6 Cultural Differences Every Student of the Bible Should Know: Kingdom of God through Eastern Eyes

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 111

  • @RodrigoSilva-gg9vl
    @RodrigoSilva-gg9vl Год назад +7

    Solberg: a
    Me: ~hitting the like button~

  • @Rvillaluz123
    @Rvillaluz123 Год назад +2

    Ephesians 1:17-21 KJV - That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
    This prayer reveals Scripture study is purely not intellectual but spiritual.
    John 14:25-27 KJV - These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
    If Jesus dwells in you, His Spirit will give you understanding and guidance.
    Grace and Peace in Jesus Name.

  • @sharonlouise9759
    @sharonlouise9759 Год назад +5

    This was incredible and amazing! Thank you for sharing this with all of us. This is so helpful because a good exegete wants to understand what it meant to the original hearers. I have already shared several insights that you shared with us. Blessings as you continue to teach and guide the body of Christ. You're truly a blessing to me and many others!!!!

  • @justindarnellfpv
    @justindarnellfpv Год назад +5

    Good word bro!! I was taught in Bible school that the kingdom had been rejected and was future only. Last year I did a several month study just looking at the Scripture (because Jesus said seek it first Matthew 6:33) and I found the same answer that you gave. It’s here and now but also will be fully one day

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 8 месяцев назад

      It's my understanding that the kingdom of God is where He is ruling His people. For us, that would be wherever we are.

    • @justindarnellfpv
      @justindarnellfpv 8 месяцев назад

      @@graftme3168 that’s my understanding as well. But also the Millennial reign is a literal time where Christ will be here on earth in person

  • @jonuvark2385
    @jonuvark2385 Год назад +3

    Yes... very helpful. I never processed the idea that there is a dual time stamp to Kingdom of Heaven/God.

  • @denissaarsova5996
    @denissaarsova5996 Год назад +4

    I'm very thankful and blessed to heat this teaching! Thank you, Lord, and thank you, brother!

  • @ericsmith7287
    @ericsmith7287 Год назад +3

    One thing that stuck out to me when you were talking about your friends at Tanakh Talk, and something you said earlier about linear logic going back to the Greeks, is that Jesus walked the earth during the intersection of linear vs. block thought. This could account for some Jews followed Jesus and others didn't. One might think that I'm saying that the linear are the ones that followed, but I'm actually saying that the opposite. Just like your friends, and don't get me wrong this is only a theory, the linear thinkers may have been looking for something concrete rather than something more "block," or even conceptual. I think that you are saying the same thing towards the end of talking about this, except that I would wonder if it goes back to the first century, almost as if Hellenism was deeper than maybe those like the Pharisees realized in their own lives.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist Год назад +2

      Not only linear-minded, but literal-minded folks (which I believe are one & the same) have a hard time grasping the abstract concepts Jesus taught. They wanted/expected a military general type Messiah who would march in & take over & set everything in the civil/social arena right... but Jesus was going much deeper than that into the matters of the heart & the invisible spiritual realm we constantly battle with.

    • @ericsmith7287
      @ericsmith7287 Год назад

      @@kimartist this is really what I'm getting at. This is a big deal with fundamentalism today as well.

  • @jamestom2510
    @jamestom2510 Год назад +3

    Beautiufully articulated....... Context Context Context.....Thanks Rob !

  • @randylundgren8421
    @randylundgren8421 10 месяцев назад +1

    I can also see Robs point of view the jews use metaphor to explain reality. My first comment is still correct. For another example; Jeff Benner explains righteousness from the Hebrews perspective this way. The Shepard's had a certain route to get their flocks to water and grass. If you followed the right path you were righteous. If you got off the path you were lost. This was "concrete". The western view is an abstract concept of right and wrong. So it may be that we are seeing opposite sides of the same coin. I whole heartedly agree with starting from the Hebrew mindset. The new covenant was with Israel and Judah. Then the gentiles were grafted in. I like to think of the grafting in as a family taking in foster children. They didn't earn their way into the family. But the do need to be taught how to have a proper relationship with them.

