I'm glad I got the 100,000 views video achievement while it was possible. I wish Valve didn't completely give up on the Replay Editor, it was actually pretty fun to mess around with.
I find it really funny that the rarest achievement is a really simple PASS time achievement, and the one above it that is slightly more common is the one where you have to do a really specific digital ritual to tune an interdimensional wizard television. That's how little people play PASS time.
@@ferdithetank7535 Hydro and Territory control need longer capture times to be better. Mountain Lab/Mann Manor Point A 45 seconds of capture time would instantly make Territory Control better to play and people would be able to learn their maps.
Whenever I attempt to queue for TF2's casual, I almost never get a PASS Time match, and when I do, I'm always on the losing team. Heck, I get Mannpower more often than PASS Time, and Mannpower is actually quite fun to play.
The rock paper scissors achievements should be a 1/216 chance (6^-3) because the taunt cannot tie. Slightly easier, but it wouldn't make much difference.
@@kserrata Each achievement requires you to win with a specific throw (eg. win with scissors 3 times in a row). Since there are 3 distinct ways to win and 3 to lose, there are 6 total options. If your goal is just to win _any_ of these achievements, the chance for any 3 throws is 1/72 (1/2*1/6*1/6), because you just have to win the first throw, but for a _specific_ one, it's 1/216.
@@kserrata It's not just about winning, you have to win with a specific throw. You have no control over what throw you use, so the chance of winning with a specific throw is 1/6.
@@darkiusmc979 Being good at math and being smart are not the same thing. If I were smart, I wouldn't be watching TF2 achievement videos (no offense Great Blue).
As someone who genuinely enjoyed playing passtime, getting Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional achievement with a lobby full of random players who followed some guy who had the guide was a neat experince. And while it has been awhile since I played the gamemode, I belive that the already low populated servers became ghost towns when bots started to flood into them preventing anyone from playing the gamemode, which is a real shame because it really is an interesting TF2 experince
I've seen people help others get the Merasmus' TV Achievement even after they had it themselves, too. Sometimes it would take a few rounds, but they'd get it within an hour, usually.
When I first heard that 10 rounds of passtime was the least gotten achievement, I immediately started grinding for it, and along the way, I found a server willing to get the tune merasmus' tv achievement
Wait are there Passtime servers that aren't full of bots? Because from my experience Passtime servers went from low player counts to ghost towns when the bot crisis started. I mean it has been awhile since I played the gamemode, but I'd love to start playing it again in a populated and non-bot infested match
yeah, back around when those achievements got added and the copy paste bot commands to do it yourself weren't quite as well known I found a community server running pass time that just used some admin powers to quickly get everyone both the jack hats via their pass time achievements. Guess i got lucky lol
i have no idea if i have the achievement but i woukdnt be surprised if i did. i dont play it much, especially cause of bots in casual and insane queue times, but ive always liked pass time quite a lot
I accidentally got the "Full Spectrum Warrior" achievement once when I pressed 'G' when everyone was dancing but instead did the Rainblower stock taunt.
its a tauntkill they don't get nearly as mad if you tauntkill em (they're just going to be likely to try tauntkilling you) also some people understand that uh... accidents happen
I would personally say the Merasmus TV one is the easiest to cheese because you can actually find a list of console commands to spawn bots to easily do it. It is literally as easy as ctrl C, ctrl V.
It was a such a memoriable experience when I got "Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television" without cheating! I was playing Pass Time back in 2017 when a player joined and started organizing the whole act, I was just following along without knowing what it requires. When the secret door opened I was so amazed, and when we finally stood on the correct dirt pile and the video played, it was a wonderful feeling and everyone there cheered! I Miss the time when I still play TF2, wondering if I will find experiences like this in any other game...
It kinda reminds me of those easter eggs in the old COD or Battlefield games were you had to do some super specific things in multiplayer map to activate them. It was always fun to work with others to get them.
The prime cuts achievement was so painful to get, I did maybe 50-60 casual games trying to get it, and the one time I did get it was because the last class I needed to gib jumped in front of me at the last second.
As an addendum, not all the achievements that are 'hard' are really obvious. In MvM for example, the 'Spam Blocker' achievement - (Spam Blocker: During a wave, defend the hatch 10 times from robots about to deliver a bomb) is obscenely circumstantial and difficult for the specific string of things that need to happen for it to be earned. You need to have a team that's bad enough to be pushed all the way to last, but also good enough to actually HOLD the hatch - you need the bots to be able to reach the hatch to begin the 'deploy' animation without getting killed - and you need to actually be able to kill them without being overwhelmed yourself. I only have 5 achievements left in TF2, and this is one of them, because 99% of teams never let the bots even get past the first gate, let alone get all the way to the end.
Mannworks expert missions is the way to go, expert missions are FLOODED with super scouts, mannworks in particular, so unless you've got nearly tacobot tier tryhards in your lobby someone's gonna biff it on the bodyblocks eventually and end up with the bomb (which doesn't reset) like 2/3rds of the way to the hatch, and from there it only takes a bit more to get pusehd back to hatch. Go demo, spam stickies on hatch as infinitely respawning melee scout reinforcements pick up bomb, profit.
One could try using pyro's airblast to defend by pushing a single bot off ten times repeatedly, especially if they're the last in the wave Ask your teammates to leave a bot for you to do that at the end of a round! I've not been anywhere near MvM at all but I think that could do the trick.
@@icicleditor This is a good idea in theory but sadly you have to get a defense message which means you have to contribute to the kill of a bot that's deploying - airblasting them away doesn't do the trick.
This is trivially easy on nightmare mode, since its all one wave with massive pushes. Winning requires some skill, but if you do, you’ll probably get this achievement without really trying
Something I REALLY like about the editing: Showing gameplay on a given map when describing how an achievement is earned, and showing the same map when discussing its specific score, jogs my memory and prevents me having to rewind to see again how the achievement is earned.
The force-a-nature's knock back also counts as a stun now (the slow effect it applies) so for a short window it can also get you foul territory, though its also pretty inconsistent. Only know this because I got it launching someone into a sawmill on sawmill.
