Comparing the Scorpius to the Hurricane one thing becomes very clear - the quality of your audio, and your voice-over work have improved massively over the last two years!
Got this ship for my brother last year as a gift. It's a great and beautiful ship. It's a very fun 2-man ship but it feels like things get blown off really easy. He plays more now and he's very happy with it. Great review. Keep up the good work.
@@Farrister well he was struggling with the game and he loves star wars so it was a natural fit. Now he plays a bit more but still has trouble even with the Scorpius.
It's definitely a nice looking X-Wi...err..ship. But yeah, that Hurricane is really the elephant in the room. It feels like a more attractive buy for a twin-seat fighter.
It's worth mentioning that each side has a separate inventory, they are not linked so you can carry double. Also the reason its expensive I believe comes down to the future computer blade functionality. Eventually this will be a solo pilot's dream.
I'm not sure if you can slave the turret to the pilot cause I read somewhere that CIG said this is not to be the case, bit you can automate the turret to be a point defense platform. Don't quote me though, I'm just fairly certain I read it somewhere. If they allow the turret to be slaved to the pilot, then this thing will be pretty awesome with it's dps and alpha damage.
Yeah, CIG recently said the Scorpius will be the first test-bed for AI blades - bonus! I bought one for its looks alone, but I hope its upcoming nerf doesn't kill its performance too much.
Great review and cool ship! Thanks for showing all that detail, makes me want to consider being a combat pilot again! I’m still thinking my path through the verse (at 4.0) will begin in versatile mode, with my cutlass black, plus there’s nothing like opening that back door and standing at the edge looking out whilst in orbit of an epic planet!
CIG repositioned some of the weapons on the Buccaneer awhile back because it was losing guns too easily when the wingtips got shot off. Maybe they will do the same for the Scorpius someday.
Firing the pilot weaponry with the wings closed won't be an option in the future according to CIG. I'm also disappointed with there only being two MFD's for the pilot seat and the turret having almost no awareness aids. The best thing about this ship^IMO is how you can see CIG moving further and further away from the inner thought system, seeing as they went out of their way to put buttons almost everywhere. The less floating text, the better.
and you cant see power management thats in the co-pilots seat but they cant change it ??? I like to see A my shields B power management . C target info and if poss the ship damage
It's pretty obvious from recent adjustments on the MOLE that CIG want to provide benefits for truly live crewed MP ships. I for one like this as AI blades won't be the be all. Adding advantages to MP on MP ships gets my thumbs up.
Got to fly it solo a bit during Invictus and it was a fun ship to fly. I hope CIG does something about the convergence issue, didn’t really expect to see that outside of Mechwarrior Online.
I bought a Hurricane with in-game currency and upgrade one of my other fighters to the Scorpius. I love the Hurricane and it's obviously able to tank more damage. However, the Scorpius is really fun to fly and wheeling the nose around is a thought. Both of them have a place. I think the Scorpius is the superior choice for fighter escort but the Hurricane will do better against larger targets. I flew two up in the Hurricane during the last Xenothreat event and it was a butcher when both size 4s and the turrets armaments were focus on a single target. Nothing erases a Hammerhead like a size 9 from an Eclipse, but the Hurricane chews them up in a hurry. I'm concerned that losing the gimbles on the wings will spread the firepower over too wide of an area, especially against light fighters, to take advantage of the larger weapons, so I'm sticking with the size 2s.
I love the Scorpius, really fast and nimble for it's class. I Put S3 fixed canons as pilot guns and do just fine solo. But it really comes into it's own with a gunner. For solo I prefer the Scorpius over the Hurricane, It just works way better for me. With a gunner The Scorpius still works best for me, but the Hurricane is not so bad anymore, quite equal even. It's like a Warden: good alone, great with two. And if you have 3 people, then the Redeemer! I upgraded to the Scorpius through my Sabre: It manages pretty much the same but has the option for a gunner. Also good Review: I didn't know about the weapon racks at the front!
Since I'm not really a combat pilot, I don't have a lot to say about the Scorpius - it's got a good mix of speed, handling, and firepower, and the only real flaw I see is that the reverse-mode on the turret seems to be a feature in need of a benefit at the moment. It might be worth testing to see if the gunner can enter scanning mode or missile mode while in the turret, because using those modes (especially scanning) on the reverse arc really enhances the Scorpius' potential as a recon bird. From the perspective of a target, though, I think this is one terrifying ship. With its combination of speed and firepower, there's not much that a solo trader can do if jumped by a Scorpius, since the only viable transport that can outrun it is the MSR. Without a gunner, though, I imagine at least a few Scorpius pilots will imagine that either (A) 4x s2 guns on gimbals is still pretty scary, or (B) they're elite enough to fly with fixed s3's and use their convergence range to best advantage. With that in mind, I'd say that the time of the multicrew trade run might be at hand, since most traders' turrets can equal the firepower of a solo-piloted Scorpius, or at least endanger it long enough to ruin its attack angle and ruin the brief window where s3 convergence would be deadly. Better to give a share of a successful run to a good gunner than lose it all trying to outrun a Scorpius.
