It's amazing what rabbit holes you travel into once YT recommends just one video different from what you usually watch. Now I'm bingeing ancient music...and loving it!!
@@kittenscatsangelsgods1157 Why do Christian countries occupy all the worst 40 positions on the list of "most murders per capita?" Why are all but 3 of the 37 irreligious countries in the bottom 80?
Εύγε φίλε μου, είμαι πολύ ευγνώμων για το χρόνο που αφιέρωσες για να το ακούσεις και να το γράψεις αυτό ακριβώς και σωστά... Πραγματικά έπρεπε να έχεις πιο πολλά like🌿🌿♾️💚✨
Louvado seja Apolo, sua luz como um farol iluminando o dia dos mortais, em sua magnífica intelectualidade nos concede também a arte, que inspira e eleva o coração!
@@theos77 Simples, acéfalo; O paganismo morreu. Você consegue adorar divindades de religiões mortas? Você por acaso consegue saber todos os preceitos do paganismo helênico? Como eram as orações, seus fundamentos e etc? E os templos? Conhece algum? E os Feriados pagãos clássicos? Hinos? Ou quem sabe sacerdotes? Os sacrifícios para divindade específica? Consegue perceber meu amigo? Pagão hoje em dia é por sí só, idiota, visto que é uma religião morta e incompleta.. qualquer religião sem uma base sólida bem fundamentada não é religião, é apenas larp. (Seu caso e de todos neo-pagans) De qualquer forma, pagão brasileiro é ainda mais cômico hahaha E amigo, sugiro que vocês neo-pagans mudem o discurso, "deus do deserto" é um termo geograficamente chulo; Os hebreus vivem nas áreas Mediterraneas do levante. Não "desértica", e na idade do bronze tais regiões eram mais verdes do que hoje. Você nao entende nem de geografia e nem de teologia. Sugiro ficar quieto
@@theos77 Simples, heleno-tupi, o paganismo morreu. Como você exatamente adora as divindades helênica clássicas? Você possui todos os fundamentos do paganismo helênico? Se sim, quais são? Você sabe as orações e como devem ser feitas para cada deus? Você sabe como e quando os sacrifícios devem ser feitos? E os sacerdotes? Você possui algum? E os templos helênicos, você frequanta algum para lhe-dar auxilio espiritual? Você já fez algum hino? Como você realmente se conecta com seus deuses? Já participou de algum feriado pagão que era comum e importante para os gregos antigo? Como você faz seus sacrifícios? Já honrou algum deus helênico? O paganismo grego está extinto como tradição há muito mais tempo, então eles são ainda mais LARP do que os neopagãos. Você nao segue uma religião "helenica" pelo simples fato dela não existir mais e não ter seus fundamentos sólidos e concisos; Qualquer fé ou sistema de crenças sem fundamentos teológicos completos, não é uma religião, é larp. Então leia bem; Você nao é pagão, é apenas um brazuca larp que acha que segue alguma coisa. Quer um conselho? Vocês neo-pagans deveriam mudar o discurso.... "Deus do deserto" não faz sentido, a área que os hebreus viviam está localizada na porção Mediterranica do levante, logo, "Deus do deserto" é um termo geograficamente chulo.... pois bem, seus deuses (que nao seus haha. Os gregos falavam que os deuses estavam intrinsecamente conectados a raça grego. Você nao é grega, é vira-lata lol) perderam e foram completamente jogados ao esquecimento pelo "Deus do deserto", você perdeu, larp.
First verse Come ye to this twin-peaked slope of Parnassos with distant views, [where dancers are welcome], and [lead me in my songs], Pierian Goddesses who dwell on the snow-swept crags of Helikon. Sing in honour of Pythian Phoebus, golden-haired, skilled archer and musician, whom blessed Leto bore beside the celebrated marsh, grasping with her hands a sturdy branch of the grey-green olive tree in her time of travail. Venham a esta encosta de picos gêmeos de Parnassos com vistas distantes, [onde os dançarinos são bem-vindos], e [conduzam-me em minhas canções], Deusas Pierianas que habitam os penhascos cobertos de neve de Helikon. Cante em homenagem ao Pítio Febo, hábil arqueiro e músico de cabelos dourados, que o bendito Leto carregou ao lado do célebre pântano, agarrando com as mãos um ramo robusto da oliveira verde-acinzentada em seu tempo de trabalho.
@@albof6131 maybe of your point of view but some peoples like us belive that he is so please let us just worship our Gods like we want. You can explain your opinion but give constructive opinions please thank you.
@artanel6048 we all have gone to mount Olympus and we didn't see any gods there. I'm greek, Apollo is also greek and We call these gods mythology for a reason! There isn't a single greek person who doesn't know that these gods are fake and made out of people's brains.
Liked and subscribed due to this wonderful song. Hail and Praise be unto Lord Apollo! Praise him for safekeeping human life, medicine and faith! Praise him Apollo-Helios!
