No one's bike is fast in the mountains. All lose power with increased elevation. Be aware of that when thinking about passing. Your get-up-and-go got up and went.
@@davem5333 I believe we're all subject to the same laws of physics. The nominal loss of power I may experience also affects the vehicle I'm passing. I live amongst the Coast mountains, the tallest in North America. It's all mountain riding from here to the Rockies and back. My bike eats mountains like a demon. Passing
I ride a Harley and I would move over to far left and wave at him to let him pass me in the same lane without crossing over the yellow lines. Shit I like riding the twisties too. But if somebody catches up to me , I’d let him go and enjoy it too.
...moving to the far left? I'd rather move to Florida. That is where sanity lives these days. Although not too many nice twisties, but for that they have more bikinis. 😀
I ride my Harley like a Cadillac. I'll give way to another biker without a problem. It's safe and defensive driving. If another cyclist wants to pass, just let them. It's no big deal. We're all riders and have got to look out for eachother, ....doesn't matter what type of motorcycle you ride. We all share a mutual respect for eachother, and look out for eachother. It's part of being a biker.
Why say that, they may be old, might have just crashed, now they are being safe. You are so smart passing on the double yellow, not hard to se the idiot here. If you want t to go fast for no reason other than e joying it, pull over and wait as long as you can for a car to come then pull out before they get there and you know how far you are behind the slow car and can go as fast as you want. Or get a bike with some balls and blow by.
@@seangrazier9761 I did that on the Dragon .. I would make a U-turn go the opposite direction then Turn around and catch the Harleys a second and third time .. Talk about slow !
Those yellow signs aren’t speed limit signs. They are advisory signs for big trucks. If you slow down to the yellow truck speed signs you most certainly will piss off anyone following you.
@@1wheeldrive751: The yellow striped lines indicate no passing, but the biker could have been courteous enough to give way and let the vehicle pass. Its called sharing the road.
The idiot tried to block you with a passenger. I would have been motioning you around if I was taking my time cruising. That guy needs an attitude adjustment.
Go knocking on doors! But please video you calling them idiots! They will upload you video for you if you can't! Your welcome to show up at any and all club houses across the country with your hate@@jeffstanford4287
I have been riding motorcycles of one kind or another for over 60 years and I have seen all kinds of foolishness. In my youth I might have kicked his bike over as I passed but over the years I have come to realize the world is filled with assholes and there is nothing I can do about it but accept it. I think he did the right thing by just passing and moving on. But the anger of his stupidity when he tried to block the other rider back in the day would have cost him a ass whooping. Sooner or later those kind of people get theirs one way or another.
I would hope you wouldn't kick his bike over like that, that's a horrible thing to do over a non issue. I don't think people realize that everybody makes mistakes and nobody is perfect... I'm sure there was a time you did something and someone wanted to kick your bike. I wish more people, including myself, could drop their ego more often
Yep, pick and choose your battles carefully. A wise man, long ago (when I was younger and "hot headed") told me: "If you take time out of your day to beat the shit out of every asshole who deserves it.... you'll never get anything done. There's a never ending line of them"
......what is not legal is ride over speed ....for sure the speed limit device in between the ears do not existe at all.....if you want to show your speed driving skills.....go to race track....
It's just paint on the road. I pass people a lot crossing over the double yellow. As long as it is clear to pass by a large margin. Where I ride there are a lot of slow assed Harley owners putting down the back roads. If there is a safe opportunity to pass, then pass. If not, don't.
In Pennsylvania that’s actually incorrect. The double yellow line is the center of the roadway you can pass on a double yellow line as long as you have at least 500 feet of clear view - no vehicles approaching , there are no signs posted passing is prohibited
No Helmets and no Mufflers , Many HD Riders have no Clue .. They think their Harleys are fast until they get on a curvy road and even Families in SUV's with a Roof Rack and a Kayak on Top pass them. I slowed the video down to 50% speed. The HD Dude was looking in his left Mirror. He tried to Bully you as much as he could with out causing an accident. He and his Old Lady with no Helmets would have gone down too. I guess you should sound your Horn before passing.
@@even7stevenfor real dude with the camera is the type I open my door on when I see weaving traffic speeding and being reckless better he get what he deserves then keep endangering other people. Can’t stand when motorcycle do 100 while splitting lanes weaving in and out of traffic then crying how everyone else should look out for them 😂 nope
The Harley rider was a total idiot because he came at the other rider, doing what he did could get you hurt. The other rider was accepting the risk of breaking the rules of the road passing like that but he wasn't assaulting anyone with his bike.
And that is why lots of folks hate a Harley Rider. They are their own worst public image. This idiot endangered his passenger for no other reason than to try and compensate for his Mini Weiner Complex. I have friends that ride all kinds of bikes and yes even Harleys and not one of them act like this BOY on a bike! Yawl ride safe and avoid these type riders
Has nothing to do with Harley riders. Everything to do with an anal orifice that happens to be on a Harley being passed by some dude that thinks he's on the Isle Of Man race track on his sports bike.
Tom Cooper and that was the point I was making. I have friends that ride Harleys and are polite safe riders. It is the jerk on the bike that give other riders a bad name and image. Harley riders have a long history of bad image... bad boy with the public. This guy lives up to that image and damages the image of the masses that try to ride safe and polite. I know it has nothing to do with the Harley its self. I hope I didnt come across like I was bashing Harleys or the majority of their riders. No by a lobg shot. Just saying guys like this project a bad image for all riders. Thanks for the reply and ride safe Brother.
You tailgate him and then pass him over a double yellow, and he's the idiot? I'd say you both are idiots. You had several choices. You could have just found a pullout and chilled out for a bit. You could have followed him at a decent distance, and waited for him to wave you by or waited for a passing lane. Yeah, I know hardly anyone does that anymore and most bikers don't seem to have a problem passing people over a double yellow, but just because "everybody's doing it" doesn't mean it's right, legal or smart. This is why I rarely ride on weekends anymore. So many wannabe bike racers making it dangerous for everyone else. At least there's fewer of them during weekdays. Had one of those near my home last year. Two-lane highway, 55mph speed limit. String of cars going the speed limit, biker at the rear of about 7 or 8 cars. They get to a straightaway where passing becomes legal. The biker twists the throttle and tries to pass all of them in one fell swoop at a high rate of speed. Lead car starts turning left into a store parking lot, biker t-bones him. The authorities arrive and carry him away in a body bag.
Yuppy goes to the Harley dealership buys a Harley and now thinks he owns the road how typical. Every single Harley rider I ever seen always tries so fucking hard to look pissed all the time its so fucking funny, hey look everyone I'm riding a hog and I'm super scary looking I think, I'm finally the guy my mother never wanted me to turn into LOL!!! Now its time to buy some tattoo's I wonder if they have tattoo dealerships in Malibu?
I think rub's ruin it for the rest of us. I don't care if some guy on a sport bike or more experienced or ballsy than I goes around me. I dont understand the ego of some guys on Harleys'... He's just asking for trouble. I ride a Harley, and jack-assery like this pisses me off too.
***** No no no don't get me wrong James I just meant most of you Harley guys are incompetent wanabe bad ass's trying to hide your insecurities behind a loud exhaust systems HAHAHA!!!
1TonTaco and all guys on sportbikes think they're Jason Britton, and there's plenty of video's of those guys totaling their bikes. Hey I can do a wheelie *3 seconds later* why is my bike all over the highway and the skin on my knees gone? Just because you have a sport bike doesn't make you superior to anyone else.
