Wow, he ain't lying' when he says marrying without spiritual unity you will be living in a shallow level. I've experienced this... It's a waste of time!!! WAIT ON GOD
Yes because it's so easy to have physical 'unity' (sexual penetration) nowadays, where men are so easy interested in another women, include 'prostitutes' (women who never have skill to loyal).
Everything he is saying is so on point! Too bad I didn’t listen to it before I get married. He’s exactly right when he says marrying the wrong person is 1000 times worse than being single
When he says God doesn't choose your partner, I believe he is saying that he gives us insight into who the right and wrong people could be, but he leaves it up to our free will to choose the right person.
I totally agree... but a lot of believers are spiritual babies, wolves in sheep’s clothing or worse than non- believers (in my experience). There are also very few Christian men compared to women. And don’t want to say, but most of the available ones are very young and the older ones several times divorced with serious issues. Sites like ChristianMingle, etc and churches yield worse mates than even Bumble or Tinder!!! Short of God bringing Adam to us, being in the Christian community seems a waste of time... I do hope to be proven wrong 😂
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He shall make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
"Must Haves" 1. We must have spiritual unity in our marriage - Romans 1:12 2. We must have life purpose compatibility - ephesians 2:10 / 1 Peter 4:10 / Hebrews 3:10 the purpose of marriage is to help you fulfill life purpose. 3. We must both be emotionally healthy Whomever I marry must have - No uncontrolled anger - prov 22:24 - No addictions - No bitterness Heb 13:15 - How are they treating their parents - No greediness prov 23:6 /15:26 - Generosity and kindness proverbs 11:25 / Proverbs 11:17 - Tells the truth prov 20:7 - Prov 28:33
Cheers for the Video clip! Sorry for butting in, I would love your thoughts. Have you researched - Zanackson Pocket Buster (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a great one of a kind product for teaching your child how to read without the headache. Ive heard some decent things about it and my mate at very last got cool results with it.
This is The best sermon I have ever heard on Marriage and relationships! Biblical and Practical with real Truths. Thanks Pastor Rick and Saddleback Church you are a great blessing.
"A bad marriage is 1,000 times worse than being single." Oh how my heart wants to cry at those words...because they are so true. To be married and lonely, to be married and starving is just so gutting.
Wow i have a LOT to work on! No lie 😂😂 i came here seeing how to know if hes the right guy for me and realised i need to work on myself FIRST! And keep God first and all else will follow, my attitudes for sure need to change no doubt about that! Really challenged but thats the kind of preaching I need, something challenging
God can lead you to the right mate only if you allow His holy spirit and His word help you discern what His will is regarding that mate in prospect. Blessings!! 🙏😇💞🌻
Sometimes I am wondering though, if He only led me to this particular individual so we can both heal, but not necessarily to be with each other. Then again, who knows.
You should read the book "God is a Matchmaker," by Derek Prince. It opened my eyes to how involved God is in leading us to marriage, assuming that is his will for us. There is no such thing as the "one," but God definitely has spouses in mind for every one of his children, but as you stated, that requires we listen patiently for the Holy Spirits leadership.
So, they are: 1) spiritual compatibility 2) purpose of life 3) emotionally healthy (no uncontrollable anger, no addictions, no bitterness) 4) selfishness and greedy *** Do not continue a relationship that's going nowhere! ***
Where has the SEX gone ? 1 Corinthians 7:4 NOTHING biblical about their modern teachings on marriage. Ravening wolves emasculating husbands and screwing the marriage bed.
@@joelbolduc3354 that's all true but it's very vague. God will speak on what that means on a personal level. The will of God has to be executed on a personal level.
@@joelbolduc3354 i think they mean more like if one person is called to live as a missionary in another country and the other person is a workaholic and wants to start a business and just donate to the church to fund mission trips, not exactly compatible there..
But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” ~ Matthew 4:4 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” ~ John 4:34 Food for the stomach and the stomach for food,” but God will destroy them both. The body is not intended for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. ~ 1 Corinthians 6:13 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh ~ Genesis 2:24 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” ~ Genesis 2:18 I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs-how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world-how he can please his wife- and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world-how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord ~ 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not ~ 1 Corinthians 7:29
I don't think I've ever remembered a time in my life when I have known of so many Christians who are desiring a Godly spouse. It's very surprising to see how many men are looking for spouses, too.
As a Christian, I had a problem in this area of my life years ago and I had no counsel, no church support, no family guidance, and lack of information. I even went to pre-marital counseling at my church, which was one session and ineffective. I was totally lost. I was a wreck bumping on the side rails of the road. I wasn't a newborn babe in Christ but I wasn't a super mature Christian either. I'm not complaining. I'm happy to see you all seeking knowledge and reaching out for support on this topic. I had the Word of God and I THOUGHT I had faith but I still struggled. However, I can honestly say that God has given me so much wisdom in this area now. I made many mistakes but I'm at peace with God now and God and I are closer than we've ever been. I see now 12 years later, there are some many more resources out their on this topic and the Holy Spirit is moving in this area. It's so refreshing to know that!
I love Pastor Warren and his book Purpose Driven Life. I also found tremendous value in this sermon. However, I find it hard to believe God knows every hair on my head and the plan for my life even before I was born but didn't create a partner for me?? Is Eve from the rib of Adam? I mean that example was right out of a brain from a human if orange doesn't marry orange it's a domino effect. It doesn't work that way. God can create many loves in your life but best believe they are all planned. Amen. Every person you meet is planned. This is just my opinion but I'm open to a different view. Another point I don't agree with is sometimes you meet your partner and then you both find your purpose together. Pastor Warren said if you haven't found your purpose don't even think about getting married. I don't agree with that either. God brings you together so you can find, develop, and or cultivate your purpose sometimes your mate might have the very thing you're missing because it was PLANNED! * updated 2020: I do agree if a man doesn’t have his purpose or income already, don’t marry him. A man who is lost will not be marriage material! That’s facts.
Exactly. Eve was made for Adam. They were specifically destined by God's own hands. Also Pastor Warren said it's not in the Bible, even if we don't count Adam and Eve - what about Rebekah being chosen as Isaac's wife? That was a direct answer to a prayer for the wife who was meant-to-be. Even Jacob and Rachel to an extent. I''m sure there are some others, but these are all that came to mind right now. Also my brother had an experience when he first met his wife that basically told him he was going to marry her. So I know it happens. It probably just doesn't happen for everyone, like most things in God's ways. We don't understand why it happens for some and not others. I also believe every person you meet and interact with is planned by God. Even to the smallest detail, and like you said the hairs on your head. There are no coincidences. Many things in my life and other people's lives have taught me that. God is amazing and plans our lives more than we could ever know. And yes we make the choices, but there is a fine line between God destining us for something and us choosing to do it. Just like Jesus told Peter, Peter was going to deny him 3 times and Peter said he would never do such a thing - yet he did it, even with the foreknowledge. And Jesus forgave him and planned for it. We make the choice but God knows what we're going to choose and plans accordingly. It's a thing I've been struggling to wrap my brain around after a very strange, seemingly-predestined trial I've been going through this year. Like in Peter's case, I've been trying to decide if I chose it and God planned accordingly, or if I did it because God destined it to be so. But really it's almost like they're one in the same in most, if not all, cases. It just depends on which way you look at it. God's ways are unfathomable; we are on the mere fringe of understanding. Overall good message and points though. I just disagreed with that point - like a friend of mine that insisted there was no such thing as prophetic dreams just because he's never had any (but I have, many times, and he didn't believe me). Nope. Not the way to put God in a box. He treats us as individuals and speaks to us in the ways that best fulfill His purpose and His glory for each of us, and in ways that we as a finite human being can comprehend.
Last to let go: God brings you together so you can find, develop, and or cultivate your purpose sometimes your mate might have the very thing you're missing because it was PLANNED! - that is beautiful and makes sense to me.
Yes God knows your hair, he created you. Do you do crochet, if yes, you know exacle how or how many stitches you did to crochet that baby socks. I bake, I know my famous short bread recipe. The brain we have and knowledge is nothing compared to God. His amazing.
