"You should never grade evils, for if one is the worst, then you might be tempted to kinship with the least" -Victor Saltzpyre: Witch hunter and later priest of sigmar.
This quote pretty much is emblematic of why people who think they're not utilitarians actually are. A witch hunter definitionally kills people because he thinks the death of his enemies is the lesser evil over the greater evil that might be caused by their enemies. That's the classic trolley problem. Everybody believes in lesser and greater evils. They just delude themselves into thinking they don't. Deontologists and virtue ethicists live in ivory towers where morality is just a game. They're philosophies for cowards.
A zealot like Saltzpyre has no problem killing his enemies because he considers that a lesser evil. He is a witch hunter after all. I despise virtue ethics and deontology for this reason. They are ethics for cowards. Everybody exactly behaves like there are lesser and greater evils and grades them. Saltzpyre not excluded. The worst lesson you can ever learn is the idea that there is such a thing as "purity" when it comes to matters of politics or leadership. Only cowards try to opt out of utilitarian ethics.
A witch hunter is literally about committing lesser evils to prevent greater evils, at least according to them. If the lesson you got from this is "Saltzpyre is based" you completely missed the point. He's a zealot who thinks he's holier-than-thou. Deontology and virtue ethics are for cowards. You don't get to avoid the trolley problems by mindlessly adopting some rote set of values. IRL, everybody behaves like a utilitarian and does exactly grade lesser and greater evils. The worst lesson you can ever take is the belief that there is any way to be "morally pure" when it comes to politics or crafting policy. It's arrogance. You're making sausages one way or another and your refusal to accept that is really the cause of evil, not the other way around.
I always understood it as “Nurgle loves all life, so he loves you, but the thing is, he also loves the trillions of microorganisms inside you as well. So in order to maximize the enjoyment of all living things he turns your body into a funhouse for those trillions of creatures but also grants you the bliss to accept it”
Hey, they're pretty useless aside from being immune to psionic waves and influence, what better way to use them effectively than to sever links between literal demon gods and their nigh immortal followers? Humanity number one, baby!
The best take on Nurgle I ever heard was, "The fact that you can change a few words around from any given description of Nurgle and get the absolute worst sort of abuser tells us exactly what kind of character Nurgle is."
In terms of Chaos Gods they work like this to me: Slaanesh will in the end screw you over in all the possible ways, but at least she will give you some happiness at first and lure you in with promise of pleasure and joy. Khorne will lure warriors in. Those who have bloodlust in them and reward them for being the best (and also most brutal) warriors they can possibly be, but in the end he deprives them of being anyone else. Tzeentch will give you power and understanding and hope only for him to crush it in the end. But if you survive you can be someone truly powerful even if you can never be free from changer of ways, even if this road will only lead you to becoming a horrid Chaos Spawn. Nurgle will shove his filth down your throat until you puke your guts out and enjoy it. He will force feed you all the misery and pain until you are numb to it and happy with the misery he gave you (because this is the only way to escape the pain). Nurgle is fucked up.
One reason nurgle takes pain away is because pain brings about change. When you are hurt, feel weak, depressed, uncomfortable or disgusted then you seek or at least desire to better your situation. Nurgle is the God of stagnation among other things. He loves you the way you are because it empowers him. He never wants you to leave your situation and wants you to live the hand your delt with and be happy about it. Nurgles love is like the enablers from my 600lb life. They love you by enabling toxic (pun intended) behaviors to keep you at 600 lbs. They want control over you and Nurgle is no different. Those gifts are just ways to keep you where you're at disguised as love Edit: by the way thank you for making this video. A lot of people don't realize how evil nurgle is
@@freedomandguns3231 I'm not sure if there's a better English word for it. But basically it was explained to me that the cycle of Life Death and decay is acceptable to nurgle because it's inevitable. It does not change. Tzeentch is the Lord of change and the opposite of Nurgle. Stagnation, acceptance, life and death, apathy, despair are all words to be used to describe Nurgle while change, hope, scheming are all words used to describe Tzeentch
@dabba_dabba I think a bigger issue is that you cant have one without the other. The cycle of life, death, and decay are changes that happen. Change doesnt happen without it. The constance of life and death says nothing of what comes in between during the journey from one to another. Not sure if GW intended them to be intrinsically entwined or not, but you cannot have one without the other. One does not move from life to death without change and visa versa.
_"numbing presence."_ This is Nurgle to me. Tzeentch is among other things a god of hope, but hope in the face of (actually) impossible odds is delusion. Likewise, Nurgle is a god of nihilism. Not the sort of depressed nihilism where you lament that nothing matters, but the numb nihilism where you no longer care that nothing matters. Nurgle is about giving up so completely that you can't even feel bad about it anymore. Suffering stops feeling like suffering, because you gave up on feeling like you deserve to be unhappy about it.
Oh, but he makes you all giggly and happy, and loving again... Even if it's all only an illusion/your delusion, you see this in the Orion(Wood Elves) novel when one of his demons creates a tiny abomination and makes a grieving and depressed(also possessed) beyond repair wood elf noble believe that's actually her deceased daughter who she accidentally burned alive in a house fire she provoked in a rage. It's all super sweet and innocent from the demon and the noble's perspective, but in reality it's only grim and cruel. He really wants to sell you that he cares, and he does so wonderfully, you will never notice anything wrong with him or yourself once he does. 🥲
If Nurgle is the chaos god most frequently misinterpretated as having good intentions, Tzeentch is a very close #2. Tzeentch offers "hope", but it's a duplicitous kind of hope. Most of the time it's the kind of hope that a grifter offers to his victims - lies to get you to play a rigged game. At best, it's a kind of narcissistic hope that you, and you alone, can win, while everyone else loses.
True I mean as of late I'm really letting myself go for real now, eating way too much and getting little exercise But at this point with everything that had happened in life, I just stopped caring
Funny, nurgle gives you infinite acceptance to the point you lose ambition, tzeench is the opposite, making you so ambitious you can never be content with your position until it leads to your doom.
I dont think Nurgle makes you lose ambition. I would say their ambition has to do with sharing their plague with every living being, and not only for personal power.
He does not love you, he loves what he has done to you. He loves you like an artist loves a csnvas, it what they do with the canvas that they are really interested in
I say something similar about women. Women don't love men, they love how the man makes them feel, they love the man's resources, they love the man's status. If you doubt that, ask any woman you're in a long term relationship with what they love about you. Virtually every answer will be something like "... the way you make me feel _______.
@@deevan1415 He exists. He is best buddies with the Emperor and he brings joy to children around the Imperium. Sadly, with how many worlds are there, he can't reach all of them. Even with all of his helpers.
People often forget that all of Nurgle's gifts are plagues, diseases, and ailments. He is generous with them but none of them are good things. The Death Guard were brought into service by torture. Nurgle gives you the disease and then offers a solution that wouldn't even be needed had he not cursed you to begin with (and that solution is just an advanced form of leprosy that allows you to not feel the pain you're going through but doesn't cure the ailments; it's just another disease).
This casually ignores that every physical change of a death guards body is a blessing by saving them from death at a future date. For example it's described by death guard marines in the books that their mutations, like a thick growth on the forehead, is all but an ailment, until it blocked a headshot.
@@lexmortis5722 doesn't change the fact that they're literal cancerous growths and the only reason they save the Death Guard is because Nurgle fills them with Warp power that numbs their suffering and empowers their body well past the failing of multiple organ systems. The Death Guard are disgustingly resilient because most of their organs have already failed under the strain of disease and infestation, and their bodies are sustained by Nurgle's malignant energy instead of their own natural processes and functions.
I think conceptually Nurgle is based on an erroneous idea that decay is a form of growth and entropy can be used as a force for good. Hes actually much more complex if you can understand the esoteric aspect and that the decay is much more metaphorical. Case in point look at say Transgenderism or Homosexualiaty being promoted as normal and healthy by corporations looking to make money but also a Satanic idealogy that believes that morality is a prison and we can be free by making everything legal and desirable. Like oh if we get into genetic engineering and making babies from vats and test tubes then the argument that homosexuality is wrong because it stops procreation falls short because we just dont have the tech yet to erase the sin or the wrong doing. I think Nurgle is more to an extent an idea of embracing moral erosion as a form of growth because you can use artificial constructs in order to cheat the pain or the punishment. Its like saying oh you know all we have to do is make our bodies extremely resilient and then any child can go touch the counter top and not get burned, except thats going to lead to people putting their hands on hot stove tops and laugh about how it doesnt hurt them. Thats the enlightenment and power nurgle offers in a nutshell that its completely assinine and childish in its character perfectly encapsulated by the grotesque forms of the Nurglings and Giant Unclean Ones whose obesity and rot symbolize a monolith of cultural and societal decay masquerading as something good. The joy Nurgle offers is obscene because its rather just a completely insane release from suffering by introducing a permanent spiritual morphine. Truly I think the followers of Nurgle are the most deranged and disturbed individuals because I think their entire belief system is just eroding and destroying all values in the world or reality itself because I think fundamentally they are children who think reality sucks because they cant eat cake all day, because reality isnt decadent like that they then seek to destroy everything decent and healthy until the only thing left is a perpetual cycle of rot leading to more rot. In this I could actually see Nurgle and Slaanesh being strongly complimentary to each other. Again I see the diseases and bloated forms as more like a metaphorical picture of the corruption itself.
I've been telling people that Nurgle does not even take away the pain he causes you - he just takes away your ability to express it. When Horus fought that human general corrupted by the Nurgle blade, he saw his soul viscerally screaming in agony while the corporeal form was laughing at its own injuries. Nurgle simply forces the ultimate weakness upon his followers - the inability to confront reality and decide to change it to suit anyone's needs or wants.
“Evil prevails when good men do nothing” that is the heart of Nurgle, apathy allowing things to continue to degrade and sink into darkness. Without a force like Nurgle keeping things static, could even the other chaos gods change for the better?