It will get evened back out again, I imagine - and several times, at that. With the turret either on a blade or controlled by the pilot, the Scorpius is again a monster of epic proportions, one that would even make a Hercules with 2 large shields think twice. But, those same blades or NPC crew give just as much to trader turrets as to the Scorpius. I think it's still advantage: Scorpius, though.
Its a good ship, just used it today in 9tails blockade and it destroys the ai ships very (VERY) quickly with a gunner. As the show went on an ace pilot turned red and decided to go after us in the Scorpius, it turned into a 20 minute dog fight where in the end we ran so low on fuel we had to run back to the station.. At this point he began chasing us but couldn't catch up, so we slowed down a bit and waited for him to get real close then unloaded the turret into him and finally secured the kill.. After all that the station couldn't refuel us due to a bug, so the scorp made it all the way back to Lorville all shot up with sparks shooting out of the interior and red lights flashing lol. It got us home, and the other guy did not.
Great review. Got it last year. Love it so far, especially with a Gunner. But I was wondering... Scorpius = X-Wing with a Turret instead of Droid(A.I.-Blade?) Hurricane = A-Wing with a Turret? Discuss Fellow Citizens. ✌️😎🚬
As i prefer ships that can be used both multicrew and solo, the scorpius is definitely my favorite pick between it and the hurricane. The limited agility and firepower for the pilot on the hurricane is a no go for solo play in my book.
@@Farrister 2xs4 for solo is something i personally wouldnt recommend to the average pilot, the low agility in comparison to the potential opponents ships makes it even harder imho. Who knows what the upcoming changes to combat speeds will change in that regard, but id still only pick that if i had no other choice^^
I bought the scorpius and I must say am extremly impressed whit it. i have both ion and inferno and have played whit the hornet alot, and been flying around in a hurricane but compared to the scorpius I cannot see any future I don't have the ship in my inventory
I like your reviews so much! Please do the Drake Mule next! On the Scorpius, this ship is truly beautifully crafted. I only wish they did the same for the Eclipse which is my favorite 1/2-seater ship in the game. If I am to spend 200-300 USD in a ship I'd rather keep my Eclipse for now.
@@Farrister I think the Mule is good for a short video and awesome for these missions with the timed crates. Also it has a component access and some interesting actionable parts like the fuel port, inventory storage, and more.
Good review. I purchased it but have to say my Vangaurd Harbinger I feel is the better ship and more fun. CIG pushing for MP on ships will show tangible benefits. AI blades will provide flexibility but accuracy must suffer to keep the balance in gameplay.
I’m late to the party on this one but was reviewing the Scorpius and Hurricane the past day or so. My advice after spending time in both is A: pick the one that matches your style the best and B if you’re a min max type of person pledge the Hurricane and hold a ccu to the Scrop. You can always ccu up but it’s a real pain to go back. I really like the size and profile of the Hurricane but generally everything else about the scorpius just feels better to me. X wing or not it’s a nice looking ship and when you sit in the pilots seat it really sets the setting of a sci fi game for my taste.
Great review Farrister. I like the ship, but unfortunately, it's not in my budget right now. It looks like it can deal some serious combat damage in a fight. Thanks for the review. Take care, fly safe and I'll see you in the verse.
I feel like RSI is a really underrated manufacturer in general. Without their pioneering knowledge humanity wouldn’t have become a spacefaring species, and their ships really do run the full gamut from personal to military. If Origin is the wealthy socialite and Drake is the counterculture punk rocker, RSI is the visionary researcher.
Ive already changed the shield to the FR-76 LOL happy with the Qt drive you can get from Microtech to Arcorp in one jump .as for the size 2 gimbaled I am also happy with. this help me keep the turret on target and not just the pilot . but I may change them at a later date to fixed size 3's . it also handles very well but doesn't like bouncing into a moon lol ooops :)
I do love the looks of this ship. For my personal hangar for real cash, I passed. I normally don’t buy combat ships for real world cash except for a Gladius and an Ion. The Ion is currently a bit disappointing and I wouldn’t get much use out of the Scorpius being a solo flyer. It’s definitely a good looking ship in my opinion though.
The only real problem with this ship at the moment is the convergence issue. When you swap out the Wingtip Guns with size 3's the guns converge at about 800-1000 meters out. what that means is if a smaller more nimble ship like a Gladius or Arrow gets inside of 500 or so meters they get very hard to hit and impossible to hit with all 4 guns as your shots are converging behind your target. Fixed guns do gimble a little to try to compensate for this but the hardpoints are so far apart on the Scorpius it's not enough to compensate. This is a big weakness of the Scorpius at this time.
