You can also have demons harrassing you if you are saved and have the Holy Spirit if you are committing habitual sins against what the Bible says. If you will be honest with yourself, you know this to be true. You must repent from that sin and not do it again, ask the Lord for forgive you, don't do it again, read your Bible every day so that you know how the Lord wants us to live, and obey it, which also protects us from Satan's attacks. I know from personal experience believe me. The ONLY ones in the Gospels that Jesus was able to heal, where those who Believed in Him first (got saved), then Jesus was able to heal them and the demons left. Many times after he healed someone, He told them to not sin again, or not go back to that sin that put them into bondage by the enemy in the first place.
The Holy Spirit is a demon, if it is the same God who brutally slaughtered small children in the Old Testament, and the same God who plans on brutally torturing the overwhelming majority of mankind forever for failing to be perfect. Thankfully, it is imaginary, which is why it never knows anything you don't.
When I became a Christian in July of last year I was under a possession. First I was water baptized. However I was still under a possession. I had to go through deliverance for the possession to be broken. To date I am a SpiritLed Christian that hears Fathers voice and being a nurse he is using me in a mighty way combating the demonic. A lot of people aren’t aware but possession and oppression are degrees away from each other. Sin that can bring on either can range from drug use, chronic anger, chronic ungodly emotions, chronic ungodly thought patterns, unforgiveness and so much more. We are told to renew our minds with the Word of God, we are told to identify repetitive behaviors that don’t line up with the Word of God. If we are not diligent and mindful of keeping our spiritual doors closed, possession is possible.
amen Ellena,God wants us to repent from whatever SIN,whatever is called SIN, any kind of SIN, there's no small and big SIN,we have to hate SIN, and if we maybe realized that somehow we sinning or sinned against God we have to immediately ask for forgiveness and REPENT/change, turning away from that SIN, God forgives when we ready to change
sister Rebecca Juster please search for Elisha Goodman on the internet, the prayers are called prayer bullets, its a self deliverance prayers where you fast read the bible and pray, God will confirm it to you that you are delivered,you will know or see, that's our God for you, He is showing His unconditional love to us, they are also called 27 minutes to midnight, stay blessed and receive your testimony
As a born again christian I took adderral for over a year and it changed my personality more and more over time I was more aggressive, rebellious, stealing for no reason etc. I started feeling compelled to go out and sin. When I stop taking it that stopped but i did some at home youtube deliverance prayers and isolated myself for a month. I repented and trying to find my way again in the Lord.
Can a Christian be possessed? The answer is yes and I say this from experience because I was a born again Christian before I fell into sin and was demon possessed at some point. But first of all I must explain that demon possession is in degrees. Gen 4:7 is my reference scripture. Behind every sin is a spirit and the more we yield ourselves to sin the easier it is for demons to influence us and ultimately try to possess us. In the scripture it says if we refuse to do right then sin waits at our door and it's will is to control us but we must master it. Whoever we obey is our master so if we yield more to the devil we ultimately become his servants. "Sin" here isn't referring to disobeying the ten commandments but going contrary to the will of God. That is why a morally upright unbeliever may live a more perfect life than a born again Christian as long as the believer yields to his conscience while the Christian yields to his flesh. There is no vacuum so if you go against the will of God you are in the will of Satan and sin will try to have dominion over you except you master it.
no, u r wrong. also, thats a stupid verse to use to back up your 'belief'. u need to dig into and understand wut jesus did on cross for u. u r safe from possession my friend
👏👏👏 Come On!!!! Speak TRUTH!!!! John 8:32 Says “ you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Many Christians have demons but don’t believe that They can have demons or that they do have demons. And Because of that the demons continue to Live in them unbothered , unhindered , doing their dark works against that person and in that person. Only TRUTH will make one free. If only The Believer would believe that they can/Do have demons from their Past Fallen Dead In Sin Bodies , will they be able to Recieve deliverance thats much needed in their lives. May God open His people’s eyes to The Truth. In Jesus name. Amen.
The Bible warns us to test certain spirits whether they be of God or not. With this in mind, it makes sense that it would be possible. I think I may be oppressed by demons because of certain dreams and sleep paralysis episodes I've been having.
They can get in to you. Stay in pray and fasting This man is clueless, armchair warrior, totally clueless. They can get in through spiritual warfare. The devil is very powerful, not to be underestimated. This man is clueless really, he is using words to describe spiritual Reality.
When I was about 12 years old I had a devil try to get me... Made a full moon disappear and it made the lights turn off and everything turned deep dark black. Out of the corner came something much blacker than what was already black. I'm now 38 and and I've always asked God to teach me about these things. About this... I've always felt in my heart that a Christian can be possessed for this reason..."We are covered by the blood of Christ. We are filled with the holy Spirit.". You have to be filled with the spirit... Baptized in the holy Spirit. Or else your empty for something else to fill you. This isn't something I've got biblical evidence on other than what's in quotation marks.
I tested the Holy Spirit by seeing if it could tell me something I didn't know. For example, I asked it math questions I didn't know the answer to, and then checked with a calculator to see if the Holy Spirit got it right. Since it got it wrong, I realized this was actually an imaginary spirit that only existed in my head, which would explain why it failed the test. Surely, no spirit from God would only know what I know.
I've had demons have sex with me in my sleep, have had demons haunt my dreams when learning about deliverance, have had night demons do forced masturbation on me to defile me the believer during my sleep even though I don't participate in sexual sin, all while being saved. So, I know from experience that a Christians body can certainly be controlled by a demon unless we are actively praying. I've been a believer since 15, this all happened in my late 20s and early 30s, only after I stopped masturbating in my waking life, and only when I started learning about deliverance because demons don't want you learning about them to evict them. Do I believe demons inhabit my soul where the Holy Spirit lives? No. But, they can still control our body. It's foolish to say as Christians that we cannot have a demon inside our body. Demonized is a better term than posession or opression. Demons don't usually enter without legal rights. Sometimes those rights can be unhealed trauma or if someone lays hands on us and we don't know if theyve done a full repentance and deliverance we can pick up their demons. Even if there is no active sin present. Masturbation, alcohol, movies or music with premarital sex in them, substances are all active doors.
You must consumed a lot of drugs, cocaines and alcohols, this is why you are saying such things. Did you see that African guy meme "STOP IT GET SOME HELP", This goes for you 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Born-again Christians are SEALED by the Holy Spirit. It would NOT be possible for them to be possessed by evil spirits. 1 John 4:4 New King James Version (NKJV) "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
@Rich Richington This is a lie. A Reborn Christian cannot be occupied by demons. Sin doesn't open "doors" for demons, but they definetly are attracted to it. This is a lie from false teachers like Derek Prince. You do know how he looks? Like the devil himself. Look him in the eyes n any picture, its pure hatred staring out of his eyes. (the bible tells us not to judge by looks concerning status or attractiveness, but we are definetly able to see if a person has right or wrong motives in their eyes.) Only the devil claims that he has territory on holy ground. But hes a liar. Our body is a temple of the holy spirit, darkness cannot have company with light. If you have demons, there is no holy Spirit in you. People have tried to cast demons out of me, they suspected me to have a lot of demons, because I didn't went through delivery before. I prayed with those people for other people and man, I saw crazy demonic manifestations. I believed I could have demons, but in two hours of intense delivery prayer, not a thing moved inside me, i felt completely nothing. And as I said, these guys caused extreme manifestations before on other people. And yes, sin attracts demons and invite them to opress reborn christians, as I see them at night or get sleep paralysis or whatever. But they are not inside me but outside. They cannot go inside me because I have the Holy Spirit. I fear and think that most christians, who think they have the holy Spirit and demons, that they have a false holy Spirit, the Kundalini spirit.
He's wrong, guys. Satan entered Peter. When Jesus said, ”Get behind me Satan” He was not talking to Peter, He was taking to the spirit (Satan) inside of Peter. Illness is sometimes caused by foul spirits/demons or devils. Paul/Sauls thorn in his flesh is a ”messenger of Satan” this is a troubling spirit! When God removed His protection from Saul a troubling spirit would come upon him. Over and over again we see saved people who have literal struggles with foul spirits in scripture. It is totally possible for a saved person to have a foul spirit. This DOES NOT mean that they are not filled with the Holy Spirit or saved. Salvation is another topic entirely. This is why we are instructed in scripture to lat hands-on and pray for the sick. We are to exercise our authority over serpents and scorpions. If we are disciples of Christ, we are specifically instructed to do this. Do not ever let anyone tell you that God stopped working through His saints; this is a lie straight from the devil. God NEVER changes, He is not even capable of it!
“So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 AMP This is the deliverance scripture for the believer it’s simple let’s not complicate. Every believer has authority over the devil if you don’t understand your authority you will tolerate demonic activity that has no legal right over your life….. My people perish for a lack of knowledge !!!!God Bless!!!!
This verse literally set me free...I was already saved, baptized and full of the Holy Spirit. I walked into a room and upon looking at two people in that room that Spirit went in me. When I went upstairs to our apartment I looked at my wife and I became dizzy. I sat down at our dinner table and declared this verse 3 times!! Upon the 3rd time that spirit left me through my eyes!!! I literally saw it leave!!!
This verse does not necessarily mean that unclean spirits cannot dwell in the body of someone. John wrote: you "have-overcome them, because greater is the (One) IN you than the (one) IN the world" (1 John 4:4), suggesting also that no unclean "spirits" (1 John 4:1) can overcome the "Spirit (of) God" (1 John 4:2) IN you. The Spirit of God is specifically IN the heart, as Paul wrote of "the Spirit in our hearts" (2 Corinthians 1:22). From this, "our inner (person) is-being-renewed day (in) and day (out)" (2 Corinthians 4:16). This does not mean that physical sickness or unclean spirits would automatically be dealt with. Indeed, even though the Spirit of God resides "in our hearts" (2 Corinthians 1:22) in "our inner (person)" (2 Corinthians 4:16), yet "our outer person is-being-destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:16). Sicknesses for example would be present in "our outer person" (2 Corinthians 4:16), and unclean spirits would dwell there also. Unclean "spirits" (1 John 4:1) could not overcome the "Spirit (of) God" (1 John 4:2) IN our hearts, but they would need to be casted out of our outer person if any would dwell there.
My 2 Sister's are Christian's and had demons remove out of them, I believe if being a Christian and living in Sin a Person Could become Possess or enter Person body.
Christians with the holy spirit can't be posessed. they didn't have the holy spirit and needed deliverance. afterwards encourage them to accept the gift of the holy spirit. it is the keeper that protects you from demons and gives you power over them.
I have seen it with my own eyes. I saw a friend and a Christian brother whom I know well under the influence of a demon to the point that I would say it had possessed him. My friend has no recollection of the incident but what I saw with my own eyes and heard, I would say was probably physically impossible for a human to do. There was definitely something else driving his bus. I don't know why Christian church leaders try to come across like they know all the answers. Why can't the church just sometimes say " we don't know " instead of trying to explain away something they don't understand ? There is nothing like a real life personal experience to challenge your doctrine.
For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it .. again I say to you that you must be born again of water and The Holy Spirit.. AND be sin free and a true believer in Christ with out this you are already condemned.
Like all your Examples But one undeniable is Epilepsy yep is true I my self is epileptic and i know its possession. If anyone can help that would be great 👍
Yes. There are too many false teachers. They will perish for lack of reveational knowledge and stubborn closed minded theologies. Anninahas had the Holy spirit in the book of acts..and was influenced by the devil. Deliverance is the CHILDRENS BREAD. Who do u think God wants to deliver? His children...
There is a big difference between "possession" and "oppression" which I believe can occur. Outside influence from spiritual forces but a total eclipse of the person from within?, no. I concur with this analysis.
