Dans le même temps, il existe une importante étude de recherche sur l'utilisation de la température et des conditions climatiques de Nahata dans le monde, ce qui est une considération nécessaire pour les utilisateurs de la science et de la technologie. Le nombre de lectures est le revenu alimentaire de base dans le manuel, le exemple pratique, la forme géométrique de la partie matérielle dans le calcul, le temps de base, et le coefficient électronique de l'épaisseur.Dettes sur le papier publié par le gouvernement5/11/23
11:43 - *Spasskaya Tower Chimes* 12:52 - The Sacred War 17:49 - Jubilee Slow March 25 Year of the Red Army 19:05 - March of the Life-Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment 20:45 - Slow March of the Officer Schools 21:49 - Slow March for Carrying out Combat Banner 22:48 - Slow March of the Navy 23:31 - Slow March E.Aksenov 24:14 - Slav'sya 25:52 - Moscow Parade Fanfare 37:32 - *Anthem of the Russian Federation* 38:42 - Signal "Retreat" 39:49 - *Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich* *Infantry Segment* 40:23 - March Metropolitan 41:46 - Moscow in May 42:35 - March of the Nakhimov Naval Cadets 43:32 - Sports March 44:37 - In Defense of the Homeland 46:31 - Katyusha 47:12 - Aviamarch 48:17 - 14 Minutes till Launch 48:58 - The Sea is Calling 49:31 - Legendary Sevastopol 50:21 - Artillery March 51:25 - We Need Only Victory 52:14 - March Leningrad 53:19 - March Parade 54:07 - Song of the Perturbet Youth 54:40 - To Serve Russia 55:11 - Cossack in Berlin 55:42 - On Guard for Peace 56:47 - Let's Go 58:09 - *Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich* *Vehicle Segment* 0:58:43 - Triumph of Winners 0:59:43 - Invincible and Legendary 1:00:19 - Three Tankmen 1:00:44 - March of Soviet Tankmen 1:01:25 - Joy of Victory 1:02:39 - March "Minor Land" 1:03:28 - March "Hero" 1:05:06 - March "Victory" 1:06:31 - Long Live Our State 1:08:42 - Victory Day 1:08:59 - Native Country 1:10:01 - Farewell of Slavianka *Ceremony at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier* 1:18:40 - Those Who Took Berlin 1:19:53 - Adagio 1:21:55 - *Anthem of the Russian Federation* 1:23:13 - Those Who Took Berlin 1:26:02 - Ballad of a Soldier 1:27:00 - The Silence 1:29:03 - The Cranes 1:30:54 - Victory Day
Honor to all Armenian, Azerbaijan, Byelorussian, Estonian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldavian, Russian, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek and Ukrainian soldiers who fought for victory in WW2.
Канада и Россия одинаковы. Мы должны лучше понимать друг друга и крепко дружить, но сначала нужно избавиться от демона, который натравливает вас на нас.
@@Bobikboob но не просто Америка, а те кто даёт определенные идеи и эти люди в основном евреи сионисты, полностью захватившие власть в США и британии... Простые люди и даже власти разных стран не имеют претензий друг к другу и готовы жить в мире, но не сионисты...
это так, именно Советский Союз, Россия разгромили Гитлера и освободили все народы порабощённые им!.. а против нас была тогда, как и сейчас впрочем, практически вся европия: войска, промышленность!.. спасибо что помните и не забывайте пожалуйста что мы с вами братья и сёстры славяне и нужно бы нам жить дружно, сообща!
Вы действительно ВСЕ помните? Мне кажется, что большинство чехов считает освобождение Чехословакии Красной Армией просто другой оккупацией. Даже уверен в этом. Хотя какая оккупация, если коммунист Готтвальд честно победил на выборах НЕСКОЛЬКО ЛЕТ ПОСЛЕ окончания войны?
@@balung as a HKer I would like to say get lost, Hong Kong is always free and open, if you don’t like it then move out there are nobody banning you from migrating
My father In law served in the 8th army air Force during WWII. I fully understand and respect why the Russian and Chinese people celebrate their Victory and National Day.
Greetings from Germany! My grandfather died in the war long before I was born. My grandmother supported War Grave Welfare all her life to help with reconciliation.
@@mars188 Yes, that's troubling to see. It started in the 1990s when unified Germany took every opportunity to go to war alongside her allies (except in Iraq). When I was a soldier at the time I had still expected our forces to be strictly for self-defense, and then some of my comrades went to Somalia that very time for the first deployment since WW2. I was shocked, but I did not have to go. It was "peace keeping", not real war, but it started the series.
@@muslimah9898 Some conflicts cannot be resolved except through war. It is also humane to have war in order to create a better environment for future generations. For example, it is not possible to eliminate nearby bio-weapons without fighting.
dziękuję żołnierzom Czerwonej Armii za ich ofiarę , dzięki temu na ojca nie mówię vater a na siostrę schwester. gdyby nie bohaterstwo Czerwonoarmistów mnie i moich rodziców nie byłoby na świecie bo by ich niemcy wybili, wielu polaków o tym pamięta i jest wdzięcznych , nie wszyscy z nas ogłupieli od zachodniej propagandy. polacy rosjanie serbowie i wiele innych słowiańskich ludów To Bracia!
Спасибо друг! Очень приятно это читать! Мы верим и знаем, что польский народ очень любит свою страну, и на самом деле, нормально относится к нашему народу. Мы очень хорошо понимаем, и хорошо относимся к полякам. По крайней мере у меня, есть друзья из Польши, и я очень рад, что удалось когда-то повстречать таких хороших людей! Нам всем, а особенно полякам и русским нужно помнить, что есть гораздо больше того, что нас объединяет, чем того что нас разъединяет! Нам ещё жить на этом континенте, и нам нужно жить в мире и дружбе!
Insert “ Don’t go wasting your emotions, lay all your love on me. Don’t go sharing your devotion, lay all your love on me” Lots of love for 🇷🇺 from Kenya! 🇰🇪
Tôi người Việt Nam luôn biết ơn và hướng tới nước Nga vĩ đại .Chúc cho nước Nga luôn hùng cường , để những người khốn khổ nhất trên thế giới này được sống bình an , hạnh phúc .
🇧🇬 & 🇷🇺 Героичен смел народ !! Поклон към всички знайни и незнайни герои дали живота си в борбата срещу фашизма и нацизма. Борба която се води и днес, борба която отново ще се спечели от Русия
@@christianmarriott3696 every country has bad side (especially the old colonial britain). Look at Palestine their land got taken slowly by Israelis and i even had footage of Israelis shooting point blank palestenian 7 times with Deagle. Even Africa is still in demise. And there is tension between ASEAN and china. Camera just points at interesting things to watchers. It's currently impossible to hope for world peace but we can hope for decreasing in fight between nations
@@TheRealFreznoBob we, the Russian people, do not want to offend anyone with anything. Most of us are for peace.This is our bunker grandfather doing everything. Don't speak so badly about the normal Russian people
Selamat buat PAK PUTIN dan RUSIA atas kemenangan nya salam dari kami rakyat INDONESIA SALAM PERSAUDARAAN SELAMANYA 🇮🇩🇷🇺🇵🇸 Jangan lupa bantu palestine PAK PUTIN 🙏
Tyto úžasné, krásné a statečné národy chci mít pouze za přátele, ne naopak. Tak perfektní vítěznou vojenskou parádu, jako byla tato, jsem ještě neviděl!
mají být na vcjo hrdi jejich předkové staletí na zpět pokládali své životy za svoji zem za národ za své rodiny za budoucnost Ruska a platily a platily a většinou z jejich vítězství profitovali ti na západě a co se vypůjčí to se vrací jednou určitě na to příjde boží spravedlnost a před stvořitelem dojde k měření a vážení skutků! Před posledním soudem se Rus a Rusové nenají čeho bát vedeni duchovní pravoslavnou církví která nikdy nezradila Ruskou zem ani její národ!
