Rather than just tell one story I'm trying to squeeze 3 separate great moments in League of Legends History into today's vid! It might be slightly different compared to our usual stuff with a bit of a longer runtime but I hope you guys still like hearing about the Greatest Comebacks in the game :) Which one do you think was the most impressive?
This format is definitely advantageous, because you can flex the size of your videos around different stories covering one theme or question. I look forward to a few more vids like this tbh
Will you possibly make another vid about Dignitas? They're currently a team that's really high in the standings,not to mention the roster is filled with an american squad of 3 rookies 1 great veteran and 1 redeemed (although im not so sure) and great jungler,the squad is a contrast to the other "NA" teams and i would really love to hear you talk about them,maybe the title could be "How Dignitas could save League of Legends/LCS again."
For me its still 2017 group stage SKT comeback against EDG with insane wombo combo, and I would love to see that game analysed in the same manner as those 3
The most impressive one here was you my man, another video another 34 minutes of just pure enjoyment listening to you, showing us great moments. I don't think i will ever get tired of being made aware of these feats in League's past, by you. Thank you so much for the content you make!
What's also great is that old Soraka could give mana which made it so that Anivia didn't need the blue buff to stay for extended periods of wave clearing.
Like no joke, very early into league I knew gbay for Garen builds and later on I, like anyone, saw the compilation clip for like farms, but then I found Gbay's channel and his short form documentaries. This is such great content.
Man watching that UOL Fanatic game might have been one of the most nostalgic things for me. That was the peak of my love for league and I remember watching it live. I’ve sense moved on to other games but thanks for capturing that moment
I feel the same way about CLG - M5. The crystallise wall at the inhib broke M5's mental, they had been starting to regret the Vlad pick at that point since they had no real engage outside of unreliable Lee Sin stuff, and Darien was walking face first into walls every 15 seconds, he must have been so mad. Cut to 2 minutes later outside baron, and he sees his opportunity to run down CLG, they're all retreating they know they can't take a front to back fight this far behind...and Froggen Q's the blue buff wall... something I myself have done a thousand times (Anivia main) and it's a beautiful thing - like an old nidalee spear from fog of war - you don't get to see it until it clears the terrain. He could have waited, gone for a greedy stun on the whole of M5 - I probably would have with them all stacked up like that - but he pops it early, guaranteeing the stun on Darien before he can pool or flash, instakilling him with E, and just like that the game is over. I won't argue that most of that game was pretty boring, there was a lot of dead air while M5 cleaned the map repeatedly and Froggen pressed R, but the conclusion to that match was absolutely epic.
Ive been a fan of the channel for god knows how long, love the content, i do miss the old irelia to diamond days but these documentaries are way better.
Thanks man I appreciate that. To be honest I'd probably be making some gameplay content if carpal tunnel didnt wreck my ability to play League but I feel like it's a blessing in disguise, I think this is some of the best content I've probably ever made.
@@gbay99 yeah sucks that you have carpal tunnel... I remember back in the days you series art of league. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to revive that series? maybe with a more modern take on it? league and also the whole world has changed
First reason you cant win: they have an anivia Second one: froggen is playing that anivia I respect him a lot too even though he hasn't find huge success xD
I mean he won EU LCS with Alliance, who are still the only team to do that not named FNC or G2 and he got to worlds semis and OGN Finals. I think thats pretty good
@@DaiIyDoseOfRUclips It was a different game back then. Hell, this is even before top laner taking TP was the meta. The name of the game was turtle and team fight. Pl;us a 1-4 push would have been suicide against Irelia, meaning you'd have to try and to a 1-3-1, but that also likely wouldn't have worked. Anivia vs one of the other mages would be a wash with wave clear on both sides or even a solo kill for Froggen. Irelia likely wins the dual against whichever mage wasn't fighting Froggen. Then you have the 3v3 with no engage on either side except for a Q landing for Lee or a kick flash with an Alistair playing frontline. The short of it is that red side had 0 engage outside of the above-listed things, and blue side at least had Flash+Pulverize on Alistair. Red side built their comp for team fights, because that was the name of the game, and they'd have gotten just as much flak for trying a 1-4 or 1-3-1 and failing, which it almost certainly would have. Long story short, M5 had 3 bans, chose not to ban Froggen's Anivia. In fact M5 picked both of their solo lanes and left the ADC roll till last, meaning that Froggen could safely pick Anivia into what is basically no engage and will never be engage. Then, with their final pick and a Nunu to support it, they pick...Corki, again playing it purely safe. If they'd have gone with a hyper-scaling Kogmaw or at least somebody that made better use of Nunu's Blood Boil, they may have had a chance, but their final pick basically guaranteed their loss.
