Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you don't feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"
I am one of them lonely, depressed filled with mourning, lost my partner in December 2023, the only one I had after our best friend was gone in 2017, my parents and two of three siblings are passed away 😢😢I am alone now.... It's terrible. I like to hear your Rain and thunder sounds because I can't hear music anymore this time. Thank you so much. 😢🙏🍀
Hello!! I'm listening from here in Jardim Guilhermino, Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil. I really enjoy these videos, at night ... I put them in when I go to sleep ... it relaxes a lot
This is so great! I always used to get anxiety in the dark. I've grown very sensitive to light because of my autism, so I couldn't sleep with any lights on either. These videos have really helped me relax in the dark. Now I hardly ever feel anxiety in the dark anymore. I actually feel peaceful. It means such a great deal to me :)
Oslo,Norway is peaceful city , country. May this tranquility lasts and spreads to entire world. This purity purifies minds. This slow pace slows the footstep of bustling cities..........
6 years later I'm still waiting for you to take a rainy day walk up that dirt road showing us the sights along the way. This is still one of my favorite rain videos. The mood, sound, and visuals are excellent. 😇
Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you dont feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day! ❤️❤️
I've been using this video and a couple others at night. I close my eyes with my headphones in, I cocoon myself in my blanket, and I imagine I'm taking a nap on my family farmhouse porch. My fan provides a cool breeze that I imagine is sweeping across the porch from the storm. The thunder gives goosebumps throughout my body and I imagine my cells healing and regenerating. It makes me feel relaxed and secure. Thanks for this video. 💜
İslam Mamak şartıyla güzel siz hiç böyle bir yağmurda islandiniz mi soğuk insanın iliklerine kadar işliyor ve sıtma tutmuş GB titremek hicde kolay değil Türkiye den selam ve sevgiler
I use this video over and over to keep me focused on my writing. I just now read the comments. How great that so many people are united in this peaceful moment. Best wishes to all of you from San Diego, California. It's so hot here in July 2019 that the sound of rain is like magic.
Yes, me too same like you, but really really love my life. Its so beautifull, live on a farm like on the heaven. Everything is so easy, food, water, fruits, perfectly. Love it so much😘😘😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗
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Who else reads the comments to see where others are from? I love it! I feel connected to people knowing that others are listening to what I’m listening to, commenting, trying to sleep, trying to focus, study and many more things! Thank you for posting this video! I am living in the state of Pennsylvania in the United States however I hope to return to Florida thank you once again!
I love going camping in the rain, I can't believe there is such a beautiful place, the scenery is so romantic I like this scene. Whoever is reading this comment, I wish you success, health, love, and happiness! 🙏💜💪🌧
This one is my fav... i think most rain sound videos on YT are a bit too sharp/ harsh (as in the raindrop) but this one is smoother.... happy studying!
Glad to know that iam not the only one who loves listening to rain music while studying and yeah, these rain drops arent too sharp and distracting. Perfect for studying.......
Right now with all this flu and corona virus and so many things I’m trying to put my 3 months grandchild to sleep so I could go on with the day and get some rest I’m 65 grand mom. Let’s all pray for the children of the world
Can’t believe that it’s gone five years and this video is still helping me sleep. I started listening to rain after moving into my new home when I was 10, now I’m soon to be 15 yet this video has not been forgotten. Happy late new years🎉❤
To the person reading this: God bless you, may all your dreams come true, may you be successful in all spheres of life, stay safe and have a wonderful day :)
Listening to rain falling helps myself and my wife to fall asleep at night. I’m a shiftworker so listening to soothing rain gets me to sleep in no time. 🇦🇺👍👍
Oslo,Norway is peaceful city , country. May this tranquility lasts and spreads to entire world. This purity purifies minds. This slow pace slows the footstep of bustling cities..........
This one is my fav... i think most rain sound videos on YT are a bit too sharp/ harsh (as in the raindrop) but this one is smoother.... happy studying!
Insomnia brother/sister I feel you since 2018 here as well with a month off or on here and there, no other rain sound comforts me like this one, only one other comes close
People call me crazy because I love those weather and really want to go to a Scandinavian country at least to stay for a 6 months, living in the sunny Greece when it starts to rain I feel like 120% + happy, really can explain you this wonderful feeling so nice
Go to the west coast, Bergen gets a great deal of rain. But any of the lovely islands, like Karmøy (near Haugesund) are simply breathtaking in the spring and autumn with the rain. I was in Norway 30 some years ago for a year as an exchange student (18 yrs old) and I must say, I've never taken a breath of air so delicious and pure as the air I breathed off the North Sea. And I've been on some backcountry trails in Glacier National Park, Montana. Even that air, while amazing, didn't make me feel alive as that sea air did!
The haters say the gloomy weather makes them depressed, so I understand the dislikes.....for "us" the gloomy weather suits our already depressive mood perfectly, but it heals it...…..
I could never understand why gloomy weather makes most people feel upset. It just makes me feel cozy and grateful to have a roof over my head protecting me from the elements.
I used to get a sensation like the one you're describing from the "downer" acoustic music they tend to play in coffee shops. Curled up in the corner with a book and a warm cup, a soft, lonely indie tune overhead, maybe a touch of wetness outside like the drizzle in this track... that's a soothing memory. Here's to a speedy return of those days.
