I ride a Sherman, also what’s in my mind is just having a low profile with cops. The last thing I want is litigation to put a speed limit on us. Especially on the chicago lakefront trail
I'm all for freedom to do whatever, but people seriously need to think about coming off of that thing at 60 MPH. It's going to be different than a motorcycle.
Always a good idea to have the option for a faster wheel. Those that prefer slower alternatives can have their pick, the speed demons should have their options as well.
@@OWGAC I think a lot of it is the fact that Veteran is an American manufacturer. Definitely makes me favor them a bit more. (Even if I just ordered a KingSong for my first wheel)
@@Gebeleizis. Its not, the guy probably thinks just because the name is based on an american tank that it is an american company, the company name says it all "Guangzhou Veteran Intelligent Technology Ltd"
But it doesn't have to be allowed to do 60, just have the capacity to cope with loads at 35... Manufacturers can prevent the user getting to cutoff, by monitoring and intervening at a safe margin.
Yes exactly. There are many roads and paths along the coastline here in Norway where you could ride at 60mph without pushing any reasonable margin. It would be a joy to be able to cruise at 65-70 on my wheel on that impeccable asphalt, without risking a cut of. I hate to ride the beep, but I daily ride my 100volt Nikola plus at nearly 40mph, on my way to work. And if it wasn’t for the constant fear of cut of, I’d be in heaven. Thanks god for GotWay and they’re no compromise approach. If it wasn’t for them, we’d still be riding kids toys.
@@alastorclark3492 Exactly. Shooting off into space improves technology on earth. Let them make a monowheel that rips, and learn what they did to make it possible. Use it to make better and safer lower-speed monowheels.
@@TerkanTyr You guys can go ahead and wish for your 100mph mono wheels. I don't care about going that fast and it's just stupid. If you crave speed, get a proper motorcycle.
family friends who are both 60 years old or so recently got one-wheel's and talked about riding together. went down the rabbit hole looking these things up and found EUC's. saw someone ride one in my neighborhood flying down the street around the same time. you and other's on youtube got me to buy a veteran sherman. should be here in a few weeks. super excited to learn how to ride
You hit the nail right on the head when it comes to speed and our instinct. There is a reason why we love the "Ride". And others just don't understand. And I'm ok with that. Great video once again from my first and true inspiration. Hsiang!
Doing 60mph on an EUC is utter insanity.. I have 3 and have no desire to go past 35 mph. One stray piece of road debris or pothole at those speeds and your toast. For me it's more about getting outside and enjoying nature, and when I'm feeling froggy - a torquey, zippy 0 to 35 rush is all I need. As a rider for 3 years with thousands of miles, higher top speed is on the bottom of my 'wants' list. Would love some more tourque though 😁
A 60mph wheel will feel very different even when you ride it at 20mph, also that additional torque will mean faster braking as well so I don’t think you need to ride fast to actually enjoy the benefits of having a “fast” wheel
When you think about it .......Of course. Like the family car ...it goes 145mph but you don't use all the speed. A wheel that goes 60 mph will have Extremely Excellent Exciting performance at the 25 -45mph ranges
Love your takes, Hsiang! I think what gets us in trouble won't be wheels that can go fast, but people using them wrong, like people cruising sidewalks as fast or faster than bikes and killing someone stepping out of a store, or just jerks blasting by people on trails at speeds that would injure pedestrians if they messed up. Personally I was mixed on powered bikes on trails before EUC, but now I just hope most of us can pass slowly and close empty gaps as fast as we like!
Yes, and as with any tool, we should always assume that there will be people who will use it wrong. So then the safety analysis becomes how bad is it when (not if) it happens and how often it might be, and that way weigh the pros and cons of allowing the tool to be easily accessible to the public or not
Great video, love the enthusiasm as always, while I probably won’t be going that fast just yet (at least until I get my Sherman) I’m all about pushing the encouragement for more speed, range, and torque on these. As a rider, who wouldn’t want more options? EUCs are here to stay!
I agree. The faster a wheel is the better. There is less chance for it to quit and we are only going to go as fast as our skill level to control it. I lik that I can recognize you in Brooklyn and red hook. Thanks for the update. And reasonable expectations.
Yeah, we all laugh until it becomes a reality. As someone who actually uses it to go around town and as last mile transport, I hope I will be still able to enjoy it in a few years. It's sad, but the more people getting obsessed with driving fast like this on Public roads, zig-zagging through traffic, the sooner someone will f*ck up and/or someone in power notices and bans the thing. It's already happening in some places... I can't rid myself of the feeling, that they are ruining it for everyone. Kind of like shared scooters ruined the public percepcion of those. I know it's insane fun, but... Sigh.
There are lots of things to take in consideration here like this guy said. Which has lead me to build a 50 inch wheel with a 80mph top speed so I can just roll over pedestrians without slowing down.