@@k.1446 @K. von Helversen! Apollon is nothing like your demonic Lucifer! It's only these francmasonic Abrahamists tell such stories about the ancient gods, and at the same time they steal their deeds, their places and anything. See your st. Michael? He is the christian Apollon together with the st. George: They alledgeldy killed the drake. Would they have done it, if it were not for Apollo who killed Python? Why is it the Christians situated their Michale to places like Mt. Michele, a holy site of the celtic Apollo Bellenus?
I too like to use this song when I want to dedicate time to him! I always say things we offer to deities on an altar are just one of many ways for us to connect with them. Especially Apollo who is God of many ephemeral things and physical arts there are so many service acts and creative dedication we can offer!
You are completely correct and yes, it is hard to find someone whose view of Hades has not been perverted by Christianization. May the gods be with you! (: -Maegan
Hey! I just want to tell u that he loves this! So don´t worry, if you play this for him, he´ll be really glad. Remember that he´s watching over all of us and Apollo always wants what´s best for us even when we don´t notice. Even when you don´t have too many thing on it, it doesn´t matter, he doesn´t mind about objects, but souls.
It's sorta complicated, to the ancient Greeks Helios was one of the Titans who was the god of the sun before Apollo. Later many people would start to use Helios and Apollo interchangeably during the rule of Alexander and into the early Roman Empire.
The temple of Apollo in Delphi was first built in the 8th century BC. Pretty sure that was hundreds of years before Alexander and far before the Roman Empire's conquest of Greece. In fact, it was before there even was a Roman Empire, or even a Roman Republic.
Morgan Riley *whispers* do both! In all seriousness, I think the original intent of ancient Christianity was to blend with ethnic traditions, not erase them.
You can still do both. I personally still believe myself as a Christian even though I’ve lost faith in God. I believe that all religions, such as Mayan, Greek, Roman, and Christianity are all the same in a sense. The Christians just won’t stand for anyone worshipping any other religion other than that of God.
The more I study other faiths, the more it seems all faiths have a "Christ" in their heritage. I'm not saying it's the same guy... but perhaps an eventual manifestation when spiritual awareness hits or needs to hit a certain level at a given point in time. I don't have the answers but it does seem that people are becoming more spiritually aware/asking the hard questions on a massive scale and seeing the boxes they are in. Pleasant journeys fellow beings. Feeling that 2020 is going to be interesting.
@@itskhalid923 where'd you find this?! I've been trying to learn this hymn for years now and could never find the lyrics. I've been aad listening to this since like 2013 trying to learn it through dictation. Thank you so much for this I can finally praise Apollo properly with his hymn
γενικα ειναι τραγικο που τοσοι λιγοι ελληνες εκτιμανε την κουλτουρα και τον πολιτισμο τους παρολο που την ιδια στιγμη το παιζουν υπερήφανοι που ειναι ελληνες... θα βρεις περισσοτερες πληροφοριες για ελληνικο πολιτισμο αν ψαξεις κατι στα αγγλικα παρα στα ελληνικα
Αφού οι μάζες ακούν σκυλάδικα, ενώ οι "ψαγμένοι" ούτε που έχουν ακούσει έστω και μία φορά την μουσική των προγόνων τους. Προτιμούν τουρκο-εβραϊκά όργανα και κομμάτια χωρίς νόημα. Εντάξει, ούτε εγώ ακούω κάθε μέρα αλλά τουλάχιστον, εφόσον μου είναι τόσο εύκολο να τα ψάξω!
Οι πραγματικοί ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ δεν "λάτρευαν" ούτε προσκυνούσαν κανένα σαν άμυαλα ζώα. Τιμούσαν τους Θεούς τους (με την πραγματική έννοια του θεού και όχι την εβραϊκή) και μεγαλοπρεπούσαν σε οποιονδήποτε τομέα δούλευαν (ή δημιουργούσαν). ΑΥΤΟΙ είναι οι ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ, όχι οι ξεφτίλες που προσκυνάνε τον γιαχβέ σαδο-μασο-θεό της κουράδας και μόνοι σαν Ελληνες δεν συμπεριφέρονται.
I wonder what this would sound like if it was played in a more authentic, ancient tuning that included microtones, the "blue" notes in between the notes of our modern octave. We can still hear microtones in some arabic and coptic music.
Apollo, lord of the sun, conquerer of the serpent, protector from evil, grant us your light. Let your fingers sweep the ancient lyre, let your song fill our hearts! Illuminate our holy crown in your light, great paean, and we will wear it in your name. Amen.
