Martial Blade Concepts Volume 5: Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting - The MBC Approach

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 234

  • @PinM3
    @PinM3 6 лет назад +44

    First video I've found that actually gives some instruction on reverse grip instead of focusing on the pros and cons

  • @TheBoxingCannabyte
    @TheBoxingCannabyte 6 лет назад

    Also got an Emerson Delica 4 which that training blade at the begginnig is like, and a regular delica, Emerson Karambit, Fox 479 karambit, and what I trained with in the military, the Ka-Bar of course.

  • @konokiLuong
    @konokiLuong 10 лет назад

    How do you block a super fast reverse grip slash ? almost like impossible unless you moved away..

    • @Tyler_Lalonde-
      @Tyler_Lalonde- 10 лет назад

      close in if hes close or no room to move other wise yeah step back.

    • @Tyler_Lalonde-
      @Tyler_Lalonde- 10 лет назад

      Clarence Baluca he's talKing about a knife slash not a punch.

    • @Tyler_Lalonde-
      @Tyler_Lalonde- 10 лет назад

      Clarence Baluca a punch doesn't move faster then a knife slash or stab since its the same arm. the only thing the knife has going is the blade. its use and length. so your right with being able to stop the arm. just depends on the attack and weapon. a knife doesn't need a lot of force so you can swing it around and it will work. but a punch needs more power and thus will be slower. of course it won't cut some material or thick clothing as good or at all.

  • @vector8310
    @vector8310 8 лет назад +8

    do you suppose you can shorten your intro?

  • @armynurseboy
    @armynurseboy 11 лет назад +2

    Just remember though, this is a training drill designed to create muscle memory. It is not actual fighting technique.

  • @TheLoneWolfMaverick
    @TheLoneWolfMaverick 11 лет назад +1

    The main problem with any of these videos: Actual fights are not as predictable.

  • @Flatbasset
    @Flatbasset 9 лет назад +53

    The world's most brutal game of Patty cake.....

    • @looseyfur3773
      @looseyfur3773 8 лет назад +2

      This comment made my day! 😂

    • @1paddi
      @1paddi 8 лет назад +3

      +nzhotpepper Yeah, it would be much better if they used real blades and made contact (dripping with sarcasm)

  • @jamesweaver2382
    @jamesweaver2382 8 лет назад +32

    The intro is annoying as hell

    • @Leo-wm5ph
      @Leo-wm5ph 4 года назад +1

      @bangmeister2012 me too

  • @ArmaGuyz
    @ArmaGuyz 6 лет назад +2

    In real life if you want to live. RUN FUCKING RUN. DO NOT SQUARE UP WITH A PERSON WHO HAS A KNIFE THERE IS NO GLAMOR Theres a saying in a knife fight the winner goes to the hospital the loser goes to the morgue. There is no area that you can be stabbed or cut safely we are talking severed tendons and arteries with adrenaline pumping. Its game over if youre cut in an artery. No one squares up they leverage arm you and come in with a strong armed forward stab multiple times. Youll live from the initial attack long enough to die from blood loss. Theres a video of a kid from the UK who was stabbed and only once. He had a major surgery to save him and had a gigantic open wound on his back for 8 months. That had to stay open to drain. He survived the attacker got 8 years. He still has nerve damage. RUN.

  • @windowofpane
    @windowofpane 9 лет назад +39

    If you ever check in real life, slash the throat or the inside of the thighs or biceps. If you stab, stab the gut or the sides of the neck behind the collar bones and rapidly step backward. Not run. Never look away form a threat untill it is no longer a threat. But this will ensure the agressor drops before you are also mortaly wounded. I am a realist. These "techniques" are fun to practice but in real life there are no drills and no practice. Life and death, the man across from you will be fighting just as hard as any human ever has to stay alive, he will be wild and savage and "pinning an elbow to the ribs", is a useless time expendature that could be used severing or puntcuring vital organs. But even more practical, rather than being a hero, avert, de-escalate, decieve, decompress, or last resort, run. You have to understand these guys are making money "training" you so therefore there will always be new "techniques" but in real life if you kill a person, even the bad guy of all bad guys, you will see a trial there will be lawyer fees and legal battles that will follow draing time and resources out of your life. So if you have ANY OTHER choice aside from killing him, that is the best course you can take. With that said, if hes trying to kill you, fight like its yiur last fight because it could be, these videos are cool and fun. But as far as traing goes the only thing you need is to know how to check and hit vital areas quickly. Throw punches with your oppisite hand. Kick for the groin, knees. Spit, headbutt. Throw dirt in thier eyes if you can. Knife to knife, you have to take any advantage you possibly can. Not pin an elbow.

