I really want to clarify that the TTK and hipfire would be changed *slightly* just so there’s a reason to run AR’s. If that comes in the form of an SMG nerf, so be it, I did not want it to seem like I just want to ADS, nobody does, I just wanted a reason for guns outside of SMGs to exist. Thank you for the criticism and feedback (especially the ones who were more respectful about it) I’m not a dev, I’m just a dude with a lot of hopium, who loves TF2
Fast movement, fast time to kill, one hit melee. These are the things that make TF2 great as a fast pace movement shooter. It makes it much more unique from other grounded fps like Battlefield and COD. The only time the game really slows down is when you're in a Titan fighting other Titans, which I think is a perfect balance and adds to the uniqueness of this fps.
i honestly think increasing ttk and reducing hipfire accuracy will end up making the game way less fun, the fun part about titanfall is that if everyone if overpowered then nobody is.
Yeah and besides he said that making the hip fire worse would make Titanfall 3 more dependent on skill. To me that makes zero sense, aiming down sights takes no skill anyways and slows down gameplay.
@@MildTomfoolery123and it completely obliterated the notion of it being a movement shooter. What purpose does utilising movement have when someone stationary on the ground has far greater accuracy?
@@jamesjohnXII Take any AR, not a CAR, and then try to hit someone from 30+ meters in a match. Naturally, when the target moves and you also do not stand still. I think that you are unlikely to be able to make a frag so easily, if at all.
I personally think that the time to kill in titanfall 2 is perfect, if you make it any slower it will impact the pace of the game massively even if it’s only a second slower.
honestly tintanfall 2 ttk is actually fantastic cos it keeps the gameplay nice and quick paced allow for delicous 3 v 1s also people could run away a lot easier with good movement if they change the ttk
I think the TTK is what defines titanfall outside the movement, and obviously titans. Increased TTK is something i've grown so sick off from all the battle royale games, and i think it makes 2v1s or 3v1s impossible. And also for pilots to be able to escape, it would be boring.
Only problem is that newer players, im talking people who might only play cod or something slower, will be immediately turned off by getting absolutely stomped by tf2 vets so unless respawn can make good Sbmm, the same high ttk may kill a lot of the potential new player base, which would be bad for everyone looking
For titanfall 3 campaign, I was thinking of something where on a tatooine kind of Planet, you, the main character, is constructing a titan to escape the Planet that is IMC controlled, but the only thing they need to finish the titan would be a titan core, which can't be replicated on their own. That's where, after years of the arc explosion, years of BT's core was drifting through space, they find his titan core, with all his memories, and he helps you escape the planet to take down the IMC.
Feels kinda plot combines his core managed to survive the exploding that shattered an entire planet especially when he was at the epicenter of said explosion, the whole AI in coopers helmet works way better for letting BT come back, that’s may be just me though.
Slightly disagree on the TTK and hip fire changes. We don’t want to turn Titanfall into just another battlefield game. The tight hip fire and fast time to kill is what makes Titanfall so fun (at least in my opinion). The fun of Titanfall is not just about killing enemies, it’s about seeing how many enemies you can kill before dying.
Yeah and they should keep the smart pistol. It’s barley ever killed me and is a nice way to catch up (the few times I’ve I actually used it). People love to cry about it and yet there’s many counters to it. It’s fine what they really need to fix is the goddamn spitfire :) RESPAWN I SWEAR ILL HAVE YOUR HEAD FIX THE GUN
I feel like the engineer, and melee 2 hit changes aren’t the best. Along with the time to kill, these things keep titanfall a movement shooter. If you don’t keep moving somebody can just blast you or punch you in an instant. These would slow the game down a lot and encourage camping a little more. A-Wall already had this problem to a degree in titanfall 2.
the issue is new players and casuals would quit after 2 weeks cause some people have been playing religiously for a couple years and keep killing everyone in like 3 seconds, sure the skill celling would be high but so would the floor. this was partially why i took breaks for tf|2.
I definitely agree about the melee 2-hit, but I disagree that the ttk should stay the same. as much as I enjoy Titanfall 2's multiplayer, it's no fun to get killed instantly by someone who hasn't been outside in decades using the alternator. I just think that the guns shouldn't kill as fast, but the melee kill is a reward for good movement, and it's readable and avoidable if you know what you're doing. I'm just saying that new players keep a game alive, and alienating them early on is a bad idea. Hardcore mode is a good idea for those who have already learned the game and wish for greater challenge.
Alternative Cooper and BT plotline suggestion: In either the beginning of Act 2 (or the end of Act 1), an older Cooper has (finally) convinced the upper echelons of command to go on a small mission deep into enemy territory. No titans due to lack of support. Some degree of stealth, but lots of traversal to get through craters, half-broken buildings, etc. (due to a massive battle that happened years ago). Cooper, if you listen carefully when he's in the distance, appears to be talking to himself at times. The location? A abandoned research facility once under friendly control, and considered the 'home' of the original Titan prototypes. It turns out Cooper needs to find a copy of the original AI matrix used as the foundation for BT. The 'copy' in the helmet has his essence, but needs to be integrated into a "untainted core" in order for his full combat matrix to be restored, run a mech, etc. Why did the brass agree to staff the mission? If successful, BT would also have the keys necessary to run a prototype (originally recovered, but otherwise mothballed). Said mech has high performance, can one-shot a ship in orbit (with enough time to build a charge), and was otherwise meant to be the pinnacle of Titan capability.
It’s already difficult to get that close to someone, and you have to do it twice? While the enemy is alert? There would be no melee kills and it removes that whole aspect
I love every idea except the the ttk changes. Half of the weapons in titanfall 2 are only good because of the quick ttk, and because of the fast paced gameplay and adding the perma-grapple, people can leave engagaments faster than ever. The fast ttk is essential to titanfall
I think a good change would be to change damage fall-off so you can't beam somehow from 50 yards away with an SMG. As per melee, I like the idea of damage being based off of how fast you're going so you're rewarded for building speed.
For the engineer pilot ability, I don't really think it would work, as the whole gameplay of titanfall is so movement-heavy, and that would require settling down in a single location. This works well for more comparatively grounded games (i.e. Apex) but would clash with the pace of the core series. (For the people saying that A-wall has the same problem, correct. I don't particularily like A-wall for that reason.) Instead, I think you could pivot to a more trap oriented ability? For example, Proximity mines to be placed on walls and floors, which could stun, or even tether pilots (a-la Northstar). If you really want to lean into the engineer side of it, focus on repairing/powering up local titans, or reapers if you'd prefer something smaller scale.
The only reason A-wall is like that is because of the long deploy time. If it could be deployed nearly instantly, it’d be way better for using aggressively in the move.
I like the reaper concept as a pilot ability. Maybe you can build a reaper over time that you can direct as the engineer? Or have an army of stalkers or something.
Great ideas overall, but I would NOT change the TTK or hip-fire mechanics. The gunplay is perfect as is, with the short TTK making good movement skills mandatory to survive, and not having to ADS all the time, breaking your flow. Sure, the SMGs are waaay too good at this, but that is by design and isn't (imo) that big of a deal. If you really wanna do something about it though, just buff the hip-fire of the other weapons (don't over-do it though)
The only two things I disagree with are the melee and ttk. I think that the meele should stay as one hit, and the ttk should stay as it is because I think that it is perfect for the quick paced shooter that it is.