@@thoughtmaster2937….maybe? We have to keep in mind that part of the reason why the 40K Chaos Gods are so evil is because lots of people are suffering in the setting of Warhammer 40K, which leads to negative emotions, which leads to the Chaos Gods being influenced by those emotions since the Warp is affected by people’s feelings. If everyone in the galaxy were to experience positive emotions more frequently, it would eventually lead to the Chaos Gods becoming more positive as a result. All of the Chaos Gods do host *some* positive aspects (Khorne is strength/honor in battle, Tzeentch is hope/knowledge, Slaneesh is love, and Nurgle is endurance I guess), but the negatives outweigh the positives severely because lots of people are not happy. But if Nurgle didn’t exist, then there’s a chance at the other 40K Gods potentially becoming more positive.
It’s why Typhus is so crazy to me. He’s VERY into it, even before he became a plague marine. I sense that if you were to look into his soul, he’d be just the same inside and out.
@@smolknife O.o Thats the most wild thing Ive heard in a while... "Whatd you name the new baby?" "Meth!" "What?!" "Now scuze me I gotta get home to Smack and Cocaine"
You mean trank/xylazine that's being put in dope now and causes rotting. Fentanyl is just a strong opioid, its worst issue is it makes you OD and die on $5 of what you thought was normal heroin. Also not all junkies are thin if that's what you meant. Thinness is a result of not having $ to eat after you buy your daily dope need. So addicts with a ongoing source of high income and or especially those with a Rx due to chronic pain are not gonna lose much weight and if theyre injured/movibg less + nonstop opoiod access they will get heavy and sloppy. For example, look at Hermann Goerings degeneration. The rapid tooth loss among some opioid users is when they go into methadone treatment. Methadone in particular causes severe xerostomia (dry mouth) in about 1/3 of people, this results in rapid demineralization of tooth enamel, without which teeth crumble fast, no matter how well you care for them. It generally starts about 12 mos on methadone. Someone might get a few cavities from ignoring shit while they're heavy into heroin/dope, but it doesn't cause rotten teeth like meth or crack. Fentanyl is an extremely important hospital drug because it takes so little to treat, if you need to be intubated for a couple days or are suffering from 3rd degree burns. It's better at sedation and pain control. But I dont think its nearly as pleasurable as real heroin, in fact thats what led me to get clean, too much risk considering it offers more sedation than euphoria or physical pleasure. So yea it'll make you numb ish but it won't cause any rotting.
depends...the pox walkers have it the worse, they are evil demon zombies who still retain their sentience but cant do anything when your body starts killing your loved ones...
Nurgle loves you the way an abuser loves their victims. There's a reason why the Death Guard immediately try to kill themselves in the presence of powerful enough blanks
Even if Nurgle really does truly love his followers it doesn't change the fact that his kind of love is not compatible with mortal, and even some of the immortal(looking at you, poor Isha), beings out there. It's no different than being faced with love of someone who finds stabbing you a declaration of love and devotion.
Like Guilliman said “A line must be drawn between what is good and what is evil, for if the Great Enemy comes with offers of power to a wretch, what reason does he have to refuse hell if he dwells in it already?”
@@Shugg-Goff-HHoffical Humans are the Skaaven of 40k. They even have a Council of 13. 12 Lords of Terra, 12 Skaaven on the Council with a seat left open for their god. There's a good video about the topic.
Not only do you see what youve become after youre cut off from Nurgle, you also FEEL EVERYTHING. You feel your guts hanging out and your fleah rotting, you feel every creature living inside you and feel the effects of every illness youve got ALL AT ONCE. Some just drop dead instantly when theyre cut off from Nurgle
No he gives you precisely what you ask for. Sure for a space marine it's all well and good to mourn what they have become if they become aware of it but the average citizen of the Imperium? Why would they care? How could it be any worse than life under the tyranny of the Emperor?
Tzeentch: life sucks, so change it Khorne: life sucks, so here's an outlet for your frustrations Slaanesh: life sucks, do this to reduce the pain Nurgle: life sucks, but that's ok. You're perfect just the way you are...
@@furnishclippings4183 Tzeentch would like to inform his followers that the message does indeed exist, but he isn't, and never has been, involved with it in any way whatsoever, neither positively or negatively; Any claims to the contrary are malicious misinformation.
Finally the record is set straight. Nurgle is a embodiment of depression and as someone who struggles with that seeing so many say he's loving and caring has always felt so surreal to me.
Yeah tbh it feels a bit discouraging when content creators glorify nurgle for the content/clicks, like they missed the whole analogy of depression & go so far to perpetuate toxicity/toxic relationships. I get it's a meme, but at some point it feels like _crabs in a bucket_ with all the fetishization of this representation of mental illness.
I should also say, I *LOVE* Nurgle, he's my favorite Chaos God. I love his aesthetic of eternal life and death. I love his themes of stagnation and entropy. I love how much he embodies the fear and cycle of death. I even love him because he has kinda helped me with my own depression by giving me a way to externalize and examine it. But at the same time he is the most HORRIFYING Chaos God and that's my favorite part of him. So this wasn't a hater comment, I want the Grandfather to be seen for what he is, a hideously, pus filled, nihilistic depression of comfort and safety ❤
@@michaelawesome1864 Interesting and cool how both sids of the coin are of fascination to you regarding Nurgle! Although there's more sides to something like Nurgle than Heads or Tails alone. The scope of 40K is much more vast than one could exemplify in a single, simple three-dimensional object. Congratulations on your growth --true growth-- and putting things into perspective, on your own power and through monsters and virtues from other stories. How you feel about Nurgle is somewhat how i feel about Orcs from Lord of the Rings. For a while i was a big fan of strong, tusked creatures like Warcraft Orcs, plus the shamanic origins in that example. But in the last few years i have come to be a lot less fond of depictions of Orcs as tusked green hunks/babes. The malefic filth have been more interesting to me. More striking. I've always loved monsters, and visually there's *so many ways* one can go in depicting LOTR Orcs. I like their crude and ramshackle style of armor and armaments too. Visually-- awesome. IN terms of what they represent, there's nothing but pain and hate. They are victims of those that twisted them, forced and bullied them into servitude and pain, but they are also unapologetic instigators and poliferators of that very same malice and cruelty. A sort of boogeyman. An example of the worst, the darkest that any sapient creature could be. They are pitiable on one hand, but on the other, hatred and wretchedness is now a big part of who they are. Perhaps they can shed these aspects, reach more towards the light. All that lives can receive redemption. But most Orcs would refuse such a path. It's easier for them to pull others into the mire, in the same filth they are stuck in, than to fight their way to solid ground.
The way I've always interpreted it is that Nurgle does believe this is a form of love, but it's just a disgusting misinterpretation of love. He wants his followers to feel joy, and in his eyes making them numb to suffering is the same thing. "Drugging them" is the most accurate description for sure
If you still have any doubt read The Flight of the Eisenstein. It presents the perspective of an Astartes infected by Nurgle's Rot as he slowly but surely gives in to despair and gives himself over to Chaos corruption. And that's when he hears Nurgle laughing. Nurgle may be *slightly* nicer than his siblings, but he's still an extremely evil entity.
I’ve been saying exactly this for years. Nurgle’s “compassion” is a lie. At least Khorne is honest and truthful about his hatred and demands of his followers. Khorne may not be kind, but he is honest in the face of all the other false gods.
Khorne is still a tyrant and enslaves his followers by destroying their minds. I dont think it comes across as true honesty when Khorne just dominants his subjects by other means and its clear that Angron was not a willing participant in his own ascension but Khorne doesnt care. Its like saying an invading army that attacks you with overwhelming force is honest because they arent trying to kill you by subversive means. Yeah sure Khorne is honest because he doesnt have to be deceptive to gain power, he allows other people to do the dirty work for him including self deception if they want.
I mean, khorne is exactly the same as a god like slaanesh. He allows you to feed him until your soul completely loses its capacity for normalcy. If you don't give khorne skulls, you're weeded out by somebody nore psychotic.
Khorne demands self-sacrifice that is basically unsustainable for any sane mortal. He's literally an idea with no concept of anything existing outside that idea. He just wants bloodshed now, not later. And he doesn't care from whence it flows. He doesn't understand such petty concepts like rest, self-defense, supplies, fear or honor. I don't even think he actually understands war as a kind of strategy to achieve political goals or policy. The Imperium might be dysfunctional, but it doesn't wage war for absolutely no reason other than bloodshed. Khorne probably is confused that any of these kinds of things get in the way of bloodshed or that mortals care about them.
@@sixghill1925 I entirely agree, a Warband like Gladiator Cadre 331 could never achieve the same heights as, say, the skulltakers or main World Eaters Warband/Legion due to a difference in ideology like you said. But, at least Khorne doesn’t lie or misrepresent himself and his goals. Generally, if you’re a follower of Khorne, you know what you’re getting into. Very few people ever devote themselves to the blood god while being ignorant of what it will cost.
Nurgle, the God of Illness, doesn’t stop at physical illness. That sadness that never leaves, the twin mind fighting you at every turn, the desire to not exist, the compulsion for perfection, the forgetting of everything you once hated and once loved. It is all Nurgle, offering a cure to a sickness of the mind he has given you intentionally; stunting growth, change, and eventually thought. The Grandfather is a shroud brought on by greatest deception that Tzeench may scoff at, but cannot deny effectiveness. Not the Grandfather, but the Grand Enslaver, harvester of thought, masochistic master, traitor of self hatred, the None Father, Nurgle.
Nurgle drags you to the absolute lowest point in your existence and then offers to keep you there - forever. Not even his Daemon Princes truly earn his love; they are tossed aside when failure inevitably arises, as no true grandfather would ever consider.
As with all cults, lovebombing is an indoctrination strategy, and the love stops the moment you are no longer worthy of attention, and should you ever stray, the love turns to virulent hate.
"no, he Is not like the others, he's good, he has good intentions, he Just makes some mistakes, but that normale everyone makes mistakes" -toxic relationship 101
This is a very refreshing look at Nugle, but I was surprised just how well portraying as a bigger druglord then any other fit his actions so well, honestly found it scary how "insidious" it makes him fit whith all the other powers.
