I'm from Mississippi and I hate that fact that we're always at the bottom of all categories. I vow to turn my state around. Everything he said was true. Have to keep pushing for better. Old generation has to die out. I'm a teacher so I'm always pushing mine to be great. Mark my words. I'm going to make Mississippi great.
Im sorry but you are a DREAMER. Someone once said I dont know who Mississippi has changed since the Civil War\ I hear it and I believe it. Very Sad😢😢 I believe it because I live in Mississippi😳😳😳
Oh I forgot to mention I saved my money in California moved to Pinebelt paid off my new wifes house loan and made 100 grand if I should sell\ Ha Ha Ha😃😃 You see the system is no good 😳 so if you cant get around it you gotta beat. I beat the system I didn't steal\ I didn't screw anybody over. I did it legally. Living good in the Pinebelt 😃😃😃 Ha Ha
It isn't that money buys happiness. \What money does buy is the republican congress and judicial system. In turn, they make people with less money unhappy, by enforcing an insitutionalized glass ceiling on those who are not part of their cast system. david
Metal Maniac, It is beyond any sense of reasoning why anybody making less than ten million dollars a year would consider voting republican. The agenda put into place by these people would be considered criminal under any reasonable scrutiny. A society should allow a person with a good work ethic and a sense of honesty to take themselves as far as they are willing to work for it. Opportunity for advancement should be obtainable to all of those who qualify and not their position by accident of birth. This was the concept put into place by our founding fathers and is not a left wing view; it is an American view. Ever since 1776 twisted fanatics have been trying to push the United States into a society ruled by selected dynasties. That is what the republican party represents. I call them THE BOHEMIAN GROVE FOR LUNCH BUNCH. They are more commonly known as the Koch Dynasty, the Mercer Dynasty, the Bush Dynasty, the Adelson Dynasty, the Walton Dynasty, the Murdoch Dynasty, the Trump Dynasty, the Kushner Dynasty and so on. In truth, they own the republican party and you should be able to guess what the republican party really stands for. It certainly isn't the average American and definitely isn't the United States of America. david
Generational poverty is tough. My father lived in a shack with a dirt floor in Arkansas. He was the only of his siblings to go to college. He became a teacher, and spent his career teaching in an indigenous village in Alaska.
America 🇺🇸 our history is all bad. We moved Indians around like a chess game. Stole land from Mexico. Wasted money on war and other countries instead of taking care of our own people😳😳😳
Barbara Vyse Some families have been in the Smokey mountains for hundreds of years, to leave is to leave your family and your community. Luckily for me, my grandfather and father were career army; so we were not so attached to our family or community, it made it much easier for me to leave when I was old enough. Also, I had family living in another state to give me the opportunity to leave, not be alone and on my own. Don’t act like it easy to just leave everything you know for the possibility of an opportunity when it’s a fact, most Americans live and die within five miles of where they were born. If it were that easy, there’d be no lack of opportunity or poverty
Barbara Vyse Thats a very ignorant and entitled perspective... moving away from your home and family to an uncertain future is a little like immigrating to another country for poor hill folk, many of these poor hill folk are taught to fear, hate, and deny entry to immigrants; so why would I wanna move somewhere else where people may possibly fear me, hate me, and/or violently deny my entry into their community?
Growing up in Alabama, I never thought I was poor. It wasn’t until I watched this video and others like it that I started thinking about how different my life must be from other people my age. “What if I were brought up in a different part of the country?” Despite that, I still believe I’m very fortunate to have what I need. Many others go without food, water, or electricity, but I have all of those things. One day, if I’m in a financially prosperous enough position, I’ll do all that I can to help others get all that they need
I am a immigrant to the US, I am from Ex Yugoslavia Croatia, I came her to NC 1st and now live in FL, no matter how poor my state was or is it is still 100% better than where I came from . I now don't have to worry about WAR , Croatian and Serbian war, not finding a job, or living in Socialism. I am thankful I live here even if I lived in the poorest state it's better than my beginnings.
Man sorry to tell you but you can't compare Serbia and Croatia to any country EVER! The vicious wars, ethnic cleansing, the torturous killings, the massive Savage daily rapes, there was even cannibalism, ppl gouged each other's eyes and it went on and on and on, I was there part of a UN releif effort out of Geneva Switzerland, sorry to tell you but remember that picture of an eagle waiting a few feet away for a starving dying 3 year old boy to die from famine in Africa so the eagle can eat him that picture went all over the world and that heart wrenching picture was easier to watch than Sebia and Croatia so yeah I can understand how you feel about America or any other country for that matter. Glad for you and everyone else concerned that it's over though, you need to start thinking normally, don't be stuck in the past I know it's easier said than done but we can't be stuck in past long gone wars if we wanna progress
@@Jasmin-ux5ho UN misliš na kamione za sladoled If you speak Croatian or were there doing the war you will know what this means.ne pomažete ljudima za vrijeme rata, ostanite neutralni, šala. Moji su bili klanja, a naša djeca silovana. Ako želite komentirati, nemojte reći da su Jugoslaveni učinili ove grozne stvari, prestanite biti neutralni i recite što se dogodilo. Srbi su ubijali Hrvate i Bosance i nazivali to etničkim čišćenjem. Kažete da ste bili tamo s UN-om, niste iz prve ruke to doživjeli. Ja sam Hrvatica, živjela sam tamo kao Hrvatica, bila sam ta koja se bojala da napustim dom, da će me ubiti ili mučiti. Ako ćeš govoriti o ovome, razumijem da si bio tamo i bio svjedok užasnih stvari, ali bio si prolaznik. Poginuo sam hsd članova obitelji, život mi je preko noći bio okrenut naopačke, živio sam užas. Valjda je nekome tko je bio tamo lako lako reći zaboravi na to. UN se vozi u svojim kamionima za sladoled i fotografiraju se govoreći kako je rat loš, ali vi stojite iza neprobojnog stakla i sigurnosti. Bila sam mlada osoba koja se još uvijek morala potruditi oko svog života, dok sam se pitala hoće li me napustiti dom i mučiti me. Kuća moje bake bila je prazna, srećom je veći dio vremena živjela u Austriji, tamo se odmarao hrvatski vojnik, fronta je bila udaljena 1 kilometar od njenog doma. Hrvatski vojnik rasprodat je jedan Srbin koji živi u zgradi, srpski je posađen, nađen je kako spava na kauču i mučen je i strijeljan u stanu kako bi se predao drugim vojnicima. Moja obitelj još uvijek peca stan i to je podsjetnik svakog dana, tako da ne mogu zaboraviti. Ne želim zaboraviti one koji su umrli, sjećam ih se pa niko više ne zaboravlja.you dont help people during war, you remain neutral, what a joke. My people were the ones being slaughtered, our children being raped. If your going to comment dont say Yugoslavian's did these horrible things, stop being neutral and say what happened. Serbians killed Croatians and Bosnians and called it ethnic cleansing. You say you were there with the UN, you did not experience thus firsthand. I am Croatian, I lived there as a Croatian, I was the one that feared leaving my home would get me killed or tortured. If you are going to speak on this, I understand you were there and was witness to horrible things but you were a bystander. I hsd family members die, my life was turned upside down overnight, I lived the horror. I guess its easy for someone who was there but was safe to say forget about it. The UN rides around in their ice cream trucks taking pictures saying war is bad but you are behind bulletproof glass and security . I was a young person who still had to try to go about my life while I wondered if leaving my home would get me tortured and killed. My grandmother's home was vacant, luckily she lived in Austria most of the time, a Croatian soldier rested there , the fron was 1 mile from her home. The Croatian soldier was sold out by a Serbian living in the building, a Serbian planted, was found asleep on the couch and was tortured and shot in the apartment to give up other soldiers. My family still oens the apartment and it is a reminder every day, so I can't forget. I dont want to forget the ones who died, I remember them so no one else forgets.
I'm from California and I loved my time living in the southern states. The pace or life felt slower, we didn't feel pressure or the need to impress anyone and I remember those days fondly. My husband's work brought us back to California, but that's life you just gotta make the best with what you have.
I was born in California and spent my life in the wealthiest area where I was considered 'working poor'. When I retired I moved to Georgia and love the courtesy of the people and am now able to afford a house. Some call it Californication but I call it home from the gold fields.
I fought out cant have anything in california 😢 moved to Pinebelt. Owner of house and property. Couldn't have anything like that in California or any other Western state😮😮😮
@Ronald McFondle I grew up in Kentucky foster care. I’m going to be kind cause Ik you don’t know me but Jesus is Lord . I’m still considered lower middle class but I’m rich you hv no idea
@Ronald McFondle when I was moved to where I live now, I only have abouy 2 cents. Now I am having worth of US$ 200.000, while wage salary is about 480USD. Money does make life easier not happiness.
I spent 5.5 years aboard US Navy destroyers and went to dozens of countries on 5 continents and I can tell you that there is very little real poverty in the US compared to the rest of the world.
Again Mari this is not a third world country ,this is a superpower,the United States . There are ppl who live on the street and who experience hunger every day in the US ,that's poverty no matter how much you want to sugar coat it and justify it in a highly developed country . I get it ,you want to be delusional and act like poverty in the US doesn't exist by bringing up extreme poverty in countries to help you sleep at night ,but the reality is that ppl are struggling and suffering ,and many work for a living and still struggle with poverty .
ALWAYS focusing on slavery makes you yourself a slave in a certain sense. Those states had over 150 years after slavery to get their sh^t together, including their large black populations. Clearly there are other reasons for the situation in which they find themselves. Japan and Germany completely rebuilt and became prosperous only a few decades after being almost destroyed. It's the people man, all of them.
Actually my home state of West Virginia succeeded from the Confederate state of Virginia because they did not agree with slavery!!! Kentucky was a neutral state...The old saying was that there was The Union, The Confederacy and Kentucky… New Mexico Territory, which was actually New Mexico, Arizona and part of Nevada… Only the southern part of New Mexico sided with the Confederacy, the rest of it sided with the Union!!!
And prior to Trump, they were all democrat. Hillary counted on them, as they have been democrats for so long, hence the term "Deplorables" when they 'turned' Republican.
Honestly as a poor person with a degree I must tell you statistically those rags to riches stories are few and far in between. If you consider that a large amount of poor people are disabled and/or retired elderly people, those people tend to have a lot of limitations to what they do already.
The tax code provides Corp welfare for the rich. A degree is a union card only. When I went to college states paid 40% of college cost tuition was $500. Now Portland university a Catholic college is $40k per year for a teaching job that pays $48k ÷ 185 days is $48. Per hour. Still a good hourly wage would be better if we had year around school add 25% more hours and cut staff 25%
it's the Corporate Media falsely putting out the story of wealth/success. if the corporate media aired only lottery winners for hours each night we'd think any of us could win. in fact there's more chance the sun will NOT rise tomorrow than we win the lottery. it's that most americans in high school and rarely even in college have a Statics class where you fully understand how difficult wealth is. we only get reported the success stories. another example is how the corporate media shames kids that if they try had enough they can make it to pro sports. in a way demonizes athletes that they didn't try hard enough, it's their own fault, they didn't make it to the pros because "in america you can do anything". for every person making it to the pros there are 100K or more? that won't make it no matter how hard they try.
One of the problems with Alabama, too, is you get stuck here. You can find a job that just gets you by, but you can never save money to get out again. Its like a black hole.
I grew up in Alabama but now live on the west coast of Canada, the difference is truly phenomenal. I felt like I woke up in paradise when i came here. it isn't paradise , of course, it just seems that way compared to where I grew up. Many years later, I still have the occasional sweaty bad dream in which I am stuck in Alabama again. It is a breath taking relief to wake up, still here in Vancouver. The problem you describe is right on the mark. My sister now lives in Texas. She is not a high earner but she said she can feel hopelessness in the air when she visits the folks in Alabama. She too used the phrase "black hole". I never forget how lucky I am to be where I am and how grateful I am to have escaped BlackHole, Alabama. I have friends who bring me my grits every couple of months, so I have the only thing I would really have missed. :)
@Samuel Sweetmann yeah, I have no reason to think Arkansas would be any better than Alabama, they have much in common. I would truly hate being stuck in the South again. I have a couple of friends who are stuck in Georgia for job related reasons. They both hate being in the south and they both talk endlessly about their homes in the north east of the country. One says he feels like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ, desperately wishing to return to Kansas. Well, upstate New York for him. The disadvantage of a job too well paying to just quit.
Macnutz420 good comment. But no job is worth being miserable. I quit a well paying job that I was miserable at, I feel so much better, even with less money.
@@sarahford4710 So I presume we can get a loan from you? Or you have a magic wand you can save that will fix our credit scores and make a lender understand that as soon as we get where we want to go we will pay it back? Because most lenders don't do well with "I don't know how we'll pay it back just yet, but have faith." Trust me, if it were as easy as getting a loan and getting out, we'd have been gone years ago.
This video was very informative. Poverty however is a lot more systemic than what the average person may realize. As a country we should do better at taking care of all of our citizens.
President Trump tried to make an impact. That 1% change for the better that was talked about at the beginning is a lot harder than people realize when it comes to a massively diverse group. It would be nice if there was a bigger change but unfortunately it is a very complex problem
As a PEOPLE we should be doing a better JOB of helping OURSELVES and our communities. If you are waiting for a government or someone else to do something for you you'll never get on your feet.