I undestand it perfetly as: When gloomy weather, it is less different between "outside you" and "inside you". So there is much less pressure on you, when gloomy weather is outside and inside... :)
Thank you for creating and sharing this relaxing video. It reminded me of being up in the foothills / mountains during rain storms. So peaceful. You can feel your body calm down, and your thoughts find God's presence. Thank you heavenly father for creating our earth, and all of natures blessings.
Wow I thought I was the only one who felt that way about rain especially a steady rain. I love being out doing my daily errands when its raining because most people like to stay inside or avoid being outside too long when its raining. I feel the world around me is so much calmer when its raining.
I don't know why the scenary just reminded me of the freedom and bravery that I needed to have when I was a teenager but never could have. I feel like I really needed to spend time with myselft in nature and have a chance to get to know the real me before going to university and making major decisions in life. My guide was my parents and unfortunately all the advice they gave me was all based on the fear and suffering they had experienced in life. Now that I'm much oldet I realize you have one purpose in life and that is finding who you really are and be in love with you. Because when you appreciate youself as a masterpiece, you appreciate the whole universe and life and you live as a free soul.
Hey man. Just thought I’d drop a comment since no one else has responded yet. Sound like you had a rough time as a kid, I went through a similar thing of not feeling that I’d figured things out. Seems like you have got everything figured out now though, which is great to hear. Hope you continue to be well and happy, and have faith in yourself. Wishing you well from Australia :)
Hey! Everyone of us are doing the same thing you do it right now. Everyone try to find who really are in this path of life on Earth. But no everyone is aware of it. So just be my friend. It's so true. Just be. Have a nice night, in the rain!!😊🙋♂️👍
I haven’t been able to sleep all through the night in three years ever since my mother died. I found this the other day, and I fell sleep and slept all through the night for the first time in a long long time. Thank you for making a this💚💙💚
Love this. This reminds me of my home town when I was very small. Small meaning not making money. I am pretty successful and ALWAYS revert to this for sleep. I close everything out and pretend there is a storm outside I get up briefly and look at the cabin in the picture and it reminds me of a route a I use to take home back to my parents. A beautiful comforting thing here. When im stressed I go to bed pretending I'm driving home to my parents. Some where safe, and warm.
Thank you for sharing that Lauren 😊 Quite a few of our videos seem to bring up fond memories for quite a few of our viewers. It’s lovely to be able to hear the nostalgia it brings up for people as well as just what it says on the can. 😀 😴🙏 💫
Дорогая Лорен! Царапнула третья фраза...Этот невыносимо аккуратный прилизанный пейзаж может восхищать только нерусского человека...В конструкции их ничего нет "лишнего" ,впрочем как и архитектурно наивных излишеств...Эта продезинфицированная действительность не дает полета восприятия чувств и тонких ощущений души: запаха крапивы , привявшей ботвы с огорода (которые у вас почему-то запрещены)...мне жаль вас ...лишенных чего-то важного, чему нет слова...,скажем , многих ценных ингредиентов души...
I have listened to this everyday it is the most realistic sounding and relaxing thunderstorm video on RUclips! Off to sleep I go ! Goodmorning/night from Arkansas
Imagine you have a trip with your friend far from the city, and you are inside of the tent and warm blanket plus your lovely dog under a cold heavy rainfall
love thunder and Rain lying in bed best thing ever happen with window open blowing the curtains away , absolutely love it from land Down Under Australia 🇦🇺 love is in the Air
Good night from Lisbon, Portugal. Sleep well to everyone! I'm just imagining myself on a confortable chair, with some hot tea and a blacket, in front of a fireplace looking outside as the rain falls...
I listen to this every night to stay asleep. I've had so much trouble staying asleep hearing other sudden sounds at night but this drowns it out. Its so calming. Thank you.
It is so nice to hear people talking nice to each other around the world! Your video has brought the world together. Very nice!!!! From Flora, Illinois USA. Love you all!
Wow This was filmed in Norway!!! I Read That In The Comments ..Awesome I Truly love To See Different parts of The World! I'm In NEW YORK USA!! Goodnight World Sweet Dreams ☔🌜😴
My eyes are literally watering. I do not know how to express it at the moment. I'm not getting enough sleep because of depression and anxiety, listening to it is such a great relief. Sad how we're missing on such simple and beautiful things available in nature.
I wish that all people who have some issues can rest well. Just listen and feel the beauty of nature.💧🌦 Rain is plentifulness for all humanity and its sound and smell makes people more relaxed. I really like to rain. 🌧 Thanks RUclips for recommending this video for us. Have a good night all people🌛🌜 I hope that all bad things will end soon. Just keep strong🤜🤛
Realmente é como se tivesse mesmo chovendo aqui em cima do meu telhado!! Amei, dormindo agora todos os dias ao som de chuva... Relaxa mesmo! Bjs a todos!!!
Realmente é como se tivesse mesmo chovendo aqui em cima do meu telhado!! Amei, dormindo agora todos os dias ao som de chuva... Relaxa mesmo! Bjs a todos!!!
This one is my fav... i think most rain sound videos on YT are a bit too sharp/ harsh (as in the raindrop) but this one is smoother.... happy studying!
