Chopra is great. As with all the individuals that have been on the cutting-edge of the thought, his ideas cannot be understood by many people. And since these people have nothing better to do with their lives, they hate. What a wonderful opportunity missed for them. Great talk. Thank you Chopra for sharing the expansion of the human mind with such generosity despite the negativity.
@@karmacop5363 this is so, until you heard Alan Watts... Haha. Just kidding guys, I love all of the spiritual beings who have awareness of consciousness and can pass the reality of the consciousness
So well said. I followed Deepak for so many years n will continue. He understands (and I think I do too). Look forward to reading to his other books. At the moment I’m just glad to hear him again
Thanks, fantastic explanation of non-duality. It cleared it to me further, this which is quite difficult to express. I am not surprised of the negative comments. For most of us it is quite scary to be "unplugged" and challenged with another reality. Thanks foe posting this talk. Truly valuable.
"another reality"?? It is the only reality. What people believe now (including scientists, atheists and abrahamic religions) is distortion. Sanathana dharma culture (or hindu/vedic culture of India) is nothing but a culture/tradition built around laws of nature. But I do agree that so called modern hindus (like the rest of the world) are busy trying to ape the west and do not follow their culture and go against laws of nature.
kashsoldier ...and how do you know what other people experience? Do not be afraid, it's OK. If you do not want to, or are not able to be challenged that is OK too. Stay where you are.
Irena S i agree, not many are ready yet to understand, leave alone experience it. the more ego, identification with the 5 aggregates, the bigger the resistance... but that is ok, life is a work in progress 😊 ❤🌈💞
Yes, the ineffable reality requires letting go of all the tethers the mind uses, and allowing Being to float, as it were, in the emptiness, the nothingness, the voidness. This talk is a gem.
Vedanta's core teaching is non-duality. Five thousand years back all these new findings were explained by Vedas & Upanishads but the western scientists didn't want to give credit to it. Now, Quantum Physics exposed them because a pumpkin can't be hidden in a plate of rice. Deepak is awesome and he is a great bridge between modern science & spirituality.
Fifty years ago, who would have imagined that scientists and physicists would pay attention to what Vedanta proclaimed some three thousand five hundred years ago? : That the universe is an illusion, that the universe is a creation of our own minds, and that most astonishing of all statements: Sarvam khalu idam Brahmam - everytning is Brahmam, Conscousness. Only Consciousness is real, everything else is unreal. Vedantins have been saying this for hundreds of years; only now the scientists are beginning to listen to what Vedanta said. This is a most astonishing and deeply moving presentation by Deepak Chopra. It is quite obvious that he has deep understanding of Vedanta. Yesh Prabhu, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
"Fifty years ago, who would have imagined that scientists and physicists would pay attention to what Vedanta proclaimed some three thousand five hundred years ago? " Are they? Do any scientists or physicists have any books or papers that incorporate Vedanta?
Correction. More like 10,000 yrs ago they proclaimed this. They say 3,500 yrs because they said same abt Egyptian civilization and they cannot be wrg. But their date lines are crashing too.
Deepak Chopra's conclusion in simple words - It is all divine or consciousness play or dream. It includes good and bad dreams (a human construct based on culture, country, religion, situations and circumstances and past and present life karma)
Allways on my “sort of not so happy days” you give me back a smile on my face….. joy in my heart….thank you for your topics given with so much joy and laugther , humor first grade ……love you 💕💖 you made my day again . And also it so very interesting ! Fysics, mathematics, chemi and reality of life coming together.
WoW...A wonderful rendition of a dualistic viewpoint ending-up in the advaita-vedanta teachings of Consciousness - Awareness...i totally enjoyed this video...Thanks for posting...I A(nama rupa)M !!!
Vedas were the source of Adi-Shankara (hindu sage -2000 BC) - Who wrote Advaita darshana (Darshana is a sanskrit term for vision or revelation of nature of the ultimate)
Thanks for the info...even the word 'Ad' as in western culture 'Adam" (Ad-am) in the Bible came from the Sanskrit word 'ad' meaning father or source; not a person.
haxhxm, no try to keep an open mind. You westerners are coming from a non spiritual background hence unable to comprehend this, I'm not vouching for deepak but have you tried to read about Hinduism the first religion with the first language?. I'm strong Atheist myself but I try to keep an open mind to prove myself wrong even when I can fully understand the science because of my understanding of Quantum theory we just can't deny the existence of spirituality.
sushant sinha "he's got a lot of knowledge about everything" Nope. "..his words are very powerful.." Only if you don't understand the words he is using ( when he employs terms from theoretical physics, he demonstrates that he doesn't know what the words mean).
I just think he is not a gifted facilitator of communication for expression, nor do his talents *clearly* lie within explaining *already* extremely complex ideas that make it more difficult to grasp. I still have a hard time grasping his theory of the universe being all an illusion and the only real thing within it, is our collective consciousness however---the q he asked Obama about whether or not he thought his dog knew it was living in the oval office, or that his daddy was the president of the US actually helped me understand a tiny sliver of the concept which for me is huge.
Allison McPherson "I just think he is not a gifted facilitator of communication for expression, nor do his talents clearly lie within explaining already extremely complex ideas that make it more difficult to grasp." He is pretending to explain complex ideas by using words that have meaning in science & applying them to non-scientific meaningless phrases that explain nothing. " I still have a hard time grasping his theory of the universe" He doesn't have a theory of the universe. He has a collection of profound-sounding phrases peppered with scientific words & terms that he doesn't understand and that ultimately explain nothing. "and that being all an illusion and the only real thing within it, is our collective consciousness " 1) he has claimed it is illusion but he has failed to prove that claim 2) he has not proven that a so-called "collective consciousness" exists 3) no one has presented any evidence to prove that any consciousness exists that is not the product of a physical brain "the q he asked Obama about whether or not he thought his dog knew it was living in the oval office, or that his daddy was the president of the US " A pointless question. All such a question shows is that dogs don't think the same way or think about the same things that humans think about. If the Obamas had a baby while he was president,he could have asked if the newborn baby knew his ( or her) father was the president of the US. The answer would be no,because it is a newborn baby.
“The whole history of science shows us that whenever the educated and scientific men of any age have denied the facts of other investigators on a priori grounds of absurdity or impossibility, the deniers have always been wrong.” Alfred Russell Wallace
Laws of nature (motion, gravity, planetary movements, quantum theories) were lifted from hindu/vedic library of knowledge and wisdom. Thanks to jesuit missionaries for translating everything from sanskrit to other languages during colonial occupation of india or then hindu civilization Albert Einstein quote on his hindu/vedic source - " When I read Baghavath Gita and reflect about how God created this universe, everything else seems superfluous (Un-necessary). I've made the vedas as the main source of information and guide for the purpose of scientific investigations and formation of my theories" W Heisenberg - Quantum ideas which seemed so crazy made sense only after reading hindu/vedic darshanas (Darshana is a sanskrit term for vision or revelation of nature of the ultimate) Erwin Schrodinger's biographer Moore, wrote -- “His system - or that of the Upanishads or hindu/vedas- is delightful and consistent: the self and the world are one and they are all. He rejected traditional western religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naïve--and will NOT understand Quantum theory and consciousness.