1TonTaco Harley riders are the most considerate people I have ever met in my life and they do not care what anybody rides as long as you ride safe. you shouldn't judge people like that Taco it only make you look bad.
@@bigconan your stupid and I know you don’t ride … I’ve road with Harley riders and we all do illegal passes … we don’t drive fellow bikers of the road ever … bitch
After being a lifelong sport bike rider this is what I've learned about Harley's. IT COSTS A LOT OF MONEY TO GO REAL SLOW. And I love it. Not your typical Harley guy in many ways and I'm exactly what a Harley rider is in a lot of ways. I bought a 1996 bagger with an EVO. It was a basket case when I bought it. Stripped it down and made her pretty again. That with some engine upgrades and progressive suspension its not the sloppy bitch she was but she's still not the brightest girl. But I still love her. I can't explain it. As a gear head I know it's an inferior product. But I wouldn't trade it for a brand new Golding. Say what you want but the ride is different on a Harley. If you're still hoped up on Mountain Dew you won't get it. When you just want to enjoy the ride with your girl (and all her shit) you will never want to be without your bagger. The radio doesn't hurt either. That's my experience. Opinions and like assholes...everybody's got'em...and they all stink!
It's fine to take it easy and enjoy your ride, but why do you have to try to block/ run off the road, old married couples on their Goldwings? You know 30 mph around a 1800 ft radius (gentle) highway curve might feel incredibly fast and scary to someone on a Harley but the person on a Goldwing is at risk of falling asleep from boredom at that pace. And as you're slowly taking in the scenery while waking up the dead and scaring wildlife with your gutted Vance & Hines pipes, the person on a Goldwing can no longer hear the gentle country sounds of leaves rustling and cows gently mooing in the distance. Why ruin it for others? Let them get in front of your ear splitting exhaust instead of behind it. We promise we won't slow you down.
@@jackandblaze5956 Boo hoo. Go around. I enjoy a nice comfortable slow ride. If I am doing the speed limit or a little more and you don't like like it, oh well. I'm old and ride slower so don't like it. Get a cage.
I haven't see the idiot part already but I urge a question: I see you keep much distance to other riders in america. Here in Italy if you ride in a beautiful place on the alps, you'll get a bike/scooter/car close to your back ALL THE WAY. Not overtaking or anything, just to annoy your ride.
The front bike was the idiot. He was riding slow. Until the tear bike wanted to pass. Then he sped up, and towards the end, when the rear bike went to pass, the idiot on the front bike nearly crashed them both.
The bike sounds like a scooter so that really pissed off the cruiser dude. I noticed the whole route is double yellow so no chance to "legally" pass on this road. It looks to me that there was plenty of view of the upcoming road to pass safely. I have seen this bad behavior too many times in the past to believe the cruiser dude didn't see him coming. Glad you were able to avoid a collision with the self righteous prick!
Dont insult the mans choice of what he rides. Whatever the guy recording this was riding is what sounded so horrible. Sounded like gutted stock mufflers.
I have a hard time understanding who the idiot really is. I've been riding for 53 years and have never found it necessary to pass on a double yellow line !
That just reminded me of the time a guy in a Harley Davidson edition Ford F150 tried to run me and my 5 year old son off the road just because we were on a Yamaha.
So we're calling the Harley rider an idiot, but not the rocketeer that wanted to pass him on a double solid? You're BEYOND lucky there wasn't a car coming the other way. The solids mean something, genius.
Cant teel me scooter guy was trying to pass car... wasnt even closing on it. But why would cruiser guy let him push him to guardrail? Ever hear of brakes? Both are accidents waiting to happen. But scooter guy more dangerous pretending to be cop/traffic enforcer.
I thought at first he was just not using his mirrors. Then he cut across you and proved he should not be on the road. I used to ride a HD as well as other bikes, and frankly found this shocking.
I don't see a problem with the Harley Rider? It looks like he's just chilling and enjoying his ride as should be. The question is who is the idiot in this video that should be on a race track versus public roadway?
John Deere (Harley) riders suck in the canyons! In town or on a fwy they speed but when the road curves they hold up commercial traffic or have a long line of cars behind them. On hwy 33 in Los Padres national forest I've watched them hold up a trash truck, that's sad.
I rode the Tail of the Dragon last Summer for the first time. I would say that 70% of the Harley Riders were courteous and would use a pull off. The other 30% were complete @** Holes and plundered along at a snails pace blocking you.
I’ve heard from other long time riders it’s not nearly as fun as it used to be. Far to many people and far to many acting like they rented the Nuremberg ring for the day.
The Tail of The Dragon isn't a closed track, nor can you schedule it for your use only. It is a public road with 11 miles of double yellow line. It has a speed limit far below what sport bike riders want it to be. That speed limit is there to save lives. Stop riding that road and endangering the lives and property of others. If you want to risk killing yourself that is your prerogative but you don't get to choose to do that to others who have the misfortune of sharing the road with you. Stop being a selfish, narcissistic, jack@§. Go to your local track, where your style of riding is acceptable, and pony up the money to ride all weekend.
I've gotten stuck behind HD guys in the past. On a bike I just blast by before they have a chance to get the "I own the road" attitude. But in a car it's just irritating :(
Have the same problem with kids on the imports. Most think they are professionals and have race bikes. They have that same own the road attitude around the city. Irritating is right.
Two wrongs here: the Harley impedes the pass and the passing motorcyclist crosses the double yellows twice. I've ridden motorcycles all my life and now, into my 60s, I love riding but I can hate riders for pulling stupid sh*t like this.
Idiot Harley Rider? Hey, Mr. Pot. Meet Mr. Kettle. That's some seriously reckless - not to mention illegal - riding on your part. You should turn in your license. It's riders like you that give all of us a bad name.
Basic rider etiquette is RIDE YOUR OWN RIDE. The Vespa rider was violating some road rules but not endangering other road users in this case. The pirate on the Barkalounger was waaaay out of line in attempting to block the Vespa rider's overtake, intentionally endangering him in order to assuage his fragile ego. Most of these noisy cruisers are ridden by male impersonators compensating for their tiny manhood and sold out lives.
The only thing I saw was double yellow lines, which, at least where I’m from, means “No Passing”. So, Mr Puffed Rice was in the wrong. Think Harley guy was trying to prevent that.
passing a double yellow is a traffic infraction. Not that severe of an offense. Attempting to run someone off the road intentionally is attempted assault of one form or another. you cannot disregard the action of the Harley rider just because the moped guy commited a traffic infraction.
She was uglier than a freight train. A real mutt. The Harley guy is a retired fireman and that is his 1st Harley. Those guys die off pretty fast naturally. They sit around for 30 years doing nothing until a bell goes off. Your heart can't take that kind of lifestyle. My dad told me that. He was a volunteer fireman for 50 years. Died at 89.
I would promise you this … I would get up a mile ahead of him … park my bike and be ready when he came around the corner I was waiting for him at …. And when I’m finished his bike would be in very bad condition as well as the guy on the Harley …. I do not care about the rider’s condition since he didn’t care about mine … and he wouldn’t be doing very well I would make sure of it ….. this is why I sold all my Harley’s and ride sport bikes … those guys are very kool and nice …. I would never try and harm another biker ever … unless he did that …. In a way you could consider that attempted murder….. if you ever seen motorcycle accidents … they don’t always turn out good .
