A Pheigi a Ghràidh : Donald Macrae & Anna Fraser Band, Stornoway M

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Donald Macrae singing "A Pheigi a Ghràidh" at this year's National Mod in Stornoway with the Anna Fraser Band in the Carlton.

Комментарии • 4

  • @lmacleod30
    @lmacleod30 10 лет назад +6

    Lovely! I am from Isle of Lewis

  • @isaweesaw
    @isaweesaw 4 года назад +1

    Song name: A Pheigi a Ghràidh (Peggy, love)
    A Pheigi a ghràidh 's tu dh'fhàg mi buileach gun sunnd,
    'S mi seòladh an-dràst' thar sàil dh'Astràilia null,
    Tha 'n oidhche fliuch, fuar, 's mi shuas ga cumail air chùrs,
    'S tu daonnan nam smuain, a luaidh, bhon dealaich thu rium.
    Bhon dhealaich thu rium neo shunndach m' aigne gach là,
    'S mi seòladh a' chuain, gach uair gam sgaradh od' ghràdh,
    Ma bheir thu bhuam fuath, 's nach dual dhomh d'fhaighinn gu bràth,
    Gum faic thu led shùil, a rùin nach fhad bhios mi slàn.
    Cho fad 's thèid mi null bidh dùil am tilleadh a-nall,
    Far 'n dh'fhàg mi mo rùn fo thùrs am baile nan Gall,
    Is thèid sinn le sunnd a-null do dh'Uidhist nam beann
    Far am faigh mi ort còir le pòsadh ceangailte teann.
    Ma gheibh mi ort còir ri 'r beò cha bhi oirnn dìth
    Gun dèanainn dhut lòn gu leòr air muir agus tìr;
    'S ged theireadh an sluagh a luaidh nach dèanainn dhut nì,
    Gun togainn dhut bàrr a ghràidh ged 's maraiche mi.
    Ged 's maraiche mi tha sgìth a' treabhadh a' chuain,
    Bha 'n iomadach àite is ceàrnaidh, deas agus tuath,
    Chan fhaca mi ann tè Ghallda sheasadh riut suas,
    A bhean a' fhùilt bhàin chaidh àrach an Uibhist nam buadh.
    Gun sguir mi den dàn mu 'm fàs sibh uile dheth sgìth,
    'S gun tuig sibh mo chàs 's mi 'n-dràst' cho fada bho thìr,
    Ach an rud tha mi 'g ràdh, gu bràth gun aidich mi fhìn,
    'N taobh tuath Loch a' Chàrnain dh'àraicheadh cailin mo chridh'.
    A Pheigi a ghràidh 's tu dh'fhàg mi buileach gun sunnd,
    'S mi seòladh an-dràst' thar sàil dh'Astràilia null,
    Tha 'n oidhche fliuch, fuar, 's mi shuas ga cumail air chùrs,
    'S tu daonnan nam smuain, a luaidh, bhon dealaich thu rium.
    Peggy, love, you’ve left me utterly without joy
    and now I'm sailing across the sea to Australia.
    The night is wet and cold when I’m on up keeping her on course,
    with you always in my thoughts, darling, since you parted from me.
    Since you parted from me, my spirit is joyless every day,
    as I sail the ocean, every hour taking me away from your love;
    if you take a dislike to me1 and if I’m destined never to get you,
    you will see for yourself2, dearest, that I won't survive for long.
    As far away as I go I will expect to return to where I left
    my love in sadness, in the Lowlanders' city;
    and I will go with joy to hilly Uist,
    where I will get you as mine by a tightly bound marriage.
    If I get you as mine, in our lifetime we'll never suffer need,
    I will make plenty food for you on sea and land;
    and though people might say, darling, that I wouldn't make you anything
    I'd raise you crops, love, although I’m a seaman.
    Although I am an seaman who’s tired of sailing the sea,
    and has been in many places and parts in the South and in the North,
    I never saw any non-Gaelic woman who could match up to you,
    you woman with fair locks who was brought up in high-quality Uist3.
    I'd better stop this song before you all become tired of it,
    and I hope you4 understand my worries when I'm so far from land right now,
    but the thing that I'll say for ever is that I myself admit
    that it was on the north side of Loch a' Chàrnain that the girl I love5 was raised.
    Peggy, love, you’ve left me utterly without joy
    and now I'm sailing across the sea to Australia.
    The night is wet and cold when I’m on up keeping her on course,
    with you always in my thoughts, darling, since you parted from me.

  • @chrisannthegr8
    @chrisannthegr8 4 года назад +1

    Remember Donald MacRae being played In my house as a child I’ve been searching everywhere for a certain song a favourite of my late fathers alas I can’t find it as I’m not a Gaelic speaker it sounded like hearnan chean anyone help?

    • @caledonia64
      @caledonia64 4 года назад +1

      It Might be Chi mi'n tir , Runrig , Iain MacKay also have versions on RUclips