I can only speak from personal experience, but I will say allergy season can be a rough here. Not bad enough to outweigh the pros of living here, but it is something to prepare for! I find that as long as I start taking Allegra before the season gets into full swing I'm alright. There's maybe a period of a couple of weeks where if I don't take medicine my eyes feel very puffy. I also have friends who are sensitive to ragweed that say their allergies will act up briefly at the beginning of fall. But again, most people find that over the counter allergy meds keep their symptoms in check for the most part.
Helpful video! Can you describe the allergy seasons in Greenville and do they bother you? thanks.
I can only speak from personal experience, but I will say allergy season can be a rough here. Not bad enough to outweigh the pros of living here, but it is something to prepare for! I find that as long as I start taking Allegra before the season gets into full swing I'm alright. There's maybe a period of a couple of weeks where if I don't take medicine my eyes feel very puffy. I also have friends who are sensitive to ragweed that say their allergies will act up briefly at the beginning of fall. But again, most people find that over the counter allergy meds keep their symptoms in check for the most part.