    • @SuperTheblackhand
      @SuperTheblackhand 9 лет назад +5

      +Jake Wagner Couldn't have said it better myself. I've wasted countless hours on youtube looking for a fighting style with real practical "techniques" only to find them being very unrealistic and impractical. Your enemy goes for a single hit and then stands completely still, like a fucking idiot, for you to mess him up, no resistance or improvisations whatsoever. Also they seem to relay on accurate predictions a little to much, like if you don't know EXACTLY when his next attack is coming and how he will deliver it your SCREWED. These demonstrations belong exclusively to movies and video games. Because they are fun to watch, they are entertaining. Hell, even movies are more realistic then this. Also, not once I've found a real-life street fight or war-footage where these "techniques" were put to use. The most complex "techniques" were always: block then hit or avoid then hit. Nothing went beyond that.
      No "twist his arm like that to force him to drop the knife then hit his knee to lower him " then " "hold his leg like this then grab him by the shoulder to throw him like that" or " block his hit like that then simultaneously twist his wrist like this to make him flip himself in mid-air and fall on his back" then "hold him by the neck to do this and that". They go on forever!!!! It is like you are fighting a brainless doll!!! The most insane ones were those who included guns. He holds a gun to your BACK and you just TURN around and next thing you know he is pointing his gun in a different direction for you to fuck him up. LOL he couldn't just pull his hand back? or take a step back to avoid it? how fast are you suppose to turn? and how do you make sure his hand moves with you? what if it doesn't work? might as well tell us to go kill ourselves.
      I remember Bruce Lee (the greatest martial artists of all times) saying in one of his interviews something like the following: "The more complex a technique is, the more dangerous and less practical it becomes in real life." He also said something like: "Each person has his own instinct and spontaneous fighting style, his own reflections. People think differently so it is natural for them to fight differently as well. Most, if not all, martial arts ignore that and just impose their own teachings on you even if that might serve as a disadvantage. We should not place restrictions on our students when their enemies have none. We should not tell them what to do and what not to do and instead tell them how they could do it better."
      This is why his fighting style included the most basic and simplest moves coming from many fighting styles. It also takes into account what works better for YOU. This was to make sure everyone finds what works best for him and improve on it. Also his "techniques" were, because of the fact that it takes real life situations into account, very simple and straightforward. This is to make sure they are very PRACTICAL for YOU. Block then hit, avoid then hit. Nothing crazy or over the top and I will take his word for it.

    • @nothingnewtome1
      @nothingnewtome1 9 лет назад +5

      +Ahmed Lilo this isn't meant to be "live" sparring. it's meant so simply be a flow drill to get you used to the movements. you crawl, walk, run... just because crawling doesn't look like running doesn't mean it has no practical purpose. this video is far from perfect but unfortunately you are missing the point of the drill.

    • @SuperTheblackhand
      @SuperTheblackhand 9 лет назад +5

      Dan Means I did understand the point of this drill, it is you who didn't understand my comment. First of all, of course this isn't suppose to be live sparring. HAHAHA you thing I didn't know that? you're missing the point completely! Let me try again.
      I don't believe in styles and whatever chains of moves or techniques they have to offer anymore. Not because that is what Bruce Lee said, but because I tried them and it didn't work out for me, as well as the majority of people. At least not in real life. You always go back to your instincts and brutality to win, or you end up using the most SIMPLISTIC moves and techniques you can remember.
      No one blocks a certain knife-attack only to have the arm which he used to block moved from one side to another!, then twist the direction of the knife 180 degree, only to slash his LEGS!! IF THAT IS NOT IMPRACTICAL I don't know what is. It is not about how much time you need. It is about how complex this move set is and how impractical as well. Why not just hit him in the guts? I do realize this is about self-defence but this guy is coming at you with a knife to KILL you!!

    • @vector8310
      @vector8310 8 лет назад +1

      amen, brother. these are neat exercises but too choreographed. of course you may gain a measure of reflexive muscle memory, but real-life street situations are chaotic by nature. are you reverse gripping? go for the bowls, thighs, biceps. then, spin out or around, or push or shove

    • @Ivanofkoshinkaisokanryu
      @Ivanofkoshinkaisokanryu 8 лет назад +1

      to go in to anything with out an understanding of it is to fail befor it starts

  • @djrrain
    @djrrain 10 лет назад +11

    They are training guys - training muscle memory. Automatic reflex.