Pretty sure such things as the expanding light cone,Heisenberg indeterminacy and inertial planes come directly from the hindu philosophers of 2000 BC. thanks for the historical lesson.
Zakariya Razi, You really think Islam is a religion of PEACE??!!! That whatever is happening we can all just blame it one the west. Thats pretty childish. Oh he hit me so i shall hit him back! Is that justification enough for you? I thought you guys said Islam is all about Peace, but the truth of the matter is that is is a religion of Submission. Submit or die! Pretty much as basic as that. Lets not go into what Hillary said or what Obama said, people say all kinds of things and i can name 1000 others who have said opposite. Lets look at History, Lets look at Facts!! Islam in its root is concerned with terrorism. If you don’t believe or follow us we will torture you and kill you. Look at Muhammad - you will recall, he was not only a prophet and a teacher, like the founders of other religions; he was also the head of a polity and of a community, a ruler and a soldier. Hence his struggle involved a state and its armed forces. If the fighters in the war for Islam, the holy war "in the path of God," are fighting for God, it follows that their opponents are fighting against God. And since God is in principle the sovereign, the supreme head of the Islamic state-and the Prophet and, after the Prophet, the caliphs are his vicegerents-then God as sovereign commands the army. The army is God's army and the enemy is God's enemy. The duty of God's soldiers is to dispatch God's enemies as quickly as possible to the place where God will chastise them-that is to say, the afterlife. Clearly related to this is the basic division of mankind as perceived in Islam - insider and outsider, in-group and out-group, kinsman or neighbour and foreigner. In the classical Islamic view, to which many Muslims are beginning to return, the world and all mankind are divided into two: the House of Islam, where the Muslim law and faith prevail, and the rest, known as the House of Unbelief or the House of War, which it is the duty of Muslims ultimately to bring to Islam. But the greater part of the world is still outside Islam, and even inside the Islamic lands, according to the view of the Muslim radicals, the faith of Islam has been undermined and the law of Islam has been abrogated. The obligation of holy war therefore begins at home and continues abroad, against the same infidel enemy. Now let’s look at History with the above context and let me tell you a bit about my ancestors and my family history. I am a Parsi, Zoroastrian. If you haven't heard about them, please read up on their history. My ancestors were FORCED to convert to Islam else suffer. A handful of people escaped by boat and ended up in India where the king was nice enough to take us in. We consider ourselves Indian now and have adapted to the Indian continent while still retaining our core philosophy. Now as for the FORCEFUL CONVERSIONS and the persecution of my ancestors, i will quote wiki although there are thousands of articles showing how Islam treated non-believers. By your own words, IT IS DEPLORABLE! Persecution of Zoroastrians is the religious persecution inflicted upon the followers of the Zoroastrian faith. The persecution of Zoroastrians occurred throughout its history. The discrimination and harassment began in the form of sparse violence and forced conversions. Muslims are recorded to have destroyed fire temples. Zoroastrians living under Muslim rule were required to pay a tax called Jizya. Zoroastrian places of worship were desecrated, shrines were destroyed and mosques built in their place. Many libraries were burned and much cultural heritage was lost. Gradually there were increased number of laws regulating Zoroastrian behaviour, limiting their ability to participate in society. Over time, the persecution of Zoroastrians became more common and widespread, and the number of believers decreased by force significantly. Most were forced to convert due to the systematic abuse and discrimination by followers of Islam. Once a Zoroastrian family was forced to convert to Islam, the children were sent to an Islamic school to learnArabic and the teachings of Islam, as a result some of these people lost their Zoroastrian faith. However, under the Samanids, who were Zoroastrian converts to Islam, the Persian language flourished. On occasion, the Zoroastrian clergy assisted Muslims against those who they deemed Zoroastrian heretics. Zoroastrians and the Jewish communities in pre Islamic Persia coexisted peacefully for hundreds of years before the Arab invasion. This is also reflected in some of the later books of the Old Testament. To conquer Persia and force Islam, the Arab invaders resorted to many inhumane actions including massacre, mass enslavement of men, women and children, and imposition of heavy taxes (Jezyeh=Jizya) on those who did not convert. By the order of “Yazid ibn-e Mohalleb” in Gorgan so many Persians were beheaded that their blood mixed with water would energize the millstone to produce as much as one day meal for him, as he had vowed. Wanna read some more of the deplorable and inhumane religion that is Islam (based on history and fact) - The History of Zoroastrians after Arab Invasion; Alien in Their Homeland Zoroastrians in Islamic Iran Persecution of Zoroastrians in medieval Iran So what do you think? Is Islam really a religion of Peace? Is US the main agent behind supporting terrorism? I think NOT!
+Psycho, Where did Islam came from? Who were talking about Islam? Oh, it seems you guessed from my name that probably I am a Muslim and its better to attack Islam to give me a push. Or what? Yes, this is my name and I am an ex-Muslim. I have left Islam as a religion. Muhammad lied. And Islam does not mean submission, it means surrender. And please do not copy/paste. I am all here for a written conversation but I feel reluctant to read copy/paste materials. Please provide link and that is enough. However, I had a glimpse on your copy/paste materials and I think these information are accurate. Peace of Christ to all.
I've heard a lot about Deepak but after watching this video all I see him as is a person who paints theories and concepts as number embellished words stringed together for the main purpose of conceptual confusion so the deeper you think about what he says the more you sink into warped and wrapped thoughts that just keep on overlapping till you can't find a single shred of sense in the given information. He basically uses word salads with a touch of sprinkled numbers to confuse people like what I did earlier :)
Very true. Take this simple error for instance. He thinks China and India represent 2/3rd of humanity. How is approximately 2.7 billion (China 1.4 billion + India 1.3 billion) 2/3rds of humanity that is made up of 7.7 billion people? It's not even half of humanity, let alone 2/3rds. I think he's missing the number by a few billion people.
I understood the majority of what he said the first time I listened. Is it a bit brain bending? Yes, it's weird to think about the universe, and everything in it, from a perspective that throws out every aspect of every perspective of it you have ever had. Everything you experience is through the filter of your consciousness. You can never truly know reality as it exists outside of you because we are all filtering everything through our consciousness and through these imperfect sensory instruments that are our bodies. If you didn't understand the overarching concepts and ideas, maybe give the video a second listen. Maybe pause the video occasionally to ponder on the ideas for a min before moving on. He is not impossible to understand if you try and give everything time to sink in.
It's such an irony that the whole world is coming to an understanding of the teachings from our past and us the Indians look somewhere else for answers, when the answers are available at home... but some day, "SOMEDAY" we shall understand...
This guy really is amazing He can talk for an hour and still not say anything useful at all... I prepare for hours and struggle to speak for a few minutes on stage... Deepak is the God of snake oil salesmen....
@TheMisogynist Snake oil is an illusion of your own perception, remember! hahhahha! MUhauhahuahhahahhahaahhh!!! Your snake oil does not even exist LOLOLOL :D
At cosmic level, we examine them at very large scale. At quantum level, we examine them one by one. Have we examined the process of making from single particle which is in web form to large matter. May that is just their characteristics. After combining many webs , may be characteristics changes and makes itself into visible matter. This just poped into my head. Can anybody reference the study related to it.