@@adnel4142 the problem is if there is no job you dont have any money...and inflation today is so high even if you have a good job you cant buy a small house because the prices are so high..thats the main problem..
I live in Mississippi, I have my whole life. I'm 30 years old, I'm a single parent of an 8 year old girl. I knew for a long time we were the poorest state in America but that's financially... I personally don't respect money, but of course we have to have it in order to make it in America. We just try and love our neighbors as ourselves, and we have that hospitality like no other. We praise Jesus Christ, we go by his teaching on everything but mostly morals and our hearts. I don't believe ethnicity plays any type of big role in our problems, but man you're right about the mindset, we as Americans change that we have a better opportunity at success but it wont be the absolute solution. Its our hearts we are growing cold and America as a whole is going down a dark path and it will only last a short while before we inevitably crumble. I have a 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath, brick home with a nice white tin roof. I'm a single 30 year old that pays child support, so I understand what's its like to not want to work and earn everything you have, it's tough. I've lost both parents and my mother we paid out of our own pockets for her funeral. I lost a 22 month old son, as well. Yeah I can say I truly know what it feels like to not be on top of the mountain feeling, life is wonderful and everything is perfect. Financial statuses don't define us, yeah not everyone has 10k in their bank accounts, but we have Christ in our hearts and know what the true meaning of life is. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, we have peace here, to me that's priceless. We are praying for you others out there, keep fighting the good fight! Trust in the Father, He will provide.
@@deelee5244 yes mam I understand, I could be better myself but I know what you mean. Thank you for the compliment. May The Lord bless you and your family. Thank you.
@@matonmongo it's one way to look at it, but not necessarily true. Our faith teaches us that The Lord will provide, we work for our belongings and have pride issues as men when we are in need but don't like asking for help. I personally would rather give than receive, but it's tough being free sometimes. We are still flawed humans and make mistakes quite often. But to say the least, I would rather be no place else, I love where I am from, we care for our neighbors. We all have issues we all need help. Following or being like Christ, to me is not religion. Him dying on the cross to save us from our sin, has nothing to do with religion. Religion is man made, he specifically came to the toughest religion in the world and aced it, corrected them, they ultimately had Him killed for it. We do alright down here.
I was born and raised in Georgia. . Lived in Florida, then Alabama. I moved to Washington State 5 yrs ago because I was dying from heart failure due to no Healthcare. ... now I have excellent Dr's and the proper meds
It a shame where all the red or poor states did not want to get medicaid expansion for their sick people. They want you to go to the emergency room at that time mostly there is nothing for them to do. I was born and raised in the poor state of Louisiana and had to go to the emergency room for care. It seem they are purging the least of us.
Republicans hate state like Washington State for providing great health care. Hope you don't vote Republican otherwise you would be voting agains your needs.
@@andreataylor4407 I hear ya. I'm your neighbor here in Alabama! But I must say I LOVE Mississippi. It is beautiful and clean. My sister lived in Grenada for about five years, and it was quite depressing. And Sardis is scary. But other than that I love it. My favorite city there is Water Valley. So quaint and charming!
@@decembersixx6237 Oh wow😂 I was born in Vicksburg, raised in Yazoo City & now I live on the coast...Gulfport. Its ok, still slow & boring. I've always felt MS is suitable for old retired people😁
Shout out to all my fellow US Americans! I love you, I hope this message finds you well, and let's stop the hate and get back to working together no matter what state we reside.
@@wilburwood8261 Because they are red states, they believe in pure capitalism. They have a poor educational system so that they can keep voting against their own self interest.
I still dont get the stigma that public transportation means your poor? Here in NY i know and seen many millionaire who use public transportation on a regular basis.
Dude New York uses public transportation because its either faster or its just more practical. In Kentucky with no one on the road thats a different story. A lot goes into that. Its like 400 bucks for rent in Kentucky its like 2000 in new York. 46000 a year is not bad then. In new York thats horrible
@@saluteswithtriangle6599 1 in 21 New Yorkers are millionaires and more than half earn over $100k. NYC isn't dangerous, hell even the "bad" parts isn't even that dangerous, it's just the false stigma from the 70s that continues,. Anyway. plus I've seen CEOs and many other notable business men/women on the subway, ferry, bus or even riding bikes to work
""If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ i so thought we were beyond this quote, but after reading a lot of these comments i see we are no where near the end of racism in this country not by country mile. Instead of coming together as citizens and doing something about the problem, it would seem some people would rather blame "blacks" for the economic condition of the state. I truly fear sorry for you lost souls maybe one day you all will realize who is robbing you blind and do something about it. However if that day never comes, it is my sincere hope you will find solace in your scapegoating blacks and other minorities and may the crumbs that fall of the rich man's table feed your family.
mike askme unfortunately, that quote is so correct. My manager is white and she thinks that I’m poor but I live nicer than she does and she thinks I need handouts. I don’t buy new clothes because I’m on a financial mission. I don’t walk around with new clothes. I don’t dress up to go to work because our clothes get lightener, color and hair in it. I’m not trying to impress anyone. I’m just working because my husband Retired from the Army. In order for us to put money in our Roth IRAs one of us needs to be working. I’m a Disabled Veteran. I don’t need to work but I love doing hair. I don’t even bother saying anything anymore. I just go to work and keep it moving.
@@arleneaugustahair8393 and honestly that is all any of us can do, like i said it is my sincere hope that those types of people will be able to feed their families from the crumbs off the rich. On the reverse, and i as African American male will freely admit this. There are way to many African Americans now days, waiting and willing to continue the same divide and conquer strategy that was used after Beacons Rebellion, not realizing that they themselves are allowing their pockets to be picked by the rich. Yes racism is real in this country and it is our duty to call it out when we see it, but it is not our duty to attack some one because they are white. In order to get pass this is, we need a honest debate and honest solutions for all, failure to do so will only allow all our pockets to be picked.
Ranking states as "poor" based on income really doesn't mean much when housing, food, etc are much cheaper in low income states and ridiculously high in high income states.
6 лет назад+7
Why would food be cheaper? Most of it comes from elsewhere or is owned by corporate interests. Many foods are cheaper in California( about the MOST expensive state to live) because they are grown there.
WalterRamjet HeroOfOurNation you are incorrect. I’m from Long Island New York and now live in Kentucky .. the only thing that’s less expensive is rent and the price of homes.. food.electric,water etc is almost exactly the same.. the poor get a lot less food stamps here .. single white male in New York gets $200 and here in Kentucky they get $32 and food prices are the same
yea but it was done by poverty rate, NOT income. did you notice that the state that was the poorest had the highest poverty rate, and the second poorest had the second highest poverty rate, and the third poorest had the third highest poverty rate, and ect.
I live in Alabama and have for all of my life. Yeah, a lot of people here are poor but its been that way for a very long time. Its a generational problem as poverty often is. Back in the day most people here just farmed to put food on the table or worked in the steel plants. Drugs and teen pregnancy are a problem here too which only perpetuates the cycle of poverty. A lot of people on public assistance which doesn't help the state either. The amount of people here not being able to obtain healthcare I think has to do with a lack of resources. People can't even afford to eat healthy food or to the doctor and wind up with a laundry list of chronic and debilitating conditions. Thankfully, I wasn't poor growing up, my parents both had jobs but we didn't have a lot of money. My husband and I are both nurses and make a decent living but we're not wealthy by any means. Many factors contribute to poverty, some are preventable and some are not. Every county/state/city has some degree of poverty, some more than others, and there is no such thing as a completely equal society.
I was stationed in Fort Polk and you are right about Louisiana climate. It is like a fucking sauna 8 months out of the year. The roads are horrible and most of the people are largely illiterate. Too many venomous snakes and other critters.
Robert Preskop hey man I’ve been to fortpolk that’s dope! I live just south of deridder,(which is just south of fort Polk, lol) and yes the climate is awful
@@fishinfool3795 - Being 'thankful' in America simply because you're not as poor as someone in say, Malaysia or Liechtenstein is ridiculous. One, we're not bound by the laws and expenses of those places. We're bound by the laws and living expenses HERE. Being 'thankful' for living here and struggling, while others flourish with no effort is a kin to saying, 'be thankful you're in jail and not SUPER jail, while the 'haves' get to prance around as the warden and guards. In other words, if you switched places with poor people in America, would YOU be 'thankful'??? I guarantee-DAMN-tee you you wouldn't be.
@@blackSUAAAVE lol.... yes its kinda like saying to your daughter.... "your falling behind in maths at school" ...... "but dad.... there is ONE that is worse than me"..... " aaaah great.... then you dont have to study"
Hi,guys. I'm from the Philippines. Working and living in the USA has been my coveted dream. I never knew the poverty degree in some states until I read all your sentiments and true-to-life experiences. Despite these,I still love your country ,but with pressure on cost of living. I would like to experience being there especially your culture since I have known some. Indeed, I am looking forward to meeting an American folks or buddies who can tour me with love and passion. By the way, a lot of Americans are living in the Philippines for good. I just pondered perhaps it's a matter of getting fed up with the country's settings. I also thank USA for extending BPO opportunities in our country. It has brought economic progression and aided unemployment here. I love you all.
You also have to factor in the cost of living. An individual can earn $40,000 a year and live well in Alabama or Mississippi but would be practically homeless living in places like San Francisco or Manhattan/NYC due to a ridiculously high cost of living.
@@dahbajanman7044 and you can get easily to boston for work right ? okay thank you . tell me im planing if god wants to come to the states which state is affordable and in the same time is good for youth who wants to start a career and has job opportunities ? sorry for the long paragraph.
Yup, everyone making $40k a year live in their car those who make less live in tents on the side walk and those who make nothing live in cardboard homes and America keeps boasting and distributing money to the world the world takes the money and laughs, and for that money the world shrugs its shoulders and let's America call itself a super power while still laufhing
@@Jasmin-ux5ho if you make 40,000 a year and live in your car, it's time to move! You can live in the south or midwest just fine on 40grand a year. You won't be rich but its enough for a decent apartment in a good neighborhood. That's mostly states like California and NY that have a ridiculously high cost of living. In those states the wages are a lot higher as well though.
Yep I live in MS where the electricity stays on and we don't have used needle's and people shitting in the streets. Where there's plenty of jobs and I can hunt and fish till my heart is content. Let them keep making these videos so the wokes won't screw up this state like they've screwed up all the other places they moved to. Sorry Texas, Colo,and recently Virginia , Louisiana .
The biggest problem is most people live on credit, car, house, Johnny new clothes are all bought on credit. My grandfather being born in eighteenth hundreds and grandmother who was born in 1906 died having their house and land payed for without leaving behind debit. If a country lives on credit eventually that will run out .It is better to get by then owe a debit you can not pay.
You are absolutely right! My parents were born in 1940, their parents were born around 1900. They ALL survived and thrived and wouldn't buy on credit. I love that they taught me just like their parents.
When u go shopping, ask yourself do I really need this product or do I want it cause I like it. Ppl get into debt bc they are not smart shoppers. My husband was frugal & soo am I. That's why I have more & I am grateful
We all know america runs on credit . We all also know many of us are just a few paychecks away from the street . If we lose jobs suddenly become disabled etc . Like many states that had business leave in the last 5 yrs harley davidson gm an so many others have left the usa . I remember ohio's governor raise hell about it to ! Shut down an entire country over a fence then his russian friend owns an american construction company an since america was shutdown guess who got the fence contact . Keep em poor .
Sadly, I've heard many parents in southern states basically tell their children just to work at Walmart and not to pursue education. Probably because they want to keep them buying their Marlboro reds for the rest of their lives. STAY IN SCHOOL, AND GO TO COLLEGE KIDS!!!!!!
Gav Asia Robinssson to be honest if you really put effort into something you can achieve things and more quickly. It depends how much thought you put into it.
Gav Asia Robinssson I’m going for engineering asshole. I can make 35k a year with my 1 year certificate and 45k with my two year. Just because colleges offer programs that don’t pan out job wise doesn’t mean all their programs are useless. Have fun flipping burgers though.
@Asiantinos Libertarian Liberty or Dead agreed. But you will have people that will never believe that. They think that taxing rich people more will solve the problem.
@@WALTERBROADDUS I hate it when people say that. Not everyone can have a high paying job because then, who would be doing the lower paying jobs? Plus, some people haven't got the qualifications or experience to get a better paying job. I've got a number of qualifications and over 15 years work experience in several different jobs but after quitting a job, have found myself delivering fecking pizzas to fat, lazy people because the job specifications I look at for better jobs always ask for specific types of experience that I don't have. Companies aren't willing to train people anymore so people with degrees end up in fast food and cleaning jobs. It seems to be the best you can hope for these days. Then companies exploit that lack of opportunity and pay a non liveable wage and give you zero hour contracts. I read a sentence in an article saying that 50 years ago, such companies would have been laughed at and would have had nobody applying to them because they could easily have got a better job elsewhere. It all seems to be about companies penny pinching these days and trying to hire people who have done literally the same job before instead of spending a bit of time and money to mould somebody. Capitalism makes me sick.