    • @FilipCordas
      @FilipCordas 3 года назад +1

      I think the technical term is larping

  • @kostet1977
    @kostet1977 5 лет назад +1

    the funny thing about such "techniques" - if you are in the real knife fight you will never get to such close distance. You`ll try to sting from as far as it`s possible, these are reflexes, organic human behavior. And reversed grip is an entire bullshit as it shortens fighter`s reach. So even if experienced fighter lets his opponent to come this close (we`d rather have to call him "man with the sharp reflexes" coz experienced fighter wouldn`t allow this situation) he`ll not be able to block the knife. The drill is useless.

  • @ccsmith2937
    @ccsmith2937 5 лет назад +7

    “Which one is right, Yes”. I love it just win the fight for your life, there are no rules just laws. Stay safe. 👍🇺🇸🤺

  • @RawDoggin_78
    @RawDoggin_78 3 года назад +1

    see the problem with wing chun and all other self defense shit again. those stationary drills that are more complex than swinging or sticking the knifr to your opponent WILL NOT WORK against live resistance and you wom't rely on it to save your life. and its gonna end up a pathetic 2 seconds of rapier fencing followed by a prison shanking contest: who will die *first* . we see this training not work in wing chun, krav maga, aikifo, Hamido and a lot of other bullshido systems namely kung fu styles. you need a basic REALISTIC approach and you need to ACTIVELY and DYNAMICALLY train with basic moves if you wanna keep breathing when push comes to show. you can john wick this guy all day long in front of the camera but when shit actually hits the fan and an attacker comes dashing with his knife it will be like you haven't picked a knife in your lifetime at all. this, this won't help, it will give you a very false sense of security and that is not good. think about it. and if you dont believe me, just google up leakreality or other gore sites and watch some real knife fights. there is plenty out there for you to learn from. wise your ass up this ain't mortal kombat there is no round 2 people.

  • @spiritualwarriorhealer6154
    @spiritualwarriorhealer6154 2 года назад +1

    Sir, i love the concepts; but that second phase: Palisut , you made a grave mistake. You blocked live blade facing downward. 8:34

  • @silkroad1201
    @silkroad1201 4 года назад +3

    Forward vs reverse grip has a lot of controversy. I'll clear it up by saying if you aren't a good fighter and just want to defend yourself, learn forward grip techniques, reverse grip won't do shit. If you're already a good fighter, only use reverse grip. This is because you will be using your hands and feet as your main mode of attack and forward grip will make it difficult, if not dangerous.

    • @zinknot
      @zinknot 2 года назад

      Yeah, that's similar to what I was thinking. I have always liked practicing boxing and MMA but never Kali and knife fighting until recently. I realized that reverse grip is a more secure grip plus I can use moves more similar to what I would naturally do without a knife. I don't feel like I'm fencing or sword fighting.

  • @RonanAquilius
    @RonanAquilius 7 лет назад +9

    fighting is all about muscle memory, if you dont put it into practice these video wont serve you much purpose

  • @gunnerhiro394
    @gunnerhiro394 3 года назад +1

    what's with all this kali silat nonsense drills - it gets too stylized - learn a few basic moves - then spar spar spar

  • @IronyAffairs
    @IronyAffairs 11 лет назад +4

    Drills are made to keep you moving and practice consistent motions. In a real fight you most likely won't be using full drills/combo movements. (An example being kempo learning blocks 1 through 8. You may use 1,3,7, instead of always 1,2,3 in a row). Usually you take the basic of a move, then you look for your openings and go from there. You learn basics like this in any martial art. It's all about how you use these techniquics with your own skill to your advantage, This helps muscle memory

  • @pwmaggart
    @pwmaggart 11 лет назад +1

    We do train with them, you missed that part. Soke is so old, he doesn't leave Japan anymore to teach. You're missing the big difference between Budo Taijitsu and MMA, and other styles-We use weapons. And I have no problems breaking a bone on someone, or just embarrassing them, I figure I'd send you to someone, wherever you live, that runs a Dojo. I'm not offering to meet anyone out of sheer humbleness. That's why I sent you to a dojo, they're used to being tested by you likes. And won't hurt you

  • @jakeycross1598
    @jakeycross1598 11 лет назад +3

    I like this video and al. But I ca't resist XD
    Grown men playing Patta-cake. :]

  • @peterexley4985
    @peterexley4985 4 месяца назад +1

    🤔thanks for that without prejudice

  • @sabreactual
    @sabreactual 10 лет назад +1

    Hey, this looks ALOT like Datu Kelly Worden and Jimmy Keating's stuff!