Check out my Accessory Shop! themosfet.com/ and if you are thinking of buying an Electric Unicycle use my affiliate links! Pays me a few dollars at no cost to you, and help fund my wheel purchases for more reviews! EWHEEL: www.ewheels.com/Hsiang ERIDES: www.erides.co.uk/?ref=hsianglin EUCO: www.euco.us?ref=53 Clark Pads: clarkpads.com?aff=8
I was happy like I won on a lottery that totally nothing happened to me and i didn’t lose any skin so that’s where you wrong, but still I like your videos and it’s really funny because everyone told me that that cutoff spread through whole world 3 times and I was like yea maybe some people seen it but now I believe them 😅
I See you wear a mask, ...alot let me introduce you to these books The Contagion myth, the invisible Rainbow, Virus Mania!, and What really makes you sick?. understanding these books will release you from mask dependency
Content/Contenido • Message in english • Mensaje en español ................... • Message in english Good news! • Did you know that there is someone who died for you on a cross so that you could achieve eternal life? • Did you know that you only have two paths after death? The Bible tells us in the book of Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." and in Ecclesiastes 7:20 it says "Certainly there is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins." This tells us that all human beings are sinners (we all break God's law), therefore, we deserve God's punishment for going against his word, but the good news is that through his son Jesus Christ we can obtain forgiveness of sins: John 3:16 [16] For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life. Romans 5: 8 [8] But God shows his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God died on a cross for all humanity more than 2000 years ago, rising on the third day and paying a high price for our sins, since in the Bible it tells us that there is a heaven after death but also There is a hell and the kingdom of heaven can only be reached through Jesus Christ through the forgiveness of sins, it is not through any virgin or any saint, or by any other means, there is only one mediator between God and men, so if you want to go to heaven you have to repent of your sins (fornication, lies, etc.) and follow Jesus (obey biblical commandments), sins send people to hell and also there is a lake of fire but through Jesus You can be forgived. Christ is coming soon! Judgments come to earth (asteroids, earthquakes, etc.), seek God who has great things for your life. God bless you. Prayer: Prayer: dear Lord Jesus forgive my sins, I know that I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness, enter my heart and guide me towards eternal life, thank you. Amen • Mensaje en español ¡Buenas noticias! •¿Sabías que hay alguien que murió por ti en una cruz para que puedas alcanzar la vida eterna? •¿Sabías que tienes sólo dos caminos después de la muerte? La Biblia nos dice en el libro de Romanos 6:23 "Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, mas la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro." y en Eclesiastés 7:20 dice "Ciertamente no hay hombre justo en la tierra, que haga el bien y nunca peque." Esto nos habla de que todos los seres humanos somos pecadores (todos infringimos la ley de Dios), por lo tanto nos merecemos el castigo de Dios por ir en contra de su palabra, pero la buena noticia es que por medio de su hijo Jesucristo podemos alcanzar el perdón de los pecados: Juan 3:16 [16]Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. Romanos 5:8 [8]Mas Dios muestra su amor para con nosotros, en que siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros. Jesucristo el unigénito hijo de Dios murió en una cruz por toda la humanidad hace mas de 2000 años, resucitando al tercer día y pagando un alto precio por nuestros pecados, ya que en la Biblia nos habla de que existe un cielo después de la muerte pero también existe un infierno y solo se puede alcanzar el reino de los cielos por medio de Jesucristo a través de la obediencia a lo que está en la biblia (arrepentimiento de pecados pidiendo perdón a Dios por ellos confesándole lo que hicimos y procurando no cometerlos nuevamente, vivir en santidad, etc), no es a través de ninguna virgen ni ningún santo, ni por ningún otro medio, solo hay un mediador entre Dios y los hombres. Los pecados llevan al infierno y también existe el lago de fuego pero por medio de Jesús puedes ser perdonado. ¡Cristo viene pronto! Vienen juicios a la tierra (asteroides, terremotos, etc.), Busca a Dios que Él tiene grandes cosas para tu vida. Oración modelo: Seńor Jesús te pido perdón por mis pecados (le confiesas lo que hiciste mal), te acepto como mi Salvador, entra en mi vida y ayúdame a seguirte. Amén. Es importante que leas la biblia, que busques una iglesia dónde congregarse que te enseńen la sana doctrina, que ores todos los días, etc. Cristo te ama. ......... Extra Cuidado con la vacuna del COVID es una trampa satánica que te puede causar la muerte, no te pongas esa vacuna, para más información acerca de esto y más cosas puedes visitar ministeriosavivamientopln.com
For me, being able to cruise at 25 to 30 over long distances is the game changer. Top speed is fun and thrilling, but for me it’s all about distance and replacing my commuter car. You mention this briefly, but wind resistance at those speeds is pretty problematic, but like F1 and IndyCars, I’m glad they’re there and point the way to more technology. By the way, as a long time subscriber, your video craft has increased exponentially. The edits between your snippets of dialog were amazing and I definitely noticed. What you did here was not easy so those 10k+ views were well earned. Keep doing what you’re doing and stay safe out there so we get more videos for years to come.
Saw my first EUC today. Been riding unicycles for 60 years. This is “stoked and bitchin’ “. Dear Santa. Please bring me the latest iteration of the EUC.
oh damn. there are no better transition into an EUC than from manual unicycle! you won't even experience much learning curve!! I wish I could be there to see the smile on your face when you finally gets to ride one!!
Hell YES! Always push the envelope! That's what we do! Though I am happy with my 100v wheels, with their speed and range, ie: my new EX, I love watching you guys go. Fast, carvy, edgy... Very cool! Keep it up! Peace from Maine...
See your videos for a long time. I don't ride a EUC "yet" but i consider them the top of the line compact means of transportation, Future Now as you say. Thanks for the great video with a very realistic and relaxed approach to the subject of speed! My thoughts since a child are: if you want to solve the danger of speed, you don't allow manufactures to build it, No one stoped Porsche to still build 911 GT3 until today... speed is dangerous on everything. Let's work on educate people to be moderate and cautious, excesses will always exist !
That's insane. I mean, yes, the EUC itself and the speeds and all that, but also the VO while you're flying around the streets of all four (sorry SI) boroughs. That must have taken forever to edit! This makes me feel slightly better about spending 15 minutes watching, listening, and attempting to identify every location... when I should actually be working.
DUDE! Only takes one car door to open, then down you go. Best to give more room when passing parked cars, and I would stop going the wrong way on roads. I don't see this ending well. Always ride defensively, expect everything is a potential hazard. Ride Smart, or die dum. Where more protective gear or the skin grafts will be expensive/painful.
Infectious enthusiasm Be careful and have fun. Now I can't decide if I want a scooter euc or a one wheel. That nami burn thing looks pretty rad and hits 60 mph.
I started talking to Archee and he opened my eyes to a whole different side of EUC riding I didn't know existed. Range + Fastcharging = long distance tour rides. He's going from Boston to Portland tomorrow. I honestly can't even imagine but I'm interested.
@@jednorman4743 really depends on your battery but most common probably 8 or 10 maybe up to 15 amps. If u have money and didnt care about battery health could do up to 40+a on a 40t 8p for example.
I done long distance motorcycle rides before and I totally get the attraction! it helps if you have the giant custom pack Archee hook his wheel up to also!
I picked up a five year old Airwheel (obsolete) which is extremely slow but I’m having lots of fun learning to ride it around my street. I learnt how to ride a pedal unicycle 20 years ago. 😎👍
I had one of these and I found that this was one of the hardest EUCs to learn on, so props to you for that! I had to get a Ninebot before I could avoid falling off :)
For about a 70mph wheel, I think we'd need about a 8.5kw motor. It doesn't have to be THAT heavy either, I think the packs on the Mpro could probably do the job, maybe with thicker wires.
Cruising at 40 miles/h with headroom of 20 miles/h. You won't cut out as fast. But as long battery technology doesn't progress, EUC won't hit the 60 mark or exceed it. My guess is the Veteran Sherman without the heavy protective bars and with a streettire, could reach 57 miles/h.
@@alexutlang What I am saying still holds up. It doesn't count if it cut out at 57. We need smaller/lighter battery with the same capacity. So more room will be available in the body for high performance wires and bigger/robust mainboard and better cooling. But yes...EUC can already approach the 60 mark. Maybe with the Monster Pro eventually...right before exploding into thousands of pieces.
