Yo u are right,I have noticed that lucy has aged during her time on the department. And I do not believe that lucy and tim s demeanor will ac cent each other in the future . The job will do that. Start as a starry eyed rookie and become a battled hardened veteran. They had best get them together to ease each other's pain.
Yo u are right,I have noticed that lucy has aged during her time on the department. And I do not believe that lucy and tim s demeanor will ac cent each other in the future . The job will do that. Start as a starry eyed rookie and become a battled hardened veteran. They had best get them together to ease each other's pain.
I think Tim needs to work for Lucy’s forgiveness and her trust. He needs to work his way back to her.
I want to see Tim showing the "small doses" that he promised Lucy. Im not impressed with what I see in the first three episodes.
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