This is the Paean and Prosodion to the God -- arranged as a Paean of nine sections (a hymn of praise and thanksgiving) and a prosodion or processional hymn to the altar. An English rendition of the first section is provided by a Mr. Richard Hooker: Oh come now, Muses, and go to the craggy sacred place, upon the far-seen twin-peaked Parnassus, celebrated and dear to us, Pierian maidens. Repose on the snow-clad mountain top; Celebrate the Pythian lord with the golden sword, Phoebus, whom Leto bore unassisted on the Delian rock, surrounded by silvery olives, the luxuriant plant, Which the goddess Pallas long ago brought forth. Mount Parnassus, above Delphi, is sacred to Apollo on account of his great temple at Delphi, kept by the Pythia or Oracle of Delphi (and also to Bacchus and the Corycian nymphs, two of whom bore children to Apollo). The Pierian maidens are the Nine Muses, associated with Pieria near Olympus. Apollo is ''Pythian'' in that he slew at Delphi (the centre or navel of the world) the chthonic she-dragon Python. Phoebus is an epithet of the god, denoting The Bright One. Leto, Latona to the Latins, lay with the great god Zeus and became pregnant by him of Apollo and Artemis. Cursed by Hera, his wife, she could not give birth to her divine children on the Continent nor on any island, and wandered until she came to barren Delos, floating upon the sea, and so neither land nor island. She bore Artemis without travail, but laboured nine days and nine nights for Apollo. Pallas is a giant slain and flayed by Artemis -- the flayed skin forming according to some her aegis. Hence Pallas Athena as an epithet.
Some of you guys will want to kill me after saying this, but if I could choose what would be the most practiced religion on Earth, I would surely choose Greek polytheism aka Hellenism. And by the way, I'm agnostic.
Were it up to me, we'd all be practicing our own ethnic religions, and "religion" wouldn't even be something we thought about because it would already be so intertwined with our customs. Also, I consider my "religion" to be more practice than creed, so labels like "agnostic" don't really make much sense to me.
I am Italian, but I share your dream... Anyway, I am convinced that Greek music (not only the hedonistic one, but the sacred one as well) couldn't sound like this. You are not going to calm down beasts with such music and such a voice. Orpheus must have had such a brighter spirit...
I tend to agree. Being human has not changed. What does music like this evoke in the human? Would Apollo have been sung such a dirge? This has been rendered with the sort of heavy dignity of a church choral work, explaining how Jesus died sorrowfully to save the world, if they only repent their great sin. One does not approach a god like Apollo in the same tone, at least I would say so.
Yeah, I could seen that. But within every soul, there must be sadness, especially since Orpheus had lost his dear wife. Minstrels and the such must have had all the power back then, if you think about it. They could connect to the people and the most saintful could tame animals.
its crazy how we have a way to play songs from thousands of years ago
It's amazing what rabbit holes you travel into once YT recommends just one video different from what you usually watch. Now I'm bingeing ancient music...and loving it!!
More an expression of beauty and intelligence of Ancient Greece.
Excellent video.
no doubt ugliejealouseuroratbuzzardfag "singing" ; I No offense to Apollo
@@kittenscatsangelsgods1157 Why do Christian countries occupy all the worst 40 positions on the list of "most murders per capita?" Why are all but 3 of the 37 irreligious countries in the bottom 80?
So great Healing Power of ancient Hymn.
May Apollo inspire World to create again from beauty inside
Ιτ' επί τηλέσκοπον τάνδε Παρνασίαν φιλόχορον
δικόρυφον κλειτύν, ύμνων κατάρχετε δ' εμών,
Πιερίδες, αί νιφοβόλους πέτρας ναίεθ' `Ελικωνίδας:
μέλπετε δέ Πύθιον χρυσοχαίταν έκατον ευλύραν
Φοίβον, όν έτικτε Λατώ μάκαιρα παρά λίμνα κλυτά,
χερσί γλαυκάς ελαίας θιγούσ' όζον εν αγωνίαις εριθαλή.
Πάς δέ γάθησε πόλος ουράνιος αννέφελος αγλαός,
νηνέμους δ' έσχεν αιθήρ αελλών ταχυπετείς δρόμους,
λήξε δέ βαρυβρόμων Νηρέως ζαμενές οίδμ'
ηδέ μέγας 'Ωκεανός, ός πέριξ γάν υγραίς αγκάλαις αμπέχει.
Τότε λιπών Κυνθίαν νήσον επέβα θεός
πρωτόκαρπον κλυτάν 'Ατθίδ' επί γαλόφω πρώνι Τριτωνίδος:
μελίπνοον δέ Λίβυς αυδάγ χέων λωτός ανέμελπεν α-
δείαν όπα μειγνύμενος αιόλοις κιθάριος μέλεσιν, άμα δ'
ίαχεν πετροκατοίκητος αχώ Παιάν ιέ Παιάν:
ο δέ γέγαθ', ότι νόω δεξάμενος
αμβρόταν Διός επέγνω φρέν': ανθ' ών εκεί-
νας απ' αρχάς Παιήονα κικλήσκομεν άπας
λαός αυτοχθόνων ηδέ Βάκχου μέγας θυρσοπλήξ
εσμός ιερός τεχνιτών ένοικος πόλει Κεκροπία.
'Αλλά χρησμωδόν ός έχεις τρίποδα, βαίν' επί θεοστιβέα
τάνδε Παρνασίαν δειράδα φιλένθεον.