  • @scripturaltruth7636
    @scripturaltruth7636 Год назад +1

    Joh 18:36 Jesus answered, “MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD. If my Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight, that I WOULDN’T BE DELIVERED TO THE JEWS. But now MY KINGDOM IS NOT FROM HERE.”

  • @mrsmorgann0000
    @mrsmorgann0000 Год назад +3

    Enjoyed this immensely! Salvation can also be viewed in the same way, in that there is a past, present and future view of it.

  • @anmcvey311
    @anmcvey311 Год назад +2

    Such a helpful video! This has really challenged my thinking. I so often find myself feeling anxious when answers are not concrete. This reminds me to trust in God and remember the cultural context of what I’m reading!

  • @musicinspire1745
    @musicinspire1745 Год назад +7

    This is critical that I wish my HR friends would understand. Looking at scriptures through the Eastern insights is most generally is absent the Eastern view. My HR friends too easily write off the necessity for understanding the Eastern mindset for the origins of the biblical texts and our understanding of what's being said.

    • @harryabrahams2770
      @harryabrahams2770 Год назад

      Abraham was the first Hebrew living in the eastern world why do you think that they call themselves Hebrew Roots. He crossed over leaving man made gods to serve the living God. Got Torah Got Truth

    • @musicinspire1745
      @musicinspire1745 Год назад +2

      @@harryabrahams2770 Abraham was not a Hebrew! You really need to study your Bible and history!

    • @harryabrahams2770
      @harryabrahams2770 Год назад

      @@musicinspire1745 Genesis 14:13 Got Torah Got Truth

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist Год назад

      "Abraham (originally Abram) is the common Hebrew patriarch of the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In Judaism, he is the founding father of the special relationship between the Jews and God; in Christianity, he is the spiritual progenitor of all believers, whether Jewish or non-Jewish; and in Islam, he is a link in the chain of Islamic prophets that begins with Adam and culminates in Muhammad."

    • @musicinspire1745
      @musicinspire1745 Год назад +1

      @@kimartist There you go. Common. Just because there is some commonality in what some call Abraham, that doesn't at all make it true! His own father was a top leader under Nimrod. Being circumcised doesn't make one a Jew! As an Israeli, that thought is repugnant for someone to utter from such ignorance!

  • @patnoon1544
    @patnoon1544 Год назад +1

    Thanks, for this teaching. I always learn something new which helps my understanding. When I was in Israel our Christian- Arab guide would some times give us the eastern thought of certain places and events at those locations which were very thought provoking. Helping us to understand the culture made things richer and challenged me to learn more about the mid eastern. One thing for sure was that hospitality seemed more important as compared to the US.

  • @PastorShayne
    @PastorShayne Год назад +1

    Thank you for discipling me brother… I bought your book. Am deeply enjoying your articulate theological processing and gracious spirit toward those of us in the “liminal space” between “Torahism” and the New Covenant.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      Thank you, Pastor Shayne! God is so good.
      Blessings, Rob

  • @SteveofWV
    @SteveofWV Год назад +1

    This could fall in line with eschatology in a lot of ways. Or perhaps the parable of the sower. It's really interesting I will try to read scripture from this day forward in the context of its original culture as I try to understand it.

  • @ChuckBarchuk
    @ChuckBarchuk Год назад +1

    Love these teachings. I did have a question though:
    Romans 14:17 - For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
    How should this verse be understood or interpreted? Thanks!

    • @acs1602
      @acs1602 Год назад +1

      I understand that it says that real joy only comes from heavenly things that come from the Holy Spirit, not on earthly joy from earthly things,since those are temporal, fullness comes from the kingdom of God only,which things of this world can't offer nor add you for the kingdom edification, doesn't means that anything from this world doesn't serve a heavenly purpose, but the idea is that heavenly things are better than earthly things

    • @ChuckBarchuk
      @ChuckBarchuk Год назад +1

      @@acs1602 Thank you!