The Horned Rat may be a liar, a psychopath, a cannibal, an egomaniac, a chronic backstabber, a tyrant, a murderer, a sadist, a delusional maniac, an unhinged narcissist, a threat to all reality, a pest, and have a complete disregard to anybody worshipping him, but he is at least honest about all these things
I’m always wondered what a conversation between Nurgle and Arkay from Elder Scrolls would be like. Arkay is everything Nurgle claims to be- a compassionate god of life and death.
nurgle : im horrible and disgusting, but its not my problem if i just dont care anymore. slaanesh : im horrible and disgusting, but its not my problem if i make it YOUR problem. 😂😂
@@AlexDenton0451 You have fun for a little while and then you suffer incalculable agony when not engaged in the most perverse acts of cruelty and debauchery.
@@TheCpg117 Tzeench: I'm horrible and disgusting, so I'll trick you into thinking I'm not the problem. Khorne: I'm horrible and disgusting and *I'LL BEAT YOU TO DEATH FOR POINTING THAT OUT!!!*
@@josefstalin9678 overconsumption. Just the embodiment of too much of a good thing, escalated to the point of self-destruction. Slaanesh's realm encompasses so many deadly sins: first is greed, then gluttony, sloth and lust are next. And it just gets harder than the last.
I kinda like to see the Chaos Gods themselves as essentially cult leaders, in that they manipulate and exploit people's vices or desires for their own gains If I'm not mistaken atleast
@@firekin5624 Khorne prays in your weakness. In your fear of inadecuacy. In the nightlords omnibus, Kaz worshippes khorne beacuse he was about to be kill and hated the fealing of powerlessness. He will make you strong at the cost of any other thing you may want. Violence for violence sake. You cant love, cant hope, cant care. The only thing left for you is anger and blood. He sales you mind numbing violence as pride, honor and strength. When you are angry you dont think.
Although its cool, I love the lore concept that states that the Chaos Gods (although they have always been there) are a reflection of reality. Its more of an embodiment of our own vices and desires, reflected in an entity. Drug addicts are not controlled by some deity, they act upon their own addiction. In warhammer that "addiction" is not only a concept but transforms into a spiritual entity that can potentially transform reality. We are responsible for the evil of the chaos gods, not the victims. That doesnt mean humanity shouldnt fight it, but it also doesnt mean that Nurgle is an external force and we are poor little victims.
7:33 the gods are incapable of thinking otherwise-they are not truly sentient in the way we understand. Their creed is a fundamental part of their being, they cannot choose otherwise like we can.
Fabius Bile explained them to kind of be like generative ai. They perform actions based on the data they have available to them and since that data is so enormous you’re tricked into thinking they really are sentient, but they’re not. All they do is output based on input, they don’t truly understand and they can’t make real choices.
@@capadociaash8003 It is worth noting that just because he says it that doesn't make it true. Of course an atheist would describe a god as something other than a god.
This is what always got me when people claim Nurgle is "nice". He inflicts you with terrible agony and sickness, and then numbs you to that pain in return for your eternal enslavement. That's not the actions of a kind being, it's psychopathic.
Yeah no, half this comment section is defending nurgle. This community is braindead. The numbers would be much worse if it was a critique of the Imperium.
Growing up in an abusive household you learn real quickly that love without respect is not preferable to hate. Respect and honor are what matters love is just langiappe once those are in place.
“Why do you hate us?” asked the baby lambs to the vultures. “Hate you?” replied the vultures, “Why, I love you more than any other - out of all of them, you taste the best!”
@@gamera5160 Slaanesh is a completely different side of addiction from Nurgle. Slaanesh is the exploratory side when you’re thrilled and seeking higher highs constantly. Nurgle is the fall when all the comforts are gone, you have no resources left and your only respite as you ,literally and metaphorically, fall apart is your addiction. You stop caring and only seek to continue the numbness so you don’t have to look at the nightmare that is your life.
He does love his children but in a way that is not mapped to our concepts of human love and affection. He loves you as much as the bacteria inside of you, his vision is too ample and his concept of wellbeing is too alien to our own for that to mean anything to a human. He is a generous and loving god, but humans profit very little from the love and generosity of an eldritch intelligence which operates on a logic and moral system born of chaos and not of earth. To us he would still feel distant and aloof, while demanding service and twisting his servants into unrecognizable abominations. I think its still wrong to try and rewrite Nurgle as having a different temperament than he has, he is not mainly devious like tzeentch, he is not mainly hateful like Khorne. He is the jolly, loving god out of the 4 and his demons and followers are exuberant and love to sing and laugh. That still shouldn’t bring any solace to healthy mortals and it doesn’t make Nurgle any less perverse and terrifying.
Thank you for actually getting it! It’s not even as personal as gaslighting, it’s just that to a true god of life, humans just aren’t that important. He kind of reminds me of the concept of the nature gods in something like Princess Monoke. Humans are just another form of life, and an excellent host to his diseases and parasites. From his view, that’s what we are FOR.
Humans is what is the most important to the chaos gods, emotions are what fuels them and gives them power and humans are their biggest source. He isnt fueled by bacteria and disease, he is fueled by the despair, hopelessness and resignation they spread.
@@andreasaspholm5964 you are getting confused here. The warp reflects the non material aspects of the material universe and not just complex emotions. Emotions and concepts coalesce into things that eventually become big creatures embodying them which in 4 occasions have become massive enough to be gods but before those complex forms came primordial existence as a source of the warp before the first alien was ever afraid of failure there came a tiny organism which “feared” a predator, or fast movements in its vicinity, and before someone understood the concept of motherhood and fertility came a bacteria which was making copies of itself. Those different things are normally more concentrated on thinking beings like humanity or the xenos, but they are not limited to that. Before humanity was a thing Khorne was still growing and feeding on the violence and bloodshed that is natural to life and can be found in animals killing their prey or fighting for territory. Nurgle was born out of many things, among them decay and proliferation of life which far preceded humanity itself and is not a god of despair or hopelessness, he originally fed on the growth of trees and bacteria and the fertility of animals. He is not empowered by the emotional reactions of the sicknesses he spreads, but the very spread of life and decay. He of course also embodies related things such as the resignation to decay and the exhuberance of proliferation but his main source of food is the natural cycle. A god that is more in line with what you say would be tzeentch or slannesh, who feed mainly on things like temptation or betrayal rather than natural processes.
@@Mr1worldin The chaos gods precede humanity, as there were other sentient beings before that, but humanity is their primary sustenance now. What you write about the chaos gods preceding sentient beings i dont recognize from what lore i have read, but 40k can be contradictionary at times. In fact the wiki specifically says Nurgle was born in the "2nd Millennium in the midst of Old Earth's European Middle Ages, as great plagues swept across the world heralding the god's birth." This is from the 40k wiki: "The Chaos Gods are in truth not really divine beings, though their great power often means there is little difference for those mortals who revere them. These Warp entities are created and sustained by the emotions and collective desires of every sentient being of the material universe." The Chaos Gods are dependent upon the emotions of mortal creatures, especially the hordes of Humanity, for their power and continued existence. Nurgle is the Chaos God of disease, decay, despair, destruction, death and rebirth. In particular, the emotion of despair in mortals empowers the Plague God more than any other. The citizens of the Imperium know full well that their lives will end one day and that many of their number will live with disease or other torments in the meantime, yet they drive this knowledge deep into the corners of their minds and bury it with dreams and ceaseless activity. Nurgle is the embodiment of that knowledge of mortality and the unconscious response of all sentient beings to the knowledge of their own ending. It is the hidden fear of disease and decay, the gnawing truth of mortality and the power of defiance that it generates. "
@@tabbywolf801 I thought the sarcasm in my comment was fairly explicit. Although I've seen plenty of people unironically make this argument so I can't wholly blame you for thinking I'm being serious.
@@Krystalized_Python not the point. Korne is honesty to its logical fault. He will NEVER LIE or deceive you. If he wants you to do horribly violent things, he will tell you, or at least nudge you along the path to baseless violence. When someone or something is bothering you to no ends, he simply says, "If you kill them that solves the issue"
@thomasallen9974 Korn might be honest. There is a cost. You would never know rest, sleep, joy, or love. Literally, you would be in perpetual rage and slaughter. You would go insane. Khorne's followers also don't exactly have a high life expectency. You know, when you're fighting 24/7 and then when you're not. Your "comrades" are fighting you to prove themselves. Oh ya, if you fight and win. But in a way that Khorne is displeased with. Like say use a gun to save yourself from a Space Marine. Well, Khorne HATES and abhors guns. Now you're a chaos spawn..... You're best bet would be to unfortunately go to a tzeetxh planet and try and keep low profile and out of sight. Hopefully they don't decide to teleport your world into the warp!?
@@butecodesentina1766 I mean your doing that anyway with all four your just a zombie with nurgle making everyone around you suffer. atleast with korne you feel the thrill of battle, with Slaanesh you get mind broken with good vibes, and with Tzeentch your a god tier wizard at the lowest. Sure the negatives out weigh the postives and your charging into battle in the front lines the moment they want you to but Id rather not be a zombie with super deluxe herpies
Perhaps Nurgle's deceit is not intentional or malicious. Perhaps he truly does love all life, and want what's best for it. If so, Nurgle deceives himself most of all. He is a dealer of soporific drugs that is high on his own supply.
SUCH SLANDER AND LIES! THE GRANDFATHER LOVES ALL THE LITTLE LOST LAMBS. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO HAVE YET TO EXPERIENCE EVERTHING THE GARDEN HAS TO OFFER. [Editor's note: this is why Orks will always be the best as the only species who can ever be truely happy.]
I can't say that I'm surprised that people convince themselves that they are being treated well when they clearly not. Nurgle followers are just gaslighting themselves to justify their stockholm syndrome it's kinda sad... But makes sense given the logic of the Warhammer 40k universe despite the meme monkeys saying otherwise the universe is actually quite complicated.
I cant believe what im hearing! i cant believe you would take papa Nurgles gifts for not... I refuse to listen to this blasphemy. Now let me get back to my maggot soup.. good day to you sir!
