more sibilance on the old model.
It's funny because a lot of factors are influencing, including the inherent frequency response of the room where the comparison is recorded, the frequency response of your room if you're listening to this on a monitor, or the frequency response of your speakers.
In my case I had the LSR305 for more years, very good. A few months ago I acoustically conditioned my room, bought the new LSR305PMKII, I was also impressed. To the MKII they added a material to improve the DAMPING of the speakers, this makes the transients feel much more, there is more punch and greater definition therefore in everything that has textures so it sounds more relevant, in my opinion this is very nice, they feel much more the attack of the guitars, the consonants of the voices, everything that is detail is more evident, I just made the difference between the two and it really is worth changing to the new ones. If you feel very bright you can reduce them with the filter.
they're pretty close... and then you hear the "Deep" track, IMO, here is where the MKII pulls away - great low bass extension... both excellent monitors.
both JBL do no precise bass and have to few damp. maybe you hear it better try in the deep song begin at 5 min 57 boost with EQ 64 hz + 5 db and hear with headphone. then you can hear that the longer low bass of the drum the JBL produce is not in original. the deep song when boost 64 hz is good to test if speaker have unprecise bass
@@nobot99997_xxl Remember, frequencies below 500hz become victim to room response, nulls and peaks will be introduced even to the flattest speaker even in the very best of rooms. Both these speakers are recorded in a room (which adds a coloration) via a microphone (which add coloration) into the DAW and then we hear them via RUclips (which adds compression) and then our equipment and speakers (which add speaker and room coloration) or headphones that add their own coloration. I love these tests to compare how one speaker sounds to the next in comparison to the original signal and in the context of the rooms and the and limitations above. The bass anomalies you hear might be a combination of all the factors above. Cheers!
yes i know, but hear the deep song on his video M-Audio BX5 D3 vs KRK Rokit 5 RP5G3 || 5 Track Comparison in same room. bass is much more precise as from JBL and same loud on both. deep song is at 3 min 47 sec. I think the most precise bass is in the maudio bx 5 or presonus . the klipsch have precise bass too but because this base drum is on low frequency silent can not compare. frequency diffrence can compensate with EQ but a unprecise bass stay allways unprecise
Thanks for the test. IMHO not worth the upgrade/adjusting. Who else agrees?
yeah definitely not, I personally prefer how the originals look tooo
Great comparison. Seems like it's a tradeoff.. with the MK II you get a tighter presentation (in a good way) but brighter also. With the 305P you get a somewhat duller sound, but warmer and more relaxing. So the winner, for me, depends on the track, and even depends on what PART of the track is playing.
The first gen has a fuller midrange the second gen a little bit harsh on the high mids but both sound good
Noup, the main difference is, the 305MkII have more bass response, making it a more flat response than the older one, i had the LSR and i have the MkII and believe me when i say that, the LSR have a little lack of bass/mid frequencies, so, with the 305MkII you're hearing the same LSR with better bass/middle frequencies
idk.. maybe it seems like more lowend due to a more scooped mids sound.. i own the lsr305 they do lack a little on the low end / midbass but sounds natural to me
@ hi bro, do you have good mix results today with them ? when you listen in your car ..... I have the RP5 G3 today and search a speaker more flat .... do you recommanded them ? thanks
@@ChrisBessy Hey! Absolutely yes! i love JBL because i never get any disappointment with them, about the listening in your car, that depends of how much work you put on your mixes and the acoustic treatment at your workplace, thanks!
I like the LSRs sound on 5 of 6 tracks. I have the option to buy either from a friend n I think I’m going LSR on this. Thank u.
i own lsr305. highly reccomend
es muy sutil la diferencia lo que hicieron es cambiarlo esteticamente y algunos cambios en el divisor de frecuencia va en gusto mk2 mas brillantes el anterior mas plano
305 monitors have good reviews on the Internet.
So I found your channel, and watched almost all the videos.
It is informative. I concluded that the 305 may be one of the best monitors in its price segment, but the sound of household speakers, not monitors, turned out to be more pleasant.