Can somebody please interview Kamikaze Joe?! His crash is legendary. Daniel Kot from EUC.rides apparently reached the 60 mph feat with his sport EXN. He was interviewed on the BlackCobra show. Fabulous vid! Thanks Hsiang
I haven't heard about any 60mph record so far; the EXN carries the same motor as the RS with a free spin speed of 62mph I think, so unless Daniel weights next to zero and is the size of a garden gnome I'd be very skeptical of a 60mph claim.
Hello, great video and topic to talk about, in my opinion, Yes we should have 60+ mph EUC,s simple any rider who can handle that speed will use it and anyone who just enjoying a relaxing " Normal" ride will enjoy it the speed in each own comfort zone. Simple I guess..
No matter how fast they will make them going people will always want more,thats the human nature. Personally i dont believe that euc should go over 43 mph because of its safety but hey thats just me. Ride safe guys,peace!
@@OWGAC the limit will rise I’m sure of it but if you ask me if I like it I will say no,what gear I need to wear to be protected then?What pedestrians need to be aware of a risk from a wheel that goes with 40-60mph land on them because someone got a cutoff or a fall from wrong handling? All I’m saying improve wheels but improve safety all around
@@OWGAC i wouldn't want to have a crash in my car at 43mph... let alone a fucking wheel in between my legs, for all ya'll that's gonna die soon...that's what you get! 🤣
Great video as always! Thanks man! 👍 Maybe even solid state batteries finally reach production level we'll be able to have our long range and high speed EUCs without making them heavier and larger.
6:09 Because a higher top speed = more head room = more safety at ANY SPEED I think you mentioned it later in the vid but yeah more speed = less cut outs.
I have noticed that slower higher torque wheels have greater payload capacity then speedy wheel with same voltage and batteries. I’m a bigger heavier man , and some the speedier wheels are not capable of handling my weight. On a cheap scooter I managed to fry the BMS board damaging the battery by going up a long slight incline. The aerodynamic are a huge factor starting at 30 mpg and keeps increasing the faster you go. So reducing your aero profile would make more of a difference then more power.
The main issue with weight is very heavy batteries itself. Some new lighter batteries technology would be very handy. Also greater top speeds come with greater risks. Couple of accidents and we could be faced with new government restrictions for EUC. For city 31 miles/h is safe speed. For those who want to race there are race tracks without traffic and pedestrians.
Hey mate, let me save you a lot of pain. The helmet you are wearing is a Alpine Slalom Ski helmet. If you're wearing it with the hopes of it saving your face when you fall (similar to a full-face helmet), then you're in danger, cause that guard is designed to snap off on impact in order to prevent serious neck injury in case a of fall (on snow). It's only there to stop slalom gates from slapping you in the face. Refference: I'm a professional skier and Alpine coach.
IMO the battery does not have to be larger than 3500wh. A 3500wh battery build of high current drain cells of 30A (like the Sony VTC6) would be sufficient to double the power as most battery cells used for EUC is rated for 10-15A of continuous current.
I think you need a larger capacity battery to reduce the amount of voltage sag that happens with large draw. I am no electrical engineer but I believe its why the sherman came with such a large capacity pack.
@@OWGAC nope - High drain cells have very low impedance thus the voltage sag will be acceptable. I have nearly finished my education as an electrical engineer. Off course a larger capacity battery reduces the voltage sag as the current is shared between the parallel groups so more parallel groups will result in less current draw per group This is A test of the VCT6: lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/Sony%20US18650VTC6%203000mAh%20(Green)%20UK.html
If Gotway release a 125V 60mph wheel, I'll take all my nasty comments about them back, we'll once again be happy to deal with all the little problems just for that sweet sweet performance!
Every type of transport has it's typical operating speed range. And in my opinion, the EUCs have already surpassed the upper speed limit of that range. I'd find it really smart for the EUC manufacturers to have a gentleman's agreement between them, just like the Japanese motorcycle manufacturers had back then, for not pushing the speed limit anymore. We already have enough of it. There are many other aspects of EUCs that need to be worked upon. Better cutoff prevention, integrated charger, pedals released at the push of a button and so much more.
the tech is there, I'd say its the features like reliable suspension and some sort of stability control that'll push euc's to the next level; perhaps even some sort of lateral gyro that scales with higher speed; of course that'll come with a higher price tag but as with everything else, it's like the saying goes, "speed costs money", how fast you wanna go?
I'm still happy zipping around on my Inmotion V8 😁 although I do hit the beep a lot nowadays - maybe time for an upgrade - I don't want something to much heavier than the V8 though ??
I thought the same thing about my V8. Then I upgraded to a Nikola +. It was challenging to ride at first but now that I'm used to it, it feels so much faster and more stable and comfirtable than the V8. I'd never go back.
I honestly think leashes aren't a bad idea at the 6foot (extended) curly kind. The human almost always stops first. And would quite easily stop a smaller weight quickly and 6ft should keep the wheel far enough from the rider as it bounced.
yes the rider usually stop first, but all that momentum will have to go somewhere, if the wheel is tethered I suspect that it may swing side way instead. the biggest problem is probably that no one would be willing to be the Guinea pig to try it!
@@OWGAC Big fan, but I disagree, imagine a parachute behind a high speed racecar, it should pull straight line from the enhanced drag of the human parachute. being that you are decelerating both it may increase the slide length of the human. But should be safer to prevent a 40 mph wrecking ball to a pedestrian.
Yes the wheel would have that much energy to a stationary pedestrian. but because both you and the wheel are in motion both decelerating. it would be dispersed over a longer duration. Until both objects came to rest.
Honestly I really have no idea, the only way to know is to actually have it happen and so far I have yet to see any rider whom ride that fast to be willing to be leashed.
I'd rather keep my arm attached to my body. 80lb wheel at 50mph hooked to a 130lb man. Hmm, would could possibly go wrong? Theres always a good possibility that a runaway rogue wheel will NOT hit any people. Its likely a leash would cause sever damage everytime in the same scenario. Nope, no noose for me on my euc or my motorcycle.
Just discovering your channel and I must say, you deserve so much more than 14k subscribers. Love your style! (PS: We definitely ride the same places, LIC, over the bridge etc. Haven't met yet but looking forward to it!)
I want 1 of these so bad but the good 1’s are so expensive. I enjoy my electric scooters but this thing looks incredible to ride. I live in London U.K. and have never seen anyone ride 1 of these sexy wheels.
If they decide to take a wheel such as the Monster Pro and sacrifice torque so much so that it would only be a straight line wheel, I can picture 60 mph being a thing without increasing the weight.
The thing about achieving that top speed would be to remove the limiter thats in place and tweaking some settings via custom firmware. Its like buying a honda civic stock that has 100hp but when you tune the ecu guess what happens, you magically gain additional 10hp. And if any 3 party company making aftermarket upgrades they you can potentially break the sound barrier, just saying!