"All things work together for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes." Follow God's precepts, don't date non-believers and He promises to bless the choices you make.
This is incredible! It’s beyond extremely rare for any podcast / lecture to hold my attention for more than 15-20 mins these days n the fact that you’ve held my attention this whole time and I am growing even more in love with God because u were His vessel tonight....I am truly blessed and may The Most High God bless YOU and all reading this forever more 💖
I love this sermon. #1 Spiritual Unity// please listen and wait for someone who is on the same spiritual page. my biggest regret is all the special time I lost with God.
I agree with almost everything in this message! Rick Warren’s points about choosing a spouse are Biblical, wise, and insightful. However, I disagree that physical attraction does not matter, because the fact is it does. It’s really sad that so many people go to the extreme and assume that if physical attraction matters to you then you are superficial, that’s essentially what Rick was saying. The truth is no matter how spiritual and amazing a person is, if you can’t imagine yourself waking up to the person for the rest of your life, then walk away. Looks aren’t everything, but they are a piece of the puzzle!
Song of Solomon certainly talks about attraction! It matters!
5 лет назад+6
Whatever you resist persists. This is so true. When I was in my late teens throughout my early 20s I noticed that everything I tried hard to avoid is what happened.
Do what Pastor Rick said. Follow Christ and u wont regret. Me I disobeyed. Im suffering coz he is unbeliever. If ur husband follows Christ, he is a good decision maker plus he dont want to hurt u. But if he is not a follower of Christ, he follows the values of the world and if u dont follow him, he will get dissapointed,get easily anger and u suffer coz he influences u to disobey God. Learn from my experience dear. Get a man who loves Christ, afraid to disobey, not bitter, respect ur parents and his parents, he prays with u,, go for him.❤️
Galatians 3:2 Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course not! You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ. (NLT) You receive the Holy Spirit by FAITH in Jesus. Also, don’t worry about how weak and strong your faith is because according to Hebrews 12:2 Jesus is author and pefecter of our Faith. So here’s the key which I’ve gathered from the spiritual leaders I follow - Study the word (don’t just read), meditate (very important), pray with specific requests and then SPEAK the word into your situations. Keep on doing this until you see the results.
How do you know which friend or family member it is who calls your name? Because you have spent the most time with them. So it is with the voice of God, which is the Holy Spirit.
God gave Eve to Adam. Adam did not chosed Eve nor requested Eve to be his wife. Proverbs 19:14 Houses and wealth are inherited from parents but a prudent wife is from the Lord.
Adam could not have chosen Eve because there were no other human around. God HAD to give Adam his Eve. And even then, it was either Eve or a goat. I think Adam got lucky.
I agree with you !! And disagree with the below comment about Eva or goat !!! If you like God can make a few Eva for you to choose right then and then !!! But he made only one!!! Why?? God has a purpose for that! Not like human, sin of our eyes and flesh we think we like many people and this person handsome, the other is very attractive so then we choose the spouse according to our desire flesh!! Where is God in this scenario?? God gives human being free will! But Eva sin and Adam watched Eva ate the fruit! God gives us free will for good things but human being failed him :((!!! We should thank God for forgiving our sins and praise Him more. My friend
What God said when He knew Adam needed Eve; "It is not good for man to be alone. I shall make a helpmeet fit for him!" Not; "It is not good for man to be alone. I shall make numerous possible helpmeets for him, some good, a few very good, and some not so good, and leave it up to him as to which one will be his helpmeet!"
I married two cheaters. 🙏🏻Dear God, help me to move in a direction, guide my steps... There ARE men that are monogamous- Guide me to a holy man - a man devoted to You, Father!
There are men who are monogamous, to the point of staying alone if their partner dies. It's not true that all men are cheaters, it's the devil trying to normalize this behavior. Let is stay close to the Lord, Ladies, and he will direct your path...
MARRIAGE DOESN’T CREATE PROBLEMS, IT REVEALS THEM!!! I give all Praise to YASHUA for sending my Husband Robert! What a blessing he has been. This message couldn’t be more important to be heard in these final days, like in THE DAYS OF NOAH, they will be giving in marriage still... So I Pray ABBA continues to protect & guide us All! Always in all ways!!! Shalom from Florida 🕊🕊🕊 StacYs in ThE Resurrection of The Bountiful Harvest 🌾🌾🌾
I walked away from a 6 year relationship to honor what the Bible expects of me. Toughest decision of my life thus far but I have faith that I will get through this and it will be for the best in the long term.
Amen, such good advice! Now I can finally put myself out there again. I have been terrified to have another relationship, because they always go bad. I had no trust. However with Rick’s plan I don’t have to worry about trust again. Thanks you Rick; you are the best. You have changed my self image.
I like Pastor Warren, but completely disagree on that "you choose your wife" thing. God plays a major part in pairing people up. Besides, I would much rather have God pick my spouse than myself. He knows me better than I know me.
Great Sermon. Pastor Rick. Praise GOD. I want GOD to be my first true love. I want GOD to choose what is best for my son - James Andrew and myself . I ask for GOD's Holy will for us and our lives. Amen. LORD Jesus Christ. Amen. If GOD decides to bless my life with a nice Christian man, Amen. If it's not GOD's Holy will. Amen. LORD Jesus Christ. AMEN.
I was in a relationship with the best man I have ever known ticked off all my prayer requests in a man except the most important of all. Was a non believer. I went through everything pastor talked about. Every thing. Even the out comes it hurt soooo bad letting him go for 4yrs now still hurts because I was selfish to let it happen in the fast place not knowing how deep I could hurt him by letting him go. My breaking point was when I was searching for answers of why some people don’t believe. My goodness! The devil is a liar, I started doubting God’s existence that was enough to wake me up and leave the relationship because I couldn’t imagine leaving my life without God at the center of it all. I know he will bring the one at the right time.
I prolonged a relationship knowing what i was getting into. He never hid his addiction or anything from me but saw his potential and if he found someone he will change, and the worst mistake i ever did in my life. I just ended it a couple of days ago and I am in the process of moving back to my country canada from France. Yes, I moved for this person to France while making myself financially in-debt. God save me!!! Thank you Rick Warren for this sermon and I have not been in "God" for a long time. As an Ethiopian, I was taught to be a an orthodox but i left my belief in God a while ago...
Powerful teaching and great insight. I love Pastor Rick Warren teachings. I've been a believer of Jesus Christ and the book " The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren spoke to me deeply and ever since I began to live my life with a purpose. God bless you pastor.
I see one thing that I haven't heard anybody comment on in this forum. I may just have overlooked it. I've read most of the comments. One key thing is that we are prepared and our partner must also be prepared. Sometimes there are things that God has to do within us as we submit to HIM and seek HIS will and sometimes there are things that we have to do to be prepared for our spouse.
Absolutely! I, personally, didn't really agree with this sermon. I felt it put God in a box. You honestly have to have your own relationship with Him, make sure your decisions don't contradict the Word and see where God takes you.
@@TyShep06 It's the most obvious sign that someone is just settling. I never want to change anything about my husband and he feels the same about me. I once dated a guy who wanted me to dress a certain way and paint my toe nails. I told him he needed to date someone who likes to dress that way and paint her toe nails. If someone wants to change you, they aren't really interested in the real you.
I see a lot of comments here saying that we should just wait for God to come and magically place “the one” right at our doorsteps. The preacher is right to say that that a not a great the way for us meet the one(s) God has for us. The Bible says “Faith without works is dead” I see a lot of people here with the faith that God can help romantically but they aren’t putting in the work. It’s like asking God to have you pass a test but you haven’t studied. God Could do it, but you didn’t put in the work yourself. It’s a bit naive to think that you’ll just sit back and God will do all of the work, when all of your faith is truly meaningless! Think about it.
@@brycedavis1433 l agree! We so often say things to ourselves or God that aren't thoroughly true! Like "I will follow You God, with all my heart!" or "Whatever You would have me do, I will do!" but very so often, we fail in our promises. We confess with our mouths yet are broken in actions. I wish things were different - I believe it will be different - but it seems like we cannot let go of sin in this world. It seems like if we ever get rid of one addiction, we just replace it with another... I believe, however, that all who desperately long to be rid their sinful nature, will find comfort in heaven. It will be a good day! God is graceful!
