you have God like powers , but only Jesus who was with the father knows that hence why he was able to overcome the world. Of course we are not G-d we are a extension created in his image. If you become to low in yourself as a creation. You will be doing yourself a disservice . There is a reason why many will not overcome the world. There is a reason in past history only a few were saved. People is say they are children of G-d the bible says you are workers of iniquity or lukewarm. We are creations of God who will judge the world..
It is amazing how many “Christians” don’t know anything about what is in the Bible. THAT is the main reason why we have denominations. The other reason is that we tend to let our traditions guide our study rather than just study what the Bible says.
That, AND the fact we christians generally don't kill off people we disagree with. When we theologically haven't seen eye to eye; we've separated a church into two churches, instead of killing eachother off (exceptions being dense theological "purists" or politcally motivated leaders).. but what I'm going by is Jesus' words and "the christian commoner."
Sola scriptura is self-refuting because the Bible doesn’t teach scripture-alone. Jesus was Jewish wish is a very tradition-based religion. Tradition is very important, even Paul said hold fast to tradition. But I see what you mean, relying on our own knowledge about scripture or not even reading it is why we have so many denominations, well said
37 years ago, as a little boy, I prayed to God that I would not be deceived into worshiping Satan instead of God. 31 years ago I understood the Gospel message, was baptized, and received by first Bible. Since that time I have been the prodigal son, the chief of sinners, and the lost sheep. Looking back and examining my life I find it to be an absolute miracle that my faith is still intact. The more I think about my sojourn, the more I realize that it is purely by the grace of Christ alone. He is truly the anchor of my soul and He certainty does not lie.
Sounds like my life story as well. I accepted Christ as my savior at the age of nine and I was baptized. My teen years and most of my twenties I was a lost sheep. It has been a long journey but now in my fourties’ I have been learning what it really means to follow Jesus and study His word.
Specific beliefs one must hold to be qualified as a Christian: 1. Believe and worship one God 2. Justification through Christ ALONE (not what you do, don’t do, or say), rather it’s His Grace alone 3. The resurrection of Jesus church 4. Faith Amen.
This brings clarity and comfort to me as a Christian journeying through deconstruction. I’ll always be a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ but the church has hurt me and has lost a lot of my trust. Trying to find a common ground
THIS!!! This is it, my thoughts in one video. When i gave my life to Christ (as in officially), i already identified as a protestant Christian. But after reading the Bible for a bit and praying and researching, I realized that something was simply off. Whether that was, teachings being left out, or teachings being added. I got confused and started looking up other denominations to convert to, but then realized none of them fit the simplicity of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus. It made me frustrated and after a while i learned about being non-denominational. As nice as it sounded, i started seeing that "non-denominational" was becoming another denomination. So i got tired of it and decided to simply be Christian, with nothing attached. Purely biblical, simply studying the Bible and walking in the way of God.
That is so great... to be free from all kinds of add-on stuff:) Just a thought, maybe, if some people are contemplating what this means. We're designed by God (as laid out in his word) to live out our lives through the local church. We only need to read all the "one anothers" about walking out our faith. It's impossible to "be known by our love for one another", if we don't even get close to one another. The early church met daily.. not that we always have that luxury, but that we would prioritize each other and gather often, and pray and worship. And, that means that things get messy, cuz there are people who walk by a strong, loving faith in Jesus (and live by the gospel), and people who don't.. who may be new, or struggling. Our ministry to "one another" is in this place, the church.. Diving into the mess with love and peace, patience and wisdom, as best we can (and it's hard!), encouraging, and correcting or confronting in love (and humbly receiving the same), knowing that it will never be perfect or entirely without tension. We should be doing this far better than the world does it. Grace and truth are both so needed.. we're humans, and we're all broken. I pray we can all find a good, strong, bible believing church in our communities, and do life in Christ together. There may come a day when we see our need for each other much more than we can see it now. God bless you!
Your videos are such a blessing to me, especially since half my family refuses to talk to me because they’re JW’s. You have helped me understand it much better
Amen! Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ alone is the narrow path. It pricks at our pride that we can not boast about our own goodness which does not save. You cant build a tower (works of your own hands) to get to heaven. Jesus did the full work on the cross to save me and you. It is a gift 🎁
* Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ alone is the narrow path. * No it isn't. Practically everyone who calls themselves Christian is on that path. Multiple denominations core belief structure includes this realignment of scripture. This is why you must denounce creeds and stand alone statements of faith. They are deceptions.
Melissa, as a believer for more than 30 years, and now a pastor with four degrees, I wish this was available to me early on in my ministry. This should be taught in every seminary in the world. I have met many people who believed they were saved but when they asked me a question, it was clear that they knew nothing of the key elements of the Christian faith. Thank you for posting this and may I suggest an I an idea that you write a book on this. This information is SO needed! Thank you!!!
I have only three degrees and agree with you that there is simplicity in the gospel. Yet the more I learn about God, the more I realize ... there is so much I don't know.
@@charles3200I suggest you do a word search for baptized in Jesus’ name, in the name of the Lord, etc. It’s all throughout the NT. There’s only one verse that says “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19.
“You’re going to hell for your sins.” “No, wait…God saved you from your sins.” “No wait…God only saves some people from their sins.” Sure, simple Christian faith…
I like how you called the part that comes AFTER salvation 'sanctification'. It is a good way to say it to create that separation of activity so as not to drown out the importance of the Gospel. Also thanks for clarifying that everything you need to know is right in the bible because i see people using Hebrew language and researching Hebrew culture and sometimes i think I'm never going to catch up with all this 😂 so it's good to know it's beautiful but not vital.
I love studying the OT and the culture of the times when the entire Bible was written. And I think it helps to understand certain words in the original language. But I know I’ll never learn Hebrew or Greek myself. So I learn from scholars who’ve done the work and who I trust. The important part, of course, is that we know the gospel and are saved by faith and grace, not works, and live as a shining light to others. As you said. 🤍
“ The book of Romans will slap you in the face…” Lol. I realized quoting Romans would be trouble when asked how I would handle counseling a youth considering homosexuality back in ‘93. Romans is definitely a mirror that you should never walk away from unchecked nor unchanged.
That is so interesting. Morman missionary girls also played a part in my turn to Christianity. We would meet once a week in a park where I took my disabled son to swing. They were so innocent and sweet compared to other teens, it was refreshing. It was not the first time that I had noticed that about their kids. We didn't talk much about religion, mostly chatted. When they presented me with the book of Mormon it was like a little show but they were earnest. I keep it because the friendship was meaningful. It was shortly after that that I began to read The Bible.
I absolutely love your testimony and your videos and being an ADHD/ADD momma of 2 little Neuro-awesome kids and married to one as well who shares some of the same of your testimony and I and my husband got baptized yesterday evening and I just wanna say thank you for helping me through my journey and may God continue to bless you in your mission to help teach folks like us. ❤️
I grew up in the Baptist denomination. I came forward at the age of 11 and received Jesus and was baptized. As a very conservative bible believing Christian well into adulthood, I had very good theology and I held all the essentials you mentioned. But I was dead, spiritually dead. I didn't realize my lamp (word of God sown in me) had no oil. Then, at the age of 41 Jesus came as in _We will come to him and make Our home with him._ (John 14:23). It was a terrifying experience. Over a period of many months I literally felt like I was being ripped in half. The trauma was so great, I thought many times I would die. Indeed, it felt like living death yet I heard the voice of God say to me, *no, you w-e-r-e dead before, now you're alive, never forsake Me and I will not forsake you.* Undergoing the circumcision of the flesh (Colossians 2:11) left lasting *physical* changes that remain with me even today 14 years later. It was at that time I woke up from the grave. Like a spiritual Lazarus. Like Neo shortly after swallowing the red pill and waking up in his vat and seeing the real world for the first time with his own eyes, (Matrix 1) I could see the world as it really is. I began to see a world primarily dead. A world full of demons. The people were alive, and yet dead. The dead hold jobs, raise families, many even go to church. They were both liberal and conservative Christians. From Progressives to Calvinists living in camps (clusters of beliefs) but dead none the less. To any who read this. Be sure that it is those who *know* God who are saved (John 17:3)... _or rather are known by God_ (Gal 4:9). It is utmost important He know you irregardless of what your friends, or theology teachers, or your own mind tells you. See Matt 25:1-12 and Matt 7:21-23 paying close attention to the word *know.* My advice is to toss out books about-the-bible as even the most respected conservative teachings are often still leavened, and _beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees_ Matt 16:12. But do this instead...Grab a good translation for english speakers in KJV, NKJV, or NASB and read the word daily for yourself. Pray often and do this --> John 8:31-32.