'Αμφί πλόκαμον σύ δ' οινώπα δάφνας κλάδον πλεξάμενος
απλέτους θεμελίους τ' αμβρότα χειρί σύρων, άναξ,
Γάς πελώρω συναντάς κόρα.
'Αλλά Λατούς ερατογλέφαρον έρνος αγρίαν
παίδα Γάς τ' έπεφνες ιοίς, ομού τ' αναβοάς
η δέ πόθον έσχε ματρός φίλας
ηρ ά κατέκτας ος
σύριγμ' απε..ων
I spent lot of time to find this. Thanks a lot!
Google translate says this is the latin alphabet version:
It' epí tiléskopon tánde Parnasían filóchoron
dikóryfon kleitýn, ýmnon katárchete d' emón,
Pierídes, aí nifovólous pétras naíeth' `Elikonídas:
mélpete dé Pýthion chrysochaítan ékaton evlýran
Foívon, ón étikte Lató mákaira pará límna klytá,
chersí glafkás elaías thigoús' ózon en agoníais erithalí.
Pás dé gáthise pólos ouránios annéfelos aglaós,
ninémous d' éschen aithír aellón tachypeteís drómous,
líxe dé varyvrómon Niréos zamenés oídm'
idé mégas 'Okeanós, ós périx gán ygraís ankálais ampéchei.
Tóte lipón Kynthían níson epéva theós
protókarpon klytán 'Atthíd' epí galófo próni Tritonídos:
melípnoon dé Lívys avdág chéon lotós anémelpen a-
deían ópa meignýmenos aiólois kithários mélesin, áma d'
íachen petrokatoíkitos achó Paián ié Paián:
o dé gégath', óti nóo dexámenos
amvrótan Diós epégno frén': anth' ón ekeí-
nas ap' archás Paiíona kiklískomen ápas
laós aftochthónon idé Vákchou mégas thyrsoplíx
esmós ierós technitón énoikos pólei Kekropía.
'Allá chrismodón ós écheis trípoda, vaín' epí theostivéa
tánde Parnasían deiráda filéntheon.
'Amfí plókamon sý d' oinópa dáfnas kládon plexámenos
aplétous themelíous t' amvróta cheirí sýron, ánax,
Gás pelóro synantás kóra.
'Allá Latoús eratogléfaron érnos agrían
paída Gás t' épefnes ioís, omoú t' anavoás
i dé póthon ésche matrós fílas
ir á katéktas os
sýrigm' ape..on
This comment deserves more likes
Εύγε φίλε μου, είμαι πολύ ευγνώμων για το χρόνο που αφιέρωσες για να το ακούσεις και να το γράψεις αυτό ακριβώς και σωστά... Πραγματικά έπρεπε να έχεις πιο πολλά like🌿🌿♾️💚✨
@@DaviSilva-oc7iv i totally agree...🌿💙♾️💫
Hail Apollo, God of the sun, bringer of light, the eternal flame, the golden one. Hail thee, highest of the gods!
Louvado seja Apolo, sua luz como um farol iluminando o dia dos mortais, em sua magnífica intelectualidade nos concede também a arte, que inspira e eleva o coração!
Pagão brasileiro é foda kkkkkk
@@RamónSalazar-t2yo que uma coisa tem haver com a outra? adorar um deus do deserto da palestina é o mais “correto” então?
Simples, acéfalo;
O paganismo morreu.
Você consegue adorar divindades de religiões mortas? Você por acaso consegue saber todos os preceitos do paganismo helênico? Como eram as orações, seus fundamentos e etc?
E os templos? Conhece algum? E os Feriados pagãos clássicos? Hinos? Ou quem sabe sacerdotes? Os sacrifícios para divindade específica?
Consegue perceber meu amigo? Pagão hoje em dia é por sí só, idiota, visto que é uma religião morta e incompleta.. qualquer religião sem uma base sólida bem fundamentada não é religião, é apenas larp. (Seu caso e de todos neo-pagans)
De qualquer forma, pagão brasileiro é ainda mais cômico hahaha
E amigo, sugiro que vocês neo-pagans mudem o discurso, "deus do deserto" é um termo geograficamente chulo;
Os hebreus vivem nas áreas Mediterraneas do levante. Não "desértica", e na idade do bronze tais regiões eram mais verdes do que hoje.
Você nao entende nem de geografia e nem de teologia. Sugiro ficar quieto
Simples, heleno-tupi, o paganismo morreu.
Como você exatamente adora as divindades helênica clássicas?
Você possui todos os fundamentos do paganismo helênico? Se sim, quais são? Você sabe as orações e como devem ser feitas para cada deus? Você sabe como e quando os sacrifícios devem ser feitos? E os sacerdotes? Você possui algum? E os templos helênicos, você frequanta algum para lhe-dar auxilio espiritual? Você já fez algum hino? Como você realmente se conecta com seus deuses? Já participou de algum feriado pagão que era comum e importante para os gregos antigo? Como você faz seus sacrifícios? Já honrou algum deus helênico?