Not gonna lie man... the crowd makes the plays so much better. this video made me realize how important the crowd is in Esports and everyone is so nice, there to see a nice match. I just love Esports man it's so good
It was. Most of the games he mentioned in this video were throws and not proper comebacks, SKT vs EDG was an actual comeback and the only team that could pull that off was SKT.
@@Leyrann Idk man, at the very least #3 on this list wasn't that much of a comeback as it was a throw imo. FNC lost multiple teamfights at the enemy base, they weren't really fights that UOL set up as much as they were fights that FNC poorly executed. SKT vs EDG was a proper comeback, SKT were massively behind and they set up the turning fight themselves. They prepped and executed a beautiful combo in an instant giving EDG no chance to really fight back.
You forgot to mention that old Baron buff also granted massive health and mana regen on top of AD/AP Other than that nice video, you managed to stir up my memory of that traumatic UOL vs FNC game
Funny how to me that's the exact opposite. I loved these moments and I went through extreme emotions watching a game like M5-CLG.EU live. Now when I watch it I'm cringing super hard thinking "how was it ok to have no way of buffing the minion wave and push past an Anivia, and who are these scrubs who can't sync waves and 1-3-1 if they're that far ahead to pierce the base". Can't believe I found those games amazing when things like that were possible.
Ahh, the inevitable salty veteran shows his sour face. Just accept the level of mechanical play was terrible in your boomer era and that's what you miss and we can all move on.
I love how Gbay casually ignores the fact that UoL was running a Yorick-Cassiopeia comp, which was outdated and therefore off-meta even by 2015 League standards. That's the other reason why UoL was so beloved: they did really random shit and made it work. Jungle monster "patience" bar was implemented because of ranged junglers, which were innovated by... UoL's Twisted Fate jungle. I miss those days of League.
I would love a video on UoL. I've been a fan since their conception. I remember watching them beat FNC. What a game. That's the game that made me love League.
The Azubu game and the CLG game seemed so similar. Both teams turtled in their base holding off sieges at the inhibitors until the enemy was forced to be overagressive to try to close the game. The comps are slighty different, but they both have some key factors that helped win. The first is obvious, waveclear. The trio of Olaf, Ryze, and Caitlyn on Blaze combine for having sufficient enough long range waveclear to match a siege from Frost, and obviously the Anivia for CLG was crucial. Secondly, when the fights did happen, both of these teams had comps whose carries were so well protected. Blaze has the Caitlyn + Nunu synergy to pump out insane dps and Amumu could basically stun lock Frost's backline. You could see Khazix and Jarvan trying to reach the Caitlyn to shut her down but if she lived she could just wipe the whole team with her insane attack speed steroid. With CLG they had a double support comp and the enemy team had to run through an Anivia wall and ultimate to get into fighting range so teamfights became easy once the carries had enough damage. This video was awesome Gbay I really enjoyed it.
I remember CLG coming back from a ridiculously large deficit at MSI many years ago (I want to say 2015-2017 ish), that hinged on Stixxay not dying in a massive teamfight that ended with CLG coming back from a 15k or so gold deficit. I don't remember the specifics, so I would love to see a professional documentary from the OGBae99 himself, but I remember the feeling of rooting for my favorite team against all odds when they didn't succumb to the overwhelming pressure of an insurmountable gold lead bearing down upon them, and instead played the the absolute limits of their champions capabilities to secure the win. Edit: I looked it up and the combination of Stixxay and Xmithie's champion mastery on Kalista and Kindred, respectively, when they were still new (ish, I think) champions were able to bring back an 18k gold deficit for the win that has stuck with me in spirit for years. Consequently, Pantheon is the champion I most resonate with because his entire character is about never giving up, never surrendering. I would venture to guess that I have voted yes to surrender in fewer than 1 out of 1000 matches since watching this game, and it will always be in my top 5 greatest esports matches of all time.
@@xxOnigiri99 i miss old Sej, but you know who I miss more? Old Yorick. He was the first champ I actually bought a skin for (pentakill ofc). I really miss old yorick, even if he was so oppressive to lane against.
UOL vs FNC was probably my favourite game in League history. Not because it was so high skilled, but because it was so damn intense. Sadly noone talked about this game ever so im very happy that at least u did not forget about it.
