30-MINUTE POWER NAP: Timed Sleep Meditation & Visualization | For Relaxation, Peace, Anxiety Relief

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 57

  • @pamelar9206
    @pamelar9206 4 года назад +31

    I was sitting on the back deck when this popped up. Had a sweet little nap in the chaise with a cool breeze blowing, birds singing and sun shining. Unexpected and best part of my day 😘

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  4 года назад +3

      That sounds amazing and I relished my nap this week. I even managed to take a longer one than my toddler niece! 💜

  • @susanlang2645
    @susanlang2645 Месяц назад

    I just love you. Your sweet soothing voice makes every worry fade away. Thank you for a glorious nap. 🥰

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  Месяц назад +1

      I’m so glad you had a lovely nap and that you are part of this sanctuary 💜💜

  • @cherylkeck9689
    @cherylkeck9689 4 года назад +15

    Please do more of these! 30 min is perfect length. Thank you Michelle.

  • @louisesilverstein2152
    @louisesilverstein2152 2 года назад +4

    This is my go to nap as it is short and - I don’t know how it works- but wakes me up everytime without any blaring alarms or buzzers. Thanks, Michele!

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  2 года назад +1

      Thank sounds like the exact experience I hoped for when I created it! Thanks for sharing, Louise!

  • @naomiv2782
    @naomiv2782 4 года назад +6

    This is my favourite meditation at the moment. Sometimes I use it at night too and sleep through. I can never remember passed the bit with the old man fishing then the willow tree. Thank you x

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  3 года назад

      Thank you, let me know if there are any other ideas you would like me to explore!

    • @TheRealMerBer
      @TheRealMerBer Год назад +1

      That's the last thing I remember too 🫶

  • @boundlessky9
    @boundlessky9 4 месяца назад

    Thank you!❤

  • @thepinksilhouette3076
    @thepinksilhouette3076 4 года назад +1

    I love power naps!!!!!!!!!!

  • @louisesilverstein2152
    @louisesilverstein2152 2 года назад

    This is the best quick nap video! I have used it countless times and it never fails to bring me out of slumber gently. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go! Thank you, Michele! I hope this is always available just as it is!

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  2 года назад +1

      Thank you, Louise! I am so glad this helps for you-- there is nothing quite like the perfect nap!

  • @kgoodridge1
    @kgoodridge1 Год назад

    Again, did exactly what I needed, thank you!

  • @jenniferhawken9068
    @jenniferhawken9068 4 года назад +1

    I need more of these!! 😴😴😴😴

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  4 года назад +1

      Any recommendations for nap experiences you’d like?

    • @jenniferhawken9068
      @jenniferhawken9068 3 года назад +1

      @@MichellesSanctuary I love your sleep stories but this is my favorite because of the 30 minute time limit. I’d love to hear guided visualizations to beautiful locations - a tropical beach with wave sounds, a walk in the forest with stream and birds in the background, things like that! Thanks for responding 💗💗💗

  • @lindsayr6208
    @lindsayr6208 4 года назад +1

    What a perfect surprise!

  • @cherylkeck9689
    @cherylkeck9689 4 года назад +2

    You read my mind this is exactly what I’ve been wanting thank you!

  • @KingMikeMusic
    @KingMikeMusic 3 года назад

    This is really good thanks

  • @aryagiram9868
    @aryagiram9868 3 года назад

    So peaceful thank you!

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  3 года назад +1

      My pleasure-- may you have many more beautiful naps in the future!

  • @corinahart9638
    @corinahart9638 4 года назад

    It is perfect. Thank you!

  • @michelehaigh7881
    @michelehaigh7881 8 месяцев назад

    ❤thankyou it workedxx

  • @michaelbutler3552
    @michaelbutler3552 4 года назад +1

    Plenty of time for power naps in peaceful rural Lincolnshire today. Hottest day of the year and my garden is the perfect idyll for drifting away. The church clock at the end of my lane will remind me a return to the real world is imminent.

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  4 года назад +1

      Let’s avoid the real world every moment that we can these days. At least that is what I have tried on the sunny back deck of my sister’s home. 💜

  • @giselleboily9404
    @giselleboily9404 Год назад

    Love this! Do you have a longer version? 🙏 thanks

  • @kaf890890
    @kaf890890 4 года назад

    This looks good, thank you!

  • @beckykemble1049
    @beckykemble1049 7 месяцев назад

    Happily added to my saved meditation list, and subscribed 😊 Thank you for what you do!!

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  7 месяцев назад +1

      So grateful for your presence! ✨ Welcome to the sanctuary.

  • @HENRY11234
    @HENRY11234 Год назад

    Made me remember my history teacher.

  • @CosmicCourtOfLaw
    @CosmicCourtOfLaw 4 месяца назад

    I need alot more than 20 minutes to nap!

  • @lissusmurataj7113
    @lissusmurataj7113 4 года назад +1

    Listens to sleep story while operating heavy machinery* (:-}).

  • @riyantoyanto1459
    @riyantoyanto1459 4 года назад


  • @wendygraham7787
    @wendygraham7787 4 года назад

    Was really enjoying this until my neighbor started mowing his yard. # joys of suburban living

    • @MichellesSanctuary
      @MichellesSanctuary  4 года назад

      Yikes! When I lived in LA it was always the 7AM leaf blower. Here’s hoping many more uninterrupted naps are in your future, Wendy!

  • @Laluz22
    @Laluz22 4 года назад

  • @tapanyadanke
    @tapanyadanke Год назад

    I slept for 4 hours 😭😂

  • @jessicamarie7322
    @jessicamarie7322 Год назад

    Please 🥺

  • @OfficaialKayKay
    @OfficaialKayKay 3 года назад +1

    This was terrible. Way to descriptive , not helpful for sleeping

  • @tills0172
    @tills0172 3 года назад

    So peaceful thanks 😊