@@thomaschandler4831 That's called road rage. The Harley guy was just a shitty driver. He was trying to eyeball the view instead of watching where in the name of god he was driving. The guy on the Vespa was wrong for passing on a solid double line. Lots of sport bike drivers are bald headed. They don't wear helmets for safety reasons. It's to cover up that Q-Ball of a gourd. Harley chicks are hot and like the vibration on their hoo-hah. Well that's what my ugly biatch tells me. She won't get on my 1199r Ducati. It's a beast and I'm nervous about how fast it will go. I got screamed at on the side of the road by a female state trooper in NH. She cut me a break. I brought it home and parked it.
Has it occurred to anyone that the Hardley rider never saw or heard the guy behind him and was attempting to pass the slow car in front of him the same time the camera man did?
No that hasn't occurred to anyone because that's not what the Harley was doing. Pause the video at 2:04 and honestly tell me that the HD was planning on overtaking the car with that much distance to close while riding 2-up on a cruiser--not going to happen and you know it. The HD tries to cut him off when the prudent thing to do would've been to slow it up and edge to the right. No harm done to anyone and everyone goes on about their day at the relative speed they were moving at in the first place.
ThisAllSoundsGood So you were there? The camera plays tricks on your perception. I'm just throwing out other possibilities besides OMG hardley guy tried to kill me!!!!
ellomirza Did I say I was there? I'm commenting on the visual evidence provided by the film and it's obvious to anyone who's not blind that the HD is too far away from the car and carrying too much weight to attempt to make a pass. Nice try at being melodramatic but it doesn't hide the fact that you're undeniably wrong and resoundingly ignorant. Pausing the video at 2:04 is all the information you need to determine the motives of the HD. If you honestly believe that the distance is due to "camera tricks" then there's no point in continuing this conversation any further.
ThisAllSoundsGood Take it easy professor. If you're so good at determining peoples' motives from youtube videos you're wasting your talent, nay superpower (not to mention your extensive vocabulary), on frivolous matters. Why don't you have your mom sew you a cape and go fight crime?
***** It's illegal to speed, talk or text while driving and smoke pot. Come on now, that's your argument? It's illegal? He may be bat shit crazy or he may be an incompetent poser on a hardley. Who the fuck knows. I'm just brainstorming here :-)
Dude On The Faggio Was In The Wrong By Passing HD Anyway... HD Was Just Putting Him Back In His Place Without Hurting Him, Obviously He got Butt Hurt And Posted This Vid...... Poor Guy
No Helmets and no Mufflers , Many HD Riders have no Clue .. They think their Harleys are fast until they get on a curvy road and even Families in SUV's with a Roof Rack and a Kayak on Top pass them. I slowed the video down to 50% speed. The HD Dude was looking in his left Mirror. He tried to Bully you as much as he could with out causing an accident. He and his Old Lady with no Helmets would have gone down too. I guess you should sound your Horn before passing.
I ride a cruiser, fairly slow, so if anyone wants to go by me, I move over, give them plenty of room to get by me safely. Ill give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he couldn't control his bike on the twisty with a passenger
Cheers dude, if the sports bike wants to pass, move aside, you'd get a wave and things would be all chummy, then continue on your merry way, not try and to run him off the road.
1. Maybe he was trying to stop him from crossing a double yellow line with a curve. 2. HD put his rider in a very dangerous situation. 3. HD riders are the biggest A-Holes in the history of riders. This is why I carry. He got lucky this gentleman didn't stop and escalated to a remorse decision .
are you aware that if no traffic is Coming in the opposite lane, you are allowed to pass on a double line if the motorist ahead of you is holding things up. Remember, It is also against the law to hold up traffic under the speed limit.
I always wondered why Harley riders call sport bikes "toy" bikes.. Just because a rider pays 30,000 for a big,heavy, far slower machine dressed in bags and chrome does not make it better than a sport bike. Matter of fact a sport bike is designed to perform at the highest level, I always laughed when they say get a real bike on my 636..i hardly think a low 10s, 0-100 in 5 seconds bike could be considered a toy. We're all riders and in my experience dudes on Harley's never see it that way even if most people in the sport bike community do.
I have been riding since 1968 and have owned many bikes in my lifetime and quite a few sport bikes. I have come to the realization that they are toys. Unless you are going to use them on a track, they are pretty useless. Yes, they are the latest in handling, power and speed, none of which you need on the street. OTOH, yes, other bikes like cruisers and standards can't match their performance BUT they are so much more comfortable, so much more relaxing, so much safer because they don't have those features that it makes me wonder why anybody, but track riders would even consider a sport bike.
@@jamesadams2334 What a load of shit. I've been riding since the 60's too mate, I didn't get a car license till i was 40 years old, bikes have been my main transport the whole time and I still own 2, A z650 Kawasaki and a GPZ race replica from 1982, BOTH are very comfortable to ride, handle well and are very utilitarian bikes . If you think A "Hardly Desirable" is "safer" than my two well sorted bikes, I have a bridge for sale you may be interested in. I used to work in one of the biggest motorcycle dealerships in Australia, I've ridden and owned hundreds of motorcycles, your funny little story is stupid at best and a pure fabrication in my eyes.... PS, my two bikes were considered "sport" bikes in their day and so are hundreds of other very comfortable bikes, Your trying to convince everyone that race type "hyper sport" bikes {Like GSXR's and the like}, are the same thing, that's a huge fail mate... The camera bike in this vid was automatic and probably a larger type scooter.....
Has everyone forgot about the mob of street bikes that overtook a family in their SUV in downtown Manhattan. Most Harley riders obey the law. By the way that's at least 8 points on your license in NJ. Your looking at careless and reckless.
Those yellow lines are solid, I'll give you that. However, that hardley rider clearly put three people at risk with his irrational blocking attempt. And for what? Because he thought he was in the right for making a dangerous maneuver like that? Some people act on rash impulses and then get themselves or others hurt. He could have just moved over to the far side of the lane and let the guy go through without crossing the line. You know, like a fellow rider, or a rational human being.
This is becoming normal on You tube. A poster points out another individual that they believe are idiots and are doing wrong.....yet the video shows the actual poster doing the same or worst. I am not angel, but then again I am not going to show myself running over double lines on blind corners and then throw out a idiotic comment....such as "Idiot Harley Driver".
In most places, motorcyclists would agree that the harley rider would be in the wrong for not letting the faster rider pass, and crossing the double yellow with no intention to pass anyone or anything. Also, that was obviously not a blind corner, check the video again.
svrider Wrong is not strong. Last time I reviewed State driving laws..... if a faster driver is behind you, there is no LAW stating you MUST allow the faster driver to pass. Last time I checked..... if your are driving faster than the driver in front of you, you must WAIT until the double becomes DASHED on your lane (with no on-coming cars in opposite lane) before you can PROPERLY pass the slower driver. Making up your own road rules and blaming the other driver for your law breaking actions.... is WRONG and trying to be STRONG about it.
***** Yes you're right... at first... until the harley rider decided to illegally cross the yellow line to intentionally block the other rider. That's 2 broken laws by my count. Not exactly sure what the penalty is for crossing a double yellow with the intention to increase danger, but you better believe that if something happened the insurance companies would use it as leverage. And in my own, nonlegal, opinion, the harley rider should be more at fault.
svrider After re-viewing video, both made reckless decisions. I am not sure how the penalties would come out in court, but the only time a driver tries to point out that another driver was doing more wrong then they were, there are trying to justify or void their actions in that situation even though their actions were wrong too.