Doctrines aren't that helpful when someone who has been faithful to God for years suddenly starts floating above the ground cursing Jesus in a foreign language. At this point the question shifts to "How do I cast demons out of a Christian?"
you don't you cast them out of a sinner. also I have never heard of or seen anyone posessed doing anything like that outside of a movie. and I have seen people actually posessed. in those cases they went to church and behaved Christian but were unsaved. usually when these people come to church its for deliverance, they are tired of being tortured but some people within the church do not have discernment and can't help them.
Or perhaps the person was "faithful" in word as the Bible says "not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord" and was a demonized unbeliever pretending to be a Christian. So the question doesn't just "shift" just because someone who is allegedly a Christian manifests demonic control. The Bible nowhere teaches a Christian can have indwelling demons, and it does not say so for a good reason...because the Holy Spirit indwells the true Christian, and no other "spirit."
@@CRoadwarrior No other spirit but the Holy Spirit... That's funny. What spirit do you suppose animates the body of the christian who lusts after other women? I suppose you could argue that anyone who still has any kind of sin in the heart isn't truly a christian. I take it you only cast demons out of non-Christians?
im a person who accepted Christ at a young age and has been baptized. as i got older i slipped into years of meth addiction. in this time i like alot of people had my times where i wondered if God was real. in this time of addiction came a point where i invited in sexual spirits using the words open the door to me and invite in. since that day for two and a half years i have heard them and to this day not a single day passes that i don't feel them touch me, talk to me and influence my thoughts at a higher level then just a stronghold. i have sought deliverance ministries, prayed, had entire churches lay hands on me to no avail. in the beginning i sought every possibility of mental illness but the demonic experiences I've had since that day will never make me doubt God's or demons existence again. long story short. YES, a christian can be possessed. i am living proof. but perhaps God only allowed it because i myself opened the door and invited them into my body.
I have a friend who claims to be a Christian and "saved", yet during our last meeting, this person became someone other than themself, and I had a conversation with it and it told me it would strip me of everyone and everything I love, the first being this friend, whom I haven't seen or spoken to in over a year or two now, and what this being said is currently happening.
My dad is a Christian and reads versus every day but I think he is posessed by a demon because he yells really loud and breaks stuff when he is mad and he gets mad from stuff that isnt bad at all and he also cusses a lot when he yells and when he does it's like a deep scream and its scares me so much, I allways hide in my room and pray in jesus' name. please help me
This man is delusional, he dosen't understand that not everyday is alike with the human being and even with the Christian, we are told that everyday we must put on the whole armour of God. Not everyday we face the trials with the possivity of Christ but we get back up when we are thrown down.
Ive been having these strange signs like having scratches all over my hand then it heals fastly then having anger on people that havent done anything i even getting tired of living please help me this is getting out of a hand i believe in GOD tho ❤️😣
RipLegend2414 We Love and praise your holy name Father. We thank you and all warring angles that continue to fight for us and that deliver us out of the evil hand of Satan. Lord, I pray that you watch over my dear friend and give him peace from these evil thoughts and attacks. Bless him with your love and mercy Father and guide his steps closer to you for safe keeping. We praise you beautiful heavenly Lord and thank you for your strength and peace. Amen!
@@tanjirokamadofan1535 Do you believe Jesus is God? you accepted Him as saviour? Only then can you be born again and get the Holy Spirit. Believing in God is not enough, also Muslims believe in God, also the demons believe in God. You need to believe in Jesus, because he is the way, the truth, the life.
What a great explanation. When we are born again we have a measure of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit cannot share a space with demons. Possession implies ownership to something or someone. What do you think about this?
Id ask for a bible verse that says "we have a measure of the Holy Spirit and cannot share space with a demon" its simply not there. I believe they cannot possess us to take our will but we as christians can have demonic "attachments" that can manifest like possession.
...Bob Larsen is a fake. Born again spirit filled people when they believe wrongfully the demons will manifest enough to make you and others believe the LIE. Once you accepted Jesus Christ...Romans 10:10 you become a NEW Creation. The Holy Spirit will occupy the once possessed permanently. You need to RENEW your mind with the right doctrine and believe. Yes to believe your New Identity In Christ Jesus. ✝
@Justice is the Lantern exactly. If the Holy Spirit and evil spirits could not co-exist, satan would be chained up now, and all the demons would also be in chains of darkness as well.
No a Born Again Believers can NOT be possessed by a demonic spirit but a demonic spirit can oppress a True Christian if the believers are not living truly and can loose their Salvation
I know of Christians who are in the deliverance ministry, and they only pray for deliverance for other Christians...non-Christians don't realise their need for deliverance from evil spirits. When they pray, they have seen physical manifestations of these spirits as they leave the body. The people have not been "possessed" how we imagine possession to be - completely taking over their body and mind - but they have still dwelt within the body and mind, sometimes causing physical ailments or psychological anguish. When we become Christians, we are given a new spirit...but oftentimes, physical or mental problems that we experienced before conversion are still present afterward. Someone who, for example, suffered from asthma, or depression before conversion may well still suffer after, and have to work towards claiming victory over those things, which may not be fully realised this side of eternity. It makes sense to me, therefore, that someone who has an unclean spirit in their body or mind prior to conversion, may well still have it afterwards.
This guy has no logic, just whole lotta wisdom with no simplicity!!!! Since this guy says there are no demons in a christian he mostly likely believes there are no demons in him, and that's like saying you never ever had an addiction problem that you never had to deal with before Wich is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! You are not so perfect or never will be no matter how strong you are or how many years you lived that you will never come to a point where your free from batteling addiction!!! Butt please keep battling the good fight!!!
I had addictions before Christ such as porn, homosexuality, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and many more sins. When Jesus revealed himself to me he delivered me of all these sins. His word opened my eyes to my sins. You have to turn away from sin because you will become a slave to sin if you keep on sinning.
There is a caveat here. A true Christian who lives a life according to the scriptures, NO. But there are those who consider themselves Christians who blatantly commits adultery, practice yoga etc.. YES. I'm not talking about white lies or even an occasional peep at pornography. When you dabble in sin, you open the doorway for demons to enter, and they harass not just you, but your family. As parents, we are the gatekeepers and we set the example for our children.
Amen! How can a demon take residence in a believer when the Holy Spirit is already resident? The Holy Spirit protects those in Christ from demon possession.
The guy in this video is lying, like most pastors do when it comes to these “taboo” topics, YES Christians can be demonized. We are in the trenches this is not heaven
A Christian cannot be possessed if they are already occupied by the Holy Spirit, a Christian who is not Born Again and is not possessed by the Holy Spirit then yes they can become Demon Possessed. The Holy Spirit doesn't like to share His living space.
Being saved dont mean you are sin free. You got to be delivered before they are gone. You can cause people to fall telling them that. They will think they are not good enough when it has nothing to do that. I was saved and demons started comming out as I grew. Most dont know they are there and why they keep sinning. The reason is because of evil spirits. I was attacked so bad the holy spirit told me to trust him.
if you are posessed by a spirit and it is not the holy spirit you are in need of deliverance. yes people without the holy spirit can be posessed because they have no keeper.
Dear abba, in agreement with this whole message and ephesians 2:1-3, 1 corinthians 3:23, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 I thank you for binding to hell every demonic possession in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquitances, opponents and the body of Christ while binding to belong to Christ and God, while binding to hell every unequal yoke and common share with those being demonic possessed in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
2 Corinthians 11:4 Paul warns the Corinthians to be careful about receiving another spirit. 'another spirit' in addition to the Holy Spirit. -- "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” Paul inquired, in Galatians 3:1, about who had bewitched the believers to draw them away from the truth. “Bewitched” carries the overtones of the use of witchcraft and the casting of spells. The effects upon them were not just the effects of wrong mental impressions conveyed by false teachers. It was evil spirits imposing false doctrine through false teachers.
Okay so I think you can be possessed or influenced to say so, somehow if you turn away from God and commit sins ... You open the doors ... And that's how I suffered ... I haven't slept and nights and it's weird that instead of feeling a divine presence I felt the opposite ... The idea is that I also went back to living in the world so to speak, after I asked to be born again ... And seriously that just made me to move away from the faith and from the Bible and so my whole mind and my person began to be as controlled to say so hard to explain ... Simply how I turned away from God and sinned my heart hardened And as I followed nature more than the spirit I felt that a strange and evil present would enter me in my stomach I was hungry in one and my behavior It has changed into evil and it is true that the world is ruled and corrupted by the Devil and I honestly felt and many evil spirits in the world is strange to explain ...
Some Christians have trouble and problems in their life, they don't exercise the power Jesus gave in Luke chapter 11. Ti order evil spirits and satan out of your house in christ name. Satan will sneak attack a Christian who has holy spirit, who's working for God. Devil isn't going to bother with those with spirit of stupor, Isaiah chapter 29. Devil doesn't take a vacation, he's in hot pursuit of those with the holy spirit, majority have spirit of stupor. Good example is apostles Paul, he was hindered a lot by satan. Key is be steadfast.
I think no , Christians love god and Jesus and pray and go to church. So god will stop demons and the devil from them and have only good happy spirits with them so yeah that’s what my opinion is. May god bless you all and god protect you from all evil god bless you all Amen! Can I get a Amen!? 🙏❤️
I'm a Christian who has a BIBLE podcast. and i still struggle with statan making uncomfortable inside my head. causing me to get angry just opening the BIBLE sometimes. I love the LORD and all that he has done for me. but i still struggle. any tips?
Music can open demonic portals,I know,it happened to me While listening to Jean Michelle Jarre back in the 80s. A demonic spirit entered my life I felt it come in, it was cast out in Jesus name years later.
if you believe a demon has began to influence you through music then sing psalms to God. also pray and fast to remove the influence. try listening to Christian rap music. it may help God will deliver you if you are sincere from that. you are not opening a demonic portal that way. portals are opened through witchcraft. but you are giving room to influencers and powers of the air. these are demons (powers) who control music, television and other things transported through the airwaves. Eminem has stated openly about his struggles with drug addiction and domestic issues. if you believe his music has somehow negatively influenced you pray against these things. also pray that God helps change your ear and heart towards music that praises him and lifts him up rather than worldly desires.
Yeah dude one of the main responsibility is to protect your spirit. And focus on God, when you learn more about him and fall for him you wouldn't find ways to be lukewarm. Its been 10 months now and i hope you had let go of those influences solely because you love God more than pleasing yourself.
I know this church is full of backbitter, anger ,and abuse ,cause one would be my mother she help and give out food. A true member pray for our future some of these churches are in danger 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
What fellowship has light with darkness? Believing or knowing about Jesus Christ and going to church doesn't make you a Christian. Being born of the Water and of the Spirit makes you. Having received the Holy Spirit is the seal that you've been made a disciple/follower of Christ/Christian/Child of God.
Obviously you haven't run into someone like that.I have the holy spirit he guides me I also have spiritual oppression and harassment, I go to a church where in prophecy GOD said he will deliver me. I am getting better but with immense difficulty still I wait. You are not fully informed on this issue.