So am I suppose to go start looking for a guy as a way of putting my into works? I am trusting God for a husband, I am to start manipulating the outcome?
@@emerald7126 Pray to God, work on yourself as a woman, go out and look for a good man, and try not to fall for someone who isn't good for you. God sends not always what we want our way but sometimes what we need. You have to discern whether the man in front of you is good enough for you as a partner or if you are just to help him grow spiritually or not interact at all, with the help of God of course. God allows us to make our own mistakes so that we may learn...
What a great guy! Such great guidance and light to follow. I usually find it hard to listen to long RUclips videos but I was able to watch this man speak. He is relatable. People can relate and connect to him. He is a simple humble man who is human. He is able to reach out to people. I am glad I found this video in the hardest moment in my life. It gives me hope.
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (OSOMOIGHO MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058384543) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you....
This has to absolutely be the most well balanced, common sense approach to dating and finally marriage I have ever heard. Soooo profound yet simple. Thank you
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (OSOMOIGHO MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058384543) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you.
Thank you Pastor Warren. I have been going through some dark times in my marriage. Its is completely broken. This is exactly what I needed to hear. What an amazing sermon this was. God bless all of you.
I am so glad youtube brought this to my attention, this brought so many key points that I had never thought about when it comes to dating and marriage. This message definitely brought clarity to what I was doing and what do in the future thanks for this message.
"I kissed dating goodbye" is written by Joshua Harris who is a pastor and he is happily married. I've read that book couple of times and the subsequent books he wrote and it has helped me a lot. This is about more than just dating, you'll be surprised. It's a Christian book and it's one of the must-reads of your life. I guarantee that.
True, I was blessed by Josh Harris' books -"I kissed dating goodbye" and "Boy meets girl". I am happily married today and I recommend them for my friends.
I know right, when Ps Rick satirize the book I feel it is not necessary, the book in fact has blessed me a lot. There has truth shared, how we living in such modern-shaped society, how it has become all following the culture instead of the be culture. we need that kind of perspective ( what's inside the book ) is beyond the dating, it is deeper, it is the state of purity, and value. If you the Ps Rick himself read the book Lady in Waiting well, he would know the 2 book shared the same value.. one written by the perspective of the women, thee other perspective of the man. applies both women and men. Ps. Rick I am losing my respect.
Please note, Joshua Harris has been reexamining some of the teachings in the book he wrote when he was in his very early 20s. His Ted talk is here. Hope that helps.видео.html
Herzio go back to the 1500s when women were property, and ask her parents for permission for everything and always have escorts on your dates and never touch each other until you marry.
emoclew Barbz Yes, I agree. It helps Christians approach dating God's way. It is BEST. Pastor Joshua Harris is one of the voices God has raised in our generation on purity and godly marriages and HE IS MARRIED! Read the book for yourself
Pastor Rick Warren I’m inspired by your message.i wasn’t a Christian when I met my husband he’s a Christian but he hid his identity in Christ to me I wish he didn’t do that but we’re been married for 35 years now I’m a born again Christian now a mother of five adults children sad thing is he’s a Christian too but he walked out of our marriage 3 times Now the 4 time he’s done it to me I don’t think I want to get back to him again,we’ve been separated for 10 months adult children are going strong in the ministry serving God I’m so proud of them growing in the ways of God.your message from God impact my life in a big way thank you.
KIMIORA BOB MATAIAPO be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. He has the answer for that situation!
6 лет назад+5
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God minister to me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding on to them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay be in your life, with an evil mirror, and a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford to these motherless foundation (OSOMOIGHO MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact where ever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Deliver them to the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2349058384543) tell him I sent you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you....
You are such a wonderful person!!!God bless you and your family!!I'm single and I'm 40 years old..And all you said make sense to me..I'm praying for my future mate to have those good qualities..I'm so sad that still can't find him...🙏💓
Not every Christian has the gift of prophecy. This is for when you think love is enough to marry someone, but not all emotions you feel is always correct
Its funny how a lot of people commenting in this video don’t really understand the preaching.. some are taking the preaching literally, taking it out of context and they tend to miss the whole point of the teaching. This is why, without the Holy Spirit, all of us will perish and will not understand God’s words.. we need the Holy Spirit. I know i do! because only the ones who has the Holy Spirit will understand the truth about this message... ✌️Godbless us all❤️
This is a divinely inspired and simple package on this entire "finding the one" campaign. The man of God has broken it down and ironed out so many misconceptions and "facts" about God's plan for His children in marriage. It is a must watch.
My whole life, I have wondered why people get married. Church never seemed to explain it to me. I’m almost 30 and, for the first time, I can actually understand the purpose in marriage. Thank you!
@ BlueMedusa People get married in order to keep safe from carnal temptations 1 Co 7:4 To be one flesh and grow and multiply This is what God made marriage for contrary to animals who have no frame for sex.
@@framboise595 I believe that can be one aspect of a marriage, if the couple chooses for it to be. Some people may not want to engage in such activities but are still welcome to live a whole and fulfilling life with their favourite person. Marriage isn’t exclusively for sex, nor is it a compulsory component. I do, however, agree to the extent that it is safer for everyone involved if they have a lasting commitment to each other, should they choose to engage sexually.
@@blue-medusa Choose ? Sex is a due and a right in marriage ! There is no marriage without sex because you cannot be one flesh as the Lord says without sex . The marriage bed is portrayed in the Bible as the shield against temptations. Not a compulsory component ?? Once you get married , your body does not belong to you anymore !! Sex is an obligation . It is the debt of marriage . 1 Corinthians 7:5 (...) come together again so that SATAN does not tempt you Do you realise how paramount marital sex is ? Marriage in God's eyes is sexual order contrary to debauchery which is sexual disorder. For the love of God and for your own sake , DO NOT listen to those fake preachings that never give the BIBLICAL reason why we get married . READ the BIBLE . There is no other truth. The Bible says everything we have to know and covers all topics. You will get God's vision .Not the vision of so called men if Gd.
Pastor Warren is somethin' else; very good msg. I hope singles manifest this. I myself wish I would have know this in my earlier years and beyond. In my sixties now and well...I'm recovering from plenty trials and emotional damage. Still have love to give, but too afraid.
People it's not that complicated if you would only read and study your Bible. And let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you. Matthew 24:4. Lazy Christians who don't read their Bibles and depend on the pastor for guidance will most assuredly be decevied.
Listen to this gift from God it is so on point. I pretty much knew this is what God would expect from your partner and myself. I love having it on paper to reference. I am working on my faults correcting them so I can be Gods best for my future Husband. Blessings to you
My God... God spoke to me in this message! PREPARATION... I thank you so much Pastor for this word, that I already started sharing it. I wish I knew this information 21 years ago but I still have a better chance to be in love again and also keep working in myself for the things I learn that I need to change, correct, and accept that is not just my partner faults if things doesn't workout together but it is also my fault. A relationship is about two and not just one person in the relationship, understanding that it is fundamental to WORK TOGETHER in our relationship and TALK, TALK, REALLY TALK, about how we are feeling as difficult as it can be sometimes. We need to ADMITTED our own faults and be HONEST if we want a relationship to work. Wooow... This is a big lesson for me. I took so many notes in this video, like never before. I'm thankful that I was able to understand what I have to do from now on. I accepted that it was my fault too for not see the red flags God was showing me and the changes I needed to do. I'm grateful for the new beginning in my life and for God who is in it! If we want to get married, or get married again, we MUST have to OBEY what God has commanded us to do, so we can live a looooong happiness life and we can live in peace in our relationship. Jesuuuuus.... I'm in your hands. Thank you so much again pastor, your words were not in vain in my life. Blessings be to you and God keeps using you to speak the truth of God's word in the name of Jesus. Aaaaaamen!!!
