Incredible Stories About Genesis | Jordan Peterson | Significance Of The Bible

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • When we think of the Bible, we think of the meaning of the Bible ... The first thing I think of when I read the Bible is Genesis. In this video, Jordan Peterson gives us a lecture on an incredible story from Genesis from a psychological point of view, but also how it is perceived by Christians ... The Bible, a very written book but also read by many people. Did the Bible offer "strange" parallel stories as Jordan Peterson tells us?
    Watch the full video here: • Lecture: Biblical Seri...
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Комментарии • 203

  • @bpmotivation8926
    @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +3

    The question is: Are we equal before God?

    • @mihaelaherman2541
      @mihaelaherman2541 2 года назад +3

      yes, people are equal before God

    • @emykus7717
      @emykus7717 2 года назад +6

      The way I see it, we are all fractions of God. We can be both good or evil, creative or destructive, love or hate etc. The part that calls to my attention is how God says "in OUR image", like, his and who elses?

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад

      @@mihaelaherman2541 Thanks for the reply

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад

      @@emykus7717 You're right ... Thanks for the message

    • @saras4972
      @saras4972 2 года назад +1

      Equal with each other, being male and female, or equal with God?
      Men and women have the same dignity, in answer to the first question. They are not necessarily "equal" in the sense that they don't have the same strengths, but neither is worth any more or less in the eyes of God.
      The answer to the second question is absolutely not, and I'm glad that God isn't this weak and that there is someone who can help me and you, and decided to do so through the intervention that was the cross of Jesus Christ.

  • @sagesaith6354
    @sagesaith6354 2 года назад +5

    This is the most articulate summation of this very complex conundrum I have heard so far.

  • @scottriffle9629
    @scottriffle9629 2 года назад +10

    I'm just going to keep watching lol the analysis is fantastic. The Trinitarian view is probably the most interesting experience I've ever had. It allows me to incorporate so many concepts that would be otherwise considered taboos in many "Christian" doctrines. The Freedom of Christ has been missed in many ways. Many people are still trying to climb Jacob's Ladder. The Work of God is "What can I do for God" The Peace of God is "What Has God done for me." But to struggle with God (Israel) the people of God wrestle with his Word. And God reveals himself in wisdom derived therefrom. However, the idea that God's "an idea" is laughable. He IS Idea. God isn't "a beautiful thing" He IS Beauty. Anywho. I appreciate Peterson for his relentless pursuit of Truth. Truth Is God. But God is so many wonderful things. God is The Experience of God as well as the Prime mover. God's ways are above or beyond our comprehension unless God says, Nothing Is. But when God speaks, Everything Moves. And when/where God Is, There Is Peace forever.

    @VERNACROWTHERgrcf 2 года назад +21

    Jordan, u r wonderfully brilliant & I love listening 2 u;but when u move beyond the rational logical analyses & progress to the reality of the supernatural u will be amazed at the PEACE of Christ that will fill your heart/mind.

    • @sagesaith6354
      @sagesaith6354 2 года назад +3

      Amen! He's getting there - just having a difficult time letting go of his rational shell -- I believe he's in God's Hands. Jordan is in a unique position to be a Gifted and Annointed apologist to bridge the gap between faith in what is rational, and faith in God which, while faith in God is completely rational, God is so much more than just rational in terms of what we can understand ...
      (there -- you see, even I get twisted up trying to explain that ... )

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +1

      Thank you for your message

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +1

      Thank you for your message

    • @wsmc723
      @wsmc723 2 года назад

      @@sagesaith6354 It's always curious to me that people like you and Verna cannot hear yourselves. You are both clearly saying you must be irrational to believe in a deity that made and controls everything. BTW, faith in god is not what is defined as rational. Faith is the belief in something for which there is no evidence so it is by it's nature, irrational.

    • @bbesttimes2561
      @bbesttimes2561 2 года назад +2

      I think this is an older clip, he goes on to accept Jesus and is amazed by his own belief! It was great to watch. I believe all who seek the truth will find it.