@@gofigure4920 No ,I am not saying I felt the Holy Spirit enter me physically! The entity entered me physically....but I know the Holy Spirit has not left ....those videos are old I have renounced all that , I was being influenced by evil ...I made mistakes, I've learnt. You're right I do need deliverance. I've had some guiding dreams saying God's word will help to free me . I believe and received Jesus . Yes I would advise anyone not to look at the videos I'm taking them down. I don't / won't listen or watch anything like that now
who says demons possess our spirit? do they not possess and control our body? nothing in the Bible says a demon inhabits our body regardless of Holy Spirit. pray and fast for clarity. the BIBLE, which I would follow over a MAN, SAYS these signs will follow those who believe: "These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” Mark 16:17-18 NLT Regardless of what this video is saying, ask your self, "Am I laying hands on the sick? Am I casting out demons? Am I praying in tongues?" These will come one at a time, as we surrender our life to Jesus. I manifested having the Holy Spirit within me at 15. I remember I had a friend say, "Maybe you didn't have the Holy Spirit." I thought "EXCUSE me?!" How can someone question me having Holy Spirit? That is so blasphemous. I told her I had accepted Christ at 15, confessed to God that I was a sinner, (without confessing all my sins), and the same as I was when I was talking to her during that time. Born of the Spirit. I wasn't in sexual sin, or any other major sin. Had given up witchcraft Disney films and all of that. In the Word daily. I've been convicted by Holy Spirit on many different things. If you listen, the man in this video actually says "In a fallen state yes." This is his demons admitting he has demons. We all do without holy Spirit led repentance and deliverance. He is contradicting himself. Praying for discernment, and for your eyes to be opened. Btw I'm super impressed with all of these believer's comments. :)
Yes I have delivered Christian from oppressing spirit, possessing them during time of praying for deliverance. he is categorizing possession. He is saying not to the degree jesus was dealing with. but I say yes. But because of teaching like this, Christian think thy can't be touched when actually they are . Why do you think Christians lie, steal, cheat, put down, hide sin, blame god, teach false doctrine and leave the faith. demons can inter through sin and lead you. Sins give them permission to dwell in you. Wither you are possession are following his will what difference does it make. If you are really praying for deliverance of people you will see this. I was not looking for it. It just happen. And its because people have hidden sin as believers. What being in Christ does is give you power to cast out, and resist, to stay right. but Christian don't resist sin sometime and this is a door. particularly if its habitual sin. Doing deliverance will change your doctrine. I want to know if he is just talker. Because those who do it don't say this. Only the book readers. Gods whole creation is sinful, " all has sin" he just imparts righteousness to believer who believe. they still sin just not as much or hardly ever. This also has to do with the lie of perfectionism.
Also. The pastor here is interpreting the bible verses as he sees them to be. That doesn't mean it is true. The bible also says that God's mind in other words is unlike the mind of men of this earth. Satan can interfere and possess Christians. However. They can be delivered. His answer is making Christianity to be a belief in which no sins are to be done. No wrong is to occur. There are times when we are in environments where we don't realize we are being influenced. I know I don't dabble in any of that. And I also know that I've been affected. It is horrible. A congregation of 1000 can join together at a Sunday service while the pastor reads a sermon..Yet. Every person will go home and apply those messages as they see fit.
Being tempted and influenced by the demonic forces is different than being possessed. The devil nor his demons cannot posses a true born again believer in Christ. There’s no scriptural backing for this belief as there is more for the fact that it cannot happen. John 8:36, Col. 1:13, Romans 6:10-11 just to name a few. I would actually question a person’s true conversion and salvation had they become demon possessed before I would belief a true redeemed child of God could ever be possessed. The theology of this is no where to be found in the Bible. Every encounter with Christ a demon possessed person had was truly delivered and redeemed, and we have been indued with the same power that Christ afforded to us when He died on the cross and rose on the third day to conquer sin, death and crushed the devil’s head under His heal and completely stripped him of any power and authority, Col. 2:5.
I have a legit question. I am a born again christian. I was watching a video about a lady that was an ex witch that had gotten was a good program with scripture and prayer. During the video i fell asleep. And at the end of it, I heard a demon scream at me and say, "Get Out Now!" It did not scare me, but i was like why did I hear that. I even replayed the video to see if it came from the video or if it was another video that played. When i rewatched there was nothing demonic at all. So i am wondering...why would I hear that. Does that mean i might be possessed or that I am no longer saved? I have a lot of anger and bitterness in my heart that i can not get rid of. And it has slowly built up over the last few years. I get mad and angry at God and idk why. I had a horrible childhood with SA etc....But I was saved at 9. Someone make it make sense please.
Christians have demons living in their flesh this man is a liar. The spirit wars against the flesh. Paul said in my flesh dwells no good thing. When a Christian is born again the physical body is not born again but the spirit is.
To answer the original comment, even though it was 8 months ago, I don't think you have to be possessed to hear a voice. The apostle Paul himself described a messenger of satan sent to torment him (there are different theories about what exactly he was talking about). If a spirit yells at a person after they watch a video about Jesus I'd say it was to confuse them. Put on the armor of God (lots of good videos about that) Why are you mad at God? From Christians I've heard testify about that, it's because they were still holding onto trauma from their life and haven't forgiven the people responsible for it. Or it could be your current circumstance. You have to let go, forgive and pray for them. It's for yourself as much as it is for them. Maybe much more for yourself.
I am a Christian and I had a evil experience. And one demon was trying to get me to doubt this. But he could not control me. The problem was I started to be in a trance when the demon became like a different version of Jesus. If you do not call out on Jesus Christ our Savior and King. You will lose.
" my answer to that would probably be no" All hands on deliverance preachers say yes! I'll take expirience over head knowledge any day of the week. Matt 15:26 26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. Context is deliverance-. She wants Jesus to cast a demon out of her daughter. Jesus said deliverance is for the children or Christian's not for the world
A Christian who Carry's the spirit of pride or another sin then lays hands on another person praying for them, then the person who was prayed for experiences demonic oppression,, can this be a transferring of spiritual oppression to another person?
@@enigma639 we are bearer of the truth. Have you read the holy scriptures about people that are possessed with demons such as the man at the graveyard 🪦 he was sent there because no man could control him until he saw Jesus Christ. Why you a Hindu?
wrong teaching. I saw so many christians delivered from satan time to time. The word of God says “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” - Psalms 91:1 (KJV) nothing will harm you but if you are not you are on your own. It is how you walk with God not only if you are saved by Jesus. If you sin and dont have the fruit of the holly spirit go check yourself at a church of Christ who practice the power of deliverance.
What about somebody who has just recently accepted Jesus. Can that person still experience demonic power. So this person has experience demonic activity for all long time and just 2 weeks ago accepted Jesus but she self- harm last week and got really drunk. She feels confused because she that those desires would be gone.
Yes they can experience those spirits. Keep praying and seeking Jesus Christ for deliverance. Freedom is coming if she keeps fighting and allow Jesus Christ to work in her life.
We still live in a fallen body; yes the spirit of a believer is redeemed and regenerated, and from being born again in our spirit man; this influences our habits, through the mind of the spirit. So yes, a Christian cannot be possessed by a demon, because their inner man is redeemed. But by freewill, if a Christian decides to feed an area within their flesh for a prolonged period of time, sooner or later they will invite demonic influences to enter their life. Where it's not only a lust of the flesh, but it's a lust of the flesh coupled with a demonic spirit that enjoys the activity that is occurring within the body of this individual. We all still live within sinful, corruptible flesh, and until Christ comes to give us our regenerated body, the most coziest place for demons to live are in places where there is still resentment, lust, pride, fear, and a part of a person given up to compulsive behaviors. This is common for Christians who found themselves tempted to dabble in new age practices, and when they fell into it, a demon entered their life; this is one example where the need for casting demons out would come, when a Christian falls into a backslidden state that especially involved deep embedded attachments in their soul & body to idolatry, witchcraft, strong perversion; those demons don't want to leave the vessel it was invited to so easily. Why did Jesus institute the ministry of casting out devils in the first place? Before He went to the Father, He left this ministry for the church; it would not make sense to caste out a demon out of a person who is content with staying in their sin, and don't want to follow Christ, the demon would either came back, or not leave the person at all because their own will to sin keeps the thief living in them.
I have a legitimate question. I've been seeing a lot of demons and other not so nice spirits. They tend to watch and they love to give me a jump scare here and there. However, their getting more "intense". I just want to know if I should start praying?
My mother believes she’s been possessed by a demon for 25 years but also has the HS in her. She says she sees and talks to demons 24/7. I do not believe the Christian story. My mum is a Christian and very much a weirdo supernatural and over the top. I do believe her experiences of demons are real for her. They are not real for me. She is therefore managing her battle alone. Personally, I think my mum has a mental illness and may be better off with psychiatric help and medication. She totally believes that God has allowed this demon to possess her, and Jesus has chosen to not cast it out. And she says she’s attacked by witches and she has to pray “in Jesus name” all day long to ward off evil curses. She’s extremely negative. I can hear her walking around the house saying “in Jesus name” or “get out, I don’t want to talk right now” or giggle giggle giggle. Hallelujah isn’t it wonderful to see the power and joy from living as a Christian? (Sarcasm) 😂😂😂
The best thing to do is to fight with prayer. But before that make sure you are born again, if you are not born again you should focus on that first. Repent and put your faith in Christ and his sacrifice as payment for your sins and he'll give you a new heart with new desires. God bless you and stay strong
Satan would love for Christians to believe this. By sin and wrong thinking, we can open the door to strongholds in the demonic realm. Use the word oppressed or demonized, or some other language than possession, but most believers have sin and strongholds, so... I disagree with the answer in this video. Note there was virtually no Scripture to support this position.
First you say PROBABLY not, Christians cannot be demon possessed. At the end you claim Christians can be CONFIDENT that they cannot be demon possessed. Which one is it?
Satan and demons can attack, oppress, and possess people that are saved....Read the book of Job in the bible.....Job in the bible was saved and God allowed him to be attacked by Satan and demons......Even Jesus in the bible was tempted by Satan during his fast for 40 days and 40 nights......
Really?’ This is what’s wrong with the world.. ppl, please.. exercise some critical thinking and skepticism. This is the type of thing that adds to the decline of religion. Please, for your own sakes research some logical arguments and refine your epistemological foundations 🤦🏻♂️
This is an important questions from a person who's in the middle of converting to Christian, 1. CAN A CHRISTIAN BE HARMED BY BLACK MAGIC? Hope some true Christian answer the question. 2. Can converting to Christian remove the black magic? Thank you in advance.
Sometimes they are, they're just not aware of it. Possession is rare and at first it just starts off where they're in your head and slowly they can take over your body but that's even more rare. Most of the time people assume it's their imagination or their own thoughts when it isn't.
I'm afraid this person is clueless as to the reality of demonic beings, that can dwell in a Christian. This is a person who sits and reads opinions,more than likely a Jesuit plant. As for me , God left me on the battlefield day in and day out , I know that a born again spirit filled person, can have indwelling evil beings in there life...fact.this person is wrong.
@UC4g6KW-7OlKezWWQ3DaDn9A sorry your decieved The Word divides between spirit and soul...there are borders between the 2... 1.spirit 2.soul. 3.body. Chop my legs and arms off I still have the same intellect Soul. The Word(Jesus) lives in the spirit...a demon can't have place in the spirit. It can have a dwelling place in the soul or body . See Derek Prince on this subject. This man is wrong,and teaching the devil's theology.
@UC4g6KW-7OlKezWWQ3DaDn9A no not at all, Nothing conflicts, the word divides...tell me then how Satan was found in the heaven of heavens among the sons of God In the book of Job. They have access to God's heaven...even now. How much more access to the fallen flesh which is in conflict With the new spirit. Logical and in no way conflicts.
@UC4g6KW-7OlKezWWQ3DaDn9A nobody is talking about possession. If Christ lives within you u are possessed by God. That is what God is interested in The flesh is condemned...the body on death row...the flesh is Satan's secret agent so to speak. enemy of God in you...that's your old flesh nature which is beyond help according to God...the sin nature cannot be reformed......water is water it can never be soil...soil can never be cannot reform the nature of a pack of hyenas , They do what they do because it's in there nature. The flesh sins because it's sin nature which manifests it's self in the works of the flesh. This is the door.when the sin nature is in total subjection to the spirit(walking after and living in the spirit) demons present will Leave the body and the soul... But will always come back to My House.....I will return.