What are your thoughts on this ship vs the vanguard series? I love my harbinger and have considered melting it for this but having all my weapons functioning if I loose a wing is hard to let go
The Vanguard series is much beefier, it'll hold up under sustained fire a bit better. The Scorpius is a bit quicker and more nimble. For PvE at least, that's probably just a matter of your own personal preference.
As you said Scorpius is faster than hurricane pitch, yaw, roll : 42/37/144 on Scorpius and 30/31/31 on hurricane but it also has a bigger hp pool more than 40k on Scorpius but less than 19k on hurricane that's why when people say 'hurricane takes more damage that makes me smile
That was a really good review pretty much right on the money. I think CIG needs to organize their thoughts on what a heavy fighter is. Is it more guns? Or the total package. Too me the vanguard series represent what a heavy fighter is. Heavily armed, larger in size, a 2500 quantum fuel tank. Thus you behave as a heavy fighter in the same way that designation would be carried in RL. The tiny fuel tank of the scorpius drops it right out of the heavy fighter category in my view. It cant possibly be a forward deployed heavy fighter if it carries the same fuel as a light fighter. Its quantum fuel tank should at least be 2000. I have this ship, enjoy it, have not flown it with a gunner yet, and when I do I know I will enjoy it much more. But flying solo I would feel more comfortable in any Vanguard or say a Drake Buccaneer or my Hornet. I also will say that if you fly with wings out, as you pointed out, losing a gun is quite easy. This means I find I gotta be a bit standoffish in the scorpius.....but its really fun to fly....but not really a heavy fighter in my book. Thanks again for the great review.
the scorpius has a little bit more pilot dps, is more maneuverable, has more hull hp, and has more missile dps. The hurricane isn't as power hungry with the size 2 power plant and none of it's weapons are vulnerable, because they aren't attached to the wings. The scorpius seems like the clear winner, unless the scorpius turns out to be a pain in the ass because of lack of power or if the wings are easily blown off.
The main reason I can’t currently recommend the Scorpius is the vulnerability of the turret. It’s very easy for it to get blown off during combat, and at this time there is NO WAY to put it back. Repairing or claiming the ship does not restore the turret. Once that is addressed, and they beef up the wing strength (so you don’t have similar issues with the pilot guns), I may change my mind.
I've lost my Scorpius turret a couple of times during bounties and was able to get it repaired both times, no problem. To make the turret a little less vulnerable, shifting it from top to bottom seems to help.
this is a bug. As a rule of thumb if you loose a piece of your ship in battle (a thruster or turret or gun) .. DO NOT attempt to land and repair the ship, counterintuitively this actually persists any modular damage to the ship and the only fix is a character reset after you've done that. Instead, if you F4 inspect your ship and see big pieces missing, self destruct when you're finished with your bounty session, or fly it right near a station, EVA into a pad's elevator and reclaim your ship without actually landing it (I do this all the time). I suspect most SC youtubers (like @farrister) ) aren't actually playing the game all that much and don't encounter these kinds of issues. Nor is it unique to the Scorpius btw (I permanently lost a turret gun on my vanguard for example).
The Scorpius is actually far superior to the Hurricane. Thanks to 4 x S3 weapons for the pilot having more DPS than 2 x S4, plus the enhanced maneuverability and speed of the Scorpius, the Hurricane doesn't stand a chance in 1 on 1 combat with both ships having gunners and pilots of equal skill. All you need to do to realize just how important the maneuverability increase is - is fly a big ship. Sluggish ships are far more difficult to keep on target in combat, that's why it takes so much skill to take down smaller, faster ships with either of the Crusader Ares Star Fighters or any of the Aegis Vanguards. The Scorpius gives us handling only slightly more sluggish than the Anvil Hornet - a much smaller fighter, very impressive indeed - so long as it doesn't suddenly get nerfed...
Just a few notes for clarity. Agility will get nerfed. CIG has been clear with this and they think it's too agile in 3.17.1. Perhaps we'll see this in 3.17.2 at the end of the month. You shouldn't expect to keep shooting through folded wings. That is unintended and confirmed by CIG. The real money price is $240. It's on warbond sale for 220 for a limited time at launch. I might be in the minority but I don't like the looks of the Scorpius. The hull and engines are great but the wings are too big and clumsy. With half the wings or even no wings at all it would have been something I'd wanted but now I can't shake the feeling that it was made to cash in on a fan favourite design.
@@Farrister had to strip all the guns and spawn it then store and rearm and it fixed thankfully also thanks for all the videos, I come to you first to get my ship reviews!
They couldve given the pilot ability to slave the turret and control the turret. CR said the game is 90% npc and 10% players. And here they forces you to get a crew to make the ship useful.
Would make the turret a lot less appealing for players though - why take a Scorpius with gunner seat, when you could just take 2 Scorpius? Puts a 2v2 at a disadvantage for multi-crew
I am an baker from 2012 - CR and friends ripped off some ships that used to had slaved turrets...I always said, damn man we are suppose to be so far in the future...there must be a chip or software than could control that turret...Why getting rip of such gimmick in the first place...maybe forcing you to play less solo with such a powerful gimmick....