The best comebacks are those in my bronze games where my premade and I get so much flamed for not surrender waiting for the enemy hating each other enough for someone going afk or surrender themselves :D
I was lucky enough to be able to see UOL play at IEM San Jose in 2014 before they had even played in an LCS match. They stomped TSM 2-0 but ended up losing 0-3 to Cloud9 in the finals. Loved the video and rewatching those great moments!
#3 UOL vs FNC is my favorite game of all time. That’s the first ever match I watched. I rewatch it regularly. That one match has led me to be a dedicated follower of the pro scene for 6 years now. That will always be my #1. So hype
The picture for the video happened to me the other day in URF. I was playing Aurelion and we had 1 turret left. Then when we were pushing through the last few turrets on the enemy team and killing them i noticed on the map 1 enemy running into our base. I instantly get out of there and recall. He broke through the turret and got the base to about 10% hp then i killed him. We then all pushed the enemy base and won
Such a joy to relive these historic moments, always brings back tons memories of playing/watching in this era. I'm glad you put these out, because I know a lot of people have never seen these games.
...And then there's me, and that one time around S3 where I managed to turn around an unwinnable match. ...By getting my whole team camped outside the other teams' base, and spouting "QUICK, BARON!" "OH SHIT" in all chat, before we all just _fucking charged in._ Fuck I miss when it was league of looney toons.
I remember one time where we were on the enemy nexus, I called a joke surrender, it went through. This was ranked btw, soloque, the one dude who voted no was PISSED. Good times. I laughed my ass off.
I just started watching your longer documentaries and man I have to say your stories and narating are amazing. I love watching sports doc's (mainly soccer) and I have to say after watching your afreecafreecs story, not only did it literally touch my heart but their coach has amazing similarities to my favorite coach in football (soccer), Jürgen Klopp of liverpool. Klopp is in my humble opinion one of the greatest coaches to have ever existed not just by what he accomplishes but by how EVERY player feels about him and his management/coaching style, he is literally their father wether they are 18 on the youth team or 34 and a veteran of hundreds of premier matches. It amazes me when ever a coach can become such a special role model to a player and help nurture and bring out the very best in them. Anyways keep up the absolutely amazing work man you are with out a doubt in my mind atleast the best league doccer i have come across!
Azubu Blaze was a legendary squad. Ambition (won Worlds), Flame (from flame horizon), Cpt Jack (cleanse), LustBoy (TSM) and Helios. IPL5 did them dirty with the groups and losing to M5 is no shame. They did win MLG! And they had a 10 game series against Frost in the weirdest tournmanet format I've ever seen.
I don't want to say 2015 Fnatic was a "Veteran team" since every member except for Febiven doesn't have any pro experience.Even Febiven only had 1 year back then
Eyy succesfully predicted 2/3 games (did not remember the UOL vs FNC one though). Nice video! One thing though: that FNC squad in 2015 was definitely not a veteran squad. Only Yellowstar was an old player. The rest were all pretty new and people were pretty hesitant about FNC before spring split after they just lost the old squad with Rekkles, Xpeke etc.
Super cool video. Still remembering that UOL FNC game and being a fand of both kind of and just sitting there gobsmacked at the comeback they pulled off. Looking forward to a UOL Documentary from you.
GREATEST COMEBACK EVER IN LEAGUE SKT vs EDG in worlds 2017. SKT was down 11k gold but after not one but 2 PERFECTLY executed team fights SKT came back to win!!
One thing that should also be mentioned in the CLG EU vs M5 game is, that they had the old soraka, with an E that could give mana, which makes Anivias huge mana drain on her ult far less of a factor, since he would constantly get some mana from the Soraka, meaning no window to attack, while Froggen had to run to base for mana. This would have been especially possible during M5's Baron, since Baron also gave health regen back then, which would mean M5 could have just run in, chip a few hits in every now and again and slowly take them down during that window.
Just a couple notes, FNC’s team wasn’t filled with veteran stars, Huni had never played a professional game in his career yet, Febiven had never played a professional game in his career yet, Steelback was barely even scouted (just some guy Yellowstar found in solo queue) and Reignover was a professional player from the LCK with 0 success and the nickname “game over” because of how bad him and his team were. Fnatic was also not expected to take it all that split, it was SK gaming with Forgiven who were expected to win. Summer split was where FNC would have the roster changes and the experience at MSI to dominate. Even though UOL was an incredible team and this was the first match that came to mind when I saw the title, you’ve definitely misrepresented FNC’s history here.