Three new Titan class Ideas 1. The Striker Light Titan Weapon: .50 cal machine gun Offensive ability: unguided rocket salvo Defensive ability: arm shield (similar to the legion shield but smaller) Other ability: radar (allows entire team to see enemy infantry and titans through walls and on map, also allows visibility of cloaked Titans Scout Core: you gain temporary resistance and a speed boost with infinite ammo for 15 seconds Built in perks: four boosts for extra mobility Health: low Speed: second only to the ronin but the extra boosts make up for it The Paladin Medium Titan Weapon: 75mm DMR Offensive ability: ark rockets (imagine a nerfed salvo core but with ark grenades) Defensive ability: bubble shield (a very weak shield that surrounds the Titan where ever you go for 5 seconds) Other ability: a show wave that deals damage to titans and radioing pilots Crusader Core: wrist blades deploy and you gain a speed boost and in instability with increased melee damage for 10 seconds Built in perks: resistant to ark damage Health: slightly more than the monarch Speed: just faster than the Ion The Breacher Heavy Titan Weapon: Five barreled 45mm shotgun, and a Big A** shield Offensive ability: multi shot (all barrels fire at once) Defensive ability: bubble shield that makes you slower but can block most forms of damage Other ability: slight temporary resistance buff Shield Core: basically a vortex shield that can deflect *ALL* attacks including other Titan Cores so screw all the Ion mains who thought their Core was the best, eat your own laser Built in perks: resistant to explosive damage (which makes it a soft counter to the Tone) Health: The most tanky Titan on record Speed: slower than the legion and P A P A S C O R C H These are my Titan ideas so here, do with this information what you want
The purposes of all these Titans are as follows Striker - fast scout type Titan Paladin - a Knight Breacher - shield for infantry and general bullet magnet, also a hard counter to all the Ronin weebs out there
I’ve always wanted a blunderbuss weapon in titanfall, a single-shot, long reload weapon that would rag doll enemy’s body’s through the skybox and could be used to chain movement when you blast the ground or fire it mid air
Imagine a strider titan that dual wields full auto pistols and has wheels for feet. Their utility could be where they supercharge their dashes for 2.5 to 3 seconds. I just wanna move fast man...
Image the original Revenant got hold of the control of all of his body, and sends hundreds of them after you, crawling all over the wall and swarming you and your titan, that will be sick
Ok, after all thats been going on with Titanfall, Im officially hyped again. Im not taking my meds. This is happening. Titanfall 3. And this time, respawn cares for the game
Increasing time to kill might not be a good idea for a fast movement shooter like titanfall two, it might make the "every weapon is usable except for pistols" not applicable anymore as in certain weapons will just suck. and the two shot punch will make it completely useless and remove the fun of two pilots missing all their kraber shots until one of them gives up and punches the other guy. And generally satisfying punching moments. Sure some people don't like getting one shot but this is titanfall, you die, 2 seconds later you respawn
@DumplingDoodle duuuude exactly I don't know what it is but I've been running the mozam for the last couple days and I don't think I've ever gotten this many kills in a game
Hipfire accuracy is fun doesn’t need to be changed. Not every game needs an esports scene especially not this game wouldn’t benefit from one. I do kinda like the grapple idea. The most popular titan idea “the brute” which is a heavy titan who focuses on beating the shit out of you with his hands seem like an awesome idea. Another thing I would like to see is a buff for ogre class titans. 10 second CD for a dash unless you have turbo thrusters is absolutely insane. 5 seconds by default and then you can remove turbo thrusters perk and replace it with something else or you can just make it an extremely small decrease
Not really what i WANT to see but i dont want to see tons of overpriced micro transactions and battlepasses. skins should be rewards for your progression and skill as a player.
these are all great ideas and i read the pinned comment but the ttk and the hipfire accuracy are essential to the identity of the game we know and love. it's a *FAST* shooter and altering these two main componants can and will turn it into a camping nightmare.
I just don’t think jets or traps would work as a class ability and I think the time to kill in tf2 is just right, I also think that this would be removing from the Titanfall feeling of the game and make it more like cod but with jet packs
Love the Pilot customization idea, one small issue I could see arising is how players would be able to recognize certain Pilots. Like being able to recognize that it was a cloak pilot, or a Holo or Stim. But I know its just a workshop idea right now.
@@tyler403Heavy disagree. Never once struggled to tell who I was fighting in Titanfall, even with just a glance. Closest it's ever been would be between grapple and holo-pilot, which makes me think for like 0.5 seconds longer, and that's still easy because no one plays holopilot.
You know they're going to make it not fun, like they did with apex. Right? I mean, titanfall was about moving around at high speed. Apex is about nerfing the ability to travel around at high speed.
one thing that would be amazing is, if you could add robot arms to human body type customization, like full on old school customization and not the halo infinite type, that would make each player look individualistic even tho they own the same skins
imagine how cool it would be if there was a mission that blisk has one of BT parts, so the new pilot and cooper enter the games, and you actually invade kings canyon looking for a way to find blisk, and it can be converted into a event in apex legends.
This video feels like a fever dream, so many of these points about the tactical and ttk all sound like someone who had never played the game and had no idea how it actually played
They just added "hardpoint" mode to Titanfall 2 which I thought was pretty wierd considering we already have amped hardpoint in Titanfall 2. I looked into it and it turns out it's a Titanfall 1 mode. What else I found interesting is the fact the description was "blinded by science". This I saw was either a reference to the apex legends questline "She blinded me with science" which does actually reference the IMC but I was only skimming. It also references the album "Blinded by science" by Thomas Dolby. I don't really know what this means but if anyone could look into it I'm sure a random geezer in a comment section will. Love your content!
3:40 I always thought they should just do what they did for the grapple to all the other abilities (except for a few). with stim they should make it last longer and be slightly slower whilst allowing you to choose how much you use it by giving it the exact same charge system as grapple. Same with cloak and A wall but with A wall it should be a over the shoulder shield like certain grunts in the TF2 campaign. Pulse blade should get 2 knifes (maybe 3 but thats probably a bit overkill) phase should be a phase dash like ronins except with the ability to dash in whatever direction your looking in and Holo pilot should allow you to switch places with your hologram Also I don't really see why the hipfire should be nerfed, if anything, it takes more skill since it forces you to be mobile while fighting
I think the current abilities could be turned into ordnances with a kit buffing them to their full potential or something like that. Nerf for ordnance abilities; Grapple - Shorter range, one charge Stim - Takes health away, slower speed-up A-Wall - Follows you but is smaller and gets rid of the damage boost capabilities Hologram - Same as base but slightly more noticeable that it is a holo (upgraded could cloak the pilot or something) Cloak - More visible, more time to cloak Phase - Leaves behind a faint trail to where you are travelling As for the pre-existing ordnances being buffed by the pilot kit; Frag Grenade -> Explosive Boost - Basically a team fortress 2 soldier rocket jump towards where you're looking Arc Grenade -> Arc Field - You move faster and have an electric field which applies the arc effect (does no damage) Firestar -> Fire Volley - Shoots an explosive array of missiles which leave behind a lingering damage zone Gravity Star -> Gravity Well - You throw a moving projectile that sucks up bullets and when moving through it, it boosts your speed Electric Smoke Grenade -> Smoke Carpet - You disappear in a carpet of smoke (damages enemies) Satchel -> Tripmine - Basically a mine that sticks to walls and stuff
one thing i really want is for the pilots to look more like the pilots in titanfall 1, they were sooo much cooler looking (mainly the helmet designs imo)
I think for the melee changes make up the damage is momentum based so that you *can* one shot melee if you are moving properly. Also add custom melee finishers so like if I come from directly above at the right speed I just stomp their skull into the ground.
5:51 The throw should work like this: You hold down V (the attack/defend toggle for your titan) to make the titan lower it's hand and switch to throw mode. It'll be on standby till you cancel it by pressing V again. Now the next time you "embark" (or if friendly pilots press the embark button) it starts the throw. You're then given a few seconds to aim, then get thrown on another V press. Gahhh it would be so cool
You have to add a vision of pilots where they match a titian. Custom map-making would definitely keep it coming back. Na keep the game $30 so the game doesn't resort to a battle royal scene. Also maybe some special DLC many campaigns and some bigger side campaigns that add more lore/background about the lore. Fure sure can't wait to see what's in store. Also, they gotta keep the bundles and the stuff like nitro scorch bundle. fure sure add a very small amount of apex legends characters with like valkrieye trying to take on with the new character and Jack Cooper. with maybe some twist on the characters from Titanfall 2. Also more factions based on what people think on some poles, but some of the old ones like 64
I dont now if anyone would agree with me but I would love that after you complete the titanfall 3 campaign you could go in a open world game mode were you can explore other planets and come randomly come across IRM camps or bases. You would also get quests and stuff and would be able to customize you mech and pilot.