@@city3015 nazisci to potomkowie b...Dery! Wołyń pamiętamy i wiemy kto dokonał ludobójstwa na polskiej ludności i jak! Nie jesteś Polakiem skoro piszesz takie bzdury.
To all Allied Russians and Allied WW2 veterans Thank you for your service. Greetings and peace from USA 🇺🇲❤️🇷🇺 (All veterans are still warriors they fought not for glory or fame but for their children, thier mother's and brothers) uraa uraa uraa !
A lot of my fellow Americans don't know that the Tzar of Russia sent two Fleets to America. One guarded San Francisco and the other to New York. We do owe thanks for Russia's help in keeping Great Britain out of America's Civil War. Additionally, Russia played a role that allowed America to win the war against Great Britain quote, "Catherine the Great, a Russian empress who ruled from 1762-1796, played a modest role in the American Revolutionary War through her politicking with other European heads of state. Initially, the tsarina took a keen interest in the American struggle because it affected "English and European politics" and frankly believed that Britain was to blame for the conflict.[17] She held a negative opinion of King George and his diplomats, often treating them with contempt.[18] Nonetheless, the British crown still formally requested 20,000 troops in 1775[19] and sought an alliance.[20] She refused both pleas." end quote. I a retired 30-year Marine Salute Russia for its assistance against Tyrannical Nations/Governments.
I agree that Russia and the United States have had a glorious history of relations since the days of the Russian Empire. Russia and the USA are two great countries. Greetings from Russia.
Подтверждаю, было такое... Хочется жить в мире, но это видимо утопия. Хотя как было бы замечательно: поддерживать другие страны, свою страну, жить на благо всей планеты. Ведь традиции любой страны - это интересно, зачем делить что-то. Но одно нельзя простить: национализм. Никто не имеет права считать свою нацию лучше другой. Именно с этим и воевали наши с вами предки.
Thanks. Confirm. Fun fact: The Russian Navy was further from the USA than Britain. Therefore, the Russian fleet left without resupply, so that British spies would not guess that the fleet was going on a long march and Britain was not ahead. Therefore, Russian sailors came to the USA exhausted without supplies and bearded. Probably from here in the USA there was a myth that all Russians have a beard.
The Russian Baltic Fleet was in the Pacific so it would be bottled up in the Baltic as it was during the Crimean War, Alexander the Second however did have a like g towards the Union, but that was more than Likely to undermine british influence.
The heroes of the Red Army deserve our eternal gratitude and respect. Never forget the sacrifices they made and the blood they shed in order to save the world from fascism
@@przemmed Wydaje mi się, że Polska zawsze stoi na drodze innego, ważniejszego kraju. Polska kradnie ziemię Niemcom, Ukrainie i Rosji i ma czelność żądać odszkodowań! Ludzie nie bez powodu opowiadają dowcipy o Polakach. Stereotypy istnieją nie bez powodu. Jeśli nie miałeś miłego komentarza, dlaczego obejrzałeś film? Mam kilku polskich przyjaciół, którzy przeprowadzili się tu lata temu. Są też idiotami jak ty.
@@worldsgreatestdude1784 You are more ignorant than your picture led us to believe. So according to you the Nazis just surrendered all of eastern Europe because they were bored? My country lost almost 25 million dead to defeat the Nazis. You really want to play politics Mr. Liberal democrat from America in your mom's basement? Your country tried to become what we get rid of in 1991, communism.
A strong and hospitable people, a huge and welcoming country, a thriving and unspoiled nature, a great history and a happy future. храни тебя бог, россия 🇮🇹🇷🇺
Большое тебе спасибо, брат ✊ Вместе против фашизма (крайней формы капитализма - основной идеологии западного мира, которая паразитирует на остальных странах)
Long live the Russian people and the Russian realms!! I plan to migrate to Russia in future if the situation becomes normal. I also have to say that I'm not a Russian by birth, but a full Russian at heart!! Да здравствует России!!🇷🇺🇷🇺
In the Second World War against the troops of Germany lasted: Denmark - 6 hours; Luxembourg - 1 day; Holland - 5 days; Yugoslavia - 11 days; Belgium - 18 days; Greece - 24 days; Poland - 27 days; France - 1 month and 12 days; Norway - 2 months and 1 day. The Soviet Union held out for four years (1418 days) and ended the war in the enemy's lair - Germany capitulated. Happy Victory Day!!! Therefore, for Russians, this is a sacred holiday!
11:18 Parade Start 12:52 The Sacred War 17:49 Jubilee Slow March 25 Year of the Red Army 19:05 March of the Life-Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment 20:45 Slow March of the Officer Schools 21:49 Slow March for Carrying out Combat Banner 22:48 Slow March of the Navy 23:31 Slow March E.Aksenov 24:14 Slav'sya 25:52 Moscow Parade Fanfare 37:32 Anthem of the Russian Federation 38:42 Signal "Retreat" 39:49 Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich Infantry Segment 40:23 March Metropolitan 41:46 Moscow in May 42:35 March of the Nakhimov Naval Cadets 43:32 Sports March 44:37 In Defense of the Homeland 46:31 Katyusha 47:12 Aviamarch 48:17 14 Minutes till Launch 48:58 The Sea is Calling 49:31 Legendary Sevastopol 50:21 Artillery March 51:25 We Need Only Victory 52:14 March Leningrad 53:19 March Parade 54:07 Song of the Perturbet Youth 54:40 To Serve Russia 55:11 Cossacks in Berlin 55:42 On Guard for Peace 56:47 Let's Go 58:09 Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich Vehicle Segment 58:43 Triumph of Winners 59:43 Invincible and Legendary 1:00:19 Three Tankmen 1:00:44 March of Soviet Tankmen 1:01:25 Joy of Victory 1:02:39 March "Minor Land" 1:03:28 March "Hero" 1:05:06 March "Victory" 1:06:31 Long Live Our State 1:08:42 Victory Day 1:08:59 Native Country 1:10:01 Farewell of Slavianka Ceremony at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier 1:18:40 Those Who Took Berlin 1:19:53 Adagio 1:21:55 Anthem of the Russian Federation 1:23:13 Those Who Took Berlin 1:26:02 Ballad of a Soldier 1:27:00 The Silence 1:30:54 Victory Day
India has no interest in Russia, apart from some short term cheap oil and gas deals. 73.4% of the world's GDP are united against Putin's war and India can only pick one side. Stop being so gullible!
@@fridolin3373 you know nothing man, india buys ten percent of its oil from USA, Russia is just at two or three percent so it's not about oil for sure, it's history I guess since 1947 Russia has been on our side when we were weak and west wanted to crush us, so I guess this is the time to repay.
Российская Армия (Российская Федерация).. Солдаты полны улыбок и высоких манер на войне в Украине, и с большим уважением относятся к гражданскому населению, выдвинуты навстречу, а в бою расчетливы, кафе пахнет войной.. БРАВО РОССИЙСКАЯ АРМИЯ.. мы индонезийцы гордимся и любим вас... УРАААААА.... УРААААА.... УРАААА... 🇮🇩🇷🇺
Размеры военных парадов и высота ног в гусином шаге обратно пропорциональны уровню человеческого развития и дохода на душу населения в стране. Средний доход на душу населения в Швейцарии в 10 раз выше, чем в России. Посмотрите на парады швейцарской армии: ruclips.net/video/8kf7fyeYaRk/видео.html 🤣🤣🤣🤣
كل العز والفخر للجيش الروسي الصديق جيشا امتدادا لجيوشنا العربية بالتسليح والتقنية من العراق وفلسطين وسوريا والجزائر واليمن وليبيا وووو ومنه تعلمنا فنون العسكرية .🎀🇸🇾🇱🇧🇮🇶🇵🇸🇪🇬🇩🇿🇷🇺🎀
Ura!🇷🇺 May the memory of the brave Russians, British, Americans, French, Indian and every other fellow service men who died fighting fascism, live on. Selflessly took up arms against an evil and United against it. Hopefully peace can be achieved in these present conflicts as well.