As a believer you can still entered by demon spirits the bible said like this..if you open the door for their attack..door ways can open when you make a sin
just so we’re all on the same page this is all metaphorical right? Like you get “possessed” by sin, and by following the teachings of Jesus you can get on the right path and live better. When we say “the Holy Spirit will protect you” we’re saying that through your faith and adherence to Christian teachings that you will avoid falling back to bad habits or whatever your “demons” are.
Some believe that, most don't. Once you start talking about the Bible being allegorical, it's a slippery slope. I imagine sooner or later people wind up believing that Jesus was just a messenger, or that He didn't exist. I suspect many who take that view are looking for a way to be Christian and still live a certain way. Avoiding the "hard" part of Christianity. Which can be living a certain way... or perhaps even just submitting to God rather than holding yourself above all else. I digress.
What does it mean if you fall to temptation at times (not all the time)even after trying to or claiming to seek Christ. How can one be certain there free and still struggle with issues?
Let me solve this simple question: Can a Christian be demon possessed? ...........OF COURSE! Can a Christian worship the devil or practice evil deeds...........sigh. Look at the work of Fr. Malachi Martin.......
if you believe that Christ died for your sins, and accept his free gift of salvation and repented from your sins, you are saved. Lets not forget that Jesus himself was tempted by the devil personally. What it sounds like you have is a "demonic attachment" which is part of satan's kingdom to attack us . The church
Rebecca Juster there is a distinct difference between demonic oppression and possession, I’d just rebuke with the word and Jesus name and put on some worship music
2 Corinthians 11:4 Paul warns the Corinthians to be careful about receiving another spirit. 'another spirit' in addition to the Holy Spirit. -- "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” Paul inquired, in Galatians 3:1, about who had bewitched the believers to draw them away from the truth. “Bewitched” carries the overtones of the use of witchcraft and the casting of spells. The effects upon them were not just the effects of wrong mental impressions conveyed by false teachers. It was evil spirits imposing false doctrine through false teachers.
I am living proof that it can happen - I felt something enter my body but I also had a vision of a mini Jesus in my body too...I am afflicted and a spirit filled , bible reading tongue talking believer !
Yes ,they can get into your life, infact ,they will seek ways to get in . There is an all out war going on in the spirit,they hate God and those whom God had chosen.
But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4 NLT
Can someone explain what happened in Job and why were God and Satan speaking with each other like comrades? Then Job was played with like nothing or no one.
This is honestly wrong! You could be honest, but when lacking honest, biblical answers, you are intentionally/ unintentionally reading pple astray. The Dark doctrine you are preaching here is " once saved, always saved". This is biblically very wrong. Read the lesson about King Jeroboam and the lying prophet in 1.Kings 12-13. What about Mathew 16:23, where Satan (through Peter)was trying to Stop Jesus from the work He was to do and Jesus had to rebuke him. The holy bible warns us of this ideology in 1. Chorinthians 10:12.
What a ridiculous question. A Christian is someone who has Christ living in their heart and the Holy Spirit living and working in them and through them, then of course a demon can't live in the same space. The question is RIDICULOUS!!!
I was honestly lost for a minute but then I was remembered of Jesus sacrifice in the cross and his blood saved us, but yet will be tempted and we are still going to die for our sins. With that said when you truly give your life for Jesus he's going to save you from that cuz he's sacrifice will have been in vain, therefore when I here Christian's exorcism other Christians that person didn't truly follow God with his mind and soul.
You can indeed be possessed if you invite those demons in. You can open up a portal to the demonic through a ouija board, a seance, channeling and a lot of New Age activities.
Being a Christian doesn’t mean you are all protected you are certainly saved but if you dabble with demonic doings that doesn’t mean you are free from Satans things and sin you still need to stay away from that stuff
(I am spiritual, not religious) We are spirit in physical body. Our spirit is the main attached spirit that controls our body. OTHER spirits CAN attach and those OTHER spirit(s) can influence or disturb and lead to psychosis. in my opinion, I believe that anyone of any religion (or of no religion) can become obsessed or possessed by 1 or more spirits.
Thats not true. A Christian can open themselves up to possession by sin. Sin separates us from God. If you do not repent whole heartedly you, by choice, turn your back on God.. An remember words are not enough, you must mean it from the heart that you are truly sorrowful for your sin for it to be forgiven. Jesus did die for our sins, but you must have real faith, and practice your faith to have that salvation. There is no free ride. Just as we are now in The Times Of The great Tribulation...So, we know now for sure there is no rapture... Next I saw four angels, standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the world to keep them from blowing over the land or the sea or any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel rising where the sun rises, carrying the seal of the living God; he called in a powerful voice to the four angels whose duty was to devastate land and sea, 3 'Wait before you do any damage on land or at sea or to the trees, until we have put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God See it was foretold we would be here during the times of Tribulation, and those who stay faithful will receive the mark and be saved from the devastation. The life of a true Christian is not an easy one, staying faithful is hard with all the temptation out there do not let the world fool you. God bless you all and God bless America... Remember the only Party with Gods will in their heart is The Republican Party No true Christian Can vote for anyone who is against Gods will. Anyone who is not doing Gods will is Anti-Christ
The Word of God states that light and darkness cannot dwell together, there is only one or the other. Throughout 1John, John emphasises that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit dwells in us (mentioned 12-13 times - there are other scriptures saying this too), so it is impossible for a real Christian to be possessed by a demon - it cannot exist together. I think people are confused about 'testing the spirit' - it's not referring to us being possessed, but to test the spirits of others who claim to be Christians... do their 'fruits' reflect the teachings of God and Jesus? It is also for Christians to check the teachings and opinions of people against scripture, remembering to read scripture in context, not just by a verse. Blessings to you
That light darkness verse is about unbelievers. Is it impossible for unbelievers and believers to dwell together? No otherwise that verse wouldn't be there as a warning. That verse isnt about demons, but if we were to use that verse out of context and use it as an analogy to prove that a Christian can or can't have a demon the answer would actually be yes they can have demons, but that passage isn't about that. Also the testing the spirits being human. Where does the bible explicitly say that. I actually do take issue with you because these are serious things. If you're wrong and Christians can have them people arent going to be able to get support and potentially get taken advantage of ive had to live this first-hand and its horrible. Imagine if a Christian could have a demon. If they could have a spirit of infirmity and they had a disease that was killing them and someone like you tells them that's impossible and they die because of it. It's an issue that can have serious consequences for people if you get it wrong either way.
Being tempted and influenced by the demonic forces is different than being possessed. The devil nor his demons cannot posses a true born again believer in Christ. There’s no scriptural backing for this belief as there is more for the fact that it cannot happen. John 8:36, Col. 1:13, Romans 6:10-11 just to name a few. I would actually question a person’s true conversion and salvation had they become demon possessed before I would belief a true redeemed child of God could ever be possessed. The theology of this is no where to be found in the Bible. Every encounter with Christ a demon possessed person had was truly delivered and redeemed, and we have been indued with the same power that Christ afforded to us when He died on the cross and rose on the third day to conquer sin, death and crushed the devil’s head under His heal and completely stripped him of any power and authority, Col. 2:5.
well you're either ALL for God or not for Him. You can't pick and choose what you wanna believe or follow. Gods Spirit won't continue to live within you if you're not committing your life to Him. Christ and the world can't correlate as they're both opposing each other. If you're not in Christ, you can 100% be demon possessed as you have no higher authority in control over you eg. God as He is more sovereign and strong compared to the enemy, therefore, if you don't LIVE for God and take up your cross daily (Matthew 16:24-25), the enemy has control over you. The only way you can be totally free from demonic possession is through Jesus Christ ! 1 John 4:4 "You belong to God; You have already won a victory because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world."
I’m happy to have the Holy Spirit. It protects me
No WAY you will ever be possessed when you have had that kind of love running through you
Ay real shit tho
Patrick William I used to have that.
Never Lose Wonder
Nope you can be demon possessed
Never Lose Wonder
Lukewarm HillBunny
@@nonami_066xswqoqowiwl lol, yeah...your own.
Honestly I think it's only possible to be possessed if you do not have the holy spirit.
Standalone Rider Jesus protects everyone and god we all have Holy Spirit if your not possed
Jesus and god will die for us because we’re special
I've always felt the same way, the blood of Christ COVERS your sins and the holy ghost FILLS you. "Covered by the blood, filled with the holy Spirit"
You can also have demons harrassing you if you are saved and have the Holy Spirit if you are committing habitual sins against what the Bible says. If you will be honest with yourself, you know this to be true. You must repent from that sin and not do it again, ask the Lord for forgive you, don't do it again, read your Bible every day so that you know how the Lord wants us to live, and obey it, which also protects us from Satan's attacks. I know from personal experience believe me. The ONLY ones in the Gospels that Jesus was able to heal, where those who Believed in Him first (got saved), then Jesus was able to heal them and the demons left. Many times after he healed someone, He told them to not sin again, or not go back to that sin that put them into bondage by the enemy in the first place.
The Holy Spirit is a demon, if it is the same God who brutally slaughtered small children in the Old Testament, and the same God who plans on brutally torturing the overwhelming majority of mankind forever for failing to be perfect. Thankfully, it is imaginary, which is why it never knows anything you don't.
When I became a Christian in July of last year I was under a possession. First I was water baptized. However I was still under a possession. I had to go through deliverance for the possession to be broken. To date I am a SpiritLed Christian that hears Fathers voice and being a nurse he is using me in a mighty way combating the demonic. A lot of people aren’t aware but possession and oppression are degrees away from each other. Sin that can bring on either can range from drug use, chronic anger, chronic ungodly emotions, chronic ungodly thought patterns, unforgiveness and so much more. We are told to renew our minds with the Word of God, we are told to identify repetitive behaviors that don’t line up with the Word of God. If we are not diligent and mindful of keeping our spiritual doors closed, possession is possible.
amen Ellena,God wants us to repent from whatever SIN,whatever is called SIN, any kind of SIN, there's no small and big SIN,we have to hate SIN, and if we maybe realized that somehow we sinning or sinned against God we have to immediately ask for forgiveness and REPENT/change, turning away from that SIN, God forgives when we ready to change
sister Rebecca Juster please search for Elisha Goodman on the internet, the prayers are called prayer bullets, its a self deliverance prayers where you fast read the bible and pray, God will confirm it to you that you are delivered,you will know or see, that's our God for you, He is showing His unconditional love to us, they are also called 27 minutes to midnight, stay blessed and receive your testimony
you welcome my sister, there's no greater love than that of our SAVIOUR,its so beautiful to see or know how God loves us
What your saying is a 100 percent truth!
horseshit! u were not possessed.
As a born again christian I took adderral for over a year and it changed my personality more and more over time I was more aggressive, rebellious, stealing for no reason etc. I started feeling compelled to go out and sin. When I stop taking it that stopped but i did some at home youtube deliverance prayers and isolated myself for a month. I repented and trying to find my way again in the Lord.
You should look up Isaiah Saldivar and Vladimir Savchuk
@@elenatunnicliff6782 I like Derek Prince and Andrew Wommack
You should keep away from all three of those proposed
Adderall doesn't make someone steal. That was just you, even though you stopped.
