My anxiety is intense, but I have horrid memory. So when I have to read out in class, I'm like okay cool, but then when I start hits....and I forget how to read & panic
That's my only worry. As a child I didn't have many friends becouse I was a little different. That made me to talk loudly and sometimes over others in need for attention. Now as I'm older I have managed to make a couple of friends but I still do those same things when I'm with them becouse I'm afraid if I don't make them pay attention to me they would just forget me. On the other hand I know now how annoying I must be to my friends and I wish I could stop it. Unfortunately I have realized it has grown really deep inside me and I'm afraid I will never be able to trust anyone to be a real friend to me.
Ya Anxiety hits me sometimes. I think I'm a lot better with it than I used to be, but I still have thoughts like that. I do hold myself back because I think I can't do it or afraid that if I try I'll just look like a fool. Around others that are friends of friend's when they are drinking can definitely bring it on and I need to go away for a while.
Eli The weirdo or are drinking, unfortunately for me that’s where my anxiety took me , it’s so bad but sometimes you just want a break and just for once feel normal and be able to be you and enjoy the moment
Eli The weirdo don’t follow into their footsteps whatever you do don’t try alcohol because it’s very dangerous for us people with anxiety, we get too addicted and it makes anxiety worse in the long term
Kenty Iluminada thank you. Currently I have been seeing a consular about it so that I don’t fall into anything. Because of my consular I was able to get rid of my OCD and some other things. I have found that talking to someone helps you. Because of this I have been able to find myself
@@CowToes that's mean! I'm calling close friends,bebi or something like that and they seem fine with it, I think because I did it often so they don't think it's weird anymore😕
Makes two of us or most likely a lot of us. I never used to think I had anxiety and I know for a fact that I didn't have it, but it's sort of crept up on me over the past 3-4 year, becoming gradually worse and the whole 'what if' aspect plays a huge role in my day to day life. I work as a sales associate as a sort of way to try and combat my anxiety of talking to people and it kind of helps, I guess. But it's true that people really don't think it's a real problem and a lot seem to think it's just a phase, something that'll pass after a week or two like your average cold or well flu. Kind of makes me wish people would get educated on anxiety since so many suffer from it. They might even have it themself and not even realize it because they think it's not real. A huge part of having anxiety for me is that I constantly try to convince myself that there's nothing wrong, simply to make myself feel just a little bit better and it helps for a little while till it dawns me yet again that I'm just lieing to myself. It's a struggle and I don't really know how to fight it either, I've tried getting close to people too, women I find interessting and would like to know but I more often than not stop trying because I'm scared of failing or messing up. It's rough, but I won't give up though, I can't afford too.
Yes! And going over previous conversations so much in your head because your just so sure you said something wrong that the next time you see that person you just avoid them entirely.
When you’re in a relationship and you spend every second worrying about if they really love you, because they didn’t answer the text you sent an hour ago
I get really anxious whenever I want to write a comment because I'm afraid people are going to take it the wrong way and start saying negative things in the replies. (I had a long debate on whether or not to even write this comment).
I’m like this with messaging people, I’ll go to text something possibly funny or witty, and then realising that it’s “dumb” or it’s “not good enough” ad I end up just typing something like “ok” or “yea” Y’know, just little one or two word things.
You automatically regret everything you say You stay up until you can't stay awake anymore You can't start conversations You take years to get comfortable with the people you see for hours everyday You imagine everything that could possibly go wrong and end up not having fun When you decide to do something risky you take forever to actually do it and stand around making excuses until everyone is mad You get frustrated all the time because you're afraid to share your opinion so nobody understands what you feel like You aren't comfortable around your own family at gatherings You look at the ground as you walk to avoid eye contact You have a nervous habit that you do daily You have to have everything a certain way or you can't sleep without worrying something will go wrong You talk to a person you trust over and over asking questions like "is it safe" "are you sure" "have you done it" "how do you know" before taking action You find every reason to believe your safe but it never out weighs the things that could happen wrong It sucks Everything sucks
plus i zone out while people are talking to me.i don't mean to, i just do it randomly and then my mind will tune back in and catch part of the conversation.
Heres one: you avoid speaking up about things you disagree with no matter how small because you are worried that everyone will hate you or that you will create conflict. It stinks because I often get dragged into things I don't necessarily want to do or people think I agree with something that I actually don't.
My mom keeps talking about LGBT like she knows all about it, and I want to tell her that she's wrong, but the only time that I did tell her, she kept trying to prove me wrong, and I didn't know the right words to say, and I ended up giving up. Sorry for any grammatical incorrections. Yes, I added the last sentence because I'm afraid that I said something wrongly and I'll be mocked for it.
When I explain this to people, the reaction is often like “Yeah everybody has those things, right? It’s human”. Like I should not make such a big deal out of it and that it’s normal. I don’t think people realize how bad it is and how much that fear detains you in daily life. How worrying and fearing so much physically makes you sick in your stomach.
Yeah my friend says it’s just worrying and everybody has it and it’s not so bad. I just get upset on how he could say that. It effects my life and many others each day.
@@ipodr4363 not sure if they're a friend then my friend has a friend who makes noises even tho she has something that i forget the name thàt makes her feel like she wants to kick them, she knows karate and is blackbelt level...
Horse stuff is like that too, everyone says that you just sit there... Ok, you try squeezing your thighs, nees core, and butt while checking too see where you are going while maintaining your balance, making sure your toes are up, keeping your reins right, while perfectly timing everything, and while wearing long sleeves (and uncomefrable boots if ur english), while in top of 1,000+ pounds of pure muscle that could decide to kill you here and now, as well as do it within 2 seconds. Sry coukdnt help but rant
I was overthinking so much to the point where I was questioning everything in life and how humans function. I was so stuck in my own head and caught in the constant loop that it scared me and I cried. And now I’m starting to regret this comment. Maybe it’s too dark for a comment section? I’m going to leave before I rethink it again.
I overthink the way of life and humanity 24/7. I try to explain it to people and they just dismiss it as me being weird. Glad someone else knows what it's like! :)
NO YOU'RE NOT! Oh wow, I thought I was legit the other one. Especially with saying 'here' in class! I just started high school a couple weeks ago, and OH GOD!
With anxiety, you overthink a lot about even the smallest things, like maybe the way someone spoke to you that day. To you they may sound different than they usually do and it may make you feel like they'll get tired of you, which causes you to sometimes distance yourself from that person. You always think you're bothering someone or you're annoying, even when they constantly tell you that you aren't
Another big one for me is how much I fear ordering food. I’ll rehearse exactly what I’m going to say in my head, and if the waiter/waitress asks me a question about my order I’ll internally panic. I especially hate Subway, I avoid it like the plague. Although in my home town there’s a Chinese restaurant where you write down your order on a slip of paper and your waiter/waitress will only check in occasionally. I _love_ that place.
I always use the like big tv order things at mcdonalds to avoid ralking as much as possible, one of the reasons I prefer mcdonalds over most other fast food places 😞
Same with me, I even get anxious when walking up to anywhere to order, and to even ask for help. When I am at a store I will do ANYTHING to not ask someone to help, it makes me soooo anxious.
My depression and anxiety had mixed up so much that to this point i just say it regardless if they hate me or not, i don't care anymore, i just don't feel as much, im simply too tired.
@Elijah ASMR it's not that simple its like how hard you try to feel happy it just hits you when you don't expect like I panic too much at tests even if ı know ım going to get a good note its not that simple don't make it worse you don't help right now so just stop (sorry if ı wrote something wrong)
@Elijah ASMR wdym "bruh"? what youre saying is harmful to a lot of people. just because you get nervous sometimes or worry about something and can stop thinking that way doesnt mean people with chronic anxiety are choosing to have it and can do the same as you. anxiety and nerves arent the same thing. despite it being so common its not well explained in schools or media unless you deliberately search for it so i can see why youre uneducated. think before you speak, i have a problem with that too but at least i dont go out of my way to attack and invalidate an entire community.
@Elijah ASMR how tf- you are so RUDE. you don't get it, don't you? if it was an option why would people choose it? this is disrespectful to people who actually have it. imagine you had it? feeling very anxious around people. then someone just said to snap out of it. NOBODY can control anxiety or any other disorder. you are an embarrassment to everyone here.
I feel like you missed the part ware your heart is phisically pounding all the time, constant dread and can get REALLY jumpy at anything, I hate anxiety i wish it would go away forever
NoPain NoGain wish more people with anxiety had the mindset you do. Most people wanna just magically wish it away, and not actually battle it. So they let it control them and their life :(
NoPain NoGain I feel like 90+% of people in the world have dealt with serious anxiety and the biggest difference is not who has it and who doesn’t, but who decided to conquer it (however long that may take) and who just gave up and let it control them. I used to sweat, hyperventilate and my heart would feel like it was going to burst out of my chest pulling up to parties and so I just never even went. Would try to go and then would just end up turning around and walking home once my friend’s parked. Didn’t even go to ONE high school dance. But I was lucky enough to learn to be strategic and logical when approaching anxiety and for the most part I am done with it. Now I freaking love dancing and love parties.
Anxiety: look every one is thinking about you and judging you Me: No, No, no one is thinking about me Depression: ever. Me: n-no that’s not what I meant.. (Edit) OH MY GOSH THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE LIKES IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY !!!!!!!
This used to be my biggest fear in school, and it's why I chose to be homeschooled from 10th grade until I graduated. It was torture though, like a spotlight is being put on you and everyone in the room is judging you. I don't know what grade you're in, but hang in there!
Hana _a_b , yes same here I'm in 6th grade and my science teacher called on me and I got the answers wrong , and every one laughed !! it's the worst thing ever !!! I don't like haveing axiety , I hate whene I have them in the hall way
i can totally relate. well, i'm not diagnosed yet and i don't wanna assume or self-diagnose either (might meet our guidance counselor regarding that soon, as per my parent's advice - though i'm not really expecting to be diagnosed because they're not really a professional doctor... i think), but with all the signs, it can't all just be a speculation, could it?
I show a lot of symptoms of anxiety but my parents can't see that. Talking to new people makes me very scared and nervouse and panicy so as a result I am VERY quiet. I go to band practice every week and I have been moved up into a bigger band. It has been tough as I feel like everyone around me is judging my every move. When we practice together I just don't do anything and pretend to play the music because I'm scared of messing up. When I talk people rarely hear me so it sounds like I didn't answer at all and was rude. The band told my parents this and asked if I was okay. I have been banned from going to band practice.. "You don't talk to anyone!" "You come off as flat out rude." "You always looked so sad." My grandmother tries to make me speak louder and tells me off for being quiet... I wish they would understand. Edit: I started seeing a therapist.
Oh gosh, I relate to this comment too much. I'm 14 and have had anxiety since I was 6. It got worse over the years and my parents FINALLY took me to a therapist. I've been diagnosed with extreme anxiety and moderate to severe depression. My depression feeds off anxiety, and if you wait too long it may happen to you. Please tell your parents about it, because mine didn't have any concerns until i explained my newly embedded depression. It's probably too late now for me, but I've been taking medicine for a week and feel kind of good, less anxiety throughout the day. Anyways, I hope it gets better and I hope it works out for you!!!
S Y D N E Y It's not too late, I'm nineteen and have had anxiety for I don't know how long. But the only way to get rid of it is to face your fears, make mistakes cry then learn to laugh about it and try again. Otherwise it doesn't go away. I'm fighting it now and it's gradually shrinking. I've humiliated myself, but somehow I'm better now than before. I know it's not the end of the world.