I like a lot of these changes but I cant get around there being a competitive mode. One of the things I love about the game is that it really feels like the old COD/halo games where the show of skill was being at the top of the leaderboard or slide jumping through a building without bonking your head, rather than a high number and a cool metal attached to your profile. Personally, I think just having a competitive mode would make every other part of the game more toxic and less fun. When people have extrinsic incentives to win, they lose their intrinsic will to have fun. Think about if every titanfall 2 match was just a bunch of C.A.R.s and alternators; there wouldn't be as much of an incentive to just mess around and actually have fun. I believe that titanfall is one of the last games of a lost era, where everyone that played was there to have fun. All it takes is one person taking the game to seriously and flaming their team mates in a casual mode makes the whole experience so much worse for everybody. The magic of titanfall is that you can play a 10 minute game and not care about the scoreboard once. Putting an extrinsic reason to win ruins all of this and that is why I don't believe there should ever be an official competitive scene for titanfall.
I think it would be cool if there was destructive buildings in titan fall 3 like you could shoot a support beam nocking the whole thing down and crushing enemies
@@anasdev1553Trust me I can fully tell you as a developer that it is 99% of ideas in game development that don’t actually get out in since it just isn’t realistic, Especially combat related ones
As great as alot of these changes are i wouldn't have a ranked mode or faster ttk Tf2 is a very casual game and the community reflects that and is welcoming and laid back but if you added a ranked mode i think it would only go down hill As for the ttk if it was reduced the gameplay just wouldn't work. Tf2 is a very fast paced game and the ttk reflects that as if it was slow it just wouldn't work
I’d personally love a ranked mode, all the games I actually enjoy lack one and I’d have to go out of my way to play something like siege or csgo which I don’t enjoy nearly as much. I always play titanfall with the intent to improve, and a ranking system could really add to that
@@thebulletkin8393 im not saying its a bad idea I just think it might ruin the community and laid back nature. Everyone just comes to have a good time and I think adding a ranked mode would just make people toxic And we have live fire which is a pseudo ranked mode in a way its where all the tryhards go
@@wolfhunted7702 I understand entierly, ranked overall is a double edge sword. Without a doubt if done properly it can extend the game’s lifespan by several years and add more replayability and sense of mastery. Just look at rocket league, regular league, csgo, siege and the like. But when balancing adjustments are made for ranked it can be hard seeing as you have top level players and beginners to consider. Then casual matches become less casual and eventually just become pseudo ranked. Ultimately all I want is a sense of progression when I play, in games that lack SBMM that’s done through seeing how my kill counts and consistency improve over time, but with ranked modes I have a tangible rank that I can use to track where I am. In the end though, as long as the game has the mechanics to offer multiple layers of depth I can still enjoy it. I play titanfall with a sort of ‘internal competitive mindset’ whereby I’m constantly challenging myself. I can enjoy it without ranked, but ranked done well could be fun
My Campaign idea: In the last scene BT says Jack? In a morse code. Me personaly i think Jack cooper should see BT-7274 texting him in morse code while he simply has his helmet on, (The reason this can happen is cause during the mission effect and cause BT Uploads some of his DATA into Jack's helmet so he could talk to him while Jack timeshifted but... if you pay attention to the radio you can hear IMC grunt saying that a vanguard titan appears and re-appears which means he probably time shifted since he uploaded data into our helmet) Jack then tells Sarah Briggs about this and the Militia start to extract the DATA out of his helmet. They get BT-7274's DATA into a core which would make BT-7274 revived, then i would hope that they would make the OG colored BT reappear in green, white, orange and blue. The IMC+ Decide to attack Harmony to keep a distraction while IMC+ Scientists can search after small energy parts of the Fold weapons power source to try and revive the Fold weapon. (Then like in the first mission of Titanfall 2 my kind of favourite cause of the cool Mc allen ship crashes) i feel like we should attack an IMC+ Planet or Typhoons Moon or something like that but while we get there like late Captain Tai Lastimosa we should train a rifleman or some rookie, and then we get into position as we get ready to make a big assault but something goes wrong and maybe the ship crashes cause it gets ambushed by alot of IMC+ Airdefense and Air squadrons then we jumped down with a few SRS pilots by our side while we try to regroup and get to the mission base like in TF2 but with a few teammates which gets killed by some other titans and a Apex predator cause while having a few teammates that die a bit early in the campaign makes us kind of have the teamwork spirit in us which i feel like we did not get enough of in TF2 but then while continuing with BT we find out that a little SRS and ground support fleet had send a distress signal we try to work towards it when finding a connection to talk to Sarah briggs and report that most teams have died and we should regroup on the way but Sarah Briggs declines it and says that we should uphold operation 218 we embark on the mission just to find a time hole which brings us back to tf2 and BT and Jack start looking on what happened after Typhoon blew up. (I also feel like we should play a scene from TF2 that we did not play or maybe play effect and cause) BT and Jack then finds Data on what the IMC+ is trying to do and needs to connect to the remaining militia forces on the way i feel like we should come apart some Fold weapon rings and the old OG effect and cause map where we find Sarah Briggs being brutaly murdered by Apex predators BT tells us not to engage untill Apex predators are gone since he has memories of Captain Tai Lastimosa being killed by them. We find Monarch still alive but Sarah briggs murdered so we uphold Operation 218 and we search the Old effect and cause after any time loops or traces of the Fold weapons power source we then find a communication signal since Monarch still had Connection to the SRS. The OG BT-7274 got stuck in a time loop in effect and cause since we hear IMC grunts saying that they saw a Vanguard class titan we then take his Core with us to find out any Data that the OG BT-7274 has found or realised or maybe has more details about the IMC plans. The SRS finds out about the IMC Scientists searching for the Fold weapon and hear that they are trying to construct it at a side. Before we go on the mission we make the pilot we trained on the Ship before the attack on the IMC facility we qualify him and he helps us. The SRS kills alot of the scientist teams with ease but we find out Apex predators had made a prototype (like in TF2) we then find floating Captain Tai Lastimosa in space and bring him back to harmony to try and find away to bring him back to life, they bring Captain Tai Lastimosa back to life and he gets a new Titan since our Combat effectiveness rating is over 98% with BT we upload the Old OG BT-7274 Data core into our chassis and we go abselutely hammer on the IMC+ we finally get in a boss fight with Kuben Blisk and take him down. TF3 then ends and we are left with another little leak or easter egg leading towards TF4 maybe with a little IMC+ Radio from Kuben Blisk or an IMC+ Team leader on the radio it says "Hey we are coming to assist with operation Fold Hang tight!" And thats my idea if you got a little better solution or a little idea to this campain idea made by me drop a comment about something i could fix to make it more interesting but this took 1 Hour so i hope you guys enjoy the TF3 Story and i hope its still as good as TF2 is lets hope this is gonna be an awesome TF3 campaign so peace out brothers and sisters! Also i hope this blows up so i can get maybe just maybe a few thousand likes so Respawn maybe see my awesome idea....
The time to kill being very short is perfect for Titanfall since you're supposed to be moving around so fast. Good movement will always keep you from dying
I think it would be cool if they let you go to other planets to take out imc bases, like in dlc if you want more campaign you can zoom into the future and take out worlds that are run by the imc and you take out the bases free the planets and get rid of imc.