This music helped me to sleep during the darkest time in my life. Couldn’t sleep due to sadness caused by being sick. Please pray. May the mother nature protect you all.
¡Buenas noches desde Salamanca, España! Este vídeo me ayudó a pasar mejor los días de biblioteca durante los exámenes, sofocando los bufidos crispados de mis compañeros de mesa, jeje.
Now I live in a much nicer home with a composition shingle roof, an attic, and plenty of insulation, so, unless it's raining very hard, I don't hear the rain on my roof. How about you Ralph? Do you live in a place where you can enjoy the relaxing sound of rain drops landing on your rooftop?
hey to you reading this (: whatever brings you here, wether it's to fall asleep or to relax from something stressful, i just wanted to let you know that everything will be fine. If you're going through a hard time right now, it's okay to remind yourself that this is temporary, and there are many good and relaxing days to come. If you're about to sleep, i hope you will have the most beautiful dreams, and the most peaceful sleep. You are an amazing person and the world is lucky to have someone like you in it. I hope only good things, love and strenth will come your way. Goodnight (:
Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you don't feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"
I am one of them lonely, depressed filled with mourning, lost my partner in December 2023, the only one I had after our best friend was gone in 2017, my parents and two of three siblings are passed away 😢😢I am alone now.... It's terrible.
I like to hear your Rain and thunder sounds because I can't hear music anymore this time.
Thank you so much. 😢🙏🍀
The noise just helps me study bro
@@mahpimbo9943 Sometimes no words are needed, just natural sounds like this are enough to heal your soul.
@@OwlOfSpiritFruLaMo condolences to you, wish you all the best
Please say hello and tell us where you're listening from if you enjoy! :-)
Hello!! I'm listening from here in Jardim Guilhermino, Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil. I really enjoy these videos, at night ... I put them in when I go to sleep ... it relaxes a lot
Stardust Vibrations - Relaxing Sounds what's up listening from Detroit Michigan love the sound very relaxingj.
Hi! You are my neighbor! I live in São Miguel Paulista - São Paulo - Brazil! Amazing and relaxing video!
I'm from the "sweetest" place on Earth...
Hershey Pennsylvania
Hello, I'm listening from Joliet, Ilinois, USA. :-)
Does anyone else likes when its raining outside and your just sitting there or laying there and everything just seems so peaceful
not at all, sounds stupid.
ذذض ذذذضذض
Pluviophile.. are those who love the rain
❤3❤❤ casa
This sound is so wonderful. The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness!!! ♥
Thank you ,i Wish the same for you♥️♥️🙏
@J J ppp
Dziękuję i wzajemnie ❤
You too bro
Thank you. I welcome your encouragement and wish a lifetime of great memories to you!
This is so great! I always used to get anxiety in the dark. I've grown very sensitive to light because of my autism, so I couldn't sleep with any lights on either. These videos have really helped me relax in the dark. Now I hardly ever feel anxiety in the dark anymore. I actually feel peaceful. It means such a great deal to me :)
Lost my wife a year ago this video gives me peace late at night hope for better day tomorrow God bless
السعادة والطمأنينة لقلبك.
Man, imagine owning this deck. Sitting outside with a hot cup of coffee or tea. Closing your eyes and taking deep, meditative breaths. Would be bliss.
@meme man 444444-
Oslo,Norway is peaceful city , country. May this tranquility lasts and spreads to entire world. This purity purifies minds. This slow pace slows the footstep of bustling cities..........
6 years later I'm still waiting for you to take a rainy day walk up that dirt road showing us the sights along the way. This is still one of my favorite rain videos. The mood, sound, and visuals are excellent. 😇
Sometimes no words are needed, just natural sounds like this are enough to heal your soul.
Nothing better and more relaxing than the sound of rain and a thunder storm!
Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you dont feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day! ❤️❤️
LOVE this!!!
Oh shut the hell up!
Yes brother you is right God bless 🙌 you
So beautiful words....
I've been using this video and a couple others at night. I close my eyes with my headphones in, I cocoon myself in my blanket, and I imagine I'm taking a nap on my family farmhouse porch. My fan provides a cool breeze that I imagine is sweeping across the porch from the storm. The thunder gives goosebumps throughout my body and I imagine my cells healing and regenerating. It makes me feel relaxed and secure. Thanks for this video. 💜
Sounds FAB!
I hope you will find happiness in your life ❤️
Hello from Russia 🇷🇺
That's a beautiful anology ❣️
İslam Mamak şartıyla güzel siz hiç böyle bir yağmurda islandiniz mi soğuk insanın iliklerine kadar işliyor ve sıtma tutmuş GB titremek hicde kolay değil Türkiye den selam ve sevgiler
I use this video over and over to keep me focused on my writing. I just now read the comments. How great that so many people are united in this peaceful moment. Best wishes to all of you from San Diego, California. It's so hot here in July 2019 that the sound of rain is like magic.
Thanks for the beautiful feedback Demi 😊 Happy it is helping with your writing! Hope you get some magical rain in California soon. ✌️🌧💫
I love San Diego so much, but I do miss the rain sometimes. Great to have videos like this.
Yah! Finally someone else who lives in San Diego.
Sometimes no words are needed, just natural sounds like this are enough to heal your soul.
I grew up on a farm. Only got to rest when it rained. I love the rain.
