Drazen Petrovic 42 pts IN TOTAL DESTRUCTION of Barcelona | Real Madrid VS Barcelona 1989

  • Опубликовано: 4 янв 2025

Комментарии • 8

  • @CroPETROforeverNBA
    @CroPETROforeverNBA  Год назад +6

    In my honest opinion Drazen Petrovic was THE BEST version of himself when he played in Real, this Drazen from Real would DESTROY Michael Jordan from 1989, and I am behind my words 300%, what fu...ing Jordan, this was the killing machine in basketball like this world HAS NEVER EVER SEEN, ever! Drazen was great in NBA and opened the door for Europeans, but 99 kg of muscles from NETS was for him unnecessary thing, only because of stupid American philosophy, and even as such, he was giving Hell to them in 1992 and 1993. Selected in third NBA team in 1993, which equals today when European is MVP of NBA, because in those times they hated Europeans. Too support this words of mine, take a look at video Drazen VS Boston Celtics 1988, cammon man... he was ahead of that team like... faster and better than anyone there, and Celtics from 1988 were amongst 3 best NBA team, so cammon... this man was the greatest killing machine BASKETBALL HAS EVER SEEN.

  • @nazmi5337
    @nazmi5337 Год назад +3

    Il fenomeno!!!
    Drazen Petrovic!!!

  • @centralvacuumsystem2709
    @centralvacuumsystem2709 Год назад +2

    Dražen Mozzart ! 💪👍

  • @MrDuncanquasar
    @MrDuncanquasar Год назад +3

    Drazen giving lessons!

  • @Borkic.na.Aparatima........
    @Borkic.na.Aparatima........ Год назад +1

    Steta sta ne postoji bolji snimak utakmice New Jersey - Indiana kad je zabio 31 poen, a Miller 29.

  • @samketola919
    @samketola919 Год назад +3

    u realu je bio jos snazniji i brzi nego u ciboni

    • @CroPETROforeverNBA
      @CroPETROforeverNBA  Год назад +1

      Po mom mišljenju Dražen je bio najbolji ikad baš u Realu, bolji nego u NBA iako je tamo bio snažniji i sve, ali po mom iskrenom mišljenju Dražen nikad nije trebao nabiti onu kilažu iz Netsa, 99 kilograma mišića njemu nije bilo potrebno, to je sve zbog glupih Amera. Pogledaj video što sam stavio Real VS Celtics, pa on je mogao ovakav rasturati apsolutno sve u NBA, ponavljam: RASTURATI i hebati im majku na svakom koraku ukljucujuci i Jordana. Ovaj Dražen iz Reala bi rasturio Jordana iz 1989 na PROSTE FAKTORE i stojim iza svake riječi, NA PROSTE FAKTORE.

    • @samketola919
      @samketola919 Год назад

      @@CroPETROforeverNBA gledao sam taj video(odakle ti ideja da mozda nisam 😬),inace drazen je jedini igrac kojeg su u nba pokvarili.pogledaj samo sta je uradio sa tehnikom slobodnih bacanja (koju je ranije imao savrsenu).vjerovatno je imao pogresne trenere,u mnogim aspektima igre bio je savrsen igrac.mislim da je u evropi bio dominantniji nego sto bi bio Jordan da je dosao u evropu igrati kojim slucajem.sto se tiice hebavanja majke,Drazen je radio nesto bolje: hebavao im je leadersice 😸 .recimo u portlandu je odradio sve osim dvije 😸