.... poor old Ken Ham..... build a model of the ark for 100 MILLION dollars they said.... the crowds will come they said! I can imagine god talking to ken now..... 'is it too late to have an 'accidental fire' and claim on the insurance?' ;-)
please, never surrender your opinions to the mob, always liked your chanell because it was moderate, critical of right and left, however the sargon drama was becoming a bit juvenile
"Built it the Biblical way" dude shoots in 4 nails in a second into processed plywood panels and wooden beams with a nail gun. Ah yes. The great holy Biblical nail gun. The holiest of the nail guns.
Actually, I'm glad they didn't do that. Zoos are terrible places of animal cruelty. I'm not a member of PETA or an activist of any sort, but if you go to a zoo and just look at the animals in those enclosures, they look miserable.
"Exit through the gift shop." Just like the original ark.
5 лет назад+42
@Elon Musk Mastodons had few shekels, and were demoted to fourth class tickets, which turned out to mean being pushed overboard. This is the official Biblical explanation of extinction of species. No shekels? Overboard go the dinosaurs.
Yea that was pretty dumb, despite being Protestant myself im against the whole arch thing. you can teach the ideas of the Bible more efficiently and effectively than using 100 million dollars to build a massive model boat. Maybe use the money to feed the homeless or try to help others which is a main focus of Christianity. Kinda reminds me of a catholic church rather than a Museum.
Noah had a crane. I'm wondering where he would get a buzzsaw from let alone the lighting for an entire wooden boat. The animals sat in the dark or what?
I have been told they had to close down recently for a period of time because of flood damage. Not sure if it is true but when I heard this, it sure made me laugh long and hard. A boat damaged by a flood lmfao
The even funnier part is they sued the insurance company for denying the claim because they disagreed the event fell under the "Act of God" exclusion of the insurance contract.
Oh, we'll have more floods. We're in the middle of a very active hurricane season. I don't think god's got a lot to do with it, but I could be wrong: It appears that the worst-hit areas are the areas with a lot of evangelical Christians. God's mad at them. Doesn't care much about the atheists in Sweden or Canada. He doesn't seem to care about all of the assorted sins going on in Vegas either.
*fed a lot of hungry kids?* You failed to mention how many jobs were created with this attraction. Please tell us how many charities (which fed kids) have you donated to last year or ever?
This video needs an update. In May of 2019 the owners sued their insurance company because they denied their claim for property damage caused by...wait for it...a flood. They built an Arc that can't withstand a little rain bahahahahahahaha.
Weird how Christians people who supposedly are supposed to follow the way of christ by helping the poor and sick would rather wast 100mil on a giant boat than giving it to a large charity foundation. I mean I'm not a theist or anything but I'm pretty sure I know what Jesus would probably say about that.
Hey I have to give Ken Ham and his ark props for one thing: His ark made me realize that the flood was impossible and ultimately made me an athiest. So he spent a hundred million dollars for that... I guess.
Same! I appreciated his well-constructed arguments on why the Bible cannot be reconciled with the facts we know about geology, biology, astronomy, paleontology, etc... He saved me from becoming an old-earth creationist.
Many cultures around the globe got the flood mythos. I assume those stories are from when ice age ended and all the ice melted resulting in huge floods, which might aswell look like a flood of the entire world to stone age people.
As a christian I read and heard a passage about anyone who mades a replica or re enactment of the things that happened in the bibles to use as a cash grab is bound to fail and is cursed BTW IF IT WASN'T CLEAR I HAVE BEEN A BAPTIST AND FOUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN SINCE BIRTH
@@wealllikeitsomilkit4301 No, you HAVE NOT read and heard about such a passage, because there is no such passage. Please correct me with the the passage number..... I'm all ears.
Ken Ham: "I know how we can bring in 40 billion dollars to your small town." Mayor: "How?" Ham: "We create a theme park..." Mayor: "*anticipation*" Ham: "...with no rides, just a huge boat!" Mayor: "BRILLIANT!" *Writes $65million check*
Purple God It is Kentucky, after all. That mayor deserves a lobotomy, fucking dumbass. Taxpayer money at work. I'd rather burn money than throw it at this autistiquè garbàge because I'd at least have a nice fire to warm myself with, this is just a giant wooden shack that looks like a boat. It wouldn't even float, and it would be funny if it got flooded and turned into toothpicks.
If he wanted to compete with Disneyland, he should build some attractions. I think they have some zip lines and a playground, probably invested $10.000 on actual attractions! 😄
Children in America could have eaten that boat... literally, did you know logging companies are putting cellulose in our food! wake up America Bush did 911 Obama is turning our frogs gay and walt Disney's head is still alive pushing his pro gay anti boat nazi agenda on our kids!
True, well Christians yell and scream about giving to the poor and helping their fellow man, but that is NEVER their way. Their way is scamming money out of idiots and molesting kids. Where the Islam way is killing and raping..ya religion it is so good and so great for humanity, if you like scammers, rapists and pedophiles!
The Ark Encounter combo ticket goes for $94.95 for adults --- so Ken Ham can get even richer (he has a net worth of $54 million). Lying for Jesus and building a monument to stupidity pays well.
@@tsaltslinger3268 Matthew 6:5-6, (KJV): "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."
@@justmindset Matthew 5:27-28 (KJV) Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
I know he's a creationist, but claiming secularists made his park fail by gathering video evidence of his park already failing is some spectacularly circular reasoning.
Ken Ham is a textbook con artist who believes Christians will simply buy up anything with Jesus slapped on the label. If anything, this park proved that is clearly not the case. It's not secularists who caused the park to fail - it's *Christians* who did so by simply not showing up. The vast majority know how to root out bullshit when they see it, while still believing in, following, and debating religious tenants to the best of their ability. I feel terrible for the poor town and county that was suckered in to paying $100 million dollars for this flop of a theme park.
So according to Ken Ham, God gave his blessing to this theme park to ensure it would be completed and would help spread his word, but he couldn't stop it from flopping due to a handful of atheists on the Internet making fun of it?
@Dr. Shaym Where's the flop??? An amphitheatre being built and the parking lot expanding and the inability to get a room nearby doesn't sound like a flop to me!!!
Yea, get ole Heyzeus to heal some people and walk on water at the top of every hour. Shoot, they could even get John the baptist to do his thing for a $20 donation! Ohh I know, A Bingo hall and a Dog Track, would probably bring in more than the boat. Oh, even better 6 flags Noah's Ark! They could have rides and Bible charcters in costume like Disney land - Gimme a call Ken Hamb
I agree, I wanna buy the whole thing when they go bankrupt, turn it into a sleazy cassino, and have the robots serve drinks and tend the gambling tables and strip. Imagine, you could get drinks brought to you by a robot dinosaur, while playing cards with Jesus, as the Virgin Mary and Eve work the pole. There's no limit yo the fun, with robots. And *that* would be the real boost to the economy.
They could've achieved the same effect in a warehouse, and have the animatronics 'build' it as you go through. Probably would've cost about 5% of what they actually spent.
@@maxxam3590 Why would you care? It was their money to spend, and it did stimulate the economy, by buying up products and services necessary for the construction. It's a theme park, so why would you care? Creationists don't give a lick about Disney Land, you have your theme park, we have ours. Would you like it if I criticized the way you spent 100 million? It's your money afterall. It's not like they recieved tax payer dollars. It's not a national monument.
All DNA evidence shows that before Muhammad the people of the North African Coastal Kingdoms and the Middle East are most closely related to modern day Northern Italians. The Nature Journals published several conclusive studies on the matter. However the majority certainly didn't have fair hair and light eyes, most would have very light olive skin and dark hair and brown eyes. They would of looked more like Ben Stiller, Michael Imperioli, John Stamos, John Travolta or Marisa Tomei people like that. The media gets it quite accurate to be honest, Liz Taylor as Cleopatra was definitely more than accurate enough, although her nose was more hooked in reality, most likely anyway. Russell Crowe isn't to far off in Noah, he could just about pass for Northern Italian or Greek etc, Christian Bale as Moses was quite spot on, and Joel Edgerton with all the make up was fine, I can't really think of many examples were they've got it wrong in regards to the Middle East and North Africa.
@@thepubquiz3198 I am not arguing, I am curious, can you point me to your sources(like specifically)? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I am genuinely interested. Yes I highly doubt Noah(He probably looked similar to the people's in the region that bit was written, not when it happened.) looked like Russel Crowe. That looks like a standard cookie cutter "White" dude with anger issues. And, Cleopatra was Greek(Macedonian specifically, though she was born in Alexandria.) so I imagine she wouldn't have looked Egyptian, just a Macedonian on a long ass holiday, I would imagine. These are just my opinions, specially in regards to Cleopatra, no one has even found her tomb. And, there is a big time gap between Noah, most likely A Character in a Christian Myth. And, Cleopatra a historical Figure. So some rambling/dry ass jokes, after saying I am genuinely interested aside, I am interested. And would like to read your sources. Again I know I sound like an asinine jerk. But, there is nothing for me to gain by being a jerk, but there is knowledge to gain from genuine curiosity, so if I sound like a jerk I apologize. I just want to read those studies. Cheers. (Edit: I meant specific sources, but I noticed it read like I was saying you didn't even mention any sources. And, trying an edible for the first time and it is doing...something. I am giggling for no reason let's find some characters that I think best represent my current state... (⊙﹏◎)⊰ ... ( ^ᗜ^) ... (¯◡¯ ) ... yeah... Again my opinions are not facts, facts are facts.
There's no such thing as "looking like a Middle Eastern". The "Middle East" is a fabricated anglocentric term from the mid 1800's which only served to define Britain's spheres of influence which stretch over continents & vast territories..it's purely a political term.
@@FactStorm @FactStorm Maybe so, but that's moot. The English language changes A LOT, specially when you factor in context, which a rather vocal part of western society seem to have forgotten context, and there are things called Jokes!...*ahem* sorry I apparently have some issues to work out. Where was I, Context, changes the meaning of a word. Or words can change meaning over time. So when I hear people talking about the Middle-Easy I think of a bunch land that includes parts of Western Asia, North Africa and south east Europe, not some British Influence political Term. So again Moot.
@@FactStorm hey Just want to say if you read that giant wall of text, I may sound like a a smart ass. But, nothing I said, was said...well typed, in a Malicious manner. I read like a jerk, but I am actually pretty chill, anxious, but chill...if that makes sense. Cheers!
It gets even better, I knew I'd heard something about this so just did some checking. In May 2019, they sued their insurers for $1m in damages, not to the Ark itself but to to their access road which was damaged by flooding in 2017/2018. Flooding? Act of God maybe although I didn't see that mentioned in the text, see Wikipedia.
@@itsmefoolthelegend972 Noo because the dimensions are not according to the description. The Ark was like a big Sumerian boat but baptist versions of the Bible make it seem like a gigantic ship.
May 25, 2019 real life news: The owner of the life-size replica of Noah’s Ark in Northern Kentucky has sued its insurers for refusing to cover, of all things … rain damage.
It's now over $60 after the parking fee. But it was very crowed and not empty like they shown here. Here are my Ark Encounter Pictures. link.shutterfly.com/j4cYVbzPMX
@Brandon Neifert well maybe you should become a a journalist or grab a soapbox and stand on the side of the Street but nothing is being accomplished by ranting in the comments section of RUclips.
Hello! I watch the show called "mystery of the abandoned " This will be a great to see on the show. Looks like could film it now. Already looks abandoned.
Actually is has been found and the dimensions are in line with the Genesis account. You have to believe in something. Think of what will be the end result of those beliefs. If the atheists are wrong they will have eternity to contemplate their error. If Bible believing Christians are wrong they will just "return to the dust" and have no concern for eternal judgment. NO risk No loss. Atheists and humanists have everything to lose. Will it be worth it?
@@brotherfred2669 God is all-knowing, so why put that tree in the garden of Eden where Eve could reach it when he already knew she would ignore his warning? God is all-loving, so why damn his "children" to an eternity of suffering in Hell simply for questioning his existence when he doesn't interact with us at all? God is all-powerful, so how is the devil able to tempt and corrupt humanity across the whole world at all times? Nothing we "know" about the Christian god makes sense and the bible is full of contradictions, so worshipping the Christian god is probably wrong even if a god or gods exist.
@@andreaclark9398 there is a reason why they call the Midwest flyover country, modern society and the 21st century flew right by them. Grow up and grow a brain, for your own sake.
@@jfphotography69 There IS a reason for calling it flyover country. Those who use that term do not want to face the practical real-world realities -- and the values derived from them -- that are important to the people who live there.