AirPulse A300 Edifier S1000DB sound better, maybe not so "truthfully", but more colorful and beautiful.
Sound 305 is quite hard, but in a300 there is melody and openness of sound, space and air.
I also liked the sound color of the KRK monitors, but these are my individual preferences.
KRK sounds quite warm and fascinating because of the average frequency.
I think the mkii sounds a bit more open than the lsr, both are good and each one has its own characteristic, remember that the mk !! won the 2019 TEC Award.
the MkII’s have a hump in the upper mids & treble response
Love your contents! Because of your insightful comparisons, I've bought the JBL LSR305 and I never regret them. Planning on buying a subwoofer but there's yet to have any comparisons on the various brands to choose from. I do hope that one day you would compare studio subwoofers like the JBL LSR310S, Yamaha HS8S, PreSonus Temblor T10 and KRK 10S.
LSR305 with subwoofer is a great setup. Regarding brand of the sub, I have tested quite a few of them (KRK 10s and Temblor T8 to name a few) and most of them worked similarly well. If You can find used KRK 10s in good condition than I would suggest buying it, mine felt like it was build to last centuries
New version LSR has a wider sound stage. You can hear the voices spread as it switches to the new shiny ones and get tighter and more focused on the switch back to old version.Scotch brite pad will fix the shiny but may also affect the sound separation?
I can tell the first gen has no hiss output but I got the white ones used....I love my lsr305s next to my Adams tv7 they both are work well together when mixing and mastering
Uuufff..otra comparativa difícil de decidirse..el JBL mk2 parece mas plano con el rango de frecuencias a un que me parece que suena un poco mas limpio en las frecuencias medio altas el JBL lsr...no hace falta que pongas 2 veces la canción original..bien animo y vayamos todos con alegrias...
MKII sounds very HI-FI'ish to me, they have elevated boomy bass (which they can't reproduce precisely apparently) and elevated high-end (to create the illusion that they are more detailed I guess, as I don't hear much difference in the transients definition, it's just brighter). The first generation sound is much more balanced and closer to the source tracks.
I bought JBL 306P and tested it for a bit. I also have KRK Rokit 8 G2.
The things I didn't like:
Con 1. The twitter actually defines a big chunk of what's bad about the JBL 3 series sound: it sounds harsh and compressed, and the thing is too small in radius for efficient work it seems. The waveguide construction only helps to spread sound more evenly, its quality isn't enhanced by it.
Con 2: There's no bass in the "sweet spot", you have to really move within the room to start hearing it.
Con 3. The amplifier is very noisy when there's no signal.
What I liked:
Pro 1. Overall sound is belivable. Despite all its shortcomings, I feel like I can critically listen to my mixes on this thing. Yes, it doesn't sound as pleasing as say the Mackies, but it sounds more balanced and true enough.
Pro 2. When I found the spot in my room (near a back wall corner)... the bass became immensly good. I can't place my workstation there, but I can stand and listen from time to time, and the bass is so deep and rich, my 8" KRK Rokits don't even come close...
Overall it's really sad that JBL didn't use a better twitter since all the competitors have much better twitters, but overall this thing provides an ability to mix on a budget device.
what? social media twitter?? you mean tweeter.
its noise because your power energy chords are inverted the neutral is the ´hase and the fase is the neutral, the unity isnt noisy in anyway
Алекс. А скажите, что лучше 305 или 306? 306 на 500 р дороже стоят. У меня комната 8 м2, неподготовленная. Который день метаюсь от одной модели к другой.
@@ИванПетрович-м8л маленькая квадратная комната с голыми стенами - и лучшие мониторы будут звучать как младшие крк в хорошо подготовленной комнате) Но если на стенах есть всякие полки с хламом то акустика улучшается. В любом случае на 8 квадратов должно пятёрок хватить вполне я думаю.