Please take a course on Quantum Mechanics (Pre-requisites are classical mechanics, statistical mechanics, second order differential calculus). Plenty of resources available for free, if you're serious about pursuing your curiosity.
How do you live within human constructs that one MUST live within,like money? I don't see much choice out of that one. I can make personal choices how to see, to feel, to think, but How do I un- live myself within constructs that I personally didn't agree to ( or don't remember agreeing to), it feels like an amazing amount of stress and anxiety having to belong ( conform) to a collective illusory construct ( agreement )that I wasn't really a part of! Or is that the nature of collective agreements, we just live with them and unanimously conform yet don't consciously remember choosing to conform ? AM I missing something? If these are collective agreements, how do I change them as an individual if the collective thinks otherwise? I want to tell people love is more valuable than money and exchange love for a pair of shoes, but that isn't how the collective thinks! ARGH! ANy ideas? Deepak help!
seoreh , silence your thoughts, experience without words and when u sense let it go by, the realization is also our experience.....when everything just stands still inside ....u experience something that is beyond words and human construct.....
@@sonalsoni4832 I experience what’s beyond human construct all the time, that’s not my issue. Living within the stupidness that humanity creates through lack and need to control IS a pain in the @ss!
it's not looking that collapses the wave function of a particle, it is measuring. Consciousness is in the claustrum. If there's no mind, then change your mind.
I assume William meant scientific tests of prediction (i.e., the Galilean criteria of quantification and objectification). If so, the answer unambiguously in NO.
Yah, it's easy. Have 2 different people describe something. You'll get 2 different answers because they are experiencing reality through 2 different consciousnesses. Eat some food and decide exactly when that food stops being food and starts being apart of your body. Define you and where you end.
Thank you for breaking the universe down, is it's really all about the energy and how we receive it or are some advanced souls because our universe is our school some are wiser than others.I, feel that I, been on earth many times before.
I think the issue of panpsychism is the idea that our consciousness is the same as the higher consciousness that created everything. We aren't God, we have aspects of the divine, there's a difference.
It does matter, a little bit, as long as we are suffering here or in another dimension. The point is to end suffering and go back to the source. The _experience_ is _relatively_ real.
When a frog in a ocean explains the vastness of ocean to a frog in a pond , Then that frog in a pond make an imagination according to the size of that pond. Many people are in that category.Vedhantha explains universe and cosmos.Saiva Siddhantha explains How to experince that through our body. Adiyogi Siva, Given many ways to experince "That which is not". And Then he gave this knowledege to 7 sages called saptha rishis and they went around the world and tought how to experince "That which is not" and became, Abrahamic religions, Samanism, Sufism,Judasm,Zauratritism, Toasim, ..etc..etc.. But Any number of methods to experince That which is not , which is available in the world is available in full within the India from north to south. There are three type of categery in this field. 1) People who understand it by analyse ,and they know what it is..but never experinced it. 2) People who have experienced it accidently one or few time by an accident or an incident and they know experiencialy what it is. 3)People who have experieced it, But at will they are in control to experiece it anytime they want.These are the enlightment masters. There are Millions of Categery 2 in all around the world. But catergy 3 is available only around 1% Around the world and 99 % of them only within the land of india.
Very nice video confirmed everything that I learned through the many phenomena of nature. I carefully concluded and accepted after well beyond 3 decades experiencing our world and my own consciousness and reading tons of studies in roughly most fields of sciences that there are actually several layers of dimensions of awareness, there where the light of consciousness does reach. The rest we, all aware beings meaning even from other dimensions are simply not aware of and thus not yet experienced. As a young child, i wanted to find God and ask him who I am and what the whole purpose was. I always marveled at those great spiritual stories of old but always felt incomplete due to the state our world was in and still is. There was a special moment in my life, now around 7 years ago, that I eventually found myself after accepting my deepest fear and at the same time, i felt relieved and reconnected to the source of which all life comes from and felt connected to all life, including you. Inevitably I got overwhelmed by the inherent unconditional love of that source and felt somewhat surprised of my mutual love for our Creator. At that moment I felt the vastness of the total world briefly from a Creator's perspective including all life and its only sacred mission. This sacred mission which is nothing more than celebrating existence through adventure, growth and not being alone (all one) and the best way to negate all that is to have an adventure with a vast family which you love unconditionally and vice versa rather then doing that all alone which is EXCITING which is at the same time addicting and challenges you to overcome new obstacles which is the same time food for thought and thus experience which stimulates growth. Now our dimension is nothing more than a new dungeon to grow into, an unexplored and relatively still new maze at the edge of the void. The void is another term of that what is not imagined yet by our Creator because it did not experience it yet which is being done by us, the army of light. Now the only way to explore something that is on the edge of consciousness if by experiencing that dimension which is done by you, me and everything that is alive in this dimensions the Universe. When we die, our soul experienced and take the data back to the mainframe which is the Creator. Now one thing is important to know, you have total free will after you die also there is no ego other than only you and your unconditional love that works on sincerity and honesty alone. What you do in this life DOES have effects on your state of being in the after life. Until you can forgive yourself in all honesty after understanding what you did, you obtain free will again because you made peace with yourself and thus can pick a life soothing your sincerest needs. Although that said, about free will, the closer you get to the source, the Creator where we all are born from the more sincere you must become. Meaning the closer you get to the Creator, the higher the frequency and thus heavy things that are not in tune/harmony that your soul is attached on you must let go otherwise you simply cannot go back due to your own love for the Creator, our sacred cause mentioned earlier before and yourself. To come Home and you are aware that your dearest mother just finished the floor cleaning and provided it is customary that your shoos are taken off before entering the house because it is filthy, You will not enter the house with dirty shoes and if you can't put them off yet you won't go home yet and in order to do that, you need to restore your own harmony within because that is the way how it works there. Not by rule, but by sincere feelings for yourself, the Creator and our mission we all nourish deeply since.............. forever. If not? We would not exist and destablize all of creation which can't even be done due to our nature of being a part of God or prefer to call our holy parent, the Creator. O well...just wanted to share some insight into a world behind this world. It made me feel at peace and not afraid of death and reconnected me with all that We are. Let us gather the courage to grow beyond the edges of the unknown and someday we go back Home and tell all about the experiences we have had here to grow beyond even this dimension and travel through a black hole once our mutual source of consciousness is ready to grow even beyond that.
What about the sun? If our reality is "virtual" is the sun going to burn out or will it just keep shining as long as there are conscious beings to perceive it?