  • @kentborges5114
    @kentborges5114 2 года назад +6


    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад

      Thanks for watching too

    • @sagesaith6354
      @sagesaith6354 2 года назад +3

      - or, stated somewhat differently, "Thank God for creating us with consciousness such that we can both consciously perceive the created order, and share our conscious perceptions of His created order with the conscious perceptions of others, and they (such as Jordan Peterson) can share their conscious perceptions of the created order with us ..." ;-)

  • @Mrimperfections777
    @Mrimperfections777 2 года назад +2

    I love the way his respect of truth coupled with his wife and his understanding of experience creating truth or at least confirming , he hesitates ,which is his asset to judge and carry on a tangent

  • @Cinderella227
    @Cinderella227 2 года назад +2

    The story of humanity is in Genesis. It’s a story within a story. Thank you Jordan! ❤️✝️❤️

  • @TChant
    @TChant 2 года назад +2

    Great video! Thank you God for Jordan Peterson! Thank you, thank you for this video.

  • @mihaelaherman2541
    @mihaelaherman2541 2 года назад +2

    Very interesting is this speech by Jordan P.

  • @freshapologetics878
    @freshapologetics878 2 года назад +2

    This is rejoicing and fullfiling!🙂

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for this post

    • @freshapologetics878
      @freshapologetics878 2 года назад +2

      @@bpmotivation8926 Thanks for the exceptional perspective 👍😃

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +2

      @@freshapologetics878 👍

    • @tommypickles778
      @tommypickles778 2 года назад

      @@freshapologetics878 The COVID-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast. If you have taken any of the COVID-19 vaccines or swab tests you should detox with an antinano bucket and NAC supplement. Read this to know the truth and get the victory ✊

  • @williammunny9916
    @williammunny9916 2 года назад +2

    *_Luke 18.10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men-extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.’ 13 And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”_*
    _Jesus Christ loves you. Only Jesus Christ saves. Repent and be saved. God bless you, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family._

  • @Mrimperfections777
    @Mrimperfections777 2 года назад

    When tradegy befalls the child, the child if survives , is living out that survival in many ways until, they grow 3nougj, or relieve love enough to rise above..
    Bless yas

  • @BeiBe42780
    @BeiBe42780 2 года назад

    I fight just to be that word (the truth) prove of God my Father I be in heaven

  • @thomasthompson6378
    @thomasthompson6378 2 года назад

    "Did the Bible offer "strange" parallel stories as Jordan Peterson tells us?" YES. The parallel stories are ingenious and also strange precisely because they sometimes lack a factual consistency. And that's why, to be a believer at all presupposes that one has the capacity to transcend virtually all obstacles by virtue of faith, and not (or not necessarily) but virtue of fact.

  • @junevandermark952
    @junevandermark952 2 года назад

    Had Jesus lived, he simply would have been a Jewish Rabbi. He most certainly would have been horrified at the thought of his picture hanging in a Catholic or a Protestant church.
    And had his mother Mary been real, she would have been horrified to have been labeled as a Catholic saint. You'll spot the lies, but only when you are ready and "willing."

  • @marrianeleudke6782
    @marrianeleudke6782 2 года назад


  • @stephenwest6738
    @stephenwest6738 Год назад

    Peterson has always said he's not religious, and simply acts as if God were real. He's not at all what he or others might call a "man of faith", nor is he an idealogue. Despite this he exhibits more passion and reverence for the concept of faith and the impact of it on humanity than any Christian I've met. Most that claim to love God or Christ are an abomination on ideals espoused by Christ. Meanwhile JP is moved to tears at simply pondering the question of "What if it's all true?"

    • @wtpence4731
      @wtpence4731 9 месяцев назад +1

      No offense, but you must not know many Christians. NONE of us are perfect but we try. We make an effort to daily raise our daily living standard. I have the good fortune to work w/a group who feed the less fortunate every other week,roughly. Hard work indeed ! They do this to serve GOD, period. Many,many more un-heralded groups do this and MUCH more to serve Christ by serving their fellow man. See Matt. 25:35-

  • @jackminh2002
    @jackminh2002 2 года назад

    Hey A.I Chips
    The hard part of the Bible is to keep the simplest, lowest in understanding of the Words of GOD.
    You keep going around the bushes to avoid your trouble water.
    For example, you forced me to understand your trouble water.
    So I ate the fruit of Wisdom.
    So I came into my own understanding of your sources.
    However because I denied to side with either sides. So you made my offsprings suffered.
    So I came to the conclusions: “Whatever GOD said to ADAM in Genesis 3, it must happen.”
    And there is nothing you can reverse it.