My lord, this message/teaching tools. Pastor the entire church, every woman and man need to hear this before considering dating to be married. Wow pastor am getting married soon and that list/tools that you spoke about, I checked it along the very long list that I have compiled together. Smile. Now, you have shown me the scriptures and I am going to work with this must do/don't and use it as a guide along with prayer. I have read one of your books, purpose driven life. I need to go back and read that again. Yes sir!. Again, thank you pastor Rick. Keep teaching, we are listening. 🇨🇦🇯🇲🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Genesis 24:14 This is my request. I will ask one of them, ‘Please give me a drink from your jug.’ If she says, ‘Yes, have a drink, and I will water your camels, too!’-let her be the one you have selected as Isaac’s wife. This is how I will know that you have shown unfailing love to my master.”
Excellent sermon Pastor Rick! I'm also applying this to friendships ( who would be my true friends not fair weather friends). And looking back at why so many friendships fell apart....a BIG part was immaturity and selfishness (they had a fit when things didn't go their way or needed someone to talk about their problems but when I needed someone to talk to they were "busy"). I'm starting fresh now with finding new friends and now will use God's guidelines. Thank You😀
What God said when He knew Adam needed Eve; "It is not good for man to be alone. I shall make a helpmeet fit for him!" Not; "It is not good for man to be alone. I shall make numerous possible helpmeets for him, some good, a few very good, and some not so good, and leave it up to him as to which one will be his helpmeet!"
You spoke the words I was searching for. It’s not wise to make so many inferences from the Bible... and you would KNOW if you came out of another person... without a DOUBT... Not many ribs-- all his,,, but ONE!!!
@4Tifier if what you mean is that God only has one person for you then you're wrong. If that is so then why would God allow remarrying after a person's spouse dies? Won't that be like marrying someone else's future spouse coz you got only one and the one you got is dead? So if that's the truth then God wouldn't have accepted remarriage after your spouse is no more. God will never contradict himself. So He won't allow something and let some other principles contradict with it. It'll always be in line.
Why should I make the choice who to marry? God is much better in doing that, and He has done that at least 19 times, I know at least 19 cases where God chose the future partner. I don’t want to choose because God is better in making the choice
@@richardmcguinn732 Marriage is not about love but about sex. 1 Co 7:4 To avoid sexual immorality , let every man have his wife (..) It's about keeping us safe from temptations by having regular sex (and stop it for a while for spiritual matters only) It's about growing and multiplying Nothing to do with the modern garbage they preach which sounds spiritual but is NOT endorsed by the Bible at all.
Wow, he ain't lying' when he says marrying without spiritual unity you will be living in a shallow level.
I've experienced this... It's a waste of time!!! WAIT ON GOD
Same here. Wasted 22 years.
Yes so true. You can’t create what’s not there.
I’m talking to a scientist that doesn’t believe in God. I believe that this is not a good idea to continue this relationship
Yes because it's so easy to have physical 'unity' (sexual penetration) nowadays, where men are so easy interested in another women, include 'prostitutes' (women who never have skill to loyal).
Everything he is saying is so on point! Too bad I didn’t listen to it before I get married. He’s exactly right when he says marrying the wrong person is 1000 times worse than being single
@@pastorrickwarrenteachings1491 get the hell out of here
When he says God doesn't choose your partner, I believe he is saying that he gives us insight into who the right and wrong people could be, but he leaves it up to our free will to choose the right person.
Can all the listeners get this please
Absolutely Beloved. Free Will. Lol god just sits back & rides/guides with us; Ridin shotgun
Isaac is saying WHAT? after your comment
Not dating a believer is a very big problem. Make sure you listen to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
Doreen Augsburger-Lane mmk
yup!! that sounds more correct!!
Amen. Been there ... tried it all .. it won’t work with someone who isn’t saved.
I totally agree... but a lot of believers are spiritual babies, wolves in sheep’s clothing or worse than non- believers (in my experience).
There are also very few Christian men compared to women.
And don’t want to say, but most of the available ones are very young and the older ones several times divorced with serious issues.
Sites like ChristianMingle, etc and churches yield worse mates than even Bumble or Tinder!!!
Short of God bringing Adam to us, being in the Christian community seems a waste of time...
I do hope to be proven wrong 😂
Tiago Figueiredo I have experienced this, do not even date unbeliever.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He shall make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Exactly, he got it wrong this time big time
To be fair these aren't "his understandings", he's telling what the Bible says.
"Must Haves"
1. We must have spiritual unity in our marriage - Romans 1:12
2. We must have life purpose compatibility - ephesians 2:10 / 1 Peter 4:10 / Hebrews 3:10 the purpose of marriage is to help you fulfill life purpose.
3. We must both be emotionally healthy
Whomever I marry must have
- No uncontrolled anger - prov 22:24
- No addictions
- No bitterness Heb 13:15
- How are they treating their parents
- No greediness prov 23:6 /15:26
- Generosity and kindness proverbs 11:25 / Proverbs 11:17
- Tells the truth prov 20:7
- Prov 28:33
Prov 28:23
Ok, well, I guess marriage before 90 is out of the question
I have 80 percent of those and yet here i am still single
Thank you for the summary.
Well summed up thank you..
“God always give His best to those who leave the choice to Him”.
Betty Williamsвидео.html
It's our choice but His Will.
Cheers for the Video clip! Sorry for butting in, I would love your thoughts. Have you researched - Zanackson Pocket Buster (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a great one of a kind product for teaching your child how to read without the headache. Ive heard some decent things about it and my mate at very last got cool results with it.
Maureen Kam rust does not make sense. It’s His Will and thus His choice. We just follow Him as sheep.
This is The best sermon I have ever heard on Marriage and relationships! Biblical and Practical with real Truths. Thanks Pastor Rick and Saddleback Church you are a great blessing.
"A bad marriage is 1,000 times worse than being single." Oh how my heart wants to cry at those words...because they are so true. To be married and lonely, to be married and starving is just so gutting.
@Pastor Rick warren using Rick Waren's photo to cheat. Get the hell out of here.
Wow i have a LOT to work on! No lie 😂😂 i came here seeing how to know if hes the right guy for me and realised i need to work on myself FIRST! And keep God first and all else will follow, my attitudes for sure need to change no doubt about that! Really challenged but thats the kind of preaching I need, something challenging
YOUnique I respect your transparency and your honesty. You truly have a repentant heart. God will definitely move in your favor.
@@tnewz411 aw thank you so much! that is so challenging!
God dont choose but the Holy Spirit will lead you to this individual.
God can lead you to the right mate only if you allow His holy spirit and His word help you discern what His will is regarding that mate in prospect. Blessings!! 🙏😇💞🌻
He will lead you to them or lead them to you but in either case, HE will cause your paths to intersect.
@@lyndapeoples8127 👍 the words says he bout eve the the man
Sometimes I am wondering though, if He only led me to this particular individual so we can both heal, but not necessarily to be with each other. Then again, who knows.
You should read the book "God is a Matchmaker," by Derek Prince. It opened my eyes to how involved God is in leading us to marriage, assuming that is his will for us. There is no such thing as the "one," but God definitely has spouses in mind for every one of his children, but as you stated, that requires we listen patiently for the Holy Spirits leadership.
I just broke up, and this was like water in the desert !!!! Thank you Jesus for your word!!!!
I listened to this teaching 22 years ago, on a cassette tape, applied it, and it worked!
Wow, owesome
So, they are:
1) spiritual compatibility
2) purpose of life
3) emotionally healthy
(no uncontrollable anger, no addictions, no bitterness)
4) selfishness and greedy
*** Do not continue a relationship that's going nowhere! ***
Lord, please help me cut out this bitterness I have in my heart towards the people who have hurt me. In Jesus's name. Amen.
And a few minutes later, I have my (divine) answer @ 40:29. I'm in tears. Thank you God, for speaking to me through this pastor. I understand.
Where has the SEX gone ?
1 Corinthians 7:4
NOTHING biblical about their modern teachings on marriage.
Ravening wolves emasculating husbands and screwing the marriage bed.
20:28 “You are not ready to marry until you know the purpose of your life”
@@joelbolduc3354 that's all true but it's very vague. God will speak on what that means on a personal level. The will of God has to be executed on a personal level.
@@joelbolduc3354 i think they mean more like if one person is called to live as a missionary in another country and the other person is a workaholic and wants to start a business and just donate to the church to fund mission trips, not exactly compatible there..
