That's a lot of wasted motion and effort. Crash forward with the forearm like you say but... With the opposit hand use either a throat strike or send your hand outside and across the neck, then continuing on forward with your momentum and pull down with the attacking arm, taking your opponent to the ground and avoid all the trapping and grabbing and dancing for position, only to have to let go of something at some point to be able to continue the attack. Shoot forward, block the bat hand up close and control the head at the throat or side, taking him immediately off balance and leaving yourself the ability to continue to attack without direct resistance.
Bravo !! Je n'ai jamais vu un contenu d'une telle qualité.
That's a lot of wasted motion and effort. Crash forward with the forearm like you say but... With the opposit hand use either a throat strike or send your hand outside and across the neck, then continuing on forward with your momentum and pull down with the attacking arm, taking your opponent to the ground and avoid all the trapping and grabbing and dancing for position, only to have to let go of something at some point to be able to continue the attack. Shoot forward, block the bat hand up close and control the head at the throat or side, taking him immediately off balance and leaving yourself the ability to continue to attack without direct resistance.
Wrestle The Shit Out of Batter, While I'm Stepping Back And forth Grab His Arm Where He Holding The Bat And Go Crazy on Him,
Because everyone gets assaulted by a “short bat”