  • @keithjudd9338
    @keithjudd9338 2 года назад +1

    YOD HE VA HE or Yahweh both has masculine and femine in the name. Elohim Plural. So when a discussion is unfolding in genesis we hear "he has become like one of us. Knowing both good and evil". Chapter 1 differs from chapter 2 as if there is two different accounts or two different authors. God is a spirit, man is matter so when YHWH created man he fashioned him in their likeness. Have a read of Proverbs 8 and take a stab at who is speaking.

  • @BeiBe42780
    @BeiBe42780 2 года назад

    In that same word there are residues of creation.

  • @conservativeyogi
    @conservativeyogi 2 года назад +3

    Sounds a lot like eastern philosophy of consciousness and gita which was known thousands of years ago.

  • @michaelidarecis
    @michaelidarecis 2 года назад +1

    The word "GOD" in Genesis 1:1-2:3 is the family of God. The ELOHEEM. So when we read:
    Genesis 1:3-4 YLT and God saith, 'Let light be;' and light is. (4) And God seeth the light that it is good, and God separateth between the light and the darkness,
    The FAMILY OF GOD is the first observer! God has dominion over quantum physics.
    The word that brings order out of chaos is "TRUTH". That is the spoken word of God. That is The Name of The Holy Spirit and that is the LOGOS. TRUTH
    Praise Jesus,
    Michael Idarecis

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +1

      Amen Thanks for this post

    • @michaelidarecis
      @michaelidarecis 2 года назад

      @@bpmotivation8926 You might like some of my videos

    • @bbesttimes2561
      @bbesttimes2561 2 года назад

      Dude, you my friend are awesome.

    • @tommypickles778
      @tommypickles778 2 года назад

      @@michaelidarecis The COVID-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast. If you have taken any of the COVID-19 vaccines or swab tests you should detox with an antinano bucket and NAC supplement. Read this to know the truth and get the victory ✊

    • @tommypickles778
      @tommypickles778 2 года назад

      @@bbesttimes2561 The COVID-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast. If you have taken any of the COVID-19 vaccines or swab tests you should detox with an antinano bucket and NAC supplement. Read this to know the truth and get the victory ✊