I ride a Harley as well...usually I ride pretty fast, but if another bike comes flying by, "by all means, I'll scooch over and let you go!" But THIS Guy! I wished MrWormeworry would've kicked him.
the guy on the harley wasn't riding slow, he was staying right with the car in front of him, but he should have let the guy pass, i couldn't see around that corner, for on coming traffic so it was kinda stupid to pass in that spot , when i let someone pass me like that i move over to right and slow some and get prepared to get out of the way of a head on boom out in front of me
The rider who posted this clip, made the mistake of passing in a no passing zone. The Harley made the mistake of playing hall monitor because had this video's poster, assuming he is the passing rider, had an accident, code violation not withstanding, there may have been grounds for a lawsuit against Harley the hall monitor. Had I been on the Harley, I'd just let this dude pass.
passing on a no passing zone is a traffic infraction. Not that severe of an offense. Attempting to run someone off the road with your vehicle is attempted vehicular manslaughter. Or attempted vehicular homicide if proven to have been done intentionally.
Everyone has to ride their own ride. If they’re faster than me, then I try to slide over and let them pass me safely. If I see them coming from behind and they need to slide back in, I try to slow down so they can. I definitely would never do what the cruiser rider did in the video. It’s bad enough that we have to watch out for the crazy cage drivers trying to take us out. We don’t need to be doing it to each other!
2:04 Haley is not even close to passing car and no signal indicating the pass. He was being a moron probably telling the other moron not to pass a double yellow. I have only HAD to pass on double yellow a few times, usually because of a tractor or RV going 20 miles an hour in a 50 mile per hour highway. On a bike its passing on a double solid around the corners is about as safe as playing Russian rollout with a 6 shooter.
Keem, you forgot to correct my spelling for Harley. "Haley" Clearly I was responding on an iphone with autocorrect but I guess you feel superior patronizing people in your condescending tone. No one likes a passive aggressive like you.
My H-D isn’t always the fastest in the mountains, but when someone comes up behind, give them some room & let them go. You’ll both have a better day.
Your a real biker …. I’ve road my Harley’s with other bikers … we would never do that
Right, brother!
Ok purge boy
No one's bike is fast in the mountains. All lose power with increased elevation. Be aware of that when thinking about passing.
Your get-up-and-go got up and went.
@@davem5333 I believe we're all subject to the same laws of physics. The nominal loss of power I may experience also affects the vehicle I'm passing. I live amongst the Coast mountains, the tallest in North America. It's all mountain riding from here to the Rockies and back. My bike eats mountains like a demon. Passing
I ride a Harley and I would move over to far left and wave at him to let him pass me in the same lane without crossing over the yellow lines. Shit I like riding the twisties too. But if somebody catches up to me , I’d let him go and enjoy it too.
Far right, sorry
Here in the USA you would have to move to the Far Right ..
@@mikeskidmore6754 late he already corrected it please learn how to read
@@American-pl8fo lol
...moving to the far left? I'd rather move to Florida. That is where sanity lives these days. Although not too many nice twisties, but for that they have more bikinis. 😀
this video could have been ten seconds long -____-
it didn't need recorded at all!
@@jamesadams2334 amen James
Even better, it could have been zero seconds long
action 2:00
I ride my Harley like a Cadillac. I'll give way to another biker without a problem. It's safe and defensive driving. If another cyclist wants to pass, just let them. It's no big deal. We're all riders and have got to look out for eachother, ....doesn't matter what type of motorcycle you ride. We all share a mutual respect for eachother, and look out for eachother. It's part of being a biker.
Why say that, they may be old, might have just crashed, now they are being safe. You are so smart passing on the double yellow, not hard to se the idiot here. If you want t to go fast for no reason other than e joying it, pull over and wait as long as you can for a car to come then pull out before they get there and you know how far you are behind the slow car and can go as fast as you want. Or get a bike with some balls and blow by.
That depends what year Cadilac you have as the Newer ones are very High Performance..
Well said sir 👍👍
@@seangrazier9761 I did that on the Dragon .. I would make a U-turn go the opposite direction then Turn around and catch the Harleys a second and third time .. Talk about slow !
@@Harris-379 thank you Harris. 👍✌️
I'm a Harley rider, 55+ years and counting. That Harley rider was an A-hole....
But-both could've been cited for traffic violations, including the one doing this video.
@@craigpennington1251 I see crossing of the double yellow line more and more, esp. in rural areas...
He is unfortunately the Harley rider that gives ALL harley riders their bad reputation.
@@Team33Team33 you mean this reputation?видео.html
Passing on the double yellow? Who's the a******?
That's how I ride to enjoy the scenery. If someone fly's up my ass I just move over. That last speed sign said 15mph.
Those yellow signs aren’t speed limit signs. They are advisory signs for big trucks. If you slow down to the yellow truck speed signs you most certainly will piss off anyone following you.
Now this is interesting, since that's my logo, but I never posted that comment.
@@dcccharles4569 - what is BS, and who are you talking to?
@@1wheeldrive751: The yellow striped lines indicate no passing, but the biker could have been courteous enough to give way and let the vehicle pass. Its called sharing the road.
The idiot tried to block you with a passenger. I would have been motioning you around if I was taking my time cruising. That guy needs an attitude adjustment.
Most Harley do need attitude adjustments.
Go knocking on doors! But please video you calling them idiots! They will upload you video for you if you can't! Your welcome to show up at any and all club houses across the country with your hate@@jeffstanford4287
@@jeffstanford4287: The MC clubs do anyway.
It took the Vespa 6 seconds of accelerating to get past the "slow😂" Harley, and 11 the car.
Cmon, no Harley is that slow....
Only the thinking of the rider…
I have been riding motorcycles of one kind or another for over 60 years and I have seen all kinds of foolishness. In my youth I might have kicked his bike over as I passed but over the years I have come to realize the world is filled with assholes and there is nothing I can do about it but accept it. I think he did the right thing by just passing and moving on. But the anger of his stupidity when he tried to block the other rider back in the day would have cost him a ass whooping. Sooner or later those kind of people get theirs one way or another.
100% agree with you man.
Both those Riders need a Education!
I would hope you wouldn't kick his bike over like that, that's a horrible thing to do over a non issue.
I don't think people realize that everybody makes mistakes and nobody is perfect... I'm sure there was a time you did something and someone wanted to kick your bike. I wish more people, including myself, could drop their ego more often
Yep, pick and choose your battles carefully. A wise man, long ago (when I was younger and "hot headed") told me: "If you take time out of your day to beat the shit out of every asshole who deserves it.... you'll never get anything done. There's a never ending line of them"
maybe he was going where he was looking...???And failed to maintain his lane.
Passing in a no passing lane
Swerving out of your lane endangering an idiot.
Neither rider deserves a rider award for their moves.
just annoys me how hes on his behind even if the dude is slow in the bike and the head I wouldnt follow someone like that its juist stupid
I rate both idiots with a nod to the idiot with a passenger to take with him ...
@@je7647what could he do? There was another vehicle (slower) ahead of them.
Obviously u don’t ride !!
Your a bafooon….
I watched this twice and don't know what either one was doing. I didn't think it was legal to ride a lawn mower on a roadway.
specially that fast!
