Robotic Spy Bear Goes Fishing With Real Grizzlies. Will He Survive?

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @ShayyButter
    @ShayyButter 4 года назад +4658

    0:45 our spy also has a quick way down **rolls down hill ** 😂😂 I love it 🐻

    • @naromeriam4572
      @naromeriam4572 4 года назад +153

      @@trystangenno8468 👁👄👁wtf

    • @mr.cooldad7090
      @mr.cooldad7090 4 года назад +62

      Trystan Genno aw shucks. How come nobody ever asks for my instagram 😔

    • @MMGJ10
      @MMGJ10 4 года назад +17

      @@trystangenno8468 You can have mine! 😜

    • @gabriel_xox2429
      @gabriel_xox2429 4 года назад +5

      He sounds like Chewbacca xD

    • @gabriel_xox2429
      @gabriel_xox2429 4 года назад +2

      @@mr.cooldad7090 can i have it?

  • @sugar7845
    @sugar7845 4 года назад +2713

    i died laughing when the spy eagle just appeared with deadpan eyes hovering aimlessly 💀

    • @whowhy7554
      @whowhy7554 2 года назад +139

      I started questioning if this is real after it showed up😭😭

    • @shinigami891
      @shinigami891 2 года назад +84

      For real, I'm surprised they didnt have a spy fish too 😂

    • @Bryanseas
      @Bryanseas 2 года назад +63

      Idk why i find it funny too but i do😂eagle jus looking like🗿 flying around lmao

    • @voxer99
      @voxer99 2 года назад +40

      @@shinigami891 The robot spy salmon is almost ready. We just have a bit more work to do on its Scottish accent.

    • @wip1664
      @wip1664 2 года назад +6

      "Reverse" engineering

  • @squiddiot5477
    @squiddiot5477 4 года назад +1263

    “With his teddy bear looks-“
    *shot to SpyBear looking like a meth addicted pillow*

  • @SkankHunt3000
    @SkankHunt3000 2 года назад +228

    The mother bear licking the camera was so cute ☺️ 🐻

    • @arijal1521
      @arijal1521 16 дней назад +2

      Proof a mother is a mother whether being whatever animal !!❤❤❤

  • @Tripp393
    @Tripp393 2 года назад +1428

    The funniest thing is that they literally don't need the spy bear, they have enough regular cameras capturing everything.

    • @dickslaughter2
      @dickslaughter2 2 года назад +263

      It's fun seeing how the animals react to it no?

    • @ispeakreality4864
      @ispeakreality4864 Год назад +68

      Its for knowing how they react to newbies

    • @Hugh.Manatee
      @Hugh.Manatee Год назад +58

      @@ispeakreality4864 "Its for knowing how they react to newbies"
      That mother bear didn't react to it like she would a real bear. The animatronic doesn't smell like bear, behave like bear, or as you can see her check at 1:15; taste like bear.

    • @anyexpat
      @anyexpat Год назад +43

      @@Hugh.Manatee How do you know it does not smell like a bear? I think the people that filmed this know more about it than you and probably added scent to the fake bear

    • @Takazoro
      @Takazoro Год назад +1

      @@dickslaughter2idk I wouldn’t want a spy robot just joining my family like that

  • @g-rated-g
    @g-rated-g 4 года назад +4659

    Half expected a "salmon spybot" to show up

    • @anelisamorgan8590
      @anelisamorgan8590 4 года назад +119

      Plot twist... everything in this video was a bot, except for the bear family.. so 🐟=🤖

    • @axisbreaker5892
      @axisbreaker5892 4 года назад +50

      Remember about the pig spybot when taking footage for komodo dragon?
      They won't do the same mistake again xD

    • @scott7521
      @scott7521 4 года назад +3

      me too.... HOPING

    • @betty.4585
      @betty.4585 4 года назад +21

      Surprise ! There is one

    • @MortyMortyMorty
      @MortyMortyMorty 4 года назад +48


  • @MTRAdmiralty
    @MTRAdmiralty 4 года назад +1772

    With a Bonus Spy Eagle!

