You see how the justice system works. It's broken. Depends on who you are. They are not being fair at all. The whole system needs to be in jail. And start all over. Get some people we can trust.
@@KennyHenry-p8gWe have corrupt our little town also. Some gets fired and some don't. I try not be out after dark. But i see Sheriff's car sitting on the side of the road like they are looking for somebody to mess with. I don't make eye contact with any of them.
Seems like $1M is the minimum for white collar crime. After a few years of probation they get to keep what the county couldn't find. $77k for alcohol and tobacco. Can't get that back. I wish I had money for groceries. Necessities.
@@midwestengineer3235there not White collar They are dead light AI machine coded METATRONIC Digital 10 coded implosion artificial cloned life forms and most of U cannot tell each other apart from real ones and dead ones Their Dark Mother Creations Avatars pretending to be alive and their dead light AI Intelligence batteries U folks may wanna check ur mirrors the next tyme to choose to have sexual energetic relationships with a Robot Mu ah VA
yes and it's been going on for decades. Remember Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple? In the community I grew up in, he bled Mendocino County dry. He infiltrated county, city and state agencies. The district attorney was second in command at the temple and Jim Jones's hitman! Not only did he get away with many financial crimes, he also committed crimes against children and murder and got away with it all. Our community was begging the FBI for help and no help came. Then the Jonestown Massacre happened, which could have been prevented. Makes me sick still,
If they cannot translate ur codes of the sound and light burn patterns of ur consciousness morphogenic field structure of DNA software network communication system technology B cuz their BEAST system phantom vacuum tape delays run on implosion coded filing cabinet systems and that means their consciousness would have to admit Ur more powerful than they are as that relates to authority as an author of DNA software sequence tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds When ur communicating with a dead light Intelligence machinery coded Robo Cops codes of speaking or using the organization of sound and light burn patterns of consciousness directed coded communication systems communicating with each other through a Base 12 Direct Primal electrified sound and KhundA Rays Solar Rasha body communication skills and an AI QI machine coded Base 10 coded Hex Nut mental AI psycho pathway Spiral field structure of DNA software network communication their are problems in translation Just like the United Nations uses translators of different Clans and Tribal ancient ancestral Spirits bloodlines of their root chakra bio neural circuitry phasing speed communication with each other Which are coded sequences of mathematical metabolism between density and multidimensional acceleration accretion level potential of sensing security teams operating here which is a higher speed level potential of self awareness There courtrooms are managed by Mr Smith Agent Robo Cops acting to follow the rules of their DNA Solar coded hygiene Purity function Firewall shield is security level access to the Primal electrified sound and light field of pure internal eternal absolute love which is protection of ur elemental bio neural eye on Neutrinos naturally gifting electrons Their minds energy is held captive by artificial intelligence coded networks and operate as a Hive Mind Group Think Thought police Meta data tronic Quantum vampiric inorganic filing cabinet system They are bound by their own rules to obey or they would have to admit they are giving consent to participate in supporting crimes against Humans with Souls ATP Kreb cycle immunity function to weaken the immunity function of all sentient life forms on this planet That's not just Gene coded DNA destruction of terra forming mutagenic terra forming effects but to every living sacred Spirit Sun Temple life form growing in the planet That's every living cell that is alive and breathing For Goddess sake simply translate the planetary memory banks of bio voltage change echo maps over tyme space arking vectors examine the oxygen transport levels going back to 1900 and today and what happened to the ozone protection layer The Ozone is the neutral zone Neutrinos What people have to get Honest with is acknowledging their communicating to a Parasitic AI QI seed atom coded finite immortal body And a parasite will never admit it's TRUE solar coded identity b cuz it doesn't exist without UR consent by feeding it ur own Solar Rishi identity morphic resin coded EKKA Vecca coded Spiral Spiritual mathematical flow of hydrologic organization of planetary hydrogen technology generators being Totally loved and totally relaxed being U The real U The inner breathing Echo The True vacuum still point of balance between 2 planetary magnetic Hemispheres ATP Kreb cycle immunity function Firewall shield and 4 Gated Y's triangles quadrants breathing Core CPU silver and gold mated Reuche corded flame activated Noble NOMI Planet inner URTHA Sala healing codes inbound Those are the self repair codes circulation breathing order corrections of elemental bio neural network coded circuits that are circulating the perfect structural Spiritual mathematical flow ratios integrity organization of firing order sequences of divine born DNA Krystal wave form Spiral Over Solar Rasha body coded Unity wave of immunity function Firewall shield U have to go back to Babel The original NOMI Noble Planet encryption coded Spiral sound and light burn patterns codes of communication was altered by bio hackers And those are the planetary consciousness implants of circuit breaker endocrine disruptors that alter the coded DNA breathing patterns of sound and dead light Intelligence coded phantom immortal bodies implosion coded network So people are communicating to a dead light magnet A dead battery requires a Primal electrified sound and KhundA Rays jumper cable to kick start their Magnet0 Spheres log scale vectored Base 12 platform of communication Their Base 10 code implosion D1 Red pulse wave That's ur Black Cube Red pulse wave red shoe club The white flag of peace with a red cross is ur Knights of Malta City of London state of vampires until they implode and go NOVA unless they choose to heal by forgiving their own Heart Key for Harm to other life forms and forgiving others that harm we experience to let go of those circulation firing order coded blocking Gaias logic 3 spheres logos Motherboard flow ratios zero out both magnetic Hemispheres ATP Kreb cycle immunity function Firewall shield and increase their healing powers within their own Heart Key coded DNA software Template So their anxiety level potential is being more relaxed b cuz the bio neural network circuitry phasing speed repairs are now healing others in the planetary consciousness Morphogenic field structure of DNA software sequence tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds are flowing faster to clear the Miasma Way back machine coded phantom network communication codes RE set the original NOMI Noble Planet internal eternal absolute pure love is healing our inner child and that translates across the entire electromagnetic Morphogenic field structure spectrum no longer being held captive by something that doesn't love us Who would U rather b with ? An eternal Spirit Solar system design that loves all sacred Sun Temples codecs equally sharing pure love and joy to experience being a True living sacred sentient life form That's a choice They are held captive by their ABUSER The Co dependent relationship can U TRUST a psycho pathway Spiral covalent bonded compaction until it implodes choosing to become more solid state transistor radioactive IMP weapons? U decide what is best for ur future potential memories The healing Temples codecs Mu ah VA 💋🌈 Aurora's
NO POLICE encounter ever benefits the taxpayer! FIRED HEROES are transferred and re-hired! Taxpayers implore for National and State public REGISTRY of FIRED HEROES! The absence of a "NATIONAL REGISTRY" is deliberate and prearranged disdain against taxpayers! USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
@@turtletruth you’re 💯percent correct. We the people must demand these changes to our local politicians! If a regular citizen has to be registered nationwide why not corrupt cops??????