قم بتحمية الساقين
Bless you!🐝
the best time at the farm in bed with your lover keep her warm right
Yes, me too same like you, but really really love my life. Its so beautifull, live on a farm like on the heaven. Everything is so easy, food, water, fruits, perfectly. Love it so much😘😘😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗
@@samsssa5556 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--------------------z----------------------z-------------------------------------------------ź-----------z---x-z--------------z------ Zaza-------z-----z-- zzs- Zaza----------zz-z--z--z----------z-------zz---------z----------------------------z-z--z---z---------zz----- z----z-----z-----z---------------z-------------z-----------z-------z---------------------------------z----------z---z----z-------- zzs--- zzs z-----z-------z--z-----z-------z-z-z--------------- is-z----z zs-------z--z------------z--------z--------------------zz-z---------------z-z----------------z----------z------z-z--z--z----z-'Zaza''x zzs zzs zzs''Zaza xz'''x'zzs X x xz'''x'zzs'xz'''x'zzs x xz'''x'zzs z''xz'''x'zzs xz'''x'zzs xz'''x'zzs x'x xz'''x'zzs xz'''x'zzs xz'''x'zzs'xz'''x'zzs''xz'''x'zzs'xz'''x'zzs''xz'''x'zzs and'xz'''x'zzs xz'''x'zzs xz'''x'zzs'xz'''x'zzs x xz'''x'zzs 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Who else reads the comments to see where others are from? I love it! I feel connected to people knowing that others are listening to what I’m listening to, commenting, trying to sleep, trying to focus, study and many more things! Thank you for posting this video! I am living in the state of Pennsylvania in the United States however I hope to return to Florida thank you once again!
Mee too .love form Maldives ♥️
Same too me love from Louisiana...
I never ever read not reply to comments
I love going camping in the rain, I can't believe there is such a beautiful place, the scenery is so romantic I like this scene. Whoever is reading this comment, I wish you success, health, love, and happiness! 🙏💜💪🌧
This one is my fav... i think most rain sound videos on YT are a bit too sharp/ harsh (as in the raindrop) but this one is smoother.... happy studying!
Thanks Rebecca! 😊 That’s lovely to hear. Happy listening, Sean 💫
Glad to know that iam not the only one who loves listening to rain music while studying and yeah, these rain drops arent too sharp and distracting. Perfect for studying.......
I agree Rebecca x
Please upload a10 hour version?!!
Right now with all this flu and corona virus and so many things I’m trying to put my 3 months grandchild to sleep so I could go on with the day and get some rest I’m 65 grand mom. Let’s all pray for the children of the world
Dont go outside, hope u get better
I hope everything ends ok
@@benjamingibbs1379 Yes, if they run around and gets it from somewhere. 3 month olds don't run around like that :-)
@@benjamingibbs1379 Really are you STUPID and learn how to spell💩💩💩
So peaceful,my baby boy 1 year old,is sleeping so good with this sound.Hello from România.
Hey Valentina that’s great news! 😊 Hope it continues for you ✌️😴💫
Blessings for you and your child🐝
@@sherryhyde565 yfaaawsdggjurwzcu 5edt4efy
Can’t believe that it’s gone five years and this video is still helping me sleep. I started listening to rain after moving into my new home when I was 10, now I’m soon to be 15 yet this video has not been forgotten. Happy late new years🎉❤
Hey there! So happy to hear my friend! Happy new year! 😊 Sean
I've been listening to this for nearly 4 years..
Stardust Vibes xxx
Good night from South Korea
while it is raining outside, i still listen this video :)
Good to hear 😊 Sweet dreams Saturn 😴 From Glastonbury UK💫
Saturn if it’s a heavy rain shower I won’t listen to the video , if it’s light rain I will
Saturn anyyeong haseo
you lucky youre not in north korea
@@demarcusmcbesity1444... we are all lucky we aren't in North Korea!
To the person reading this: God bless you, may all your dreams come true, may you be successful in all spheres of life, stay safe and have a wonderful day :)
Amen 🙏🏾
Thank you. Same to you!
333333 3 3 333 3 33 q q33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333b👊🙄🐵
Listening to rain falling helps myself and my wife to fall asleep at night. I’m a shiftworker so listening to soothing rain gets me to sleep in no time. 🇦🇺👍👍
Oslo,Norway is peaceful city , country. May this tranquility lasts and spreads to entire world. This purity purifies minds. This slow pace slows the footstep of bustling cities..........
I listen to this every night . Can’t go to sleep without this. So soothing and relaxing.
Aynen gerçekten oyle
I just discovered these videos, and I love it!! Every since I was a kid I liked the peace of the rain, so I love the fact that I'm not alone.
jimmyjaymonte definitely not sleep well
Hey Jimmyjaymonte just an FYI you are never alone God has you in the palm of His hand..........God Bless you xoxo
This one is my fav... i think most rain sound videos on YT are a bit too sharp/ harsh (as in the raindrop) but this one is smoother.... happy studying!
Whenever I can't get to sleep due to depression, I just come here and read all the comments *I LOVE YOU ALL, GOODNIGHT*
Love that Balajied ☺️ And thank you for this lovely contribution 🙏 Sweet dreams from Glastonbury UK ✌️😴💫
@@StardustVibes It's ok and Thanks to you too.