Am suffering frm depression. I can half relate to ur comment because i don't relate to the anxiety part i can relate to being quiet and plus I'm an introvert. Everyone literally ignores me and says that I'm always sad i dont speak much and even my best frnd ignores me 'cause she thinks her other frnds are better than me or even the best and i never confront her about my problems cause she will never understand no one can understand what i am going thru...😢😢😢
Ikr, This is like the cancelling plans one, On Friday, my family and I were going to Missouri for the weekend, the day came, I was so worried, and anxious! Idk why it happened. 😔
With Social anxiety you think everyone is judging you which is called The Spotlight effect. Even though logically we know people are not looking at us but we cant stop the thoughts from racing and telling us that people are looking at us.
My entire life is dictated by how I can avoid this. The route I take to work. The social things I do. The clothes I wear. How I get the shopping etc. I want to start the gym again as I know it helps anxiety but the overwhelming thought of people staring and judging me is too much. The stupid thing is I know I'm not a big deal. I'm a drop in the ocean. I shouldn't give myself that much credit. But I cannot help feeling like everyone is looking at me. It's ridiculous.
Yeah. I know how you feel. Have you ever been though cognitive behavior therapy. This kind of therapy allows you change how you look at things. We have cognitive distortions when we suffer from extreme anxiety. It is extremely helpful to go into therapy.
I tried CBT and although it had some helpful tips it mostly was to boost my "self esteem". I don't think they understood that I needed help with crippling anxiety and not just the relationship I have with myself. My employer wasn't supportive in the slightest and when I would have to go to CBT appointments they made it very clear they weren't happy about it so I haven't gone again. I hear it can be helpful though.
I wonder how many of you readers of this comment don't want to write a comment because you're anxious of making bad impressions or sounding stupid or that no one's gonna care. I did, so I wanted to at least write this. gonna go calm down a bit now...
some people not only rehearse or think of what to say in phone calls, but sometimes even everyday conversations. Personally, I do it all the time. (side note (edited) to be honest, i didn't want to put up this comment because I was afraid people would judge me. But then some people agreed and replied, some also liked this comment, and Im very thankful for that, now I don't feel weird because i rehearse things everyday.)
I find it much better not to only rehearse before phone calls but to also write down important points and always have something to write so you can write down important stuff the other person says. That way you can't forget i.e. the time you made your appointment. And believe me, recalling to ask again is the worst.
I gather information on what was interesting in my day, rehearse when to say it then I think of what my friend's reactions would be, then I tell them what I rehearsed later on.
The comment section of this video is the most comfortable place i've ever found on the internet because everyone feels the same things that I do, when i always thought i was too weird for having social anxiety.
Just Random Things Same, I especially do the part where it talks about making sure the door is locked, and rehearsing phone calls. Although I know the door is locked I check about 3 times before going to bed and I always rehearse my phone calls so it doesn't get quite and awkward, but I really never call anyone because of my anxiety and sometimes purposely ignore calls.
Just Random Things Me too! 😩😩 and sometimes when they call, even if it's family and I want to talk, my heart is pounding so fast that I have to ignore the call to calm down
For me,I am extremely clingy and get panic attacks or nauseous when someone doesn't reply for a while,I start to believe something bad happened to them.I feel the need to rehearse simple orders or things like that because I think the slightest slip-up will cause humiliation.I am afraid of being forced into social situations,or places where there is an abundant amount of people,and feel the need to be out of the situation as fast as possible.I need to have a device with me to distract myself,because facing reality is too much for me.
Whenever I think I said something rude or did something wrong at school or a store, I end up thinking about how better it would've been if I hadn't done that. For like, a WHOLE WEEK, I still fantasize on what I should've done and the outcome it would have. (which would be better than my current outcome) It bothers me SO much because whenever I'm trying to work on something in school I remember that moment and it's hard to concentrate. I end up missing out on the lesson because I just want to get out of there and be alone to think of what I should've done. Sometimes I wonder if people remember what I did, so I get nervous thinking that they did remember. :l
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I relate to this so much, and it's awful Especially when you're physically talking to someone and you can't type out an read and re-read what you said before deleting half of it _just in case_ it's too weird or offensive to say Imma just leave that in despite how much I want to delete it
It's pretty much same for me. I'm thinking about stupid things I've done and said even after years. It's so much easier to type a message than to talk to a person. Or it would be easy to talk irl if I could practice the sentence for at least three times.
I always get terrified that people are reading my mind and laughing at me and invading my privacy, I sometimes run into the bathroom at school and cry because of this.
It's very unlikely anyone is reading your mind. First, people can't read minds. Second, why would they be reading your mind? They're probably thinking about their own problems. Try to identify the source of that thought. Ask why 5 times in a row. Ex: I think people are reading my mind. Why? I'm afraid they'll find out what I'm thinking. Why? I'm ashamed of some of my thoughs. Why? etc etc. BTW Everyone has bad or intrusive thoughts, all the time. You're not responsible for the things that pop up in your head. You're an observer. You choose what thoughts make sense to you. You have power! Don't forget. Also, always remember this: people have enough worries and better things to do than single you out constantly for no apparent reason. Try putting yourself in their position and think about them as having lots of problems and fears and worries and dreams and families, so much that supercedes reading someone's thoughts. Unless they have a crush on you lol.Hugs
@@genericnamethingy Another person downplaying the weight and lack of control behind anxiety. As someone who struggles with that same problem, and suffered through people launching comments like "wow...self-centered much", I need to stop you here. I would so much rather to say screw everyone and not have to think about them. However, my stupid brain has to contemplate the existence of all possibilities- no exaggeration- as such I will be seeing a person for the first time ever, then they chuckle. PANIC MODE INITIATED! My mind tells me all sorts of reasons for the chuckle and they rarely are pleasant. That was a mild example. All of this is to say, we wish we could control anxiety, but 90% of the time we feel helpless, and basically are. Empathize with us rather than tell us that people have better things to do than think about us....looking at it now, that may spiral into another worry: "no one cares enough to think about me". I hope I cleared up a few things. It is also not an attack but it felt personal when I read what you said. Have a good one.
My anxiety is a bunch of what ifs, to the point of me just bullying myself and confirming all the bad thoughts. Ill be at my happiest in my little dream land, then something in the back of my head says how something won’t happen, or something bad will happen, etc and everything will just tune into that and that’s all I can hear.
Yeah, I completely understand you :/ i am very realistic about situations and I constantly keep putting myself down, even though I know that I'm a lot better off than other people, but when I think about how much I have versus others, I think about how worthless I am for complaining about it.
Reapers Waifu I feel you, man. I have a stuttering problem, so, sometimes I tend to avoid certain situations where I have to talk to someone I don't know. And if in one of those situations I stutter to much I feel so embarrassed, I keep insulting myself and constantly looping that situation in my head.
Is it just me, or does anyone else suffering from this also get massive amounts of brain fog pretty much 100% of the time? I can go from supergenius to shockingly stupid. Like, sweet baby Jesus, I can become _incredibly_ stupid.
Except, I don't know if I have anxiety or not. I have everything that's listed in the video, but I don't know for sure. I am NOT self diagnosing if anyone thinks that. Just because I act the way the video describes it, doesn't mean I actually have anxiety. I've never been tested.
Sofia Pardel Yeah, I think the same way as you do. I haven't been diagnosed for it, but man I literally broke into a sweat when a 3rd grader asked me a simple division problem.
Squeaky Deeds Done Soap Clean I get so anxious at times that I can't form words correctly or hear words correctly. You can say something and I'll hear you speaking, but my mind is so fogged up, it can't process the sounds correctly into something that I'm able to understand. And I always speak way too fast when I'm getting too anxious and I make random sounds as I try to form words but suddenly can't remember how. As if a normal conversation couldn't get any worse. The other day, I had to ask the kid next to me what the sum of 13 and 5 was. I was so close to tears when I realized I had a calculator right there and that it was 1st grade math.
Me: trying to listen to instructions before the math test Anxiety: remember that thing you did in 3rd grade, what was it again? Me: No not right now I’m trying to listen! Anxiety: that’s it you said a word wrong!! It was horrible Teacher: Okay you can start your test now! **a few minutes later** Me: goes up to teacher to ask question Teacher: I JUST EXPLAINED THAT, IM NOT TELLING YOU! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN LISTENING!!!!!
It happened a lot my first year at college and I found that doodling and stuff helped centre my thoughts so I could listen. But it might not work for everyone.
Also I feel like I can’t be independent and I always ask others what I should do because I’m scared that if I try doing something on my own I’ll feel like they will think it’s bad and that I just wasted a bunch of time. This happens even when I’m playing video games
You ask others what videogames should you play or what should you do in certain parts of videogames? That is straight up worse than just having anxiety, having in consideration games are pure simulation, there are literally no mistakes you do in videogames that will have any impact in your real life
@pete knicks thing is, "normal" people feel nevous at an appropriate time. some people have way more major. like i had a panic attack when my mom tried to make me talk to the cashier
1. U disappear without notice. 2. U freak out. 3. U over check things. 4. U don't go to parties. 5. U let opportunities pass u by. 6. Certain dates give u anxiety. 7. U hold on ur phone back too much. 8. U don't make new friends. 9. U dread going to school/work. 10. U r clingy in ur relationships.
i’ve had social anxiety and paranoia for 7/8 years now and honestly this video was so true i couldn’t even catch my breath and almost had a panic attack
Cant take critiscm ! This is the one thing i struggle with the most because if my anxiety. When someone tries to tell me something like oh your hair has a tangle here or theres a stain on your shirt i start to feel like i look like an entire mess and somehow everyone is looking at me noticing it. Being alone in general, especially in public places if i am not with someone i know at all times i start to feel like people are judging me for being alone and it causes me to leave.
I try to avoid sneezing in public because my sneeze is actually pretty loud, and my parents and relatives always called me out for it, and I’d get really embarrassed Same with eating, my grandparents used to comment that I’m eating too much
I have anxiety and i overthink everything- and always think about the negative side. It bothers me the most when it comes to my friendships and stuff. I notice EVERYTHING. If my friend talked to me in a bit of a different tone then usual, or took a while to respond to my text, or was kinda dry in a conversation, or didn't text me in a day or two i just think that i annoy them, and that they don't want to talk to me, which leads to me thinking that we are growing apart and that maybe we are not going to be friends anymore. And that kills me, because i love my best friend and wouldn't want that to happen. That is just frustrating! I'm constantly overthinking about that stuff, even though i know these things don't necessarily mean something, it's just always on my mind.
This is me but whenever I'm talking to someone that I'm dating online. I get so hung up about how long they take to respond or if they don't send a long enough sentence back, I'll think they don't wanna carry the convo on so I just not reply. But then if I leave it I'm worried they'll think I'm not interested in them. But if I reply I feel like I sound stupid. These thoughts constantly race round my head, keep me awake at night and it's all over a guy which my friends think it's dumb that I care so much but I can't help it and I'm so frustrated rn
I totally get it. It is frustrating when your mind is always overloaded with thoughts about how long it took someone to reply, or stuff like that, which you know is "stupid" to be worried about, but you just can't help it. Most times, everything ends up being fine and then i just feel even more stupid for being so anxious about it.