  • @JayC-fg9up
    @JayC-fg9up 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for your videos. Can't believe I'm just discovering them now.

  • @nathanearly9606
    @nathanearly9606 11 лет назад +1

    One question.. Your Crossada looks a lot like a Gunting, are they the same thing... or are they different... Just asking.

  • @SleeplessAnarchist
    @SleeplessAnarchist 9 лет назад +2

    The guy on the right at 6:00 looks like a goddamned albino T Rex.

  • @caseybundajon5661
    @caseybundajon5661 9 лет назад +4

    a system is a system, and I am thankful to be graced with the knowledge. as for the children commenting trying to prove what's better why don't y'all respect the perspective and leave the criticism in your head. a systemless system is understanding the perspective and creating your own path... there's a million ways to skin a cat

    • @steverogers4612
      @steverogers4612 4 года назад

      Million ways to skin a Cat, but only ONE way to do it properly.

    • @litewerx4409
      @litewerx4409 3 года назад

      @@steverogers4612 a dead cat is a dead cat, a fight is unpredictable.

    • @steverogers4612
      @steverogers4612 3 года назад

      @@litewerx4409 Not true at all.

    • @litewerx4409
      @litewerx4409 3 года назад

      @@steverogers4612 if you think every fight is the same you clearly lack the experience to speak on the subject.

    • @steverogers4612
      @steverogers4612 3 года назад

      @@litewerx4409My opinion doesn't change the subject or the reality of the outcome.

  • @pwmaggart
    @pwmaggart 11 лет назад +1

    There really aren't any. There's so much that doesn't get explained in the video's. I've been training since 2000, in the Bujinkan. My sensei is a Shihan that travels to Japan yearly, and has other shihan visit frequently from Japan, who train directly under Massaki Hatsumi, the grandmaster. If you can find anything with Rob Renner, he's one the best at explaining all of what he's doing in his video's. And he's American who has been living in Japan for years. He even has a dojo there, himself.

    • @kenkongermany7860
      @kenkongermany7860 3 года назад

      I admire that you admit training for so long in the Bujinkan. Would it count, if Mr. Janich ate japanese food for 30 years?

  • @kostet1977
    @kostet1977 5 лет назад +1

    Even worse - these drills are harmfull, as they give the "video watcher" an idea that he can control something in the knife fight (especially dangerous on this close distance). But he can not. So as said in one of the comments - BETTER RUN. Knife fight is a lottery. If you are an extremely good trained fighter you`ll have higher chances to survive, but it is still a lottery.

  • @jamesfranco7090
    @jamesfranco7090 8 лет назад +12

    What if dude is left handed?

    • @abcxyz9534
      @abcxyz9534 7 лет назад +2

      What if dude has two knives ? ^^

    • @kennysilvers6006
      @kennysilvers6006 7 лет назад

      different drill lol

    • @victoriousgbgmma
      @victoriousgbgmma 7 лет назад

      Adapt! Or as most fma instructors would say - flow!

    • @tackleberry3729
      @tackleberry3729 5 лет назад +1

      Doesn't matter.... treat it as an Angle 2 attack.

    • @tackleberry3729
      @tackleberry3729 5 лет назад +1

      @@abcxyz9534 then you have to get to the outside, so don't Meet. Pass, Follow, or Crossada

  • @abscrete
    @abscrete 3 года назад

    If you think the attacker wont twist the wrist and keep going after your "block" you are dreaming. If your priority is not to stop the knife from moving at all by grappling, then you are asking yourself to get killed. All this wing chung with knifes is all bull shit. The longer you play that game the most chances to get cut. You should be controling wrist, elbow shoulder etc... Not this

  • @neilmonisit8781
    @neilmonisit8781 2 года назад

    I presume that you learn this art from Filipino Kali, Escrima knife. We called it "Palusot" rather than "Palisut".

  • @quilfrey1139
    @quilfrey1139 3 года назад

    ya know all the guy has to do is to twist his wrist inwards and the inside of your blocking arm gets skinned off...