    • @mewmew2985
      @mewmew2985 4 года назад +50

      that shook me

    • @Frame_Late
      @Frame_Late 3 года назад +12

      These are thrilling times.

    • @PandS100
      @PandS100 3 года назад +3


      @MACHOMANRANDYSAVAGE2211 2 года назад +5

      What's filming spy eagle flying around?

    • @Selkie7
      @Selkie7 2 года назад +1

      @@MACHOMANRANDYSAVAGE2211 a drone?

  • @aliqadri7328
    @aliqadri7328 4 года назад +3412

    I swear that bear's eyes looked like it stayed up all night doing crack

    • @gamalielvacasolis3484
      @gamalielvacasolis3484 4 года назад +52

      adrianne roddy Or reptilians, like Mark Zuckerberg

    • @kaydosmith989
      @kaydosmith989 4 года назад +17


    • @trafficjon400
      @trafficjon400 4 года назад +11

      He could CRACK😂..

    • @gregh4284
      @gregh4284 4 года назад +27

      It looks just like a politician, (McConnell). Those robotic glazed expressionless eyes.

    • @gregh4284
      @gregh4284 4 года назад +2

      "Like a dolls eyes"...

  • @andrewvaldez6658
    @andrewvaldez6658 2 года назад +86

    The bear probably looked at the robot bear and thought to himself, "man you look like you are having a rough day, good day."

    • @rogue7723
      @rogue7723 5 месяцев назад

      Or maybe, “Ah no, Vern’s been hitting the honey pregnant again.”

  • @DenniskuhhNL
    @DenniskuhhNL 3 года назад +829

    I'm getting some creepy fnaf vibes from these animatronics.

    • @Morsekoodi
      @Morsekoodi 3 года назад +1

      samse i know animatronics

    • @wewhoareabouttodiesaluteyo9303
      @wewhoareabouttodiesaluteyo9303 3 года назад +12

      Being that Fredbear is a and this is a bear.

    • @hannahbarrett6259
      @hannahbarrett6259 3 года назад +2

      thank god i’m not the only one who thought this

    • @thegreatpapyrus6163
      @thegreatpapyrus6163 3 года назад +4

      Stop ruining cool videos with your Fnaf Undertale au sans x frisk bonnie x chica Minecraft good fortnite bad bullshit

    • @adorable3817
      @adorable3817 3 года назад +1

      What is fnaf?

  • @danksidious4399
    @danksidious4399 4 года назад +4905

    Next: Robotic spy human interacts with real humans, what will happen?

    • @viswap.8567
      @viswap.8567 4 года назад +82

      @Anelisa Morgan You’re a drama kid, aren’t you (that’s a good thing btw)

    • @danksidious4399
      @danksidious4399 4 года назад +73

      @@anelisamorgan8590 I think I shed some tears

    • @dna5585
      @dna5585 4 года назад +14

      nose punch

    • @AliValentine143
      @AliValentine143 4 года назад +54

      They won't notice, they'll be on their phones...then it's mask blows off!!!

    • @sbrecke1507
      @sbrecke1507 4 года назад +12

      Got me thinking there, with my job maybe they would actually be productive and we could get rid of the slackers! 😂

  • @0Marketts0
    @0Marketts0 4 года назад +1202

    “ *He seems to get away with it* “
    “ *Gets slashed in the eye with 5 cm fangs* “

  • @lavenduct2001
    @lavenduct2001 4 года назад +549

    A predator would be utterly disappointed at the taste of the spy bear...

    • @anelisamorgan8590
      @anelisamorgan8590 4 года назад +58

      You're not kidding! They probably took one whiff of the bot and went, "Yeeah, don't worry, just those silly human's at it again.." lol 🐻

    • @hunterhq295
      @hunterhq295 4 года назад +3

      W Jack a bigger bear?