Not only has this cat taken advantage of the trust given him by the public, but he’s ruined his own family by showing them how to be thieves too, just like Dear Ol Dad! It wasn’t enough for dad to steal, lie, cheat, etc so he got his wife and daughter to get onboard too. They’re your common criminal "Den of Thieves" posing as upstanding people!! SHAMEFUL!!
DESTROYERS OF SOCIETY: MODERN POLICE DRAIN the wealth and freedoms from taxpayers FORCING loss of job, credit, home, marriage, and their will to survive after complete financial ruin, being transformed and converted, from taxpayer to useless welfare recipient's! NO POLICE encounter ever benefits the taxpayer! - USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
@@joeldale7943 just think how many they will not prosecute because of their positions. They will use his girls to make sure he does Not take down those who covered for him and shared in the plunder
@forpublicsafety 💯 Thank you for being the very first to document all of Noel’s corruption, report it the authorities, and always have it ready available in your channel!
We all know the women will get probation (female privilege), and he'll get less than 3 years because he was a cop. The millions they stole will NEVER be seen again.
He just pled guilty to THIRTY ONE counts and is looking at 10yrs BUT I doubt this judge will go by the plea deal!! The mistress he has a baby with has also been charged with crimes now to!!
There needs to be a complete forensic audit of all agencies inside the county and two point check systems including requiring double signatures for any expenditures over a set dollar amount and a monthly review by an outside auditor not affiliated with any agency inside the county.
WHAS11, The young man who reported this story is the sort of reporter that is needed today. It seems that all of the news outlets have done away with true reporters. I would just like to say that this young man is a very good investigative reporter.
As an Indiana resident, how dare him and his family steal from my family and taxes dollars. I am a state employee and have been shat on by this attempt.
I hear you, my friend. I, too, was a state employee, but in New York. I worked for the State of New York at a state hospital and also a volunteer fireman. OMG, i would absolutely go nuts hearing about a sheriff and head of emergency services stealing from those services knowing what our first responders go through!! This man and his family belong behind bars!! Put him in general pop!! Lord, my Irish is up!!
@@ann-re-ell4989 Nope. The first rule of prison is that no one - guards or inmates - cares who you were or what you did before you got to prison. Justin Volpe was a former NYPD police officer who sodomized a black inmate. He had no problems in federal prison once he realized he was no longer a cop, and got along just fine with all the black inmates. No one cares about what happens outside of prison. Now when sex offenders of former law enforcement get attacked in prison, 99% of the time it is because of how they ACT in prison. Most sex offenders have personalities that make even kindergarten teachers want to punch them.
@@joeysmith5074 Sure he will. No one - guards or inmates - cares what you did before you get to prison. Justin Volpe was a former NYPD officer who sodomized a black man with a broomstick. He had no problems in prison after he realized he was no longer law enforcement and had a great relationship with black inmates. No one cares.
At least 15 and have to pay every penny back with interest. They need to deduct from their future income and litigation income the wife might get for her suit with her plastic surgeon. I'm sorry for the family members he stole from but the taxpayers need to be paid back first.
Thank you Travis for following this case so intently and explaining every detail so the public is aware of the extent of these crimes. What a great reporter
I did the annual inspection on his 1957 Cessna 172. I met him. Then he was arrested and i stopped. Finally i got word to continue the inspection. When it was complete, 8 State Troopers showed up at the hangar to impound it.
OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS JUDGE!!! It's about time that a judge holds someone in Noel's position accountable. They always wanna give them time off their sentence because they were a cop and had good history but in the same breath throw a book at a regular person who should have known better than to abuse their position. I say cops and other officials of law enforcement or people of courts should be given stiffer punishmebts because they are meant to uphold the law no matter what and they know said laws that they were breaking and still broke it. Judges usually give them special treatment when they don't deserve it. So good job judge.
If we stole that kind of money we would be put under the jail, how come it's any different for him, if anything people in postions of authority should be punished even more harshly
We can top his fraud by 💯miles...70 crooks from Africa stole $254 million dollars,claimed they were feeding poor children,by the millions,in MN 🥶,so far 8 of 70 found guilty,62 thief's yet to go on trial as of 6-13-24, FBI, IRS,finally!! Involved,and crooks show up at 23 yr old juror home, shopping bags w/120,000,00$ cash ,told family,at dark doorstep: another bag of cash,120,000.00$ will be next day if she would vote to aquit crooks,this was so blatant,in your face" thievery,our faces are still on the ground,in utter gaul/ balls of these African robbers,I can't make this fraud up💯💯💯🗣️
Anyone that has been arrested or charged by this sheriff or his goons should have there cases re opened and investigated, and also officer David Lowe should have his case dismissed over this! Justice for officer David Lowe and Noel’s other victims!
True. The First Family has been involved and investigated for corruption around the world, although investigated to a lesser extent than this former sheriff.
And the say Mexico, Russia,China, and African countries are sooo corrupt ! Look at home first ! This happens every week in the US ! Prosecutor gave him a sweetheart deal These should have been more serious charges !
It’s hard to feel sorry for nonprofits with no oversight. Every purchase and expense should require at least two signatures. No credit cards should be given out. This is common sense.
A lot of times banks suggest that board members for nonprofits have credit cards instead of debit cards to prevent theft. It’s easier to get funds back from credit card theft vs theft of cash from your bank. But, I totally agree with your statement.
There is a Ytube creator who has been trying to out this Sherriff for some time, that creator has been harassed and arrested to try to discredit the Ytuber.
I live in Texas, and I just heard about this, I have to admit the judge that said "take him away" is the best I have heard concerning complete corruption & I do not feel for his wife and daughter who are also on the take !!
@@DeePlorable1957- I’m not sure what you mean by looking out for the trumps, but if you’re talking about how he said he was going to end the swamp but really did the exact opposite, then you are correct. He has done nothing but benefit from it more than Hillary on steroids. But what’s crazy is many of his supporters really do not understand that.