@@dhpd religious fundamentalist nut job values, no thank you. You mean these types of values. If you tell anyone, you'll burn in hell. ruclips.net/video/RcW4osgDhr0/видео.html Religious charity nightmare. ruclips.net/video/vUvJq2d9Qjw/видео.html Again, there is a reason they call it flyover country, the 21st century flew right over them. This crap has been going on since these snake oil institutions came to fruition, and has continued. There is a reason religions are dying a slow death, people are slowly moving away from mythological religious beliefs and superstitions. Pervert Priests nypost.com/2019/02/13/nearly-200-pervert-priests-named-by-new-jersey-dioceses/ nypost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/nypost.com/2018/12/18/emotional-pastor-defends-200k-lamborghini-purchase-for-wife/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2018%2F12%2F18%2Femotional-pastor-defends-200k-lamborghini-purchase-for-wife%2F
saving souls is just as important as feeding hungry but we cant save their souls if they dead... as a Christian i still see this as silly, feed and shelter the homless first..
So GyroMurphy your saying that Disney World should not have been built as well right? Us Christians aren't the only ones that help others so according to you all theme parks should not have been built. No Disney World, Universal Studios or six flags or any other recreation or fun parks. No swimming pools or football stadiums pro or college. All the money it took to build those could have gone to the homeless. Makes sense.
@@zocom2 i agree. like it or not the logistics of flooding the earth is NOT possible lol. u cant just hold that much moisture in the air. the whole story is bs. like many in the bible. and sadly humans are to stupid to understand. im a believer in a god. but not what is portrayed in the bible.
@BrilliantBible7 🤔 What evidence do you have to substantiate the assertion you've made? Actual facts, not bible verses, links to videos, testimony ECT ECT. If you like watching videos you can search youtube for Aron Ra's video on how he disproves the flood in a few different ways... So there's evidence against the flood, not for. At least not that I've ever found. I need books titles, page numbers paragraphs and sentences to be specifically referenced. Or a journal that's been peer reviewed from scientists, NOT creation scientists. Because that's not a real thing.
@BrilliantBible7 Ok, then where is his Nobel prize for proving this to be a fact then? You are aware there was a court case that required schools to teach evolutionary processes because creation isn't science? And no, I didn't bother to click on either link insofar TBH. I just may do so to read it for myself and if it's compelling sounding enough I'll forward it to the atheist experience and Aron Ra so they can see this as well. I suggest you watch The Atheist Experience, and Aron Ra videos on RUclips yourself. There's an actual wealth of information to be found there with both. They ask the hard questions and require real answers. They make the show for the viewers to see how lame and flimsy their claims, arguments and so called evidence really is. That way it'll change other people's minds who happen to have the same outlook and to see how terrible it sounds as argued/conversated said out loud when certain required measures are set. It's much more compelling than literal belief without a sound logical reason.
Rubidium 37 always remember... Romans 8:28King James Version (KJV) 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
@Mak Roberts It usually means to act or commit something totally against God or some deity. Instead of doing something that will benefit your belief or in the eyes of those associated with this belief, the blasphemer committed in something hypocritical or wrong according to the religion or practice (ex: a vegan eating meat or killing an animal).
What I always wondered is what would carnivor animals eat on the Ark? Couldn't they have used that money to do something useful instead of a failure buisness?
And the amount of workers and time it took And the fact that this was all made with MODERN technology Imagine how much time it would have took rn with primitive technology
Really, the single most appalling thing about this, is this Dude, a self proclaimed "Christian", looked at the world today, and thought THIS was the best use of One Hundred Million Dollars. Point One Billion.
Do you think maybe that's one of the problems with society today? Where a "religious monument" is criticized but a Strip Join & Casino is worshiped. Leaving the religion debate aside... your statement is true... and therefore very sad.
11:06 "But what happens when somebody says 'millions of years?'" Crowd: "Were you there?" The irony of that argument being equally valid against the existence of Jesus and Noah's Ark totally escapes them. Love it.
Im Christian, I don’t even know where they got those ideas from - genesis literally never says anything about Earth only being 6,000 years old or dinosaurs being on the ark like.. If it’s not in the Bible then where are these ideas coming from?!?!
@@hanalane6865 Well, churches are all around the world. And at least used to have a purpose: they were like a big area where people could come together..... - idk. I mean, even if it is nonsense, at least people go there. XD - But yeah, If one considers how much has been spent on religious nonsense in just past 100 years, it's really sad. We could have built vertical farms and solve (half? of) world hunger, instead of praying for it...
@@Verrisin exactly religion was created to control people not help them church's over here in new Zealand have their own tennis courts which costs millions aswel replace that and put it towards educational systems and poverty and trust me humanity will succeed rapidly
When I heard this story as a kid I knew my rabbi was bullshitting me, a world wide flood that conveniently wasn't recorded outside of Jewish history not even by the jews neighbors . Hell it was probably copied from the epic of gilgamesh.
Son....We're going to the Ark Encounter! "What's that"? It's the Christian version of Disneyland! "Couldn't we just go to Disneyland"??? This IS like Disneyland...except there are no rides, no Mickey, and you get to learn about the bible! "Is this a punishment.....I promise I'll behave!"
Some people have a strange ideas of fun...some people even like to have the shit beat out of them...whatever floats your boat...maybe it would be fun if Ken handed out strong mind altering drugs at the entrance...I could see that...his attendance would probably sky-rocket!!!
Actually, no, it hasn't. According to Wikipedia this thing manages to lure in around 1 million visitors per year and has been open since 2016. It's close, but the Arc scam still managed to lure in more people than this video had visitors.
There has recently been a life size Noah's ark constructed in the Netherlands. It was towed across the English channel and is now languishing in a dry dock as it was deemed 'unseaworthy' as would any Noah's ark have been.
Its back in Holland. Wasn't impounded because it was unseaworthy, but because "load line certificates were missing, there was no tonnage information, and a range of other concerns. Was released in June last year. Last I heard it was still floating in Dordrecht, near Rotterdam. It too is a failed commercial enterprise.
This is Patrick See, because the stupid is strong with this one, he completely ruins the joke. How can the boat be fictional if it actually exists? You should have said, “... bankrupting an entire county for an oversized boat based on the fictional one.” This is why people laugh at atheists.
Major Motz It isn’t. You can pay for a ticket to walk through it right now. See, this is why creationists probably laugh at atheists. You guys seem to be just as stupid as the people that you are trying to make fun of.
Well to religious people they don't care because they think that its god will anyway..........this ark is just business in trouble.....and seriously they put dinosaurs what a load of crap
Zero Scans that literally makes no sense!😂 “don’t care.” I may not be the most religious person in the world, but you have to be blind to not see the good Christianity has done in this world. Martin Luther King was a Pastor who avidly believed in God’s non-violent protest strategy. The Salvation Army- a non-profit organization- that has helped ME, personally. they’ve built homeless shelters, pay people’s rent, have programs for the poor, and I didn’t even mention the thrift stores with 150 dollar couches that are in great condition. How about religious freedom? Our history and rights are grounded in the constitution, which was created by Christians. They intentionally made it to where not everyone had to be Christian because they saw the wrong in that and history shows it’s a bad idea(look at the conquistadors of the 1600s). Point being, the reason you and me are able to do what we do is because of the foundations Christians laid down. That brings me to another point: Christians pushes the need for science in the 17th century because they wanted to know more about God and His creation.
@@isaiahsantillan594 I'm sorry but Christian people only help you guys but not here in india ......unlike you guys thinking that Christianity is the supreme religion here in india Gandhi let us to freedom and he is not Christianity........tell me how has religion helped science when teachers teaches us biology and evolution comes to the subject then they would just say that this is all fake so how did religion help science in fact religion has made many people thinking that scientists are evil
The main problem with this thing is probably its location, who the hell would go to Kentucky for any reason other than to see family? Now on the other hand, if they built this thing in a place like Las Vegas and turned it into a casino, they could have had some major success. Who wouldn't want to gamble in a gigantic fucking boat?
Why Kentucky? Pretty easy to explain, really. No other state would have made the mistake of letting this disaster get funded. Ham went to where the money was. He knows it's all bullshit, but like any respectable peddler of religious nonsense, the goal is not to preach the truth, it is to fleece the believers. Kentucky was the perfect choice.
Baptists believe in the inerrant word of the bible and therefore will deny their children a 21st century science education promoting ancient scriptures. Black's loving a fantasy being who endorsed enslavement. Jews loving a god who participated in genocide or holocaust of others, call it what you will. Christians who are set against abortion loving a god who aborted millions of the unborn in a global flood. Mother's rejoicing in a god who killed other mother's first born, twice. Vegetarians and vegans who rejoice in a god who was cruel to animals. Humans who love a god who demanded human sacrifice. A god who is there and real for them that never appears for boys and girls being abused by his agents.
How many people were fed buy all the plane loads of of Billions in cash Obongo sent to his non Infidel buddies. How many hard working Americans were helped by Obongo taking their money.
Investors aren't in business to give their money away. They're in business to earn a dividend; a profit. Yes $100 million can feed a lot of people. Where is that money coming from? Are you saying these folks should have just been super charitable and fed people instead of building an enterprise? Although silly, remember they didn't expect the Ark to fail. The investors expected a lot of cash in return for the money they put into the venture. It's similar to when people comment on "abandoned" buildings, and they speak of how many homeless people could live there if only "they" spent untold amounts of money remodeling the structure. If "they" spent real money refurbishing, remodeling, and bringing up to code the "abandoned" buildings "they" would expect a return on their investment. "They" wouldn't just hand it over to homeless people to ruin it. I'm not against charity. I'm all for it. However I would expect a solid plan and foundation to have been lain in order to accomplish the mission and purpose of the charity. Otherwise... $16 billion could feed a lot of starving people..?
@@legacyShredder1 so you accept that the arc encounter is just about making money? So basically a big ass merchandise shop? Where is all that christian love then? Instead of building a stupid wooden boat all these good christian investors could have donated all their money to a good cause. Oh wait its only about giving to the poor when others do it huh? Religion is such pathetic rubbish. That there are still people in the 21st century that believe in fairy tales is incredible.
It did, it fed the architect's, engineers, carpenters, brick masons, landscapers and many other workers who built this attraction. I've been and it was worth the trip from Birmingham al. To visit.
When I told my dad ( who is almost always on the side of AiG) about Ken blaming the media for his ark problems, he said this " If it was in California people would say, let's go see the ark If it was in Texas people would say, let's go see the ark If it was in Florida people would say, let's go see the ark But it's in Kentucky. Why is it in Kentucky? Why would people want to go to Kentucky just to see the ark?"
It doesn't float because it's made of wood and it would collapse. To make it stand they had to do concrete and steel beams and those things rarely float. It would first break into pieces, then sink. Also, California is 40% irreligious and you have to be very religious to pay 40-60 USD per ticket. I wouldn't pay 40 bucks to go to atheist land.
Well, to be fair there is more to do at Ark Encounter than at Atheistland, which is simply a large sign that says, "It's All Bullshit. Read your book!"
strange considering Noah somehow did this with way less people, thousands of years in the past, with no knowledge of building ships, made it slightly larger, building pens for millions of animals while rounding up millions of animals safely without the more dangerous ones hurting him, then somehow doing it again while getting them into their pens on the ship, and then somehow fitting millions of animals on said ship, carrying enough food for millions of animals for 40 something days, cleaning the poop from millions of animals daily, somehow not catching various diseases and parasites while doing this, having such a large ship stay afloat in such rough sea's that was made out of regular wood without advanced techniques, then the ships structural integrity was somehow not compromised after being set on a mountain, then the animals somehow all made it back home without many of the species dying on the way back so we don't find any fossils in strange places. other issues: -nobody can find a trace of this ship - his story was technically already written by another culture many years earlier as folklore -no other civilizations in this time recorded such a huge flood I seriously doubt you can refute the evidence against the ark I have presented here. if you don't respond, it proves me right. Oh and if you do respond, you can't us "Gods magic" as a way to prove me wrong.
I operate my small business in Grant County, Kentucky. It is where I grew and have pride in my home. We never recovered from 2008 recession when construction of houses ceased. Then this con artist convinced local politicians to risk public funds on this nonsense. Now it is a failure, so guess what, anyone who works in the county is paying additional taxes to bail out the Ark. They announced it this year stating the effective date was a month ago so everyone had to pay back taxes and couldn't debate it. So now I'm paying roughly to buy a ticket every month for the Ark and I never want to step foot in it. These same officials are not seeking reelection because they know how deeply unpopular this is. It sucks and is ruining many people here, all I can hope is no other county is destroyed by this snake oil salesmen.