Nurgle doesn't love you. Nor does big E. Nor does slaanesh. Nor does Khorne. Nor does Tzeentch. Sigmar, Morr, Verena and Ursun do. (Morr may not help you in life, but he keeps the souls of the dead safe from chaos).
Orks use the same word to say "friend" and "favorite enemy"; Just because an Ork is trying to kick you in the face that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't deeply appreciate you.
The Orks genuinely believe other species (especially humies) enjoy fighting just as much as they do, and that they benefit from fighting exactly the same way that Orks do.
@@joshuafischer684That's not really accurate, they don't care to think about what other races think. They do particularly like humans because humans appear to share the Ork's enthusiasm for mindless violence, though, absolutely.
@@bluegum6438 That's precisely it: Orks don't think enough about other species to realize that others don't merely think and behave like cheap knock-off orks, so they honestly believe that everyone else is just like them except crap at it. Runtherds are important in Ork society precisely because they have an instinctual understanding of the needs, limitations and basic psychology of non-Orks, kind of like a space veterinarian.
Nurgle is the god of creating the problem and selling you the treatment. You can escape the pain of sickness, at the cost of getting sicker and more dependent on him.
Nurgle like the other Chaos gods is a perversion of an otherwise good concept. Nurgle is a god of life, but does not discriminate between the value of a human or the value of a bacterium. Life and Death are part of an unending cycle, rot and decay lead to new life. It makes Nurgle an interesting character because from its alien perspective it is a beneficent god, but from the perspective of any sentient life form Nurgle is the most terrifying aspects of life.
Nurgle's blessing is not something you take back after delving in it for ages, but in reality you can and you can do better, dont give up, dont give in to the void. funny how fiction can teach you a lot
I would like to see more nuanced in the chaos gods. I know they are "corrupted" by all the negatives vibes of the war in heaven, but the warp englobe all feelings and emotions, not just the bad stuff. Like nurgle is death, deceases and entropy, but also acceptation, stability and life.
I always saw it as a pessimistic portrayal of sapient organisms in 40k (since Fantasy is a little less concrete on the “the gods are literally formed from the combined thoughts of soul bearing species). The gods are born from the sapient beings and directly reflect their thoughts and souls. While they do embody ‘good’ characteristics, it is only in a twisted and corrupted manner, as all things are with them. Khorne is born from the suffering and hatred caused by war. He values “honor” only because he despises the cowardice of stabbing someone in the back (just ask Skarbrand). Tzeentch is born from the desire for change, for one to better their place in life, to hope for a better tomorrow. And he shall give them that hope, and watch as it increases exponentially to such heights that the only result is the inevitable fall into self-driven ruin from ever grander pursuits. Slaanesh is born from pure excess from the Eldar pursuing depravity well beyond the lowest it should go. They embody pride, the pursuit to better oneself…and as in all things that will be pushed beyond its limits. Excess in all things, even in the pursuit of bettering oneself, until they are utterly assured of their own perfection. And then Nurgle is not really needed to be gone over cuz the video did it already. That the gods are so malevolent can really only be because of the mortals they reflect, since the gods are literal amalgamations of the collective thoughts and beliefs of soul bearing beings.
Khorne has always been the worst god for me, because he reminds me of a trap worse than depression in my books. He offers release and contentment through violence, and he punishes those who fail to continue to be violent. In many ways it reminds me of how anger really takes hold of you. To begin with you might punch a tree, or kick a box, but that feeling of euphoria you get from putting your feelings into physicality is intoxicating, and no matter how loudly you scream you will feel hollow until you hit something again, again, and again. Because when you dont stop to think, your body takes over, and you become something less than a man. Khorne represents a game that you must never play, but one that good men are sometimes forced to, and lesser men lose themselves to.
Are you telling me that syphilis is NOT a beautiful gift from Nurgle?!
I'm sorry brother. You're whole life's been a lie.
@ Noooooooo…
No, brother.
well yes, yes it is, has all blessings are
it is a gift from your cheating ex not nurgle
How dare you. I will shit myself to sleep now, and be happy in my grandfather embrace.
truly a filthy heretic
How glorious.
Hello fellow Wolfman pfp haver
You dare challenge me mortal? I will piss red and wet-farts before going to bed, try to bet me to that warrior.
"You should never grade evils, for if one is the worst, then you might be tempted to kinship with the least"
-Victor Saltzpyre: Witch hunter and later priest of sigmar.
This quote pretty much is emblematic of why people who think they're not utilitarians actually are. A witch hunter definitionally kills people because he thinks the death of his enemies is the lesser evil over the greater evil that might be caused by their enemies. That's the classic trolley problem.
Everybody believes in lesser and greater evils. They just delude themselves into thinking they don't. Deontologists and virtue ethicists live in ivory towers where morality is just a game. They're philosophies for cowards.
I shall spread this word
Yet another practical moral idea stolen from the Bible without giving God credit.
A zealot like Saltzpyre has no problem killing his enemies because he considers that a lesser evil. He is a witch hunter after all.
I despise virtue ethics and deontology for this reason. They are ethics for cowards. Everybody exactly behaves like there are lesser and greater evils and grades them. Saltzpyre not excluded.
The worst lesson you can ever learn is the idea that there is such a thing as "purity" when it comes to matters of politics or leadership. Only cowards try to opt out of utilitarian ethics.
A witch hunter is literally about committing lesser evils to prevent greater evils, at least according to them. If the lesson you got from this is "Saltzpyre is based" you completely missed the point. He's a zealot who thinks he's holier-than-thou.
Deontology and virtue ethics are for cowards. You don't get to avoid the trolley problems by mindlessly adopting some rote set of values. IRL, everybody behaves like a utilitarian and does exactly grade lesser and greater evils.
The worst lesson you can ever take is the belief that there is any way to be "morally pure" when it comes to politics or crafting policy. It's arrogance. You're making sausages one way or another and your refusal to accept that is really the cause of evil, not the other way around.
I always understood it as
“Nurgle loves all life, so he loves you, but the thing is, he also loves the trillions of microorganisms inside you as well. So in order to maximize the enjoyment of all living things he turns your body into a funhouse for those trillions of creatures but also grants you the bliss to accept it”
"....a Null Bomb made of powdered blanks..."
We're really going to zoom right past that?
Just another case of 'casual horrors of the Imperium', nothing to see here!
oh sweet man made horrors beyond comprehension
Erm its called recycling
Hey, they're pretty useless aside from being immune to psionic waves and influence, what better way to use them effectively than to sever links between literal demon gods and their nigh immortal followers?
Humanity number one, baby!
The best take on Nurgle I ever heard was, "The fact that you can change a few words around from any given description of Nurgle and get the absolute worst sort of abuser tells us exactly what kind of character Nurgle is."
In terms of Chaos Gods they work like this to me:
Slaanesh will in the end screw you over in all the possible ways, but at least she will give you some happiness at first and lure you in with promise of pleasure and joy.
Khorne will lure warriors in. Those who have bloodlust in them and reward them for being the best (and also most brutal) warriors they can possibly be, but in the end he deprives them of being anyone else.
Tzeentch will give you power and understanding and hope only for him to crush it in the end. But if you survive you can be someone truly powerful even if you can never be free from changer of ways, even if this road will only lead you to becoming a horrid Chaos Spawn.
Nurgle will shove his filth down your throat until you puke your guts out and enjoy it. He will force feed you all the misery and pain until you are numb to it and happy with the misery he gave you (because this is the only way to escape the pain).
Nurgle is fucked up.
basically not any different from christianity. "love me or ill burn you for all eternity" and hell is just one big "look what you made me do"
At least half of the time you don't even need to change any of the words.
@@jeffclarke929 You just had to do it, didn't you?
@@jeffclarke929i found the aethiest edgelord.
One reason nurgle takes pain away is because pain brings about change. When you are hurt, feel weak, depressed, uncomfortable or disgusted then you seek or at least desire to better your situation. Nurgle is the God of stagnation among other things. He loves you the way you are because it empowers him. He never wants you to leave your situation and wants you to live the hand your delt with and be happy about it.
Nurgles love is like the enablers from my 600lb life. They love you by enabling toxic (pun intended) behaviors to keep you at 600 lbs. They want control over you and Nurgle is no different. Those gifts are just ways to keep you where you're at disguised as love
Edit: by the way thank you for making this video. A lot of people don't realize how evil nurgle is
Stagnation? You dont get stagnation with a cycle of life, death, and decay.
@@freedomandguns3231is an endless cycle of death without any change not stagnation?
@@freedomandguns3231 I'm not sure if there's a better English word for it. But basically it was explained to me that the cycle of Life Death and decay is acceptable to nurgle because it's inevitable. It does not change. Tzeentch is the Lord of change and the opposite of Nurgle. Stagnation, acceptance, life and death, apathy, despair are all words to be used to describe Nurgle while change, hope, scheming are all words used to describe Tzeentch
@Michael-h7z4u who said every cycle is the same?
@dabba_dabba I think a bigger issue is that you cant have one without the other. The cycle of life, death, and decay are changes that happen. Change doesnt happen without it. The constance of life and death says nothing of what comes in between during the journey from one to another. Not sure if GW intended them to be intrinsically entwined or not, but you cannot have one without the other. One does not move from life to death without change and visa versa.
_"numbing presence."_
This is Nurgle to me. Tzeentch is among other things a god of hope, but hope in the face of (actually) impossible odds is delusion. Likewise, Nurgle is a god of nihilism. Not the sort of depressed nihilism where you lament that nothing matters, but the numb nihilism where you no longer care that nothing matters.
Nurgle is about giving up so completely that you can't even feel bad about it anymore. Suffering stops feeling like suffering, because you gave up on feeling like you deserve to be unhappy about it.
Oh, but he makes you all giggly and happy, and loving again... Even if it's all only an illusion/your delusion, you see this in the Orion(Wood Elves) novel when one of his demons creates a tiny abomination and makes a grieving and depressed(also possessed) beyond repair wood elf noble believe that's actually her deceased daughter who she accidentally burned alive in a house fire she provoked in a rage.