  • @pwmaggart
    @pwmaggart 11 лет назад

    Of course you lose interest when it comes to actually visiting a dojo, the only place someone can teach you, and end your curiosity. Stand and call BS far away from those who would prove you wrong. You're opinion is just ignorant. I tried to help you, but you deside to learn the hard way. So be it. All the moves MMa fighters use, are from the Bujinkan. The Japanese thought of it, and wrote it in a scroll many years ago. Do some research outside youtube. You may learn something for once.

  • @pwmaggart
    @pwmaggart 11 лет назад

    It's an awful lot of work, becoming efficient with a knife. Now, throw in the mix the umpteen dozen other weapons, not including firearms. Knife fighting isn't a sport, and this training causes people focus on the knife, more than the opponent, who controls the knife. It's a rare case 2 people will have a knife, and want to attack each other. Good training, though. All martial arts are helpful to a degree. This is elaborate stuff, that rarely has a need in today's society.

  • @adamnblackman
    @adamnblackman 11 лет назад +2

    I would really like to see some in left on right handed drills. Great video!

  • @pwmaggart
    @pwmaggart 11 лет назад

    Yeah, at 3 am, I'm liable to spell something wrong. Ganseki nage isn't a hip throw. Maybe that's why you have such a negative outlook, you have no real idea of what's actually happening in video's you watch.

  • @FimmyV
    @FimmyV 8 лет назад +1

    To me it just seems like a bad idea to do a whole lot of thrusting at all with a folding knife, but even more so in reverse grip. I know you're probably still quite unlikely to overcome locks like the Spyderco lock backs or a Benchmade axis lock for example but I'd still be nervous chancing it much...

  • @matthewadler1329
    @matthewadler1329 3 года назад +1

    Eric has clearly been diligent in his skill building. Very impressive. Thanks Mr. J. I'm doing everything I can to work these drills in my current circumstances, and as soon a I can do more, I will.

  • @frozenyetimug
    @frozenyetimug 11 лет назад +1

    Actually knife disarms are extremely useful - plenty of potential street attackers will have a combat knife or switchblade, if not a gun. Knowing a disarm without a knife in your hand is crucial, but if you have a blade on you (or once you take your attackers), even better.

  • @wcropp1
    @wcropp1 12 лет назад +1

    Agreed. Mike is the man when it comes to the use of/defense against anything sharp and pointy, and like the arts MBC is derived from, it carries over to general empty hand self-defense very well. I haven't mastered the FMAs, so I appreciate the concision and similarity of the techniques. As much as one may want to, there are still quite a few places where you can't legally carry a handgun, whereas a knife may be okay, and you just may have to use it for more than cutting open packages.

  • @o0lunchboxxx0o91
    @o0lunchboxxx0o91 Год назад

    See the problem I have with that in a real situation it’s not choreographed

  • @StrollaLawDefense
    @StrollaLawDefense 2 года назад +1

    Love the animation leads, Mike! Awesome

  • @FlintstoneZzz
    @FlintstoneZzz 10 лет назад +5

    Disarm an attack otherwise if you stand there and play patty cake your gonna go down lol just saying

    • @caaikiman1
      @caaikiman1 10 лет назад

      Exactly right! Pin and disarm.

    • @kurt9894
      @kurt9894 9 лет назад +2

      these drills are not force on force. Its about building fundamentals.

  • @KY-qx9ip
    @KY-qx9ip 3 года назад +1

    This is the content that youtube really lacks of

  • @TheItachi1337
    @TheItachi1337 11 лет назад +1

    @Andy born, these are reaction drills, not real combat.

  • @bernardputersznit64
    @bernardputersznit64 3 года назад

    hate the music - we need less drama an more calm in a life and death training

  • @naecatalin2637
    @naecatalin2637 6 лет назад +1

    in real life knife atack is lightning speed so i want to see this in real speed and how look like,thx.

  • @MrShlong50x
    @MrShlong50x 2 года назад

    these dudes are chopping each other up like fruit salad.

  • @Samurai7able
    @Samurai7able 11 лет назад +1

    Thank you very much for this one sir...this is what ive been waiting for!!

  • @Gunslinger800
    @Gunslinger800 11 лет назад +1

    What are the advantages of the reverse grip over a standard? Personal preference?

    • @killswitchuncaged2158
      @killswitchuncaged2158 5 лет назад

      Gunslinger800 I’m going to get it gives you more strength in your jabs. And you can use your entire forearm to block and return a cut fast and simultaneous

  • @gazza2250
    @gazza2250 11 лет назад +1

    Mr Janich is the real deal. Its a real treat to see him on youtube.