I remember when I started watching league it was because CLG EU. Ma bois always found a way to claw their way back up from the most impossible and desperate situations. You could never count them out. I still watch league, but I've never considered myself fan of another team since they disbanded.
Jesus seeing that old Irelia makes me miss her. An actual bruiser Irelia building only Triforce and the rest tank items feels more enjoyable than a glorified Akali with mana.
Man, what a well put together video. Congratulations dude. Your editing/construction skills and style have developed so much these last few years, it's truly impressive. Keep up the good work, dear goldbay. You're great
Keep on going man, I immensly enjoy your documentaries even tho I don´t even play league anymore, I did start in season 2 and i love to see those good old times and how league used to be. I hope you´re able to keep this style.
Tsm vs IMT Game 3 in Summer 2017 Finals was a banger. TSM came back from a over 10k gold deficit. What's even more impressive is that they gave up only a single kill from the moment they started to comeback.
I feel like #1 has to be a throw and not a comeback given that m5 played into Anivia about as poorly as you can, but this is a phenomenal video either way.
I remember my very first promos to bronze 4 as kayle the game was so one sided but as a kayle i kept farming and scaled as a beast to finally win the game by charging in with zhonyas + ult securing the game and bronze 4, still a kayle otp to this day
Rather than just tell one story I'm trying to squeeze 3 separate great moments in League of Legends History into today's vid! It might be slightly different compared to our usual stuff with a bit of a longer runtime but I hope you guys still like hearing about the Greatest Comebacks in the game :)
Which one do you think was the most impressive?
This format is definitely advantageous, because you can flex the size of your videos around different stories covering one theme or question. I look forward to a few more vids like this tbh
Azb VS Azf
Will you possibly make another vid about Dignitas? They're currently a team that's really high in the standings,not to mention the roster is filled with an american squad of 3 rookies 1 great veteran and 1 redeemed (although im not so sure) and great jungler,the squad is a contrast to the other "NA" teams and i would really love to hear you talk about them,maybe the title could be "How Dignitas could save League of Legends/LCS again."
For me its still 2017 group stage SKT comeback against EDG with insane wombo combo, and I would love to see that game analysed in the same manner as those 3
The most impressive one here was you my man, another video another 34 minutes of just pure enjoyment listening to you, showing us great moments. I don't think i will ever get tired of being made aware of these feats in League's past, by you.
Thank you so much for the content you make!
M5: Trying to push for the win
Anivia: Let me introduce myself
First reply 👍
Oh hello mr GOAT
I was waiting for this game to appear ^^
sivir: am i a joke to you
What's also great is that old Soraka could give mana which made it so that Anivia didn't need the blue buff to stay for extended periods of wave clearing.
The greatest comeback is the Gbay99 channel
Like no joke, very early into league I knew gbay for Garen builds and later on I, like anyone, saw the compilation clip for like farms, but then I found Gbay's channel and his short form documentaries. This is such great content.
Lol ye
Right like so 2010 lol
Man watching that UOL Fanatic game might have been one of the most nostalgic things for me. That was the peak of my love for league and I remember watching it live. I’ve sense moved on to other games but thanks for capturing that moment
Yeah, that game is probably my favourite game to have watched ever
I feel the same way about CLG - M5. The crystallise wall at the inhib broke M5's mental, they had been starting to regret the Vlad pick at that point since they had no real engage outside of unreliable Lee Sin stuff, and Darien was walking face first into walls every 15 seconds, he must have been so mad. Cut to 2 minutes later outside baron, and he sees his opportunity to run down CLG, they're all retreating they know they can't take a front to back fight this far behind...and Froggen Q's the blue buff wall... something I myself have done a thousand times (Anivia main) and it's a beautiful thing - like an old nidalee spear from fog of war - you don't get to see it until it clears the terrain. He could have waited, gone for a greedy stun on the whole of M5 - I probably would have with them all stacked up like that - but he pops it early, guaranteeing the stun on Darien before he can pool or flash, instakilling him with E, and just like that the game is over. I won't argue that most of that game was pretty boring, there was a lot of dead air while M5 cleaned the map repeatedly and Froggen pressed R, but the conclusion to that match was absolutely epic.
Skt vs edg should have been in the Honorable Mentions
Yeah, to me EDG vs SKT is better than these games given the context of that match.
I do go back to that wombo combo from time to time just to relive the hype...
yes! that will forever be in my mind as the single greatest display of teamplay in Lgeaue of Legends history
That should have been number 1. I remember watching it live and I will never forget. It was the greatest comeback in competitive league ever.