    • @evandorco5193
      @evandorco5193 4 года назад +9

      @W Jack coyotes wolves and mountain lion all eat bearcubs and vise versa bear will eat there cubs

  • @mtn8926
    @mtn8926 3 года назад +123

    This seems so genuine but also a joke at the same time... love it.

  • @kangaroo4847
    @kangaroo4847 4 года назад +2507

    “Spy bald eagle” ffs at this point make spy grass blade

    • @bayporwave5328
      @bayporwave5328 4 года назад +127

      Here comes SPY GRASS

    • @mothgyaru3158
      @mothgyaru3158 4 года назад +25


    • @xy5844
      @xy5844 4 года назад +24

      birds arent real.

    • @ricekrispyy
      @ricekrispyy 4 года назад

      CapriChris C)

    • @fdsajklre
      @fdsajklre 4 года назад +9

      Ah this must be how horizon zero dawn started.

  • @mamatorinq5678
    @mamatorinq5678 4 года назад +330

    00:50 autobots roll out!

  • @joelcastro8060
    @joelcastro8060 4 года назад +546

    Spy bear: Do a Barrell Roll

    • @slaughterround643
      @slaughterround643 4 года назад +34

      *bear-al roll? :)

    • @axisbreaker5892
      @axisbreaker5892 4 года назад +7

      How that spy bear rolls perfectly and reaches the rocky area right next to river's waterflow is still a mystery for me.

    • @joelcastro8060
      @joelcastro8060 4 года назад +2

      @@slaughterround643 lol

    • @zyoh4311
      @zyoh4311 4 года назад +1

      "bear lol, bear lol, shoot the bear lol, shoot a bear lol"

    • @bornwithclass2365
      @bornwithclass2365 3 года назад


  • @terramater
    @terramater 3 года назад +446

    The robot spy bear and his eagle friend are phenomenal, they're truly functioning as a window into the behavioral life of the grizzly family! 🧸

  • @msillustrations852
    @msillustrations852 3 года назад +44

    “Mom is he going to be my brother?”
    “I don’t know, we have to be really careful now that we have all these robot imposters”

  • @ellegntolover7605
    @ellegntolover7605 4 года назад +765

    imagine being in a group of like 10000 then youre the one that gets eaten

    • @treborironwolfe
      @treborironwolfe 4 года назад +56

      That's salmon life man, just the way it is.

    • @eduardolarrymarinsilva76
      @eduardolarrymarinsilva76 4 года назад +39

      He died so the others could live

    • @AliValentine143
      @AliValentine143 4 года назад +9

      Me, I'm the chosen one!?

    • @BIKarus
      @BIKarus 4 года назад +27

      Imagine being in a group of 7 then one turns out to be an alien spy

    • @finsfan90
      @finsfan90 4 года назад +1

      Id eat you up 😏

  • @anelehnel6453
    @anelehnel6453 4 года назад +121

    0:48 "our spy also has a quick way down"
    Spy Bear: *they see me rollin'*

    • @yvplayz7813
      @yvplayz7813 4 года назад +5

      Put it on speed 0.5 and sing or put the song lol

  • @silentbook4468
    @silentbook4468 4 года назад +543

    Nature is incredible! This channel is a treasure for empirical education with these spy animals. The technology blows me away.

    • @JohnDownerProd
      @JohnDownerProd  4 года назад +60

      Thank you!

    • @cocopots
      @cocopots 4 года назад +5

      It would be great, if it was actually his content. Which it probably isn't, considering its david tenant narrating.

    • @silentbook4468
      @silentbook4468 4 года назад +16

      @@cocopots I am confused. How would that even create suspicion on the validity or integrity of their videos because it is David Tenent (10th Doctor)

    • @marga8732
      @marga8732 4 года назад +5

      @@cocopots What? It is.

    • @cocopots
      @cocopots 4 года назад +2

      @@silentbook4468 ah, i just looked it up, the show is partially owned by john downer productions. I was under the opinion it was owned by only the bbc and PBS (only) apparently its owned by 3 company's not 2.