......what is not legal is ride over speed ....for sure the speed limit device in between the ears do not existe at all.....if you want to show your speed driving skills.....go to race track....
I think it would've been funny to see him crash, Hahahaha
Scooter.... And a terminally stupid Harley rider with more ego than brains
This showing up 10 years later in my “recommended” 🤔
Am I running out of motorcycle content? 😅
Same year after another year
So that Harley rider would rather crash into you, than to let you pass him? Yeah, he doesn't need to be riding.
Harley rider was dumb for coming over like that. But camera rider was worse for passing on a double yellow. Gotta love the entitlement culture.
ok churchie boy
It's just paint on the road. I pass people a lot crossing over the double yellow. As long as it is clear to pass by a large margin. Where I ride there are a lot of slow assed Harley owners putting down the back roads. If there is a safe opportunity to pass, then pass. If not, don't.
And you're just as much of a moron as the guy taking the video. Hope you both have your organ donor card filled out.
They are called libtards! Laws don't matter to them ...Street Justice is the solution to thier on going societal pollution ( pos 💩.)
@oychoppa, nope, just makes you a douch bag. you don't pass over a double yellow.
Looks to me like there were two idiots on motorcycles in this video.
This could go either way. Rider filming was doubling posted speeds easily and passed 2 vehicles on double yellows....whos the idiot.
Both. But only one thinks he's a traffic cop.
My vote is for the idiot passing over the double and speeding.
It's a double yellow. Illegal to pass anyway.
Nothing is illegal to a libtard democrat fuckhead!
The Harley ape should have moved to the right. These clowns usually can’t ride and have fragile egos.
Reckless endangerment = much more illegal
That's for cars and kill joys. Just move over if you are slow as.
In Pennsylvania that’s actually incorrect. The double yellow line is the center of the roadway you can pass on a double yellow line as long as you have at least 500 feet of clear view - no vehicles approaching , there are no signs posted passing is prohibited
No Helmets and no Mufflers , Many HD Riders have no Clue .. They think their Harleys are fast until they get on a curvy road and even Families in SUV's with a Roof Rack and a Kayak on Top pass them.
I slowed the video down to 50% speed. The HD Dude was looking in his left Mirror. He tried to Bully you as much as he could with out causing an accident. He and his Old Lady with no Helmets would have gone down too.
I guess you should sound your Horn before passing.
the funniest possibility is that the harley rider just accidentally blew the corner at that moment by sheer bad luck
I actually thought he might have fixated on his peripheral. Intentional or not, guy needs to do a headcheck on himself.
@@even7stevenfor real dude with the camera is the type I open my door on when I see weaving traffic speeding and being reckless better he get what he deserves then keep endangering other people. Can’t stand when motorcycle do 100 while splitting lanes weaving in and out of traffic then crying how everyone else should look out for them 😂 nope
@@KingAries85- you are a psycho. Seek help.
No passing lane. Plus a car ahead of Harley, who's the idiot here?
ha ha don't you ever ride a bike you're a pansy
….seems always the tosser on a harley
There can be more than one idiot.
The Harley rider was a total idiot because he came at the other rider, doing what he did could get you hurt. The other rider was accepting the risk of breaking the rules of the road passing like that but he wasn't assaulting anyone with his bike.
you kind of overtook on a double yellow... which is kind of illegal...
And the Harley went just as much over those lines trying to block him and that is both illegal.
Crossing a double-yellow line is not a smart move on your part.
And that is why lots of folks hate a Harley Rider. They are their own worst public image. This idiot endangered his passenger for no other reason than to try and compensate for his Mini Weiner Complex. I have friends that ride all kinds of bikes and yes even Harleys and not one of them act like this BOY on a bike! Yawl ride safe and avoid these type riders
Has nothing to do with Harley riders. Everything to do with an anal orifice that happens to be on a Harley being passed by some dude that thinks he's on the Isle Of Man race track on his sports bike.
Tom Cooper and that was the point I was making. I have friends that ride Harleys and are polite safe riders. It is the jerk on the bike that give other riders a bad name and image. Harley riders have a long history of bad image... bad boy with the public. This guy lives up to that image and damages the image of the masses that try to ride safe and polite. I know it has nothing to do with the Harley its self. I hope I didnt come across like I was bashing Harleys or the majority of their riders. No by a lobg shot. Just saying guys like this project a bad image for all riders. Thanks for the reply and ride safe Brother.
Yup to this post!
David Holt You really just had to go and jinx yourself like that huh? I'd knock on some wood if I were
David Holt Sports bike?? sounded like an automatic scooter.
The thing sounds like a Lawn Mower !
Hey, be nice. it's a Toro! Or maybe a Honda...
It’s a case of Dumb, and Dumber.
You tailgate him and then pass him over a double yellow, and he's the idiot? I'd say you both are idiots. You had several choices. You could have just found a pullout and chilled out for a bit. You could have followed him at a decent distance, and waited for him to wave you by or waited for a passing lane. Yeah, I know hardly anyone does that anymore and most bikers don't seem to have a problem passing people over a double yellow, but just because "everybody's doing it" doesn't mean it's right, legal or smart. This is why I rarely ride on weekends anymore. So many wannabe bike racers making it dangerous for everyone else. At least there's fewer of them during weekdays.
Had one of those near my home last year. Two-lane highway, 55mph speed limit. String of cars going the speed limit, biker at the rear of about 7 or 8 cars. They get to a straightaway where passing becomes legal. The biker twists the throttle and tries to pass all of them in one fell swoop at a high rate of speed. Lead car starts turning left into a store parking lot, biker t-bones him. The authorities arrive and carry him away in a body bag.
Yuppy goes to the Harley dealership buys a Harley and now thinks he owns the road how typical. Every single Harley rider I ever seen always tries so fucking hard to look pissed all the time its so fucking funny, hey look everyone I'm riding a hog and I'm super scary looking I think, I'm finally the guy my mother never wanted me to turn into LOL!!! Now its time to buy some tattoo's I wonder if they have tattoo dealerships in Malibu?
Woaw, c'est pourri.
I think rub's ruin it for the rest of us. I don't care if some guy on a sport bike or more experienced or ballsy than I goes around me. I dont understand the ego of some guys on Harleys'... He's just asking for trouble. I ride a Harley, and jack-assery like this pisses me off too.
***** No no no don't get me wrong James I just meant most of you Harley guys are incompetent wanabe bad ass's trying to hide your insecurities behind a loud exhaust systems HAHAHA!!!
1TonTaco and all guys on sportbikes think they're Jason Britton, and there's plenty of video's of those guys totaling their bikes. Hey I can do a wheelie *3 seconds later* why is my bike all over the highway and the skin on my knees gone? Just because you have a sport bike doesn't make you superior to anyone else.
1TonTaco Harley riders are the most considerate people I have ever met in my life and they do not care what anybody rides as long as you ride safe. you shouldn't judge people like that Taco it only make you look bad.
Not all cruiser riders are arrogant, ignorant, and dumb, but this one certainly is!
bigconan that's not even the point
The point is, the sports bike rider initiated the illegal act...Of course the harly guy shouldn't have swerved over either.
How? He was trying to save the dumbass squid’s life.
Both riders are fucking morons
@@bigconan your stupid and I know you don’t ride … I’ve road with Harley riders and we all do illegal passes … we don’t drive fellow bikers of the road ever … bitch
After being a lifelong sport bike rider this is what I've learned about Harley's. IT COSTS A LOT OF MONEY TO GO REAL SLOW.
