I fully agree with Rajiv’s critical race theory, Nehru onwards , India I making reservation for backward community and Dalits. Where is the merit and poverty considerations.I feel current Indian constitution needs change deleting secular ideas empowering incompetency and communistic bias in Indian thinking. I am very angry with way Indian system is infected by poisonous snakes. How are we going about dealing monumental task
Reservation is actually good for indic civilization , reservation is actually stoping converstions in large scale . In reservation we are actually addressing equality of opportunity not equality of outcome .
And you know every society creats hierarchy in any form or another , you can't stop it so you need also a counter mechanism that I think reservation is doing . In ancient India for a same crime , higher the cast of people higher the punishment was . It was assumed that higher cast people will be educated and rich so they have the power and with power come responsibility .
You want to preserve the exploitative nature of the Indian society where money determines your talents and outcome, not your efforts. IIT costs one student Rs 50,000 per year, and Asoka university costs Rs 19,00000 per year. How many people in India can afford to spend that kind of money on their children? Every society is not like that. In the soviet union education used not to cost anything. European universities cost nothing. Rajib Mahotra knows very little.
@@dipmalyaroy987 How come conversion is allowed at first place ? ARTILCE 25 A is written keeping in view that religion can live happily -- A Christian can have family marriage and children and remain christain and in no way Article 25 A is not license to convert people ? hence Conversion ( Voluntary or otherwise ) should not be allowed by law. For an argument sake , Can I convert myself as SC and get all the benefit of SC , the government is offering ? if Voluntary conversion is allowed by Law and then Voluntary conversion to Caste also should be allowed .. We are in slippery ground -- BUT for vote bank consideration and large scale corruption consideration ( lot of fund diverion happening since last 50 years) -- Reservation did not serve anything -- I have a lot of data to prove what I am saying -- Reservation has made few families super rich ( Rs 100 crore + ) and the large section more than 95 % remained where they are since is design is faulty and even if continue with reservation for next 100 % those 5% only will enjoy more and more and 95% will remain where they are .. This is design fault for sure - I can elaborate on this
Brilliant question. Just my guess: CRT gives Christian evangelism a pass. Those native Americans who survive (99% are mixed with white people now), are all Christian. So, white man = colonizer, but they saved their souls, so it's Ok as per their theory.
Similarly the Ancient natives are totally eliminated by killing kids,stolen kids...etc by the colonizers...now there is a wake up call, similarly Maoris from NZ severe massacre by the West..
Rajiv Malhotra, Nupur Sharma doing great service. It shame that he has no support from Indian govt , rss etc billionaire. Public awareness is needed and to push
A very interesting narrative of the current western oriented Indian mindset. Going to take lot of Rajivs + several gen to reflect into the fallacies of our social-politico structures and being able to bring about the real Dharmic values - not a newly labeled colonial mindset - based on this country's wisdom legacy.
I am a Rajiv, why aren't you one yet if not already? word of mouth has a lot of power and impact just spread this wisdom to all you know and convince at least 10 of them to spread in their circles and talk about this in all your social events
Compelling arguments 👍 Utterly brilliant discussion with both Nupur Sharma ji and Rajiv Malhotra ji at their best🙏🏼🇮🇳🙏🏼🕉️🙏🏼 Very much look forward to the next promised discussion 😊
For the first time , I did understand ,what ails Indian and Indianness even if the impresson about Indian culture is that of best among other cultures in the world.We must learn and not only educate ourselves but must apply our own way to cultivate and enrich Indian culture from being destroyed by Western culture.We Indians are unique and best in our pattern of behaviour.We are at the moment misguided people.Though China is our enemy but we must learn from them in this regard to enrich our culture. Wonderful conversation !! 1:52:34
Rajivji , You are educating us with so much passion and selfless service -- We 100 crore BHARATIYAs should understand the ulterior motive behind this CRITICAL CASTE THEORY and CRITICAL RACE THRORY and be aware of its ill effects --- SATYAM EVA JAYATE
The positions that are influential and affects civilisation structure should be chosen by an independent committee that is honest nationalistic with knowledge of all these facts Those appointed should also have a probation period so their performance can be assessed The people of India need to be informed of this as it is them together with good governance that will protect Bharat civilisation
Having Shatrubodh is an absolute necessity today. But a lack of leadership from our so called ‘Dharma gurus’ and institutions is also a big concern. They are still living in their own little bubbles. Instead of coming out into the public domain to mass educate, stand against attacks on average Hindus etc. Let’s also be honest, there is still discrimination on ‘castes’ within our institutes who we lookup to as ‘shastra pramanas’ or standards. They at least don’t have the excuse of saying the coloniser did this did that etc. Where else do we go to get our grounding then?