I have the same problem, that‘s why I lost many friends. I‘m not reliable to people, because of always saying „Yeah let‘s do that“ like motivated as fuck and when the date comes „Oh naah I can‘t, I have this and that..“ It‘s really getting on my nerves because I know exactly how that looks for others.
I hate how people throw the word anxiety around (and OCD) like it's not a big deal. "oh my gosh, I'm SO nervous for the dance! I totally have anxiety!" it's not anxiety! It's just being nervous!! And "i just ALWAYS need everything to be Super arranged! Like.. my OCD, come on!"it's not OCD! There are different versions but it mainly messes with your brain and mAkes every day that much harder! I have both and others.
LilTheAwesome I understand that people throw around the word anxiety, and it makes sense, I am trying to tell my parents that I think I have anxiety but I am scared they won’t believe me and will think I’m just nervous or stressed sometimes
As someone who has Anxiety (my friends don’t know) I see my friends be like “ OMG THIS HAIR IN THIS PICTURE GIVES ME TOTAL ANXIETY!” I’m like dude that’s not anxiety
ItsRuby GD yeah I was wondering too. I’ve been trying to find a job for a few years and I think to myself all the time, has my anxiety limited my career growth? I haven’t seen the right career or job title worthy of me to apply for. I feel when I know or see one, I will apply for it.
Well, y'all a great people with exceptional talents one way or the other. God designed you this way intentionally, so you can bet it's for a good reason
I am 13 and I have depression and anxiety and none of my friends or family understand I am so happy to watch these videos and see the comments this is sort of moral support for me!
My hands shake before I go to work, I wake up with raised heart rate on school days, and I rehearse phone calls. I hate when ppl say "why text? just do phone calls it's not that hard" but it truly is for us :(
Omggg I'm so happy to know that I'm not the only one!!! I really hate phone calls, texting is so much easier for me, sometimes it's so bad that I won't even answer my phone, and then text them a few minutes later making up an excuse about why I didn't answer.. Even just texting, I always re-read my text and the text I'm replying to over and over again to make sure.. But it's way better than phone calls, I always get so nervous and apologizing a bunch of times for not talking as much but really it's because I don't know what to say because I'm too nervous to focus because I'm always worried that I'll say something wrong
Phone calls are the most terrifying thing for me, I've been thinking about getting help for nearly six months and I always chicken out on making a phone call to a councillor every day. I used to work as a plumber and everyday I was in the backseat of the truck going to a job I mIght as well been on the boat going to the beaches on D-Day (bit of an exaggeration but that's honestly the only way I can describe the fear I was feeling.) Fear of being yelled at by the boss, fear of screwing up, fear of not understanding what I'm supposed to be doing, fear of asking questions, you name it. I made so many mistakes and f*** up every single day. Everyone that worked with me disliked me cause I was so dumb.
People think that I laugh because I'm rude. The problem is I can't stop sometimes. It happens when I'm nervous; my palms are sweating and I look like a retarded psychopath
bartekzet2854 I used to be a nervous laugher too but people kept taking it the wrong way and something must have changed with me as I grew up and now I am just awkwardly silent alot of the time where I would've been laughing as a teenager.
It's sad that I can relate to every single one of these topics, It's hard to handle anxiety, most people make it seem like we're just playing hard to get or ignoring them or being too extra sensitive, when most of the times it's one of these topics you listed above. I might show this video to a few people I know! Thanks for this, especially throughout this crises the world is going through, anxiety has never been higher.
I'm really clingy with my friends, but I need my alone time constantly. It creates a weird relationship because I'm always with my friends (which is only one small group or less) and I'm desperately trying to be funny and get them to like me more, which I think that THEY think is annoying, so I stop for a bit, but WHAT IF my friends think I'm ignoring them or somethings wrong? Well, something is wrong, but I don't want them to know that! What do I do? Oh, I got it! I'll switch between extroverted and somewhat chill between class periods! But what if that's noticeable? They probably don't care about me anyways, right? No, I'm getting to my head, but it's not that unbelievable.. I see texts I get from my friends but I ignore them all the time because I want to be alone with my thoughts. But then it screws with my head again: do they think I'm ignoring them? They don't care about me, but if they didn't why would they call at all? Probably just calling out of petty, I bet.. HELLO, WELCOME TO MY EVERYDAY LIFE, Don't make yourself at home, you'll leave before you even step foot in the door!
You're not alone, you descrived me as well! And that's so horrible when youtry to reach out but you have this innner voice that consstantly whispers things like "no, don't do that, you're being clingy" or "Don't disturb them, they might be doing something right now, don't be oppressive" and gosh, that's so heavy.
I have anxiety and depression and most of these are true. A thing I relate the most with is having to rehearse something I'm going to say on the phone or even what I want to get at a fast food place. My anxiety eats me up and I end up messing up, stuttering, and forgetting what I was going to say in the first place. It sucks.
I have anxiety, depression, and severe suicidal thoughts. I also get you on the rehearsing thing, except my whole life, even when i was four, i would rehearse and rehearse over and over for something simple, like asking my parent of i can have a banana. I thought i was just an insecure freak, but apparently i have a mental disorder.. Soooo
I've always wanted to do that but if i send it to my mom she's not gonna believe it and she's gonna say that that its all fake and that i should not trust on the internet blah blah blah...
Number 7, this is the most relatable thing! I get so anxious about not doing anything and freak out. I always think about what I've got to do in the future or I get freaked out about what I might become anxious about. It's so much easier to just go on my phone and think about a game or something else on it than it is to just sit there and think about nothing! I once lost my phone for a day, and I just about had a panick-attack every hour or so without it.
I know my case is quite different but when I'm taking an examination and its so quite I always feel like everyone is watching me answer and it freaks me out so much that It makes me not think anymore and just put any answer that I thought of and just finish the test as quickly as possible.
when family/friends force you to do something you're uncomfortable with, make you step out of your comfort zone. it can be the smallest thing to them and for us who suffer from anxiety or even severe anxiety it's like the end of the world. And we end up having a massive panic attack. been there. not fun.
Me: *wakes up for school* Brain: get ready Me: for what? Brain: just get ready for it Me: what is it? Brain: I don't know yet but you need to hurry up. Me: why do I need to hurry Brain: just do it
Hi Emma, Here are some links to videos we've made about dealing with anxiety. We hope they help you!видео.htmlвидео.html
Number 5 really made me feel validated Last year I passed up the opportunity for a huge opportunity in school because I was afraid of failing. My parents got really mad at me, and all my friends got the thing and I didn't.
Anxiety and Depression are the little devils on my shoulders. Anxiety: everyone is thinking and talking about you Me: but what if I'm misshearing them? Anxiety: are you sure about that? Depression: yeah you're right. You are misshearing, nobody cares enough to talk about you Me: **shaking in the corner in fetal position**
this Is so true. for me, the worst ones are being clingy, holding on to my phone, and getting nervous when people dont respond right away. I use my phone to fidget with but also busy myself so that I dont start overthinking. cause when I start to think my anxiety REALLY kicks in
Nadia Johst that and coffee is my copying mechanism. Over thinking that every action my old friends make makes me think they hate me, it’s a vicious circle of thinking that in fact I feel quite alone and it makes me feel depressed, which just makes things get worse with the anxiety and low self esteem :(
Same everything is so true, the worst ones for me are going places you've been to millions of times (school), getting nervous when people don't respond straight away, being too clingy, use stuff to fidget with and presentations. It really sucks because I get anxiety attacks at random moments and it's really hard for me to cope with it. I also skip school a lot due to anxiety as it's too hard for me. But I stand up to it and go to school which helps but it's pretty hard to. Because once I was going to school and I walked out of my car walking towards my class. But instead I came running back to my car.
This is pretty accurate. Another one is freaking out over whether or not a teacher might call on you in class. What if he calls on me? I know the answer What if it's wrong? Everyone will laugh at me! No, I know the answer, I got this! *Teacher looks in your direction even though your hand isn't raised* I don't got this- *Teacher doesn't even call on you but now you're trying to hide in your book. No, you're not texting, you're trying to hide the fact your having a break down*
One of my teachers likes to call on people using sticks a lot and she asked the class one day "Why do you guys think some kids in this class are scared of being called on?" She ended up saying it was because we were unconfident and we should learn to be more outgoing. I got super pissed because, I for one, have anxiety and we can't just "learn" to not have it, you know?
Why did I say that? Why didn't I say that? Don't let the mask slip off No. Tears are weakness. Why do people hate me? My anxiety EDIT:Awww thx for making not be lonely!!
Seems to me you're depressed as well. At least, those are thoughts depressed people think. Maybe talk to someone, a professional? I did and it did help to sort out my fears and anxiety :)
Also, thinking someone is looking at you or everybody all at once is looking at you so you sweat and walk fast, you think something is messed up on you of wrong, you speak low, you repeat what you said earlier when doing a presentation, or talking in a conversation or whatever your doing...
Don't let the bad get to the worse of you. Do what you gotta do to do what YOU wanna do. Just think positive about things, there is so many things that can bring us down everyday and have a reason to feel upset but you just gotta Smile More sometimes :)
not going to parties bc of anxiety but then getting anxiety that noone is missing you and everyone at the party is slagging you off and you'll have no friends by the morning.
Amber Dunbar im not a fan of parties too. i find it hard to keep up with everyones energy and all they talk about incessantly and sometimes gets annoyed. again, maybe bcos its hard to keep up. i prefer going out with them, like with 2 to 5 people than a whole classroom in a party even if i know and somewhat close with them
Amber Dunbar and the stress of planning, what should you wear, makep up even though deciding what to wear, dress up and doing make up is good stress. even though i like it
I do some of these things, but not all. Didn't realize I was a perfectionist because of my anxiety though. Also, I'm clingy to almost anyone I deeply connect with. One of my friendships ended badly because of me. So, now it's hard for me to get close to anyone at all. I love social gatherings, and I'll go to them. But as soon as I'm there, I'll want to leave. Sometimes, I'll get physically ill because of my anxiety. Stomachache, headache, etc. Also, bursting out crying over a simple mistake I made. Or, having a panic attack because, well no reasons. Suddenly feeling that something is terribly wrong. If I complain about it, people say that everything is fine.
Kantasi Shore keep putting yourself through it and dont give up. Then one day it will get easier. in fact you will be a stronger person simply because it was harder for you.
My carelessness in my previous working experience makes my coworkers isolate me, and this is how my anxiety turns up. I multicheck a lot, anxiety in socialising, replying a message after straining and stressing out for an hour, and have very serious trust issues 😔
I have anxiety, and it sucks, but the main thing is that PEOPLE DON'T FREAKING UNDERSTAND! Sometimes I start breaking down in class, and people just say, "Ugh, she's such a crybaby." IT DOESN'T HELP.
This is spot on, in my case people have even told me that I have break downs just for attention. Like trust me, the last thing I want is attention, if anything, the fear of having attention drawn to me triggers my anxiety.
Skerv I've had two panic attacks in one class period because my teacher was going to randomly call people up to have a conversation in Spanish with eachother..the first one I asked my teacher to go get a drink of water and I went to the bathroom to calm myself and I tried to mentally prepare myself if she called me, but right when I stepped into class again I saw people getting called up and I started to overthink everything, my mind was racing that I couldn't think straight, I started to breathe rapidly again, my skin was warming up, and I was on the verge of tears. So, I got up without thought and asked to go to the restroom this time and I was about to burst out crying on the way there but as soon as I stepped into the restroom I ran into the stall and started to cry.. I hate school
When I am at school I break into tears when I forget an assignment, or feel like I messed up on a tryout for a group.... like u said people say such a crybaby or I am trying to get attention but it makes it worse.