It's all super sweet and innocent from the demon and the noble's perspective, but in reality it's only grim and cruel. He really wants to sell you that he cares, and he does so wonderfully, you will never notice anything wrong with him or yourself once he does. 🥲
He's basically the god of going "It is what it is."
@@radcut7404until you join a big warhand then it is a eff it we ball kind of deal
If Nurgle is the chaos god most frequently misinterpretated as having good intentions, Tzeentch is a very close #2.
Tzeentch offers "hope", but it's a duplicitous kind of hope. Most of the time it's the kind of hope that a grifter offers to his victims - lies to get you to play a rigged game. At best, it's a kind of narcissistic hope that you, and you alone, can win, while everyone else loses.
I mean as of late I'm really letting myself go for real now, eating way too much and getting little exercise
But at this point with everything that had happened in life, I just stopped caring
Funny, nurgle gives you infinite acceptance to the point you lose ambition, tzeench is the opposite, making you so ambitious you can never be content with your position until it leads to your doom.
Polar opposites indeed. Which makes me think they can hardly tolerate each other.
@@Specoupsindeed, all 4 chaos gods have a unique dynamic with each other
I dont think Nurgle makes you lose ambition. I would say their ambition has to do with sharing their plague with every living being, and not only for personal power.
Nonsense. If I just tweek my pink fire just a little bit more it will be perfect g
That is why Malal is the ultimate Chaos God.
He embodies the self-destructive nature of Chaos. And as such will ultimately devour it.
I like how Nurgle is literally just the characterization of depression, literally THE god of bed-rotting. (Pun intended.)
Nurgle kinda reminded me of allah
Decent bait @@havefuntazarasu5367
@@havefuntazarasu5367 oh brother this guy stinks
@@havefuntazarasu5367how you managed to say something to stupid so loud amazes me
@@havefuntazarasu5367 What are you on
He does not love you, he loves what he has done to you. He loves you like an artist loves a csnvas, it what they do with the canvas that they are really interested in
I always thought of it like "He doesn't love you. He loves what lives inside of you and what possibly could."
@@raidkoast ...pause.
@@ryanerickson3063 Have course he doesn't, only loves us because he wants to see our dead bodies spring a leak as we rot.
He loves their love for him. He couldn't care less of the source of the love for him, only that he is loved.
I say something similar about women.
Women don't love men, they love how the man makes them feel, they love the man's resources, they love the man's status. If you doubt that, ask any woman you're in a long term relationship with what they love about you. Virtually every answer will be something like "... the way you make me feel _______.
There is no Easter Bunny, There is no Tooth Fairy, and Grandpa Nurgle doesn’t love you!
If you say that there is no Santa Claus, I am going to lose it. 😱😆
He exists. He is best buddies with the Emperor and he brings joy to children around the Imperium. Sadly, with how many worlds are there, he can't reach all of them. Even with all of his helpers.
@@kronos661 Thank the Emperor! 😌
@@deevan1415 He exists, but he is a heretic.
@@HikkikoGoblin Calling Santa Claus a heretic?
**dials local Inquisitor**
People often forget that all of Nurgle's gifts are plagues, diseases, and ailments. He is generous with them but none of them are good things. The Death Guard were brought into service by torture. Nurgle gives you the disease and then offers a solution that wouldn't even be needed had he not cursed you to begin with (and that solution is just an advanced form of leprosy that allows you to not feel the pain you're going through but doesn't cure the ailments; it's just another disease).
Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the hospital bed.
This casually ignores that every physical change of a death guards body is a blessing by saving them from death at a future date. For example it's described by death guard marines in the books that their mutations, like a thick growth on the forehead, is all but an ailment, until it blocked a headshot.
@@lexmortis5722 doesn't change the fact that they're literal cancerous growths and the only reason they save the Death Guard is because Nurgle fills them with Warp power that numbs their suffering and empowers their body well past the failing of multiple organ systems. The Death Guard are disgustingly resilient because most of their organs have already failed under the strain of disease and infestation, and their bodies are sustained by Nurgle's malignant energy instead of their own natural processes and functions.
Yep. Most of them is uppgrades
I think conceptually Nurgle is based on an erroneous idea that decay is a form of growth and entropy can be used as a force for good. Hes actually much more complex if you can understand the esoteric aspect and that the decay is much more metaphorical. Case in point look at say Transgenderism or Homosexualiaty being promoted as normal and healthy by corporations looking to make money but also a Satanic idealogy that believes that morality is a prison and we can be free by making everything legal and desirable. Like oh if we get into genetic engineering and making babies from vats and test tubes then the argument that homosexuality is wrong because it stops procreation falls short because we just dont have the tech yet to erase the sin or the wrong doing. I think Nurgle is more to an extent an idea of embracing moral erosion as a form of growth because you can use artificial constructs in order to cheat the pain or the punishment. Its like saying oh you know all we have to do is make our bodies extremely resilient and then any child can go touch the counter top and not get burned, except thats going to lead to people putting their hands on hot stove tops and laugh about how it doesnt hurt them. Thats the enlightenment and power nurgle offers in a nutshell that its completely assinine and childish in its character perfectly encapsulated by the grotesque forms of the Nurglings and Giant Unclean Ones whose obesity and rot symbolize a monolith of cultural and societal decay masquerading as something good. The joy Nurgle offers is obscene because its rather just a completely insane release from suffering by introducing a permanent spiritual morphine. Truly I think the followers of Nurgle are the most deranged and disturbed individuals because I think their entire belief system is just eroding and destroying all values in the world or reality itself because I think fundamentally they are children who think reality sucks because they cant eat cake all day, because reality isnt decadent like that they then seek to destroy everything decent and healthy until the only thing left is a perpetual cycle of rot leading to more rot. In this I could actually see Nurgle and Slaanesh being strongly complimentary to each other. Again I see the diseases and bloated forms as more like a metaphorical picture of the corruption itself.
Nurgle is staying in a swimming pool no matter how cold it gets, simply because getting out would be briefly more uncomfortable.
I've been telling people that Nurgle does not even take away the pain he causes you - he just takes away your ability to express it. When Horus fought that human general corrupted by the Nurgle blade, he saw his soul viscerally screaming in agony while the corporeal form was laughing at its own injuries. Nurgle simply forces the ultimate weakness upon his followers - the inability to confront reality and decide to change it to suit anyone's needs or wants.
you have the nasty hooks of tzeentch in you of course change would be better >_>
“Evil prevails when good men do nothing” that is the heart of Nurgle, apathy allowing things to continue to degrade and sink into darkness. Without a force like Nurgle keeping things static, could even the other chaos gods change for the better?
@@thoughtmaster2937….maybe? We have to keep in mind that part of the reason why the 40K Chaos Gods are so evil is because lots of people are suffering in the setting of Warhammer 40K, which leads to negative emotions, which leads to the Chaos Gods being influenced by those emotions since the Warp is affected by people’s feelings.
If everyone in the galaxy were to experience positive emotions more frequently, it would eventually lead to the Chaos Gods becoming more positive as a result.
All of the Chaos Gods do host *some* positive aspects (Khorne is strength/honor in battle, Tzeentch is hope/knowledge, Slaneesh is love, and Nurgle is endurance I guess), but the negatives outweigh the positives severely because lots of people are not happy.
But if Nurgle didn’t exist, then there’s a chance at the other 40K Gods potentially becoming more positive.
It’s why Typhus is so crazy to me. He’s VERY into it, even before he became a plague marine.
I sense that if you were to look into his soul, he’d be just the same inside and out.
"If the slaves do not KNOW they are slaves...are they truly slaves?"
-Nurgle, probably
That fits more our reality hahaha (remember to pay your bills this month)
Aye no $hit lol
@kevinmoore4916 dont you have anything better to do than shit on someone else's comment for no reason?
Also -The Greater Good and -The Emperor of Mankind. It's a very common trope in 40k.
@TheUnspeakableh I would say in real life too LOL
Nurgle is the fentany-based solution to the plight of existing in 40k.
Sure, your body is wasting away, but at least you aren't feeling anything.
fentany would be a beautiful name for a baby girl
@@smolknifeMy cats name is Lorgar, he was a loud kitten.
@@smolknife O.o Thats the most wild thing Ive heard in a while...
"Whatd you name the new baby?"
"Now scuze me I gotta get home to Smack and Cocaine"
You mean trank/xylazine that's being put in dope now and causes rotting.
Fentanyl is just a strong opioid, its worst issue is it makes you OD and die on $5 of what you thought was normal heroin.
Also not all junkies are thin if that's what you meant. Thinness is a result of not having $ to eat after you buy your daily dope need. So addicts with a ongoing source of high income and or especially those with a Rx due to chronic pain are not gonna lose much weight and if theyre injured/movibg less + nonstop opoiod access they will get heavy and sloppy. For example, look at Hermann Goerings degeneration.
The rapid tooth loss among some opioid users is when they go into methadone treatment. Methadone in particular causes severe xerostomia (dry mouth) in about 1/3 of people, this results in rapid demineralization of tooth enamel, without which teeth crumble fast, no matter how well you care for them. It generally starts about 12 mos on methadone. Someone might get a few cavities from ignoring shit while they're heavy into heroin/dope, but it doesn't cause rotten teeth like meth or crack.
Fentanyl is an extremely important hospital drug because it takes so little to treat, if you need to be intubated for a couple days or are suffering from 3rd degree burns. It's better at sedation and pain control. But I dont think its nearly as pleasurable as real heroin, in fact thats what led me to get clean, too much risk considering it offers more sedation than euphoria or physical pleasure.
So yea it'll make you numb ish but it won't cause any rotting.
depends...the pox walkers have it the worse, they are evil demon zombies who still retain their sentience but cant do anything when your body starts killing your loved ones...
Nurgle loves you the way an abuser loves their victims. There's a reason why the Death Guard immediately try to kill themselves in the presence of powerful enough blanks
Even if Nurgle really does truly love his followers it doesn't change the fact that his kind of love is not compatible with mortal, and even some of the immortal(looking at you, poor Isha), beings out there. It's no different than being faced with love of someone who finds stabbing you a declaration of love and devotion.