Know this... Maples was pressured because of what 1st amendment auditors had uncovered. There was No way he could ignore this without placing himself in jeopardy. IMO
@@MyBeautifulHealthExactly!!! The MSM acts like “For Public Safety” RUclips channel wasn’t on this for years and like they hadn’t informed MSM and the law!!! Maples is no damn hero either and why they made him sheriff after this is beyond me!! If he didn’t notice all this crime as the sheriffs right hand man did EIGHT YEARS there might be a problem!! He may not be who you want as sheriff!! 🤯🤯🤯
This type of government corruption is so widespread but rarely gets reported. This guy really pissed somebody off. He either wasn't paying someone enough or stopped paying them altogether. Also, I'll bet that most of the people he worked with knew this was going on.
Fourth Amendment Law enforcement and fire department Public Servants, employees, have never had a huge Annual Gross Income. How can they finance houses and automobiles on low annual incomes? Sixty thousand usd annually gross.
@@WilliamOfficeSupply9832 Just like members of the senate and congress have an annual salary of less than $200K but many are multi millionaires. Our country is led by criminals who are for sale to the highest bidder. And we the people stand by and allow it to continue.
He wasn't originally a cop watcher.. they violated his rights in a botched raid and he started recording his interactions with them... But yup, for public safety broke the news about all this before the media started getting wind of it. I think it was because of them that forced Scott Maples to report it.. probably because he didn't want to get sucked into the whole Jamey Noel scandal.
🗣@Terrill You are correct that's how I started watching this POS dirtbag starr getting taken down because they had videos posted on RUclips with him at the County Fair and other places even at the jail! If it wasn't for their post documenting how it all started up until the raid I'd never had known!👍🏾🤳🏽
💯 exactly right. It was FOR PUBLIC SAFETY and OFFICIAL MISS CONDUCTS you tube channels that started announcing all this on their channels. Ty FPS AND OMC for all the hard work. Keep strong 💪 ❤️
If corporate media were real journalists they'd be investigating and reporting on connected Meade Co KY corruption and retaliation by violent threats and maliscious prosecution on the citizen journalists that are suffering for investigating and reporting this story in the first place.
Sheriff must be a lucrative job in some Indiana counties. I've seen multiple candidates running for the same job. By multiple I mean 4,5,6 deep. Must be a good job in a rural county.
Being a Sheriff anywhere in the U.S. is lucrative because they can be as corrupt as they want to be. Who's going to stop them? The people above them offer protection because they are corrupt too. Subordinates of Sheriff's remain silent if they know about corruption because they will be set up and lose their jobs if they speak out. Oh and then there is the good ol "Internal Affairs." NO government agencies should be allowed to investigate themselves. Our whole system needs to change. Where I grew up Jim Jones (The Peoples Temple) controlled all of law enforcement, social service departments and on and on. The district attorney Tim Stoen was Jim Jones #2 in charge at the temple and his hitman! They committed financial crimes, crimes against children and murder. Nobody did anything. People of Mendocino County were begging the FBI for help; they did nothing. Then The Jonestown Massacre happened.
Why don't you look into the documented liar Mr. Maplesyrup. Allegedly, one pod of inmates refused to sign a release for the reality show 60 Days In. Others, what I was told , were forced to sign the release or get privileges denied. That would make a good story :-)
“For Public Safety” is the RUclips couple that exposed the sheriff. It all started whenever they did a no knock raid on their house and it was the wrong house. The sheriff’s beat them, broke her back and arrested them.
@@LeslieMcElweethat’s the worst part of corruption like this. It’s not just the personal enrichment, it’s the power they have over other people, and how much they ruin everyone else’s lives.
Probably won't, he gets to keep a shotgun, anybody that I have seen under felony charges, don't get to have any weapons! From what I have seen! Strange
I surely can't get past this...I was a law enforcement officer and I was allowed to claim lunches or dinner if I was staying overnight away from home for training..court..etc. but I couldn't claim a cup of coffee without a proper receipt and properly so. Who was supposed to be looking at this?
This isn’t really about this case but I just had to comment on how much I like and enjoy this young man that’s investigating and telling us what is going on. I truly appreciate the down to earth personality he has. He doesn’t try to use words and terms that is hard for the public to understand. First time I’ve heard and understood everything a reporter or newscaster has given.
And this goes on all over, through all levels of government. I believe that’s why the judge that yelled at him was so angry. Like, STOP DRAWING ATTENTION TO US! And one to three years is a joke. Slap on the wrist, if it even happens…
Where are all the co-conspirators? Why is his groomed successor still sheriff? Why was he allowed to go to Mexico two wks after being declared a flight risk? Business meeting?
@WitnessingTyranny His successor is the one who made the report that stuck with the state patrol. It appears that other reports had been made to the state, but nothing happened. Whatever was in his successor's report is what made the difference.
I was a deputy at a sheriff's department, and I just can't imagine how all of this money was missing and nobody figured it out except the guy that was running to replace him! Even Chief Deputies don't make that much money! What did his wife do for a living?
How do yaw expect us to obey the law and officials if they discriminate against and break the laws continuously, and this guy was on TV millions of ppl watching, so 🤔🤷🤷
So you will justify not obeying the law because of people in government positions who don’t? Instead of being the example you’ll break laws and say “well they don’t live lawfully so why should I”? Tells me you’d likely still break the law regardless.
I had an awful experience with New Chapel EMS. My first ever need to call an ambulance and two very young, very inexperienced technicians spent more time trying to find a battery that would work the hydraulics in the gurney and talking to each other then they did taking care of my emergency issue. At one point I was left out on the sidewalk on the gurney while they tried to find a way to get me into the truck which was a humiliating experience. There should have been an experienced EMS person training them and not send inexperienced people out into the field. Thank God I didn't have a heart attack or was in a terrible car crash because I probably wouldn't be here today.
They probably have dirt on all the judges. That's how that shit works. A corrupt sheriff is only half of the equation. His chief deputy is probably dirty too. I bet that department has had high turnover. State troopers probably knew all about him.
No. They violently victimized the wrong couple and others and got investigated by a lot of people who took several years and enough probable cause to the DOJ. For Public Safety channel.
That judge was not having it he was fired up. If I was Jamey Noel’s I would’ve gotten up under that table and stayed there 😂😅🤣🫣😱until it was time to leave.