Ive been a fan of the channel for god knows how long, love the content, i do miss the old irelia to diamond days but these documentaries are way better.
Thanks man I appreciate that. To be honest I'd probably be making some gameplay content if carpal tunnel didnt wreck my ability to play League but I feel like it's a blessing in disguise, I think this is some of the best content I've probably ever made.
@@gbay99 Rip man, hopefully you can get it fixed, I had it myself, and had to stop playing pc for an entire year😢😢
@@gbay99 Hope you can get that fixed! Irelia is in a great place rn after all
@@Kuukeksi anytime i see the enemy pick irelia i have visions of my lp going down now.
@@gbay99 yeah sucks that you have carpal tunnel... I remember back in the days you series art of league. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to revive that series? maybe with a more modern take on it? league and also the whole world has changed
Ah yes; PTSD from the days of Froggen Stallnivia. The literal reason we have Baron buff as it is today.
First reason you cant win: they have an anivia
Second one: froggen is playing that anivia
I respect him a lot too even though he hasn't find huge success xD
Heh, M5 had 3 bans, and they chose...poorly!
I mean he won EU LCS with Alliance, who are still the only team to do that not named FNC or G2 and he got to worlds semis and OGN Finals. I think thats pretty good
plus they weren't smart enough to push 3 lanes instead of focussing only on midlane. Anivia can only ever clear one lane at a time.
@@DaiIyDoseOfRUclips It was a different game back then. Hell, this is even before top laner taking TP was the meta. The name of the game was turtle and team fight. Pl;us a 1-4 push would have been suicide against Irelia, meaning you'd have to try and to a 1-3-1, but that also likely wouldn't have worked. Anivia vs one of the other mages would be a wash with wave clear on both sides or even a solo kill for Froggen. Irelia likely wins the dual against whichever mage wasn't fighting Froggen. Then you have the 3v3 with no engage on either side except for a Q landing for Lee or a kick flash with an Alistair playing frontline.
The short of it is that red side had 0 engage outside of the above-listed things, and blue side at least had Flash+Pulverize on Alistair. Red side built their comp for team fights, because that was the name of the game, and they'd have gotten just as much flak for trying a 1-4 or 1-3-1 and failing, which it almost certainly would have.
Long story short, M5 had 3 bans, chose not to ban Froggen's Anivia. In fact M5 picked both of their solo lanes and left the ADC roll till last, meaning that Froggen could safely pick Anivia into what is basically no engage and will never be engage. Then, with their final pick and a Nunu to support it, they pick...Corki, again playing it purely safe. If they'd have gone with a hyper-scaling Kogmaw or at least somebody that made better use of Nunu's Blood Boil, they may have had a chance, but their final pick basically guaranteed their loss.
Shame his career went kabum.
Not gonna lie man... the crowd makes the plays so much better. this video made me realize how important the crowd is in Esports and everyone is so nice, there to see a nice match. I just love Esports man it's so good
Was expecting to see SKT vs EDG 10k gold deficit comeback here.
Yeah that game was crazy
While that was a big comeback, I don't feel like it's the BIGGEST comeback by any means.
It was. Most of the games he mentioned in this video were throws and not proper comebacks, SKT vs EDG was an actual comeback and the only team that could pull that off was SKT.
@@Leyrann Idk man, at the very least #3 on this list wasn't that much of a comeback as it was a throw imo. FNC lost multiple teamfights at the enemy base, they weren't really fights that UOL set up as much as they were fights that FNC poorly executed. SKT vs EDG was a proper comeback, SKT were massively behind and they set up the turning fight themselves. They prepped and executed a beautiful combo in an instant giving EDG no chance to really fight back.
@@Leyrann How about NO?
You forgot to mention that old Baron buff also granted massive health and mana regen on top of AD/AP
Other than that nice video, you managed to stir up my memory of that traumatic UOL vs FNC game
I would call the Azubu game a throw. Azubu inted it like they thought they were 10K up. Blaze caught the throw perfectly
Gbay, you know I love you right?
Now it's time to make a video about the history of UOL in general
Watching this makes me miss old Graves and League before the dark 200 year times.
Funny how to me that's the exact opposite. I loved these moments and I went through extreme emotions watching a game like M5-CLG.EU live. Now when I watch it I'm cringing super hard thinking "how was it ok to have no way of buffing the minion wave and push past an Anivia, and who are these scrubs who can't sync waves and 1-3-1 if they're that far ahead to pierce the base". Can't believe I found those games amazing when things like that were possible.