  • @wendywhoisit1819
    @wendywhoisit1819 2 года назад +11

    1:22 lol, not the lil dude showing a middlefinger 🤣

  • @davidtsmith33
    @davidtsmith33 11 месяцев назад +12

    These robotic spy creatures are amazing and so realistic.

    • @allisonjames2923
      @allisonjames2923 2 месяца назад

      Well… not so much realistic 👀 eyes the admittedly cute Spy Bear who looks like his coat stretched on the washing line 🤔

  • @treborironwolfe
    @treborironwolfe 4 года назад +692

    I'm sorry to spam your chat feed here, but my God man, you have nearly perfected the facial quirks and expressions of these animals over the years.

    • @brutusisadog
      @brutusisadog 4 года назад +55

      Why sorry? RUclips comments are helpful towards creators. The algorithm likes the audience engagement

    • @klutchxking518
      @klutchxking518 2 года назад +12

      The fuck they haven’t, this is some uncanny valley shit

    • @Big_Hogger
      @Big_Hogger 2 года назад +9

      lol no wtf. the robot animals in this series look like something you'd see during a bad acid trip

    • @vashcrimson4395
      @vashcrimson4395 2 года назад +4

      this is a clip from animal planet tv show, its not created by any youtuber, also it’s completely staged. the camera in the eye isn’t even a camera. the pov shots don’t line up with where the fake animals sit. all the panning shots from the actual camera crew standing there don’t help the illusion.

    • @kristopherryanwatson
      @kristopherryanwatson 2 года назад +5

      @@vashcrimson4395 ohh. you're that type. you're real fun at parties, i bet !

  • @beeepo3884
    @beeepo3884 4 года назад +111

    0:38 so this is how bears climb down a hill hahahha so cute

    • @slaughterround643
      @slaughterround643 4 года назад +16

      @Lerua things can be cute _and_ deadly!

    • @thefiretruck9604
      @thefiretruck9604 4 года назад

      Slaughter Round laughs in pikachu*

    • @drummerreviewss377
      @drummerreviewss377 4 года назад +4

      Lerua I looked a wild bear in the eyes. I was near a little stream of water so he was probably thirsty. He waited for me to leave and went to drink. They’re shy and cute.

    • @beeepo3884
      @beeepo3884 4 года назад

      @Lerua true, that's why they used the spy robots, I found it cute because they also climb down a hill like a puppy climb down a stairs

    • @chingsib497
      @chingsib497 4 года назад


  • @LFTRnow
    @LFTRnow 4 года назад +352

    ...The spy eagle is also joined with spy skunk, who can see spy badger by the river. Next to spy badger is spy fish and spy turtle to keep tabs on the goings on below the water. The bears can't escape spy beaver nearby watching on the bank...

    • @Undomaranel
      @Undomaranel 4 года назад +31

      Spy birch, spy pine, spy fir, spy cedar and spy aspen have the spy family covered as well.

    • @noex100
      @noex100 4 года назад +27

      @@Undomaranel And spy oak with its trusty spy acorns

    • @medmuscle
      @medmuscle 4 года назад +14

      Meanwhile, the spy pile of bear dung keeps tabs of the surrounding grass.

    • @albehoe2327
      @albehoe2327 4 года назад +6

      Not only that, but it seems that spy water and spy air are also closely monitoring the goings-on in the area.

    • @cheddar6175
      @cheddar6175 3 года назад +4

      ...And unknowing to the bears, the spy water is filled with a group of spy reeds and spy bacteria

  • @dustfart466
    @dustfart466 2 года назад +81

    I wasn’t sure what to expect when you said you had a spy eagle but was pleasantly surprised by the drone. For a minute, I thought you were going to bring out a robotic eagle with fully working limbs. Love the crack baby bear 😂

  • @Ton369
    @Ton369 2 года назад +6

    2:06 - I'm more impressed with the fact that they got someone to design, construct, and pilot a "Spy Bald Eagle."
    My tax dollars at work!