Bro indian is a best friend of Russia why you talking like this we always supports Russia Russia is like big brother for ours country don't tell like this
@@AsianBoss654 Since when did they say they were Russian supporters? Nothing's wrong about celebrating their Victory Day against N*zi Germany, so stop being such a crybaby about Ukraine
@@ElenaDiana-ld4ojYou have the same blood, alphabet, weapons, food, similar language, and also where the same country for thousands of years, and you tell me there not brothers?
@@charlesK12960 If you have downloaded a plugin that allows you to see the dislikes again, you can see that the video currently has 23k likes to 11k dislikes.
@@drax6622 those 11k are just children with no fathers that hate and so dislike this without even knowing that this is a celebration against nazis from ww2
I marinai russi furono i primi a soccorrere i cittadini di Messina (Italia) distrutta dal terremoto e maremoto del 1908, mio nonno era un ragazzo ed è stato estratto vivo dalle macerie proprio da quei marinai. Un grande popolo 🇮🇹❤🇷🇺
Italians actually helped in return captain Ponomarev, the commander of “Makarov” cruiser, who fled Russia after the revolution, effectively saving him from poverty. It is sad, that the story of Messina’s Angels absolutely forgotten here in Russia. No commemoration at all
@@АлёнаИванова-м7ъ Pakistan dont love Russia. They are only wanted to use Russia for their own political support in the world. India real love Russia🇷🇺. I am an Indian. I love Russia🇷🇺.
The most sacred day for all of USSR nations, truly glorious. Unfortunately its recognized mainly by Russia, but its not forgotten, its kept in memory...
@@vasileporojan8606 Russians are friends but Putin is not, he started this pointless war and now everyone is suffering, why can't we live in peace and get rid of those politcians who want to fullfil their crazy ambitions
Read more about Russia's Victory Day parade: sc.mp/ii3j
epic, looks like the 2023 march was much bigger than this one
More about One Tank, please. 🤭
Dans le même temps, il existe une importante étude de recherche sur l'utilisation de la température et des conditions climatiques de Nahata dans le monde, ce qui est une considération nécessaire pour les utilisateurs de la science et de la technologie. Le nombre de lectures est le revenu alimentaire de base dans le manuel, le exemple pratique, la forme géométrique de la partie matérielle dans le calcul, le temps de base, et le coefficient électronique de l'épaisseur.Dettes sur le papier publié par le gouvernement5/11/23
@@lucutes2936 to
Thanks for providing the music (marches, anthems, …). Very impressive parade, as usual.
11:43 - *Spasskaya Tower Chimes*
12:52 - The Sacred War
17:49 - Jubilee Slow March 25 Year of the Red Army
19:05 - March of the Life-Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment
20:45 - Slow March of the Officer Schools
21:49 - Slow March for Carrying out Combat Banner
22:48 - Slow March of the Navy
23:31 - Slow March E.Aksenov
24:14 - Slav'sya
25:52 - Moscow Parade Fanfare
37:32 - *Anthem of the Russian Federation*
38:42 - Signal "Retreat"
39:49 - *Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich*
*Infantry Segment*
40:23 - March Metropolitan
41:46 - Moscow in May
42:35 - March of the Nakhimov Naval Cadets
43:32 - Sports March
44:37 - In Defense of the Homeland
46:31 - Katyusha
47:12 - Aviamarch
48:17 - 14 Minutes till Launch
48:58 - The Sea is Calling
49:31 - Legendary Sevastopol
50:21 - Artillery March
51:25 - We Need Only Victory
52:14 - March Leningrad
53:19 - March Parade
54:07 - Song of the Perturbet Youth
54:40 - To Serve Russia
55:11 - Cossack in Berlin
55:42 - On Guard for Peace
56:47 - Let's Go
58:09 - *Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich*
*Vehicle Segment*
0:58:43 - Triumph of Winners
0:59:43 - Invincible and Legendary
1:00:19 - Three Tankmen
1:00:44 - March of Soviet Tankmen
1:01:25 - Joy of Victory
1:02:39 - March "Minor Land"
1:03:28 - March "Hero"
1:05:06 - March "Victory"
1:06:31 - Long Live Our State
1:08:42 - Victory Day
1:08:59 - Native Country
1:10:01 - Farewell of Slavianka
*Ceremony at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier*
1:18:40 - Those Who Took Berlin
1:19:53 - Adagio
1:21:55 - *Anthem of the Russian Federation*
1:23:13 - Those Who Took Berlin
1:26:02 - Ballad of a Soldier
1:27:00 - The Silence
1:29:03 - The Cranes
1:30:54 - Victory Day
Thank you , i was looking for the names of these symphonys
What's the name of the music in 12:52
@@skinnyg2268 The Sacred War
At 54:40, it's To serve Russia
@@ichbineinekartoffel6722 Thanks, i will add it
Honor to all Armenian, Azerbaijan, Byelorussian, Estonian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldavian, Russian, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek and Ukrainian soldiers who fought for victory in WW2.
Polish pilots fought from Great Britain to only not be included in the victory parade and sent back to Communist Poland.
@@wonderwoman745 Poland is like a over grown pimple
Bro usa and allies dint do mutch lol Russia was the main protagonist
@@ivaniniguez2553 We carried the whole western front and the pacific.
« There were many nationalities, but only Russians broke n’atzi spine. » - Georgian Joseph Stalin.
Я всегда восхищался Россией. Очень сильный, патриотичный и смелый народ. Любовь из Канады.
хаххахахха сильная клоун взять Бахмут не может.. ТАК ЧТО СЛАВА ВЕЛИКОЙ УКРАИНЕ И СЛАВА БРАВЫМ ВОИНАМ ЗСУ
Love from Russia man ✊
Канада и Россия одинаковы. Мы должны лучше понимать друг друга и крепко дружить, но сначала нужно избавиться от демона, который натравливает вас на нас.
@@mdunit2911 этот демон америка
@@Bobikboob но не просто Америка, а те кто даёт определенные идеи и эти люди в основном евреи сионисты, полностью захватившие власть в США и британии... Простые люди и даже власти разных стран не имеют претензий друг к другу и готовы жить в мире, но не сионисты...
Mužou si řikat co chcou my víme dobře kdo nás osvobodil nikdy nezapomeneme🇨🇿🇷🇺
Спасибо тебе за Память, дорогой чешский брат! 🇷🇺🇨🇿
это так, именно Советский Союз, Россия разгромили Гитлера и освободили все народы порабощённые им!.. а против нас была тогда, как и сейчас впрочем, практически вся европия: войска, промышленность!.. спасибо что помните и не забывайте пожалуйста что мы с вами братья и сёстры славяне и нужно бы нам жить дружно, сообща!
Вы действительно ВСЕ помните? Мне кажется, что большинство чехов считает освобождение Чехословакии Красной Армией просто другой оккупацией. Даже уверен в этом. Хотя какая оккупация, если коммунист Готтвальд честно победил на выборах НЕСКОЛЬКО ЛЕТ ПОСЛЕ окончания войны?
My nejsme špatnej národ to všechno zlo u nás dělají média a ti nahoře
Не тот флаг, СССР освободил
Best wishes for Brothers and Sisters of RUSSIA, with love from INDIA.
