GERMAN Reacts to What GERMANS LEARN about WW2 & Holocaust

  • Опубликовано: 25 дек 2024

Комментарии • 519

  • @joniverner7305
    @joniverner7305 8 месяцев назад +103

    I am German, born and raised in Poland. I also lived in Germany. It has always pained me how unaware Germans of the post-war and younger generations were of the war. Also how much they despised Poles until recently. It's dying out, but Germany has huge lessons to learn in this regard. Every day I encountered enormous stigmatization of Poles. I was treated well only because I have a German surname and I said that I was of German origin.

    • @jadwigastarzyk3780
      @jadwigastarzyk3780 7 месяцев назад +12

      Dowiedziałam się od mojej już nieżyjacej cioci, że ruscy byli o wiele gorsi od niemieckich żołnierzy. Śledząc wiadomości o tym co robią ruscy na Ukrainie to tak jakbym ponownie słuchała cioci. Niemcy zrobili źle lecz trzeba głośno, że nie wszyscy tacy byli. Też gdy się sprzeciwiali tracili życie. Polacy też w czasie wojny robili świadomie złe rzeczy. O wojnie trzeba mówić, robić by już nigdy jej nie było i nie obwiniać potomków za wyrządzone zło swoich dziadków.

    • @Rayofhope1111-q9r
      @Rayofhope1111-q9r 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@jadwigastarzyk3780 Moja babcia powiedziała mi dokładnie to samo o Rosjanach i Niemcach, a była w AK, więc szczególnej sympatii do Niemców nie miała.

    • @adriannakotleszka6585
      @adriannakotleszka6585 7 месяцев назад

      Oj. Niemcy. Nie wiedzą co wyrabiali podczas II wojny światowej. A tetra chcą Polaków uczyć tolerancji, szacunku, pokoju.
      My Polacy pamiętamy o niemieckim nauczaniu.

    • @rafa6520
      @rafa6520 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@jadwigastarzyk3780 Wojna, żeby jej nie było... No właśnie jest! Do pokoju potrzeba dwóch stron , do wojny wystarczy jedna. Nawet jeden nemiecki klasyk (Moltke) pojechał z tekstem że wojny winna jest strona słabsza bo swoją słabością prowokuje silniejszego . A Europa śpi i wprowadza jakieś zielone łady niszcząc przemysł i ekonomię , zamiast ćwiczyc ludzi, produkować broń , inwestować w przemysł ciężki i półprzewodniki. Właśnie po to aby wojny nie było.

    • @Bula1910Lodz
      @Bula1910Lodz 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@jadwigastarzyk3780 Teraz to niepopularne, ale najgorzej z wojny to moja babcia wspomina Ukraińców (babcia uciekła z siostrami z Kresów, jej rodzice nie przeżyli) którzy celowo mordowali zadając jak najwiekszy ból, aby wszyscy Polacy pouciekali z tamtych ziem (wtedy popularne były plebiscyty decydujące o przynależności danych ziem). Gdyby Polacy nie uciekali Ukraina mogłaby nie mieć szans uzyskać prawa do Kresów. Tak samo jak obecna Litwa (potomkowie Żmudzinów, Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie to... Białoruś). Tyle, że z Wileńszczyzny jeszcze podczas wojny Sowieci wywieźli 300 tys Polaków (obchodzimy Powstanie Warszawskie, a mało kto wie, że równolegle powstania były w innych polskich miastach jak Brześć, Wilno czy Lwów i to w Wilnie zakończyło się sukcesem! W środku wojny zawisły polskie flagi na ulicach Wilna, ale nie minęło kilka dni a nasz "sojusznik" czyli sowieci wparowali i powywozili Polaków) bo co oczywiste woleli mieć więcej mniejszych podwładnych niż jednego silnego. Natomiast jest jedna rzecz: Ukraińcy dokonywali mordów za wiedzą nazistów. Sam Bandera wysyłał rozkazy z tzw aresztu w Niemczech. Z resztą nastroje nacjonalistyczne wśród Ukraińców celowo rozpalały Austro-Węgry już podczas 1 WŚ ponieważ obawiali się powstania dużej, konkurencyjnej Rzeczypospolitej. Skutkiem tego były nie tylko mordy na Wołyniu, które powoli przebijają się do świadomości Polaków, ale także mordy ludności cywilnej już od 1918. Gdy AK szła pod Lwów to Ukraina wystosowała do nich pismo, że jak będą kontynuować marsz to UPA będzie mordować cywilów (i tak robili). Mojego ś.p dziadka z tamtych stron (ukrywał się w lasach) z kolei podczas 2 WŚ złapali Niemcy i wywieźli do jakiegoś Niemca do pracy (miał około 15 lat) wtedy. Ciekawostka: dziadek nigdy nie chciał żadnego zadośćuczynienia i nie wziął złamanego grosza po wojnie gdyż jak stwierdził gdyby go nie wywieźli do Niemiec to skończył na widłach banderowców. Takie to były czasy.

  • @ZoltyMaN
    @ZoltyMaN 8 месяцев назад +93

    I think this video shows exactly what is wrong with the with German - Poland relations even nowadays. You guys worked through Holocaust trauma, and relations with Israel after the WW2. From my (Polish) perspective, there were no such thing in our mutual relationship, besides of a few small gestures. Just to remind you, 6 millions Poles died back then, including 3 millions of Polish Jews, but even now it looks like Germany (Germans) sees us as second class victims of 3 Reich.

    • @wasiuuu1
      @wasiuuu1 8 месяцев назад +12

      that's right, you are spot on, its the guilt they traying to forget but no hand shake at all

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 8 месяцев назад +1

      What is "second class victims" exactly? The NS regime was responsible for many different crimes. However, I am not aware of any polish person being imprisoned. and/or put to forced labor in any concentration camp, just because of their ethnicity. They were put there because (from the little I know) were communists. Whereas jish people were put there just because of their ethnicity. This is the reason why the imprisonment and forced labor crime of jish people was even more immoral crime, than the imprisonment and forced labor of polish people.

    • @staramuza3198
      @staramuza3198 8 месяцев назад +21

      @@tomorrowneverdies567 My great-grandfather wasn't Jewish; he was about as ethnically Pole as possible. He was not a member of the Polish resistance, but was caught supplying food to one (his brother). His brother was executed by the Nazis (I can't remember if gestapo or SD), he himself was tortured then sent to a labor camp. It's hard to say "no hard feelings" in such a scenario. I think trauma fell on all victims and their families, but I think it's true that to Polish people it seems there was no attempt at reconciliation after the war. My great-grandfather for example never forgot the death of his brother, even half a century later, and hated Germans because of it.

    • @mehow357
      @mehow357 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@tomorrowneverdies567 my grandfather was captured by germans and was sent to Germany like a slave to work on field at some Bauer. After some time, he managed to escape, go through Germany and come back to Poland. Don't tell me young stupid boy that only someone guilty ones were captured and only Jews were killed. Learn the history. Your grandparents were doing this and by saying: it wasn't happening: you spit on graves of your grandparents and my grandparents

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 8 месяцев назад +32

      ​​@@tomorrowneverdies567What are You even writing above? It's completely untrue. Polish were imprisoned in German concentration camps just because they were Polish, many, many times, so many. In Auschwitz, as will as in other German mass death concentration camps (there were more, just to mention Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrueck, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen, Bergen-Belsen, and many others). There was even a concentration camp only for Polish children in Łódź (called by Germans Litzmannstadt) - Litzmannstadt Konzentrationslager für Kinder. So what are You even talking about? Communists? Are You writing an alternative version of history? Don't say completely fake rubbish.

  • @TheFifthHorseman_
    @TheFifthHorseman_ 8 месяцев назад +66

    To be honest, here in Poland there's a bit of a dichotomy between how we see individual people and the whole of their nation or the country inhabited by that nation. So while most of us are okay with being on a friendly basis with individual Germans, we are still leery about the nation as a whole and the German state.
    The generation that committed WWII atrocities is dying off on your side, so is the generation that survived them on our side - but the stigma towards Germany is going to remain until they are not merely dead but also no longer in living memory. For now, the generations that knew those survivors and remember what was done to them are still alive.
    "War is horrible" in the abstract is one thing, a different thing is to learn that an elderly relative never had children because she was sterilized in the camps, while another had to sell herself to a Nazi officer in return for sparing her sister's life.

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 8 месяцев назад +1

      If I may ask, why was she about to be sterilized? And why would they kill the other woman's sister?

    • @TheFifthHorseman_
      @TheFifthHorseman_ 8 месяцев назад +8

      @@tomorrowneverdies567 Two different women.
      The one who was sterilised was my grandmother's cousin.
      In some of the camps the Nazis have conducted human experiments on prisoners, in her case it involved inducing ovarian tuberculosis. They needed no other reason than that she was Polish and therefore, in their eyes, subhuman. It was not the only thing they did to her and she had lifelong health complications as a result.
      The other woman was my grandmother's sister. My grandmother, being a stupid seven year old kid, left her identity papers at home and looked Jewish to the Germans. That was all the reason they needed.
      Did you expect they had some sort of "justified" reason?

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@TheFifthHorseman_ Yes. I still do to be honest. Because I have heard these stories since I was 7 years old, but now that I am 31, I wish I had evidence and proof of these allegations, before I accept them as true. My parents told me that they even used people's skin to make lamps, and that they turned people into soap. And as a result I believed all these things. And then I found that there was no evidence for them.
      I am greek by the way.

    • @karolinakuc4783
      @karolinakuc4783 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@tomorrowneverdies567Even Germans could be sterelized for being handicaped or suffering schizofrenia. Although Polish were just considered inferior just for being Slavs. Only 20% of Slavs were to be left as forced labour.

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      @@TheFifthHorseman_ Sure, she thinks they were communists. Bastard.

  • @kumarro11
    @kumarro11 8 месяцев назад +92

    I see a historical lie in this film. Germany never paid Poland and the Poles. Nor for forced labor, the deportation of Polish children deep into Germany, the murder of 6 million Poles. (20% of the population), enormous destruction. Additionally, to this day they have not returned a huge amount of works of art and our national heritage. They are still in German museums.
    Film confirms that the punishment for the war was symbolic. This is very bad because it taught the Germans nothing. This can be seen in their current behavior. Germans are terribly proud. They consider themselves better than other nations. They want to impose their opinions on the rest of Europe. We know how such behavior ended during World War 2...