Just like e-bikes they are classified as a certain class You're not allowed to go over 28 mph on bike paths. If you have a bike that can go over 28 mph you cannot bring it on a bike path it's illegal. Just as these ones should be completely illegal especially on bike paths. At those speeds in the type of control you have You're going to put yourself in danger and everyone else around you In the sick part is you don't even need a special license or anything like you do for a car. I predict that these type of unicycles are going to cause tons of problems, crashes, and safety issues all over the world and something needs to be done about it if they're going this fast.
If you want fast wheels I'm fine with that (I actually have arguments against it but I won't get into those yet). Here is the problem though. You need to do your speed stuff where you can not hurt other people or property. This is no different than it being illegal to race cars on the street because it is a public space.
Well, given that 100mph capable motorcycle can be had for about the same price and that motorcycle license are laughably easy to get, I still think that all the worries about EUC safety is a bit over the top.
I'm confused it seems to me you are talking about speeding. The speed limit applies to all transportation devices. I almost got hit with reckless endangerment at 14 for riding past a cop at 31mph in a school zone on a BMX bicycle. Just because I can go fast doesn't justify doing so. If you are doing the speed limit I would argue you are no less safe than riding a motorcycle.
I think we will see "halo" wheels like car companies have with low production cars to make brands. The sale of a wheel weighing more than the rider will remain a niche within a niche. I'd love s 60mph wheel existing but have no desire to carry a 140 or so pound wheel up stairs to the appartment. The safety standards needed to repeatedly go 60, the way the warnings the work, the heat management etc will flow down hill to the more mainstream wheels and that will benefit all riders.
with a knobby and large enough diameter tire EUC you can actually roll it up stairs. I feel like there are soo many interesting possibilities that haven't been explored yet. Annnnd sounds like Charles the CEO of inmotion was hinting at a "halo" EUC they may make, the V13 maybe?
I have a v5f right now and I want a faster one because it only goes 15 mph. I am a kid and cant get a job yet but I have enough to get a better one. Which one do u suggest I get. Thank you.
There are many options out there, but it depends somewhat on your size also. If you're still growing, you might want to wait a bit for a larger wheel. I'm an adult (34) and used to have an old V5 and upgraded to a V8, and at first it seemed a little clunky (because of the larger wheel and weight, and yet it's not even really that large). Eventually I got used to it, but the point is that adding weight makes it less agile and responsive, so if I were physically smaller, an even bigger wheel would be uncomfortable for me to ride (not to mention a pain just to drag it around whenever you are not riding it). Personally I'm most familiar with Inmotion, so I would vote for a V8F (21 mph is sufficient for me), but that's up to you. 50/60 mph to me sounds like overkill and way dangerous (I'd prefer not to die young, thanks).
How long have you been riding? I actually think you can learn a lot spending more time with a slower wheel, I rode my 12mph i5 for 4 month before I upgraded to the z10. But, if you are over that then I would suggest looking around to see what used option you can find. probably the best thing to do if you are on a budget.
Imagine getting a speeding ticket on a unicycle
I always check if I’m speeding when I’m in front of a cop. Find myself going 38 or 40 on a 30mph road
You need a plate for that, in order to know whom to send the ticket to...
@@rbtectur Not really, they could still give you a ticket just as if you were trespassing on a bicycle..
@@ArkyliouS what kind of a unicycle you got ?
I ride a Sherman, also what’s in my mind is just having a low profile with cops. The last thing I want is litigation to put a speed limit on us. Especially on the chicago lakefront trail
I'm all for freedom to do whatever, but people seriously need to think about coming off of that thing at 60 MPH. It's going to be different than a motorcycle.
Always a good idea to have the option for a faster wheel. Those that prefer slower alternatives can have their pick, the speed demons should have their options as well.
I am surprised by how many people now choosing to Start on the Sherman!
@@OWGAC Sherman is my first EUC, so yeah there is demand for power :p
@@OWGAC I think a lot of it is the fact that Veteran is an American manufacturer. Definitely makes me favor them a bit more. (Even if I just ordered a KingSong for my first wheel)
@@ClokworkGremlin Is Veteran really an American manufacturer? 🙂
@@Gebeleizis. Its not, the guy probably thinks just because the name is based on an american tank that it is an american company, the company name says it all "Guangzhou Veteran Intelligent Technology Ltd"
You know what's awesome about a 60mph wheel? You can run it as a 35mph wheel with near infinite headroom, range, and safety.
People trying to push it to the limit wouldn't be missed at all.
Very much so! Trying to hold 35mph on my monster is hairy since any big bump can push it into 4-5 beeps territory!
But it doesn't have to be allowed to do 60, just have the capacity to cope with loads at 35... Manufacturers can prevent the user getting to cutoff, by monitoring and intervening at a safe margin.
Yes exactly. There are many roads and paths along the coastline here in Norway where you could ride at 60mph without pushing any reasonable margin. It would be a joy to be able to cruise at 65-70 on my wheel on that impeccable asphalt, without risking a cut of. I hate to ride the beep, but I daily ride my 100volt Nikola plus at nearly 40mph, on my way to work. And if it wasn’t for the constant fear of cut of, I’d be in heaven. Thanks god for GotWay and they’re no compromise approach. If it wasn’t for them, we’d still be riding kids toys.
13:23 the effect of the fence design with the camera shutter speed here is really cool
What gear does he use to get that effect?
@@qadashchaayah144 It's just the right framerate and the right speed.
Man these are amazing! I wish I could afford one.
Tbh EUCs are already at a perfect speed (40-45mph). We should focus on safety cut outs, suspension and the riding experience, rather than speed.
working on speed requires you to push for better suspension. Safety cut out threashold has to ride.
How about no?
@@alastorclark3492 Exactly. Shooting off into space improves technology on earth.
Let them make a monowheel that rips, and learn what they did to make it possible. Use it to make better and safer lower-speed monowheels.
no suspention.. you have legs
@@TerkanTyr You guys can go ahead and wish for your 100mph mono wheels. I don't care about going that fast and it's just stupid. If you crave speed, get a proper motorcycle.
family friends who are both 60 years old or so recently got one-wheel's and talked about riding together. went down the rabbit hole looking these things up and found EUC's. saw someone ride one in my neighborhood flying down the street around the same time. you and other's on youtube got me to buy a veteran sherman. should be here in a few weeks. super excited to learn how to ride
How has it been bud? Enjoying your vet Sherman?
You hit the nail right on the head when it comes to speed and our instinct. There is a reason why we love the "Ride". And others just don't understand. And I'm ok with that. Great video once again from my first and true inspiration. Hsiang!