3:02 This achievement is quite easily done with the Force-A-Nature. It inflicts a slowed state which counts towards the achievement, and the gun is notorious for its knockback. That's why 9.3% of players have it, and not 0.1%.
There actually an (not so) easy way to cheese it First you want to get the sandman Second find a soilder or demo Third hit him with the ball and rush him down if your lucky you can get the soilder or demo to blow themselves up and earn the achievement
I find it incredibly interesting that more people have gotten 100k views on a replay upload for a broken achievment than people have played 10 games of pass time
that achievement existed before the PASS Time ones, and more people felt the need to cheat it in on their profiles due to how obvious it was impossible to complete.
Funny that you mentioned Foul Territory. Couple days ago I earned that achievement because apparently the knock back force from the Force-A-Nature also counts as a stun and I received it from shooting a soldier and then he died from his own rocket. Was really confused when I got it.
I got Foul Territory by shooting a Medic into a saw, which may be my funniest kill solely because of the achievement popup in the corner. I died for it too
I'm impressed you went over why just simply going by the steam database for the rarest achievement is not equal to being the hardest achievement to get.
Palace-Aid, Get Off My Lawn and Frags To Riches are not difficult if your MvM team know what they're doing. Metal Massacre and T-1000000 just naturally rolls in just by you playing MvM a lot.
I'd say that, without any cheese, the hardest achievement would be full spectrum warrior. Killing even 2 people with any taunt is already near-impossible, and that's with the faster and more consistent ones. Getting _5_ people in pyro's super loud and telegraphed taunt is just so insanely rare that I think I could count with my fingers the amount of times it genuinely happened.
Honestly I am very happy that I got the achievement to tune merasmus's TV before the matchmaking update. Some people on my friend's list were working on it and invited me along and since pubs were still a thing, it was a server of just the 9 people invited who all knew what we were doing
I got Foul Territory by launching someone into the air, while a heavy shot at them, they died to fall damage, and that’s how I got it. This was in a relatively low ceiling area in Brazil
As mentioned below, Palace-Aid, Get Off My Lawn, and Frags to Riches can also be earned in Boot Camp by teams who know what they're doing, which aren't that uncommon even in Intermediate difficulty. (And yes, the achievements that say "Advanced" are, for some reason, also earnable in Intermediate)
I had an idea for a map while playing TF2 yesterday. I'd joined an empty Uncletopia server and was noticing how certain doors had to wait to be opened, and I was like, "Yeah that's cool ... that's really really cool actually ... wait, couldn't there be a way to implement *other* objectives into a Payload map?" And so my brain started to concoct the strangest payload ctf cp map in the world. The basic theory was this: There was this payload that needed to go somewhere, but the blue team didn't have the ability to start it up for some reason. No progress could be made until Blue managed to cap Red's intel. After that, the payload had to stop at specific checkpoint areas, but in order to pass through these checkpoints, the Blue team would _have_ to capture two additional control points, otherwise the doors leading away wouldn't open. Repeat this last point two more times and then the payload would reach the final terminus ... almost. Y'see, this _was_ the final stop ... but there were _five_ control points to capture - one for each door - in order for Blue to be able to move the payload to its final destination. Would this map be incredibly long? Yes, yes it would. I could also see this map breaking the usual RvB formula in that the map didn't actually _care_ who pushed the cart, just that someone - either Red _or_ Blue - captured the intel and the control points and got the payload to its destination.
Interestingly, fowl territory can also be gotten with the force a nature, because the FaN knock back is technically a status effect for about a quarter of a second
For the entire video I was thinking about the “cheese” you talked about at the end the whole video because I used to do stuff like taunt kill my friends to get class achievements when I first installed the game for more weapons. I’m glad you addressed it because it definitely does become very gray. Is playing with a friend “cheating?” I mean, one of the achievements is literally “Play a game with 7 players on your friends list”
I got the Foul Territory achievement a long time ago before the Jungle Inferno Sandman nerf, I think I got it by stunning someone near the saws in Sawmill.
The trick to the Multi-Dimensional Television achievement was to get it the day it was added as everyone on every passtime server was trying to get it :p
I am currently working on a few achievements, but the hardest one has to be getting a kill or assist with a sandman ball and it's counter part. The ball just is hard to land, and 7 seconds isn't a whole lot of time to kill the player
It was easier before the nerf, when the ball actually stunned enemies. Sadly, the sandman is a piece of garbage now... and since then, the scout also has been much more boring... :(
I think there is an achievement which is much harder than Prime Cuts - it's Eagle Eye: While using The Classic, kill a rocket/grenade jumping enemy in midair with a full charge, no-scope, headshot. It is so skill and luck dependent situation...
Now I kinda want to see you make a really long video explaining how best to farm every single achievement, both legitimately and not. Only if you want to of course, because pressuring content creators is bad.
@Joseph Stalin I was about to say the same thing, however those servers don't give you _all_ achievements like the command would suggest. I have nearly 1500 hours in TF2, and have used servers like that, and I still only have about 3/4ths of all available achievements unlocked.
@Joseph Stalin They actually only give you achievements that give you unlocks, so, all the 27 achievements from all classes, all the youtube achievements, and some others that I don't remember rn, a lot of them, but not all.
Ain't Got Time to Bleed (3 kills with the equalizer without being healed) is much harder nowadays than than the % would imply. The achievement was introduced when the equalizer also included the escape plan speed boost, and you didn't take minicrits when holding it.
Really cool to see the power and the glory achievement on there, i tried to get it legit a good couple months ago and eventually gave up because me and my friends got bored of tf2. I made two videos on my journey that suck and I most likely never going to make another. Good video
I actually have the Merasmus TV achievement, I got it on the first passtime match I ever played, I still have no clue how it happened, but hey I'll take the achievement anyway
It has been awhile since I got the achievement, but I believe that you don't have to be part of the ritual to actually get the achievement. All you have to do is be in the server or perhaps at least in the secret room
Hey, I got Specialist. :D I was defending 4th point of Dustbowl with the Kritzkrieg, I prioritized living over saving teammates, that also left me with my highest score with Medic, along other personal records.