Hey go to a lofi hip hop comment section! Its 100% positive and whenever i feel down i just go read the comments there from beautiful kind people!
lol i thought you come here to watch the video
Do not be sad
There is god can hear u
Im here to tell u we love u too
I've currently been listening to this almost everyday for 3 years
Hi! We invite you to our channel for relaxing rain and thunderstorms sounds ⛈️
Insomnia brother/sister I feel you since 2018 here as well with a month off or on here and there, no other rain sound comforts me like this one, only one other comes close
Holy Cow!! Gumby!!! Been a fan since the early 60's! Love the band! Keep on rocking!!!
@@jaykay5580 Sure thing man!
Love this ❤
People call me crazy because I love those weather and really want to go to a Scandinavian country at least to stay for a 6 months, living in the sunny Greece when it starts to rain I feel like 120% + happy, really can explain you this wonderful feeling so nice
Go to the west coast, Bergen gets a great deal of rain. But any of the lovely islands, like Karmøy (near Haugesund) are simply breathtaking in the spring and autumn with the rain. I was in Norway 30 some years ago for a year as an exchange student (18 yrs old) and I must say, I've never taken a breath of air so delicious and pure as the air I breathed off the North Sea. And I've been on some backcountry trails in Glacier National Park, Montana. Even that air, while amazing, didn't make me feel alive as that sea air did!
@@christaverduren690 great information, thanks Christa verduren!
@IF I live in an East coast by Lake Ontario city that gets more rain than Seattle WA USA, Plus this time of year, Lake Effect Snow!!!
I also love Scandinavian too, I really hope one day , I 'll a chance to be there to watching aurora and enjoy the beautiful nature
people call you "crazy" for this??? why is it that everyone who comments on these weather vids is goddamn drama queen??
Nature is so giving and healing what a wonderful world it is. Thank you so much.
Robert Bryson very true
The haters say the gloomy weather makes them depressed, so I understand the dislikes.....for "us" the gloomy weather suits our already depressive mood perfectly, but it heals it...…..
I could never understand why gloomy weather makes most people feel upset. It just makes me feel cozy and grateful to have a roof over my head protecting me from the elements.
Lol maybe their bed wetters😝😂😂😂
I used to get a sensation like the one you're describing from the "downer" acoustic music they tend to play in coffee shops. Curled up in the corner with a book and a warm cup, a soft, lonely indie tune overhead, maybe a touch of wetness outside like the drizzle in this track... that's a soothing memory. Here's to a speedy return of those days.
I undestand it perfetly as: When gloomy weather, it is less different between "outside you" and "inside you". So there is much less pressure on you, when gloomy weather is outside and inside... :)
Sunlight makes me happy but gloomy weather makes me feel like I am in heaven.
الله الله الله على أصوات الطبيعة روعة سبحانك يا جليل
Hala fatma ana turki vasap 05313594577
فاطمه عادك موجوده🥲
rain is one of the most beautiful and relaxing sounds along with birdsong
Want to download but is to long duration. Hehehe
I live in a rainy city. When we use to return from summer holidays and it rains while the airplane is landing, we know we`re back home.
@@aseriesoftriangleswecalltr6065 where is that place?
I just love rain. It adds a sense of protection from the world somehow.
Yes I agree! 😊Sean
Couldn't of put that better myself 😊
Thank you for creating and sharing this relaxing video. It reminded me of being up in the foothills / mountains during rain storms. So peaceful. You can feel your body calm down, and your thoughts find God's presence. Thank you heavenly father for creating our earth, and all of natures blessings.
same feeling
Wow I thought I was the only one who felt that way about rain especially a steady rain. I love being out doing my daily errands when its raining because most people like to stay inside or avoid being outside too long when its raining. I feel the world around me is so much calmer when its raining.
I don't know why the scenary just reminded me of the freedom and bravery that I needed to have when I was a teenager but never could have. I feel like I really needed to spend time with myselft in nature and have a chance to get to know the real me before going to university and making major decisions in life. My guide was my parents and unfortunately all the advice they gave me was all based on the fear and suffering they had experienced in life. Now that I'm much oldet I realize you have one purpose in life and that is finding who you really are and be in love with you. Because when you appreciate youself as a masterpiece, you appreciate the whole universe and life and you live as a free soul.
Hey man. Just thought I’d drop a comment since no one else has responded yet. Sound like you had a rough time as a kid, I went through a similar thing of not feeling that I’d figured things out. Seems like you have got everything figured out now though, which is great to hear. Hope you continue to be well and happy, and have faith in yourself. Wishing you well from Australia :)
Everybody gets hurt: childhood, adult, teenager or elder times. I hope u get better
We're you the first emo ?
Hey! Everyone of us are doing the same thing you do it right now. Everyone try to find who really are in this path of life on Earth. But no everyone is aware of it.
So just be my friend. It's so true. Just be. Have a nice night, in the rain!!😊🙋♂️👍
@@picra677 right ! "Just be " well put
Every night it rains for 4 hours in my bedroom.
You might wanna get that roof checked :P
Sicarius Peremo: Good one!