Great teaching on the simplicity of The Gospel. Way to go Melissa! The GOSPEL, (not a gospel), is spelled out clearly in I Corinthians 15: 1-4. Simply put, our salvation is appropriated by FAITH, Plus NOTHING. It is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and HIS shed blood that redeems us from our sins, Past, Present and Future. Rest in Jesus my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
This is an awesome teaching Melissa thanks..This teaching blows away the popular belief of "Christian universalism" and that Christ was inclusive..I see that Jesus Christ was Exclusive!!! Thanks for this teaching my fellow Greek "Yassou" from Melbourne Australia 🙋❤️❤️❤️❤️
Such a great teaching video, I love how you backed everything with scripture too. We are to always “test the spirits” by comparing to His Word. Thank you!!
One thing that God has been showing me this year is the importance of those who keep His Word. An easy distinction for knowing if you are a true believer in Christ - do you "keep His Word"? Start looking for it, especially in the NT. Check it out in the book of Revelation.
Really appreciate this. Clarity at it's finest. Thank you! Attending church we receive the preaching of the Gospel in sections and it all starts to muttle together. You layed it out, clear and concise. God bless!
I’m so grateful for this video because I’ve had this nagging question “is believing in the trinity a salvation issue” and I feel like this helped. I believe in the trinity but we all have those question in our faith walk that we struggle finding the right answer to.
I love your vegan illustration, super practical, relevant and easy to understand. I will most definitely be using it. Thank you for your ministry Sister!
Thanks Melissa. Essential teaching about essentials of Christianity. Having come out of the new age movement in the 70’s gives me measure of discernment I would not have otherwise. I can see 🚩s a mile away. Thanks for the time you put into these podcasts. Best to you and blessings on your family. I’m seventy-three and still growing closer to Jesus.
"Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Melissa, God is most definitely using you to help people understand His truth. The truth is so simple, people refuse to believe they don't have to DO something to earn salvation. Mercy, grace and faith. Jesus + nothing = EVERYTHING. God bless you sister!!!
You have literally helped me sooooo much, every video you’ve put out that I’ve watched has helped me unlearn new age practices, and to actually read my Bible . You’ve helped me to see the bigger picture . And I’m so grateful to God for your channel . I would love to collab with you when I get my channel running 💕
Fantastic!!! So much really useful information all wrapped up in less than fifteen minutes, as someone who's still new to the faith, this was an enormous help. Thank you so much for posting such a wonderful video.
Thank you. It is great to hear and see that a fellow believer can represent Christ with just a few points. Although i enjoy the deep in the weeds conversations, the Gospel is simple. You did a great job to give three great points about what it means to us as believers. Helpful.
This was perfect. One of the things I LOVED about following Christ when I got out of new age was that it was simple. No hidden wisdom. Great job Melissa ❤️
I just had a discussion with a fellow believer who works with me at a “Christian” university. I saw she liked a post on Instagram of a former colleague (nonbeliever) who was celebrating that her sixth grade son was transitioning. Yes, she was calling him her daughter. I asked my friend why she liked that post. She said she supports all LGBTQIA+ people. And if that child feels that way, that should be supported because God made him. Further, it’s people like me who cause social emotional problems for these kids. I asked if she felt her stance was biblical. She said she’s just going to love people. 🤦♀️
This is exactly why I wanted to do this video- to parse out what this actually means. I call this "bootleg Christianity." People redefine Christianity all the time who have never really understood it from a Biblical perspective, to begin with. They end up with a caricature. Ironically, they are *anti* Christian in practice and beliefs yet say they're Christian.
That is where the problem is. Loving people is wrong when you can't tell them the truth of God about their lives. If God wanted to create him a girl, He could have made her so from the womb of his mother. All the rest is confusion and man-made philosophy that goes directly against God. It may be hash for some people but that is the truth.
the deception is real....I'm 30 now but I remember back in my college years, I was convinced people were born gay and couldn't be set free from it. I considered myself a christian and have family members who are christian, who are still buying into this lie. I still feel very saddened that I didn't know any better and affirmed my friends who struggled with their sexuality. I was so worried that I would push them away that I didn't know what else to do, even though I knew gay marriage was unbiblical. Sadly, I also attended a church that never preached against it or abortion. There were good things about the church but they stopped taking a stand against evil. I remember wearing rainbow beads on campus and one of my baptist friends asked me what I was doing. At the time, I thought he was the judgmental one but a few years later, I realized how right he was. Love is truth. He was one of the kindest, most genuine people I ever knew. I now look back on those years and am thankful God set me free from such deep deception. It's also funny, because I grew up believing and being told Baptists were judgmental and had no fun. I was afraid of ever going to a Baptist church, and now I have found that their beliefs line up with the Bible. I don't consider myself one denomination necessarily but want to simply be a follower of Jesus. To this day, I feel grieved over how I handled things and am praying these old friends of mine be set free and know that the power of Jesus makes all things new-nothing is impossible with God
@@MelissaDougherty Matt 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Science supports the opposite of what she said in many subject areas. But there's no need to argue with her. You both know where each other stands and pushing it won't help. Pray. That's all you can do besides speaking the truth in love *when* your thoughts are welcome.
Bless you for what you are doing for the Kingdom of God! With all the deceit and conflict in the world today I personally appreciate the confirmation God brings me through others (like yourself), that I am on track with what the Holy Bible teaches. Thank You, and Please know that you are making a difference in the world for Christ! Hallelujah!
I just found your videos as i struggled with all this vibration and frequency stuff all over you tube. I had never even heard of "Thought" age. But i KNEW to stay away from it all. Your videos are a God-send ❤❤❤.
Wow, Mrs. Dougherty! I was just talking about this last night! I didn’t have my note-taking Bible and couldn’t recall these exact verses! Thanks for your content.✨
Great vid. 👌The list starts from 5:34, for those who want to dive right into it. I would also add four more to your list, Melissa: The Trinity, the Virgin Birth, the Hypostatic Union and Jesus's sinlessness.
These may be part of Christian creed statements and true but Mrs. Dougherty is right in the salvation essentials. When the first converts were made on the Day of Pentecost Peter preached Christ sent and approved by God, Christ death and resurrection and our belief in him for the remission of sin. No one in that assembly at that time needed anything more. Acts 2:14-41
you got it brother. I would even add that Man is sinful and deserving of wrath. (kind of obvious) But there are so many so called "Christians" that think they are without sin and believe that they are a "good person" or "are enough" to enter the kingdom.
Biblical Theology rather than Systematic Theology I believe is the better approach to learning the Bible in knowing God. You are spot on with this video…
Thank you for this well-articulated and easily understood explanation of salvation, which is also short enough to send to friends who God might be drawing to Himself or who have a wrong understanding of the gospel. I always appreciate your videos, which I only became aware of a few months ago. Your down-to-earth, no-pretense style of sharing is refreshing and believable. May God continue to use you to teach the gospel of Christ to many!
It’s interesting to me that Christianity is the only religion that people widely accept bending the parameters for and also get upset about insisting on holding to biblical based theology. But also not surprised. Loved the point about sanctification and faith preceding theology.
I also think of this but I think maybe we aren't, when having given it more thought. There are Catholics, Muslims, Jewish people, and many others who have varying degrees of participation, beliefs in the religion or religious book's words, varying agreement on there being only one way to "Heaven" (substitute as it applies), and all the rest. It's not just us. ❤️
@@tonyrice954 The point is that a lot of "Christians" like to cherry-pick which doctrines they want to accept or reject. For example, a lot of "Christians" reject the Sabbath and call it an abolished OT law, but they would quote the OT laws to condemn abortion and homosexuality.