As a newcomer to the titanfall franchise I didn’t have to wait that long but it must have been painful for Marco and titanfall 2 players. I hope this comes true
I’ve been playing titanfall 2 since launch and never gave up on the game when most did so in my opinion everything you mentioned was valid besides the TTK, the fact that you know you can get killed in 3 bullets is what makes the game so fun, it forces you to pick up the pase or you’ll get killed
The throwing pilots mechanic whould be easy to set up. Have it so when you grapple onto a friendly titan or go to enter yours you can hold down aim which changes the animation to a throw animation with a lob arc so you can yeet a pilot with your trigger button
I like the campaign idea. I think that you are trying to be more inclusive which is great but 2 hit melee and traps aren’t the way to go in my opinion. Maybe if every mode had a hardcore titanfall 2 option then it would work but idk.
@@spitlikesfire9368 I think titanfall legends was supposed to be more like playing as the apex legends way after the war but macro is more or less just saying: new pilot for some missions but still during the war, then back to Jack cooper and maybe BT.
@kylebuck2854 nah he literally was saying how Jack would join the legends to find bt to help the war or something which wouldn't be very good at all. Apex legends will stay out of the titanfall games cause they don't fit well with titanfalls tone
I have a idea for a Titan here is the list of things Titan type: Stryder Titan name: I have no idea for the name Main weapon:so it’s kinda like a double pistol yeah Offensive:so you fuse the two pistols to make a power shot like legion Defensive:the defensive is like a dodge where the first thing that hits you you go behind it and yes anything that hits you Utility: it is a steam to blind titans but unlike the counter you know where a pilot rodeos you it just blinds enemies Core: remember the offensive the main weapon stays fused till the core runs out Melee: just a punch
The putting bt back together is an interesting idea, but might be better if it was an optional choice, makes some future battles harder as you were distracted by something else but also makes you grow a better bond with Cooper, could be useful to befriend him.
I feel like the only change it needs is modern graphics, a good conclusion to this masterpiece of a campaign, new titans and abilities and that’s about it. If you add attachments is gonna feel like a futuristic cod similar to advance and infinite warfare and honestly I feel like the insane accuracy on hip fire is not that bad after all you have to be very accurate with your shots due to the fast paced nature of the game. I don’t wanna see titanfall turn into a live service game if people wanna play it they should pay for it it also makes developers more motivated for updates since they don’t rely on predatory micro transactions
I think kill streak upgrades that are better after each kill for pilots would be a really cool upgrade like maybe an auto loader or all cooldowns cut in half or a huge rocket that destroys titans. My vision is that after 1 kill you could get some small, personal buff, I think something like a triple jump or a recharging shield overhealth the second kill could be something that can really effect other pilots like a improved version of radar jammer that disables enemy hud near you. And after the third kill something that really effects titans like that missile I mentioned or an emp that shuts down enemy titans for 6 seconds or something.
i don't know, i feel like this could lead to huge snowballing since it's rather easy to get multiple kills fast. it's a really cool idea but would have to be balanced in some way shape or form
I know you're not a game dev but Titanfall's entire identity is it's time to kill and speed that is made possible by it's overpowered hipfiring. The only way this game stays feeling fresh and not like everything else on the market is to embrace the speed. Design the new maps like glitch and focus more on the mechanics of movement in map design than the actual map, make it possible for a piolet to 1v1 a titan, and keep that speed boost the new ??? Gamemode has and Titanfall would feel like the newest and funniest thing on the market.
I feel like instead of just having grapple, allow pilots to have two abilities. Like imagine Grapple and Stim, Cloak and Phase, It will give more variety also maybe a grapple and stim nerf, but just a small one
I’ve always thought that a edited BT class would be cool. With burst core, Vortex shield or something similar, nerfed missiles (still lock on) but it takes longer and there’s less missiles shot, an edited style to make it look different from Monarch. And finally a burst rifle weapon mixed with Monarchs “sniper” aegis upgrade in frontier defence in order to be able to compete more as a burst rifle would have a longer time to kill then full auto so having more range would be good imo. Btw great video!
I really want to clarify that the TTK and hipfire would be changed *slightly* just so there’s a reason to run AR’s. If that comes in the form of an SMG nerf, so be it, I did not want it to seem like I just want to ADS, nobody does, I just wanted a reason for guns outside of SMGs to exist.
Thank you for the criticism and feedback (especially the ones who were more respectful about it)
I’m not a dev, I’m just a dude with a lot of hopium, who loves TF2
remove ADS
Ngl if Jack cooper become a legend in apex than his ultimate should be the eye and smart pistol that BT gave him and the end of the campaign
I agree that they need to add some sort of reason to use other weapons then smgs
I swear there is no reason to use anything but the CAR.
U can run a AR in Titanfall. u just got a skill issue
Fast movement, fast time to kill, one hit melee. These are the things that make TF2 great as a fast pace movement shooter. It makes it much more unique from other grounded fps like Battlefield and COD. The only time the game really slows down is when you're in a Titan fighting other Titans, which I think is a perfect balance and adds to the uniqueness of this fps.
I personally wanna see a big team battle mode. 12v12 attrition with bigger objectives and more grunts would be chaotic.
I would love to see that. I think it would be so cool if Titanfall a big team battle mode with massive maps (with plenty of cover and walls)
Like a full on battlefield, seeing hundreds of grunts and Players in Titans pushing an objective would be epic.
@@kassaken6521 bro that would be awesome
So like battlefield but with Titans
i honestly think increasing ttk and reducing hipfire accuracy will end up making the game way less fun, the fun part about titanfall is that if everyone if overpowered then nobody is.
Yeah and besides he said that making the hip fire worse would make Titanfall 3 more dependent on skill. To me that makes zero sense, aiming down sights takes no skill anyways and slows down gameplay.
@@MildTomfoolery123and it completely obliterated the notion of it being a movement shooter. What purpose does utilising movement have when someone stationary on the ground has far greater accuracy?
@@MildTomfoolery123I feel the same way. Instead of giving ads a ”purpouse” they could even remove it from non sniper/dmr guns.
@@MildTomfoolery123neither ads or hipfire takes more skill
@@jamesjohnXII Take any AR, not a CAR, and then try to hit someone from 30+ meters in a match. Naturally, when the target moves and you also do not stand still.
I think that you are unlikely to be able to make a frag so easily, if at all.
I personally think that the time to kill in titanfall 2 is perfect, if you make it any slower it will impact the pace of the game massively even if it’s only a second slower.
honestly tintanfall 2 ttk is actually fantastic cos it keeps the gameplay nice and quick paced allow for delicous 3 v 1s also people could run away a lot easier with good movement if they change the ttk
I think the TTK is what defines titanfall outside the movement, and obviously titans. Increased TTK is something i've grown so sick off from all the battle royale games, and i think it makes 2v1s or 3v1s impossible. And also for pilots to be able to escape, it would be boring.
Plus is everyone's gonna get a grapple they can leave engagements waaaay easier
Only problem is that newer players, im talking people who might only play cod or something slower, will be immediately turned off by getting absolutely stomped by tf2 vets so unless respawn can make good Sbmm, the same high ttk may kill a lot of the potential new player base, which would be bad for everyone looking
@@jackalplays5178 So I have like 30 hours in titanfall 2's MP and I absolutely like the quick ttk. I don't play any other MP movement shooters.
For titanfall 3 campaign, I was thinking of something where on a tatooine kind of Planet, you, the main character, is constructing a titan to escape the Planet that is IMC controlled, but the only thing they need to finish the titan would be a titan core, which can't be replicated on their own. That's where, after years of the arc explosion, years of BT's core was drifting through space, they find his titan core, with all his memories, and he helps you escape the planet to take down the IMC.
genius idea
I actually love this idea
They should do an imc campaign instead
Feels kinda plot combines his core managed to survive the exploding that shattered an entire planet especially when he was at the epicenter of said explosion, the whole AI in coopers helmet works way better for letting BT come back, that’s may be just me though.
Slightly disagree on the TTK and hip fire changes. We don’t want to turn Titanfall into just another battlefield game. The tight hip fire and fast time to kill is what makes Titanfall so fun (at least in my opinion). The fun of Titanfall is not just about killing enemies, it’s about seeing how many enemies you can kill before dying.