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +3

      Hello, Chuck! I see this as Paul appealing to kingdom values to help Christians handle matters of food and drink in a way that honors God. Because the values of the kingdom are righteousness, peace, and joy in the Spirit, human relationships are more important than rules about food.
      And this comes in a larger passage (Rom 14:1-15:13) in which Paul is addressing the new Christian in Rome where "Christians of Jewish and Gentile backgrounds are going into one another’s houses and sharing the same meals-for the first time in their lives. Paul knows that some Christian Jews will still want to keep their food laws and observe their holy days. He describes their faith as ‘weak’. They don’t realize Jesus has done everything for their salvation. They feel they still have to add some details themselves. Gentile Christians, on the other hand, may know they can eat anything, and regard every day as holy. If so, their faith is ‘strong’-but they must not be proud.
      Paul tells Christians of different backgrounds to respect one another’s consciences. Everyone should take their lead from the Lord. Those who hold to a strict diet, avoid certain foods or refuse meat that has been killed in pagan temples do this to honor the Lord. Others thank God for everything and eat with grateful hearts. They, too, honor the Lord in their way. Each group should accept the other, as Christ has accepted both.
      Paul knows all about food laws. He used to be a Pharisee. Now he can eat anything! But he is careful not to offend anyone with his new-found freedom. If someone will be misled or upset by what Paul eats, then Paul won’t eat it. Why should he distress his fellow Christian just to show off his liberty?
      Paul gives Jesus as the perfect example. No one was more free to please himself than Jesus, and yet he always put himself out for the needs of others. This is the way that leads to unity and so gives glory to God. And diehard Jews can see their own scriptures coming true. Gentiles are being welcomed into the community of faith." (Andrew Knowles, _The Bible Guide)_
      Blessings, Rob

  • @deborahdunn5594
    @deborahdunn5594 5 месяцев назад

    I do know we need to consider these things, Brother Rob, but do be careful about the Days of Genesis One. Yom is a literal 24 hour day in most of its occurences in the OT. Light is a separate entity from the sun (try lighting a candle in a dark room). Since Revelation 21:23 teaches that the New Jerusalem has no need for the sun or moon, and that God illumines it and its lamp is the Lamb, why is it hard to understand conditions in creation before the sun was created? Light on Day One, the sun on the fourth literal 24-hour day after that. The plants existed less than 24 hours before the sun. There is so much science out there that backs the 6-day creation and a young earth! The western culture is largely influenced in their thinking by the modern western religion of evolution, which flies in the face of true science based on the premise that the Bible is our authoritative truth. What we observe bears out a literal understanding of Genesis 1-11. It is written in historical narrative, not Hebrew poetry. There are so many books and DVDs available as produced by the work of many PhD scientists. Try Answers in Genesis or Creation Ministries International. They have tons of material online.

  • @marcthompson5012
    @marcthompson5012 Год назад

    RL... have you ever done a comparative study of the Eastern and Western views/interpretations of Jesus' parables? The main one in focus for me is the "parable of the talents" in Matthew 25. The overwhelmingly accepted and promoted "Christian view" is that we must use our "talents" to the best of our ability or else we are thrown out where there's weeping and gnashing and accusations of wickedness... and all that fun stuff! Herein lies my issue of conflicting worldviews. Doesn't the "modern" view go against the principles of the Torah dealing with usury and/or balanced weights and measures... and... doesn't it go against its own modern teachings on we are saved by grace alone and not by our works? Call me dazed and confused in Colorado...

  • @randylundgren8421
    @randylundgren8421 10 месяцев назад

    A lot of good teaching here. I would like to add something that goes along with the Kingdom of God. Pretty much everything in the bible has flesh AND spirit. Adam, God said many times that heaven and earth would testify against Israel. Paul speaks of the flesh and spirit not being compatible. Jesus himself was flesh and Spirit. So the Kingdom is both on earth and in heaven. One more thing that might ruffle some feathers. I believe that Sinai was associated with the flesh and when the Hebrews were afraid Gods will was interrupted. On the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell I believe that it finished what God started at Sinai.
    Sinai = earth/flesh Pentecost = heaven/spirit. Keep in mind that I am seeking truth. Not trying to say I'm right and someone else is wrong.