That last line sounds awful lot like the Orks love
He's the smooth-talking drug dealer offering you the drug of hope so you can keep swimming in the dopamine of ignorance.
He won't love you with that attitude
More love for us!
He'll love you long time, no hurt. He'll love you lots. He hears all this and says "That man needs a hug, go to his world and hug him."
Moral of the Story: There is something deeply wrong if the homeless are forced to worship the waste and squalor they live in, among other things.
That is their natural state in 4Ok to be breed uncontrollably and not think of the logistics involved. Often feeding on each other like caged rats.
@@cinnamonflavord which is the reality of basically all inhabitants from the grim dark future
Like Guilliman said “A line must be drawn between what is good and what is evil, for if the Great Enemy comes with offers of power to a wretch, what reason does he have to refuse hell if he dwells in it already?”
Sounds like a skill issue
@@Shugg-Goff-HHoffical Humans are the Skaaven of 40k. They even have a Council of 13. 12 Lords of Terra, 12 Skaaven on the Council with a seat left open for their god. There's a good video about the topic.
Not only do you see what youve become after youre cut off from Nurgle, you also FEEL EVERYTHING. You feel your guts hanging out and your fleah rotting, you feel every creature living inside you and feel the effects of every illness youve got ALL AT ONCE. Some just drop dead instantly when theyre cut off from Nurgle
"Bro Nurgle worship has no downsides bro I can quit whenever I want"
Honestly this is exactly what he is like he's the god of gaslighting
His followers really like useing his gas to kill people and useing gaslighting alot too.
No he gives you precisely what you ask for. Sure for a space marine it's all well and good to mourn what they have become if they become aware of it but the average citizen of the Imperium? Why would they care? How could it be any worse than life under the tyranny of the Emperor?
Also of toxic relationships
Tzeentch has entered the chat
Literally - probably lights his farts on fire
"Your crush doesn't love you."
i sleep
"Your parents don't love you."
i sleep
"Nurgle doesn't love you."
Tzeentch: life sucks, so change it
Khorne: life sucks, so here's an outlet for your frustrations
Slaanesh: life sucks, do this to reduce the pain
Nurgle: life sucks, but that's ok. You're perfect just the way you are...
Slaanesh: do this to enjoy better pain
Wait... are you trying to tell me that nurgle is the god of SJW?
@@kronos661 It got old mate.
Hashut: Drawf life sucks, so enslave everything to make yourself feel better.
(Hashut moment)
Why does he change you If you're perfect just the way you are then? He's just a god of gaslighting as somebody said before up in the comments.
Tzeentch approves this message.
Tzeentch now disavows this message that was him 6 hours ago again he does not aprove and would never do *this* to his worshippers.
@@Strawberrymilkdrink Tzeentech now approves of this message.
@@iamfoo1 Tzeentch would now like to inform his followers that this message never existed in the first place.
@@furnishclippings4183 Tzeentch would like to inform his followers that the message does indeed exist, but he isn't, and never has been, involved with it in any way whatsoever, neither positively or negatively; Any claims to the contrary are malicious misinformation.
@@CteCrassusTzeentch now insists (overflow error)% that the real message was the friends we made along the way.
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the hospital bed.
Finally the record is set straight. Nurgle is a embodiment of depression and as someone who struggles with that seeing so many say he's loving and caring has always felt so surreal to me.
Yeah tbh it feels a bit discouraging when content creators glorify nurgle for the content/clicks, like they missed the whole analogy of depression & go so far to perpetuate toxicity/toxic relationships. I get it's a meme, but at some point it feels like _crabs in a bucket_ with all the fetishization of this representation of mental illness.
thank you!
I should also say, I *LOVE* Nurgle, he's my favorite Chaos God. I love his aesthetic of eternal life and death. I love his themes of stagnation and entropy. I love how much he embodies the fear and cycle of death. I even love him because he has kinda helped me with my own depression by giving me a way to externalize and examine it.
But at the same time he is the most HORRIFYING Chaos God and that's my favorite part of him. So this wasn't a hater comment, I want the Grandfather to be seen for what he is, a hideously, pus filled, nihilistic depression of comfort and safety ❤
I always assumed that was the joke.
@@michaelawesome1864 Interesting and cool how both sids of the coin are of fascination to you regarding Nurgle! Although there's more sides to something like Nurgle than Heads or Tails alone. The scope of 40K is much more vast than one could exemplify in a single, simple three-dimensional object.
Congratulations on your growth --true growth-- and putting things into perspective, on your own power and through monsters and virtues from other stories.
How you feel about Nurgle is somewhat how i feel about Orcs from Lord of the Rings. For a while i was a big fan of strong, tusked creatures like Warcraft Orcs, plus the shamanic origins in that example.
But in the last few years i have come to be a lot less fond of depictions of Orcs as tusked green hunks/babes. The malefic filth have been more interesting to me. More striking.
I've always loved monsters, and visually there's *so many ways* one can go in depicting LOTR Orcs.
I like their crude and ramshackle style of armor and armaments too. Visually-- awesome.
IN terms of what they represent, there's nothing but pain and hate. They are victims of those that twisted them, forced and bullied them into servitude and pain, but they are also unapologetic instigators and poliferators of that very same malice and cruelty.
A sort of boogeyman. An example of the worst, the darkest that any sapient creature could be.
They are pitiable on one hand, but on the other, hatred and wretchedness is now a big part of who they are. Perhaps they can shed these aspects, reach more towards the light. All that lives can receive redemption.
But most Orcs would refuse such a path. It's easier for them to pull others into the mire, in the same filth they are stuck in, than to fight their way to solid ground.
The way I've always interpreted it is that Nurgle does believe this is a form of love, but it's just a disgusting misinterpretation of love. He wants his followers to feel joy, and in his eyes making them numb to suffering is the same thing. "Drugging them" is the most accurate description for sure
If you still have any doubt read The Flight of the Eisenstein. It presents the perspective of an Astartes infected by Nurgle's Rot as he slowly but surely gives in to despair and gives himself over to Chaos corruption. And that's when he hears Nurgle laughing.
Nurgle may be *slightly* nicer than his siblings, but he's still an extremely evil entity.
I’ve been saying exactly this for years. Nurgle’s “compassion” is a lie. At least Khorne is honest and truthful about his hatred and demands of his followers. Khorne may not be kind, but he is honest in the face of all the other false gods.
This man here, Inquisitor, he's the Khornate.
Khorne is still a tyrant and enslaves his followers by destroying their minds. I dont think it comes across as true honesty when Khorne just dominants his subjects by other means and its clear that Angron was not a willing participant in his own ascension but Khorne doesnt care. Its like saying an invading army that attacks you with overwhelming force is honest because they arent trying to kill you by subversive means. Yeah sure Khorne is honest because he doesnt have to be deceptive to gain power, he allows other people to do the dirty work for him including self deception if they want.
I mean, khorne is exactly the same as a god like slaanesh. He allows you to feed him until your soul completely loses its capacity for normalcy. If you don't give khorne skulls, you're weeded out by somebody nore psychotic.
Khorne demands self-sacrifice that is basically unsustainable for any sane mortal. He's literally an idea with no concept of anything existing outside that idea.
He just wants bloodshed now, not later. And he doesn't care from whence it flows. He doesn't understand such petty concepts like rest, self-defense, supplies, fear or honor. I don't even think he actually understands war as a kind of strategy to achieve political goals or policy. The Imperium might be dysfunctional, but it doesn't wage war for absolutely no reason other than bloodshed.
Khorne probably is confused that any of these kinds of things get in the way of bloodshed or that mortals care about them.
@@sixghill1925 I entirely agree, a Warband like Gladiator Cadre 331 could never achieve the same heights as, say, the skulltakers or main World Eaters Warband/Legion due to a difference in ideology like you said. But, at least Khorne doesn’t lie or misrepresent himself and his goals. Generally, if you’re a follower of Khorne, you know what you’re getting into. Very few people ever devote themselves to the blood god while being ignorant of what it will cost.
sounds like someone didnt get a new plague from papa nurgle on christmas
i fucked up, i started watching this while eating.
my entire breakfast is forfeit
Your weakness disgusts me!
We just parry those
Nothing will stop me from slurping these noodles
Slide that over this way brother
Khorne is the only god you can trust to not stab you in the back. He'll still stab you in the face, though.
And slaandsh will stab you, well... in other places. With other things.
This didn't age well
Nurgle, the God of Illness, doesn’t stop at physical illness. That sadness that never leaves, the twin mind fighting you at every turn, the desire to not exist, the compulsion for perfection, the forgetting of everything you once hated and once loved. It is all Nurgle, offering a cure to a sickness of the mind he has given you intentionally; stunting growth, change, and eventually thought. The Grandfather is a shroud brought on by greatest deception that Tzeench may scoff at, but cannot deny effectiveness.
Not the Grandfather, but the Grand Enslaver, harvester of thought, masochistic master, traitor of self hatred, the None Father, Nurgle.
"Nurgle is an accepting god" mfs when you bring up Tornus the Redeemed (they aren't so jolly now)
“Nurgle is a god of Life and Death” mfs when Amethyst magic is the single hardest counter to Nurgle.
@@cthulhubecausewhynot1182 Such is the power of Nagash
(as every fungus accepts a new host)
Nurgle drags you to the absolute lowest point in your existence and then offers to keep you there - forever.
Not even his Daemon Princes truly earn his love; they are tossed aside when failure inevitably arises, as no true grandfather would ever consider.
In AoS he does forgive failures
Never forget Nurgle’s once in a millennia crashout when Mortarion let him get burnt
As with all cults, lovebombing is an indoctrination strategy, and the love stops the moment you are no longer worthy of attention, and should you ever stray, the love turns to virulent hate.
Anyone in the grim dark future is at their absolute lowest point.
@yxsh that's not true at all. Most people are perfectly aware that things could be worse. Much much worse.
Nurgle loves all! Just ask mortarion how he feels the love in Nurgles little shack after failing his Iax invasion to Papa Smurf! He's Rolling in joy!