    • @Gicek97
      @Gicek97 8 месяцев назад +13

      To realize how many people it was, just walk down the street and count all people you see as: 1,2,3,4, dead, 1,2,3,4, dead, 1,2,3,4, dead etc

    • @Bula1910Lodz
      @Bula1910Lodz 8 месяцев назад

      The Holocaust is placed above the tragedy of the Polish nation. No surprise. This disgusts me. The Germans do not understand that during the war many Jews were anti-Polish. Jews welcomed them with flowers when Russia attacked Poland from the other side, because they wanted to gain something for themselves... Jews often (after the war) worked in murderous factories of the secret police, where patriotic Poles were murdered. During World War II, many Poles lost everything. Families, estates. The elite - the smartest Poles - were murdered or deported to Siberia. So that there will be no protests after the introduction of the socialist system. During the collapse of the USSR, the Communist Party reached an agreement with secret collaborators and took over the country. They are supposedly democratic, but they simply took over the property, they have the media, the press, television in their hands and they simply win the elections, because whoever does not have access to the media will never win. They destroyed our nation and elite, which has not yet been rebuilt. Now, even if a brave, patriotic person appears in Poland, the existing system turns him into an idiot or kills him (e.g. Lepper, Wójcikowski, and probably soon Braun). Is this okay? Probably not, but it doesn't surprise me at all. Today there is a cult of love for Jews, other nations are not important. And the Germans, for example, live well when they have cheap labor in the form of Poles, whose country was robbed and is still trying to rebuild it. Perhaps they really think that by learning about the Holocaust they know enough and that the blood that Poles shed in defense of their homeland is unimportant. Well, that's what it looks like

    • @alittlebird3818
      @alittlebird3818 8 месяцев назад +4

      German here, i disagree with the proudness. No one here is somewhat proud of the history and actually when it comes to that we are quite humble, well most of us

    • @wadysawkostrzewski8557
      @wadysawkostrzewski8557 8 месяцев назад +4

      not all laws were abolished - like law from 1936 to take away all funds from Polish NGO's are still in power

    • @agnieszkaleonowicz1650
      @agnieszkaleonowicz1650 8 месяцев назад +7

      Niemcy zapłaciły ale grosze przez czerwony krzyż. Nie było stosunków oficjalnych państw więc były przelewy między niemieckim czerwonym krzyzem i polskim. Była też prośba utajnienie - o nie podawanie wiadomości publicznie. Nie było kasy dla wszystkich ofiar, a to co było i tak było niczym do traum, problemów oraz zniszczeń.
      Wysokość kasy przypadająca na osobę była niska i tylko dla osób po eksperymentach medycznych z obozów koncentracyjnych... Było i tak zaskoczenie, że tyle jest ofiar. Myślano że budżet starczy na pokrycie więcej roszczeń.

  • @januszrogowski3771
    @januszrogowski3771 8 месяцев назад +82

    Chris! Pracuję teraz w Niemczech. Kilka dni temu dostałem zlecenie do opróżnienia mieszkania po nizyjacych już Niemcach. Wyrzucając masę rzeczy po nich koleżanka znalazła torebkę ze złotymi zębami. To był koszmar i dla mnie szok! Ci szanowani ludzie brali udział w tym procederze! Poza tym mnóstwo dokumentów swiadczacych o ich przeszłości! To byli normalni, szanowani ludzie. Tragedia 😢❤

    • @rafalkaminski6389
      @rafalkaminski6389 8 месяцев назад +1

      No wiesz, może nie chodziło o jakieś ideologię, a trzeba mieć zawsze jakieś zabezpieczenie na starość

    • @dorotabarbowska2184
      @dorotabarbowska2184 8 месяцев назад

      @@rafalkaminski6389 Co to zmienia?? To był żeby wyrwane ofiarom niemieckich zbrodni ??!!!🤯

    • @ewalipka2484
      @ewalipka2484 8 месяцев назад +14

      @@rafalkaminski6389 Kto normalny trzyma jako zabezpieczenie ludzkie , złote zęby?

    • @zofiatoja1841
      @zofiatoja1841 7 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@rafalkaminski6389a o co chodzi w ideologii???o władzę i pieniądze

    • @39lilith
      @39lilith 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@ewalipka2484 nie zdązyli ich przetopic...

  • @ewalipka2484
    @ewalipka2484 8 месяцев назад +57

    Ten film tylko potwierdził, że niemiecki naród ma przerobienia jeszcze ogrom roboty.

    • @ewalipka2484
      @ewalipka2484 8 месяцев назад

      @@marcinerdmann476 Wychodzi na to, że zaczęli od "d...y strony" .
      Po ludzku, powinni rozliczyć się tą przerazającą zbrodnią, którą Niemcy dokonali względem Polaków, Żydów( tu wychodzi że rozliczyli się z Holokaustem, tu akurat plus) , później jest miejsce na analizowanie genezy powstania i popierania tak licznie przez Niemców ideologii nazistowskiej, i wyciąganie wniosków na przyszlosć. I ten kierunek pozwala na zweryfikowanie i urealnienie poczucia krzywdy, które mają tzw. wypędzeni.

    • @ewalipka2484
      @ewalipka2484 8 месяцев назад +9

      I co więcej, wychodzi na to, że Niemcy zaczęli rozliczanie " z d...y strony".
      Po ludzku powinno wygladać to tak: najpierw rozliczenie się że zbrodni, których dokonali na Polakach i Żydach( tu wychodzi na to że rozliczyli się z Holokaustu, to akurat na plus) , dopiero następny krok to analiza genezy z czego wynikało to to okrucieństwo Niemców i tak masowe poparcie przez nich ideologii nazistowskiej, a później w konsekwencji weryfikacja tego poczucia krzywdy, które mają wypędzeni.

    • @joannajulke9978
      @joannajulke9978 8 месяцев назад +5

      Zazwyczaj, a może zawsze ofiara ma najgorzej, najtrudniej i najwiecej do opłakania, przepracowania w sobie, sprawca często nie dopuszcza albo po prostu nie czuje głębszego poczucia winy, chyba ze w następnym pokoleniu ..

    • @Piterio01401
      @Piterio01401 8 месяцев назад

      w sumie?
      ale @d0lf H!tler był austriackim malarzem nie niemieckim

    • @ptasznik5973
      @ptasznik5973 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Piterio01401 Ktoś wybrał tego Austriaka przecież
      A potem słuchał się jego rozkazów. Wygodne to aby dokonania całego narodu zwalić na jedną osobę? Zwłaszcza kiedy ta osoba jest "innej" narodowości (mimo iż różnica pomiędzy Niemcem a Austriakiem jest tylko taka że ci drudzy mają lepszą Historię)

  • @bajkabajeczka560
    @bajkabajeczka560 8 месяцев назад +20

    Oh well. Germany hasn’t pay a Polish.

  • @MioszH
    @MioszH 8 месяцев назад +202

    Problem is that they teach mainly about Jews and their experience. They say not much about occupied Poland

    • @jakobikofficial
      @jakobikofficial 8 месяцев назад +16

      Jedyne co to Grzegorz Braun bawi i uczy

    • @misterio4086
      @misterio4086 8 месяцев назад +6

      Ja rozumiem dlaczego - otóż ważniejsza jest nauka dlaczego całkowicie zaczęła się ta wojna tak aby znów się taka sytuacja nie powtórzyła. Jest to mega mądre podejście i ja uważam że o wiele lepsze

    • @tobiaszkomorski5980
      @tobiaszkomorski5980 8 месяцев назад

      @@misterio4086 nie. To jest podejście na zasadzie: przyznajemy się że mordowaliśmy żydów. Przyznajemy się tylko do tego i niczego więcej.
      To jest polityka niemiecka - powolne wymazywanie świadomości co Niemcy zrobiły w trakcie II wojny. Tak jak u swoich obywateli tak i na świecie „polskie obozy” itp nie wzięły się znikąd

    • @jankes303
      @jankes303 8 месяцев назад +21

      @@misterio4086 co ty mówisz człowieku to co nie mogą ich uczyć jednego i drugiego ? bo ja nie rozumiem, No to powinniśmy całkowicie zapomnieć o nożu w plecy od ukraińców na wschodzie? O 17 Września kiedy sowiecie uderzyli też mamy zapomnieć bo tak rosjanom wygodnie będzie ? o Wołyniu i zbrodniom ukrainskich też zapomnieć bo im się wygodniej w polsce uczyć będzie? NIE!! To jest historia z która dla nas jest jakby to nie mówić tragiczna i z pamięci oraz szacunku do ofiar ja bym Historii nie oszukiwał bo dla Polaka historia TO żaden wstyd.

    • @ukaszpopkowski8382
      @ukaszpopkowski8382 8 месяцев назад

      Jews were also Poles!

  • @tomek948
    @tomek948 8 месяцев назад +70

    dla mnie dzisiaj jak myślę o niemcach to jedyny kraj który za okrutną zbrodnie został nagrodzony przez resztę świata ...

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 8 месяцев назад +13


    • @bezSpinelli
      @bezSpinelli 8 месяцев назад

      Właściwie nie jedyny... ale zdecydowanie o największej ilości mordó Turkom absolutnie na sucho uszła rzeź 1,5 miliona Ormian. Nota bene Hitler właśnie przypatrując się temu zjawisku był pewien, że wymordowanie tzw. ras niższych któregoś dnia zostanie zapomniane.
      Niestety już taka jest istota wielkiej polityki, że mniejszymi się handluje, nie patrząc na sprawiedliwość. Niemcom pozwolono super szybko urosnąć, ponieważ nowym wrogiem okazał się Związek Sowiecki.
      Dzisiaj patrząc na to, co imigranci wyprawiają w Europie zachodniej to - kto wie? - może nadchodzi dziejowa sprawiedliwość. I co ciekawe - wymierzona nie ludzką wolą.

    • @onomatopejaB
      @onomatopejaB 6 месяцев назад

      Jeszcze Japonia, Austria, Włochy i jeszcze kilka by się pewnie znalazło

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@onomatopejaB Racja. Tyle że jednak zbrodnie niemieckie i ich odpowiedzialność były większe niż włoskie. A co do Japonii, to zapłaciła też jako poligon do wypróbowania dwóch bomb atomowych.

    • @onomatopejaB
      @onomatopejaB 6 месяцев назад

      @@MayaTheDecemberGirl oks, pokazuje tylko analogie :)

  • @piotrborowski775
    @piotrborowski775 8 месяцев назад +5

    My grandpa was in stalag in Krems. They could see the mustard manufacture from there. After that, he was sent to forced labour. He came back and my grandma had kept her promise to marry him.
    19 years later, she gave birth to her only child - that was my mom.
    For me, my grandpa is a hero.