Doing 60mph on an EUC is utter insanity.. I have 3 and have no desire to go past 35 mph. One stray piece of road debris or pothole at those speeds and your toast. For me it's more about getting outside and enjoying nature, and when I'm feeling froggy - a torquey, zippy 0 to 35 rush is all I need. As a rider for 3 years with thousands of miles, higher top speed is on the bottom of my 'wants' list. Would love some more tourque though 😁
A 60mph wheel will feel very different even when you ride it at 20mph, also that additional torque will mean faster braking as well so I don’t think you need to ride fast to actually enjoy the benefits of having a “fast” wheel
When you think about it .......Of course.
Like the family car ...it goes 145mph but you don't use all the speed.
A wheel that goes 60 mph will have Extremely Excellent Exciting performance at the 25 -45mph ranges
Love your takes, Hsiang! I think what gets us in trouble won't be wheels that can go fast, but people using them wrong, like people cruising sidewalks as fast or faster than bikes and killing someone stepping out of a store, or just jerks blasting by people on trails at speeds that would injure pedestrians if they messed up. Personally I was mixed on powered bikes on trails before EUC, but now I just hope most of us can pass slowly and close empty gaps as fast as we like!
Yes, and as with any tool, we should always assume that there will be people who will use it wrong. So then the safety analysis becomes how bad is it when (not if) it happens and how often it might be, and that way weigh the pros and cons of allowing the tool to be easily accessible to the public or not
Your personality, presentation and humor is absolute gold. 🔥 Keep it up man!
He eat bats
Great video, love the enthusiasm as always, while I probably won’t be going that fast just yet (at least until I get my Sherman) I’m all about pushing the encouragement for more speed, range, and torque on these. As a rider, who wouldn’t want more options? EUCs are here to stay!
Thank you!!!
I agree. The faster a wheel is the better. There is less chance for it to quit and we are only going to go as fast as our skill level to control it. I lik that I can recognize you in Brooklyn and red hook. Thanks for the update. And reasonable expectations.
Battery technology continues to go forward. More powerful batteries are coming. More power more speed.
2 years later, we're gonna be purposely cutting out at 100 mph just to see if we can do 100mph lol
Whoever does that is gonna have one hell of a death wish haha
I can’t even imagine what a 100mph capable EUC would look like!
@@OWGAC It is just a matter of technology catching up. Mostly there battery tech. As energy density improves, the size can be kept down...
Af that point I want a robot on top
No amount of gear will save you from a 100 mph faceplant
You are gonna get us BANNED with these crazy speed video! Ha! Ha! ;-)
But the Cindy Lauper music in the roll intro might be borderline!
Yeah, we all laugh until it becomes a reality. As someone who actually uses it to go around town and as last mile transport, I hope I will be still able to enjoy it in a few years.
It's sad, but the more people getting obsessed with driving fast like this on Public roads, zig-zagging through traffic, the sooner someone will f*ck up and/or someone in power notices and bans the thing. It's already happening in some places...
I can't rid myself of the feeling, that they are ruining it for everyone. Kind of like shared scooters ruined the public percepcion of those. I know it's insane fun, but... Sigh.
7:27 the best getaway vehicle ever.
There are lots of things to take in consideration here like this guy said. Which has lead me to build a 50 inch wheel with a 80mph top speed so I can just roll over pedestrians without slowing down.
thats called a car
Your video was very satisfying and informative
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I was happy like I won on a lottery that totally nothing happened to me and i didn’t lose any skin so that’s where you wrong, but still I like your videos and it’s really funny because everyone told me that that cutoff spread through whole world 3 times and I was like yea maybe some people seen it but now I believe them 😅
I See you wear a mask, ...alot let me introduce you to these books The Contagion myth, the invisible Rainbow, Virus Mania!, and What really makes you sick?. understanding these books will release you from mask dependency
Blah Blah Blah 😑💤💤💤
• Message in english
• Mensaje en español
• Message in english
Good news!
• Did you know that there is someone who died for you on a cross so that you could achieve eternal life?
• Did you know that you only have two paths after death?
The Bible tells us in the book of Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." and in Ecclesiastes 7:20 it says "Certainly there is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins."
This tells us that all human beings are sinners (we all break God's law), therefore, we deserve God's punishment for going against his word, but the good news is that through his son Jesus Christ we can obtain forgiveness of sins:
John 3:16
[16] For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life.
Romans 5: 8
[8] But God shows his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God died on a cross for all humanity more than 2000 years ago, rising on the third day and paying a high price for our sins, since in the Bible it tells us that there is a heaven after death but also There is a hell and the kingdom of heaven can only be reached through Jesus Christ through the forgiveness of sins, it is not through any virgin or any saint, or by any other means, there is only one mediator between God and men, so if you want to go to heaven you have to repent of your sins (fornication, lies, etc.) and follow Jesus (obey biblical commandments), sins send people to hell and also there is a lake of fire but through Jesus You can be forgived. Christ is coming soon! Judgments come to earth (asteroids, earthquakes, etc.), seek God who has great things for your life. God bless you.
Prayer: Prayer: dear Lord Jesus forgive my sins, I know that I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness, enter my heart and guide me towards eternal life, thank you. Amen
• Mensaje en español
¡Buenas noticias!
•¿Sabías que hay alguien que murió por ti en una cruz para que puedas alcanzar la vida eterna?
•¿Sabías que tienes sólo dos caminos después de la muerte?
La Biblia nos dice en el libro de Romanos 6:23 "Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, mas la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro." y en Eclesiastés 7:20 dice "Ciertamente no hay hombre justo en la tierra, que haga el bien y nunca peque."
Esto nos habla de que todos los seres humanos somos pecadores (todos infringimos la ley de Dios), por lo tanto nos merecemos el castigo de Dios por ir en contra de su palabra, pero la buena noticia es que por medio de su hijo Jesucristo podemos alcanzar el perdón de los pecados:
Juan 3:16
[16]Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
Romanos 5:8
[8]Mas Dios muestra su amor para con nosotros, en que siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros.
Jesucristo el unigénito hijo de Dios murió en una cruz por toda la humanidad hace mas de 2000 años, resucitando al tercer día y pagando un alto precio por nuestros pecados, ya que en la Biblia nos habla de que existe un cielo después de la muerte pero también existe un infierno y solo se puede alcanzar el reino de los cielos por medio de Jesucristo a través de la obediencia a lo que está en la biblia (arrepentimiento de pecados pidiendo perdón a Dios por ellos confesándole lo que hicimos y procurando no cometerlos nuevamente, vivir en santidad, etc), no es a través de ninguna virgen ni ningún santo, ni por ningún otro medio, solo hay un mediador entre Dios y los hombres. Los pecados llevan al infierno y también existe el lago de fuego pero por medio de Jesús puedes ser perdonado. ¡Cristo viene pronto! Vienen juicios a la tierra (asteroides, terremotos, etc.), Busca a Dios que Él tiene grandes cosas para tu vida.