Only 2 bad things to say about it after a week of testing. Needs at least 1 more MFD and desperately needs more acceleration power. Everything else is really nice.
I do love the ship but i would not class it as a "heavy fighter" for me a heavy fighter got hard hitting guns and armor, gimballed s2 is not a heavy fighter loadout and fixed s3 could have been good if the filot you're fighting aint flying all over the plane and you are limited to 41 shots compared with the gimballed s2 that got 63 shots and well "aim-assist". I expect the heavy fighter tag to come from the turrent same as the hurricane. Solo for player bounties aint to recommend in this ship
Comparing the Scorpius to the Hurricane one thing becomes very clear - the quality of your audio, and your voice-over work have improved massively over the last two years!
Ah that's kind of you to say, I keep trying to step things up and improve!
I have bought my Scorpius and orange flight suit :D Loving it
Living the dream!
Got this ship for my brother last year as a gift. It's a great and beautiful ship. It's a very fun 2-man ship but it feels like things get blown off really easy. He plays more now and he's very happy with it. Great review. Keep up the good work.
That's a kind gift - my brother never bought me a ship xD
@@Farrister well he was struggling with the game and he loves star wars so it was a natural fit. Now he plays a bit more but still has trouble even with the Scorpius.
It's definitely a nice looking X-Wi...err..ship. But yeah, that Hurricane is really the elephant in the room. It feels like a more attractive buy for a twin-seat fighter.
Haha yup!
so U have to buy the sunburnpain too 🙂🖐️X
Hurricane is not as good
Thanks for capturing the magic of this game Farrister; I really look forward to these videos and the upbuilding approach!
Thanks Novalis!
Great review. I like the unbiased approach and comparisons to other ships in the fleet.
Thank you, glad you enjoyed :)
It's worth mentioning that each side has a separate inventory, they are not linked so you can carry double.
Also the reason its expensive I believe comes down to the future computer blade functionality. Eventually this will be a solo pilot's dream.
Didn't even know this.
Also thought the inventory was broken until I realized I had to be closer to the panel to activate it.
I'm not sure if you can slave the turret to the pilot cause I read somewhere that CIG said this is not to be the case, bit you can automate the turret to be a point defense platform.
Don't quote me though, I'm just fairly certain I read it somewhere. If they allow the turret to be slaved to the pilot, then this thing will be pretty awesome with it's dps and alpha damage.
Yeah, CIG recently said the Scorpius will be the first test-bed for AI blades - bonus! I bought one for its looks alone, but I hope its upcoming nerf doesn't kill its performance too much.
My opinion only, but I don’t think CIG will slave the turrets to pilot control. Exception being the point defense for missiles. We’ll see someday.
I'm always wary of exploring "what might be" in the future, so stick to the here and now and what's in game - safest option!
Love it for the nostalgic Babylon 5 Starfury look!
Great review and cool ship! Thanks for showing all that detail, makes me want to consider being a combat pilot again! I’m still thinking my path through the verse (at 4.0) will begin in versatile mode, with my cutlass black, plus there’s nothing like opening that back door and standing at the edge looking out whilst in orbit of an epic planet!
Cutty black is the best ship I ever owned.
Or even the side doors!
A very thorough review; thanks.
Thanks Andrew :)
My favourite fighter in the game right now! I hope CIG is able to compensate for the convergence issue of the wing tip weapons.
CIG repositioned some of the weapons on the Buccaneer awhile back because it was losing guns too easily when the wingtips got shot off. Maybe they will do the same for the Scorpius someday.
This thing just popped up in the subscriber store so imma pledge for it, seems pretty cool
It is pretty cool!
When we get atmospheric flight this thing is gonna maneuver like a dang biplane lmao
Firing the pilot weaponry with the wings closed won't be an option in the future according to CIG.
I'm also disappointed with there only being two MFD's for the pilot seat and the turret having almost no awareness aids.
The best thing about this ship^IMO is how you can see CIG moving further and further away from the inner thought system, seeing as they went out of their way to put buttons almost everywhere. The less floating text, the better.
and you cant see power management thats in the co-pilots seat but they cant change it ??? I like to see A my shields B power management . C target info and if poss the ship damage
Only time will tell!
It's pretty obvious from recent adjustments on the MOLE that CIG want to provide benefits for truly live crewed MP ships. I for one like this as AI blades won't be the be all. Adding advantages to MP on MP ships gets my thumbs up.
What the swing can shoot with the wings closed they only open to dispense heat better in heavy combat
Lol never mind those wings close weird
Got to fly it solo a bit during Invictus and it was a fun ship to fly. I hope CIG does something about the convergence issue, didn’t really expect to see that outside of Mechwarrior Online.