Quran (5:33) - 'The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement'
अमेरिका के अफगानिस्तान छोड़ने के बाद लोगो ने कहा , कि देखो ! तालिबान कितने ताकतवर है , कि सोवियत यूनियन और अमेरिका को हरा के भगा दिया । हम हिंदुस्तानी इसमें यकीन करते है क्योंकि open society cloaed mind यह हमारी असल पहचान है । हम कोई विश्वगुरु ना है और ना कभी बन सकते है , क्योंकि हम उस दल दल घुस चुके है कि वहा से अब हम बाहर नहीं निकल सकते । भारत भविष्य वही जो सीरिया , इराक और अफगानिस्तान का है , उससे अलग कुछ भी नही है अगर ऐसा ही चलता रहा । हम feel good वाले लोग है , व्यक्ति पूजा नेता पूजा हमे हमेशा तबाह कर रहा , कभी गांधी पूजा , कभी नेहरू पूजा , कभी मोदी पूजा , कुसी मुलायम , मायावती , काशीराम , ममता बनर्जी , करुणानिधि मतलब हर तरह की पूजा हममें मौजूद है , और ये हमारे नए भगवान असल में हिंदुओ के मन मस्तिष्क में देवी देवताओं से भी ज्यादा अहमियत रखते है , न शारीरिक बल्कि मानसिक रूप से। सदियों से हमने अपने मन को भी जीतने पर जोर लगाया पिछले 2000 सालो से हम लगातार हार रहे कारण वही है कि शक्ति और विद्या का सही मतलब ना जान पाए । तालिबान ताकतवर है लेकिन अमेरिका से नही , क्योंकि शक्ति का मतलब केवल यह नही होता है कि मैं आपके घर में घुसा हू आपने मुझे किसी तरह बाहर निकाल दिया तो आप शक्तिशाली सिद्ध हो गए । बिलकुल नहीं ! यह शक्ति नही है। शक्ति यह है कि मैं आपके घर से बाहर आ गया , लेकिन मै आपके घर शांति , लोकतंत्र , आर्थिक तरक्की नहीं आने दूंगा , मै आपको पूरी दुनिया में तन्हा करके आपको किसी से संबद्ध नही बनाने दूंगा , मैं आपको जब चाहूंगा ड्रोन अटैक करके अपने ऑब्जेक्टिव पूरे कर लूंगा । निःसंदेह , अमेरिका , तालिबान से हर स्तर पर शक्तिशाली है , पिछले बार अमेरिका ने इसी तालिबान को 5 दिनों अपदस्थ करके सत्ता हासिल करी थी । अमेरिका का लक्ष्य चाइना है , अफगानिस्तान नही । शक्ति का महात्म्य समझना बहोत महत्वपूर्ण है , हम अब अपने पड़ोसी पाकिस्तान को ओर आते है , आज के समय में पाकिस्तान पर सबसे रिसर्च करने वाली अमेरिका के Georgetown University की प्रोफेसर क्रिस्टीन फेयर ने कई बार यह कहा है कि भारत और पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते कभी भी सुधार नहीं सकते । शांति हमेशा अस्थाई होगी , क्योंकि पाकिस्तान की फौज एक आईडियोलोजिकल सेना है जिसके लिए भारत एक हिंदू राष्ट्र है , और दारुल हरब में शांति अस्थाई ही हो सकती है । भारत कभी भी पाकिस्तान को प्रॉक्सी वार , गोरिल्ला वार और low intensity वार में कभी भी नही हरा सकता । कश्मीरी उसका सबसे बड़ा उदाहरण है । क्रिस्टीन फेयर ने स्पष्ट कहा था कि भारत हर परिस्थिति में एक पराजित सेना है , और हमेशा ही उसे इस परिस्थिति में रहना पड़ेगा । क्रिस्टीन फेयर से जब यह पूछा गया कि पाकिस्तान ने परमाणु बम किस लिए बनाया तो उन्होंने उसका जबरदस्त जवाब दिया । क्रिस्टीन कहती है , कि परमाणु बम बनाने से पहले भारत पाकिस्तान को हर लेवल पर जीत सकता था लेकिन पाकिस्तान फौज अधिकारियों का मानना है कि वह हिंदुस्तान पर लो इंटेंसिटी , प्रॉक्सी या गोरिल्ला वार निर्भीक रूप से कर सकते है और हिंदुस्तान उनका चाह कर भी कुछ नही बिगाड़ सकता । उन्होंने मुंबई अटैक और उरी अटैक के रूप में उसका उदाहरण दिया । वो कहती है कि पाकिस्तान के मिलिट्री पत्रिकाएं स्पष्ट रूप से 1971 की जंग को अपनी जीत के रूप में देखते है क्योंकि उनका कहना है कि हिंदुस्तान को इससे कुछ भी हासिल नहीं हुआ । विजेता वही होता है जो स्थाई शांति को बना सकता है । बकौल , भारतीय हिंदू चिंतक राजीव मल्होत्रा जी , भारत की सेना का एक बड़ा हिस्सा पेंशन में खर्च होता है , जमीनी वारफेयर में भी भारतीय फौज से ज्यादा अनुभव पाकिस्तान की फौज को है , जो उन्होंने अफगान जिहाद में हासिल किया । चीन को पाकिस्तान की फौज भी जरूरत है क्योंकि चाइनीज आर्मी उतनी experienced नही है लेकिन चीन के पास बेहतरीन ड्रोन , फाइटर जेट और अत्याधुनिक हथियार है , जो वो पाकिस्तान को निर्यात भी कर रहे है । और मिलिट्री सुपीरियरिटी सभ्यता की दिशा को तय करते है , जैसा कि हमने पिछले पोस्ट में अफगान जिहाद , बाबर की भारत विजय और अकबर कूटनीति को समझा । भारत एक सीरियस समस्या में है , लेकिन हमारे आम लोगो एक जाली राष्ट्रवाद ने बर्बाद है , इससे ना तो राष्ट्र को कोई फायदा है ना ही उन्हे खुद भी । महान इतिहासकार , अर्नोल्ड टॉयांबी कहते है कि , जब कोई समाज बौद्धिक रूप से हार जाता है तो एक दिन वह मिलिट्रीली भी आसानी से डिफीट हो जाता है । सभ्यता कभी भी नष्ट नहीं होती है बल्कि आत्महत्या करती है । तो क्या भारत आत्महत्या कर रहा है ??
