The Syrian Munshids - Babu Hadi

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Door to the Guide of mankind, Ahmad,
    Mercy of the Clear Truth -
    In truth a Reviver of the Deen
    Sheikh of all Gnostics / Helper of the universe.
    Servant of the Purified Sacred Law,
    My Master al-Sheikh al-Akbar
    Exalted is He Who gave him a manifestation
    Comprising all universe.
    His door is ´Abd al-Ghani,
    The wali, son of a wali [1],
    Ocean of prophetic knowledge,
    Sheikh of the Masters of firm conviction.
    O you oceans of generosity, be generous
    With your gift, then give again and again!
    Until when will this (state of) constriction persist?
    Show mercy to a dejected heart!
    [1] Refers to Sheikh ´Abd al-Ghani al-Nablusi and his father (rahimahuma Allah ta'ala).
    Sheikh ´Abd al-Ghani is buried close to al-Sheikh al-Akbar (rahimahu Allah ta'ala), and
    as also an interpreter of his works.
    © Damas Cultural Society

Комментарии • 4