  • @Victorcreed85
    @Victorcreed85 11 лет назад +1

    Great video, I always follow your work in the firearms magazines whenever you contribute or write anything. Curious, what is your go to defensive blade, everyone loves different things about different makers and blades, what would yours be?

    • @tackleberry3729
      @tackleberry3729 5 лет назад +1

      Mr. Janich carries a folding knife he designed for Spyderco called the Yojimbo2, and often also carries a second knife; a Delica or Endura.

  • @loganhavenga1920
    @loganhavenga1920 3 года назад

    I came here thinking this is a joke. i was very wrong

  • @a661992
    @a661992 2 года назад

    Taken right from the old Keating tapes

  • @palmacioiiipomida2244
    @palmacioiiipomida2244 4 года назад

    It's Kali escrima it's a Filipino martial arts

  • @bogdantomic9453
    @bogdantomic9453 3 года назад

    If only is it possible in reality...

  • @volunteer100
    @volunteer100 11 лет назад +1

    thumbs are out to get cut.

  • @shadowperez
    @shadowperez 4 года назад +1

    This is why I carry a tomahawk

  • @robertfindley2376
    @robertfindley2376 10 лет назад

    And yes, guns are mostly better, IF you have enough distance to get it clear and fire. But most experienced cops know that if you go up against a knife within 10 or 12 feet, no matter how it ends you ARE going to get cut. And a competent enemy won't show a knife until he's close enough to use it. At which point you won't have time to bring a gun into play. Three times a knife is generally better than a gun; in a crowd, at very close quarters, and in the dark. As for other weapons, stun guns are unreliable, knucks and blackjacks bring you in too close, and sprays simply aren't universally effective. A good club has potential IF you know how to use it (training in fencing or something comparable), but the way most people use a club is pretty ineffective and leaves them wide open to a good counter. Knives and guns are really the only effective weapons without years of training, and the optimal choice is to carry both...

  • @jamiirali1
    @jamiirali1 12 лет назад

    what i like about mr. janich is as his method evolves it no longer resemble the arts( silat-fma) in their traditional manner but morph into the combat mode that is applicable in confronting a western style aggressor with a larger build. mind you this is not a pot shot at silat or fma as i am a practitioner of both(sayoc kali-pekiti tirsia and kuntao silat) but this is very well suited to the concrete jungle of america. sempok/dempok would not be very wise to apply in a glass filled alley.

  • @pwmaggart
    @pwmaggart 11 лет назад

    I don't carry weapons, they're laying around everywhere you go. If I take a weapon from an opponent, I usually toss it far from both of our reach. Killing is easy, preventing damage to either person in the fight is the hard part.

  • @jerrardsmithofficial
    @jerrardsmithofficial 2 года назад

    The martial art that you are using in combination with your weapon control looks like Wing Chun. Is that accurate?

  • @Kingbynature
    @Kingbynature 11 лет назад

    doesnt it annoye you thought knowing your target still have a free hand to do whatever with while you trying to close the gap ?

  • @kevinholland6057
    @kevinholland6057 5 лет назад

    Why do we check and not trap

  • @wcstube75
    @wcstube75 12 лет назад

    Oh yeah, can already tell the speed stops have evolved from the Master Fighting Folders DVDs. Janich is always reviewing, adding, and deleting from his unique system of edge and unarmed tactics. I'd be calling Mr. Rigg up if it wasn't for the fact I had someone pick me up a copy when they were at the MBC 2012 camp. I get my copy this Saturday. Can't wait! Also excited by the Keen Yojimbo trainers

  • @haroldstanberry3978
    @haroldstanberry3978 2 года назад

    Blocking from the out side you should block from the elbow to the shoulder so you don't get elbowed.

  • @christianschill1658
    @christianschill1658 9 лет назад +2

    Why is it necessary to train such things?

    • @tarkurius
      @tarkurius 9 лет назад +6

      +Christian Schill It is no necessary, it is optional. Some people just don´t want to be helpless victims and since A) MANY people carry knives with them (and knife attacks are much more likely to kill you) B) you can´t carry pistol everywhere so if you carry a knife, its better to know how to use it.