Thank you for the live broadcast. We appreciate it very much.
and I appreciate knowing who you are, maybe the war will come to your door
@@TheRealFreznoBob very well said how could any one in their Wright mind want to watch or even look at those fools
A person who can not even spell "right", is not to be taken seriously!
@@ronaldtaylor9920 your comments tells me you watched it with your wright mind.
@@TheRealFreznoBob and I would like you to know this is about honoring soviet ww2 veterans
Cảm ơn những người lính xô viết đã giải cứu thế giới khỏi thảm họa phát xít . lời chào từ Việt Nam
Pozdravujem Vietnam zo Slovenska 👍🇸🇰
Vivat Ruská Federácia !
Zivela Velika Pravoslavna Rusija. Pozdrav iz Srbije. Spasiba. Zdravstvuj. ❤❤❤
@@elenasivac7352 🩷💝🩷💝🩷💝🩷🩷💝🩷💝🩷💝🩷💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍💝🤍📚🔑🇲🇦🏝️🙎👩❤️👩🌡️🌞☝️⚖️🧍
Привет из Беларуси 🇧🇾🇧🇾
Люблю своих братьев и сестёр из России 🇷🇺❤
Loveyou 🇷🇺khương vp🇷🇺
RUclips Khương vp
Прывітанне зямляк, я таксама з Беларусі ^^ 🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾
@@Нико-л6р привет!!
But you were beaten at Ukraine
@@carboncc8687 чего
Free Hong Kong.
@@balung as a HKer I would like to say get lost, Hong Kong is always free and open, if you don’t like it then move out there are nobody banning you from migrating
@@Ilovecruise Bwhaaaa, clever Ivan.
How about Chinese Communist Party patriotic songs?
Linda canção militar 👏👏👏
0:11:43 ~ Parade Start
0:12:52 ~ 0:16:55 Священная война / 聖なる戦い / The Sacred War
0:17:49 ~ 0:18:45 Юбилейный встречный марш «25 лет РККА» / 祝典巡閲行進曲『赤軍25周年』
0:19:05 ~ 0:20:28 Марш Лейб-Гвардии Преображенского полка / 近衛プレオブラジェンスキー連隊行進曲
0:20:45 ~ 0:21:33 Встречный марш офицерских училищ / 士官学校巡閲行進曲
0:21:49 ~ 0:22:32 Встречный марш для выноса боевого знамени / 軍旗捧持巡閲行進曲
0:22:47 ~ 0:23:14 Гвардейский встречный марш ВМФ / 海軍親衛隊巡閲行進曲
0:23:31 ~ 0:23:59 Встречный марш / 巡閲行進曲
0:24:14 ~ 0:25:39 Славься / 栄光あれ
0:25:52 ~ 0:26:13 Парадная фанфара «9 мая» / パレード・ファンファーレ『5月9日』
0:37:20 ~ 0:38:41 Гимн Российской Федерации / ロシア連邦国歌
0:38:43 ~ 0:38:52 号令
0:40:22 ~ 0:41:45 Столичный марш / 首都行進曲
0:41:45 ~ 0:42:18 Москва майская / 五月のモスクワ
0:42:18 ~ 0:43:32 Марш нахимовцев / ナヒーモフ学校行進曲
0:43:32 ~ 0:44:37 Спортивная честь / スポーツの栄誉
0:44:37 ~ 0:46:31 В защиту Родины / 祖国の守りに
0:46:31 ~ 0:47:11 Катюша / カチューシャ
0:47:11 ~ 0:48:17 Авиамарш / 航空行進曲
0:48:17 ~ 0:48:58 Я верю, друзья / 友よ,私は信じる
0:48:58 ~ 0:49:31 Море зовёт / 海が呼ぶ
0:49:31 ~ 0:50:20 Легендарный Севастополь / 伝説のセヴァストポリ
0:50:20 ~ 0:51:25 Песня артиллеристов / 砲兵の歌
0:51:25 ~ 0:52:14 Нам нужна одна победа / 求めるは勝利のみ
0:52:14 ~ 0:53:20 Ленинград / レニングラード
0:53:20 ~ 0:54:08 Парад / パレード
0:54:08 ~ 0:54:40 Песня о тревожной молодости / 心騒ぐ青春の歌
0:54:40 ~ 0:55:10 Служить России / ロシアへの軍務
0:55:10 ~ 0:55:42 Казаки в Берлине / ベルリンのコサック
0:55:42 ~ 0:56:47 На страже мира / 平和の守りに
0:56:47 ~ 0:58:10 В путь! / 出発! (進め!)
0:58:09 ~ 0:58:42 Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich Vehicle Segment
0:58:43 ~ 0:59:42 Триумф победителей / 勝利者の凱旋
0:59:42 ~ 1:00:19 Песня о Советской армии / ソヴィエト陸軍の歌
1:00:19 ~ 1:00:44 Три танксита / 三人の戦車兵
1:00:44 ~ 1:01:26 Марш танкистов / 戦車兵の行進曲
1:01:26 ~ 1:02:39 Радость победы / 勝利の喜び
1:02:39 ~ 1:03:28 Малая земля / マーラヤ・ゼムリャ
1:03:28 ~ 1:05:06 Герой / 英雄
1:05:06 ~ 1:06:31 Победа / 勝利
1:06:31 ~ 1:08:40 Да здравствует наша держава / 万歳我が祖国
1:08:42 ~ 1:08:58 День победы / 勝利の日
1:08:58 ~ 1:10:01 Родная страна / 故国
1:10:01 ~ 1:11:10 Прощание славянки / スラヴの娘の別れ
Ceremony at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier
1:18:40 ~ 1:19:44 Вечный огонь / Eternal Flame / 永恒的火 / Those Who Took Berlin
1:19:54 ~ 1:21:36 Адажио / Adagio by Valery Khalilov ("Bалерий Халилов")
1:21:55 ~ 1:23:10 Гимн Российской Федерации / ロシア連邦国歌
1:23:13 Those Who Took Berlin
1:26:02 Ballad of a Soldier
1:26:01 ~ 1:26:58 Баллада о Солдате / 兵士のバラード
1:27:00 ~ 1:30:54 Квартирник у Маргулиса / The Silence
1:29:02 ~ 1:30:54 Журавли / Cranes / 鹤群.
1:30:54 ~ 1:31:37 День победы / 勝利の日
Hi, thanks for this!
Do you know what's the name of the one at 1:27:15
Shame on you
Спасибо товарищ
@@lazarv7015 Tishina / Tишина (Silence)
My father In law served in the 8th army air Force during WWII. I fully understand and respect why the Russian and Chinese people celebrate their Victory and National Day.
Greetings from Germany! My grandfather died in the war long before I was born. My grandmother supported War Grave Welfare all her life to help with reconciliation.
i see yet again Germany giving weapons for this mess as well just cant stay out of it can you?
@@mars188 we can but we won´t. Russia has to pay a big price for it´s bad decision
@@AnCapKadse you with your chicken can't judge any decisions made by Russia
@@mars188 Yes, that's troubling to see. It started in the 1990s when unified Germany took every opportunity to go to war alongside her allies (except in Iraq).
When I was a soldier at the time I had still expected our forces to be strictly for self-defense, and then some of my comrades went to Somalia that very time for the first deployment since WW2. I was shocked, but I did not have to go. It was "peace keeping", not real war, but it started the series.
@@umnayazhopa the facts show otherwise.
My brothers Russians, may you always be healthy, strong and long live! a greek brother
Love you! 🇷🇺❤🇬🇷
Спасибо, мы любим вас!
Btw putin just have to stop whatever they are doing to ukraine and then world peace - with happiness and peace. CAT UNION
@@CatUnion2013 он делает всё правильно.