  • @randylundgren8421
    @randylundgren8421 10 месяцев назад

    Concrete v Abstract
    Perhaps Rob is correct in some aspect. However words like believe, faith, love, righteousness, holiness in western thought are abstract. Love and faith in western thought are abstract. But in eastern thought they are concrete, you can see them. Faith is seen by the actions of the believer. In western thought faith is a belief not necessarily requiring action. Example; Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. To many this abstract belief is al that is needed. In eastern thought you would see the faith in their actions. The same with love. God so loved the world (abstract) that he gave.... (concrete)

  • @ThomasBrennanthombre55
    @ThomasBrennanthombre55 5 месяцев назад

    Luke 24:26 (ESV): 26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?”

  • @annvogelpohl3502
    @annvogelpohl3502 10 месяцев назад

    It was seeing the symbolism and patterns, especially the ones pointing to our Savior, that led me to search out how the Israelites actually view Scripture back in 2009. I am glad this revelation is continuing, and bless you for being an instrument in the Lord's hand.

  • @ThomasBrennanthombre55
    @ThomasBrennanthombre55 5 месяцев назад

    1 Corinthians 15:4 (ESV): 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,

  • @ronneff5894
    @ronneff5894 Год назад +1

    His explanation of Gneesis one sounded like an exercise in not taking Genesis 1 at face value. The reason that we can know his understanding of Genesis 1 is incorrect is because in Exodus 20 Moses tells us that our 7 day week is based on the seven days of Genesis 1. If Genesis 1 isn't 7 days then Exodus 20 is meaningless. Simply understand that God created a temporary light source prior to the sun.

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад

      One of the issues that many who take the seven day creation do not take into account is how the first view audience would have understood it.
      Perhaps you can answer the question how vegetarian can exist on Day 3 when The Sun, the Moon and stars were not created until day four.

    • @ronneff5894
      @ronneff5894 Год назад

      @@joshuamelton9148 Because of day 1 is when God created light. God does not say what the nature of that light is. The light is enough to sustain all life. Also, all plant life is not going to die due to a lack of sunlight for 12 - 24 hours.
      Think also of who our God is - he is a supernatural God. By definition he can sustain that life even if it was a year before any light was created.

    • @heather602
      @heather602 10 месяцев назад

      ​​@@ronneff5894Amen. Also God is light. In the New heavens and New Earth there will be no sun because the Lamb will be our light.
      Totally agree on the sabbath. God's repetition of "evening and morning" should also seal the deal. There is simplicity in Christ. For some reason, satan tries very hard to get Christians to doubt the creation days as literal. It couldn't be clearer.
      I'm not so sure I agree that eastern thought is big picture. If it is, then why did the rabbis take God's laws to the nth degree? Why did they add so much to the word of God? Jesus takes issue with pharisees for this constantly.

  • @veri617
    @veri617 7 месяцев назад

    If one reads the Bible as a story Book, they do not really believe in it. That is why the Lord revealed Himself to the unlearn, as the learned tend to minimize the Message and Word of God!

  • @boltingpuppies
    @boltingpuppies Год назад

    Daniel 9:26
    "Then after the sixty-two weeks *the Messiah will be cut off* and have nothing..."
    Isaiah 53:8
    "By oppression and judgment He was taken away; and as for His generation, who considered that *He was cut off out of the land of the living* For the transgression of my people, to whom the stroke was due?"

  • @graysonbr
    @graysonbr Год назад

    Being that my roots are more Eastern Europe, totally relate to the communal view of identity! Ironically, as I get older, I will read more for revelation and knowing God more as I get older too.

  • @heather602
    @heather602 10 месяцев назад

    This is very interesting. Thank you. Could you elaborate more on the linear vs block thinking?

  • @jsims6036
    @jsims6036 10 месяцев назад

    Just wanted to say that I really appreciate your content!!! Thank you

  • @fromthewrath2come
    @fromthewrath2come Год назад

    Do you think the book of Jonah is a prophesy of the death and resurrection of Jesus?

  • @speaklifegardenhomesteadpe8783
    @speaklifegardenhomesteadpe8783 Год назад +2


  • @hyacinthbucket593
    @hyacinthbucket593 Год назад +1

    A very timely message.