That first game made me miss old Yorick
Ahh, the inevitable salty veteran shows his sour face. Just accept the level of mechanical play was terrible in your boomer era and that's what you miss and we can all move on.
poe on old cassio is something else
@@r.m.renfield4541 What?
God, I remember hearing Deman's voice getting destroyed over the course of the night... must have done some real damage.
“Take the word throw out of your mind”
Also gbay: “they almost never threw a game after a lead”
drx vs edg, quarterfinals worlds 2022. a new one to add to the list
I knew that CLGEU-M5 would be in this video. Still one of my favorite games of all time, from one of my favorite teams of all time!
Storytelling 100. Dude you got talent
Thanks my man! :)
lol zero talent at storytelling he is talking sgo low and monotone
damn, i love graves, but old graves just had that grip you know, wish we coulda get both on league at the same time
I love how Gbay casually ignores the fact that UoL was running a Yorick-Cassiopeia comp, which was outdated and therefore off-meta even by 2015 League standards. That's the other reason why UoL was so beloved: they did really random shit and made it work. Jungle monster "patience" bar was implemented because of ranged junglers, which were innovated by... UoL's Twisted Fate jungle. I miss those days of League.
as soon as i saw that UOL was the first one i got a flashback of that game, jesus that was fun, the classic yorick cassio in action
I would love a video on UoL. I've been a fan since their conception. I remember watching them beat FNC. What a game. That's the game that made me love League.
One thing that will always bring a smile on UoL fans... Jungle TF
Yea in 2015 I was huge believer in UOL. I firmly believed they had the same potential as FNC and OG.
They were hilarious if anything
The Azubu game and the CLG game seemed so similar. Both teams turtled in their base holding off sieges at the inhibitors until the enemy was forced to be overagressive to try to close the game. The comps are slighty different, but they both have some key factors that helped win. The first is obvious, waveclear. The trio of Olaf, Ryze, and Caitlyn on Blaze combine for having sufficient enough long range waveclear to match a siege from Frost, and obviously the Anivia for CLG was crucial. Secondly, when the fights did happen, both of these teams had comps whose carries were so well protected. Blaze has the Caitlyn + Nunu synergy to pump out insane dps and Amumu could basically stun lock Frost's backline. You could see Khazix and Jarvan trying to reach the Caitlyn to shut her down but if she lived she could just wipe the whole team with her insane attack speed steroid. With CLG they had a double support comp and the enemy team had to run through an Anivia wall and ultimate to get into fighting range so teamfights became easy once the carries had enough damage.
This video was awesome Gbay I really enjoyed it.
I remmber watching this live and cheering for fanatic haha it was insane match
I remember CLG coming back from a ridiculously large deficit at MSI many years ago (I want to say 2015-2017 ish), that hinged on Stixxay not dying in a massive teamfight that ended with CLG coming back from a 15k or so gold deficit. I don't remember the specifics, so I would love to see a professional documentary from the OGBae99 himself, but I remember the feeling of rooting for my favorite team against all odds when they didn't succumb to the overwhelming pressure of an insurmountable gold lead bearing down upon them, and instead played the the absolute limits of their champions capabilities to secure the win.
Edit: I looked it up and the combination of Stixxay and Xmithie's champion mastery on Kalista and Kindred, respectively, when they were still new (ish, I think) champions were able to bring back an 18k gold deficit for the win that has stuck with me in spirit for years. Consequently, Pantheon is the champion I most resonate with because his entire character is about never giving up, never surrendering. I would venture to guess that I have voted yes to surrender in fewer than 1 out of 1000 matches since watching this game, and it will always be in my top 5 greatest esports matches of all time.
First time I didnt click because I did not realize it is from ma boi Gbay. Instead I thought it would be another top 5 compilation
As a hard core M5 FAN, it hurst me to watch this video....still...after all these years... Nice video thou!
Those ending fights in the FNC v UOL game were a preview of Huni's 2017-2021 form in NA.
Don’t show me fotage of old graves, it makes me nostalgic QQ
I saw old sejuani footage and got sad that we have a worse version of her nowadays
@@xxOnigiri99 i miss old Sej, but you know who I miss more? Old Yorick. He was the first champ I actually bought a skin for (pentakill ofc). I really miss old yorick, even if he was so oppressive to lane against.
UOL vs FNC was probably my favourite game in League history. Not because it was so high skilled, but because it was so damn intense. Sadly noone talked about this game ever so im very happy that at least u did not forget about it.
Jin Air green wings vs SKT T1 game with teddy is my favorite comeback game ever.