  • @CDA138ek
    @CDA138ek 8 месяцев назад +13

    I used to work with an Austrian in Canada. He told me that in Austria there was basically no denazification.

    • @beegxxc9832
      @beegxxc9832 7 месяцев назад +1

      And mr H. was actually austrian, yet austrians pretend mr H. was german, they rather claim Bethoveen as an austrian 😂

  • @sprawa7832
    @sprawa7832 8 месяцев назад +3

    Very nice and informative video Chris. Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts! 💪

  • @bajkabajeczka560
    @bajkabajeczka560 8 месяцев назад +14

    Chris- I am Polish suffering a lot (means family) from a Germans (majdanek) but I really appreciate your films. Sometimes you don’t know a history but you are fair. Not everyone remember that it was not only holocaust- original Aushwitz was a labour camp for Poles.

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 8 месяцев назад +1

      But I believe that these people were not sent to Auschwitz just because they were polish, but because they were communists for example. Whereas jish people were sent there just because of their ethnicity. Which makes the crime of imprisonment and forced labor (under inhumane conditions) all the more immoral.

    • @messmeg7582
      @messmeg7582 8 месяцев назад +4

      My grandma!s father, brother and uncle also end in Majdanek camp. No one survived.
      They were end cos father and uncle were Polish officers. Brother was scaut.

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 8 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@tomorrowneverdies567They were, just because they were Polish, exactly like this.

    • @bajkabajeczka560
      @bajkabajeczka560 8 месяцев назад +8

      @@MayaTheDecemberGirl it was called “łapanka””- so the nazis just closed a street and captured anyone passing.

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@bajkabajeczka560Yeah. In English "łapanka" is translated as a roundup.

  • @leszekposuszny494
    @leszekposuszny494 8 месяцев назад +15

    Interesting to watch. A few quick observations:
    1.Germans tend to focus on Holocaust as main genecide. But In WW2 6 millions of Poles lost their lives -that was 17% of pre WW2 population. Over this 6 millions half was Polish Jews, but half was non-Jews.
    2.Our country was robbed, people dragged to Germany forced to work in German industry, farming or wherever. A lot suffered with lost of health and years of life wasted.
    3.There was never proper compensation payed to Poles. Allies betrayal (USA politics, Britts weakness) was to give half of central and eastern Europe countries to Soviets really occupations. Some non independant decisions were to reject compensations, and even later time (after Poland getting independance of Soviets in 1989) political decisions were to stay away of the topic, and build good relations with West - not sure if right, but they confirmed no claims. That is unfair thoug for millions of Poles who were forced to serve to Nazi Germans, or others who lost a lot: relatives, properties, health etc.
    4.Germany as aggressor won on WW2 - Marshall plan, other things, investments, chances to build peaceful and decent country, and allowed country to develop to major economy. EE/CE countries had no chance - no matter they were during WW2 allies of West against Germany (betrayed by US/UK).
    5.Change of borders/refugees. Again, USA and others decided - they moved Polish borders to Germany as compensation to much more territory given to Soviet union on East. Probably half of Poles do not live the land their ancessors lived. Germans lost little, Poland lost a lot.
    6.Up do today, we still in international press find "polish concentration camps" and some engigmatic to foreigners "nazis" who started WW2. A lot of confusions for many young/far away young people arise - some may think poles were doing camps, or do not link nazis as Germans.
    7.I seen many times Germans do recognize their role and responsibility in WW2, and carry some shame on this, but as I said, I think mainly to Jews.
    And some side comment to more recent times situation. Jews - victims and very badly experienced nation. Also who with strong support in US (of wealthy Jews influencers) and based on Holocoust orgined special treatment by all World built their dream country, now (well for last 50 years) pusing locals away of their land, for last years become soft but version of their navi oppressors for them. I have Palestine friend, and it is really pity hearing and observing news what happens in Palestine for tens of years - use of Israeli power, and soft uber manchen approach to millions of civillians. Did they forgot? Palestinians have only poor life and no chances to develop, and with their territories step by step being anexed as well as their fully recignized country idea no matter of promisses for 80 years still not in place. Recent terrorism (not excusing it, strongly criticizing), is just result of tens of years of frustrations there, must happened. No lessons learned which is sad.

  • @jacekchmielewski6372
    @jacekchmielewski6372 8 месяцев назад +33

    I think you would be super healthy, especially given the current relations between Germany and Poland, for Germany to acknowledge crimes against Polish citizens, of which roughly 3,000,000 people of non Jewish background that died or were murdered during the war with many dying for saving their Jewish countrymen.
    I think a big step would be to acknowledge that there needs to be some kind of compensation paid to the Polish people for this. What the current and past German governments are relying on is 1953 settlement that was actually completely controlled by the solid union at that time. This settlement was number one, not anywhere near sufficient, and secondly, illegal in the eyes of current legalities as it was conducted over the heads of Polish nation.
    Since Poland and Germany now are allies and friendly countries, I’m sure there are ways of figuring this out and putting this dark chapter behind .

  • @jarosawkowalski2337
    @jarosawkowalski2337 8 месяцев назад +20

    a zadaliście sobie pytanie: czy zapłaciliście wszystkim za dokonane zbrodnie wojenne? Przyszłość można budować tylko wtedy gdy przeszłość została uregulowana.

    • @pawelhuczewski2772
      @pawelhuczewski2772 8 месяцев назад +1

      Nie odpowiadamy za swoją rodzinę , przodków , rodaków , białych , za samców czy homo sapiens jako takich . Odpowiadamy tylko za siebie bez odpuszczania grzechów i pokuty .

    • @ArstonI
      @ArstonI 6 месяцев назад

      @@pawelhuczewski2772 to zbrodnia całego narodu, więc cały naród powinien odpokutować, poza tym Niemcy w chwili obecnej nie przestrzegają praw człowieka biorąc swoich imigrantów i przywożą do polskich wsi gdzie są porzucani jak psy, po przesłuchaniu przez polskie służby ci ludzie zaprzeczają by dostali się do Europy przez Polskę i podają inne kraje jako szlaki imigracyjne. mówiąc wprost Niemcy chciały taniej siły roboczej i pościągali ludzi jak nie spełnili oczekiwań to się ich pozbywają jak psów w lesie, a jeżeli z tym nie walczycie to tak jak byście to popierali co czyni was winnymi obecnie popełnienych zbrodni

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      @@pawelhuczewski2772 Jezeli ojciec ukradl sasiadowi to ja nie musze juz oddawac kiedy sasiad sie upomina? No piekna teoria, a jakze chrzescijanska!

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      @@pawelhuczewski2772 Owszem dpowiadamy, dlatego Polacy maja morany obowiazek zadac zadoscuczynienia, bo nasi przodkowie gineli za nasza wolnosc.

    • @ej62133
      @ej62133 3 месяца назад

      That's the difference between individual guilt and collective guilt ​@@nataliamach7248

  • @oloszolosz1818
    @oloszolosz1818 8 месяцев назад +12

    In Poland we are teached about ANY of Polish battles in WWII - in 1939 that ware almost always lost and after that during our struggle to win back our country. Of course we are told about main events, like battles on Eastern front (Stalingrad etc.), South front (Tobruk, El Alamain, Monte Cassino etc.), Western front (fall of France and other countries to Germany, Battle of Briatain, DDay and battles like Market Garden) but we still focus on Polish involvement. Warsaw Uprising is a REAL thing for us and certainly should be learn by Germans in schools. Holocaust is another factor and it is important for us but since it not determined our country's course for many of the Poles it is not the main topic during WWII. For example Warsaw Kniefall by Willy Brandt in Poland in 1970 was said to be in front of the wrong monument (not in the front of monument commemorating Jewish victims but should be in the front of monument commemorating Polish victims).

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @rafalkaminski6389
      @rafalkaminski6389 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@marcinerdmann476ludzie się zmieniają

    • @ptasznik5973
      @ptasznik5973 7 месяцев назад

      No ja właściwie nie przypominam sobie tak rzeczowego wyjaśnia wojny w szkole

    • @laingman0727
      @laingman0727 4 месяца назад

      What is the past tense of teach again?

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      @@laingman0727 ask uncle google and stop being a jerk

  • @TheDeplorablesAU
    @TheDeplorablesAU 8 месяцев назад +22

    Interview your grandfather, people will find very interesting.

  • @twisters999
    @twisters999 8 месяцев назад +11

    Great channel. It's not only entertaining and teaching but also it's a small thread making connection between Germans and Poles. It's really great thing! ❤

  • @agataryznar5675
    @agataryznar5675 8 месяцев назад +8

    W Polsce nakręcono wiele filmów o II Wojnie Światowej między innymi na podstawie książek np ”Kamienie na szaniec”

  • @unsignedmusic
    @unsignedmusic 3 месяца назад +1

    I went to German public school in Bavaria 1975-1979. Nothing about WW2 was ever mentioned. I remember the Holocaust TV documentary aired there at that time, and many were upset that it was American Hollywood and not a German production. There was also another American in my class, but he was there because of the military and didn’t want to assimilate like me as a civilian. He got hit by the teacher, which caused a bloody nose. He never was back to class after that.

  • @ericarribas982
    @ericarribas982 4 месяца назад +1

    I enjoy watching your channel Chris my grandfather and my great uncle served in the Navy during World War ll

  • @melrebel0774
    @melrebel0774 8 месяцев назад +7

    Yees!! We need to hear your family story - the story of your grandparent. I wanna know more❤

  • @sailingbarisheet
    @sailingbarisheet 3 месяца назад

    Nice video, Chris. On the other hand. As an American living in the Netherlands, when the Berlin Wall came down, it was great. Amersterdam was a blast ! Everyone was watching on TV. What a wonderful time. It seemed as though WWII and the Cold War were finally over. Could you put a video about that together?