O paganismo grego está extinto como tradição há muito mais tempo, então eles são ainda mais LARP do que os neopagãos.
Você nao segue uma religião "helenica" pelo simples fato dela não existir mais e não ter seus fundamentos sólidos e concisos;
Qualquer fé ou sistema de crenças sem fundamentos teológicos completos, não é uma religião, é larp.
Então leia bem;
Você nao é pagão, é apenas um brazuca larp que acha que segue alguma coisa. Quer um conselho? Vocês neo-pagans deveriam mudar o discurso....
"Deus do deserto" não faz sentido, a área que os hebreus viviam está localizada na porção Mediterranica do levante, logo, "Deus do deserto" é um termo geograficamente chulo.... pois bem, seus deuses (que nao seus haha. Os gregos falavam que os deuses estavam intrinsecamente conectados a raça grego. Você nao é grega, é vira-lata lol) perderam e foram completamente jogados ao esquecimento pelo "Deus do deserto", você perdeu, larp.
First verse
Come ye to this twin-peaked slope of Parnassos with distant views, [where dancers are welcome], and [lead me in my songs], Pierian Goddesses who dwell on the snow-swept crags of Helikon. Sing in honour of Pythian Phoebus, golden-haired, skilled archer and musician, whom blessed Leto bore beside the celebrated marsh, grasping with her hands a sturdy branch of the grey-green olive tree in her time of travail.
Venham a esta encosta de picos gêmeos de Parnassos com vistas distantes, [onde os dançarinos são bem-vindos], e [conduzam-me em minhas canções], Deusas Pierianas que habitam os penhascos cobertos de neve de Helikon. Cante em homenagem ao Pítio Febo, hábil arqueiro e músico de cabelos dourados, que o bendito Leto carregou ao lado do célebre pântano, agarrando com as mãos um ramo robusto da oliveira verde-acinzentada em seu tempo de trabalho.
Obrigado por ter colocado em português!
Grande Apollo!
Hail Lord Apollon!!
Thank u
Χαίρε Απόλλων!!!
Hail Lord Apollo!
Lmao xddddd
Hail, my lord, Apollo. God of the sacred light. God of the sun!
is this a quote from somewhere? i love it
He's not real
@@albof6131 maybe of your point of view but some peoples like us belive that he is so please let us just worship our Gods like we want. You can explain your opinion but give constructive opinions please thank you.
@artanel6048 we all have gone to mount Olympus and we didn't see any gods there. I'm greek, Apollo is also greek and We call these gods mythology for a reason! There isn't a single greek person who doesn't know that these gods are fake and made out of people's brains.
@@albof6131Like every single other religion.
Liked and subscribed due to this wonderful song. Hail and Praise be unto Lord Apollo! Praise him for safekeeping human life, medicine and faith! Praise him Apollo-Helios!
Helios and Apollon are not the same,Lord Apollon is the god of sun,music and medicine and Helios is a sun titan
if I was born in ancient times I definitely worship apollon
And why not now? its never too late to find your roots
Gus Economopoulos I will visit his temple this year at the equinox in turkey I feal connected with him
K. von Helversen.
@K. von Helversen! Apollon is nothing like your demonic Lucifer! It's only these francmasonic Abrahamists tell such stories about the ancient gods, and at the same time they steal their deeds, their places and anything. See your st. Michael? He is the christian Apollon together with the st. George: They alledgeldy killed the drake. Would they have done it, if it were not for Apollo who killed Python? Why is it the Christians situated their Michale to places like Mt. Michele, a holy site of the celtic Apollo Bellenus?
I was born in the early 1990's and I worship Apollon 😆
I too like to use this song when I want to dedicate time to him! I always say things we offer to deities on an altar are just one of many ways for us to connect with them. Especially Apollo who is God of many ephemeral things and physical arts there are so many service acts and creative dedication we can offer!
I pray to you Apollon and the Hyperboreans! Much love and thankfulness.
I love this music.
Juan Carlos Vega Same
@@kittenscatsangelsgods1157 what's wrong with you? Nobody likes a bully
Very enchanting music, very ancient sounding indeed, I love that! Praise Apollon, and Hail to the gods of Olympus!
i find it interesting how dark and depressing the delphic hymns sound compared to the seikilos epitaph.
You are completely correct and yes, it is hard to find someone whose view of Hades has not been perverted by Christianization. May the gods be with you! (: -Maegan
In which gods do you believe
Hail Apollon, Most Glorious One, Lord of Light and Great Protector! Master of the Lyre, Great Seer, Radiant Beauty!
