I was so very amused, listening to Herr Widmann talk about becoming "prepared" to conduct his own work in front of the orchestra. When I go to a hospital for surgery, I do not want a doctor who has become "prepared" by graduating from medical school, reading all the textbooks, I want a doctor with experience, doing the type of surgery that I will be having! So the best preparation in life is just DOING things, and gaining experience. Now you are prepared! And I like your Humoresques.
I was so very amused, listening to Herr Widmann talk about becoming "prepared" to conduct his own work in front of the orchestra. When I go to a hospital for surgery, I do not want a doctor who has become "prepared" by graduating from medical school, reading all the textbooks, I want a doctor with experience, doing the type of surgery that I will be having! So the best preparation in life is just DOING things, and gaining experience. Now you are prepared! And I like your Humoresques.