Keep preaching and teaching the Truth, Melissa!!! You are an excellent teacher. It's wonderful to hear about how God has transformed your life. Now you are helping to transform the lives of others. Keep up the great work for the Lord Jesus!! Amen, Sister!!!🙂📖🙏Miss Monique🌹
Hi, Melissa! I came across your channel last year. I have to admit, you are a breath of fresh air when it comes to understanding the Christian faith. It’s ironic to me how people coming from a different religion (New Age for you) seem to understand the Christian faith more clearly than many lifelong Christians. (By the way, what would you suggest I do for a friend of mine who says witchcraft is not from the devil?) However, there is something that seems to trip up so many Christians. It’s something so subtle that I believe Satan has gotten us to take for granted. It’s one of the main reasons why unity is so difficult to achieve for those claiming the name of Christ. It is to do with your second point: “Justification by faith alone, grace alone through Christ alone.” “Work” has been a (foul) four letter word in the church seemingly since the first century church. However, I would like to argue, scripturally, that there are two types of work. One, you already mentioned in Ephesians 2:8-9 which says: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” “Lest any should boast.” Why would anyone boast after working? I think we would agree this is pretty arrogant. As though they were saying something to the effect of “Look at me! I earned this! I did it all by myself! I didn’t need anyone’s help, let alone God’s help!” The Church is correct to condemn this haughty mindset. It reminds me of I Corinthians 13:1-3 which reads: “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” The work done in these 3 verses was not done in humility. It was all an act. They thought they could buy their way into Heaven, but in the end it profited them nothing because they didn’t have love. Love. What is love? Without writing a dissertation here, I’ll quote a couple more verses to show you where I am going with this. Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. I Thessalonians 1:2-4 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God. What is love? It is a work! Something we labor in. Many times, painstakingly! And not only love, but faith and hope are also works. Hmmm. Let’s go back to I Corinthians thirteen. Verse 13 says: “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Three of the greatest joys and yet greatest challenges Jesus left us with are works! And the greatest of those works is love, the greatest because that will continue throughout eternity in Heaven! Yes, our salvation comes through Christ alone (Acts 4:12; John 14:6). But doesn’t it stand to reason that the One through whom we receive salvation has the authority to tell us what we need to do to be saved? We do not work to earn our salvation. We work because it goes hand in hand with our faith. As James says: “But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?[….] You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.” (2:20; 24) Not by faith only! Faith alone cannot save anyone. Why not? Because faith alone is not a working faith. In other words, James clarifies this in this context in chapter two when he talks about Abraham. “Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?” Abraham’s faith alone was not enough to justify him. It took his action in being willing to offer his son as a sacrifice to complete his faith. Faith with action made Abraham’s faith a working faith. When God said Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness, it’s because God knew his faith would be proved by His actions. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been credited to him as righteousness. (By the way, this is why the Devil’s faith/belief alone is not good enough. James also reminds us that the demons believe and shudder (2:19). They shudders because they will never act upon their belief by coming to him and repenting (maybe because they know that wouldn’t do them any good now since their fate is already sealed)). Speaking of repenting, this is another work we must do to become and maintain our Christian faith. In Paul’s defense to King Agrippa in Acts twenty-six, Paul tells him how he told others “that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance” (v20). Also, John the Baptizer said: Matthew 3:8 Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance. I like how the NLV puts Matthew 3:8: “Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God.” Do our actions prove we have/are repenting? Are we putting in the effort, the work it takes to stand firm to the end so we will be saved (Matthew 24:13)? Everything I’ve stated above are works God expects us to do. But He doesn’t leave us to do them on our own. He helps us do these things. He labors right along with us. But the one work that is solely His is the work of baptism. It’s ironic to me that so many denominations claim baptism to be a work of man. Baptism is indeed a work, but NOT of man. Colossians 2:11-12 points this out: “In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. Circumcision made without hands. Circumcision of Christ. You were raised. The working of God. These are all indicators that we had nothing to do with this other than to humbly submit to this saving work of God. So how blasphemous is it to say baptism is man’s work? We cannot circumcise our own heart. We cannot put off the body of the sins of the flesh. This is God’s doing and God’s doing alone when He does this for us in baptism. Yes, if it wasn’t for the grace and mercy of God, none of these other things would matter. Yes, we could never earn our salvation. But because of His sacrifice which was unmerited by us, we now have a reason to live. A reason to hope. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). Two types of work: Work done to try to earn salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9) Work done in humble servitude for our Lord and Savior (Ephesians 2:10) May we all be about our Lord’s work! I Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I love this message! I want to read and study Romans again. By the way, my little litmus test for an exhorting message or book is...after reading or listening, do I want to go read my Bible? ace this test all the time! Thank you for speaking truth.
I loved how one of my professors in theology class at college made the distinction that JESUS is ALWAYS the difference between Christianity and other religions. He is the way the truth and the life. ☝️who do you say he is? Ask that question and it becomes very clear.
I was always told, when understanding a doctrine, especially in regards to salvation, ask, who does it elevate? Anything that raises man and lowers God is not right. (As a very basic approach). If it lowers man and elevates God, go in that direction. 😂 Again, basic, but you get the drift. 😊
Wow, so much said in 13 little minutes. Food for thought for me as a new Christian. I could study these 13 minutes for 13 months and still not glean all that was said. Thank you.
Love your points, Melissa. I put it simply like this: Christianity is Gospel--God's undeserved grace-a free gift. All others religions of the world are all law. Like when you die you come before your God and on a scale he puts all your good works on one side and all your bad works on the other. Now depending on which way the scale tips you go to heaven or hell. Christianity is the only religion in the world where salvation is a free gift. Totally God's free gift and doing.
Not just that, but Christianity is the only religion with assurance of salvation. Because in Christianity, God (by his own Sovreign decision and not by any obligation) chose to place himself under the Law - and then fulfill it perfectly. And that shows that he holds himself to a *perfect* standard. With all the other religions, it is good balanced against the bad. Having more good is acceptable enough (no need for perfection). Thus, no assurance that other gods hold himself to perfection. So, how can you ever know that 'paradise' is bliss for two days and then torture for the third? After all, it's more good than bad! When other gods promise to save you it is 'mostly' true!
When someone utters theological garbage like this, it only shows they are not practicing biblical Christianity. The NT epistles and Revelation consistently teaches that everyone will be judged by their _works_ .
Amen! "Salvation is by faith alone; through grace alone in Christ alone; according to scripture alone; all for the glory of God alone."(Rom 11:6, Eph 2:8-9, 2Cor 5:21)
I am an ex United Pentecostal and their stance is that the 3 steps in Acts 2:38 are salvation. Like someone has to say "in Jesus name" during your baptism or it doesn't count. And receiving the Holy Ghost is only tongues. I love this video bc it's helping me see the "extra" in their beliefs. It's been a long time since I left, but bc sooo many good Godly things did happen while there, I have a hard time letting it go. Again, thanks.
So I started watching your channel about a year ago. Maybe a bit less. I love how honest you are and your approach. Never stop setting the record straight about the faith. Never stop encouraging folks to think critically. Your videos are a blessing and a very helpful tool. Without them Id have never picked up Tactics and read it, I wouldn't have found a church, and I would have continued buying into this tired new age narrative of manipulating scripture to be more palatable. I thank God for teachers like you.
Yes this is true. Salvation (Justification) is by the grace of God through our faith lest any man boast however faith will produce works. We cannot obtain salvation through works however if we have faith we will produce works which is an important distinction in my estimation. What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. James 2:14-18
I'm relying on Jesus' salvation is not reliant on mine, as mine is imperfect. As I learn and grow and work out my sanctification I hope that the fruit will be works that show my inner changes.
The only place in the Bible where the phrase "faith alone" is mentioned, is in the second chapter of the letter that James wrote, where it is rejected as a means of justification .
So just to be clear, this list of “essentials” disqualifies all faithful Catholics and Eastern Orthodox from being Christians. Which is a minority view these days even among Protestants.
I think it was in the Vatican II that gives methods besides Jesus such as following the conscience as ways for salvation. So I would agree on that respect. Though we have to be careful as most of the few Catholics I have talked with don't know this and have beliefs all over the place.
@@siscaudle8715Melissa lists sola fide and sola scriptura-Protestant doctrines rejected by both Catholics and Orthodox-as essential Christian doctrine. They are not, not unless you think Catholics and Orthodox (and the majority of Christians throughout history) aren’t Christians. In which case, she should be more up front about her sectarianism.
@@siscaudle8715 You’re welcome. If one were looking for a list of essential Christian doctrines, I think one could do worse than the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.
You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone (James 2:24). Therefore, one is justified by faith, (Rom. 5:1); but not by faith alone.
Our faith can wax and wane but it is relying on Jesus' perfect faithfulness. You must believe and trust in Jesus alone. Sit down in the chair and pick up your feet so to speak.
Hello, Jessica Checkley. I can relate to fear of not having faith or enough faith. Fear has a way of lying and trying to get one to second guess oneself. Oftentimes it is the things most important to a person that fear comes up. When your faith is important, fear may bring up questions regarding your faith. I encourage you not to listen to fears lies. One thing that has encouraged me is reading about Jesus in the Bible. He showed compassion to people who came to him for healing. Jesus gathered the little children in his arms and blessed them. When Peter was walking on the water but began to sink because he was afraid, Peter called to Jesus to save him and Jesus caught him immediately. In John 6:37 Jesus states: " All whom the Father gives me will come to me, and he who comes to me I will never cast out."
I dont get it either because faith means trust and confidence. So not having trust and confidence in Christ is strange when there is a claim to believe in him. To believe something is true requires trust and confidence or faith. You not only have to hold that beleif of his existence, but also have faith in him as a righteous and one true God. And I think that is where people get confused. You can believe he is real, but that doesn't mean you have trust and confidence in him and his nature. Simular to the fallen angels, they know God is real, they don't have to believe to know. Yet they actively choose to not have faith in him. Wild 😄 haha.
And I quote "... so you see then how that man is justified by works and not faith only." James chapter 2. Grace alone, by faith alone in Christ alone... is a reengineering of Ephesians 2.
You will know them by their fruit. The free gift of salvation is through faith, which should then result in works, but your works alone will never result in salvation.