Oración modelo: Seńor Jesús te pido perdón por mis pecados (le confiesas lo que hiciste mal), te acepto como mi Salvador, entra en mi vida y ayúdame a seguirte. Amén.
Es importante que leas la biblia, que busques una iglesia dónde congregarse que te enseńen la sana doctrina, que ores todos los días, etc. Cristo te ama.
Cuidado con la vacuna del COVID es una trampa satánica que te puede causar la muerte, no te pongas esa vacuna, para más información acerca de esto y más cosas puedes visitar ministeriosavivamientopln.com
Nice filming/editing!! Thx alot!
What a super Kool video you make me want to go out and buy one right now, hopefully I'll see you out there soon.
For me, being able to cruise at 25 to 30 over long distances is the game changer. Top speed is fun and thrilling, but for me it’s all about distance and replacing my commuter car. You mention this briefly, but wind resistance at those speeds is pretty problematic, but like F1 and IndyCars, I’m glad they’re there and point the way to more technology.
By the way, as a long time subscriber, your video craft has increased exponentially. The edits between your snippets of dialog were amazing and I definitely noticed. What you did here was not easy so those 10k+ views were well earned. Keep doing what you’re doing and stay safe out there so we get more videos for years to come.
Great content Hsiang! What a great time to be alive!🤣
I don't know why I found this video relaxing to watch
Nice video Boy, now is time to make a video about the Range ☺️
I love how the company was like the safest option is to yeet the rider off at the fastest speed.
nothing the company can do about it. it’s physics
I'm glad tho that u managed to trick me into wasting another 15 minutes of my life. Another rant regarding need4speed is live worth living indeed
Saw my first EUC today. Been riding unicycles for 60 years. This is “stoked and bitchin’ “. Dear Santa. Please bring me the latest iteration of the EUC.
oh damn. there are no better transition into an EUC than from manual unicycle! you won't even experience much learning curve!! I wish I could be there to see the smile on your face when you finally gets to ride one!!
One of my favourite EUC content creators! Awesome vid mate. Keep up the stellar work!
Hell YES! Always push the envelope! That's what we do! Though I am happy with my 100v wheels, with their speed and range, ie: my new EX, I love watching you guys go. Fast, carvy, edgy... Very cool! Keep it up! Peace from Maine...
Imagine going 60 MPH on an electric unicycle on Minnesota roads lined with pot holes 😂
Im from minnesota lets have fun ! What wheel you have ?
See your videos for a long time. I don't ride a EUC "yet" but i consider them the top of the line compact means of transportation, Future Now as you say.
Thanks for the great video with a very realistic and relaxed approach to the subject of speed!
My thoughts since a child are: if you want to solve the danger of speed, you don't allow manufactures to build it,
No one stoped Porsche to still build 911 GT3 until today... speed is dangerous on everything.
Let's work on educate people to be moderate and cautious, excesses will always exist !
That's insane. I mean, yes, the EUC itself and the speeds and all that, but also the VO while you're flying around the streets of all four (sorry SI) boroughs. That must have taken forever to edit! This makes me feel slightly better about spending 15 minutes watching, listening, and attempting to identify every location... when I should actually be working.
DUDE! Only takes one car door to open, then down you go. Best to give more room when passing parked cars, and I would stop going the wrong way on roads. I don't see this ending well. Always ride defensively, expect everything is a potential hazard. Ride Smart, or die dum. Where more protective gear or the skin grafts will be expensive/painful.
Infectious enthusiasm
Be careful and have fun. Now I can't decide if I want a scooter euc or a one wheel. That nami burn thing looks pretty rad and hits 60 mph.
Omg, an EUC @ 60mph, so super cool. Love your altitude. Thx 4 sharing on Utube.
I started talking to Archee and he opened my eyes to a whole different side of EUC riding I didn't know existed. Range + Fastcharging = long distance tour rides. He's going from Boston to Portland tomorrow. I honestly can't even imagine but I'm interested.
Holy shit id be interested too.
Fast charging? How fast?
@@jednorman4743 really depends on your battery but most common probably 8 or 10 maybe up to 15 amps. If u have money and didnt care about battery health could do up to 40+a on a 40t 8p for example.
I done long distance motorcycle rides before and I totally get the attraction! it helps if you have the giant custom pack Archee hook his wheel up to also!
@@jednorman4743 He's charging at 18 amps
I picked up a five year old Airwheel (obsolete) which is extremely slow but I’m having lots of fun learning to ride it around my street. I learnt how to ride a pedal unicycle 20 years ago. 😎👍
I had one of these and I found that this was one of the hardest EUCs to learn on, so props to you for that! I had to get a Ninebot before I could avoid falling off :)
For about a 70mph wheel, I think we'd need about a 8.5kw motor. It doesn't have to be THAT heavy either, I think the packs on the Mpro could probably do the job, maybe with thicker wires.
Make it!
Cruising at 40 miles/h with headroom of 20 miles/h. You won't cut out as fast. But as long battery technology doesn't progress, EUC won't hit the 60 mark or exceed it.
My guess is the Veteran Sherman without the heavy protective bars and with a streettire, could reach 57 miles/h.
The fastest speed recorded on sherman is 57.7mph unfortunately it cut out.
57mph is insane. My firm belief was that it tops out at 44mph. Go figure.
What I am saying still holds up. It doesn't count if it cut out at 57.
We need smaller/lighter battery with the same capacity. So more room will be available in the body for high performance wires and bigger/robust mainboard and better cooling.
But yes...EUC can already approach the 60 mark. Maybe with the Monster Pro eventually...right before exploding into thousands of pieces.
Under ideal condition with a light weight rider and a good wind on your back, but I want a wheel that can push that speed without all those factors!!
Can somebody please interview Kamikaze Joe?! His crash is legendary.
Daniel Kot from EUC.rides apparently reached the 60 mph feat with his sport EXN. He was interviewed on the BlackCobra show.
Fabulous vid! Thanks Hsiang
No video, no proof... 😉
@@afms-jo2de for real, like if your trying to go for the top speed record, you would want to record that right? 😁
@@econnak7909 😂😂
I haven't heard about any 60mph record so far; the EXN carries the same motor as the RS with a free spin speed of 62mph I think, so unless Daniel weights next to zero and is the size of a garden gnome I'd be very skeptical of a 60mph claim.