Mutually Air-Sured-Destruction isn't actually as rare as you may think. In 6s it's actually not uncommon at all to have soldiers do this to eachother, and with the large backwalls, snakewater mid is an easy place for it to happen. So playing against a 6s soldier in casual or just playing 6s can make this achievement pop multiple times a year for you.
3:48 "Even if we ignore the fact that the Rainblower is painful to use for similar reasons as the Balloonicorn..." Me, who's been using the same nametagged Rainblower since 2013, that, if I could Strangeify it, would have reached Hale's Own years ago: *WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, YOU PUNK?!*
When I was like 10 (I am 17 now), I played a lot of TF2, and one day I got an ad for this thing that would just give me all achievements, and me being a naive child immediately downloaded it without thought, and I have absolutely no idea how it wasn’t malware, it just worked.
The hardest achievement is the go outside achievement I think Also if the Directors Vision taunt isn't here I'm gonna cry that thing is literally impossible
You can still get the Director's Vision Taunt legitimately, all you need to do is record an in-game replay on servers that enable them and use all the editing functions on said replay. Source: I got it this year.
@@xavibun Maybe they patched it then? Cus I did exactly that, spent 2+ hours combing through every single option and never unlocked it. Just ended up going on a wonderland server and getting it that way lol
It’s strange because I managed to get the pass time achievement entirely on accident, while not even knowing of its existence because I was incredibly new at the time. Weird…
I care very little about TF2 and this subject matter, but you did such a comprehensive job on the topic, answering every hypothetical, and laying out your reasoning that I had no choice but watch the entire video and like it.
I would say the hardest achievement is the two Soldiers killing each other while each is parachuting. The conditions are just SO SPECIFIC. You need a map that accomadates it first of all - nice big and open area - and then you need at least one enemy Soldier who has the parachute equipped and ISN'T using the Rocket Jumper weapon. Next, both of you need to rocket jump and start parachuting in the same area, at the same time, and both of you need to decide to fire at each other and neither of you cut the chute, and both of you need to have so little health that you actually die and both of you need to land your shots, all in the VERY short span of time you have while parachuting down, and all while hoping other players on the map don't interfere. It's such a unique situation that is so unlikely to happen naturally that you either have to co-ordinate it with another member of the community, or have two computers so you can solo it yourself (which is a little awkward but, I can confirm, do-able). The worst part about it and other achievements with such specific requirements is that they're not even things you 'achieve'. Again, they're so unlikely to happen naturally you have to FORCE them to be set-up, and this means you either just host a private server where you're just working with someone else or have a bunch of inactive bots to set the right circumstances, or you just fuck around in an actual game, not actually playing the objective, in the hopes of an oppurtunity falling into your lap. It's the same problem that the CTF contracts had - they run COUNTER to the actual game, and so it encourages players to just sit and wait and not contibute to their team.
I feel like metal massacre is probably the hardest even with most external tools even if you have something that makes farming bots easier, it's still a million bots you gotta kill.
Thank you for putting so much thought into your rankings! I've seen a fair number of, "Which achievement is the hardest?" videos for different games, and too many of them boil down to which achievement has been earned by the fewest number of players. Which, as you pointed out, isn't necessarily a measure of how difficult it is to earn.
I remember when me and my friend stumbled upon some people actual trying to get the TV Room achievement, it took a bit to actually do it even with people cooperating but we got it
I somehow got Foul Territory using the Force-A-Nature's slow effect that's applied for a frame, which is quite possibly the funniest kill I've ever gotten. Got to say "Med Down" too. also i can confidently say that I have legitimately tuned merasmus's interdimensional tv alongside real humans
The only reason I got the foul territory achievement is because I stunned a soldier before he rocket jumped and killed himself. I don’t know how that counted as a environmental kill but ok.
I think The Specialist is a one achievement that requires skill rather than patience or luck. I had to play Medic a lot to get it, but once I've done it once, healing over 10k in one life keeps happening again.
I think metal massacre is the hardest since full spectrum warrior can be obtained if you run into a group of friendlies willing to let you get the achievement, and the merasmus one has guides on RUclips, where as metal massacre requires time, but a minimum of 1 dollar to complete
RPS is not random. I forget the key you use, but i think its the one that cycles the taunts between halloween and normal mode. Doing rps with the exact same player without either hitting this cycle button will result in the exact same outcome every time. The chance of this occurring if it were truly random is astronomically small.
I think the hardest achievement is to tune merasmus' TV by far. Even with a group of 9 people in a discord call, trying to get that achievement, it is so convoluted to get and so precise it took us 30-45 minutes just to unlock it. 30-45 long boring minutes of reading a wiki and wondering "okay, why isnt this working"
I actually got the Merasmus television achievement, a bunch of people got together to do the achievement and it was worth it. That being said, it is hard to pull off.
Holy shit, I know that medic at 14:12! Heh! Haven't spoken to him in a hot minute but it's kind of surreal to see him pop up in a big RUclips video like this LOL
4:13 Hey i actually have a Specialist achievement, im actually suprise how at that time am i still alive for so long. I got that achievement when still relatively new, which is either my team really good helping me or the enemy team that just sucks
I remember i was once playing a game of dustbowl and we managed to hold the last point for 14 whole ass minutes where i never died and healed 17k health
Tbh I can only really imagine Jerma or Star getting the RUclips achievements. Their first vids might have been uploaded through the game back when that system still worked, and maybe some dedicated fans decided to watch them. Since then only Lazypurple and Uncle Dane have the popularity to hit those numbers but no one fits the time period when the achievement wasn't broken.
There is a command on most TRADE server where you just put !givemeall and you'll unlock every single achivenent that gets you an item like the Merasmissions, weapon achivements etc.. (This includes the "Milestone" achivements for all classes) you can try this by reseting your achivements, going to a trade server and putting the comand. (Put the comand in the chat, not the console)
4:22 I almost got this by accident on dustbowl. Of the top of my head I believe I got 9,780 something. Play that map, with a decent team it's hard to flank medics (Attacking side)
i did get that achievement on dustbowl defense. funny thing is that a toxic teammate accused me of being a bad medic in that same match (to be fair i did poorly time ubers, but he was far more hostile than warranted)
@@Underworlder5 While the uber is great and allows for amazing pushes that can cripple the other team for a period of time, the general healing medics do is far more important.