  • @tentmaker2254
    @tentmaker2254 Год назад +1

    Brilliant teaching. Im gonna tell this to people I know

  • @ChipKempston
    @ChipKempston Год назад

    Overall great video, though I was surprised to hear you say the Biblical authors thought in abstract terms rather than concrete. The opposite seems to be the case. Greeks were into abstractions; Hebrews were into concrete thinking. The distinction between the two would probably best be described whether something is discernible by the senses (concrete) or conceptually in the mind (abstract). In the Old Testament, God is not "omnipotent" (that's abstract) but "a strong tower" (that's concrete). God does not "get angry" (abstract) but his "nose gets hot?" (concrete; Joshua 23:16). Maybe I'm missing something about how you're using the terms abstract and concrete? I think the terms definitive vs ambiguous more clearly describe what you're saying, but even that doesn't seem accurate because the Hebrew Bible has abundant "definitive" commands.

    • @heather602
      @heather602 10 месяцев назад

      I had similiar thoughts too. But I might be misunderstanding Rob's point. Using Genesis for example, the ancient Hebrews viewed the creation days as literal. I find that in many popular ( yet unbiblical) doctrines that symbolize the order of creation arise from the western world. The Jews obviously understood it as literal since they observed the Sabbath once per week. (Incidentally, the sabbath alone could be used to cast down the idea that the days of creation were not literal days. If they were not literal days, why observe the sabbath once per week?)

  • @kimartist
    @kimartist Год назад

    Hmm I'm American, but you have helped me understand that my mindset as an artist - which is all about "big picture," "pattern recognition," "overarching/unifying narrative," etc. - is actually more Eastern block than Western linear (& gets me in "trouble" sometimes when trying to talk to others 😅). And which is why I'm currently "obsessed" with parsing the "big picture" pre- & post-cross plans of salvation (i.e. temporary forgiveness via animal sacrifices vs. permanent forgiveness via Jesus' sacrifice) - i.e. the covenant changes - which are SO important to understand, but are such a stumbling block for so many. On the "big picture" "pattern recognition" front, I kept noticing essentially the same story of redemption being told over & over throughout the Bible: Joseph, Ruth, Esther, Job, etc., which, when I point it out to others, most say they've never noticed it before, while to me it's just glaringly obvious. Also, being visual, I think it's a touch easier for me to deal with metaphors & symbology, etc. Thank you!

  • @quantumgirl222
    @quantumgirl222 Год назад

    Please explain why you end all your videos by saying “shalom” which is clearly a word the Jews and Hebrew roots movement people use?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      The Hebrew word "Shalom" means "peace" and it's used all throughout the Bible.
      Blessings, RLS

  • @samgolden6712
    @samgolden6712 Год назад

    TY for the hard work. I am a missionary in Belize. This is a growing issue. Many here will not watch a video over 7 min., yet will watch several short ones. Any short, condensed clips? Sincere thanks.

    • @Gigi2four
      @Gigi2four Год назад

      He does have some “ shorts” posted. But they are only a few short minutes

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Hello, Sam! Yes, I have lots of short videos posted here: www.youtube.com/@DBRofC/shorts
      Blessings, Rob

  • @joshuamelton9148
    @joshuamelton9148 Год назад

    Very Informative as always. It's is very important to read scripture in context to how the people who first received the books would have understood it.

  • @brigitteludwig4572
    @brigitteludwig4572 Год назад

    Beautiful Story. I love to learn from you Mister. Thank you and be blessed ❤

  • @radostinvasilev599
    @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

    Rob, is it required to stop on a red light to get saved, or if you believe in Jesus you are not under the street law?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hi, Radostin. I can tell you're trying to make a point, but the point isn't clear. Salvation does not come by keeping the law, but through faith in Jesus (Gal. 2:16). And belief in Jesus does not free us from the obligation to obey God's commands that apply to us.
      The NT expressly teaches that many of the commands given under the Old Covenant Law do not apply to Christians today. (ex. Repeated blood sacrifices for sin are no longer required (Heb 10:18).) We still serve God and obey His commands, “But now we are released from the law, having died with Christ to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Rom 7:6). So if we want to put a classification of "law" on it, Christians follow the Law of Christ.
      Blessings, Rob

    • @radostinvasilev599
      @radostinvasilev599 7 месяцев назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots so, is the law of Christ required for salvation, or if you believe in Jesus you are not under the law of Christ?