That sucks. For anyone that says that religion is harmless here's a point to consider. We atheists should offer to buy the ark and use it as a memorial to extremis
SJPlace1776 - must feel like hitting your head against a brick wall! I'm embarrassed to say I'm an Aussie and would like to reassure you we aren't all stupid!! ( As I believe most Americans aren't).
3:00 Actually, getting food would have been the least of their problem. The real issue would have been the careful pruning for fifty years of the gigantic production forest needed to supply the right quality of wood. Even in ancient times, they did not use random trees. It simply doesn't work. They planted the right species of trees and cared for them for decades to ensure a supply of timber. Also, the maximum displacement of a wooden ship is about 3000 tons. Wood simply cannot support a larger structure.
@Hunter HAM Sorry, but I have to agree with AJ on this. Per my 2 minutes of googling, "Because of her extreme length and wood construction, Wyoming tended to flex in heavy seas, which would cause the long planks to twist and buckle, thereby allowing sea water to intrude into the hold. Wyoming had to use pumps to keep her hold relatively free of water. In March 1924, she foundered in heavy seas and sank with the loss of all hands". I mean technically it floated as long as the water that leaked in was pumped out. Lets split the difference, large displacement wooden ships are not seaworthy, unless, there are pumps to empty out the water that leaks in. Hugs for everyone.
You do not lament the fact that Christians' hard earned tax Dollars are spent is schools to educate their children that their God does not exist......! The "useless creationist museum" is supplementing their education and compensating for the obvious fundamental flaw and shortcoming in their education. (Consider it "Higher Education). It restores balance. (You do believe in balance, do you? Obviously not because you campaigned to have have God and intelligent design creationism banned from schools so that there is no freedom of choice as to what to believe and what not..!. The children wouldn't even know that there is another option if left entirely up to the "education" system). You do believe in freedom of choice, do you? Nor do you lament the enormous amount of tax Dollars allocated to NASA each year nor the money spent on teaching children about fake moon landings, space travel etc. when they can't even overcome lower earth orbit. Maybe the teachers should demand a cut of NASA's enormous budget to supplement their pension fund....!? (there is anyway way way much more money "floating around" there than tax breaks for the Ark project)!
@@caiawlodarski5339 Yes, Little Pinochio wanted to be " a real boy" so he became one! Fairy tale no One. Little Suzy also wanted to be a little boy so she became one. Little Johny wanted to be a little girl, so he became one. Fairy tale No's Two and Three. Teach the kids they can be anything they imagine. They only have to identify as one and then become whatever they want to be! And teach them about unproven theories of dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, parallel universes, moon landings, space travel, time travel, space colonisation, aliens and spontaneous combustion of life all over the universe! Teach them they are products resulting from of a long line of monkey mutations! Teach them that there is no such thing as SIN and that they can do any thing they want without consequences. Teach them there was no flood and there will be no Judgement Day either! And every day you teach them this, little Pinochio's nose grows longer and longer! Yes, teach them these fairy tales in school and ignore reality, biology, science and the Truth which God created. Or you can teach them the Truth and kick out all the fairy tales as you suggested we do!
When you play Civilization and reach the space age, but forgot to upgrade your troops, so you still have phalanx to protect your fusion reactor - this is how creationists look today.
Did you forgot about "UNESCO bug" in original Civilization? Units obsolated by two or more genreations are nearly invincible. When you hear about big battles, can you imagine how it would sound when my phalanx survived in one turn attack from 8 tank, 6 mech. inf.s, 2 battleships and 5 bombers? Unfortunately they also had a nuke, but that phalanx did amazing job there. If they only had one at Dunkirk... My guess is that most of those attackers died from laughing.
How about the Solomon's Temple Experience: For a few hundreds of thousands of dollars, you too can have an hour of experience playing King Solomon and his thousands of wives. Menage-a-thousands, anybody? Even Vegas doesn't go that far! THIS would bring in the bucks! For those of more limited means, you could instead choose the King David experience, including hundreds of women and a few boys (a la Jonathan).
Really. I'm pretty sure its very profitable. But as with any sort of business some win and some lose. Just look at Trump. He lost a billion dollars (or I should, his lenders lost, on this casinos.
I missed the animatronic robots and a gift shop in the bible...I will have to read it over to see where it has those...Lol All in all if I was in the area I would have gone to see it just for the size of it....but not at $42 US per person. $10 -12 would have been reasonable, considering all you get is a big boat on land....maybe they should have built a real Arc and given cruises...LOL
It is relevant because anyone who believes the Noah's Ark story to be a true account has willfully taken leave of scientific evidence and common sense. But, then again, it is the same sort of credulity that allows for all the other miraculous accounts in the Bible to include the resurrection of Jesus. As a person of faith, I am not surprised this is confusing. Faith dulls the mind from skeptical inquiry and the worry that your beliefs could be wrong.
Ham tried to get live animals..but he was threatened with animal cruelty if he tried. They showed how it is impossible to even try a small fraction of these animals would end in catastrophic life loss and damage to the animals. That even with state of the art ventilation it would still be impossible in a build ing enclosed of that size. Let alone it would poison the lungs of visitors . So Ham tried to suggest to rent animals from zoo's or what jot..and that was shot down as no one in their right mind would allow him access to such and jeopardize the lives and health of innocent animals.
@@spiritairlines8817 lmao. Try imagining filling that up with 2 of ever animal species. With enough space/food/correct environmental condition for each animal to survive. The "ark" is a fucking fairy tale, used to scare children. No different than Rumplestiltskin or Jack and the Beanstalk. Except in this case "god" is the angry antagonistic giant screaming "FEE FIE FOE FUM!" and destroying 99.9999999999% of the population and environment on earth for no fucking reason, while leaving absolutely 0 scientific evidence of doing so.
Don't forget that after ~2500 man hours and $100,000,000 this "ark" is not seaworthy AND is impractical as a zoo. Poor Ken actually disproved the ark story more effectively than any RUclips skeptic.
Disproved nothing! Build a pyramid, so when you cannot, just as here, you've disproved nothing except we cant do anything like that ANYMORE since we have lost communion with the earth and mother nature, which did most of the heavy work for them. Dumbass
It's amusing to think that in about 10000 years, archaeologists will come across the ruins of this theme park and say "You see, Noah's Ark really did exist".
the world by then will be destroyed and people like u will be judge by God(and for the people who r.......non...........christian will be throw in to the fires of Hell.) no offence...
Sure, but not the God of the Bible, Yahweh. He evidently copied his flood story from Sumerian creation myths, or perhaps from the Utnapishtim episode in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
..... you do realize that if those support beams weren't there that thing would just topple over and Barrel downhill destroying everything in its path....
@@jessep.1117 no, it cannot. it will sink under its own mass. we know the exact dimensions, materials, etc, that the ark was made of. scientists have tested whether a boat like that could sail and found that it could not. it sank every single time. do your fucking research. 🤦
@@duckietheduck Actually ships as big as the ark have existed, there were even ships lined with concrete. The ark itself can float and is box shaped, it wasn't meant to sail unlike the Chinese giant treasure ships, but it would have easily served its purpose. That's also not how buoyancy works, ships don't float by being light, they float by displacing water which is actually heavier than the weight of the ship itself. We actually have ships bigger and far heavier than the ark would have been itself made out of steel, we actually have ships that carry massive numbers of animals too of comparable size and they still float. Your statement of "scientists have tested whether a boat like that could sail and found that it could not" is also incorrect, based on presumed specifications it's been determined that it could indeed have float.
It was such a nice plot of land, when i worked next to the land by it, you would see deer everywhere with there fawn and other animals, it used to be farmers land as well, theres LITTERALLY a barn across the street.
All of that wildlife gone, bc people needed a wooden ark made out of millions of trees that were once living and providing for every organism that was there. Disgusting.
Really how many tears have you cried for every road you've traveled to get anywhere you wanted to go. Please......don't be a hypocrite. If your gonna cry over this parking lot, cry over them all.
@@inthegarage342 You think I'm not crying over them all (figuratively)? I'm not that big of an idiot, and I do understand we need the infrastructure to support our modern way of life, but there are projects which are necessary and then there's this. And yes, every time I travel down the highway all I can focus on (aside from the traffic) is the fragmented habitats, forests split into so many patches you can't even call them forests anymore. And yes, that very highway is taking me home to my parents in under 9 hours instead of 12 that would take me if I followed the old roads around. You know, it's really difficult NOT to be hypocrite in today's world. There's so little left for a person to criticize nowadays without being called a hypocrite. In this context of THIS project, I still believe it was absolutely unnecessary to destroy the nature to build a parking lot for a mythological exhibition no one cares about. If that makes me a hypocrite, good, because it probably makes me some other thing too and hypocrisy is the most mellow one :)
I'd like to talk about the length of the ark. According to the Bible, the ark was 510 feet long. The longest wooden boat ever built was the Wyoming a 450 ft schooner. Even with metal braces, it tended to flex and was constantly leaking. Wood doesn't have the tensile strength to withstand ocean forces.
Ridiculous comparison. The Wyoming was built light for speed. The Ark didn't have that restriction. Further, the Wyoming still lasted 14 years before sinking.
What could the red cross do with 100 million ? The same thing is does on a regular basis with 100 million - use most of it to pay the CEO and staff then cut
@@letsbehonest4221 even if that were true, thats better than wasting it on a fictitious canoe from a fairy tale that will do absolutely nothing but rot in the coming decades
@@wilsoncrocker thunderfoot deliberately left out pics of the finished product and what it looks like inside with all the attractions. Google it and you will see its not just about following an "fairy tail". Its definitely something that unique and staggering to the eye and imagination to see.
@@letsbehonest4221 not my first rodeo; ive seen all the pics & vids available. the only thing that is staggering about that idiotic enterprise of ignorance & inaccuracy is the fact that people actually invested real money on a business plan that said over a million people would actually visit that "theme park".... a theme park that teaches people HAD DINOSAURS AS PETS. and they seriously try to pass that off as a fact. not only do i not respect that, i have an active contempt for it. $100M on this manifestation of stupidity while kids are dying of dehydration and malnutrition. god works in mysterious ways alright. gods plan, indeed.
This could be the next Mount Ararat! Just imagine in 2000 years, when they find the remains of this attraction, archaeologists might think they have found the ark. From then on it will be said that Noah’s ark was found in Kentucky 😂
Guys were talking about religious people.. 2000 years from now they literally will say a civilization before them found it first and made an attraction out of it... like we are talking about people that believe the world was populated by 2 people
Even if those numbers are correct, (which I could not independently verify), that's 35 million gross, not 35 million profit. Subtract operating costs and all that, and you will end up with a LOT less in profits. Albeit, they don't seem to show their profit margin anywhere, which indicates a financial loss. Surprising, since they used every trick in the book to avoid any sort of taxation.
Imagine how many homeless they could have helped using "Christian Charity" with this money instead of utterly wasting it like this. What a phenomenal joke. This is an advertisement for just how delusional religiously motivated people are, they didn't make a mistake. They actually believed it would work. Absolute fools.
You say similar thing as Judas, the betrayer of Jesus, said about the expensive oil the woman used on Jesus' feet. As Jesus said, the poor you always have with you. In other words, it's disingenuous to suggest that everything people do must stop until all mankind is lifted out of poverty. Judas proposed your same fake concern.
Huh? They're spending billions for upgrades at Disney World, Disneyland and Universal Studios. How many tiny houses could you build for the homeless? Could you wipe out homelessness in America?
It's not whether or not your idea could work, if you held a gun to the heads of corporations and wealthy people to force them to do it. It's just that there's no shortage of philanthropic ideas like yours and other poor schlepps like the majority, on how to spend other people's money "for the greater good of the poor". It's just wrong to suggest it, same as it would be for poorer people than us to demand we do it.
"God has brought together hundreds of talented people in a miraculous way to make this happen". Not sure what the miracle was. You paid people to show up and build it and they did. Unless, you're saying it's a miracle you were able to scam enough people to get the money to build this in the first place.
@A S if they wanted to compete with Disney world why didn’t they just build rides. I guarantee you if they would of built some really solid rides like let’s says the best roller coaster in America, the super religious Christianity appeal would of helped overall. It’s America after all.
'Hey, kids! We're going on vacation to an exciting theme park!' 'Oh wow, Disney World?' 'No, even better! The Genocide of all Living Things by Drowning Park!' 'Oh, OK... great.'