Love to our Slavic Brothers and Sisters in Russia from The Czech Republic
Dirgahayu Rusia 🇷🇺✊
Kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran
untuk Rusia. Salam dari indonesia 🇮🇩
Спасибо дружище мы вместе против сша империя абсолютного зла должна быть уничтожили
империя абсолютного зла is russia @@xxxyyy5072
Love from Serbia we love you our Russian brothers and sisters happy victory day 💪
Братья Сербы 🇷🇺❤️🇷🇸🙏🏻
Never trust Russians, never!!!
Love you more Брат
@@zabitaliev2936 Заткнись
May peace prevails in the world
Yup, No to war!
The Antichrist will give you peace for a short period of time
Yes, you definitely want peace if you are losing.
@@fungames24 if your humane, you want peace.
@@muslimah9898 Some conflicts cannot be resolved except through war. It is also humane to have war in order to create a better environment for future generations. For example, it is not possible to eliminate nearby bio-weapons without fighting.
dziękuję żołnierzom Czerwonej Armii za ich ofiarę , dzięki temu na ojca nie mówię vater a na siostrę schwester. gdyby nie bohaterstwo Czerwonoarmistów mnie i moich rodziców nie byłoby na świecie bo by ich niemcy wybili, wielu polaków o tym pamięta i jest wdzięcznych , nie wszyscy z nas ogłupieli od zachodniej propagandy. polacy rosjanie serbowie i wiele innych słowiańskich ludów To Bracia!
Od zachodniej propagandy jeszcze nie wszyscy ogłupieli ale od wschodniej z tego co widzę niektórzy już tak...
Спасибо друг! Очень приятно это читать! Мы верим и знаем, что польский народ очень любит свою страну, и на самом деле, нормально относится к нашему народу. Мы очень хорошо понимаем, и хорошо относимся к полякам. По крайней мере у меня, есть друзья из Польши, и я очень рад, что удалось когда-то повстречать таких хороших людей!
Нам всем, а особенно полякам и русским нужно помнить, что есть гораздо больше того, что нас объединяет, чем того что нас разъединяет! Нам ещё жить на этом континенте, и нам нужно жить в мире и дружбе!
Это очень ценные слова. Спасибо, что помните и что помогали ВМЕСТЕ побороть то зло и простите, если что-то не так.=) С Днем победы, милый поляк.=)
Спасибо за поддержку!!!
Dziś zdolność do samodzielnego myślenia ...to rarytas...😊🤗Pozdro Wszechwied...😊🤗
Žádnej jinej stát nemůže ukázat tak svoji velikost jako RF a jeho skvěléj Prezident a skvěléj narod mám Vás v mém srdci dekuji❤❤❤
Souhlasím a děkuji též, Rusko, sláva Ti
Love and respect from India, 🇮🇳❤️🇷🇺
Európsky a Americký kontinent sú v takej kondícii ako nikdy/úsmeb
Nie je potrebné, každý inteligentný človek vie koľká bije.
Kto má odísť, nech si zoberie tie 3 slivky a ide kade ľahšie.
A bez oponentov?
Insert “ Don’t go wasting your emotions, lay all your love on me. Don’t go sharing your devotion, lay all your love on me”
Lots of love for 🇷🇺 from Kenya! 🇰🇪
Love from Poland 🇵🇱🤝🇷🇺
💪🏼❤️ 🇵🇱🇷🇺
Польша была врагом России сотни лет. Привет от гражданина Польши
you know what the russians did to poles??????
@@bigjohn331 You know what Bandera did to poles? And now Bandera is the main hero for almost all Ukrainians
What ? 🇵🇱 Always help 🇺🇦
Russians attack 🇺🇦
NOT 🇺🇦attack Russians
Tôi người Việt Nam luôn biết ơn và hướng tới nước Nga vĩ đại .Chúc cho nước Nga luôn hùng cường , để những người khốn khổ nhất trên thế giới này được sống bình an , hạnh phúc .
Always lots of love and support from India🇮🇳♥️
REspect to all those who lost their lives in the great war
Best of the BEST no doubt about it !!!??? Only Russia can do this kind of parade !!!??? Greetings from LAS Vegas
Sláva Velkému Rusku děkuji za to co pro celemu světu dělá dekuji❤❤❤❤
🇧🇬 & 🇷🇺
Героичен смел народ !!
Поклон към всички знайни и незнайни герои дали живота си в борбата срещу фашизма и нацизма.
Борба която се води и днес, борба която отново ще се спечели от Русия
Rosja jako pierwsza sprzeciwiła się WHO !!!!!
@@Żaneta5225 wait wait the next parade will be in Poland.
Благодарам на тебе брате, од Русия!
Как Россия борется с нацистами? Лидер Украины - буквально еврей
@@stormcuber2461 у нацизма нет национальности.
All respect for all russian soldiers and families for their sacrifice in the World War 2. Greetings from Brazil.
But due to many incompetent soviet commander during ww2 many young soviet life comes to an end.
Just saying
@@christianmarriott3696 every country has bad side (especially the old colonial britain). Look at Palestine their land got taken slowly by Israelis and i even had footage of Israelis shooting point blank palestenian 7 times with Deagle. Even Africa is still in demise. And there is tension between ASEAN and china. Camera just points at interesting things to watchers.
It's currently impossible to hope for world peace but we can hope for decreasing in fight between nations
@@kammmmal211 Did the Germans have competent commanders? Why did they lose the war by an incompetent commander?🤔😆
Happy Victory Day 🇭🇷💙🇷🇺
may it be their last
@@TheRealFreznoBob we, the Russian people, do not want to offend anyone with anything. Most of us are for peace.This is our bunker grandfather doing everything. Don't speak so badly about the normal Russian people
@@TheRealFreznoBob May it be your last day on this earth and the rest of the Peasant sheep🙌🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺👑🔥
@@TheRealFreznoBobNo need to engage in gloating, otherwise it will fly to you like a boomerang.
@@TheRealFreznoBob А говорят на западе фашистов нет)
Toto je hrdy a statečný národ.A nikdo nikdy na celem svete je.nemuze porazit.At zije Rusko,at zije pan Putin
Selamat buat PAK PUTIN dan RUSIA atas kemenangan nya salam dari kami rakyat INDONESIA SALAM PERSAUDARAAN SELAMANYA 🇮🇩🇷🇺🇵🇸 Jangan lupa bantu palestine PAK PUTIN 🙏
Indo ke 2
Спасибо тебе по-братски!
Why would Russia help Palestine, Russians links to Israel are massive lol, typical Indo only talking about Palestine
Tyto úžasné, krásné a statečné národy chci mít pouze za přátele, ne naopak. Tak perfektní vítěznou vojenskou parádu, jako byla tato, jsem ještě neviděl!
Скоро мы проведем такой в освобождённой от нацизма Варшаве!!! Пора устроить новую Катынь наследникам польской панщины!
ruclips.net/video/MPSp0TqaVgQ/видео.html This is the military of Ukraine , that 's who Russia is fighting against
Kašpařina jako vždy.Proč neletěli ty jejich křápy na obloze to nebylo neletové počasí?
mají být na vcjo hrdi jejich předkové staletí na zpět pokládali své životy za svoji zem za národ za své rodiny za budoucnost Ruska a platily a platily a většinou z jejich vítězství profitovali ti na západě a co se vypůjčí to se vrací jednou určitě na to příjde boží spravedlnost a před stvořitelem dojde k měření a vážení skutků! Před posledním soudem se Rus a Rusové nenají čeho bát vedeni duchovní pravoslavnou církví která nikdy nezradila Ruskou zem ani její národ!
Respect from Poland.