@@AlexeyFilippenkoPlummet у меня стол не в центре комнаты расположен, стол стоит у стены. вдобавок позади меня стена через метра 3. Левая колонка будет находиться рядом с углом. И ниче с этим не поделаешь. Стол некуда двигать. Не знаю что брать, слушал тесты 305 вс 306. Так ни к чему и не пришел. Разницы в цене между 305 и 306 нет, как бы не продешевить... Видел, что у 305 ачх ровнее, а вот у 306 бас поинтереснее, но провалы на средней частоте. Но и тут мне написали, что владельцы 306 якобы не замечают этого провала и верха за счет более выдающихся низов у 306 не такие звонкие как на 305. :(
I got 5 of these running off a McIntosh MX136 preamp/processor with a Focal 13" sub. Sounds great.
Hum... I didn't think is going to be much of a difference when they were talking about faster transients and I thought it's just a marketing BS but, I guess I was wrong.
The sound is a bit more crisp and better separated which is nice to see they improve them but, to be honest I wanted more.
It's not enough to be worth upgrading from the old model.
I like that the screws are not visible anymore and the integrated light into the logo is quite nice but, I don't like the glossy finish at all.
Your effort is much appreciated. Thank you.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays! Cheers! :)
Agree 100%. I was shocked at how different they sounded honestly. Like you I took all the so called MKII driver improvements as marketing mumbo jumbo. I perceived the difference as better separation, less splashiness on the high end in the MKII
Old 305 sounds more flat than new one.. 305 MkII are more bright, and less middle...imho. Thank you for the test!
I totally disagree !
I think you have that the other way around.
@@stealthis Yes maybe I missunderstood the initial comment. I just wanted to say that I liked the old ones more.
When you're used to work with speakers with lack of bass frequencies like the SLR or Yamaha HS, you say that kind of silly stuff, do not confuse flat response with lack of bass, that's why mostly of the modern producers are overwhelming the bass frequencies on their mixes, because they always go with the trendy stuff without check if those speakers are really flat, the MkII are better in all the ways, that's why they have the Namm award to the best studio monitors, over Yamaha, KRK, Adam and other brands.
I know JBL is a very known brand but, say the old 305 sounds more flat than the new one, idk, you must check your ears, is just my opinion.
@ ha-ha )) you’re funny, man ))
Man I love your channel!
Mk2 is recessed mid and high mk1 is more preciss and detailed.
Wow I've got lsr305p and I actually don't want to upgrade to MKII. I think JBL just realised that the performance / price ratio was so damn high on their first version that they've just chose to make some minor changes to it , added new shiny look and sell it for more money.
But in my opinion not everything that is shining is golden...
Still a good price / performance ratio with MKII though and maybe new 6" version will be really interesting...
I think You hit the nail on the head. JBL knew that they do not have to upgrade the sound quality to stay relevant so they decided not to mess with the formula. I only wish they worked on the hissing issue, fixing this alone would make much of a difference IMO
The price is the same
@@RadioMuzak Hey, I don't know how much do they cost in your country, but I bought lsr305 1st version for something around 200 bucks for pair before MKII was out, when their price was really low.
I can't see MKII under 300 bucks for pair right now, which is still not a lot of money for what you can get out of them and I think they're even a little bit cheaper since I've been checking them last time, so it's definitely a lot of music for not so much money...
@@danielkisel5661 They're right now available in Belgium 290 for a pair
@@RadioMuzak price is 30% higher
I hear a resonance around 500 Hz on the old gen. Maybe that's the hollow space behind the waveguide?
would it help to fill it up with silicone?
ive actually seen a review where someone noted the resonance and put some kind of silicone behind the wave guide
Old version sounds more natural and closer to the original tracks
Which one is that? Sorry, I'm kinda new to this brand. Been too influenced by KRK because of the great ammount of youtube producers out there using it, and now I regret it a bit.
@@traslasilla looks like the old version is the LSR305
MKII sounds better for edm productions, more and better bass. But you need test also house, club music. I'am edm (bass house) producer and I need comparisions in the more bassy music for better choice.
they are bunch of old rats ,they wont test that kinds of music
@@greendog2529 But it sounds more bassy, and it's important in this genre.