    • @christianschill1658
      @christianschill1658 9 лет назад +1

      +tarkurius well, you always carry your mouth around you to talk you out of most situations. Depending on where you live or how good you are in running, that might not be enough. I love knives, keep them in good shape and sharp but prefer them in use as a chef's knife. I actually have also a nice Al Mare, but's that's mostly a sheer weapon, quite useless at cooking. Your movie is very well made. Enjoy your passion, cheers from Alsace, Christian.

    • @armynurseboy
      @armynurseboy 8 лет назад +6

      +Christian Schill but not everyone in the world is interested in being civil. And not everyone is going to bother to listen while you try to talk yourself out of a situation.

    • @christianschill1658
      @christianschill1658 8 лет назад

      Become a wolf and you will be eaten by flea.

    • @ThePandemic101
      @ThePandemic101 8 лет назад +4

      +Christian Schill Are you professionally stupid?

  • @pwmaggart
    @pwmaggart 11 лет назад

    When you throw someone, and you're standing on his foot, the body travels, but his foot stays in place, pretty much mangling all the tendons and ligaments. Or, it breaks the ankle. either way, it's been used for about a thousand years in combat.

  • @opticwiddly5263
    @opticwiddly5263 7 лет назад +1


  • @Volgeblanc
    @Volgeblanc 11 лет назад

    I like filipino knife fighting, can we add more of the chi sao experience. Not only block-cut-check....but cut-cut-cut when block...more like the pak sao-fak sao-lan sao stuff. Thanks!!

  • @pwmaggart
    @pwmaggart 11 лет назад

    It's a strength and speed, over strength and speed concept. Very limited in design, for the trainee, having to exert so much energy in a fight, this way. Hope there's not many attackers.

  • @yosaya
    @yosaya 11 лет назад

    it is assumed u are not to walk away harmless...the main thing is to stay alive and come out the victor regardless of the damage u took

  • @MrMZaccone
    @MrMZaccone 5 лет назад

    Do you guys do any "sparring" with knife facsimiles?

  • @LoderMike
    @LoderMike 7 лет назад

    At six minutes in the other guy looks like a gay t rex. Otherwise - good info

  • @michaelspyrou1784
    @michaelspyrou1784 3 года назад

    i like it. a simple Q. how long does a street knife fight takes/last? thanks for sharing.

  • @ely1camb
    @ely1camb 11 лет назад

    Oh wow a video on how to use a pocket knife for self defense, nice one chaps keep up the good work:)

  • @CrushHouse60
    @CrushHouse60 7 лет назад

    I like the intro!
    Would like to know where you got the music?

  • @newhuskytwenty
    @newhuskytwenty Год назад

    7:28 Spectacular!

  • @jasonemploymentparkdale820
    @jasonemploymentparkdale820 2 года назад

    Some good stuff here. Drills build skills

  • @neterkeht1
    @neterkeht1 2 года назад

    Sweet drill sir thank you for sharing!

  • @McFooFooBoat
    @McFooFooBoat 11 лет назад

    Then you're watching the wrong video. This has nothing to do with guns.

  • @boberjackie
    @boberjackie 11 лет назад

    These things are fun to watch and do like bo stick spinning tutorials. None of these video actually help you in fights. if you're actually anticipating a potentially lethal fight, I suggest you get a firearm instead... also if you're the victim make sure its legal and you know how to use it. if it's a non-lethal fight might I suggest a taser (if its legal), or pepper spray if at all possible. (feel free to use chairs, batons, spud guns, etc.). Try to avoid small stuff like knives and fists

    • @CorkKNIFE
      @CorkKNIFE 6 лет назад +1

      "None of these video actually help you in fights." Do you think anyone thinks that? This is just a demo of a technique, if you like it, you can go to the dojo and practice with an MBC instructor. I doubt the video was uploded to "help you win fights" just by watching it.

  • @cconwell21
    @cconwell21 10 лет назад +1

    What if your left handed and he is right handed?

    • @vincegredo
      @vincegredo 10 лет назад +2

      As a lefty myself, I use my right hand as my dominant knife / cutting hand. Its really convenient for transitions since my left hand is my shooting hand.

    • @armynurseboy
      @armynurseboy 8 лет назад

      +Chris Conwell then you work mirror image. that is why you train both sides of your body.

    • @tackleberry3729
      @tackleberry3729 5 лет назад

      MBC teaches response to attack angles, not specific hands. So your response to and angle 1 or angle 3 attack is the same, regardless of which hand they send it with.