Yeah and they should keep the smart pistol. It’s barley ever killed me and is a nice way to catch up (the few times I’ve I actually used it). People love to cry about it and yet there’s many counters to it. It’s fine what they really need to fix is the goddamn spitfire :)
I feel like the engineer, and melee 2 hit changes aren’t the best. Along with the time to kill, these things keep titanfall a movement shooter. If you don’t keep moving somebody can just blast you or punch you in an instant. These would slow the game down a lot and encourage camping a little more. A-Wall already had this problem to a degree in titanfall 2.
Agreed, higher ttk would slow down the game. Gotta go fast!
the issue is new players and casuals would quit after 2 weeks cause some people have been playing religiously for a couple years and keep killing everyone in like 3 seconds, sure the skill celling would be high but so would the floor.
this was partially why i took breaks for tf|2.
I definitely agree about the melee 2-hit, but I disagree that the ttk should stay the same. as much as I enjoy Titanfall 2's multiplayer, it's no fun to get killed instantly by someone who hasn't been outside in decades using the alternator. I just think that the guns shouldn't kill as fast, but the melee kill is a reward for good movement, and it's readable and avoidable if you know what you're doing. I'm just saying that new players keep a game alive, and alienating them early on is a bad idea. Hardcore mode is a good idea for those who have already learned the game and wish for greater challenge.
I agree with this
I agree
Alternative Cooper and BT plotline suggestion:
In either the beginning of Act 2 (or the end of Act 1), an older Cooper has (finally) convinced the upper echelons of command to go on a small mission deep into enemy territory. No titans due to lack of support. Some degree of stealth, but lots of traversal to get through craters, half-broken buildings, etc. (due to a massive battle that happened years ago). Cooper, if you listen carefully when he's in the distance, appears to be talking to himself at times.
The location? A abandoned research facility once under friendly control, and considered the 'home' of the original Titan prototypes. It turns out Cooper needs to find a copy of the original AI matrix used as the foundation for BT. The 'copy' in the helmet has his essence, but needs to be integrated into a "untainted core" in order for his full combat matrix to be restored, run a mech, etc.
Why did the brass agree to staff the mission? If successful, BT would also have the keys necessary to run a prototype (originally recovered, but otherwise mothballed). Said mech has high performance, can one-shot a ship in orbit (with enough time to build a charge), and was otherwise meant to be the pinnacle of Titan capability.
they should add a mission where you help the militia lay siege on angel city to free it from the Imc’s influence but i like your idea as well
Let’s go there is still hope for titan fall 3
It's been years since I played 2 and I still remember how good that game was
OK. Now calm down a little and take your 💊, pilot.
Look I have insider Knowledge, and let's just just say if your a fan of Apex tf1 and tf2 then you're going to like what there cooking
@@slushyrunner4677 that's so totally bonkers man, thanks for the epic leak.
Nerfing hipfire is an awful take
4:54 in my opinion melees should definitely stay 1 hit kill. When you are going as fast as you are in titanfall it would be very hard for 2 hit melee
I think removing the lock-on system for that would have to be necessary
@@StudioousOriginalyeah just remove the sticky melee targeting
That lunge is pretty crazy sometimes
Or, make normal melee 2 hit, but add a badass Ronin sword secondary weapon that's a 1 hit kill with a lunge
It’s already difficult to get that close to someone, and you have to do it twice? While the enemy is alert? There would be no melee kills and it removes that whole aspect
honestly a story about being a mercenary for both sides could be pretty cool
'621, we've got a job request from the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation.'
Real and with the first games art style and second games movement.
I love every idea except the the ttk changes. Half of the weapons in titanfall 2 are only good because of the quick ttk, and because of the fast paced gameplay and adding the perma-grapple, people can leave engagaments faster than ever. The fast ttk is essential to titanfall
And the 2 hit punch is kinda sad
Agree o. Both of these points, TTK still feels good.
Fr keep the flow of combat consistent
I think a good change would be to change damage fall-off so you can't beam somehow from 50 yards away with an SMG.
As per melee, I like the idea of damage being based off of how fast you're going so you're rewarded for building speed.
What about the other half, then? Most, if not all, weapons should be balanced regardless of ttk
I’m not gonna lie these ideas sound counter all the ideas of the core titanfall ideas
At least the weapon and class ideas
@@LordIron2734 he is an overwatch player so
For the engineer pilot ability, I don't really think it would work, as the whole gameplay of titanfall is so movement-heavy, and that would require settling down in a single location. This works well for more comparatively grounded games (i.e. Apex) but would clash with the pace of the core series. (For the people saying that A-wall has the same problem, correct. I don't particularily like A-wall for that reason.)
Instead, I think you could pivot to a more trap oriented ability? For example, Proximity mines to be placed on walls and floors, which could stun, or even tether pilots (a-la Northstar). If you really want to lean into the engineer side of it, focus on repairing/powering up local titans, or reapers if you'd prefer something smaller scale.
i agree with that, those fences would also encourage camping (just like in apex too)
I like the idea of a titan-focused pilot.
I’m pretty sure a-wall was designed as an anti titan tool
The only reason A-wall is like that is because of the long deploy time. If it could be deployed nearly instantly, it’d be way better for using aggressively in the move.
I like the reaper concept as a pilot ability. Maybe you can build a reaper over time that you can direct as the engineer? Or have an army of stalkers or something.
Great ideas overall, but I would NOT change the TTK or hip-fire mechanics. The gunplay is perfect as is, with the short TTK making good movement skills mandatory to survive, and not having to ADS all the time, breaking your flow. Sure, the SMGs are waaay too good at this, but that is by design and isn't (imo) that big of a deal. If you really wanna do something about it though, just buff the hip-fire of the other weapons (don't over-do it though)
The only two things I disagree with are the melee and ttk. I think that the meele should stay as one hit, and the ttk should stay as it is because I think that it is perfect for the quick paced shooter that it is.
A small nerf to smgs perhaps
@@wafflestcattash4818No. you didn’t EPG or SMR enough.
@@EmpReb ?
Three new Titan class Ideas
1. The Striker
Light Titan
Weapon: .50 cal machine gun
Offensive ability: unguided rocket salvo
Defensive ability: arm shield (similar to the legion shield but smaller)
Other ability: radar (allows entire team to see enemy infantry and titans through walls and on map, also allows visibility of cloaked Titans
Scout Core: you gain temporary resistance and a speed boost with infinite ammo for 15 seconds
Built in perks: four boosts for extra mobility
Health: low
Speed: second only to the ronin but the extra boosts make up for it
The Paladin
Medium Titan
Weapon: 75mm DMR
Offensive ability: ark rockets (imagine a nerfed salvo core but with ark grenades)
Defensive ability: bubble shield (a very weak shield that surrounds the Titan where ever you go for 5 seconds)
Other ability: a show wave that deals damage to titans and radioing pilots
Crusader Core: wrist blades deploy and you gain a speed boost and in instability with increased melee damage for 10 seconds
Built in perks: resistant to ark damage
Health: slightly more than the monarch
Speed: just faster than the Ion
The Breacher
Heavy Titan
Weapon: Five barreled 45mm shotgun, and a Big A** shield
Offensive ability: multi shot (all barrels fire at once)
Defensive ability: bubble shield that makes you slower but can block most forms of damage
Other ability: slight temporary resistance buff
Shield Core: basically a vortex shield that can deflect *ALL* attacks including other Titan Cores so screw all the Ion mains who thought their Core was the best, eat your own laser
Built in perks: resistant to explosive damage (which makes it a soft counter to the Tone)
Health: The most tanky Titan on record
Speed: slower than the legion and
These are my Titan ideas so here, do with this information what you want
The purposes of all these Titans are as follows
Striker - fast scout type Titan
Paladin - a Knight
Breacher - shield for infantry and general bullet magnet, also a hard counter to all the Ronin weebs out there
I’ve always wanted a blunderbuss weapon in titanfall, a single-shot, long reload weapon that would rag doll enemy’s body’s through the skybox and could be used to chain movement when you blast the ground or fire it mid air
Fortnite flint knock
Thats just tf2 man
thats just an epg or a kraber with smaller mags.