Baptism could certainly never be accomplished without faith. We do it all the time plunge into the water. Without the scripture saying that doing it in Jesus' name for the remission of sins... we would never think to do it for that reason. Baptism works because God is aware when he has been heard and he responds to that obedience.
You couldn't be more RIGHT. I admire your courage to just tell it like it is. Good going. I'm subscribed and look forward to more. Blessings to you Sister.
I recently had a example of why it's so important to keep reading the Bible. I've been a Christian for a long time. From the 2nd grace till I graduated High School in 1987 I went to a private Christian school where we had daily Bible class. I've been aware of Ephesians 2:8 for many years now: (8) "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourself, it is a gift of God." It's such a wonderful verse that clearly explains salvation is through faith and the grace of God. It's not due to our work at all. What I found odd is I never paid much attention to verse 9 till a few months ago when I was re-reading the New Testament. (9) "not by works, so that no one can boast." This jumped off the page to me when I recently read it. How did I not notice this before? Was I just so amazed by verse 8 that I never paid attention to 9? This clearly explains WHY God did not setup salvation to require works. God did everything for us. His gift of salvation to us was a perfect gift - no assembly required. :D It's amazing to me that even after multiple decades I'm discovering things in God's word that I missed in the past. Sometimes it's more complex things and other times it's something as simple as this.
Melissa is describing every religion of works, including all versions of Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Word of Faith, etc. -- every "religion" or cult that denies the perfect saving work of Christ and demands that we adhere to their rules. Progessives, and the traditional cults (LDS, JW's, etc.) also fit in this category.
Protestants demand that ppl adhere to their rules and their beliefs, even though their traditions are deeply rooted in paganism, so what makes you any different from those groups that you named?
@@theeternalsbeliever1779protestants don't have any rules of their own making -- they say BOTTOM LINE just follow the Bible & the Spirit. THAT'S WHAT IS CORE & CRITICAL. And what gets you into Heaven & eternal life with a gracious God.
Thank you my sister for telling the Gospel so plainly . So many voices and very different teachings so many churches today . Much confusion , we need True help today . Thank you .✝️🙏 .
What about barely teaching theology? A church might hold to the core doctrines, but what if they are extremely vague in their teaching, or they don't cover certaing core topics in their teaching? What should preaching contain?
My goodness, Melissa, your videos are so brilliant, articulate, interesting, entertaining, and most of all, helpful! Your channel is like the pinnacle of excellence, which clearly demonstrates it's from God (through you, of course). I'm excited every time I see a new video posted because I know it's going to be great! Amen sister!
"Bible Alone" theology is self refuting. Jesus didn't hand the apostles a copy of the Bible. The only reason a Christian has for believing Mark is scripture but (for example) the Didache isn't scripture is through a non-biblical authority: That of the bishops meeting in council. This isn't really disputable. If you believe the Bible is the only authority then you really don't understand how the canon of scripture came to be.
Faith is essential. Being born of the water and the Spirit is essential to enter into the kingdom of God. All through Acts ( which is where the church was birthed) they were baptizing in Jesus name and preaching the Holy Ghost.
Yes, thank you. I literally stopped the video already anticipating that I "bet" she doesn't mention baptism even once. Water, immersion, even the flood and Ark, the parting of the Sea when God's people were literally between walls of water... "this baptism does now save you" (look it up). I'm always mind-blown by supposed "educated" individuals who also hold a microphone and call themselves teachers who have built in biases, even blinders as to what the most obvious of scriptures state: Repent AND be baptized...", not "Repent and accept Jesus", not "Repent and if you want to be sprinkled or at some point down the road you can get dipped if you want...". The scripture contains numerous passages of baptism that are simply undeniable. "For all of you who were baptized in Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." "...must be born of the water and of the Holy Spirit...". These people are so intelligent and yet missing one of the most fundamental joys in the Christian life of rising from the water a "new creature", "you were, washed", "cleansed". They don't seem to grasp that the flawless man Jesus was baptized. Why was Jesus baptized? Was it a "work" if Jesus was baptized? Is "grace alone" really a thing if Jesus was baptized? We can do this all day. I apologize to you...I used you as a springboard lolol.
Melissa i can tell that you are a godly woman- please come this Sunday to the holy divine liturgy at the closest orthodox church you can find- experience the ancient faith- the religion of the apostles, the first church- the holy Orthodox church, the the church that was started at Pentecost in ad 33 and not in Europe in the 1600s. you will find truth and beauty - a service that is almost entirely prayer and bible reading- not a lecture and a concert -and you will find a church that is more like a hospital than a courtroom, because sin is sickness- you will discover heaven come down to earth- you will see families, and children eating the body and drinking the blood of our lord Jesus Christ (as was commanded in John) and you will hear hymns sung that were sung seventeen hundred years ago-not rock songs written ten minutes ago. you are a baby christian now- full of the best of Christianity as you know it- it is time to give up milk and eat the solid food of the solid true church of Christ - the holy orthodox church. the church that wrote your bible. do it now - it is later than you think.......Christ is in our midst!
I always find it weird when reformed think they can be mini popes and interpret the bible themselves and ignore the original interpretations of the orthodox church who put their bible together...
Melissa you have been a blessing and I thank our precious Lord Jesus Christ for you too. Plus thankful for Brother Chris Rosebrough, Justin Peters and a good handful more. Looking forward to watching more of your videos too. God bless you in all you do for Him also. 🤗💖🕊️📖
Excellent! Clear presentation of what the Gospel is, and what is isn’t. You are more clear than many well known pastors I have listened to. Keep it up, dear sister in Christ, your voice is much needed at this time.
thank you that is a great list and everything you need to know all praise goes to the LORD and I thank him for your gift of communication but I still say thank you because I appreciate your videos
"You're not God and you can't become God... Tell your friends".
Love it!
you have God like powers , but only Jesus who was with the father knows that hence why he was able to overcome the world. Of course we are not G-d we are a extension created in his image. If you become to low in yourself as a creation. You will be doing yourself a disservice . There is a reason why many will not overcome the world. There is a reason in past history only a few were saved. People is say they are children of G-d the bible says you are workers of iniquity or lukewarm. We are creations of God who will judge the world..
As she was saying this i was saying “Good I don’t want to be God!!” 😂
Amen, sanctification comes after being born again.
It is amazing how many “Christians” don’t know anything about what is in the Bible. THAT is the main reason why we have denominations. The other reason is that we tend to let our traditions guide our study rather than just study what the Bible says.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
That, AND the fact we christians generally don't kill off people we disagree with. When we theologically haven't seen eye to eye; we've separated a church into two churches, instead of killing eachother off (exceptions being dense theological "purists" or politcally motivated leaders).. but what I'm going by is Jesus' words and "the christian commoner."
Exactly!! Biblical illiteracy in the christian community is an epidemic.
Sola scriptura is self-refuting because the Bible doesn’t teach scripture-alone. Jesus was Jewish wish is a very tradition-based religion. Tradition is very important, even Paul said hold fast to tradition. But I see what you mean, relying on our own knowledge about scripture or not even reading it is why we have so many denominations, well said
@@AJanae. It's when tradition is placed above scripture that you have issues.
Nobody is truly sola scriptura.
37 years ago, as a little boy, I prayed to God that I would not be deceived into worshiping Satan instead of God. 31 years ago I understood the Gospel message, was baptized, and received by first Bible. Since that time I have been the prodigal son, the chief of sinners, and the lost sheep. Looking back and examining my life I find it to be an absolute miracle that my faith is still intact. The more I think about my sojourn, the more I realize that it is purely by the grace of Christ alone. He is truly the anchor of my soul and He certainty does not lie.
Sounds like my life story as well. I accepted Christ as my savior at the age of nine and I was baptized. My teen years and most of my twenties I was a lost sheep. It has been a long journey but now in my fourties’ I have been learning what it really means to follow Jesus and study His word.
Amen brother
Blessing's brother, form a lost sheep, found!
Yes! Thank you for sharing your testimony. Very similar to mine.
Specific beliefs one must hold to be qualified as a Christian:
1. Believe and worship one God
2. Justification through Christ ALONE (not what you do, don’t do, or say), rather it’s His Grace alone
3. The resurrection of Jesus church
4. Faith
Don't forget the triune nature of God. Muslims and Jews both affirm the first, but not God as He has revealed himself.
@@douglasmcnay644 God is one, he is the father and Jesus is his son. That is what the Apostles taught.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is EVERYTHING.
This brings clarity and comfort to me as a Christian journeying through deconstruction. I’ll always be a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ but the church has hurt me and has lost a lot of my trust. Trying to find a common ground
@@Michael-Archonaeus Amen!!
“I’m a good mom-most days” 🤣 always keeping it real! And yes you’re a great mom and a great apologist! Keep up the good work!