@@alisonwilliams4862 Been there, same shoes. However, there is a reason why a plumber is worth more than the checkout person a Walmart. And yes, even with education jobs can be scarce. In my case, transport is barrier. There are jobs. But if you lack a car, you cannot reach them. For others child care is sticking point. The best path to success is to overcome the pitfalls to step one. Get out of high school. Stay out of jail , off drugs and use birth control. Until many in these place stop that Poverty circle, nothing will change. On the bright side, these places are where the job growth is.
As a not rich and not poor person, I think this is really informative. I feel bad for this poverty going around. About to move away from my current home, this is just..you know, sad for the poor. Money can't bring any happiness,but love can bring happiness. I bet being poor is so hard to live on, especially in labour, it will be like dying slowly. We have to stop this!
My hometown, Middleburg Florida, is so poor that people's EBT cards get declined. They're so poor that children from Africa send them money. It's a disgrace I tell you. They're so poor they hang toilet paper out to dry. I'm definitely moving to Idaho.
I think Middleburg, Florida is beautiful. Your taking it for granted now. I have live in many states over the years. Try living in SHITHOLE California.There homeless tent scattered around the cities. And Entitled economic illegal invaders every were,sanctuary state, and out rages cost of living.🤨
No state is getting away clean. The entire country is struggling. We need a third party to check both the Democrats and the Republicans because they have both gotten out of control! China has a thriving middle class! U.S. government representatives aren't doing their job. Just infighting to see who can get the most lobbyists ' money! Sick and sad.
@Blake Q wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700/ throw ur clown shoes on bcuz this is fkn hilarious the circus is back in town
@Duke Of Prunes why are you bringing race into something where nobody was talking about race at all he was grouping southern as whole but then you had to separate them by race guess you have to feel superior by bringing in race
Georgia isn’t poor we suppressed all of our national debt and even have money saved for an economic downturn that’s why when recessions happen georgia is always stable
It should not be legal to make minimum wage and still be on welfare. That's the corporate system's fault not the people's. I like to call low level jobs at Walmart or Mcdonalds welfare employers. Why should the taxpayer's money supplement a billion dollar corporation's parole? It's a really shady practice.
As a native from Mississippi I have to say that much of things you just said...Is absolutely true, honestly growing up there the only way to get any where in life is actually putting fourth the effort, graduating high school you be surprised how far you can go in Mississippi with an high school diploma, or just do what I did; move out :L
do you really think that "white nationals" are the reason these states are poor? Jheeesh! What's that you were saying about not being intellectually motivated?
Mississipppi does not have a lot of good paying jobs. My daughter with a biochemistry degree moved to Seattle. My oldest moved to Pensacola, Florida, because her husband works for the pipe line. My husband's terminal closed down, in Memphis, TN. after he worked there for 28 years. Now they say our pension is insolvent. His employer had put in $35,000 a year for 28 years into it. What in the world?? The good jobs just keep getting more scarce. I feel sorry for the younger generation, all of our manufacturing jobs are overseas. A mechanical engineer has to change jobs every two to three years because they just keep closing the doors. Now Serta is closing. Probably to have the mattresses made overseas. :-(
Engineer guy here, I made it 11 years with the same company, sadly it ended abruptly to that company losing contracts and I moved forward to a different company and that lasted 4 months, I'm now steadily earning again with a great income, wife's also an obgyn, together we do very well for our area. My advice to anyone would be to keep working, because hard work does pay off.
"Mississipppi does not have a lot of good paying jobs." A software Engineer can start at as low as $24.07 in Mississippi, but can start at $150,000 at Google. "His employer had put in $35,000 a year for 28 years into it." Per employee or total? Per employee, sounds like some criminality that needs investigation. "I feel sorry for the younger generation, all of our manufacturing jobs are overseas." Republicans offered tax breaks to companies that outsourced. Republicans filibustered every attempt incentivise keeping jobs in the USA. It's hard to get dems to do the right thing, but almost impossible to get republicans. Perhaps it is different with southern dems, as Clinton was very corrupt. It seems like people down south never check how people vote or what they are doing in office. How many people in Mississippi know that Trump is removing SNAP exemption that will have millions loosing aid, including 265,000 schoolchildren cut from free lunches? Most Southern states live on EBT, but rich people got a tax cut. PS:More job losses do come from automation than outsourcing though, and with AI it's going to be way worse, as that can do high pay jobs. ruclips.net/video/5dZ_lvDgevk/видео.html
Abram Carroll do you really think any politician does the right thing? I’m from California, if Democrats did the right thing this place would not be such a S-hole.
@@highbrass3749 Democrats can be made too, sometimes, but not republicans. You need to look at the legislation and get involved to make it happen. California has lots of Reagan democrats. That is essentially what the corporate dems like Polosi are. They are exactly like republicans economically. That don't do squat for working people.
I am glad that I live in Finland instead of US. I got Bachelors degree education, no student debts. My son is 11 months old and only small costs from hospital. I bet that Finnish cleaner lady with $20 000 salary is better off than $60 000 salary worker at states. Cleaner lady got also 5 weeks of paid holidays.... Now I have used my normal holidays Fatherhood leaves. Last time when i were at work were 21st of December and next time when I go back will be 1st of April.
Our narrator finishes off with, "I'd be willing to bet that if many of America's poorest just changed their mind set their situation would follow suit." Probably the most inane and ignorant statement I've heard in a long time.
you obviously haven't read these comments then. The reasons and solutions being offered by these people are orders of magnitude more idiotic than anything in the video, which at least tries to be positive.
As a West Virginian, I feel that does apply to us. Everytime someone suggests change, the fear-mongering starts. You can't move forward if you are not willing to make changes.
When changes need to be made, the best place to start making changes is in the mind. He makes a cogent and valid point. Like the smart guy says, “the definition of madness is to do the same thing over and over expecting different results.” It’s time to try new things, like a new mindset.
You do have to take matters in your hand. Saying otherwise is ignorant. If your from the South just go to one of the churches at ever corner and pray. Maybe you will get beamed to a better life.
👍🏼 Good going Nick, for 5 years I drove line haul from Secaucus, NJ to Charlotte up to 3 times a week, for the most part the folks I met where really nice hard working people but watch out for these folks from NJ & NY who are escaping the high property taxes up here but are bringing their politics with them be it conservative or liberal and North Carolina is so nice because you guys are who you are and don’t need the NJ or NY policies because that would ruin your wonderful way of life ! Keep up the good work !
Damn I live in Maryland. I didn’t realize it was the richest state. Sweet! It is rather pretty here and people are generally happy. I guess that’s why. But poor states still have wealthy cities/areas too. No state is perfect whether it’s rich or poor.
@@WALTERBROADDUS Yeah there's poor people everywhere. But I just find it laughable that right wing red states that are super pro capitalistic, and are for trickle down economics don't really help the people overall. For instance, I've been homeless here in LA and have had government assistance and it does help out like Medi-cal or Medicaid here in California. But right winger are pro business, and they say that, takes care of the people better. But it really doesn't, and this video is proof. If being pro business, and anti government was better all these red states would be better off than the blue states. But they're not..
MS is a state that held onto agriculture which isn't the most profitable model. It's against fully comprehensive sex education so it has high out of wedlock births. Places with low employment have high birth rates because there's nothing better to do. Racism doesn't help either. If you refuse to hire one group because of an arbitrary reason such as race you've created poverty. High poverty encourages crime and keeping people incarcerated during their prime years is a wasted work force resource. The state needs to invest in infrastructure and education across the board. An undereducated population is relegated to uncertain low pay industries. Only helping one group is like only exercising half of your body. Creating an atmosphere of poverty encourages people to leave your state once they gain better skills. A lot of people who make it out of MS don't go back. Impoverished areas are rife with interpersonal drama. Low social mobility is bad for any state. If you do move up you leave. If you don't think you can move up you won't even bother trying because no one wants to play a rigged game. Do it too long and leads to depression and/or rage.
@@a.jennings4664 it's because of comments like yours that Mississippi is poor. Im from California and there's a lot of homeless people here, i talk to them from time to time and most of them are from out of state they leave states like the ones mentioned on this list and they think cali is the land of hope's and dreams but reality hits em hard they refuse to change their mindset and end up worse off
@John Sluder You can have Mississippi dude..as a matter of fact, when Trump gets done building the wall at the border of Mexico, let's give him another $500 billion dollars to build a wall around Mississippi.. and Alabama. Lock you bastards in. You troll.😂
I live in Tennessee and I can tell you that we're one of many poorest states in America, especially when the Tennessee government is allowing it's citizens to live in poverty, and in Nashville there are a lot of people who are in so much poverty, that a lot of them, are homeless, and Tennessee government aren't doing anything about it, when people that are helping the homeless are being fought against by the government everyday. The reason I'm saying this, is that I see everyday.
The problem with your statement is you're ONLY talking about AN AREA of the state. This is about STATES AS A WHOLE on average and not just where you live. I actually think Tennessee is a poor state, but it is not in the TOP 10 poorest states in the nation. I won't be surprise if it's in the top 15 or 20.
@@crystalgoode1600 The only problem I have with your statement is you living alright doesn't mean the state can't be poor. You living alright is a VERY SMALL SAMPLE SIZE COMPARE TO THE GENERAL POPULATION.
The Top 3 states that pay the most in Federal taxes, California, NY, and Massachusetts... The State that receives the most Federal funds is Kentucky.. Mass ranks 43rd in receiving Federal funds ( non emergency) I hear many say, raise the minimum wage to $15.00.... But what they fail to see is that if you can buy a Big Mac for say $4.00 while making say $8.00 per hour.. now you get $15.00 an hour, that Big Mac now becomes $7-8.00..:Everything else will go up also, so in reality, you gained nothing. What should happen in my opinion.. Make Corporations pay higher and have it come from their profits, also stop Corporate welfare. A company making a 10 Billion profit and only pays min wage, should be fined and not get a penny from the Federal Government period..
Don't forget, that from the Civil War, until the eighties and nineties, these states were run almost exclusively by Democrats. Republicans have only run these states for the last two or three decades. They are undoing the mess left by Dems.
See, it’s all relative. Sometimes the smaller paycheck can get you more. Please don’t make fun of the south. We are working people mostly. I have lived here all my life and I’m 70. But from hard work, a set of wonderful parents my husband and I have a net worth over a million. Not bad for high school education And living in NC. Of course, God has blessed us immensely.
@@MrCharlespeele My parents came here from Mexico and started out doing janitorial services before starting their own company that now employs 9 people, God bless America 🇺🇸
Awesome Randomguy You're right. Never lived in either. Poor Cali with the fires 🔥 & homeless situation. It's just the south thing that rattles me. But having said that my brother is in TN now.
As a legal immigrant to this country, I'm sad to see how some places have been left behind the prosperity train. There really is opportunity everywhere here in the US...that is a true statement. Unfortunately, illegal means to gain success leave a path of destruction that is evidenced in this video.
What are you referring to?…”unfortunately illegal means to gain success..” These states have always been poorer since the United States was founded and expanded. They are cursed by so many resources that they developed as exploitation economies, similar to those in Southeast Asia and Latin America. Socially, they relied on church and developed a strong mistrust of government or wealthy people.
The more you make the more you waste money can't buy you more days on earth and the reason these wealthy people have wealth is because they got a head start and hand out from slavery so save the government assistance nonsense the most wealthy families in America still benefits of the slave assistance their ancestors survived and thrived on but yet they act like they were hard working GTFOH
476 Anno Domini For those with money it can be a great place to retire and live comfortably and raise a family, but it also has one of, if not the highest, clear disparity of rich and poor in the country---economic inequality. Meaning not so much for those lower middle class and below can live very comfortable. But I do admit it does have a great education system but for me that's where it clearly ends. But, I thank God for everything he has given me and I should be grateful for where I live so yeah no place is perfect, but CT is certainly alright.
@@CocoTaveras8975 i used to live in Connecticut Danbury specifically and the governor there is horrible, and the roads full of pot holes, also high taxes. Other than that it was a great place to live in
@@NickJohnson I live in Indiana and it has to be the state that's the least talked about right? No. Well I guess Indiana is the most Average state. Maybe that should a video idea. The top 10 most Average states.
exactly thats what i hate about these statistics they lie! sure on paper a median home value of 100k looks low but u can get a house worth 300k for 100k in some states! the perception is screwed man
Great video! It was often humorous which helped in facing this depressing reality, and was well made. As for the closing remarks, I do think the “pull up your bootstraps” mentality doesn’t work if you literally don’t have any bootstraps. This value of individual responsibility in the face of systemic problems beyond any one individual’s control seems more comforting for the already comfortable than an authentic counter to the failures of the wealthiest country in human history. As was mentioned in the video, nothing about this poverty is based in inevitability, and many comments have mentioned the historical factors that paved the way for our situation today. All of this is malleable and can change for the better in the right circumstances. The problem is we seem to be heading in the opposite direction at a time where inequality only continues to grow. This is not sustainable.
Macon GA them old clunkers are part of the ambiance. The biggest employer in Macon is Dollar General, not working at one but robbing them. Just how damn broke and high do you have to be to think Dollar General is a big score.
Thanks for the video and humor ! May God Bless +++ the people of America !!! And our Founding Fathers., We need to be "grateful" and acknowledge/ appreciate of what they did with their lives to this country. For example: Have you lately give a "Thank You" (in your heart) to: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, Adams, John F Kennedy, Douglas McArthur, Patton, etc... Our National Heroes ??? Have you ?!!! Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask for what you can do for for your country. Amen. ""Give Thanks""" to God !!! 🛐💒♥️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲📿
@R W I'd say that's some fair amount of bullshit. The US, even with states like this, is much more developed, richer, and safer than any 3rd world country. And unlike what a lot of people say here, not having as much paid leave doesn't make you a third world country.