Man, I would have to say Apollo is my faveorite of the greek/roman gods. I love music and I love sunbathing
hmm, also he got better from the burning maze since jasons death
I play this by my altar to Apollo because I don't have many things on it, I hope he likes it 🥺
Hey! I just want to tell u that he loves this! So don´t worry, if you play this for him, he´ll be really glad. Remember that he´s watching over all of us and Apollo always wants what´s best for us even when we don´t notice. Even when you don´t have too many thing on it, it doesn´t matter, he doesn´t mind about objects, but souls.
@@L.A.M hey! you seem so expert in this,and I need some advice, where can I have them? thnx!!
Haha Same! And i am trying to write a poem for him.
@@ThalliaGrace Yeah, o' course! Feel free to send me a message!
@@ThalliaGrace Perfect! I'll accept you right now!
Apollon be praised! The Golden Archer, The Bringer of Sunlight, The Master of Reason.
უზეშთაესო აპოლონ, მოიხილენ და აკურთხენ მაშვრალნი და ტვირთმძიმენი.
Hail Apollon, god of poetry, music, archery, medecine and disease
my father has been feeling pleased and honoured after centuries of hearing these melodies dedicated to him
You a freak but you're subbed to Davie so we cool.
This doesn’t come up on Shazam. I guess it’s a live performance.
It's sorta complicated, to the ancient Greeks Helios was one of the Titans who was the god of the sun before Apollo. Later many people would start to use Helios and Apollo interchangeably during the rule of Alexander and into the early Roman Empire.
The temple of Apollo in Delphi was first built in the 8th century BC. Pretty sure that was hundreds of years before Alexander and far before the Roman Empire's conquest of Greece. In fact, it was before there even was a Roman Empire, or even a Roman Republic.
Χαλάζι μεγάλο θεό Απόλλωνα, του ήλιου
I adore Apollo, even though I am supposed to be Christian I still praise he and the other Gods.
Morgan Riley *whispers* do both! In all seriousness, I think the original intent of ancient Christianity was to blend with ethnic traditions, not erase them.
You can still do both. I personally still believe myself as a Christian even though I’ve lost faith in God. I believe that all religions, such as Mayan, Greek, Roman, and Christianity are all the same in a sense. The Christians just won’t stand for anyone worshipping any other religion other than that of God.
The more I study other faiths, the more it seems all faiths have a "Christ" in their heritage. I'm not saying it's the same guy... but perhaps an eventual manifestation when spiritual awareness hits or needs to hit a certain level at a given point in time. I don't have the answers but it does seem that people are becoming more spiritually aware/asking the hard questions on a massive scale and seeing the boxes they are in. Pleasant journeys fellow beings. Feeling that 2020 is going to be interesting.
Ancient gods are demos mortal enemy of the one true god
@@mutantspacehonky your are lost child
I love Apollo. I am one of his girls.
I don't remember u
@@johnmalia5439 ... I dont know who you are either ..
@@johnmalia5439 @ghostbusters, come on, you have work
@@marcoslinaresvillalba1790 ?
eyy demigod! For lester
T_T RIP Greece... R.I.P. Ancient world... I shall honror your legacy...
Glory to shining Apollo of the silver bow ☀️
Can anyone give me the lyrics of this hymn? Please? I am learning Greek. I just love Apollo.
this is a super late reply but uh here:
Ιτ' επί τηλέσκοπον τάνδε Παρνασίαν φιλόχορον
δικόρυφον κλειτύν, ύμνων κατάρχετε δ' εμών,
Πιερίδες, αί νιφοβόλους πέτρας ναίεθ' `Ελικωνίδας:
μέλπετε δέ Πύθιον χρυσοχαίταν έκατον ευλύραν
Φοίβον, όν έτικτε Λατώ μάκαιρα παρά λίμνα κλυτά,
χερσί γλαυκάς ελαίας θιγούσ' όζον εν αγωνίαις εριθαλή.
Πάς δέ γάθησε πόλος ουράνιος αννέφελος αγλαός,
νηνέμους δ' έσχεν αιθήρ αελλών ταχυπετείς δρόμους,
λήξε δέ βαρυβρόμων Νηρέως ζαμενές οίδμ'
ηδέ μέγας 'Ωκεανός, ός πέριξ γάν υγραίς αγκάλαις αμπέχει.
Τότε λιπών Κυνθίαν νήσον επέβα θεός
πρωτόκαρπον κλυτάν 'Ατθίδ' επί γαλόφω πρώνι Τριτωνίδος:
μελίπνοον δέ Λίβυς αυδάγ χέων λωτός ανέμελπεν α-
δείαν όπα μειγνύμενος αιόλοις κιθάριος μέλεσιν, άμα δ'
ίαχεν πετροκατοίκητος αχώ Παιάν ιέ Παιάν:
ο δέ γέγαθ', ότι νόω δεξάμενος
αμβρόταν Διός επέγνω φρέν': ανθ' ών εκεί-
νας απ' αρχάς Παιήονα κικλήσκομεν άπας
λαός αυτοχθόνων ηδέ Βάκχου μέγας θυρσοπλήξ
εσμός ιερός τεχνιτών ένοικος πόλει Κεκροπία.