I could not understand how the great freedom fighters had not considered it is extremely important to make a Hindu Rashtra and left wolves in a flock of sheep.
@@kmrao06 All freedom fighters were not great. Many were sabotagers of freedom movement and Stooges of British. Ganju and Lehru are two of them. Now it's time to wake up.
India needs to formally declare itself civilisationally Hindu (and not Greek, Chinese, Persian, or Judaeo-Christiano-Islamic) so that government entities do not feel embarrassed or inhibited while advocating for the interests of Bharat. Speaking this truth out loud, formally, will not come in the way of freedom of religion.
Rich industrialists or their family members are alumni of Harvard. By making a donation (maybe without knowing how it's being used), they get to become governing body members which is publicly shown as a measure of their intellectual worth to impress their peers and their employees.
How about we all write/petition those billionaires and ask them why are they doing this?? Expose them on all medias, boycott their products.....etc....How about we stop sending our kids to any American/Canadian/Uk university, unless if you live in these countries, then you have little choice.....
Around 2:50 - I grew up in the diaspora, in a natively English-speaking environment, and no one would say my English is not native-level, but Indian legalese is always a pain in the neck and obscures more than it reveals.
Uptill now these Indian buissness houses have not responded to Shri.Rajiv ji's observations about their philonthrophy which is strengthening breaking India forces.This is surprising.
Articulate questions, Articulate answers ! Fantastic ! And DEI garb is a reality, i have seen it... ppl with woke degrees are always chosen for this...
Critical Race Theory is about giving rights to the oppressed people of the world. How can one oppose it? Marx was a humanist philosopher. By opposing Marx, Rajiv Malhotra is taking stand against humanity.
Any Institution conducting anything in India if it is anti India/ anti Hindu should be restrained appropriately and if that does not change then booted out of India. Even foreign ideologies need to be restrained and sent back to their lands of origin if they continue their anti India / anti Hindu stance.
rajiv ji i have a question why do hindu Institutions like vedanta society new york and some more praise jesus and project vedanta as something nothing to do with Hinduism like i saw a video of vedanta society new york in which the speaker says that you can be christian and at the same time a student of vedanta and vedanta will help u understand Christ in more depth -_-
Vedanta Society NY and in other countries/places are affiliated to RK Mission/Belur Math established by Swami Vivekananda. Hence, it is natuu that his knowledge and appreciation of western metaphysical thoughts will therefore reflect in the Vedanta Society discourses. Don't see any conflicts or harm to Vedic thoughts and traditions.
@@venkataramamuthuswami i think it does harm because it projects vedanta as nothing much to do with hinduism and as i mention that one of the speakers said that u can use vedanta to understand christ in a much better way and stronger your faith as a Christian like bro what is this on one hand they convert hindus by shitting about Hinduism and here our guru says that become a better christian with the use of sanatan philosophies -_-
Basically, most Hindus n religious scholars understand that Christ is a realised person like we have many realised saints. Our problem is with the organised christian religion which killed spirituality n created narrative to convert others. Hence, there is no conflict what vendana is doing.
I loved all Rajiv ji's book.. At least in this book he started exposing Real SNAKE in Ganga "AMBEDKAR". He is one Biggest Hindu and Bhramin Phobic leader in India. He self claimed philosopher of pakistan.
Recently I came across names of Hindus funding the Mogul kings, even Aurangzeb. And they were very proud of themselves that they were rich and funded the kings. That trend is continued today by the rich Indians proudly finding the Howard
People talking decolonisation in India are addressing people who have yet to understand their own colonial mindset. Can't reach 2.0 without dealing with 1.0!!! No call to demean their efforts.
Mam your conversations are educating and worth a listen. But most of the times they are pretty lengthy aka with Salvatore Babones.Multiple smaller clippings would be welcome.
Can one come up with any one ideology from the west which is mature and intelligent enough that may even be worthy of mentioning when talking about Vedas and Agamas?
Sanatana dharma actually "digested" Buddhist thought, incorporated its best tenets into dharma, and Buddhism almost disappeared from India. So the catholic church wasn't very original in digesting and destroying Marxism in Latin America.
Rajivji saying can be compared with Analogy like an Antibiotic which destroys bad Bacterias and kills friendly Bacteria as well and in the process making a whole person weak.