Very unexpected comments, greetings from Russia.
Как же нам повезло родиться в такой прекрасной стране!!!!
Наворовал? Ведь многие твои соотечественники по мусорные бакам лазят))
Только те кто не хочет работать и с утра бухать ,а так всё в порядке.@@ГенадийМаленький
Конечно, повезло в нынешней постсоветской при путриотизме
в таком га в не родится надо еще уметь
Wieczna pamięć dla wszystkich którzy walczyli w 2WŚ !
Świat potrzebuje pokoju i przyjaźni.
Opowiesc o tym jak rosyjscy nazisci ucztuja zwyciestwo na nazimem.
Brave courageous fight to the end the legend of Ukrainian people
@@city3015 nazisci to potomkowie b...Dery!
Wołyń pamiętamy i wiemy kto dokonał ludobójstwa na polskiej ludności i jak!
Nie jesteś Polakiem skoro piszesz takie bzdury.
Now you have transported your county's development back by 80 years. Well done putin. What a clown. Hope all your citizens are pleased.
Today’s Russian denazification of Ukraine 🇺🇦 is just a travesty of what was once a honorable fight.
To all Allied Russians and Allied WW2 veterans Thank you for your service. Greetings and peace from USA 🇺🇲❤️🇷🇺 (All veterans are still warriors they fought not for glory or fame but for their children, thier mother's and brothers) uraa uraa uraa !
Thanks! Congrats to all WW2 US veterans and thinking Americans!💪
*@tea.* ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎
@@BB-wm4ti Have fun dodging Ukrainian artillery comrade.
Our brave soldiers together liberated Europe. Russia and the USA are two great countries, greetings from Russia.
A lot of my fellow Americans don't know that the Tzar of Russia sent two Fleets to America. One guarded San Francisco and the other to New York. We do owe thanks for Russia's help in keeping Great Britain out of America's Civil War. Additionally, Russia played a role that allowed America to win the war against Great Britain quote, "Catherine the Great, a Russian empress who ruled from 1762-1796, played a modest role in the American Revolutionary War through her politicking with other European heads of state. Initially, the tsarina took a keen interest in the American struggle because it affected "English and European politics" and frankly believed that Britain was to blame for the conflict.[17] She held a negative opinion of King George and his diplomats, often treating them with contempt.[18] Nonetheless, the British crown still formally requested 20,000 troops in 1775[19] and sought an alliance.[20] She refused both pleas." end quote. I a retired 30-year Marine Salute Russia for its assistance against Tyrannical Nations/Governments.
I agree that Russia and the United States have had a glorious history of relations since the days of the Russian Empire. Russia and the USA are two great countries. Greetings from Russia.
Подтверждаю, было такое... Хочется жить в мире, но это видимо утопия. Хотя как было бы замечательно: поддерживать другие страны, свою страну, жить на благо всей планеты. Ведь традиции любой страны - это интересно, зачем делить что-то. Но одно нельзя простить: национализм. Никто не имеет права считать свою нацию лучше другой. Именно с этим и воевали наши с вами предки.
Thanks. Confirm. Fun fact: The Russian Navy was further from the USA than Britain. Therefore, the Russian fleet left without resupply, so that British spies would not guess that the fleet was going on a long march and Britain was not ahead. Therefore, Russian sailors came to the USA exhausted without supplies and bearded. Probably from here in the USA there was a myth that all Russians have a beard.
The Russian Baltic Fleet was in the Pacific so it would be bottled up in the Baltic as it was during the Crimean War, Alexander the Second however did have a like g towards the Union, but that was more than Likely to undermine british influence.
They also stood down all Military exercises when 9/11 struck.
US people have been fed a false picture of Russia
Слава Великой России!! Большое Вам спасибо ребята за парад мы вами всегда и все гордимся вами. Слава МОГУЧЕЙ РОССИИ!!!¡¡!
Великая слава. Да здравствует Россия привет из Австралии
кто самниваеться мы ешё страна не встала если мы встанем им звиздец
Slava Ukraine!!! 👏👏💯🇺🇦🙏
@@ElenaDiana-ld4ojпиши правильно,щенок
@@ElenaDiana-ld4oj В составе Российской федерации.
Rusia pueblo de heroes y patriotas.
Mi corazón, desde Bolivia.
Long live Bolivia and Russia
@@heleneallane6444 Long live South America and Eurasia
Россия пишется с двумя с )
Россия по-испански с одной s, она с двумя s, когда она по-английски, а также в русском языке. Извините, но так написано на моем языке
@@paxaxoshka4320 yea did you learn something? Spanish one S , English two SS !!
The heroes of the Red Army deserve our eternal gratitude and respect. Never forget the sacrifices they made and the blood they shed in order to save the world from fascism
I mean there could’ve been less casualties if Stalin didn’t purge everyone and listened to his spies about the German invasion
The world that was “saved” from fascism is soooo beautiful and peaceful, isn’t it? 🤭
@@eslSlightz what are you implying?
But "fascist" Ukraine didn't harm the world.
@@666marq yes and "fascist" germany didn't harm the world, it harmed only the jews
Славный Парад Победы! Спасибо моим предкам за победу над фашистами и освобождение всех нас! Боже, храни Мать-Россию и ее народ!
Love Russia
@@przemmed Wydaje mi się, że Polska zawsze stoi na drodze innego, ważniejszego kraju. Polska kradnie ziemię Niemcom, Ukrainie i Rosji i ma czelność żądać odszkodowań! Ludzie nie bez powodu opowiadają dowcipy o Polakach. Stereotypy istnieją nie bez powodu. Jeśli nie miałeś miłego komentarza, dlaczego obejrzałeś film? Mam kilku polskich przyjaciół, którzy przeprowadzili się tu lata temu. Są też idiotami jak ty.
Nobody was liberated by Russia, more occupied
@@worldsgreatestdude1784 You are more ignorant than your picture led us to believe. So according to you the Nazis just surrendered all of eastern Europe because they were bored? My country lost almost 25 million dead to defeat the Nazis. You really want to play politics Mr. Liberal democrat from America in your mom's basement? Your country tried to become what we get rid of in 1991, communism.
This guy a bot
A strong and hospitable people, a huge and welcoming country, a thriving and unspoiled nature, a great history and a happy future. храни тебя бог, россия 🇮🇹🇷🇺
How do you know? Have you been there?
probably has been @@nigelbradshaw8266
Возможно, и был. В Россию приезжаюи туристы из разных стран@@nigelbradshaw8266
Greetings from the States!!!🇺🇸🇷🇺
Greetings from Russia 🇷🇺🇺🇸
ww2 russian 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪💪💪 was first in berlin Germany 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
From the Hoosier State.
Selamat hari kemenangan untuk rusia dari Indonesia 🇮🇩❤️🇷🇺🤝
tetap semangat & pertahankan idealismemu komrad. Rakyat Indonesia cinta Russia. Persahabatan untuk selamanya. URAAA
Большое тебе спасибо, брат ✊ Вместе против фашизма (крайней формы капитализма - основной идеологии западного мира, которая паразитирует на остальных странах)
Hidup motherland
@@belibtc45k 🤡🤡🤡
Great History! Great Country! Great Leadership!👏👏👏❤ Frome Iran
Удивительно, что в далёком Иране смотрят наш парад!!! Спасибо, за добрые слова!!!
Great leadership??? not really
How is your country in comparison? Not that much different, in that the main difference is that you are muslim
@@memorymeme51 At least we are not puppets of the triangle of misery and destruction of imperialism-fascism-Zionism! Where do YOU stand?!
Thank you and greetings from Russia :)
Сердечный привет русскому народу ❤из Словакии!🇸🇰🇷🇺 Мы с нетерпением ждем этого года!