'Αλλά χρησμωδόν ός έχεις τρίποδα, βαίν' επί θεοστιβέα
τάνδε Παρνασίαν δειράδα φιλένθεον.
'Αμφί πλόκαμον σύ δ' οινώπα δάφνας κλάδον πλεξάμενος
απλέτους θεμελίους τ' αμβρότα χειρί σύρων, άναξ,
Γάς πελώρω συναντάς κόρα.
'Αλλά Λατούς ερατογλέφαρον έρνος αγρίαν
παίδα Γάς τ' έπεφνες ιοίς, ομού τ' αναβοάς
η δέ πόθον έσχε ματρός φίλας
ηρ ά κατέκτας ος
σύριγμ' απε..ων
@@itskhalid923 where'd you find this?! I've been trying to learn this hymn for years now and could never find the lyrics. I've been aad listening to this since like 2013 trying to learn it through dictation. Thank you so much for this I can finally praise Apollo properly with his hymn
That actually sounds amazing
May the golden light of Great Apollo smile upon you always!
Alexandre Porto 8 years later... did you get to go?
11y later, so ? Did you go ?
νιοθω πολυ υπεριφανος που πολυ ανθρωποι απο ξενες χωρες ακουν αρχαια ελληνικη μουσικη και αρκετα ντροπιασμενος που ειναι τοσο λιγοι ελληνες την ακουνε
γενικα ειναι τραγικο που τοσοι λιγοι ελληνες εκτιμανε την κουλτουρα και τον πολιτισμο τους παρολο που την ιδια στιγμη το παιζουν υπερήφανοι που ειναι ελληνες... θα βρεις περισσοτερες πληροφοριες για ελληνικο πολιτισμο αν ψαξεις κατι στα αγγλικα παρα στα ελληνικα
ίσως ο λόγος αυτής της κατάστασης είναι ότι ο αρχαίος ελληνικός κόσμος θεωρείται ειδωλολατρικός
Αφού οι μάζες ακούν σκυλάδικα, ενώ οι "ψαγμένοι" ούτε που έχουν ακούσει έστω και μία φορά την μουσική των προγόνων τους. Προτιμούν τουρκο-εβραϊκά όργανα και κομμάτια χωρίς νόημα. Εντάξει, ούτε εγώ ακούω κάθε μέρα αλλά τουλάχιστον, εφόσον μου είναι τόσο εύκολο να τα ψάξω!
Οι πραγματικοί ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ δεν "λάτρευαν" ούτε προσκυνούσαν κανένα σαν άμυαλα ζώα. Τιμούσαν τους Θεούς τους (με την πραγματική έννοια του θεού και όχι την εβραϊκή) και μεγαλοπρεπούσαν σε οποιονδήποτε τομέα δούλευαν (ή δημιουργούσαν). ΑΥΤΟΙ είναι οι ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ, όχι οι ξεφτίλες που προσκυνάνε τον γιαχβέ σαδο-μασο-θεό της κουράδας και μόνοι σαν Ελληνες δεν συμπεριφέρονται.
Kαι εγω φιλε συνελληνα
I wonder what this would sound like if it was played in a more authentic, ancient tuning that included microtones, the "blue" notes in between the notes of our modern octave. We can still hear microtones in some arabic and coptic music.
You'll find microtonality in Greek music as well. And this music here also sports microtone movement...
Hail Apollon! , hail and live! it is eternal summer here, live forever- Charles
Beautiful music
thanks for bringing me up to speed
Hail Lord Apollon! Blessed be the gods!
if i was born in ancient times, i would definetely worship her twin sister artemis and apollo >//
Glory and honor to Apollo and to all that is holy.
Praise the sun!
Thank you ❤
Ancient or modern times Apollo is forever worthy of worship
May Lord Apollo bless you!
What is the instrument used around at 1:48? it sounds very smooth and glassy
maybe santouri but I'm not sure
Also the sun, poetry and music :)
Hail Apollo god of sun
Hail Apollo! ☀️ Blessed be the gods!
Apollo, lord of the sun, conquerer of the serpent, protector from evil, grant us your light. Let your fingers sweep the ancient lyre, let your song fill our hearts! Illuminate our holy crown in your light, great paean, and we will wear it in your name. Amen.
praise Apollo..
130s BCE kids will remember this
Χαῖρε Ἀπόλλων!
glad im not the only one. I was starting to think i was crazy
Hail all the olympus gods and goodness!!!!
Very good attempt to authentically perform this music!
This is the Paean and Prosodion to the God -- arranged as a Paean of nine sections (a hymn of praise and thanksgiving) and a prosodion or processional hymn to the altar.
An English rendition of the first section is provided by a Mr. Richard Hooker:
Oh come now, Muses, and go to the craggy sacred place,
upon the far-seen twin-peaked Parnassus,
celebrated and dear to us, Pierian maidens.