I'm sure it'll be looked at, at some point
@Farrister. At some point.... 😴
I bought a Hurricane with in-game currency and upgrade one of my other fighters to the Scorpius. I love the Hurricane and it's obviously able to tank more damage. However, the Scorpius is really fun to fly and wheeling the nose around is a thought. Both of them have a place. I think the Scorpius is the superior choice for fighter escort but the Hurricane will do better against larger targets. I flew two up in the Hurricane during the last Xenothreat event and it was a butcher when both size 4s and the turrets armaments were focus on a single target. Nothing erases a Hammerhead like a size 9 from an Eclipse, but the Hurricane chews them up in a hurry. I'm concerned that losing the gimbles on the wings will spread the firepower over too wide of an area, especially against light fighters, to take advantage of the larger weapons, so I'm sticking with the size 2s.
Aw man, I loved the XT events with the Hurricane!
Hurricane has less hull hp so how can it take more damage?
I love the Scorpius, really fast and nimble for it's class. I Put S3 fixed canons as pilot guns and do just fine solo. But it really comes into it's own with a gunner. For solo I prefer the Scorpius over the Hurricane, It just works way better for me. With a gunner The Scorpius still works best for me, but the Hurricane is not so bad anymore, quite equal even. It's like a Warden: good alone, great with two. And if you have 3 people, then the Redeemer!
I upgraded to the Scorpius through my Sabre: It manages pretty much the same but has the option for a gunner.
Also good Review: I didn't know about the weapon racks at the front!
That's a good way to look at it, "Sabre with more options"!
Thanks for another nice video Farrister - Keep up the good work my friend - ♪♫♥ ;)
Thank you!!
Lovely looking ship 👍🏻
It really is!
Since I'm not really a combat pilot, I don't have a lot to say about the Scorpius - it's got a good mix of speed, handling, and firepower, and the only real flaw I see is that the reverse-mode on the turret seems to be a feature in need of a benefit at the moment. It might be worth testing to see if the gunner can enter scanning mode or missile mode while in the turret, because using those modes (especially scanning) on the reverse arc really enhances the Scorpius' potential as a recon bird.
From the perspective of a target, though, I think this is one terrifying ship. With its combination of speed and firepower, there's not much that a solo trader can do if jumped by a Scorpius, since the only viable transport that can outrun it is the MSR. Without a gunner, though, I imagine at least a few Scorpius pilots will imagine that either (A) 4x s2 guns on gimbals is still pretty scary, or (B) they're elite enough to fly with fixed s3's and use their convergence range to best advantage. With that in mind, I'd say that the time of the multicrew trade run might be at hand, since most traders' turrets can equal the firepower of a solo-piloted Scorpius, or at least endanger it long enough to ruin its attack angle and ruin the brief window where s3 convergence would be deadly. Better to give a share of a successful run to a good gunner than lose it all trying to outrun a Scorpius.
The last paragraph spoke to me :(
It will get evened back out again, I imagine - and several times, at that. With the turret either on a blade or controlled by the pilot, the Scorpius is again a monster of epic proportions, one that would even make a Hercules with 2 large shields think twice. But, those same blades or NPC crew give just as much to trader turrets as to the Scorpius. I think it's still advantage: Scorpius, though.
Its a good ship, just used it today in 9tails blockade and it destroys the ai ships very (VERY) quickly with a gunner. As the show went on an ace pilot turned red and decided to go after us in the Scorpius, it turned into a 20 minute dog fight where in the end we ran so low on fuel we had to run back to the station.. At this point he began chasing us but couldn't catch up, so we slowed down a bit and waited for him to get real close then unloaded the turret into him and finally secured the kill.. After all that the station couldn't refuel us due to a bug, so the scorp made it all the way back to Lorville all shot up with sparks shooting out of the interior and red lights flashing lol. It got us home, and the other guy did not.
Haha sounds great!
awesome vid
Cool ship! o7 😎👍
It sure is!
Ahh yes i was waiting for the rewiev
Didn't have to wait long!
I'd guess fighting with the wings closed will soon be a thing of the past as you essentially shoot through your own hull
I imagine so
Great review. Got it last year. Love it so far, especially with a Gunner. But I was wondering...
Scorpius = X-Wing with a Turret instead of Droid(A.I.-Blade?)
Hurricane = A-Wing with a Turret?
Discuss Fellow Citizens. ✌️😎🚬
you forgot Gladiator = Y-Wng (pilot, turret gunner, bomber)
@@sunsic5850 Omitted it on account that there is no valid U-Wing to counter it....unless we talking about My Ug-Wing Starter Nomad. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
As i prefer ships that can be used both multicrew and solo, the scorpius is definitely my favorite pick between it and the hurricane. The limited agility and firepower for the pilot on the hurricane is a no go for solo play in my book.