R W There were tents in the city center of Sydney too (www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4759324/Sydney-homeless-not-allowed-city.html) And the US has less homeless people than other countries
Jahbulon also raped Detroit lording all over the place, I mean real habitual criminal masterminds! As far as I'm concerned SATAN IS OBLIVION MATERIAL, HELL... THE GRAVE WON'T BE ABLE TO HOLD HIM IN ITS ENTIRETY!!!
Robin Dear yes! I did not bring home that. That was gross. And I live in DC where that income is considered low income . And my monthly bills: 760 rent 100 internet 100 phone 100 student loan 100 electric 75 water 50 gas 45 capital one 285 health insurance 35 dental. That’s a month , every month.
America is still one of the best countries to be poor in. Being poor in America means food stamps, clean water, free healthcare and a government phone. Being poor in a third world country means no water or dirty water and no food.
They are really fat. Im from California but I visited once in WV and I was extremely shocked by how many fat people there was, everywhere I looked there was a big fat person. I don't know what is going on out there but they do drugs, eat very bad food, and don't take care of themselves but it's very sad
I'm from Welch west virginia and it was a pleasant place to live some 40 years ago. My grand parents live in a small place called switchback. However when the floods came that was the end of it. I wish I could afford to go back to live there. Beautiful mountains.
have to admit i knew it was the traditional southern states before the start of the video but New Mexico didnt surprise me that much i drove through there i was like it feels like a third world country here
I grew up in Eastern Kentucky, where the coal mine industry takes advantage of the population for generations. They control the local governments and keep other industries from investing in the area which is ironic considering Mitch McConnell is from Kentucky and it's become a multi-millionaire. They've kept the people under educated giving them just enough income to survive. It's funny I heard one someone say that in a certain county in Eastern Tennessee had the highest millionaires per capita this was back in the late 80s. Perfect example of The haves and have nots. When I was a young teenager I went to one of the post offices around check time as a referred to it there was ,20 to 30 cars in line for their government check that is example of poverty this is the same county that had the most millionaires per capita. One of the high school students parents who owned a coal mine gave him a brand new Corvette to drive to school.
@Tika Nguyen Yes, we'd much rather be like California, where in San Francisco, they actually hand out maps to show you where everyone is literally shitting in the streets. All the Democrat run cities are just fabulous places--there's Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, etc. High crime, terrible schools, substandard housing, high dependence on government aid, high drug addiction--sign me up! Or not. The issue is slightly more complicated than you seem to realize, why don't you read and watch some things from people who have different viewpoints than you, instead of listening only to those who agree with you on everything? That's called an echo chamber, and those are where good brains go to die.
Yep! Learned something new. Good info and loved your narrative. I too, live in N.C. Close to Charlotte and statistics show I'm way under that $50,000 mark but I have a roof over my head, food in the pantry and am relatively happy.
I noticed in some of the clips that poverty didn't stop the buying of those big expensive trucks that run $35,000 and up. But income is only one side of poverty. Outgo is the other side. Wealth is in the eye of the beholder. Solid and loving family, a house with a solid roof, food on the table, health care, good schools, good recreational areas, fair weather, fresh and available food, all go to making a good life. At the end of the day, there are things we value more than just money. Good fortune comes in many forms.
Bus spotted at USA's politically most important location of the year 2019: 2:32 is the combined metro/road bridge over the the river Dniepr in Kiev, UKRAINE. Ever heard something about that nation...? :) All cars have local number plates. But that white Volvo bus is a real long distance bus with Latvian number plates, probably plying the route Riga-Kiev.
NPC detected. Are you going to give back whatever it is that you "stole", or just lecture everyone while living a nice comfortable life on the proceeds of your theft? I think we both know the answer to that question. ;)
@@StageRight123 that's the old poverty rate. The Supplemental poverty measure is much more accurate, because it takes each state's cost of living into account. That's why California has the highest poverty rate.
Interesting comparisons. I clearly remember when I first visited the states in 1993 and staying at the Gettysburg YHA, this guy told a story about this subject and it was so funny I never forgot it. He said that Arkansas was the # 2 poorest state in the USA and Mississippi was # 1. He then said there's saying in Arkansas and it's 'Thank God for Mississippi'! I still crack up......
@Brian Sanderson THEY'RE too COWARDLY to dare STEP out of line and admit that the emperor has no CLOTHE CREDIBILITY common DECENCY or SENCE it's like EVERYBODY'S fate is tired to a bomber in a hostage situation
I'm from Mississippi and I hate that fact that we're always at the bottom of all categories. I vow to turn my state around. Everything he said was true. Have to keep pushing for better. Old generation has to die out. I'm a teacher so I'm always pushing mine to be great. Mark my words. I'm going to make Mississippi great.
Then stop electing full of Schlitz Republicans to run your broke, s box state.
Hattiesburg is a great town. We have family there and Ocean Springs. Always
Love going to Mississippi from Texas.
Im sorry but you are a DREAMER. Someone once said I dont know who Mississippi has changed since the Civil War\ I hear it and I believe it. Very Sad😢😢 I believe it because I live in Mississippi😳😳😳
Correction Mississippi has not changed since Civil War and will never change when they keep voting RED😢😢😢
Oh I forgot to mention I saved my money in California moved to Pinebelt paid off my new wifes house loan and made 100 grand if I should sell\ Ha Ha Ha😃😃 You see the system is no good 😳 so if you cant get around it you gotta beat. I beat the system I didn't steal\ I didn't screw anybody over. I did it legally. Living good in the Pinebelt 😃😃😃 Ha Ha
Money won't ever bring you happiness...
But being poor is HELL ... !!
I get what you mean, but I'm much more happier when I have the money to pay my rent, bills, and splurge as well!
I never expected money to buy happiness. I just expected it to pay the bills and take care of the things that cost money.
It isn't that money buys happiness. \What money does buy is the republican congress and judicial system. In turn, they make people with less money unhappy, by enforcing an insitutionalized glass ceiling on those who are not part of their cast system.
I hear ya brother
Metal Maniac,
It is beyond any sense of reasoning why anybody making less than ten million dollars a year would consider voting republican. The agenda put into place by these people would be considered criminal under any reasonable scrutiny. A society should allow a person with a good work ethic and a sense of honesty to take themselves as far as they are willing to work for it. Opportunity for advancement should be obtainable to all of those who qualify and not their position by accident of birth. This was the concept put into place by our founding fathers and is not a left wing view; it is an American view. Ever since 1776 twisted fanatics have been trying to push the United States into a society ruled by selected dynasties. That is what the republican party represents. I call them THE BOHEMIAN GROVE FOR LUNCH BUNCH. They are more commonly known as the Koch Dynasty, the Mercer Dynasty, the Bush Dynasty, the Adelson Dynasty, the Walton Dynasty, the Murdoch Dynasty, the Trump Dynasty, the Kushner Dynasty and so on. In truth, they own the republican party and you should be able to guess what the republican party really stands for. It certainly isn't the average American and definitely isn't the United States of America.
Generational poverty is tough. My father lived in a shack with a dirt floor in Arkansas. He was the only of his siblings to go to college. He became a teacher, and spent his career teaching in an indigenous village in Alaska.
Dirt floor in the USA? What!
@@hectorcardenas2171 you don’t know the history of the USA
I do, its history is not so complex.
America 🇺🇸 our history is all bad. We moved Indians around like a chess game. Stole land from Mexico. Wasted money on war and other countries instead of taking care of our own people😳😳😳
@@hectorcardenas2171it’s very complex most likely his pa was a sharecropper
This is eye-opening. Poverty in America is distressing. We need to address this issue collectively. Thanks for raising awareness!
The poor are getting poorer, the middle class is disappearing and the rich is getting richer. Sad but true
@dave e thanks to the lie : meritocracy and Americans thinking work and self torture is virtuous.
Underated comment 😔
Time to tax the rich like in the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's.
(: Yes ... ☺ That is the Truth!!!!!
Can we do something together to reverse this or stop this?
As someone who grew up in the south; poor education and lack of opportunity keep poor people poor.
Go somewhere else. Get an education and find opportunities. They won’t come looking for you.
Barbara Vyse
Some families have been in the Smokey mountains for hundreds of years, to leave is to leave your family and your community. Luckily for me, my grandfather and father were career army; so we were not so attached to our family or community, it made it much easier for me to leave when I was old enough. Also, I had family living in another state to give me the opportunity to leave, not be alone and on my own. Don’t act like it easy to just leave everything you know for the possibility of an opportunity when it’s a fact, most Americans live and die within five miles of where they were born. If it were that easy, there’d be no lack of opportunity or poverty
Barbara Vyse
Thats a very ignorant and entitled perspective... moving away from your home and family to an uncertain future is a little like immigrating to another country for poor hill folk, many of these poor hill folk are taught to fear, hate, and deny entry to immigrants; so why would I wanna move somewhere else where people may possibly fear me, hate me, and/or violently deny my entry into their community?
Are you talking to me? What part of my comment led you to believe I voted for a Republican? You’d be wrong
@@nathanhollywoodbrookshire1417 Liberals always assume your a republician.
Growing up in Alabama, I never thought I was poor. It wasn’t until I watched this video and others like it that I started thinking about how different my life must be from other people my age. “What if I were brought up in a different part of the country?”
Despite that, I still believe I’m very fortunate to have what I need. Many others go without food, water, or electricity, but I have all of those things.
One day, if I’m in a financially prosperous enough position, I’ll do all that I can to help others get all that they need
If what you say is true, then may the winds of fortune blow heavily in your direction.
Wow youre great. Maybe you come to mississippi and save everybody😃😃😃
You are a very compassionate person. It’s not how much money a person has, it’s how you treat others that counts ! 🌸
. Well Ive basically been treated bad and craped on my whole life. 😢so what does that mean😮
Being poor is hell but when someone is thrown into poverty there's nothing to do but try to survive.
I am a immigrant to the US, I am from Ex Yugoslavia Croatia, I came her to NC 1st and now live in FL, no matter how poor my state was or is it is still 100% better than where I came from . I now don't have to worry about WAR , Croatian and Serbian war, not finding a job, or living in Socialism. I am thankful I live here even if I lived in the poorest state it's better than my beginnings.
Man sorry to tell you but you can't compare Serbia and Croatia to any country EVER! The vicious wars, ethnic cleansing, the torturous killings, the massive Savage daily rapes, there was even cannibalism, ppl gouged each other's eyes and it went on and on and on, I was there part of a UN releif effort out of Geneva Switzerland, sorry to tell you but remember that picture of an eagle waiting a few feet away for a starving dying 3 year old boy to die from famine in Africa so the eagle can eat him that picture went all over the world and that heart wrenching picture was easier to watch than Sebia and Croatia so yeah I can understand how you feel about America or any other country for that matter. Glad for you and everyone else concerned that it's over though, you need to start thinking normally, don't be stuck in the past I know it's easier said than done but we can't be stuck in past long gone wars if we wanna progress
@@Jasmin-ux5ho UN misliš na kamione za sladoled If you speak Croatian or were there doing the war you will know what this means.ne pomažete ljudima za vrijeme rata, ostanite neutralni, šala. Moji su bili klanja, a naša djeca silovana. Ako želite komentirati, nemojte reći da su Jugoslaveni učinili ove grozne stvari, prestanite biti neutralni i recite što se dogodilo. Srbi su ubijali Hrvate i Bosance i nazivali to etničkim čišćenjem. Kažete da ste bili tamo s UN-om, niste iz prve ruke to doživjeli. Ja sam Hrvatica, živjela sam tamo kao Hrvatica, bila sam ta koja se bojala da napustim dom, da će me ubiti ili mučiti. Ako ćeš govoriti o ovome, razumijem da si bio tamo i bio svjedok užasnih stvari, ali bio si prolaznik. Poginuo sam hsd članova obitelji, život mi je preko noći bio okrenut naopačke, živio sam užas. Valjda je nekome tko je bio tamo lako lako reći zaboravi na to. UN se vozi u svojim kamionima za sladoled i fotografiraju se govoreći kako je rat loš, ali vi stojite iza neprobojnog stakla i sigurnosti. Bila sam mlada osoba koja se još uvijek morala potruditi oko svog života, dok sam se pitala hoće li me napustiti dom i mučiti me. Kuća moje bake bila je prazna, srećom je veći dio vremena živjela u Austriji, tamo se odmarao hrvatski vojnik, fronta je bila udaljena 1 kilometar od njenog doma. Hrvatski vojnik rasprodat je jedan Srbin koji živi u zgradi, srpski je posađen, nađen je kako spava na kauču i mučen je i strijeljan u stanu kako bi se predao drugim vojnicima. Moja obitelj još uvijek peca stan i to je podsjetnik svakog dana, tako da ne mogu zaboraviti. Ne želim zaboraviti one koji su umrli, sjećam ih se pa niko više ne zaboravlja.you dont help people during war, you remain neutral, what a joke. My people were the ones being slaughtered, our children being raped. If your going to comment dont say Yugoslavian's did these horrible things, stop being neutral and say what happened. Serbians killed Croatians and Bosnians and called it ethnic cleansing. You say you were there with the UN, you did not experience thus firsthand. I am Croatian, I lived there as a Croatian, I was the one that feared leaving my home would get me killed or tortured. If you are going to speak on this, I understand you were there and was witness to horrible things but you were a bystander. I hsd family members die, my life was turned upside down overnight, I lived the horror. I guess its easy for someone who was there but was safe to say forget about it. The UN rides around in their ice cream trucks taking pictures saying war is bad but you are behind bulletproof glass and security . I was a young person who still had to try to go about my life while I wondered if leaving my home would get me tortured and killed. My grandmother's home was vacant, luckily she lived in Austria most of the time, a Croatian soldier rested there , the fron was 1 mile from her home. The Croatian soldier was sold out by a Serbian living in the building, a Serbian planted, was found asleep on the couch and was tortured and shot in the apartment to give up other soldiers. My family still oens the apartment and it is a reminder every day, so I can't forget. I dont want to forget the ones who died, I remember them so no one else forgets.