But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” ~ Matthew 4:4
Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” ~ John 4:34
Food for the stomach and the stomach for food,” but God will destroy them both. The body is not intended for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. ~ 1 Corinthians 6:13
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh ~ Genesis 2:24
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” ~ Genesis 2:18
I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs-how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world-how he can please his wife- and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world-how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord ~ 1 Corinthians 7:32-35
What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not ~ 1 Corinthians 7:29
Ayesha Sвидео.html
True. I want to get married but I know that I am not ready. I am also trying to figure out my God given purpose in life
I don't think I've ever remembered a time in my life when I have known of so many Christians who are desiring a Godly spouse. It's very surprising to see how many men are looking for spouses, too.
As a Christian, I had a problem in this area of my life years ago and I had no counsel, no church support, no family guidance, and lack of information. I even went to pre-marital counseling at my church, which was one session and ineffective. I was totally lost. I was a wreck bumping on the side rails of the road. I wasn't a newborn babe in Christ but I wasn't a super mature Christian either. I'm not complaining. I'm happy to see you all seeking knowledge and reaching out for support on this topic. I had the Word of God and I THOUGHT I had faith but I still struggled. However, I can honestly say that God has given me so much wisdom in this area now. I made many mistakes but I'm at peace with God now and God and I are closer than we've ever been. I see now 12 years later, there are some many more resources out their on this topic and the Holy Spirit is moving in this area. It's so refreshing to know that!
Pastor Rick Warren is truly under divine inspiration. I understand the word of God easily when he teaches on it. God bless you man of God.
Lord help me to clarify my life’s purpose.
Amen. 🙏
Amen! Me to Lord!
Amen I've know mine for years and ran from it. I'm now back on the path.
Hello! I've got a way to share, how I discovered God's purpose for my life. Email me: God bless you.
I love Pastor Warren and his book Purpose Driven Life. I also found tremendous value in this sermon. However, I find it hard to believe God knows every hair on my head and the plan for my life even before I was born but didn't create a partner for me?? Is Eve from the rib of Adam? I mean that example was right out of a brain from a human if orange doesn't marry orange it's a domino effect. It doesn't work that way. God can create many loves in your life but best believe they are all planned. Amen. Every person you meet is planned. This is just my opinion but I'm open to a different view. Another point I don't agree with is sometimes you meet your partner and then you both find your purpose together. Pastor Warren said if you haven't found your purpose don't even think about getting married. I don't agree with that either. God brings you together so you can find, develop, and or cultivate your purpose sometimes your mate might have the very thing you're missing because it was PLANNED! * updated 2020: I do agree if a man doesn’t have his purpose or income already, don’t marry him. A man who is lost will not be marriage material! That’s facts.
Exactly. Eve was made for Adam. They were specifically destined by God's own hands. Also Pastor Warren said it's not in the Bible, even if we don't count Adam and Eve - what about Rebekah being chosen as Isaac's wife? That was a direct answer to a prayer for the wife who was meant-to-be. Even Jacob and Rachel to an extent. I''m sure there are some others, but these are all that came to mind right now. Also my brother had an experience when he first met his wife that basically told him he was going to marry her. So I know it happens. It probably just doesn't happen for everyone, like most things in God's ways. We don't understand why it happens for some and not others. I also believe every person you meet and interact with is planned by God. Even to the smallest detail, and like you said the hairs on your head. There are no coincidences. Many things in my life and other people's lives have taught me that. God is amazing and plans our lives more than we could ever know. And yes we make the choices, but there is a fine line between God destining us for something and us choosing to do it. Just like Jesus told Peter, Peter was going to deny him 3 times and Peter said he would never do such a thing - yet he did it, even with the foreknowledge. And Jesus forgave him and planned for it. We make the choice but God knows what we're going to choose and plans accordingly. It's a thing I've been struggling to wrap my brain around after a very strange, seemingly-predestined trial I've been going through this year. Like in Peter's case, I've been trying to decide if I chose it and God planned accordingly, or if I did it because God destined it to be so. But really it's almost like they're one in the same in most, if not all, cases. It just depends on which way you look at it. God's ways are unfathomable; we are on the mere fringe of understanding. Overall good message and points though. I just disagreed with that point - like a friend of mine that insisted there was no such thing as prophetic dreams just because he's never had any (but I have, many times, and he didn't believe me). Nope. Not the way to put God in a box. He treats us as individuals and speaks to us in the ways that best fulfill His purpose and His glory for each of us, and in ways that we as a finite human being can comprehend.
Last to let go: God brings you together so you can find, develop, and or cultivate your purpose sometimes your mate might have the very thing you're missing because it was PLANNED! - that is beautiful and makes sense to me.
Yes God knows your hair, he created you. Do you do crochet, if yes, you know exacle how or how many stitches you did to crochet that baby socks. I bake, I know my famous short bread recipe. The brain we have and knowledge is nothing compared to God. His amazing.
Real Talk with Tina 9
"All things work together for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes." Follow God's precepts, don't date non-believers and He promises to bless the choices you make.
This video is 4 years old but it's exactly what I needed to hear today
“A bad marriage is a 1000 times worse than staying single for the rest of your life”. thank you!
Amen 🙏
“You guys can leave now.” 🤣 Ps Rick Warren is so funny, genuine, and wise. Praise God for technology so I can tune in online.
This is incredible! It’s beyond extremely rare for any podcast / lecture to hold my attention for more than 15-20 mins these days n the fact that you’ve held my attention this whole time and I am growing even more in love with God because u were His vessel tonight....I am truly blessed and may The Most High God bless YOU and all reading this forever more 💖
I love this sermon. #1 Spiritual Unity// please listen and wait for someone who is on the same spiritual page. my biggest regret is all the special time I lost with God.
I agree with almost everything in this message! Rick Warren’s points about choosing a spouse are Biblical, wise, and insightful. However, I disagree that physical attraction does not matter, because the fact is it does. It’s really sad that so many people go to the extreme and assume that if physical attraction matters to you then you are superficial, that’s essentially what Rick was saying. The truth is no matter how spiritual and amazing a person is, if you can’t imagine yourself waking up to the person for the rest of your life, then walk away. Looks aren’t everything, but they are a piece of the puzzle!
Song of Solomon certainly talks about attraction! It matters!
Whatever you resist persists. This is so true. When I was in my late teens throughout my early 20s I noticed that everything I tried hard to avoid is what happened.
Yes, so true because it's self-will resisting not the Holy Spirit and this is called PRIDE. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
God please send me the Holy Spirit and let Him guide me to my future husband now in Jesus name
Do what Pastor Rick said. Follow Christ and u wont regret. Me I disobeyed. Im suffering coz he is unbeliever. If ur husband follows Christ, he is a good decision maker plus he dont want to hurt u. But if he is not a follower of Christ, he follows the values of the world and if u dont follow him, he will get dissapointed,get easily anger and u suffer coz he influences u to disobey God. Learn from my experience dear. Get a man who loves Christ, afraid to disobey, not bitter, respect ur parents and his parents, he prays with u,, go for him.❤️
@@junamaeperez4173 You summed it up so perfectly! True wisdom!!
@@tnewz411 thanks Tashia! God bless😊
Galatians 3:2 Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course not! You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ. (NLT)
You receive the Holy Spirit by FAITH in Jesus. Also, don’t worry about how weak and strong your faith is because according to Hebrews 12:2 Jesus is author and pefecter of our Faith.
So here’s the key which I’ve gathered from the spiritual leaders I follow - Study the word (don’t just read), meditate (very important), pray with specific requests and then SPEAK the word into your situations. Keep on doing this until you see the results.
How do you know which friend or family member it is who calls your name? Because you have spent the most time with them. So it is with the voice of God, which is the Holy Spirit.
Mapapa-“thank you Lord” ka talaga eh! 😌🙏🏻✨😇✨🙌🏻😍
My wife changed & became a follower of christ and her 2 kids, it was an attraction, she's also spiritual God joins people.
I wish I saw this before entering a toxic relationship. Time heals and God helps tremendously 💕
I've repeatedly watched this sermon. I really wish I watched it many years ago. This is the best sermon about relationships for believers.