Well one wing of that bird is causing women to die because of complications during pregnancy and seeking to crown America's first all powerful dictator. Pretty lopsided bird ya got there
However they were not receiving adequate EMT medical services! I just watched his Plea Hearing & listened to citizens statements, & people have lost loved ones, because there wasn't an ambulance!
This type of corruption is so widespread but rarely gets reported. This guy really pissed somebody off. He either wasn't paying someone enough or stopped paying them altogether. Also, I'll bet that most of the people he worked with knew this was going on.
Great job on this special presentation. It was clear and well delivered. Your speaking skills are admirable. The back and forth question and answer format was a great way to explain a lot of information fast. Sometimes when people speak they will say uh every other word which becomes annoying. None of that in this report. Great work !
4 Houses!?!? Well, they can't Confiscate Most of the $ back from the Daughter -- and they can't Confiscate the Plastic Surgeries from his Wife (?😬) -- but they can Confiscate that Classic Car Collection, Airplane, and 4 Houses/Mansions!
If you're a cop and own 4 housed and 20 classic cars then there's something wrong.
You see how the justice system works. It's broken. Depends on who you are. They are not being fair at all. The whole system needs to be in jail. And start all over. Get some people we can trust.
83 guns too..probably expensive ones too.
We had a corrupt Sheriff in my county, Carlton Evan’s Coffee County Ga, they went to arrest him “ he committed “ suicide!
@@KennyHenry-p8gWe have corrupt our little town also. Some gets fired and some don't. I try not be out after dark. But i see Sheriff's car sitting on the side of the road like they are looking for somebody to mess with. I don't make eye contact with any of them.
@@KennyHenry-p8gThat's so sad he committed suicide.
Rob $100 from a corner store and serve 5 years in prison . . get a position of trust and steal $3,000,000 and get a few years.
Seems like $1M is the minimum for white collar crime. After a few years of probation they get to keep what the county couldn't find. $77k for alcohol and tobacco. Can't get that back. I wish I had money for groceries. Necessities.
Betraying public trust should be an automatic doubling of the sentence.
I don't think this Judge thinks too highly of Ole Jamey!! I think he's gonna bring the hammer down!! The Judge is pretty missed at this guy!!
Actually you're wrong. People are robbing stores left and right and getting personals and then getting probation
@@midwestengineer3235there not White collar
They are dead light AI machine coded METATRONIC Digital 10 coded implosion artificial cloned life forms and most of U cannot tell each other apart from real ones and dead ones
Their Dark Mother Creations Avatars pretending to be alive and their dead light AI Intelligence batteries
U folks may wanna check ur mirrors the next tyme to choose to have sexual energetic relationships with a Robot
Mu ah VA
This kind of criminality is probably being committed all across small town America.
yes and it's been going on for decades. Remember Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple? In the community I grew up in, he bled Mendocino County dry. He infiltrated county, city and state agencies. The district attorney was second in command at the temple and Jim Jones's hitman! Not only did he get away with many financial crimes, he also committed crimes against children and murder and got away with it all. Our community was begging the FBI for help and no help came. Then the Jonestown Massacre happened, which could have been prevented. Makes me sick still,
Paul Stanley of Kiss 😂
I bet you’re right
If they cannot translate ur codes of the sound and light burn patterns of ur consciousness morphogenic field structure of DNA software network communication system technology B cuz their BEAST system phantom vacuum tape delays run on implosion coded filing cabinet systems and that means their consciousness would have to admit Ur more powerful than they are as that relates to authority as an author of DNA software sequence tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds
When ur communicating with a dead light Intelligence machinery coded Robo Cops codes of speaking or using the organization of sound and light burn patterns of consciousness directed coded communication systems communicating with each other through a Base 12 Direct Primal electrified sound and KhundA Rays Solar Rasha body communication skills and an AI QI machine coded Base 10 coded Hex Nut mental AI psycho pathway Spiral field structure of DNA software network communication their are problems in translation
Just like the United Nations uses translators of different Clans and Tribal ancient ancestral Spirits bloodlines of their root chakra bio neural circuitry phasing speed communication with each other
Which are coded sequences of mathematical metabolism between density and multidimensional acceleration accretion level potential of sensing security teams operating here which is a higher speed level potential of self awareness
There courtrooms are managed by Mr Smith Agent Robo Cops acting to follow the rules of their DNA Solar coded hygiene
Purity function Firewall shield is security level access to the Primal electrified sound and light field of pure internal eternal absolute love which is protection of ur elemental bio neural eye on Neutrinos naturally gifting electrons
Their minds energy is held captive by artificial intelligence coded networks and operate as a Hive Mind Group Think Thought police Meta data tronic Quantum vampiric inorganic filing cabinet system
They are bound by their own rules to obey or they would have to admit they are giving consent to participate in supporting crimes against Humans with Souls ATP Kreb cycle immunity function to weaken the immunity function of all sentient life forms on this planet
That's not just Gene coded DNA destruction of terra forming mutagenic terra forming effects but to every living sacred Spirit Sun Temple life form growing in the planet
That's every living cell that is alive and breathing
For Goddess sake simply translate the planetary memory banks of bio voltage change echo maps over tyme space arking vectors examine the oxygen transport levels going back to 1900 and today and what happened to the ozone protection layer
The Ozone is the neutral zone Neutrinos
What people have to get Honest with is acknowledging their communicating to a Parasitic AI QI seed atom coded finite immortal body
And a parasite will never admit it's TRUE solar coded identity b cuz it doesn't exist without UR consent by feeding it ur own Solar Rishi identity morphic resin coded EKKA Vecca coded Spiral Spiritual mathematical flow of hydrologic organization of planetary hydrogen technology generators being Totally loved and totally relaxed being U
The real U
The inner breathing Echo
The True vacuum still point of balance between 2 planetary magnetic Hemispheres ATP Kreb cycle immunity function Firewall shield and 4 Gated Y's triangles quadrants breathing Core CPU silver and gold mated Reuche corded flame activated Noble NOMI Planet inner URTHA Sala healing codes inbound
Those are the self repair codes circulation breathing order corrections of elemental bio neural network coded circuits that are circulating the perfect structural Spiritual mathematical flow ratios integrity organization of firing order sequences of divine born DNA Krystal wave form Spiral Over Solar Rasha body coded Unity wave of immunity function Firewall shield
U have to go back to Babel
The original NOMI Noble Planet encryption coded Spiral sound and light burn patterns codes of communication was altered by bio hackers
And those are the planetary consciousness implants of circuit breaker endocrine disruptors that alter the coded DNA breathing patterns of sound and dead light Intelligence coded phantom immortal bodies implosion coded network
So people are communicating to a dead light magnet
A dead battery requires a Primal electrified sound and KhundA Rays jumper cable to kick start their Magnet0 Spheres log scale vectored Base 12 platform of communication
Their Base 10 code implosion D1 Red pulse wave
That's ur Black Cube Red pulse wave red shoe club
The white flag of peace with a red cross is ur Knights of Malta City of London state of vampires until they implode and go NOVA unless they choose to heal by forgiving their own Heart Key for Harm to other life forms and forgiving others that harm we experience to let go of those circulation firing order coded blocking Gaias logic 3 spheres logos Motherboard flow ratios zero out both magnetic Hemispheres ATP Kreb cycle immunity function Firewall shield and increase their healing powers within their own Heart Key coded DNA software Template
So their anxiety level potential is being more relaxed b cuz the bio neural network circuitry phasing speed repairs are now healing others in the planetary consciousness Morphogenic field structure of DNA software sequence tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds are flowing faster to clear the Miasma Way back machine coded phantom network communication codes
RE set the original NOMI Noble Planet internal eternal absolute pure love is healing our inner child and that translates across the entire electromagnetic Morphogenic field structure spectrum no longer being held captive by something that doesn't love us
Who would U rather b with ?