Repose on the snow-clad mountain top;
Celebrate the Pythian lord with the golden sword,
Phoebus, whom Leto bore unassisted on the Delian rock,
surrounded by silvery olives, the luxuriant plant,
Which the goddess Pallas long ago brought forth.
Mount Parnassus, above Delphi, is sacred to Apollo on account of his great temple at Delphi, kept by the Pythia or Oracle of Delphi (and also to Bacchus and the Corycian nymphs, two of whom bore children to Apollo). The Pierian maidens are the Nine Muses, associated with Pieria near Olympus. Apollo is ''Pythian'' in that he slew at Delphi (the centre or navel of the world) the chthonic she-dragon Python. Phoebus is an epithet of the god, denoting The Bright One. Leto, Latona to the Latins, lay with the great god Zeus and became pregnant by him of Apollo and Artemis. Cursed by Hera, his wife, she could not give birth to her divine children on the Continent nor on any island, and wandered until she came to barren Delos, floating upon the sea, and so neither land nor island. She bore Artemis without travail, but laboured nine days and nine nights for Apollo.
Pallas is a giant slain and flayed by Artemis -- the flayed skin forming according to some her aegis. Hence Pallas Athena as an epithet.
I am currently staying in Autun looking at a structure that could have once been a temple to Apollon ... so time to.listen to this
Some of you guys will want to kill me after saying this, but if I could choose what would be the most practiced religion on Earth, I would surely choose Greek polytheism aka Hellenism.
And by the way, I'm agnostic.
Were it up to me, we'd all be practicing our own ethnic religions, and "religion" wouldn't even be something we thought about because it would already be so intertwined with our customs.
Also, I consider my "religion" to be more practice than creed, so labels like "agnostic" don't really make much sense to me.
I am Italian, but I share your dream... Anyway, I am convinced that Greek music (not only the hedonistic one, but the sacred one as well) couldn't sound like this. You are not going to calm down beasts with such music and such a voice. Orpheus must have had such a brighter spirit...
I tend to agree. Being human has not changed. What does music like this evoke in the human? Would Apollo have been sung such a dirge? This has been rendered with the sort of heavy dignity of a church choral work, explaining how Jesus died sorrowfully to save the world, if they only repent their great sin. One does not approach a god like Apollo in the same tone, at least I would say so.
Quite a classic.
Praise to Lord Apollon 🌞
Hail Lord Apollo! ❤️
Πολύ ωραίο Ευχαριστούμε πολύ!
Hail Apollo 🙏🏻☀️🪷🏛️
Oh why?! Why did you have to leave, Hellas?!
Wonderful song😊
Evocative, amazing
Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν,
θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας,
καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι,
ζωὴν χαρισάμενος!
Εστ ημαρ οτε Φοιβος παλιν ελευσαι και ες αει εσεται
I need book recommendations to connect and work with /place on alter God Apollo.
When I was a kid I had ''the legends of antic Olympus"
I just realized how old is your comment 🤣
Kenny Beginner I still listen to this video often :) ty for the book lol
Im trynna make music like this
Is there anyway I can find some type of sheet music or anything written for the musical composition part of this hymn
A - pollon ( the first of all ) ( [ the A { alpha } of all ] )
Ελλήνων Πολιτεία "A (πελλ) Ω", The Alpha and the Omega.
StevieGreek Alithinos privative
το πελλ τι σημαινει?
Most correct, thus you must know of the Apollo prophecies for the coming of Jesus Christ ?
apollo is attested earlier in hittite sources as Aplu enlil, it means son of enlil, the babylonian zeus.
Hail our Bright Lord, the far-shooting Apollo!
Hail the Lord and the Lady!
Blessid be.
We'd be in a better world.
Any other songs like this?видео.html
goes hard
Feels like i'm playing Empire Earth or Civ
Αν πιστεύουμε ότι δε γίνεται τίποτα λόγω του διεφθαρμένου αυτού συστήματος, τότε τα παρατάμε. Να πολεμήσουμε!
oh Apollo, i love the Greek Apollo's
I see Apollo like an representating of my Sun Invictus(Jesus)
you worship a dead jew on a stick
Thanks Grace!
Buah de locos, un grande el Apolo, si fue hasta la Luna y to.
The most similar music to ancient Greek is the Japanese..I don't think its a coincidence
@@trailblazing2576 No, it's not. See Indo-Greek and Tang music.
Once again, what is your NAME, oh great hero? Everyone should of heard of such a brilliant general!
linda musica
By the gods, I wanna be hellenic!!!!!
Only 130BC kids will remember
do you need an alter to worship apollo? or does it just help?
eyes wide shut vibe!
Is this royalty free? Need to use it for a film
Hail Apollo😊
Yeah, I could seen that. But within every soul, there must be sadness, especially since Orpheus had lost his dear wife. Minstrels and the such must have had all the power back then, if you think about it. They could connect to the people and the most saintful could tame animals.
Can I use this music because it was made in 138bc so I am not sure if it is copyrighted.