Tf2 Achievement be like: go Frick yourself 360 then look at your none existing gf then do a back flip while your game is open and have at least 200kills and someone looking at you from the window Look at this 4:55
Something interesting I noticed was that the RPS achievements track your wins and losses between games, I got one by winning with scissors in one server, and then going to another server and winning with scissors two more times
I get that removing cheese from the equation makes sense, but when one of your three-way-tie winners can be cheesed incredibly easily -- 5 bots and the rainblower taunt -- it does feel like a bit of a mistake.
My personal top difficult achievement I am proud to have gotten legit is "First Do No Harm" as Medic. In a full server, in a complete game, topscore both teams as Medic, and get no kills while doing so. Which means, since I was on offense, we not only had to win all 3 maps, but I had to get more points via healing, ubercharges, and assist kills than the top fragger on both teams, and stay alive for as long as possible to maximize assist/heal points. Did it on Egypt, I spent a few hours trying. It was a great game.
I got a bunch of achievements from achievement maps. It was when I was way younger but I’m pretty sure I didn’t even mean to. I just really, really liked this one achievement server, which looking back on it was probably really annoying, since I was killing the other team while they were trying to farm achievements.
Achievements like Prime Cuts are meant to be showing your skill, then in reality it is just finding the one time the server isn't full of spies and snipers.
I've got palace aid got it on my first or second rottenberg mvm game and didn't know it existed I was using the phlog and had a full meter popped it and shredded the tank. The phlog is the best tank killer in the game thanks to giving you a free boost that you can use to either shred bots or more tanks.
2:41 Where does "1 in 729" chance come from? You have a 1/3 chance of picking rock, paper, or scissors. You have a 1/2 chance of you opponent then choosing the right counter for you to lose or win That's a 1/6 chance, 3 times in a row, resulting in a 1/216 chance. Still out there, but way lower than 729.
The hardest achievement would be dominating the entire enemy team ( 32 players ) while having very good internet and ping, playing on 1 fps meleeing with the stock knife as Spy without backstabbing on 1 hp without going invisible or sapping on a competitive match in one round in less than 15 minutes completing 3 contracts all at once
A nice thing about the Tune Merasmus TV one is that when it happens every player on the server even if they aren’t in that room will get it. From what I remember at least.
please make the one about cheesing em all, that sounds really interesting to the point where I'm now subbed with the bell rang waiting to see the notification for if ya make it
05:00 I actually got that one in a very random and funny way, we were engaging each others with rocket jumping to a moment where he directly hit me while he landed in my rocket
I'm glad I got the 100,000 views video achievement while it was possible. I wish Valve didn't completely give up on the Replay Editor, it was actually pretty fun to mess around with.
holy fuck it's the loremaster
We're up all night to Get Lucky
One i made had only 100 views :(
I wish Valve didn't give up on tf2 in general
13:32 imagine seeing the enemy medic get launched across the map right to your team, kill your engineer, and get away with it
german missile imbound
*Horst Wessel Lied Intensifies*
To be fair if I saw that in game I would be to stunned to shoot them too. Ballzz of steel.
That should be an achievement of getting a kill as a medic 10 seconds after copying a launch called something like germedic missile
Probably sounded like the shuka plane scream noise
I find it really funny that the rarest achievement is a really simple PASS time achievement, and the one above it that is slightly more common is the one where you have to do a really specific digital ritual to tune an interdimensional wizard television.
That's how little people play PASS time.
What to say, Valve really did throw alternative gamemodes to die. Think about Hydro.
@@ferdithetank7535 Hydro and Territory control need longer capture times to be better. Mountain Lab/Mann Manor Point A 45 seconds of capture time would instantly make Territory Control better to play and people would be able to learn their maps.
Plus it's much easier to cheese your way through 10 wins. Just open a custom server
When passtime was just born it was fun to mess around it, but ever since the Meet n match update everything went horribly
Whenever I attempt to queue for TF2's casual, I almost never get a PASS Time match, and when I do, I'm always on the losing team. Heck, I get Mannpower more often than PASS Time, and Mannpower is actually quite fun to play.
I will never forget doing 9,969 healing in one life as medic. That death took a part of my soul with it :')
Oh man, that's rough. I got to 8000-something once, and I thought that was unpleasant...
Say goodbye to your healing kneecaps chucklehead. *scout*
Heh, 69. Heheh.
I finally got the fucking achievement, shoutouts to dustbowl last point on red 🤙
@@punoilLET'S GOOOO
The rock paper scissors achievements should be a 1/216 chance (6^-3) because the taunt cannot tie. Slightly easier, but it wouldn't make much difference.
@@kserrata Each achievement requires you to win with a specific throw (eg. win with scissors 3 times in a row). Since there are 3 distinct ways to win and 3 to lose, there are 6 total options. If your goal is just to win _any_ of these achievements, the chance for any 3 throws is 1/72 (1/2*1/6*1/6), because you just have to win the first throw, but for a _specific_ one, it's 1/216.
@@kserrata It's not just about winning, you have to win with a specific throw. You have no control over what throw you use, so the chance of winning with a specific throw is 1/6.
Look guys! It's people who are smarter than me!
@@darkiusmc979 Being good at math and being smart are not the same thing. If I were smart, I wouldn't be watching TF2 achievement videos (no offense Great Blue).
@@Hankathan Watching TF2 videos is satisfying your preferences not
decreasing your intelligence or something
As someone who genuinely enjoyed playing passtime, getting Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional achievement with a lobby full of random players who followed some guy who had the guide was a neat experince. And while it has been awhile since I played the gamemode, I belive that the already low populated servers became ghost towns when bots started to flood into them preventing anyone from playing the gamemode, which is a real shame because it really is an interesting TF2 experince
Still have my Pass Time early support pin. Good memories.
I like pass time. Its such a shame it isnt played.
Yeah, super feeling of well-did job
Dude, you could have been one of the people in the server my friend and I got the achievement in! My friend was the one instructing everyone!
I've seen people help others get the Merasmus' TV Achievement even after they had it themselves, too. Sometimes it would take a few rounds, but they'd get it within an hour, usually.