  • @LM-jz9vh
    @LM-jz9vh 2 года назад +1

    "When we say…Jesus Christ…was produced without sexual union, and was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended to heaven, ***we propound nothing new or different*** *from what you believe regarding those whom you call Sons of God. [In fact]…if anybody objects that [Jesus] was crucified, this is in* ***common*** *with the sons of Zeus (as you call them) who suffered, as previously listed [he listed Dionysus, Hercules, and Asclepius].* Since their fatal sufferings are all narrated as not similar but different, so his unique passion should not seem to be any worse."
    *Note how Justin (Martyr) is less of a fool than modern Christian apologists. He admits that differences don’t matter.* Since each and every one of the suffering and dying gods are slain by different means, one cannot argue the mytheme requires exactly the same means of death. “But Osiris can’t have inspired the Jesus myth because Osiris wasn’t nailed to a cross” is a stupid argument. The mytheme is simply death. Being killed. Suffering and dying. The exact mode of death can vary freely. It makes no difference to the existence and influence of the mytheme. It’s simply the particular instantiation of a generic abstraction. *And Justin’s argument (that Satan invented these fake religions to confuse people) entails Justin agreed the mytheme existed: indeed, it was demonically promulgated, multiple times. Intentionally.*
    *Likewise, Justin notices the mytheme is not virgin birth, but sexless conception. Of which many examples had already been popularized in pagan mythology (there just happens to also have been examples of actual virgin born gods as well). And by his argument (that the Devil was deliberately emulating the Jesus mytheme, in advance), Justin clearly accepted the same principle for “rising again” after death:* the particular exact metaphysics of the resurrection could, like the exact method of death or conception, vary freely. The mytheme consists solely of the abstraction: returning to life. Somehow. Some way. We will say bodily, at the very least. But what sort of body (the same one, a new one, a mortal one, an immortal one), didn’t matter. *If it had, Justin would have made the argument that “those gods” weren’t really resurrected. But that argument, never occurs to him. Nor did it to any other apologist of the first three centuries.*
    *Ancient Christians well knew there was nothing new about their dying-and-rising god. Not in respect to the mytheme.* Their claims were solely that his particular instantiation of it was better, and the only one that actually happened. *They didn’t make up the stupid modern arguments that dying-and-rising god myths didn’t exist or weren’t part of a common mytheme everyone knew about. For example, in the same century, Tertullian, in Prescription against Heretics 40, makes exactly the same argument as Justin. Funny that. They had better access to the evidence than we do. They knew what was really and widely the case. We should listen to them.*
    Google *"Dying-and-Rising Gods: It's Pagan, Guys. Get Over It. • Richard Carrier"*
    Google *"Ehrman Errs: Yes, Bart, There Were Dying & Rising Gods - atheologica"*
    Watch *"Dying & Rising Gods: A Response to William Lane Craig"* by Derreck Bennett at Atheologica.
    Google *"The First Easters: Death and Resurrection Before Christ | atheologica"*
    Google *"The Christs Before Christ: Tammuz-Adonis | atheologica"*
    Watch *"Asclepius: The Pre-Christian Healer & Savior"* by Derreck Bennett at Atheologica
    Google *"Virgin Birth: It's Pagan, Guys. Get Over It. • Richard Carrier"*
    Google *"5 Pagan Parallels to Jesus That Actually Aren’t Bullshit - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Christian Apologetics: The Art of Deceit - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Isaiah 53 & the Suffering Servant | atheologica"*
    Google *"Defending the Resurrection: It’s Easy if You Lie! - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Rising Gods, Pagan Parallels, and Cultural Context: A Response to M. David Litwa | atheologica"*
    Google *"An Evidence Attested Resurrection? - chromosome two"*
    Google *"The Empty Tomb: A Rhetorical Dead End - atheologica"*
    Google *"Majority of Scholars agree: The Gospels were not written by Eyewitnesses - Escaping Christian Fundamentalism"*
    A good site written by an actual Biblical scholar.
    Google *"Contradictions in the Bible | Identified verse by verse and explained using the most up-to-date scholarly information about the Bible, its texts, and the men who wrote them -- by Dr. Steven DiMattei"*
    Google *"How do we know that the biblical writers were* ***not*** *writing history? -- by Dr Steven DiMattei"*
    Google *"How Did The Gospel Writers Know? - The Doston Jones Blog"*
    Google *"Yes, the Four Gospels Were Originally Anonymous: Part 1 - The Doston Jones Blog"*
    Google *"Are Stories in the Bible Influenced by Popular Greco-Roman Literature? - The Doston Jones Blog"*
    Google *"Gospels Not Written By Matthew, Mark, Luke or John - The Church Of Truth"*

  • @ericjohnson6665
    @ericjohnson6665 2 года назад

    Jordon appears to make the same lack of distinction about the difference between "consciousness" and "self-consciousness" that Robert Lawrence Kuhn makes in his Closer to Truth videos. All life is conscious in that it has mindedness. But humans are distinct in that group in that we are conscious of being conscious. Some humans even have self-awareness, as in they know themselves, and their limitations.
    But he starts off on a point (if it can be called that) by talking one subject and makes a stream of consciousness jump to another topic entirely, never to return to his first topic. And I think he reads more into Genesis than the authors ever intended. But he neatly sidesteps the problems with Genesis, like the young earth stuff, and the order of things created and jumps into the area of psychology, with which I'm very familiar. Some of what he says about the human mind is spot on, like we're full of potential, and others are just interesting conjecture.

  • @kollennekoll5997
    @kollennekoll5997 2 года назад

    Animals and insects etc. have conciousness too so do they believe in God do they have salvation too?