Does anyone else with anxiety get nervous or anxious thinking that your anxiety isn't bad enough and it's not actually anxiety and you feel like ur just making it up even though you have been diagnosed with anxiety?? Just me?? K cool
Snowy Ginger i haven't been diagnosed too but i think that you just feel you have it, at least imo. I don't know how other people 'feel' anxiety but for me this feeling in your mind and stomach (obviously not just in that body part) is different than anything else and for me 'normal stress' is taking totally in different way than 'anxiety stress'
Kawaii Kitten i know i should, but I don't wanna get psychiatrist or something now. My mum is a doctor and she said I had anxiety tho. Recently I feel a bit better so I think I can handle with that (at least now)
I can't relate as much because I have depression and anxiety. Having both is quite annoying when in the situation of worrying. Since depression makes things seem like they don't matter, let's say you have a homework assignment, you'd feel like you may have gotten something wrong but you don't recheck it because you don't want to get up and everything seems like too much work. So instead you sit there worrying for the rest of the day or just push it to the back if your mind. It's really hard to have both because it's like really wanting to do something but never having the power to do it, it sucks tbh.
I get so jittery before every class I have. I am always panicking, like, "What if the teacher calls on me, what if I don't know the answer? What if I say the wrong answer!? Everyone will think I am stupid and they won't think of me as the innocent good kid anymore. And then I won't have any friends and then I won't have any online friends either. Then my life will be over. And I will have no purpose at all." And I try and tell myself that nobody cares. But I just can't accept that nobody cares. And my breathing is always really off and my heart is racing, especially with presentations.
I also revise EVERYTHING even comments that I make. Because I am scared that someone will correct me and think I am stupid. (I also am the gRaMmAr PoLiCe)
And, I will think of terrible things happening. Then it getting worse and worse and worse and worse. Until I eventually start bawling in my room because I think, "but what if it does happen i won't have any friends or anything."
I FEEL YOU!!! That happens to me every. Single. Day. And there's also the fact that I'm a little clumsy, so I have to plan every step of my day, specially when it's one of those days that you only go to school to take a test, then you can leave, these are the worst because I have to sit somewhere else than my own chair, and they are usually not the best seats, so when I'm done with the test, I have to stay at least five minutes more just to calculate how I'm gonna get out of the chair without dropping anything or making any unnecessary noise with the table, and that usually doesn't work because I still stumble on something and end up making some ANNOYING metallic noise that catches everybody's attention. Now that I just thought of all of this, I'm gonna feel even more anxious tomorrow at the classes and I'll just remember of all this and that's a loop... I hate myself now HAH
Sorry, I'm the master of not knowing how to express myself in only a few words, I always have to write a really big text, and here we go again :p sorreeeey
“#2 you freak out over the time it takes someone to respond to your text” Me:watching this video while waiting on the person I’m texting and thinking the worst rn
Me: _has an event at 6;00_ Me: _arrives at 5;59 knowing my Friends are always late and sees no one_ *Was It at 7;00? Was It somewhere else, Did I have the wrong adress? Perhaps they all hate me and decided to set this up to embarass me?* [Edit: Holy shit I have likes and comments thanks]
Do you guys do any of this? Did we miss anything?
Stop reading my mind!
My anxiety is intense, but I have horrid memory. So when I have to read out in class, I'm like okay cool, but then when I start hits....and I forget how to read & panic
Thank you for existing.
Psych2Go I do all of them
Psych2Go 90% in my case so it's really spot on
And when you actually do make friends, you're afraid that they don't actually like you and they're just trying to be nice.
That's my only worry. As a child I didn't have many friends becouse I was a little different. That made me to talk loudly and sometimes over others in need for attention. Now as I'm older I have managed to make a couple of friends but I still do those same things when I'm with them becouse I'm afraid if I don't make them pay attention to me they would just forget me. On the other hand I know now how annoying I must be to my friends and I wish I could stop it. Unfortunately I have realized it has grown really deep inside me and I'm afraid I will never be able to trust anyone to be a real friend to me.
Camille P I don't have anxiety but I feel this sometimes
Ya Anxiety hits me sometimes. I think I'm a lot better with it than I used to be, but I still have thoughts like that. I do hold myself back because I think I can't do it or afraid that if I try I'll just look like a fool. Around others that are friends of friend's when they are drinking can definitely bring it on and I need to go away for a while.
*"But what if I'm just being overdramatic?"*
That's the biggest question that always holds me back from getting help
Lix Sunshine I feel you.....
@@elite_piggyzillaxx174 same 😔
Same. I feel that too
OMG I feel you😭
Anxiety makes it so that you can’t ever really be comfortable unless you are busy
Never realized how true this is until you just said it
Eli The weirdo or are drinking, unfortunately for me that’s where my anxiety took me , it’s so bad but sometimes you just want a break and just for once feel normal and be able to be you and enjoy the moment
Kenty Iluminada see I’m only a teen and can’t drink so I can’t relate, but I’ve seen this happen to other older family members
Eli The weirdo don’t follow into their footsteps whatever you do don’t try alcohol because it’s very dangerous for us people with anxiety, we get too addicted and it makes anxiety worse in the long term
Kenty Iluminada thank you. Currently I have been seeing a consular about it so that I don’t fall into anything. Because of my consular I was able to get rid of my OCD and some other things. I have found that talking to someone helps you. Because of this I have been able to find myself
One time I said "I love you, Goodnight" to my friend cause I thought we were close enough and she didn't reply, I almost died
Same 🥺
I was called weird and told friends don't say that kind of weird stuff. I now have no friends. What is the point when love is never the goal?
@@CowToes that's mean! I'm calling close friends,bebi or something like that and they seem fine with it, I think because I did it often so they don't think it's weird anymore😕
Same..... but the thing is..... she looked a t me in a very weird way the next day it hurts
For me, I constantly go through "what if" thoughts. If I'm worried about something, I'll think of the worst possible things that could happen.
definitely something we should add to this list! Thanks for sharing!
Makes two of us or most likely a lot of us.
I never used to think I had anxiety and I know for a fact that I didn't have it, but it's sort of crept up on me over the past 3-4 year, becoming gradually worse and the whole 'what if' aspect plays a huge role in my day to day life.
I work as a sales associate as a sort of way to try and combat my anxiety of talking to people and it kind of helps, I guess.
But it's true that people really don't think it's a real problem and a lot seem to think it's just a phase, something that'll pass after a week or two like your average cold or well flu.
Kind of makes me wish people would get educated on anxiety since so many suffer from it.
They might even have it themself and not even realize it because they think it's not real.
A huge part of having anxiety for me is that I constantly try to convince myself that there's nothing wrong, simply to make myself feel just a little bit better and it helps for a little while till it dawns me yet again that I'm just lieing to myself.
It's a struggle and I don't really know how to fight it either, I've tried getting close to people too, women I find interessting and would like to know but I more often than not stop trying because I'm scared of failing or messing up.
It's rough, but I won't give up though, I can't afford too.
what if, what if we run away?
what if, what if we left today?
ok sorry i'll leave now
Tess Smith same...!
Same, I'll probably be having a normal conversation and end up not saying what I wanna say because I start overthinking everything
The problem I have is making up 1 million different scenarios of how a conversation will go on both parts.
Me with almost everything.
Yes! And going over previous conversations so much in your head because your just so sure you said something wrong that the next time you see that person you just avoid them entirely.
I do that daily
i can relate.
Who else overthink their overthinking?
i like your username bts
Me it’s the worst
I PRO AUS7IN I do this too much I hate myself for it sometimes it can be a good thing but most of the times it's a bad thing
When you’re in a relationship and you spend every second worrying about if they really love you, because they didn’t answer the text you sent an hour ago
Blue Haze okay true but couldnt help noticing that scary ass picture...?😂
yea he just ignored me for a month
mychemical romeownce oh jeez girl what
Love isn't real.
Math test: *checks 2+2 on the calculator to see if it's really 4*
Assila 97 uh Dude it’s TRUE
wtf literally me
Yes. It's both true n annoying at the same time.
I get really anxious whenever I want to write a comment because I'm afraid people are going to take it the wrong way and start saying negative things in the replies. (I had a long debate on whether or not to even write this comment).
I'm really sorry that happens. 😕
I feel the same tooooo
Omg same
you're not the only one ☻
I’m like this with messaging people, I’ll go to text something possibly funny or witty, and then realising that it’s “dumb” or it’s “not good enough” ad I end up just typing something like “ok” or “yea”
Y’know, just little one or two word things.
You automatically regret everything you say
You stay up until you can't stay awake anymore
You can't start conversations
You take years to get comfortable with the people you see for hours everyday
You imagine everything that could possibly go wrong and end up not having fun
When you decide to do something risky you take forever to actually do it and stand around making excuses until everyone is mad
You get frustrated all the time because you're afraid to share your opinion so nobody understands what you feel like
You aren't comfortable around your own family at gatherings
You look at the ground as you walk to avoid eye contact
You have a nervous habit that you do daily
You have to have everything a certain way or you can't sleep without worrying something will go wrong
You talk to a person you trust over and over asking questions like "is it safe" "are you sure" "have you done it" "how do you know" before taking action
You find every reason to believe your safe but it never out weighs the things that could happen wrong
It sucks
Everything sucks
Skylar Hough I relate to everything you just said omg
I love You so what the fuck do we do about it? im sick of living like this
So Relatable.
this is all me!!
plus i zone out while people are talking to me.i don't mean to, i just do it randomly and then my mind will tune back in and catch part of the conversation.
I don’t cancel plans, I just hope something comes up for everyone and they can’t make it
Yep me ( even though I haven’t been diagnosed with anxiety)
Sometimes I do cancel but always what you said!! 😬
I don't make one in the first place
Yup, same. I am to afraid they will notice and think I'm weird
Heres one: you avoid speaking up about things you disagree with no matter how small because you are worried that everyone will hate you or that you will create conflict. It stinks because I often get dragged into things I don't necessarily want to do or people think I agree with something that I actually don't.
omg this is all i avoid every day, confrontation is the worst
Katelyn Pettit true, I've been thinking like that ever since kindergarden
My mom keeps talking about LGBT like she knows all about it, and I want to tell her that she's wrong, but the only time that I did tell her, she kept trying to prove me wrong, and I didn't know the right words to say, and I ended up giving up.
Sorry for any grammatical incorrections.
Yes, I added the last sentence because I'm afraid that I said something wrongly and I'll be mocked for it.
+Hedgehog Fan14 It's okay. You're still a champ. (:
Katelyn Pettit I would be willing to help. What did she say?
When I explain this to people, the reaction is often like “Yeah everybody has those things, right? It’s human”. Like I should not make such a big deal out of it and that it’s normal. I don’t think people realize how bad it is and how much that fear detains you in daily life. How worrying and fearing so much physically makes you sick in your stomach.
Yeah my friend says it’s just worrying and everybody has it and it’s not so bad. I just get upset on how he could say that. It effects my life and many others each day.
@@ipodr4363 not sure if they're a friend then my friend has a friend who makes noises even tho she has something that i forget the name thàt makes her feel like she wants to kick them, she knows karate and is blackbelt level...