If life is but a dream, then the whole experience will burn out when we wake up. Then, there will be only consciousness (I like to call it energy). Until we want to sleep and dream again …
In my early days i read books by Ram Dass but these days I am inspired by the late Great Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins. Jim especially was an example to put God Power into my teachings. So much to consider. you look at a Kangaroo or the Hummingbirds and you look into the Face of a Creator.
sir you didn't get to the point. those astronautes see the moon & eventually possiblity became reality.. make your mind more wise then it is possible to the windows of your mind
in the nature everything is interacts with everything, materialism says the consciousness is the product of physican world, the mysterians say the consciousness is fundamental, I think interaction the key, there is no consciousness without physican existence
The Universe was created way before your own galaxy existed, you have to be more opened minded than this, to see way more and beyond our conciseness. So that is way we can not be our own Universe
I thought this was above my head but after reading such spiteful hateful and venomousness comments I see their are a lot of ppl out there more ignorant than I. Guess I see them as "how not to be".
Everything that you experience is filtered through your imperfect and unique body and through your consciousness. You cannot truly know the nature of reality because you are understanding reality through your consciousness and you cannot know it any other way. Where does your body end? At your skin? What about your body hair? The dead skin cells that fall and lay beside you in bed? What about the breath that leaves your body? It was only moments ago a compound in your body, broken down for energy. What about the food you eat? When is the exact moment that it stops being food and starts being you? What about the billions of bacteria in your gut that you couldn't live without? That bacteria outnumbers your human cells 10/1. A body is something we came up with to describe our reality to someone else. Every word or concept in human language is a human construct that we defined to describe everything we experience and think. The laws of the universe do not act according to human will, they act and we come up with ways of describing it to communicate with our fellow man.
Sub: In-adequate Perception- must transcend to Conscious frame This Lecture high-lights present state of anarchy of Minds unable to define the subject of consciousness. science needs to advance to the next century.Cosmology is a borderland between science and Philosophy. Unity of consciousness OM-science ,Religion and Philosophy -2002 and Cosmic consciousness to Cosmolgy Revision-2000 -booksat Llulu should help identify the limits of Ignorance-Ajnanam.
I think the important thing here is that you are taking the time to contemplate these concepts. Why else would you be commenting? I’ve read your comments; they are very well thought out and presented. The point is to explore. We are curious. Curiosity is what has gotten us this far.
@@kensurrency2564 Curiosity gets us asking questions. If those questions are answered with bullsh*t, those answers will be dismissed. The fact remains: Deepak Chopra regularly and randomly inserts the word quantum ( in the physics meaning) into his diatribes when he has been shown to have no idea what the word means. At one talk he was actually questioned by a theoretical physicist in the audience about his understanding & use of the word quantum, and was exposed as having no idea what he was saying. His reasoning seems to be "in my talk/book I'll insert a science word that almost no one understands the meaning of and that will add scientific validity to the gibberish I am spouting".
dark matter/energy - unknown, can't be measured consciousness - unknown, can't be measured could therefore be the same? (really do not like 'dark' as a descriptor, why not just call it 'that which is beyond knowing at this time'?) particles - can be measured waves - experienced, not measured
particles pop in and out of dark Matter. What is the *_catalyst_* for the emergence or "popping into existence" of these particles is the ultimate mystery. I believe that Consciousness is the catalyst, not the dark matter itself....
In short he means that we create our own universe...That is so true and has been known for a long time now until science started complicating everything with jibber jabber math that nobody can understand. That's what I understood from this short video... We create our own universe
Did he mean that everything is illusion, his consciousness is real and nothing else exist? Then why is he explaining this. If nothing exist, it means that he is explaining it to his consciousness. Stop eating and breathing, because it's illusion. I didn't understand what he meant
focus on the human construct concept. What he does affirm is how the human IDEA how things work is an illusion. He doesn't mean that nothing exists. But how we as humans try to explain from personal experience defines our reality, but THAT is an illusion becasue so far science wasn't able to prove anything about the fundamental questions about the universe and consciousness.
With all do respect, we don't look at the particles, at all. If we had the ability to see them, the guessing game would be over. Unfortunately, inferred knowledge is as oxymoronic as thought experiment. The science is not the problem. The guessing game of interpretation is the problem. Guessing about the unknown is not science. But, that's what we are given. The new telescope threw most of the nonsense out of the window. Good! It's about time.
You made a statement about the moon and the audience laughed but in doing so, you missed the point because you had the answer and it zipped past your understanding. When you figure out who made the moon, then you will get not only all the answers but THE ANSWER.
Chopra is great. As with all the individuals that have been on the cutting-edge of the thought, his ideas cannot be understood by many people. And since these people have nothing better to do with their lives, they hate. What a wonderful opportunity missed for them.
Great talk. Thank you Chopra for sharing the expansion of the human mind with such generosity despite the negativity.
The most incredible man on the planet, who has a magnificent way of explaining things so that the average person can understand
This is so, untill you have heard Rupert Spira...
@@karmacop5363 this is so, until you heard Alan Watts... Haha. Just kidding guys, I love all of the spiritual beings who have awareness of consciousness and can pass the reality of the consciousness
The guy is a moron.
absolutely💕......... hilarious makes me laugh thank you Deepak...........
Chopra saab ek avtar par....kiske pata nhi...hv cm for all well being ♥️♥️♥️
So well said. I followed Deepak for so many years n will continue. He understands (and I think I do too). Look forward to reading to his other books. At the moment I’m just glad to hear him again
Thanks, fantastic explanation of non-duality. It cleared it to me further, this which is quite difficult to express. I am not surprised of the negative comments. For most of us it is quite scary to be "unplugged" and challenged with another reality. Thanks foe posting this talk. Truly valuable.
"another reality"?? It is the only reality. What people believe now (including scientists, atheists and abrahamic religions) is distortion. Sanathana dharma culture (or hindu/vedic culture of India) is nothing but a culture/tradition built around laws of nature. But I do agree that so called modern hindus (like the rest of the world) are busy trying to ape the west and do not follow their culture and go against laws of nature.
kashsoldier ...and how do you know what other people experience? Do not be afraid, it's OK. If you do not want to, or are not able to be challenged that is OK too. Stay where you are.
Irena S i agree, not many are ready yet to understand, leave alone experience it.
the more ego, identification with the 5 aggregates, the bigger the resistance...
but that is ok, life is a work in progress 😊 ❤🌈💞
Irena S
Yes, the ineffable reality requires letting go of all the tethers the mind uses, and allowing Being to float, as it were, in the emptiness, the nothingness, the voidness. This talk is a gem.
Vedanta's core teaching is non-duality. Five thousand years back all these new findings were explained by Vedas & Upanishads but the western scientists didn't want to give credit to it. Now, Quantum Physics exposed them because a pumpkin can't be hidden in a plate of rice. Deepak is awesome and he is a great bridge between modern science & spirituality.
He is far too nice to them but then tht is the point
Fifty years ago, who would have imagined that scientists and physicists would pay attention to what Vedanta proclaimed some three thousand five hundred years ago? : That the universe is an illusion, that the universe is a creation of our own minds, and that most astonishing of all statements: Sarvam khalu idam Brahmam - everytning is Brahmam, Conscousness. Only Consciousness is real, everything else is unreal. Vedantins have been saying this for hundreds of years; only now the scientists are beginning to listen to what Vedanta said. This is a most astonishing and deeply moving presentation by Deepak Chopra. It is quite obvious that he has deep understanding of Vedanta.