@Mari Jata Tito nije otišao, umro je. Jeste li živjeli u Hrvatskoj tijekom rata?
You better vote for Trump. the democrats are turning this country into a communist one.
Gdje si zivio u NCi? U Raleighu?
I'm from California and I loved my time living in the southern states. The pace or life felt slower, we didn't feel pressure or the need to impress anyone and I remember those days fondly. My husband's work brought us back to California, but that's life you just gotta make the best with what you have.
I was born in California and spent my life in the wealthiest area where I was considered 'working poor'. When I retired I moved to Georgia and love the courtesy of the people and am now able to afford a house. Some call it Californication but I call it home from the gold fields.
@@notafool3178I’m from California moved to AZ and then moving back to CA cuz of how Broken this state is … CA is more put together than AZ … shocking
Shut the hell up, all of you Californians have only derision for what you call "fly over" states.
@@gotyouout8267 Good riddens.
I fought out cant have anything in california 😢 moved to Pinebelt. Owner of house and property. Couldn't have anything like that in California or any other Western state😮😮😮
Money doesn’t bring happiness, it just makes it easier to live.
Kentucky baby...Yep! well said!
@Ronald McFondle I grew up in Kentucky foster care. I’m going to be kind cause Ik you don’t know me but Jesus is Lord . I’m still considered lower middle class but I’m rich you hv no idea
You haven’t been poor yet babe. I don’t want a lot of money but at least that I can buy enough foods and Pay off all my bills.
@Ronald McFondle when I was moved to where I live now, I only have abouy 2 cents. Now I am having worth of US$ 200.000, while wage salary is about 480USD.
Money does make life easier not happiness.
Easy living for the most part is happiness
I spent 5.5 years aboard US Navy destroyers and went to dozens of countries on 5 continents and I can tell you that there is very little real poverty in the US compared to the rest of the world.
Those are 3rd world countries ,not a superpower like the United States. Poverty in the United States is unacceptable.
Agree poverty in the USA is very little compared to other countries..
When you see poor people you dont need to explain their state of horrible life of not having.
Again Mari this is not a third world country ,this is a superpower,the United States . There are ppl who live on the street and who experience hunger every day in the US ,that's poverty no matter how much you want to sugar coat it and justify it in a highly developed country . I get it ,you want to be delusional and act like poverty in the US doesn't exist by bringing up extreme poverty in countries to help you sleep at night ,but the reality is that ppl are struggling and suffering ,and many work for a living and still struggle with poverty .
There poor with farms Americans are poor in a different way because of capitalism.
I noticed something.. almost all of the states that wanted to keep slavery and enforced racism are now the poorest. Karma 🤣
Absolutely karma
The demo-rats created the KKK and fought against ending slavery... You know that right?
ALWAYS focusing on slavery makes you yourself a slave in a certain sense. Those states had over 150 years after slavery to get their sh^t together, including their large black populations. Clearly there are other reasons for the situation in which they find themselves. Japan and Germany completely rebuilt and became prosperous only a few decades after being almost destroyed. It's the people man, all of them.
Actually my home state of West Virginia succeeded from the Confederate state of Virginia because they did not agree with slavery!!! Kentucky was a neutral state...The old saying was that there was The Union, The Confederacy and Kentucky… New Mexico Territory, which was actually New Mexico, Arizona and part of Nevada… Only the southern part of New Mexico sided with the Confederacy, the rest of it sided with the Union!!!
And prior to Trump, they were all democrat. Hillary counted on them, as they have been democrats for so long, hence the term "Deplorables" when they 'turned' Republican.
Honestly as a poor person with a degree I must tell you statistically those rags to riches stories are few and far in between. If you consider that a large amount of poor people are disabled and/or retired elderly people, those people tend to have a lot of limitations to what they do already.
The tax code provides Corp welfare for the rich. A degree is a union card only. When I went to college states paid 40% of college cost tuition was $500. Now Portland university a Catholic college is $40k per year for a teaching job that pays $48k ÷ 185 days is $48. Per hour. Still a good hourly wage would be better if we had year around school add 25% more hours and cut staff 25%
PrincessKLS I’m one of those disabled after almost forty years in the workforce.
@Brown Man STEM degrees are worth having. The rest are not.
A degree in what??
it's the Corporate Media falsely putting out the story of wealth/success. if the corporate media aired only lottery winners for hours each night we'd think any of us could win. in fact there's more chance the sun will NOT rise tomorrow than we win the lottery. it's that most americans in high school and rarely even in college have a Statics class where you fully understand how difficult wealth is. we only get reported the success stories. another example is how the corporate media shames kids that if they try had enough they can make it to pro sports. in a way demonizes athletes that they didn't try hard enough, it's their own fault, they didn't make it to the pros because "in america you can do anything". for every person making it to the pros there are 100K or more? that won't make it no matter how hard they try.
One of the problems with Alabama, too, is you get stuck here. You can find a job that just gets you by, but you can never save money to get out again. Its like a black hole.
I grew up in Alabama but now live on the west coast of Canada, the difference is truly phenomenal. I felt like I woke up in paradise when i came here. it isn't paradise , of course, it just seems that way compared to where I grew up.
Many years later, I still have the occasional sweaty bad dream in which I am stuck in Alabama again. It is a breath taking relief to wake up, still here in Vancouver.
The problem you describe is right on the mark. My sister now lives in Texas. She is not a high earner but she said she can feel hopelessness in the air when she visits the folks in Alabama. She too used the phrase "black hole".
I never forget how lucky I am to be where I am and how grateful I am to have escaped BlackHole, Alabama. I have friends who bring me my grits every couple of months, so I have the only thing I would really have missed. :)
@Samuel Sweetmann yeah, I have no reason to think Arkansas would be any better than Alabama, they have much in common.
I would truly hate being stuck in the South again.
I have a couple of friends who are stuck in Georgia for job related reasons. They both hate being in the south and they both talk endlessly about their homes in the north east of the country.
One says he feels like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ, desperately wishing to return to Kansas. Well, upstate New York for him.
The disadvantage of a job too well paying to just quit.
Macnutz420 good comment. But no job is worth being miserable. I quit a well paying job that I was miserable at, I feel so much better, even with less money.
That's an excuse, get a loan and GTFO.
@@sarahford4710 So I presume we can get a loan from you? Or you have a magic wand you can save that will fix our credit scores and make a lender understand that as soon as we get where we want to go we will pay it back? Because most lenders don't do well with "I don't know how we'll pay it back just yet, but have faith."
Trust me, if it were as easy as getting a loan and getting out, we'd have been gone years ago.
This video was very informative. Poverty however is a lot more systemic than what the average person may realize. As a country we should do better at taking care of all of our citizens.
President Trump tried to make an impact. That 1% change for the better that was talked about at the beginning is a lot harder than people realize when it comes to a massively diverse group. It would be nice if there was a bigger change but unfortunately it is a very complex problem
As a PEOPLE we should be doing a better JOB of helping OURSELVES and our communities. If you are waiting for a government or someone else to do something for you you'll never get on your feet.
How much more welfare do we need!
@@adnel4142 the problem is if there is no job you dont have any money...and inflation today is so high even if you have a good job you cant buy a small house because the prices are so high..thats the main problem..
I live in Mississippi, I have my whole life. I'm 30 years old, I'm a single parent of an 8 year old girl.
I knew for a long time we were the poorest state in America but that's financially... I personally don't respect money, but of course we have to have it in order to make it in America.
We just try and love our neighbors as ourselves, and we have that hospitality like no other. We praise Jesus Christ, we go by his teaching on everything but mostly morals and our hearts.
I don't believe ethnicity plays any type of big role in our problems, but man you're right about the mindset, we as Americans change that we have a better opportunity at success but it wont be the absolute solution. Its our hearts we are growing cold and America as a whole is going down a dark path and it will only last a short while before we inevitably crumble.
I have a 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath, brick home with a nice white tin roof. I'm a single 30 year old that pays child support, so I understand what's its like to not want to work and earn everything you have, it's tough. I've lost both parents and my mother we paid out of our own pockets for her funeral. I lost a 22 month old son, as well.
Yeah I can say I truly know what it feels like to not be on top of the mountain feeling, life is wonderful and everything is perfect.
Financial statuses don't define us, yeah not everyone has 10k in their bank accounts, but we have Christ in our hearts and know what the true meaning of life is.
I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, we have peace here, to me that's priceless. We are praying for you others out there, keep fighting the good fight!
Trust in the Father, He will provide.
You are doing good. Just keep on keeping on.
D MaK I wish all my Mississippians was like you
@@deelee5244 yes mam I understand, I could be better myself but I know what you mean. Thank you for the compliment. May The Lord bless you and your family. Thank you.
If any religion helps, fine... but can someone please explain why the 'Bible Belt' and Poverty always seem to go hand-in-hand?
@@matonmongo it's one way to look at it, but not necessarily true. Our faith teaches us that The Lord will provide, we work for our belongings and have pride issues as men when we are in need but don't like asking for help. I personally would rather give than receive, but it's tough being free sometimes. We are still flawed humans and make mistakes quite often. But to say the least, I would rather be no place else, I love where I am from, we care for our neighbors. We all have issues we all need help. Following or being like Christ, to me is not religion. Him dying on the cross to save us from our sin, has nothing to do with religion. Religion is man made, he specifically came to the toughest religion in the world and aced it, corrected them, they ultimately had Him killed for it.
We do alright down here.
It's sad to see families making less than I do by myself. Stuff like this reminds me to be thankful for what I have
I was born and raised in Georgia. . Lived in Florida, then Alabama.
I moved to Washington State 5 yrs ago because I was dying from heart failure due to no Healthcare. ... now I have excellent Dr's and the proper meds
Great glad you're better
Journi Johnson if u want great hospitals then come to Houston
It a shame where all the red or poor states did not want to get medicaid expansion for their sick people. They want you to go to the emergency room at that time mostly there is nothing for them to do. I was born and raised in the poor state of Louisiana and had to go to the emergency room for care. It seem they are purging the least of us.
Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, Al saved my life when I was 10 with brain surgery!
Republicans hate state like Washington State for providing great health care. Hope you don't vote Republican otherwise you would be voting agains your needs.
Who else came here to see if their State was on this list?
Yep...I'm in Mississippi. I already KNEW my state would be on here. Smh
@@andreataylor4407 it was never a doubt for me man. Sorry. I was surprised to not see mine on here and I'm from Kansas
@@andreataylor4407 I hear ya. I'm your neighbor here in Alabama! But I must say I LOVE Mississippi. It is beautiful and clean. My sister lived in Grenada for about five years, and it was quite depressing. And Sardis is scary. But other than that I love it. My favorite city there is Water Valley. So quaint and charming!
So true on the peach state,no good paying jobs except for Atlanta
@@decembersixx6237 Oh wow😂 I was born in Vicksburg, raised in Yazoo City & now I live on the coast...Gulfport. Its ok, still slow & boring. I've always felt MS is suitable for old retired people😁
Shout out to all my fellow US Americans! I love you, I hope this message finds you well, and let's stop the hate and get back to working together no matter what state we reside.
🇺🇸 USA🇺🇸
That only happens when Trump's FRAUDULENTLY seated judges are removed
@@hellstromcarbunkle8857 c'mon man, don't yell fire in the theatre ;) haha Have a good night.
@Jequan Sherman no, thank you♡
bernie 2020
It’s kind of unfair to equate a low income to poverty. Cost of living should also be taken into account.
Walmart, target, Amazon and Toyota change the same from state to state. Also gas price aren't much from NY and NC.
Broke is broke, but you're right about the cost of living.
All the same in the US, why bother.
@@wilburwood8261 Because they are red states, they believe in pure capitalism. They have a poor educational system so that they can keep voting against their own self interest.
Each state has a different poverty level. Like in some richer states, the poverty level is higher than my highest salary with Master’s degree!!!
I still dont get the stigma that public transportation means your poor? Here in NY i know and seen many millionaire who use public transportation on a regular basis.
Public transportation in densely populated NY can't be compared to public transportation in rural Kentucky.
Yeah, but Public transportation In rural Kentucky is a lot different than Public transportation in urban NY
Dude New York uses public transportation because its either faster or its just more practical. In Kentucky with no one on the road thats a different story. A lot goes into that. Its like 400 bucks for rent in Kentucky its like 2000 in new York. 46000 a year is not bad then. In new York thats horrible
(Inserts magazine and racks slide of firearm...) so.... what does the millionaire look like? Asking for a friend.
