With 6mil you can stay inside tropicana golf club or country height kajang. Buy a piece of land with your own build pool villa bungalow.. This one design so so only..
You talked about WISE (money transfer) in two of your previous videos. I located one of them in your recent videos. could you please advise what is the other one? Much thanks.
For a person who comes from an OECD country or worked in developed country but relocating to KL, this person may have the means for an upper middle to upper class lifestyle in KL. But in reality, with the kind of money that the person have, one can have very good large landed property and larger than DPC at a much lower cost and still save money for other expenses.
I grew up in a landed property and I have never liked it. The garden, outdoor façade repainting, outdoor windows cleaning and leaking roof are just too much work. A landed house also lacks privacy because noise travels easily from the neighbour's house to ours, if you have a neighbour liking karaoke, it's a lot of noise. The same if they like mahjong, or having parties. The sound insulation of a condo is way better than a landed house. Landed properly tend to have more mosquitoes because it's on the ground. I moved to a condo as an adult and it suited me a lot. As we are older now, I also like condo because it's all on 1 floor, without the need to climb up and down the stairs. Climbing stairs is bad for old people. They can fall. It's also easier to clean when all the rooms are on 1 floor. I like that the facilities like pool, gym, cinema, karaoke room, shared work/study space are just in the condo, without me having to drive to reach them. I don't like when it's in a club. It's just too much effort to get there. The only negative part about living in a condo for me is the lack of possibility to plant fruit trees because this can be an interesting hobby as we get old. Other than this, there is just no way I am moving back to a landed house
A REAL house is a landed house with a garden , a backyard and a front porch to park some cars. A condominium is just a "bird-cage". 真正的房子是一座有花园、后院和可停放汽车的前廊的有地住宅。公寓只是一个“鸟笼”。
你们有的是时间。轻松地安排时间 view more properties to accumulate more facts and knowledge. Then you will be able to judge more accurately on their demands and value. Be more concerned about the outer environment, paying more attention to the things that you don't like. Those things might irritates you more than you can imagine. Wishing you all the best and peace with you and family🫰🏻🙏🏻 🧘🏻. 🧘🏻♀️
landed 别墅 VS luxury condo大平层,你会怎么选择?
单身/小家庭 condo, 大家庭 landed
当然是luxury condo大平层,除非budget上千万直接买bungalow。。。 casaman,mansion只是排屋,根本和park regent没任何可比性, 2 层楼3000呎,其实换算成大平层也就2000呎,连大平层都算不上😂😂
@@TheAlbert18361 是哦,看上去确实还没有park regent的大户型来的开阔。别墅楼梯的面积都浪费不少面积
@@A-Nomad-Lifeexpat 多的别墅区还得是valencia
😂 马来西亚被你发掘完了
🧘🏻 🧘🏻♀️
For 6Mil you can definitely get a much nicer and bigger bungalow elsewhere
6Mil Can get the bungalow at Sierramas !
i couldn't agree more. the bungalow is overpriced and the design is sloppy
Typical mindset lol, DPC is DPC
那是因为你不了解那个地区,整个吉隆坡找不到第二个desa parkcity
这房子虽然是角头間(corner unit),可是外头的空地太小了,而且还是三角形的,感觉一点儿也不大气。
试下Desa Parkcity Breezeway 里的Landed Terrace, 人车分离 ,屋前后就是大花园小孩可以安全到处跑,可以跟Neigbours mingle, (各国孩子都在屋周围花园区里玩,好像小联合国) 采光非常好,有公寓设施游泳池,健身房,有3211sqft 和 3656sqft 的,走出Lobby 对面就是Arkadia的 Village grocer, 超方便。缺点是Expat 热门款,放盘的较少。
landed比较好至少车可以停在家门口,住公寓还要从停车场走段路搭电梯回家,特别是买菜大包小包的很麻烦很累,这间排楼怎样看都不像build up 3100sqft,land area是没算进建筑面积的,有地房产土地面积和建筑面积是分开计算的
With 6mil you can stay inside tropicana golf club or country height kajang. Buy a piece of land with your own build pool villa bungalow.. This one design so so only..
For 6m you can get a bungalow in a gated community. Like in setia alam or other more mature neighbourhood with extra money to redo the whole house.