Yesh Prabhu, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
if by "scientists" you mean Deepak, then you are clearly mistaking
"Fifty years ago, who would have imagined that scientists and physicists would pay attention to what Vedanta proclaimed some three thousand five hundred years ago? "
Are they? Do any scientists or physicists have any books or papers that incorporate Vedanta?
Correction. More like 10,000 yrs ago they proclaimed this. They say 3,500 yrs because they said same abt Egyptian civilization and they cannot be wrg. But their date lines are crashing too.
So, why do you cry when you lose your beloved ones? Why don't you take all injustices as illusions as illusions as well?
@@EbucCube Deepak is a Doctor who studied millions of pages of science.
I love Dr. Chopra and I pray for he and his family. Katie Mynette in Kentucky.
you dont have to pray for him, he breath in breat out and slowely focus on his body then he will reginrate health from inside to outside
Deepak Chopra's conclusion in simple words - It is all divine or consciousness play or dream. It includes good and bad dreams (a human construct based on culture, country, religion, situations and circumstances and past and present life karma)
kashsoldier Bhai Tu to jis video me Mai pahuche. Tu pehle pahuche jata hai
The is why God said we would be remembered. Before you were born I AM. I knew you before you were born.
Allways on my “sort of not so happy days” you give me back a smile on my face….. joy in my heart….thank you for your topics given with so much joy and laugther , humor first grade ……love you 💕💖 you made my day again . And also it so very interesting ! Fysics, mathematics, chemi and reality of life coming together.
It was well put together. We forget that human construct is an illusion and enjoy the play. I like the Yogacara School of Thoughts.
I don’t know what to say. I am grateful to Sri Deepak Chopra 🙏
WoW...A wonderful rendition of a dualistic viewpoint ending-up in the advaita-vedanta teachings of Consciousness - Awareness...i totally enjoyed this video...Thanks for posting...I A(nama rupa)M !!!
Vedas were the source of Adi-Shankara (hindu sage -2000 BC) - Who wrote Advaita darshana (Darshana is a sanskrit term for vision or revelation of nature of the ultimate)
Thanks for the info...even the word 'Ad' as in western culture 'Adam" (Ad-am) in the Bible came from the Sanskrit word 'ad' meaning father or source; not a person.
Roger Drayton his is bullshitting even you can be Deepak Chopra
haxhxm, no try to keep an open mind. You westerners are coming from a non spiritual background hence unable to comprehend this, I'm not vouching for deepak but have you tried to read about Hinduism the first religion with the first language?. I'm strong Atheist myself but I try to keep an open mind to prove myself wrong even when I can fully understand the science because of my understanding of Quantum theory we just can't deny the existence of spirituality.
@@haxhxm6973 haha ikr funny...I love Deepak though. Profound indeed.
beautiful presentation, i hope many will be able to grasp it, contemplate it, meditate on it and experience it inside of themself.
he's got a lot of knowledge about everything..his words are very powerful..
sushant sinha "he's got a lot of knowledge about everything"
"..his words are very powerful.."
Only if you don't understand the words he is using ( when he employs terms from theoretical physics, he demonstrates that he doesn't know what the words mean).
@@cnault3244 But remember!---Nothing means anything, bc NONE of this is for real....hmmm....
I just think he is not a gifted facilitator of communication for expression, nor do his talents *clearly* lie within explaining *already* extremely complex ideas that make it more difficult to grasp. I still have a hard time grasping his theory of the universe being all an illusion and the only real thing within it, is our collective consciousness however---the q he asked Obama about whether or not he thought his dog knew it was living in the oval office, or that his daddy was the president of the US actually helped me understand a tiny sliver of the concept which for me is huge.
Allison McPherson "I just think he is not a gifted facilitator of communication for expression, nor do his talents clearly lie within explaining already extremely complex ideas that make it more difficult to grasp."
He is pretending to explain complex ideas by using words that have meaning in science & applying them to non-scientific meaningless phrases that explain nothing.
" I still have a hard time grasping his theory of the universe"
He doesn't have a theory of the universe. He has a collection of profound-sounding phrases peppered with scientific words & terms that he doesn't understand and that ultimately explain nothing.
"and that being all an illusion and the only real thing within it, is our collective consciousness "
1) he has claimed it is illusion but he has failed to prove that claim
2) he has not proven that a so-called "collective consciousness" exists
3) no one has presented any evidence to prove that any consciousness exists that is not the product of a physical brain
"the q he asked Obama about whether or not he thought his dog knew it was living in the oval office, or that his daddy was the president of the US "
A pointless question. All such a question shows is that dogs don't think the same way or think about the same things that humans think about. If the Obamas had a baby while he was president,he could have asked if the newborn baby knew his ( or her) father was the president of the US. The answer would be no,because it is a newborn baby.
Thank you😇God bless Chindya😇
“The whole history of science shows us that whenever the educated and scientific men of any age have denied the facts of other investigators on a priori grounds of absurdity or impossibility, the deniers have always been wrong.”
Alfred Russell Wallace
Infinite love to you❤
🕉=mc2,could be the closest to the ultimate truth! What an amazing 30minute ocean of wisdom! 🙏🙏🙏
Probably one of the most powerful talks I've seen. I've seen many!!!
Agreed .
Such an incredible insight ❤
Simply phenomenal ❤
The last ten minutes were brilliant ...... Absolutely brilliant ...Loved it ....
Wonderful! An amazing explanation that the reality is nothing but a human construct!
Beautiful, really love it.
"Freedom is now -- in being"
I don't give a damn whoever condemns him, this speech was great.
Read up
wow! my favorite part from 26:54
many thanks DC, for this lucid explanation.
Through the ages the men of wisdom taught us in the simple terms is this, live in Here and Now and be conscious of it. That's all.🤔💐
He mentions that Rupert Spira, is in the audience. I suggest watching Rupert's videos here on RUclips.'re late...very late...
Laws of nature (motion, gravity, planetary movements, quantum theories) were lifted from hindu/vedic library of knowledge and wisdom. Thanks to jesuit missionaries for translating everything from sanskrit to other languages during colonial occupation of india or then hindu civilization
Albert Einstein quote on his hindu/vedic source -
" When I read Baghavath Gita and reflect about how God created this universe, everything else seems superfluous (Un-necessary). I've made the vedas as the main source of information and guide for the purpose of scientific investigations and formation of my theories"
W Heisenberg - Quantum ideas which seemed so crazy made sense only after reading hindu/vedic darshanas (Darshana is a sanskrit term for vision or revelation of nature of the ultimate)
Erwin Schrodinger's biographer Moore, wrote -- “His system - or that of the Upanishads or hindu/vedas- is delightful and consistent: the self and the world are one and they are all. He rejected traditional western religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naïve--and will NOT understand Quantum theory and consciousness.
Pretty sure such things as the expanding light cone,Heisenberg indeterminacy and inertial planes come directly from the hindu philosophers of 2000 BC. thanks for the historical lesson.
kashsoldier Don't lie.
Zakariya Razi, are you jealous that Islam is unscientific and fake?