  • @elijahirvin5911
    @elijahirvin5911 Год назад

    I know it will never happen. But I would love to see this false teacher debate pastor dowell

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад

      Pastor Dowell is a false teacher.

    • @wildrover9650
      @wildrover9650 10 месяцев назад +1

      Smoking 🚬 the dowel Crack are ya. It wouldn't happen cause dowel wouldn't want to.

  • @D.R.Phillips
    @D.R.Phillips Год назад

    The phrase "kingdom of Heaven" occurs in the NT only in Matthew. A total of 32 times. Some of those passages are obviously referring to the same events and dialog as in the other Gospels, where it reads "kingdom of God." Since Matthew was written and styled for Jews, it seems that Matthew was somewhat conforming to the developing Jewish convention of not saying "God" more than necessary. And yet, as the vid shows, Matthew sometimes does read "kingdom of God." Between that and the parallels, yes, it's clear that they're two terms for the same thing.
    That's not the primary point of this vid, but it can be important to keep in mind. Because there are teachers out there who claim that the kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of God are not the same thing. One is a larger kingdom, and contains the smaller one. Which is which? I've heard it both ways. And both teachings are invalid. Those teachers are making a distinction without a difference, and then claiming that there IS a difference. Usually, the aim is to create an artificial distinction between upper-class and lower-class believers.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 Год назад

      I think the distinction they are trying to make is not in class of believers but in the portion of the Kingdom. There is a heavenly portion of the Kingdom and there is an earthly portion of the Kingdom. Part of the mystery revealed to Paul, that Satan had no idea of, otherwise he never would have crucified Christ in the first place, is that the heavens are also being restored back to God through Christ.
      This is the fellowship of the mystery that God wants all men to see (Ephesians 3:9), and if God wants all men to see it, you can bet that Satan wants no one to see it.
      Israel will get their promised earthly portion of the Kingdom, and the Body of Christ Church will get the heavenly portion of the Kingdom.

    • @D.R.Phillips
      @D.R.Phillips Год назад

      @@bugsocsollie1694 I guess we're in different circles. Many of the folks I've interacted with ARE, in fact, trying to create multiple levels of New Testament believers.
      In any case, the vid teaches (correctly) that those two terms are synonymous, and I was agreeing with that. Therefore, any teaching that relies on those terms being non-synonymous is flawed from the beginning and will have a flawed outcome.

    • @jeremiahh.3383
      @jeremiahh.3383 Год назад

      Jehovah's witnesses being one of such groups.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 11 месяцев назад

      @D.R.Phillips Yes, it is all God's Kingdom. The heavenly portion of the Kingdom I suppose has always existed, but the earthly portion of His Kingdom is still non-existent. Both the heavens and the earth will be reconciled back to God through Christ. The heavens actually fell before Earth fell, so both need restoring. Until Paul, Scripture only tells of the earth being restored, and it has been promised to Israel. That promise never changed.
      The heavens also being restored back to God through Christ was never revealed in scripture anywhere until it was given to Paul. And the Body of Christ Church that God is building today through the Gospel of Grace, is not to rule and reign on earth in Israel's promised kingdom, its to rule and reign over the heavenly portion of the Kingdom.
      That's why we are eternally in the Heavens. 2 Corinthians 5:1. We are seated with Christ in Heavenly places. Ephesians 2:6. Our citizenship is in Heaven. Philippians 3:20 God has reserved a spot for us in Heaven. 2 Timothy 4:18
      So when Jesus' Gospel of the Kingdom finally being at had, it was in perfect context of what they already knew from Scripture: their earthly Kingdom. "Thy Kingdom (which is already in the Heavens) come (to earth)... It doesn't leave Heaven to come to earth, it will be in both heaven and earth, it adds earth to the Kingdom already existing.
      Israel gets the earthly portion of the Kingdom, and the Body of Christ Church gets the heavenly portion of the Kingdom. That's why we rule over the Angels (1 Corinthians 6:3) and they are equal to the Angels. Luke 20:36. It's why we are raptured up and Israel is Gathered on earth after Christ's return to earth.
      My whole point being that when referring to "the Kingdom" its important to keep it in context with who in Scripture is talking about the Kingdom and who they are talking to about the Kingdom. Paul talked both to Israel (Jews) and to the Body of Christ Church, so you gotta keep that in mind also.