Funniest line I heard was in the Big Bang. Sheldon says logically how would you feed ALL the carnivorous animals for 40 days and 40 nights. His mother says " With all the floating corpses of the sinners " 😆
*Traditional steel reinforced concrete and steel beam construction, with traditional panel liner* And some people claim that it was worth while investment in case of flood happens... That thing wont move anywhere due it being a fucking building, not a boat! Even if it would dislodge from its position, it will turn into pile of scrap metal from first wave...
Congrats. For me as a german these kind of indoctrination he pulls on these kids is horrible to watch cause had never imagined that such things still exist
Thanks buddy. Indoctrination, be it religious or political, is going on in most places in the world, as far as I know. This planet is full of arrogant scumbags who are busy making copies of their righteous selves rather than working towards the betterment of society and all living beings besides.
Smart kid. I stopped believing in god when I was 14. Mostly because it interfered with my beliefs in cryptozoology at the time so it was basically trading one fairy tale for another.
Cryptozoology? Ha ha, that’s really funny, and slightly more realistic than the Bible, I suppose. To be honest I wasn’t really such a smart kid at the time. Unfortunately, it took many more years and experiences until the supernatural hogwash fully evaporated from my tormented skull. But when it did, it did so for good.
@Know One go back far enough and you'd find a nice little garden with a tree growing in it, which used to have an apple in its branches, but some bastard stole it.
@@waynebow-gu7wr that can be explained very easily. It was a godly miracle that had occurred but as THE 'ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING' GOD isn't big headed, he let Noah take all the credit.
@@tony2707So, God chose to kill everyone even though he knew it would come to that? Just to forgive everyone after jesus as long as they confess their sins and have been told about God.
That's fuckin hilarious if atheist had a favorite restaurant i would demand a crawling on land sea slug salad and if I didn't get what I ordered I would kill the chef and eat him right there in front everyone and tell the pigs it's not murder it's a crawling on land sea slug salad. Stupid
.... poor old Ken Ham..... build a model of the ark for 100 MILLION dollars they said.... the crowds will come they said!
I can imagine god talking to ken now..... 'is it too late to have an 'accidental fire' and claim on the insurance?' ;-)
Thunderf00t notification squad here!
Thank you for continuing to make videos on all sorts of topics
please, never surrender your opinions to the mob, always liked your chanell because it was moderate, critical of right and left, however the sargon drama was becoming a bit juvenile
Thunderf00t More of these please!!!
Thunderf00t great, lets spend a ton of money on a theme park, sick, starving, poor people can still rely on garbage cans. Dam creationists.
I`m never going to forgive Noah bringing pair of mosquitos on his ark.
I have about 8 mosquito bites right now...I want his head on a pike.
Malaria infected Mosquitos at that. Seriously though.. How do creationists explain all the species specific parasites?
Thundernugget 14 for me, 6 on ONE foot.
Lars Arvidsson
They blame Satan.Or our own failings.
To be fair here. The birds need something to eat.
"Built it the Biblical way" dude shoots in 4 nails in a second into processed plywood panels and wooden beams with a nail gun.
Ah yes. The great holy Biblical nail gun. The holiest of the nail guns.
brother Maynard, bring forth the holy hand grenade of antioch
don;t put those guys down so easily, ever thought the ark story could only be explained if what they salvaged was an actual DNA library~?
What? did you also expect them to take the ark and put it on water? Oh, look! There's a live dinosaur on the ark.
Bring fourth the holy nail gun!
It woulda have been smarter to have an ark themed zoo, with real animals. That could have brought more families.
They have that too
Actually, I'm glad they didn't do that. Zoos are terrible places of animal cruelty. I'm not a member of PETA or an activist of any sort, but if you go to a zoo and just look at the animals in those enclosures, they look miserable.
@@boogerstastesalty truee
@@boogerstastesalty he didn't say it was right, he said it was smarter from a business stand point
They do have a small petting zoo.
Kid - "I wanna go to Disney land"
Mum - "we have Disney land at home"
The Disney land at home.........
That ain't even Chuck E Cheese! Lolz nice one!
dumb joke not even funny. you're probably a creationist
@@5WIM stop
@@5WIM you’re probably 8 lmao
"Exit through the gift shop." Just like the original ark.
@Elon Musk Mastodons had few shekels, and were demoted to fourth class tickets, which turned out to mean being pushed overboard. This is the official Biblical explanation of extinction of species. No shekels? Overboard go the dinosaurs.
Yea that was pretty dumb, despite being Protestant myself im against the whole arch thing. you can teach the ideas of the Bible more efficiently and effectively than using 100 million dollars to build a massive model boat. Maybe use the money to feed the homeless or try to help others which is a main focus of Christianity. Kinda reminds me of a catholic church rather than a Museum.
Every animal had to buy a years supply of food or more while waiting for new plants to populate the earth... good business for Noah! 😉
Buy as much as you want, buy as much as you're able,
just don't let Jesus in 'cause he'd start flippin' tables.
Daniel H but what did lions and tigers and bears and spiders and wolves eat?
I think Jesus would of preferred you spend that 100mil on helping your fellow man.
@@Cuythulu you must be new to the internet. Welcome
@@dallasray225 I know dude, but is not that hard. I mean English is my second language and I could learn that basic distinction.
@@Cuythulu You act like people care other then yourself.
@@dallasray225 Bugs me.
"traditional biblical crane"
im floored.
I thought I was the only one thinking that!!! 😂🤣😂🤣
Noah had a crane. I'm wondering where he would get a buzzsaw from let alone the lighting for an entire wooden boat. The animals sat in the dark or what?
What a waste of high quality lumber
Waste of time, resources, effort and then think of the unecessary land clearence for the parking lot too.
Bruh, this video has more views than all of the visits of the Ark Encounter combined
You nailed it. Wonder if one of those views is Ham?
They had more than 600,000 paying customers there first 7 months they opened close to may.
Chris Heichel yep what a fucking failure
Ur full of bs bud
I have been told they had to close down recently for a period of time because of flood damage. Not sure if it is true but when I heard this, it sure made me laugh long and hard. A boat damaged by a flood lmfao
The even funnier part is they sued the insurance company for denying the claim because they disagreed the event fell under the "Act of God" exclusion of the insurance contract.
@@torotanaka3788 We could not make stuff up that is funnier than reality!
@@1gallimaufry Yep!
And not just any boat - a giant boat built specifically to save all God's creations from...A FLOOD!
@@syzygy21055 god be like
haha fake ark go S N A P
While Ken blames his problem on Atheists, he overlooks that not many Christians came either.
Oh, we'll have more floods. We're in the middle of a very active hurricane season. I don't think god's got a lot to do with it, but I could be wrong: It appears that the worst-hit areas are the areas with a lot of evangelical Christians. God's mad at them. Doesn't care much about the atheists in Sweden or Canada. He doesn't seem to care about all of the assorted sins going on in Vegas either.
rudra62 Oh boy, that last sentence though...
Well, I wrote it before the Vegas shooting. Still, Vegas isn't prone to flooding or being hit by hurricanes.
Gottenhimfella shame you'd be the ones to sink or hang on to the christians that have gone beyond their pathetic creationist rhetoric.
Headcynic well there are earthquakes
This will be great when they sell it to a casino company.
Yeah or a shopping mall lmao
I'd gamble there!
Get real. It will be a Pet Dinosaur Store.
Wooden Cruise Casino:
Whatever Floats Your Boat!
Man y'all really are offended by our rights?
$100 million could have fed alot of hungry kids
Especially in Kentucky because we are the number one state for child abuse and neglect in the entire USA :(
Yeah but that's no fun. Much cooler to build a massive fucking scale model of a boat from biblical times with dinosaurs on it lmao.
@Ron B please tell me you're joking
God's will is strange isn't it?
*fed a lot of hungry kids?* You failed to mention how many jobs were created with this attraction. Please tell us how many charities (which fed kids) have you donated to last year or ever?
This video needs an update. In May of 2019 the owners sued their insurance company because they denied their claim for property damage caused by...wait for it...a flood. They built an Arc that can't withstand a little rain bahahahahahahaha.
Thats ironic
That's hilarious.
It’s a recreation not a boat
O crap I had forgotten about that.
And to think... all of that money could have funded cancer research, a cure for diabetes, and/or even built a hospital.
Yep, exactly. But instead, they spent all that on a frickin boat of lies
Weird how Christians people who supposedly are supposed to follow the way of christ by helping the poor and sick would rather wast 100mil on a giant boat than giving it to a large charity foundation.
I mean I'm not a theist or anything but I'm pretty sure I know what Jesus would probably say about that.
Or even just a cool museum.
True, they should've used the money to do any number of better things.
Well what are you waiting for? All eyes on you now.
Hey I have to give Ken Ham and his ark props for one thing: His ark made me realize that the flood was impossible and ultimately made me an athiest. So he spent a hundred million dollars for that... I guess.
Same! I appreciated his well-constructed arguments on why the Bible cannot be reconciled with the facts we know about geology, biology, astronomy, paleontology, etc... He saved me from becoming an old-earth creationist.
Anything is possible with God
@@themischievousmustache3315 but there is no way this could have happened, and there is no proof of it
Many cultures around the globe got the flood mythos. I assume those stories are from when ice age ended and all the ice melted resulting in huge floods, which might aswell look like a flood of the entire world to stone age people.
I personally think the Ark was plausible.
you're forgetting that the alleged real ark had to be built to float. The thing these people built is just a building made to look like a boat.
It's as seaworthy as a coffin.
Funny Jojo reference
And also it would have to take some hard seas.
As a christian I read and heard a passage about anyone who mades a replica or re enactment of the things that happened in the bibles to use as a cash grab is bound to fail and is cursed
@@wealllikeitsomilkit4301 No, you HAVE NOT read and heard about such a passage, because there is no such passage. Please correct me with the the passage number..... I'm all ears.
They just filed an insurance claim for rain damage. I could not make that up.
LOL! I know.
The absolute irony
i thought they got sued because water runoff due to land "improvements" caused a neighboring property to flood. LOL
Ain't it a boat!?
Kid: Mom! Let's go to Disneyland!
Mom: We have Disneyland at home.
Disneyland at home:
Haahhh.. Its sad X,D
lmao ;D
People aren't going to pay $42 to go to a museum so they can leave with less intelligence than when they went in
Ken Ham: "I know how we can bring in 40 billion dollars to your small town."
Mayor: "How?"
Ham: "We create a theme park..."
Mayor: "*anticipation*"
Ham: "...with no rides, just a huge boat!"
Mayor: "BRILLIANT!" *Writes $65million check*
Purple God
It is Kentucky, after all. That mayor deserves a lobotomy, fucking dumbass. Taxpayer money at work. I'd rather burn money than throw it at this autistiquè garbàge because I'd at least have a nice fire to warm myself with, this is just a giant wooden shack that looks like a boat. It wouldn't even float, and it would be funny if it got flooded and turned into toothpicks.
ODETHIOUS You can burn that boat too... and Ken
They should've just build a giant ass rollercoaster for $65 million
They should have just gone with the monorail.
This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Homer and Ned Flanders made the Christian theme park that bombed.
If he wanted to compete with Disneyland, he should have charged $117 for admission and $7.50 for a small soda.
YesUCan Underrated comment 😂😂
7.50 for a small one? Fuck? The devils at work there
This is Holy Soda
Get your holy water! Only $8 dollars!
If he wanted to compete with Disneyland, he should build some attractions.
I think they have some zip lines and a playground, probably invested $10.000 on actual attractions! 😄
Children in Africa could have eaten that boat...
fuck them
Children in America could have eaten that boat... literally, did you know logging companies are putting cellulose in our food! wake up America
Bush did 911
Obama is turning our frogs gay and walt Disney's head is still alive pushing his pro gay anti boat nazi agenda on our kids!
+MinedMaker Rich starving creationists could have eaten those African children.
True, well Christians yell and scream about giving to the poor and helping their fellow man, but that is NEVER their way. Their way is scamming money out of idiots and molesting kids. Where the Islam way is killing and raping..ya religion it is so good and so great for humanity, if you like scammers, rapists and pedophiles!
Don't know it is Gods will they should born into poverty disease and early death, while Trump stuffs his face with steak and shouts abuse at the TV.
The Ark Encounter combo ticket goes for $94.95 for adults --- so Ken Ham can get even richer (he has a net worth of $54 million). Lying for Jesus and building a monument to stupidity pays well.
"What do you wanna do with that 100 million? Donate to the homeless? Cancer research?"
"Nah, let's just build a big boat."