@@MrTopielec i don't know i haven't heard them in person. Only through youtube. But WHen i get the money,i will buy them or spend 80Euros more for adam t5v. Still dont know if its worth it or should i just stick with 305p MKII's.
@@MrTopielec i dont need "more bass" ,i need tighter deeper and more natural .
Waiting for curbside at GC. Hopefully these things are nice. :)
My first set of monitors.
I haven't recorded anything since I had a 4 track and just about everything I could hook to it.
This new age of recording is amazing
On my first year sober I decided to return to it.
And wow! Holy sheeeyot. It's amazing.
Limited on funds as a single dad but, Lilxlil studios is coming. :)
So yeah I'm super stoked!
We used to use jbl in the club in the 80s and 90s when all the industrial music was pumping. They handled things well.
And it was chaos. (In Sotto Voce, Front 242 and skinny puppy. Of course the girls had the new order and Smith's as well. Lol. ;)
I know. I'm a little off subject but heck with it.
Jam on my friends. To the clouds. Exhale.
One of my ls305 original has a tear in woofer. Should I track down an original or just buy the mkii. I'm going to keep the ones i have just for music.
The JBL 305P MkII have won the Namm 2019 TEC Award.
@Konstantin Kurilyak Must have been somebody who didn't know what the fuck they were doing or hearing lol
@@christopherdunn317 sure... they didn't. you are the one who knows it all
за сколько они её купили? это эти звеняще-свистящие, от которых башка болит, что-то там выиграли?
Why would you act like an award obviously means something more than a person's opinion, or what you can hear with your own ears? I suppose you think the oscars and emmy's are all awesome too lmao.
The LSR305 sounds a bit more present in the low mids with slightly less bass response than the 305P Mk II. Mk II also has a more pleasing highs. Both sound pretty decent though.
I had both and sold both kept my edifier s2000mk3 but i miss my Lsr I want them back lol... I'll buy them later when I get some money to spare
Old one definitely sounds better..
You are worthy for me ( Digital Stereophony) & Thankyou For This ComparisoN.
Both are very good, components before all are made by JBL engineers, the best of the audio industry with the greatest knowledge about monitors because it's JBL the inventor more than 50 years.
Are these speakers good for a home DJ set up? or what brands are great & affortable?
Would be nicer to see the usual graphic 🙏🏻
Which would be better for a digital piano? I have the PMK11. The bass is a little overwhelming. I actually have to play low register notes more softly.
I have this set in white I plan to wrap the piano surface something just don't know what yet. Any ideas?🤔
Hmm it's really difficult to get different over RUclips videos but it sounds like old jbl lsr 305 have little bit clearer treble... Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I hear through RUclips video.
whoa... I was hearing the difference with 305 1 versions and when the Mk played I noticed a wider stereo image... very weird...
305PMKII比LSR305 明显的低音更清晰,高音层次更好!
There is a very nice improvement on mkii, in mids and treble
Las únicas diferencias son estéticas, uno es con brillo y otro mate y a uno se le ven los tornillos,lo cual puede ser hasta mejor para un desmontaje y al nuevo se le han ocultado.No tengo ninguno pero los he estado analizando y son iguales,misma placa mismo altavoz,todo,la diferencia es sólo estética.
Cual es el nuevo y cual es el antiguo
The old version still wins…new version is a little bit too bright and dry…
you mean dry as in tight? that's good for studio monitoring
My JBL 305 MKII sound a bit weird.. Almost as if they there's a bucket on them. Might that be because they are standing on my wooden desk without pads? Or do i have to tweak something on them and download some software?
I have them connected directly to my PC, no soundinterface, dac or amp
From this video, i can say the LSR has more clear sound, the bass in the new version make some troubles
me gusta como suena mas la LSR, mi amigo se compro la MkII y lo escuche muy estridente a comparaciòn de la LSR
Мне кажется в новых звук стал сочнее, чуть преукрашен но стало лучше
Значит для мониторинга и работы это преукрашение больше в минус пойдет
will you ever test Fluid Audio F5? it is one of the best speakers under 200€
great job. Thank you
Can you make a comparison between adam a7x and yamaha hs5
I have a pair off 305 mk1 since 2016.