Děkuji Ruské federaci. Miluji vás. Pozdrav z České republiky 🇷🇺🇨🇿❤🤝
Vivat Ruská Federácia !
@@Jozef-g6mспасибо братцы за победу над сша
Спасибо дружище за то что помнишь
Света, покоя и ВЕЧНОЙ славы герою Алексею Навальному!!!😢😢😢💔
ВЕЧНЫЙ ад для Путлера!!!🤮🤮🤮💩💯😡👎
Слава украинцам!!! 👍👏👏💯🙏🇺🇦
May there be peace between russia and ukraine
@@-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-... you think war is funny?
@@ramarne578 he doesn't think at all
Say that to putty
May Ukraine cease to exist, as it was before being created by Lenin
Long live the Russian people and the Russian realms!! I plan to migrate to Russia in future if the situation becomes normal. I also have to say that I'm not a Russian by birth, but a full Russian at heart!!
Да здравствует России!!🇷🇺🇷🇺
Where were you born
@@reallymentalpig1173 India, comrade.
Приходи . Мы не против.
Byzantium lives again!
Que gran desfile de Rusia 🇷🇺 🤝🇵🇪
Vivat Ruská Federácia !
In the Second World War against the troops of Germany lasted:
Denmark - 6 hours;
Luxembourg - 1 day;
Holland - 5 days;
Yugoslavia - 11 days;
Belgium - 18 days;
Greece - 24 days;
Poland - 27 days;
France - 1 month and 12 days;
Norway - 2 months and 1 day.
The Soviet Union held out for four years (1418 days) and ended the war in the enemy's lair - Germany capitulated.
Happy Victory Day!!!
Therefore, for Russians, this is a sacred holiday!
This is the best comment - ever!
That data says it all!
Rusia 👍👍
Happy Failure day
yeah they had a lot of people and the american lend lease.
Red Bull
Greece - 219 days
Support Russia brothers from Greece!!! 💪🏻😎
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo
Thank you from France
Salutations de Russie:)
11:18 Parade Start
12:52 The Sacred War
17:49 Jubilee Slow March 25 Year of the Red Army
19:05 March of the Life-Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment
20:45 Slow March of the Officer Schools
21:49 Slow March for Carrying out Combat Banner
22:48 Slow March of the Navy
23:31 Slow March E.Aksenov
24:14 Slav'sya
25:52 Moscow Parade Fanfare
37:32 Anthem of the Russian Federation
38:42 Signal "Retreat"
39:49 Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich
Infantry Segment
40:23 March Metropolitan
41:46 Moscow in May
42:35 March of the Nakhimov Naval Cadets
43:32 Sports March
44:37 In Defense of the Homeland
46:31 Katyusha
47:12 Aviamarch
48:17 14 Minutes till Launch
48:58 The Sea is Calling
49:31 Legendary Sevastopol
50:21 Artillery March
51:25 We Need Only Victory
52:14 March Leningrad
53:19 March Parade
54:07 Song of the Perturbet Youth
54:40 To Serve Russia
55:11 Cossacks in Berlin
55:42 On Guard for Peace
56:47 Let's Go
58:09 Drum and Fife based on the theme of General Miloradovich
Vehicle Segment
58:43 Triumph of Winners
59:43 Invincible and Legendary
1:00:19 Three Tankmen
1:00:44 March of Soviet Tankmen
1:01:25 Joy of Victory
1:02:39 March "Minor Land"
1:03:28 March "Hero"
1:05:06 March "Victory"
1:06:31 Long Live Our State
1:08:42 Victory Day
1:08:59 Native Country
1:10:01 Farewell of Slavianka
Ceremony at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier
1:18:40 Those Who Took Berlin
1:19:53 Adagio
1:21:55 Anthem of the Russian Federation
1:23:13 Those Who Took Berlin
1:26:02 Ballad of a Soldier
1:27:00 The Silence
1:30:54 Victory Day
Respect from France !
Respect for weak Vichy collaborators? NEVER!
сада браћо будите јаки и храбри...🇷🇺🇷🇸
Сербия моя любимая! ♥
Love & Respect from your best friend INDIA. 🇮🇳
SLAVA Russia 🇷🇺 ❤🎉
Slava Ukraine!!!👍👏👏💯🇺🇦🙏
🇷🇺 🇸🇩 🇵🇸 💪 💪
@ElenСлива Шлюхаине? aDiana-ld4oj
Love and respect Russia🇷🇺 from India🇮🇳
Congratulations from India....may we remain friends till eternity.
India has no interest in Russia, apart from some short term cheap oil and gas deals. 73.4% of the world's GDP are united against Putin's war and India can only pick one side. Stop being so gullible!
@@fridolin3373 you know nothing man, india buys ten percent of its oil from USA, Russia is just at two or three percent so it's not about oil for sure, it's history I guess since 1947 Russia has been on our side when we were weak and west wanted to crush us, so I guess this is the time to repay.
There also great friends with China and Pakistan, your two enemies....someone's playing you.
Banditen parade
let it be so!
Respect to Russia!🇷🇺. from China🇨🇳
hopefully both will be allies very soon.
@@swacks7960already was
უფალმა გამარჯვების
გზებით გატაროთ ! ! !
Totally agree.
russia didnt rly the us and britain did
@@maxyboy0714 80% of the german casualties wete from the eastern front / war with Russia only.
@@Thundermatics what about innocents killed?
Long live Serbia,Greece and Russia
Российская Армия (Российская Федерация).. Солдаты полны улыбок и высоких манер на войне в Украине, и с большим уважением относятся к гражданскому населению, выдвинуты навстречу, а в бою расчетливы, кафе пахнет войной.. БРАВО РОССИЙСКАЯ АРМИЯ.. мы индонезийцы гордимся и любим вас... УРАААААА.... УРААААА.... УРАААА... 🇮🇩🇷🇺
Uhm i dont think the russians are doing too well...but still eternal glory to ussr and hope putin get back to his senses and bring glory to russia
Thanks a lot, we appretiate all your support
Спасибо, добрый друг.
Да согласен с уважением убивают гражданское население
Размеры военных парадов и высота ног в гусином шаге обратно пропорциональны уровню человеческого развития и дохода на душу населения в стране. Средний доход на душу населения в Швейцарии в 10 раз выше, чем в России. Посмотрите на парады швейцарской армии: ruclips.net/video/8kf7fyeYaRk/видео.html 🤣🤣🤣🤣
We love Russia!! Greetings from Greece
Long live Greece and Russia
Evkharisto para poli!
why Greece what has Russia done for you guys???
@@marTn3 ikr I thought Greece is apart of NATO?
Это вам не лохи зазомбированные
богатыми маньяками.
Слава Славянам Православным!!!
Душу не заглушишь,
Не Победишь!!!
كل العز والفخر للجيش الروسي الصديق جيشا امتدادا لجيوشنا العربية بالتسليح والتقنية من العراق وفلسطين وسوريا والجزائر واليمن وليبيا وووو ومنه تعلمنا فنون العسكرية .🎀🇸🇾🇱🇧🇮🇶🇵🇸🇪🇬🇩🇿🇷🇺🎀
Wrong side pal
Palestina 👍
شكرا لك أخي العزيز!
@@imperiumofman6148 never knew youtube was english only *pal*
Ura!🇷🇺 May the memory of the brave Russians, British, Americans, French, Indian and every other fellow service men who died fighting fascism, live on. Selflessly took up arms against an evil and United against it. Hopefully peace can be achieved in these present conflicts as well.
And the Russians threw it all away to start a new war in Europe.
Bro indian is a best friend of Russia why you talking like this we always supports Russia Russia is like big brother for ours country don't tell like this
On an ideological level only the Russians were fighting AGAINST fascism. Americans, british and french were only fighting a fascist rival.
