I think third man running produces the most aesthetically beautiful football in my opinion. Just rips teams to pieces when done properly. Liverpool were the experts of it in the 80s producing it over a mid range. Just love to see it.
This is great! Great visualization with the markings on the player positions!! Can I ask, where did you get your TACTICAL CAM footage from? Is that available to the public? Thanks!
I want to start a petition to get football broadcast in this view
I think third man running produces the most aesthetically beautiful football in my opinion. Just rips teams to pieces when done properly. Liverpool were the experts of it in the 80s producing it over a mid range. Just love to see it.
This is great! Great visualization with the markings on the player positions!! Can I ask, where did you get your TACTICAL CAM footage from? Is that available to the public? Thanks!
Thanks for this