我小小住landed到大,也有长时间住新加坡hdb, 现在有另一半还是选condo。landed心得:
1: 很热,加上corner lot晒到的太阳面积更大,很像烤炉里
2: 蚊虫多是真的,还有壁虎很多
3: 爱车的,车子会一直暴晒。买了盖车布结果太麻烦掀盖子有时都懒得出去买吃的。
4: 不用maintenance fee,但是自己打理很累+ 旧了后也是需要装修 + 刷漆。landed刷漆很贵
5: 两层楼会间接减少家人互动。
现在landed好一点都有GnG and facilities, 要给管理费了,不见得比condo少。
@@klsooner5554 是的现在很多都是strata title landed,但是都太远了,说什么20分钟进kl,那是直径吧。实际每天那个开车那个距离和堵车,如果还是打工族上下班的还是免了。
In Malaysia this type of house we call double storey link house
Landed house price usually appreciated much more than Condo.
在大马应该没有人车分离这种尤其有地房产, 有也很少. 因为这里的人都习惯了驾车出入. 天气日下雨多人车分离会很不方便.
Desa park City 的房价真的很坑啊 😅,其实1.5 mil ~ 2mil 可以买到更好的排屋,例如Eco world的 project,虽然会远离市中心一些,但有车代步还是很方便。
Quite Creepy😮 in the rooms in the morning😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Helper 的房间就像监狱,一个窗户都没有。院子也不方正。各种缺陷
空间不大,外面空地也很小,这个价位确实很贵 !
小小失望太客气了😂😂。casaman, mansion当初是百多万的成本建的,现在翻天的价格都是虚的。 当然10年前的建筑成本比现在低得多,但最多也就涨一倍。也就是如果现在才开发casaman,对于建筑商来说成本不会比park regent高,没花更多钱想拥有更好的生活质量是不可能的,毕竟没geography arbritrage😂😂
You talked about WISE (money transfer) in two of your previous videos. I located one of them in your recent videos. could you please advise what is the other one? Much thanks.
RM6Mu you can get a banglo actually, it is overprice at Desa Park
梦想之家 =)
这种现代的villa 别墅通常是地比较小,不过就有两三层楼,layout每一区都是差不多一样
這個landed house 也參觀過,排密密,每層面積不大,每天要爬樓梯,年紀大的真的適合。😊
跟那位屋主說,應該醒一醒了😂這種價錢應該是他自己開的。bank value應該沒這種價錢。這種價錢大把選擇。
For a person who comes from an OECD country or worked in developed country but relocating to KL, this person may have the means for an upper middle to upper class lifestyle in KL. But in reality, with the kind of money that the person have, one can have very good large landed property and larger than DPC at a much lower cost and still save money for other expenses.
Casaman 这个价格 ,个人有点失望😞
如想买Desa Park City 的地屋首先要看屋顶有没有漏水看天花板有没有黄色的水印,不管是排屋,半独立或独立式。
你可以去Effingham Bandar Utama 看下
我住的小区Ambang Botanic 2,bdr botanic klang, 这里2百万到3百万,有更多选择更大间7房6厕,采光更好。花园地更大,如果jessie想看,可以联系我😂带你进来看
太贵了,不值得。可以用I-property, mudah 找。6.2m 可以买到独立式的了
I grew up in a landed property and I have never liked it. The garden, outdoor façade repainting, outdoor windows cleaning and leaking roof are just too much work. A landed house also lacks privacy because noise travels easily from the neighbour's house to ours, if you have a neighbour liking karaoke, it's a lot of noise. The same if they like mahjong, or having parties. The sound insulation of a condo is way better than a landed house. Landed properly tend to have more mosquitoes because it's on the ground. I moved to a condo as an adult and it suited me a lot. As we are older now, I also like condo because it's all on 1 floor, without the need to climb up and down the stairs. Climbing stairs is bad for old people. They can fall. It's also easier to clean when all the rooms are on 1 floor. I like that the facilities like pool, gym, cinema, karaoke room, shared work/study space are just in the condo, without me having to drive to reach them. I don't like when it's in a club. It's just too much effort to get there. The only negative part about living in a condo for me is the lack of possibility to plant fruit trees because this can be an interesting hobby as we get old. Other than this, there is just no way I am moving back to a landed house
6m 可以看看 tropicana club house 一代的屋子了,这里感觉不值。
Meanwhile, E&O has priced its new 1200 sq ft (110 sq metres) condos at this same RM6M in crammed 49-storey towers on Penang's new Andaman Island.
@@yuantin705 李心洁
standing on 6.2m, can not see too many value, if comparing with landed house in Iskandar which next by Singapore..ha ha..