@@saluteswithtriangle6599 1 in 21 New Yorkers are millionaires and more than half earn over $100k. NYC isn't dangerous, hell even the "bad" parts isn't even that dangerous, it's just the false stigma from the 70s that continues,. Anyway. plus I've seen CEOs and many other notable business men/women on the subway, ferry, bus or even riding bikes to work
""If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ
i so thought we were beyond this quote, but after reading a lot of these comments i see we are no where near the end of racism in this country not by country mile. Instead of coming together as citizens and doing something about the problem, it would seem some people would rather blame "blacks" for the economic condition of the state. I truly fear sorry for you lost souls maybe one day you all will realize who is robbing you blind and do something about it. However if that day never comes, it is my sincere hope you will find solace in your scapegoating blacks and other minorities and may the crumbs that fall of the rich man's table feed your family.
mike askme unfortunately, that quote is so correct. My manager is white and she thinks that I’m poor but I live nicer than she does and she thinks I need handouts.
I don’t buy new clothes because I’m on a financial mission. I don’t walk around with new clothes. I don’t dress up to go to work because our clothes get lightener, color and hair in it. I’m not trying to impress anyone. I’m just working because my husband Retired from the Army. In order for us to put money in our Roth IRAs one of us needs to be working. I’m a Disabled Veteran. I don’t need to work but I love doing hair.
I don’t even bother saying anything anymore. I just go to work and keep it moving.
@@arleneaugustahair8393 and honestly that is all any of us can do, like i said it is my sincere hope that those types of people will be able to feed their families from the crumbs off the rich. On the reverse, and i as African American male will freely admit this. There are way to many African Americans now days, waiting and willing to continue the same divide and conquer strategy that was used after Beacons Rebellion, not realizing that they themselves are allowing their pockets to be picked by the rich. Yes racism is real in this country and it is our duty to call it out when we see it, but it is not our duty to attack some one because they are white. In order to get pass this is, we need a honest debate and honest solutions for all, failure to do so will only allow all our pockets to be picked.
There’s only the rich to blame, we all slave away our whole lives to make them rich and happy while we struggle and stress to survive.
OMG THATs the first quote I thought of while watching this video, it seems like the poorest states have the deepest racism.
Ranking states as "poor" based on income really doesn't mean much when housing, food, etc are much cheaper in low income states and ridiculously high in high income states.
Why would food be cheaper?
Most of it comes from elsewhere or is owned by corporate interests.
Many foods are cheaper in California( about the MOST expensive state to live) because they are grown there.
WalterRamjet HeroOfOurNation you are incorrect. I’m from Long Island New York and now live in Kentucky .. the only thing that’s less expensive is rent and the price of homes.. food.electric,water etc is almost exactly the same.. the poor get a lot less food stamps here .. single white male in New York gets $200 and here in Kentucky they get $32 and food prices are the same
yea but it was done by poverty rate, NOT income.
did you notice that the state that was the poorest had the highest poverty rate, and the second poorest had the second highest poverty rate, and the third poorest had the third highest poverty rate, and ect.
These states are so poor that they look ugly 😊
"South Carolina peeps are straight struggling"
Can confirm, I live paycheck to paycheck
I live in Alabama and have for all of my life. Yeah, a lot of people here are poor but its been that way for a very long time. Its a generational problem as poverty often is. Back in the day most people here just farmed to put food on the table or worked in the steel plants. Drugs and teen pregnancy are a problem here too which only perpetuates the cycle of poverty. A lot of people on public assistance which doesn't help the state either. The amount of people here not being able to obtain healthcare I think has to do with a lack of resources. People can't even afford to eat healthy food or to the doctor and wind up with a laundry list of chronic and debilitating conditions. Thankfully, I wasn't poor growing up, my parents both had jobs but we didn't have a lot of money. My husband and I are both nurses and make a decent living but we're not wealthy by any means. Many factors contribute to poverty, some are preventable and some are not. Every county/state/city has some degree of poverty, some more than others, and there is no such thing as a completely equal society.
Man well said Ashley! So sad that we can easily take things for granted and there are others who have it really rough. 😢
Israel is much worse ! let's switch each other plz !!!
That's cool I live in Elmore county just next to Montgomery
muingai mutuu
Is your husband your cousin?
I live in Louisiana, and nothing surprises me about it. Plus the climate here royally sucks.
I was stationed in Fort Polk and you are right about Louisiana climate. It is like a fucking sauna 8 months out of the year. The roads are horrible and most of the people are largely illiterate. Too many venomous snakes and other critters.
Robert Preskop hey man I’ve been to fortpolk that’s dope! I live just south of deridder,(which is just south of fort Polk, lol) and yes the climate is awful
Cheer up! Hey man at least we don’t live in Mississippi! Seriously! I even going there! I can’t much the same of living in Texas!
Move up north and shovel some snow or scrape some ice.
@@robertpreskop4425 I was stationed at Polk 2013-17. JRTC in the summer was rough.
Most of us are fairly comfortable????
61% of us ( most of us)
Yes but look at other countries. Be thankful for what you have :)
@@NickJohnson - Not good enough.
@@blackSUAAAVE Define "good enough". That is a rather subjective assertion that varies depending on who is doing the asserting. :-)
@@fishinfool3795 - Being 'thankful' in America simply because you're not as poor as someone in say, Malaysia or Liechtenstein is ridiculous. One, we're not bound by the laws and expenses of those places. We're bound by the laws and living expenses HERE.
Being 'thankful' for living here and struggling, while others flourish with no effort is a kin to saying, 'be thankful you're in jail and not SUPER jail, while the 'haves' get to prance around as the warden and guards.
In other words, if you switched places with poor people in America, would YOU be 'thankful'???
I guarantee-DAMN-tee you you wouldn't be.
@@blackSUAAAVE lol.... yes its kinda like saying to your daughter.... "your falling behind in maths at school" ...... "but dad.... there is ONE that is worse than me"..... " aaaah great.... then you dont have to study"
Hi,guys. I'm from the Philippines. Working and living in the USA has been my coveted dream. I never knew the poverty degree in some states until I read all your sentiments and true-to-life experiences. Despite these,I still love your country ,but with pressure on cost of living. I would like to experience being there especially your culture since I have known some. Indeed, I am looking forward to meeting an American folks or buddies who can tour me with love and passion. By the way, a lot of Americans are living in the Philippines for good. I just pondered perhaps it's a matter of getting fed up with the country's settings. I also thank USA for extending BPO opportunities in our country. It has brought economic progression and aided unemployment here. I love you all.
ThatOneAsianBroChick Do you think this is why us Americans are suffering now?
@Madison R coronavirus, economy?
sus ginoo
I miss Pinas 😢🇵🇭
You also have to factor in the cost of living. An individual can earn $40,000 a year and live well in Alabama or Mississippi but would be practically homeless living in places like San Francisco or Manhattan/NYC due to a ridiculously high cost of living.
@@dahbajanman7044 where in which city ?
@@dahbajanman7044 and you can get easily to boston for work right ? okay thank you . tell me im planing if god wants to come to the states which state is affordable and in the same time is good for youth who wants to start a career and has job opportunities ? sorry for the long paragraph.
Live well? With all them natural disasters???
Yup, everyone making $40k a year live in their car those who make less live in tents on the side walk and those who make nothing live in cardboard homes and America keeps boasting and distributing money to the world the world takes the money and laughs, and for that money the world shrugs its shoulders and let's America call itself a super power while still laufhing
@@Jasmin-ux5ho if you make 40,000 a year and live in your car, it's time to move! You can live in the south or midwest just fine on 40grand a year. You won't be rich but its enough for a decent apartment in a good neighborhood. That's mostly states like California and NY that have a ridiculously high cost of living. In those states the wages are a lot higher as well though.
I haven't even made it 30 seconds on the video and I guarantee you Mississippi is on this list
lol same. I bet West Virginia is too
Always is
Always is. The government hates us.
red states
Yep I live in MS where the electricity stays on and we don't have used needle's and people shitting in the streets. Where there's plenty of jobs and I can hunt and fish till my heart is content. Let them keep making these videos so the wokes won't screw up this state like they've screwed up all the other places they moved to. Sorry Texas, Colo,and recently Virginia , Louisiana .
The biggest problem is most people live on credit, car, house, Johnny new clothes are all bought on credit. My grandfather being born in eighteenth hundreds and grandmother who was born in 1906 died having their house and land payed for without leaving behind debit. If a country lives on credit eventually that will run out .It is better to get by then owe a debit you can not pay.
You are absolutely right! My parents were born in 1940, their parents were born around 1900. They ALL survived and thrived and wouldn't buy on credit. I love that they taught me just like their parents.
When u go shopping, ask yourself do I really need this product or do I want it cause I like it. Ppl get into debt bc they are not smart shoppers. My husband was frugal & soo am I. That's why I have more & I am grateful
We all know america runs on credit . We all also know many of us are just a few paychecks away from the street . If we lose jobs suddenly become disabled etc . Like many states that had business leave in the last 5 yrs harley davidson gm an so many others have left the usa . I remember ohio's governor raise hell about it to ! Shut down an entire country over a fence then his russian friend owns an american construction company an since america was shutdown guess who got the fence contact . Keep em poor .
Sadly, I've heard many parents in southern states basically tell their children just to work at Walmart and not to pursue education. Probably because they want to keep them buying their Marlboro reds for the rest of their lives. STAY IN SCHOOL, AND GO TO COLLEGE KIDS!!!!!!
I live in Louisiana and I’m going big I wanna be in pro soccer for my international team Mexico and be in the 2026 World Cup
yeah get sky high debts and a useless degree in gender studies
Gav Asia Robinssson to be honest if you really put effort into something you can achieve things and more quickly. It depends how much thought you put into it.
Gav Asia Robinssson I’m going for engineering asshole. I can make 35k a year with my 1 year certificate and 45k with my two year. Just because colleges offer programs that don’t pan out job wise doesn’t mean all their programs are useless. Have fun flipping burgers though.
@@ryankelsey9646 Never heard of the engineering asshole program. Good luck to you.
Poverty sucks
Yes it does but it's not going to get better.
Mahinda Githaiga yes it does 😂😂😂😉
@Asiantinos Libertarian Liberty or Dead agreed. But you will have people that will never believe that. They think that taxing rich people more will solve the problem.
When he said "look though your cracked screens" and I'm sitting here like " I'm on a cracked screen rn
Aww man
I have a crack in my screen too but it's because I'm frugal. I can still use it and I'm not spending the money to replace it.
If people got paid decent wages, maybe they wouldn't be so poor.
@Timothy Two Gun Thompson Don't they have zero hour contract jobs in the USA though?
If you want more money, do a job of higher value.
@@WALTERBROADDUS I hate it when people say that. Not everyone can have a high paying job because then, who would be doing the lower paying jobs? Plus, some people haven't got the qualifications or experience to get a better paying job. I've got a number of qualifications and over 15 years work experience in several different jobs but after quitting a job, have found myself delivering fecking pizzas to fat, lazy people because the job specifications I look at for better jobs always ask for specific types of experience that I don't have. Companies aren't willing to train people anymore so people with degrees end up in fast food and cleaning jobs. It seems to be the best you can hope for these days. Then companies exploit that lack of opportunity and pay a non liveable wage and give you zero hour contracts. I read a sentence in an article saying that 50 years ago, such companies would have been laughed at and would have had nobody applying to them because they could easily have got a better job elsewhere. It all seems to be about companies penny pinching these days and trying to hire people who have done literally the same job before instead of spending a bit of time and money to mould somebody. Capitalism makes me sick.
@@alisonwilliams4862 Been there, same shoes. However, there is a reason why a plumber is worth more than the checkout person a Walmart. And yes, even with education jobs can be scarce. In my case, transport is barrier. There are jobs. But if you lack a car, you cannot reach them. For others child care is sticking point.
The best path to success is to overcome the pitfalls to step one. Get out of high school. Stay out of jail , off drugs and use birth control. Until many in these place stop that Poverty circle, nothing will change. On the bright side, these places are where the job growth is.
JUST wondering..... what are you looking to do?🤔 And where? Sometimes moving is the best option.
As a not rich and not poor person, I think this is really informative. I feel bad for this poverty going around. About to move away from my current home, this is just..you know, sad for the poor. Money can't bring any happiness,but love can bring happiness. I bet being poor is so hard to live on, especially in labour, it will be like dying slowly. We have to stop this!
We need to evolve to a new kind of economy. What is Resource Based Economy?
My hometown, Middleburg Florida, is so poor that people's EBT cards get declined. They're so poor that children from Africa send them money. It's a disgrace I tell you. They're so poor they hang toilet paper out to dry. I'm definitely moving to Idaho.
Wow those are some jokes!
But you have the warm weather!!
@@markw999 I'll fit right in!
I'm waiting for my paper to dry right now . Middleburg is so poor we look to Detroit for opportunity. ( I live in the Ravines ).