When I first heard that 10 rounds of passtime was the least gotten achievement, I immediately started grinding for it, and along the way, I found a server willing to get the tune merasmus' tv achievement
Wait are there Passtime servers that aren't full of bots? Because from my experience Passtime servers went from low player counts to ghost towns when the bot crisis started.
I mean it has been awhile since I played the gamemode, but I'd love to start playing it again in a populated and non-bot infested match
@@bobbyferg9173 this was before the bot crisis. I can't imagine queueing for a pastime server now
yeah, back around when those achievements got added and the copy paste bot commands to do it yourself weren't quite as well known I found a community server running pass time that just used some admin powers to quickly get everyone both the jack hats via their pass time achievements. Guess i got lucky lol
i have no idea if i have the achievement but i woukdnt be surprised if i did. i dont play it much, especially cause of bots in casual and insane queue times, but ive always liked
pass time quite a lot
lmaoo me too
I accidentally got the "Full Spectrum Warrior" achievement once when I pressed 'G' when everyone was dancing but instead did the Rainblower stock taunt.
its a tauntkill they don't get nearly as mad if you tauntkill em (they're just going to be likely to try tauntkilling you)
also some people understand that uh... accidents happen
I don’t get why people don’t like pyrovision tbh
I don’t get why people don’t like pyrovision tbh
@@ultimazilla9814 dupe moment:
@@ultimazilla9814it’s pretty gaudy, and it also has a few bugs related to it.
There should be an achievement for getting a godlike with a syringe gun as medic called something along the lines of “hypocrite”
I think using the solem vow would be more appropriate, and much harder
"hypocritical oath"
@@thisisnotaustin1 thats for killing a spy that you were healing.
@@thisisnotaustin1 Getting a crit kill with it would fit this title better I think.
13:32 Can we talk about this? Imagine being that Engie just seeing a Medic flying at you at the beginning of the game lmao
Poor engie didn't even realize till it was too late...
I would personally say the Merasmus TV one is the easiest to cheese because you can actually find a list of console commands to spawn bots to easily do it. It is literally as easy as ctrl C, ctrl V.
It’s easy to cheese, but he’s talking about the intended way to get them
REALLY easy when you mash together the commands into a small handful of strings.
Sv cheats for the win
It was a such a memoriable experience when I got "Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television" without cheating!
I was playing Pass Time back in 2017 when a player joined and started organizing the whole act, I was just following along without knowing what it requires. When the secret door opened I was so amazed, and when we finally stood on the correct dirt pile and the video played, it was a wonderful feeling and everyone there cheered!
I Miss the time when I still play TF2, wondering if I will find experiences like this in any other game...
It kinda reminds me of those easter eggs in the old COD or Battlefield games were you had to do some super specific things in multiplayer map to activate them. It was always fun to work with others to get them.
The prime cuts achievement was so painful to get, I did maybe 50-60 casual games trying to get it, and the one time I did get it was because the last class I needed to gib jumped in front of me at the last second.
I did mine in a single player upward match
atleast it was memorable
EU Skial servers helped me out
Took me all of three games.
I got it in 45 minutes
“Around an hour of continuous rock paper scissoring”
That sounds like a not-so-subtle innuendo.
As an addendum, not all the achievements that are 'hard' are really obvious. In MvM for example, the 'Spam Blocker' achievement - (Spam Blocker: During a wave, defend the hatch 10 times from robots about to deliver a bomb) is obscenely circumstantial and difficult for the specific string of things that need to happen for it to be earned. You need to have a team that's bad enough to be pushed all the way to last, but also good enough to actually HOLD the hatch - you need the bots to be able to reach the hatch to begin the 'deploy' animation without getting killed - and you need to actually be able to kill them without being overwhelmed yourself.
I only have 5 achievements left in TF2, and this is one of them, because 99% of teams never let the bots even get past the first gate, let alone get all the way to the end.
Mannworks expert missions is the way to go, expert missions are FLOODED with super scouts, mannworks in particular, so unless you've got nearly tacobot tier tryhards in your lobby someone's gonna biff it on the bodyblocks eventually and end up with the bomb (which doesn't reset) like 2/3rds of the way to the hatch, and from there it only takes a bit more to get pusehd back to hatch. Go demo, spam stickies on hatch as infinitely respawning melee scout reinforcements pick up bomb, profit.
One could try using pyro's airblast to defend by pushing a single bot off ten times repeatedly, especially if they're the last in the wave
Ask your teammates to leave a bot for you to do that at the end of a round! I've not been anywhere near MvM at all but I think that could do the trick.
you get good mvm teams?
@@icicleditor This is a good idea in theory but sadly you have to get a defense message which means you have to contribute to the kill of a bot that's deploying - airblasting them away doesn't do the trick.
This is trivially easy on nightmare mode, since its all one wave with massive pushes. Winning requires some skill, but if you do, you’ll probably get this achievement without really trying
Something I REALLY like about the editing: Showing gameplay on a given map when describing how an achievement is earned, and showing the same map when discussing its specific score, jogs my memory and prevents me having to rewind to see again how the achievement is earned.
The force-a-nature's knock back also counts as a stun now (the slow effect it applies) so for a short window it can also get you foul territory, though its also pretty inconsistent. Only know this because I got it launching someone into a sawmill on sawmill.
Natasha can also work, just more difficult
shout it at the mountain tops baby, sawmill! SAWMILL SAWMILL SAWMILL
@@rawrxd7870 Lol, I miss those!
I played one match of Brazil and got that achievement using the Force-a-Nature but was very confused on how did I actually get it.
3:02 This achievement is quite easily done with the Force-A-Nature. It inflicts a slowed state which counts towards the achievement, and the gun is notorious for its knockback. That's why 9.3% of players have it, and not 0.1%.