Zakariya Razi, You really think Islam is a religion of PEACE??!!! That whatever is happening we can all just blame it one the west. Thats pretty childish. Oh he hit me so i shall hit him back! Is that justification enough for you? I thought you guys said Islam is all about Peace, but the truth of the matter is that is is a religion of Submission. Submit or die! Pretty much as basic as that.
Lets not go into what Hillary said or what Obama said, people say all kinds of things and i can name 1000 others who have said opposite. Lets look at History, Lets look at Facts!!
Islam in its root is concerned with terrorism. If you don’t believe or follow us we will torture you and kill you. Look at Muhammad - you will recall, he was not only a prophet and a teacher, like the founders of other religions; he was also the head of a polity and of a community, a ruler and a soldier. Hence his struggle involved a state and its armed forces. If the fighters in the war for Islam, the holy war "in the path of God," are fighting for God, it follows that their opponents are fighting against God. And since God is in principle the sovereign, the supreme head of the Islamic state-and the Prophet and, after the Prophet, the caliphs are his vicegerents-then God as sovereign commands the army. The army is God's army and the enemy is God's enemy. The duty of God's soldiers is to dispatch God's enemies as quickly as possible to the place where God will chastise them-that is to say, the afterlife.
Clearly related to this is the basic division of mankind as perceived in Islam - insider and outsider, in-group and out-group, kinsman or neighbour and foreigner.
In the classical Islamic view, to which many Muslims are beginning to return, the world and all mankind are divided into two: the House of Islam, where the Muslim law and faith prevail, and the rest, known as the House of Unbelief or the House of War, which it is the duty of Muslims ultimately to bring to Islam. But the greater part of the world is still outside Islam, and even inside the Islamic lands, according to the view of the Muslim radicals, the faith of Islam has been undermined and the law of Islam has been abrogated. The obligation of holy war therefore begins at home and continues abroad, against the same infidel enemy.
Now let’s look at History with the above context and let me tell you a bit about my ancestors and my family history. I am a Parsi, Zoroastrian. If you haven't heard about them, please read up on their history. My ancestors were FORCED to convert to Islam else suffer. A handful of people escaped by boat and ended up in India where the king was nice enough to take us in. We consider ourselves Indian now and have adapted to the Indian continent while still retaining our core philosophy. Now as for the FORCEFUL CONVERSIONS and the persecution of my ancestors, i will quote wiki although there are thousands of articles showing how Islam treated non-believers. By your own words, IT IS DEPLORABLE!
Persecution of Zoroastrians is the religious persecution inflicted upon the followers of the Zoroastrian faith. The persecution of Zoroastrians occurred throughout its history. The discrimination and harassment began in the form of sparse violence and forced conversions. Muslims are recorded to have destroyed fire temples. Zoroastrians living under Muslim rule were required to pay a tax called Jizya.
Zoroastrian places of worship were desecrated, shrines were destroyed and mosques built in their place. Many libraries were burned and much cultural heritage was lost. Gradually there were increased number of laws regulating Zoroastrian behaviour, limiting their ability to participate in society. Over time, the persecution of Zoroastrians became more common and widespread, and the number of believers decreased by force significantly.
Most were forced to convert due to the systematic abuse and discrimination by followers of Islam. Once a Zoroastrian family was forced to convert to Islam, the children were sent to an Islamic school to learnArabic and the teachings of Islam, as a result some of these people lost their Zoroastrian faith. However, under the Samanids, who were Zoroastrian converts to Islam, the Persian language flourished. On occasion, the Zoroastrian clergy assisted Muslims against those who they deemed Zoroastrian heretics.
Zoroastrians and the Jewish communities in pre Islamic Persia coexisted peacefully for hundreds of years before the Arab invasion. This is also reflected in some of the later books of the Old Testament.
To conquer Persia and force Islam, the Arab invaders resorted to many inhumane actions including massacre, mass enslavement of men, women and children, and imposition of heavy taxes (Jezyeh=Jizya) on those who did not convert. By the order of “Yazid ibn-e Mohalleb” in Gorgan so many Persians were beheaded that their blood mixed with water would energize the millstone to produce as much as one day meal for him, as he had vowed.
Wanna read some more of the deplorable and inhumane religion that is Islam (based on history and fact) -
The History of Zoroastrians after Arab Invasion; Alien in Their Homeland
Zoroastrians in Islamic Iran
Persecution of Zoroastrians in medieval Iran
So what do you think? Is Islam really a religion of Peace? Is US the main agent behind supporting terrorism? I think NOT!
+Psycho, Where did Islam came from? Who were talking about Islam? Oh, it seems you guessed from my name that probably I am a Muslim and its better to attack Islam to give me a push. Or what? Yes, this is my name and I am an ex-Muslim. I have left Islam as a religion. Muhammad lied. And Islam does not mean submission, it means surrender.
And please do not copy/paste. I am all here for a written conversation but I feel reluctant to read copy/paste materials. Please provide link and that is enough. However, I had a glimpse on your copy/paste materials and I think these information are accurate.
Peace of Christ to all.
Reference to consciousness is refreshing...
I've heard a lot about Deepak but after watching this video all I see him as is a person who paints theories and concepts as number embellished words stringed together for the main purpose of conceptual confusion so the deeper you think about what he says the more you sink into warped and wrapped thoughts that just keep on overlapping till you can't find a single shred of sense in the given information.
He basically uses word salads with a touch of sprinkled numbers to confuse people like what I did earlier :)
Random Deepak Chopra Quote Generator - Wisdom of Chopra
Lmao. You have got to be kidding? You just fucking proved everything he said. Talk abt word salad. Friend go read wht YOU fucking just wrote.
Very true. Take this simple error for instance. He thinks China and India represent 2/3rd of humanity. How is approximately 2.7 billion (China 1.4 billion + India 1.3 billion) 2/3rds of humanity that is made up of 7.7 billion people? It's not even half of humanity, let alone 2/3rds. I think he's missing the number by a few billion people.
I understood the majority of what he said the first time I listened. Is it a bit brain bending? Yes, it's weird to think about the universe, and everything in it, from a perspective that throws out every aspect of every perspective of it you have ever had. Everything you experience is through the filter of your consciousness. You can never truly know reality as it exists outside of you because we are all filtering everything through our consciousness and through these imperfect sensory instruments that are our bodies.
If you didn't understand the overarching concepts and ideas, maybe give the video a second listen. Maybe pause the video occasionally to ponder on the ideas for a min before moving on. He is not impossible to understand if you try and give everything time to sink in.
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Perhaps DC is not your teacher.
It's such an irony that the whole world is coming to an understanding of the teachings from our past and us the Indians look somewhere else for answers, when the answers are available at home... but some day, "SOMEDAY" we shall understand...
Thanks for explaining the bit by bit studies of universe and consciousness in a wholesome
wonderful!! Teaching !! so much great stuff to learn !!! Thanks a lot !
I love deepak chobra his elusiveness of thoughts
It is great to say, "Everything is a dream.'" But that only begs the question, who is the dreamer?
Simply awesome!
Thank you so much love n peace
great message & teachings namaste
Brilliant !!!
@11:00 👼 3 Letter word 😇
Wish the volume was better
This guy really is amazing
He can talk for an hour and still not say anything useful at all...