  • @crisiumhd8956
    @crisiumhd8956 4 года назад +54

    This is example of technology used in the best way

  • @fight4ourright306
    @fight4ourright306 4 года назад +37

    That spy bear must be from the circus. Nothin' but respect, bear had mad tumbling skills.

  • @JohnDownerProd
    @JohnDownerProd  4 года назад +1139

    Yay First!

    • @treborironwolfe
      @treborironwolfe 4 года назад +52

      LMAO, John! I'm unsubbing from your channel now. ;p

    • @arandomseal4793
      @arandomseal4793 4 года назад +19

      You beat me to it

    • @brianvanroemburg1276
      @brianvanroemburg1276 4 года назад +11

      Yay third

    • @A4969Z
      @A4969Z 4 года назад +40

      Why do these videos have to be 3 minutes short, can't it be longer like 10 or 20 minutes?

    • @antccx
      @antccx 4 года назад +3

      I'm early

  • @awwman240
    @awwman240 2 года назад +5

    0:39 i love how the bear slide down 😁

  • @couchphotography8861
    @couchphotography8861 2 года назад +15

    I just love these spy animals, too funny as well. That eagle was incredible, so much better than the first attempt a few years back. True talent at work here.

  • @Fissey_Gaming
    @Fissey_Gaming 4 года назад +615

    Everyone that has subscribed. let's be honest. we found John Dower Productions because one of his spy videos was in our recommendations and were like oh this looks cool so we clicked on the video watched it and loved it then we clicked on his channel and saw that there were like 100 spy bot videos and we were like 👁👄👁 and then we subscribed

  • @Ponytamin
    @Ponytamin 4 года назад +139

    You've just puts many cameras? And where is operator hiding? Who shots the spybots from aside? Im very interested in this film capturing processes

    • @beeepo3884
      @beeepo3884 4 года назад +16

      you can see them at 0:00

    • @oldiesfreek
      @oldiesfreek 4 года назад +5

      It's called video editing ;-)

    • @fight4ourright306
      @fight4ourright306 4 года назад +2

      They have flying Spy eagles weren't you watching?!

    • @oldiesfreek
      @oldiesfreek 4 года назад +12

      @@fight4ourright306 I think he meant who filmed the spy eagles... It's just video editing. Shoot the eagle separately and then add it to the footage as if it was recording the scene at the time.

    • @fxbear
      @fxbear 4 года назад +23

      How did they film the water footage and the shoreline tracking shot? Even the shot of the mother bear inspecting the “spy” is too stable. It doesn’t move when she paws it. Other shots are too good for a small camera. Lots of dolly shots and steady cam work. I’m guessing the whole spy bot is just a gimmick to get people to watch nature videos that would otherwise be overlooked. It’s what I would do.

  • @Sanitnho
    @Sanitnho 3 года назад +8

    1:14 my dog when i fall asleep on the couch

  • @allison1592
    @allison1592 3 года назад +4

    0:41 Can we talk about how HILARIOUS it was when the bear literally slip-slided doen the hill XD

  • @underdoge8338
    @underdoge8338 Год назад +11

    The spy animals in this series are completely unnecessary yet i love it. Someone clearly enjoys making robotic animals and needed a reason to do it 😄

  • @reason7895
    @reason7895 4 года назад +10

    Nobody: nothing
    Eagles casually ascending up at 90° with their wings wide apart. lol

  • @TheMysticGauntlet
    @TheMysticGauntlet 4 года назад +123

    I wait for the day when robot animals can run, jump and climb along with the real ones.

  • @sandyrodriguez2803
    @sandyrodriguez2803 3 года назад +18

    A show should be made of how the spy animals are made, because they are pretty unique looking and highly durable!

  • @missvida6251
    @missvida6251 2 года назад +2

    Those bears were probably thinking, “ What the hell is wrong with that bear? He must have got a hold of some poppy bulbs or something...”

  • @rubytuby6369
    @rubytuby6369 3 года назад +2

    Dang spy bald eagle.... I wasn’t ready for that.