Подскажите я музыку создаю какие маниторы лучше купить gbl ,ямахи , адам , или те жолтые ?
Я недавно купил себе JBL 305P MKII. Послушал в живую, мне очень понравились. Очень хороший низ и хорошие верха, стерео понарамирование отличное. Берите ЖБЛЬ не пожалеете и цены не дорогие по сравнений с другими.
Thanks 🙏
Can you add Kali Audio to your comparisons? They were made from ex JBL employees and there is a lot of hype around their LP-6 and LP-8 as being the best monitors cheap monitors now.
It is the first time I hear about them TBH
comparison kali to jbl:ruclips.net/video/Gh9CKMUEA4Y/видео.html web of producer:www.kaliaudio.com/lone-pine-detail/ there is a lot of very good reviews concerning these speakers. I have got LSR 305 MKI, but hiss of them is a little annoying.
Miloš Sládečka Well, you will be annoyed by the hiss from the Kali as well. If you don’t want hiss, just try to avoid class D powered monitors in general. Fortunately, the Kali are superior to the JBLs and are front ported. If reviews online are to be believed, they are not as fatiguing as the JBL - that alone is worth more to me than any other attribute.
Thanks for your answer
@@milos.sladecka ruclips.net/video/C1hKgzWQV3w/видео.html
Admittedly I have the JBL 305P MKII, but I do honestly prefer the sound to the overly high older model here. I agree that the facade is bad. I prefer the Mackie comparable to that style.
the 305p is vastly better in my opinion
@@cuerex8580 it seems more open and balanced
@@honeste6652 i used to have both for comparison and the 305p are more controlled and the trebble is not resonating with the waveguide anymore which was a major problem with the 305, the cabinets are slightly thicker i suppose. I'm considering selling the 305p for Kali LP-6 though
@@cuerex8580 did u get the kali or stay with the jbl?
@@heythere6983 i bought iloud mtm after the jbl and didn't mind to change the system yet since the dsp calibration tool is insanely good and superior to everything out there for the money. . any other then that, check out the Presonous E8 XT, it's seriously a contender to all of them except iloud mtm still has the edge because of the calibration imo. but they seriously won't go as loud while staying clean as those 8inch monitors
Hey man, planning to get the adam audio a3x from krk rokit 5s, is it an upgrade? Using it mainly for gaming, listening to music and movies. Ill be pairing it with a KrK sub.
JBL 305P MkI have a better bass response and clarity
What speaker do you play the source track off of?!
Nothing. It’s just the audio track dropped into the editing program.
my jbl 305p mk2 distoring on both setting which are +4db and -10db i have scarlett sollo 3rd gen and trs balanced cable
can someone solve my issue , i tried disable motherboard sound driver and also reinstall scarlett drivers but nothing work for mee
same problem when you plug an mp3 player with RCA on it ? ..... then you will know if it comes from the speaker .....
Should I buy the JBL 305P MKII (109 €) or the Edifier R1280T (89 €)?
I need speakers for my PC desk. Videomaking, listening to music, watching films occasionally.
I am afraid that 109$ price for JBL is for just one monitor not a pair. Please check that before buying
@@DSAUDIOreview Thanks for the warning, you were right. Sorry for my silly oversight and thanks for the work you do here on RUclips.
Can i have mixing and mastering with these monitors. Someone please reply?
Is it possible to compare the Jamo S803 to the JBL 305P MKII or ELAC B6.2?
I test only active or powered speakers here. Neither Jamo nor Elac is active or powered
@@DSAUDIOreview Alright, thanks for the reply :)
@@DSAUDIOreview Jamo S803 to the JBL 305P MKII ))) Прошу сравнить их )) СПАСИБО!!!!
Hey, what's the artist name of the song Long Drive? I can't seem to find the song anywhere. Thanks!
Jeff Meegan - long drive
can I have monitors at home? or rather just to the studio?