Imagine a strider titan that dual wields full auto pistols and has wheels for feet. Their utility could be where they supercharge their dashes for 2.5 to 3 seconds. I just wanna move fast man...
dash core?
@revolvaOcelot Dash core but worse, and it's a base ability.
Titans being able to throw pilots in the multiplayer is such a cool idea
ngl dude it sounds like you just want Apex with wall running lol
2:34 I think revenant could be used as an enemy that tracks you down throughout the story
Image the original Revenant got hold of the control of all of his body, and sends hundreds of them after you, crawling all over the wall and swarming you and your titan, that will be sick
@@phantoan522 YES!!!
@@phantoan522 Like that one place in the sewers in dying light one where all the zombos are just straight gunning towards you.
why tf would he want to chase some random pilot
Ok, after all thats been going on with Titanfall, Im officially hyped again. Im not taking my meds. This is happening. Titanfall 3. And this time, respawn cares for the game
Increasing time to kill might not be a good idea for a fast movement shooter like titanfall two, it might make the "every weapon is usable except for pistols" not applicable anymore as in certain weapons will just suck. and the two shot punch will make it completely useless and remove the fun of two pilots missing all their kraber shots until one of them gives up and punches the other guy. And generally satisfying punching moments. Sure some people don't like getting one shot but this is titanfall, you die, 2 seconds later you respawn
live, die. repeat.
visors up pilot. go get em.
@DumplingDoodle duuuude exactly I don't know what it is but I've been running the mozam for the last couple days and I don't think I've ever gotten this many kills in a game
Hipfire accuracy is fun doesn’t need to be changed.
Not every game needs an esports scene especially not this game wouldn’t benefit from one.
I do kinda like the grapple idea.
The most popular titan idea “the brute” which is a heavy titan who focuses on beating the shit out of you with his hands seem like an awesome idea.
Another thing I would like to see is a buff for ogre class titans. 10 second CD for a dash unless you have turbo thrusters is absolutely insane. 5 seconds by default and then you can remove turbo thrusters perk and replace it with something else or you can just make it an extremely small decrease
What would you want to see in Titanfall 3?
The most 🔥 campaign of all time!!
Like my comment macro
Not really what i WANT to see but i dont want to see tons of overpriced micro transactions and battlepasses.
skins should be rewards for your progression and skill as a player.
@@gambulzsame i also want to fully customize your titan like different gun skins different armor and maybe even customize some abilities who knows
Litteraly just the same movement with more relaxed features
nah, the hipfire accuracy is what enables this fun fast paced gameplay to be possible.
Bringing back BT and Jack for the end of the T3 campaign and having them both sacrifice each other as friends would bring any man to tears
"Hey (mc name), take care of him..."
~Cooper in Tf|3, when he returns the favor to BT.
.....yea, I think I'll cry a lot.
these are all great ideas and i read the pinned comment but the ttk and the hipfire accuracy are essential to the identity of the game we know and love. it's a *FAST* shooter and altering these two main componants can and will turn it into a camping nightmare.
I just don’t think jets or traps would work as a class ability and I think the time to kill in tf2 is just right, I also think that this would be removing from the Titanfall feeling of the game and make it more like cod but with jet packs
Jets could work just not a traditional jet pack. think more jets like Halo 4 boost dash.
A very fast quick small dash in a given direction. using jets
“A Titan that can make walls that pilots can hide behind”
Tone: “am I a joke to you?!”
Love the Pilot customization idea, one small issue I could see arising is how players would be able to recognize certain Pilots. Like being able to recognize that it was a cloak pilot, or a Holo or Stim. But I know its just a workshop idea right now.
i think there should be a marker beside the name that informs you what type of ability they are using, that could help solve the problem
With the fast ttk in titanfall 2 you typically dont even see what class someone is, or it usually doesnt matter
@@tyler403Heavy disagree. Never once struggled to tell who I was fighting in Titanfall, even with just a glance. Closest it's ever been would be between grapple and holo-pilot, which makes me think for like 0.5 seconds longer, and that's still easy because no one plays holopilot.
Just keep the silhouettes consistent and there's no issue
@@Vegito_Fanpagea-wall and cloak 💀
I can't wait until Titanfall gets announced next month. Trust me guys it's on its way, no I'm not off the meds I swear guys trust me.
As a titanfall veteran who loves the game , i cannot wait for titanfall 3
I’m sorry but your gonna have to wait a while, probably 3-5 years
You know they're going to make it not fun, like they did with apex. Right? I mean, titanfall was about moving around at high speed. Apex is about nerfing the ability to travel around at high speed.
Well you’ll be waiting a very long time, seeing as titanfall 3 currently isn’t in development
You guys are probably right
Dreams got shattered lol 😂😂
@@et9799 I know I wanna say that EA will actually let them make this game fun and not cod 24 but that is copium at the highest degree
Don’t worry macro, ima get hired and write titanfall 3
In like 10 years cuz I’m only 14 rn
One thing I'm also hoping for is for the story to be longer. The Titanfall 2 story was so insanely good but too short
Thank you for just wishing for Titanfall 3 we all have been craving it. The more we talk about it the more attention it gets
If titanfall 3 comes out, it will be the greatest moment of my life
Titanfall 3 and elden ring dlc would make me so happy
Ah, a man of culture.
I'm barely into the vid and i already am loving how you're doing the story, sounds amazing
one thing that would be amazing is, if you could add robot arms to human body type customization, like full on old school customization and not the halo infinite type, that would make each player look individualistic even tho they own the same skins
Titanfall + Titanfall 2 = Titanfall 3. This is math.
7:28 reducing hip fire accuracy makes it less skill based
Yup. ADS just being skilled is BS if I ever saw it.
imagine how cool it would be if there was a mission that blisk has one of BT parts, so the new pilot and cooper enter the games, and you actually invade kings canyon looking for a way to find blisk, and it can be converted into a event in apex legends.
10:13 "Titanfall 3 has the potential to create a fun experience exciting for newcomers"
Meanwhile using smart pistol
Macro is back and i hope titantfall is back too
I had an idea for titanfall 3,and that would be space and/or sea battles with certain titans.
That would be cool.
I’d keep the melee a 1 hit kill because doing a melee build is so much fun man
just imagining a grapple pilot zipping across the map in the first few seconds and blasting someone with a peacekeeper
very good but the time to kill and hipfire kinda need to be they way they are, otherwise i dont think it will feel like titanfall
I'm going to download this game again for the campaign! That's campaign was well put together, emotional and satisfying.
I love titanfall
That "Trust me" at 10:50 hit DIFFERENT
Your on a fine line with every gen 10 macro
This video feels like a fever dream, so many of these points about the tactical and ttk all sound like someone who had never played the game and had no idea how it actually played
I just hope that the movement stays the same or is improved❤
They just added "hardpoint" mode to Titanfall 2 which I thought was pretty wierd considering we already have amped hardpoint in Titanfall 2. I looked into it and it turns out it's a Titanfall 1 mode. What else I found interesting is the fact the description was "blinded by science". This I saw was either a reference to the apex legends questline "She blinded me with science" which does actually reference the IMC but I was only skimming. It also references the album "Blinded by science" by Thomas Dolby. I don't really know what this means but if anyone could look into it I'm sure a random geezer in a comment section will. Love your content!
3:40 I always thought they should just do what they did for the grapple to all the other abilities (except for a few). with stim they should make it last longer and be slightly slower whilst allowing you to choose how much you use it by giving it the exact same charge system as grapple. Same with cloak and A wall but with A wall it should be a over the shoulder shield like certain grunts in the TF2 campaign. Pulse blade should get 2 knifes (maybe 3 but thats probably a bit overkill) phase should be a phase dash like ronins except with the ability to dash in whatever direction your looking in and Holo pilot should allow you to switch places with your hologram
Also I don't really see why the hipfire should be nerfed, if anything, it takes more skill since it forces you to be mobile while fighting
I think the current abilities could be turned into ordnances with a kit buffing them to their full potential or something like that.