The best comebacks are those in my bronze games where my premade and I get so much flamed for not surrender waiting for the enemy hating each other enough for someone going afk or surrender themselves :D
TSM coming back to NA after going 0-6 in groups as a first seed is definitely the greatest comeback
I like how he explains in depth how they made the comebacks, and not just play clips like other RUclipsrs
Gbay99 is the only Channel I am Subbed to that when he pops up I watch it. Thank You for coming to my TedTalk
I was lucky enough to be able to see UOL play at IEM San Jose in 2014 before they had even played in an LCS match. They stomped TSM 2-0 but ended up losing 0-3 to Cloud9 in the finals. Loved the video and rewatching those great moments!
2:36 poor guy almost fell off his chair LMAO
#3 UOL vs FNC is my favorite game of all time. That’s the first ever match I watched. I rewatch it regularly. That one match has led me to be a dedicated follower of the pro scene for 6 years now. That will always be my #1. So hype
The picture for the video happened to me the other day in URF. I was playing Aurelion and we had 1 turret left. Then when we were pushing through the last few turrets on the enemy team and killing them i noticed on the map 1 enemy running into our base. I instantly get out of there and recall. He broke through the turret and got the base to about 10% hp then i killed him. We then all pushed the enemy base and won
Games like the last one are why I've always mained Anivia and proudly wear my Season 3 Evil Geniuses icon
Easy favourite
Yesterday, Gameward came back from a 10K gold deficit against Gamers Origin and the game ended with more than 60 kills (in the French league)
That you knew UOL vs FNC, respect. That game was insane
Such a joy to relive these historic moments, always brings back tons memories of playing/watching in this era. I'm glad you put these out, because I know a lot of people have never seen these games.
The 94 minute game where Jin Air beat SKT was also pretty nuts.
your league documentary content is unrivaled
...And then there's me, and that one time around S3 where I managed to turn around an unwinnable match.
...By getting my whole team camped outside the other teams' base, and spouting "QUICK, BARON!" "OH SHIT" in all chat, before we all just _fucking charged in._
Fuck I miss when it was league of looney toons.
I remember one time where we were on the enemy nexus, I called a joke surrender, it went through. This was ranked btw, soloque, the one dude who voted no was PISSED. Good times. I laughed my ass off.
"League of Legends makes no sense."
But those comeback stories is what makes worlds enjoyable!
I just started watching your longer documentaries and man I have to say your stories and narating are amazing. I love watching sports doc's (mainly soccer) and I have to say after watching your afreecafreecs story, not only did it literally touch my heart but their coach has amazing similarities to my favorite coach in football (soccer), Jürgen Klopp of liverpool. Klopp is in my humble opinion one of the greatest coaches to have ever existed not just by what he accomplishes but by how EVERY player feels about him and his management/coaching style, he is literally their father wether they are 18 on the youth team or 34 and a veteran of hundreds of premier matches. It amazes me when ever a coach can become such a special role model to a player and help nurture and bring out the very best in them. Anyways keep up the absolutely amazing work man you are with out a doubt in my mind atleast the best league doccer i have come across!
gbay HAS to do that UoL documentary now
Azubu Blaze was a legendary squad. Ambition (won Worlds), Flame (from flame horizon), Cpt Jack (cleanse), LustBoy (TSM) and Helios. IPL5 did them dirty with the groups and losing to M5 is no shame. They did win MLG!
And they had a 10 game series against Frost in the weirdest tournmanet format I've ever seen.
I don't want to say 2015 Fnatic was a "Veteran team" since every member except for Febiven doesn't have any pro experience.Even Febiven only had 1 year back then
Interesting thing about vizicsasi was that he was a age of mythology legend, a goat of that game before he became a lol pro.
Idk why but even with all notifications selected I'm just getting this video in my feed as an auto play after an lec video I watched.
the best league documentary content here
Its crazy to see how season 2/3 didnt have side laning they always run as 5 to the towers with one wave having pressure
I knew FNC vs UOL would have been here. Season 5 european splits were legendary
Eyy succesfully predicted 2/3 games (did not remember the UOL vs FNC one though).
Nice video! One thing though: that FNC squad in 2015 was definitely not a veteran squad. Only Yellowstar was an old player. The rest were all pretty new and people were pretty hesitant about FNC before spring split after they just lost the old squad with Rekkles, Xpeke etc.
That Famous Vizicsacsi pick is why i'm one tricking poppy.
I miss uol in the lec so much, seeing them keep their identity in the new region and in worlds makes me so happy
Is "League of Legends makes no sense" going to be your video outro from now on? Because I'm all for it! Awesome video, G.