46:58 - Native Americans and African Americans in America was and is the MINORITY, while Hindus in India was is the MAJORITY. So it's not two different standards.
9:31 - But not only Indian elites, but normal Indians are "proud" of Indian CEOs of American companies. American companies like Google and Microsoft are the epitome of "very American". So looks like Rajiv is completely confused about what he is saying.
12:02 - Can you list the differences between YOUR universal ideas with how they are different from Western ones?? Because you only say that you have it but never give specific details. For examples, the Western idea about humans rights is this: "Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination." Now how does YOUR idea of human rights DIFFER from this??
In every society in the world religion and religious institutes have been used to educate it. In India also Brahmins, Pandits and Prohits were given this responsibility and they have let Hindu society down as we are the most uneducated society in the world.
This is extremely informative but let me tell you a truth…. Pretty much 100% of Indians don’t know what Rajiv is talking about ! Explain Wokeism in Hindi/Indian language.
Well said! this reaches only English speaking elite and half of it admire anything about West. This narrative should reach every Indian through some effective medium.
The white European colonizers in the US organised the US state in terms of their norms, values, etc. (i.e. at the expense of the natives) this is not the case of the Muslim settlers in India, you cannot call them colonizers.
Right, so shall we call the Muslims who invaded India barbarian hordes instead, who borrowed Persian language/culture and tried to "colonise" India? And sorry, there were/are no Muslim "settlers" in India - they were either invading religious zealots, or forcefully converted natives and their progeny.
stop calling them white , you're literally adopting the western view of intersectionality . Remember whites used to be pagans prior to being christians . And all colonizations and genocides came later to white race or the european race converting to Christianity
China is also a lot richer than India :-) a lot more authoritarian :-) and a lot more high-tech (e.g. 5G), So no chance of India or anyone else for that matter 'infiltrating' China.
@@sushmasagar316 I'm not a Bot, I just try to understand how somebody like Rajiv can make such claims. Maybe such claims are OK in some private echo chamber but these are on a public utube channel.
@@dimitristsagdis7340 I just went through the entire interview ,Rajiv ji was only giving a passing remark that in comparison to India being caught of off guarded , China has understood this threat and dealt with it well in advance, even better uses it to it’s advantage.
What's the evidence that it is? Also when has the west been tolerant historically? Just because in the past few years the woke mob entered into western mainstream, it doesn't mean that the west was tolerant before. Even today, look at Evangelicals, white power groups, etc, what sorta universalism is that? One where Christianity and Whiteness reigns supreme? Doesn't seem very "universal" to me
Western universalism destroys others civilization, tradition and culture western universalism is so inferior because it only care about west and it exploits others western universalism has colonized, killed,raped and looted the whole world history of the world is the proof western universalism has invoked 2 World wars Western universalism wants to control whole world so if they will control the world then how it is universalism
Just cannot get enough of Rajiv Ji
I fully agree with Rajiv’s critical race theory, Nehru onwards , India I making reservation for backward community and Dalits. Where is the merit and poverty considerations.I feel current Indian constitution needs change deleting secular ideas empowering incompetency and communistic bias in Indian thinking. I am very angry with way Indian system is infected by poisonous snakes. How are we going about dealing monumental task
Reservation is actually good for indic civilization , reservation is actually stoping converstions in large scale . In reservation we are actually addressing equality of opportunity not equality of outcome .
And you know every society creats hierarchy in any form or another , you can't stop it so you need also a counter mechanism that I think reservation is doing . In ancient India for a same crime , higher the cast of people higher the punishment was . It was assumed that higher cast people will be educated and rich so they have the power and with power come responsibility .
You want to preserve the exploitative nature of the Indian society where money determines your talents and outcome, not your efforts. IIT costs one student Rs 50,000 per year, and Asoka university costs Rs 19,00000 per year. How many people in India can afford to spend that kind of money on their children? Every society is not like that. In the soviet union education used not to cost anything. European universities cost nothing.
Rajib Mahotra knows very little.
@@dipmalyaroy987 How come conversion is allowed at first place ? ARTILCE 25 A is written keeping in view that religion can live happily -- A Christian can have family marriage and children and remain christain and in no way Article 25 A is not license to convert people ? hence Conversion ( Voluntary or otherwise ) should not be allowed by law. For an argument sake , Can I convert myself as SC and get all the benefit of SC , the government is offering ? if Voluntary conversion is allowed by Law and then Voluntary conversion to Caste also should be allowed .. We are in slippery ground -- BUT for vote bank consideration and large scale corruption consideration ( lot of fund diverion happening since last 50 years) -- Reservation did not serve anything -- I have a lot of data to prove what I am saying -- Reservation has made few families super rich ( Rs 100 crore + ) and the large section more than 95 % remained where they are since is design is faulty and even if continue with reservation for next 100 % those 5% only will enjoy more and more and 95% will remain where they are .. This is design fault for sure - I can elaborate on this
I have great praise for this interviewer, Nupur J Sharm. She is by far very intelligent, asking great questions.
Everything that Dr Rajiv says make sense to me completely, people need to understand and be able to speak out openly and not silenced
In the Critical Race Theory in the USA why have the Natives ( Red Indians) been completely 'dicarded'?