@Alex McAuliff for a sec I thought you were defending the thing 🤣😂🤣😂
@@ichi6ix611 Me too. But when I found out it was a pretty good joke I thought, “ Oh ..nice!”
Luke 6:41 (KJV) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
@@tsaltslinger3268 Matthew 6:5-6, (KJV): "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."
Matthew 5:27-28 (KJV) Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
I know he's a creationist, but claiming secularists made his park fail by gathering video evidence of his park already failing is some spectacularly circular reasoning.
He's an expert at this kind of reasoning after all.
Ken Ham is a textbook con artist who believes Christians will simply buy up anything with Jesus slapped on the label.
If anything, this park proved that is clearly not the case. It's not secularists who caused the park to fail - it's *Christians* who did so by simply not showing up. The vast majority know how to root out bullshit when they see it, while still believing in, following, and debating religious tenants to the best of their ability.
I feel terrible for the poor town and county that was suckered in to paying $100 million dollars for this flop of a theme park.
@@scaryhobbit211 wait... The county paid for it?
Bingo 🤭
@Oliver Pong which is exactly the same
So according to Ken Ham, God gave his blessing to this theme park to ensure it would be completed and would help spread his word, but he couldn't stop it from flopping due to a handful of atheists on the Internet making fun of it?
Dr Shaym
@DragonX7777 No, the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah are on the southwestern edge of the Dead Sea, inside of Israel.
@Dr. Shaym Where's the flop??? An amphitheatre being built and the parking lot expanding and the inability to get a room nearby doesn't sound like a flop to me!!!
No one can stop the Internet not even god.
Jin kisaragi Except Ajit Pai, the harbinger of Nodes
That we have grown up people saying this story is "plausible" is fucking hilarious and horrifying at the same time.
when you go to hell which you will and in the burning of your special stinking body assigned to you for hellfire... you with know HORRIFYING
The story is real. The evidence is overwhelming. In fact the actual boat was found and is now three stories of petrified wood. Facts
They need more than one attraction. If they had a guy there turning water into wine I think they could compete against Disneyland
I'm into that.
Yea, get ole Heyzeus to heal some people and walk on water at the top of every hour. Shoot, they could even get John the baptist to do his thing for a $20 donation! Ohh I know, A Bingo hall and a Dog Track, would probably bring in more than the boat. Oh, even better 6 flags Noah's Ark! They could have rides and Bible charcters in costume like Disney land - Gimme a call Ken Hamb
Free booze. Legit!
Free fish and bread should only need a few each day,
@Elizabeth Frantes Mary Magdalene only had the hots for the man who could turn water into wine.
That robot is good production value, gotta give them that.
lol they did have around 100 million to spend after all
I agree, I wanna buy the whole thing when they go bankrupt, turn it into a sleazy cassino, and have the robots serve drinks and tend the gambling tables and strip. Imagine, you could get drinks brought to you by a robot dinosaur, while playing cards with Jesus, as the Virgin Mary and Eve work the pole. There's no limit yo the fun, with robots.
And *that* would be the real boost to the economy.
Max Xam aight
They could've achieved the same effect in a warehouse, and have the animatronics 'build' it as you go through. Probably would've cost about 5% of what they actually spent.
@@maxxam3590 Why would you care? It was their money to spend, and it did stimulate the economy, by buying up products and services necessary for the construction. It's a theme park, so why would you care? Creationists don't give a lick about Disney Land, you have your theme park, we have ours.
Would you like it if I criticized the way you spent 100 million? It's your money afterall. It's not like they recieved tax payer dollars. It's not a national monument.
At least their Noah animatronic looks like a middle-eastern man, which… is more than can be said for most depictions in media.
All DNA evidence shows that before Muhammad the people of the North African Coastal Kingdoms and the Middle East are most closely related to modern day Northern Italians. The Nature Journals published several conclusive studies on the matter. However the majority certainly didn't have fair hair and light eyes, most would have very light olive skin and dark hair and brown eyes. They would of looked more like Ben Stiller, Michael Imperioli, John Stamos, John Travolta or Marisa Tomei people like that.
The media gets it quite accurate to be honest, Liz Taylor as Cleopatra was definitely more than accurate enough, although her nose was more hooked in reality, most likely anyway. Russell Crowe isn't to far off in Noah, he could just about pass for Northern Italian or Greek etc, Christian Bale as Moses was quite spot on, and Joel Edgerton with all the make up was fine, I can't really think of many examples were they've got it wrong in regards to the Middle East and North Africa.
@@thepubquiz3198 I am not arguing, I am curious, can you point me to your sources(like specifically)? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I am genuinely interested.
Yes I highly doubt Noah(He probably looked similar to the people's in the region that bit was written, not when it happened.) looked like Russel Crowe. That looks like a standard cookie cutter "White" dude with anger issues. And, Cleopatra was Greek(Macedonian specifically, though she was born in Alexandria.) so I imagine she wouldn't have looked Egyptian, just a Macedonian on a long ass holiday, I would imagine. These are just my opinions, specially in regards to Cleopatra, no one has even found her tomb. And, there is a big time gap between Noah, most likely A Character in a Christian Myth. And, Cleopatra a historical Figure.
So some rambling/dry ass jokes, after saying I am genuinely interested aside, I am interested. And would like to read your sources.
Again I know I sound like an asinine jerk. But, there is nothing for me to gain by being a jerk, but there is knowledge to gain from genuine curiosity, so if I sound like a jerk I apologize. I just want to read those studies.
(Edit: I meant specific sources, but I noticed it read like I was saying you didn't even mention any sources. And, trying an edible for the first time and it is doing...something. I am giggling for no reason let's find some characters that I think best represent my current state... (⊙﹏◎)⊰ ... ( ^ᗜ^) ... (¯◡¯ ) ... yeah...
Again my opinions are not facts, facts are facts.
There's no such thing as "looking like a Middle Eastern".
The "Middle East" is a fabricated anglocentric term from the mid 1800's which only served to define Britain's spheres of influence which stretch over continents & vast territories..it's purely a political term.
@@FactStorm @FactStorm Maybe so, but that's moot. The English language changes A LOT, specially when you factor in context, which a rather vocal part of western society seem to have forgotten context, and there are things called Jokes!...*ahem* sorry I apparently have some issues to work out. Where was I, Context, changes the meaning of a word. Or words can change meaning over time.
So when I hear people talking about the Middle-Easy I think of a bunch land that includes parts of Western Asia, North Africa and south east Europe, not some British Influence political Term. So again Moot.
@@FactStorm hey Just want to say if you read that giant wall of text, I may sound like a a smart ass. But, nothing I said, was said...well typed, in a Malicious manner. I read like a jerk, but I am actually pretty chill, anxious, but chill...if that makes sense. Cheers!
It gets even better, I knew I'd heard something about this so just did some checking. In May 2019, they sued their insurers for $1m in damages, not to the Ark itself but to to their access road which was damaged by flooding in 2017/2018. Flooding? Act of God maybe although I didn't see that mentioned in the text, see Wikipedia.
Im Christian and I agree this is ridiculous and a waste of money, this was just a quick cash grab by their corporate lords
They are in bankrupt that was said in the video ...
Good to see only some people have no brain :D
Does this make you believe that religion is fake since it took way longer to make than what was said in bible
@@itsmefoolthelegend972 Noo because the dimensions are not according to the description. The Ark was like a big Sumerian boat but baptist versions of the Bible make it seem like a gigantic ship.
@@thetalkingnotepad5638 Jup the design is just made to look great in books voor kids.
May 25, 2019 real life news: The owner of the life-size replica of Noah’s Ark in Northern Kentucky has sued its insurers for refusing to cover, of all things … rain damage.
haha of all things, how ironic
@@HKLee-gk1rq well that didnt take long
They built the boat in a flood plain... Of all places.
Blasphemy this not an ark
42$ ticket....wow
the science museum here costs 15 for an adult and free for kids and students
plus it has actually true information...
@Cressx true to what? The bible collection of storys lol. At most its an interpretation of historical events.
@@GOATGamerProSticks True to science? I think you misread my post
@Cressx Right you are sorry. I was getting excited at all the BS claims in the name of god lol.
It's now over $60 after the parking fee. But it was very crowed and not empty like they shown here. Here are my Ark Encounter Pictures. link.shutterfly.com/j4cYVbzPMX
Even god is ashamed of this. Won't get any sympathy by trying to milk people interested in it.
Be aware of religious fanatics. There's no arguing with them.
I’ll go there, provided that it’s converted into the Viking longship that Dethklok lives in.
Need me some dunkinhills coffee. Blackest of the blackest. 🤘
@Brandon Neifert you are a real bummer. 👎
@Brandon Neifert calm down dude
@Brandon Neifert what does that have to do with your writing of essays in RUclips comments
@Brandon Neifert well maybe you should become a a journalist or grab a soapbox and stand on the side of the Street but nothing is being accomplished by ranting in the comments section of RUclips.
1000 years from now. People will think they found the ark. They will be so confused by lay out
Hello! I watch the show called "mystery of the abandoned " This will be a great to see on the show. Looks like could film it now. Already looks abandoned.
Actually is has been found and the dimensions are in line with the Genesis account. You have to believe in something. Think of what will be the end result of those beliefs. If the atheists are wrong they will have eternity to contemplate their error. If Bible believing Christians are wrong they will just "return to the dust" and have no concern for eternal judgment. NO risk No loss. Atheists and humanists have everything to lose. Will it be worth it?
@@brotherfred2669 God is all-knowing, so why put that tree in the garden of Eden where Eve could reach it when he already knew she would ignore his warning? God is all-loving, so why damn his "children" to an eternity of suffering in Hell simply for questioning his existence when he doesn't interact with us at all? God is all-powerful, so how is the devil able to tempt and corrupt humanity across the whole world at all times? Nothing we "know" about the Christian god makes sense and the bible is full of contradictions, so worshipping the Christian god is probably wrong even if a god or gods exist.
Brother Fred Ever heard of Pascals’ Wager?
@terrywalker i could not stop thinking this the whole video, then they showed dinos in there rofl
Then the lord said "Let there be IRONY" and Noah's arc was financially underwater
So guys no worries, well just have to make sure the second Ark dont sink!
@Bill Beffinger ligers too. ligers are crucial
Ba Zing
Fun fact: Noah had bigger & better cranes when he built his Ark & no pesky building permits to deal with.
This is the first time I've ever even heard of it.
Maybe that's why nobody's going
It is still opneded and going strong.
@@andreaclark9398 there is a reason why they call the Midwest flyover country, modern society and the 21st century flew right by them. Grow up and grow a brain, for your own sake.
@@andreaclark9398 "Strong" is a wild overstatement
@@jfphotography69 There IS a reason for calling it flyover country. Those who use that term do not want to face the practical real-world realities -- and the values derived from them -- that are important to the people who live there.
@@dhpd religious fundamentalist nut job values, no thank you. You mean these types of values.
If you tell anyone, you'll burn in hell.
Religious charity nightmare.
Again, there is a reason they call it flyover country, the 21st century flew right over them.
This crap has been going on since these snake oil institutions came to fruition, and has continued. There is a reason religions are dying a slow death, people are slowly moving away from mythological religious beliefs and superstitions.
Pervert Priests
Good thing they built that... Instead of a complex to house and rehabilitate homeless people. Christian Disney land... Definitely the righteous path.
@GyroMurphy this is how mankind thinks. This is disappointing. They wasted so much valuable time and money on something that was a fail.
Gyromurphy you hypocrite, many billions of dollars are given to science projects each year that dont ammount to crap so shut up
@Kodi Schitter You Kodi are a sad state
saving souls is just as important as feeding hungry but we cant save their souls if they dead... as a Christian i still see this as silly, feed and shelter the homless first..
So GyroMurphy your saying that Disney World should not have been built as well right? Us Christians aren't the only ones that help others so according to you all theme parks should not have been built. No Disney World, Universal Studios or six flags or any other recreation or fun parks. No swimming pools or football stadiums pro or college. All the money it took to build those could have gone to the homeless. Makes sense.
Building this with modern tools is like sailing the Atlantic on the Queen Mary to show “how the Vikings crossed the Atlantic 1,000 years ago”.
We all know that this thing can't float anyway...
@Leopold Weasleby "The original wasn't built..."
@@zocom2 i agree. like it or not the logistics of flooding the earth is NOT possible lol. u cant just hold that much moisture in the air. the whole story is bs. like many in the bible. and sadly humans are to stupid to understand. im a believer in a god. but not what is portrayed in the bible.
@@zocom2 well supposedly the original was found.
Yep, BUT.............the Vikings journey was real.
My buddy did the sound system work for that museum. He laughed while he took their money.