You forget the Germans like the Scholls and numerous more that paid with their lives.
@@Dangal124 wait did I say something wrong?
love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩 ❤ Russia 🇷🇺 ❤
Happy victory day
@@vibez8095 🐖🐷👎👎👎🏳️🌈🇺🇸🇪🇺🗿
Russia played a very big roll in the Liberation of Bangladesh in 1971
From South Africa with love
Much respect for those who died in ww2 .
My greatest respect from Sweden. Happy victory day Russia!
Thank you! ^)
@@cyrusthegreat7030 х. Idiot!
Bruh Russians Supporters
@@AsianBoss654 Since when did they say they were Russian supporters? Nothing's wrong about celebrating their Victory Day against N*zi Germany, so stop being such a crybaby about Ukraine
you're all alone on your ''thank yous'' , clueless old man.
russian tsar nicholas 2 arent puppet of west britain🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 lol 🇷🇺💪💪💪💪
Toto je hrdý a nepokoritelny národ, čest ruským hrdinům. ❤❤❤❤❤
Сербия всегда была сестрой России!!! И Вас с Днём Победы!
С Днём Победы!!!
Русија и Србија су браћа заувек.
Respect and Gratitude from the Netherlands,
may peace prevail! and solutions be found!
Have a great day
Ukronatzi are losing again, like in WW2.
Thank you to the great Russian nation and to the allied forces who crashed the evil
Now they are the evil disturbing the european peace.
Your comment hasn’t aged well 😂
@@Itsme-eo9hh they did defeat the nazis tho?
@@a.jz19 they were only one of many nations who defeated the German Nazis
من العراق ايران للاتحاد سوفيتي 😘♥️🇷🇺🇷🇺🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇶♥️
Gracias a todos los soldados Rusos que dieron sus vidas por salvar a Europa y el mundo del Facismo. Viva Rusia!
Long live Spain and Russia
Y ahora nos van a tener que salvar de otro.
@@kalanromina2073 Rusia no deja en aprietos a sus amigos …
Yet they are repeating history lol
Un gran aplauso a la banda de música!!! 👏 🇪🇸🤝🇷🇺
Viva el socialismo!
No al imperialismo!
Спасибо дружище мы вместе против сша
I’m more impressed by how many medals theses old vets have… 😮 My respect for all WWII Vets!
Surviving from eastern front is equivalent to award winning
The war between Russia 🇷🇺 and Ukraine 🇺🇦 needs to end, you guys are blood brothers.
Get NATO out of the way
The Ukrainians were NOT, are NOT and will NOT be brothers with the Russians forever and ever!
Slava Uraine!!!👏👏💯🇺🇦🙏
@@ElenaDiana-ld4ojYou have the same blood, alphabet, weapons, food, similar language, and also where the same country for thousands of years, and you tell me there not brothers?
The timing of this parade, the ratio on this video. We are living in an uncanny period.
@@charlesK12960 If you have downloaded a plugin that allows you to see the dislikes again, you can see that the video currently has 23k likes to 11k dislikes.
@@charlesK12960 RUclips dislike revealer
Timing of the parade?
It's been on 9th of may since 1945....
@@drax6622 those 11k are just children with no fathers that hate and so dislike this without even knowing that this is a celebration against nazis from ww2
I marinai russi furono i primi a soccorrere i cittadini di Messina (Italia) distrutta dal terremoto e maremoto del 1908, mio nonno era un ragazzo ed è stato estratto vivo dalle macerie proprio da quei marinai.
Un grande popolo 🇮🇹❤🇷🇺
Ora uccidono civili, che gran popolo vero?
Italians actually helped in return captain Ponomarev, the commander of “Makarov” cruiser, who fled Russia after the revolution, effectively saving him from poverty.
It is sad, that the story of Messina’s Angels absolutely forgotten here in Russia. No commemoration at all
@Helen Smith Italians, obviously. And a fraction of my compatriots.
Shame, ruso-lover, you have brought shame on your family and countrymen.
That was when Russia had a Tsar!
Very serious and professional looking Russia.. Many respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice and warded off Germany so many years ago.
Este prima dată cănd văd asemenea moment la un președinte, tot respectul!!!!
Slava Ukraine!!!👏👏💯🇺🇦🙏
@@ElenaDiana-ld4oj NU!
Russians are our brothers 💪
Long live Serbia and Russia
They know kosovo for state😄😄😄rusian serbian things
Glory to Serbia and Russia!
@@arlindhoxhaj9993 Oh don't worry. We will reach you sooner than you think, just wait and enjoy the show neighbour. 🫵🏻😎
Long live Serbia and Russia
Happy victory Рассии 🇷🇺💗🙏🏻🌹⚘
We Greeks don't forget the freedom you gave to the world. Thanks to Russia and other countries we celebrate freedom today.
Russians ain’t free only putin and some oligarchs
Yea freedom,
Russia used the world war to expand their empire.
There was no freedom for the people who live in this empire.
Thank you Greece, greetings from Russia :)
Умница ,В. В. Путин.Спасибо вам!!! С уважением, и поклоном от севера Молдавии!!!!
за Русију 🤍за победу💙 уррааа❤
Наше и ваше время пришло. Победа или смерть! Живы будем не помрём!:)
@@zagotzerno7639 Если уж Третий Рейх победили, то нацистские группировки для нас ничто!
Do you miss you Miskova? 🚢🇺🇦🤣
Aqui do Brasil , viva a grande nação russa , honra e gloria eternas ao heroico e vitorioso exército soviético !
Thank you Brazil🇧🇷
Repúdio gualguer forma de violência,e a Ucrânia guem lembra daquele povo sofrido
Brasil tem muitos fãs da Russia e da China, fico muito feliz de ver essa comunidade ficando cada dia mais forte em este país que é nossa casa
i love Russia , even we love Russia from pakistan
Спасибо!!! Приятно, что есть у России друзья по всему миру!!!
@@АлёнаИванова-м7ъ Pakistan dont love Russia. They are only wanted to use Russia for their own political support in the world. India real love Russia🇷🇺. I am an Indian. I love Russia🇷🇺.
@@Soumya2744 Индия всегда была нам близка. Ваши чудесные фильмы, талантливые актеры, прекрасная музыка - это незабываемо!!! Спасибо!!!
@@АлёнаИванова-м7ъ 🇮🇳💖🇷🇺
Great respect and admiration of the ceremony in Red Square.Greetings and love from Holland!z 🇳🇱👏
The most sacred day for all of USSR nations, truly glorious. Unfortunately its recognized mainly by Russia, but its not forgotten, its kept in memory...
Yes RU will be forgotten
@@extremumadventuraRu will never be forgotten 🤦🏻♂️
Such an idiotic comment
It’s the day to remember the 27 million who died in the Ww2
Be Quiet 🤫
@@Andor2022maybe they should also remember the tens of millions killed by the murderous soviet regime.
@@georgeamesfort3408 what tens of millions killed? really interesting
@@georgeamesfort3408maybe the west should remember all the coes war crimes and wars they have committed.
Russia adalah sahabat indonesia, dari dulu dari jaman presiden kami yang pertama, russia adalah teman baik indonesia, salam dari indonesia 👏❤
ladna parada,bardzo ladna ,to tylko parada ,pozdrawiam z Polski:}
Russia is your friend,not enemy.
@@vasileporojan8606 Russians are friends but Putin is not, he started this pointless war and now everyone is suffering, why can't we live in peace and get rid of those politcians who want to fullfil their crazy ambitions
Una gran nacion con un alto patriotismo, que ejemplo
Il y a d'autres pays avec des patriotes, celà n'en fait pas des grandes nations contrairement à la Russie ❤