"no, he Is not like the others, he's good, he has good intentions, he Just makes some mistakes, but that normale everyone makes mistakes"
-toxic relationship 101
The best description of Nurgle I ever heard was that he is the god of the phrase: "It is what it is."
This is a very refreshing look at Nugle, but I was surprised just how well portraying as a bigger druglord then any other
fit his actions so well, honestly found it scary how "insidious" it makes him fit whith all the other powers.
This is why the Great Horned Rat is the best Chaos God. Yes-yes.
The Horned Rat may be a liar, a psychopath, a cannibal, an egomaniac, a chronic backstabber, a tyrant, a murderer, a sadist, a delusional maniac, an unhinged narcissist, a threat to all reality, a pest, and have a complete disregard to anybody worshipping him, but he is at least honest about all these things
@@birbddhaGodOfBirbsyou were 3 reasons away from having 13 adjectives for the horned rat☹️☹️
This issue has been rectified
I can accept this
Yes yes, that is very correct.
God of rot, death, disease and gaslighting
Bill Gates ?
I’m always wondered what a conversation between Nurgle and Arkay from Elder Scrolls would be like. Arkay is everything Nurgle claims to be- a compassionate god of life and death.
Every single faction in Warhammer is just bursting with gaslighting.
Gassy lighting.
And Genshin Impact according to Bricky
Nurgle, God of "thanks, I hate it"...
Can't believe we're cancelling Nurgle in 2024
If Nurgle was attractive chicks would love him for his emotional manipulation
@@Kio-x9z That's Slaanesh bro
As someone who has had their intestines hanging out of them IRL, I can confirm that this is *not* in fact a blessing.
Yeah, cause you can still feel pain and live in a human society. With nurgle, having your intestines hanging out or not would be the same.
How'd you survive 😮😮
At least us Slanesh players and followers know that we're disgusting and evil. We just have fun about it, at everyone else's expense.
nurgle : im horrible and disgusting, but its not my problem if i just dont care anymore.
slaanesh : im horrible and disgusting, but its not my problem if i make it YOUR problem.
@@AlexDenton0451 You have fun for a little while and then you suffer incalculable agony when not engaged in the most perverse acts of cruelty and debauchery.
Tzeench: I'm horrible and disgusting, so I'll trick you into thinking I'm not the problem.
Khorne: I'm horrible and disgusting and *I'LL BEAT YOU TO DEATH FOR POINTING THAT OUT!!!*
To be fair, I've seen a not insignificant amount of slaanesh "fans" who think she's just the god of sex and not the god of sex crimes
@@josefstalin9678 overconsumption. Just the embodiment of too much of a good thing, escalated to the point of self-destruction.
Slaanesh's realm encompasses so many deadly sins: first is greed, then gluttony, sloth and lust are next. And it just gets harder than the last.
I kinda like to see the Chaos Gods themselves as essentially cult leaders, in that they manipulate and exploit people's vices or desires for their own gains
If I'm not mistaken atleast
Khorn seems to be pretty straightforward compared to the rest
@@firekin5624 Khorne prays in your weakness. In your fear of inadecuacy. In the nightlords omnibus, Kaz worshippes khorne beacuse he was about to be kill and hated the fealing of powerlessness. He will make you strong at the cost of any other thing you may want. Violence for violence sake. You cant love, cant hope, cant care. The only thing left for you is anger and blood. He sales you mind numbing violence as pride, honor and strength. When you are angry you dont think.
Got it in one.
Although its cool, I love the lore concept that states that the Chaos Gods (although they have always been there) are a reflection of reality. Its more of an embodiment of our own vices and desires, reflected in an entity. Drug addicts are not controlled by some deity, they act upon their own addiction. In warhammer that "addiction" is not only a concept but transforms into a spiritual entity that can potentially transform reality. We are responsible for the evil of the chaos gods, not the victims. That doesnt mean humanity shouldnt fight it, but it also doesnt mean that Nurgle is an external force and we are poor little victims.
@@firekin5624 He is, which has its positives and negatives, just like the other 4 gods.
Sounds like something someone who needs nurgles love would say
"Maybe don't eat"
I'll do what I want! this tomato soup shall taste like maggots if grandfather so desires and I WILL be grateful for it
7:33 the gods are incapable of thinking otherwise-they are not truly sentient in the way we understand. Their creed is a fundamental part of their being, they cannot choose otherwise like we can.
Fabius Bile explained them to kind of be like generative ai. They perform actions based on the data they have available to them and since that data is so enormous you’re tricked into thinking they really are sentient, but they’re not. All they do is output based on input, they don’t truly understand and they can’t make real choices.
@@capadociaash8003 Source?
they literally a grand warp storm with desire to grow. Like virus or cancer with only will to grow
It is worth noting that just because he says it that doesn't make it true. Of course an atheist would describe a god as something other than a god.
@@capadociaash8003 The gods don't even truly exist, they are only a reflection of mortal minds. A shadow formed on the wall from a crowd of people.
This is what always got me when people claim Nurgle is "nice". He inflicts you with terrible agony and sickness, and then numbs you to that pain in return for your eternal enslavement. That's not the actions of a kind being, it's psychopathic.
@@mauritzvonclare3807 hes not nice, but he does love you. You just do not want his love, its all sticky and weird.
@@etherdeef4303 more love that most get it seems, the internet needs nurgle.
I love that 40k community has gotten a breath of fresh air and is people are finally seeing the truths of the universe, especially new ones
What are you talking about? There was no new truth in this video, in any case, its got a collection of lies but not much more.
@@yxshnurgloid detected
Indeed I really like that the Warhammer community seems to have begun reading behind the lines, so to speak.
@@cityofbhat7722 yeah the time of irony and memes is over, we takin warhammer seriously now
Yeah no, half this comment section is defending nurgle. This community is braindead. The numbers would be much worse if it was a critique of the Imperium.
Growing up in an abusive household you learn real quickly that love without respect is not preferable to hate. Respect and honor are what matters love is just langiappe once those are in place.
“Why do you hate us?” asked the baby lambs to the vultures.
“Hate you?” replied the vultures, “Why, I love you more than any other - out of all of them, you taste the best!”
He’s a metaphor for addiction to drugs. The more I consider it the more it fits.
Nooooo, that's Slaanesh. Slaanesh is addiction.
Slaanesh is a completely different side of addiction from Nurgle. Slaanesh is the exploratory side when you’re thrilled and seeking higher highs constantly. Nurgle is the fall when all the comforts are gone, you have no resources left and your only respite as you ,literally and metaphorically, fall apart is your addiction. You stop caring and only seek to continue the numbness so you don’t have to look at the nightmare that is your life.
Big brain take
All of them are, to be honest. All of them are drug lords.
@@jeffy1862 ah blissful numbness ii doesnt ever reach the high but it has its place.
Don't confuse eternal decay with eternal life.
Pretty sure you can be eternaly decaying while being inmortal.
"Nurgle doesn't love you"
Marvellous, I'll add him to the list.
Back to the sweet embrace of cheap amasec 😂
Cheap Amasec doesn’t love you either
@lazydroidproductions1087 I'm glad someone else understands 😂
He does love his children but in a way that is not mapped to our concepts of human love and affection. He loves you as much as the bacteria inside of you, his vision is too ample and his concept of wellbeing is too alien to our own for that to mean anything to a human.
He is a generous and loving god, but humans profit very little from the love and generosity of an eldritch intelligence which operates on a logic and moral system born of chaos and not of earth. To us he would still feel distant and aloof, while demanding service and twisting his servants into unrecognizable abominations.
I think its still wrong to try and rewrite Nurgle as having a different temperament than he has, he is not mainly devious like tzeentch, he is not mainly hateful like Khorne. He is the jolly, loving god out of the 4 and his demons and followers are exuberant and love to sing and laugh. That still shouldn’t bring any solace to healthy mortals and it doesn’t make Nurgle any less perverse and terrifying.
Thank you for actually getting it! It’s not even as personal as gaslighting, it’s just that to a true god of life, humans just aren’t that important.
He kind of reminds me of the concept of the nature gods in something like Princess Monoke. Humans are just another form of life, and an excellent host to his diseases and parasites. From his view, that’s what we are FOR.
Humans is what is the most important to the chaos gods, emotions are what fuels them and gives them power and humans are their biggest source. He isnt fueled by bacteria and disease, he is fueled by the despair, hopelessness and resignation they spread.
He loves you until you fail him and have his precious garden burned down.
@@andreasaspholm5964 you are getting confused here. The warp reflects the non material aspects of the material universe and not just complex emotions. Emotions and concepts coalesce into things that eventually become big creatures embodying them which in 4 occasions have become massive enough to be gods but before those complex forms came primordial existence as a source of the warp before the first alien was ever afraid of failure there came a tiny organism which “feared” a predator, or fast movements in its vicinity, and before someone understood the concept of motherhood and fertility came a bacteria which was making copies of itself. Those different things are normally more concentrated on thinking beings like humanity or the xenos, but they are not limited to that. Before humanity was a thing Khorne was still growing and feeding on the violence and bloodshed that is natural to life and can be found in animals killing their prey or fighting for territory.
Nurgle was born out of many things, among them decay and proliferation of life which far preceded humanity itself and is not a god of despair or hopelessness, he originally fed on the growth of trees and bacteria and the fertility of animals. He is not empowered by the emotional reactions of the sicknesses he spreads, but the very spread of life and decay. He of course also embodies related things such as the resignation to decay and the exhuberance of proliferation but his main source of food is the natural cycle. A god that is more in line with what you say would be tzeentch or slannesh, who feed mainly on things like temptation or betrayal rather than natural processes.
@@Mr1worldin The chaos gods precede humanity, as there were other sentient beings before that, but humanity is their primary sustenance now.
What you write about the chaos gods preceding sentient beings i dont recognize from what lore i have read, but 40k can be contradictionary at times. In fact the wiki specifically says Nurgle was born in the "2nd Millennium in the midst of Old Earth's European Middle Ages, as great plagues swept across the world heralding the god's birth."