  • @TheBoxingCannabyte
    @TheBoxingCannabyte 6 лет назад

    great techniques, I train a lot with pikal and Wharrencliffe, I got a dual-concept blade designed by Tops (C Despins) the Backbite and it's meant for these techniques.

  • @one-of-us9939
    @one-of-us9939 3 года назад

    Thanks guys

  • @TheBoxingCannabyte
    @TheBoxingCannabyte 6 лет назад

    The Spydercol Paramilitary 2 is my favorite carry knife overall, fixed blade I carry the Tops Backbiter or Tops Street Scalpel or Lions Toothpick. or Ka Bar USMC Short.

  • @jgarfunkle
    @jgarfunkle 11 лет назад

    Honestly knives are very tricky to wield even in experienced hands. Pepper spray with purple dye will blind you're attacker and oh yes it hurts! Now you could say that having a knife could eliminate a threat but that could go either way. Better to blind a man and have both. Unless were talking about a man to man fight but we all know those don't happen anymore.

    • @CorkKNIFE
      @CorkKNIFE 6 лет назад +1

      Two completely different things. You shouldn't use pepper spray in the face of deadly force. You shouldn't use deadly force (a knife) in the face of a non serious/non lethal threat.
      The 2 tools might be classified as self-defense equipment, but never confuse lethal tools with condiments.

  • @MrCaveman77
    @MrCaveman77 10 лет назад

    These exercises remind me of wing chun's sticking hands and rolling bong sau they are good to develop feeling like this would except if you did this blind folded the consequences would be a lot worse haha
    I will ad these to my excercises thanks for posting

  • @kingspade461
    @kingspade461 6 лет назад

    I feel like the aggressor with a hammer grip wouldn't be standing so straight if attacking. Why have his center mass so close to the enemies attacks.Look at US Airborne vs. An Israeli defense knife fight. They are constantly moving and won't just stand still. Fighting is not as cookie cutter as is made to be in this video.

  • @KillaDeBilla
    @KillaDeBilla 11 лет назад

    LOL look at Russian knife fight school. What you doing is LOL))

  • @AK49Gunner
    @AK49Gunner 11 лет назад

    Hahahaha! 6:30 Paddy cake paddy cake Kung Fu man....

  • @jacebrooklyn
    @jacebrooklyn 4 года назад

    Let’s see this in real time, then slow motion.

  • @กระรอกน้อย-ฏ8ฮ


  • @totoygolem1339
    @totoygolem1339 11 лет назад

    u haven't tried street fight yet so don't talk rubbish

    @TOREIKAN 8 лет назад

    Very good. Thanks.

  • @BigRoach420
    @BigRoach420 11 лет назад

    Bad ass. That's some straight up Steven Seagal shit!

  • @sammiller7326
    @sammiller7326 8 лет назад

    Who is this guy?? Has he been in combat and knife fight situations??

  • @WritingFighter
    @WritingFighter 9 лет назад +2

    Assuming you're fast enough to perform a check in the first place, after you "check" why don't you just go for his body rather than focus so much on his arm? And in the time you cut upward and hook, that is time he can use to make a movement with that free arm, step, or something. Or what if he has a second weapon or steps more strongly into you? What if he prefers the blade facing inward and after you check, he pulls back and cuts your arm? Or if after you hook he delivers a nice knee to the groin?
    There's too many what-if's against a very singular approach of attack. 1. Check, 2. Cut. 3. Hook. 4. Cut. That's 3 moves in which you are giving your opponent a chance to react back and move; a single step or simultaneous punch to your face would ruin the entire point of the drill. It also assumes your opponent is going to be striking in a smooth, predictable pattern and angle within your own method. Most knife fights anyone is going to get into is against a street thug clown who thinks having a knife gives him an advantage, and all he's going to do is wildly sling and thrust with it against which all technique goes down the toilet.

    • @CorkKNIFE
      @CorkKNIFE 6 лет назад +1

      Facepalm. Your comment assumes this drill is all you need to know. Worse, your comment assumes that Michael Janich, is telling you that this is the one move you need to know. Do you even know who Janich is? Wake up! Turn off the wofo and go to the gym and try other MBC styles if you don't like this. Then report back.

  • @TB-ys8pj
    @TB-ys8pj 5 лет назад

    What if one person is left handed and one is right handed have you got a video on it as well

    • @Lukas-rc3vk
      @Lukas-rc3vk 5 лет назад +1

      Its not his video but I found it useful. Tho its not reverse gripвидео.html