And I love it.
Not your typical Harley guy in many ways and I'm exactly what a Harley rider is in a lot of ways.
I bought a 1996 bagger with an EVO. It was a basket case when I bought it. Stripped it down and made her pretty again. That with some engine upgrades and progressive suspension its not the sloppy bitch she was but she's still not the brightest girl. But I still love her. I can't explain it. As a gear head I know it's an inferior product. But I wouldn't trade it for a brand new Golding. Say what you want but the ride is different on a Harley. If you're still hoped up on Mountain Dew you won't get it. When you just want to enjoy the ride with your girl (and all her shit) you will never want to be without your bagger. The radio doesn't hurt either. That's my experience. Opinions and like assholes...everybody's got'em...and they all stink!
...Perfectly said!
Thanks for sharing your life story. It was pointless.
It's fine to take it easy and enjoy your ride, but why do you have to try to block/ run off the road, old married couples on their Goldwings? You know 30 mph around a 1800 ft radius (gentle) highway curve might feel incredibly fast and scary to someone on a Harley but the person on a Goldwing is at risk of falling asleep from boredom at that pace. And as you're slowly taking in the scenery while waking up the dead and scaring wildlife with your gutted Vance & Hines pipes, the person on a Goldwing can no longer hear the gentle country sounds of leaves rustling and cows gently mooing in the distance. Why ruin it for others? Let them get in front of your ear splitting exhaust instead of behind it. We promise we won't slow you down.
@@jackandblaze5956 Boo hoo. Go around. I enjoy a nice comfortable slow ride. If I am doing the speed limit or a little more and you don't like like it, oh well. I'm old and ride slower so don't like it. Get a cage.
I haven't see the idiot part already but I urge a question: I see you keep much distance to other riders in america. Here in Italy if you ride in a beautiful place on the alps, you'll get a bike/scooter/car close to your back ALL THE WAY. Not overtaking or anything, just to annoy your ride.
The idiot part was when the slow-ass Harley douche cut dangerously in front of the cammer, and way over the line. It was intentional.
The front bike was the idiot. He was riding slow. Until the tear bike wanted to pass. Then he sped up, and towards the end, when the rear bike went to pass, the idiot on the front bike nearly crashed them both.
He owns the road 🙄 " On a steel horse he rides , he's a menace , dead or alive ...." 😣
The bike sounds like a scooter so that really pissed off the cruiser dude. I noticed the whole route is double yellow so no chance to "legally" pass on this road. It looks to me that there was plenty of view of the upcoming road to pass safely. I have seen this bad behavior too many times in the past to believe the cruiser dude didn't see him coming. Glad you were able to avoid a collision with the self righteous prick!
I can't tell whose side you're on until the last two sentences. Very suspenseful.
Should've. Pulled. Over. At. The. Pull. Off. And. Get. The. Harley. Rider. To. Pull. Over. Then. Kick. His. Ass. Ya. Don't. Do. Shit. Like. That. ( by. The. Way. I. Ride. A. Harley. But. That. Don't. Mean. Shit. What. Happen. To. Brother. Hood )
Excuse me, that is a "HELMETLESS " self righteous PRICK !!!! I wouldn't want to follow that obnoxious chrome air compressor myself!!😀😀😀🏍🏍
Many places you can pass on double yellow outside populated areas.
That Harley sounds like a cement mixer, probably handles like one too.
Haters going to hate,
Ainters going to ain’t
Dont insult the mans choice of what he rides. Whatever the guy recording this was riding is what sounded so horrible. Sounded like gutted stock mufflers.
Seems the only sane person was in the car...
Future hood ornament....
I have a hard time understanding who the idiot really is. I've been riding for 53 years and have never found it necessary to pass on a double yellow line !
Oh get real. We all do it occasionally
@@stephenpaul4258go splat?
That just reminded me of the time a guy in a Harley Davidson edition Ford F150 tried to run me and my 5 year old son off the road just because we were on a Yamaha.
What????? Fukkkk that dude. W/your 5 year old son too? Noooo
Stereotypical badass, image conscious "biker" with a handkerchief to protect his brain - what there is of it.
You’re calling him an idiot but you’re passing on solid yellow lines
At 2:00 he appears to be moving to side to let him go past without crossing double yellow - then decides to try to kill him instead.
So we're calling the Harley rider an idiot, but not the rocketeer that wanted to pass him on a double solid?
You're BEYOND lucky there wasn't a car coming the other way. The solids mean something, genius.
Cant teel me scooter guy was trying to pass car... wasnt even closing on it. But why would cruiser guy let him push him to guardrail? Ever hear of brakes? Both are accidents waiting to happen. But scooter guy more dangerous pretending to be cop/traffic enforcer.
I thought at first he was just not using his mirrors. Then he cut across you and proved he should not be on the road. I used to ride a HD as well as other bikes, and frankly found this shocking.
Racing on public roads is for idiots.
I don't see a problem with the Harley Rider? It looks like he's just chilling and enjoying his ride as should be.
The question is who is the idiot in this video that should be on a race track versus public roadway?
John Deere (Harley) riders suck in the canyons! In town or on a fwy they speed but when the road curves they hold up commercial traffic or have a long line of cars behind them. On hwy 33 in Los Padres national forest I've watched them hold up a trash truck, that's sad.
The Idiot was the rider who passed over a double yellow!!!
No helmet pullin shit like that? WTF?
I rode the Tail of the Dragon last Summer for the first time. I would say that 70% of the Harley Riders were courteous and would use a pull off. The other 30% were complete @** Holes and plundered along at a snails pace blocking you.
I’ve heard from other long time riders it’s not nearly as fun as it used to be. Far to many people and far to many acting like they rented the Nuremberg ring for the day.
The Tail of The Dragon isn't a closed track, nor can you schedule it for your use only. It is a public road with 11 miles of double yellow line. It has a speed limit far below what sport bike riders want it to be. That speed limit is there to save lives. Stop riding that road and endangering the lives and property of others. If you want to risk killing yourself that is your prerogative but you don't get to choose to do that to others who have the misfortune of sharing the road with you. Stop being a selfish, narcissistic, jack@§. Go to your local track, where your style of riding is acceptable, and pony up the money to ride all weekend.
What's the speed limit on the tail of the dragon ?
What was the point of that? I just stay to the right and let faster bikes pass. I ride my harley hard sometimes and expect the same.
its his world HD rider's think everyone must respect them nobody can pass unless they allow you
1% ers will shoot you if you try to pass them. That's F__ed up ..
They’re a joke … 😅
…not really
Hi, may I include this on my channel? It'll be credited back
Nice to have a bike that can make that move in about 2 seconds. Stay safe all.
I'm still laughing at the Vespa passing slug Harley.
Sounds like envy to me.
Vespa😂🤣😂🤣, didnt seem to be packing too much horsepower.
I've gotten stuck behind HD guys in the past. On a bike I just blast by before they have a chance to get the "I own the road" attitude. But in a car it's just irritating :(
Have the same problem with kids on the imports. Most think they are professionals and have race bikes. They have that same own the road attitude around the city. Irritating is right.
Two wrongs here: the Harley impedes the pass and the passing motorcyclist crosses the double yellows twice. I've ridden motorcycles all my life and now, into my 60s, I love riding but I can hate riders for pulling stupid sh*t like this.