Why, did he do a sub-par job on their expense?
Nobody asked.
That must be the world’s first boat sinking on a dry land 😂. At least they achieved something!
That's a good one.
So underrated
Fbi said it
What evidence do you have to substantiate the assertion you've made?
Actual facts, not bible verses, links to videos, testimony ECT ECT.
If you like watching videos you can search youtube for
Aron Ra's video on how he disproves the flood in a few different ways...
So there's evidence against the flood, not for. At least not that I've ever found.
I need books titles, page numbers paragraphs and sentences to be specifically referenced. Or a journal that's been peer reviewed from scientists, NOT creation scientists. Because that's not a real thing.
Ok, then where is his Nobel prize for proving this to be a fact then?
You are aware there was a court case that required schools to teach evolutionary processes because creation isn't science?
And no, I didn't bother to click on either link insofar TBH.
I just may do so to read it for myself and if it's compelling sounding enough I'll forward it to the atheist experience and Aron Ra so they can see this as well.
I suggest you watch The Atheist Experience, and Aron Ra videos on RUclips yourself.
There's an actual wealth of information to be found there with both.
They ask the hard questions and require real answers.
They make the show for the viewers to see how lame and flimsy their claims, arguments and so called evidence really is.
That way it'll change other people's minds who happen to have the same outlook and to see how terrible it sounds as argued/conversated said out loud when certain required measures are set.
It's much more compelling than literal belief without a sound logical reason.
to be fair. I'm now interested to see it, but it was so poorly commercialized, that before this video, I had never even heard about it.
yeah, same here
Rubidium 37
Dumb fucks.
Rubidium 37 ...ironic that i first hear of it during an irreligious hitpiece...lol
Rubidium 37 always remember...
Romans 8:28King James Version (KJV)
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Rubidium 37 I live around it Been there
They put profit before God, they actually committed blasphemy in other words. Now they are reaping what they sow.
@Mak Roberts It usually means to act or commit something totally against God or some deity. Instead of doing something that will benefit your belief or in the eyes of those associated with this belief, the blasphemer committed in something hypocritical or wrong according to the religion or practice (ex: a vegan eating meat or killing an animal).
basically a load of bullshit
@@StuartFuckingLittle Pretty much
This is the kind of smiting I can get behind
I predict it will "accidentally" burn down for insurance. Be a heck of a bond fire tho.
What I always wondered is what would carnivor animals eat on the Ark?
Couldn't they have used that money to do something useful instead of a failure buisness?
Oh according to ken all animals were vegetarians😂😂
"What would carnivor animals eat on the Ark?" What do you think happened to the Unicorns and Oozlum birds.
@@thearmouredpenguin7148 and all the dinosaurs...
@@turkeykillerex9509 guess a t-rex is no match against the mighty lion
all the animals where to put to sleep
Imagine how disappointed you'd be if your parents took you to the Ark instead of Disney world
Way too funny and sad... Those children would be traumatized...
I would be so upset. Most of the kids who go there are probably homeschooled kids who've been sheltered from the real world.
Not that I am a kid but I would. To enter a ship that size would be pretty cool.
@@hannapy303 ...yeah, I agree
That would be cool.
They accidentally disproved the ark using 100M to make the ark
And the amount of workers and time it took
And the fact that this was all made with MODERN technology
Imagine how much time it would have took rn with primitive technology
@@TariqNavabiGaming Just like the Pyramids
Has anyone realise they’re using “concrete” on the new arc I mean I’m pretty sure they didn’t have “concrete!” 3982 years ago???!
Arrow Hutchow they did...lol how else were cities built back then and they had blades made of I think iron.
@@drewcfre1788 also some stone. And south america had some quite good concrete.
An Ark Casino however, would be a totally different story with guaranteed returns. ;)
Mikey Tyson
yeah that could fly
Or a strip club
ARK Casino.....has a nice ring to it, would attract millions of visitors and make a real profit!
it was a casino, but the dinosaurs refused to pay their tab after crapping out at the dice table...
Or a rave machine
Really, the single most appalling thing about this, is this Dude, a self proclaimed "Christian", looked at the world today, and thought THIS was the best use of One Hundred Million Dollars.
Point One Billion.
Turn it into a Strip Joint & Casino & watch the dollars run through the doors.
God's Slot Machines
Hey I'd go to that
lets add a circus and fun fair.
I'd go
Do you think maybe that's one of the problems with society today? Where a "religious monument" is criticized but a Strip Join & Casino is worshiped. Leaving the religion debate aside... your statement is true... and therefore very sad.
"But what happens when somebody says 'millions of years?'"
Crowd: "Were you there?"
The irony of that argument being equally valid against the existence of Jesus and Noah's Ark totally escapes them. Love it.
My response to the “were you there?” “Were you?”
That's like flat earthers... "Have you looked down at Earth from space!?"
No but neither have you... Lol
Im Christian, I don’t even know where they got those ideas from - genesis literally never says anything about Earth only being 6,000 years old or dinosaurs being on the ark like.. If it’s not in the Bible then where are these ideas coming from?!?!
@@brennanjames1632 the fact that dinosaurs were never mentionned is a plot hole in itself
dartog Tristan_007 to be fair most specials aren’t ever mentioned - the main thing that confuses me is where they got the 6000 year idea
it's not even laugh worthy..... it's just sad...
Martin Verrisin totally with you
100 million wasted how much do you think it cost to build every church in America religion is a disease
@@hanalane6865 Well, churches are all around the world. And at least used to have a purpose: they were like a big area where people could come together.....
- idk. I mean, even if it is nonsense, at least people go there. XD
- But yeah, If one considers how much has been spent on religious nonsense in just past 100 years, it's really sad. We could have built vertical farms and solve (half? of) world hunger, instead of praying for it...
@@Verrisin exactly religion was created to control people not help them church's over here in new Zealand have their own tennis courts which costs millions aswel replace that and put it towards educational systems and poverty and trust me humanity will succeed rapidly
@@hanalane6865 Let's not talk about the U.S military budget.
When I heard this story as a kid I knew my rabbi was bullshitting me, a world wide flood that conveniently wasn't recorded outside of Jewish history not even by the jews neighbors . Hell it was probably copied from the epic of gilgamesh.
Most religions just copy the previous successful religion.
How would they record it? They were all drowned.
Now, hang on a minute. Didn’t other people have boats?
@@chesterdonnelly1212 yeah, plus inbreeding would be rampant with only 2 of every animal.
@@SuperDestroyerFox yes many species could not survive that level of inbreeding, including our own.
ah yes. The ancient building tools. crane and forklift
Don't forget Noah's Nail Gun.
Aiden Ocelot forgot the welding torch
Aiden Ocelot the holy power drill.
What about the holy hand grenade?
Son....We're going to the Ark Encounter!
"What's that"?
It's the Christian version of Disneyland!
"Couldn't we just go to Disneyland"???
This IS like Disneyland...except there are no rides, no Mickey, and you get to learn about the bible!
"Is this a punishment.....I promise I'll behave!"
"But Daaaaad, I wanted to go see the Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota!"
@Wolfie Inu Wait a few months and you may go see the biggest pile of smoldering wooden insurance claim in Kentucky.
boxbreaker2011 I went to the Ark it's really fun and there are lots of rides. You should plan a trip there and see for yourself .
I't would be more fun watching paint dry and you can learn just as much from going to the ark encounter.
Some people have a strange ideas of fun...some people even like to have the shit beat out of them...whatever floats your boat...maybe it would be fun if Ken handed out strong mind altering drugs at the entrance...I could see that...his attendance would probably sky-rocket!!!
I like how this vid has more views than people who actually went to the thing
Ouch, that burn is hotter than the suns surface
Actually, no, it hasn't. According to Wikipedia this thing manages to lure in around 1 million visitors per year and has been open since 2016. It's close, but the Arc scam still managed to lure in more people than this video had visitors.
@@MyRegardsToTheDodo it was a joke
@@jkg3245 Yes, and I thought it was interesting how close this joke was to the truth. This video almost has more viewers than the park had visitors.
@@MyRegardsToTheDodo 4 million visitors give or take and this video has 4.3 million, so. yea
There has recently been a life size Noah's ark constructed in the Netherlands. It was towed across the English channel and is now languishing in a dry dock as it was deemed 'unseaworthy' as would any Noah's ark have been.
Ridiculous. The Netherlands got in on this bullshit as well?
If enough Animals shit, in it, it can be dubbed: "The English Chanel no.2"
@@Ergeniz You forget where most American protestants have their roots? They still throw stones at cars driving past on Sunday in some parts of Holland
Its back in Holland. Wasn't impounded because it was unseaworthy, but because "load line certificates were missing, there was no tonnage information, and a range of other concerns. Was released in June last year. Last I heard it was still floating in Dordrecht, near Rotterdam. It too is a failed commercial enterprise.
@@peterleadley b.s. I live in Holland for more then half a century.
Imagine bankrupting an entire county to build an oversized fictional boat.
i died laughing hahahha
This is Patrick
See, because the stupid is strong with this one, he completely ruins the joke. How can the boat be fictional if it actually exists? You should have said, “... bankrupting an entire county for an oversized boat based on the fictional one.”
This is why people laugh at atheists.
Major Motz It isn’t. You can pay for a ticket to walk through it right now. See, this is why creationists probably laugh at atheists. You guys seem to be just as stupid as the people that you are trying to make fun of.
Major Motz Lol that legit made me laugh. But not with you, AT you.
How many trees died to make that. Could have created shelters for homeless people with that 100 million.
Well to religious people they don't care because they think that its god will anyway..........this ark is just business in trouble.....and seriously they put dinosaurs what a load of crap
I would rather this bring 1 human to eternity rath than it helping 1000 homeless people
Zero Scans that literally makes no sense!😂 “don’t care.” I may not be the most religious person in the world, but you have to be blind to not see the good Christianity has done in this world. Martin Luther King was a Pastor who avidly believed in God’s non-violent protest strategy. The Salvation Army- a non-profit organization- that has helped ME, personally. they’ve built homeless shelters, pay people’s rent, have programs for the poor, and I didn’t even mention the thrift stores with 150 dollar couches that are in great condition. How about religious freedom? Our history and rights are grounded in the constitution, which was created by Christians. They intentionally made it to where not everyone had to be Christian because they saw the wrong in that and history shows it’s a bad idea(look at the conquistadors of the 1600s). Point being, the reason you and me are able to do what we do is because of the foundations Christians laid down.
That brings me to another point: Christians pushes the need for science in the 17th century because they wanted to know more about God and His creation.
@@isaiahsantillan594 I'm sorry but Christian people only help you guys but not here in india ......unlike you guys thinking that Christianity is the supreme religion here in india Gandhi let us to freedom and he is not Christianity........tell me how has religion helped science when teachers teaches us biology and evolution comes to the subject then they would just say that this is all fake so how did religion help science in fact religion has made many people thinking that scientists are evil
The main problem with this thing is probably its location, who the hell would go to Kentucky for any reason other than to see family? Now on the other hand, if they built this thing in a place like Las Vegas and turned it into a casino, they could have had some major success. Who wouldn't want to gamble in a gigantic fucking boat?
Kazooie that's why we have cruise ships
Kazooie Well there's Kentucky bourbon distilleries.
Isn't gambling a sin or something? But yea a better location would have helped. Lower ticket prices would help too.
Why Kentucky? Pretty easy to explain, really. No other state would have made the mistake of letting this disaster get funded. Ham went to where the money was. He knows it's all bullshit, but like any respectable peddler of religious nonsense, the goal is not to preach the truth, it is to fleece the believers. Kentucky was the perfect choice.
Maybe if the Colonel was still alive... but he dead.
I am a southern Baptist and I’ve always taken the stance that this was an unnecessary waste and was not in keeping with the faith.
God is def not great
Baptists believe in the inerrant word of the bible and therefore will deny their children a 21st century science education promoting ancient scriptures. Black's loving a fantasy being who endorsed enslavement. Jews loving a god who participated in genocide or holocaust of others, call it what you will. Christians who are set against abortion loving a god who aborted millions of the unborn in a global flood. Mother's rejoicing in a god who killed other mother's first born, twice. Vegetarians and vegans who rejoice in a god who was cruel to animals. Humans who love a god who demanded human sacrifice. A god who is there and real for them that never appears for boys and girls being abused by his agents.
$100 million would feed a lot of starving people.
How many people were fed buy all the plane loads of of Billions in cash Obongo sent to his non Infidel buddies. How many hard working Americans were helped by Obongo taking their money.