如果不介意考虑离Desa Park City 5-6km外,要人车分离的独栋/半独立项目,可以考虑The Airie,3M左右可以买到独立式5500sqft大面积。而且都是私人车库带屋顶的不会淋雨,上方是一个超大的住户公园,真正的人车分离🎉
低于3Mio 现在只能是靠高速的3.5半独立。5500sqft 独立式至少4mio-5mio 或以上了。
@@hhc9013 The Airie在 desa park city 对面而已,有机会可以看看,比较特别的设计:)
博主根本就没打算再买房产,经济上也不允许,闲来无事逛逛也顺便拍个视频而已。大家都太好心了,有些还写了一大堆道理,too young too simple and sometimes naïve 😁😁
高级condo bangsar south 觉得不错。比如The Estate Bangsar South
@@jchongtk the estate进不了视频主的眼界的,虽然开发商确实不错,但kampung kerinchi地点摆在那。。。
这种价钱可以买到2间更好的landed bungalow .
在马来西亚这些最多是superlink,不是别墅。别墅一般在 bukit tunku ,bangsar ,sierramas,glemarie court
A REAL house is a landed house with a garden , a backyard and a front porch to park some cars. A condominium is just a "bird-cage". 真正的房子是一座有花园、后院和可停放汽车的前廊的有地住宅。公寓只是一个“鸟笼”。
请问你们住的是desa park city的那一座condo?
casaman 這樣的價錢 貴又小 不值得,設計差。有6百萬的以上的預算 ,還不如買個地自己起, 設計自己喜歡的
大别墅拿来租。回酬率太少了。面积看起来小是因为accessories parcel 和 楼梯 也算在里面。加上parkcity的 layout 古灵精怪的。parkcity 最大的吸引力是屋子以外的。屋子就一般般。人家买landed是因为不是strata。你现在买strata产业你可以考虑condo和landed strata。如果两个相比,同样的面积肯定condo大因为condo面积是算套内面积。
@@A-Nomad-Life 是可以跨银行吗?同时需要一个马来西亚账户?
@@A-Nomad-Life 还有这个有没有什么身份限制啊?
我也想知,如果$,以USD入了來,之後某天要出去另一國。USD有外匯管制嗎? 還是只有RM有管制?
@@Treeintheair 不需要马来西亚账户呀,你在wise里面可以开通很多不同货币的账户,就可以不同货币之间互相转。如果要转账给别人,马币也可以转账给马来西亚当地的任何一个银行账户
要不要挑战极限?😂在雪龙区最出名的landed house 必属于tropicana golf club resort😂你敢下手买吗?绝对漂亮,住户也有很多facility,最重要是可以打golf😂等你的体验
20M 起跳
@@klsooner5554 这价我想也只是和上海房价差不多但生活体验绝对是天壤之别😂问题是这地能不能卖给外国人。
@@ylfong5145不可以。因为雪兰莪州外国人只可以买2百万以上 Stratified Landed, 即分层地契有地房屋吧了。Tropicana golf and country club 里的地是 leasehold individual title。
Pls look for anyarahill
Desa park city 黄金地段哪能这样比较
感觉各方面都不划算6 million,而且还是10年屋,里面的格局采光也不怎么样,不熟悉那个区域但是个人感觉最多也就2-3.5 million吧...
你们有的是时间。轻松地安排时间 view more properties to accumulate more facts and knowledge. Then you will be able to judge more accurately on their demands and value. Be more concerned about the outer environment, paying more attention to the things that you don't like. Those things might irritates you more than you can imagine.
Wishing you all the best and peace with you and family🫰🏻🙏🏻
🧘🏻. 🧘🏻♀️
我住在六十万半独立,四千五百square feet,
6M 选择更多。 这样的房子,4m顶天。 不值得。
Hmmm , garden and yard a bit too small
Your 6 million is gd for commercial property. You'll earn more than a house
我也想知,如果$,以USD入了來,之後某天要出去另一國。USD有外匯管制嗎? 還是只有RM有管制?
6百万,你可以在新山买到更大更豪华的landed 😂
Very fragmented layout, not an open floor plan. Pass this property regardless of the price.
人家博主就喜欢desa park city里面当然看里面的landed啊 看一堆留言吵着说不值得😂一个个比博主都还急🤣你们是本地人你们不会懂我们这些曾经在外地10个年头起跳的想法啦
过来damansara idaman 看看,包妳满意!
@@keanl5083 gated guarded?
Is you wan buy Lande house buy outside kl more nice price
贵 不值得
Buy a bungalow house better , big enough 😊 built-up at least 5000 sqft to 10000 sqft
1.4m usd for this? I think the agent is playing you for a fool..
6M这个价位不值得!不如去看看Semenyih的Anyara Hills,这个才是真的的别墅!
还有其他更值得的 ha ha😂 这很不值得。