  • @MIKrych
    @MIKrych 8 месяцев назад +3

    This film shows how great Germany's gaps are in education. To truly learn from mistakes, you need a complete picture of events. Most Germans think that Poles live in the past unnecessarily and dwell too much on it. I am 42 years old and almost every Pole of my generation has heard the story first-hand from their grandparents. It was terrible when my grandfather, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, suddenly returned to those times and shouted at us to run away from the Germans - he experienced everything all over again. I remember things like that. As a child, I hated the German language (I knew perfectly well what Kulturkampf was) and I didn't like Germans, I was even afraid of them when I crossed the border with my parents in the early 1990s. Ultimately, I grew up, I saw how the world changed and today I have no complaints, because I know that it is not the people living in Germany today who are responsible for the crimes of those times, but...
    It is difficult to ignore the fact (it really hurts Poles) that the German society treats Israel with respect, still seemingly out of a sense of guilt (although they claim that they should not feel guilty - and they are right, because they are not the people who did it!), when in relation to Poland it is never entirely they did not extend their hand and actually treat us as an inferior nation - of course, not everyone - they often identify us only with the times of communism, although we did not end up that way by our own will, because we were actually left at the mercy of Russia. Moreover, we have freed ourselves from it. It's rather a reason to be proud.
    Today, most Poles are friendly towards modern Germans and Russians (the normal ones). If another person is rational and good, Poles are friends with him and have no problems with it - this also applies to Germans and Russians!
    If you don't know the basics of history because you're leaving out an important part of it, how are you going to learn from your mistakes? Then you can't understand what else Poles want? Holocaust and Jews - redemption. But in Poland, as many Catholic Poles as Jewish Poles died - a total of 6 million! Do the Germans know that there were also Poles in the Auschwitz camp? In October 1939, the first concentration camp in Poland (created by the German occupiers) - Konzentrationslager Posen - was established in Fort VII in Poznań. It was the largest center of extermination of Polish elites in Greater Poland. The Germans commonly referred to Fort VII as Lager der Blutrache - a blood revenge camp. It was there that gas chambers were first used to kill civilians.
    Most Poles do not expect any compensation, the so-called repairs or even an apology (although there are indeed those who demand it), but respect and, above all, remembrance, an outstretched friendly hand - not guilt or shame! - only memory (we should remember, because Poles - although they do not boast about it - know their bad deeds - e.g. Jedwabne, know the less glorious part of Polish history - I am talking about serfdom, among others). The mistakes of history cannot be corrected, and new generations are not guilty of these crimes. However, there must be knowledge, because how else can we learn from mistakes? Germans must come to terms with their black part of history and only then will they be truly free from guilt, which new generations should not feel, but memory is needed - to understand themselves and others, e.g. their closest neighbors.

  • @Blend-24
    @Blend-24 4 месяца назад

    I used to work in the 1970’s with an old man who was a WWII veteran of the German navy. He was in at the last of the war and only served a short period of time on a U-boat. He was asked about his service and he said he just followed his orders and did what he had to do. He actually would tease us and visa versa with comments like, “how did you stupid Americans ever win the wars?” Etc. he was a good guy by me. He was funny with his jokes and knew many of them. He was also a good machinist and I remember he dug a swimming pool in his back yard by HAND.

  • @imropietruszka
    @imropietruszka 6 месяцев назад +2

    Hi Chris (and of course, hello to your German American friend). I am Polish (definitely 95%, with a small admixture of Prussian blood), born in the former German eastern territories (Neumark) in Gorzów (Landsberg an der Warthe), raised in Upper Silesia (Oberschlesien), currently in South Africa. Chris, in my opinion, you Germans should stop traumatizing your current and future generations and start learning your entire history of the last century. Not all Germans were criminals and vile, and not everything what German was fundamentally evil. It's true, Nazism was an inhumane system, just like Communism, and Germany paid a high price for it. In my opinion, it's time (way overdue) to end this. It is the past and has nothing to do with the future (we must make every effort to ensure that it does not happen again). Our previous system taught and indoctrinated me in a great dislike (to put it mildly) and distrust towards Germany, at the same time the elders taught me the same towards Russia. As a Pole, of course, I observe what is currently happening in Germany and now my encoded lack of trust has clicked again. We are friends and allies, but I have the impression that we Poles may have to face Russia alone again. Will you stand with us shoulder to shoulder against the enemy to save not only Ukraine and Poland, but also Europe?

  • @ggvacm4st3r79
    @ggvacm4st3r79 8 месяцев назад +7

    19:05 Firstly anschluss, then Czechoslowakia, next Poland, then Denmark and Norway and after that Benelux, France

  • @MsMaasi
    @MsMaasi 8 месяцев назад +5

    My father is from Silesia (yes when it was German), mother is Polish and I was born in the DDR. Fun discussions...

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      I'm sure. Did your parents relationship survived? Somehow I f* doubt it.

    • @MsMaasi
      @MsMaasi 4 месяца назад

      @@nataliamach7248 it did not lol

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      @@MsMaasi well do you feel polish or not?

  • @romantrojanowski7782
    @romantrojanowski7782 8 месяцев назад +9

    3:30 Actually there was also Polish occupation zone in Germany.

    • @michuXYZ
      @michuXYZ 8 месяцев назад +6

      It's true there was Polish occupation zone!! It was under administration of the Polish government-in-exile, within the British occupation zone in Germany and have stopped existing along with others. It even had it's capital "Maczków (Haren). I learned about this lately.

    • @TheFifthHorseman_
      @TheFifthHorseman_ 8 месяцев назад +9

      Huh. I'm Polish and I never heard about this before...

  • @Stan-mp8zz
    @Stan-mp8zz 4 месяца назад +1


  • @andrewjackson8421
    @andrewjackson8421 4 месяца назад +1

    This is totally fascinating to me and I totally see how Germans must feel. In the US we had our own Civil War and after the North won and united the country again, we underwent a time of healing as a nation. Not all southerners owned slaves, for instance. Most southerners were poor and lucky if they owned a house, so slaves were a luxury that rich people had. For most southerners they went to war to preserve states rights of self determination, not about slavery. In the end that was what the war was about but most of the southern soldiers never owned slaves themselves. They mostly saw slavery as a thing that only the rich and powerful did, so they would feel lucky if they could have enough money to own a slave. Also, because slaves were so expensive, only stupid slave owners treated their slaves inhumanly. Unfortunately stories of those slave owners abound but one of good slave owners have mostly disappeared.
    History is written by the victor and I’m sure there were some good things that Germany did during the war that has long been forgotten. I honestly hadn’t thought much about what Germans were taught about WW1 or 2. On the one hand there was the thought of during WW2 to bring pride back to Germany after it had been so humiliated from losing WW1. Also the wanting to reunite all German speaking people under 1 nation. Those things are understandable but after that things went too far.
    This is a very fascinating topic that I’m glad you are covering. You and Fili are both all that is right with Germany today. You are both articulate, intelligent, and represent your people and culture well. I don’t think anyone today considers Germany or the German people of today of bring responsible for the atrocities committed by their ancestors. Remembering history and the mistakes of the past so they are never repeated is a good thing but no one is alive today from back then unless they were a baby at that time. I think you are brave by covering this subject and I applaud you. I’m glad to see some German pride has been restored because Germany gave the world a lot of things in History. It can be argued that without the Germanic peoples, Rome would still be dominating the Mediterranean and probably the known world as well. Plus Germans gave the world so much beautiful music & art, philosophy & psychology, Scientific discoveries and inventions. Germans played a huge part in settling America too. So as an American, with German ancestors, I can see both sides of the issue. In fact, my grandfather had an older brother that fought in a battle where their cousin died on the German side. After the war the surviving members of the family had a reunion and lots of healing had to take place. For years there were hard feelings against family members on the other side but eventually they were solved and family came back together. Thanks for doing this video. It helps to make us all think.

  • @piotr3826
    @piotr3826 8 месяцев назад +30

    A co z Polską najechali zniszczyli i nic za to nie zapłacili

    • @Fill256
      @Fill256 8 месяцев назад +4

      No jak prawie całą Europę. Straty były dla nas szczególnie dotkliwe, ale nie musisz się czuć wyjątkowy. Dzisiejsze Ukraina, Białoruś czy Estonia też płonęły. Węgry na ostatnim etapie miały wojnę domową. Jugosławia, jej ludy, szczególnie brutalnie napuszczane na siebie przez wszystkie strony, praktycznie nie istniała. Włochy były zgruzowane nalotami i niemiecką obroną, podobnie Francja.
      Per capita najgorzej pewnie wyszliśmy my, gdyż byliśmy krajem na dorobku - słowiańskim - więc szczególnie zwalczanym, ale licząc straty ogólne spokojnie - nie byliśmy jedyni, możesz wrzucić na luz.

    • @tobiaszkomorski5980
      @tobiaszkomorski5980 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@Fill256 adwokat się znalazł

    • @Fill256
      @Fill256 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@tobiaszkomorski5980 Nie adwokat, jak coś mają do zapłacenia to niech płacą, ale irytujące już jest że jakoś wszyscy mogą się chwalić osiągnięciami, edukacją, handlem a my latamy z 2 wojną światową i pompatycznym męczeństwem. Jak tak dalej pójdzie to Rumunia i Węgry nas wyprzedzą w rozwoju szybciej niż my rzekomo dogonimy zachód.
      Oni eksportują sprzęt do przemysłu jako support do niemieckich robotów, my eksportujemy tanią siłę roboczą i ból d*py.
      Skądinąd wiem jak wygląda serwisowanie przemysłu na zachodzie i taka prawda. Robią sami Polacy a sprzęt z całej Europy tylko nie od nas.

    • @tobiaszkomorski5980
      @tobiaszkomorski5980 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Fill256 co ma piernik do wiatraka?
      Rozumiem że jeśli nie będziemy wspominać krzywd z II wojny to wtedy szybciej się rozwiniemy? Co to za nonsens.
      Jedno nie ma nic wspólnego z drugim. Pamiętać trzeba i wytykać Niemcom to za każdym razem gdy jest taka okazja żeby przypadkiem nie zapomnieli bo lubią zapominać i wskazywać jakiś międzyplanetarnych nazistów którzy opanowali Niemcy i dokonali zbrodni.
      Natomiast inna kwestia rozwoju państwa- co dobrze widać przy budowie a raczej wstrzymywaniu CPK - „po co jak jest w Berlinie „
      Także tutaj rola jest rządzących bo to oni tworzą warunki do rozwoju, do tego żeby powstawały firmy, żeby były drogi komunikacja i połączenia a dalej to już zwykli ludzie firmy stawiają bo mają jak, jest infrastruktura. Jak nie ma infrastruktury to rozumiem że firmy w środku lasu postawisz i zrobisz biznes? Chyba w bajce.
      No ale skoro Niemcy rządzą Unia i blokują cpk bo wytyczne poszły żeby nasi rządzący to wstrzymali no to mamy efekt.
      Ale cpk to tylko przykład z wielu i to skopany dokumentnie przez pisiorow i pogrzebany przez po i ich kumpli co widać teraz.