Yep, nothing worst than being stuck behind a slow moving, noisy tractor, on a road where safe overtaking opportunities are rare.
This is why I have a 750 supersport Ducati and an FXR Harley-Davidson. Some days you feel like a nut, some days you don't 😜
One for go and one for show.
Idiot Harley Rider? Hey, Mr. Pot. Meet Mr. Kettle. That's some seriously reckless - not to mention illegal - riding on your part. You should turn in your license. It's riders like you that give all of us a bad name.
shut the fuck up whining little bitch ....
100% AGREE
Basic rider etiquette is RIDE YOUR OWN RIDE. The Vespa rider was violating some road rules but not endangering other road users in this case. The pirate on the Barkalounger was waaaay out of line in attempting to block the Vespa rider's overtake, intentionally endangering him in order to assuage his fragile ego. Most of these noisy cruisers are ridden by male impersonators compensating for their tiny manhood and sold out lives.
Overweight and underpowered, just like his bike.
Cop's will be there,Too bag you up. Both or was it three ?
Why the rush?
H-D privilege
i would be pissed off too if my bike was overly loud, boring slow and gave me a mild heart attack everytime it has to take a corner.
I would be mad too if I bought a bike that was loud, made no sense and was boring to ride on the street.
The only thing I saw was double yellow lines, which, at least where I’m from, means “No Passing”. So, Mr Puffed Rice was in the wrong. Think Harley guy was trying to prevent that.
passing a double yellow is a traffic infraction. Not that severe of an offense. Attempting to run someone off the road intentionally is attempted assault of one form or another.
you cannot disregard the action of the Harley rider just because the moped guy commited a traffic infraction.
Harley guy went left o center too
By crossing it himself
The fact the Harley dude did that with someone on back shows how little respect the guy has.
Just slow down and wave the Vespa by.
She was uglier than a freight train. A real mutt. The Harley guy is a retired fireman and that is his 1st Harley. Those guys die off pretty fast naturally. They sit around for 30 years doing nothing until a bell goes off. Your heart can't take that kind of lifestyle. My dad told me that. He was a volunteer fireman for 50 years. Died at 89.
I would promise you this … I would get up a mile ahead of him … park my bike and be ready when he came around the corner I was waiting for him at …. And when I’m finished his bike would be in very bad condition as well as the guy on the Harley …. I do not care about the rider’s condition since he didn’t care about mine … and he wouldn’t be doing very well I would make sure of it ….. this is why I sold all my Harley’s and ride sport bikes … those guys are very kool and nice …. I would never try and harm another biker ever … unless he did that …. In a way you could consider that attempted murder….. if you ever seen motorcycle accidents … they don’t always turn out good .
@@thomaschandler4831 That's called road rage. The Harley guy was just a shitty driver. He was trying to eyeball the view instead of watching where in the name of god he was driving. The guy on the Vespa was wrong for passing on a solid double line. Lots of sport bike drivers are bald headed. They don't wear helmets for safety reasons. It's to cover up that Q-Ball of a gourd. Harley chicks are hot and like the vibration on their hoo-hah. Well that's what my ugly biatch tells me. She won't get on my 1199r Ducati. It's a beast and I'm nervous about how fast it will go. I got screamed at on the side of the road by a female state trooper in NH. She cut me a break. I brought it home and parked it.
@@thomaschandler4831 after you retaliated you'd be in prison! It'd be best to keep your cool & keep moving! No need to hem yourself up!
Has it occurred to anyone that the Hardley rider never saw or heard the guy behind him and was attempting to pass the slow car in front of him the same time the camera man did?
No that hasn't occurred to anyone because that's not what the Harley was doing. Pause the video at 2:04 and honestly tell me that the HD was planning on overtaking the car with that much distance to close while riding 2-up on a cruiser--not going to happen and you know it.
The HD tries to cut him off when the prudent thing to do would've been to slow it up and edge to the right. No harm done to anyone and everyone goes on about their day at the relative speed they were moving at in the first place.
ThisAllSoundsGood So you were there? The camera plays tricks on your perception. I'm just throwing out other possibilities besides OMG hardley guy tried to kill me!!!!
Did I say I was there? I'm commenting on the visual evidence provided by the film and it's obvious to anyone who's not blind that the HD is too far away from the car and carrying too much weight to attempt to make a pass.
Nice try at being melodramatic but it doesn't hide the fact that you're undeniably wrong and resoundingly ignorant. Pausing the video at 2:04 is all the information you need to determine the motives of the HD. If you honestly believe that the distance is due to "camera tricks" then there's no point in continuing this conversation any further.
ThisAllSoundsGood Take it easy professor. If you're so good at determining peoples' motives from youtube videos you're wasting your talent, nay superpower (not to mention your extensive vocabulary), on frivolous matters. Why don't you have your mom sew you a cape and go fight crime?
***** It's illegal to speed, talk or text while driving and smoke pot. Come on now, that's your argument? It's illegal? He may be bat shit crazy or he may be an incompetent poser on a hardley. Who the fuck knows. I'm just brainstorming here :-)
He wasn't an idiot, he was a prick who didn't care if you were injured. Some hd riders feel it's a threat to their manhood when someone passes them.
Dude On The Faggio Was In The Wrong By Passing HD Anyway... HD Was Just Putting Him Back In His Place Without Hurting Him, Obviously He got Butt Hurt And Posted This Vid...... Poor Guy
both crossed double yellow.
The way the Harley rider rode, yeah, the title of the video fits.
What was the idea of the harley rider.
He turned left, he tryed to overtake the car or to push you into the guardrail?
It looked to me like the cruiser rider was pulling out to pass. I'm sure he had some harsh words of his own for "our hero" the unsafe rider.
first rider went out to early
No Helmets and no Mufflers , Many HD Riders have no Clue .. They think their Harleys are fast until they get on a curvy road and even Families in SUV's with a Roof Rack and a Kayak on Top pass them.
I slowed the video down to 50% speed. The HD Dude was looking in his left Mirror. He tried to Bully you as much as he could with out causing an accident. He and his Old Lady with no Helmets would have gone down too.
I guess you should sound your Horn before passing.
@@mrc4910 Are your eyes painted on, the Hardly desirable rider was blocking the other bike, he was no where near ready to pass the car.....
@Kyle thomas I agree with you. We are all fellow riders and should behave as such doesn't matter what you are riding.
I'm a Harley owner and would gladly let another biker pass. Why?
...because I'm not a traffic cop. I'm just respectful. I look out for all riders! ✌️👍
I ride a cruiser, fairly slow, so if anyone wants to go by me, I move over, give them plenty of room to get by me safely.
Ill give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he couldn't control his bike on the twisty with a passenger
Cheers dude, if the sports bike wants to pass, move aside, you'd get a wave and things would be all chummy, then continue on your merry way, not try and to run him off the road.
“Sports bike” in this case is an overreach. Sounds more like a Vespa or Grom.
1. Maybe he was trying to stop him from crossing a double yellow line with a curve.
2. HD put his rider in a very dangerous situation.
3. HD riders are the biggest A-Holes in the history of riders. This is why I carry. He got lucky this gentleman didn't stop and escalated to a remorse decision .
are you aware that if no traffic is Coming in the opposite lane, you are allowed to pass on a double line if the motorist ahead of you is holding things up. Remember, It is also against the law to hold up traffic under the speed limit.