😂 i love her
THIS!!! This is it, my thoughts in one video. When i gave my life to Christ (as in officially), i already identified as a protestant Christian. But after reading the Bible for a bit and praying and researching, I realized that something was simply off. Whether that was, teachings being left out, or teachings being added. I got confused and started looking up other denominations to convert to, but then realized none of them fit the simplicity of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus. It made me frustrated and after a while i learned about being non-denominational. As nice as it sounded, i started seeing that "non-denominational" was becoming another denomination. So i got tired of it and decided to simply be Christian, with nothing attached. Purely biblical, simply studying the Bible and walking in the way of God.
Same here!
That is so great... to be free from all kinds of add-on stuff:) Just a thought, maybe, if some people are contemplating what this means. We're designed by God (as laid out in his word) to live out our lives through the local church.
We only need to read all the "one anothers" about walking out our faith. It's impossible to "be known by our love for one another", if we don't even get close to one another. The early church met daily.. not that we always have that luxury, but that we would prioritize each other and gather often, and pray and worship.
And, that means that things get messy, cuz there are people who walk by a strong, loving faith in Jesus (and live by the gospel), and people who don't.. who may be new, or struggling.
Our ministry to "one another" is in this place, the church.. Diving into the mess with love and peace, patience and wisdom, as best we can (and it's hard!), encouraging, and correcting or confronting in love (and humbly receiving the same), knowing that it will never be perfect or entirely without tension.
We should be doing this far better than the world does it. Grace and truth are both so needed.. we're humans, and we're all broken.
I pray we can all find a good, strong, bible believing church in our communities, and do life in Christ together. There may come a day when we see our need for each other much more than we can see it now. God bless you!
So true, Jesus knew we needed each other. We love one another as He loves us.
You’ve been creeping on my life journey…😂 i feel the same way, thank you for putting it into words
Your videos are such a blessing to me, especially since half my family refuses to talk to me because they’re JW’s. You have helped me understand it much better
Emily.. Born and raised a Jehovah’s Witness for the first 20 years of my life. They are the definition of legalism
Amen! Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ alone is the narrow path. It pricks at our pride that we can not boast about our own goodness which does not save. You cant build a tower (works of your own hands) to get to heaven. Jesus did the full work on the cross to save me and you. It is a gift 🎁
Amen amen 💖✝️
And that's the good news!
AS Jesus said "I AM the way, the truth, and the life."
* Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ alone is the narrow path. * No it isn't. Practically everyone who calls themselves Christian is on that path. Multiple denominations core belief structure includes this realignment of scripture. This is why you must denounce creeds and stand alone statements of faith. They are deceptions.
Melissa, as a believer for more than 30 years, and now a pastor with four degrees, I wish this was available to me early on in my ministry. This should be taught in every seminary in the world. I have met many people who believed they were saved but when they asked me a question, it was clear that they knew nothing of the key elements of the Christian faith.
Thank you for posting this and may I suggest an I an idea that you write a book on this. This information is SO needed!
Thank you!!!
I have only three degrees and agree with you that there is simplicity in the gospel. Yet the more I learn about God, the more I realize ... there is so much I don't know.
@@IndianaJoe0321 understanding the simplicity of the gospel is one thing, but getting to know who God is, it's a whole other ball game
The early Church always baptised in Jesus Name all throughout Acts and it's taught all throughout the N.T.
@@MrKev1664 With all due respect sir, you do not know your Bible.
@@charles3200I suggest you do a word search for baptized in Jesus’ name, in the name of the Lord, etc. It’s all throughout the NT.
There’s only one verse that says “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19.
@@charles3200 Apostles only knew baptism in Jesus name.
It is amazing how simple Christian faith really is but people want to complicate it ( for whatever reasons).
“You’re going to hell for your sins.”
“No, wait…God saved you from your sins.”
“No wait…God only saves some people from their sins.”
Sure, simple Christian faith…
Well said. 👍 We'll all get to heaven and say, "I was wrong about some things, but I was right about You, Jesus!"
Amen! Jesus is the way the truth and life.
I like how you called the part that comes AFTER salvation 'sanctification'. It is a good way to say it to create that separation of activity so as not to drown out the importance of the Gospel. Also thanks for clarifying that everything you need to know is right in the bible because i see people using Hebrew language and researching Hebrew culture and sometimes i think I'm never going to catch up with all this 😂 so it's good to know it's beautiful but not vital.
Justification and Sanctification 🙌🏾
I love studying the OT and the culture of the times when the entire Bible was written. And I think it helps to understand certain words in the original language. But I know I’ll never learn Hebrew or Greek myself. So I learn from scholars who’ve done the work and who I trust. The important part, of course, is that we know the gospel and are saved by faith and grace, not works, and live as a shining light to others. As you said. 🤍
it’s all described as salvation in the Bible isn’t it?
@@laurenskee88Jesus is ( equals) justification; sanctification comes after.😊
“ The book of Romans will slap you in the face…” Lol. I realized quoting Romans would be trouble when asked how I would handle counseling a youth considering homosexuality back in ‘93. Romans is definitely a mirror that you should never walk away from unchecked nor unchanged.
Wow that’s incredible! How’d that counseling go if I may ask
It is my favorite book of the Bible. It's very clear, concise, and thorough.
"I'm just going to hang the veil back up." This right here!
That is so interesting. Morman missionary girls also played a part in my turn to Christianity. We would meet once a week in a park where I took my disabled son to swing. They were so innocent and sweet compared to other teens, it was refreshing. It was not the first time that I had noticed that about their kids. We didn't talk much about religion, mostly chatted. When they presented me with the book of Mormon it was like a little show but they were earnest. I keep it because the friendship was meaningful. It was shortly after that that I began to read The Bible.
I absolutely love your testimony and your videos and being an ADHD/ADD momma of 2 little Neuro-awesome kids and married to one as well who shares some of the same of your testimony and I and my husband got baptized yesterday evening and I just wanna say thank you for helping me through my journey and may God continue to bless you in your mission to help teach folks like us. ❤️
Praise The Lord. ⛪💦🙌
@@mrsmax3071 thank you
@@HFVidShotz give him glory ❤️
I grew up in the Baptist denomination. I came forward at the age of 11 and received Jesus and was baptized. As a very conservative bible believing Christian well into adulthood, I had very good theology and I held all the essentials you mentioned. But I was dead, spiritually dead. I didn't realize my lamp (word of God sown in me) had no oil. Then, at the age of 41 Jesus came as in _We will come to him and make Our home with him._ (John 14:23). It was a terrifying experience. Over a period of many months I literally felt like I was being ripped in half. The trauma was so great, I thought many times I would die. Indeed, it felt like living death yet I heard the voice of God say to me, *no, you w-e-r-e dead before, now you're alive, never forsake Me and I will not forsake you.* Undergoing the circumcision of the flesh (Colossians 2:11) left lasting *physical* changes that remain with me even today 14 years later. It was at that time I woke up from the grave. Like a spiritual Lazarus. Like Neo shortly after swallowing the red pill and waking up in his vat and seeing the real world for the first time with his own eyes, (Matrix 1) I could see the world as it really is. I began to see a world primarily dead. A world full of demons. The people were alive, and yet dead. The dead hold jobs, raise families, many even go to church. They were both liberal and conservative Christians. From Progressives to Calvinists living in camps (clusters of beliefs) but dead none the less. To any who read this. Be sure that it is those who *know* God who are saved (John 17:3)... _or rather are known by God_ (Gal 4:9). It is utmost important He know you irregardless of what your friends, or theology teachers, or your own mind tells you. See Matt 25:1-12 and Matt 7:21-23 paying close attention to the word *know.* My advice is to toss out books about-the-bible as even the most respected conservative teachings are often still leavened, and _beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees_ Matt 16:12. But do this instead...Grab a good translation for english speakers in KJV, NKJV, or NASB and read the word daily for yourself. Pray often and do this --> John 8:31-32.
The Gospel, pure and simple. Absolutely wonderful and I am so thankful for it. Amen and amen Melissa.
@@MrKev1664 Would love to hear YOUR version. Please explain
Great teaching on the simplicity of The Gospel. Way to go Melissa! The GOSPEL, (not a gospel), is spelled out clearly in I Corinthians 15: 1-4. Simply put, our salvation is appropriated by FAITH, Plus NOTHING. It is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and HIS shed blood that redeems us from our sins, Past, Present and Future. Rest in Jesus my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
This is an awesome teaching Melissa thanks..This teaching blows away the popular belief of "Christian universalism" and that Christ was inclusive..I see that Jesus Christ was Exclusive!!!
Thanks for this teaching my fellow Greek "Yassou" from Melbourne Australia 🙋❤️❤️❤️❤️
Such a great teaching video, I love how you backed everything with scripture too. We are to always “test the spirits” by comparing to His Word. Thank you!!
One thing that God has been showing me this year is the importance of those who keep His Word. An easy distinction for knowing if you are a true believer in Christ - do you "keep His Word"? Start looking for it, especially in the NT. Check it out in the book of Revelation.
This would be considered something in the category of sanctification, though. Still, very important to the Christian life.