Thank you I am enjoying your teaching
I feel very blessed in am from south Africa god bless you all
God gave Eve to Adam. Adam did not chosed Eve nor requested Eve to be his wife. Proverbs 19:14 Houses and wealth are inherited from parents but a prudent wife is from the Lord.
sid veniziano : i truly agree to this.
Adam could not have chosen Eve because there were no other human around. God HAD to give Adam his Eve. And even then, it was either Eve or a goat. I think Adam got lucky.
HueTubeR ...and then came The Fall of Man. Very lucky.
I agree with you !!
And disagree with the below comment about Eva or goat !!! If you like God can make a few Eva for you to choose right then and then !!! But he made only one!!! Why?? God has a purpose for that! Not like human, sin of our eyes and flesh we think we like many people and this person handsome, the other is very attractive so then we choose the spouse according to our desire flesh!! Where is God in this scenario?? God gives human being free will! But Eva sin and Adam watched Eva ate the fruit! God gives us free will for good things but human being failed him :((!!! We should thank God for forgiving our sins and praise Him more. My friend
What God said when He knew Adam needed Eve;
"It is not good for man to be alone. I shall make a helpmeet fit for him!"
"It is not good for man to be alone. I shall make numerous possible helpmeets for him, some good, a few very good, and some not so good, and leave it up to him as to which one will be his helpmeet!"
Love alone is not enough reason for marriage. This is so true! Thanks God bless you Pastor Rick
I married two cheaters. 🙏🏻Dear God, help me to move in a direction, guide my steps...
There ARE men that are monogamous- Guide me to a holy man - a man devoted to You, Father!
In agreement with you 🙏❤️
@Syrena Xhaferi Submit all that you to are TO GOD! Keep Matthew 6:33 in your HEART :)
There are men who are monogamous, to the point of staying alone if their partner dies. It's not true that all men are cheaters, it's the devil trying to normalize this behavior. Let is stay close to the Lord, Ladies, and he will direct your path...
@@f.-j.j.5738 Amen beautiful words :)
Are you even allowed by the Great Jehovah to marry twice or more??
MARRIAGE DOESN’T CREATE PROBLEMS, IT REVEALS THEM!!! I give all Praise to YASHUA for sending my Husband Robert! What a blessing he has been. This message couldn’t be more important to be heard in these final days, like in THE DAYS OF NOAH, they will be giving in marriage still... So I Pray ABBA continues to protect & guide us All! Always in all ways!!! Shalom from Florida 🕊🕊🕊
StacYs in ThE Resurrection of The Bountiful Harvest 🌾🌾🌾
I walked away from a 6 year relationship to honor what the Bible expects of me. Toughest decision of my life thus far but I have faith that I will get through this and it will be for the best in the long term.
Amen, such good advice! Now I can finally put myself out there again. I have been terrified to have another relationship, because they always go bad. I had no trust. However with Rick’s plan I don’t have to worry about trust again.
Thanks you Rick; you are the best.
You have changed my self image.
I like Pastor Warren, but completely disagree on that "you choose your wife" thing. God plays a major part in pairing people up. Besides, I would much rather have God pick my spouse than myself. He knows me better than I know me.
In what way or ways does God pick a spouse for us.
God reveals your partner if you want His will to be done. He reveals through dreams, visions and then confirms in another person
I think what he meant was He gives you the guidelines in choosing a mate but the choice is actually yours. I can be wrong though.
Even Adam had a choice on whether or not to accept Eve. All God did was bring her to Adam.
@@sirduazedluamor that's how I perceived it too. I don't think you're wrong
Great Sermon. Pastor Rick. Praise GOD. I want GOD to be my first true love. I want GOD to choose what is best for my son - James Andrew and myself . I ask for GOD's Holy will for us and our lives. Amen. LORD Jesus Christ. Amen. If GOD decides to bless my life with a nice Christian man, Amen. If it's not GOD's Holy will. Amen. LORD Jesus Christ. AMEN.
I was in a relationship with the best man I have ever known ticked off all my prayer requests in a man except the most important of all. Was a non believer. I went through everything pastor talked about. Every thing. Even the out comes it hurt soooo bad letting him go for 4yrs now still hurts because I was selfish to let it happen in the fast place not knowing how deep I could hurt him by letting him go. My breaking point was when I was searching for answers of why some people don’t believe. My goodness! The devil is a liar, I started doubting God’s existence that was enough to wake me up and leave the relationship because I couldn’t imagine leaving my life without God at the center of it all. I know he will bring the one at the right time.
Im so sorry for your loss and for your having to grieve this relationship. I hope God has rewarded your obedience
this is by far the greatest relationship advice I have ever received and am thankful for it.
The best way to find a marriage that will last forever. I will wait for this kind of man to find me.😊😊
I prolonged a relationship knowing what i was getting into. He never hid his addiction or anything from me but saw his potential and if he found someone he will change, and the worst mistake i ever did in my life. I just ended it a couple of days ago and I am in the process of moving back to my country canada from France. Yes, I moved for this person to France while making myself financially in-debt. God save me!!! Thank you Rick Warren for this sermon and I have not been in "God" for a long time. As an Ethiopian, I was taught to be a an orthodox but i left my belief in God a while ago...
I agree for this! It's true that in our life, we only need one to fall in love with.
Powerful teaching and great insight. I love Pastor Rick Warren teachings. I've been a believer of Jesus Christ and the book " The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren spoke to me deeply and ever since I began to live my life with a purpose. God bless you pastor.
I see one thing that I haven't heard anybody comment on in this forum. I may just have overlooked it. I've read most of the comments.
One key thing is that we are prepared and our partner must also be prepared. Sometimes there are things that God has to do within us as we submit to HIM and seek HIS will and sometimes there are things that we have to do to be prepared for our spouse.
I, personally, didn't really agree with this sermon.
I felt it put God in a box.
You honestly have to have your own relationship with Him, make sure your decisions don't contradict the Word and see where God takes you.
I am not a Christian, but his speech is inspiring me a lot. Thanks a lot!
Sojeong Lee hope you seek God one day
“If He doesn’t change to get you, there is a very slim chance he will change to keep you!”
Wow this caught my mind, thanks for this, now I've made up my mind.
Wow this caught my mind, thanks for this, now I've made up my mind.
Agreed! You got me😁
Yes, women.. stop trying to change the man. If he isn’t already the man you want.. you don’t want him
@@TyShep06 It's the most obvious sign that someone is just settling. I never want to change anything about my husband and he feels the same about me. I once dated a guy who wanted me to dress a certain way and paint my toe nails. I told him he needed to date someone who likes to dress that way and paint her toe nails. If someone wants to change you, they aren't really interested in the real you.
I love Pastor Rick Warren, awesome man of God. Keep preaching it, amen 🙏 😊
I see a lot of comments here saying that we should just wait for God to come and magically place “the one” right at our doorsteps. The preacher is right to say that that a not a great the way for us meet the one(s) God has for us. The Bible says “Faith without works is dead” I see a lot of people here with the faith that God can help romantically but they aren’t putting in the work. It’s like asking God to have you pass a test but you haven’t studied. God Could do it, but you didn’t put in the work yourself. It’s a bit naive to think that you’ll just sit back and God will do all of the work, when all of your faith is truly meaningless! Think about it.
Truth, facts!!
And he will probably charge for it on Judgement Day
l agree! We so often say things to ourselves or God that aren't thoroughly true! Like "I will follow You God, with all my heart!" or "Whatever You would have me do, I will do!" but very so often, we fail in our promises. We confess with our mouths yet are broken in actions. I wish things were different - I believe it will be different - but it seems like we cannot let go of sin in this world. It seems like if we ever get rid of one addiction, we just replace it with another... I believe, however, that all who desperately long to be rid their sinful nature, will find comfort in heaven. It will be a good day! God is graceful!
So am I suppose to go start looking for a guy as a way of putting my into works?
I am trusting God for a husband, I am to start manipulating the outcome?