Ye but these are have to move from the wall at least 50cm
siento que la vieja generación suena más fidedigno o más similar a la mezcla original, aun así suena mejor la version nueva, por definición, aun que un poco chillon a mi gusto, solo un poco
They added a 6.5 inch monitor which imo is the sweet spot for sound and space.
I got those last week. You are correct. Good bass, mids, and highs, equally represented. Tight and punchy lows, and bright, but not fatiguing highs. Im still getting the sub, but only for beats, and gaming/movies.
jbl mk2 sounds chill n less muddy
How on earth does a speaker sound "chill"? What does that even mean?
wanted to buy monitors, but at the last moment 305P became more expensive, but LSR305 are still cheaper, should i buy LSR305? Cause now i haven't got enough money for 305P
Get LSR305. It is better value for money
the 305p has auto shut off
How did you record this review? Couple of mics? What position? Distance?
Hello, I just interested in how to avoid room acoustic reverb in your records? I did some records some months ago (i uploaded one), but the reverb was much more than in your records. Do you have a treated room or post processing? Thanks
I use big free standing acoustic panels behind the mic and to the sides to keep the reverb minimal. I do not mess with the audio in post
@@DSAUDIOreview Thank you for the answer, also for the HQ videos. :)
JBL 305P MKII vs JBL LSR306 vs Eris E5 please
What I'm asking is dat can I get type like the older version to buy same way???
Hey. Saw your question and yes you can but they are almost double the price. See amazon.
I just ordered my first set of monitors. I got two of the mkii. We shall see. Hopefully the hiss don't drive me crazy. As I have a very quiet studio space.
Crank it, burn it, repeat. :)
@@broodx8112 don't there giving me this new version an I don't want that
@@senseii562 if you look on Amazon you can get the first generation lsr model it looks like. 140 ?
they sound pretty much the same like maybe the slightest difference but otherwise no need to upgrade.
I want to buy these speakers!
Jbl 305P vs Fluid Audio F5 plsss
So what's the difference???
I have trouble with the hi hats so I'm getting jbl mk2
DN OUX do you find the symbols better on the MK to than on the LSR's? I really couldn't hear definitively much difference in this video.I have the original 305's and sometimes symbols sound a bit Sandy to me. That combined with the slight peak in the upper mid range around the crossover point,turns me off a bit. I was really hoping they'd fix all that in the new version.
if they are active monitors, the amplifier is unnecessary ?
so what are these monitors connected to?
@@sebastiancapeans if you know.
@@supervenomgt2654 they have a power cable, that connects to the wall
@@sebastiancapeans yes, I mean what source audio do I need to connect to?
maybe a stupid question but I'm on this level
Original 305 sound drier. I prefer the MK2
Run in 就好。
Not so smart of JBL to take the LSR305 from the market, and not so smart of me not buying some as they was dirt cheap ! :(
Castaways who performs ?
sounds a lot like john cena lol
JDP - Castaways
стали играть чуть открыто и "звоньче"
lsr tiene un poco mas de medios despues todo igual
JBL LSR305 очень сложный выбор !
ни че сложного! 305 сняты с продажи (((
@@Elder7 в музторге ещё лежат ценой выше новых
Long drive - please what song it is???!!!
I'm guessing "Long Drive"
Jeff Meegan - long drive
lsr305 more natural, win
hmm LSR sounds better... more proessiona and smoothly, jbl its a fiasko bratan!😂
Верхней середины не хватает JBL-кам...
В этом они уступают Рокетам
Каким именно?
Fluance Ai40 vs Edifier R2000DB please!!!!!:)
anyone with the auto standby????? what the fuck it's wrong with JBL....
Nettamente migliore la mkII
305P wins IMHO
New one looks like ass with that glossy front
305P MK2 Way Better!
Ожидаемо, МК2 звучат приятнее :)
в живую все не так)
@@damndany , в живую не слушал, отрицать не стану :)
Нее, старые звучат ближе к референсу и теплее, натуральнее, середина на месте. От мк2 уши будут вытекать от высоких имхо.