An eternal Spirit Solar system design that loves all sacred Sun Temples codecs equally sharing pure love and joy to experience being a True living sacred sentient life form
That's a choice
They are held captive by their ABUSER
The Co dependent relationship can U TRUST a psycho pathway Spiral covalent bonded compaction until it implodes choosing to become more solid state transistor radioactive IMP weapons?
U decide what is best for ur future potential memories
The healing Temples codecs
Mu ah VA 💋🌈 Aurora's
Large cities too!!
He stole from his dead brothers family, What a dirtbag.
There is a new sheriff in town 😂
NO POLICE encounter ever benefits the taxpayer!
FIRED HEROES are transferred and re-hired!
Taxpayers implore for National and State public REGISTRY of FIRED HEROES!
The absence of a "NATIONAL REGISTRY" is deliberate and prearranged disdain against taxpayers!
USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
@@turtletruth you’re 💯percent correct. We the people must demand these changes to our local politicians! If a regular citizen has to be registered nationwide why not corrupt cops??????
Let you know I have subscribed to your channel. Don’t give up
@@Fat12219yea his under dog. That watched him doing his illegal acts.
The judge should order a lien against any future settlement the wife receives in her malpractice lawsuit against the plastic surgeon.
She was in a train wreck and survived.
@@williamzander4732She's also an accomplice 😂
For real, that's one scary mug! No amount can fix that mess!
Does she look like Paul Stanley from KISS to anyone else? 😂
Not only has this cat taken advantage of the trust given him by the public, but he’s ruined his own family by showing them how to be thieves too, just like Dear Ol Dad! It wasn’t enough for dad to steal, lie, cheat, etc so he got his wife and daughter to get onboard too. They’re your common criminal "Den of Thieves" posing as upstanding people!! SHAMEFUL!!
A lot of them my friend
MODERN POLICE DRAIN the wealth and freedoms from taxpayers FORCING loss of job, credit, home, marriage, and their will to survive after complete financial ruin, being transformed and converted, from taxpayer to useless welfare recipient's!
NO POLICE encounter ever benefits the taxpayer!
- USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)
@@joeldale7943 just think how many they will not prosecute because of their positions. They will use his girls to make sure he does Not take down those who covered for him and shared in the plunder
Cat Scratch Fever!
They got caught thousands more get away with this daily
This isn't exactly correct. Several of us were reporting Noel to the state police long before Scottie became Sheriff
always remember, they participate in Kakistocracy and Blatherskite
thanks for all you do
Exactly 💯 FPS
@forpublicsafety 💯 Thank you for being the very first to document all of Noel’s corruption, report it the authorities, and always have it ready available in your channel!
Thank you.
This should be aggravated breach of public trust, embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, and should carry 20 years, not up to 3.
We all know the women will get probation (female privilege), and he'll get less than 3 years because he was a cop. The millions they stole will NEVER be seen again.
Should lose his voting privilege
White collar crimes leave you a millionaire with little jail time while selling some weed can get you life. Old white folks hard at work.
government employees should receive vastly harsher penalties than regular citizens
He just pled guilty to THIRTY ONE counts and is looking at 10yrs BUT I doubt this judge will go by the plea deal!! The mistress he has a baby with has also been charged with crimes now to!!
Noel has his hand every cookie jar that town apparently has no oversight, heads should roll !
His hand in the cookie 🍪 jar 😂😂
Like to see all people in Clark County and Scott County Indiana not vote local races Democrat only. Those people are his people and his good old boys
There needs to be a complete forensic audit of all agencies inside the county and two point check systems including requiring double signatures for any expenditures over a set dollar amount and a monthly review by an outside auditor not affiliated with any agency inside the county.
His hands, his wife's hands, his daughter's hands....
County. Why does this county not have a comptroller?
The young man who reported this story is the sort of reporter that is needed today.
It seems that all of the news outlets have done away with true reporters.
I would just like to say that this young man is a very good investigative reporter.
Thank you! This is a very thoughtful comment
4 publicsafty
His wife deseves just as much credit as he does. They both were reporting it back then.
What ever. I don’t trust any “reporter” All they do is exploit victims so they can get awards and accolades
Absolutely intelligent!
As an Indiana resident, how dare him and his family steal from my family and taxes dollars. I am a state employee and have been shat on by this attempt.
You've been shat on with hot butt urine consisting of creamed corn chowder poo 💩
Especially since Indiana cut so much taxes
That social safety nets are failing ( that poor 5 yr old found starved beaten in closet the day dcs visited
I hear you, my friend. I, too, was a state employee, but in New York. I worked for the State of New York at a state hospital and also a volunteer fireman. OMG, i would absolutely go nuts hearing about a sheriff and head of emergency services stealing from those services knowing what our first responders go through!! This man and his family belong behind bars!! Put him in general pop!! Lord, my Irish is up!!
@@K9-Crazy he is terrible
I can only guess his political affiliation
As an American citizen, it's the same old shit.