I prepare for hours and struggle to speak for a few minutes on stage...
Deepak is the God of snake oil salesmen....
@TheMisogynist Snake oil is an illusion of your own perception, remember! hahhahha! MUhauhahuahhahahhahaahhh!!! Your snake oil does not even exist LOLOLOL :D
At cosmic level, we examine them at very large scale. At quantum level, we examine them one by one.
Have we examined the process of making from single particle which is in web form to large matter.
May that is just their characteristics. After combining many webs , may be characteristics changes and makes itself into visible matter.
This just poped into my head. Can anybody reference the study related to it.
Please take a course on Quantum Mechanics (Pre-requisites are classical mechanics, statistical mechanics, second order differential calculus). Plenty of resources available for free, if you're serious about pursuing your curiosity.
Thank you!
How do you live within human constructs that one MUST live within,like money? I don't see much choice out of that one. I can make personal choices how to see, to feel, to think, but How do I un- live myself within constructs that I personally didn't agree to ( or don't remember agreeing to), it feels like an amazing amount of stress and anxiety having to belong ( conform) to a collective illusory construct ( agreement )that I wasn't really a part of! Or is that the nature of collective agreements, we just live with them and unanimously conform yet don't consciously remember choosing to conform ? AM I missing something? If these are collective agreements, how do I change them as an individual if the collective thinks otherwise? I want to tell people love is more valuable than money and exchange love for a pair of shoes, but that isn't how the collective thinks! ARGH! ANy ideas? Deepak help!
seoreh , silence your thoughts, experience without words and when u sense let it go by, the realization is also our experience.....when everything just stands still inside ....u experience something that is beyond words and human construct.....
Good point.
@@sonalsoni4832 How do you sleep at night? Not dreaming apparently. LoL
@@sonalsoni4832 I experience what’s beyond human construct all the time, that’s not my issue. Living within the stupidness that humanity creates through lack and need to control IS a pain in the @ss!
@@smurfmama2020 You've still missed the point
it's not looking that collapses the wave function of a particle, it is measuring. Consciousness is in the claustrum. If there's no mind, then change your mind.
Some words arranged beautifully, like a poem. He is a good speaker, I give him that :D
Can you make testable predictions on this theory?
William Alston yes, it is called, contemplation and meditation on the subject, then you can test and experience it for yourself 😊
I assume William meant scientific tests of prediction (i.e., the Galilean criteria of quantification and objectification). If so, the answer unambiguously in NO.
Yah, it's easy. Have 2 different people describe something. You'll get 2 different answers because they are experiencing reality through 2 different consciousnesses. Eat some food and decide exactly when that food stops being food and starts being apart of your body. Define you and where you end.
Thank you for breaking the universe down, is it's really all about the energy and how we receive it or are some advanced souls because our universe is our school some are wiser than others.I, feel that I, been on earth many times before.
A brilliant mind
I think the issue of panpsychism is the idea that our consciousness is the same as the higher consciousness that created everything. We aren't God, we have aspects of the divine, there's a difference.
Does any of it matter? It seems we live many lives not necessarily on Earth or in this dimension.
It does matter, a little bit, as long as we are suffering here or in another dimension. The point is to end suffering and go back to the source. The _experience_ is _relatively_ real.
A body fits on a picture.......because of light. If we switch off the light in a room, you can't see an object. However of course you can imagine it
Holy smokes!
I was going to say Hokey Smokes, but now it seems redundant.
When a frog in a ocean explains the vastness of ocean to a frog in a pond , Then that frog in a pond make an imagination according to the size of that pond.
Many people are in that category.Vedhantha explains universe and cosmos.Saiva Siddhantha explains How to experince that through our body.
Adiyogi Siva, Given many ways to experince "That which is not".
And Then he gave this knowledege to 7 sages called saptha rishis and they went around the world and tought how to experince "That which is not" and became, Abrahamic religions, Samanism, Sufism,Judasm,Zauratritism, Toasim, ..etc..etc..
But Any number of methods to experince That which is not , which is available in the world is available in full within the India from north to south.
There are three type of categery in this field.
1) People who understand it by analyse ,and they know what it is..but never experinced it.
2) People who have experienced it accidently one or few time by an accident or an incident and they know experiencialy what it is.
3)People who have experieced it, But at will they are in control to experiece it anytime they want.These are the enlightment masters.
There are Millions of Categery 2 in all around the world.
But catergy 3 is available only around 1% Around the world and 99 % of them only within the land of india.
Now do u want to explain tht? Are you saying the "other" such as abrahamic religions are how not to do it?
Yes, You are Right Brother 💚
This is fantastic. You are a real INDIAN...
I take umbrage at you calling "real INDIANS" those who are charlatans.
Very nice video confirmed everything that I learned through the many phenomena of nature. I carefully concluded and accepted after well beyond 3 decades experiencing our world and my own consciousness and reading tons of studies in roughly most fields of sciences that there are actually several layers of dimensions of awareness, there where the light of consciousness does reach. The rest we, all aware beings meaning even from other dimensions are simply not aware of and thus not yet experienced.
As a young child, i wanted to find God and ask him who I am and what the whole purpose was. I always marveled at those great spiritual stories of old but always felt incomplete due to the state our world was in and still is. There was a special moment in my life, now around 7 years ago, that I eventually found myself after accepting my deepest fear and at the same time, i felt relieved and reconnected to the source of which all life comes from and felt connected to all life, including you. Inevitably I got overwhelmed by the inherent unconditional love of that source and felt somewhat surprised of my mutual love for our Creator. At that moment I felt the vastness of the total world briefly from a Creator's perspective including all life and its only sacred mission.
This sacred mission which is nothing more than celebrating existence through adventure, growth and not being alone (all one) and the best way to negate all that is to have an adventure with a vast family which you love unconditionally and vice versa rather then doing that all alone which is EXCITING which is at the same time addicting and challenges you to overcome new obstacles which is the same time food for thought and thus experience which stimulates growth. Now our dimension is nothing more than a new dungeon to grow into, an unexplored and relatively still new maze at the edge of the void. The void is another term of that what is not imagined yet by our Creator because it did not experience it yet which is being done by us, the army of light. Now the only way to explore something that is on the edge of consciousness if by experiencing that dimension which is done by you, me and everything that is alive in this dimensions the Universe. When we die, our soul experienced and take the data back to the mainframe which is the Creator. Now one thing is important to know, you have total free will after you die also there is no ego other than only you and your unconditional love that works on sincerity and honesty alone. What you do in this life DOES have effects on your state of being in the after life. Until you can forgive yourself in all honesty after understanding what you did, you obtain free will again because you made peace with yourself and thus can pick a life soothing your sincerest needs.
Although that said, about free will, the closer you get to the source, the Creator where we all are born from the more sincere you must become. Meaning the closer you get to the Creator, the higher the frequency and thus heavy things that are not in tune/harmony that your soul is attached on you must let go otherwise you simply cannot go back due to your own love for the Creator, our sacred cause mentioned earlier before and yourself.