@@elenatunnicliff6782 they're both false teachers
Can a Christian be possessed? The answer is yes and I say this from experience because I was a born again Christian before I fell into sin and was demon possessed at some point. But first of all I must explain that demon possession is in degrees. Gen 4:7 is my reference scripture. Behind every sin is a spirit and the more we yield ourselves to sin the easier it is for demons to influence us and ultimately try to possess us. In the scripture it says if we refuse to do right then sin waits at our door and it's will is to control us but we must master it. Whoever we obey is our master so if we yield more to the devil we ultimately become his servants. "Sin" here isn't referring to disobeying the ten commandments but going contrary to the will of God. That is why a morally upright unbeliever may live a more perfect life than a born again Christian as long as the believer yields to his conscience while the Christian yields to his flesh. There is no vacuum so if you go against the will of God you are in the will of Satan and sin will try to have dominion over you except you master it.
no, u r wrong. also, thats a stupid verse to use to back up your 'belief'. u need to dig into and understand wut jesus did on cross for u. u r safe from possession my friend
Could you describe the possession that you are referring to? If you feel comfortable to?
You are absolutely correct.
Only stupids believe in such things
👏👏👏 Come On!!!! Speak TRUTH!!!! John 8:32 Says “ you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Many Christians have demons but don’t believe that They can have demons or that they do have demons. And Because of that the demons continue to Live in them unbothered , unhindered , doing their dark works against that person and in that person.
Only TRUTH will make one free. If only The Believer would believe that they can/Do have demons from their Past Fallen Dead In Sin Bodies , will they be able to Recieve deliverance thats much needed in their lives. May God open His people’s eyes to The Truth. In Jesus name. Amen.
The Bible warns us to test certain spirits whether they be of God or not. With this in mind, it makes sense that it would be possible. I think I may be oppressed by demons because of certain dreams and sleep paralysis episodes I've been having.
They can get in to you.
Stay in pray and fasting
This man is clueless, armchair warrior, totally clueless.
They can get in through spiritual warfare.
The devil is very powerful, not to be underestimated.
This man is clueless really, he is using words to describe spiritual
When I was about 12 years old I had a devil try to get me... Made a full moon disappear and it made the lights turn off and everything turned deep dark black. Out of the corner came something much blacker than what was already black. I'm now 38 and and I've always asked God to teach me about these things. About this... I've always felt in my heart that a Christian can be possessed for this reason..."We are covered by the blood of Christ. We are filled with the holy Spirit.". You have to be filled with the spirit... Baptized in the holy Spirit. Or else your empty for something else to fill you. This isn't something I've got biblical evidence on other than what's in quotation marks.
Squilfinator tell them to go away in your own name
I tested the Holy Spirit by seeing if it could tell me something I didn't know. For example, I asked it math questions I didn't know the answer to, and then checked with a calculator to see if the Holy Spirit got it right. Since it got it wrong, I realized this was actually an imaginary spirit that only existed in my head, which would explain why it failed the test. Surely, no spirit from God would only know what I know.
@@doctorwebman that's the silliest thing I've ever heard.
I've had demons have sex with me in my sleep, have had demons haunt my dreams when learning about deliverance, have had night demons do forced masturbation on me to defile me the believer during my sleep even though I don't participate in sexual sin, all while being saved. So, I know from experience that a Christians body can certainly be controlled by a demon unless we are actively praying. I've been a believer since 15, this all happened in my late 20s and early 30s, only after I stopped masturbating in my waking life, and only when I started learning about deliverance because demons don't want you learning about them to evict them.
Do I believe demons inhabit my soul where the Holy Spirit lives? No. But, they can still control our body. It's foolish to say as Christians that we cannot have a demon inside our body.
Demonized is a better term than posession or opression. Demons don't usually enter without legal rights. Sometimes those rights can be unhealed trauma or if someone lays hands on us and we don't know if theyve done a full repentance and deliverance we can pick up their demons. Even if there is no active sin present.
Masturbation, alcohol, movies or music with premarital sex in them, substances are all active doors.
You must consumed a lot of drugs, cocaines and alcohols, this is why you are saying such things. Did you see that African guy meme "STOP IT GET SOME HELP", This goes for you 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Born-again Christians are SEALED by the Holy Spirit. It would NOT be possible for them to be possessed by evil spirits. 1 John 4:4 New King James Version (NKJV)
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
Amen!!! You answer the question this guy did not!
@@DanaAshlie you don't know the bible. He who says he is without sin is a liar. Paul himself struggled with sin. Read romans 7
@Rich Richington This is a lie. A Reborn Christian cannot be occupied by demons. Sin doesn't open "doors" for demons, but they definetly are attracted to it. This is a lie from false teachers like Derek Prince. You do know how he looks? Like the devil himself. Look him in the eyes n any picture, its pure hatred staring out of his eyes. (the bible tells us not to judge by looks concerning status or attractiveness, but we are definetly able to see if a person has right or wrong motives in their eyes.)
Only the devil claims that he has territory on holy ground. But hes a liar. Our body is a temple of the holy spirit, darkness cannot have company with light. If you have demons, there is no holy Spirit in you.
People have tried to cast demons out of me, they suspected me to have a lot of demons, because I didn't went through delivery before. I prayed with those people for other people and man, I saw crazy demonic manifestations. I believed I could have demons, but in two hours of intense delivery prayer, not a thing moved inside me, i felt completely nothing. And as I said, these guys caused extreme manifestations before on other people.
And yes, sin attracts demons and invite them to opress reborn christians, as I see them at night or get sleep paralysis or whatever. But they are not inside me but outside. They cannot go inside me because I have the Holy Spirit. I fear and think that most christians, who think they have the holy Spirit and demons, that they have a false holy Spirit, the Kundalini spirit.
She said willfully sinning not without sin. There's a difference
Andronicus Tang thank you!
He's wrong, guys.
Satan entered Peter. When Jesus said, ”Get behind me Satan” He was not talking to Peter, He was taking to the spirit (Satan) inside of Peter.
Illness is sometimes caused by foul spirits/demons or devils. Paul/Sauls thorn in his flesh is a ”messenger of Satan” this is a troubling spirit!
When God removed His protection from Saul a troubling spirit would come upon him.
Over and over again we see saved people who have literal struggles with foul spirits in scripture.
It is totally possible for a saved person to have a foul spirit. This DOES NOT mean that they are not filled with the Holy Spirit or saved. Salvation is another topic entirely.
This is why we are instructed in scripture to lat hands-on and pray for the sick. We are to exercise our authority over serpents and scorpions. If we are disciples of Christ, we are specifically instructed to do this.
Do not ever let anyone tell you that God stopped working through His saints; this is a lie straight from the devil. God NEVER changes, He is not even capable of it!
“So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you.”
James 4:7 AMP
This is the deliverance scripture for the believer it’s simple let’s not complicate.
Every believer has authority over the devil if you don’t understand your authority you will tolerate demonic activity that has no legal right over your life….. My people perish for a lack of knowledge !!!!God Bless!!!!
Amen, greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world, Ha le lu jah :):):)
So you don't have any addictions that your batteling right now!!??
This is a verse thats often overlooked. Amen
This verse literally set me free...I was already saved, baptized and full of the Holy Spirit. I walked into a room and upon looking at two people in that room that Spirit went in me. When I went upstairs to our apartment I looked at my wife and I became dizzy. I sat down at our dinner table and declared this verse 3 times!! Upon the 3rd time that spirit left me through my eyes!!! I literally saw it leave!!!
Ha le lu jah!! Hahaha
This verse does not necessarily mean that unclean spirits cannot dwell in the body of someone.
John wrote: you "have-overcome them, because greater is the (One) IN you than the (one) IN the world" (1 John 4:4), suggesting also that no unclean "spirits" (1 John 4:1) can overcome the "Spirit (of) God" (1 John 4:2) IN you. The Spirit of God is specifically IN the heart, as Paul wrote of "the Spirit in our hearts" (2 Corinthians 1:22). From this, "our inner (person) is-being-renewed day (in) and day (out)" (2 Corinthians 4:16). This does not mean that physical sickness or unclean spirits would automatically be dealt with. Indeed, even though the Spirit of God resides "in our hearts" (2 Corinthians 1:22) in "our inner (person)" (2 Corinthians 4:16), yet "our outer person is-being-destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:16). Sicknesses for example would be present in "our outer person" (2 Corinthians 4:16), and unclean spirits would dwell there also. Unclean "spirits" (1 John 4:1) could not overcome the "Spirit (of) God" (1 John 4:2) IN our hearts, but they would need to be casted out of our outer person if any would dwell there.
My 2 Sister's are Christian's and had demons remove out of them, I believe if being a Christian and living in Sin a Person Could become Possess or enter Person body.
Christians with the holy spirit can't be posessed. they didn't have the holy spirit and needed deliverance. afterwards encourage them to accept the gift of the holy spirit. it is the keeper that protects you from demons and gives you power over them.
I have seen it with my own eyes. I saw a friend and a Christian brother whom I know well under the influence of a demon to the point that I would say it had possessed him. My friend has no recollection of the incident but what I saw with my own eyes and heard, I would say was probably physically impossible for a human to do. There was definitely something else driving his bus. I don't know why Christian church leaders try to come across like they know all the answers. Why can't the church just sometimes say " we don't know " instead of trying to explain away something they don't understand ? There is nothing like a real life personal experience to challenge your doctrine.
For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it .. again I say to you that you must be born again of water and The Holy Spirit.. AND be sin free and a true believer in Christ with out this you are already condemned.
Like all your Examples But one undeniable is Epilepsy yep is true I my self is epileptic and i know its possession. If anyone can help that would be great 👍
It can happen if a believer is not living in sin also. They might have had a demon before they became born again, that hasn't been cast out yet.
There have been prophetic ministers that have had demons casted out! I don’t think this video is correct!
Yes. There are too many false teachers. They will perish for lack of reveational knowledge and stubborn closed minded theologies. Anninahas had the Holy spirit in the book of acts..and was influenced by the devil. Deliverance is the CHILDRENS BREAD. Who do u think God wants to deliver? His children...
There is a big difference between "possession" and "oppression" which I believe can occur. Outside influence from spiritual forces but a total eclipse of the person from within?, no. I concur with this analysis.
Doctrines aren't that helpful when someone who has been faithful to God for years suddenly starts floating above the ground cursing Jesus in a foreign language. At this point the question shifts to "How do I cast demons out of a Christian?"
In the name of JESUS.
you don't you cast them out of a sinner. also I have never heard of or seen anyone posessed doing anything like that outside of a movie. and I have seen people actually posessed. in those cases they went to church and behaved Christian but were unsaved. usually when these people come to church its for deliverance, they are tired of being tortured but some people within the church do not have discernment and can't help them.
Or perhaps the person was "faithful" in word as the Bible says "not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord" and was a demonized unbeliever pretending to be a Christian. So the question doesn't just "shift" just because someone who is allegedly a Christian manifests demonic control. The Bible nowhere teaches a Christian can have indwelling demons, and it does not say so for a good reason...because the Holy Spirit indwells the true Christian, and no other "spirit."
@@CRoadwarrior No other spirit but the Holy Spirit... That's funny. What spirit do you suppose animates the body of the christian who lusts after other women? I suppose you could argue that anyone who still has any kind of sin in the heart isn't truly a christian. I take it you only cast demons out of non-Christians?
@@the3dadvantage do you sin?
im a person who accepted Christ at a young age and has been baptized. as i got older i slipped into years of meth addiction. in this time i like alot of people had my times where i wondered if God was real. in this time of addiction came a point where i invited in sexual spirits using the words open the door to me and invite in. since that day for two and a half years i have heard them and to this day not a single day passes that i don't feel them touch me, talk to me and influence my thoughts at a higher level then just a stronghold. i have sought deliverance ministries, prayed, had entire churches lay hands on me to no avail. in the beginning i sought every possibility of mental illness but the demonic experiences I've had since that day will never make me doubt God's or demons existence again. long story short. YES, a christian can be possessed. i am living proof. but perhaps God only allowed it because i myself opened the door and invited them into my body.