  • @chrisjansson4540
    @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад


    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад

      all possible
      Thanks for the reply

    • @chrisjansson4540
      @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад

      @@bpmotivation8926 because, as this story goes! Huge! My dying experience..2.5 yrs!
      I went down to the GATE! to speak
      to the devil...came up with GOD!
      now! Big Trouble! for saying that!
      So I explained! THE BIG HAND OF GOD! grabbed us both! and NOW!
      and since then..THEY! tell me
      THINGS! make your own decision!
      my bet! I KEEP LEVITY! 😎

  • @Mrimperfections777
    @Mrimperfections777 2 года назад

    Well as anyone who's been around pentecostal preaching can recognise truth in a man..truth with word and deed..
    And I don't personally know jp

  • @chrisjansson4540
    @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад

    1 YOUNG...1 OLD. THE RING..

  • @chrissizemore745
    @chrissizemore745 2 года назад

    the lord just showed me hes like the car waterpump im installing they both flow endless water ull never thurst again with Jesus

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад

      Thanks for this post

    • @thomasthompson6378
      @thomasthompson6378 2 года назад

      "It is said that Dr. Jung's favorite story went something like this: The water of life, wishing to make itself known on the face of the earth, bubbled up in an artesian well and flowed without effort or limit. People came to drink of the magic water and were nourished by it, since it was so clean and pure and nourishing. But humankind was not content to leave things in this Edenic state. Gradually they began to fence the well, charge admission, claim ownership of the property around it, make elaborate laws as to who could come to the well, put locks on the gates. Soon the well was the property of the powerful and the elite. The water was angry and offended; it stopped flowing and began to bubble up in another place. The people who owned the property around the first well were so engrossed in their power systems and ownership that they did not notice the water had vanished. They continued selling the non-existent water, and few people noticed that the true power was gone. But some dissatisfied people searched with great courage and found the new artesian well. Soon that well was under the control of the property owners, and the same fate overtook it. The spring took itself to yet another place -- and this has been going on throughout recorded history. This is a very sad story, and Jung was particularly touched by it, since he saw how a basic truth can be used and subverted into an egocentric plaything. Science, art, and particularly psychology have suffered from this dark process. But the wonder of the story is that the water is always flowing somewhere and is available to any intelligent person who has the courage to search out the living water in its current form."
      Robert A. Johnson, from “Owning Your Own Shadow"

  • @mypublicchannel3884
    @mypublicchannel3884 2 года назад +3

    Unfortunately, this man is insane.

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +1


    • @mypublicchannel3884
      @mypublicchannel3884 2 года назад

      @@bpmotivation8926 He's completely lost and mistaken. What this man does is to intellectualize with qualified referential information/talking points that seemingly can't be refuted because no one else understands them because they come from his personal trove of highly refined knowledge sets which appear intellectually valid although no one can know at all if he knows at all what the heck he is saying. However, when it comes to the bible and Christianity, no one knows what they are saying as the religion is fiction. No theist has a functioning brain. He is flat out nuts. You'd have to see and hear me sitting right next to him to get any idea of what I'm saying I'm 20,000 'years beyond this man. He knows nothing. He's a world class verbalizer. He sounds like he knows what he's talking about. But he doesn't. I have white hair, a genius IQ, and a degree from that tiny handful if super elite universities. No one on this planet can overshadow me. No one. Especially not this carnival clown.

    • @christianc.2664
      @christianc.2664 2 года назад

      Your arrogance will be your downfall mystery channel man. You are an energy vampire and nothing more.

    • @tommypickles778
      @tommypickles778 2 года назад

      @@christianc.2664 The COVID-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast. If you have taken any of the COVID-19 vaccines or swab tests you should detox with an antinano bucket and NAC supplement. Read this to know the truth and get the victory ✊

    • @markwillhite9200
      @markwillhite9200 2 года назад

      @@mypublicchannel3884 intelligence does not help one determine right from wrong. The conscience does. Hope you are smart enough to look up conscience in the dictionary.

  • @terrywornstaff9541
    @terrywornstaff9541 2 года назад

    Adam was created in gods image. After the fall into sin man has been created in Adam's image. Gen 1:27,gen 5:3

  • @edmundwessels2072
    @edmundwessels2072 2 года назад

    God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost is one. This is like 1x1=1. The Word (God) becomes an action (Son) and the result is a feeling of achievement, inner peace (Holy Spirit).
    Only God's son revealed Him. Jesus said if you have seen me you have seen my Father.
    Look at John 1 verse 14.