Horse stuff is like that too, everyone says that you just sit there...
Ok, you try squeezing your thighs, nees core, and butt while checking too see where you are going while maintaining your balance, making sure your toes are up, keeping your reins right, while perfectly timing everything, and while wearing long sleeves (and uncomefrable boots if ur english), while in top of 1,000+ pounds of pure muscle that could decide to kill you here and now, as well as do it within 2 seconds.
Sry coukdnt help but rant
@@whatTFisThis maybe it's Tourette syndrome?
One of my teachers has it
I get upset when people say that cause it's the same in my head...
I was overthinking so much to the point where I was questioning everything in life and how humans function. I was so stuck in my own head and caught in the constant loop that it scared me and I cried.
And now I’m starting to regret this comment. Maybe it’s too dark for a comment section? I’m going to leave before I rethink it again.
No, it's alright
Me too
it's ok, don't overthink. heck, I'm overthinking about this reply.
I overthink the way of life and humanity 24/7. I try to explain it to people and they just dismiss it as me being weird. Glad someone else knows what it's like! :)
ugh same!
Am I the only one to prepare to say ‘here’ in class?
Don’t breath to loud if you have earbuds in
Huh I do that too
I always fell like I'm not gonna be listening when the teacher says my name but when they say everybody else's name I'm listening
Bruh yes I get all weird trying so hard not to breathe loud when I have headphones on that I end up holding my breath 😣😂
NO YOU'RE NOT! Oh wow, I thought I was legit the other one. Especially with saying 'here' in class! I just started high school a couple weeks ago, and OH GOD!
With anxiety, you overthink a lot about even the smallest things, like maybe the way someone spoke to you that day. To you they may sound different than they usually do and it may make you feel like they'll get tired of you, which causes you to sometimes distance yourself from that person. You always think you're bothering someone or you're annoying, even when they constantly tell you that you aren't
Myaboo that last sentence is me 24/7. And like all of it. I just overthink everything
Orin World me too and I get even more anxiety about asking them about me bothering them because I don’t want to bother them
Myaboo m2
Myaboo this whole paragraph is me.
Myaboo thats so true but we cant help it and even if there is a way then its not going to really help in the long run
Me: can we sleep now
Anxiety: never
Depression: *forever*
Ye I cant sleep bcuz this :c
Me every night. Like now. Its 12 am. Help
In this situation i like depression way more....i freaking love sleeping
I felt called out while watching this entire video
Same fellow czenie
fr fr
Another big one for me is how much I fear ordering food. I’ll rehearse exactly what I’m going to say in my head, and if the waiter/waitress asks me a question about my order I’ll internally panic. I especially hate Subway, I avoid it like the plague.
Although in my home town there’s a Chinese restaurant where you write down your order on a slip of paper and your waiter/waitress will only check in occasionally. I _love_ that place.
Yes yes yes yes yes, I can not relate to this more omg
I can definitely relate😥
I always use the like big tv order things at mcdonalds to avoid ralking as much as possible, one of the reasons I prefer mcdonalds over most other fast food places 😞
Same with me, I even get anxious when walking up to anywhere to order, and to even ask for help. When I am at a store I will do ANYTHING to not ask someone to help, it makes me soooo anxious.
My life explained in 337 seconds
Those sponsor messages too ?
yes absolutely true
Now i'm the 337th like in your comment
*i'll leave now.*
My anxiety makes rethink over and over again how i should say "here" in class
My depression and anxiety had mixed up so much that to this point i just say it regardless if they hate me or not, i don't care anymore, i just don't feel as much, im simply too tired.
And then my voice cracks and I just wanna die
That’s why I only raise my hand uwu
I swear the next person who tells me that anxiety is easy to get rid of I’m gonna flip.
@Elijah ASMR it's not that simple its like how hard you try to feel happy it just hits you when you don't expect like I panic too much at tests even if ı know ım going to get a good note its not that simple don't make it worse you don't help right now so just stop (sorry if ı wrote something wrong)
@Elijah ASMR its funny how people like you still exist in society
@Elijah ASMR why would people with anxiety choose to have anxiety? its not like they want it
@Elijah ASMR wdym "bruh"? what youre saying is harmful to a lot of people. just because you get nervous sometimes or worry about something and can stop thinking that way doesnt mean people with chronic anxiety are choosing to have it and can do the same as you. anxiety and nerves arent the same thing. despite it being so common its not well explained in schools or media unless you deliberately search for it so i can see why youre uneducated. think before you speak, i have a problem with that too but at least i dont go out of my way to attack and invalidate an entire community.
@Elijah ASMR how tf- you are so RUDE. you don't get it, don't you? if it was an option why would people choose it? this is disrespectful to people who actually have it. imagine you had it? feeling very anxious around people. then someone just said to snap out of it. NOBODY can control anxiety or any other disorder. you are an embarrassment to everyone here.
I feel like you missed the part ware your heart is phisically pounding all the time, constant dread and can get REALLY jumpy at anything, I hate anxiety i wish it would go away forever
I've heard if your heart's pounding alot, it'll be alot weaker when you get older. Maybe you should try to prevent it next time it happens.
NoPain NoGain I know the more conscious you are of it, the worse it gets. I was just being a deuche.
NoPain NoGain wish more people with anxiety had the mindset you do. Most people wanna just magically wish it away, and not actually battle it. So they let it control them and their life :(
NoPain NoGain I feel like 90+% of people in the world have dealt with serious anxiety and the biggest difference is not who has it and who doesn’t, but who decided to conquer it (however long that may take) and who just gave up and let it control them. I used to sweat, hyperventilate and my heart would feel like it was going to burst out of my chest pulling up to parties and so I just never even went. Would try to go and then would just end up turning around and walking home once my friend’s parked. Didn’t even go to ONE high school dance. But I was lucky enough to learn to be strategic and logical when approaching anxiety and for the most part I am done with it. Now I freaking love dancing and love parties.
Anxiety: look every one is thinking about you and judging you
Me: No, No, no one is thinking about me
Depression: ever.
Me: n-no that’s not what I meant..
Brenna McKenzie so true😭
Why am I laughing? That's right I have depression too.
Brenna McKenzie honestly this spoke to me fam
me too😭😭
Thats me when i go outside
I wish teachers understood that picking on me to answer a question is the scariest thing ever
This used to be my biggest fear in school, and it's why I chose to be homeschooled from 10th grade until I graduated. It was torture though, like a spotlight is being put on you and everyone in the room is judging you.
I don't know what grade you're in, but hang in there!
Hana _a_b , yes same here I'm in 6th grade and my science teacher called on me and I got the answers wrong , and every one laughed !! it's the worst thing ever !!! I don't like haveing axiety , I hate whene I have them in the hall way
Hana _a_b exactly unless I raise my hand, don't call on me
Hana _a_b my teacher says she understands but she's still a bitch to me
yeah, i hate them for it.
i doubt mine notice, despite the fact it's obvious with my voice getting super quiet and shaky.
***you already know that you have anxiety but your gut tells you, ”check again.”***
This is too relatable
After i finish cookin i double then triple check if its off
i can totally relate. well, i'm not diagnosed yet and i don't wanna assume or self-diagnose either (might meet our guidance counselor regarding that soon, as per my parent's advice - though i'm not really expecting to be diagnosed because they're not really a professional doctor... i think), but with all the signs, it can't all just be a speculation, could it?
Meee I’m rlly scared to ask my mum for me to get “help”
It makes me happy when i see comments and realize that im not only one :)
same here
You’re not alone
Me too
same my friend; don't worry :)
I show a lot of symptoms of anxiety but my parents can't see that. Talking to new people makes me very scared and nervouse and panicy so as a result I am VERY quiet. I go to band practice every week and I have been moved up into a bigger band. It has been tough as I feel like everyone around me is judging my every move. When we practice together I just don't do anything and pretend to play the music because I'm scared of messing up. When I talk people rarely hear me so it sounds like I didn't answer at all and was rude. The band told my parents this and asked if I was okay. I have been banned from going to band practice.. "You don't talk to anyone!" "You come off as flat out rude." "You always looked so sad."
My grandmother tries to make me speak louder and tells me off for being quiet...
I wish they would understand.
I started seeing a therapist.
Oh gosh, I relate to this comment too much. I'm 14 and have had anxiety since I was 6. It got worse over the years and my parents FINALLY took me to a therapist. I've been diagnosed with extreme anxiety and moderate to severe depression. My depression feeds off anxiety, and if you wait too long it may happen to you. Please tell your parents about it, because mine didn't have any concerns until i explained my newly embedded depression. It's probably too late now for me, but I've been taking medicine for a week and feel kind of good, less anxiety throughout the day. Anyways, I hope it gets better and I hope it works out for you!!!
It's not too late, I'm nineteen and have had anxiety for I don't know how long. But the only way to get rid of it is to face your fears, make mistakes cry then learn to laugh about it and try again. Otherwise it doesn't go away. I'm fighting it now and it's gradually shrinking. I've humiliated myself, but somehow I'm better now than before. I know it's not the end of the world.
S Y D N E Y you got this! Slowly and gradually...
Am suffering frm depression. I can half relate to ur comment because i don't relate to the anxiety part i can relate to being quiet and plus I'm an introvert. Everyone literally ignores me and says that I'm always sad i dont speak much and even my best frnd ignores me 'cause she thinks her other frnds are better than me or even the best and i never confront her about my problems cause she will never understand no one can understand what i am going thru...😢😢😢
I understand... you're not alone.
Me: **sees millions of hints pointing at me having severe anxiety**
Me: ppfff-ff-ft I’m fInE
Welcome this is exactly how I felt
“I’m just overreacting”
Me: "Can I be alone??"
My mom: "Stop feeling sorry for yourself."
This comment omg. Everything in this video is so true, but this comment hit so hard
Dang 😢
When I say something negative abt myself in front of my family wanting to know what they think abt me
And they agree with ur negativity 😢😔
@@soberslap6183 same😕
Same. my family is terrible with this and I can't talk to them about anything. It's been years since the last time I tried 😓
@@arielhall8758 i relate to that 110%
Me: today is going to be great
My anxiety: ohh honey you better get back in bed
message me on ig! @itslewisjones
Faith Kuehl
Ikr, This is like the cancelling plans one, On Friday, my family and I were going to Missouri for the weekend, the day came, I was so worried, and anxious! Idk why it happened. 😔
Faith Kuehl same
With Social anxiety you think everyone is judging you which is called The Spotlight effect. Even though logically we know people are not looking at us but we cant stop the thoughts from racing and telling us that people are looking at us.
EYE OF THE WATCH basically me
My entire life is dictated by how I can avoid this. The route I take to work. The social things I do. The clothes I wear. How I get the shopping etc. I want to start the gym again as I know it helps anxiety but the overwhelming thought of people staring and judging me is too much.
The stupid thing is I know I'm not a big deal. I'm a drop in the ocean. I shouldn't give myself that much credit. But I cannot help feeling like everyone is looking at me. It's ridiculous.
Yeah. I know how you feel. Have you ever been though cognitive behavior therapy. This kind of therapy allows you change how you look at things. We have cognitive distortions when we suffer from extreme anxiety. It is extremely helpful to go into therapy.