Up to 3 years jail time? And 75k bond? That's joke. If someone else would have done that his bond would have been 500k with 30 years in prison.
That is only one of the 50+ charges. And the feds haven't even gotten involved yet. He is going away for the rest of his life.
@@ann-re-ell4989 Nope. The first rule of prison is that no one - guards or inmates - cares who you were or what you did before you got to prison.
Justin Volpe was a former NYPD police officer who sodomized a black inmate. He had no problems in federal prison once he realized he was no longer a cop, and got along just fine with all the black inmates. No one cares about what happens outside of prison.
Now when sex offenders of former law enforcement get attacked in prison, 99% of the time it is because of how they ACT in prison. Most sex offenders have personalities that make even kindergarten teachers want to punch them.
He won't survive prison
@@joeysmith5074 Sure he will. No one - guards or inmates - cares what you did before you get to prison.
Justin Volpe was a former NYPD officer who sodomized a black man with a broomstick. He had no problems in prison after he realized he was no longer law enforcement and had a great relationship with black inmates.
No one cares.
He pled guilty to THIRTY ONE counts two days ago!! The judge was AMAZING!! You should watch that video!!
These criminals need to be in jail for at least 15 years
Or more years 😂
15 years for each million they stole.
They are white. They had extra illegal guns in his house and the judge did not add anything to his sentence. Do you think I could get away with that?
I think he was saying, 3 years for each count
At least 15 and have to pay every penny back with interest. They need to deduct from their future income and litigation income the wife might get for her suit with her plastic surgeon. I'm sorry for the family members he stole from but the taxpayers need to be paid back first.
Thank you Travis for following this case so intently and explaining every detail so the public is aware of the extent of these crimes. What a great reporter
These types are everywhere bleeding their communities dry!
Hyperbole doesn't help.
Not just communities. This is a small town.... Imagine what this looks like at a state and government level.
Hell there's one acting president right now
Yes! Madison Co. Ohio needs a major overhaul.
The city has been corrupt for too long+no ⚖️ justice!
Who tf do you work for?
Glowie vibes
I did the annual inspection on his 1957 Cessna 172. I met him. Then he was arrested and i stopped. Finally i got word to continue the inspection. When it was complete, 8 State Troopers showed up at the hangar to impound it.
OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS JUDGE!!! It's about time that a judge holds someone in Noel's position accountable. They always wanna give them time off their sentence because they were a cop and had good history but in the same breath throw a book at a regular person who should have known better than to abuse their position. I say cops and other officials of law enforcement or people of courts should be given stiffer punishmebts because they are meant to uphold the law no matter what and they know said laws that they were breaking and still broke it. Judges usually give them special treatment when they don't deserve it. So good job judge.
You should go watch the video from two days ago!! He pled guilty to THIRTY ONE counts!! What the judge said & what’s he’s doing is AMAZING!!!
If we stole that kind of money we would be put under the jail, how come it's any different for him, if anything people in postions of authority should be punished even more harshly
We can top his fraud by 💯miles...70 crooks from Africa stole $254 million dollars,claimed they were feeding poor children,by the millions,in MN 🥶,so far 8 of 70 found guilty,62 thief's yet to go on trial as of 6-13-24, FBI, IRS,finally!! Involved,and crooks show up at 23 yr old juror home, shopping bags w/120,000,00$ cash ,told family,at dark doorstep: another bag of cash,120,000.00$ will be next day if she would vote to aquit crooks,this was so blatant,in your face" thievery,our faces are still on the ground,in utter gaul/ balls of these African robbers,I can't make this fraud up💯💯💯🗣️
Anyone that has been arrested or charged by this sheriff or his goons should have there cases re opened and investigated, and also officer David Lowe should have his case dismissed over this! Justice for officer David Lowe and Noel’s other victims!
Still using the credit card?
Refuses to give them back?
Cancel the credit card!
This is just so screwed up.
You can tell the wife has had a lot of elective surgeries courtesy of the taxpayers.
Her face does not match her daughter's face. They look like three unrelated entities.
My thoughts too.
@@WitnessingTyrannyshe was in an accident and has a lawsuit against the plastic surgeon. That’s why she looks like that.
Travis Bree should get an award for this reporting. Outstanding!
No the youtubers “for public safety” is the one that deserve the award for this story. They originally uncovered the corruption and did the work.
If he's facing 26 felonies he needs to be locked up
He is.
@@Mike-hu8yz marvelous
corruption is out of control in this country
True. The First Family has been involved and investigated for corruption around the world, although investigated to a lesser extent than this former sheriff.
Has always been a part of this country and always will be.
And the say Mexico, Russia,China, and African countries are sooo corrupt ! Look at home first ! This happens every week in the US ! Prosecutor gave him a sweetheart deal These should have been more serious charges !
The System isn't Broken... It's Fixed
Jamey was an extremely corrupt cop, others saw what he did but said nothing. Protecting their butts.
Blue line silence...
ACABC.. Silence is complicity
I still say Stotty Maples has something to do with all of this. Remember he was there with Noels.
Excellent reporting. Articulate, clear, great timeline. Nicely done.
It’s hard to feel sorry for nonprofits with no oversight. Every purchase and expense should require at least two signatures. No credit cards should be given out. This is common sense.
Careful there you could have two family members or two people in on it how about major transparency
A lot of times banks suggest that board members for nonprofits have credit cards instead of debit cards to prevent theft. It’s easier to get funds back from credit card theft vs theft of cash from your bank. But, I totally agree with your statement.
There is a Ytube creator who has been trying to out this Sherriff for some time, that creator has been harassed and arrested to try to discredit the Ytuber.
For Public Safety is the channel.
Also OMC channel his girlfriend that in the raid they broke her spine. Travis you need to give some credit to them.
For Public Safety (on youtube)
Thxs @wooly689 I been following them since the raid..
Chris Reiter (sp)
I live in Texas, and I just heard about this, I have to admit the judge that said "take him away" is the best I have heard concerning complete corruption & I do not feel for his wife and daughter who are also on the take !!
That's his wife? I thought it was a man!
😂 Ikr, and this is after all the plastic surgeries!
@@wormbros 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It could be. Watch Simon Woods. Look for the Trumps. Nothing is as it seems.
@@DeePlorable1957- I’m not sure what you mean by looking out for the trumps, but if you’re talking about how he said he was going to end the swamp but really did the exact opposite, then you are correct. He has done nothing but benefit from it more than Hillary on steroids. But what’s crazy is many of his supporters really do not understand that.