I loop this video so it rains for MANY hours! 😃
@@steveann9705 lol :P Hope you can get some sleep tonight then :)
valerie singleton how do you do that
I haven’t been able to sleep all through the night in three years ever since my mother died. I found this the other day, and I fell sleep and slept all through the night for the first time in a long long time. Thank you for making a this💚💙💚
Hello from Turkiye , but İm serbian, and my two months old baby fall a sleep with this sound, greatfull for this 😊👍
Hello Alma! Fantastic! Glad to hear! Nice to meet you! 😊
Hello Alma İ am türk haw are you
Hola alma cómo estás, hermosa qué tal por esos rumbos. Eres casada. 🤩🐦
Alma I like you
Love this. This reminds me of my home town when I was very small. Small meaning not making money. I am pretty successful and ALWAYS revert to this for sleep. I close everything out and pretend there is a storm outside I get up briefly and look at the cabin in the picture and it reminds me of a route a I use to take home back to my parents. A beautiful comforting thing here.
When im stressed I go to bed pretending I'm driving home to my parents. Some where safe, and warm.
Thank you for sharing that Lauren 😊 Quite a few of our videos seem to bring up fond memories for quite a few of our viewers. It’s lovely to be able to hear the nostalgia it brings up for people as well as just what it says on the can. 😀 😴🙏 💫
So sweet 😊
Дорогая Лорен! Царапнула третья фраза...Этот невыносимо аккуратный прилизанный пейзаж может восхищать только нерусского человека...В конструкции их ничего нет "лишнего" ,впрочем как и архитектурно наивных излишеств...Эта продезинфицированная действительность не дает полета восприятия чувств и тонких ощущений души: запаха крапивы , привявшей ботвы с огорода (которые у вас почему-то запрещены)...мне жаль вас ...лишенных чего-то важного, чему нет слова...,скажем , многих ценных ингредиентов души...
What was the point of telling us how successful you are? You seem to be a weirdo, Lauren.
I have listened to this everyday it is the most realistic sounding and relaxing thunderstorm video on RUclips! Off to sleep I go ! Goodmorning/night from Arkansas
Thanks Holly! 🤗 Glad you think so! Sweet dreams always 😊💤 From Glastonbury UK💫
Hey Arkansas, As a fellow Arkansan it does remind me of nights out on the porch sleeping. I miss it!
I have to visit this beautiful country called Norway!
Imagine you have a trip with your friend far from the city, and you are inside of the tent and warm blanket plus your lovely dog under a cold heavy rainfall
In a tent!!!!!!
Afew videos are crispy enough to pretend I'm opening the slider door 10cm per vol click...shurr sshhurrr. ssshhhurrrrrr...sshhurrrrwwooww
love thunder and Rain lying in bed best thing ever happen with window open blowing the curtains away , absolutely love it from land Down Under Australia 🇦🇺 love is in the Air
Nice where in aus r u I live in Sydney
do you actually live upside down
Goodnight! Hope the spiders dont eat ya!
Just Kidding :)
Good night from South Korea !♡
I love this peaceful sound !
I love rain to
은정씨 안녕 저도 이 빗소리 좋아해서 즐겨듣고 있어요 힐링 이 되네요 😍👍
Eunjung Jeon me too enjoy
Eunjung Jeon it really is peaceful and relaxing
Louise Laird yesssss especially when it’s quiet it just rotates the mind to a sense of peace to the bed after a long day of loud noises 🤭
This is the rain video I listen to for every single nap I take and at bed every night. If it's a different one I can't sleep lol. Thank you 💞
Good night from Lisbon, Portugal. Sleep well to everyone!
I'm just imagining myself on a confortable chair, with some hot tea and a blacket, in front of a fireplace looking outside as the rain falls...
Hi Luis! That sounds lovely! I hope you slept well 😊😴💤
Que profundo,tão profundo que achei petróleo
Sounds perfect
The best sound ever ;) , Thank you, listening from morocco!
Thank you mohamed! So glad you enjoy! :-)
Stardust Vibrations - Relaxing Sounds
Hello from Cache Valley Utah
I'm sleeping with the rain in Ware, England
AJ King I'm moving to Ware
In Mexico, we love the rain, just like you.
Hola! haha awesome! Nice to meet you! 😀Sean
I listen to this every night to stay asleep. I've had so much trouble staying asleep hearing other sudden sounds at night but this drowns it out. Its so calming. Thank you.
Hello! Am From Somalia And i Am Not Pirate! This is what i like feeling so peacfull nd relaxing!
+A. Gedi lol 😂 hello my friend! Great to meet you! I'm so glad you enjoy! 🇸🇴😊
Hello Mr:- Well Bro keep it Up Hope You Enjoy too. Thank you!
🙏 amin
Yo I fall asleep in five minutes every sense I found this rain remind me of Puerto Rico when the rain hits the tin roof I’m out like a light
THIS is by far my favorite rain. The frequencies, for the most part, stay low. No high, bright, reflective and tinny sounds. Ahhhh...
It is so nice to hear people talking nice to each other around the world! Your video has brought the world together. Very nice!!!! From Flora, Illinois USA. Love you all!