  • @lebesemothijoa9385
    @lebesemothijoa9385 Год назад

    Wow wow wow, great teaching I love it here in South Africa, keep up the great work brother and blessings to you and your family and ministry in Jesus Mighty Name!!!

  • @FaithfulReasoning
    @FaithfulReasoning Год назад

    I don't know how I came across your channel, but you have been gifted by God to make things easy for us to understand 👍

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Thank you so much, Rahul! God is good.
      Blessings, Rob

  • @Contemplate55
    @Contemplate55 Год назад

    The problem is that there are no “nice clean answers” regarding Jesus anywhere in the Hebrew Bible. You have to read something into something.

    • @billyhw5492
      @billyhw5492 Год назад

      Who does this sound like to you?
      “Let us lie in wait for the righteous man,
      because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our actions;
      he reproaches us for sins against the law,
      and accuses us of sins against our training.
      He professes to have knowledge of God,
      and calls himself a child of the Lord.
      He became to us a reproof of our thoughts;
      the very sight of him is a burden to us,
      because his manner of life is unlike that of others,
      and his ways are strange.
      We are considered by him as something base,
      and he avoids our ways as unclean;
      he calls the last end of the righteous happy,
      and boasts that God is his father.
      Let us see if his words are true,
      and let us test what will happen at the end of his life;
      for if the righteous man is God’s son, he will help him,
      and will deliver him from the hand of his adversaries.
      Let us test him with insult and torture,
      that we may find out how gentle he is,
      and make trial of his forbearance.
      Let us condemn him to a shameful death,
      for, according to what he says, he will be protected.”

  • @AslanRising
    @AslanRising Год назад

    I'm only 17 minutes in, so if this is addressed, pardon me. Regarding the difference between Greek or Western culture vs. Hebrew, and respectively the linear and block way of thinking, would you say there is some Western or linear thinking in the New Testament, particularly Paul and even Luke? Do you think Paul maybe evidenced both a linear and block way of thinking? Thank you for your time.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      Great question! Yes, I think we see some “Western” influence in the way Paul frames some of his arguments. Especially when he’s reasoning with Gentiles, like in Acts 17. And there was an interesting fusion happening historically at the time of the New Testament, with Hellenization making inroads into Hebrew culture. In fact, most Jews at that time were reading the Greek Septuagint, rather than the original Hebrew version.
      Shalom! Rob

    • @AslanRising
      @AslanRising Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots thank you for replying. I'm not familiar enough with the cultural influences going on at the time of the writing of the NT, but it did seem to me Paul and Luke's writings, at times, reflected both ways of thinking. Romans for example seems very linear as he reasons from the Law, then to the Gospel. Again, thank you. I will seek to grow in my understanding of this as I can see how it can make clearer (there's that Greek thinking), Scripture.

  • @l1Experiment
    @l1Experiment Год назад

    Ha got the first like cool...👍😁😎💯

  • @pvdguitars2951
    @pvdguitars2951 Год назад +1

    What helped me a lot is that are two types of time : chronos and kairos. The first is natural, chronological. The second is the appointed time. In a like manner, world is kosmos and aion. The end of the world is thus actually an end of an age. On a personal level, this thus means the end of childhood entering into Sonship!
    God is not in time, so past present and future cannot be understood in a chronological way. Is, was and is to come are not time related but are (st)ages in your walk with God.
    Repent (meta_noeio, change of mind) the kingdom is near, in the midst of your most inner being!
    Jesus talked in parables, to make it comPARABLE, parabolic ( not linear).
    The sign of the prophet Jonas (Mat 12:29) : His own death , burial, and resurrection! Can it be more clear? Amen! ✝️

  • @scripturaltruth7636
    @scripturaltruth7636 Год назад +1

    Lords Prayer was the one John taught
    Luk_11:1 And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