Because they don't cry victimhood all the time. If you are not constantly crying as a victim, you are useless for identity politics peddlers.
Brilliant question. Just my guess: CRT gives Christian evangelism a pass. Those native Americans who survive (99% are mixed with white people now), are all Christian. So, white man = colonizer, but they saved their souls, so it's Ok as per their theory.
Amnesia about their own actions.
Western nations get together support each other in all their atrocities ,but blame nations like india ...karma will teach a lesson
Similarly the Ancient natives are totally eliminated by killing kids,stolen kids...etc by the colonizers...now there is a wake up call, similarly Maoris from NZ severe massacre by the West..
Rajiv Ji is a true Dharmic kshatriya
Rajiv Malhotra, Nupur Sharma doing great service. It shame that he has no support from Indian govt , rss etc billionaire. Public awareness is needed and to push
brilliant , the best in the series of SITG.
This was so fantastic!! The last question AND ANSWERS were too too good
Extremely educating discussion.
A very interesting narrative of the current western oriented Indian mindset. Going to take lot of Rajivs + several gen to reflect into the fallacies of our social-politico structures and being able to bring about the real Dharmic values - not a newly labeled colonial mindset - based on this country's wisdom legacy.
Also see the criticism of rss and BJP by shankar sharan on sangam talks.
I am a Rajiv, why aren't you one yet if not already? word of mouth has a lot of power and impact just spread this wisdom to all you know and convince at least 10 of them to spread in their circles and talk about this in all your social events
Compelling arguments 👍 Utterly brilliant discussion with both Nupur Sharma ji and Rajiv Malhotra ji at their best🙏🏼🇮🇳🙏🏼🕉️🙏🏼 Very much look forward to the next promised discussion 😊
@@HimanshuShukla0802 why are you replying to me? How do you have such a time to write this up? Who has paid you write this up?
Wow to both of you!
It is a shame CJI talks about his borrowed biased ideas to Bharat. I guess his judgments will be questioned by sensible people of India.
Nupur Sharma is a brilliant interviewer and summarised very well what Rajiv ji has said.
Jay shree Krishna🙏
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌great video
For the first time , I did understand ,what ails Indian and Indianness even if the impresson about Indian culture is that of best among other cultures in the world.We must learn and not only educate ourselves but must apply our own way to cultivate and enrich Indian culture from being destroyed by Western culture.We Indians are unique and best in our pattern of behaviour.We are at the moment misguided people.Though China is our enemy but we must learn from them in this regard to enrich our culture. Wonderful conversation !! 1:52:34
Thank you Nupur for your support and work on this issue 🙏
What a brilliant discourse ? Too good .. Questions were highly intelligent and Answer as always is eye opener to all of us -- PRANAMAM sir ..
great questions.
Rajivji , You are educating us with so much passion and selfless service -- We 100 crore BHARATIYAs should understand the ulterior motive behind this CRITICAL CASTE THEORY and CRITICAL RACE THRORY and be aware of its ill effects --- SATYAM EVA JAYATE
The positions that are influential and affects civilisation structure should be chosen by an independent committee that is honest nationalistic with knowledge of all these facts Those appointed should also have a probation period so their performance can be assessed
The people of India need to be informed of this as it is them together with good governance that will protect Bharat civilisation
Brilliant session.
finally an interviewer with a mind of her own.....
Having Shatrubodh is an absolute necessity today. But a lack of leadership from our so called ‘Dharma gurus’ and institutions is also a big concern. They are still living in their own little bubbles. Instead of coming out into the public domain to mass educate, stand against attacks on average Hindus etc.
Let’s also be honest, there is still discrimination on ‘castes’ within our institutes who we lookup to as ‘shastra pramanas’ or standards. They at least don’t have the excuse of saying the coloniser did this did that etc. Where else do we go to get our grounding then?
Rajiv ji is Vivekanand of this century
All these fellows don’t accept MODI as country’s CEO and his work ethics due to racism
The DEI officer seems like a halal certification officer who is installed in every company
Quran (5:33) - 'The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement'
अमेरिका के अफगानिस्तान छोड़ने के बाद लोगो ने कहा , कि देखो ! तालिबान कितने ताकतवर है , कि सोवियत यूनियन और अमेरिका को हरा के भगा दिया ।
हम हिंदुस्तानी इसमें यकीन करते है क्योंकि open society cloaed mind यह हमारी असल पहचान है । हम कोई विश्वगुरु ना है और ना कभी बन सकते है , क्योंकि हम उस दल दल घुस चुके है कि वहा से अब हम बाहर नहीं निकल सकते । भारत भविष्य वही जो सीरिया , इराक और अफगानिस्तान का है , उससे अलग कुछ भी नही है अगर ऐसा ही चलता रहा । हम feel good वाले लोग है , व्यक्ति पूजा नेता पूजा हमे हमेशा तबाह कर रहा , कभी गांधी पूजा , कभी नेहरू पूजा , कभी मोदी पूजा , कुसी मुलायम , मायावती , काशीराम , ममता बनर्जी , करुणानिधि मतलब हर तरह की पूजा हममें मौजूद है , और ये हमारे नए भगवान असल में हिंदुओ के मन मस्तिष्क में देवी देवताओं से भी ज्यादा अहमियत रखते है , न शारीरिक बल्कि मानसिक रूप से।
सदियों से हमने अपने मन को भी जीतने पर जोर लगाया पिछले 2000 सालो से हम लगातार हार रहे कारण वही है कि शक्ति और विद्या का सही मतलब ना जान पाए ।
तालिबान ताकतवर है लेकिन अमेरिका से नही , क्योंकि शक्ति का मतलब केवल यह नही होता है कि मैं आपके घर में घुसा हू आपने मुझे किसी तरह बाहर निकाल दिया तो आप शक्तिशाली सिद्ध हो गए ।
बिलकुल नहीं !