To come Home and you are aware that your dearest mother just finished the floor cleaning and provided it is customary that your shoos are taken off before entering the house because it is filthy, You will not enter the house with dirty shoes and if you can't put them off yet you won't go home yet and in order to do that, you need to restore your own harmony within because that is the way how it works there. Not by rule, but by sincere feelings for yourself, the Creator and our mission we all nourish deeply since.............. forever. If not? We would not exist and destablize all of creation which can't even be done due to our nature of being a part of God or prefer to call our holy parent, the Creator.
O well...just wanted to share some insight into a world behind this world. It made me feel at peace and not afraid of death and reconnected me with all that We are. Let us gather the courage to grow beyond the edges of the unknown and someday we go back Home and tell all about the experiences we have had here to grow beyond even this dimension and travel through a black hole once our mutual source of consciousness is ready to grow even beyond that.
What about the sun? If our reality is "virtual" is the sun going to burn out or will it just keep shining as long as there are conscious beings to perceive it?
If life is but a dream, then the whole experience will burn out when we wake up. Then, there will be only consciousness (I like to call it energy). Until we want to sleep and dream again …
@@kensurrency2564 Beautiful 💚
In my early days i read books by Ram Dass but these days I am inspired by the late Great Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins. Jim especially was an example to put God Power into my teachings. So much to consider. you look at a Kangaroo or the Hummingbirds and you look into the Face of a Creator.
Shakespeare: "Much ado about nothing...":)
TheHeartphone Shakespeare: there are more things in heaven and earth (the Universe) than are dreamt of in your philosophy (Horatio/TheHeartphone) 😃😀😄
@7:19 woww
Before I start, will he explain the physics behind final destination?!!
I am imagine I am it is nothing but it's my created thing as I am imagine universe.
Deepak Chopra, me encantaría conversar contigo. Por favor comunícate conmigo por email. Feliz navidad y venturoso año nuevo. 🎄💜
wow, what an explanation. Deepak is truely a scientist sage!
Human constructs cannot be the same. Universe is a reality. If it is illusion,where the astronauts are going?
sir you didn't get to the point.
those astronautes see the moon & eventually possiblity became reality..
make your mind more wise then it is possible to the windows of your mind
in the nature everything is interacts with everything, materialism says the consciousness is the product of physican world, the mysterians say the consciousness is fundamental, I think interaction the key, there is no consciousness without physican existence
Thank you Deepak.
It seems that the student has surpassed the teacher.
revealing! shocking!
The Universe was created way before your own galaxy existed, you have to be more opened minded than this, to see way more and beyond our conciseness. So that is way we can not be our own Universe
some of the video games is ok though
I thought this was above my head but after reading such spiteful hateful and venomousness comments I see their are a lot of ppl out there more ignorant than I. Guess I see them as "how not to be".
I would challenge to Deepak to give a talk, without the word consciousness.
That's alot of "Woo Woo" in 30 minutes!
That's why it's a theory. Nothing more.
Everything that you experience is filtered through your imperfect and unique body and through your consciousness. You cannot truly know the nature of reality because you are understanding reality through your consciousness and you cannot know it any other way. Where does your body end? At your skin? What about your body hair? The dead skin cells that fall and lay beside you in bed? What about the breath that leaves your body? It was only moments ago a compound in your body, broken down for energy. What about the food you eat? When is the exact moment that it stops being food and starts being you? What about the billions of bacteria in your gut that you couldn't live without? That bacteria outnumbers your human cells 10/1. A body is something we came up with to describe our reality to someone else. Every word or concept in human language is a human construct that we defined to describe everything we experience and think. The laws of the universe do not act according to human will, they act and we come up with ways of describing it to communicate with our fellow man.
Exactly. We do not understand the universe outside the phaneron, even some materialists understand this to an extent.
Chopras brilliance is way beyond Dawkins mumboo jumboo reasoning.
" if you do not know the pokemon you are not part of the zeitgeist.." LOL!
Sub: In-adequate Perception- must transcend to Conscious frame
This Lecture high-lights present state of anarchy of Minds unable to define the subject of consciousness.
science needs to advance to the next century.Cosmology is a borderland between science and Philosophy.
Unity of consciousness OM-science ,Religion and Philosophy -2002 and Cosmic consciousness to Cosmolgy Revision-2000
-booksat Llulu should help identify the limits of Ignorance-Ajnanam.
right on so simple but so profound
If Deepak Chopra is going to use terms from physics & theoretical physics, he needs to include the math.
I think the important thing here is that you are taking the time to contemplate these concepts. Why else would you be commenting? I’ve read your comments; they are very well thought out and presented. The point is to explore. We are curious. Curiosity is what has gotten us this far.
@@kensurrency2564 Curiosity gets us asking questions. If those questions are answered with bullsh*t, those answers will be dismissed.
The fact remains: Deepak Chopra regularly and randomly inserts the word quantum ( in the physics meaning) into his diatribes when he has been shown to have no idea what the word means. At one talk he was actually questioned by a theoretical physicist in the audience about his understanding & use of the word quantum, and was exposed as having no idea what he was saying.
His reasoning seems to be "in my talk/book I'll insert a science word that almost no one understands the meaning of and that will add scientific validity to the gibberish I am spouting".
dark matter/energy - unknown, can't be measured consciousness - unknown, can't be measured could therefore be the same? (really do not like 'dark' as a descriptor, why not just call it 'that which is beyond knowing at this time'?) particles - can be measured waves - experienced, not measured
particles pop in and out of dark Matter. What is the *_catalyst_* for the emergence or "popping into existence" of these particles is the ultimate mystery. I believe that Consciousness is the catalyst, not the dark matter itself....
perhaps the 'waves' create the catalyst to enter consciousness
86 million light-years
In short he means that we create our own universe...That is so true and has been known for a long time now until science started complicating everything with jibber jabber math that nobody can understand. That's what I understood from this short video... We create our own universe
Chopra is a great person and has a very very very intelligent humor
Why no one mention Nikola Tesla?
he is also an
Did he mean that everything is illusion, his consciousness is real and nothing else exist? Then why is he explaining this. If nothing exist, it means that he is explaining it to his consciousness.
Stop eating and breathing, because it's illusion. I didn't understand what he meant
saying that something is an illusion does not mean it does not exist... it means it is not what it looks at first sight... think
las Vegas shows!
focus on the human construct concept. What he does affirm is how the human IDEA how things work is an illusion. He doesn't mean that nothing exists. But how we as humans try to explain from personal experience defines our reality, but THAT is an illusion becasue so far science wasn't able to prove anything about the fundamental questions about the universe and consciousness.
With all do respect, we don't look at the particles, at all.
If we had the ability to see them, the guessing game would be over.
Unfortunately, inferred knowledge is as oxymoronic as thought experiment.
The science is not the problem.
The guessing game of interpretation is the problem.
Guessing about the unknown is not science.
But, that's what we are given.
The new telescope threw most of the nonsense out of the window.
It's about time.
Who are those in crowd who are laughing their guts out- quantum entanglement is hardly anything to be laughed about
You made a statement about the moon and the audience laughed but in doing so, you missed the point because you had the answer and it zipped past your understanding. When you figure out who made the moon, then you will get not only all the answers but THE ANSWER.