I have social anxiety :(
I tried CBT and although it had some helpful tips it mostly was to boost my "self esteem". I don't think they understood that I needed help with crippling anxiety and not just the relationship I have with myself. My employer wasn't supportive in the slightest and when I would have to go to CBT appointments they made it very clear they weren't happy about it so I haven't gone again. I hear it can be helpful though.
Sometimes I overthink so much. I make my thoughts become problems. And I hate it. I think that’s my problem, overthinking..
Me too
I overthink my overthinking and then overthink that
This comment section makes me feel less lonely on this planet. Thanks for sharing your stories, guys! Thank god I'm not the only one
Your not the only one! I live in fear of life!
I can’t help it! Things scares me
Best of luck to you
12. You rehearse phone calls
Who said i do phone calls??
Who said i GET phone calls?
Right, I can’t bring myself to make phone calls or knock/ answer doors
Love your profile picture. (Isn't that from "A Silent Voice"
I never call anybody. I just text.
Sangwoo what are you doing here???
I wonder how many of you readers of this comment don't want to write a comment because you're anxious of making bad impressions or sounding stupid or that no one's gonna care. I did, so I wanted to at least write this.
gonna go calm down a bit now...
when i make comments i usually delete them right after in fear someone is gonna think im stupid or make fun of me
TalTheBest It seems like you're reading my mind. I'm glad you could :)
You read my mind ( my anxiety caused me to rewrite this 10 times to avoid sounding stupid)
TalTheBest I do this so much it actually sucks. I'm not sure if I wanna post this but I guess so??
TalTheBest I do that all the time wow
some people not only rehearse or think of what to say in phone calls, but sometimes even everyday conversations. Personally, I do it all the time. (side note (edited) to be honest, i didn't want to put up this comment because I was afraid people would judge me. But then some people agreed and replied, some also liked this comment, and Im very thankful for that, now I don't feel weird because i rehearse things everyday.)
Leafia Maya I rehearse in my head what to say when I leave
I do that all the time
I find it much better not to only rehearse before phone calls but to also write down important points and always have something to write so you can write down important stuff the other person says. That way you can't forget i.e. the time you made your appointment. And believe me, recalling to ask again is the worst.
I gather information on what was interesting in my day, rehearse when to say it then I think of what my friend's reactions would be, then I tell them what I rehearsed later on.
Leafia Maya oh my gosh, I do this.
The comment section of this video is the most comfortable place i've ever found on the internet because everyone feels the same things that I do, when i always thought i was too weird for having social anxiety.
this video gave me anxiety
because it was so true
Jessica Damn fam
Here too...
Oh my gosh, you're everywhere 😂
Jessica its no fucking joke.
Jessica lmao i see your comment almost everywhere
Oh thank god I'm not the only one who does this stuff.
Just Random Things Same. I thought I was alone for awhile.
Just Random Things Same, I especially do the part where it talks about making sure the door is locked, and rehearsing phone calls. Although I know the door is locked I check about 3 times before going to bed and I always rehearse my phone calls so it doesn't get quite and awkward, but I really never call anyone because of my anxiety and sometimes purposely ignore calls.
Yoite Miharu yesssssssss
Just Random Things Me too! 😩😩 and sometimes when they call, even if it's family and I want to talk, my heart is pounding so fast that I have to ignore the call to calm down
For me,I am extremely clingy and get panic attacks or nauseous when someone doesn't reply for a while,I start to believe something bad happened to them.I feel the need to rehearse simple orders or things like that because I think the slightest slip-up will cause humiliation.I am afraid of being forced into social situations,or places where there is an abundant amount of people,and feel the need to be out of the situation as fast as possible.I need to have a device with me to distract myself,because facing reality is too much for me.
Whenever I think I said something rude or did something wrong at school or a store, I end up thinking about how better it would've been if I hadn't done that. For like, a WHOLE WEEK, I still fantasize on what I should've done and the outcome it would have. (which would be better than my current outcome) It bothers me SO much because whenever I'm trying to work on something in school I remember that moment and it's hard to concentrate. I end up missing out on the lesson because I just want to get out of there and be alone to think of what I should've done. Sometimes I wonder if people remember what I did, so I get nervous thinking that they did remember. :l
I relate to this so much, and it's awful
Especially when you're physically talking to someone and you can't type out an read and re-read what you said before deleting half of it _just in case_ it's too weird or offensive to say
Imma just leave that in despite how much I want to delete it
It's pretty much same for me. I'm thinking about stupid things I've done and said even after years. It's so much easier to type a message than to talk to a person. Or it would be easy to talk irl if I could practice the sentence for at least three times.
That's basically me everyday
I still think about situations that happend like 3 years ago..
I always get terrified that people are reading my mind and laughing at me and invading my privacy, I sometimes run into the bathroom at school and cry because of this.
I thought i was the only one that thought people could read my mind
Hey dont worry. They are not thinking of you. You do not know who or what they're thinking about. Theres a rare chance that they are. You are fine 💖
It's very unlikely anyone is reading your mind. First, people can't read minds. Second, why would they be reading your mind? They're probably thinking about their own problems.
Try to identify the source of that thought.
Ask why 5 times in a row.
Ex: I think people are reading my mind. Why?
I'm afraid they'll find out what I'm thinking. Why?
I'm ashamed of some of my thoughs. Why?
etc etc. BTW Everyone has bad or intrusive thoughts, all the time. You're not responsible for the things that pop up in your head. You're an observer. You choose what thoughts make sense to you. You have power! Don't forget.
Also, always remember this: people have enough worries and better things to do than single you out constantly for no apparent reason. Try putting yourself in their position and think about them as having lots of problems and fears and worries and dreams and families, so much that supercedes reading someone's thoughts. Unless they have a crush on you lol.Hugs
@@genericnamethingy Another person downplaying the weight and lack of control behind anxiety. As someone who struggles with that same problem, and suffered through people launching comments like "wow...self-centered much", I need to stop you here. I would so much rather to say screw everyone and not have to think about them. However, my stupid brain has to contemplate the existence of all possibilities- no exaggeration- as such I will be seeing a person for the first time ever, then they chuckle. PANIC MODE INITIATED! My mind tells me all sorts of reasons for the chuckle and they rarely are pleasant. That was a mild example. All of this is to say, we wish we could control anxiety, but 90% of the time we feel helpless, and basically are. Empathize with us rather than tell us that people have better things to do than think about us....looking at it now, that may spiral into another worry: "no one cares enough to think about me". I hope I cleared up a few things. It is also not an attack but it felt personal when I read what you said. Have a good one.
As a thinker this is the most terrifing thing to imagine. The problem is, I have that kind of friend who has "indigo" ability or smth.
My anxiety is a bunch of what ifs, to the point of me just bullying myself and confirming all the bad thoughts. Ill be at my happiest in my little dream land, then something in the back of my head says how something won’t happen, or something bad will happen, etc and everything will just tune into that and that’s all I can hear.
Yeah, I completely understand you :/ i am very realistic about situations and I constantly keep putting myself down, even though I know that I'm a lot better off than other people, but when I think about how much I have versus others, I think about how worthless I am for complaining about it.
Reapers Waifu I feel you, man. I have a stuttering problem, so, sometimes I tend to avoid certain situations where I have to talk to someone I don't know. And if in one of those situations I stutter to much I feel so embarrassed, I keep insulting myself and constantly looping that situation in my head.
Reapers Waifu sane thing with me I think of everything that could possibly happen to me
Is it just me, or does anyone else suffering from this also get massive amounts of brain fog pretty much 100% of the time? I can go from supergenius to shockingly stupid. Like, sweet baby Jesus, I can become _incredibly_ stupid.
Yes ! I can go from surprisingly intelligent to so, *so* stupid. It's definitely a part of my anxiety.
Squeaky Deeds Done Soap Clean Same!
Except, I don't know if I have anxiety or not. I have everything that's listed in the video, but I don't know for sure. I am NOT self diagnosing if anyone thinks that. Just because I act the way the video describes it, doesn't mean I actually have anxiety. I've never been tested.
Sofia Pardel
Yeah, I think the same way as you do. I haven't been diagnosed for it, but man I literally broke into a sweat when a 3rd grader asked me a simple division problem.
Squeaky Deeds Done Soap Clean I get so anxious at times that I can't form words correctly or hear words correctly. You can say something and I'll hear you speaking, but my mind is so fogged up, it can't process the sounds correctly into something that I'm able to understand. And I always speak way too fast when I'm getting too anxious and I make random sounds as I try to form words but suddenly can't remember how. As if a normal conversation couldn't get any worse. The other day, I had to ask the kid next to me what the sum of 13 and 5 was. I was so close to tears when I realized I had a calculator right there and that it was 1st grade math.
Me: trying to listen to instructions before the math test
Anxiety: remember that thing you did in 3rd grade, what was it again?
Me: No not right now I’m trying to listen!
Anxiety: that’s it you said a word wrong!! It was horrible
Teacher: Okay you can start your test now!
**a few minutes later**
Me: goes up to teacher to ask question
The Clumsy Athlete oooff that i felt in my bones
It happened a lot my first year at college and I found that doodling and stuff helped centre my thoughts so I could listen. But it might not work for everyone.
it works for me as well.
Or I can’t even ask the question because they just explained it
too damn true
Also I feel like I can’t be independent and I always ask others what I should do because I’m scared that if I try doing something on my own I’ll feel like they will think it’s bad and that I just wasted a bunch of time. This happens even when I’m playing video games
I know im scared of making a mistake because its like what if someone is judge me i worry about the way i walk
this is way to relatable. ...
I wanna ask people for opinions but I don't have 🙂
You ask others what videogames should you play or what should you do in certain parts of videogames? That is straight up worse than just having anxiety, having in consideration games are pure simulation, there are literally no mistakes you do in videogames that will have any impact in your real life
My anxiety ruined a good 90% percent of my life
Same, I mainly just sleep and I don't even go to see my father anymore because of it
Same, Awsome, WOW
Sadly I strongly agree
I have all of them..that's why all my friends left me alone
A P Same! 😢😢😢😭
@pete knicks thing is, "normal" people feel nevous at an appropriate time. some people have way more major. like i had a panic attack when my mom tried to make me talk to the cashier
same sis:( wanna b friends
Yeah :`(
Anxiety is a b****
1. U disappear without notice.
2. U freak out.
3. U over check things.
4. U don't go to parties.
5. U let opportunities pass u by.
6. Certain dates give u anxiety.
7. U hold on ur phone back too much.
8. U don't make new friends.
9. U dread going to school/work.
10. U r clingy in ur relationships.
Thank you I was looking for this
11. U cancel plans
12. U rehearse phone calls
1e. U ask to be alone temporarily
Poor U, I hope he's doing well
@@corvidaesapiens U is doing it waterfall
I think this was pretty accurate coming from someone with anxiety
the majority of people watching have anxiety
don't feel like the only snowflake
character dreemurr when did she said, that she's special? Calm down, jeez
Rebecca DeVore ~
I do all of these, except number 4, but I don't have anxiety.
character dreemurr When did she ever say that? She just said it was accurate... and it is, coming from me, who has anxiety as well.
Rebecca DeVore yeah..I have an anxiety disorder and it fucking sucks and I relate to all of these way too much.😩
i’ve had social anxiety and paranoia for 7/8 years now and honestly this video was so true i couldn’t even catch my breath and almost had a panic attack
Do you still have paranoia and anxiety?