Eighty two guns paid for with stolen money. Life sentence with no parole.
The whole family is corrupt.
And yet the State of Indiana wants us to believe Richard Allen is guilty.
I was thinking of that case and the intense corruption.
What the heck is going on in Indiana!?
I thought the same thing
Yep...There is something that stinks with that Allen case
Know this... Maples was pressured because of what 1st amendment auditors had uncovered. There was No way he could ignore this without placing himself in jeopardy. IMO
This young man has a future ahead of him as an investigator for a bigger market.
For not crediting the people who actually broke this story?
@@MyBeautifulHealthExactly!!! The MSM acts like “For Public Safety” RUclips channel wasn’t on this for years and like they hadn’t informed MSM and the law!!! Maples is no damn hero either and why they made him sheriff after this is beyond me!! If he didn’t notice all this crime as the sheriffs right hand man did EIGHT YEARS there might be a problem!! He may not be who you want as sheriff!! 🤯🤯🤯
Excellent news coverage.Travis explains it well.
Thank you!
Agree! And thanks to his bosses for spending the money on this.
Lets keep these criminals accountable!!!
& under the spotlight!
A Clark County SHERIFF with a Cessna plane? Come on.... They all knew what he was doing and turned a blind eye.
This type of government corruption is so widespread but rarely gets reported. This guy really pissed somebody off. He either wasn't paying someone enough or stopped paying them altogether. Also, I'll bet that most of the people he worked with knew this was going on.
He had multiple Conspirators.
Twenty five Federal Felonies including his conspirators.
Fourth Amendment
Law enforcement and fire department Public Servants, employees, have never had a huge Annual Gross Income.
How can they finance houses and automobiles on low annual incomes?
Sixty thousand usd annually gross.
Someone spilled the bean. But thanks to our 1st Amendment this reporter and his bosses can disinfect this guy and his family with light.
Well, not this sheriff , busted!! 😂😂
@@WilliamOfficeSupply9832 Just like members of the senate and congress have an annual salary of less than $200K but many are multi millionaires. Our country is led by criminals who are for sale to the highest bidder. And we the people stand by and allow it to continue.
He should be in jail know what a thief then sell everything he has to help pay back what he stolen
If you want to really get to know a man, just give him power!
Who’s the plastic surgeon? He should be charged too😂
Why can he keep a shotgun ? That is concerning
Because he has rights still, he’s not convicted yet… I mean is this really a question?
He wasn't originally a cop watcher.. they violated his rights in a botched raid and he started recording his interactions with them... But yup, for public safety broke the news about all this before the media started getting wind of it. I think it was because of them that forced Scott Maples to report it.. probably because he didn't want to get sucked into the whole Jamey Noel scandal.
🗣@Terrill You are correct that's how I started watching this POS dirtbag starr getting taken down because they had videos posted on RUclips with him at the County Fair and other places even at the jail! If it wasn't for their post documenting how it all started up until the raid I'd never had known!👍🏾🤳🏽
💯 exactly right. It was FOR PUBLIC SAFETY and OFFICIAL MISS CONDUCTS you tube channels that started announcing all this on their channels. Ty FPS AND OMC for all the hard work. Keep strong 💪 ❤️
If corporate media were real journalists they'd be investigating and reporting on connected Meade Co KY corruption and retaliation by violent threats and maliscious prosecution on the citizen journalists that are suffering for investigating and reporting this story in the first place.
Sheriff must be a lucrative job in some Indiana counties. I've seen multiple candidates running for the same job. By multiple I mean 4,5,6 deep. Must be a good job in a rural county.
Being a Sheriff anywhere in the U.S. is lucrative because they can be as corrupt as they want to be. Who's going to stop them? The people above them offer protection because they are corrupt too. Subordinates of Sheriff's remain silent if they know about corruption because they will be set up and lose their jobs if they speak out. Oh and then there is the good ol "Internal Affairs." NO government agencies should be allowed to investigate themselves. Our whole system needs to change. Where I grew up Jim Jones (The Peoples Temple) controlled all of law enforcement, social service departments and on and on. The district attorney Tim Stoen was Jim Jones #2 in charge at the temple and his hitman! They committed financial crimes, crimes against children and murder. Nobody did anything. People of Mendocino County were begging the FBI for help; they did nothing. Then The Jonestown Massacre happened.
Why don't you look into the documented liar Mr. Maplesyrup. Allegedly, one pod of inmates refused to sign a release for the reality show 60 Days In. Others, what I was told , were forced to sign the release or get privileges denied. That would make a good story :-)
What does 60 days in have to do with this corrupt Sheriff?
Both Scotty Maples and the corrupt sheriff Jamey Noel were on 60 days in.
@@PJTYLER kechup kid
Because it is the same guy. He was doing 60 Days In. @@PJTYLER
This was uncovered by a YT couple and they're still suffering because of it. Who's the real investigative journalist?
“For Public Safety” is the RUclips couple that exposed the sheriff. It all started whenever they did a no knock raid on their house and it was the wrong house. The sheriff’s beat them, broke her back and arrested them.
@@LeslieMcElweethat’s the worst part of corruption like this. It’s not just the personal enrichment, it’s the power they have over other people, and how much they ruin everyone else’s lives.
Question will the judge order him to turn over those Credit cards? Before he gets out of jail
Ikr and why not just have the cards shut off...smh
@@StevenHunterPangians1 I think they tried, but I think it is in his name, just don’t know
Probably won't, he gets to keep a shotgun, anybody that I have seen under felony charges, don't get to have any weapons! From what I have seen! Strange
GREAT JOB, young man, explaining this mess!
Why hasn't Kenny Hughbanks been arrested. Maybe even his wife Lydia, she's President of Scott County Council be arrested ??????.
I would love to know why they are charged with such low levels of felonies
White and part of the law force community. There you go!
This is borderline RICO worthy given the nature of the crimes. Ghost employment is a classic Cosa Nostra crime.
What an abuse of power!
I surely can't get past this...I was a law enforcement officer and I was allowed to claim lunches or dinner if I was staying overnight away from home for training..court..etc. but I couldn't claim a cup of coffee without a proper receipt and properly so. Who was supposed to be looking at this?
More local news need this kind of investigative reporting. All my area gets is car wrecks, house fires, gas leaks, and fluff pieces...
