This is by far the best video I've found about picking and decoding, just the last 10 seconds where you said how to decode was just really useful to me, thank you.
when the door lock has been picked and decoded, will the key work to turn on the ignition, i heard something about an extra biting on the ignition lock
One of the best lishi demo video's, a lot of detail and sound advice. Can I just ask what's the difference between the Hu66 v1 v2 and v3 are they all for different year cars or can the v3 pick newer and all the older locks or just 2011 onwards...
Hi Nisar thanks for the feedback, the different versions are basically improvements on the design like the V3 has two picking arms instead of a single lifter like I used, to pick newer VAG locks you would need either a 9 cut or 10 cut HU162T Lishi pick which would do most models 2015 onwards
Thanks for the reply. So do v2 and v3 cover the same models and the only difference being the build quality. Sorry to repeat the point I'm just staring to get into this and want to invest in a lishi which covers most or all model VAG pre 2015 or so... Thanks in advance
@@nisarkhan1526 yeah they will do the same models, but I would personally get both a single lifter and a twin lifter as you will find that some locks will open with one but not the other, if you look at my other video where I open a BMW X3 with a HU92 single lifter, but it will not open with the twin lifter version. But definately start with HU66 as it covers such a wide range of cars.
@@nisarkhan1526 i can confirm this, i cant get my 2008 golf lock open with the V3 version, i ordered the single lifter version just now. I will let you know when i get it!
This is by far the best video I've found about picking and decoding, just the last 10 seconds where you said how to decode was just really useful to me, thank you.
HomeSecurePTY thanks for the kind words, I’m far from an expert but this is my preferred way of opening these locks
Having a catch up, found this little gem!! I’m doing more of these and this is a great tutorial…slowly building a Lishi collection. cheers mate
Thank you very much for explaning this so carefully to us it was realy helpfull for me :)
when the door lock has been picked and decoded, will the key work to turn on the ignition, i heard something about an extra biting on the ignition lock
Absolutely no idea John I’m not gonna lie 🤣 I don’t do auto locksmithing but can gain entry to certain vehicles as an extra feather in my cap
Hi just a quick question please were can I get this lishi 2in1 from
great video
Great video mate !! Which lishi do you use for the euro cylinder on bench ?
I don’t use a Lishi on a euro cylinder, as far as I know lishi only make them for American cylinders
can he open Skoda Octavia A7 14g?
One of the best lishi demo video's, a lot of detail and sound advice. Can I just ask what's the difference between the Hu66 v1 v2 and v3 are they all for different year cars or can the v3 pick newer and all the older locks or just 2011 onwards...
Hi Nisar thanks for the feedback, the different versions are basically improvements on the design like the V3 has two picking arms instead of a single lifter like I used, to pick newer VAG locks you would need either a 9 cut or 10 cut HU162T Lishi pick which would do most models 2015 onwards
Thanks for the reply. So do v2 and v3 cover the same models and the only difference being the build quality. Sorry to repeat the point I'm just staring to get into this and want to invest in a lishi which covers most or all model VAG pre 2015 or so... Thanks in advance
@@nisarkhan1526 yeah they will do the same models, but I would personally get both a single lifter and a twin lifter as you will find that some locks will open with one but not the other, if you look at my other video where I open a BMW X3 with a HU92 single lifter, but it will not open with the twin lifter version. But definately start with HU66 as it covers such a wide range of cars.
@@nisarkhan1526 i can confirm this, i cant get my 2008 golf lock open with the V3 version, i ordered the single lifter version just now. I will let you know when i get it!
@@kicksejaapie are updates?
Is this the HU66 or T18?
I'm confused.
It is the HU66 , the T18 refers to the T3 range of Lishi picks (black with fluorescent markings)
@@FortressLocksmiths So it's just the the same but cosmetic.. Thanks for your quick response.