I was torn between the 2xs4 or the 4xs3 xD
@@Farrister 2xs4 for solo is something i personally wouldnt recommend to the average pilot, the low agility in comparison to the potential opponents ships makes it even harder imho. Who knows what the upcoming changes to combat speeds will change in that regard, but id still only pick that if i had no other choice^^
I melted mine before release to make some fleet upgrades. I plan to get it back quickly.
In the current patch its a good medium ship, I took my 60+ year old father out flying as my gunner, and he said quote "That was badass!"
"That was badass!" - epic!
I bought the scorpius and I must say am extremly impressed whit it. i have both ion and inferno and have played whit the hornet alot, and been flying around in a hurricane but compared to the scorpius I cannot see any future I don't have the ship in my inventory
Hopefully the Ares series becomes more relevant for larger targets
It's my dream boat in every single way, a gorgeous medium fighter that can be turned into a heavy fighter by bringing a pal along.
Not to mention the feel good sci-fi feels xD
I like your reviews so much! Please do the Drake Mule next! On the Scorpius, this ship is truly beautifully crafted. I only wish they did the same for the Eclipse which is my favorite 1/2-seater ship in the game. If I am to spend 200-300 USD in a ship I'd rather keep my Eclipse for now.
Do you think there is much to go at with the Mule?
@@Farrister I think the Mule is good for a short video and awesome for these missions with the timed crates. Also it has a component access and some interesting actionable parts like the fuel port, inventory storage, and more.
Good review. I purchased it but have to say my Vangaurd Harbinger I feel is the better ship and more fun. CIG pushing for MP on ships will show tangible benefits. AI blades will provide flexibility but accuracy must suffer to keep the balance in gameplay.
The Vanguard is quite a bit bigger/heavier though!
Look up ‘ A modest Aurora re-concept ‘
They need to do this! Make it a RSI thing!
She is a very beautiful ship. She flies like a dream. Upgraded the wing weapons to size 3 guns.
Yup, I would do that too!
I’m late to the party on this one but was reviewing the Scorpius and Hurricane the past day or so. My advice after spending time in both is A: pick the one that matches your style the best and B if you’re a min max type of person pledge the Hurricane and hold a ccu to the Scrop. You can always ccu up but it’s a real pain to go back. I really like the size and profile of the Hurricane but generally everything else about the scorpius just feels better to me. X wing or not it’s a nice looking ship and when you sit in the pilots seat it really sets the setting of a sci fi game for my taste.
Alternatively, always a good option to buy with aUEC :)
@@Farrister 💯, always the safest option lol.
@Farrister In game it costs 2.8mil aUEC so it is pretty expensive.
“Lock those wings in attack position”, I see what you did there 😏
Great review Farrister. I like the ship, but unfortunately, it's not in my budget right now. It looks like it can deal some serious combat damage in a fight. Thanks for the review. Take care, fly safe and I'll see you in the verse.
Nor in mine, at least until we see an in-game price!
I feel like RSI is a really underrated manufacturer in general. Without their pioneering knowledge humanity wouldn’t have become a spacefaring species, and their ships really do run the full gamut from personal to military.
If Origin is the wealthy socialite and Drake is the counterculture punk rocker, RSI is the visionary researcher.
Ive already changed the shield to the FR-76 LOL happy with the Qt drive you can get from Microtech to Arcorp in one jump .as for the size 2 gimbaled I am also happy with. this help me keep the turret on target and not just the pilot . but I may change them at a later date to fixed size 3's . it also handles very well but doesn't like bouncing into a moon lol ooops :)
Grade A Civilian QT drive makes it where you can travel anywhere in Stanton with one jump as long as your fuel tank is full.
@@Bland-79 yes but at the cost of time if I can get there then great if I want to travel I'll use a bigger ship like the MSR or 400i, 600i
The QD are all trade-offs between efficiency and pure speed
I do love the looks of this ship. For my personal hangar for real cash, I passed. I normally don’t buy combat ships for real world cash except for a Gladius and an Ion. The Ion is currently a bit disappointing and I wouldn’t get much use out of the Scorpius being a solo flyer. It’s definitely a good looking ship in my opinion though.
Yeah, I'm happy with my Gladius and Inferno too! But I gotta give a nod to the turret options on the Scorpius
Where do u buy it
New Deal, Lorville - 2.8m aUEC, or wait for a sale on the website (usually during events, like upcoming Invictus week)
The only real problem with this ship at the moment is the convergence issue. When you swap out the Wingtip Guns with size 3's the guns converge at about 800-1000 meters out. what that means is if a smaller more nimble ship like a Gladius or Arrow gets inside of 500 or so meters they get very hard to hit and impossible to hit with all 4 guns as your shots are converging behind your target. Fixed guns do gimble a little to try to compensate for this but the hardpoints are so far apart on the Scorpius it's not enough to compensate. This is a big weakness of the Scorpius at this time.