60mph Cool? Well yes, but as you say there's gotta be some serious braking ability / general stability in play too. Thank you Hsiang! 🙏
Oh of course! I mean you can reach 60mph if you just throw your EUC off of a tall building but that won’t do you no good! LOL
@@OWGAC Fairly tall building,too... Seriously now, it's all about headroom, headroom and headroom...
Hello, great video and topic to talk about, in my opinion, Yes we should have 60+ mph EUC,s simple any rider who can handle that speed will use it and anyone who just enjoying a relaxing " Normal" ride will enjoy it the speed in each own comfort zone. Simple I guess..
I Love it
One thing I Noticed Everyone Stopped using Roller Blades
No matter how fast they will make them going people will always want more,thats the human nature.
Personally i dont believe that euc should go over 43 mph because of its safety but hey thats just me.
Ride safe guys,peace!
I mean someone from 2-3 years ago would be shocked at EUC even be able to do 43mph so may be that limit rises as technologies improves?
@@OWGAC the limit will rise I’m sure of it but if you ask me if I like it I will say no,what gear I need to wear to be protected then?What pedestrians need to be aware of a risk from a wheel that goes with 40-60mph land on them because someone got a cutoff or a fall from wrong handling?
All I’m saying improve wheels but improve safety all around
@@OWGAC i wouldn't want to have a crash in my car at 43mph... let alone a fucking wheel in between my legs, for all ya'll that's gonna die soon...that's what you get! 🤣
Gotta love modern innovation
Thanks for taking the time to make this great video! I subbed
Hell yea! New Hsiang video!
Ive got 400 miles on my monster pro now. She only starts to beep at 52. It still has plenty to give on a full charge!
Hi Hsiang, entertaining and intelligent as always! Keep the vid's coming ;o)
Thank you!
Great video as always!
Thanks man! 👍
Maybe even solid state batteries finally reach production level we'll be able to have our long range and high speed EUCs without making them heavier and larger.
6:09 Because a higher top speed = more head room = more safety at ANY SPEED
I think you mentioned it later in the vid but yeah more speed = less cut outs.
Hi Sean, very good point about diminishing returns.
I want one now, and look forward to more of your vids from here on out. lol
Did you plow through a red light with peds actively crossing?? Please downgrade to a non electric unicycle first before you hurt someone.
Outdoors with a mask? OMG 😆
I have noticed that slower higher torque wheels have greater payload capacity then speedy wheel with same voltage and batteries. I’m a bigger heavier man , and some the speedier wheels are not capable of handling my weight. On a cheap scooter I managed to fry the BMS board damaging the battery by going up a long slight incline. The aerodynamic are a huge factor starting at 30 mpg and keeps increasing the faster you go. So reducing your aero profile would make more of a difference then more power.
Very much so, I don't know the math but its a huge jump in power requirement from 50-60mph mostly because of air resistance.
More speed is just simply cool :D It will almost never be used but the option to go fast as hell is just super awesome :D
tää äijä spittaa faktat
YES!! Speed remains the number one thing people ask about when it comes to my wheels!!
Hahaha love the honesty. It really is just because of how cool it is😄
The main issue with weight is very heavy batteries itself. Some new lighter batteries technology would be very handy. Also greater top speeds come with greater risks. Couple of accidents and we could be faced with new government restrictions for EUC. For city 31 miles/h is safe speed. For those who want to race there are race tracks without traffic and pedestrians.
Hey mate, let me save you a lot of pain. The helmet you are wearing is a Alpine Slalom Ski helmet. If you're wearing it with the hopes of it saving your face when you fall (similar to a full-face helmet), then you're in danger, cause that guard is designed to snap off on impact in order to prevent serious neck injury in case a of fall (on snow). It's only there to stop slalom gates from slapping you in the face.
Refference: I'm a professional skier and Alpine coach.
Good looking out, hopefully he's followed yr advice and remained among the living 🤞
Для америки это вообще идеальный вид личного транспорта.
Прорыв в индивидуальной мобильности, сравнимый с появлением форда модели т.
Спустя 100 лет!
IMO the battery does not have to be larger than 3500wh. A 3500wh battery build of high current drain cells of 30A (like the Sony VTC6) would be sufficient to double the power as most battery cells used for EUC is rated for 10-15A of continuous current.
I think you need a larger capacity battery to reduce the amount of voltage sag that happens with large draw. I am no electrical engineer but I believe its why the sherman came with such a large capacity pack.
@@OWGAC nope - High drain cells have very low impedance thus the voltage sag will be acceptable. I have nearly finished my education as an electrical engineer.
Off course a larger capacity battery reduces the voltage sag as the current is shared between the parallel groups so more parallel groups will result in less current draw per group
This is A test of the VCT6: lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/Sony%20US18650VTC6%203000mAh%20(Green)%20UK.html
When they do make a 60 mph wheel, I'll watch you review it. I rarely make my MSX 100V go above 40.
I'd love to! hopefully its actually possible to built one that fast!
They have them now
That's terrifying going that fast leaning forward head first
you get used to it =)
@@OWGAC Until you learn the meaning of inertia.
I’m still riding my airwheel x3. Top speed 9 mph. But lovin it!
How I wish I could even see a solo in Africa, Cameroon... So so fantastic
Coming soon the monster pro v2 125 volts 🤩😍
If Gotway release a 125V 60mph wheel, I'll take all my nasty comments about them back, we'll once again be happy to deal with all the little problems just for that sweet sweet performance!
Every type of transport has it's typical operating speed range. And in my opinion, the EUCs have already surpassed the upper speed limit of that range.
I'd find it really smart for the EUC manufacturers to have a gentleman's agreement between them, just like the Japanese motorcycle manufacturers had back then, for not pushing the speed limit anymore. We already have enough of it.
There are many other aspects of EUCs that need to be worked upon. Better cutoff prevention, integrated charger, pedals released at the push of a button and so much more.
Hey that's the Unicycle Man with crazy good speed😆
the tech is there, I'd say its the features like reliable suspension and some sort of stability control that'll push euc's to the next level; perhaps even some sort of lateral gyro that scales with higher speed; of course that'll come with a higher price tag
but as with everything else, it's like the saying goes, "speed costs money", how fast you wanna go?
After watching this video, I HAVE TO get that Monster! 🤝
be careful... check the ride style you really want. monster isnt for everyone.. its sluggish in quick turn City manouverability
After all the bad stuff people have gone thru with the monster ill never get one. There are less problematic high performance wheels.