Maurice Spence I feel you ❤❤
Maurice Spence i do, but i’ve learned to cope better now so its not as bad
I can relate to that I wanna say 8 yrs for me. I don’t know I always have a fear for everything
Me too i can't trust people i haven't even met or talked too.
Cant take critiscm ! This is the one thing i struggle with the most because if my anxiety. When someone tries to tell me something like oh your hair has a tangle here or theres a stain on your shirt i start to feel like i look like an entire mess and somehow everyone is looking at me noticing it. Being alone in general, especially in public places if i am not with someone i know at all times i start to feel like people are judging me for being alone and it causes me to leave.
Leila Quintana
Someone told me I didn't do as well as I usually do in my acting class and I started crying
K i l l m e
Random Guy Yes, because that was definitely a helpful and constructive comment.... Moron.
Here's another one:
You tend to cough/sneeze softly in public to avoid drawing attention to yourself
ohhh godd it's so true🤧
@@emmaelesgerova2058 yep, happens to me all the time
I try to avoid sneezing in public because my sneeze is actually pretty loud, and my parents and relatives always called me out for it, and I’d get really embarrassed
Same with eating, my grandparents used to comment that I’m eating too much
I do that cuz i feel people think that im sneezing too loud lmao
Yesss, omg
I have anxiety and i overthink everything- and always think about the negative side.
It bothers me the most when it comes to my friendships and stuff. I notice EVERYTHING. If my friend talked to me in a bit of a different tone then usual, or took a while to respond to my text, or was kinda dry in a conversation, or didn't text me in a day or two i just think that i annoy them, and that they don't want to talk to me, which leads to me thinking that we are growing apart and that maybe we are not going to be friends anymore. And that kills me, because i love my best friend and wouldn't want that to happen. That is just frustrating! I'm constantly overthinking about that stuff, even though i know these things don't necessarily mean something, it's just always on my mind.
mt this happens to me right now
Me too, a little bit. It sucks..
But we're in this together :)
This is me but whenever I'm talking to someone that I'm dating online. I get so hung up about how long they take to respond or if they don't send a long enough sentence back, I'll think they don't wanna carry the convo on so I just not reply. But then if I leave it I'm worried they'll think I'm not interested in them. But if I reply I feel like I sound stupid. These thoughts constantly race round my head, keep me awake at night and it's all over a guy which my friends think it's dumb that I care so much but I can't help it and I'm so frustrated rn
I totally get it. It is frustrating when your mind is always overloaded with thoughts about how long it took someone to reply, or stuff like that, which you know is "stupid" to be worried about, but you just can't help it.
Most times, everything ends up being fine and then i just feel even more stupid for being so anxious about it.
I have the same problem, that‘s why I lost many friends. I‘m not reliable to people, because of always saying „Yeah let‘s do that“ like motivated as fuck and when the date comes „Oh naah I can‘t, I have this and that..“
It‘s really getting on my nerves because I know exactly how that looks for others.
I hate how people throw the word anxiety around (and OCD) like it's not a big deal. "oh my gosh, I'm SO nervous for the dance! I totally have anxiety!" it's not anxiety! It's just being nervous!! And "i just ALWAYS need everything to be Super arranged! Like.. my OCD, come on!"it's not OCD! There are different versions but it mainly messes with your brain and mAkes every day that much harder! I have both and others.
I am antisocial and anxious, but I understand your point. (I also have OCD and ADHD)
LilTheAwesome I understand that people throw around the word anxiety, and it makes sense, I am trying to tell my parents that I think I have anxiety but I am scared they won’t believe me and will think I’m just nervous or stressed sometimes
As someone who has Anxiety (my friends don’t know) I see my friends be like “ OMG THIS HAIR IN THIS PICTURE GIVES ME TOTAL ANXIETY!” I’m like dude that’s not anxiety
And depression
"Ugh I'm so sad that he didn't text me back I'm depressed"
When sat next to someone in class you worry if you’re breathing too heavily.... is that just me?
Quantum Graphics now that i see this i will keep it in mind every time im with someone :(
@frisk For me, I can cough twice or so but then I worry if I keep on coughing that it'll annoy people....
My breathing is naturally slight uneven so I'm always scared someone next to me will be like "what's that sound?"
Nah especially during big state exams lol I was too scared to blow my nose in class 😅
same even making sound in public
I literally cried that you guys understand this but not my family and friends
I love that little animated guy! He is adorable!
i just realized that he had almos tevery mental illness
Ikr, he's so cute
What if he's a she?
*he or she?*
“You let opportunities pass”
lol what opportunities
ItsRuby GD yeah I was wondering too. I’ve been trying to find a job for a few years and I think to myself all the time, has my anxiety limited my career growth? I haven’t seen the right career or job title worthy of me to apply for. I feel when I know or see one, I will apply for it.
Anxiety has destroyed my mind and my confidence.
karlee weeg so sorry to hear😯
karlee weeg me too.
:( Well I hope you can regenerate them! I am similarly afflicted...but working on it constantly.
And my self esteem
Well, y'all a great people with exceptional talents one way or the other. God designed you this way intentionally, so you can bet it's for a good reason
I am 13 and I have depression and anxiety and none of my friends or family understand I am so happy to watch these videos and see the comments this is sort of moral support for me!
Dont stress u have us
I rehearse just about every conversation I have....and then I think about all of the possible responses....
Hello Choi Minho i thought i was the only one do i have anxiety
I saw “anxiety” and “clingy” and I was hooked
My hands shake before I go to work, I wake up with raised heart rate on school days, and I rehearse phone calls. I hate when ppl say "why text? just do phone calls it's not that hard" but it truly is for us :(
Omggg I'm so happy to know that I'm not the only one!!! I really hate phone calls, texting is so much easier for me, sometimes it's so bad that I won't even answer my phone, and then text them a few minutes later making up an excuse about why I didn't answer.. Even just texting, I always re-read my text and the text I'm replying to over and over again to make sure.. But it's way better than phone calls, I always get so nervous and apologizing a bunch of times for not talking as much but really it's because I don't know what to say because I'm too nervous to focus because I'm always worried that I'll say something wrong
Phone calls are the most terrifying thing for me, I've been thinking about getting help for nearly six months and I always chicken out on making a phone call to a councillor every day. I used to work as a plumber and everyday I was in the backseat of the truck going to a job I mIght as well been on the boat going to the beaches on D-Day (bit of an exaggeration but that's honestly the only way I can describe the fear I was feeling.) Fear of being yelled at by the boss, fear of screwing up, fear of not understanding what I'm supposed to be doing, fear of asking questions, you name it. I made so many mistakes and f*** up every single day. Everyone that worked with me disliked me cause I was so dumb.
i grew up being told “you’re so quiet” as well as meeting new people that never realized i went to the same school with them for four years
3 words ....... anxiety is hell
3-Face Official Channel true
Very true said... literally anxiety and depression both are hell
I talk too much and laugh uncontrollably when I'm nervous
People think that I laugh because I'm rude. The problem is I can't stop sometimes. It happens when I'm nervous; my palms are sweating and I look like a retarded psychopath
ham damage same, I also mess with my hands a lot
bartekzet2854 I used to be a nervous laugher too but people kept taking it the wrong way and something must have changed with me as I grew up and now I am just awkwardly silent alot of the time where I would've been laughing as a teenager.
ham damage
You are not alone!!! oAo
ham damage same
It's sad that I can relate to every single one of these topics, It's hard to handle anxiety, most people make it seem like we're just playing hard to get or ignoring them or being too extra sensitive, when most of the times it's one of these topics you listed above. I might show this video to a few people I know! Thanks for this, especially throughout this crises the world is going through, anxiety has never been higher.
I'm really clingy with my friends, but I need my alone time constantly. It creates a weird relationship because I'm always with my friends (which is only one small group or less) and I'm desperately trying to be funny and get them to like me more, which I think that THEY think is annoying, so I stop for a bit, but WHAT IF my friends think I'm ignoring them or somethings wrong? Well, something is wrong, but I don't want them to know that! What do I do? Oh, I got it! I'll switch between extroverted and somewhat chill between class periods! But what if that's noticeable?
They probably don't care about me anyways, right? No, I'm getting to my head, but it's not that unbelievable..
I see texts I get from my friends but I ignore them all the time because I want to be alone with my thoughts. But then it screws with my head again: do they think I'm ignoring them? They don't care about me, but if they didn't why would they call at all? Probably just calling out of petty, I bet..
HELLO, WELCOME TO MY EVERYDAY LIFE, Don't make yourself at home, you'll leave before you even step foot in the door!
You're not alone, you descrived me as well! And that's so horrible when youtry to reach out but you have this innner voice that consstantly whispers things like "no, don't do that, you're being clingy" or "Don't disturb them, they might be doing something right now, don't be oppressive" and gosh, that's so heavy.
This is definitely me everyday afterschool.😥😥
I feel like I'm looking into my mind
Aubry Yanes im already in the door, sat on the couch with the TV on
_reads this comment_
Huh... wait a minute.
_checks myself_
Yup, accurate for me.
I have anxiety and depression and most of these are true. A thing I relate the most with is having to rehearse something I'm going to say on the phone or even what I want to get at a fast food place. My anxiety eats me up and I end up messing up, stuttering, and forgetting what I was going to say in the first place. It sucks.
I have anxiety, depression, and severe suicidal thoughts. I also get you on the rehearsing thing, except my whole life, even when i was four, i would rehearse and rehearse over and over for something simple, like asking my parent of i can have a banana. I thought i was just an insecure freak, but apparently i have a mental disorder.. Soooo
*casually sends to mom*
Kiwi Borb if this only had Spanish subtitles...
I've always wanted to do that but if i send it to my mom she's not gonna believe it and she's gonna say that that its all fake and that i should not trust on the internet blah blah blah...
@@grecialopez5576 It has!! Pon los subtitulos, yo lo estoy viendo subtitulado
@@sheesh1483 most realistic thing ever
Exactly what i was planning to do😁 scared
This is really accurate. I have generalised anxiety disorder and this fits in on me so well! Thank you for you making this video!
Number 7, this is the most relatable thing! I get so anxious about not doing anything and freak out. I always think about what I've got to do in the future or I get freaked out about what I might become anxious about. It's so much easier to just go on my phone and think about a game or something else on it than it is to just sit there and think about nothing!
I once lost my phone for a day, and I just about had a panick-attack every hour or so without it.
My parents don't realize that i need my phone. With out it, I get super stressed and freak out!
I know that feeling! Even when my phone is dead I pretend to look like I'm doing something on it just to try to look productive
I know my case is quite different but when I'm taking an examination and its so quite I always feel like everyone is watching me answer and it freaks me out so much that It makes me not think anymore and just put any answer that I thought of and just finish the test as quickly as possible.
when family/friends force you to do something you're uncomfortable with, make you step out of your comfort zone. it can be the smallest thing to them and for us who suffer from anxiety or even severe anxiety it's like the end of the world. And we end up having a massive panic attack. been there. not fun.
Me: *wakes up for school*
Brain: get ready
Me: for what?
Brain: just get ready for it
Me: what is it?
Brain: I don't know yet but you need to hurry up.
Me: why do I need to hurry
Brain: just do it
Hi Emma,
Here are some links to videos we've made about dealing with anxiety. We hope they help you!видео.htmlвидео.html
Omg same
Emma same
Emma stop reading my mind
Number 5 really made me feel validated
Last year I passed up the opportunity for a huge opportunity in school because I was afraid of failing. My parents got really mad at me, and all my friends got the thing and I didn't.