  • @tbishop4961
    @tbishop4961 Год назад

    10:00 do you see the direct correlation of this narrative with the cosmology presented in the tao te ching?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Hey, T! I think there are some superficial similarities between the creation stories of Genesis and Tao Te Ching. For example, both talk about there being an endless void (תֹ֨הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ vs. Wu Chi/Tao) in the beginning. But at the fundamental level, these are completely different cosmologies. For example, in Genesis, Yahweh creates the universe and everything in it. He is above and outside the endless void as a personal, knowable, Creator God. In Taoism, on the other hand, Tao (the One) emerges _from_ the universe and is an impersonal force fueled by the “dance” of action and inaction (Yin & Yang.) And in Genesis, mankind is seen as the pinnacle of creation. In Taoist cosmology, human beings are among the Ten Thousand Things-combinations of the Five Elements in different combinations.

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots there is only truly one cosmology. There are different points of view about it
      Did you not notice that God ISN'T a "personal" God until man is created? All of the personality traits we give him are human

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots also.. the one does not emerge from the universe in Tao te ching. The universe exists within the one

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      @tbishop4961 I guess I look at it a little differently. I believe God _assigned Himself_ human traits in the text. He had to use anthropomorphism for us to have any concept of who He is. And I believe the personal nature of God precedes creation, being past eternal in the three persons of the Godhead.
      I also see very different cosmologies across the ancient Far and Near East. And I find the transcendent, monotheistic view of a creator Diety in the Judeo-Christian faith quite unique among the pantheist/panentheist worldviews of everyone else.

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots previous to any creation, attributes hold no meaning. It's like talking about "lunch time" when we don't have a watch to tell time or a sandwich to even eat!😳😂

  • @PavelMosko
    @PavelMosko Год назад +1

    I just wanted to chime in that I really have benefitted a lot from the channel. I also am really interested in the ancient near eastern context of the Bible too. Been a big fan of the late Michael Heiser, read a lot of stuff on Second Temple Judaism, and other Judaica, and consider myself an Eastern Christian in basic theological outlook. I also am slowly trying to get my own Apologetics ministry going. Which made me look into your channel, I have been tangling with Seventh Day Adventists online. But in doing so, I often end up triggering a friend of mine who is a Messianic Jewish rabbi and believes Torah keeping is needed for gentiles for their sanctification. Or at the very least, them celebrating all of the Jewish major feasts. I have had a number of heated conversations on this topic of late.

  • @rdwakefield
    @rdwakefield Год назад +1

    you lost me when you said a woman leads teaching...that is far from what happened in the days of old...so why condone it now...? I was once subscribed and now I am not....

    • @rocketmanshawn
      @rocketmanshawn Год назад +3

      A woman being a teacher or a professor doesn't undermine Complementarianism. He didn't call her pastor or elder.

    • @highcountryprecision4639
      @highcountryprecision4639 Год назад

      Wonder how many men walked out when Phoebe showed up to deliver the letter of Romans?
      Romans 16:1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a deaconess of the church which is at Cenchrea......
      Carrying the letter also means she carried the proper understanding directly from Paul, the first person to bring Romans to the rest of the church was a woman.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад

      @@highcountryprecision4639 Phoebe was not a teacher or minister.

  • @mrp3418
    @mrp3418 Год назад

    It is likely that Luke 17:20 is about Jesus being in their midst, and if they had nationally crowned him king and recognized him as their Messiah, then the kingdom would come. When he went up to God, they asked him when he would restore the kingdom. In response, they were told that they would not be told "what times" the Father had appointed. Also in Matthew 23, Jesus says that they "did not want to" receive him, saying, "You will not see me UNTIL you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord," thus acknowledging him as the Messiah. This is a clear text that shows that the kingdom of God is not here yet...where is the king? Jesus is currently in a priestly ministry? I think "already, not yet" is just based on someone's opinion and assumption and unimportant. It is fuzzy and unclear and should be set aside. Proclaiming God's kingdom does not mean we build it, it will come when Jesus returns. And He will return when Israel say "Blessed is he who comes...". But anyway, this is not a question of salvation.

  • @kiruiandrew1
    @kiruiandrew1 Год назад

    Excellent work Rob. Very helpful.
    Kindly request you to apply the same in your explanation of Mark 7.