    • @Fill256
      @Fill256 8 месяцев назад

      @@marcinerdmann476 Prawda jest taka że sami się pozbawiliśmy wszystkiego. To nie Niemcy jeździli po Polsce kupujac fabryki automotive, lotnicze, cukrownie i inne pierdy tylko "sprytni" Polacy masowo skupowali za ćwierć-darmo i robili na zachodzie wyprzedaże niczym na tureckim straganie.
      Pani dr Magdalena Ziętek-Wielomska widzę że jest kolejną przedstawicielką narodowej idei oblężonej twierdzy. No przykro mi, ale kraje zachodnie to kapitaliści do bólu, kupią Cię taniej, sprzedadzą drożej lub wyrzucą jak znajdą lepszą okazję. Nie obchodzi ich Twoja historia, w pompie to mają.
      Ze wszystkimi: Węgrami, Serbami, Rumunami, Ruskimi Ukraińcami, Turkami robią deale na konkretne kwoty za konkretne usługi a nam wystarczy wywiesić flagę, zapalić świeczkę z napisem "pamiętamy 1944" raz do roku i wracamy dumni do roboty na ich zakładzie.
      Standardowy obraz Polaka na zachodzie: nie zna lokalnego języka, połowa nawet angielskiego nie zna, zatrudniony przez agencję obiera banany ale czuje wyższość narodowa nad innowiercami bo 85 lat temu ktoś z jego kraju coś zrobił.

  • @cggage
    @cggage 4 месяца назад +2

    This is a very good video. I will admit, as an American, I have always avoided mentioning anything about WWII (or WWI) with my German friends. I would not know how to even approach the subject, even if the subject came up. I feel as if I am walking on eggshells, and that probably is my own fault.
    When I was in Grade 11, my school offered a trip to Europe. About 20 of us did a whirlwind tour of several countries over a 10 day period. This was 1972. One of the stops was Munich. We visited Dachau. I don't know anyone in the group who decided to visit who was not impacted by what they saw. Of course, we had read about it all. We had seen films. We had heard stories from returning soldiers. It was 1972, after all. But, until you walked on those grounds, there are no words. Of course, I don't blame the Germans today for the events of the past. And, clearly, much has been done to ensure this never happens again. But, it did happen once. We cannot ignore that. In fact, as I write this, I find it difficult to remember what I saw there and to imagine the sheers number of people.
    So, more videos like this? I guess I find it interesting. From the American view, yes, we certainly learn more about how the war and the battles were executed and how the Allies fought. In our history, we learned a great deal about those details probably because of the political interactions among all the countries involved. After all, from our perspective, it was a WORLD war on two battle fronts - Europe and the Pacific. Being in the IT field the Enigma machine, the code-breaking, the "science" behind everything was mind-boggling. As often is the case in wars, great technology is born from the needs of war.
    Then, let's not forget after the war, Operation Paperclip, where so many of the German scientists came to the USA to help with our rocket systems and other technologies.
    From a personal standpoint, and probably others would say the same, we were amazed at Germany's ability to create such a huge war machine from what is a landlocked country. The USA was going to outproduce Germany just because we could. Thousands of bombers, supply ships, soldiers, etc. The numbers are utterly staggering. Yet, Germany put up a valiant fight. Amazing.
    I appreciate the video you create. It give me an insight into Germany that I did not have. Thank you.

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад +1

      Germany is not a landlocked country but I would not expect geography knowledge or any knowledge at all from an American. In fact I am amazed you can spell.

    • @cggage
      @cggage 4 месяца назад

      @@nataliamach7248 I stand corrected. I'd forgotten Germany does touch on the North and Baltic Seas. If I had thought about it some more, I would have remembered the WWII submarines, the Wolf Packs, and all that. And, true, Americans are notoriously bad at geography. I am better than most, though. Of course, our borders and country names don't change all that often.
      As an example, anywhere East of the Iron Curtain is less well-known to us simply because during the Cold War we had almost no contact with those countries. They were markings on a map and little else. Of course, over the years, I encountered and made friends with refugees who escaped from the East and made their way to the USA to settle here. They spoke of what it was like on the "other side." Fascinating.
      Off topic a bit, but I asked them if they were able to hear Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe on shortwave. One young man told me his dad would lie in bed with his hand on the tuning dial, adjusting it as the Soviets would try to jam the signal, but yes, they listened to it all the time.
      Perhaps, we cannot spell to your satisfaction, but we seem to have many people who want to come here. Probably the application forms are written in simple, easy-to-spell words? Could be. And, despite one political party (a minority), we welcome people from other lands, especially those where conditions are repressive.

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      @@cggage 'East of the Iron Curtain is less well-known to us simply because during the Cold War we had almost no contact with those countries'- explanation from an American, who will blame you for pointing out the obvious :D:D:D I sure had a laugh. Yeah, I don't talk to many people from Thailand, yet I know where the country is :D I'm glad people go to America to stay. If you are stupid enough to fall for their self-praise you deserve it :D

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      @@cggage 'East of the Iron Curtain is less well-known to us simply because during the Cold War we had almost no contact with those countries'- explanation from an American, who will blame you for pointing out the obvious :D:D:D I sure had a laugh.

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      @@cggage Yeah, I don't talk to many people from Thailand, yet I know where the country is

  • @zimek
    @zimek 8 месяцев назад +3

    the problem is that often German Gov is heading towards Russia direction, make deals with them ect. For example nordstream. At start of war you didnt want to do anything.

  • @issayaify
    @issayaify 8 месяцев назад

    My grandgrandfather went thrue 2 camps in Płaszów ( Krakow ) where the Schindler's List was filmed and thrue Auschwitz ( Oświęcim). Luckly for him, his grandmother was An Austrian and he spoke German fluently, He end up "only" as a force worker for a German farmer, was very lucky cause this men saved him thrue entire war and they where friends also after it.
    But this kind of stories are not very common. I live a 1 km away from former Plaszow Camp, I pass every day 2 monuments. One is with 20 names of civilans who were killed on Biezanowska street in 1941, second is monument for those killed in Plaszow Camp.
    My favorite poet also died there in 1944 Zuzanna Ginczanka/ Shoshana Gincberg.

  • @Glazox_
    @Glazox_ 8 месяцев назад +3

    It was very interesting video. Im shocked that your education system is so focused on Holocaust and do not cover WW2 as a war and war crimes in whole world. There were like 6 mln Jews killed durring WW2, but 22 mln Russians (including 10 mln civilians), 5 mln civilian Poles, 7,5 mln civilians in China etc.

  • @xsazaxa
    @xsazaxa 8 месяцев назад +5

    Chcialbym wiecej tego typu materiałów. Ciekawa jest ta perspektywa Niemiec co do wojny.
    Dziadek opowiadał jak wczasie wojny Niemcy stacjonowali u niego na wsi i on jako dziecko chodził do Niemców po niemiecką czekolade. Opowiadał też że pod niemiecka okupacja jeszcze jako tako dało sie żyć, gorzej bylo jak przyszła armia czerwona bo wtedy trzeba bylo dobytek i kobiety chować w stodołach bo wszystko kradli i gwałcili.

    • @PiotrPilinko
      @PiotrPilinko 8 месяцев назад +5

      A to zależy: bo Niemcy potrafili mordować całe wsie (łącznie z dziećmi), jeśli tylko się rozniosła plotka iż wspomagają partyzantkę. I to nie tylko w Polsce - w Czechach czy ZSRR również.

    • @xsazaxa
      @xsazaxa 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@PiotrPilinko u mojego dziadka musiałobyc spokojnie bo nigdy nie mówił nic o jakimś terrorze na wsi, za pewne były jakieś represje ale nie pamiętam żeby o tym mówił. Dziadek i prababcia dużo za to mówili o terrorze sowietów.

  • @piotr3826
    @piotr3826 8 месяцев назад +30

    Naziści to Niemcy Niemcy sami wybrali te partie

    • @ogienc
      @ogienc 8 месяцев назад +5

      Nie sądź bo zostaniesz osądzony. Prawdopodobnie teraz tego nie rozumiesz ale zapamiętaj to bo to zdanie przypomnisz sobie na łonie śmierci i wtedy będziesz rozumieć jego znaczenie.

    • @askaradzi
      @askaradzi 8 месяцев назад

      No i? Wybrali bo dali sie omamic obietnicami adolfa jakie niemcy beda super. Pozniej wiedzieli, zehitler to psychopata alebylo za pozno zeby zrobic cokolwiek. Dla tego teraz jest takanagonka na AFD bo maja podobne aspiracje na rzadzenie krajem jak nazisci.

    • @tobiaszkomorski5980
      @tobiaszkomorski5980 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@ogienc dziadzia w niebie osądzi?

    • @PiotrPilinko
      @PiotrPilinko 8 месяцев назад +4

      I tak i nie. Na NSDAP głosowało w 1933 roku niecałe 44% Niemców przy frekwencji 88% - czyli jakieś 39% uprawnionych do głosowania Niemców oddało głos na partię nazistowską (a członkami było jeszcze mniej). To wystarczyło, by w tym samym roku wszelkie inne partie były zdelegalizowane, a jedna partia przejęła władzę w całym kraju. Dlatego właśnie należy polityków pilnować i zmieniać, by się nie zdążyli rozmościć jak na tronie.

    • @IdealnieNieidealna
      @IdealnieNieidealna 7 месяцев назад

      Tak jak niektórzy Polacy bez mózgu wybrali PiS, partię która chce wyprowadzić nas z Unii i oddać w łapy Putina. Komuniści i naziści, to cały PiS.