I think Middleburg, Florida is beautiful. Your taking it for granted now. I have live in many states over the years. Try living in SHITHOLE California.There homeless tent scattered around the cities. And Entitled economic illegal invaders every were,sanctuary state, and out rages cost of living.🤨
Got to love all the CA haters bringing CA up because it wasn't on the list. Yet they live in federal dependent states lmfao
Well it does have the highest poverty rate
@Blake Q what a fucking clown lmfao if u believe that then it explains why you live in a dirt poor state
California is the 5th largest economy in the world
No state is getting away clean. The entire country is struggling. We need a third party to check both the Democrats and the Republicans because they have both gotten out of control! China has a thriving middle class! U.S. government representatives aren't doing their job. Just infighting to see who can get the most lobbyists ' money! Sick and sad.
@Blake Q wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700/
throw ur clown shoes on bcuz this is fkn hilarious the circus is back in town
There's a reason the south is called the "Poverty Belt". Because it is the poor man's regions as well; I live in Durham, NC I know.
Eyy I live in fayettivlle its real bad out here
Don’t forget the Bible Belt too!
@Sho Tohara it is all the southern land of narrow minded bible thumping screwballs.
@Duke Of Prunes why are you bringing race into something where nobody was talking about race at all he was grouping southern as whole but then you had to separate them by race guess you have to feel superior by bringing in race
Georgia isn’t poor we suppressed all of our national debt and even have money saved for an economic downturn that’s why when recessions happen georgia is always stable
It should not be legal to make minimum wage and still be on welfare. That's the corporate system's fault not the people's. I like to call low level jobs at Walmart or Mcdonalds welfare employers. Why should the taxpayer's money supplement a billion dollar corporation's parole? It's a really shady practice.
As a native from Mississippi I have to say that much of things you just said...Is absolutely true, honestly growing up there the only way to get any where in life is actually putting fourth the effort, graduating high school you be surprised how far you can go in Mississippi with an high school diploma, or just do what I did; move out :L
I live in Kentucky and we aren't intellectually motivated. Lots of white nationals live here...
That state ain't poor
do you really think that "white nationals" are the reason these states are poor? Jheeesh! What's that you were saying about not being intellectually motivated?
Being a Nationalist simply means you LOVE YOUR NATION NATION FIRST NOT GLOBAL
You got the intellectually non - motivated part right.
There is hope; you are not one of them.
Mississipppi does not have a lot of good paying jobs. My daughter with a biochemistry degree moved to Seattle. My oldest moved to Pensacola, Florida, because her husband works for the pipe line. My husband's terminal closed down, in Memphis, TN. after he worked there for 28 years. Now they say our pension is insolvent. His employer had put in $35,000 a year for 28 years into it. What in the world?? The good jobs just keep getting more scarce. I feel sorry for the younger generation, all of our manufacturing jobs are overseas. A mechanical engineer has to change jobs every two to three years because they just keep closing the doors. Now Serta is closing. Probably to have the mattresses made overseas. :-(
Engineer guy here, I made it 11 years with the same company, sadly it ended abruptly to that company losing contracts and I moved forward to a different company and that lasted 4 months, I'm now steadily earning again with a great income, wife's also an obgyn, together we do very well for our area. My advice to anyone would be to keep working, because hard work does pay off.
@@Ret2121 AMEN
"Mississipppi does not have a lot of good paying jobs."
A software Engineer can start at as low as $24.07 in Mississippi, but can start at $150,000 at Google.
"His employer had put in $35,000 a year for 28 years into it."
Per employee or total? Per employee, sounds like some criminality that needs investigation.
"I feel sorry for the younger generation, all of our manufacturing jobs are overseas."
Republicans offered tax breaks to companies that outsourced. Republicans filibustered every attempt incentivise keeping jobs in the USA. It's hard to get dems to do the right thing, but almost impossible to get republicans. Perhaps it is different with southern dems, as Clinton was very corrupt.
It seems like people down south never check how people vote or what they are doing in office. How many people in Mississippi know that Trump is removing SNAP exemption that will have millions loosing aid, including 265,000 schoolchildren cut from free lunches? Most Southern states live on EBT, but rich people got a tax cut.
PS:More job losses do come from automation than outsourcing though, and with AI it's going to be way worse, as that can do high pay jobs.
Abram Carroll do you really think any politician does the right thing? I’m from California, if Democrats did the right thing this place would not be such a S-hole.
@@highbrass3749 Democrats can be made too, sometimes, but not republicans. You need to look at the legislation and get involved to make it happen.
California has lots of Reagan democrats. That is essentially what the corporate dems like Polosi are. They are exactly like republicans economically. That don't do squat for working people.
This is a good video, but it is so heartbreaking.
I am glad that I live in Finland instead of US. I got Bachelors degree education, no student debts. My son is 11 months old and only small costs from hospital. I bet that Finnish cleaner lady with $20 000 salary is better off than $60 000 salary worker at states. Cleaner lady got also 5 weeks of paid holidays.... Now I have used my normal holidays Fatherhood leaves. Last time when i were at work were 21st of December and next time when I go back will be 1st of April.
@Tika Nguyen: Imagine... Even Trump knows where Finland is...
Oki stop with your complex of inferior
@@talitali48: No need to worry. ;)
America is just a rich 3rd world country. Nobody would miss them once they crumble
Our narrator finishes off with, "I'd be willing to bet that if many of America's poorest just changed their mind set their situation would follow suit." Probably the most inane and ignorant statement I've heard in a long time.
I agree. I think that its possible he has never been poor , homeless or ever missed a meal smh
you obviously haven't read these comments then. The reasons and solutions being offered by these people are orders of magnitude more idiotic than anything in the video, which at least tries to be positive.
As a West Virginian, I feel that does apply to us. Everytime someone suggests change, the fear-mongering starts. You can't move forward if you are not willing to make changes.
When changes need to be made, the best place to start making changes is in the mind. He makes a cogent and valid point. Like the smart guy says, “the definition of madness is to do the same thing over and over expecting different results.” It’s time to try new things, like a new mindset.
You do have to take matters in your hand. Saying otherwise is ignorant. If your from the South just go to one of the churches at ever corner and pray. Maybe you will get beamed to a better life.
👍🏼 Good going Nick, for 5 years I drove line haul from Secaucus, NJ to Charlotte up to 3 times a week, for the most part the folks I met where really nice hard working people but watch out for these folks from NJ & NY who are escaping the high property taxes up here but are bringing their politics with them be it conservative or liberal and North Carolina is so nice because you guys are who you are and don’t need the NJ or NY policies because that would ruin your wonderful way of life ! Keep up the good work !
1:14 lol that's hilarious cuz I dropped my phone like a week ago and my Walmart phone does have a cracked screen!
Trickle down economics at it's finest.
Republican states dominate the poverty list. Shocking.
And never reach down
This is why blue states pay high taxes to take care of the poor states
@@fluxcapacitor1621 They're also the most uneducated..
@V J that's crazy
Damn I live in Maryland. I didn’t realize it was the richest state. Sweet! It is rather pretty here and people are generally happy. I guess that’s why. But poor states still have wealthy cities/areas too. No state is perfect whether it’s rich or poor.
Rich states also have poor places. In California, I present to you "Barstow" and "Hemet".
Also in Baltimore right now Myself...
Hi pretty how are you doing today? You look charming
Baltimore? A trash pit ghetto
Message of the video: just don't be poor!... There's no correlations here, oh wait they're all red conservative states...
nope. most of them are though, so you can still screech ORANGE MAN BAD! if you like.
New Mexico is quite liberal and North Carolina is a swing state.
So true....
There are plenty of poor in Blue states.
@@WALTERBROADDUS Yeah there's poor people everywhere. But I just find it laughable that right wing red states that are super pro capitalistic, and are for trickle down economics don't really help the people overall. For instance, I've been homeless here in LA and have had government assistance and it does help out like Medi-cal or Medicaid here in California. But right winger are pro business, and they say that, takes care of the people better. But it really doesn't, and this video is proof. If being pro business, and anti government was better all these red states would be better off than the blue states. But they're not..
I can’t believe Idaho isn’t on here. Finally, we don’t make a top 10 list of unfortunate circumstances.
Boise is amazing
10. North Carolina
9. Georgia
8. Arkansas
7. South Carolina
6. Kentucky
5. West Virginia
4. Louisiana
3. Alabama
2. New Mexico
1. Mississippi
Mississippi is the poorest and the most conservative 🤷🏽♂️
You forgot to add that it also has a high non-white population.
MS is a state that held onto agriculture which isn't the most profitable model. It's against fully comprehensive sex education so it has high out of wedlock births. Places with low employment have high birth rates because there's nothing better to do. Racism doesn't help either. If you refuse to hire one group because of an arbitrary reason such as race you've created poverty. High poverty encourages crime and keeping people incarcerated during their prime years is a wasted work force resource. The state needs to invest in infrastructure and education across the board. An undereducated population is relegated to uncertain low pay industries. Only helping one group is like only exercising half of your body. Creating an atmosphere of poverty encourages people to leave your state once they gain better skills. A lot of people who make it out of MS don't go back. Impoverished areas are rife with interpersonal drama. Low social mobility is bad for any state. If you do move up you leave. If you don't think you can move up you won't even bother trying because no one wants to play a rigged game. Do it too long and leads to depression and/or rage.
@@a.jennings4664 it's because of comments like yours that Mississippi is poor. Im from California and there's a lot of homeless people here, i talk to them from time to time and most of them are from out of state they leave states like the ones mentioned on this list and they think cali is the land of hope's and dreams but reality hits em hard they refuse to change their mindset and end up worse off
@@a.jennings4664 if I'm not mistaken I don't think non- whites control the state of Mississippi...so..?
@John Sluder You can have Mississippi dude..as a matter of fact, when Trump gets done building the wall at the border of Mexico, let's give him another $500 billion dollars to build a wall around Mississippi.. and Alabama. Lock you bastards in. You troll.😂
I live in Tennessee and I can tell you that we're one of many poorest states in America, especially when the Tennessee government is allowing it's citizens to live in poverty, and in Nashville there are a lot of people who are in so much poverty, that a lot of them, are homeless, and Tennessee government aren't doing anything about it, when people that are helping the homeless are being fought against by the government everyday. The reason I'm saying this, is that I see everyday.
Tennessee is not in the top 10 in poorest states. Maybe top 15 or 20?
Wrong I live in Chattanooga and I can say I'm living alright.
The problem with your statement is you're ONLY talking about AN AREA of the state. This is about STATES AS A WHOLE on average and not just where you live. I actually think Tennessee is a poor state, but it is not in the TOP 10 poorest states in the nation. I won't be surprise if it's in the top 15 or 20.
@@crystalgoode1600 The only problem I have with your statement is you living alright doesn't mean the state can't be poor. You living alright is a VERY SMALL SAMPLE SIZE COMPARE TO THE GENERAL POPULATION.
It really does depend on your location, I believe. I live in Tennessee and can say certain areas are better than others.
Notice how most of these are extremely conservative states, just sayen.
Richard Daugherty Conservatives that live in California are usually always rich
It's the koolaid...
Poor in this video equals little income, but 1 Dollar in Alabama is worth quite a bit more than one Dollar in San Francisco
The Top 3 states that pay the most in Federal taxes, California, NY, and Massachusetts... The State that receives the most Federal funds is Kentucky..
Mass ranks 43rd in receiving Federal funds ( non emergency)
I hear many say, raise the minimum wage to $15.00.... But what they fail to see is that if you can buy a Big Mac for say $4.00 while making say $8.00 per hour.. now you get $15.00 an hour, that Big Mac now becomes $7-8.00..:Everything else will go up also, so in reality, you gained nothing.
What should happen in my opinion..
Make Corporations pay higher and have it come from their profits, also stop Corporate welfare.
A company making a 10 Billion profit and only pays min wage, should be fined and not get a penny from the Federal Government period..
@Holy Atheist Are they poor because they vote and think conservative, or is it the other way round?
As soon as he said west Virginia I thought take me home, country roads
🤣i swore that was Alabama
I love that song
Why do the poorest states who are always a red state keep voting against their interests and vote republican?
Because they have the Jesus real bad
That is why they are poor.
Don't forget, that from the Civil War, until the eighties and nineties, these states were run almost exclusively by Democrats. Republicans have only run these states for the last two or three decades. They are undoing the mess left by Dems.
True indeed
$40,000 in Kentucky you will have a house and California $40,000 will be homeless.
Yeah, but who wants to live in KY?
Will Mines You're right 😂 at this point I choose KY over Cali.
See, it’s all relative. Sometimes the smaller paycheck can get you more. Please don’t make fun of the south. We are working people mostly. I have lived here all my life and I’m 70. But from hard work, a set of wonderful parents my husband and I have a net worth over a million. Not bad for high school education
And living in NC. Of course, God has blessed us immensely.
@@MrCharlespeele My parents came here from Mexico and started out doing janitorial services before starting their own company that now employs 9 people, God bless America 🇺🇸
Awesome Randomguy You're right. Never lived in either. Poor Cali with the fires 🔥 & homeless situation. It's just the south thing that rattles me. But having said that my brother is in TN now.
How ironic, people outside of America think Americans are rich.
I live in new Mexico and we are broke AF!
505/575 holla 💯🤝
@@HooDRidEWhiteY orale bro 505 for lyfe lol
Albuquerque Is home to my fave musical family SPARX i love going every year to see them live
New Mexico is so old fashioned we new Mexicans get excited to see other new Mexicans on the internet lol including me 😂
@@slicktmi omg truuuu lol
Consequences of trickle down economic policies.