This is from the 40k wiki:
"The Chaos Gods are in truth not really divine beings, though their great power often means there is little difference for those mortals who revere them. These Warp entities are created and sustained by the emotions and collective desires of every sentient being of the material universe."
The Chaos Gods are dependent upon the emotions of mortal creatures, especially the hordes of Humanity, for their power and continued existence.
Nurgle is the Chaos God of disease, decay, despair, destruction, death and rebirth. In particular, the emotion of despair in mortals empowers the Plague God more than any other.
The citizens of the Imperium know full well that their lives will end one day and that many of their number will live with disease or other torments in the meantime, yet they drive this knowledge deep into the corners of their minds and bury it with dreams and ceaseless activity. Nurgle is the embodiment of that knowledge of mortality and the unconscious response of all sentient beings to the knowledge of their own ending. It is the hidden fear of disease and decay, the gnawing truth of mortality and the power of defiance that it generates. "
Perfectly put. People ally with Nurgle because they fear death... But it doesn't take them long to realise death is a better alternate.
Finally! a Honest Take on Nurgle!
But- But- His daemons are smiling! That means he's a good guy!
@@astrovarius543 no, it does not
@@astrovarius543Slannesh’s daemons smile too, what do you suppose that means?
@@tabbywolf801 I thought the sarcasm in my comment was fairly explicit.
Although I've seen plenty of people unironically make this argument so I can't wholly blame you for thinking I'm being serious.
It's alright, @@astrovarius543
I think pepole tend to forget he is also the god of despair
This is why Khorne is the best, no traps or tricks just blood.
Oooh, just wait until you hear the horror stories about him lol
@@Krystalized_Python not the point. Korne is honesty to its logical fault. He will NEVER LIE or deceive you. If he wants you to do horribly violent things, he will tell you, or at least nudge you along the path to baseless violence. When someone or something is bothering you to no ends, he simply says, "If you kill them that solves the issue"
@thomasallen9974 Korn might be honest. There is a cost. You would never know rest, sleep, joy, or love. Literally, you would be in perpetual rage and slaughter. You would go insane. Khorne's followers also don't exactly have a high life expectency.
You know, when you're fighting 24/7 and then when you're not. Your "comrades" are fighting you to prove themselves. Oh ya, if you fight and win. But in a way that Khorne is displeased with. Like say use a gun to save yourself from a Space Marine. Well, Khorne HATES and abhors guns. Now you're a chaos spawn.....
You're best bet would be to unfortunately go to a tzeetxh planet and try and keep low profile and out of sight. Hopefully they don't decide to teleport your world into the warp!?
honestly i would rather live the sweet lie of Nurgle then been told by Khorne to melee charge a gun line
@@butecodesentina1766 I mean your doing that anyway with all four your just a zombie with nurgle making everyone around you suffer. atleast with korne you feel the thrill of battle, with Slaanesh you get mind broken with good vibes, and with Tzeentch your a god tier wizard at the lowest. Sure the negatives out weigh the postives and your charging into battle in the front lines the moment they want you to but Id rather not be a zombie with super deluxe herpies
Perhaps Nurgle's deceit is not intentional or malicious. Perhaps he truly does love all life, and want what's best for it.
If so, Nurgle deceives himself most of all. He is a dealer of soporific drugs that is high on his own supply.
I feel like unironically admiring Nurgle is just cope to neglect hygeibe
[Editor's note: this is why Orks will always be the best as the only species who can ever be truely happy.]
Even the Ork's happiness is a lie. Orks that get big enough (and therefore smart enough) lose their satisfaction with simple violence.
"Dat'z da byuti ov da smalor boi's",
-the small ork's.
Grandpa gaslighting you into loving him. Yep, he’s a chaos god haha
I dont think he needs gaslighting. Most of his servants come from desperate humans that needed help and they gave their soul for eternal life.
I can't say that I'm surprised that people convince themselves that they are being treated well when they clearly not.
Nurgle followers are just gaslighting themselves to justify their stockholm syndrome it's kinda sad...
But makes sense given the logic of the Warhammer 40k universe despite the meme monkeys saying otherwise the universe is actually quite complicated.
Stockholm Syndrome?
Everyone in the grim dark future is gaslighted as fuck, dont blame it on Nurgle
he is the God of apathy and giving up
Someone send this Nurgle deprogramming video to the Death Guard.
I cant believe what im hearing! i cant believe you would take papa Nurgles gifts for not... I refuse to listen to this blasphemy. Now let me get back to my maggot soup.. good day to you sir!
He needs to take showers more often
But he's got an upside down heart where his nose should be, this is proof he's a loving....... Oh dear!
the love offered by nurgle is not the warm kindness we usually associate with love, it's the rotten, stagnant love of abuse.
sounds like the tzeentch check just cleared
Nurgle doesn't love you.
Nor does big E. Nor does slaanesh. Nor does Khorne. Nor does Tzeentch.
Sigmar, Morr, Verena and Ursun do. (Morr may not help you in life, but he keeps the souls of the dead safe from chaos).
We are but mere mortals. Unworthy of the attention and love of a god. We can only offer up our love to them.
@@rickkcir2151 Real.
Tbh all of this is just reinforcing my opinion that Nurgle is the best chaos god
The only "evil" force that may love you, even though that's a stretch, are the Orks. Why? Just think back to the Commisar Yarrick story
Orks use the same word to say "friend" and "favorite enemy"; Just because an Ork is trying to kick you in the face that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't deeply appreciate you.
@@CteCrassus In fact the harder he kicks the more he appreciates you. Also the harder you kick him.
The Orks genuinely believe other species (especially humies) enjoy fighting just as much as they do, and that they benefit from fighting exactly the same way that Orks do.
@@joshuafischer684That's not really accurate, they don't care to think about what other races think. They do particularly like humans because humans appear to share the Ork's enthusiasm for mindless violence, though, absolutely.
@@bluegum6438 That's precisely it: Orks don't think enough about other species to realize that others don't merely think and behave like cheap knock-off orks, so they honestly believe that everyone else is just like them except crap at it.
Runtherds are important in Ork society precisely because they have an instinctual understanding of the needs, limitations and basic psychology of non-Orks, kind of like a space veterinarian.
Somewhere a nurgling is crying... And farting... But for a moment, just a little hurt.
Can't wait for the Asmongol response video to this Slander
Papa loves me you’re the adopted one
Bro is just Asmongold.
Nurgle's followers are in the most literal form of toxic relationship
As a life long lover of all things Nurgle, this is one of the best descriptions I have ever seen of The Grandfather. Well Done.
"hhehe flies go bzzz"
He is the chaos god of cope.
Average space marine documentary about chaos
Nurgle is the god of creating the problem and selling you the treatment. You can escape the pain of sickness, at the cost of getting sicker and more dependent on him.
Man, it’s almost as if the people that’ve dedicated their entire lives and done horrific things for a god are gonna be biased when describing them lol
Evil in the alignment sense doesn’t have so much to do with motivation as it does with incompatibility with healthy human life.
You have to be alive to be healthy, and Nurgle can make sure of that for eternity.
Nurgle like the other Chaos gods is a perversion of an otherwise good concept. Nurgle is a god of life, but does not discriminate between the value of a human or the value of a bacterium. Life and Death are part of an unending cycle, rot and decay lead to new life. It makes Nurgle an interesting character because from its alien perspective it is a beneficent god, but from the perspective of any sentient life form Nurgle is the most terrifying aspects of life.
Nurgle's blessing is not something you take back after delving in it for ages, but in reality you can and you can do better, dont give up, dont give in to the void. funny how fiction can teach you a lot
Nurgle corrupts your mind, just as he corrupts flesh.
I would like to see more nuanced in the chaos gods. I know they are "corrupted" by all the negatives vibes of the war in heaven, but the warp englobe all feelings and emotions, not just the bad stuff. Like nurgle is death, deceases and entropy, but also acceptation, stability and life.
That's why Tau'va is the best chaos god! 💜💙😅👍
(Relatively new but canon.)
I always saw it as a pessimistic portrayal of sapient organisms in 40k (since Fantasy is a little less concrete on the “the gods are literally formed from the combined thoughts of soul bearing species). The gods are born from the sapient beings and directly reflect their thoughts and souls. While they do embody ‘good’ characteristics, it is only in a twisted and corrupted manner, as all things are with them.
Khorne is born from the suffering and hatred caused by war. He values “honor” only because he despises the cowardice of stabbing someone in the back (just ask Skarbrand).
Tzeentch is born from the desire for change, for one to better their place in life, to hope for a better tomorrow. And he shall give them that hope, and watch as it increases exponentially to such heights that the only result is the inevitable fall into self-driven ruin from ever grander pursuits.
Slaanesh is born from pure excess from the Eldar pursuing depravity well beyond the lowest it should go. They embody pride, the pursuit to better oneself…and as in all things that will be pushed beyond its limits. Excess in all things, even in the pursuit of bettering oneself, until they are utterly assured of their own perfection.
And then Nurgle is not really needed to be gone over cuz the video did it already.
That the gods are so malevolent can really only be because of the mortals they reflect, since the gods are literal amalgamations of the collective thoughts and beliefs of soul bearing beings.
Khorne has always been the worst god for me, because he reminds me of a trap worse than depression in my books. He offers release and contentment through violence, and he punishes those who fail to continue to be violent.
In many ways it reminds me of how anger really takes hold of you. To begin with you might punch a tree, or kick a box, but that feeling of euphoria you get from putting your feelings into physicality is intoxicating, and no matter how loudly you scream you will feel hollow until you hit something again, again, and again. Because when you dont stop to think, your body takes over, and you become something less than a man.
Khorne represents a game that you must never play, but one that good men are sometimes forced to, and lesser men lose themselves to.
It's an abusive relationship.
given what he does with that eldar goddess is that a shocker?
Every relation ship in the grim dark future is an abusive relationship.
Finally someone that understand Nurgle
Hail to the Grandfather! His glorious gifts allow me to spread his love to the ends of the earth.
YES HE DOES, HOW DARE YOU! *ʳᵘⁿˢ ᵃʷᵃʸ ᶜʳʸⁱⁿᵍ*