Yes I agree! It's amazing hearing from people all around the world! Everyone is so lovely :-) Thank you for your lovely comment :-)
Hello from Germany
love you too
love you three. Dallas Texas
Wow This was filmed in Norway!!! I Read That In The Comments ..Awesome I Truly love To See Different parts of The World! I'm In NEW YORK USA!! Goodnight World Sweet Dreams ☔🌜😴
Hi A.B so glad you enjoy! Yes in Oslo, the capital of Norway. Hope you slept well! :-)
Do you have nice hike trails and mountains?
I love nature and hiking adventures.
A. B i
A. B ☺️😊😊♥️
Gudnite World🌈🌈🌈
Im also from NY in the USA! Sleep tight!
اعلموا ان الخالق اله واحد لاشريك له عظيم في خلقه
Обожаю шум дождя, всем самых сладких снов)
Sizede aynen
Видео хорошо переносит настроение дождливого дня,
когда хочется просто помолчать и поразмыслить.
Good night sleep tight and pleasant dreams every one God bless.
Thank you! 😊
Perfection, now if only I could smell it.
Yoo same.
Me too I love the smell just before the rain starts☔🌧🤗
Me too I love the smell just before the rain starts☔🌧🤗
That smell is petrichor
Dunk wood in water . That’ll smell like ut
My eyes are literally watering. I do not know how to express it at the moment. I'm not getting enough sleep because of depression and anxiety, listening to it is such a great relief. Sad how we're missing on such simple and beautiful things available in nature.
Good night from Germany! I hope you all sleep well and have nice dreams!
Thanks xLiaxm 😊 Sweet dreams from Glastonbury UK ✌️😴💫
Goodnight from the Great Midwest of America country 🇺🇸 💙
Good night from Santiago, Chile, you all have sweet dreams!
Have a great night from Colombia! no many people from here comments these kind of videos so I think I'm the first one. Sleep tight! 🌧️⚡🌑
listening to the rain is nice. Standing in the rain is another matter
Standing in the rain when’d is hot out side is the best
@@angleestrada3053 ㄷ·😔😔😔😔😔😁😔😔😔
@@angleestrada3053 I prefer standing in the rain when it's cold and windy personally, I love the rain blowing along in the wind, marvellous feeling
Nothing can be greater than nature, it released me.
I hope whoever sees this is peaceful and calm and that whatever is making life hard will become easier for you. Be at peace.
the best part is when it rained
Lol 😂
What minute mark did that start? I must have missed it.
Don't forget the bit of thunder Lorenzo in the bk ground. 🤗
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo, elle me relax avant de dormir et me fait faire de jolis rêves ❤️ bisous de France
Je vous remercie! Je suis heureux que vous l'ayez apprécié! :-)
Who else still listens? :) hello from a rather dry England! X
Hello Sophia-Jayne! I am! lol 😂Sean
É legal !De verdade ótimo bom p dormir
Listen every night in Adelaide Australia
Hello from California,I love the sound,I sleep like a baby😴😴😴😴
I wish that all people who have some issues can rest well.
Just listen and feel the beauty of nature.💧🌦
Rain is plentifulness for all humanity and its sound and smell makes people more relaxed. I really like to rain. 🌧
Thanks RUclips for recommending this video for us.
Have a good night all people🌛🌜
I hope that all bad things will end soon. Just keep strong🤜🤛
Wishing you all Sweet dreams and good Night from Germany ❤️
Gute Nacht
Hallo Lila! Thank you! Same to you! 😴💤
Im in America
Alexya America is a continent.
Realmente é como se tivesse mesmo chovendo aqui em cima do meu telhado!! Amei, dormindo agora todos os dias ao som de chuva... Relaxa mesmo! Bjs a todos!!!
Nice relax music
Realmente é como se tivesse mesmo chovendo aqui em cima do meu telhado!! Amei, dormindo agora todos os dias ao som de chuva... Relaxa mesmo! Bjs a todos!!!
Türkiye den selam lar elaine.!!!!!!!!!!
Ame este video la naturaleza es hermosa estoy ansiosa por que venga la temporada de la lluvia me encanta escuchar la lluvia los truenos el aire ❤️
This one is my fav... i think most rain sound videos on YT are a bit too sharp/ harsh (as in the raindrop) but this one is smoother.... happy studying!
This music helped me to sleep during the darkest time in my life. Couldn’t sleep due to sadness caused by being sick. Please pray. May the mother nature protect you all.
Good night have peaceful dreams 😴🌧💕😊 from America California 💕😀
Sweet dreams 😴💤
(وَيُسَبِّحُ الرَّعْدُ بِحَمْدِهِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ مِنْ خِيفَتِهِ وَيُرْسِلُ الصَّوَاعِقَ فَيُصِيبُ بِهَا مَن يَشَاءُ وَهُمْ يُجَادِلُونَ فِي اللَّهِ وَهُوَ شَدِيدُ الْمِحَالِ (13)) سورة الرعد
I love this scene. Reminds me of being at the cottage in northern Michigan on a rainy Sunday.
29rosslyn rainy sundays are the best, especially after I’ve had my dinner - why i don’t know 🤷🏻♀️ lol
29rosslyn what’s the address?
Every single night I am sleeping with this beautiful sounds thank you so much I cannot sleep without
Same x
I love it. The sound of the rain gives me a sense of stability.
You're Korean ^^
I prefer a god job .