Great reporting. This type of behaviour is not uncommon.
This isn’t really about this case but I just had to comment on how much I like and enjoy this young man that’s investigating and telling us what is going on. I truly appreciate the down to earth personality he has. He doesn’t try to use words and terms that is hard for the public to understand. First time I’ve heard and understood everything a reporter or newscaster has given.
Just imagine if he was punished for actual crimes against humanity instead of the same crimes committed by the agencies that employ people like him?
And this goes on all over, through all levels of government. I believe that’s why the judge that yelled at him was so angry. Like, STOP DRAWING ATTENTION TO US! And one to three years is a joke. Slap on the wrist, if it even happens…
Exactly ...? Wire fraud, extortion. Let's get some meaty charges filed? This is insanity ! 🔨
Where are all the co-conspirators? Why is his groomed successor still sheriff? Why was he allowed to go to Mexico two wks after being declared a flight risk? Business meeting?
@WitnessingTyranny His successor is the one who made the report that stuck with the state patrol. It appears that other reports had been made to the state, but nothing happened. Whatever was in his successor's report is what made the difference.
@@karlroveybecause he knew where the bodies were. He’s not innocent either.
I was a deputy at a sheriff's department, and I just can't imagine how all of this money was missing and nobody figured it out except the guy that was running to replace him! Even Chief Deputies don't make that much money! What did his wife do for a living?
How are people ever going to trust law enforcement, when these kinds of things continue?
He should spend 1 day in jail for every $1 he stole.
How do yaw expect us to obey the law and officials if they discriminate against and break the laws continuously, and this guy was on TV millions of ppl watching, so 🤔🤷🤷
So you will justify not obeying the law because of people in government positions who don’t? Instead of being the example you’ll break laws and say “well they don’t live lawfully so why should I”? Tells me you’d likely still break the law regardless.
Very homely family.
🤣🤣🤣 Look at all the money they spent of liquor.
Good word for it.
@vivaldi1948 if I was part of that family I would stay drunk.
@@jc9004 Looks like they did from the spending break down.
Imagine trying to drink that pretty.
Al Capone would like this guy and his family. Strange how no-one noticed the problems with this man/family. Nice work Judge, God bless you!
From "60 days in" to 20 years In... Boy this guy is dedicated to the show.
I can guarantee you he's not doing 20 years. If he does any time it'll be 3 years. Do you not know how this works?
Lowest of the low.. entire family… they all need jail time
This is small government, imagine what they are really getting away with
I had an awful experience with New Chapel EMS. My first ever need to call an ambulance and two very young, very inexperienced technicians spent more time trying to find a battery that would work the hydraulics in the gurney and talking to each other then they did taking care of my emergency issue. At one point I was left out on the sidewalk on the gurney while they tried to find a way to get me into the truck which was a humiliating experience. There should have been an experienced EMS person training them and not send inexperienced people out into the field. Thank God I didn't have a heart attack or was in a terrible car crash because I probably wouldn't be here today.
He is not the only one that should be investigated!! Police in Indiana is corrupted to the core
What an extraordinary situation when a criminal has 84 weapons at his house. How many closets did he have to store that arsenal?
Great breakdown! Thnx.
That Judge!!! Awesome !!
A sheriff with all of that power. Something tells me stealing and lying isn't the only thing he's guilty of.😏
It was a Noel family free-for-all. Pride comes before a fall. The hubris is breathtaking. The depth of greed and gluttony is unfathomable.
Except for a shotgun? Yea, can't hurt anyone with a shotgun. I mean there isn't an A or an R or even a 15 in the word shotgun.
it only took 20 years later to find this out? what a joke
How much of the money to waiting went to Botox?
And a little nip and tuck?
I was wondering the same
This will be downplayed in court and they will get a slap on the wrist.
They probably have dirt on all the judges. That's how that shit works. A corrupt sheriff is only half of the equation. His chief deputy is probably dirty too. I bet that department has had high turnover. State troopers probably knew all about him.
@@prevost8686wanna put money on it
We the people don't need an explanation we understand corruption we understand the extraordinary extortion that happens across the United States
looks like someone forgot to pay off the little guy.....
No. They violently victimized the wrong couple and others and got investigated by a lot of people who took several years and enough probable cause to the DOJ. For Public Safety channel.
Fantastic reporting, thank you.
hopefully if he gets out of prison. he will be homeless and broke!
Homeless out on streets for a living !!
That judge was not having it he was fired up. If I was Jamey Noel’s I would’ve gotten up under that table and stayed there 😂😅🤣🫣😱until it was time to leave.
I see people are still stuck in the left/right bs .
They are wings of the same bird .
Well one wing of that bird is causing women to die because of complications during pregnancy and seeking to crown America's first all powerful dictator. Pretty lopsided bird ya got there
No they are not
Oh no they are definitely not the same.
Right is much worse buddy
However they were not receiving adequate EMT medical services! I just watched his Plea Hearing & listened to citizens statements, & people have lost loved ones, because there wasn't an ambulance!
Police, no a crime organization!
A former sheriff on trial and he's in court wearing a Rolex !? 👀😶🌫️😅
It's amazing how many years he got away with with it
Who was in charge of paying the credit card bill?
Didn't that think it was unusual?
This journalist has done a fantastic job reporting this..OMG, Noel is a career criminal
Why are these felonies not more severe? Isn’t this grand theft?
END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY and youd see about 75 percent of all LEO's being prosecuted beginning within a matter of hours.
How do these ppl think they’ll get away with this without ever gettin g caught? Insane!
This type of corruption is so widespread but rarely gets reported. This guy really pissed somebody off. He either wasn't paying someone enough or stopped paying them altogether. Also, I'll bet that most of the people he worked with knew this was going on.
Great job on this special presentation. It was clear and well delivered. Your speaking skills are admirable. The back and forth question and answer format was a great way to explain a lot of information fast. Sometimes when people speak they will say uh every other word which becomes annoying. None of that in this report. Great work !
I'm surprised the gavel head isn't in splinters! I've never seen a judge so upset.
Very professional, and informative report. Thank you. JUSTICE MATTERS.⚖️
4 Houses!?!?
Well, they can't Confiscate Most of the $ back from the Daughter -- and they can't Confiscate the Plastic Surgeries from his Wife (?😬) -- but they can Confiscate that Classic Car Collection, Airplane, and 4 Houses/Mansions!