Investors aren't in business to give their money away. They're in business to earn a dividend; a profit. Yes $100 million can feed a lot of people. Where is that money coming from? Are you saying these folks should have just been super charitable and fed people instead of building an enterprise? Although silly, remember they didn't expect the Ark to fail. The investors expected a lot of cash in return for the money they put into the venture.
It's similar to when people comment on "abandoned" buildings, and they speak of how many homeless people could live there if only "they" spent untold amounts of money remodeling the structure. If "they" spent real money refurbishing, remodeling, and bringing up to code the "abandoned" buildings "they" would expect a return on their investment. "They" wouldn't just hand it over to homeless people to ruin it.
I'm not against charity. I'm all for it. However I would expect a solid plan and foundation to have been lain in order to accomplish the mission and purpose of the charity. Otherwise... $16 billion could feed a lot of starving people..?
@@legacyShredder1 so you accept that the arc encounter is just about making money? So basically a big ass merchandise shop? Where is all that christian love then? Instead of building a stupid wooden boat all these good christian investors could have donated all their money to a good cause. Oh wait its only about giving to the poor when others do it huh? Religion is such pathetic rubbish. That there are still people in the 21st century that believe in fairy tales is incredible.
@@ghost7320 So Christians aren't allowed to invest?
It did, it fed the architect's, engineers, carpenters, brick masons, landscapers and many other workers who built this attraction.
I've been and it was worth the trip from Birmingham al. To visit.
When I told my dad ( who is almost always on the side of AiG) about Ken blaming the media for his ark problems, he said this
" If it was in California people would say, let's go see the ark
If it was in Texas people would say, let's go see the ark
If it was in Florida people would say, let's go see the ark
But it's in Kentucky. Why is it in Kentucky? Why would people want to go to Kentucky just to see the ark?"
GenmuLVLX if it were in Florida they could see if it could actually float
It doesn't float because it's made of wood and it would collapse. To make it stand they had to do concrete and steel beams and those things rarely float.
It would first break into pieces, then sink.
Also, California is 40% irreligious and you have to be very religious to pay 40-60 USD per ticket. I wouldn't pay 40 bucks to go to atheist land.
Well, to be fair there is more to do at Ark Encounter than at Atheistland, which is simply a large sign that says, "It's All Bullshit. Read your book!"
its in KY, because even florida wouldn't be dumb enough to fund this shit
strange considering Noah somehow did this with way less people, thousands of years in the past, with no knowledge of building ships, made it slightly larger, building pens for millions of animals while rounding up millions of animals safely without the more dangerous ones hurting him, then somehow doing it again while getting them into their pens on the ship, and then somehow fitting millions of animals on said ship, carrying enough food for millions of animals for 40 something days, cleaning the poop from millions of animals daily, somehow not catching various diseases and parasites while doing this, having such a large ship stay afloat in such rough sea's that was made out of regular wood without advanced techniques, then the ships structural integrity was somehow not compromised after being set on a mountain, then the animals somehow all made it back home without many of the species dying on the way back so we don't find any fossils in strange places.
other issues:
-nobody can find a trace of this ship
- his story was technically already written by another culture many years earlier as folklore
-no other civilizations in this time recorded such a huge flood
I seriously doubt you can refute the evidence against the ark I have presented here. if you don't respond, it proves me right. Oh and if you do respond, you can't us "Gods magic" as a way to prove me wrong.
I operate my small business in Grant County, Kentucky. It is where I grew and have pride in my home. We never recovered from 2008 recession when construction of houses ceased.
Then this con artist convinced local politicians to risk public funds on this nonsense. Now it is a failure, so guess what, anyone who works in the county is paying additional taxes to bail out the Ark. They announced it this year stating the effective date was a month ago so everyone had to pay back taxes and couldn't debate it. So now I'm paying roughly to buy a ticket every month for the Ark and I never want to step foot in it. These same officials are not seeking reelection because they know how deeply unpopular this is.
It sucks and is ruining many people here, all I can hope is no other county is destroyed by this snake oil salesmen.
Have you considered funding a monorail?
Meta33 I thought of the Simpsons once they started construction. It will be a white elephant for years to come.
@D.O.A. or just collectively refuse to pay that portion of the taxes. They can't arrest everyone. People have the power...
That sucks. For anyone that says that religion is harmless here's a point to consider.
We atheists should offer to buy the ark and use it as a memorial to extremis
SJPlace1776 - must feel like hitting your head against a brick wall! I'm embarrassed to say I'm an Aussie and would like to reassure you we aren't all stupid!! ( As I believe most Americans aren't).
3:00 Actually, getting food would have been the least of their problem. The real issue would have been the careful pruning for fifty years of the gigantic production forest needed to supply the right quality of wood. Even in ancient times, they did not use random trees. It simply doesn't work. They planted the right species of trees and cared for them for decades to ensure a supply of timber.
Also, the maximum displacement of a wooden ship is about 3000 tons. Wood simply cannot support a larger structure.
Where and when was it discovered?
@Hunter HAM Sorry, but I have to agree with AJ on this. Per my 2 minutes of googling, "Because of her extreme length and wood construction, Wyoming tended to flex in heavy seas, which would cause the long planks to twist and buckle, thereby allowing sea water to intrude into the hold. Wyoming had to use pumps to keep her hold relatively free of water. In March 1924, she foundered in heavy seas and sank with the loss of all hands". I mean technically it floated as long as the water that leaked in was pumped out. Lets split the difference, large displacement wooden ships are not seaworthy, unless, there are pumps to empty out the water that leaks in. Hugs for everyone.
Tax breaks for useless creationist museum while the teachers pensions are underfunded. Crazy!
Not really, considering what they teach in schools these days.......! What do you identify as?
You do not lament the fact that Christians' hard earned tax Dollars are spent is schools to educate their children that their God does not exist......! The "useless creationist museum" is supplementing their education and compensating for the obvious fundamental flaw and shortcoming in their education. (Consider it "Higher Education).
It restores balance. (You do believe in balance, do you? Obviously not because you campaigned to have have God and intelligent design creationism banned from schools so that there is no freedom of choice as to what to believe and what not..!. The children wouldn't even know that there is another option if left entirely up to the "education" system). You do believe in freedom of choice, do you?
Nor do you lament the enormous amount of tax Dollars allocated to NASA each year nor the money spent on teaching children about fake moon landings, space travel etc. when they can't even overcome lower earth orbit. Maybe the teachers should demand a cut of NASA's enormous budget to supplement their pension fund....!? (there is anyway way way much more money "floating around" there than tax breaks for the Ark project)!
Daniel Coetzee
I’m so glad *my* school didn’t have a ‘God Does Not Exist’ class. I assume I must be one of the lucky few.
TL K23 they’re both a waste of money
@@caiawlodarski5339 Yes, Little Pinochio wanted to be " a real boy" so he became one! Fairy tale no One.
Little Suzy also wanted to be a little boy so she became one. Little Johny wanted to be a little girl, so he became one. Fairy tale No's Two and Three. Teach the kids they can be anything they imagine. They only have to identify as one and then become whatever they want to be!
And teach them about unproven theories of dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, parallel universes, moon landings, space travel, time travel, space colonisation, aliens and spontaneous combustion of life all over the universe! Teach them they are products resulting from of a long line of monkey mutations! Teach them that there is no such thing as SIN and that they can do any thing they want without consequences. Teach them there was no flood and there will be no Judgement Day either!
And every day you teach them this, little Pinochio's nose grows longer and longer!
Yes, teach them these fairy tales in school and ignore reality, biology, science and the Truth which God created.
Or you can teach them the Truth and kick out all the fairy tales as you suggested we do!
When you play Civilization and reach the space age, but forgot to upgrade your troops, so you still have phalanx to protect your fusion reactor - this is how creationists look today.
Just imagine it - intersteller space missions navigated by the power of prayer. What could possibly go wrong?
@@steeveedee8478 and do not forget: the Devil put the dinosaurs there 🤣
@@1337fraggzb00N that dirty devil
@@steeveedee8478 Warhammer 40k did that
Did you forgot about "UNESCO bug" in original Civilization? Units obsolated by two or more genreations are nearly invincible. When you hear about big battles, can you imagine how it would sound when my phalanx survived in one turn attack from 8 tank, 6 mech. inf.s, 2 battleships and 5 bombers? Unfortunately they also had a nuke, but that phalanx did amazing job there. If they only had one at Dunkirk...
My guess is that most of those attackers died from laughing.
All they need to do is install the "Sodom and Gomorrah Interactive Experience" right next door. I'll bet the people would show up for that!
That's Vegas & New Orleans but be careful ... they're not profitable 💸😄
YEAGERMACH100 the same peope looking for the drunken Lot experience
How about the Solomon's Temple Experience: For a few hundreds of thousands of dollars, you too can have an hour of experience playing King Solomon and his thousands of wives. Menage-a-thousands, anybody? Even Vegas doesn't go that far! THIS would bring in the bucks!
For those of more limited means, you could instead choose the King David experience, including hundreds of women and a few boys (a la Jonathan).
What exactly is Gomorrahy? Is there such a thing? Because there should be. Maybe it can be an alternative name for 69.
Really. I'm pretty sure its very profitable. But as with any sort of business some win and some lose. Just look at Trump. He lost a billion dollars (or I should, his lenders lost, on this casinos.
I don't hate Christians, nor do I hate Religion. But I forever hate how people use religion to do TREMENDOUSLY stupid things.
Who knew the Ark was wrapped with Tyvek? Very few people realize the first Lowes was in Mesopotamia....
I missed the animatronic robots and a gift shop in the bible...I will have to read it over to see where it has those...Lol
All in all if I was in the area I would have gone to see it just for the size of it....but not at $42 US per person. $10 -12 would have been reasonable, considering all you get is a big boat on land....maybe they should have built a real Arc and given cruises...LOL
I'm confused about how this has anything to do with belief in a Creator. My faith in God is 100 solid if this is your counter?!?
It is relevant because anyone who believes the Noah's Ark story to be a true account has willfully taken leave of scientific evidence and common sense. But, then again, it is the same sort of credulity that allows for all the other miraculous accounts in the Bible to include the resurrection of Jesus. As a person of faith, I am not surprised this is confusing. Faith dulls the mind from skeptical inquiry and the worry that your beliefs could be wrong.
We're going to need a really big shovel.
I wish this guy would try filling it up with 2 of every animal, only to realize it wouldn’t be possible.
Well most species of animals are very tiny. For example there are 1 Million species of worms, 350k species of beetles, 150k species of flies.
Spirit Airlines what is your point
Ham tried to get live animals..but he was threatened with animal cruelty if he tried. They showed how it is impossible to even try a small fraction of these animals would end in catastrophic life loss and damage to the animals. That even with state of the art ventilation it would still be impossible in a build ing enclosed of that size. Let alone it would poison the lungs of visitors . So Ham tried to suggest to rent animals from zoo's or what jot..and that was shot down as no one in their right mind would allow him access to such and jeopardize the lives and health of innocent animals.
@@spiritairlines8817 lmao. Try imagining filling that up with 2 of ever animal species. With enough space/food/correct environmental condition for each animal to survive.
The "ark" is a fucking fairy tale, used to scare children. No different than Rumplestiltskin or Jack and the Beanstalk. Except in this case "god" is the angry antagonistic giant screaming "FEE FIE FOE FUM!" and destroying 99.9999999999% of the population and environment on earth for no fucking reason, while leaving absolutely 0 scientific evidence of doing so.
@@xplicitmike how the fuck is it supposed to scare children? Explain
It's like when a kid has a $100 million birthday party, and nobody comes.
What a giant waste of lumber. That damn thing better get recycled. That is really sad.
Don't forget that after ~2500 man hours and $100,000,000 this "ark" is not seaworthy AND is impractical as a zoo. Poor Ken actually disproved the ark story more effectively than any RUclips skeptic.
That's 2500 man YEARS not hours.
From what i heard Noah was supposed to be a *giant*
to be fair though, Ken didn't build an ark, he built a building / museum.
(I doubt Noah was using concrete to build his ark with)
Disproved nothing! Build a pyramid, so when you cannot, just as here, you've disproved nothing except we cant do anything like that ANYMORE since we have lost communion with the earth and mother nature, which did most of the heavy work for them. Dumbass
@@robbierichard1743 lol
he doesn't need proof. Cause all he needs is faith in his reasoning amirite.
I love the fact that they sued their insurance company for "WATER DAMAGE".
Hmmm a boat that’s damaged by water
The irony
@@F-18Super and a boat that's supposed to survive over two months of non-stop heavy thunderstorms and rainfall and not caspsize or snap in two.