Really appreciate this. Clarity at it's finest. Thank you! Attending church we receive the preaching of the Gospel in sections and it all starts to muttle together. You layed it out, clear and concise. God bless!
Seconding this!
I’m so grateful for this video because I’ve had this nagging question “is believing in the trinity a salvation issue” and I feel like this helped. I believe in the trinity but we all have those question in our faith walk that we struggle finding the right answer to.
I love your vegan illustration, super practical, relevant and easy to understand. I will most definitely be using it. Thank you for your ministry Sister!
Great word! We don’t have to be good to earn God.. we get God, then.. we do our best to show our gratitude
Very very good Melissa. Absolutely correct.
Thanks Melissa. Essential teaching about essentials of Christianity. Having come out of the new age movement in the 70’s gives me measure of discernment I would not have otherwise. I can see 🚩s
a mile away. Thanks for the time you put into these podcasts. Best to you and blessings on your family. I’m seventy-three and still growing closer to Jesus.
"Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Melissa, God is most definitely using you to help people understand His truth. The truth is so simple, people refuse to believe they don't have to DO something to earn salvation. Mercy, grace and faith. Jesus + nothing = EVERYTHING. God bless you sister!!!
I’m very happy to have found your channel. You have a way of presenting the gospel that is clear and concise. Thank you.
You have literally helped me sooooo much, every video you’ve put out that I’ve watched has helped me unlearn new age practices, and to actually read my Bible . You’ve helped me to see the bigger picture . And I’m so grateful to God for your channel . I would love to collab with you when I get my channel running 💕
Fantastic!!! So much really useful information all wrapped up in less than fifteen minutes, as someone who's still new to the faith, this was an enormous help.
Thank you so much for posting such a wonderful video.
Jesus plus anything equals nothing, but Jesus plus nothing equals everything. (Charles Morris on Haven Today.)
This is an EXCELLENT teaching. May the Lords favor (on His Word) spread it far and wide ❤
Thank you. It is great to hear and see that a fellow believer can represent Christ with just a few points. Although i enjoy the deep in the weeds conversations, the Gospel is simple. You did a great job to give three great points about what it means to us as believers. Helpful.
It is a good thing to return to the basics and marvel at the glory God's creation once again and how wonderful it is to be with Him. Thank you , , ,
This was perfect. One of the things I LOVED about following Christ when I got out of new age was that it was simple. No hidden wisdom. Great job Melissa ❤️
Same! The gospel is simple, straightforward, selfless, and sufficient. God is so good! Bless God for his mercy and grace.
Excellent video. This is so important and vital. RUclips apologists assume we know this, but I have not seen this content before. Thanks!
I just had a discussion with a fellow believer who works with me at a “Christian” university. I saw she liked a post on Instagram of a former colleague (nonbeliever) who was celebrating that her sixth grade son was transitioning. Yes, she was calling him her daughter. I asked my friend why she liked that post. She said she supports all LGBTQIA+ people. And if that child feels that way, that should be supported because God made him. Further, it’s people like me who cause social emotional problems for these kids. I asked if she felt her stance was biblical. She said she’s just going to love people. 🤦♀️
This is exactly why I wanted to do this video- to parse out what this actually means. I call this "bootleg Christianity." People redefine Christianity all the time who have never really understood it from a Biblical perspective, to begin with. They end up with a caricature. Ironically, they are *anti* Christian in practice and beliefs yet say they're Christian.
That is where the problem is.
Loving people is wrong when you can't tell them the truth of God about their lives.
If God wanted to create him a girl, He could have made her so from the womb of his mother. All the rest is confusion and man-made philosophy that goes directly against God. It may be hash for some people but that is the truth.
the deception is real....I'm 30 now but I remember back in my college years, I was convinced people were born gay and couldn't be set free from it. I considered myself a christian and have family members who are christian, who are still buying into this lie. I still feel very saddened that I didn't know any better and affirmed my friends who struggled with their sexuality. I was so worried that I would push them away that I didn't know what else to do, even though I knew gay marriage was unbiblical. Sadly, I also attended a church that never preached against it or abortion. There were good things about the church but they stopped taking a stand against evil. I remember wearing rainbow beads on campus and one of my baptist friends asked me what I was doing. At the time, I thought he was the judgmental one but a few years later, I realized how right he was. Love is truth. He was one of the kindest, most genuine people I ever knew. I now look back on those years and am thankful God set me free from such deep deception. It's also funny, because I grew up believing and being told Baptists were judgmental and had no fun. I was afraid of ever going to a Baptist church, and now I have found that their beliefs line up with the Bible. I don't consider myself one denomination necessarily but want to simply be a follower of Jesus. To this day, I feel grieved over how I handled things and am praying these old friends of mine be set free and know that the power of Jesus makes all things new-nothing is impossible with God
@@MelissaDougherty Matt 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Science supports the opposite of what she said in many subject areas. But there's no need to argue with her. You both know where each other stands and pushing it won't help. Pray. That's all you can do besides speaking the truth in love *when* your thoughts are welcome.
You are amazing! I would love to share this with our church. You are bringing the light of the Gospel to all who listen.
Bless you for what you are doing for the Kingdom of God! With all the deceit and conflict in the world today I personally appreciate the confirmation God brings me through others (like yourself), that I am on track with what the Holy Bible teaches. Thank You, and Please know that you are making a difference in the world for Christ! Hallelujah!
I just found your videos as i struggled with all this vibration and frequency stuff all over you tube. I had never even heard of "Thought" age. But i KNEW to stay away from it all. Your videos are a God-send ❤❤❤.
Wow, Mrs. Dougherty! I was just talking about this last night! I didn’t have my note-taking Bible and couldn’t recall these exact verses! Thanks for your content.✨
9:06. I love how you put this. It makes sense. that that is what we are saying if we earned salvation by our works .
When I'm clearly a living contradiction to "the set boundaries" that make someone a vegan.
Yes, Sister Melissa. Yes, and clearly. 😘
Are these beliefs also the essential doctrines of Christianity:
1. What is sin and what is not a sin
2. being born again spiritually?
Great vid. 👌The list starts from 5:34, for those who want to dive right into it.
I would also add four more to your list, Melissa: The Trinity, the Virgin Birth, the Hypostatic Union and Jesus's sinlessness.
These may be part of Christian creed statements and true but Mrs. Dougherty is right in the salvation essentials. When the first converts were made on the Day of Pentecost Peter preached Christ sent and approved by God, Christ death and resurrection and our belief in him for the remission of sin. No one in that assembly at that time needed anything more. Acts 2:14-41
you got it brother. I would even add that Man is sinful and deserving of wrath. (kind of obvious) But there are so many so called "Christians" that think they are without sin and believe that they are a "good person" or "are enough" to enter the kingdom.
There are really good points in this episode! Thank you 😊
Biblical Theology rather than Systematic Theology I believe is the better approach to learning the Bible in knowing God.
You are spot on with this video…
Thank you for this well-articulated and easily understood explanation of salvation, which is also short enough to send to friends who God might be drawing to Himself or who have a wrong understanding of the gospel. I always appreciate your videos, which I only became aware of a few months ago. Your down-to-earth, no-pretense style of sharing is refreshing and believable. May God continue to use you to teach the gospel of Christ to many!
It’s interesting to me that Christianity is the only religion that people widely accept bending the parameters for and also get upset about insisting on holding to biblical based theology. But also not surprised. Loved the point about sanctification and faith preceding theology.
I also think of this but I think maybe we aren't, when having given it more thought. There are Catholics, Muslims, Jewish people, and many others who have varying degrees of participation, beliefs in the religion or religious book's words, varying agreement on there being only one way to "Heaven" (substitute as it applies), and all the rest. It's not just us. ❤️
No idea what you are saying?
@@tonyrice954 The point is that a lot of "Christians" like to cherry-pick which doctrines they want to accept or reject. For example, a lot of "Christians" reject the Sabbath and call it an abolished OT law, but they would quote the OT laws to condemn abortion and homosexuality.
Keep preaching and teaching the Truth, Melissa!!! You are an excellent teacher. It's wonderful to hear about how God has transformed your life. Now you are helping to transform the lives of others. Keep up the great work for the Lord Jesus!! Amen, Sister!!!🙂📖🙏Miss Monique🌹
Thank you so much. BEAUTIFULLY done. Thank you.
Thank you Melissa for proclaiming the core beliefs. Very important good news!
Great teaching as always Melissa. My #1 apologist👏👏👏👏
Hi, Melissa! I came across your channel last year. I have to admit, you are a breath of fresh air when it comes to understanding the Christian faith. It’s ironic to me how people coming from a different religion (New Age for you) seem to understand the Christian faith more clearly than many lifelong Christians. (By the way, what would you suggest I do for a friend of mine who says witchcraft is not from the devil?)