Good night from Minas Gerais- Brazil 🇧🇷
Jussara Toffoli I can smell the rain while listening to this! That’s strange
Daniel Marani that’s interesting!!
Good night from São paulo
Good night from salvador Bahia
Também gosto muito
Hello, i am from Bandung, West Java, Indonesia ...
great to hear this with a cup an arabica coffee :)
Sounds lovely Hikmat! I'm so glad that you enjoy! 😀
Хорошо тебе )
Whose here in 2020 relaxing with me😏😌Much love all❤
I’m definitely relaxing in 2020 and about to fall asleep 🥱😴 have a wonderful blessed evening and sleep well...from California
Very romantic for crying out loud!!
Tested yesterday, 10 p. m. It's golden, totally relaxing
From Sacramento California good night everyone💤😴⚡
Sleep well 😴💤
Моя любимая погода ,так становиться спокойно
И моя любимая.умиротворение)
В такую погоду хорошо дома сидеть, кофий пить и книжку читать..
@@Andrei65846 так нравится)))
This is so peaceful! Whoever is reading this may the most high bless you abundantly.
Her şeyin hayırlısı elbise Türkiye den selam lar
Imagine there is a cold, freezing and rainy storm and you r just lying in bed all warm
Sounds lovely Honey bee the wolf! 😊❤️⛈☔️
Not cold but chilly
Not chilly, but cold.
@@shira158 Not shaken, but stirred.
Супер,погода!!! Особенно в уютном домике слушать звук пагоды!
Много раз засыпала под эти звуки, люблю дождь и грозу! Здорово, что можно включить видео и насладиться этими моментами в любое время. 😊
Good night from Uruguay. I love these sounds,it's my favorite video!
¡Buenas noches desde Salamanca, España! Este vídeo me ayudó a pasar mejor los días de biblioteca durante los exámenes, sofocando los bufidos crispados de mis compañeros de mesa, jeje.
Hola Carlos! Haha fantástico! 😊
Felicidades por tus exámenes.
@@silviatorre7201 Muchas gracias!
@Negu García Sí, tío jaja
Ola carlos
Love this weather, hate long, boring, hot and sunny summer days. The rain is so relaxing! ❤
Glad you enjoy it 😊 Stay cool and blessings from SV✌️🌧💫
Me too!! 80's top prefer overcast mild rain. But thunder and downpour is wonderful too.😉
@@StardustVibes ضضضض١شضضضضضض😊٢😊٢ضضضضض
@@cindiethorpe1814 ض😊ضضضضضضضشضض😊ضضضش٢١😊
I love cooler weather also.
This sound is so calming. Whoever read this comment I wish you peace of mind, health and relaxation.❤
Всем привет с Украины, как классно спать под звук дождя, спасибо за этот ролик.
Привет.кировоград..точнее Кропивницкий...тоже залипаю....хаааа)))
Привет, славяне. Я уж думала тут одни "буржуи". Сладких снов.
@@ЛюдмилаСапрыкина-х5п Сладких снов, я из Харькова.
i adore this.I love winter!!is in my list of favorites!!
Thank you! Me too! Glad you enjoy! 😀
1caramella your such a pretty lady. ARE YOU SCORPIO, BECAUSE OF THE EYES?! I AM A SCORPIO and this is right down our Alley!!❤
I like autumn to
Even though the monsoon time has not come it will take time I'm really missing it. Thanks for this upload. Good Night from INDIA.
Before going to sleep i put my earbuds on and listen to these type of songs and it gives me peace inside.
When I was young I lived in a tiny attic apartment with a metal roof, I used to sleep so well when it rained.
Hi Dirk! Sounds lovely. I love hearing rain on a metal roof 😊☔️⛈
Now I live in a much nicer home with a composition shingle roof, an attic, and plenty of insulation, so, unless it's raining very hard, I don't hear the rain on my roof.
How about you Ralph? Do you live in a place where you can enjoy the relaxing sound of rain drops landing on your rooftop?
i live in a desert i hope one day i got plenty of rain . i want to kiss a beatiful girl like you under pouring rain yummy :))
+Ralph Berry so do I
Dirk Sounds heavenly. The kind of rainy nights I live for 🌧☔️💦
Hello listening all the way from Anchorage, Alaska.. 💕
Hi Christina! I'd love to visit Anchorage one day! looks beautiful :-)
Christina Duty Hi Cristina, I'm in Los Angeles, California. My Mom lived in Anchorage for many years. Beautiful beautiful place!
Hi Christina! My sister lives there. Has a business called Weka Security. Been up there a lot and LOVE it:)
Hello from New England, USA! My aunt lives in Fairbanks, AK. I'd love to visit someday.
Hello from Manila, Philippines! 🤗
It rains like almost every morning there doesn't it
hello from Switzerland
Be blessed🌿
Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world 🤍🤍 🍀
Same to you
You too
hey to you reading this (: whatever brings you here, wether it's to fall asleep or to relax from something stressful, i just wanted to let you know that everything will be fine. If you're going through a hard time right now, it's okay to remind yourself that this is temporary, and there are many good and relaxing days to come. If you're about to sleep, i hope you will have the most beautiful dreams, and the most peaceful sleep. You are an amazing person and the world is lucky to have someone like you in it. I hope only good things, love and strenth will come your way. Goodnight (:
I really like the sound of the rain