Super cool video. Still remembering that UOL FNC game and being a fand of both kind of and just sitting there gobsmacked at the comeback they pulled off. Looking forward to a UOL Documentary from you.
SKT vs EDG in worlds 2017. SKT was down 11k gold but after not one but 2 PERFECTLY executed team fights SKT came back to win!!
dang that UOL game was such a throwback, luv u gbay
New Gbay99 Doc on my Birthday. Pog.
2016 World Finals SKT vs SSG Game 3 was an insane comeback too.
I think we have a new entrant in this category lol
Came back after Deft was one auto away from destroying Gen.G's nexus.
One thing that should also be mentioned in the CLG EU vs M5 game is, that they had the old soraka, with an E that could give mana, which makes Anivias huge mana drain on her ult far less of a factor, since he would constantly get some mana from the Soraka, meaning no window to attack, while Froggen had to run to base for mana. This would have been especially possible during M5's Baron, since Baron also gave health regen back then, which would mean M5 could have just run in, chip a few hits in every now and again and slowly take them down during that window.
And now we can add GAM vs TES...
AHQ vs EDG, worlds 2014.
Personal favorite comeback of all time...god I miss the old casters, too
Spécial documentary on UOL only ? Oh Yes baby
that UOL vs FNC is the game that hooked me into esport in favor of soccer
my absolute favourite is when Polish player Jankos clutched the game for H2K against S04 in 2016
Just a couple notes, FNC’s team wasn’t filled with veteran stars, Huni had never played a professional game in his career yet, Febiven had never played a professional game in his career yet, Steelback was barely even scouted (just some guy Yellowstar found in solo queue) and Reignover was a professional player from the LCK with 0 success and the nickname “game over” because of how bad him and his team were. Fnatic was also not expected to take it all that split, it was SK gaming with Forgiven who were expected to win. Summer split was where FNC would have the roster changes and the experience at MSI to dominate. Even though UOL was an incredible team and this was the first match that came to mind when I saw the title, you’ve definitely misrepresented FNC’s history here.
Thank you for yet another awesome video!
as an anivia otp, i approve of this video! Thanks for the froggen praise
Insane, great content man, keep it up, thank you
Gbay keep up the good work, we all wish you the best and we hope you stay safe doing the Rona
Thanks friend :)
@@gbay99 you're welcome, enjoy your day :D
I remember when I started watching league it was because CLG EU.
Ma bois always found a way to claw their way back up from the most impossible and desperate situations. You could never count them out.
I still watch league, but I've never considered myself fan of another team since they disbanded.
after this world's series you're gonna have to add the drx come back!
Jesus seeing that old Irelia makes me miss her.
An actual bruiser Irelia building only Triforce and the rest tank items feels more enjoyable than a glorified Akali with mana.
I didn'T know I'd remember that FNC UOL game so clearly but here we are
oh god #1 was the first league game i watched and was the one that got me into it
Oooh another Gbay video😍😍😍😍
Man, what a well put together video. Congratulations dude.
Your editing/construction skills and style have developed so much these last few years, it's truly impressive.
Keep up the good work, dear goldbay. You're great
You can almost always see a phenomenal casting done everytime a tight game like these ones are being played.
This is why I never surrender. For moments like these are the best memories to get out of this game.
I haven't played league this year due to life happening, but I always tune in for these documentaries.
Keep it up as long as you enjoy this!
That UOL comeback brought a tear to my eye
Instead of watching LEC now i want to start seeing nostalgic matches to remember the glorius days
Now we all desperately need "Another 3 Great Comebacks in League of Legends Esports"
Amazing video like always!
Keep on going man, I immensly enjoy your documentaries even tho I don´t even play league anymore, I did start in season 2 and i love to see those good old times and how league used to be.
I hope you´re able to keep this style.
Tsm vs IMT Game 3 in Summer 2017 Finals was a banger. TSM came back from a over 10k gold deficit. What's even more impressive is that they gave up only a single kill from the moment they started to comeback.
Dude your taste in music is awesome
The first year of the Unicorns team was magical : )
I feel like #1 has to be a throw and not a comeback given that m5 played into Anivia about as poorly as you can, but this is a phenomenal video either way.
I remember my very first promos to bronze 4 as kayle the game was so one sided but as a kayle i kept farming and scaled as a beast to finally win the game by charging in with zhonyas + ult securing the game and bronze 4, still a kayle otp to this day
The last comeback was just brutal!