यह शक्ति नही है।
शक्ति यह है कि मैं आपके घर से बाहर आ गया , लेकिन मै आपके घर शांति , लोकतंत्र , आर्थिक तरक्की नहीं आने दूंगा , मै आपको पूरी दुनिया में तन्हा करके आपको किसी से संबद्ध नही बनाने दूंगा , मैं आपको जब चाहूंगा ड्रोन अटैक करके अपने ऑब्जेक्टिव पूरे कर लूंगा ।
निःसंदेह , अमेरिका , तालिबान से हर स्तर पर शक्तिशाली है , पिछले बार अमेरिका ने इसी तालिबान को 5 दिनों अपदस्थ करके सत्ता हासिल करी थी ।
अमेरिका का लक्ष्य चाइना है , अफगानिस्तान नही ।
शक्ति का महात्म्य समझना बहोत महत्वपूर्ण है , हम अब अपने पड़ोसी पाकिस्तान को ओर आते है , आज के समय में पाकिस्तान पर सबसे रिसर्च करने वाली अमेरिका के Georgetown University की प्रोफेसर क्रिस्टीन फेयर ने कई बार यह कहा है कि भारत और पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते कभी भी सुधार नहीं सकते । शांति हमेशा अस्थाई होगी , क्योंकि पाकिस्तान की फौज एक आईडियोलोजिकल सेना है जिसके लिए भारत एक हिंदू राष्ट्र है , और दारुल हरब में शांति अस्थाई ही हो सकती है । भारत कभी भी पाकिस्तान को प्रॉक्सी वार , गोरिल्ला वार और low intensity वार में कभी भी नही हरा सकता । कश्मीरी उसका सबसे बड़ा उदाहरण है । क्रिस्टीन फेयर ने स्पष्ट कहा था कि भारत हर परिस्थिति में एक पराजित सेना है , और हमेशा ही उसे इस परिस्थिति में रहना पड़ेगा ।
क्रिस्टीन फेयर से जब यह पूछा गया कि पाकिस्तान ने परमाणु बम किस लिए बनाया तो उन्होंने उसका जबरदस्त जवाब दिया । क्रिस्टीन कहती है , कि परमाणु बम बनाने से पहले भारत पाकिस्तान को हर लेवल पर जीत सकता था लेकिन पाकिस्तान फौज अधिकारियों का मानना है कि वह हिंदुस्तान पर लो इंटेंसिटी , प्रॉक्सी या गोरिल्ला वार निर्भीक रूप से कर सकते है और हिंदुस्तान उनका चाह कर भी कुछ नही बिगाड़ सकता । उन्होंने मुंबई अटैक और उरी अटैक के रूप में उसका उदाहरण दिया ।
वो कहती है कि पाकिस्तान के मिलिट्री पत्रिकाएं स्पष्ट रूप से 1971 की जंग को अपनी जीत के रूप में देखते है क्योंकि उनका कहना है कि हिंदुस्तान को इससे कुछ भी हासिल नहीं हुआ ।
विजेता वही होता है जो स्थाई शांति को बना सकता है । बकौल , भारतीय हिंदू चिंतक राजीव मल्होत्रा जी ,
भारत की सेना का एक बड़ा हिस्सा पेंशन में खर्च होता है , जमीनी वारफेयर में भी भारतीय फौज से ज्यादा अनुभव पाकिस्तान की फौज को है , जो उन्होंने अफगान जिहाद में हासिल किया । चीन को पाकिस्तान की फौज भी जरूरत है क्योंकि चाइनीज आर्मी उतनी experienced नही है लेकिन चीन के पास बेहतरीन ड्रोन , फाइटर जेट और अत्याधुनिक हथियार है , जो वो पाकिस्तान को निर्यात भी कर रहे है ।
और मिलिट्री सुपीरियरिटी सभ्यता की दिशा को तय करते है , जैसा कि हमने पिछले पोस्ट में अफगान जिहाद , बाबर की भारत विजय और अकबर कूटनीति को समझा ।
भारत एक सीरियस समस्या में है , लेकिन हमारे आम लोगो एक जाली राष्ट्रवाद ने बर्बाद है , इससे ना तो राष्ट्र को कोई फायदा है ना ही उन्हे खुद भी ।
महान इतिहासकार , अर्नोल्ड टॉयांबी कहते है कि , जब कोई समाज बौद्धिक रूप से हार जाता है तो एक दिन वह मिलिट्रीली भी आसानी से डिफीट हो जाता है ।
सभ्यता कभी भी नष्ट नहीं होती है बल्कि आत्महत्या करती है ।
तो क्या भारत आत्महत्या कर रहा है ??