I always wondered why Harley riders call sport bikes "toy" bikes.. Just because a rider pays 30,000 for a big,heavy, far slower machine dressed in bags and chrome does not make it better than a sport bike. Matter of fact a sport bike is designed to perform at the highest level, I always laughed when they say get a real bike on my 636..i hardly think a low 10s, 0-100 in 5 seconds bike could be considered a toy. We're all riders and in my experience dudes on Harley's never see it that way even if most people in the sport bike community do.
Try following the law!
You have a sport bike so that means you can break the law without repercussions.
I have been riding since 1968 and have owned many bikes in my lifetime and quite a few sport bikes. I have come to the realization that they are toys. Unless you are going to use them on a track, they are pretty useless. Yes, they are the latest in handling, power and speed, none of which you need on the street. OTOH, yes, other bikes like cruisers and standards can't match their performance BUT they are so much more comfortable, so much more relaxing, so much safer because they don't have those features that it makes me wonder why anybody, but track riders would even consider a sport bike.
@@jamesadams2334Bruh 😅
@@jamesadams2334 What a load of shit. I've been riding since the 60's too mate, I didn't get a car license till i was 40 years old, bikes have been my main transport the whole time and I still own 2, A z650 Kawasaki and a GPZ race replica from 1982, BOTH are very comfortable to ride, handle well and are very utilitarian bikes . If you think A "Hardly Desirable" is "safer" than my two well sorted bikes, I have a bridge for sale you may be interested in. I used to work in one of the biggest motorcycle dealerships in Australia, I've ridden and owned hundreds of motorcycles, your funny little story is stupid at best and a pure fabrication in my eyes.... PS, my two bikes were considered "sport" bikes in their day and so are hundreds of other very comfortable bikes, Your trying to convince everyone that race type "hyper sport" bikes {Like GSXR's and the like}, are the same thing, that's a huge fail mate... The camera bike in this vid was automatic and probably a larger type scooter.....
what was that car? looked like a british Alvis TD21 drophead....
double solid lines on curves means no passing the sport bike was in the wrong and being stupid
theviking62 right. And the Harley doing the same PLUS Trying to intentionally cause a crash was all good? Fuck wit.
I'm not sure who the idiot was; the rider who crossed the centerline or the rider who passed two vehicles on a double yellow line just before a curve.
Has everyone forgot about the mob of street bikes that overtook a family in their SUV in downtown Manhattan. Most Harley riders obey the law. By the way that's at least 8 points on your license in NJ. Your looking at careless and reckless.
What bike is the camera on? Sounds like a scooter?!
Yep, I'd say a centrifugal clutch scooter... It was clearly an gearless automatic
Scooter vs Harley
They guy is a tool. There are a lot of them
I was thinking, where is the "idiot" part? and then I saw it :P but there is people like that everywhere even in cars.
Looks silly with his knees up in his chin 😊😅😅😅
Those yellow lines are solid, I'll give you that. However, that hardley rider clearly put three people at risk with his irrational blocking attempt. And for what? Because he thought he was in the right for making a dangerous maneuver like that? Some people act on rash impulses and then get themselves or others hurt. He could have just moved over to the far side of the lane and let the guy go through without crossing the line. You know, like a fellow rider, or a rational human being.
Or they both could have just ridden along and not broken the law!
Yes he tried to block you
This is becoming normal on You tube. A poster points out another individual that they believe are idiots and are doing wrong.....yet the video shows the actual poster doing the same or worst. I am not angel, but then again I am not going to show myself running over double lines on blind corners and then throw out a idiotic comment....such as "Idiot Harley Driver".
In most places, motorcyclists would agree that the harley rider would be in the wrong for not letting the faster rider pass, and crossing the double yellow with no intention to pass anyone or anything. Also, that was obviously not a blind corner, check the video again.
svrider Wrong is not strong. Last time I reviewed State driving laws..... if a faster driver is behind you, there is no LAW stating you MUST allow the faster driver to pass. Last time I checked..... if your are driving faster than the driver in front of you, you must WAIT until the double becomes DASHED on your lane (with no on-coming cars in opposite lane) before you can PROPERLY pass the slower driver.
Making up your own road rules and blaming the other driver for your law breaking actions.... is WRONG and trying to be STRONG about it.
***** Yes you're right... at first... until the harley rider decided to illegally cross the yellow line to intentionally block the other rider. That's 2 broken laws by my count.
Not exactly sure what the penalty is for crossing a double yellow with the intention to increase danger, but you better believe that if something happened the insurance companies would use it as leverage. And in my own, nonlegal, opinion, the harley rider should be more at fault.
svrider After re-viewing video, both made reckless decisions. I am not sure how the penalties would come out in court, but the only time a driver tries to point out that another driver was doing more wrong then they were, there are trying to justify or void their actions in that situation even though their actions were wrong too.
It's redundant anyways. Harley rider is synonymous with Idiot.
He's just mad because you passed him on a vespa scooter
I ride a Harley as well...usually I ride pretty fast, but if another bike comes flying by, "by all means, I'll scooch over and let you go!" But THIS Guy! I wished MrWormeworry would've kicked him.
That's the right thing to do.
I do the same whenever I see anyone (car or bike) coming fast behind me. I move to the side and let them go.
the guy on the harley wasn't riding slow, he was staying right with the car in front of him, but he should have let the guy pass, i couldn't see around that corner, for on coming traffic so it was kinda stupid to pass in that spot , when i let someone pass me like that i move over to right and slow some and get prepared to get out of the way of a head on boom out in front of me
The rider who posted this clip, made the mistake of passing in a no passing zone. The Harley made the mistake of playing hall monitor because had this video's poster, assuming he is the passing rider, had an accident, code violation not withstanding, there may have been grounds for a lawsuit against Harley the hall monitor.
Had I been on the Harley, I'd just let this dude pass.
passing on a no passing zone is a traffic infraction. Not that severe of an offense. Attempting to run someone off the road with your vehicle is attempted vehicular manslaughter. Or attempted vehicular homicide if proven to have been done intentionally.
Neither one of you seem to bright. Are you familiar with double lines at all?
Everyone has to ride their own ride. If they’re faster than me, then I try to slide over and let them pass me safely. If I see them coming from behind and they need to slide back in, I try to slow down so they can. I definitely would never do what the cruiser rider did in the video. It’s bad enough that we have to watch out for the crazy cage drivers trying to take us out. We don’t need to be doing it to each other!
2:04 Haley is not even close to passing car and no signal indicating the pass. He was being a moron probably telling the other moron not to pass a double yellow. I have only HAD to pass on double yellow a few times, usually because of a tractor or RV going 20 miles an hour in a 50 mile per hour highway. On a bike its passing on a double solid around the corners is about as safe as playing Russian rollout with a 6 shooter.
Russian "rollout", eh?
Sounds like a game you've already played.
Watch closely now. R O U L E T T E
Keem, you forgot to correct my spelling for Harley. "Haley" Clearly I was responding on an iphone with autocorrect but I guess you feel superior patronizing people in your condescending tone. No one likes a passive aggressive like you.
Too many brand snobs here. I feel like I've stepped in poo.
Classic "this road belongs to me attitude"
A...hole attitude
Which is NOT specific to Harley or any make of bike.
@@vectorm4 More Harley than anything else....
Is that Nicholson with a football helmet on?
Maybe he just wanted some company, and you left him 😅