Pray to God, work on yourself as a woman, go out and look for a good man, and try not to fall for someone who isn't good for you. God sends not always what we want our way but sometimes what we need. You have to discern whether the man in front of you is good enough for you as a partner or if you are just to help him grow spiritually or not interact at all, with the help of God of course. God allows us to make our own mistakes so that we may learn...
What a great guy! Such great guidance and light to follow. I usually find it hard to listen to long RUclips videos but I was able to watch this man speak. He is relatable. People can relate and connect to him. He is a simple humble man who is human. He is able to reach out to people. I am glad I found this video in the hardest moment in my life. It gives me hope.
“Behind every great man, there is a greater woman.” That’s who I’m looking for.
I am75 yrs old now.If only I had heard this message years ago,I could have advoided a lot of heartache!!
Beloved, I don't know you
in person but God knows
you. God minister to me a
revelation when I was on
your profile to see things
around you,I saw
blessings but spiritual
attacks holding on to
them,in prayers,i saw a
woman in the realm of
the spirit monitoring and
plotting delay be in your
life, with an evil mirror,
and a motive to destroy.
But as I speak to you now
her time is up, Render
hand of favour with
Anything you can afford
to these motherless
foundation (OSOMOIGHO
FOUNDATION) in kebbi
state nigeria before
2DAYS with faith, as I
Rise my hands towards
heaven and pray for you
they shall serve as point
of contact where ever you
are, you will receive
double portion of grace to
excel and total
restoration of
breakthrough in your life
and in the life of your
family. Deliver them to the
MD in charge of the
orphanage to get their
details on (WhatsApp or
call them now on
+2349058384543) tell him I
sent you. For it is not by
might nor by in power but
of the spirit saith the lord
(zechariah 4:6). You shall
testify to the Glory of God
in your life. God bless you....
This has to absolutely be the most well balanced, common sense approach to dating and finally marriage I have ever heard. Soooo profound yet simple. Thank you
Beloved, I don't know you
in person but God knows
you. God minister to me a
revelation when I was on
your profile to see things
around you,I saw
blessings but spiritual
attacks holding on to
them,in prayers,i saw a
woman in the realm of
the spirit monitoring and
plotting delay be in your
life, with an evil mirror,
and a motive to destroy.
But as I speak to you now
her time is up, Render
hand of favour with
Anything you can afford
to these motherless
foundation (OSOMOIGHO
FOUNDATION) in kebbi
state nigeria before
2DAYS with faith, as I
Rise my hands towards
heaven and pray for you
they shall serve as point
of contact where ever you
are, you will receive
double portion of grace to
excel and total
restoration of
breakthrough in your life
and in the life of your
family. Deliver them to the
MD in charge of the
orphanage to get their
details on (WhatsApp or
call them now on
+2349058384543) tell him I
sent you. For it is not by
might nor by in power but
of the spirit saith the lord
(zechariah 4:6). You shall
testify to the Glory of God
in your life. God bless you.
Thank you Pastor Warren. I have been going through some dark times in my marriage. Its is completely broken. This is exactly what I needed to hear. What an amazing sermon this was. God bless all of you.
I am so glad youtube brought this to my attention, this brought so many key points that I had never thought about when it comes to dating and marriage. This message definitely brought clarity to what I was doing and what do in the future thanks for this message.
"I kissed dating goodbye" is written by Joshua Harris who is a pastor and he is happily married. I've read that book couple of times and the subsequent books he wrote and it has helped me a lot. This is about more than just dating, you'll be surprised. It's a Christian book and it's one of the must-reads of your life. I guarantee that.
True, I was blessed by Josh Harris' books -"I kissed dating goodbye" and "Boy meets girl". I am happily married today and I recommend them for my friends.
I know right, when Ps Rick satirize the book I feel it is not necessary, the book in fact has blessed me a lot. There has truth shared, how we living in such modern-shaped society, how it has become all following the culture instead of the be culture. we need that kind of perspective ( what's inside the book ) is beyond the dating, it is deeper, it is the state of purity, and value. If you the Ps Rick himself read the book Lady in Waiting well, he would know the 2 book shared the same value.. one written by the perspective of the women, thee other perspective of the man. applies both women and men. Ps. Rick I am losing my respect.
Please note, Joshua Harris has been reexamining some of the teachings in the book he wrote when he was in his very early 20s. His Ted talk is here. Hope that helps.видео.html
Herzio go back to the 1500s when women were property, and ask her parents for permission for everything and always have escorts on your dates and never touch each other until you marry.
emoclew Barbz Yes, I agree. It helps Christians approach dating God's way. It is BEST. Pastor Joshua Harris is one of the voices God has raised in our generation on purity and godly marriages and HE IS MARRIED! Read the book for yourself
This is the perfect time to learn this especially before i rush to anything... thanks pastor rick such a wonderful preaching 🙏
Pastor Rick Warren I’m inspired by your message.i wasn’t a Christian when I met my husband he’s a Christian but he hid his identity in Christ to me I wish he didn’t do that but we’re been married for 35 years now I’m a born again Christian now a mother of five adults children sad thing is he’s a Christian too but he walked out of our marriage 3 times Now the 4 time he’s done it to me I don’t think I want to get back to him again,we’ve been separated for 10 months adult children are going strong in the ministry serving God I’m so proud of them growing in the ways of God.your message from God impact my life in a big way thank you.
KIMIORA BOB MATAIAPO be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. He has the answer for that situation!
Beloved, I don't know you
in person but God knows
you. God minister to me a
revelation when I was on
your profile to see things
around you,I saw
blessings but spiritual
attacks holding on to
them,in prayers,i saw a
woman in the realm of
the spirit monitoring and
plotting delay be in your
life, with an evil mirror,
and a motive to destroy.
But as I speak to you now
her time is up, Render
hand of favour with
Anything you can afford
to these motherless
foundation (OSOMOIGHO
FOUNDATION) in kebbi
state nigeria before
2DAYS with faith, as I
Rise my hands towards
heaven and pray for you
they shall serve as point
of contact where ever you
are, you will receive
double portion of grace to
excel and total
restoration of
breakthrough in your life
and in the life of your
family. Deliver them to the
MD in charge of the
orphanage to get their
details on (WhatsApp or
call them now on
+2349058384543) tell him I
sent you. For it is not by
might nor by in power but
of the spirit saith the lord
(zechariah 4:6). You shall
testify to the Glory of God
in your life. God bless you....
Everything the Pastor said is what I seek with no exception. Where are the men of God that are single? The road is narrow
You are such a wonderful person!!!God bless you and your family!!I'm single and I'm 40 years old..And all you said make sense to me..I'm praying for my future mate to have those good qualities..I'm so sad that still can't find him...🙏💓
The Lord brings the people together.
I'm really blessed with his sermon.. God bless you pastor Warren.
The Almighty God knows the past present and future.
Watching this in 2020...😀 So blessed to have found this😇
Amen! Powerful preaching. Thank you Pastor Rick! Firm yet funny. I love it!
Absolutely loved this Sermon. Really helpful. Raw, true and inspiring.
So beautiful surmon..we are spiritually connected..Jesus is always between us..
Thank You pastor Rick , you are god's instrumental because this is really what I am searching for.
God bless you hang in their.
Thank you Pastor, and thank you LORD! 🙌🏽 This is definitely God telling me some stuff, and it’s super important! Thank you again. God bless.
God told me he had chosen a mate for me, and was raising us both up to bring us at the appointed time
Not every Christian has the gift of prophecy. This is for when you think love is enough to marry someone, but not all emotions you feel is always correct
How did he tell you?
He even has the divorce papers ready
I really loved and enjoyed this message. Thank you Pastor Rick
Its funny how a lot of people commenting in this video don’t really understand the preaching.. some are taking the preaching literally, taking it out of context and they tend to miss the whole point of the teaching. This is why, without the Holy Spirit, all of us will perish and will not understand God’s words.. we need the Holy Spirit. I know i do! because only the ones who has the Holy Spirit will understand the truth about this message... ✌️Godbless us all❤️
On point
This is the perfect time for me to learn about God's plan in marriage. Great preaching, Pastor Rick! Gave me detailed insights about marriage.
that was so touching it really makes you look at all of things different in Jesus name amen thank you
Wonder how 432 people dislike this teaching. This is one of my best I ever watched. Cape-town S. African
I needed this message SO much!! Praise God!