I could not understand how the great freedom fighters had not considered it is extremely important to make a Hindu Rashtra and left wolves in a flock of sheep.
@@kmrao06 All freedom fighters were not great. Many were sabotagers of freedom movement and Stooges of British. Ganju and Lehru are two of them. Now it's time to wake up.
Instead of swords and guns ideologies are being used for power and colonization.
Very good
India needs to formally declare itself civilisationally Hindu (and not Greek, Chinese, Persian, or Judaeo-Christiano-Islamic) so that government entities do not feel embarrassed or inhibited while advocating for the interests of Bharat. Speaking this truth out loud, formally, will not come in the way of freedom of religion.
Enjoying your book 🇿🇦🙏
Rajiveji's ideas are Nationalistic , which is necessary for india ۔ we don't need western ideas and theries
We need brilliant discussions and sharing to build good communities
Agree with Rajiv Ji 👍
In fact CJI’s origin is in a state and a family which are racists. He is just doing a drama by adoption
Rich industrialists or their family members are alumni of Harvard. By making a donation (maybe without knowing how it's being used), they get to become governing body members which is publicly shown as a measure of their intellectual worth to impress their peers and their employees.
How about we all write/petition those billionaires and ask them why are they doing this?? Expose them on all medias, boycott their products.....etc....How about we stop sending our kids to any American/Canadian/Uk university, unless if you live in these countries, then you have little choice.....
Around 2:50 - I grew up in the diaspora, in a natively English-speaking environment, and no one would say my English is not native-level, but Indian legalese is always a pain in the neck and obscures more than it reveals.
Uptill now these Indian buissness houses have not responded to Shri.Rajiv ji's observations about their philonthrophy which is strengthening breaking India forces.This is surprising.
Articulate questions, Articulate answers ! Fantastic ! And DEI garb is a reality, i have seen it... ppl with woke degrees are always chosen for this...
Critical Race Theory is about giving rights to the oppressed people of the world. How can one oppose it? Marx was a humanist philosopher. By opposing Marx, Rajiv Malhotra is taking stand against humanity.
I want Rajivji to be given a state honor! ❤
Any Institution conducting anything in India if it is anti India/ anti Hindu should be restrained appropriately and if that does not change then booted out of India. Even foreign ideologies need to be restrained and sent back to their lands of origin if they continue their anti India / anti Hindu stance.
Very nice 👌 information.But very scary.
Rajiv ji is a gem
Young mind should listen to his voice for cultural and self understanding.
Unless one understand the core issue or theory they cannot follow what Shri.Rajiv Malhotra trying to make one to understand
rajiv ji i have a question why do hindu Institutions like vedanta society new york and some more praise jesus and project vedanta as something nothing to do with Hinduism
like i saw a video of vedanta society new york in which the speaker says that you can be christian and at the same time a student of vedanta and vedanta will help u understand Christ in more depth
Vedanta Society NY and in other countries/places are affiliated to RK Mission/Belur Math established by Swami Vivekananda. Hence, it is natuu that his knowledge and appreciation of western metaphysical thoughts will therefore reflect in the Vedanta Society discourses. Don't see any conflicts or harm to Vedic thoughts and traditions.
@@venkataramamuthuswami i think it does harm because it projects vedanta as nothing much to do with hinduism
as i mention that one of the speakers said that u can use vedanta to understand christ in a much better way and stronger your faith as a Christian
like bro what is this on one hand they convert hindus by shitting about Hinduism and here our guru says that become a better christian with the use of sanatan philosophies -_-
Basically, most Hindus n religious scholars understand that Christ is a realised person like we have many realised saints. Our problem is with the organised christian religion which killed spirituality n created narrative to convert others. Hence, there is no conflict what vendana is doing.
@@krrish8364 not only that but iskons behave exactly like those Christian evangelists...
@@imneverwrongsometimestruthlies yes..
I loved all Rajiv ji's book.. At least in this book he started exposing Real SNAKE in Ganga "AMBEDKAR". He is one Biggest Hindu and Bhramin Phobic leader in India. He self claimed philosopher of pakistan.
Recently I came across names of Hindus funding the Mogul kings, even Aurangzeb. And they were very proud of themselves that they were rich and funded the kings. That trend is continued today by the rich Indians proudly finding the Howard
People talking decolonisation in India are addressing people who have yet to understand their own colonial mindset. Can't reach 2.0 without dealing with 1.0!!! No call to demean their efforts.
Mam your conversations are educating and worth a listen. But most of the times they are pretty lengthy aka with Salvatore Babones.Multiple smaller clippings would be welcome.
too... tooo.... many youtube ads in this video. very disturbing
There are solutions
@@urs5072 but also i want the channel to benefit, so i watch each ad for 15 seconds.
Can one come up with any one ideology from the west which is mature and intelligent enough that may even be worthy of mentioning when talking about Vedas and Agamas?