There actually an (not so) easy way to cheese it
First you want to get the sandman
Second find a soilder or demo
Third hit him with the ball and rush him down if your lucky you can get the soilder or demo to blow themselves up and earn the achievement
I find it incredibly interesting that more people have gotten 100k views on a replay upload for a broken achievment than people have played 10 games of pass time
its an achievement given in free achievement item servers
and also sam
@@birdsindatrap or they were using s.a.m or the other steam tools
Also SAM exists
that achievement existed before the PASS Time ones, and more people felt the need to cheat it in on their profiles due to how obvious it was impossible to complete.
to be fair thought you can get the view achievement from achievement servers since it grants an item
Funny that you mentioned Foul Territory. Couple days ago I earned that achievement because apparently the knock back force from the Force-A-Nature also counts as a stun and I received it from shooting a soldier and then he died from his own rocket. Was really confused when I got it.
I got Foul Territory by shooting a Medic into a saw, which may be my funniest kill solely because of the achievement popup in the corner. I died for it too
I always equip the balloonicorn (except for on Halloween) just for people that may need the achievement lol
The hero that all of us need
Holy shit, what a chad
*Patrick Voice* : I love You
Words cannot express how much I love you
Meet me on Two-Fort tonight, and bring the Ballonicorn.
I'm impressed you went over why just simply going by the steam database for the rarest achievement is not equal to being the hardest achievement to get.
Palace-Aid, Get Off My Lawn and Frags To Riches are not difficult if your MvM team know what they're doing.
Metal Massacre and T-1000000 just naturally rolls in just by you playing MvM a lot.
Most of the people watching this don't have friends so the only option is pubs :/
yeah like i got all the ones you said are easy just in random matches while playing
Yeah, I got Palace-Aid my first time playing on Rottenburg
I knew the meta and so did my team. Pretty easy
I'd say that, without any cheese, the hardest achievement would be full spectrum warrior. Killing even 2 people with any taunt is already near-impossible, and that's with the faster and more consistent ones. Getting _5_ people in pyro's super loud and telegraphed taunt is just so insanely rare that I think I could count with my fingers the amount of times it genuinely happened.
Im glad to say i read ALL of the achievements in the intro
You cant possibley be more based
Wow What a Mad Lad
Honestly I am very happy that I got the achievement to tune merasmus's TV before the matchmaking update. Some people on my friend's list were working on it and invited me along and since pubs were still a thing, it was a server of just the 9 people invited who all knew what we were doing
I got Foul Territory by launching someone into the air, while a heavy shot at them, they died to fall damage, and that’s how I got it. This was in a relatively low ceiling area in Brazil
Oh god, not the Brazil!
As mentioned below, Palace-Aid, Get Off My Lawn, and Frags to Riches can also be earned in Boot Camp by teams who know what they're doing, which aren't that uncommon even in Intermediate difficulty. (And yes, the achievements that say "Advanced" are, for some reason, also earnable in Intermediate)
I had an idea for a map while playing TF2 yesterday. I'd joined an empty Uncletopia server and was noticing how certain doors had to wait to be opened, and I was like, "Yeah that's cool ... that's really really cool actually ... wait, couldn't there be a way to implement *other* objectives into a Payload map?" And so my brain started to concoct the strangest payload ctf cp map in the world. The basic theory was this: There was this payload that needed to go somewhere, but the blue team didn't have the ability to start it up for some reason. No progress could be made until Blue managed to cap Red's intel. After that, the payload had to stop at specific checkpoint areas, but in order to pass through these checkpoints, the Blue team would _have_ to capture two additional control points, otherwise the doors leading away wouldn't open. Repeat this last point two more times and then the payload would reach the final terminus ... almost. Y'see, this _was_ the final stop ... but there were _five_ control points to capture - one for each door - in order for Blue to be able to move the payload to its final destination. Would this map be incredibly long? Yes, yes it would. I could also see this map breaking the usual RvB formula in that the map didn't actually _care_ who pushed the cart, just that someone - either Red _or_ Blue - captured the intel and the control points and got the payload to its destination.
Updated End of the line map?
I really love this concept, sadly it can only be a community made map instead of an official one because we all know what happened to Snowplow.
@@Cysco8575 ah, yes, "too confusing"...
you could even just reuse the gas passer's model for the intel!
you know, since you need the intel to make the cart move
The longest map in history. Even pl_desertbus is faster than this shit. (shit in a non-derogatory way, I actually love this idea lol)
Interestingly, fowl territory can also be gotten with the force a nature, because the FaN knock back is technically a status effect for about a quarter of a second
that's how i got it, i don't even own the sandman
That "cheesing achievements" video sounds very fun! Please do make it!
For the entire video I was thinking about the “cheese” you talked about at the end the whole video because I used to do stuff like taunt kill my friends to get class achievements when I first installed the game for more weapons. I’m glad you addressed it because it definitely does become very gray. Is playing with a friend “cheating?” I mean, one of the achievements is literally “Play a game with 7 players on your friends list”
I got the Foul Territory achievement a long time ago before the Jungle Inferno Sandman nerf, I think I got it by stunning someone near the saws in Sawmill.
Hey dude just wanted to say this is some really well made content and you should be proud can't wait to see more like it
The trick to the Multi-Dimensional Television achievement was to get it the day it was added as everyone on every passtime server was trying to get it :p
2:12 I’ve always found it odd that only the Balloonicorpse is able to be seen without pyro vision
Valve greediness
Reindeernicorn too
I am currently working on a few achievements, but the hardest one has to be getting a kill or assist with a sandman ball and it's counter part. The ball just is hard to land, and 7 seconds isn't a whole lot of time to kill the player
Kritzkrieg pocket.
@@tfclassicengineer1005 I could, but I am so bad, I can f$ck up an entire attempt, even if we're planning or have planned it ahead of time
It was easier before the nerf, when the ball actually stunned enemies. Sadly, the sandman is a piece of garbage now... and since then, the scout also has been much more boring... :(
how I got it was pushing an enemy with the force-a-nature and they killed themselves with their scorch shot not a second later
7 seconds is a lot of time lol
I think there is an achievement which is much harder than Prime Cuts - it's Eagle Eye: While using The Classic, kill a rocket/grenade jumping enemy in midair with a full charge, no-scope, headshot. It is so skill and luck dependent situation...
Now I kinda want to see you make a really long video explaining how best to farm every single achievement, both legitimately and not. Only if you want to of course, because pressuring content creators is bad.