  • @Salty_Nutella
    @Salty_Nutella 4 года назад +11

    2:07 That's the most American thing I've ever seen

    • @raginromans
      @raginromans 3 месяца назад

      that s the funniest comment ive ever seen

  • @christines3229
    @christines3229 4 года назад +19

    Ed from 90 days fiance: you're my best view
    Rose: 1:33

  • @millersaur
    @millersaur 4 года назад +13

    Not gonna lie I thought robo-salmon was going to be deployed next haha

  • @jaymac7203
    @jaymac7203 2 года назад +2

    That nose wiggle when he peered over the log looool 😭😭😭😂😂😂

  • @LibertyAndUnion
    @LibertyAndUnion 2 года назад +2

    They know it's fake. They can smell, taste, and touch. Knowing that it's not real.

  • @ThisHandleFeatureIsStupid
    @ThisHandleFeatureIsStupid 2 года назад +41

    1:20 Haha. I love how the mom is like, "I don't have time for whatever this is."

  • @Ty_Mien
    @Ty_Mien 4 года назад +7

    I love everything about this channel from the voice to the video quality

  • @laken118
    @laken118 4 года назад +36

    I could watch this for hours! Nice work!

    • @jaygill5582
      @jaygill5582 4 года назад +1

      And I like ya'and I want cha'

  • @vixy2321
    @vixy2321 4 года назад +4

    “Our spy also has a quick way down”
    *Falls down a hill*
    **Chokes on popcorn**

  • @Burgundeh
    @Burgundeh 2 года назад +1

    I fucking died when they introduced spy bald eagle😂😂.

    • @frankm8533
      @frankm8533 2 года назад

      Me to it was like an attack drone

  • @robinhooper7702
    @robinhooper7702 3 года назад +2

    Some engineering genius made that drone eagle.

  • @jonathancineus6424
    @jonathancineus6424 4 года назад +35

    I see “Robot Spy” or “Robotic Spy” in the title of a new video... I immediately click!!!!! And I never regret it! 😊

  • @dantucho203
    @dantucho203 2 года назад +4

    I love that they have a spy bear set up but still bring a cameraman

    @SAKSOON 4 года назад +17

    The way it rolls down the hill😂😂😂

    • @karonga629
      @karonga629 3 года назад

      It's GGI. The entirety of the film is CGI. You will notice if you only look really really closely at certain movements the animals do. I didn't believe it at first but it is super realistic CGI. Now that i think of it, it is super really scaring and deceiving technology. the channel itself it's called John Downer Productions. This will give you an idea.

    • @xdf1v3s.bbygirl5
      @xdf1v3s.bbygirl5 3 года назад

      @@karonga629 so the "real" bears are animations too?

  • @robthom09
    @robthom09 2 года назад +1

    Bear can smell salmon 20 miles away..>>> bear smells robotic stuffed bear 20 feet away and ignores it.

  • @testerwulf3357
    @testerwulf3357 2 года назад +1

    The surprise guest appearance of Spy Bald Eagle had me wheezing!

  • @Vivekadithya594
    @Vivekadithya594 4 года назад +37

    Whether these spies have any specialized odour so that real animals cannot differentiate them ?

    • @treborironwolfe
      @treborironwolfe 4 года назад +13

      They once forced a poor creature to wee all over their primate spybot to make it seem more convincing. Shame, shame.

    • @moth300
      @moth300 4 года назад +1

      @@treborironwolfe I have questions..

    • @soggycereal8626
      @soggycereal8626 4 года назад +1

      Trebor Ironwolfe, okay but why is that actually funny, I know it’s not suppose to be funny but... 😂

    • @lpsfankanr1
      @lpsfankanr1 4 года назад +6

      @@treborironwolfe any evidence? Where did you get that infromation from?

    • @frothingbubbles
      @frothingbubbles 4 года назад +1

      Trebor Ironwolfe uh i don’t think so

  • @jcasetnl
    @jcasetnl 2 года назад +4

    I like how almost none of the footage comes from the spy animals.