Anxiety and Depression are the little devils on my shoulders.
Anxiety: everyone is thinking and talking about you
Me: but what if I'm misshearing them?
Anxiety: are you sure about that?
Depression: yeah you're right. You are misshearing, nobody cares enough to talk about you
Me: **shaking in the corner in fetal position**
This is me 100%...
This is sooo meee!!
Relateable.. hmm
this Is so true. for me, the worst ones are being clingy, holding on to my phone, and getting nervous when people dont respond right away. I use my phone to fidget with but also busy myself so that I dont start overthinking. cause when I start to think my anxiety REALLY kicks in
Nadia Johst that and coffee is my copying mechanism. Over thinking that every action my old friends make makes me think they hate me, it’s a vicious circle of thinking that in fact I feel quite alone and it makes me feel depressed, which just makes things get worse with the anxiety and low self esteem :(
ive been there. trust me, im going through the same thing right now. but I hope it will get better for both of us. stay strong :(
Nadia Johst exactly me
Same everything is so true, the worst ones for me are going places you've been to millions of times (school), getting nervous when people don't respond straight away, being too clingy, use stuff to fidget with and presentations. It really sucks because I get anxiety attacks at random moments and it's really hard for me to cope with it. I also skip school a lot due to anxiety as it's too hard for me. But I stand up to it and go to school which helps but it's pretty hard to. Because once I was going to school and I walked out of my car walking towards my class. But instead I came running back to my car.
ouch, that sucks. I can relate though. good job standing up to it tho
This is pretty accurate. Another one is freaking out over whether or not a teacher might call on you in class.
What if he calls on me?
I know the answer
What if it's wrong?
Everyone will laugh at me!
No, I know the answer, I got this!
*Teacher looks in your direction even though your hand isn't raised*
I don't got this-
*Teacher doesn't even call on you but now you're trying to hide in your book. No, you're not texting, you're trying to hide the fact your having a break down*
One of my teachers likes to call on people using sticks a lot and she asked the class one day "Why do you guys think some kids in this class are scared of being called on?" She ended up saying it was because we were unconfident and we should learn to be more outgoing. I got super pissed because, I for one, have anxiety and we can't just "learn" to not have it, you know?
KimYugyeomislife this happens to me so often and also yes he is life
omg that’s me
Vesso Haha I stretch or yawn it works I think.
So true dude
I’ve never related to a video so hard in my life, how do I send this to my parents without sending it???
Omg this is my entire person in a video
Why did I say that?
Why didn't I say that?
Don't let the mask slip off
No. Tears are weakness.
Why do people hate me?
My anxiety
EDIT:Awww thx for making not be lonely!!
Briar Animations I hate to say but same I'm exactly like this
Briar Animations ugh, I'm the same way, my relationship struggles because of my excessive crying when I don't even try to cry and it sucks 😔
Alice Rose Same...
Briar Animations the story of my entire life
Seems to me you're depressed as well. At least, those are thoughts depressed people think. Maybe talk to someone, a professional? I did and it did help to sort out my fears and anxiety :)
That moment when you´re texting someone and the little reply bubble pops up and then just disappears
And that's why I have a Samsung XD
I do know the struggle tho
I can't i can't i cant oml
and i'm overthinking about posting this comment
Also, thinking someone is looking at you or everybody all at once is looking at you so you sweat and walk fast, you think something is messed up on you of wrong, you speak low, you repeat what you said earlier when doing a presentation, or talking in a conversation or whatever your doing...
Me,at home: *I’ll go to school!!*
Me,at school: *oh hell naw...*
My Anxiety be trippin' me
Y e s t h a t h a s t o b e r e l a t a b l e
Ugh anxiety is awful, i'm nervous about everything, can't stand up for myself or talk to people, and I want to be seen differently 😞
Wintry, I feel what you feel to. I hate it.
Don't let the bad get to the worse of you. Do what you gotta do to do what YOU wanna do. Just think positive about things, there is so many things that can bring us down everyday and have a reason to feel upset but you just gotta Smile More sometimes :)
Wintry you're not alone
not going to parties bc of anxiety but then getting anxiety that noone is missing you and everyone at the party is slagging you off and you'll have no friends by the morning.
Amber Dunbar im not a fan of parties too. i find it hard to keep up with everyones energy and all they talk about incessantly and sometimes gets annoyed. again, maybe bcos its hard to keep up. i prefer going out with them, like with 2 to 5 people than a whole classroom in a party even if i know and somewhat close with them
Amber Dunbar and the stress of planning, what should you wear, makep up even though deciding what to wear, dress up and doing make up is good stress. even though i like it
Amber Dunbar pretty much...
I go to parties because they're the only places I can get alcohol and drugs and attempt to self medicate and calm myself down :/
Amber Dunbar exactly!
I do some of these things, but not all. Didn't realize I was a perfectionist because of my anxiety though. Also, I'm clingy to almost anyone I deeply connect with. One of my friendships ended badly because of me. So, now it's hard for me to get close to anyone at all. I love social gatherings, and I'll go to them. But as soon as I'm there, I'll want to leave. Sometimes, I'll get physically ill because of my anxiety. Stomachache, headache, etc. Also, bursting out crying over a simple mistake I made. Or, having a panic attack because, well no reasons. Suddenly feeling that something is terribly wrong. If I complain about it, people say that everything is fine.
Kantasi Shore keep putting yourself through it and dont give up. Then one day it will get easier. in fact you will be a stronger person simply because it was harder for you.
Jointhecult thank you
My carelessness in my previous working experience makes my coworkers isolate me, and this is how my anxiety turns up. I multicheck a lot, anxiety in socialising, replying a message after straining and stressing out for an hour, and have very serious trust issues 😔
I have anxiety, and it sucks, but the main thing is that PEOPLE DON'T FREAKING UNDERSTAND! Sometimes I start breaking down in class, and people just say, "Ugh, she's such a crybaby." IT DOESN'T HELP.
This is spot on, in my case people have even told me that I have break downs just for attention. Like trust me, the last thing I want is attention, if anything, the fear of having attention drawn to me triggers my anxiety.
Skerv I've had two panic attacks in one class period because my teacher was going to randomly call people up to have a conversation in Spanish with eachother..the first one I asked my teacher to go get a drink of water and I went to the bathroom to calm myself and I tried to mentally prepare myself if she called me, but right when I stepped into class again I saw people getting called up and I started to overthink everything, my mind was racing that I couldn't think straight, I started to breathe rapidly again, my skin was warming up, and I was on the verge of tears. So, I got up without thought and asked to go to the restroom this time and I was about to burst out crying on the way there but as soon as I stepped into the restroom I ran into the stall and started to cry.. I hate school
When I am at school I break into tears when I forget an assignment, or feel like I messed up on a tryout for a group.... like u said people say such a crybaby or I am trying to get attention but it makes it worse.
RandomUnicornGirl fr I hate it
I feel you. You me are the same.
Does anyone else with anxiety get nervous or anxious thinking that your anxiety isn't bad enough and it's not actually anxiety and you feel like ur just making it up even though you have been diagnosed with anxiety?? Just me?? K cool
Same. Except I haven't been diagnosed because my mum basically tells me I'm being dramatic so I just wonder 'is everyone like this?'
Snowy Ginger i haven't been diagnosed too but i think that you just feel you have it, at least imo. I don't know how other people 'feel' anxiety but for me this feeling in your mind and stomach (obviously not just in that body part) is different than anything else and for me 'normal stress' is taking totally in different way than 'anxiety stress'
neythe While getting diagnosed is a good idea, I will say that I knew I have anxiety long before I was diagnosed.
Kawaii Kitten i know i should, but I don't wanna get psychiatrist or something now. My mum is a doctor and she said I had anxiety tho. Recently I feel a bit better so I think I can handle with that (at least now)
I feel you, let's talk
Dose anybody else feel one day you think you can do anything and then the next day you feel like your a waste of life and space
I get that all the time..
Kevin Maben al the time
Me too
I think I'm hormonal or something lmao
Pipledo not necessary
Me: should u say ”HERE” or ”here”
Teacher: *******?
Me: ereh
Based on real events
najaem's shimgakane yep! 😼
mikasa?? is that you???
m,,mikasa when tf did you get here,,
I can't relate as much because I have depression and anxiety. Having both is quite annoying when in the situation of worrying. Since depression makes things seem like they don't matter, let's say you have a homework assignment, you'd feel like you may have gotten something wrong but you don't recheck it because you don't want to get up and everything seems like too much work. So instead you sit there worrying for the rest of the day or just push it to the back if your mind. It's really hard to have both because it's like really wanting to do something but never having the power to do it, it sucks tbh.
Nıτσ Ik I have both to and I can relate
Ik exactly what u mean :(
this is so me! i come home ready to do my homework but then i get to scared ill make a mistake and then i wont do it bc it feels like so much work
Anxiety and Depression... it’s hell...
I have social anxiety, anxiety, and depression, and a bit of aspergers.
Game Ruki hell yes
I get so jittery before every class I have. I am always panicking, like, "What if the teacher calls on me, what if I don't know the answer? What if I say the wrong answer!? Everyone will think I am stupid and they won't think of me as the innocent good kid anymore. And then I won't have any friends and then I won't have any online friends either. Then my life will be over. And I will have no purpose at all." And I try and tell myself that nobody cares. But I just can't accept that nobody cares. And my breathing is always really off and my heart is racing, especially with presentations.
I also revise EVERYTHING even comments that I make. Because I am scared that someone will correct me and think I am stupid. (I also am the gRaMmAr PoLiCe)
And, I will think of terrible things happening. Then it getting worse and worse and worse and worse. Until I eventually start bawling in my room because I think, "but what if it does happen i won't have any friends or anything."
I FEEL YOU!!! That happens to me every. Single. Day. And there's also the fact that I'm a little clumsy, so I have to plan every step of my day, specially when it's one of those days that you only go to school to take a test, then you can leave, these are the worst because I have to sit somewhere else than my own chair, and they are usually not the best seats, so when I'm done with the test, I have to stay at least five minutes more just to calculate how I'm gonna get out of the chair without dropping anything or making any unnecessary noise with the table, and that usually doesn't work because I still stumble on something and end up making some ANNOYING metallic noise that catches everybody's attention. Now that I just thought of all of this, I'm gonna feel even more anxious tomorrow at the classes and I'll just remember of all this and that's a loop... I hate myself now HAH
Sorry, I'm the master of not knowing how to express myself in only a few words, I always have to write a really big text, and here we go again :p sorreeeey
Me 24/7
“#2 you freak out over the time it takes someone to respond to your text”
Me:watching this video while waiting on the person I’m texting and thinking the worst rn
just responded GDI
same, I just confessed and he didn't reply for the past 3 hours
Due to PTSD this response made me make huge texts justifying myself. Don't do that xD Throws ppl off
Me: _has an event at 6;00_
Me: _arrives at 5;59 knowing my Friends are always late and sees no one_
*Was It at 7;00? Was It somewhere else, Did I have the wrong adress? Perhaps they all hate me and decided to set this up to embarass me?*
[Edit: Holy shit I have likes and comments thanks]
Why is this me EVERY. DAMN. TIME.
@@axolotlgrrrr Well shit Why is your name so relatable in my life
literally happened today no joke
omg. soo true!