I think it impacts PvP more than PvE though
I think there's a way of changing the conversions in the settings menu
Now just add a module to swap out the extra turrent for an astromech droid and I'm sold
Beep boop beep boop
@@Farrister sorry I don't speak Italian :(
Yeah, I thought that it looked like a Starfury Thunderbolt too.😏
Yes..... xD
@@Farrister Glad that you got the joke!
What are your thoughts on this ship vs the vanguard series? I love my harbinger and have considered melting it for this but having all my weapons functioning if I loose a wing is hard to let go
I haven't lost to a Scorpius in my Sentinel yet.
The Vanguard series is much beefier, it'll hold up under sustained fire a bit better. The Scorpius is a bit quicker and more nimble. For PvE at least, that's probably just a matter of your own personal preference.
Hopefully the fix the lack of MFDs for the gunner soon.
Could turn gunner into more of a copilot too
As you said Scorpius is faster than hurricane pitch, yaw, roll : 42/37/144 on Scorpius and 30/31/31 on hurricane but it also has a bigger hp pool more than 40k on Scorpius but less than 19k on hurricane that's why when people say 'hurricane takes more damage that makes me smile
The big question is how will it perform in 1-2 patch time...
That was a really good review pretty much right on the money. I think CIG needs to organize their thoughts on what a heavy fighter is. Is it more guns? Or the total package. Too me the vanguard series represent what a heavy fighter is. Heavily armed, larger in size, a 2500 quantum fuel tank. Thus you behave as a heavy fighter in the same way that designation would be carried in RL. The tiny fuel tank of the scorpius drops it right out of the heavy fighter category in my view. It cant possibly be a forward deployed heavy fighter if it carries the same fuel as a light fighter. Its quantum fuel tank should at least be 2000. I have this ship, enjoy it, have not flown it with a gunner yet, and when I do I know I will enjoy it much more. But flying solo I would feel more comfortable in any Vanguard or say a Drake Buccaneer or my Hornet. I also will say that if you fly with wings out, as you pointed out, losing a gun is quite easy. This means I find I gotta be a bit standoffish in the scorpius.....but its really fun to fly....but not really a heavy fighter in my book. Thanks again for the great review.
Thanks, I assumed too that it was the dual seater configuration, but it feels quite different to a Vanguard series, for example
When do you think it will be up for purchase with in game currency?
Maybe Q4 this year?
What did Farrister say before blowing up the bad guy with the Scorpius?
"Hasta Farrista, Baby!"
Amazing lol
I don't like that the gunner seat can only be accessed once the ladder and canopy close
Yeah, it's same as super hornet. Hopefully fixable in future to just leave ladder there
the scorpius has a little bit more pilot dps, is more maneuverable, has more hull hp, and has more missile dps. The hurricane isn't as power hungry with the size 2 power plant and none of it's weapons are vulnerable, because they aren't attached to the wings. The scorpius seems like the clear winner, unless the scorpius turns out to be a pain in the ass because of lack of power or if the wings are easily blown off.
I think there's an element of preference too
@@Farrister thats fair, but I'd wager most people will prefer the scorpius because its objectively better in nearly every category
It wasn't clear if the turret could be operated by the pilot in addition to the guns.
The main reason I can’t currently recommend the Scorpius is the vulnerability of the turret. It’s very easy for it to get blown off during combat, and at this time there is NO WAY to put it back. Repairing or claiming the ship does not restore the turret. Once that is addressed, and they beef up the wing strength (so you don’t have similar issues with the pilot guns), I may change my mind.
I've lost my Scorpius turret a couple of times during bounties and was able to get it repaired both times, no problem. To make the turret a little less vulnerable, shifting it from top to bottom seems to help.
Oh wow, I've not experienced that!
this is a bug. As a rule of thumb if you loose a piece of your ship in battle (a thruster or turret or gun) .. DO NOT attempt to land and repair the ship, counterintuitively this actually persists any modular damage to the ship and the only fix is a character reset after you've done that. Instead, if you F4 inspect your ship and see big pieces missing, self destruct when you're finished with your bounty session, or fly it right near a station, EVA into a pad's elevator and reclaim your ship without actually landing it (I do this all the time). I suspect most SC youtubers (like @farrister) ) aren't actually playing the game all that much and don't encounter these kinds of issues. Nor is it unique to the Scorpius btw (I permanently lost a turret gun on my vanguard for example).
Dude. You gotta repair the ship or go to another station and file a claim. The turrets will all be there.
The near epitome of "rule of cool" ships.
I'm sure there will be a new king in the future xD
where can you get this ship? do we have to buy it or with in-game money?
Out of game only for now - usually they add them for in-game purchase after 1 or 2 patches, so hopefully soon?
Not to mention that, at least if I read It right, the turret can be slaved to the pilot for more firepower.
Can it?
@@Farrister according to the sc wiki It should be able to do that
Makes me think of star wars
I wonder why... xD
Any update on release for this permanently in game?