  • @foreverskrillex
    @foreverskrillex 4 года назад +8

    This channel is always so amazing. Thank you for all the work you do!

  • @hfontanez98
    @hfontanez98 2 года назад +1

    Narrator - "Bears can smell fish up to 20 miles away!"
    Kip - "Like anyone could even know that."

  • @judgem0rt1s23
    @judgem0rt1s23 2 года назад

    Mother bear: You're just the cutest, have fun fishing!
    Spy bear: ThANk yOU FrIEnD BEaR

  • @CenturianEagle
    @CenturianEagle 4 года назад +44

    So awesome!!! I love this channel 😊 thanks so much for doing what you guys do and for sharing this awesome footage with us! 🥰🥰🥰

    • @JohnDownerProd
      @JohnDownerProd  4 года назад +9

      You're very welcome. Glad you enjoy the videos.

    • @CenturianEagle
      @CenturianEagle 4 года назад +2

      John Downer Productions always!!! Your videos are the best, i never know what to Expect next, grizzlies didn’t even cross my mind !!😊. Thanks for the reply!

  • @jlove8445
    @jlove8445 2 года назад +4

    These animal spies are truly a game changer. The Animals are skeptical but it’s still better than having a human around for them so it seems to end up working and they ignore the spy and go about their business while the spy gets very unique camera footage.

  • @donaldkeith139
    @donaldkeith139 2 года назад +5

    Now that you have watched this, imagine an alien species so far advanced that it can blend in with human beings to such a degree that we cannot even tell the difference

  • @jimspencer5746
    @jimspencer5746 2 года назад +1

    Love the video, sound effects, and commentary!!

  • @Plata-ori-plumbu
    @Plata-ori-plumbu 2 года назад

    Cubs: "Mom, who's that weird kid over there?"
    Mama bear: "Uh, that's.... Charlie. He's really slow. Just stay away from him, ok?"

  • @felixcat9318
    @felixcat9318 4 года назад +11

    What superb, covert, realistic creature camera systems you have!
    The technological expertise to design and build these self contained camera systems is remarkable.
    I thought the cub was good, then I ssw the eagle and was impressed further.
    Much respect to your movement controlers, they do great work.

  • @qadeerplayspubg7507
    @qadeerplayspubg7507 4 года назад +4

    Love your videos.. It's amazing.. Will love to see lion robot as well

  • @chichichi998
    @chichichi998 2 года назад +7

    Love these spy animal series

  • @JerryHowardJr-hh5cl
    @JerryHowardJr-hh5cl Год назад +2

    You gotta admit that this bear is definitely more robotic than any other bear. Wow, what a true crime. I love it. ❤

  • @FlipMacz
    @FlipMacz 2 года назад +1

    Spy eagle was BOSS. Great video ty🌿

  • @SirImran
    @SirImran 4 года назад +4

    Here’s wishing you success in everything you do. Good luck

  • @nainasuhana9072
    @nainasuhana9072 4 года назад +13

    I want to hug these bears even if the result would be getting eaten by them

    • @anelisamorgan8590
      @anelisamorgan8590 4 года назад +2

      Agreed!! 🐻 I always said my dog looks very much like a bear, but with old age creeping up on her, she's looking much like a very snuggled teddy bear. I've got a soft spot for apex predators too🤷‍♀️ what can ya

    • @mjrussell414
      @mjrussell414 3 года назад +3

      You should watch Grizzly Man.

    • @thecook8964
      @thecook8964 2 года назад

      See the fool in Alaska, who eventually became one with the Grizzles- they ate him😂 Disney has a lot to answer for

  • @iSyriux
    @iSyriux 4 года назад +48

    Jeez, these are really realistic animatronics. Are you able to post behind-the-scenes footage of mishaps and the makings of these spies?
    Would be greatly appreciated, I'm a big fan.