@Joseph Stalin I was about to say the same thing, however those servers don't give you _all_ achievements like the command would suggest. I have nearly 1500 hours in TF2, and have used servers like that, and I still only have about 3/4ths of all available achievements unlocked.
@Joseph Stalin They actually only give you achievements that give you unlocks, so, all the 27 achievements from all classes, all the youtube achievements, and some others that I don't remember rn, a lot of them, but not all.
Ain't Got Time to Bleed (3 kills with the equalizer without being healed) is much harder nowadays than than the % would imply. The achievement was introduced when the equalizer also included the escape plan speed boost, and you didn't take minicrits when holding it.
Really cool to see the power and the glory achievement on there, i tried to get it legit a good couple months ago and eventually gave up because me and my friends got bored of tf2. I made two videos on my journey that suck and I most likely never going to make another. Good video
1:25 Five friends!? I don't even Have five friends! Much less five friends that play TF2! I mean, hell, _I_ don't even play TF2!
I actually have the Merasmus TV achievement, I got it on the first passtime match I ever played, I still have no clue how it happened, but hey I'll take the achievement anyway
It has been awhile since I got the achievement, but I believe that you don't have to be part of the ritual to actually get the achievement. All you have to do is be in the server or perhaps at least in the secret room
The really nasty thing about the medic achievement is that if you're doing so well as medic, you will almost certainly win before you earn it.
Hey, I got Specialist. :D
I was defending 4th point of Dustbowl with the Kritzkrieg, I prioritized living over saving teammates, that also left me with my highest score with Medic, along other personal records.
Mutually Air-Sured-Destruction isn't actually as rare as you may think. In 6s it's actually not uncommon at all to have soldiers do this to eachother, and with the large backwalls, snakewater mid is an easy place for it to happen. So playing against a 6s soldier in casual or just playing 6s can make this achievement pop multiple times a year for you.
8:15 can we just talk about how nice that airblast was??
After years of playing this game, I can't recall ever reflecting a crossbow bolt so that was very nice
3:48 "Even if we ignore the fact that the Rainblower is painful to use for similar reasons as the Balloonicorn..."
Me, who's been using the same nametagged Rainblower since 2013, that, if I could Strangeify it, would have reached Hale's Own years ago: *WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, YOU PUNK?!*
It’s an honor to be on the donators list. Keep up the good videos dude!
When I was like 10 (I am 17 now), I played a lot of TF2, and one day I got an ad for this thing that would just give me all achievements, and me being a naive child immediately downloaded it without thought, and I have absolutely no idea how it wasn’t malware, it just worked.
The hardest achievement is the go outside achievement I think
Also if the Directors Vision taunt isn't here I'm gonna cry that thing is literally impossible
You can still get the Director's Vision Taunt legitimately, all you need to do is record an in-game replay on servers that enable them and use all the editing functions on said replay.
Source: I got it this year.
@@xavibun Maybe they patched it then? Cus I did exactly that, spent 2+ hours combing through every single option and never unlocked it.
Just ended up going on a wonderland server and getting it that way lol
@@zenithzv I used a Steam tutorial if I remember correctly.
I'd argue the Merasmus TV one is way easier. Every Pass Time game I ever joined was just people trying to get the achievement and then leaving.
It’s strange because I managed to get the pass time achievement entirely on accident, while not even knowing of its existence because I was incredibly new at the time.
I care very little about TF2 and this subject matter, but you did such a comprehensive job on the topic, answering every hypothetical, and laying out your reasoning that I had no choice but watch the entire video and like it.
I would say the hardest achievement is the two Soldiers killing each other while each is parachuting. The conditions are just SO SPECIFIC. You need a map that accomadates it first of all - nice big and open area - and then you need at least one enemy Soldier who has the parachute equipped and ISN'T using the Rocket Jumper weapon. Next, both of you need to rocket jump and start parachuting in the same area, at the same time, and both of you need to decide to fire at each other and neither of you cut the chute, and both of you need to have so little health that you actually die and both of you need to land your shots, all in the VERY short span of time you have while parachuting down, and all while hoping other players on the map don't interfere.
It's such a unique situation that is so unlikely to happen naturally that you either have to co-ordinate it with another member of the community, or have two computers so you can solo it yourself (which is a little awkward but, I can confirm, do-able).
The worst part about it and other achievements with such specific requirements is that they're not even things you 'achieve'. Again, they're so unlikely to happen naturally you have to FORCE them to be set-up, and this means you either just host a private server where you're just working with someone else or have a bunch of inactive bots to set the right circumstances, or you just fuck around in an actual game, not actually playing the objective, in the hopes of an oppurtunity falling into your lap.
It's the same problem that the CTF contracts had - they run COUNTER to the actual game, and so it encourages players to just sit and wait and not contibute to their team.
Or just play in a community server, I have had this exact situation happen to me at least 3 times
Sounds incredibly easy
I feel like metal massacre is probably the hardest even with most external tools
even if you have something that makes farming bots easier, it's still a million bots you gotta kill.
One of my fondest tf2 memories was unlocking Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television
Thank you for putting so much thought into your rankings! I've seen a fair number of, "Which achievement is the hardest?" videos for different games, and too many of them boil down to which achievement has been earned by the fewest number of players. Which, as you pointed out, isn't necessarily a measure of how difficult it is to earn.
I remember when me and my friend stumbled upon some people actual trying to get the TV Room achievement, it took a bit to actually do it even with people cooperating but we got it
I somehow got Foul Territory using the Force-A-Nature's slow effect that's applied for a frame, which is quite possibly the funniest kill I've ever gotten. Got to say "Med Down" too.
also i can confidently say that I have legitimately tuned merasmus's interdimensional tv alongside real humans
The only reason I got the foul territory achievement is because I stunned a soldier before he rocket jumped and killed himself.
I don’t know how that counted as a environmental kill but ok.
I wonder what that engineers pov is when you flew into his face
I think The Specialist is a one achievement that requires skill rather than patience or luck. I had to play Medic a lot to get it, but once I've done it once, healing over 10k in one life keeps happening again.