HEY! Throw some paint on that 72’ Monte Carlo and youd have a lil change my friend😎
99$ paint job
Earl Scheib, I'll paint any car for 99.99
highmiles 68 “Maaco” was the midwests’ “Earl S”, and Maaco lost their dam mind; quoted me 4-$500 to just paint a hood back in 2008. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
As a legal immigrant to this country, I'm sad to see how some places have been left behind the prosperity train. There really is opportunity everywhere here in the US...that is a true statement. Unfortunately, illegal means to gain success leave a path of destruction that is evidenced in this video.
What are you referring to?…”unfortunately illegal means to gain success..”
These states have always been poorer since the United States was founded and expanded. They are cursed by so many resources that they developed as exploitation economies, similar to those in Southeast Asia and Latin America. Socially, they relied on church and developed a strong mistrust of government or wealthy people.
I’m sorry to see that so many people in the U.S. are living in poverty
@HF Trust I doubt many people chose to live in poverty
@HF Trust no but the country is poor 😛
The more you make the more you waste money can't buy you more days on earth and the reason these wealthy people have wealth is because they got a head start and hand out from slavery so save the government assistance nonsense the most wealthy families in America still benefits of the slave assistance their ancestors survived and thrived on but yet they act like they were hard working GTFOH
Basically all the southern states
Still, my state is not far better with its high taxes and low affordability, plus severely lacking in culture of its own. I live in Connecticut.
At least my opinion, because CT is still great in education and lovely people.
Coco Taveras your state has one of the best schools, doctors, and quality of life
476 Anno Domini For those with money it can be a great place to retire and live comfortably and raise a family, but it also has one of, if not the highest, clear disparity of rich and poor in the country---economic inequality. Meaning not so much for those lower middle class and below can live very comfortable. But I do admit it does have a great education system but for me that's where it clearly ends. But, I thank God for everything he has given me and I should be grateful for where I live so yeah no place is perfect, but CT is certainly alright.
@@CocoTaveras8975 i used to live in Connecticut Danbury specifically and the governor there is horrible, and the roads full of pot holes, also high taxes. Other than that it was a great place to live in
Billion dollar stadiums and look at Detroit. I visited Detroit once and couldn't believe. People actually lived in the houses I seen.
Bad real bad
One of my favorite RUclips channels. The helpful information in combination with the humor and the way he delivers is priceless.
Hard to save money when you are scraping for rent, and it turns out hard to make "good" decisions when you are stressed out by scraping for rent.
@@weworldwide1348 You think
you know everything..so just shut up now.
@@margomazzeo1680 downsize, dumb bish!
Almost all of them are in the South. Do ya think that's a coincidence, genius RUclipsr?
genius? only women that love me call me that.
Nick Johnson you are cute when you talk dirty.
@@NickJohnson I live in Indiana and it has to be the state that's the least talked about right? No. Well I guess Indiana is the most Average state. Maybe that should a video idea. The top 10 most Average states.
@@exoticshoe1524 Indiana boring
@@mikeala24 not really
Never just go off of the wage, always factor in cost of living
Noah Howellstone True- because what's the point of making a good amount if your not going to be able to survive in your immediate surroundings.
Bingo. California has the highest poverty rate when you factor in cost of living.
True, when you do that, all the states that were in the middle in rankings become kings
exactly thats what i hate about these statistics they lie! sure on paper a median home value of 100k looks low but u can get a house worth 300k for 100k in some states! the perception is screwed man
You'll never understand the South until you've learned of the war, the antebellum South and how it was different from it's northern neighbor.
Yeah but not all parts of the south are poor.
“Living La Vida Broka” 😂😂😂
Tiara Macklin 💀
Tiara Macklin not funny 🥵
Great video! It was often humorous which helped in facing this depressing reality, and was well made.
As for the closing remarks, I do think the “pull up your bootstraps” mentality doesn’t work if you literally don’t have any bootstraps.
This value of individual responsibility in the face of systemic problems beyond any one individual’s control seems more comforting for the already comfortable than an authentic counter to the failures of the wealthiest country in human history.
As was mentioned in the video, nothing about this poverty is based in inevitability, and many comments have mentioned the historical factors that paved the way for our situation today.
All of this is malleable and can change for the better in the right circumstances. The problem is we seem to be heading in the opposite direction at a time where inequality only continues to grow.
This is not sustainable.
That might be the best comment I've read all week Tucker
In the same video, you cited low employment as a main contributing Sector and said the answer is to change your mindset. How republican.
being poor is a state of mine
I smell a democrat
@@rasp9385 at least we know your nose works.
Go somewhere where you can get a good job.
@@natturner8641 precisely! Just temporarily inconvenienced millionaires
I'm a proud bachelor by default and breaking barriers by Steve Irungu Jermaine
Does your bank account look like this? Does your car look like this? Well, maybe you live in GA...... 😂 That was a shady read. Lol
Heck, I'd love to have that mulletmobile! Probably want to paint it, tho.
Macon GA them old clunkers are part of the ambiance. The biggest employer in Macon is Dollar General, not working at one but robbing them. Just how damn broke and high do you have to be to think Dollar General is a big score.
@@jrob8764 I'd rather live in Warner Robins than Macon.
Your channel is pretty cool. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the video and humor ! May God Bless +++ the people of America !!! And our Founding Fathers., We need to be "grateful" and acknowledge/ appreciate of what they did with their lives to this country. For example: Have you lately give a "Thank You" (in your heart) to: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, Adams, John F Kennedy, Douglas McArthur, Patton, etc... Our
National Heroes ??? Have you ?!!! Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask for what you can do for for your country. Amen. ""Give Thanks""" to God !!! 🛐💒♥️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲📿
This is sad as someone who lives in New Zealand i cant believe how poor these States are...
@R W I'd say that's some fair amount of bullshit. The US, even with states like this, is much more developed, richer, and safer than any 3rd world country. And unlike what a lot of people say here, not having as much paid leave doesn't make you a third world country.
I'm quite sure that there is poverty in New Zealand as well.
@@ddomenike New Zealand is the greatest and the most beautiful Country in the world we have the best Healthcare system in the world
R W There were tents in the city center of Sydney too (www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4759324/Sydney-homeless-not-allowed-city.html) And the US has less homeless people than other countries
R W The US has less homeless people per capita than Australia. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homeless_population
I've been to Mississippi 4 times and I never enjoyed it. Almost every city or town we passed looked half abandoned
I live in Hattiesburg Ms, it’s very populated, the biggest towns or city’s here are Biloxi, Jackson, and Hattiesburg
@@BDFBlaize I definitely appreciate my state of California for sure after visiting Mississippi.
I brought in $41,000 last year . Still broke
I made 71,000 still broke
Perhaps you live well beyond your means
After Uncle Sam gets his portion, you barely have $20K income to live on.
Jahbulon also raped Detroit lording all over the place, I mean real habitual criminal masterminds! As far as I'm concerned SATAN IS OBLIVION MATERIAL, HELL... THE GRAVE WON'T BE ABLE TO HOLD HIM IN ITS ENTIRETY!!!
Robin Dear yes! I did not bring home that. That was gross. And I live in DC where that income is considered low income . And my monthly bills:
760 rent
100 internet
100 phone
100 student loan
100 electric
75 water
50 gas
45 capital one
285 health insurance
35 dental.
That’s a month , every month.
Title should have read 10 poorest southern states
Bionic man most which are also the poorest in the USA ....poor hillbillies
It was predictable all states were going to be southern
or black
The poor states also are a lot cheaper.
America is still one of the best countries to be poor in. Being poor in America means food stamps, clean water, free healthcare and a government phone. Being poor in a third world country means no water or dirty water and no food.
I have to admit I live in West Virginia and it sucks.
People have terrible health problems.
They are really fat. Im from California but I visited once in WV and I was extremely shocked by how many fat people there was, everywhere I looked there was a big fat person. I don't know what is going on out there but they do drugs, eat very bad food, and don't take care of themselves but it's very sad
@@eriktm6163 the answer is simple cheap food causes obesity and when you dont have that much money you stretch the dollar by buying cheap food.
@@eriktm6163 Well, down in the Southern part of WV it's not as bad as some parts of West Virginia. People in the South keep up with their health.
bad water leads to health issues...people stressed out leads to binge eating comfort foods....imho
I'm from Welch west virginia and it was a pleasant place to live some 40 years ago. My grand parents live in a small place called switchback. However when the floods came that was the end of it. I wish I could afford to go back to live there.
Beautiful mountains.
have to admit i knew it was the traditional southern states before the start of the video but New Mexico didnt surprise me that much i drove through there i was like it feels like a third world country here
Technically California is the poorest, surprisingly. When factoring in cost of living.
@@dassnek4728 you're not very smart, technically.
I guess you haven’t driven through Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and a lot of other states.
43,000 divided by 52 weeks in a year is $826 a week. If those states can’t make it off $826 a week then they are not the cheaper states in the US
I WISH I made $826 a week.
I grew up in Eastern Kentucky, where the coal mine industry takes advantage of the population for generations. They control the local governments and keep other industries from investing in the area which is ironic considering Mitch McConnell is from Kentucky and it's become a multi-millionaire. They've kept the people under educated giving them just enough income to survive. It's funny I heard one someone say that in a certain county in Eastern Tennessee had the highest millionaires per capita this was back in the late 80s. Perfect example of The haves and have nots. When I was a young teenager I went to one of the post offices around check time as a referred to it there was ,20 to 30 cars in line for their government check that is example of poverty this is the same county that had the most millionaires per capita. One of the high school students parents who owned a coal mine gave him a brand new Corvette to drive to school.
Email me! I'll be there in a while maybe I can ask you questions! Nickj
Tax the wealthy.
@Tika Nguyen Yes, we'd much rather be like California, where in San Francisco, they actually hand out maps to show you where everyone is literally shitting in the streets. All the Democrat run cities are just fabulous places--there's Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, etc. High crime, terrible schools, substandard housing, high dependence on government aid, high drug addiction--sign me up! Or not. The issue is slightly more complicated than you seem to realize, why don't you read and watch some things from people who have different viewpoints than you, instead of listening only to those who agree with you on everything? That's called an echo chamber, and those are where good brains go to die.
Yep! Learned something new. Good info and loved your narrative. I too, live in N.C. Close to Charlotte and statistics show I'm way under that $50,000 mark but I have a roof over my head, food in the pantry and am relatively happy.
I noticed in some of the clips that poverty didn't stop the buying of those big expensive trucks that run $35,000 and up. But income is only one side of poverty. Outgo is the other side. Wealth is in the eye of the beholder. Solid and loving family, a house with a solid roof, food on the table, health care, good schools, good recreational areas, fair weather, fresh and available food, all go to making a good life. At the end of the day, there are things we value more than just money. Good fortune comes in many forms.
This guy had me laughing the whole video. When he said, “the bus was running late..” 🤣🤣🗣🗣
I died when he said we are too poor to drive a car so we took a bus 😂
@@GoDawgs18 yeah, he was a clever, amusing narrator. Good job!
Bus spotted at USA's politically most important location of the year 2019: 2:32 is the combined metro/road bridge over the the river Dniepr in Kiev, UKRAINE. Ever heard something about that nation...? :) All cars have local number plates. But that white Volvo bus is a real long distance bus with Latvian number plates, probably plying the route Riga-Kiev.
$25k in Namibia is a fair amount of money considering that the cost of living there is way cheaper..
I didn't really think the comparison to Namibia was a fair one. It's a completely different country with a totally different situation than America.
@Grape 671 That's Angola not Namibia that has the most expensive capital in the world.
So much racism and classism in these comments.
I agree. Calling people meth heads in ky is in poor taste.
NPC detected. Are you going to give back whatever it is that you "stole", or just lecture everyone while living a nice comfortable life on the proceeds of your theft? I think we both know the answer to that question. ;)
Except for New Mexico, it's the Bible Belt.
Maybe they're expecting supernatural miracles to help.
Yet California has the highest poverty rate.
@@dassnek4728 Nah, we have the fifth largest economy in the world.
@@StageRight123 and the highest poverty rate. Imagine that.
@@dassnek4728 Actually, that would be Mississippi. California is 20th, but nice try any way. worldpopulationreview.com/states/poverty-rate-by-state/
@@StageRight123 that's the old poverty rate. The Supplemental poverty measure is much more accurate, because it takes each state's cost of living into account.
That's why California has the highest poverty rate.
Interesting comparisons. I clearly remember when I first visited the states in 1993 and staying at the Gettysburg YHA, this guy told a story about this subject and it was so funny I never forgot it. He said that Arkansas was the # 2 poorest state in the USA and Mississippi was # 1. He then said there's saying in Arkansas and it's 'Thank God for Mississippi'! I still crack up......
But let big business and big banks pharmaceutical companies need a BAILOUT or the rich need a tax BREAK MONEY COMES out of the woodwork
"T r i c k l e. d o w n. e c o n om i c."
@Brian Sanderson THEY'RE too COWARDLY to dare STEP out of line and admit that the emperor has no CLOTHE CREDIBILITY common DECENCY or SENCE it's like EVERYBODY'S fate is tired to a bomber in a hostage situation
Yep! The money flows like milk and honey. But to create a world class education system so that all our citizens are the best in the world? Nothin'!