So, this is the aftermath. And the Independent Broadcasting Authority goes bye-bye on August 1, 1990 just to become TRANSCOM, and then sometime later into the Independent Television Commission. But, after all that, it is now known as Ofcom for the rest of the past years going into the 21st-century starter years since 2003. That company has definitely lived a long, legendary life to bring engineering information and independent local services for British television. I just wanted to say congratulations on their success over the years, although I was not even their to see it, but I live in America, for crying out loud, so this is generally for the United Kingdom to form since the good old days of British television, I'll tell you that!
So, this is the aftermath. And the Independent Broadcasting Authority goes bye-bye on August 1, 1990 just to become TRANSCOM, and then sometime later into the Independent Television Commission. But, after all that, it is now known as Ofcom for the rest of the past years going into the 21st-century starter years since 2003. That company has definitely lived a long, legendary life to bring engineering information and independent local services for British television. I just wanted to say congratulations on their success over the years, although I was not even their to see it, but I live in America, for crying out loud, so this is generally for the United Kingdom to form since the good old days of British television, I'll tell you that!