Nerf for ordnance abilities;
Grapple - Shorter range, one charge
Stim - Takes health away, slower speed-up
A-Wall - Follows you but is smaller and gets rid of the damage boost capabilities
Hologram - Same as base but slightly more noticeable that it is a holo (upgraded could cloak the pilot or something)
Cloak - More visible, more time to cloak
Phase - Leaves behind a faint trail to where you are travelling
As for the pre-existing ordnances being buffed by the pilot kit;
Frag Grenade -> Explosive Boost - Basically a team fortress 2 soldier rocket jump towards where you're looking
Arc Grenade -> Arc Field - You move faster and have an electric field which applies the arc effect (does no damage)
Firestar -> Fire Volley - Shoots an explosive array of missiles which leave behind a lingering damage zone
Gravity Star -> Gravity Well - You throw a moving projectile that sucks up bullets and when moving through it, it boosts your speed
Electric Smoke Grenade -> Smoke Carpet - You disappear in a carpet of smoke (damages enemies)
Satchel -> Tripmine - Basically a mine that sticks to walls and stuff
one thing i really want is for the pilots to look more like the pilots in titanfall 1, they were sooo much cooler looking (mainly the helmet designs imo)
I think for the melee changes make up the damage is momentum based so that you *can* one shot melee if you are moving properly.
Also add custom melee finishers so like if I come from directly above at the right speed I just stomp their skull into the ground.
I do love the idea of having your own or a friendly titan throw you though since it would definitely make sense for a fast paced game
When macro posts, you KNOW is finna be a good day
5:51 The throw should work like this:
You hold down V (the attack/defend toggle for your titan) to make the titan lower it's hand and switch to throw mode. It'll be on standby till you cancel it by pressing V again.
Now the next time you "embark" (or if friendly pilots press the embark button) it starts the throw.
You're then given a few seconds to aim, then get thrown on another V press.
Gahhh it would be so cool
You have to add a vision of pilots where they match a titian. Custom map-making would definitely keep it coming back. Na keep the game $30 so the game doesn't resort to a battle royal scene. Also maybe some special DLC many campaigns and some bigger side campaigns that add more lore/background about the lore. Fure sure can't wait to see what's in store. Also, they gotta keep the bundles and the stuff like nitro scorch bundle. fure sure add a very small amount of apex legends characters with like valkrieye trying to take on with the new character and Jack Cooper. with maybe some twist on the characters from Titanfall 2. Also more factions based on what people think on some poles, but some of the old ones like 64
I dont now if anyone would agree with me but I would love that after you complete the titanfall 3 campaign you could go in a open world game mode were you can explore other planets and come randomly come across IRM camps or bases. You would also get quests and stuff and would be able to customize you mech and pilot.
I like a lot of these changes but I cant get around there being a competitive mode. One of the things I love about the game is that it really feels like the old COD/halo games where the show of skill was being at the top of the leaderboard or slide jumping through a building without bonking your head, rather than a high number and a cool metal attached to your profile. Personally, I think just having a competitive mode would make every other part of the game more toxic and less fun. When people have extrinsic incentives to win, they lose their intrinsic will to have fun. Think about if every titanfall 2 match was just a bunch of C.A.R.s and alternators; there wouldn't be as much of an incentive to just mess around and actually have fun. I believe that titanfall is one of the last games of a lost era, where everyone that played was there to have fun. All it takes is one person taking the game to seriously and flaming their team mates in a casual mode makes the whole experience so much worse for everybody. The magic of titanfall is that you can play a 10 minute game and not care about the scoreboard once. Putting an extrinsic reason to win ruins all of this and that is why I don't believe there should ever be an official competitive scene for titanfall.
Exactly fun should always be prioritized. Look at halo infinite and halo 5 they prioritized competitive and it made the games not as fun
@@needum9212to be fair though every halo since 343 took over has been sh**
@@paperclip6377 yea cause the games are never complete and they never deliver a full package.
(trust me ) throws me in to the deadly fog good memorys bring titanfall back to life
I think it would be cool if there was destructive buildings in titan fall 3 like you could shoot a support beam nocking the whole thing down and crushing enemies
amazing story respawn should hire you lol
I really want Macro to get with a indie developer and make his own game, he's studied so many games I believe he could make a great game
no offense to macro but translating ideas to an actual project is not as easy as it seems
@@anasdev1553 that is true but I think that's why having some developers by his side would help because they'd know what would work and what wouldnt
@@anasdev1553Trust me I can fully tell you as a developer that it is 99% of ideas in game development that don’t actually get out in since it just isn’t realistic, Especially combat related ones
0:50 as they should for this outlandish takes.
As great as alot of these changes are i wouldn't have a ranked mode or faster ttk
Tf2 is a very casual game and the community reflects that and is welcoming and laid back but if you added a ranked mode i think it would only go down hill
As for the ttk if it was reduced the gameplay just wouldn't work. Tf2 is a very fast paced game and the ttk reflects that as if it was slow it just wouldn't work
I’d personally love a ranked mode, all the games I actually enjoy lack one and I’d have to go out of my way to play something like siege or csgo which I don’t enjoy nearly as much.
I always play titanfall with the intent to improve, and a ranking system could really add to that
@@thebulletkin8393 im not saying its a bad idea I just think it might ruin the community and laid back nature.
Everyone just comes to have a good time and I think adding a ranked mode would just make people toxic
And we have live fire which is a pseudo ranked mode in a way its where all the tryhards go
@@wolfhunted7702 I understand entierly, ranked overall is a double edge sword. Without a doubt if done properly it can extend the game’s lifespan by several years and add more replayability and sense of mastery. Just look at rocket league, regular league, csgo, siege and the like. But when balancing adjustments are made for ranked it can be hard seeing as you have top level players and beginners to consider. Then casual matches become less casual and eventually just become pseudo ranked.
Ultimately all I want is a sense of progression when I play, in games that lack SBMM that’s done through seeing how my kill counts and consistency improve over time, but with ranked modes I have a tangible rank that I can use to track where I am.
In the end though, as long as the game has the mechanics to offer multiple layers of depth I can still enjoy it. I play titanfall with a sort of ‘internal competitive mindset’ whereby I’m constantly challenging myself. I can enjoy it without ranked, but ranked done well could be fun
My Campaign idea:
In the last scene BT says Jack? In a morse code. Me personaly i think Jack cooper should see BT-7274 texting him in morse code while he simply has his helmet on, (The reason this can happen is cause during the mission effect and cause BT Uploads some of his DATA into Jack's helmet so he could talk to him while Jack timeshifted but... if you pay attention to the radio you can hear IMC grunt saying that a vanguard titan appears and re-appears which means he probably time shifted since he uploaded data into our helmet) Jack then tells Sarah Briggs about this and the Militia start to extract the DATA out of his helmet.
They get BT-7274's DATA into a core which would make BT-7274 revived, then i would hope that they would make the OG colored BT reappear in green, white, orange and blue.
The IMC+ Decide to attack Harmony to keep a distraction while IMC+ Scientists can search after small energy parts of the Fold weapons power source to try and revive the Fold weapon.