Rokuris Warlock God keep and deliver u soon.
Have you been delivered? ❤
I have a friend who claims to be a Christian and "saved", yet during our last meeting, this person became someone other than themself, and I had a conversation with it and it told me it would strip me of everyone and everything I love, the first being this friend, whom I haven't seen or spoken to in over a year or two now, and what this being said is currently happening.
Your friend may have had Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and many alters. It could have been an unsaved alter or a demon in that alter.
My dad is a Christian and reads versus every day but I think he is posessed by a demon because he yells really loud and breaks stuff when he is mad and he gets mad from stuff that isnt bad at all and he also cusses a lot when he yells and when he does it's like a deep scream and its scares me so much, I allways hide in my room and pray in jesus' name. please help me
WoW :O
Pray pray in JESUS name!!
Not true the things you watch and listen too have demonic curses in them.
This man is delusional, he dosen't understand that not everyday is alike with the human being and even with the Christian, we are told that everyday we must put on the whole armour of God. Not everyday we face the trials with the possivity of Christ but we get back up when we are thrown down.
Ive been having these strange signs like having scratches all over my hand then it heals fastly then having anger on people that havent done anything i even getting tired of living please help me this is getting out of a hand i believe in GOD tho ❤️😣
RipLegend2414 We Love and praise your holy name Father. We thank you and all warring angles that continue to fight for us and that deliver us out of the evil hand of Satan. Lord, I pray that you watch over my dear friend and give him peace from these evil thoughts and attacks. Bless him with your love and mercy Father and guide his steps closer to you for safe keeping. We praise you beautiful heavenly Lord and thank you for your strength and peace. Amen!
I just said a prayer 🙏🏾 for you!
Well I have scratches from my arm it just appears out of nowhere but I don’t know but I also believe in god my savior
@@tanjirokamadofan1535 Do you believe Jesus is God? you accepted Him as saviour? Only then can you be born again and get the Holy Spirit. Believing in God is not enough, also Muslims believe in God, also the demons believe in God. You need to believe in Jesus, because he is the way, the truth, the life.
@@I--May--I I always believe in god every night me and my half of my family pray and sing for him
What a great explanation. When we are born again we have a measure of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit cannot share a space with demons. Possession implies ownership to something or someone. What do you think about this?
Randy Lahey books, chapters and verses please!
Id ask for a bible verse that says "we have a measure of the Holy Spirit and cannot share space with a demon" its simply not there. I believe they cannot possess us to take our will but we as christians can have demonic "attachments" that can manifest like possession.
@Randy Lahey please tell me u r not dumb enough to fall for that psycho larson... that guy is such a fake
...Bob Larsen is a fake. Born again spirit filled people when they believe wrongfully the demons will manifest enough to make you and others believe the LIE. Once you accepted Jesus Christ...Romans 10:10 you become a NEW Creation. The Holy Spirit will occupy the once possessed permanently. You need to RENEW your mind with the right doctrine and believe. Yes to believe your New Identity In Christ Jesus. ✝
@Justice is the Lantern exactly. If the Holy Spirit and evil spirits could not co-exist, satan would be chained up now, and all the demons would also be in chains of darkness as well.
No a Born Again Believers can NOT be possessed by a demonic spirit but a demonic spirit can oppress a True Christian if the believers are not living truly and can loose their Salvation
I know of Christians who are in the deliverance ministry, and they only pray for deliverance for other Christians...non-Christians don't realise their need for deliverance from evil spirits.
When they pray, they have seen physical manifestations of these spirits as they leave the body. The people have not been "possessed" how we imagine possession to be - completely taking over their body and mind - but they have still dwelt within the body and mind, sometimes causing physical ailments or psychological anguish.
When we become Christians, we are given a new spirit...but oftentimes, physical or mental problems that we experienced before conversion are still present afterward. Someone who, for example, suffered from asthma, or depression before conversion may well still suffer after, and have to work towards claiming victory over those things, which may not be fully realised this side of eternity.
It makes sense to me, therefore, that someone who has an unclean spirit in their body or mind prior to conversion, may well still have it afterwards.
People must sober up - on an emotional basis - to the fact that one simply cannot have it both ways.
This guy has no logic, just whole lotta wisdom with no simplicity!!!! Since this guy says there are no demons in a christian he mostly likely believes there are no demons in him, and that's like saying you never ever had an addiction problem that you never had to deal with before Wich is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! You are not so perfect or never will be no matter how strong you are or how many years you lived that you will never come to a point where your free from batteling addiction!!! Butt please keep battling the good fight!!!
So christains think they are perfect because their Christian..they forget there human...
I had addictions before Christ such as porn, homosexuality, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and many more sins. When Jesus revealed himself to me he delivered me of all these sins. His word opened my eyes to my sins. You have to turn away from sin because you will become a slave to sin if you keep on sinning.
Can you pray for me i smoked weed and I need a bunch of prayer
Does smoking weed has something to do with possession?
There is a caveat here. A true Christian who lives a life according to the scriptures, NO. But there are those who consider themselves Christians who blatantly commits adultery, practice yoga etc.. YES. I'm not talking about white lies or even an occasional peep at pornography. When you dabble in sin, you open the doorway for demons to enter, and they harass not just you, but your family. As parents, we are the gatekeepers and we set the example for our children.
Amen! How can a demon take residence in a believer when the Holy Spirit is already resident? The Holy Spirit protects those in Christ from demon possession.
The guy in this video is lying, like most pastors do when it comes to these “taboo” topics, YES Christians can be demonized. We are in the trenches this is not heaven
A Christian cannot be possessed if they are already occupied by the Holy Spirit, a Christian who is not Born Again and is not possessed by the Holy Spirit then yes they can become Demon Possessed. The Holy Spirit doesn't like to share His living space.
Being saved dont mean you are sin free. You got to be delivered before they are gone. You can cause people to fall telling them that. They will think they are not good enough when it has nothing to do that. I was saved and demons started comming out as I grew. Most dont know they are there and why they keep sinning. The reason is because of evil spirits. I was attacked so bad the holy spirit told me to trust him.
So what happens if you die and you’re possessed do you stay possessed or what
reality is the truth ,not some intellectual
you can be possessed while being a born again christian. take it from me i am possessed by a spirit that is living with me in peace
if you are posessed by a spirit and it is not the holy spirit you are in need of deliverance. yes people without the holy spirit can be posessed because they have no keeper.
Hey can you please tell about me. I am a Hindu and never heard about something like that?
Dear abba, in agreement with this whole message and ephesians 2:1-3, 1 corinthians 3:23, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 I thank you for binding to hell every demonic possession in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquitances, opponents and the body of Christ while binding to belong to Christ and God, while binding to hell every unequal yoke and common share with those being demonic possessed in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
2 Corinthians 11:4 Paul warns the Corinthians to be careful about receiving another spirit. 'another spirit' in addition to the Holy Spirit. -- "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”
Paul inquired, in Galatians 3:1, about who had bewitched the believers to draw them away from the truth. “Bewitched” carries the overtones of the use of witchcraft and the casting of spells. The effects upon them were not just the effects of wrong mental impressions conveyed by false teachers. It was evil spirits imposing false doctrine through false teachers.
Okay so I think you can be possessed or influenced to say so, somehow if you turn away from God and commit sins ... You open the doors ... And that's how I suffered ... I haven't slept and nights and it's weird that instead of feeling a divine presence I felt the opposite ... The idea is that I also went back to living in the world so to speak, after I asked to be born again ... And seriously that just made me to move away from the faith and from the Bible and so my whole mind and my person began to be as controlled to say so hard to explain ... Simply how I turned away from God and sinned my heart hardened
And as I followed nature more than the spirit I felt that a strange and evil present would enter me in my stomach I was hungry in one and my behavior
It has changed into evil and it is true that the world is ruled and corrupted by the Devil and I honestly felt and many evil spirits in the world is strange to explain ...
Some Christians have trouble and problems in their life, they don't exercise the power Jesus gave in Luke chapter 11. Ti order evil spirits and satan out of your house in christ name. Satan will sneak attack a Christian who has holy spirit, who's working for God. Devil isn't going to bother with those with spirit of stupor, Isaiah chapter 29. Devil doesn't take a vacation, he's in hot pursuit of those with the holy spirit, majority have spirit of stupor. Good example is apostles Paul, he was hindered a lot by satan. Key is be steadfast.
I think no , Christians love god and Jesus and pray and go to church. So god will stop demons and the devil from them and have only good happy spirits with them so yeah that’s what my opinion is. May god bless you all and god protect you from all evil god bless you all Amen! Can I get a Amen!? 🙏❤️
I'm a Christian who has a BIBLE podcast. and i still struggle with statan making uncomfortable inside my head. causing me to get angry just opening the BIBLE sometimes. I love the LORD and all that he has done for me. but i still struggle. any tips?
I have being listening to Eminem even though I knew I shouldn't and I don't know if that opened a demonic portal. please pray for me! thanks!
Music can open demonic portals,I know,it happened to me
While listening to Jean Michelle Jarre back in the 80s.
A demonic spirit entered my life I felt it come in, it was cast out in Jesus name years later.
Even Michael stop creating bullshit to hit yourself with...
You are doing this to yourself
if you believe a demon has began to influence you through music then sing psalms to God. also pray and fast to remove the influence. try listening to Christian rap music. it may help God will deliver you if you are sincere from that. you are not opening a demonic portal that way. portals are opened through witchcraft. but you are giving room to influencers and powers of the air. these are demons (powers) who control music, television and other things transported through the airwaves. Eminem has stated openly about his struggles with drug addiction and domestic issues. if you believe his music has somehow negatively influenced you pray against these things. also pray that God helps change your ear and heart towards music that praises him and lifts him up rather than worldly desires.
Yeah dude one of the main responsibility is to protect your spirit. And focus on God, when you learn more about him and fall for him you wouldn't find ways to be lukewarm. Its been 10 months now and i hope you had let go of those influences solely because you love God more than pleasing yourself.
No one can tell me they dont have a demon tempting them at all times
I know this church is full of backbitter, anger ,and abuse ,cause one would be my mother she help and give out food. A true member pray for our future some of these churches are in danger 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
What fellowship has light with darkness?
Believing or knowing about Jesus Christ and going to church doesn't make you a Christian. Being born of the Water and of the Spirit makes you. Having received the Holy Spirit is the seal that you've been made a disciple/follower of Christ/Christian/Child of God.
Obviously you haven't run into someone like that.I have the holy spirit he guides me I also have spiritual oppression and harassment, I go to a church where in prophecy GOD said he will deliver me. I am getting better but with immense difficulty still I wait. You are not fully informed on this issue.
HIGHLY IN DEMAND 7900 correct, same here.
Same here. I felt this entity enter my body and i have the Holy Spirit. I had a dream that the Word of God would free me and I have cut out all sin
@@gofigure4920 I have the holy spirit in me bc i had a vision of Jesus inside my body decorating and i feel and hear it
@@gofigure4920 No ,I am not saying I felt the Holy Spirit enter me physically! The entity entered me physically....but I know the Holy Spirit has not left ....those videos are old I have renounced all that , I was being influenced by evil ...I made mistakes, I've learnt. You're right I do need deliverance. I've had some guiding dreams saying God's word will help to free me . I believe and received Jesus . Yes I would advise anyone not to look at the videos I'm taking them down. I don't / won't listen or watch anything like that now
who says demons possess our spirit? do they not possess and control our body? nothing in the Bible says a demon inhabits our body regardless of Holy Spirit. pray and fast for clarity. the BIBLE, which I would follow over a MAN, SAYS these signs will follow those who believe:
"These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”
Mark 16:17-18 NLT
Regardless of what this video is saying, ask your self, "Am I laying hands on the sick? Am I casting out demons? Am I praying in tongues?"