  • @ziolo_o
    @ziolo_o 8 месяцев назад +2

    Chętnie poznam Twój punkt widzenia i usłyszę coś więcej. Równie ciekawe było dla mnie to video, ponieważ teraz już wiem od was jak wygląda edukacja niemiecka pod tym względem. Oraz co wiecie ze szkół o I wojnie światowej?
    Nie będę powtarzać tego co już niektórzy wypisali w komentarzach. Patrzę na to z dwóch stron. Jako polka widzę i czuję tą niesprawiedliwość. Zakłamywanie faktów lub ich nie przedstawianie. Znajomość przebiegu wojny jest tak samo kluczowa i istotna jak sam holocaust. Musieliśmy okrutnie ciężko jako naród pracować na to co mamy teraz. Kraj był w ruinie, wzdłuż i wszerz. I tak naprawdę dopiero od ok 20 lat stajemy na nogi i rośniemy w siłę. Nabieramy znaczenia, własnej wartości i wiary. Dziewczyna wspominam jasno: 6 milionów Żydów, a gdzie Polacy?..
    Jesteśmy chowani i dorastaliśmy wśród ludzi, którzy mieli poczucie winy, niesprawiedliwości, okrucieństwa i zagłady. To ciągle w nas jest i raczej pozostanie.
    Drugi mój punkt patrzenie to spostrzeżenia z życia oraz książki. Przeczytałam "Anioł śmierci" oraz "Dzieci Hitlera", polecam tą drugą bardzo! Jest tam pełen przekrój dzieci tych, którzy zajmowali wysokie stanowiska w III Rzeszy, które od najmłodszych lat widziały co sie dzieje i nie mialy na to wpływu. Potem zasiadają na sali w Norymberdze lub odwiedzają ojców w więzieniach. To nie są kolorowe wspomnienia oraz przemyślenia. Ich wyborów nie można ani potępiać ani chwalić. Wybrali albo sercem z miłości do rodzica, własną autonomiczną moralnością lub tym co uznali za słuszne pozostając w głębokim dysonansie wewnątrznym i głosem, który uciszali.
    Mam świadomość siły rażenia propagandy i to świetne, że akurat ten aspekt mieliście tak dobrze przerabiany w szkole. Nam by on akurat sie bardzo przydał! Bardzo! Jest to tak potworna rzecz, że w sumie nawet sie nie dziwię, że jej żniwa doprowadziły do takiego oślepienia tylu milionów ludzi. Wirus zaszczepiony krok po kroku. Jeśli ktoś ze wszystkich stron powtarza, wtłacza na siłę jeden przekaz twój mózg to chłonie. Obecnie nie dalekimi przykładem jest Rosja od wielu, wielu lat i nie zapowiada sie na koniec.
    Dodam jeszcze, że poznałam osobiście rosjan, fantastycznych i honorowych którzy wprost i sami z siebie mówili, że to nie ich kraj. Ich krajem jest cały świat a na pewno nie ten, nie z tym "carem".
    Poznałam Żyda, który wyjechał z własnego kraju już parenaście lat temu - serdeczny, pomocny, pracowity. Pracował jak my wszyscy i zawsze były z nim śmiechy. W tym samym czasie moim bliskimi przyjacielem był wtedy i jest Palestyńczyk, brother from another mother 😊. Żyd podszedł, któregoś razu do mojego przyjaciela ze spuszczoną głową, wyciągnął do niego rękę i powiedział: bracie to okrutne co mój kraj robi i wyrządza Twojemu narodowi. Bardzo Cie za to przepraszam i jest mi przykro z powodu waszego cierpienia". To wydarzenie mialo miejscem 3 lata temu.
    Dzięki temu, ze mieszkam w Holandii moja optyka patrzenia na świat, konflikty, politykę, stereotypy, ludzkie przeświadczenia i wojny bardzo się zmieniła. Parę razy widziałam rzeczy niemożliwe lub wręcz cudowne i magiczne tak jak ta wspomniana powyżej. Uczymy się historii aby jej nie powtarzać i siebie nawzajem aby kreować lepszy świat. To my kształtujemy przyszłość.

  • @rafalkaminski6389
    @rafalkaminski6389 8 месяцев назад +3

    In ddr many of the former nazis were enlisted to serve stasi 😅

  • @pheonix_uy
    @pheonix_uy 8 месяцев назад +9

    mega fajny film bardzo miło że interesuje cie polska historia miło aż się ogląda 👍 👍

  • @naiaddore1797
    @naiaddore1797 3 месяца назад

    It's great that Germany does teach about the Holocaust in a way that would make it almost impossible to forget. That being said, I feel that y'all need to learn about all aspects of the war and not just about the Holocaust. Knowledge is power and it helps keep you from making the same mistakes.
    Out of curiosity, does Germany teach about the time between the end of WW1 to the beginning of WW2?

  • @xemike
    @xemike 4 месяца назад

    My grandparents had to leave Sudetenland and ended up in Hof. I think a story about Silesia and what happened after WW2 would be interesting.

  • @xbabyleech
    @xbabyleech 6 месяцев назад

    We have die Stolpersteine also in Poland - i live in small city on a Polish-German border and i've seen few on Polish side also.

  • @wiolettad7029
    @wiolettad7029 7 месяцев назад +4

    W obozach koncentracyjnych więźniami byli Polacy, Żydzi różnych narodowości, Czesi, Francuzi....
    wiele innej narodowości. Świat dzisiaj wspomina tylko Żydów a to nie jest prawdą. Do obozów trafiali dzieci, kobiety i mężczyźni z łapanek na ulicy. Ot tak.
    Kobiety rodziły dzieci w obozach w nieludzkich warunkach. Najczęściej żołnierze niemieccy roztrzaskiwali noworodka o mur na oczach umierającej matki.
    Chyba nie macie pojęcia czym była II wojna światowa w Polsce😢

  • @piotrsarnowski4824
    @piotrsarnowski4824 8 месяцев назад +2

    Fantastyczny materiał, pozdrawiam 🙂

  • @gregmcclelland3488
    @gregmcclelland3488 4 месяца назад

    Chris, at 13:01 the lady in the video you showed misspoke and said that there is no such thing as the American Pledge of Allegiance when she meant there is no such thing as the German Pledge of Allegiance. Just thought you should know. Anyway, thanks for the great video. I learned a little more about the German education system. I really appreciate your interesting videos!

    • @25marmag
      @25marmag 4 месяца назад

      I understood her meaning to be that there is nothing comparable or equivalent to the
      American Pledge of Allegiance in the German schools.

    • @gregmcclelland3488
      @gregmcclelland3488 4 месяца назад

      @gregmcclelland3488 At 13:01, She said that there is no such thing as the American Pledge of Allegiance when she meant there is no such thing as the German Pledge of Allegiance.

  • @annajewula9740
    @annajewula9740 7 месяцев назад +3

    I am from Poland and I wouldn’t bring any Holocaust stuff to anyone from Germany who was born in 2000 and beyond. These kids are from a different millennium! Cmmon!!

  • @Spontaniczne.improwizacje2
    @Spontaniczne.improwizacje2 5 месяцев назад

    thaks! subscribe i share this in Polish one fb, good job, thaks for good channel i have to wacht more your videos. The story about when Russian and Polish one people came to your grandfathers its also itresting for me. have a good day, Maciek form Cracow

  • @victoriaqueen1t113
    @victoriaqueen1t113 7 месяцев назад

    Am from upper silesia....lots of propple there still identify with germany ....

  • @historiezesnu
    @historiezesnu 8 месяцев назад

    I don't know if you are interested in what the Second World War in Poland looked like? But if you were interested in this topic, you can see an old Polish film from the 70s under the title " Polskie drogi " Preferably on the Marinka Nictir channel, the translation is in English and you can understand dialogues. Other parts of the film are not translated. There are other films describing war reality in Poland, do you think the film shows how true or not? The characters from the film are not real, but the events in which they showed in it, did they happen or not? You can also listen to archival interviews with people who tell their experiences or see a movie " Pianista" Romana Polańskiego

  • @Canadian_LoneWolf
    @Canadian_LoneWolf 4 месяца назад

    My friend if you post any video of your country past I will definitely watch it

  • @drekf675
    @drekf675 8 месяцев назад +7

    This is your point of view on Germany in 2WW. You should come to Poland , visit Auschwitz-Birkenau and Polish Museums of 2WW. Germany perfectly blames all evil on the no longer existing Nazi group. It was them! Not Germans! It was Nazi ! Pathetic! Who elected Hitler to power? Who attack Poland in 1939? Nazi or Germans? What nation was a Nazi? Collaborators from other country allowed us to shift away the blame for all the evil caused by the war. You young Germans and the whole world are being told (by Germany Goverment) that they were Nazi.
    Nazi , not Germans attack Poland, killed 6 millions Polish citizens (including 3 mln Polish Jews), destroyed and looted most of the towns and villages. By the way, after 2WW , Poland lost more Land then received after the war, and had no influence on the borders.
    Young Man, you should come to Poland and to see history of your country seen through the eyes of the Poles, most destroyed country by the Germany (not Nazi) in 2WW.

    • @Matthias_SZL
      @Matthias_SZL 8 месяцев назад +2

      "Nazis" was a synonym for the word "Germans" during the NSDAP rule. Stop repeating the nonsense of ignorant people who slept during Polish classes.

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 8 месяцев назад +2

      Nazi officials were mostly Germans. But this does not mean that all Germans were responsible for WW2, and the damage caused to your country during WW2. So I am not sure who exactly you are putting the blame on, considering WW2.
      Also, the land that Poland lost after WW2, was mostly inhabited by ukrainian and belarussian people. While the lands that it received, Pommerania, Silesia, and S. Prussia, were inhabited by german people.
      I live in Greece by the way, a country that was also largely destroyed by Germany during WW2. But I know that WW2 was mostly the result of the actions of the politicians of Germany, and not of the "ordinary" german people. The fact that they voted for the NS party in 1933, with a political program promising peace and prosperity (to everyone) seems rather irrelevant to me. And if you are aware of basic history of the time, you should know how easily "ordinary" people of the time could be manipulated by politicians, especially at a time when they have never done anything bad in their lives, and they still have had more than 25% unemployment for more than 10 consecutive years. By the way, and given that this was a result of french and british foreign policy in the 1919 Versailles Treaty, do and should french and british pupils be taught about this crime of the politicians of France and the UK of the time?

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 8 месяцев назад +2

      The person above said that Poland lost more lands in WW2, than it gained. So then the question is whether this was done rightly so, or not. And then I replied, that one should not complain that Poland lost its eastern territories, because of the reason I mentioned. Because if a polish person complained about this, then why would they be against it, if for example Poland was a part of Russia, like it was until 1919?
      So I am afraid that you just picked a case in which the inhabitants of Scotland happen to not be against the inclusion of Scotland in the UK. But would the ukrainian and belarusian people of the day, and of the present, be in favor of Ukraine and Belarus be parts of Poland? I do not believe so. Do you?

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 8 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@marcinerdmann476And in there were also regions and cities there were actually the majority of people were Polish. And also for centuries people, especially the noblemen, mixed with each other, or polonized themselves.