    • @cryptofein3888
      @cryptofein3888 2 года назад +2

      It’s cgi lol

    • @fallscape1748
      @fallscape1748 2 года назад

      @@cryptofein3888 You're saying this based off of?

    • @cryptofein3888
      @cryptofein3888 2 года назад

      @@fallscape1748 a hunch

    • @jamesgarner4127
      @jamesgarner4127 2 года назад

      @@fallscape1748 based off of the fact he has more than 2 functional brain cells unlike most people in the comments

  • @splinky9226
    @splinky9226 3 года назад +1

    Ever since Fazbear’s Pizzeria went under, Freddy had to make a living by doing undercover research missions on wild grizzly bears.

  • @mattiaswidegren2242
    @mattiaswidegren2242 2 года назад +1

    These are so creepy you should make one with "Robotic spy husband goes fishing with whole family and nephew's"

  • @loveandreamore
    @loveandreamore 3 года назад +3

    The roll had me 😂

  • @karonga629
    @karonga629 3 года назад +9

    It's GGI people. The entirety of the film is CGI. You will notice if you only look really really closely at certain movements the animals do. At 0:15 the bear roars but the mouth doesn't move. I didn't believe it at first but it is super realistic CGI. Now that i think of it, it is super really scaring and deceiving technology.

  • @terrendously
    @terrendously 4 года назад +4

    Spy bear did a bear-al roll.

  • @thatguypal2025
    @thatguypal2025 2 года назад

    I thought this was bbc earth/discovery. The cinematography and production quality is insane. Well done!

  • @yourfriendlyneighborhoodsc1447
    @yourfriendlyneighborhoodsc1447 3 года назад +2

    I love how spy bald eagle is literally just a drone XD

  • @CrisEX420
    @CrisEX420 4 года назад +5

    The mama bear wasn’t fooled. She does have a working nose.

  • @slaughterround643
    @slaughterround643 4 года назад +4

    true professionals!
    not the bears, but the John Downer team!!

  • @roastedmallows2061
    @roastedmallows2061 3 года назад +7

    now imagine if there's conspiracy theorist animals, thy're trying to make everyone believe there maybe an impostor among them, and everyone thinks they're crazy

  • @ronin_11b94
    @ronin_11b94 3 года назад +1

    You certainly don’t need that spy camera with all that great footage taken by other cameras from different angles.

  • @FlyBoyKhi
    @FlyBoyKhi 2 года назад

    Imagine being a salmon that day lol. Just chilling, minding your business and boom, now you’re getting crunched on lol

  • @corvonics6383
    @corvonics6383 2 года назад +3

    how do these guys get such good angles so close-up without disturbing the bears?

  • @jojojokster2239
    @jojojokster2239 4 года назад +4

    1:16 me trying to get the last Pringle out of the can

  • @jamiekim2505
    @jamiekim2505 4 года назад +4

    do a spy human interacts with real human!! it would be so unpredictable!

  • @thebrummierailenthusiasts5329
    @thebrummierailenthusiasts5329 6 месяцев назад +2

    0:33 he certainly is well prepared

  • @DesirexDina
    @DesirexDina 2 года назад

    That tumble though 😄😄😄 ..these animals be looking at the robot like he's just a little off but its 😎

  • @colorado841
    @colorado841 4 года назад +4

    Hint: They are all spy animals including the fish.

  • @leanhnguyet71
    @leanhnguyet71 4 года назад +7

    Sooooo amazing spy world ....!,

  • @treborironwolfe
    @treborironwolfe 4 года назад +8

    *UP NEXT...*
    "Spy Polar Bear" gets mauled, live on camera!.

  • @Days-ru8jh
    @Days-ru8jh 2 года назад +1

    man what the fuck
    At this rate it’s gonna be
    Spy water, spy rock, spy land, spy sky, spy mountain, spy earth, spy universe, spy everything

  • @terryowen6759
    @terryowen6759 3 года назад +2

    I just love these spy animals, they get great video with way less interference to the subjects, just a little curiosity from some