However, there is something that seems to trip up so many Christians. It’s something so subtle that I believe Satan has gotten us to take for granted. It’s one of the main reasons why unity is so difficult to achieve for those claiming the name of Christ. It is to do with your second point: “Justification by faith alone, grace alone through Christ alone.”
“Work” has been a (foul) four letter word in the church seemingly since the first century church. However, I would like to argue, scripturally, that there are two types of work. One, you already mentioned in Ephesians 2:8-9 which says: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
“Lest any should boast.” Why would anyone boast after working? I think we would agree this is pretty arrogant. As though they were saying something to the effect of “Look at me! I earned this! I did it all by myself! I didn’t need anyone’s help, let alone God’s help!” The Church is correct to condemn this haughty mindset. It reminds me of I Corinthians 13:1-3 which reads: “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” The work done in these 3 verses was not done in humility. It was all an act. They thought they could buy their way into Heaven, but in the end it profited them nothing because they didn’t have love.
Love. What is love? Without writing a dissertation here, I’ll quote a couple more verses to show you where I am going with this.
Hebrews 6:10
For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
I Thessalonians 1:2-4
We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God.
What is love? It is a work! Something we labor in. Many times, painstakingly! And not only love, but faith and hope are also works. Hmmm. Let’s go back to I Corinthians thirteen. Verse 13 says: “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Three of the greatest joys and yet greatest challenges Jesus left us with are works! And the greatest of those works is love, the greatest because that will continue throughout eternity in Heaven!
Yes, our salvation comes through Christ alone (Acts 4:12; John 14:6). But doesn’t it stand to reason that the One through whom we receive salvation has the authority to tell us what we need to do to be saved? We do not work to earn our salvation. We work because it goes hand in hand with our faith. As James says: “But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?[….] You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.” (2:20; 24)
Not by faith only! Faith alone cannot save anyone. Why not? Because faith alone is not a working faith. In other words, James clarifies this in this context in chapter two when he talks about Abraham. “Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?”
Abraham’s faith alone was not enough to justify him. It took his action in being willing to offer his son as a sacrifice to complete his faith. Faith with action made Abraham’s faith a working faith. When God said Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness, it’s because God knew his faith would be proved by His actions. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been credited to him as righteousness. (By the way, this is why the Devil’s faith/belief alone is not good enough. James also reminds us that the demons believe and shudder (2:19). They shudders because they will never act upon their belief by coming to him and repenting (maybe because they know that wouldn’t do them any good now since their fate is already sealed)).
Speaking of repenting, this is another work we must do to become and maintain our Christian faith. In Paul’s defense to King Agrippa in Acts twenty-six, Paul tells him how he told others “that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance” (v20).
Also, John the Baptizer said:
Matthew 3:8
Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance.
I like how the NLV puts Matthew 3:8: “Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God.”
Do our actions prove we have/are repenting? Are we putting in the effort, the work it takes to stand firm to the end so we will be saved (Matthew 24:13)?
Everything I’ve stated above are works God expects us to do. But He doesn’t leave us to do them on our own. He helps us do these things. He labors right along with us.
But the one work that is solely His is the work of baptism. It’s ironic to me that so many denominations claim baptism to be a work of man. Baptism is indeed a work, but NOT of man. Colossians 2:11-12 points this out:
“In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.
Circumcision made without hands. Circumcision of Christ. You were raised. The working of God. These are all indicators that we had nothing to do with this other than to humbly submit to this saving work of God.
So how blasphemous is it to say baptism is man’s work? We cannot circumcise our own heart. We cannot put off the body of the sins of the flesh. This is God’s doing and God’s doing alone when He does this for us in baptism.
Yes, if it wasn’t for the grace and mercy of God, none of these other things would matter. Yes, we could never earn our salvation. But because of His sacrifice which was unmerited by us, we now have a reason to live. A reason to hope. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
Two types of work:
Work done to try to earn salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Work done in humble servitude for our Lord and Savior (Ephesians 2:10)
May we all be about our Lord’s work!
I Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I love this message! I want to read and study Romans again. By the way, my little litmus test for an exhorting message or book is...after reading or listening, do I want to go read my Bible? ace this test all the time! Thank you for speaking truth.
Yes! Thank you so much for making this video! ❤
I loved how one of my professors in theology class at college made the distinction that JESUS is ALWAYS the difference between Christianity and other religions. He is the way the truth and the life. ☝️who do you say he is? Ask that question and it becomes very clear.
Very well said on all points! I thank the Lord for what He’s doing through this sister in Christ!
I was always told, when understanding a doctrine, especially in regards to salvation, ask, who does it elevate? Anything that raises man and lowers God is not right. (As a very basic approach). If it lowers man and elevates God, go in that direction. 😂 Again, basic, but you get the drift. 😊
Wow, so much said in 13 little minutes. Food for thought for me as a new Christian. I could study these 13 minutes for 13 months and still not glean all that was said. Thank you.
Thank you for this video Melissa it’ll be very helpful. Hope you have a blessed day. Please pray for me!
I’m enjoying your videos and love your use of sarcasm as a teaching tool 13:23
Love your points, Melissa. I put it simply like this: Christianity is Gospel--God's undeserved grace-a free gift. All others religions of the world are all law. Like when you die you come before your God and on a scale he puts all your good works on one side and all your bad works on the other. Now depending on which way the scale tips you go to heaven or hell. Christianity is the only religion in the world where salvation is a free gift. Totally God's free gift and doing.
Not just that, but Christianity is the only religion with assurance of salvation. Because in Christianity, God (by his own Sovreign decision and not by any obligation) chose to place himself under the Law - and then fulfill it perfectly. And that shows that he holds himself to a *perfect* standard.
With all the other religions, it is good balanced against the bad. Having more good is acceptable enough (no need for perfection). Thus, no assurance that other gods hold himself to perfection. So, how can you ever know that 'paradise' is bliss for two days and then torture for the third? After all, it's more good than bad! When other gods promise to save you it is 'mostly' true!
When someone utters theological garbage like this, it only shows they are not practicing biblical Christianity. The NT epistles and Revelation consistently teaches that everyone will be judged by their _works_ .
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 Hebrews says very clearly that without faith it's impossible to please God. Not works, faith!
@@theeternalsbeliever1779misunderstanding....dig deeper 😊
"Salvation is by faith alone; through grace alone in Christ alone; according to scripture alone; all for the glory of God alone."(Rom 11:6, Eph 2:8-9, 2Cor 5:21)
I mean, yes we are saved by faith, but faith which saves in never alone cuz if it's alone that means it's dead.
I am an ex United Pentecostal and their stance is that the 3 steps in Acts 2:38 are salvation. Like someone has to say "in Jesus name" during your baptism or it doesn't count. And receiving the Holy Ghost is only tongues. I love this video bc it's helping me see the "extra" in their beliefs. It's been a long time since I left, but bc sooo many good Godly things did happen while there, I have a hard time letting it go. Again, thanks.
AMEN! Thank- you for sharing and teaching this by using illustration, as Jesus did with His parables. This is SO important!
Loved it. Broken down to the bare bones. 4 cornerstones of the Christian faith.❤️
So I started watching your channel about a year ago. Maybe a bit less. I love how honest you are and your approach. Never stop setting the record straight about the faith. Never stop encouraging folks to think critically. Your videos are a blessing and a very helpful tool. Without them Id have never picked up Tactics and read it, I wouldn't have found a church, and I would have continued buying into this tired new age narrative of manipulating scripture to be more palatable. I thank God for teachers like you.
Excellent video! Even though I do not consider myself to be a Christian, I really do enjoy your videos.
Yes this is true. Salvation (Justification) is by the grace of God through our faith lest any man boast however faith will produce works. We cannot obtain salvation through works however if we have faith we will produce works which is an important distinction in my estimation.
What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. James 2:14-18
I'm relying on Jesus' salvation is not reliant on mine, as mine is imperfect. As I learn and grow and work out my sanctification I hope that the fruit will be works that show my inner changes.
@@sewingstoryprojects6178 You rely on Jesus's faithfulness by being faithful to Him.
@@dimitartodorov4826 You do you but I am relying, depending on and trusting in Jesus, not myself.
Melissa thank you, you've really got this, clarity, you're an inspiration, God will use your gifts to help many people.
The only place in the Bible where the phrase "faith alone" is mentioned, is in the second chapter of the letter that James wrote, where it is rejected as a means of justification .
🥰, thank you. This was so succinct and clear.
All of your messages are clear. Thank you for sharing your faith online.
God bless you Milissa 🙏❤️
So just to be clear, this list of “essentials” disqualifies all faithful Catholics and Eastern Orthodox from being Christians. Which is a minority view these days even among Protestants.
I think it was in the Vatican II that gives methods besides Jesus such as following the conscience as ways for salvation. So I would agree on that respect. Though we have to be careful as most of the few Catholics I have talked with don't know this and have beliefs all over the place.
How so?