These will come one at a time, as we surrender our life to Jesus.
I manifested having the Holy Spirit within me at 15. I remember I had a friend say, "Maybe you didn't have the Holy Spirit." I thought "EXCUSE me?!" How can someone question me having Holy Spirit? That is so blasphemous. I told her I had accepted Christ at 15, confessed to God that I was a sinner, (without confessing all my sins), and the same as I was when I was talking to her during that time. Born of the Spirit. I wasn't in sexual sin, or any other major sin. Had given up witchcraft Disney films and all of that. In the Word daily. I've been convicted by Holy Spirit on many different things. If you listen, the man in this video actually says "In a fallen state yes." This is his demons admitting he has demons. We all do without holy Spirit led repentance and deliverance. He is contradicting himself. Praying for discernment, and for your eyes to be opened.
Btw I'm super impressed with all of these believer's comments. :)
Yes I have delivered Christian from oppressing spirit, possessing them during time of praying for deliverance. he is categorizing possession. He is saying not to the degree jesus was dealing with. but I say yes. But because of teaching like this, Christian think thy can't be touched when actually they are . Why do you think Christians lie, steal, cheat, put down, hide sin, blame god, teach false doctrine and leave the faith. demons can inter through sin and lead you. Sins give them permission to dwell in you. Wither you are possession are following his will what difference does it make. If you are really praying for deliverance of people you will see this. I was not looking for it. It just happen. And its because people have hidden sin as believers. What being in Christ does is give you power to cast out, and resist, to stay right. but Christian don't resist sin sometime and this is a door. particularly if its habitual sin. Doing deliverance will change your doctrine. I want to know if he is just talker. Because those who do it don't say this. Only the book readers. Gods whole creation is sinful, " all has sin" he just imparts righteousness to believer who believe. they still sin just not as much or hardly ever. This also has to do with the lie of perfectionism.
@@DanaAshlie so glad you can see what I saying. may the lord continually bless you.
yes even i have seen many christians whoactively pray with fastin every week being possessed by devil... Why so???
Also. The pastor here is interpreting the bible verses as he sees them to be. That doesn't mean it is true. The bible also says that God's mind in other words is unlike the mind of men of this earth. Satan can interfere and possess Christians. However. They can be delivered. His answer is making Christianity to be a belief in which no sins are to be done. No wrong is to occur. There are times when we are in environments where we don't realize we are being influenced. I know I don't dabble in any of that. And I also know that I've been affected. It is horrible. A congregation of 1000 can join together at a Sunday service while the pastor reads a sermon..Yet. Every person will go home and apply those messages as they see fit.
Being tempted and influenced by the demonic forces is different than being possessed. The devil nor his demons cannot posses a true born again believer in Christ. There’s no scriptural backing for this belief as there is more for the fact that it cannot happen. John 8:36, Col. 1:13, Romans 6:10-11 just to name a few. I would actually question a person’s true conversion and salvation had they become demon possessed before I would belief a true redeemed child of God could ever be possessed. The theology of this is no where to be found in the Bible. Every encounter with Christ a demon possessed person had was truly delivered and redeemed, and we have been indued with the same power that Christ afforded to us when He died on the cross and rose on the third day to conquer sin, death and crushed the devil’s head under His heal and completely stripped him of any power and authority, Col. 2:5.
I have a legit question. I am a born again christian. I was watching a video about a lady that was an ex witch that had gotten was a good program with scripture and prayer. During the video i fell asleep. And at the end of it, I heard a demon scream at me and say, "Get Out Now!" It did not scare me, but i was like why did I hear that. I even replayed the video to see if it came from the video or if it was another video that played. When i rewatched there was nothing demonic at all. So i am wondering...why would I hear that. Does that mean i might be possessed or that I am no longer saved? I have a lot of anger and bitterness in my heart that i can not get rid of. And it has slowly built up over the last few years. I get mad and angry at God and idk why. I had a horrible childhood with SA etc....But I was saved at 9. Someone make it make sense please.
Christians have demons living in their flesh this man is a liar. The spirit wars against the flesh.
Paul said in my flesh dwells no good thing.
When a Christian is born again the physical body is not born again but the spirit is.
@@chrislasala I wouldn't call him a _liar_ , I mean I don't see any reason to suspect he doesn't believe what he says.
@@Matthew_85k lies are lies, he may not be a willful liar but lying none the less
To answer the original comment, even though it was 8 months ago, I don't think you have to be possessed to hear a voice. The apostle Paul himself described a messenger of satan sent to torment him (there are different theories about what exactly he was talking about). If a spirit yells at a person after they watch a video about Jesus I'd say it was to confuse them. Put on the armor of God (lots of good videos about that)
Why are you mad at God? From Christians I've heard testify about that, it's because they were still holding onto trauma from their life and haven't forgiven the people responsible for it. Or it could be your current circumstance. You have to let go, forgive and pray for them. It's for yourself as much as it is for them. Maybe much more for yourself.
I am a Christian and I had a evil experience. And one demon was trying to get me to doubt this. But he could not control me. The problem was I started to be in a trance when the demon became like a different version of Jesus.
If you do not call out on Jesus Christ our Savior and King. You will lose.
" my answer to that would probably be no"
All hands on deliverance preachers say yes! I'll take expirience over head knowledge any day of the week.
Matt 15:26
26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.
Context is deliverance-. She wants Jesus to cast a demon out of her daughter. Jesus said deliverance is for the children or Christian's not for the world
Well how do I become Christian if I'm possessed
A Christian who Carry's the spirit of pride or another sin then lays hands on another person praying for them, then the person who was prayed for experiences demonic oppression,, can this be a transferring of spiritual oppression to another person?
Demon attack are different from possessed with demon. Having demon in you or demons are out attacking us
Can you explain more?
@@enigma639 just did a video yesterday called can Christian be possessed with demons
@@LifeJourneyaboveandbeneath I am a Hindu and never heard of something like that. Why this only happens with Christians?
@@enigma639 jut did a video it be released 11am attack or possessed with demons are different
@@enigma639 we are bearer of the truth. Have you read the holy scriptures about people that are possessed with demons such as the man at the graveyard 🪦 he was sent there because no man could control him until he saw Jesus Christ. Why you a Hindu?
wrong teaching. I saw so many christians delivered from satan time to time. The word of God says “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
- Psalms 91:1 (KJV) nothing will harm you but if you are not you are on your own. It is how you walk with God not only if you are saved by Jesus. If you sin and dont have the fruit of the holly spirit go check yourself at a church of Christ who practice the power of deliverance.
What about somebody who has just recently accepted Jesus. Can that person still experience demonic power. So this person has experience demonic activity for all long time and just 2 weeks ago accepted Jesus but she self- harm last week and got really drunk. She feels confused because she that those desires would be gone.
That's the flesh, it wars against the spirit.
Yes they can experience those spirits. Keep praying and seeking Jesus Christ for deliverance. Freedom is coming if she keeps fighting and allow Jesus Christ to work in her life.
How to tell if one is possessed
We still live in a fallen body; yes the spirit of a believer is redeemed and regenerated, and from being born again in our spirit man; this influences our habits, through the mind of the spirit. So yes, a Christian cannot be possessed by a demon, because their inner man is redeemed. But by freewill, if a Christian decides to feed an area within their flesh for a prolonged period of time, sooner or later they will invite demonic influences to enter their life. Where it's not only a lust of the flesh, but it's a lust of the flesh coupled with a demonic spirit that enjoys the activity that is occurring within the body of this individual. We all still live within sinful, corruptible flesh, and until Christ comes to give us our regenerated body, the most coziest place for demons to live are in places where there is still resentment, lust, pride, fear, and a part of a person given up to compulsive behaviors. This is common for Christians who found themselves tempted to dabble in new age practices, and when they fell into it, a demon entered their life; this is one example where the need for casting demons out would come, when a Christian falls into a backslidden state that especially involved deep embedded attachments in their soul & body to idolatry, witchcraft, strong perversion; those demons don't want to leave the vessel it was invited to so easily. Why did Jesus institute the ministry of casting out devils in the first place? Before He went to the Father, He left this ministry for the church; it would not make sense to caste out a demon out of a person who is content with staying in their sin, and don't want to follow Christ, the demon would either came back, or not leave the person at all because their own will to sin keeps the thief living in them.
Answer is no born again SPIRIT FILLED Christian can possibly be demon possessed.
50% of the angels when with Satan and then become demons. The angels (demons) we fighting for their freedom. Demons are freedom fighters.
I have a legitimate question. I've been seeing a lot of demons and other not so nice spirits. They tend to watch and they love to give me a jump scare here and there. However, their getting more "intense". I just want to know if I should start praying?
Danny Yocco .. yes. A long time ago, but never too late
@@lox1622 thanks
My mother believes she’s been possessed by a demon for 25 years but also has the HS in her. She says she sees and talks to demons 24/7. I do not believe the Christian story. My mum is a Christian and very much a weirdo supernatural and over the top. I do believe her experiences of demons are real for her. They are not real for me. She is therefore managing her battle alone. Personally, I think my mum has a mental illness and may be better off with psychiatric help and medication. She totally believes that God has allowed this demon to possess her, and Jesus has chosen to not cast it out. And she says she’s attacked by witches and she has to pray “in Jesus name” all day long to ward off evil curses. She’s extremely negative. I can hear her walking around the house saying “in Jesus name” or “get out, I don’t want to talk right now” or giggle giggle giggle. Hallelujah isn’t it wonderful to see the power and joy from living as a Christian? (Sarcasm) 😂😂😂
@@RaptureReady2025 omg but why this only happens with Christians. I am a Hindu and never heard of something like that
Get your eyes checked?
I was attack by devil at night so many times i read bible m a believer idk what is wrong with me
The best thing to do is to fight with prayer. But before that make sure you are born again, if you are not born again you should focus on that first. Repent and put your faith in Christ and his sacrifice as payment for your sins and he'll give you a new heart with new desires. God bless you and stay strong
Satan would love for Christians to believe this. By sin and wrong thinking, we can open the door to strongholds in the demonic realm. Use the word oppressed or demonized, or some other language than possession, but most believers have sin and strongholds, so... I disagree with the answer in this video. Note there was virtually no Scripture to support this position.
Recommended reading: Spiritual Warfare by Karl Payne, a conservative Baptist pastor who unexpectedly wound up working with demonized individuals
im christian and the devil is attacking me im just 11 and i dont know what to do i need help and its scaring me he is slowly taking me out
How are you doing?
@@levirush2426 awful im feeling sucidal
Really? Where are your parents? Do they know?
@@levirush2426 they dont belive me.
Bro, how can I help?
First you say PROBABLY not, Christians cannot be demon possessed. At the end you claim Christians can be CONFIDENT that they cannot be demon possessed. Which one is it?
God is able to do everything while the devil can do nothing at all. I'm happy to have a belief in God.
Amen and Amen !!!!!!!! Glory be to God for our complete salvation !!!
Satan and demons can attack, oppress, and possess people that are saved....Read the book of Job in the bible.....Job in the bible was saved and God allowed him to be attacked by Satan and demons......Even Jesus in the bible was tempted by Satan during his fast for 40 days and 40 nights......