Sanatana dharma actually "digested" Buddhist thought, incorporated its best tenets into dharma, and Buddhism almost disappeared from India. So the catholic church wasn't very original in digesting and destroying Marxism in Latin America.
Ha ha stupid why did Buddhism dissaoer from Central Asia
Rajiv Malhotra has developed Suraj Yengde fobiya.
Rajivji saying can be compared with Analogy like an Antibiotic which destroys bad Bacterias and kills friendly Bacteria as well and in the process making a whole person weak.
Sir, if the CRT and Wokists want the built up structures to crumble, will they also not become prey to such disintegration?
46:58 - Native Americans and African Americans in America was and is the MINORITY, while Hindus in India was is the MAJORITY. So it's not two different standards.
9:31 - But not only Indian elites, but normal Indians are "proud" of Indian CEOs of American companies.
American companies like Google and Microsoft are the epitome of "very American".
So looks like Rajiv is completely confused about what he is saying.
An astonishingly low level of discourse when such "scholars" deny marginalization of a very large segment of Indians due to the rigid Caste system.
Ok so despite of humble grass we are opresser.weeds distroy,s everything but they are oppressed..
No blacks, inhumane .
Is the Cj one of the snakes
Yes surely. Do you still have any doubt about it.
when are the zeta reticuli vimanas arriving
i want to get off this planet
राजीव गांधी सरकार ने शाहबानो केस में गलत किया या सही किया, पर किया। यह तथाकथित 56 इंच सीने वाली सरकार तो,,,,,,,
12:02 - Can you list the differences between YOUR universal ideas with how they are different from Western ones?? Because you only say that you have it but never give specific details.
For examples, the Western idea about humans rights is this: "Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination."
Now how does YOUR idea of human rights DIFFER from this??
In every society in the world religion and religious institutes have been used to educate it. In India also Brahmins, Pandits and Prohits were given this responsibility and they have let Hindu society down as we are the most uneducated society in the world.
9:31 - And Rajiv Malhotra not only copies the Americans but also LIVES in America.🙂
This is extremely informative but let me tell you a truth…. Pretty much 100% of Indians don’t know what Rajiv is talking about ! Explain Wokeism in Hindi/Indian language.
Well said! this reaches only English speaking elite and half of it admire anything about West. This narrative should reach every Indian through some effective medium.
Rajiv sir has to create a hindi channel and advertise it extensively on youtube.Acharya prashant got so much viewership by this tactic
Brahmano ko uska paap aur lobh he le dubega 👍👍
The white European colonizers in the US organised the US state in terms of their norms, values, etc. (i.e. at the expense of the natives) this is not the case of the Muslim settlers in India, you cannot call them colonizers.
They are not colonisers - they are invaders, marauders
@@vyoshen4563 are you talking about the whites in the US or the Muslims in India? I used the term 'colonizer' because this is what Rajiv said.
Right, so shall we call the Muslims who invaded India barbarian hordes instead, who borrowed Persian language/culture and tried to "colonise" India? And sorry, there were/are no Muslim "settlers" in India - they were either invading religious zealots, or forcefully converted natives and their progeny.
@@thedescanteer Assuming they are Indian citizens you call them religious minorities
stop calling them white , you're literally adopting the western view of intersectionality . Remember whites used to be pagans prior to being christians . And all colonizations and genocides came later to white race or the european race converting to Christianity
China is also a lot richer than India :-) a lot more authoritarian :-) and a lot more high-tech (e.g. 5G), So no chance of India or anyone else for that matter 'infiltrating' China.
Dimitris, you are a Bot? If not please go away. This channel is for Sanatanis.
@@sushmasagar316 I'm not a Bot, I just try to understand how somebody like Rajiv can make such claims. Maybe such claims are OK in some private echo chamber but these are on a public utube channel.
@@dimitristsagdis7340 I just went through the entire interview ,Rajiv ji was only giving a passing remark that in comparison to India being caught of off guarded , China has understood this threat and dealt with it well in advance, even better uses it to it’s advantage.
@@sriharshanamuduri8694 indeed Chinese universalism perceives a lot more things to be threats.
If this is so important why don't you make your books free of cost, you are a salesman trying to sell your books by creating imaginary issues .
What is the evidence that Western universalism is not superior to all other universalisms?
What's the evidence that it is? Also when has the west been tolerant historically? Just because in the past few years the woke mob entered into western mainstream, it doesn't mean that the west was tolerant before. Even today, look at Evangelicals, white power groups, etc, what sorta universalism is that? One where Christianity and Whiteness reigns supreme? Doesn't seem very "universal" to me
How come one sees nature as a Commodity become superior? Nature belongs to none. We are part of it.
@@gokulvrindavan1858 Do you claim that Western universalism sees nature as a commodity?
Western universalism destroys others civilization, tradition and culture western universalism is so inferior because it only care about west and it exploits others western universalism has colonized, killed,raped and looted the whole world history of the world is the proof western universalism has invoked 2 World wars Western universalism wants to control whole world so if they will control the world then how it is universalism
@@linneshwharparameswaran6147 western universalism is not Christianity nor CRT. Perhaps we need to have a definition of western universalism