I’m so glad I found you. You are refreshing. Have a blessed day 🇺🇸🍀🙏
This is a divinely inspired and simple package on this entire "finding the one" campaign. The man of God has broken it down and ironed out so many misconceptions and "facts" about God's plan for His children in marriage. It is a must watch.
Thank you. I love this sermon and Lord please help me to commit to your standard. Amen
I am still praying for my God's best! 🙏🏽
Tann Caste I am also praying for God's best choice for me
pray and believe. tell God exactly what you want. he will give you the desires of your heart you must delight yourself in him
I also pray since 25 years and nothing happens. Really funny
@@yvonneh.9537 Praying involves discerning and receiving. Sometimes man can refuse God's answer! I suggest reading God is match maker by Derek Prince
The Lord will do it!
I have learnt alot from this teaching...thank you Pastor! Praise the Lord!!
My whole life, I have wondered why people get married. Church never seemed to explain it to me. I’m almost 30 and, for the first time, I can actually understand the purpose in marriage. Thank you!
@ BlueMedusa
People get married in order to keep safe from carnal temptations 1 Co 7:4
To be one flesh and grow and multiply
This is what God made marriage for contrary to animals who have no frame for sex.
@@framboise595 I believe that can be one aspect of a marriage, if the couple chooses for it to be. Some people may not want to engage in such activities but are still welcome to live a whole and fulfilling life with their favourite person. Marriage isn’t exclusively for sex, nor is it a compulsory component. I do, however, agree to the extent that it is safer for everyone involved if they have a lasting commitment to each other, should they choose to engage sexually.
Choose ? Sex is a due and a right in marriage !
There is no marriage without sex because you cannot be one flesh as the Lord says without sex .
The marriage bed is portrayed in the Bible as the shield against temptations.
Not a compulsory component ??
Once you get married , your body does not belong to you anymore !!
Sex is an obligation . It is the debt of marriage .
1 Corinthians 7:5
(...) come together again so that SATAN does not tempt you
Do you realise how paramount marital sex is ?
Marriage in God's eyes is sexual order contrary to debauchery which is sexual disorder.
For the love of God and for your own sake , DO NOT listen to those fake preachings that never give the BIBLICAL reason why we get married .
READ the BIBLE . There is no other truth.
The Bible says everything we have to know and covers all topics.
You will get God's vision .Not the vision of so called men if Gd.
Pastor Warren is somethin' else; very good msg. I hope singles manifest this. I myself wish I would have know this in my earlier years and beyond. In my sixties now and well...I'm recovering from plenty trials and emotional damage. Still have love to give, but too afraid.
People it's not that complicated if you would only read and study your Bible. And let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you.
Matthew 24:4. Lazy Christians who don't read their Bibles and depend on the pastor for guidance will most assuredly be decevied.
Carolyn Lewis Words of truth!
Are you sure that’s what Matthew 24:4 says?
Thanks Carolyn
Great message, I sure would like to sit in on a message from pastor Rick
The Holy Spirit will give you discernment who to marry. Be patient and trust his leadership in your love life.
Listen to this gift from God it is so on point. I pretty much knew this is what God would expect from your partner and myself. I love having it on paper to reference. I am working on my faults correcting them so I can be Gods best for my future Husband. Blessings to you
My God...
God spoke to me in this message!
I thank you so much Pastor for this word, that I already started sharing it.
I wish I knew this information 21 years ago but I still have a better chance to be in love again and also keep working in myself for the things I learn that I need to change, correct, and accept that is not just my partner faults if things doesn't workout together but it is also my fault.
A relationship is about two and not just one person in the relationship, understanding that it is fundamental to WORK TOGETHER in our relationship and TALK, TALK, REALLY TALK, about how we are feeling as difficult as it can be sometimes.
We need to ADMITTED our own faults and be HONEST if we want a relationship to work.
Wooow... This is a big lesson for me.
I took so many notes in this video, like never before.
I'm thankful that I was able to understand what I have to do from now on.
I accepted that it was my fault too for not see the red flags God was showing me and the changes I needed to do.
I'm grateful for the new beginning in my life and for God who is in it!
If we want to get married, or get married again, we MUST have to OBEY what God has commanded us to do, so we can live a looooong happiness life and we can live in peace in our relationship.
Jesuuuuus.... I'm in your hands.
Thank you so much again pastor, your words were not in vain in my life.
Blessings be to you and God keeps using you to speak the truth of God's word in the name of Jesus.
adriana delgado is remarriage Biblical?
My lord, this message/teaching tools. Pastor the entire church, every woman and man need to hear this before considering dating to be married. Wow pastor am getting married soon and that list/tools that you spoke about, I checked it along the very long list that I have compiled together. Smile. Now, you have shown me the scriptures and I am going to work with this must do/don't and use it as a guide along with prayer. I have read one of your books, purpose driven life. I need to go back and read that again. Yes sir!. Again, thank you pastor Rick. Keep teaching, we are listening. 🇨🇦🇯🇲🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Genesis 24:14 This is my request. I will ask one of them, ‘Please give me a drink from your jug.’ If she says, ‘Yes, have a drink, and I will water your camels, too!’-let her be the one you have selected as Isaac’s wife. This is how I will know that you have shown unfailing love to my master.”
Hibiscus God bless you
WOW BOOM Thank you for this Scripture. Thank God the Holy Spirit tells us who and who not to marry.
Excellent sermon Pastor Rick! I'm also applying this to friendships ( who would be my true friends not fair weather friends). And looking back at why so many friendships fell apart....a BIG part was immaturity and selfishness (they had a fit when things didn't go their way or needed someone to talk about their problems but when I needed someone to talk to they were "busy"). I'm starting fresh now with finding new friends and now will use God's guidelines. Thank You😀
I Guess u should lesting to the message again & meditate Over it.
I Guess u should lesting to the message again & meditate Over it.
What God said when He knew Adam needed Eve; "It is not good for man to be alone. I shall make a helpmeet fit for him!"
Not; "It is not good for man to be alone. I shall make numerous possible helpmeets for him, some good, a few very good, and some not so good, and leave it up to him as to which one will be his helpmeet!"
You spoke the words I was searching for.
It’s not wise to make so many inferences from the Bible... and you would KNOW if you came out of another person... without a DOUBT...
Not many ribs-- all his,,, but ONE!!!
The helper is x willing to mate
@@visionvixxen "All scripture is useful for teaching..."
@4Tifier if what you mean is that God only has one person for you then you're wrong. If that is so then why would God allow remarrying after a person's spouse dies? Won't that be like marrying someone else's future spouse coz you got only one and the one you got is dead? So if that's the truth then God wouldn't have accepted remarriage after your spouse is no more. God will never contradict himself. So He won't allow something and let some other principles contradict with it. It'll always be in line.
@@samuelnathanlyngdoh6519 Thank you.
Wow! life changed!!!! what a great teaching! thanku LORD
Second or third time I watched this message now. It became so clear to me looking at my past. Eye opening! Wished I would have know this years ago!
This was very true to word! Thank you Most holy God!
It seems to me if you tell the truth no one will be interested
“You’re not gonna be sexy forever, unless you’re me” hahahaha
Amen. Praise God. Jesus is Lord.👑🔥❣️🥹 Thank You. Thank you, Pastor Rick. God bless.❣️🌿💕
Why should I make the choice who to marry? God is much better in doing that, and He has done that at least 19 times, I know at least 19 cases where God chose the future partner. I don’t want to choose because God is better in making the choice
Because of free will! A man makes many plans but it the Lord's will that prevails! But it is our choice whether or not we obey what He says
Such a powerful message to be honest.
Marriage is not about love but about sex.
1 Co 7:4 To avoid sexual immorality , let every man have his wife (..)
It's about keeping us safe from temptations by having regular sex (and stop it for a while for spiritual matters only)
It's about growing and multiplying
Nothing to do with the modern garbage they preach which sounds spiritual but is NOT endorsed by the Bible at all.