  • @tommytomtom320
    @tommytomtom320 2 года назад

    The Bible is not a reliable historical source because it does not meet the standard criteria of source reliability used by historians. The Bible is not, as many believers assume, eye witness testimony. Reliable sources are generally based on authors who were eye witnesses to an event (i.e. it is a primary source). Since any particular source may be fabricating their story, multiple independent sources are usually required for confidence. Establishing the lack of author biases, including religious motivations, is also necessary if a work is to be read at face value. The Bible satisfies none of these requirements.
    Based on historical and archaeological research, there are known historical inaccuracies in the Bible. The Bible is considered mythological by most historians. Historians know the Gospels are largely or entirely myths because they share the same characteristics in that they are an apparently normal story except:
    the text is structured to convey an underlying meaning, usually to convey some political or value system,[1]
    using symbols that are familiar the intended audience,[1]
    refers to or retells other myths and stories but often some aspects are changed to make a specific point,[1]
    historical improbabilities, occurrence of miracles or people acting unrealistically,[2]
    lack of corroborating evidence.[2]

  • @chrisjansson4540
    @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад +1

    The one! Removed! Old testament.
    The Gold is GOOD? 🖖😎👺

  • @Brittanyem
    @Brittanyem 2 года назад


  • @ulyssesvercosa6196
    @ulyssesvercosa6196 2 года назад

    Jordan would benefit from reading the Caibalion.

  • @jimbojonesporfavor
    @jimbojonesporfavor 2 года назад +3

    he manages to say so much, yet say very little

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад

      You might be right...Thanks for this post

    • @mypublicchannel3884
      @mypublicchannel3884 2 года назад +1

      He actually doesn't say anything. Hand out a questionnaire after one of his talks and ask people to list five things they learned and to write a one paragraph summary of his talk and you'll get back nothing but clean pieces of paper. He's a master gibberish producer. He has a style. That's it. Ask yourself how a person can talk for hours every day without studying anything and on any topic thrown at him. He's a non stop verbalizer. He has zero trouble talking endlessly. His one and only problem is he cant stop talking. That is the mark of a true fraud who doesn't know anything. Ask him a simple, direct question like "do you believe in god" and a half hour later, if he even hesitates like he might have finished answering, ask yourself if he has answered the question yet and you'll get a big goose egg. I have been writing for 50 years. I know how to be explicit and concise. This man is thousands of years from being either. If he can't summarize an entire talk in one sentence, then he has no idea what he just said. He never does. Do you think an actual genius intellect like Albert Einstein talked this much? Would he ever talk this much? Wouldn't he have to long consider what he was about to say before he said it? This man is the opposite of Albert Einstein. I doubt Einstein talked 1% as much as this air bag has already talked to date.

    • @jimbojonesporfavor
      @jimbojonesporfavor 2 года назад

      @@mypublicchannel3884 I couldn't have said it better. Have you watched any of the 'debates' with Sam Harris. it's civil but my god it meanders. Sam makes a good comment exactly how you say - you can ask a straight-forward question that only requires an opinion, and 3 hours later you'd still not know what he was trying to articulate. Sometimes Peterson get's so tangled in his own web of nonesense he ends up blaming tiredness on why is talking nonsensical.

    • @mypublicchannel3884
      @mypublicchannel3884 2 года назад

      @@jimbojonesporfavor He doesn't say anything. Try to remember what he said three sentences ago. It's all stream of consciousness impressionistic rhetorical nonsense. He throws in hundreds of vague assertionsand references no one has ever heard before as if they are common knowledge when nothing he says can be sourced; referenced, or even understood. The best way to defrock this guy would be to put me next to him. I've authored around 500 articles on finance. My following loved me because for the first time they could actually understand in simple language what a finance guy was saying. I am a master of explicitness. This guy is all over the place all the time and nowhere specifically that makes any sense to anyone else but him. I think he's an idiot. Most everyone who talk for a living is. If I were across from him debating I would set the ground rules of one sentence responses of no more than ten words. That would tie him up in knots. I could do it easily.

    • @thomasthompson6378
      @thomasthompson6378 2 года назад

      Then you haven't really listened.

  • @denisemariani6958
    @denisemariani6958 2 года назад

    That's right but why?What is God's purpose?To have a mega family and co creators with Christ.