I think metal massacre is the hardest since full spectrum warrior can be obtained if you run into a group of friendlies willing to let you get the achievement, and the merasmus one has guides on RUclips, where as metal massacre requires time, but a minimum of 1 dollar to complete
RPS is not random. I forget the key you use, but i think its the one that cycles the taunts between halloween and normal mode. Doing rps with the exact same player without either hitting this cycle button will result in the exact same outcome every time. The chance of this occurring if it were truly random is astronomically small.
I think the hardest achievement is to tune merasmus' TV by far. Even with a group of 9 people in a discord call, trying to get that achievement, it is so convoluted to get and so precise it took us 30-45 minutes just to unlock it. 30-45 long boring minutes of reading a wiki and wondering "okay, why isnt this working"
I actually got the Merasmus television achievement, a bunch of people got together to do the achievement and it was worth it. That being said, it is hard to pull off.
Holy shit, I know that medic at 14:12! Heh! Haven't spoken to him in a hot minute but it's kind of surreal to see him pop up in a big RUclips video like this LOL
3:35 I got this achievement on sd_doomsday, I jumped on uprising platform with lots of enemies who managed to not notice me and did the taunt
The one that sounds nice and hard that I like would probably be the “Get off my lawn” Machievement.
Sounds chaotic
4:13 Hey i actually have a Specialist achievement, im actually suprise how at that time am i still alive for so long. I got that achievement when still relatively new, which is either my team really good helping me or the enemy team that just sucks
I remember i was once playing a game of dustbowl and we managed to hold the last point for 14 whole ass minutes where i never died and healed 17k health
In my first 5 hours of playing I got the achievement “Crockets are such bs” and that’s got to say something.
I think Metal Massacre is the hardest achievement in TF2. Blockbuster I don't think it's possible to achieve it now, it is impossible.
Tbh I can only really imagine Jerma or Star getting the RUclips achievements. Their first vids might have been uploaded through the game back when that system still worked, and maybe some dedicated fans decided to watch them. Since then only Lazypurple and Uncle Dane have the popularity to hit those numbers but no one fits the time period when the achievement wasn't broken.
That medic rocket jump at 13:32 should get an achievement by itself! Holy $%#&!
There is a command on most TRADE server where you just put !givemeall and you'll unlock every single achivenent that gets you an item like the Merasmissions, weapon achivements etc.. (This includes the "Milestone" achivements for all classes) you can try this by reseting your achivements, going to a trade server and putting the comand. (Put the comand in the chat, not the console)
My first ever Soldier achievement was Mutually Air-Sured Destruction.
Another thing: I near only EVER hack achievements OUT using S.A.M.
4:22 I almost got this by accident on dustbowl. Of the top of my head I believe I got 9,780 something. Play that map, with a decent team it's hard to flank medics (Attacking side)
i did get that achievement on dustbowl defense. funny thing is that a toxic teammate accused me of being a bad medic in that same match (to be fair i did poorly time ubers, but he was far more hostile than warranted)
@@Underworlder5 While the uber is great and allows for amazing pushes that can cripple the other team for a period of time, the general healing medics do is far more important.
I am such a god, I got Palace-Aid really easily, yet I'm struggling with the easy achievements
The rainblower taunt used to go through gates. I got the achievement years ago using that
The way Great blue talks gives me Scott the woz vibes. It’s like a home away from home. I like it. Keep up the great stuff!
Tf2 Achievement be like: go Frick yourself 360 then look at your none existing gf then do a back flip while your game is open and have at least 200kills and someone looking at you from the window
Look at this 4:55
Something interesting I noticed was that the RPS achievements track your wins and losses between games, I got one by winning with scissors in one server, and then going to another server and winning with scissors two more times
I get that removing cheese from the equation makes sense, but when one of your three-way-tie winners can be cheesed incredibly easily -- 5 bots and the rainblower taunt -- it does feel like a bit of a mistake.
Now I know what to try to get and fail to do, now that I redownloaded tf2 and have fallen in love with it
13:26 The gameplay made me shit myself
My personal top difficult achievement I am proud to have gotten legit is "First Do No Harm" as Medic.
In a full server, in a complete game, topscore both teams as Medic, and get no kills while doing so. Which means, since I was on offense, we not only had to win all 3 maps, but I had to get more points via healing, ubercharges, and assist kills than the top fragger on both teams, and stay alive for as long as possible to maximize assist/heal points. Did it on Egypt, I spent a few hours trying. It was a great game.
9:51 what the hell is that kill icon?
I got a bunch of achievements from achievement maps. It was when I was way younger but I’m pretty sure I didn’t even mean to. I just really, really liked this one achievement server, which looking back on it was probably really annoying, since I was killing the other team while they were trying to farm achievements.
Achievements like Prime Cuts are meant to be showing your skill, then in reality it is just finding the one time the server isn't full of spies and snipers.
I've got palace aid got it on my first or second rottenberg mvm game and didn't know it existed I was using the phlog and had a full meter popped it and shredded the tank. The phlog is the best tank killer in the game thanks to giving you a free boost that you can use to either shred bots or more tanks.
2:41 Where does "1 in 729" chance come from?
You have a 1/3 chance of picking rock, paper, or scissors.
You have a 1/2 chance of you opponent then choosing the right counter for you to lose or win
That's a 1/6 chance, 3 times in a row, resulting in a 1/216 chance. Still out there, but way lower than 729.
The hardest achievement would be dominating the entire enemy team ( 32 players ) while having very good internet and ping, playing on 1 fps meleeing with the stock knife as Spy without backstabbing on 1 hp without going invisible or sapping on a competitive match in one round in less than 15 minutes completing 3 contracts all at once
A nice thing about the Tune Merasmus TV one is that when it happens every player on the server even if they aren’t in that room will get it.
From what I remember at least.
I thought the hardest achievement where you need to kill robots 1’000’000 times
I would 100% watch an hour long vid of TF2 achievement cheesing
My gf got both rock paper scizor achievemnts in one day or (max 4 hours of casual play) its crazy how lucky she got
please make the one about cheesing em all, that sounds really interesting to the point where I'm now subbed with the bell rang waiting to see the notification for if ya make it
05:00 I actually got that one in a very random and funny way, we were engaging each others with rocket jumping to a moment where he directly hit me while he landed in my rocket