(Then like in the first mission of Titanfall 2 my kind of favourite cause of the cool Mc allen ship crashes) i feel like we should attack an IMC+ Planet or Typhoons Moon or something like that but while we get there like late Captain Tai Lastimosa we should train a rifleman or some rookie, and then we get into position as we get ready to make a big assault but something goes wrong and maybe the ship crashes cause it gets ambushed by alot of IMC+ Airdefense and Air squadrons then we jumped down with a few SRS pilots by our side while we try to regroup and get to the mission base like in TF2 but with a few teammates which gets killed by some other titans and a Apex predator cause while having a few teammates that die a bit early in the campaign makes us kind of have the teamwork spirit in us which i feel like we did not get enough of in TF2 but then while continuing with BT we find out that a little SRS and ground support fleet had send a distress signal we try to work towards it when finding a connection to talk to Sarah briggs and report that most teams have died and we should regroup on the way but Sarah Briggs declines it and says that we should uphold operation 218 we embark on the mission just to find a time hole which brings us back to tf2 and BT and Jack start looking on what happened after Typhoon blew up. (I also feel like we should play a scene from TF2 that we did not play or maybe play effect and cause) BT and Jack then finds Data on what the IMC+ is trying to do and needs to connect to the remaining militia forces on the way i feel like we should come apart some Fold weapon rings and the old OG effect and cause map where we find Sarah Briggs being brutaly murdered by Apex predators BT tells us not to engage untill Apex predators are gone since he has memories of Captain Tai Lastimosa being killed by them. We find Monarch still alive but Sarah briggs murdered so we uphold Operation 218 and we search the Old effect and cause after any time loops or traces of the Fold weapons power source we then find a communication signal since Monarch still had Connection to the SRS. The OG BT-7274 got stuck in a time loop in effect and cause since we hear IMC grunts saying that they saw a Vanguard class titan we then take his Core with us to find out any Data that the OG BT-7274 has found or realised or maybe has more details about the IMC plans. The SRS finds out about the IMC Scientists searching for the Fold weapon and hear that they are trying to construct it at a side. Before we go on the mission we make the pilot we trained on the Ship before the attack on the IMC facility we qualify him and he helps us. The SRS kills alot of the scientist teams with ease but we find out Apex predators had made a prototype (like in TF2) we then find floating Captain Tai Lastimosa in space and bring him back to harmony to try and find away to bring him back to life, they bring Captain Tai Lastimosa back to life and he gets a new Titan since our Combat effectiveness rating is over 98% with BT we upload the Old OG BT-7274 Data core into our chassis and we go abselutely hammer on the IMC+ we finally get in a boss fight with Kuben Blisk and take him down. TF3 then ends and we are left with another little leak or easter egg leading towards TF4 maybe with a little IMC+ Radio from Kuben Blisk or an IMC+ Team leader on the radio it says "Hey we are coming to assist with operation Fold Hang tight!"
And thats my idea if you got a little better solution or a little idea to this campain idea made by me drop a comment about something i could fix to make it more interesting but this took 1 Hour so i hope you guys enjoy the TF3 Story and i hope its still as good as TF2 is lets hope this is gonna be an awesome TF3 campaign so peace out brothers and sisters!
Also i hope this blows up so i can get maybe just maybe a few thousand likes so Respawn maybe see my awesome idea....
Who else would think an EVEN BIGGER attrition mode would be great?
I like the idea that jack essentially turns into master chiefs story where he just awols
I swear if those codes are just a teaser for jack cooper being added to apex and not tf3 ima cry
The time to kill being very short is perfect for Titanfall since you're supposed to be moving around so fast. Good movement will always keep you from dying
Having an new pilot as the main character is a good idea plus maybe we could customize them for the campaign.
I like the ttk and 1 hit melee. It can be annoying but it's just fine as it is
I think it would be cool if they let you go to other planets to take out imc bases, like in dlc if you want more campaign you can zoom into the future and take out worlds that are run by the imc and you take out the bases free the planets and get rid of imc.
we need the devs to see this
As a newcomer to the titanfall franchise I didn’t have to wait that long but it must have been painful for Marco and titanfall 2 players. I hope this comes true
I’ve been playing titanfall 2 since launch and never gave up on the game when most did so in my opinion everything you mentioned was valid besides the TTK, the fact that you know you can get killed in 3 bullets is what makes the game so fun, it forces you to pick up the pase or you’ll get killed
Mf literally took the movement away from a movement shooter.
He's an OW player lol
The throwing pilots mechanic whould be easy to set up. Have it so when you grapple onto a friendly titan or go to enter yours you can hold down aim which changes the animation to a throw animation with a lob arc so you can yeet a pilot with your trigger button
I like the campaign idea. I think that you are trying to be more inclusive which is great but 2 hit melee and traps aren’t the way to go in my opinion. Maybe if every mode had a hardcore titanfall 2 option then it would work but idk.
Nah his campaign idea is literally just what titanfall legends was which was gonna be part of apex legends. It's not a titanfall campaign
@@spitlikesfire9368 I think titanfall legends was supposed to be more like playing as the apex legends way after the war but macro is more or less just saying: new pilot for some missions but still during the war, then back to Jack cooper and maybe BT.
@kylebuck2854 nah he literally was saying how Jack would join the legends to find bt to help the war or something which wouldn't be very good at all. Apex legends will stay out of the titanfall games cause they don't fit well with titanfalls tone
I have a idea for a Titan here is the list of things
Titan type: Stryder
Titan name: I have no idea for the name
Main weapon:so it’s kinda like a double pistol yeah
Offensive:so you fuse the two pistols to make a power shot like legion
Defensive:the defensive is like a dodge where the first thing that hits you you go behind it and yes anything that hits you
Utility: it is a steam to blind titans but unlike the counter you know where a pilot rodeos you it just blinds enemies
Core: remember the offensive the main weapon stays fused till the core runs out
Melee: just a punch
there is a reason why you are not a game designer
The putting bt back together is an interesting idea, but might be better if it was an optional choice, makes some future battles harder as you were distracted by something else but also makes you grow a better bond with Cooper, could be useful to befriend him.
I feel like the only change it needs is modern graphics, a good conclusion to this masterpiece of a campaign, new titans and abilities and that’s about it. If you add attachments is gonna feel like a futuristic cod similar to advance and infinite warfare and honestly I feel like the insane accuracy on hip fire is not that bad after all you have to be very accurate with your shots due to the fast paced nature of the game. I don’t wanna see titanfall turn into a live service game if people wanna play it they should pay for it it also makes developers more motivated for updates since they don’t rely on predatory micro transactions
That’s all i want and all it needs
Oh yeah and also remove the wall ability. It has no place in titanfall and just slows down the gameplay
never disagreed more with anyone
I think kill streak upgrades that are better after each kill for pilots would be a really cool upgrade like maybe an auto loader or all cooldowns cut in half or a huge rocket that destroys titans. My vision is that after 1 kill you could get some small, personal buff, I think something like a triple jump or a recharging shield overhealth the second kill could be something that can really effect other pilots like a improved version of radar jammer that disables enemy hud near you. And after the third kill something that really effects titans like that missile I mentioned or an emp that shuts down enemy titans for 6 seconds or something.
i don't know, i feel like this could lead to huge snowballing since it's rather easy to get multiple kills fast. it's a really cool idea but would have to be balanced in some way shape or form
More like every 5 kills
I know you're not a game dev but Titanfall's entire identity is it's time to kill and speed that is made possible by it's overpowered hipfiring. The only way this game stays feeling fresh and not like everything else on the market is to embrace the speed. Design the new maps like glitch and focus more on the mechanics of movement in map design than the actual map, make it possible for a piolet to 1v1 a titan, and keep that speed boost the new ??? Gamemode has and Titanfall would feel like the newest and funniest thing on the market.
Macro really loves halo forge
I feel like instead of just having grapple, allow pilots to have two abilities. Like imagine Grapple and Stim, Cloak and Phase,
It will give more variety
also maybe a grapple and stim nerf, but just a small one
I’ve always thought that a edited BT class would be cool. With burst core, Vortex shield or something similar, nerfed missiles (still lock on) but it takes longer and there’s less missiles shot, an edited style to make it look different from Monarch. And finally a burst rifle weapon mixed with Monarchs “sniper” aegis upgrade in frontier defence in order to be able to compete more as a burst rifle would have a longer time to kill then full auto so having more range would be good imo.
Btw great video!
Full customization for Pilots has been something I've always wanted