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​​@@tomorrowneverdies567Of course every nation, in the modern world, has the right to have their own free, sovereign state. That's obvious, at least for us, Polish. But these lands unfortunately didn't become sovereign, national states after the war, but were forcefully, with no choice, became part of the USSR, which was a totalitarian, communist, hostile regime. In consequence they had to go through a lot, like everywhere under such communist regimes. And a lot of Polish people, who lived there since years, stayed there, couldn't just leave.

  • @3kmariusz
    @3kmariusz 8 месяцев назад +5

    This is small part of all whats happend in Poland . For exampleвидео.html

    • @dawidlyczko381
      @dawidlyczko381 7 месяцев назад

      I want to see Chris reaction to this

  • @Oliver-by1gl
    @Oliver-by1gl 3 месяца назад

    Im a Pole so for me bringing any topic about history isn't taboo unless someone who's not from Poland claims they knows our history better and says bullshit

  • @mariabrodowicz1479
    @mariabrodowicz1479 8 месяцев назад +1

    Piszac "pierwsze obozy concentracyjne" mialam na mysli " pierwsze" w sensie "wybudowane wczesniej niz te, ktore powstaly na terenie Polski i innych krajow. Moj punkt byl, ze Hitler objal wladze poprzez brutal terror wymierzony przeciwko jakiejkolwiek opozycji oraz the fakt, ze narod niemiecki mial obozy koncentracyjne, gestapo and SS od 1932r.

  • @grzegorzciesiunik4104
    @grzegorzciesiunik4104 7 месяцев назад +1

    Niemcy jako Naród mają dużo pracy przed sobą ale nie tylko oni. Po pierwsze (Bardzo ładnie wszystko można powiązać ze współczesnymi czasami Rosją, Putinem i jaki tam jest system). Dlaczego naród poparł Hitlera, jak to się stało. Dlaczego winnych nie skazano, dotyczy to nie tylko osób ale i firm, które do dziś działają a współpracowały z dyktaturą. Czemu nie popatrzycie oczami Polaków lub innych. Pomijacie wiele kwesti. Co z parciem Niemiec na wschód od wieków. Teraz podrzucę kilka linków o ciekawych postaciach, rodzinach. Jak został ukarany np : Wernher von Braun. Ilu uciekło do Ameryki południowej.

  • @EyeScreamPL
    @EyeScreamPL 8 месяцев назад +1

    Chris, maybe it's your turn to react to the "Bloody foreigners. Untold Battle of Britain" - British para-documentary bout 303 squadron during the Battle of Britain?
    I know it's quite long, but believe me - we're eager to see your reaction on this doc. :)
    23:00 We'd love to see such vid from you!

  • @krzysztoflipiec5449
    @krzysztoflipiec5449 8 месяцев назад +3

    Państwo Niemieckie nigdy nie zmyje przez pokolenia tej hańby która będzie im ciążyć , historia Polski jest najważniejsza po języku Polskim ⚔️🦅✌️🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱

    • @beegxxc9832
      @beegxxc9832 7 месяцев назад

      Historia historią i musimy ją znać ale co maja z tym wspólnego niemcy urodzeni po wojnie? Wiedzą tyle ile ich nauczono w szkole. Gdyby państwo polskie popełniło w przeszłości takie zbrodnie też bym chciał się od nich odciąć, najlepiej nawet o nich nie rozmawiać i kontynuować patriotyzm inną drogą odwołując się do starszych tradycji.

    • @krzysztoflipiec5449
      @krzysztoflipiec5449 7 месяцев назад

      @@beegxxc9832 niestety państwo Niemieckie od czasów wojny nie wyrzeklo się imperializmu do którego dążą nie ustannie zmieniając metodę warto o tym pamiętać ponieważ jest to powiązane z napaścią na Polskę i inne państwa Europy ⚔️🦅✌️✌️✌️🇵🇱🇵🇱

  • @ckok7792
    @ckok7792 4 месяца назад

    Every country has a dark history.

  • @kamilpustula2454
    @kamilpustula2454 8 месяцев назад +1

    Full agree on Israel.

  • @ggvacm4st3r79
    @ggvacm4st3r79 8 месяцев назад +1

    6:15 and also Soviet Union as main US rival

  • @HatszepsutMerytre
    @HatszepsutMerytre 8 месяцев назад

    Ten pomysł z wmontowywaniem w chodniki kamieni upamiętniających wydaje mi się wyjątkowo nietrafiony. Moim pierwszym skojarzeniem były macewy, z których podczas wojny naziści robili chodniki po tym jak już zniszczyli cmentarze. Można taką kostkę zrobioną z nagrobków zobaczyć w niektórych muzeach miejskich.

  • @misterio4086
    @misterio4086 8 месяцев назад +2

    I understand what you mean, learning about the war in German schools is less important, what is more important is the reason why this war started. I respect this approach.
    Btw. If you read this, I live and was born in Silesia :)

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      I disagree. Presenting interpretation of events instead of the events itself is a manipulation tactic.

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      As a result Germans feel remorse towards Jews but not Poles.

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      That is very unfortunate because it was the Poles, who lost their country as a result while Jews gained one.

  • @TerminalFailSafe
    @TerminalFailSafe 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for doing this video. It is a very informative video that answered a number of questions I have about what is being taught to students in Germany especially with the current ultra right wing political environment that seems to be growing around the world.

  • @wiktornowicki659
    @wiktornowicki659 8 месяцев назад +1

    Simple history made a nice vid Talking about meth amphetamine usage in the third reich and that it was a major contributor to germany's successes i the early stages of the war. Basicly most germans where on meth and when they stoped using it they started to loose. That is a interesting and often overlooked part of the war. The german soldiers in Poland could attack and fight for several days and nights straight. Its hard to fight with an army like that. Maby you could do a reaction to that

  • @wal1953
    @wal1953 4 месяца назад

    Nie "Cesia" tylko Silesia /łacina/ a po polsku Śląsk. 😀 (23/20)

  • @kotlecikberecikPOLAND
    @kotlecikberecikPOLAND 8 месяцев назад +12

    Czy masz w planach chociaż na chwilę odwiedzić Polskę? Odwiedzić Warszawę Poznań Kraków Gdańsk lub Wrocław?

    • @Pawlixus
      @Pawlixus 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @AleksandraTurska-nw7wn
    @AleksandraTurska-nw7wn 7 месяцев назад

    Ten film w sumie wiele wyjaśnia. W szkole są zalewani tematyką Holokaustu i wykrywania potencjalnie zagrażających ideologii. Pod koniec szkolnictwa logicznym jest 1) przesyt i zmęczenie tą tematyką a co za tym idzie totalna niechęć do prowadzenia jakichkolwiek konwersacji w tym temacie 2) wieloletnie poruszanie tematu szkodliwych ideologii uwrażliwia człowieka ( nie każdego oczywiście, na szczęście) do tego stopnia że może mylić patriotyzm z nacjonalizmem itd. Czy po prostu wyolbrzymiać stawanie w obronie narodu z agresją wobec innych.. i doszukiwanie się tego wszędzie poza swoim podwórkiem.
    Żeby nie być źle zrozumiana- Polacy mają swoje za uszami, nasze szkolnictwo nie jest idealne i śmiem twierdzić że jak sami własnym dzieociom nie zaczniemy opowiadać o historii to niebawem niczego się w szkole nie dowiedzą. .

  • @wojtekwojtas2251
    @wojtekwojtas2251 8 месяцев назад

    Tadek "Niemcy" polecam posłuchać tego można się wiele dowiedzieć o Niemcach

  • @piotrkubinski8575
    @piotrkubinski8575 3 месяца назад

    Powinni Niemcy pamietac jak podle walczyli podczas powstania Warszawskiego 1 ,Sierpień 1944 ,Dokladnie praga południe Warszawy ,co tam sie działo. Cyklon B ,do czego byl stosowany i na jaką skale ,

  • @normajeanmcdaniel4491
    @normajeanmcdaniel4491 4 месяца назад

    9:07 I'm glad u made this one. I'm riveted!💯 Zero sarcasm for a change. -🌴 Cynical Gen-Xer in Palm Springs 🌴 California desert USA Earth 🌎 ♥️ ✌️

  • @normajeanmcdaniel4491
    @normajeanmcdaniel4491 4 месяца назад

    23:50 TLDR: Biker, Grandpas, and an "I don't blame YOU." from a Jewish chick. The people involved are dead. Read or scroll ✌️
    A personal story that I hope makes u laugh: It's global! We all have THAT Grandpa, who inadvertently tells kids things probably before they need to know. 😂
    My Grandpa was a tattooed biker, street name Skull Man, from LBC (like Snoop!). One time, we were visiting Grandpa (me age 7; sister age 5?), and my Mom went inside the house for a minute. My Grandpa called us over, hurry up!, Grandpa has something to tell you... (wisdom? 😮)
    "You won't like jail.😅/😮 Grandpa's been to jail. Do you girls think your Grandpa is tough?
    (nodding; he was; btw, Grandpa is 2nd generation Sicilian; welcome to America; he married my Jewish Grandma in the 1950s! She was a widow, and it was scandalous!)
    "Right. Grandpa IS tough, and I don't like jail. If I can't handle jail, how do you girls think you'll do? (He spots Mom coming back outside) So, when u get a little older and you're about to do something stupid, I want you to remember this talk. Keep your nose clean, or don't get caught. Now, we never had this conversation. Don't tell your Mom. Now go play before she gets suspicious😅!"
    Driving home, Mom asked what Grandpa said to us. I didn't snitch, but my sister casually says, "We won't like jail. Grandpa doesn't like jail, and he's tougher than us."
    My Mom: Fabulous. But he's not wrong...
    Clarification: Grandpa was a business owner, a Navy veteran, a step-Dad to my Mom and Aunt at an early age, not a criminal!
    Unfortunately, he drank too much, all the time, so the cops would put him in what we call "The Drunk Tank" overnight to let him sober up. 😂 He got in bar fights (biker), but I'm pretty sure he had a clean criminal record when he died.
    This was fascinating. What we learned was so different. Look, my Jewish Grandma feared getting taken away until the day she died, and that's so sad.😢
    I had no idea that you guys studied all of that part without really knowing the War stuff. As a half-breed, I'm giving you permission to be proud of how your people have turned things around.
    I was a high school senior when the Berlin Wall fell. We learned A LOT about that Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, etc. That was OUR propaganda war with the USSR. I grew up in The Cold War. I've hated what evil people have done, but not Germans. Look, the USA has its fair share of history stained in blood. Our founding fathers were slave-owners. We got that harped into us, so that by high school, in a very integrated area, we were sick of hearing it, too.
    My best friend is Black. I told her, "My people never owned your people. They were too poor. My Great-Grandpa was a racist piece of crap. So, it does my heart good to know his name ends with Jewish women! And he knew it before he died!"😂
    Instant karma. I'd love more of this content. We were worried about USSR nukes in California public schools in the 1980s. -🌴 Just me in Palm Springs 🌴 California desert USA Earth 🌎 ❤✌️

  • @Richus1979
    @Richus1979 8 месяцев назад +3

    We tend to forget, that Germans died in this war as well. A regular soldier in a tench, (no matter the side) couldn't care lass about nazism, fascism, communism, Jews or all politics. He didn't have time for this, all he was thinking was how to survive next few hours in conditions none of us can even imagine. More than that, I'm pretty sure that most of them truly hated those who sent them there.