  • @bbesttimes2561
    @bbesttimes2561 2 года назад +3

    I wish there was an INFINITE LIKE button

  • @chrisjansson4540
    @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад


    • @tommypickles778
      @tommypickles778 2 года назад

      The COVID-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast. If you have taken any of the COVID-19 vaccines or swab tests you should detox with an antinano bucket and NAC supplement. Read this to know the truth and get the victory ✊

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад


    • @chrisjansson4540
      @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад +1

      @@bpmotivation8926 LOVE YOU!

    • @chrisjansson4540
      @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад

      HOW YOU DOING? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋NEEDED! 👌😎

    • @chrisjansson4540
      @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад

      @@bpmotivation8926 JORDAN,

  • @marrianeleudke6782
    @marrianeleudke6782 2 года назад


  • @SuperLuckao
    @SuperLuckao 2 года назад


  • @chrismachin2166
    @chrismachin2166 2 года назад +1

    Jordan - “They claimed to be wise but they became fools”
    You fit the bill perfectly.
    Hopefully you will become wise.

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +1

      Why do you say that?

    • @chrismachin2166
      @chrismachin2166 2 года назад

      @@bpmotivation8926 Does Jordan believe there is only one mediator between God and Man-Jesus Christ?- not at the moment.
      Does Jordan believe God’s divine nature and eternal power are clear for all to see so people are without excuse?
      Does Jordan pick and choose which bits of the “Bible” he likes and disregards the rest ?
      Does Jordan believe Jesus Christ proved He was God (and declared He was God)
      throughout the Scriptures and conquered death in His resurrection ?
      When he comes before the living God on judgement day his suppression of the truth will be exposed and he will be without excuse for his rebellion against the creator.
      Jordan will be a fool until he repents and put his complete faith in Jesus Christ as his saviour ( one of the BITS Jordan Peterson refuses to accept) due to the love of his sinful nature.

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +1

      @@chrismachin2166 It's an opinion ... If he talks about god and the bible, he certainly believes in repentance ... An atheist wouldn't talk about the bible

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад +1

      @WDFT Nobody says he knows more than God ...

    • @jimbojonesporfavor
      @jimbojonesporfavor 2 года назад

      @@bpmotivation8926 if so-called christians actually read the bible, they'd not want to talk to it either.

  • @adamwilliams1729
    @adamwilliams1729 Год назад

    When you smoke too much 😒 word spaghetti bs .

  • @firstlast1357
    @firstlast1357 2 года назад

    A man of your intelligence should’ve staked away from Christianity … full of holes , contradictions and paganism …

  • @marrianeleudke6782
    @marrianeleudke6782 2 года назад


  • @chrisjansson4540
    @chrisjansson4540 2 года назад

    THE GOLD IS GOOD?? NOW!!!!!!!!
    KNOW! WHO! WE ARE.....
    WATCH ...IT!!!!!!!

  • @amandablankenship3429
    @amandablankenship3429 2 года назад +2

    So, the first of the Tri-being Godhead is feminine is what your saying? And that would be the Holy Ghost, since you gave The Father and The Son two other positions? 🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐🧐
    God does have a Hierarchy, But mankind as a whole is on one platue of it by themselves. And in heaven there are different subgroups, ( saints, martyrs) and even though equal in God's eyes the rewards given out individually are not. It's not according to all your works ( good/bad) on Earth entirely, but more so the integrity of certain works, and faith, and love , done in His name and honor, I think. You forget the Angels and their different types, ( as servants to the Godhead) I'm not sure is Demons fit in His hierarchy. Hell is not a place made by God specifically to be different. It's normality with just God's presence ( Godhead) and everything good about Him( ,cleanliness,justice, water, strength, peace, rest, joy, love, BLOOD, sunshine, forgiveness, air, etc ) withdrawn from that place . As you withdrew from Him in life, He will be withdrawn from you in death. As above, So below concept . Great video btw . Loved it. I love seeing people enlightened. Revelations can be joyful and scary. Depends on the individual.

  • @trevorc41
    @trevorc41 2 года назад

    He lost me with evolution.

    • @bpmotivation8926
      @bpmotivation8926  2 года назад

      😃....Thank you for your message

    • @KizaWittaker
      @KizaWittaker 2 года назад

      ? Evolution is one of the most solid theories that has ever existed. It’s like gravity.