@@stevecobblestone8829 like? Please help as I want one of em
Well made video! You make that look easy and I can only assume it is not, not by a long shot
I'm still happy zipping around on my Inmotion V8 😁 although I do hit the beep a lot nowadays - maybe time for an upgrade - I don't want something to much heavier than the V8 though ??
I thought the same thing about my V8. Then I upgraded to a Nikola +. It was challenging to ride at first but now that I'm used to it, it feels so much faster and more stable and comfirtable than the V8. I'd never go back.
@@automan25 you have link on where you bought yours?
I honestly think leashes aren't a bad idea at the 6foot (extended) curly kind. The human almost always stops first. And would quite easily stop a smaller weight quickly and 6ft should keep the wheel far enough from the rider as it bounced.
yes the rider usually stop first, but all that momentum will have to go somewhere, if the wheel is tethered I suspect that it may swing side way instead. the biggest problem is probably that no one would be willing to be the Guinea pig to try it!
@@OWGAC Big fan, but I disagree, imagine a parachute behind a high speed racecar, it should pull straight line from the enhanced drag of the human parachute. being that you are decelerating both it may increase the slide length of the human. But should be safer to prevent a 40 mph wrecking ball to a pedestrian.
Yes the wheel would have that much energy to a stationary pedestrian. but because both you and the wheel are in motion both decelerating. it would be dispersed over a longer duration. Until both objects came to rest.
Honestly I really have no idea, the only way to know is to actually have it happen and so far I have yet to see any rider whom ride that fast to be willing to be leashed.
I'd rather keep my arm attached to my body. 80lb wheel at 50mph hooked to a 130lb man. Hmm, would could possibly go wrong? Theres always a good possibility that a runaway rogue wheel will NOT hit any people. Its likely a leash would cause sever damage everytime in the same scenario. Nope, no noose for me on my euc or my motorcycle.
I can’t wait to get one of these
👍I Enjoyed this Episode Extremely 😍
Thank yoU!
Tbarkallah alik khouya redouane
Lmo7tawa 3endek tle3 f niveau6mayaaaane
Super inspiring, thank you!
Your the man brobro
thank you!
Just discovering your channel and I must say, you deserve so much more than 14k subscribers. Love your style!
(PS: We definitely ride the same places, LIC, over the bridge etc. Haven't met yet but looking forward to it!)
I want 1 of these so bad but the good 1’s are so expensive. I enjoy my electric scooters but this thing looks incredible to ride. I live in London U.K. and have never seen anyone ride 1 of these sexy wheels.
If they decide to take a wheel such as the Monster Pro and sacrifice torque so much so that it would only be a straight line wheel, I can picture 60 mph being a thing without increasing the weight.
The thing about achieving that top speed would be to remove the limiter thats in place and tweaking some settings via custom firmware. Its like buying a honda civic stock that has 100hp but when you tune the ecu guess what happens, you magically gain additional 10hp. And if any 3 party company making aftermarket upgrades they you can potentially break the sound barrier, just saying!
there isn’t a limiter. it just yells at you to slow down when you’re about to reach the breaking point of the wheel
I can c it’s difficult to learn but c’mon man looks so fun !!!
Just like e-bikes they are classified as a certain class You're not allowed to go over 28 mph on bike paths. If you have a bike that can go over 28 mph you cannot bring it on a bike path it's illegal.
Just as these ones should be completely illegal especially on bike paths.
At those speeds in the type of control you have You're going to put yourself in danger and everyone else around you In the sick part is you don't even need a special license or anything like you do for a car.
I predict that these type of unicycles are going to cause tons of problems, crashes, and safety issues all over the world and something needs to be done about it if they're going this fast.
I’ve already figured out the answer on how to make them increase in speed as well as restore energy so it doesn’t blow the electric motor 🙏🏽
love your video, good works
If you want fast wheels I'm fine with that (I actually have arguments against it but I won't get into those yet). Here is the problem though. You need to do your speed stuff where you can not hurt other people or property. This is no different than it being illegal to race cars on the street because it is a public space.
Well, given that 100mph capable motorcycle can be had for about the same price and that motorcycle license are laughably easy to get, I still think that all the worries about EUC safety is a bit over the top.
I'm confused it seems to me you are talking about speeding. The speed limit applies to all transportation devices. I almost got hit with reckless endangerment at 14 for riding past a cop at 31mph in a school zone on a BMX bicycle. Just because I can go fast doesn't justify doing so. If you are doing the speed limit I would argue you are no less safe than riding a motorcycle.
Brave new youth 🖖
Imagine hitting a rock at 60 mph and having a sweet bloody red scratch feeling in ur elbows and knees
I think we will see "halo" wheels like car companies have with low production cars to make brands. The sale of a wheel weighing more than the rider will remain a niche within a niche.
I'd love s 60mph wheel existing but have no desire to carry a 140 or so pound wheel up stairs to the appartment.
The safety standards needed to repeatedly go 60, the way the warnings the work, the heat management etc will flow down hill to the more mainstream wheels and that will benefit all riders.
with a knobby and large enough diameter tire EUC you can actually roll it up stairs. I feel like there are soo many interesting possibilities that haven't been explored yet. Annnnd sounds like Charles the CEO of inmotion was hinting at a "halo" EUC they may make, the V13 maybe?
This man is causally going all over the city.
Lol yup
I have a v5f right now and I want a faster one because it only goes 15 mph. I am a kid and cant get a job yet but I have enough to get a better one. Which one do u suggest I get. Thank you.
Anyone can reply
Save your money and buy a veteran Sherman
A KS16X or KS18XL is a really well made and reliable mid-range wheel. Possible to buy a second hand one.
There are many options out there, but it depends somewhat on your size also. If you're still growing, you might want to wait a bit for a larger wheel. I'm an adult (34) and used to have an old V5 and upgraded to a V8, and at first it seemed a little clunky (because of the larger wheel and weight, and yet it's not even really that large). Eventually I got used to it, but the point is that adding weight makes it less agile and responsive, so if I were physically smaller, an even bigger wheel would be uncomfortable for me to ride (not to mention a pain just to drag it around whenever you are not riding it). Personally I'm most familiar with Inmotion, so I would vote for a V8F (21 mph is sufficient for me), but that's up to you. 50/60 mph to me sounds like overkill and way dangerous (I'd prefer not to die young, thanks).
How long have you been riding? I actually think you can learn a lot spending more time with a slower wheel, I rode my 12mph i5 for 4 month before I upgraded to the z10. But, if you are over that then I would suggest looking around to see what used option you can find. probably the best thing to do if you are on a budget.
really cool, this is what the segway wanted to be
You also forgot to mention that these 90# + vehicles are basically blowtorch bombs if they crash at 60mph and the HUGE batteries are punctured.
Nice one👍
Thank you! Cheers!