    • @tomorrowneverdies567
      @tomorrowneverdies567 8 месяцев назад +1

      To me personally, it wouldn't even matter at all what an 18 year old believes. Would a 18 year old deserve to be killed in war, if they believe that the NS ideology was all good? What if they changed their mind just 1 year afterwards?

    • @oskardumanski8538
      @oskardumanski8538 8 месяцев назад +1

      Just like Russians in Ukraine. Don't you think so?
      I don't want to say all Germans were bad, but I will never swallow the story that German society was not drawn in the Nazi ideology.

    • @oxyv7285
      @oxyv7285 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @oskardumanski8538
      @oskardumanski8538 8 месяцев назад

      Have you reported my comment? Did the truth hurt you? Are you a neo-Nazi?

    • @nataliamach7248
      @nataliamach7248 4 месяца назад

      You are obviously ignorant. Germans were all aware of their task of destroying Polish nation in order to make room for themselves and participated willingly.

  • @DariusSam-ew8is
    @DariusSam-ew8is 7 месяцев назад

    Interessanter Film. Schade, dass Sie nichts über den Septemberfeldzug und die Besetzung Polens 1939-45 wissen. Es ist viel passiert. Du bist ein anständiger Deutscher und deshalb respektiere ich dich. Grüße.

  • @baroku94
    @baroku94 8 месяцев назад +1

    Oversimplified next :)

  • @januszrogowski3771
    @januszrogowski3771 8 месяцев назад +5

    Wojna jest straszna, wojna odbiera ludziom rozum! Ale żeby czuć się tak wspaniale trzymając w mieszkaniu przez tyle lat artefakty w postaci złotych prtez, zębów? Północna Westwalia. Tu pracował mój dziadek w kopalni. Jego kopalnia to teraz muzeum. 😮

  • @GrazynaRonda
    @GrazynaRonda Месяц назад

    Polska nie mogła skorzystać z planu Marshalla, bo Stalin nie pozwolił ( byliśmy przez 1/2wieku pod okupacją Rosji.Polskę odbudowaliśmy sami.Sama Warszawa była zrównana z ziemią w 89%.Natomiast głowny agresor i okupant w Europie otrzymał najwięcej aż 11% z dotacji.
    Niemcy do dzisiaj nie wypłacili nam odszkodowania.Jakże możemy żyć spokojnie z taką wielką, niepowetowaną krzywdą i traumą? Teraz hegemon UE, Niemcy prześladują Polskę i niszczy nasz przemysł, gospodarkę rolną i hamuje nasz rozwój.Czy to są te ,, wartości,, europejskie? Lepiej nie będzie.Polskę czeka powtórka z rozrywki i kolejna okupacja.Nawet historię nam zmieniają.Naród z fałszywą historią jest stracony.
    Czas się już budzić z tego letargu.

  • @blazejflorkiewicz9698
    @blazejflorkiewicz9698 8 месяцев назад +2

    you really fucked us up. but im concerned about you.

  • @wiktornowicki659
    @wiktornowicki659 8 месяцев назад

    Im Sorry to hear that your grandpa passed.

  • @Rhiles44
    @Rhiles44 2 месяца назад

    It seems they teach you a lot about how to be an apologist and not about what actually happened outside of the holocaust. That’s unfortunate. I understand why Germany would do that to make sure it never happens again but there really is so much more to WW2. They don’t teach you about Japan? Or Pearl Harbor or the philippines? Or how awful Stalingrad was? The geopolitical changes that came afterwards in the region?

  • @anuskas9244
    @anuskas9244 8 месяцев назад +1

    We are a generation that doesn't remember the war, lives in peace and may it stay that way... A question for you... Have you ever watched the movie "Goodbye Lenin"? I recommend it... I love it

  • @rafalkaminski6389
    @rafalkaminski6389 8 месяцев назад

    In geology? Why?

  • @ggvacm4st3r79
    @ggvacm4st3r79 8 месяцев назад

    Ngl Erika song is very catchy

    • @fastt11
      @fastt11 8 месяцев назад

      Erika powstała dużo wcześniej i nie miała nic wspólnego z nazistami.

  • @129Karolus
    @129Karolus 8 месяцев назад +1

    Zwycięzcy piszą historię, czyż nie ? Ten który najlepiej wyszedł na obydwu Wielkich Wojnach XX wieku, wówczas będzie znany ich główny prowodyr.

    • @yeti746
      @yeti746 8 месяцев назад +1

      Nie! Historii nikt nie pisze. To co się wydarzyło już się nie odstanie. Nie da się ukrywać prawdy wiecznie. Bez znaczenia co o Katyniu paplała komunistyczna władza, i tak wszyscy wiedzieliśmy że to robota NKWD. I nie da się ukryć, że twoja opinia ma korzenie w Moskiewskiej propagandzie.

    • @beegxxc9832
      @beegxxc9832 7 месяцев назад +1

      Najlepiej na tym wyszły USA i Rosja bo obaliły stare mocarstwa przejmując ich rolę. Oba kraje dążyły do wojny, ZSRR planowo najpierw w sojuszu z Niemcami a w USA wyczuto wiatr historii i czekano na atak Japonii.

  • @agnieszkaleonowicz1650
    @agnieszkaleonowicz1650 8 месяцев назад

    Ich bitte Dir, dass Du über Edward Lubusch Geschichte liest und über Niklas Frank. Niklas Frank konnte nicht für lange Zeit laut sprechen, er wurde über seine Meinung nach Geschichte, Erfahrungen kritisiert... das war Problem für lange Zeit. Sein Land Deutschland wollte ihm nicht hören... warum?

  • @tomek948
    @tomek948 8 месяцев назад +2

    wysokie stanowiska = pozwolenie na zabijanie ludzi ?

  • @Chris-we3cp
    @Chris-we3cp 2 месяца назад

    Just watched Band of Brothers… just saying

  • @blazejflorkiewicz9698
    @blazejflorkiewicz9698 8 месяцев назад +1

    very unique xD unique relatonship with israel xD haha as always xD as from beggining xD even that then was no israel xD

  • @AnnaKoko2
    @AnnaKoko2 8 месяцев назад +1

  • @blazejflorkiewicz9698
    @blazejflorkiewicz9698 8 месяцев назад

    it all was set. you kmow ppl?

  • @alh6255
    @alh6255 8 месяцев назад

    There was also the Polish occupation zone in Germany, which was managed by the Polish government in exile in London, with Polish troops and administration. As the Polish occupation zone, the following counties, bordering the Netherlands, were designated: Aschendorf, Meppen and Lingen, as well as the counties: Bentheim, Bersenbruck and Cloppenburg, including the cities: PaPenburg, Meppen, Lingen and Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony and Leer in Eastern Handard. In total, it covered 6470 km² - it was a relatively small part of the areas liberated by the Polish army of General Maczek (fighting on the Western Front), which also liberated the Netherlands and a large area of northern Germany. This zone ceased to exist in 1948, it was transferred to the British management, along with the increasing pressure of the USSR, which demanded recognition of the government of communist Poland, imposed by Moscow. In 1947, the communists in Poland finally took over power. Among others, they falsified the parliamentary elections, closed more than 1 million people in concentration camps (and killed more than 500 000), and won, with the huge help of the Soviet troops, the civil war in Poland.

  • @monikaxena2834
    @monikaxena2834 8 месяцев назад

    a aborygeni i indianie to nie holokaust tylko takie tam beng beng kto by za to kogoś sądził xD

  • @Mojkana-sj1rf
    @Mojkana-sj1rf 6 месяцев назад

    Taki lekki niesmak mam po tym filmie tej kobiety . Czyli Niemcy są ofiarami ? Przecież wystawili kilka pomników i tabliczki z nazwiskami , więc dlaczego nadal uznajemy ich winnymi i obciążamy ich tą odpowiedzialnością ? A dlatego , proszę pani , że to wszystko ma wpływ na nas do dnia dzisiejszego . Chcecie się lepiej poczuć psychicznie , zrzucić odpowiedzialność ? My też chcielibyśmy nie być obciążeni traumą pokoleniową . A jesteśmy . Do tego niestety po dziś dzień , wykorzystując założenia Unii , Niemcy chcą nad nami zapanować , tym razem bez wojny . Mówią nam jak mamy żyć , co jeść, jakie kary płacić . Nie trzeba już wojny , wystarczy Unia .

  • @grzegorzciesiunik4104
    @grzegorzciesiunik4104 7 месяцев назадвидео.html Edda Göring

  • @oskargebala664
    @oskargebala664 8 месяцев назад

    Super film ale mugł byś dawać choć napisy po Polsku

    • @Golczii
      @Golczii 8 месяцев назад +7

      angielski naprawde nie jest trudny, idzie to zrozumiec

    • @chris.poland
      @chris.poland  8 месяцев назад +10

      There are polish subtitles

    • @oskargebala664
      @oskargebala664 8 месяцев назад

      @@chris.poland aha

    • @romantrojanowski7782
      @romantrojanowski7782 8 месяцев назад +5

      "mugł byś" a ty mógłbyś pisać po polsku.

    • @oskargebala664
      @oskargebala664 8 месяцев назад

      @@romantrojanowski7782 wiem muj błąd

  • @Mr_Kaboom
    @Mr_Kaboom 8 месяцев назад

    Random Comment nr.2

  • @grzesgeo6903
    @grzesgeo6903 8 месяцев назад


  • @kotisded
    @kotisded 3 месяца назад

    ignorance, just as I thought.