Really?’ This is what’s wrong with the world.. ppl, please.. exercise some critical thinking and skepticism. This is the type of thing that adds to the decline of religion. Please, for your own sakes research some logical arguments and refine your epistemological foundations 🤦🏻♂️
This is an important questions from a person who's in the middle of converting to Christian,
1. CAN A CHRISTIAN BE HARMED BY BLACK MAGIC? Hope some true Christian answer the question.
2. Can converting to Christian remove the black magic? Thank you in advance.
Notice that people who don't believe in demons are never possessed by them?
Sometimes they are, they're just not aware of it. Possession is rare and at first it just starts off where they're in your head and slowly they can take over your body but that's even more rare. Most of the time people assume it's their imagination or their own thoughts when it isn't.
@@Madmonkeman That is a paranoid delusion.
I'm afraid this person is clueless as to the reality of demonic beings, that can dwell in a Christian.
This is a person who sits and reads opinions,more than likely a Jesuit plant.
As for me , God left me on the battlefield day in and day out , I know that a born again spirit filled person, can have indwelling evil beings in there life...fact.this person is wrong.
@UC4g6KW-7OlKezWWQ3DaDn9A sorry your decieved
The Word divides between spirit and soul...there are borders between the 2...
Chop my legs and arms off
I still have the same intellect
The Word(Jesus) lives in the spirit...a demon can't have place in the spirit.
It can have a dwelling place in the soul or body .
See Derek Prince on this subject.
This man is wrong,and teaching the devil's theology.
@UC4g6KW-7OlKezWWQ3DaDn9A no not at all,
Nothing conflicts, the word divides...tell me then how Satan was found in the heaven of heavens among the sons of God
In the book of Job.
They have access to God's heaven...even now.
How much more access to the fallen flesh which is in conflict
With the new spirit.
Logical and in no way conflicts.
@UC4g6KW-7OlKezWWQ3DaDn9A nobody is talking about possession.
If Christ lives within you u are possessed by God.
That is what God is interested in
The flesh is condemned...the body on death row...the flesh is Satan's secret agent so to speak. enemy of God in you...that's your old flesh nature which is beyond help according to God...the sin nature cannot be reformed......water is water it can never be soil...soil can never be cannot reform the nature of a pack of hyenas ,
They do what they do because it's in there nature.
The flesh sins because it's sin nature which manifests it's self in the works of the flesh.
This is the door.when the sin nature is in total subjection to the spirit(walking after and living in the spirit) demons present will
Leave the body and the soul...
But will always come back to
My House.....I will return.
But you don't address the most obvious question. Can a christian have a demon?
Or do you equit this to demon possession?
As a believer you can still entered by demon spirits the bible said like this..if you open the door for their attack..door ways can open when you make a sin
Where in the bible does it speak about "entered by demon spirits"?
just so we’re all on the same page this is all metaphorical right? Like you get “possessed” by sin, and by following the teachings of Jesus you can get on the right path and live better. When we say “the Holy Spirit will protect you” we’re saying that through your faith and adherence to Christian teachings that you will avoid falling back to bad habits or whatever your “demons” are.
Some believe that, most don't. Once you start talking about the Bible being allegorical, it's a slippery slope. I imagine sooner or later people wind up believing that Jesus was just a messenger, or that He didn't exist. I suspect many who take that view are looking for a way to be Christian and still live a certain way. Avoiding the "hard" part of Christianity. Which can be living a certain way... or perhaps even just submitting to God rather than holding yourself above all else. I digress.
What does it mean if you fall to temptation at times (not all the time)even after trying to or claiming to seek Christ. How can one be certain there free and still struggle with issues?
Let me solve this simple question: Can a Christian be demon possessed? ...........OF COURSE! Can a Christian worship the devil or practice evil deeds...........sigh. Look at the work of Fr. Malachi Martin.......
Yes God has shown me we can be demonically possessed
if you believe that Christ died for your sins, and accept his free gift of salvation and repented from your sins, you are saved. Lets not forget that Jesus himself was tempted by the devil personally. What it sounds like you have is a "demonic attachment" which is part of satan's kingdom to attack us . The church
Id still ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if your truly saved, through on individual or circumstance
Rebecca Juster there is a distinct difference between demonic oppression and possession, I’d just rebuke with the word and Jesus name and put on some worship music
no he hasn't. ridiculous
2 Corinthians 11:4 Paul warns the Corinthians to be careful about receiving another spirit. 'another spirit' in addition to the Holy Spirit. -- "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”
Paul inquired, in Galatians 3:1, about who had bewitched the believers to draw them away from the truth. “Bewitched” carries the overtones of the use of witchcraft and the casting of spells. The effects upon them were not just the effects of wrong mental impressions conveyed by false teachers. It was evil spirits imposing false doctrine through false teachers.
Why so many dislikes?
It was reassuring and he cited sources.
I am living proof that it can happen - I felt something enter my body but I also had a vision of a mini Jesus in my body too...I am afflicted and a spirit filled , bible reading tongue talking believer !
Yes ,they can get into your life, infact ,they will seek ways to get in .
There is an all out war going on in the spirit,they hate God and those whom God had chosen.
ER...did it enter for any reason, fear or a moment of fear can open the doors of your life.
God tells us,fear not.
To be in fear is to disobey God
@@user-kq5qp6dh8l hey I am a Hindu, and never heard of something like that? Why this only happens with Christians?
@@enigma639 this is a stupid story that only Christians can understand 😂
Tongues are not even for today. Do you really believe or are you just a pretender?
But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.
1 John 4:4 NLT
Can someone explain what happened in Job and why were God and Satan speaking with each other like comrades? Then Job was played with like nothing or no one.
Paul had a messenger of satan and pain. He was saved.
Glory to Jesus!!
This is honestly wrong! You could be honest, but when lacking honest, biblical answers, you are intentionally/ unintentionally reading pple astray.
The Dark doctrine you are preaching here is " once saved, always saved". This is biblically very wrong. Read the lesson about King Jeroboam and the lying prophet in 1.Kings 12-13. What about Mathew 16:23, where Satan (through Peter)was trying to Stop Jesus from the work He was to do and Jesus had to rebuke him.
The holy bible warns us of this ideology in 1. Chorinthians 10:12.
What a ridiculous question. A Christian is someone who has Christ living in their heart and the Holy Spirit living and working in them and through them, then of course a demon can't live in the same space. The question is RIDICULOUS!!!
Demons hold no power over true belivers
I was honestly lost for a minute but then I was remembered of Jesus sacrifice in the cross and his blood saved us, but yet will be tempted and we are still going to die for our sins. With that said when you truly give your life for Jesus he's going to save you from that cuz he's sacrifice will have been in vain, therefore when I here Christian's exorcism other Christians that person didn't truly follow God with his mind and soul.
You can indeed be possessed if you invite those demons in. You can open up a portal to the demonic through a ouija board, a seance, channeling and a lot of New Age activities.
Being a Christian doesn’t mean you are all protected you are certainly saved but if you dabble with demonic doings that doesn’t mean you are free from Satans things and sin you still need to stay away from that stuff
(I am spiritual, not religious) We are spirit in physical body. Our spirit is the main attached spirit that controls our body. OTHER spirits CAN attach and those OTHER spirit(s) can influence or disturb and lead to psychosis. in my opinion, I believe that anyone of any religion (or of no religion) can become obsessed or possessed by 1 or more spirits.
Everyone say, "With God anything's possible."
This is exactly what Kenneth Copeland kept saying The principalities and powers
Wasnt Peter possessed then Jesus said to satan get in behind.
Are you talking about gay sex? Satan get in behind!'
Thats not true. A Christian can open themselves up to possession by sin. Sin separates us from God. If you do not repent whole heartedly you, by choice, turn your back on God.. An remember words are not enough, you must mean it from the heart that you are truly sorrowful for your sin for it to be forgiven. Jesus did die for our sins, but you must have real faith, and practice your faith to have that salvation. There is no free ride. Just as we are now in The Times Of The great Tribulation...So, we know now for sure there is no rapture...
Next I saw four angels, standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the world to keep them from blowing over the land or the sea or any tree.
2 Then I saw another angel rising where the sun rises, carrying the seal of the living God; he called in a powerful voice to the four angels whose duty was to devastate land and sea,
3 'Wait before you do any damage on land or at sea or to the trees, until we have put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God
See it was foretold we would be here during the times of Tribulation, and those who stay faithful will receive the mark and be saved from the devastation. The life of a true Christian is not an easy one, staying faithful is hard with all the temptation out there do not let the world fool you. God bless you all and God bless America... Remember the only Party with Gods will in their heart is The Republican Party No true Christian Can vote for anyone who is against Gods will. Anyone who is not doing Gods will is Anti-Christ
If a Christian gets demon possessed that means the Holy Spirit is not with you but if Gods with you then he has protection
P GM really how
P GM dang bro how did it feel when your possesed
What if demonic control is required, to a degree, to become a polytheist-like a Christian or other Mithrist?
Jaefar SABNW
Christians are not polytheistic.
Where did you get that from?
The Word of God states that light and darkness cannot dwell together, there is only one or the other.
Throughout 1John, John emphasises that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit dwells in us (mentioned 12-13 times - there are other scriptures saying this too), so it is impossible for a real Christian to be possessed by a demon - it cannot exist together.
I think people are confused about 'testing the spirit' - it's not referring to us being possessed, but to test the spirits of others who claim to be Christians... do their 'fruits' reflect the teachings of God and Jesus?
It is also for Christians to check the teachings and opinions of people against scripture, remembering to read scripture in context, not just by a verse.
Blessings to you
That light darkness verse is about unbelievers. Is it impossible for unbelievers and believers to dwell together? No otherwise that verse wouldn't be there as a warning. That verse isnt about demons, but if we were to use that verse out of context and use it as an analogy to prove that a Christian can or can't have a demon the answer would actually be yes they can have demons, but that passage isn't about that.
Also the testing the spirits being human. Where does the bible explicitly say that.
I actually do take issue with you because these are serious things. If you're wrong and Christians can have them people arent going to be able to get support and potentially get taken advantage of ive had to live this first-hand and its horrible. Imagine if a Christian could have a demon. If they could have a spirit of infirmity and they had a disease that was killing them and someone like you tells them that's impossible and they die because of it.
It's an issue that can have serious consequences for people if you get it wrong either way.
Being tempted and influenced by the demonic forces is different than being possessed. The devil nor his demons cannot posses a true born again believer in Christ. There’s no scriptural backing for this belief as there is more for the fact that it cannot happen. John 8:36, Col. 1:13, Romans 6:10-11 just to name a few. I would actually question a person’s true conversion and salvation had they become demon possessed before I would belief a true redeemed child of God could ever be possessed. The theology of this is no where to be found in the Bible. Every encounter with Christ a demon possessed person had was truly delivered and redeemed, and we have been indued with the same power that Christ afforded to us when He died on the cross and rose on the third day to conquer sin, death and crushed the devil’s head under His heal and completely stripped him of any power and authority, Col. 2:5.
What if you were filled with the HG but you stepped back from God and just live your life outside of Christ can you be possessed by demons?
well you're either ALL for God or not for Him. You can't pick and choose what you wanna believe or follow. Gods Spirit won't continue to live within you if you're not committing your life to Him. Christ and the world can't correlate as they're both opposing each other. If you're not in Christ, you can 100% be demon possessed as you have no higher authority in control over you eg. God as He is more sovereign and strong compared to the enemy, therefore, if you don't LIVE for God and take up your cross daily (Matthew 16:24-25), the enemy has control over you. The only way you can be totally free from demonic possession is through Jesus Christ ! 1 John 4:4 "You belong to God; You have already won a victory because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world."