@@siscaudle8715Melissa lists sola fide and sola scriptura-Protestant doctrines rejected by both Catholics and Orthodox-as essential Christian doctrine. They are not, not unless you think Catholics and Orthodox (and the majority of Christians throughout history) aren’t Christians. In which case, she should be more up front about her sectarianism.
@@norala-gx9ld - thank you. I wouldn't have tho't of it that way.
@@siscaudle8715 You’re welcome. If one were looking for a list of essential Christian doctrines, I think one could do worse than the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.
Your channel has been a great blessing in my life. Hello from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada
You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone (James 2:24). Therefore, one is justified by faith, (Rom. 5:1); but not by faith alone.
Thank Melissa, God bless you for this. I agree with everything in your video. Some are afraid to step out and say what needs to be said, well done. ✝
How can people believe in Jesus and the fundamentals and yet not have faith?
I worry I fall into this catagory 😭
Our faith can wax and wane but it is relying on Jesus' perfect faithfulness. You must believe and trust in Jesus alone. Sit down in the chair and pick up your feet so to speak.
Hello, Jessica Checkley. I can relate to fear of not having faith or enough faith. Fear has a way of lying and trying to get one to second guess oneself. Oftentimes it is the things most important to a person that fear comes up. When your faith is important, fear may bring up questions regarding your faith. I encourage you not to listen to fears lies.
One thing that has encouraged me is reading about Jesus in the Bible. He showed compassion to people who came to him for healing. Jesus gathered the little children in his arms and blessed them. When Peter was walking on the water but began to sink because he was afraid, Peter called to Jesus to save him and Jesus caught him immediately.
In John 6:37 Jesus states: " All whom the Father gives me will come to me, and he who comes to me I will never cast out."
I dont get it either because faith means trust and confidence. So not having trust and confidence in Christ is strange when there is a claim to believe in him. To believe something is true requires trust and confidence or faith. You not only have to hold that beleif of his existence, but also have faith in him as a righteous and one true God. And I think that is where people get confused. You can believe he is real, but that doesn't mean you have trust and confidence in him and his nature. Simular to the fallen angels, they know God is real, they don't have to believe to know. Yet they actively choose to not have faith in him. Wild 😄 haha.
And I quote "... so you see then how that man is justified by works and not faith only." James chapter 2. Grace alone, by faith alone in Christ alone... is a reengineering of Ephesians 2.
You will know them by their fruit. The free gift of salvation is through faith, which should then result in works, but your works alone will never result in salvation.
Baptism could certainly never be accomplished without faith. We do it all the time plunge into the water. Without the scripture saying that doing it in Jesus' name for the remission of sins... we would never think to do it for that reason. Baptism works because God is aware when he has been heard and he responds to that obedience.
Great message! Can it be that simple? Yup!
Exactly that simple! That's why millions can't believe God's simple truth of salvation.
You couldn't be more RIGHT. I admire your courage to just tell it like it is. Good going. I'm subscribed and look forward to more. Blessings to you Sister.
Just curious when your husband joined you in Christianity and if he was in the New Age too?
I recently had a example of why it's so important to keep reading the Bible. I've been a Christian for a long time. From the 2nd grace till I graduated High School in 1987 I went to a private Christian school where we had daily Bible class.
I've been aware of Ephesians 2:8 for many years now:
(8) "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourself, it is a gift of God."
It's such a wonderful verse that clearly explains salvation is through faith and the grace of God. It's not due to our work at all.
What I found odd is I never paid much attention to verse 9 till a few months ago when I was re-reading the New Testament.
(9) "not by works, so that no one can boast."
This jumped off the page to me when I recently read it.
How did I not notice this before?
Was I just so amazed by verse 8 that I never paid attention to 9?
This clearly explains WHY God did not setup salvation to require works. God did everything for us. His gift of salvation to us was a perfect gift - no assembly required. :D
It's amazing to me that even after multiple decades I'm discovering things in God's word that I missed in the past. Sometimes it's more complex things and other times it's something as simple as this.
Melissa is describing every religion of works, including all versions of Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Word of Faith, etc. -- every "religion" or cult that denies the perfect saving work of Christ and demands that we adhere to their rules. Progessives, and the traditional cults (LDS, JW's, etc.) also fit in this category.
Except you're committing the word-concept fallacy when discussing works.
Protestants demand that ppl adhere to their rules and their beliefs, even though their traditions are deeply rooted in paganism, so what makes you any different from those groups that you named?
@@ironyusa3885 How so?
@@theeternalsbeliever1779protestants don't have any rules of their own making -- they say BOTTOM LINE just follow the Bible & the Spirit. THAT'S WHAT IS CORE & CRITICAL. And what gets you into Heaven & eternal life with a gracious God.
Thank you my sister for telling the Gospel so plainly . So many voices and very different teachings so many churches today . Much confusion , we need True help today . Thank you .✝️🙏 .
"Drop the veil, and walk away" 🤣 yes Melissa preach that gospel. I'm gonna go study Romans.
What about barely teaching theology? A church might hold to the core doctrines, but what if they are extremely vague in their teaching, or they don't cover certaing core topics in their teaching? What should preaching contain?
Salvation by faith plus works is clearly stated in James. Penal substitutionary atonement isn't clearly stated anywhere.
My goodness, Melissa, your videos are so brilliant, articulate, interesting, entertaining, and most of all, helpful! Your channel is like the pinnacle of excellence, which clearly demonstrates it's from God (through you, of course). I'm excited every time I see a new video posted because I know it's going to be great! Amen sister!
"Bible Alone" theology is self refuting. Jesus didn't hand the apostles a copy of the Bible. The only reason a Christian has for believing Mark is scripture but (for example) the Didache isn't scripture is through a non-biblical authority: That of the bishops meeting in council. This isn't really disputable. If you believe the Bible is the only authority then you really don't understand how the canon of scripture came to be.
Finally someone said it...
Faith is essential. Being born of the water and the Spirit is essential to enter into the kingdom of God. All through Acts ( which is where the church was birthed) they were baptizing in Jesus name and preaching the Holy Ghost.
Yes, thank you. I literally stopped the video already anticipating that I "bet" she doesn't mention baptism even once.
Water, immersion, even the flood and Ark, the parting of the Sea when God's people were literally between walls of water... "this baptism does now save you" (look it up).
I'm always mind-blown by supposed "educated" individuals who also hold a microphone and call themselves teachers who have built in biases, even blinders as to what the most obvious of scriptures state: Repent AND be baptized...", not "Repent and accept Jesus", not "Repent and if you want to be sprinkled or at some point down the road you can get dipped if you want...".
The scripture contains numerous passages of baptism that are simply undeniable. "For all of you who were baptized in Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."
"...must be born of the water and of the Holy Spirit...".
These people are so intelligent and yet missing one of the most fundamental joys in the Christian life of rising from the water a "new creature", "you were, washed", "cleansed".
They don't seem to grasp that the flawless man Jesus was baptized. Why was Jesus baptized? Was it a "work" if Jesus was baptized? Is "grace alone" really a thing if Jesus was baptized?
We can do this all day. I apologize to you...I used you as a springboard lolol.
Melissa i can tell that you are a godly woman- please come this Sunday to the holy divine liturgy at the closest orthodox church you can find- experience the ancient faith- the religion of the apostles, the first church- the holy Orthodox church, the the church that was started at Pentecost in ad 33 and not in Europe in the 1600s. you will find truth and beauty - a service that is almost entirely prayer and bible reading- not a lecture and a concert -and you will find a church that is more like a hospital than a courtroom, because sin is sickness- you will discover heaven come down to earth- you will see families, and children eating the body and drinking the blood of our lord Jesus Christ (as was commanded in John) and you will hear hymns sung that were sung seventeen hundred years ago-not rock songs written ten minutes ago. you are a baby christian now- full of the best of Christianity as you know it- it is time to give up milk and eat the solid food of the solid true church of Christ - the holy orthodox church. the church that wrote your bible. do it now - it is later than you think.......Christ is in our midst!
the cross out at "and you will find" was a mistake..
I always find it weird when reformed think they can be mini popes and interpret the bible themselves and ignore the original interpretations of the orthodox church who put their bible together...
Thank you so much for clarifying some of those principles, the ones that should be carved in stone.
Melissa you have been a blessing and I thank our precious Lord Jesus Christ for you too. Plus thankful for Brother Chris Rosebrough, Justin Peters and a good handful more. Looking forward to watching more of your videos too. God bless you in all you do for Him also. 🤗💖🕊️📖
Excellent! Clear presentation of what the Gospel is, and what is isn’t. You are more clear than many well known pastors I have listened to. Keep it up, dear sister in Christ, your voice is much needed at this time.
Thats a great message Melissa. We can Never hear the Word enough❗
thank you that is a great list and everything you need to know all praise goes to the LORD and I thank him for your gift of communication but I still say thank you because I appreciate your videos