@@dragondude9637 very ironic that a boat of all things would suffer water damage
Ah man I hope they declined it and said it was an act of god!
It's amusing to think that in about 10000 years, archaeologists will come across the ruins of this theme park and say "You see, Noah's Ark really did exist".
Nah, humans won't last that long with these people around
We won't last until 2100 if morons like Trump keep on denying climate change.
Da fuck is it doing all the way over here in Kentucky?
I'd say our species will be (mostly) dead within 40-80 years.
the world by then will be destroyed and people like u will be judge by God(and for the people who r.......non...........christian will be throw in to the fires of Hell.) no offence...
This comment section is a proof that religion has nothing to do with truth.
Good luck winning against God when he files a lawsuit for copyright infringement of his original stories.
Sure, but not the God of the Bible, Yahweh. He evidently copied his flood story from Sumerian creation myths, or perhaps from the Utnapishtim episode in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
@@gharqad what ghargat said. And the fact that we have stolenpretty much everything from the earlier hominids (who already had a language).
@@gharqad well technically the copyright had already expired
@@gharqad To put it in female US rapper lingua: EXHACLY!
Ah yes, the totally authentic steel-beamed ark.
..... you do realize that if those support beams weren't there that thing would just topple over and Barrel downhill destroying everything in its path....
@@jessep.1117 exactly, which proves if the ark were real it would never sail 🙄
Actually your wrong... Dead wrong.
Between being made with Timber and Pitch, it can float and sail...
@@jessep.1117 no, it cannot. it will sink under its own mass. we know the exact dimensions, materials, etc, that the ark was made of. scientists have tested whether a boat like that could sail and found that it could not. it sank every single time. do your fucking research. 🤦
@@duckietheduck Actually ships as big as the ark have existed, there were even ships lined with concrete. The ark itself can float and is box shaped, it wasn't meant to sail unlike the Chinese giant treasure ships, but it would have easily served its purpose. That's also not how buoyancy works, ships don't float by being light, they float by displacing water which is actually heavier than the weight of the ship itself. We actually have ships bigger and far heavier than the ark would have been itself made out of steel, we actually have ships that carry massive numbers of animals too of comparable size and they still float.
Your statement of "scientists have tested whether a boat like that could sail and found that it could not" is also incorrect, based on presumed specifications it's been determined that it could indeed have float.
And here I am crying over that nice land they flattened to make that parking lot...
It was such a nice plot of land, when i worked next to the land by it, you would see deer everywhere with there fawn and other animals, it used to be farmers land as well, theres LITTERALLY a barn across the street.
All of that wildlife gone, bc people needed a wooden ark made out of millions of trees that were once living and providing for every organism that was there. Disgusting.
Damian Rose That’s so sad! Why destroy something so beautiful! The irony of this is just too much.
Really how many tears have you cried for every road you've traveled to get anywhere you wanted to go. Please......don't be a hypocrite. If your gonna cry over this parking lot, cry over them all.
@@inthegarage342 You think I'm not crying over them all (figuratively)? I'm not that big of an idiot, and I do understand we need the infrastructure to support our modern way of life, but there are projects which are necessary and then there's this. And yes, every time I travel down the highway all I can focus on (aside from the traffic) is the fragmented habitats, forests split into so many patches you can't even call them forests anymore. And yes, that very highway is taking me home to my parents in under 9 hours instead of 12 that would take me if I followed the old roads around. You know, it's really difficult NOT to be hypocrite in today's world. There's so little left for a person to criticize nowadays without being called a hypocrite. In this context of THIS project, I still believe it was absolutely unnecessary to destroy the nature to build a parking lot for a mythological exhibition no one cares about. If that makes me a hypocrite, good, because it probably makes me some other thing too and hypocrisy is the most mellow one :)
I'd like to talk about the length of the ark. According to the Bible, the ark was 510 feet long. The longest wooden boat ever built was the Wyoming a 450 ft schooner. Even with metal braces, it tended to flex and was constantly leaking. Wood doesn't have the tensile strength to withstand ocean forces.
It was obviously held together by divine power smh🙄
Ridiculous comparison. The Wyoming was built light for speed. The Ark didn't have that restriction.
Further, the Wyoming still lasted 14 years before sinking.
imagine what the red cross could do with $100m.... smh
thee abnormal minecrafter ok boomer
What could the red cross do with 100 million ?
The same thing is does on a regular basis with 100 million - use most of it to pay the CEO and staff then cut
@@letsbehonest4221 even if that were true, thats better than wasting it on a fictitious canoe from a fairy tale that will do absolutely nothing but rot in the coming decades
@@wilsoncrocker thunderfoot deliberately left out pics of the finished product and what it looks like inside with all the attractions. Google it and you will see its not just about following an "fairy tail".
Its definitely something that unique and staggering to the eye and imagination to see.
@@letsbehonest4221 not my first rodeo; ive seen all the pics & vids available. the only thing that is staggering about that idiotic enterprise of ignorance & inaccuracy is the fact that people actually invested real money on a business plan that said over a million people would actually visit that "theme park".... a theme park that teaches people HAD DINOSAURS AS PETS. and they seriously try to pass that off as a fact.
not only do i not respect that, i have an active contempt for it.
$100M on this manifestation of stupidity while kids are dying of dehydration and malnutrition. god works in mysterious ways alright. gods plan, indeed.
This could be the next Mount Ararat!
Just imagine in 2000 years, when they find the remains of this attraction, archaeologists might think they have found the ark. From then on it will be said that Noah’s ark was found in Kentucky
Except the archeologists will find the remains of a massive concrete foundation, and ADA Compliant wheelchair ramps...
And the almost perfect plastic carcass of Noah himself, complete with electronic wiring for his voice and movement
It's made from regular plywood, all they'll find is a huge carpenter ant colony
Guys were talking about religious people.. 2000 years from now they literally will say a civilization before them found it first and made an attraction out of it... like we are talking about people that believe the world was populated by 2 people
He he 😂
This video has more views in a year than the Ark has visitors.
T33K3SS3LCH3N you don’t have to pay $40 to watch this video.
It's actually $58 to see it.
This video also has more truth than the Bible.
Even if those numbers are correct, (which I could not independently verify), that's 35 million gross, not 35 million profit. Subtract operating costs and all that, and you will end up with a LOT less in profits. Albeit, they don't seem to show their profit margin anywhere, which indicates a financial loss. Surprising, since they used every trick in the book to avoid any sort of taxation.
Imagine how many homeless they could have helped using "Christian Charity" with this money instead of utterly wasting it like this. What a phenomenal joke.
This is an advertisement for just how delusional religiously motivated people are, they didn't make a mistake. They actually believed it would work. Absolute fools.
Yeah as a Christian this was really stupid
Nothing ventured nothing gained, it's like scarface bombing in the box office in 1980 and then 20 years later a a sleeper hit...
@@ANYTNSharp Please tell me you didn't just compare The Arc to Scarface. Utterly delusional.
Imagine how many shelters and food this could have paid for....
Especially sad since taxpayers funded 62% of that monstrosity.
Shut up ,you could say that about every project and hobbie ..Apply it to everything not just this.
You say similar thing as Judas, the betrayer of Jesus, said about the expensive oil the woman used on Jesus' feet. As Jesus said, the poor you always have with you. In other words, it's disingenuous to suggest that everything people do must stop until all mankind is lifted out of poverty. Judas proposed your same fake concern.
Huh? They're spending billions for upgrades at Disney World, Disneyland and Universal Studios. How many tiny houses could you build for the homeless? Could you wipe out homelessness in America?
It's not whether or not your idea could work, if you held a gun to the heads of corporations and wealthy people to force them to do it. It's just that there's no shortage of philanthropic ideas like yours and other poor schlepps like the majority, on how to spend other people's money "for the greater good of the poor". It's just wrong to suggest it, same as it would be for poorer people than us to demand we do it.
Its so sad when people really belive they are touched by god and they are the one to rescue the world..
It's like schizophrenia that nobody acknowledges
So sad when people believe the government can save them.
@@michaeld9682 I dont belive that at all :D
@@ClemensAlive so what do u believe?
I belive in what our ability to understand the universe let us discover.
"God has brought together hundreds of talented people in a miraculous way to make this happen". Not sure what the miracle was. You paid people to show up and build it and they did. Unless, you're saying it's a miracle you were able to scam enough people to get the money to build this in the first place.
Savage dude!
It's the fact that that many qualified people believed in Genesis
Well it's a miracle that so many Americans voted for the dangerous idiot Trump as well, so maybe I have to reconsider my atheism.
@A S if they wanted to compete with Disney world why didn’t they just build rides. I guarantee you if they would of built some really solid rides like let’s says the best roller coaster in America, the super religious Christianity appeal would of helped overall. It’s America after all.
Pulling the scam was definitely the miracle.
'Hey, kids! We're going on vacation to an exciting theme park!'
'Oh wow, Disney World?'
'No, even better! The Genocide of all Living Things by Drowning Park!'
'Oh, OK... great.'
No, it's better than that, it's FANTASY Drowning Park!
'Drownding' to be precise. @@Ffinity
Funniest line I heard was in the Big Bang. Sheldon says logically how would you feed ALL the carnivorous animals for 40 days and 40 nights. His mother says " With all the floating corpses of the sinners " 😆
That is pretty funny... I never heard that one... :)
Now that explains things
@@shadowwsk3507 that, and you bring young animals so they can produce longer and they take up less room, eat less....
@@dave-yj9mc so you need 6 times as many animals, for food, of each type, to feed every other type of animal, including termites?
@@dave-yj9mc Good call! So they had dinosaur eggs on the boat instead of live ones.
*Traditional biblical crane*
*Traditional steel reinforced concrete and steel beam construction, with traditional panel liner*
And some people claim that it was worth while investment in case of flood happens... That thing wont move anywhere due it being a fucking building, not a boat! Even if it would dislodge from its position, it will turn into pile of scrap metal from first wave...
Hellsong89 it's not meant to float. Duh. It's on the top of a hill. Kentucky rarely floods. Chill out. It's a museum. Not a cruise.
scrap metal? its made of FUCKING WOOD
FontuneTheTeller then what the hell was the point of it then?
world's largest bonfire?
Poor kids. I was one of them but grew out of this pre-medieval nonsense just after I was 10.
Congrats. For me as a german these kind of indoctrination he pulls on these kids is horrible to watch cause had never imagined that such things still exist
Thanks buddy. Indoctrination, be it religious or political, is going on in most places in the world, as far as I know. This planet is full of arrogant scumbags who are busy making copies of their righteous selves rather than working towards the betterment of society and all living beings besides.
Smart kid. I stopped believing in god when I was 14. Mostly because it interfered with my beliefs in cryptozoology at the time so it was basically trading one fairy tale for another.
Cryptozoology? Ha ha, that’s really funny, and slightly more realistic than the Bible, I suppose.
To be honest I wasn’t really such a smart kid at the time. Unfortunately, it took many more years and experiences until the supernatural hogwash fully evaporated from my tormented skull. But when it did, it did so for good.
Hey, that's the same age I was when I figured out Santa wasn't real! Mozzletoff, mein comrade! :P
Considering the correlation between creationists and family size, that price range was monumentally stupid.
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot.
-Joni Mitchell
Big Yellow Ark!
- Michael Scott
How many forests were cut down for this shit!?
@Know One go back far enough and you'd find a nice little garden with a tree growing in it, which used to have an apple in its branches, but some bastard stole it.
What about the actual milling of the wood into planks. Who done that... and how long did that take.
@@waynebow-gu7wr that can be explained very easily. It was a godly miracle that had occurred but as THE 'ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING' GOD isn't big headed, he let Noah take all the credit.
@@tony2707So, God chose to kill everyone even though he knew it would come to that?
Just to forgive everyone after jesus as long as they confess their sins and have been told about God.
This is why I have no respect for Atheists
I really want to go into that restaurant and say "Bring me 2 of every animal!" to the waiter.
Wasn't that a scene in Monty Python's "Meaning of Life"?
That's fuckin hilarious if atheist had a favorite restaurant i would demand a crawling on land sea slug salad and if I didn't get what I ordered I would kill the chef and eat him right there in front everyone and tell the pigs it's not murder it's a crawling on land sea slug salad. Stupid
@@rwarts5150 " I would kill the chef and eat him right there in front everyone". Yup, that's what the bible teaches you.
@@friendmegaming804 nobody understands dark humor especially in the 2019
@@rwarts5150 I got your humor, and did actually chuckle. Question is, did you get mine?