Do you mean available for aUEC purchase? I'd guess 3.18 or 3.19
What do the stuff at the back of the ship do?
The turret?
@@Farrister no the slots. That’s slide of the back of the ship when you pressed all those buttons you didn’t say what they did or what they are for
My only question is does it fit in a taurus?
It does not, not even close :)
@@Farrister that's unfortunate, I was hoping it could be a "pocket" fighter
has stathis badass sfighter down - that is a shame, they did not say slow it down in a straight line or in 6DOF.
Only time will tell
Why did they stopped selling this pledge?
It's quite common when they release new ships, they usually go back up for sale a few times per year
The Scorpius is actually far superior to the Hurricane. Thanks to 4 x S3 weapons for the pilot having more DPS than 2 x S4, plus the enhanced maneuverability and speed of the Scorpius, the Hurricane doesn't stand a chance in 1 on 1 combat with both ships having gunners and pilots of equal skill. All you need to do to realize just how important the maneuverability increase is - is fly a big ship. Sluggish ships are far more difficult to keep on target in combat, that's why it takes so much skill to take down smaller, faster ships with either of the Crusader Ares Star Fighters or any of the Aegis Vanguards. The Scorpius gives us handling only slightly more sluggish than the Anvil Hornet - a much smaller fighter, very impressive indeed - so long as it doesn't suddenly get nerfed...
How do you buy this ship in game?
Not currently available - need to wait for next patch, or patch afterwards
Just a few notes for clarity.
Agility will get nerfed. CIG has been clear with this and they think it's too agile in 3.17.1. Perhaps we'll see this in 3.17.2 at the end of the month.
You shouldn't expect to keep shooting through folded wings. That is unintended and confirmed by CIG.
The real money price is $240. It's on warbond sale for 220 for a limited time at launch.
I might be in the minority but I don't like the looks of the Scorpius. The hull and engines are great but the wings are too big and clumsy. With half the wings or even no wings at all it would have been something I'd wanted but now I can't shake the feeling that it was made to cash in on a fan favourite design.
Yeah, I always try to talk about what's in the game right now, since I can't comment on the future until I experience it xD
3.8 mil in game at Lorville
How much is the scorpius ingame?
Not yet available for aUEC
I would purchase this ship if it could carry one cargo package for delivery.
Maybe it (the box) can be thrown into the gunner seat!
Was debating on getting this or the Sabre but one is not like the other… imo Sabre > Scorpius
I kinda see them as different - the solo versus dual experience...
I'd love to purchase a Scorpius. I love its X-Wing design, but I'm afraid this one is simply too expensive for me.
Perhaps an in-game purchase once it becomes available :)
just got it and one of the gun isnt shooting T_T
Oh no :(
@@Farrister had to strip all the guns and spawn it then store and rearm and it fixed thankfully also thanks for all the videos, I come to you first to get my ship reviews!
They couldve given the pilot ability to slave the turret and control the turret. CR said the game is 90% npc and 10% players. And here they forces you to get a crew to make the ship useful.
Would make the turret a lot less appealing for players though - why take a Scorpius with gunner seat, when you could just take 2 Scorpius? Puts a 2v2 at a disadvantage for multi-crew
Agree... I would like to see all ships have solo control over all the turrets...or at least some ability to enable them for automated defense...
@@ShaighJosephson wont be in till they get the server blades in and the NPC to do those jobs
I am an baker from 2012 - CR and friends ripped off some ships that used to had slaved turrets...I always said, damn man we are suppose to be so far in the future...there must be a chip or software than could control that turret...Why getting rip of such gimmick in the first place...maybe forcing you to play less solo with such a powerful gimmick....
Only 2 bad things to say about it after a week of testing. Needs at least 1 more MFD and desperately needs more acceleration power. Everything else is really nice.
Well that's not bad going then!
You know for all the X-Wing comparison the ship seems more comparable to the Babylon 5 Starfury
I'm not familiar with that one
I do love the ship but i would not class it as a "heavy fighter" for me a heavy fighter got hard hitting guns and armor, gimballed s2 is not a heavy fighter loadout and fixed s3 could have been good if the filot you're fighting aint flying all over the plane and you are limited to 41 shots compared with the gimballed s2 that got 63 shots and well "aim-assist". I expect the heavy fighter tag to come from the turrent same as the hurricane. Solo for player bounties aint to recommend in this ship
Just how CIG describe it!
@@Farrister I could have sworn the initial pamphlet stated S3 gimballed weapons?
Hurricane will be rebalanced eventually, so i wouldn't worry about current balances so much
Quite possibly, but I can only review how things are right now :)
Think ill go for the Scorpius, the Hurricane is just plain and dull and a typical look for a fighter, BORING.
The hurricane needs nerfed
Poor Hurricane lol
Until it's nerfed.
Quite possibly......
$220 to rent pixels. No thanks.
Don't have to!
okay but where is my tie fighter and N1 naboo????